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Untitled - jepercute.com
MILITARY GUNS CATALOGUE Index Zastava arms Kragujevac Serbia 4-7 Group M21 5.56 x 45 mm www.zastava-arms.rs | 8 - 13 Group 7.62 7.62 x 39mm May, 2015 7.62 x 51N Sniper Rifles 14 - 17 Long Range Rifle 18 - 19 M91 M07 M93 Black Arrow Machine Guns 20 - 25 Automatic Grenade Launcher 26 - 27 Underbarrel Grenade Launchers 28 - 29 M84 M86 M87 M02 Coyote M07 M87 TANK / NAVAL M93 BGP 40x46mm Pistols CZ 999 Scorpion EZ 9 EZ 9 Compact BGP 40mm 30 - 31 All the rights to information and pictures in this catalogue belong to Zastava arms. The information and pictures cannot be used or copied without prior written permission of the owner. Zastava arms retains the right to change any kind of data, model and technical information without prior notice. Even though maximum care has been taken during the design process, some printing problems and colour inconsistencies might appear and Zastava arms may not be held liable for these. Military Catalogue | Zastava arms 3 Zastava arms Kosovska 4 34000 Kragujevac Serbia phone:+381 34 301 137 fax: +381 34 335 349 e-mail: [email protected] www.zastava-arms.rs Zastava arms Export-Import Despota Stefana 12 11000 Beograd Serbia phone: +381 11 3220 154 fax: +381 11 3224 679 e-mail: [email protected]