march 2015 - Arizona Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God
march 2015 - Arizona Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God
MARCH 2015 Vol. 69 | No. 03 THE GRAND CANYON STATE ARIZONA “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Stephen L. Harris Superintendent @stephenlharris Heath Adamson 75th Anniversary Arizona District Council of the Assemblies of God I don’t believe there has been a more anticipated time in my tenure of leadership where we’ve been as excited about any district conference than we are this year. The significance of marking our 75th year as a district is appropriate and honorable. As we’ve gathered the history of many of our churches, and read through J.K. Gressett’s memoirs, and realized the huge footprints we walk in, collectively we have felt an overwhelming sense of the destiny of God in leading and establishing this Arizona District. Our own Bernadine Clark has worked tirelessly to put our history in book form and it is one of the two books you will receive with your registration for the conference. The second book will be J.K. Gressett’s memoirs of those earliest years in the district’s history. You will find both gifts worth the read, and like us, you will be inspired by the sacrifice hundreds have made to bring us to this monumental time of celebrating 75 years of existence. I fully believe that God led us to our guest speakers in Heath Adamson, Robert Madu, George Wood and Pastor Tommy Barnett. It will again be my distinct privilege to preach the Ordination service as we ordain 23 candidates this year. 1. At the age of seventeen, Heath’s life was dramatically transformed by an encounter with Jesus. Steeped in drug abuse and the occult, he came to believe in Christ for salvation. Heath’s dramatic salvation experience has led him to serve in multiple leadership roles with global influence. Robert Madu Robert preaches from a passionate heart for Jesus. For 10 years he has crisscrossed the globe, preaching the gospel and taking every opportunity to tell people about the love of Jesus Christ. Robert is compelled to make aware to every individual that God is for them and that He has a specific plan and purpose for every life. Robert presents the gospel in such a unique and dynamic way. George Wood Dr. Wood has served as General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God since 2007. The U.S. Assemblies of God is part of a larger World Assemblies of God fellowship with a membership of over 66 million. Dr. Wood also serves as chairman of the World Assemblies of God fellowship as well as the global co-chair for Empowered21. It is significant to have our General Superintendent with us for this anniversary conference. Tommy Barnett Pastor Barnett has blessed us on many occasions and this year will be no exception. He is CoPastor of Phoenix First as well as the founder of the Los Angeles Dream Center.Center & Phoenix Dream Center. Tommy is a Don’t miss these historical two days as we celebrate 75 years of history. The best is yet to come! Pastors, please make an effort to bring your congregation for the Thursday night 75th Anniversary Celebration Service! It will be an exciting evening. Looking forward to seeing each one of you, April 22 & 23 at Phoenix First Assembly of God. Leigh Metcalf Secretary - Treasurer @LeighMetcalfAZ C rossOver embraces all regardless of ethnicity, religious background, and race with the love of Christ! Believing that an ethnic church should transition into a multi-cultural church or risk becoming irrelevant and ineffective in a growing melting pot of cultures and races in the US, they sensed that God was calling them in a new direction. They purchased the building they meet in back in April 2013, and were able to start using the building in 2014. When the Garcia’s came to Arizona in February 2012, they were originally supposed to pastor a Filipino congregation, but as the church dynamics started to change, they realized God was calling them to re-launch the church as an Assemblies of God church plant. Prior to coming to Arizona Pastor Diodor Garcia, had been in one form of ministry or another since 1987 and Pastor Ana Pamela Garcia had been in ministry since 1986. They have been part of planting churches from the ground up and growing already existing churches all around the world. When they officially launch CrossOver church in October of 2015, they will not only be launching the campus in Glendale, but they will also be launching a campus in Chandler. Their goal is to reach out to the Filipino-American community, which in Maricopa County alone encompasses 40,000 Filipino-American’s. Since there are only 6 churches, each with a congregation of about 50 people, currently reaching this group of people, the Garcia’s saw a need that had to be met. As they are laying the foundation for their church, CrossOver is happy to report they are running over 100 people. Distinctly blessed for being warm and friendly, CrossOver seeks to love every person into a personal relationship with Jesus. They strive to be different and unique in every approach and to make people feel loved and affirmed with the bigness of Christ’s heart for them. CrossOver Church Pastors: Diodor & Ana Garcia Will Launch: October 2015 Location: 7105 N. 59th Ave Glendale, AZ 85301 Time: 10am Website: Pastors Diodor & Ana Garcia . Vision .2 Craig Carter Assistant Superintendent AGWM Director I’m excited to announce two Pastors Roundtables dealing with the topic “Better Together”. Jeff Hartensveld, director of Assemblies of God World Missions Mobilization will lead a team from the World Missions department to discuss with us how working together we can do a better job of reaching the world. The Roundtables will be held May 4th at New Life Church in Ahwatukee and on May 5th at Harvest Church in Glendale. Both meetings will begin promptly at 10:00 and end at 2:00pm (lunch will be provided). There is no charge for attending the Roundtables however, I do ask you to register online so that we can provide lunch and have adequate materials for you. Pastors are in the business of moving people spiritually. Ultimately it is God who changes people’s hearts, but we as Pastors have a part to play in this moving process. So how do we move people for missions? This is more than getting people to give, pray and embrace world missions. It is moving people toward the missional heart of God. What would happen if more people would embrace the missional heart of God? These Pastor Roundtables will focus on discussion, interaction and reflection as we become “Better Together”. Do you have a Biblical perspective on God’s Mission? What is your Biblical Missiology? We want to move people: From My Picture to His Picture From Observation to Participation From Obligation to Accomplishment From Scarcity to Generosity From Natural to Supernatural. Click here to register Mark your calendar now and plan on joining us for a fast moving three hours with the goal of helping us accomplish God’s Mission by working “Better Together”. 3. Kay Burnett AZWI Director @ AZWomenofInfluence . Vi- . Vision .4 Griffin McGrath Youth Director @griffinmcgrath @azagym 5. Amy Visconti July 6 - 10 & July 13 - 17 Ryan Burbank & maryanna vicente July 20 - 24 Lenny Corliss July 27 - 31 Karla Armstrong Children’s Director @karla_i_armstrong @azagcm . Vision .6 Dale Gray Men’s Director District Camp More Than Conquerors Romans 8:37 May 1-3, 2015 Camp Raymond Parks, Arizona Guest Speaker: Pastor Dale Grey 7. Vision. Jeremy Naranjo ASOM Director Tuition is just $70 per class, and for Juniors and Seniors in High School, tuition is free! With open enrollment, you can jump in at any time and further your knowledge of the Bible, Theology, and other leadership skills. March 21st Classes meet from 9:00am until 3:00pm Chandler (Spanish Speaking Only) 108 – Epistolas de prision Cottonwood 108 – Prison Epistles District Office 108 – Prison Epistles 208 – Introduction to Theology Holbrook 108 – Prison Epistles Morenci 108 – Prison Epistles Tucson 108 – Prison Epistles Yuma 108 – Prison Epistles March 16th (Classes meet from 5:00pm until 10:00pm) Radiant 108 – Prison Epistles 208 – Introduction to Theology 308 – Poetic Books In February we were excited to see attendance rise, because that means we’re helping more people fulfill the call God’s placed on their lives! We are so excited to make ASOM available to more and more people as we train them to serve in the church. In reality, that’s what ASOM is all about, helping equip people to fulfill God’s plan for their life. If you are a current ASOM student, and have yet to apply for and start your internship for the current level of courses you are taking, you will want to make sure to do that as soon as possible. You can register for your internship by clicking here. This is especially important for students planning to test for credentialing this year. Some people don’t know that as ministers, ASOM can help you obtain or upgrade your credentials. ASOM is also a great discipleship tool for those within your church. Empowering servant leaders from the classroom to the pulpit to the hospitality table, ASOM is here to partner with you. Whether you’re interested in one class or all 30, we’d love to have you join ASOM. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us either by phone at 602.343.4016 or email at [email protected]. . Vision .8 Snow Peabody Executive Director Teen Challenge 2015 Spring Banquets Please join us at our 50th Anniversary Events: 06.06.15 GREATER PHOENIX CENTER KICKOFF By Invitation Only 07.18.15 BACK-TO- SCHOOL BACKPACK EVENT Greater Phoenix 07.18.15 ICE REAM SOCIAL Tucson Center 09.12.15 FREEDOM RUN Hosted by CLR 09.18.15 50TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT MercyMe 09.26.15 SPRINGBOARD GRADUATION 10.09.15 HOH CHILIFEST 10.17.15 ANNUAL CLR HOMECOMING BBQ Fall Banquets: Tucson Greater Phoenix Scottsdale 11.12.15 11.13.15 11.14.15 9. . Vision CASA GRANDE—2 GREAT NIGHTS! FRIDAY, MARCH 20 & SATURDAY, MARCH 21 6:30 PM THE PROPERTY CONFERENCE CENTER Tickets: $28 Table of 8: $224 FLAGSTAFF FRIDAY, APRIL 10 6:30 PM NORTHLAND CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Tickets: $28Table of 8: $224 LAKE HAVASU CITY FRIDAY, MAY 1 6:30 PM LONDON BRIDGE RESORT Tickets: $28 Table of 8: $224 YUMA SATURDAY, MAY 2 6:30 PM HARVEST PREP ACADEMY Tickets: $28Table of 8: $224 PRESCOTT VALLEY FRIDAY, MAY 8 LIFEPOINTE CHURCH Tickets: $28 Table of 8: $224 Ministry Stats TRANSFERRED IN Allen, Lian K (L) from Rocky Mountain Allen, Kristina D (L) from Rocky Mountain Comer, James V (O) from Arkansas Comer, Susan (L) from Arkansas Vicente, Maryanna (L) from Peninsular Florida Whitmore, Lyons E (C) from Northern Cal/Nevada TRANSFERRED OUT CHURCH AFFILIATION CHANGE Dewey-Faith Assembly of God To: General Council Status Golden Valley-Assembly of God To: District Affiliated Status CHURCH ADDRESS CHANGES Chandler-TwentyNine:Eleven Church 5092 S Price Rd Tempe, AZ 85282 Briles, D Micah (O) to Oregon Dinie, Amy L (C) to Georgia Dinie, Frank R (L) to Georgia Mesa-Beth Emanuel Messianic Congregation 6056 E Baseline Rd Ste #137 Mesa, AZ 85206 CREDENTIAL STATUS CHANGE Johnson, Robert L (L) to Retired/Active Dana E Martin (L) to Retired/Active Merry, Ann M (C) to Retired/Active Swart, Bruce J (C) to Retired/Active Queen Creek-Infusion Community Church 37611 N Pecan Creek Queen Creek, AZ 85140 NEW CHURCHES OPEN CHURCH NAME CHANGE Anthem-Summit Church Pastor – Jeremy Naranjo (O) Location: 41020 N Freedom Way Anthem Elementary School Anthem, AZ 85086 Service begins at 10:00 a.m. Glendale-Proclaim Church Name change to: Hope City Church CLOSED CHURCH Glendale-Connection Community Church OPEN CHURCHES Tucson-The Gate Church Pastor – David Willard (O) Location: 2950 W Lambert Ln Tucson, AZ 85742 Service begins at 6:00 p.m. Golden Valley-Assembly of God Grand Canyon-Assembly of God Mammoth-Assembly of God Prescott-Granite Mountain Church St Johns-First Assembly of God In Memoriam Cleo Lane February 22, 1929 – January 29, 2015 Spouse Of: William E (Deceased) . Vision .10 Save the Date 11. DISTRICT CALENDAR MARCH 11-13...............................................Regional Fire Bible 12-14....................National Native Youth Convention 17............................................................ St Patrick’s Day 20-21.........Teen Challenge Banquet-Casa Grande 21.............................................................................. ASOM 21............................................................JBQ-League #4 24....................................Executive Presbyters Meeting 25.............................................2016 Calendar Planning 27.........................West Valley- AZWI Influence Tour 27-28.................................................Frontier Adventure 28.................................................................................. TBQ 29................................................................. Palm Sunday APRIL 3......................................................................Good Friday 5..................................................................................Easter 10..........................Teen Challenge Banquet-Flagstaff 11..........................................................................Fine Arts 18...............................................................................ASOM 18...........................................................WBC Graduation 18............................................................JBQ-State Meet 18..........................................................Ranger Kid’s Day 21...................................Superintendent’s Golf Classic 22.............................Administrative Professionals Day 22-23.............................................75th District Council MAY 1...............................................................AIC Graduation 1.................Teen Challenge Banquet-Lake Havasu 2...............................Teen Challenge Banquet-Yuma 2..................................................................TBQ-Regional 1-2................................................................Stars Retreat 1-3.................................................Royal Ranger Camp 8...............Teen Challenge Banquet-Prescott Valley 11-13................................................Presbyters Retreat 15-16..............Acts II Journey-Retreat #1-Phoenix 16...............................................................................ASOM 16......Teen Challenge-Phoenix Spring Graduation 22-25.............................Royal Rangers Family Camp Official Publication of the ARIZONA DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Stephen L. Harris, Executive Editor Karla Armstrong, Managing Editor ARIZONA DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS 2601 E. Thomas Rd., Ste. 210 Phoenix, Arizona 85016-8228 Phone: 602.343.4000 • FAX: 602.252-5527 Web Site: E-mail: district [email protected] Monday-Thursday • 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Stephen L. Harris............................. Superintendent Craig W. Carter.................. Assistant Superintendent Leigh Metcalf............................. Secretary-Treasurer EXECUTIVE PRESBYTERS Jim Burnett Ron Rockwell Robert G. Drake GENERAL PRESBYTERS Stephen L. Harris Leigh Metcalf Zane Anderson UNDER 40 REPRESENTIVE Jeremy Peters DISTRICT PRESBYTERS Richard Bush...........................Canyon North Section Elwin A. Mack..........................Central Valley Section Rich Van Proyen.....................................East Section David Wade............................... East Central Section Todd League............................ North Central Section Ken Delaney.................................. Northeast Section Dan Briles......................................Northwest Section Cheri Sampson............Phoenix Metro Indian Section Jerry Trewern...................................... South Section Kirk Sorensen................................Southeast Section James Brown...................... Southeast Valley Section Alan M. Puccini............................. Southwest Section Steven Long............................... West Valley Section David League..................... Northwest Valley Section DEPARTMENTAL DIRECTORS Griffin McGrath.................................................. Youth Karla Armstrong................................................Children’s Dale Gray..................................... Men’s Department Kay Burnett............................. Women’s Department news & notes Cabin for Sale $48,000 2 br. 1 1/2 bath. Completely remodeled . All furnishings included. Enclosed garage with attached work room. Two bedrooms, one is detached behind garage. Central heating and cooling. 775 sq ft with approved addition of 250 sq ft on west end of home for a potential total of 1029 sq ft. Call 602 738 4959 for additional info and Andy Swinford will show. Cabin for Sale Cabin 28: $75,000 Two story, 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath. Fully furnished cabin. First floor: Living Rm, Kitchen, Dining area and Lanai w/View, Large Bdrm, Full Bath & Utility Rm. Second floor: Large Bdrm w/Seating area. Electric & Gas heat, Dishwasher, WasherDryer, Refrigerator Built in microwave & Electric Range. Front & Rear Prkng. Call 928.782.9238 or Granite Hills and ask for Andy Swinford AROUND OUR STATE Stonebridge Christian Fellowship, in Lake Havasu City, Az. is in search of a Church Secretary with Bookkeeping knowledge, they also have an open position for a youth pastor. If you can please help them to find the right persons they wouldl really appreciated. Resumes can be sent to: [email protected] Ministers Available for Ministry or Fill-in Jack Bryan............................... 928-649-0642 Beatrice Cordero..................... 480-274-0362 Mary Ficarra............................ 480-982-0849 Judy Grams............................. 480-580-0286 Kevin Gray............................... 602-931-6766 R.T. Havener........................... 432-816-9817 Shirley Kimzey......................... 623-977-0049 Arvle Knight............................. 602-885-8000 John Knoles............................. 602-692-5646 Michael LaPoff......................... 520-203-7991 Jon Maremont......................... 480-789-1576 John McGovern...................... 480-235-9648 Richard Perterson....................480-3267729 Dwight Robinson..................... 480.279.2478 Robert Schall........................... 520-235-2545 Gary Webb.............................. 623-210-6274 Noelle Wells........................... 480-321-5241 Mark Willis............................... 623.313.7228 Ron Woodworth....................... 480-545-7994 Lisa Skinner.............................602.680.7480 To add your name to this list, please call . Vision .12