ANERA Annual Report 2013


ANERA Annual Report 2013
2013 Annual Report
Nada Dajani, photographer
Fiscal Year 2013
(June 1, 2012–May 31, 2013)
ANERA’s $65,619,648 in expenses in 2013
were distributed in the following way:
Total Expenses
Management & General
committed to
spending funds
in an efficient
and accountable
Program Expenses
ANERA implemented programs worth
$63,324,714 in the following sectors:
manner. We
consider every
dollar crucial
71% Medical In-Kind & Health
24% Community & Economic
to the delivery
of our projects
throughout the
Middle East.
Community & Economic Development
Medical In-Kind & Health
To see detailed,
audited financial
reports, visit
Long-time member in good standing of the Better
Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance.
“A” rated charity by the Institute of Philanthropy
A worker at the first Al Bayyara park site in Ramallah, where 15 people were employed for over a
month. It is one of three new recreational spaces for families created in the West Bank.
ANERA delivered
training and
equipment to
50 families
Rania Elhilou, photographer
in southern Gaza.
report from the president and chair
With every new challenge, we think of our staff as heroes. Yes, they
are ordinary people, but they perform in extraordinary ways under
extraordinary circumstances.
Despite all our success with the efficient delivery of more programs
supported by more gifts and added partners, we are pummeled
repeatedly by increased violence and other obstacles in the
Middle East.
Our staff often have to drive through bullet-ridden Tripoli in northern
Lebanon to reach Nahr El Bared camp, destroyed in fighting in
2007. They pass through army checkpoints to the remains of what
was a major refugee town. But once there, they work hand in hand
with residents young and old to grow vegetables on rooftops and
in alleyways once cluttered by trash and discarded bottles. Urban
agriculture is transforming a small corner of Lebanon.
In the center of Beirut, where new Palestinian refugees from Syria are
crowding into unused garages, ANERA health workers battle with the
sheer magnitude of the disaster. Still, they deliver record numbers
of new shoes to children, hygiene kits and baby supplies to mothers,
blankets to families and medicine to clinics.
As the tunnels are destroyed and the Rafah crossing to Egypt remains
closed, an ANERA pharmacist in Gaza and his warehouse staff find
ways to deliver medicines for clinics despite gasoline shortages.
In the West Bank, our agronomist is constantly looking over his
shoulder while walking in his olive grove, afraid of attacks from
settlers. Yet, he has just designed a very innovative system for
reusing waste water to irrigate Palestinian farms.
We commend our 85 staff who have remained steadfast in the face
of huge odds. They have delivered programs that have had lasting
impact and touched people’s lives.
Their reward is seeing their works’ achievements and the continued
respect of the communities they serve.
Edward Gnehm
Chairman of the Board
Bill Corcoran
President & CEO
• Completed a total of 135 projects in the sectors of health, community
development and education from 2008 to 2013. The $64.8 million,
USAID-funded Emergency Water and Sanitation II program:
−− Improved conditions for 1,400,000 residents in the West Bank
and Gaza.
−− Created 250,000 days of employment in areas where jobs are
most scarce.
−− Enabled more than 360,000 people to regularly access water.
−− Laid 275,000 linear meters of water pipes.
−− Renovated and/or constructed 30 schools and 330+ classrooms.
−− Gave nearly 300,000 people access to better sanitation
−− Renovated and improved 27 hospitals and clinics.
−− Rehabilitated four agricultural roads.
• Opened three new parks in the West Bank. Known as Al Bayyara, or
citrus grove in Arabic, these parks turned vacant, rubble-filled plots
of land into beautifully landscaped safe havens for families to gather
and children to play without fear. They also provide much-needed
construction and maintenance jobs in a fragile economy.
• Provided 50 Gaza families with a greenhouse, an irrigation system,
a water tank, compost, seedlings, and training in farming. They can
now better feed themselves and earn much needed income.
• Connected West Bank farmers in-person and through the use of
social media and video to share their best practices in agriculture.
With funding from USAID, ANERA built a new clinic in the West Bank
town of Tubas, creating jobs and providing vital health services like
x-rays, pregnancy care, dentistry and laboratories for 13,000 residents.
A child enjoys the first Al Bayyara
park in Ramallah, West Bank.
With USAID funds, ANERA built
this new reservoir in
An-Nu’imeh, a village near Jericho,
replacing an open tank that was
vulnerable to many health and
environmental hazards.
Nadia Awad, photographer
Nada Dajani, photographer
Liz Demarest, photographer
Health and Relief
Martine Btaich, photographer
• Delivered 50 shipments of donated
shoes, medicines and other health
care supplies, valued at $45 million,
to Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon
and Jordan.
• Continued our exciting partnership
with TOMS Shoes, delivering
thousands of new shoes to children
in Gaza and Lebanon.
• In response to the huge influx of
Palestinian refugees from Syria
into Lebanon’s camps, distributed
25,000 quilts, 1,200 baby blankets,
28,000 hygiene kits, 12,000 school
kits, 2,800 baby care kits and 4,000
vouchers for clothes and food.
• Trained dozens of women in the
Burj El Burajneh camp in Beirut to
be trainers in the responsible use
of medicines.
A young karate student gets treatment
for an injury at a Hebron clinic, where
ANERA regularly delivers donated
medicines and other health care supplies.
Nada Dajani, photographer
With funding from USAID, ANERA renovated the Al Amal Hospital in Gaza City.
Rania Elhilou, photographer
Charlotte Bruneau, photographer
ANERA shipped 24,000 quilts, donated by Lutheran World Relief, to Palestinian
refugees from Syria in camps across Lebanon.
• Continued delivering and expanding our early childhood
development programming in the West Bank and Gaza, funded by
USAID via Mercy Corps, and first-time grants from Dubai Cares and
the OPEC Fund for International Development:
−− Provided positive parenting classes for 6,500 caregivers in Gaza.
−− Gifted bookbags filled with fun reading materials to 6,900 Gaza
preschoolers and created special reading corners in 45 schools.
−− Trained 125 Gaza teachers, principals and community workers
on fundamentals of early childhood development, reading
strategies for children, and positive parenting for caregivers.
−− Began renovating and equipping 16 preschools in Jerusalem,
Hebron and Gaza.
−− Trained and mentored 75 West Bank teachers and principals for
an in-service certificate in early childhood development.
• Extended the Enhancing Non-Formal Education program for two
more years in Lebanon’s Nahr El Bared and Beddawi refugee camps.
The $800,000 program continued building the capacity of vocational
training and remedial education providers and used sports
activities to promote personal development and healthy lifestyles
among youth.
• Provided scholarships for 21 Palestinian youth from several
different refugee camps in Lebanon to gain marketable job skills
at the Abdel Hadi el Debs Institute and the Al Kafaàt Foundation.
Sabrina Ali Nheila (right), a 32-year-old mother of three, took a six-month
catering training program offered at one of the vocational training
organizations ANERA supports in Lebanon with Reach Out to Asia funding.
Iman Abdulkarim is one of eight teachers and two supervisors from
preschools in Bethlehem and Nablus working to complete ANERA’s
two-year, in-service, early childhood development diploma.
Charlotte Bruneau, photographer
With funding from USAID,
ANERA upgraded the
speech and audiology
center and added this
new classroom at the
Atfaluna Society for Deaf
Children in Gaza, a longtime ANERA partner.
Rania Elhilou, photographer
Nada Dajani, photographer
45 Years of ANERA Service
With your help, ANERA has accomplished so much since we were founded
in 1968. Here we feature four people who have flourished over the years
because of the on-going support of ANERA’s community of donors.
Charlotte Bruneau, photographer
Nada Akl
Owner, Akl Hotel
Zahle, Lebanon
2007: ANERA's
trained staff on
hospitality best
practices and
marketed the
inn on a special
website for
Nada Dajani, photographer
Nada Dajani, photographer
May Hilal
Director, Jericho
Jericho, West Bank
2005: ANERA built
a new library
replacing its
small, dilapidated
space. The building
houses 30,000
books, a computer
lab, and many
activity rooms.
Samer Namora
General Manager,
Cooperative Society for
Agricultural Marketing
and Processing
Hebron, West Bank
1988: ANERA’s
Phylloxera Project
upgraded the
cooperative’s nursery
and replaced dying
grapevines with 90,000
Nada Dajani, photographer
Rania Elhilou, photographer
Thareefa El Reefi
Owner of an
embroidery business
Tufah, Gaza
1995: The income she
makes from selling
her embroidery
at Gaza stores
supports her family.
An ANERA loan
helped establish
this business.
Monthly Donors
“I know my $20 per month has helped enhance
education, health and economic development
for vulnerable people throughout the Middle
East region. When I receive the newsletter and
read about the projects, it reminds me that
every month my contribution is supporting
innovative programs for Palestinian families.”
Yasmeen Shousher Moore
Monthly donor since 2008
“I have been a long-time supporter of ANERA
and I recently decided to give monthly. It gives me
peace of mind knowing that, when an emergency
happens, I’m already doing something to help.
I’m also glad to know that giving this way frees
up more resources for ANERA to spend on
important projects.”
Mary McKone
Monthly donor since 2012
“I’m happy knowing that my monthly gift
is providing vitally-needed resources for
Palestinians, not only in the West Bank and
the blockaded Gaza Strip but also the refugee
camps of Lebanon. I’m proud that, through my
gift, I’m ‘improving lives in the Middle East,’
which is ANERA’s distinctive, essential mission.”
Charlton Price
Monthly donor since 2008
Start your monthly donation today:
Financial Statement
For the fiscal years ending May 31, 2013 and 2012
Other income
Medical in-kind & health services
Community & economic
Support and revenue
In-kind contributions
Governmental/grant revenue
Non-governmental grant revenue
Total support and revenue
Program services
Public education
Total program services
Supporting services
Management & general
Total supporting services
Total expenses
Change in net assets
Net assets:
To see detailed, audited financial reports, visit
2013 Donors
$25,000 and above
Omar El Sous
Charles E. Maria
Lawrence Hamdan
Mahmud Shaikhaly
Muna & Basem Hishmeh
Robert & Susan Trice
Anonymous (3)
$10,000 to $24,999
The Ajram Family Foundation
Teri Johnson
Rabea Ataya
Mr. Edward M. Karkar
Muneer Tarazi & Renata
Teresa Barger
Alice F. Kawash
Tricia & Steve Trainer
Curtis & Judy Brand
Zahi Khouri
Clark Charitable Trust
Drs. Alfred & Dina Khoury
James E. Walker III & Deborah
Daoud & Siam Family
Lorraine LeBlanc
Mr. & Mrs. Mike de Graffenried
James & Lisa Sams
Eddie Farah
Smith Family Benevolent Fund
Mr. Howard E. Hallengren
Charles Tarazi
Margy & Dick Werling
Abbas & Samar Zuaiter
Anonymous (2)
$5,000 to $9,999
Yasmin & Salim Adaya
Jamil El Samneh
Dr. & Mrs. Lynn Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Salah Al-Askari
A. Huda Farouki
Ms. Linda Raiss
Eric A. Awad M.D.
Mazen & Caroline Farouki
Kenneth Sauer
Catherine Caneau
Tarek Ghandour
Mr. John W. Childs
Hussien Shousher & Randa
Kenneth Close
The Geoffrey Gund
Hope Fay Cobb
Doris Halaby
Bill & Barbara Corcoran
Dr. Omar M. Kader &
Dr. Nancy S. Kader
Victoria Tutterrow
Wassila & Sherif Lotfi
Anonymous (6)
Mutasem Dajani
Dr. Osama El-Khatib
Alice Rowan Swanson
Gene Zaid
Cynthia Madden
$2,500 to $4,999
James & Kathleen Stengel
Fund of the Greater
Cincinnati Foundation
Mona Aboelnaga & Sabi
Dr. Hind F. Hamdan
Yasamin Al-Askari
Dr. & Mrs. Vicken Kalbian
Hilal Al-Hilali & Mary Shevlin
Key Foundation
Mr. Michael M. Ameen, Jr.
Eileen Kilmurray
Students for Justice in
Palestine, Rutgers
University Chapter
Godfirnon Aude
Carola B. Lea
Ms. Andrea Sununu
Mr. & Mrs. Nader A. Barakat
Jozef Mertens
Yuuko Suzuki
Peter G. & Marjorie A. Behr
Charitable Foundation
New Place Fund
Ghassan & Michelle Talhami
Kalman Bland & Annabel
Mr. Scott F. Norberg
Ann M. Tanous
Mr. & Mrs. Khaled A. Othman
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Veblen
Drs. David & Charlotte Brown
Dr. Linda M. Paul
Alice Dudum
Dr. & Mrs. Muhamad Shurafa
The Witten/Nappi Charitable
In memory of Manuel G.
Abdallah Simaika
Ronald & Susanne Dudum
Mrs. Gay S. Slesar
Jason Ghannoum
John & Frank Sparacio
Charitable Foundation,
Amb. & Mrs. Edward Gnehm
Dr. Randah Hamadeh
Ermaline T. Hannum
Steve & Nancy Skancke
Mohamed Ziauddin
Anonymous (5)
$1,000 to $2,499
Dr. Rosalind S. Abernathy
Mr. Thomas Cabot
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Ford, II
Dr. & Mrs. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh
Mr. Thomas D. Cabot, Jr.
Beebe Frazer
Mr. & Mrs. Riyad Abu-Sharr
Mary Cafiero
Alicia Frenay
Sadi Abusrur
Casey/Connolly Family Fund
James P. Gallagher
Mayumi Adachi
Laura Castleberry
Dr. & Mrs. Raif S. Geha
Terry Ahwal
Mrs. Leila W. Cayci
Fadi Ghandour
Nadim S. Ajlouny
S. M. & Rukhsana Ghazanfar
Thomas Akins
Mr. Marshall Lee Chambliss &
Mrs. Carola J. Westermann
Omar Al Ansari
Joe & Judy Chamy
Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Glock
Dr. Sami J. Albanna & Dr. Linah
Barbara Chu
Melvin Goodman
Ola Cipriani
Lai Giorgio
Omar Alhwi
Nancie S. Coan
Diana Greenwald (Greenwald
Family Foundation)
Emad Aljunaidi
David Slaney & Leslie Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Haddad
Rita & Mark Allen
Ms. Camilla L. Collova
James R. Hagerty
Najwa Al-Qattan
Ann-Louise Constable
Mr. Joseph J. Hajjar
Dalia Al-Sayeh
Barbara Cook
Daniel & Alice Hall
Bassam Amin
Dan & Sidnie Crawford
Faleh Hamdan
Ghassan Amin
Peter Crawford
Mike Hammam
Addieri Andre
Ms. Luella H. Crow
Linus Hart
John Angelos
Mrs. Diana Dane Dajani
Mr. & Mrs. Sameer S. Hassan
Jane Antoun Cartelli
Zuhdi M. Dajani
Mr. John Hirschi
Ms. Maha J. Armaly
Donna Dallal-Ferne
Ms. Laila K. Atallah
Paul Dempsey
Mr. Nicholas S. Hopkins &
Ferial Ghazoul
Jesse & Maria Aweida
Denise Dickten
Linda Houghton
Mr. Kamel Ayoub
Kristin Diwan
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Houghton
Greg Bacon
George Doumar
Issa & Doris Baconi
Dr. Elinor F. Downs
Norman Howard & Maxine
Nadia Badawi
Najla Drooby
Rida Baidas
Afaf Aida Dubbelday
Marylyn Banecker
Margaret Duncan
Zeina Barkawi
Ibrahim El-Abbassi
Eissa A. Bateh & Brothers
Jacqueline Elass
Habbab Albanna
Foundation, Inc.
Ken Belcher
Peter Belmont
John Bettice
Anne Braxton
Barbara Brenner
Ms. Alice J. Brinton
Mariana Broome
Ken Budd
Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Bullard
Craig Burke & Molly Lazarus
Diane Burke
William Burke
El-Genk Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Mohamed A.
Bobbie Ellaissi
Mary Louise Ellenberger
Darik & Barbara Elwan
Mary Louise Eoloff
Dr. Manal Fakhoury
Paul Falkenbury
Dr. Rafeek M. Farah
Anwar Farmand
Ayman Farouki
Mr. & Mrs. Maged Fawzi
Wilfrid Fehrle & May Shana’a
Aktham Hussein
Katherine Ingersoll
Barbara A. Jabr
Mr. Fahd Jajeh
Les & Michele Janka
Fathi & Kawthar Jishi
Robert K. Johnson
Habib Joodeh
Mr. & Mrs. Herman W.
Laila Kassees
Omar Kassem
Dr. Deirdre Kato
Danya Kattan
Lana Kattan
Mona Kattan
Reema Kattan
Sami Kattan
Marilee Kaufman
2013 Donors
Randall Keddrick
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Oedel
Piney Kesting & Kevin
Edward T. Ordman
Lamees Talhami Raya &
Ernesto Raya
Thaira Oweity
Gomer Thomas
Karim Khalidi
Kimberly Oxholm
Michael Thomas
Faiz Khan
Arthur Paone
Susan Timmons
Najat Khelil
Christos Papadimitriou
Janet Townsley
The Kligerman Foundation
In Memory of Margaret Dale
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Turner
Husniyeh Kouttainay
Carmen Kozicki
Mr. Robert Plimpton
Ms. Carol Oman Urban
Khalid Kullab
John & Peggy Prugh
Ann & Mike Van Dusen
Lisa Kunstadter
Martin S. Quigley
John & Elizabeth Van Seters
Safia Lala
Nidal Rabah
Waseem Vimawala
Mr. & Mrs. Leighton Laughlin
Edward Raboy
Patrick Lemke
Marcelle Wahba & Derek
James B. & Joan S. Leonard
The Honorable Molly M.
Lorna M. Livingston
Fareed Rayyis
Rachel Walsh
Linda E. Long
Mr. Paul Rehm
Dr. Alan G. Walton
Gary Lorenz
Amer Rehman
Maureen Wesolowski
John Mahoney
Donald & Barbara Reid
Jane Westervelt
D. Patrick Maley & Nancy B.
Barbara Rhenish
Gregg Wiitala
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Richardson
Anna-Leila Williams
Ann M. Mallouk
Mary Rogers
Tamar Wilson
Jonathan Mark & Donna
Wanda Root
Winky Foundation
Nancy Rudolph
Mr. Bruce Masters
Mr. Imad Saad
Mr. & Mrs. Brooks
Bethany McAleer
Ghassan Sabboubeh
Soomyung Yoo
Paul McCarthy
Fuad & Mary Sahouri
Jeanne H. Young
Pamela & Robert Mertz
Mr. & Mrs. Isam N. Salah
Ms. Bernice L. Youtz
Cele Meyer
Betty H. Sams
John H. Zacharia
Mrs. Leila Meyer
Jeanne Zasadil
Jerry Mikell
William R. Sanderson &
Carolyn McCoy
Anne Modarressi
Ms. Ann Satterthwaite
James Zogby
David Moulton
Kenneth S. Savin
Joseph & Lamece Zogby
Nabil Mufti
Nesrine Shatila
Anonymous (31)
Jane H. Mullins
Omar Shishakly
Dr. Eid B. Mustafa
In Memory of Mustafa Siam
Dr. Narmeen Nabil
Mounzer Sibay
David Nalle
Yousuf Siddiqui
Ahdi Nashashibi
Tariq Nasir
Scott Smith & Dr. Lana S.
Dr. Amin T. Nasr
Gene & Peggy Somoza
Dan H. & Alice C. Nicolson
Frances & Jack Stickles
Bob & Shari Norberg
Patricia Storace
Mr. Daniel M. Norton
Dr. Nasir Suleiman
Dr. & Mrs. W. Eugene Notz
Harold L. Sweet, MSgt. USAF,
Nancy Nye & Mubarak Awad
Sam Obied
Thomas D. Swepston
Mr. & Mrs. Ayoub Talhami
Charles & Letitia Ufford
Ghassan & Suzanne Wahbeh
Peggy & Lee Zeigler
$500 to $999
Mr. & Mrs. Kamal Aboelnaga
Peggy Cave
Jeffrey & Nadine Ghannam
Anthony Aboumrad
Ms. Karen L. Cayci
Lama Ghazzaoui
Mr. Ahmad Abu Amara
Courtney Cazden
Ghassan Gheith
Dr. & Mrs. Yousef Abu-Sbaih
Mr. Charles Cerf
Ms. Nancy P. Giddens
Naser Adas
Jim & Niecy Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Heiner Giese
Dr. Parviz F. Afnan
Karin Check
Mrs. Allan Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Najeeb Ahmad
Mrs. Hope Childs
Cheryl Gnehm
Osama Ahmed
Patricia I. Cooper
Stan Goat
Karim F. Ajluni
Julia Costello
Alex Goldberg
Qadar Al-Ansari
Mr. John Cotton
Kathleen Gondar
Anne Al-Atraqchi
Lydia P. Crawford
Waleed K. Gosaynie
Amal Al Azzeh
Ms. Susan Creane
Stephanie Gray
Dr. Nidal & Lila Al Shawahin
Julian Crowell
Margaret & Tom Greene
Mahmood Al Widdi
Sarah B Cutler
Pete & Pam Gretz
Wakeem Al Widdi
Mr. Nabil R. Dajani
Catherine Grosso
Lou Allstadt & Melinda
Nabil Dajani
Monsour Haddad
Katherine Dalesandre
Nadim F. Haddad
Mohammed Alsharif
Stephen Daly
Mr. Robert J. Hadley
Marjorie M. Anderson
Emily De Ferrari & Mel Packer
Robert & Elke Hagge
William L. Andrews
Carl S. Dellmuth
Gerald Halmo
Sahar Arafat-Ray
Walter Denley
Thomas Halton
Aida Makdisi Armaly
Arlene Devlin
Ali Hamdan
Ruth E. Arneson
Nina Dodge
Dr. Safei E. Hamed
David Joseph Asfour &
Kathryn M. Asfour
Dr. & Mrs. Basim A. Dubaybo
Drs. Adnan & Raja Hammad
Wadad B. Dubbelday
Robin Harrington
Therese Duncan
John Henson
Condit & Nancy Eddy
Thomas Higgins
Dale Egee
Tarek Aref Hijaz
Dr. Al-Walid I. El-Bermani
Prof. Donald Hindley
Denise Baldwin
James Eldridge
David Hinman
Marion Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Ahmad M. ElHindi
Nabil & Zeina Hissen
Christopher Bann
Mr. & Mrs. Tarek M. Elneil
Frederic Hof
Mr. & Mrs. C. Minor Barringer
Lamia Eltouny
Mrs. Helen Holman
Tom & Molly Bartlett
Richard & Sibyl Erdman
Emily Honig
Ron Batshon
Mary Evangelista
Alan Horton
Dr. Salah Bibi
Ahmad Farah
Carlene Howland
John Bowman
Robert Fassbender
Margaret Hu
Edward Briody
Bahiya Fawaz
Sophia Huda
Joyce & Harold Buckingham
Morris Friedell
Ms. Ruth A. Hunter
Judith Butler
Ms. Donna A. Friedman
Mohammad A. Hussein
Madalyn B. Cafruny
Mr. Alan Garbutt
Maria Cancian
Harold & Janet Garman
Dr. Robert N. Husson &
Christine Desan Husson
John Candell
Mr. Joseph A. George
Raed Ibrahim
Dorothy Carroll
Mr. Bob Gerber & Dr. Veronica
Fuad Issa
Ghanem Ghannam
Mrs. Janet Jacewicz
Dr. Robert B. Ashmore
Mr. Atif Atway
Autospa, Inc.
Miss Hannahzarah
Ron W. Cathell
Carole Mallick Issel
2013 Donors
Tala Jallad
Janis Maddox
Amal Abuzalaf Mull
Niddal Jamali
Michael Malouf
Thomas Muller
Betsy Jay
Drs. Frank & Mona Mange
Lina Murad
David Albert Jenkins
Ann & Steve Manson
Janice L. Murphy
Cyrus M. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nabeel S. Mansour
Cristian Murray
Anna & Ollie Jones
Patricia Mansur
Ted & Mary Gene Myer
Earl Jones
Hubert & Rachelle Marshall
Dean Kader
Dr. Ilham Nasser & Dr.
Mohammed Abu Nimer
Sarah Kahoun
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick
Mason, Jr.
Nabil Kattouah
Nabil Matar
Maybelle Newby-Bennett
J. Kellenberger
Mr. & Mrs. S. Dean
McBride, Jr.
Jean Newsom
Daniel McHugh
Mr. Michael O. Nimkoff
Mary McKone
NOA Rugs & Home
Mr. Michael McWilliams
Hans Noll
Mr. Heinrich A. Medicus
Dr. Patricia Norwood
Prof. George E. Mendenhall
James Novosel
Barbara Mertz
Phyllis & Robert Oakley
James A. Miller
Dean Obeidallah
Rizwan Mithani
Sara Ohly
Mr. Glenn Moeller
Karen Oldani
Afroze Mohammed
Sandra Kathleen Orange
Suleman Mohammed
John Pachai
Maria-Victoria Isabel
Mercedes Moreira & John
Mark Gilbert
Mrs. Katharine L. Patterson
Morningside Monthly
Meeting of the Religious
Society of Friends
Anthony Perry
George Moseley III
Lauren Pettinga
Kathy Motyka
Charles Pigott
Arthur Kennedy
Josephine George Khan
Dr. Ziad & Wafa Kharuf
Ziad Khatib
Fahil Kheir
Rami Khouri
Michael & Anne Khoury
Timothy King
Mr. Michael J. Klinkenberg
Ann Kohl
Jane Kristof
Frederick Kunreuther
Anne Lambert
Joan & Kendall Landis
Susan Lanser
Yang Li
Ms. Nancy Lindenberg
Joanne E. Lotreck
Mar Ludeman
Warren L. & Susan Nelson
Mike Nicholls
Hunter Pendleton
Syed Z. Pervaiz
Dr. Samuel R. Peterson
Manfred Muehter
3,500 children
came to ANERA’s
summer camps
across Gaza. Areej,
a camp leader in the
El-Shijaeya area of
Gaza, said she was
delighted that the
children were able
to develop their
minds through fun,
creative activities.
Rania Elhilou, photographer
Hertha Poje Ammoumi
Mr. William Scanlan, Jr.
J.F. & D. Tomb
Elizabeth Herrick Pollack
Charles Miles Schmidt
Jane Power
Dennis & Verena Seisun
Elena Turner & Abdul Aziz
Charlton Price
Liza Seymour
Robert Turner
Anwar Qazilbash
Dr. & Mrs. Irfan Shahid
Michael Ulanski
William B. Quandt & Helena
Father George Shalhoub
Henri & Irene Van Helden
Karen Shatzkin
Lesly Vedder
Dr. & Mrs. Bouchaib Rabbani
Samir Shehab
John Viste
Maha Rabie
Mr. & Mrs. Henry N. Shoiket
Mr. & Mrs. Harris C. Webster
Caroline Ramsay & John
Ms. Elisabeth Simon
Monique Weil
Giulia Simpson
Sheila Weinberg
Charles R. Smith
Mrs. Eric W. Weinmann
James Smith
Allen C. West
Judith & James Smith
David & Lindsay West
Victor Rodriguez
Kevin Smith
Henry O. Whiteside
M.J. Rosenberg
Helga & John Stanton
Richard & Louise Wilde
Bruce Rosenblum
Joseph Stein
Anne W. Williams
Nuhad Ruggiero
Ms. Mae Stephen
C. Webb Williams
Mary M. Russell
Craig Stevens
Marvin Wingfield
Jonathan Russin
Mr. Robert A. Stolzberg
Mr. Russell B. Wolff
Bryan Rutledge
Romain & Juanita
Jennifer Woodward
Dr. Joseph & Nadia Tamari
Omar Zalatimo
Ahmad Tamimi
Salah Zalatimo
Leila Tarazi
Renda Zeibaq & Craig Grassi
Monica Tarazi
Madeline Zilfi
Randa Tawil
Dr. Gabriele M. Zu-Rhein
Jan Sanders
Mona & Jordan Thomas
Anonymous (33)
Craig Sands
Ian Thomson
Raymond Rignall
Mr. Karim Rimawi
Captain & Mrs. Evan
Mahmoud Saad
Hameed Saba
Hani & Reema Saleh
Dr. & Mrs. Anis K. Saliba
Dr. Muhammad & Helen
Ms. Lorraine D. Tillrock
These two
residents of
Nahr El Bared
refugee camp in
Lebanon attended
workshop where
they learned a
simple irrigation
technique that
makes use of
plasic bottles.
Martine Btaich, photographer
Arthur Wortman
2013 Donors
ANERA’s In-Kind Partners
International Health Partners
Medical Teams International
Catholic Medical Mission Board
Mennonite Central Committee
Direct Relief
International Relief &
Free Wheelchair Mission
Latter-Day Saint Charities
TOMS Shoes
Genzyme Corporation
Lutheran World Relief
Globus Relief
United Methodist Committee
on Relief
Hope Haven
MAP International
Wheels for Humanity
Physicians for Peace
Matching Gift Donors
Bennett, Bigelow & Leedom, P.S.
ExxonMobil Foundation
Oracle Matching Gifts Program
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
GE Foundation
Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
Charles Stewart Mott
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Silicon Valley Community
Chevron Humankind Program
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Cleveland H. Dodge
Foundation, Inc.
ING Foundation
“Because I believe in ANERA so
much and the good it does...”
30 years after she first started giving to
ANERA, Marjorie Anderson explains why
ANERA is in her will.
ANERA mourns the passing of these valued
members of our community, but we still
benefit from their generous spirit. Through
their bequest gifts, they continue to
demonstrate their commitment to ANERA’s
work and set an example for others. These
gifts mean ANERA will be here tomorrow,
so people throughout the Middle East may
live with the dignity we all deserve.
2013 Funding Organizations
$100,000 and above
Dubai Cares
$2,500 to $4,999
Islamic Cultural Center of Greater Chicago
His Highness the Emir of Kuwait
Ramallah Club of Metro Detroit
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
St. John’s Episcopal Church - Georgetown Parish
Mercy Corps
Anonymous (1)
OPEC Fund for International Development
Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabian Oil Company)
The Reach Out to Asia Foundation
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
United States Agency for International
$50,000 - 99,999
Bank of Palestine
Mel Wolf Foundation
$25,000 to $49,999
ExxonMobil Corporation
Foundation For Middle East Peace
International Development Research Centre
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Contribution Fund
Zakat Foundation of America
Anonymous (1)
$10,000 to $24,999
Dominic Simpson Memorial Trust
Global Impact
$1,000 to $2,499
American Institutes for Research
Arab Women’s Council
Authors & Publisher of “The Gaza Kitchen”
Embassy of Jordan
ExxonMobil Foundation
Folk Art Mavens Ltd.
General Delegation of the PLO to the U.S.
KPM Consulting LLC
National U.S. Arab Chamber of Commerce
River Road Unitarian Church, Bethesda, MD
Ruby K. Worner Charitable Trust
Schwab Charitable Fund
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Brookline, MA
The Gill Family Charitable Fund
The Lisa Esherick Fund at the East Bay Community
Wichita Falls Area Community Foundation
- John Hirschi Donor Advised Fund
Williamsburg Presbyterian Church,
Williamsburg, VA
Youth Emergency Services
The Kaufman Family Foundation
World Service Meditation Group Fund for
Anonymous (1)
$5,000 to $9,999
Al Gezairi Transport
Cultures of Resistance Network Foundation
David and Katherine Moore Family Foundation
Embassy of the State of Qatar
Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center
The Priory in the U.S.A. of the Order of St. John
United Methodist Committee on Relief
Huda, participant in ANERA’s West Bank
farmers-teaching-farmers program, shared her
story about reclaiming and making fertile a
once-neglected piece of land.
Nada Dajani, photographer
The Olayan Group
ANERA Board of Directors
Edward Gnehm, Chair
Kuwait Professor, The Elliott School,
George Washington University;
Former Ambassador to Jordan,
Kuwait, Australia; Deputy Head, U.S.
Mission to the U.N.
Mary Lou Dunford Afifi
HR Consultant
Ilham Nasser, Ph.D., Vice Chair
Professor of Early Childhood
Education, George Mason
Alfred N. Khoury, M.D., Vice Chair
President, Perinatal Associates of
Northern Virginia
Teresa C. Barger, Treasurer
CEO/Chief Investment Officer, Cartica
Capital, Washington, DC
Murad M. Siam, Secretary of the
Managing Director, IDS Real Estate
Group, Inc, Los Angeles, CA
George Doumar, Legal Counsel
Doumar Martin, PLLC, Arlington, VA
Gaby A. Ajram
Former CEO, Papercon Inc.
Curtis W. Brand
Former Chairman & CEO,
Mobil Saudi Arabia
Sandra L. Charles
Senior Advisor, Dentons
Kenneth H. Close
CEO & Founding Partner,
The Quincy Group
George DeBakey
President, DeBakey
Mazen T. Farouki
President, UniTrans
International, Inc.
James P. Gallagher
President, The Gallagher
Group, LLC
Jeffrey Ghannam, Esq.
Attorney & Counselor,
Law Offices of Jeffrey
Ghannam, PLLC
Jean Glock
Director, Leisure & Group
Travel Connoisseur
Travel, Ltd.
Lawrence A. Hamdan
Executive Chairman,
Global Mergers &
Acquisitions, Barclays
Khalil E. Jahshan
Randa Mansour-Shousher,
Doctor of Audiology,
Northwest Ohio Hearing
Robert Anton Mertz, Ph.D.
Former Project Manager,
World Bank
John P. Richardson
Writer; ANERA president
Joseph P. Saba
Adjunct Professor,
Georgetown University;
Senior Advisor &
Consultant for
Operations in Conflict &
Fragile States
James K. Sams
Principal, KPMG LLP
Jay J. Schnitzer, M.D., Ph.D.
Muna Shami, Ph.D.
Senior Research Analyst,
American Institute for
Abdallah Simaika
Robert H. Trice
Former Senior Vice
President, Global
Strategies & New
Business, Lockheed
Martin Corporation
Tom C. Veblen
Convener, The Superior
Business Firm
Marcelle M. Wahba
President, DerMar
International, LLC
Rochdi A. Younsi, Ph.D.
Director, International
Government Relations,
Samar D. Zuaiter
Civic Leader
Advisory Council
Matthew C. Haimes
Doris C. Halaby
Richard Hall
Michael P. Hamilton
Stephen D. Hayes
Richard P. Holmes
Arthur A. Houghton
Barbara A. Jabr
Les Janka
Omar M. Kader
Vicken V. Kalbian, M.D.
Jill H. Kassis
Fawzi A. Kawash
Christie McGue
George Y. Nasra
Jean C. Newsom
Robert L. Norberg
Walter C. Reichert
Sara M. Roy
Maggie Mitchell Salem
Jane W. Schweiker
Irfan A. Shahid
Nabil F. Shawwa
Frances C. Stickles
Muneer A. Tarazi
Timothy A. Taylor
Nicholas Veliotes
James Walker
Margaret W. Werling
Philip C. Wilcox Jr.
Rania Elhilou, photographer
Mona Aboelnaga
Ayman Adhair
Her Majesty Queen Noor Al
Michael M. Ameen Jr.
D. Joseph Asfour
Kamel Ayoub
Thomas D. Cabot
Hope F. Cobb
Diana Dane Dajani
Nour M. Daoud
Mike de Graffenried
Ronald A. Dudum
Randa Fahmy Hudome
Everett E. Gendler
Curtis G. Giesen
Lawrence S. Giesen
The impact of airstrikes in Gaza in November
2012 mostly destroyed public buildings, but
there was also collateral damage. In some
villages water tanks on top of family homes were
shattered. With funding from the Emir of Kuwait,
ANERA installed new tanks on 120 homes, like
the Amshas’ in Beit Hanoon.
Bill Corcoran
President & CEO
Rami Azzam
Director of Online Strategy &
Liz Demarest
Director of Communications
Mamoun Abu-Gheith
Emile Makhlouf
Manager of Finance
Faten Salameh Abu Zaid
Compliance Officer
Mario Manneh
Chief Engineer / Design
Majdi Al-Faqeeh
Monitoring & Evaluation Assistant –
Data Management
Khaled Mar’i
Senior Office Engineer
Tamara Handal Al-Hodali
Senior Accountant
Dina Muna
Niki Erickson
Manager of Operations, HQ
Barihan Al-Khatib
Administrative Assistant /
Louay Nashashibi
Infrastructure Coordinator
Ellen Giordano
Vice President Business
Development & Fundraising
Doris Anfous
Executive Assistant / Privately
Funded Projects Coordinator
Jennifer Ibrahim
Director of Programs
Nadia Awad
Executive Assistant for PCID Chief
of Party
Donna Diane
Chief Financial Officer
Laurie Kassman
Media Relations Officer
Natalia Luchkina
Director of Accounting
Michelle Munjanattu
Program Assistant
Nancy Nye
Director of Donor Stewardship
Keysha Porte
Staff Accountant
Shedrick Spencer
Donor Systems Coordinator
Paul Butler
Country Director
Samar Baidas
Reporting & Monitoring Manager
Mazen Dabbagh
New Business Development
Nada Dajani
Communications Officer
Amjad Ebeid
IT Officer
Denise Habash
Program Assistant
Amani Omari Ja’far
Monitoring & Evaluation Assistant –
Data Entry
Lana Khalidi
Manager of Administration & HR
Jamal Al-Aref
Deputy Country Director & Chief
of Party for PCID Program
Samar Naser Abu Ajamieh
Senior Administrative Assistant
Rana Laila
Procurement & Compliance
Samia Majlaton
Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
Ibtissam Rashid
Communications / PR Officer
Jubran Said
Deputy Chief of Party, PCID
Lousana Sharif
Procurement / Compliance
Reem Shrayda
Communications / PR Coordinator
Mohamad Shweiki
Infrastructure Coordinator
Mohammed Abu-Rajab Al Tamimi
Hebron Area Director
Shatha Al-Ayaydeh
Administrative Assistant
Samer Al-Natsha
Infrastructure Coordinator
Hanadi Darwish
Infrastructure Coordinator
Niveen Hijazi
Community Outreach Coordinator
Khaldoun Hmeidan
Infrastructure Coordinator
Rami Kafiety
Infrastructure Coordinator
ANERA advances the well-being of people in the
West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon and Jordan. Through
partnerships and close consultation with local
groups and communities, ANERA responds
to economic, health and educational needs
with sustainable solutions and also delivers
humanitarian aid during emergencies.
Five-year-old Malak
Al-Ja’ara reads a
story on her own
at the Bethlehem
Children’s Kindergarten,
a school that has been
part of ANERA’s Early
Childhood Development
Program since 2010.
Nada Dajani, photographer
Rabah Odeh
Nablus Area Director
Amer Al-Sharif
Infrastructure Coordinator
Mohammed Jamleh
Community Outreach Coordinator
Maram Mattour
Administrative Assistant
Ayman Minawi
Infrastructure Coordinator
Mohammad Tuffaha
Infrastructure Coordinator
Rula Abu Dakka
Right Start! Area Coordinator
Islam Muhanna
Agronomist, Home Gardens Project
Mohammed Abu Jahal
Warehouse Assistant
Menna Sesalim
Right Start! Finance / Compliance
Khalda Abu Samra
Right Start! Area Coordinator
Faisal Abu Shahla
Gaza Area Manager, EWAS II
Sabah Moghrabi Al-Barakoni
Gaza Office Manager
Mostafa Al Ghosain
In-Kind Manager, Gaza
Naima Tarabeen
Right Start! Monitoring & Evaluation
Ali Yacuob
Right Start! Program Coordinator
Nida Awadh Ya’coub
Right Start! Area Coordinator
Mona Zakout Abu Share’ah
Right Start! Program Manager
Mohammad Al-Ghussein
Early Childhood Development
Program Officer
Hani Khleif
In-Kind Director, West Bank & Gaza
Ahmad Al-Najjar
In-Kind Program Coordinator, Gaza
Samar El-Yassir
Country Director
Mohammad Atieh
In-Kind Field Assistant
Mariam Al-Qaisi
Right Start! Area Coordinator
George Abi Abdallah
Administration & Finance Manager
Mohammad Mahmoud Ma’tan
Warehouse Assistant
Abeer Aqeel
Office Engineer for EWAS II
Nawal Al Kurdi
Education Program Coordinator
Suad Lubbad Badr
Right Start! Child Health Education
Jacki Atwi
Program Manager
Sulaima Abu El Haj
Early Childhood Education
Sulieman Mleahat
Education Program Manager
Naser Qadous
Agricultural Projects Manager
Said Adel Zagha
Project Assistant for IDRC
Rania Hilou El-Namarah
Communications Officer
Mousa El-Shawa
Support Services
Ashraf El-Shobaki
Infrastructure Coordinator,
Dema El-Tabba’
Administrative Assistant
Nahed Al-Wehaidi
Gaza Area Director
Tahani Khadder
Right Start! Area Coordinator
Najla Abu Aown
Right Start! Area Coordinator
Sami Mattar
Right Start! Project Engineer
Karim Babouder Matta
Program Assistant
Charlotte Bruneau
Communications Officer
Nadia Dalloul
Medical In-Kind Advisor
Dima Zayat Shehab
Health Program Manager
To ensure wise
and effective
of your
money, ANERA
controls over
project funds,
working only
with highly
and trusted
local partners,
in compliance
with relevant
U.S. laws and
Gaza City
2010 Annual Report
ANERA delivered
humanitarian aid to
thousands of Palestinian
refugees, like this mother of
three, who fled the conflict
in Syria and sought refuge
in Lebanon’s chronically
overcrowded refugee camps.
Gaza City
Charlotte Bruneau, photographer
For more information about our programs
and how you can help, please contact us at:
American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA)
1111 14th Street NW, #400
Washington, DC 20005
Tel 202.266.9700
Fax 202.266.9701
[email protected]