Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters Nuclear Grade HEPA
Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters Nuclear Grade HEPA
Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters PB-2016-0907 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters Square, Rectangular, Round and Nipple-Connected Filters Constructed and Tested in Accordance with • • • • ASME AG-1 IEST-RP-CC001.4 Type B MIL-STD-282 DOE-STD-3020-2005 Flanders Filters, Inc. A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Flanders Corporation Quality Assurance Program Quality Assurance Any industry with dangerous process or exhaust gases and/or particulates has a vital concern for the health and safety of personnel. In addition to corporate concern, the United States Government has dictated that safety equipment meets minimum safety standards. Any equipment sold to meet these minimum standards must be manufactured using accepted Quality Control procedures. Flanders has developed a Quality Assurance program to assure the product or service meets these standards. This program addresses the entire range of Flanders involvement, including the purchase of raw materials, the shortage of these raw materials, incorporation of these materials into a product or service, testing this product or service, then, shipping to its destination. The Flanders Program has been audited many times, and each time the program has been accepted. An uncontrolled copy of the program manual is available with each request for Quality Assurance information. Like any dynamic document, the manual is continually being revised to include recent issues of standards and specifications in order that Flanders may use the latest state-of-the-art methods in providing its products and services. The Quality Assurance Program at Flanders Filters has been audited and approved numerous times by the Nuclear Utilities Procurement and Inspection Committee, NUPIC. This committee was established by nuclear electric utilities to ensure that suppliers of goods and services meet all applicable regulatory and quality requirements. Notes: 1.As part of our continuing program to improve the design and quality of all our products, we reserve the right to make such changes without notice or obligation. 2.Flanders, through its limited warranty, guarantees the products described herein will meet all specifications agreed to by the buyer and the seller. 3.ASME N509 Nuclear Power Plant Air Cleaning Units and Components. 4.ASME N510 Testing of Nuclear Air Treatment Systems. 5.ASME AG-1 Code on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment © COPYRIGHT 2007 By Flanders/FFI Corporation 531 Flanders FIlters Road • Washington, NC 27889 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters NOTICE . . . Compliance with installation and operation standards must be met to ensure quality performance. Test results appear on both the filter label and the filter carton label. An additional quality assurance test report is kept on file and is available on request. Flanders Filters, Inc. (FFI) recommends that all HEPA filters be tested in place by qualified personnel to ensure that the filters have been correctly installed in the containment housing. Flanders/FFI service personnel are available for installations, supervision of installation, testing and certification of compliance to industry and government standards and instruction of the owner’s personnel in testing and maintenance procedures. Flanders/FFI does not guarantee that its equipment will operate at the performance levels given on the identfication labels or in the catalog specfications under all conditions of installation and use, nor does Flanders/FFI guarantee the suitability of its product for the particular end use which may be contemplated by the buyer. For best results, it is recommended that the buyer supply complete information about the operating conditions of the ventilation system to Flanders/ FFI for evaluation. When the system components are supplied to the buyer or his agent for final installation and assembly in the field, it should be under the supervision of factory trained personnel. Failure to adhere to this recommendation or failure of the buyer to have filters timely retested and serviced will nullify or limit any warranties which might otherwise apply and may result in a compromised installation. IMPORTANT MESSAGE HEPA filters are factory tested to meet the requirements of IEST-RP-CC001.4 filters Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters - Table of Contents Quality Assurance.......................................................................................... Inside Front Cover Important Message....................................................................................................................3 General Information...................................................................................................................6 Comprehensive Factory Testing.......................................................................................6 Retesting by DOE Filter Test Facility ...............................................................................7 Design Qualification Tests ..............................................................................................7 Seismic Qualification . .....................................................................................................7 Testing Service Available ................................................................................................8 Filter Design and Construction ................................................................................................8 Filter Medium ..................................................................................................................8 Two Types of Filter Pack Designs . .................................................................................8 Sealants/Adhesive . .........................................................................................................9 Case Material ..................................................................................................................9 Case Styles .....................................................................................................................9 Faceguards .....................................................................................................................9 Filter Selection . .......................................................................................................................10 Underwriters Laboratory UL 586 . .................................................................................10 Filter Selection ..............................................................................................................10 Standard Sizes and Capacities Separatorless® Filters ................................................ 11 Standard Separatorless® Filters ............................................................................ 11 Chart: Gel Seal Filters ................................................................................................... 11 Chart: Gasket Seal Filters ............................................................................................. 11 Separatorless® Media Packs ..........................................................................................12 Standard Sizes and Capacities .....................................................................................12 Diagram: Dimension .....................................................................................................12 Chart: 11-inch Separatorless® Filter Element . ......................................................12 Chart: 4-inch Separatorless® Filter Element . ........................................................12 Standard Sizes and Capacities Separator-Type Filters . ....................................................13 Chart: Gel Seal Filters ...................................................................................................13 Chart: Gasket Seal Filters .............................................................................................13 Chart: 11-inch Separator-Type Filter Element ..............................................................14 Chart: 5 1/2-inch Separator-Type Filter Element ..........................................................14 Chart: 2 3/4-inch Separator-Type Filter Element ..........................................................14 High Temperature Sealant . ....................................................................................................15 Separator-Type Filters ..................................................................................................16 Supply or Exhaust Air 500ºF Gasket Seal or 390ºF Gel Seal .......................................16 Chart: Separator-Type Filters Gel Seal and Gasket Seal .............................................16 Exhaust Air Only 1000ºF................................................................................................16 Chart: Separator-Type Filters Gasket Seal Only . .........................................................16 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters - Table of Contents Round Filters ...........................................................................................................................17 Diagram: Flanges ......................................................................................................... 17 Chart: Separatorless® Filters, Standard Sizes . ..................................................... 17 Chart: Separator-Type Filters . ...................................................................................... 17 Gel Seal .........................................................................................................................18 Gasket Seal ...................................................................................................................18 Lifting Bails . ..................................................................................................................18 Faceguards ...................................................................................................................18 Drilled Flanges . .............................................................................................................18 UL 586............................................................................................................................18 Model Numbers and Specifications ..............................................................................18 Nipple-Connected Filters . ......................................................................................................19 Chart: N1 or N2 Filters with Separatorless® Filter Elements, Standard Sizes . .....19 Chart: N1 or N2 Filters with Separator-Type Filter Elements, Standard Sizes .............19 Design Features and Options . ...............................................................................................20 Roughing Prefilter .........................................................................................................20 Diagram: Prefilter ..........................................................................................................20 Gasket Seal (N1 Filters Only) ........................................................................................20 Diagram: Wood Case or Metal Case ............................................................................20 Drilled Flanges . .............................................................................................................20 Diagram: Nipple-Connected Flange .............................................................................20 Diagram: Filter Face Flange ..........................................................................................20 Slip-On Flanges . ...........................................................................................................20 Faceguards ...................................................................................................................20 UL 586 (N1 and N2 Filters) ............................................................................................20 Model Numbers and Specifications ..............................................................................20 Model Number Designating Development ............................................................................21 Filter Model Number .....................................................................................................21 To Order ........................................................................................................................21 Nuclear Filter Size Designators .....................................................................................21 Chart: Standard Size Designator ..................................................................................21 Model Number Designating Chart ........................................................................................22 Suggested Specifications . .....................................................................................................23 Environmental Condition ........................................................................................................24 Packaging and Palletizing .............................................................................................24 Diagram: Vertical Pleats.................................................................................................24 Receipt, Storage, Shelf Life . ..................................................................................................25 Shelf Life Information ....................................................................................................25 BLU-JEL® Seal Data ................................................................................................................26 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: General Information Quality Assurance The Quality Assurance Program of Flanders Filters, Inc. (FFI) meets or exceeds the basic requirements of ASME NQA-1 and 10CFR50 APPENDIX B. Comprehensive Factory Testing Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters meet the requirements for performance, testing and construction specified in Section 4.2.2 of IEST-RP-CC001.4 for Type B HEPA filters. This section describes performance levels and states, “A filter that has been tested for overall penetration at rated flow and at 20% of rated flow, in accordance with Section 9.1.1 (Mil Std-282). The minimum filter efficiency of encapsulated filter in this type is 99.97% on 0.3µm particles.Every FFI Nuclear Grade HEPA filter is factory tested for penetration and resistance to airflow at 100% of its rated air flow prior to shipment. These values are recorded on a barcoded serialized label that is applied to each filter. Additionally, filters rated at 75 cfm and greater are factory tested for penetration at 20% of rated airflow. (This test is commonly known as the two-flow test.) The maximum penetration allowed at either flow is 0.03%. In recent years, HEPA filter designs exceeding the original test methods for flow capacities have been developed. Therefore, Flanders uses one of two test methods to ensure the performance of Nuclear Grade Filters. They are described as follows: The test method historically specified and use by Flanders for most Nuclear Grade filters is Mil-Std-282 (method 102.9.1). In this test an approved aerosol is used to generate a nearly monodisperse aerosol of approximately 0.3 micrometer diameter droplets. The penetration of the aerosol through the filter is measured with forward light scattering photometer. The measuring instrument specified by Mil-Std 282 is a Q-107 penetrometer. It was originally developed by the U.S. Army prior to 1950. The measuring instrument is limited by design to testing at flows ranging from 15 cfm to 1100 cfm. Flanders uses this instrument for all Nuclear Grade filters with rated air flows ranging from 15 cfm to 1100 cfm. For filters rated below 75 cfm, the 20% flow test cannot be performed accurately. FFI Nuclear Grade Filters are produced in square, rectangular, and nipple-connected designs. Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: General Information HFATS Test Los Alamos National Laboratory developed an alternate test method in the 1980’s under contract to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It is often referred to as the HFATS test (High Flow Alternative Test System). It was developed specifically to test filters rated at airflows higher than 1100 CFM, but it can be used for lower flows. It is only limited by the size of the system fan and the aerosol generator output. This method was later standardized in the publication of a recommended practice, IEST-RP-CC007.1, Testing ULPA Filters, published by the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology. Currently, ASME AG-1 Section FC allows for testing by this method. The filter is challenged with an acceptable polydispersed oil aerosol and the penetration through the filter is measured with a Laser Particle Counter. The Particle Counter counts and sizes individual droplets in a size range from 0.1 to 3.0 micrometers in diameter. The ratio of the downstream counts to the upstream counts in each size range is the penetration. Although this value is not equal to the penetration measured by the Q-107, research performed by Los Alamos National Laboratory verified it to be very similar and the method to be an acceptable alternative to the penetration measured by Mil-Std-282 Test Method. Since this system measures the penetration in each size range, and a HEPA filter penetration varies with particle size, the maximum allowable penetration is 0.03% for the most penetrating particle size (MPPS). Flanders Filters Inc. can use this system to test filters that are rated at flows higher than 1100 CFM, if specified by the customer. Retesting by DOE Filter Test Facilities DOE requires that nuclear facilities operated by DOE contractors have their HEPA filters retested at a Filter Test Facility operated for DOE. This service must be arranged by the buyer. Filters rejected at the test station as not conforming to the purchase specifications and determined not to have been damaged in shipment, will be replaced at no cost to the buyer. Filters must be shipped directly from the factory to the retest facility. If filters must be shipped to the retest facility, the requirement must be specified when quotations are requested. Filters requiring test will be quoted and sold to end user only. Upon successfully passing the testing at the retest facility, filters become the property of the end user or buyer. The end-user or buyer must arrange for their transport from the retest facility to the end-user’s site. Design Qualification Tests Design qualification testing is a key element of Nuclear Grade filters. Since there is a wide variety of filter types, sizes, and construction materials, purchasers shall clearly state required design qualification tests within their solicitations.These tests may include, but are not limited to those specified in ASME AG-1 Section FC-5100. Section FC tests are defined only for filter sizes specified in Table FC-4110 and may not be applicable for round and nippleconnected filter designs. AG-1 requires design qualification test to be performed by an independent laboratory within 5 years prior to shipment. Flanders has several models which meet these requirements; please consult the factory for the latest list of models which do. In addition, Flanders has the capability to perform several of the FC-5100 qualification tests, in-house, under the Flanders quality assurance program. These tests may be helpful to the purchaser for qualifying designs which do not meet the full requirements of ASME AG-1. Please consult the factory for assistance in this matter. Seismic Qualification ASME AG-1 requires filters to be seismically qualified per the purchaser specified loadings. FFI has qualified various filter models per ASME AG-1 Section FC - 4300. The test qualification Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Design and Construction was performed as follows: A HEPA filter was installed in a Flanders/CSC bag-in bag-out containment housing and subjected to simulated earthquake loading. No failure or damage was observed during or subsequent to the simulated event. The load exceeded the current requirements for UBC Zone 4 loading. Testing Service Available Flanders service personnel are available for installation, supervision of installation, filter testing and certification of compliance to industry and government standards, and instruction of the owner’s personnel in testing and maintenance procedures. Contact the factory for details. Filter Design and Construction Filter Medium The filter medium in FFI’s Nuclear Grade filter elements is glass (boron silicate microfiber) and contains a waterproofing binder which adds strength under both wet and dry conditions. FFI manufactures its own filter media to meet or exceed the requirements of ASME AG-1 Section FC, Mandatory Appendix FC-I. Approved media, formulated for resistance to airborne acids, are also available; consult the factory. Flanders Filters manufactures its own filter media, enabling us to develop a unique manufacturing process for the production of Separatorless® HEPA Filters. In one manufacturing operation, Flanders Filters Inc. produces a selfsupporting and self-separating Media Pack. The Separatorless® Filter offers many advantages over conventional separator-style HEPA Filters: • More usable media area for longer service life and higher dust-holding capacity • Reduced cost of ownership due to longer service life • Maximum utilization of the media • 11 inches deep Separatorless® Pack has approximately 400 sq. ft. of media as compared to 240 sq. ft. for a conventional separator-style filter. • Can handle some harsh environments which may attack aluminum separators • Media pack can be incinerated • Media is thicker than conventional media used in separator-style HEPA Filters Two Types of Filter Pack Designs Flanders Filters Inc. manufacturers Separatorless® HEPA Filters and conventional Separator-Style Filters. In a separator-style pack, the filter media is folded over corrugated aluminum separators with hemmed edges to separate the pleats of the filter pack. HEPA Filters Separatorless® HEPA filter with a formed, self-supporting pack Conventional Separator-style HEPA filter with aluminum separators Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Design and Construction Sealants/Adhesive Fire-retardant solid urethane is used to bond the filter element to its integral case. Maximum temperature rating for this sealant is 250°F. Gel Seal — Metal case gel seal filters have a fabricated channel ( 3/4” wide x 3/4” deep) located on one face. Wood case filters have a routed channel ( 3/8” wide x 3/4” deep) on one face. Case Material BLU-JEL® Seal was developed by Flanders and is the standard gel seal material. Plywood 3/4 - inch fire-retardant plywood cases are ideal for many applications, and are easier to incinerate or breakdown for disposal than are metal case filters. However, they are not recommended for use in systems having high moisture content or high temperature: they may warp or support biological growth. Stainless steel case materials should be used in moisture-laden applications. Stainless Steel - 14-gauge Type 409 and 14-gauge Type 304 stainless steel cases are available. The Type 409 stainless steel replaced cadmium-plated and chromized steel. However, Type 409 material has a low resistance to caustic atmospheres. Type 304 stainless steel is recommended for those applications. Case Style Gasket Seal — Metal case gasketed filters are provided with flanges for the placement of the gasket as specified by the customer. On wooden cases, the gasket is applied to the face of the case. Gasketed filters for normal service are supplied with closed cell sponge neoprene (1/4” x 3/4”). High-temperature filters require the special sealants described on page 15. Specify upstream, downstream, or both for the location of the gasket or gel seal within the model number. Faceguards The standard faceguard materials are 23-gauge 4 x 4 mesh, welded galvanized dipped steel or 18-gauge Type 304 stainless steel. Faceguards protect the media, but are not a guarantee against damage caused by mishandling. The technique used for sealing the filter in service determines the selection of the filter case style. (See illustrations.) Note: Specify faceguard location as upstream, downstream or both. The Gel Seal The Gasket Seal A knife edge in the filter housing mates into a gel filled channel provided on the filter. Flanders invented the fluid seal in response to requirements for an absolute seal in the most critical applications. In most cases, gel seal filters are also easier and quicker to change out than gasketed filters. Filter Gel Seal Channel Filter Gasket Seal Knife Edge BLUE-JEL® Seal A filter clamping mechanism is typically used to maintain sealing pressure on gasketed filters. Gasket seals have a tendency to develop bypass leaks, primarily because of compression set. Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Filter Selection Underwriters Laboratory, UL 586 To be UL 586 classified, filters must be submitted to Underwriters Laboratories for extensive testing including spot flame, and environmental exposure to heated air. A UL 586 classification is accepted by the DOE as meeting the Heated Air and Spot Flame Test requirements in ASME AG-1 for Nuclear Grade filters. UL labels are optional. Some high-temperature filters, and filters larger than 24” x 30” x 111 /2” , are not eligible for UL 586. Filter Selection 1. Standard Separatorless® maximum height is 24-inches. When specifying a filter size, the first dimension is always the height of the filter (the dimension parallel to the pleat of the medium); the second dimension is always the width of the filter; and, the third dimension is the filter depth. 2. The filter sizes in Table FC-4110 do not include all sizes offered by manufacturers or requested by users today. The table is limited to nine (9) sizes, perceived by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) to be standard. For special sizes, not addressed by the table, contact the factory. 3. Of the sizes appearing in Table FC-4110, the GG-F (24” x 24” x 111/2”) and GG-D (24” x 24” x 5 7/8 ”) are the largest. Capacities for other sizes are computed from one of these two, depending on the filter element depth of the unlisted filter and its effective face area relative to the listed size. (The face area is obtained by subtracting two inches from the height and width dimensions to allow for the thickness of the case and the pack-to-case sealant.) 4. 11 1/2” deep filters are generally selected for service where a minimum amount of space relative to a maximum amount of airflow is required. Most often this is required in builtup banks, walk-in plenums, or side-access housings. Flanders’ GG-F size filter is most frequently selected. 10 5. If filters are operated at higher flows, efficiency can decrease and resistance will increase. Care should be taken if the customer is planning to operate a filter at higher than the rated capacity to determine if hostile environmental factors, such as combined high operating flow rate, water vapor condensation, and/or acid vapors, will cause filter failure. For example, water condensate on the filter media could plug the element, causing failure. A Z-drawing will be developed and become the size designator, in the model number for any filter which has special construction or testing requirements which are not covered in the Style Code System. Example: Z07123 Important Note: GG-F filters with Separatorless® media packs are sold as Size 5, 6 or 7. Unless customer specifies to the contrary, the filter is tested and sold as Size 5 (1000 cfm @ 1.0” w.g. maximum). “T”-clip on alignment mechanism (T-clips are factory installed.) Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Filter Selection Standard Separatorless® Filters Insert the desired Filter Size Designator from the charts on page 12 at the end of the model number. ( Example: T-007-W-43-05-NU-51-23-GG-FU5) Gel Seal Filters Typical model numbers specifying filters with galvanized or stainless steel faceguards on both faces and with either BLU-JEL® Seal or a neoprene gasket located on the upstream face are addressed below. Gasket Seal Filters Gel Seal Filters Size, Material and Model Number Media Pack Depth (inches) 4 11 11 Case Filter Material Model Number (typical) Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood T-007-D-42-05-NU-51-13-_ _-DU5 T-007-D-43-05-NU-51-23-_ _-DU5 T-007-D-04-05-NU-51-13-_ _-DU5 Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood T-007-W-42-05-NU-51-13-_ _-FU5 T-007-W-43-05-NU-51-23-_ _-FU5 T-007-W-04-05-NU-51-13-_ _-FU5 T-007-U-42-05-NU-51-13-_ _-FU5 T-007-U-43-05-NU-51-23-_ _-FU5 T-007-U-04-05-NU-51-00-_ _-FU5 Note: “T” prefix in model number indicates T-clip requirement for gel seal-type filters used in sideaccess housings. (See gel seal photo on page 10.) Gasket Seal Filters Size, Material and Model Number Media Pack Depth (inches) 5 /2 1 11 11 Case Filter Material Model Number (typical) Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood 0-007-D-42-03-NU-11-13-_ _-DU5 0-007-D-43-03-NU-11-23-_ _-DU5 0-007-D-04-00-NU-11-13-_ _-DU5 Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood 0-007-W-42-03-NU-11-13-_ _-FU5 0-007-W-43-03-NU-11-23-_ _-FU5 0-007-W-04-00-NU-11-13-_ _-FU5 U-007-U-42-05-NU-51-13-_ _-FU5 U-007-U-43-05-NU-51-23-_ _-FU5 U-007-U-04-05-NU-51-00-_ _-FU5/ 11 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: SEPARATORLESS® Filter Selection Standard Sizes and Capacities Pack Dept Flanders manufactures standard square and rectangular Nuclear Grade filters in a variety of sizes and capacities. (Sizes and capacities for Round and Nipple connected filters are listed in their respective sections in this bulletin.) The type (Separatorless® or Separator-Type) and depth of the filter element is a primary factor in filter capacity. H NOTE: The maximum allowable resistance at the Nominal Rated Capacity is 1.0-inch w.g. (or 1.3-inch w.g. for certain sizes listed in ASME AG-1, Section FC, Table FC-4110). D W Separatorless® Filter Sizes and Capacities Separatorless® Filter Sizes and Capacities Filter Size (designator) CC-F CC-F CG-F GC-F GE-F GG-F GG-F GG-F GN-F Filter Size (designator) 12 BB-D CC-D GE-D GG-D GN-D Dimensions H W 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 (inches) 12 12 24 12 18 24 24 24 30 D 11 /2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 1 Capacities (cfm) Maximum Initial Resistance (inches w.g.) 200 250 455 455 725 1000 1250 1500 1275 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.0 4-inch Separatorless® Filter Element Dimensions H W 8 12 24 24 24 (inches) 8 12 18 24 30 D 57/8 57/8 57/8 57/8 57/8 Capacities (cfm) 50 125 375 500 625 Maximum Initial Resistance (inches w.g.) 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Separator Filter Selection Standard Separator-Type Filters Insert the desired Filter Size Designator from the charts on page 12 at the end of the model number. (The Size Designator indicates whether a 5 1/2- inch or 11-inch filter element is being ordered.) Typical model numbers specifying filters with galvanized or stainless steel faceguards on both faces and BLU-JEL® Seal or a neoprene gasket located on the upstream face are addressed below. Gel Seal Filters Gasket Seal Filters Gel Seal Filters Size, Material and Model Number Media Pack Depth (inches) 5 1/2 11 Case Filter Material Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood Model Number (typical) T-007-C-42-05-NU-51-13 -_ _- DU5 T-007-C-43-05-NU-51-23 -_ _- DU5 T-007-C-04-05-NU-51-13 -_ _- DU5 T-007-C-42-05-NU-51-13 -_ _- FU5 T-007-C-43-05-NU-51-23 -_ _- FU5 T-007-C-04-05-NU-51-13 -_ _- FU5 Note: “T” prefix in model number indicates T-clip requirement for gel seal-type filters used in side-access housings. (See gel seal photo on page 10) Gasket Seal Filters Size, Material and Model Number Media Pack Depth (inches) 5 1/2 11 Case Filter Material Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S 3 /4” Fire-Retardant Plywood Model Number (typical) 0-007-C-42-03-NU-11-13 -_ _- DU5 0-007-C-43-03-NU-11-23 -_ _- DU5 0-007-C-04-00-NU-11-13 -_ _- DU5 0-007-C-42-03-NU-11-13 -_ _- FU5 0-007-C-43-03-NU-11-23 -_ _- FU5 0-007-C-04-00-NU-11-13 -_ _- FU5 13 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Standard Separator-Type Filter Selection Standard Separator-Type Filter Sizes and Capacities 11-inch Separator-Type Filter Element H Dimensions W 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 24 12 12 24 12 18 24 24 24 30 Filter Size (designator) CC-F CC-F CG-F GC-F GE-F GG-F GG-F GG-F GN-F Capacities D (inches) 11 /2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 111/2 1 (cfm) Maximum Initial Resistance (inches w.g.) 200 250 455 455 725 1000 1250 1500 1275 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.0 51/2 -inch Separator-Type Filter Element Filter Size (designator) BB-D CC-D GE-D GG-D GN-D H Dimensions W Capacities D (cfm) 8 12 24 24 24 8 12 18 24 30 5 /8 57/8 57/8 57/8 57/8 50 125 375 500 625 (inches) 7 Maximum Initial Resistance (inches w.g.) 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 2 3/4-inch Separator-Type Filter Element Filter Size (designator) Dimensions H W (inches) 14 BB-A 8 8 Capacities D (cfm) 3 /16 25 1 Maximum Initial Resistance (inches w.g.) 1.3 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: High-Temperture Standard High-Temperature Filters Flanders manufactures HEPA filters for applications with high temperature requirements up to 1000°F (540°C) for exhaust air only and 500°F (260°C) for supply air. They do not meet all the qualification requirements of ASME-AG1 Section FC. Hightemperature filters are available with gasket or gel seal. (Filters with BLU-JEL® Seal have a maximum service temperature of 392°F.) Gasketed filters for high temperature service are supplied with silicone sponge gaskets ( 1/4 inch thick x 3/4 inch wide). High Temperature Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters meet the requirements of IEST-RP-CC001.4 for Type B Filters and are tested in accordance with MILStd-282. Two types of high temperature HEPA filters are offered. The choice should be carefully made in accordance with the proposed filter service requirements for the specific application. Silicone Sealant (Designator NE) This is a high-temperature room-temperature vulcanizing (RTV) silastic-sealant silicone compound rated for continuous service up to 500°F/260°C (supply air). NOTE: This high-temperature sealant is UL 586 classified; however, it does not meet all the qualification requirements of ASME-AG1 Section FC. “NE” filters are eligible for UL586 labels. Glass Pack Sealant (Designator NG) The glass pack seal is rated for continuous service up to 1000°F/540°C in exhaust air applications only and with separator-type filter elements only. A mat of submicron glass fibers creates a seal when compressed between the filter pack and filter case. The glass packing is not an adhesive seal but a mechanical seal that functions much as the glass fiber medium of the filter itself. Additional angle stiffeners are added to prevent the filter pack from slipping at high pressure drops. NOTE: Labels are not attached to 1000°F high temperature filters. NOTE: Due to the possibility of the glass pack seals shedding glass fibers, the glass pack sealant should be used for exhaust systems only. NOTES: _____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 15 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: High Temperature Supply or Exhaust Air 500° F Maximum (Gasket Seal) or 390°F Maximum (Gel Seal) Insert the desired Filter Size Designator from the chart on page 14 at the end of the model number. Typical model numbers specifying filters with galvanized or stainless steel faceguards on both faces and with BLU-JEL® Seal (for gel seal filters) or silicone sponge (for gasket seal filters) located on the upstream face are addressed below. Separator-Type Filters, Case Material and Model Number Media Pack Depth (inches) Model Number Gel Seal Case Filter Material Model Number Gasket Seal (Max. 390° F, 200° C) (Max. 500° F, 260° C) 5 1/2 Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S T-007-C-42-05-NE-51-13-_ _-DU5 T-007-C-43-05-NE-51-23-_ _-DU5 0-007-C-42-03-NE-31-13-_ _-D 0-007-C-43-03-NE-31-23-_ _-D 11 Type 409 S/S Type 304 S/S T-007-C-42-05-NE-51-13-_ _-FU5 T-007-C-43-05-NE-51-23-_ _-FU5 0-007-C-42-03-NE-31-13-_ _-F 0-007-C-43-03-NE-31-23-_ _-F Note: “T” prefix in model number indicates T-clip requirement for gel seal-type filters used in side-access housings. (See gel seal photo on page 10) Exhaust Air Only - 1000° F Maximum Insert the desired Filter Size Designator, from the charts on page 14, at the end of the model number. Model numbers specifying filters with stainless steel faceguards on both faces are addressed below. Note: Not available in gel seal. Separator-Type Filters Only Media Pack Case Filter Depth Material (inches) Model Number Gasket Seal (Max. 390° F, 200° C) 5 1/2 Type 409 S/S 0-007-C-42-03-NG-00-23-_ _-D Type 304 S/S 0-007-C-43-03-NG-00-23-_ _-D 11 Type 409 S/S 0-007-C-42-03-NG-00-23-_ _-F Type 304 S/S 0-007-C-43-03-NG-00-23-_ _-F NOTE: These filters are shipped without gaskets, since none of the standard gasket materials are rated for 1000°F service. However, two woven glass gaskets may be provided with the filter if requested. The gaskets are shipped unattached and must be installed with the filter. Filter Labels are also shipped unattached. 16 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Round Filters Round Filters Standard flange placement for a single flange rolled filter is upstream. Contact factory for alternate placement. Round Nuclear Grade HEPA filters are available with Flanders’ Separatorless® filter element and with separator-type elements. Cases are made of 14 gauge Type 304 or Type 409 stainless steel, and are available for both gasket or fluid seal applications. Round filters are also manufactured for high temperature applications. (See page 15 for information on high-temperature sealants.) Round Nuclear Grade HEPA filter components are materials specified in ASME AG-1 but the filters are not tested for rough handling, wet over pressure, or heated air or spot flame as required by that specification. Flanders performs acceptance testing of penetration and resistance only. RO (No Flange) Airflow X R2 (Double Flange) X Y Z R1 (Single Flange) X Z Airflow Y Airflow R5 (Gel Seal) X Y Airflow X Separatorless® Filters Standard Sizes (contact factory for special sizes) Filter Size (designator) Filter Element Depth Nominal Rated Capacities Maximum Initial Resistance 4 4 35 100 1.0 1.0 Z Filter Element Depth Nominal Rated Capacities Maximum Initial Resistance 5 1/4 8 8 3 1/16 5 1/2 5 1/2 20 35 100 Dimensions X Y Z (inches) B C 6 /8 10 5/8 5 8 12 8 8 (inches) (cfm) (inches w.g.) Separator-Type Filters Filter Size (designator) A B C Dimensions X 6 5/8 6 5/8 10 5/8 Y (inches) 8 8 12 (inches) (cfm) (inches w.g.) 1.0 1.0 1.0 17 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Round Filters Gel Seal Faceguards Gel Seal filters are supplied with a 5/8 -inch x 11/16 -inch deep channel on one face only. The channel is factory-filled with Flanders’ BLU-JEL® sealant. The standard faceguard materials are 23-gauge 4 x 4 inch mesh, welded galvanized dipped steel or 18-gauge Type 304 stainless steel. Faceguards protect the media, but are not a guarantee against damage caused by mishandling. Note: Specify faceguard location as upstream, downstream or both. Note: Designate R5 Case Style. Standard channel location is upstream. (Face of flange) Drilled Flanges Channel Gasket Seal Gaskets are made from 1/4-inch x 3/4 -inch closed cell neoprene material. Gaskets may be located on either side of the upstream flange. Contact factory for downstream flange location. Note: Designate R1 (one flange) or R2 (2 flanges) Case Style and specify location of the gasket as face of flange, back of flange, face and back of flange or faces of both flanges in the model number. Detail any special placement requirements. Gasket Location Face of Flange Back of Flange Lifting Bails Optional lifting bails are available for easy filterremoval in special applications. Note: Specify the “B” prefix in the filter modelnumber. 18 Drilled flanges are available as an option. Flanders’ standard pattern is eight (8) 5/16-inch diameter holes equally spaced and centered on a 7 3/8 -inch diameter bolt circle for sizes A and B, or a 11 5/16 -diameter bolt circle for size C filters. Note: Use the ‘D’ prefix in the model number. UL 586 For UL 586 classifiication, filters must be submitted to Underwriters Laboratories for extensive testing including spot flame and exposure to heated air. A UL 586 classification listing is accepted by DOE for meeting the Heated Air and Spot Flame Test Requirement of Nuclear Grade HEPA filters. NOTE: UL labels are optional and are applied only if specified by the buyer. Model Numbers and Specification Note: To write a specification for Round Filters, use the Designating Charts on pages 21 and 22 for determining the model number. Fill in the numbered locations in the Suggested Specification Text on page 23 with the model number and other appropriate selections from the listing on page 17. Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Nipple Connected Filters Nipple Connected Filters sure, or heated air or spot flange as required by that specification. Flanders performs acceptance testing for penetration and resistance prior to attachment of cover plates. Nipple Connected Nuclear Grade HEPA filters are available with one (N1) or two (N2) nipple connections, and with Separatorless® or separatortype filter elements. Case materials are 14-gauge Type 304 and 14-gauge Type 409 stainless steel and 3/4 - inch fire retardant plywood. High temperature models are also available. (See page 15 for information on sealants.) Nipple-Connected filters are made of materials specified in ASME AG-1 but are not tested for rough handling, wet over pres- N2 Filters N1 Filters Typical Metal Case Filter Illustrated X Typical Wood Case Filter Illustrated Z X Air Flow Air Flow H H Y Filter Pack Y Filter Pack D W Z D W N1 or N2 Filters with Separatorless® Filter Elements, Standard Sizes Filter Size (designator) BB-D CC-D CC-F CC-F GG-D GG-F GG-F GG-F N1 Filters W D H (inches) 8 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 8 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 10 12 16 16 12 16 16 16 H 8 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 N2 Filters W D X 14 18 20 20 14 20 20 20 Z (inches) (inches) 8 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 Y 4 4 11 11 4 11 11 11 3 4 4 4 12 12 12 12 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/2 4 4 4 4 Nominal Rated Capacity (cfm) 50 125 200 250 500 1000 1250 1500 Max. Initial Resistance (Inches w.g.) 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 N1 or N2 Filters with Separator-Type Filter Elements, Standard Sizes Filter Size (designator) H N1 Filters W D (inches) BB-A BB-D CC-D CC-F CC-F GG-D GG-F 8 8 12 12 12 24 24 8 8 12 12 12 24 24 8 10 12 16 16 12 16 H 8 8 12 12 12 24 24 N2 Filters W D (inches) 8 8 12 12 12 24 24 12 14 18 20 20 14 20 X Y Z (inches) 31/16 51/2 51/2 11 11 51/2 11 2 3 4 4 4 12 12 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/2 11/2 4 4 Nominal Rated Capacity (cfm) 25 50 125 200 250 500 1000 Max. Initial Resistance (Inches w.g.) 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 Note: Standard Nipple-placement for N1 Filter is downstream. Contact factory for alternate placement. When ordering N1 or N2 filters, specify size of nipple connections if Flanders’ standard sizes (see “Y” dimension) are not appropriate for your application. 19 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Design Features and Options Roughing Prefilter The case depth dimension of N1 filters may be extended 2-inches to accommodate a roughing prefilter. Indicate the ‘P’ prefix in the model number to specify this option. A special size designator is required. Contact the factory for details. Note: Prefilter must be shipped loose for UL 586 listed units. Prefilter or Prefilter Gasket Seal Gaskets are made from 1/4 -inch thick x 3/4 -inch wide closed cell neoprene material. Specify location of the gasket as upstream or downstream, in the filter model number. Wood Case Metal Case Drilled Flanges Standard flanges may be located on the open face or on the nipple connection. These flanges may be drilled in a standard pattern or according to customer specifications. Nipple-Connection Flange Air Flow 20 Slip-On Flanges Optional 150 pound slip-on flanges for pipe nipple connections shall be available in Type 304 stainless steel, and in any standard IPS size. Note: Other sizes and types of flanges are available per customer specifications. Faceguards The standard faceguard materials are 23-gauge 4 x 4 mesh, welded galvanized dipped steel or 18-gauge Type 304 stainless steel. Faceguards protect the media, but are not a guarantee against damage caused by mishandling. Note: Specify faceguard location as upstream, downstream or both. UL 586 (N1 and N2 Filters) To be UL 586 classified, filters must be submitted to Underwriters Laboratories for extensive testing including spot flame and exposure to heated air. A UL 586 listing is accepted by DOE for the Heated Air and Spot Flame Test Requirement of Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters. UL labels are optional and are applied only if specified by the buyer. Model Numbers and Specification Filter Face Flange Air Flow Flanders’ standard patterns are as follows: 5/16 -inch diameter holes equally spaced and centered on the filter face flange, or equally spaced and centered on the nipple-connection flange. 3/4 inch Single-Turn Flange Note: To write a specification for Nipple-Connected Filters, use the Designating Charts on pages 21 and 22 to determine the model number. Fill in the numbered locations in the Suggested Specification text on page 23 with the model number and other appropriate selections from the listing on page 12 for SEPARATORLESS® or page 14 for Separator-type. Note: Nipple-connected filters are not intended to serve as containment housings. Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Model Number Development Model Number Development To Order: Specify the desired filter: Refer to the model number charts in this bulletin and/or to the Model Number Designating Chart on page 22. Separately list and explain any required options or any requirements not addressed by the filter model number. Nuclear Filter Size Designators Standard Size Filters are designated using the following Alphanumeric Code for the Height, Width and Depth of the Filter: Standard Size Designator Height and Width Designators The Filter Model Number The design and construction of Flanders’ Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters are coded within the filter model number, which contains the following information: Hardware—Clips, handles, bails, etc. Filter Medium—Standard or acid resistant. Pack Type—Separatorless® or separatortype. Case Material—Stainless Steel or wood. Case Style—Gel or Elastomer gasket seal designs. Sealant—Material used to seal pack to case Gasket Type/Location Faceguard Type/Location Filter Size Code UL Code—For filters requiring UL labels. (standard size filters only.) For odd size or filters requiring a “Z” drawing, the UL Code must be specified separate from the filter Model Number. Example: Depth (inches) (inches) B=8 C = 12 E = 18 G = 24 N = 30 U = 113/8 Y = 233/8 A = 31/16 D = 57/8 D2= 77/8 F = 111/2 F2 = 131/2 Example: GG-F = 24” H x 24” W x 111/2 D UL Code Filter Size Code Faceguard Type/Location Gasket Type/ Location Sealant Case Style Case Material Pack Style Filter Medium Hardware T - 007 - U - 43 - 05 - NU - 51 - 23 - GG - FU5 21 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Model Number Designating Chart Special Hardware Options Filter Media Pack Type Case Material Case Style Pack to Case Sealant None Lifting Bail (for Round Filters) Drilled Flanges 2” Extended Case for Roughing Prefilter Extractor T-Clips for Fluid Seal Filter U-Handles on Wood-frame Filters for Flanders G1- housings Non-woven glass paper (boron silicate microfiber) 99.97% minimum efficiency Same as 007, with additional treatment for resistance to HF Same as 007, with additional treatment for resistance to NHO3 4” deep filter pack (Separatorless®) 11” deep Pureform® DYN-E2 filter pack (Separatorless®) 11” deep filter pack (Separatorless®) Pleated flat sheet with corrugated aluminum separators 14-gauge Type 409 Stainless Steel (Bolted Construction) 14-gauge Type 304 Stainless Steel (Bolted Construction) 14-gauge Type 304L Stainless Steel (Bolted Construction) 14-gauge Type 316 Stainless Steel (Bolted Construction) 14-gauge Type 316L Stainless Steel (Bolted Construction) 3/4” fire-retardant plywood ‘Box-Type’ Construction (for Wood Filters) Double-turn Flanges, both Faces (for Metal Filters) Channel for Gel Seal on One Face (Wood or Metal Filters) Round Filter with No Flange Round Filter with One Upstream Flange Round Filter with Two Flanges Round Filter with Face Channel for Gel Seal N1 Filter - One Downstream Nipple Connection N2 Filter - Two Nipple Connections Fire-Retardant Solid Urethane RTV Silastic Silicone for High Temperature Filters Glass Packing for 1000°F Exhaust Filter Gasket Type/ TYPE (1st Box) LOCATION (2nd Box) 0. None 4. Glass packing 1. Neoprene 5. BLU-JEL® Seal 0. None 2. Downstream face 3. Silicone sponge X. (Special Material) 1. Upstream face 3. Both faces Faceguard TYPE (1st Box) LOCATION (2nd Box) 0. None 0. None 2. Downstream face 1. 23-Gauge Galvanized Steel 1. Upstream face 3. Both faces 2. 18-gauge Stainless Steel X. (Special Material) Location Material/ Location Filter Size UL Code 22 Seven spaces are allotted for filter size codes, although all spaces may not be required. Standard size designators (GG-F, etc.) are entered flush left, including dashes. Special sizes (Alphanumeric Designators and Z-drawings) are entered flush left with the prefixes (no dashes) 0 B D P T U EXAMPLE: 007 003 010 D U W C 42 43 12 13 15 04 00 03 05 RO R1 R2 R5 N1 N2 NU NE NG G G — T — 0 0 7 — 4 — 4 3 — 0 5 — N U — 5 1 — 2 3 — F U 5 NOTE: UL Code is entered flush left in the remaining boxes. USE this UL Code when applicable: U5 for UL 586.(Does not apply for Z-drawings) Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Suggested Specifications Suggested Specifications The filters shall be model *(1) Nuclear Grade as manufactured by Flanders Filters, Inc. Washington, NC. The filter medium shall be all glass with a wet strength, water-repellent binder in accordance with ASME AG-1 Section FC, Mandatory Appendix FC-I. To Specify Separatorless Filter Element: ® Each filter element shall be constructed without the use of spacers of any kind, including separators, tape, string or strips of medium, by pleating a continuous sheet of a formed, corrugated medium back and forth upon itself so that it is self-supporting. To Specify SEPARATOR-Type Filter Element: Each filter element shall be constructed by pleating a continuous flat sheet of medium over corrugated .0015 inch minimum thick aluminum spacers whose edges have been hemmed to resist tearing the medium at the fold. The element shall be permanently bonded to a *(2) integral case with a fire-retardant urethane sealant. The perimeter of the filter face shall have *(3) to seal it to its mounting device in service. Construction of the filter shall be in a accordance with the essential construction requirements of ASME AG-1 (latest issue). Each filter shall be tested, while encapsulated, for resistance to airflow and penetration in accordance with ASME AG-1 Section FC 5200 at the nominal rated capacity listed in table FC-4110-1 and at 20% of that capacity for penetration only (filters with rated capacity of 75 cfm or higher). The penetration at both flows shall not exceed 0.03%. (This paragraph may not apply to Round, N1 or N2 filters.) The HEPA filters shall comply with the performance requirements as listed in ASME AG-1 Section FC-5200. Each filter and filter carton shall bear identical labels indicating the filter model number, the serial number, test air-flow direction and the resistance and penetration readings at test flow taken for the filter on the manufacturer’s Q107 penetrometer or HFATS System. In addition, the manufacturer shall provide a filter test report and a Certification of Compliance report. The manufacturer shall, upon request, submit evidence that its filters have been qualified in accordance with ASME AG-1 or can reasonably be expected to do so. Filters that are 24” x 12” x 6” and larger shall be packaged one filter per carton. Each filter shall be encased in a flanged, tightfitting alignment cushion sleeve that fits within the carton, leaving a dead-air space on four sides of the filter. The top and the bottom of the filter shall be protected with a cushion or comparible cushon design to avoid the deleterious effects of shock, vibration, physical damage, water vapor, salt spray, condensation, and weather during shiping, handling, and storage. Linerboard cartons shall be strapped to a Flanders Type 2 pallet with 3/8-inch wood facing on both faces. Model Numbers and Specification Fill in the numbered locations on the Suggested Specification Text by selecting from the corresponding category below: *(1) Filter model number (See page 22) *(2) Case material 14-gauge, Type 409 stainless steel (bolted) 14-gauge, Type 304 stainless steel (bolted) 14 gauge, Type 304L stainless steel (bolted) 14-gauge, Type 316 stainless steel (bolted) 14-gauge, Type 316L stainless steel (bolted) 3 /4-inch thick fire-retardant plywood *(3) Case style No flanges Two double turn flanges A 3/4-inch channel with gel sealant A single metal-nipple connection Two metal-nipple connections 23 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Environmental Conditions Environmental Conditions Packaging and Palletizing Heat Resistance The successful delivery of undamaged HEPA filters depends largely upon good packaging. Shipping damage is minimized by encasing each filter in a tight-fitting alignment cushion that is located at its top and bottom. This results in a dead-air space around the filter to absorb impact. Flanders packages Nuclear Grade filters 24” x 12” x 11 1/2” and larger in this manner. In high-temperature applications, filter media will exhibit a significant loss of strength after the binder burns off. (This normally occurs in the 300°-325°F range.) Flanders recommends only separator style filters be used in high temperature applications. Filters not specifically designed for high temperature applications are nevertheless constructed from self-extinguishing or noncombustible components and will withstand periodic temperatures up to continuous 250°F with no noticeable change in pressure drop or penetration. However, extended service under such conditions can cause accelerated aging of organic materials and may subsequently contribute to filter failure. Humidity and Water Resistance HEPA filter media will tolerate high humidity (95% ±5%) and some direct wetting, but excessive moisture, either from airborne droplets or condensation, can plug the filter and result in failure by over-pressure. Wood cases are unsuitable for high-moisture conditions, since wood expands or warps when wet, and supports biological growth under humid conditions. Metal case filters are more suitable for moisture laden atmospheres. Because aluminum separators can corrode in some environments and slough particles downstream of the filter, Separatorless® filters are also recommended for moist conditions, except in high-temperature or caustic applications. Chemical Resistance All materials have good resistance to most organic solvents and are resistant to many weak organic and inorganic alkalies and acids. Exposure to acids such as HF, and those with NOx radicals occurs in nuclear systems fairly often and with varying degrees of impact (HF attacks glass). Information about the potential effects of humidity, various chemical agents, and heated air, and the interrelationship of the construction materials, must be determined by the user through testing. 24 All filter carton material is tested for strength and certified to meet all construction requirements of the applicable freight classification. Additionally, all Nuclear Grade HEPA filters are palletized for shipment in groups of cartoned filters stacked side-by-side, with 3/8-inch wood facing at the two most vulnerable ends and the aggregate strapped to a wood pallet or crated. Pleats Vertical Installation Note HEPA filters should be installed with the pleats aligned with the vertical axis when the airflow is horizontal. This prevents sagging and potential tearing of the medium as the filter becomes loaded with dust in-service. Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Receipt, Storage, Shelf Life Receipt and Storage Requirements HEPA filters should be stored in their original cartons, in an environmentally controlled room.HEPA filters should be oriented with their pleats vertical, and stacked no more than three (3) cartons high unless intermediate bracing or flooring is provided to prevent the weight of the upper tier from bearing on the lower tier. Unless there is obvious damage to the cartons, HEPA filters should not be opened prior to use, or removed from shipping pallets or skids until immediately before installation. Filter storage area should be periodically checked to ensure filters are not exposed to detrimental conditions. Storage areas should be uncluttered and permit easy access to filters. A filter-control procedure is suggested for the storage area to ensure filters are not removed from the area without proper authority, and to prevent improper or rejected items from being installed in the system. Filters should be moved a minimum number of times (receipt inspection, storage and release for installation only) and handled in a manner that does not damage them or their packaging. If wrappings or cartons are removed for receiving inspection, they should be replaced and positively sealed immediately upon completion of the inspection. Receiving and storage personnel shall be informed of the necessity of proper handling of all components, especially the HEPA filters. Care must be taken to ensure the filter medium is not touched in anyway. Shelf Life Information Flanders recommends that each filter is stored in its original shipping carton to prevent exposure to ultra violet rays and possible damage to the filter medium. The filter should be stored in a controlled area, 0°-120°F, and should not be exposed to ozone depleting sources. If these parameters are satisfied and storage requirements as detailed are maintained, the filter shelf life should be three (3) years from elastomer gasket cure date or three (3) years from manufacturing date for gel seal filters. Notes: _________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 25 Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Blu-Gel® Seal Data BLU-JEL® Seal Data Sheet Temperature Range The gel seal technique provides a simple solution to a problem that has long been associated with air filters used in critical applications: bypass leakage at the interface of the filter and its housing or supporting casework. This bypass can contribute to high particle counts in clean rooms and laminar flow work areas. The recommended constant operating temperature range for BLU-JEL® Seal is -70°F to +392°F. Short terms (1-2 hours) at higher temperatures should be limited to 500°F. Exposure to either extreme will not alter the properties of the gel when returned to ambient temperature. Temperatures below -70°F wil increase hardness; the gel will become brittle at -90°F and will be prone to cracking if subjected to mechanical shock. Continuous exposure to temperatures above +392°F will result in degradation of the polymer. Bypass leakage occurs primarily where gaskets are used to seal filters. Many factors contribute to its occurrence: improper gasket joints; mating flanges that are not flat or have been distorted by clamping mechanisms used to compress the gasket; memory loss or aging of the gasket material; or, bad seals or welds in the filter mounting casework. The gel seal technique, first developed and patented by Flanders in 1969, succeeds in eliminating bypass leakage because it avoids the major causative factors: the use of gaskets and the need for absolutely flat mating surfaces. The technique also eliminates clamping devices and allows easy installation and replacement of filters. General Description Flanders BLU-JEL® Seal is a unique, ice-blue silicone gel specially designed to create and preserve an airtight seal between high-efficiency particulate air filters and their holding cases or housings. The gel is factory-installed and factory cured within the perimeter channel of filters designed for gel seal applications. The cured gel has the self-healing quality of a liquid while retaining the stability and non-flow characteristics of a solid. These properties are maintained at both high and low temperature extremes and are not lost even when aged continuously at high temperatures. BLU-JEL® Seal exhibits excellent bonding to many materials. It is also highly self-adhesive, allowing knife edges to be cleanly withdrawn. The hydrophobic nature of the gel makes it ideally suited for applications that require long-term sealing against moisture and other atmospheric contaminants. 26 Fire and Explosion Data Flash Point: Determined by Cleveland ASTM D92 Open Cup Method. Result: No flash at 450°F. Exposure to Flame A flame exposure test evaluating BLU-JEL® Seal’s flammability and self-extinguishing characteristics was performed, following the same procedure used in the Underwriters UL 94-VO test. The gel turned to ash on the outer surface, but the inner core remained normal. The gel maintained its physical shape and did not run or melt. Based upon the testing, it is concluded that BLU-JEL® Seal is a self-extinguishing material that will perform its designed function as a filter-to-housing sealant until flame impingement totally turns the sealant to ash. Volatility The non-volatile content of BLU-JEL® Seal, as determined by testing 2 grams for 2 hours at 302°F (150°C), is 98%. The volatility rate of the gel, measured after it has been cured at the factory and is ready for shipment, is 0.2%. Nuclear Grade HEPA Filters: Blu-Gel® Seal Data Penetration Radiation Effects The effect of temperature on the hardness of BLU-JEL® Seal has been tested using a Penetrometer test machine. The following results are expressed in points of penetration (mm x 10-1) as measured by the machine: @-58°F: 35 @+77°F: 57 @+392°F: 34 The expected radiation resistance of BLU-JEL® Seal is 20 megarads at room temperature, 10 megarads of radiation at 77°F. Radiation exposure at these levels will not affect the sealing properties of the compound. Exposure to higher levels of radiation and temperature will result in irreversible brittleness. Further information on radiation testing is available from the factory. Chemical Resistance Information on BLU-JEL® Seal’s resistance to a wide variety of oils, fuels, hydraulic fluids, solvents, silicone fluid, greases, food products, water and steam, acids, bases, salts and other chemicals is available from the factory upon request. Non-Nutrient BLU-JEL® Seal is a non-nutrient and will not of itself support biological growth. The compound does not contain a fungicide. 27 Important Notice For best results in the application of Flanders’ products, it is recommended that the buyer supply complete information about the operating conditions of the ventilation system to Flanders/FFI for prior evaluation. Flanders/FFI does not guarantee that its equipment will operate at the performance levels given on the identification labels or in the catalog specifications under all conditions of installation and use, nor does Flanders/FFI guarantee that suitability of its product for the particular end use which may be contemplated by the buyer. When the system components are supplied to the buyer or his agent for final installation and assembly in the field, it should be under the supervision of factory trained personnel who are equipped to test the installation and certify its performance and conformance to industry accepted specifications. Failure to follow these procedures may result in a compromised installation. Representatives of Flanders/FFI products are located throughout the world. F O R E M O S T I N A I R F I LT R AT I O N Flanders Filters, Inc. 531 Flanders Filters Road Washington, North Carolina 27889 Your closest representative’s office may be found by contacting our manufacturing and sales department. Represented by: Telephone: 252-946-8081 Toll Free: 1-800-637-2803 Fax: 252-946-3425 Website: Flanders/FFI Printed in USA 09/2007 Flanders Filters continues to research and develop product improvements and reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.