EuroGNC 2013


EuroGNC 2013
EuroGNC 2013
2nd CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control
10-12 April 2013 - Delft - The Netherlands
Program Booklet
EuroGNC 2013 Program
The EuroGNC2013, the 2nd CEAS
Specialist Conference on Guidance
Navigation and Control, is being
held in Delft, The Netherlands,
from April 10-12, 2013 and is
organized by the Faculty of
Aerospace Engineering of the Delft
University of Technology.
The organizers of this conference
like to welcome attendees to this
event which covers a wide range
of topics in aerospace guidance,
navigation, estimation and control.
Local Organizing Committee:
Bob Mulder (Chairman)
Qiping Chu
Daniel Choukroun
Erik-Jan van Kampen
Coen de Visser
Bertine Markus
International Program Committee
Daniel Alazard, ISAE, France
Gertjan Looye, DLR, Germany
Mark Balas,University of Wyoming,
Karl Heinz Kienitz, Instituto
Tecnologico de Aeronautica,
Henk Blom, NLR, The Netherlands
Jan Breeman, NLR, The
John Crassidis, University at
Buffalo, USA
Philipp Kraemer, Eurocopter,
Marco Lovera, Politecnico di
Milano, Italy
Jörg Dittrich, DLR, Germany
Robert Luckner, Berlin Technical
University, Germany
Chris Edwards, University of
Leicester, UK
Felix Mora-Camino, ENAC, France
Alexej Efremov, Moscow Aviation
Institute, Russia
Janusz Narkiewicz, Warsaw
University, Poland
Patrick Fabiani, ONERA, France
Guillermo Ortega, ESA,
Walter Fichter, Universität
Stuttgart, Germany
Stephan Theil, DLR, Germany
Luisella Giulicchi, ESA/ESTEC, The
Martin Hagström, Swedish Defense
Research Agency, Sweden
Florian Holzapfel, Technische
Universität München, Germany
Eric Johnson, Georgia Institute of
Technology, USA
Andrzej Tomczyk, Rzeszów
University of Technology, Poland
Michel Verhaegen, Delft University
of Technology, The Netherlands
Martin Weiss, TNO, The
Ali Zolghadri, IMS Bordeaux,
Keynote Speakers
Ronald A. Hess
University of
California, Davis
“Pilot/Vehicle Analysis
in Loss-of-Control
Jason L. Speyer
University of
California, Los
“Stochastic Estimation
and Control for Vector
Linear Systems with
Cauchy Noise“
This program booklet is published
for the EuroGNC 2013 which is
being held from 10-12 of April
2013 at the Delft University of
Technology in the Netherlands.
Cover photo:
Graphic Design:
TU Delft
S. Ramadier
(Airbus S.A.S.)
Rinske Wessels
The Printer,
Local Organizing
For more information send an
e-mail to: [email protected]
Eric N. Johnson
Georgia Inst. of
Guillermo Ortega
ESA - European
Space Agency, ESTEC
“Guidance and
Navigation: Key
to Making Small
Unmanned Systems do
Big Things”
Mark J. Balas
University of
“Robust Adaptive
Control for InfiniteDimensional Systems
with Application to
Aerospace Structures
and Quantum Systems”
Christophe Bonnal
CNES – Centre
National d’Etudes
EuroGNC 2013 Program
Introduction to the CEAS EuroGNC conference
The CEAS EuroGNC Conference
aims to promote new advances
in aerospace GNC theory and
technologies for enhancing
safety, survivability, efficiency,
performance, autonomy and
intelligence of aerospace systems
using on-board sensing and
computing systems.
The European Aerospace GNC
Conference 2013 will serve as a
platform for communication and
information exchange between
specialists in these fields. As the
European countries host a large
community of scientists and
engineers working in the many
fields of aerospace GNC, the
motive behind this international
conference is to stimulate synergy
among these fields.
The organization of the CEAS
EuroGNC 2013 would have been
impossible without the strong
support of many people and
communities. On behalf of the
Local Organization Committee of
CEAS EuroGNC 2013, we would like
to thank all contributors to the
conference. These contributors
are: Council of European Aerospace
Societies CEAS, the organizers of
the first CEAS EuroGNC 2011 in
particular also DGLR, the Faculty
of Aerospace Engineering of Delft
University of Technology, the
European Conference on Aerospace
Sciences EUCASS, the American
Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics AIAA, the Institute
of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers IEEE, the European
Collaborative Dissemination
of Aeronautical research and
applications E-CAero, all members
of the CEAS EuroGNC 2013
International Program Committee,
all reviewers of technical papers,
the ‘Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Luchtvaarttechniek’ NVvL, the
‘Nederlandse Vereniging voor
Ruimtevaart’ NVR, the Delft
University of Technology, and the
City of Delft.
Map of Delft
Social Events
As a part of the CEAS EuroGNC
conference, a reception will take
place at the historical City Hall
of Delft. All participants of the
conference are invited to attend
the reception, which will take
place on April 10th at 18:30.
Address: Markt 87, Delft
City Hall of Delft
QR-code for walking route from the
Aula to the City Hall of Delft
The conference dinner will take
place on April 11th at 19.00 in
de Van der Mandelezaal at the
Prinsenhof in Delft. The dinner
location is attached to Museum het
Prinsenhof, which tells the story of
William of Orange and his role in
the creation of the Dutch Republic.
Museum entry is included with
the conference dinner and special
guided tours for larger groups can
be arranged.
Address: Sint Agathaplein 1, Delft
City Hall
Van der Mandelezaal, Prinsenhof
QR-code for walking route from the
Aula to the Princenhof, Delft
10 - 12 April 2013
EuroGNC 2013 Program
Wednesday April 10, 2013
Ground Hall
Opening and Welcome Address:
Prof. Karel Luyben, Rector Magnificus, Delft Univ. of Tech.
Prof. Florian Holzapfel, Tech. Univ. of Munich
Keynote: Ronald A. Hess,
Pilot/Vehicle Analysis in Loss-Of-Control Research
Coffee Break
Collegezaal C - WeAT1
Special Session MAV/UAV
Aeronautical Applications 1
Senaatzaal - WeAT2
Commissiekamer 3 - WeAT3
Space Applications 1
Aeronautical Applications 2
Collegezaal C - WeBT1
Control 1
Senaatzaal - WeBT2
Special Session MAV/UAV
Aeronautical Applications 3
Coffee Break
Collegezaal C - WeCT1
Senaatzaal - WeCT2
Invited Session:
Missile Guidance
Estimation 1
City Hall, Delft
Legenda Session Code:
We - A - T1
Day - Time - Track
We = Wednesday
Th = Thursday
Fr = Friday
Commissiekamer 3 - WeBT3
Aeronautical Applications 4
Commissiekamer 3 - WeCT3
Control 2
City Hall Reception:
Delft Deputy Mayor, and Dr. David Marshall, CEAS President
A = Morning session
B = Early afternoon session
C = Late afternoon session
T1 = Track 1 in Collegezaal C
T2 = Track 2 in Senaatzaal
T3 = Track 3 in Commissiekamer 3
EuroGNC 2013 Program
Thursday April 11, 2013
Ground Hall
Collegezaal C
Keynote: Eric Johnson
Guidance and Navigation:
Key to Making Small Unmanned Systems Do Big Things
Coffee Break
Collegezaal C - ThAT1
Aeronautical Applications 5
Senaatzaal - ThAT2
Special Session MAV/UAV
Aeronautical Applications 6
Collegezaal C
Keynote: Jason L. Speyer,
Stochastic Estimation and Control
for Vector Linear Systems with Cauchy Noise
Coffee Break
Collegezaal C - ThBT1
Senaatzaal - ThBT2
Control 3
Estimation 2
Coffee Break
Collegezaal C - ThCT1
Senaatzaal - ThCT2
Commissiekamer 3 - ThCT3
Aeronautical Applications 7
Space Applications 2
Space Applications 3
Van der Mandelezaal,
Prinsenhof, Delft
Conference Dinner at the Delft Prinsenhof:
Ben Droste, Founding Partner Space Expedition Corporation,
& Christophe Hermans, DNW Deputy Director/NVvL Secretary
Commissiekamer 3 - ThAT3
ECAERO Invited Session:
Active Space Debris Removal
Commissiekamer 3 - ThBT3
Invited Session:
Legenda Session Code:
We - A - T1
Day - Time - Track
We = Wednesday
Th = Thursday
Fr = Friday
A = Morning session
B = Early afternoon session
C = Late afternoon session
T1 = Track 1 in Collegezaal C
T2 = Track 2 in Senaatzaal
T3 = Track 3 in Commissiekamer 3
10 - 12 April 2013
EuroGNC 2013 Program
Friday April 12, 2013
Ground Hall
Collegezaal C
Keynote: Mark Balas
Robust Adaptive Control for Infinite-Dimensional Systems with
Application to Aerospace Structures and Quantum Systems
Coffee Break
Collegezaal C - FrAT1
Senaatzaal - FrAT2
Space Applications 4
Aeronautical Applications 8
Collegezaal C
Keynote: Guillermo Ortega
Head, GN&C Section, ESA
Collegezaal C
Keynote: Christophe Bonnal
Launcher Directorate, CNES
Coffee Break
Collegezaal C - FrBT1
Senaatzaal - FrBT2
Commissiekamer 3 - FrBT3
Control 4
Estimation 3
Aeronautical Applications 9
Commissiekamer 3 - FrAT3
Invited Session:
Legenda Session Code:
We - A - T1
Day - Time - Track
We = Wednesday
Th = Thursday
Fr = Friday
A = Morning session
B = Early afternoon session
C = Late afternoon session
T1 = Track 1 in Collegezaal C
T2 = Track 2 in Senaatzaal
T3 = Track 3 in Commissiekamer 3
Content List of 2nd CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control
Technical Program for Wednesday April 10, 2013
Aeronautical Applications 1 (MAV/UAV) (Regular Session)
Chair: Johnson, Eric N.
Application of Frequency-Limited Adaptive Quadrocopter Control, pp. 1-16.
Scheper, Kirk Y. W.
Magree, Daniel
Yucelen, Tansel
De La Torre, Gerardo
Johnson, Eric N.
Autonomous Wind Tunnel Free-Flight of a Flapping Wing MAV, pp. 17-35.
De Wagter, Christophe
Koopmans, Andries
de Croon, Guido
Remes, Bart
Ruijsink, Rick
Collegezaal C
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
A Flight State Estimator That Couples Stereo-Vision, INS, and GNSS Pseudo-Ranges to Navigate with Three or Less
Satellites, pp. 36-55.
Andert, Franz
DLR German Aerospace Center
Dittrich, Jörg
DLR German Aerospace Center
Batzdorfer, Simon
Tech. Univ. Braunschweig
Becker, Martin
Tech. Univ. Braunschweig
Bestmann, Ulf
Tech. Univ. Braunschweig
Hecker, Peter
Tech. Univ. Braunschweig
L1 Adaptive Control for Systems with Matched Stochastic Disturbance, pp. 56-71.
Souanef, Toufik
Pinchetti, Federico
Fichter, Walter
Space Applications 1 (Regular Session)
Chair: Choukroun, Daniel
Relative Optical Navigation for a Lunar Lander Mission, pp. 72-90.
Verveld, Mark Johannes
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Applied to Vision-Based Spacecraft Landing, pp. 91-107.
Izzo, Dario
de Croon, Guido
Univ. of Stuttgart
Univ. of Stuttgart
Univ. of Stuttgart
Delft Univ. of Tech.
DLR German Aerospace Center
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Conception of Sub-Optimal Solution for Spacecraft Rendezvous Near an Elliptic Orbit, pp. 108-117.
Felisiak, Piotr
Wroclaw Univ. of Tech.
Sibilski, Krzysztof
Wroclaw Univ. of Tech.
Aeronautical Applications 2 (Regular Session)
Chair: Delannoy, Stephane
Commissiekamer 3
Airbus France
Automatic Control Generation for Aircraft Taxi Systems through Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion of Object-Oriented
Model, pp. 118-130.
Re, Fabrizio
Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters from Simulated Data of an Aircraft, pp. 131-143.
R, Dhayalan
A New Approach for the Validation of Potential Pilot Gain Measures, pp. 144-163.
Niewind, Ina
DLR German Aerospace Center
Indian Inst. of Tech. at Kanpur
DLR German Aerospace Center
Longitudinal Control Law for Modern Long Range Civil Aircraft, pp. 164-180.
Delannoy, Stephane
Oudin, Simon
Control 1 (Regular Session)
Chair: Edwards, Christopher
Collegezaal C
Univ. of Leicester
Model Reference Adaptive Control of Mildly Non-Linear Systems with Time Varying Input Delays - Part I, pp. 181-191.
Nelson, James
Univ. of Wyoming
Balas, Mark
Univ. of Wyoming
Erwin, Richard
US Air Force Res. Lab.
Model Reference Adaptive Control of Mildly Non-Linear Systems with Time Varying Input Delays - Part II, pp. 192-203.
Nelson, James
Univ. of Wyoming
Balas, Mark
Univ. of Wyoming
Erwin, Richard
US Air Force Res. Lab.
Improving the Performance of an Actuator Control Scheme During Saturation, pp. 204-216.
Lo, Chang How
Cranfield Univ.
Shin, Hyo-Sang
Cranfield Univ.
Tsourdos, Antonios
Cranfield Univ.
Kim, Seung-Hwan
Agency for Defense Development
Concurrent Learning Adaptive Model Predictive Control, pp. 217-235.
Chowdhary, Girish
Mühlegg, Maximilian
How, Jonathan P.
Holzapfel, Florian
Aeronautical Applications 3 (MAV/UAV) (Regular Session)
Chair: Looye, Gertjan
Adaptive Trajectory Controller for Generic Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aircraft, pp. 236-255.
Mühlegg, Maximilian
Dauer, Johann
Dittrich, Jörg
Holzapfel, Florian
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Tech. Univ. Munchen
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Tech. Univ. München
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Tech. Univ. Munchen
DLR German Aerospace Center
DLR German Aerospace Center
Tech. Univ. München
Decoupling the Eye: A Key Toward a Robust Hovering for Sighted Aerial Robots, pp. 256-275.
Manecy, Augustin
Inst. of the Movement Sciences
Juston, Raphaël
Inst. of the Movement Sciences
Marchand, Nicolas
Viollet, Stephane
Inst. of the Movement Sciences
Integrated Modelling of an Unmanned High-Altitude Solar-Powered Aircraft for Control Law Design Analysis, pp.
Klöckner, Andreas
Leitner, Martin
Schlabe, Daniel
Looye, Gertjan
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
DLR German Aerospace Center
Non-Cascaded Dynamic Inversion Design for Quadrotor Position Control with L1 Augmentation, pp. 291-310.
Wang, Jian
Tech. Univ. München
Holzapfel, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
Xargay, Enric
UIUC Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hovakimyan, Naira
UIUC Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aeronautical Applications 4 (Regular Session)
Commissiekamer 3
Chair: Schönfeld, Andrej
TU Berlin
Modification of the Approaches to Flying Qualities and PIO Event Prediction, pp. 311-322.
Efremov, Alexander
Korovin, Alexander
Koshelenko, Alexander
MAI Moscow Aviation Inst.
MAI Moscow Aviation Inst.
MAI Moscow Aviation Inst.
Investigation of Manual Control Behaviour During Flight Control Mode Switching: Test Procedure and Preliminary
Results, pp. 323-342.
Schönfeld, Andrej
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Design of a Waypoint Tracking Control Algorithm for Parachute-Payload Systems, pp. 343-359.
Gursoy, Gonenc
Prach, Anna
Yavrucuk, Ilkay
Middle East Tech. Univ.
Middle East Tech. Univ.
Middle East Tech. Univ.
A Frequency-Limited H2 Model Approximation Method with Application to a Medium-Scale Flexible Aircraft, pp. 360-375.
Vuillemin, Pierre
Poussot-Vassal, Charles
Alazard, Daniel
Univ. de Toulouse, ISAE
Estimation 1 (Regular Session)
Chair: Fichter, Walter
Collegezaal C
Inst. of Flight Mechanics and Control, Univ. of Stuttgart
A Spherical Coordinate Parametrization for an In-Orbit Bearings-Only Navigation Filter, pp. 376-393.
Grzymisch, Jonathan
Univ. of Stuttgart
Fichter, Walter
Univ. of Stuttgart
Casasco, Massimo
Damiana, Losa
Thales Alenia Space
Oscillatory Failure Case Detection for Aircraft Using Non-Homogeneous Differentiator in Noisy Environment, pp.
Cieslak, Jérôme
Univ. Bordeaux
Efimov, Denis
Zolghadri, Ali
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Henry, David
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Goupil, Philippe
Air Data Sensor Fault Detection Using Kinematic Relations, pp. 414-428.
Van Eykeren, Laurens
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Spacecraft Fault Detection & Isolation System Design Using Decentralized Analytical Redundancy, pp. 429-446.
Indra, Saurabh
Travé-Massuyès, Louise
Invited Session: Missile Guidance (Regular Session)
Chair: Weiss, Martin
Linear Quadratic Integrated vs. Separated Autopilot-Guidance Design (I), pp. 447-466.
Levy, Maital
Shima, Tal
Gutman, Shaul
Model Formulation of Pursuit Problem with Two Pursuers and One Evader (I), pp. 467-483.
Patsko, Valery, S.
Le Menec, Stephane
Kumkov, Sergey
Single vs Two-Loop Integrated Guidance Systems (I), pp. 484-498.
Gutman, Shaul
Rubinsky, Sergey
Shima, Tal
Levy, Maital
On the Crucial Role of the Estimation in Interception Endgames (I), pp. 499-506.
Shinar, Josef
Turetsky, Vladimir
Control 2 (Regular Session)
Chair: Alazard, Daniel
TNO Organization
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Russian Acad. of Sciences UrB
Russian Acad. of Sciences UrB
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Ort Braude Coll.
Commissiekamer 3
Univ. de Toulouse, ISAE
The Influence of the Taylor Series Remainder on an Incremental Non-Linear Dynamic Inversion Controller, pp. 507-522.
Hertog, A.L.
Linear Parameter Varying Control of an Agile Missile Model Based on the Induced L2-Norm Framework, pp. 523-534.
Tekin, Raziye
DLR German Aerospace Center
Pfifer, Harald
DLR German Aerospace Center
Similarities of Hedging and L1 Adaptive Control, pp. 535-554.
Bierling, Thomas
Höcht, Leonhard
Merkl, Christian
Holzapfel, Florian
Maier, Rudolf
Nonlinear Output-Feedback H-Infinity Control for Spacecraft Attitude Control, pp. 555-574.
Capua, Alon
Berman, Nadav
Shapiro, Amir
Choukroun, Daniel
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
EADS Innovation Works
Ben-Gurion Univ.
Ben Gurion Univ.
Ben-Gurion Univ.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Technical Program for Thursday April 11, 2013
Aeronautical Applications 5 (Regular Session)
Collegezaal C
Chair: Sieberling, Sören
Ampyx Power B.V.
Adaptive Control of Flutter Suppression of Wind Turbine Blade Using Microtabs, pp. 575-592.
Li, Nailu
Balas, Mark
Nikoueeyan, Pourya
Univ. of Wyoming
Univ. of Wyoming
Univ. of Wyoming
Flight Guidance and Control of a Tethered Airplane in an AirborneWind Energy Application, pp. 593-607.
Sieberling, Sören
Ampyx Power B.V.
Design and Flight Testing of Nonlinear Autoflight Control Laws Incorporating Direct Lift Control, pp. 608-627.
Lombaerts, Thomas
German Aerospace Center DLR
Looye, Gertjan
German Aerospace Center DLR
Aeroservoelastic Investigations of a High-Aspect-Ratio Motor Glider, pp. 628-647.
Silvestre, Flavio Jose
Inst. Tecnologico de Aeronautica
Aeronautical Applications 6 (MAV/UAV) (Regular Session)
Chair: van Tooren, Joost
Experiences with the Barracuda UAV Auto Flight System, pp. 648-664.
van Tooren, Joost
Hammon, Reiner
UAV Trajectory Generation Using Fuzzy Dynamic Programming, pp. 665-674.
Basmadji, Fatina Liliana
Gruszecki, Jan
Rzeszow Univ. of Tech.
Rzeszow Univ. of Tech.
The Experiments with Obstacle Avoidance Controls Designed for Micro UAV, pp. 675-685.
Kownacki, Cezary
Bialystok Univ. of Tech.
Cooperative Autonomous Collision Avoidance System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, pp. 686-705.
Jenie, Yazdi Ibrahim
Van Kampen, Erik-Jan
Remes, Bart
ECAERO Invited Session: Active Space Debris Removal (Regular Session)
Chair: Ortega, Guillermo
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Commissiekamer 3
European Space Agency
Video Navigation and GNC System Layout for a Rendezvous with a Noncooperative Tumbling Target (I), pp. 706-723.
Sommer, Josef
Ahrns, Ingo
Vision Based Rendezvous GNC Techniques and Test Benches for Active Debris Removal (I), pp. 724-737.
Bastante, Juan Carlos
Penin, Luis F.
GNC Challenges and Navigation Solutions for Active Debris Removal Mission (I), pp. 738-757.
Kervendal, Erwan
Chabot, Thomas
Kanani, Keyvan
GNC Aspects for Active Debris Removal (I), pp. 758-776.
Colmenarejo, Pablo
Binet, Giovanni
Strippoli, Luigi
Peters, Thomas V.
Graziano, Mariella
Control 3 (Regular Session)
Collegezaal C
Chair: Mora-Camino, F.
Flight Control Algorithms for a Vertical Launch Air Defense Missile, pp. 777-788.
Tekin, Raziye
Constrained Adaptive Control with Transient and Steady-State Performance Guarantees, pp. 789-803.
Schatz, Simon Philipp
Tech. Univ. München
Yucelen, Tansel
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Johnson, Eric N.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
A New Joint Sensor Based Backstepping Control Approach for Fault-Tolerant Flight Control, pp. 804-823.
Sun, Liguo
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
de Visser, Cornelis. C.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
LFT Model Generation Via L1-Regularized Least Squares, pp. 824-837.
Pfifer, Harald
Hecker, Simon
Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences
Estimation 2 (Regular Session)
Chair: Zolghadri, Ali
Rotorcraft System Identification: An Integrated Time-Frequency Domain Approach, pp. 838-857.
Bergamasco, Marco
Lovera, Marco
Univ. Bordeaux I
Pol. di Milano
Pol. di Milano
A New Substitution Based Recursive B-Splines Method for Aerodynamic Model Identification, pp. 858-871.
Sun, Liguo
Delft Univ. of Tech.
de Visser, Cornelis. C.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Detection of Abnormal Aircraft Control Surface Position Using a Robust Parametric Test, pp. 872-886.
Gheorghe, Anca
Univ. of Bordeaux & Airbus
Zolghadri, Ali
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Cieslak, Jérôme
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Henry, David
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Goupil, Philippe
Dayre, Remy
Le-berre, Hervé
Invited Session: LAPAZ (Regular Session)
Chair: Luckner, Robert
Commissiekamer 3
Berlin Tech. Univ.
A Full-Authority Automatic Flight Control System for the Civil Airborne Utility Platform S15 – LAPAZ, pp. 887-906.
Dalldorff, Lothar
Luckner, Robert
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Reichel, Reingard
Univ. Stuttgart
Hardware-In-The-Loop – an Essential Part of the Development Process for the Automatic Flight Control System of a
Utility Aircraft, pp. 907-923.
Boche, Bernd
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Kaden, Andre
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Luckner, Robert
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Modelling of Nonlinearities and Parasitic Effects in the Electro-Mechanical Command Transmission Path for a
Real-Time Flight Simulation Model, pp. 924-936.
Meyer-Brügel, Wolfram
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Steckel, Florian
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Luckner, Robert
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Aeronautical Applications 7 (Regular Session)
Chair: Balas, Mark
Collegezaal C
Univ. of Wyoming
Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control to Maximize the Power Capture of Large Wind Turbines in below Rated Wind
Speed Region, pp. 937-945.
Thapa Magar, Kaman
Univ. of Wyoming
Balas, Mark
Univ. of Wyoming
Frost, Susan
Lateral Fly by Wire Control System Dedicated to Future Small Aircraft, pp. 946-965.
Heller, Matthias
Baier, Thaddäus
Schuck, Falko
Dynamic Trajectory Control of Gliders, pp. 966-979.
Dilao, Rui
Fonseca, Joao
Aircraft Longitudinal Guidance Based on a Spatial Reference, pp. 980-992.
Bouadi, Hakim
Choukroun, Daniel
Mora-Camino, F.
Space Applications 2 (Regular Session)
Chair: Theil, Stephan
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Inst. Superior Tecnico
Inst. Superior Tecnico
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Toward an Autonomous Lunar Landing Based on Low-Speed Optic Flow Sensors, pp. 993-1011.
Sabiron, Guillaume
Chavent, Paul
Burlion, Laurent
Kervendal, Erwan
Astrium Satellites
Bornschlegl, Eric
Fabiani, Patrick
Raharijaona, Thibaut
CNRS / Aix-Marseille Univ.
Ruffier, Franck
CNRS / Aix-Marseille Univ.
PROBA-3 Rendezvous Experiment Design and Development, pp. 1012-1024.
Bastante, Juan Carlos
Space-Borne Geolocation with a Quasi-Planar Satellite Cluster, pp. 1025-1043.
Leiter, Noam
Gurfil, Pini
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Online Estimation of Mean Orbital Elements with Control Inputs, pp. 1044-1063.
Zhong, Weichao
Gurfil, Pini
Harbin Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Space Applications 3 (Regular Session)
Chair: Giulicchi, Luisella
Commissiekamer 3
European Space Agency
Gyro Bias Estimation Using a Dual Instrument Configuration, pp. 1110-1121.
Ruizenaar, Marcel
van der Hall, Elwin
Weiss, Martin
Flight Nutation Validation of the COS-B and EQUATOR-S Spacecraft, pp. 1081-1092.
Kuiper, Hans
Active and Passive Disturbance Isolation for High Accuracy Control Systems, pp. 1093-1109.
Boquet, Fabrice
Falcoz, Alexandre
Bennani, Samir
GN&C Engineering Lessons Learned from Human Space Flight Operations Experiences, pp. 1064-1080.
Dittemore, Gary
Dennehy, Neil
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Technical Program for Friday April 12, 2013
Space Applications 4 (Regular Session)
Collegezaal C
Chair: Lovera, Marco
Co-Chair: Frapard, Benoit
Pol. di Milano
EADS Astrium
Spacecraft Attitude Control Based on Magnetometers and Gyros, pp. 1122-1137.
Bergamasco, Marco
Lovera, Marco
Pol. di Milano
Pol. di Milano
Fault-Tolerant Spacecraft Magnetic Attitude Control, pp. 1138-1157.
Sadon, Aviran
Choukroun, Daniel
Ben-Gurion Univ.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Optimal Control Gain for Satellite Detumbling Using B-Dot Algorithm, pp. 1158-1169.
Juchnikowski, Grzegorz
Barcinski, Tomasz
Lisowski, Jakub
Space Res. Center PAS
Tech. Univ. of Szczecin
Space Res. Center PAS
Decentralized Energy Management for Spacecraft Attitude Determination, pp. 1170-1189.
Amini, Rouzbeh
Gill, Eberhard
Gaydadjiev, Georgi
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Chalmers Univ. of Tech.
Aeronautical Applications 8 (Regular Session)
Chair: Holzapfel, Florian
Multi-Lifting-Device UAV Autonomous Flight at Any Transition Percentage, pp. 1190-1204.
De Wagter, Christophe
Dokter, Dirk
de Croon, Guido
Remes, Bart
Tech. Univ. München
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
A Low-Cost Integrated System for Indoor and Outdoor Navigation of Miniature UAVs, pp. 1205-1224.
Marmet, François-Xavier
Bertrand, Sylvain
Hérissé, Bruno
Carton, Mathieu
Stereo Vision Based Obstacle Avoidance on Flapping Wing MAVs, pp. 1225-1244.
Tijmons, Sjoerd
de Croon, Guido
Remes, Bart
De Wagter, Christophe
Ruijsink, Rick
Van Kampen, Erik-Jan
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Comparison of Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion and Backstepping Controls with Application to a Quadrotor, pp. 1245-1263.
Wang, Jian
Tech. Univ. München
Holzapfel, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
Peter, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
Automatic Landing System of a Quadrotor UAV Using Visual Servoing, pp. 1264-1283.
Ho, Hann Woei
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Invited Session: TECS (Regular Session)
Chair: Looye, Gertjan
Co-Chair: Lambregts, Antonius, Adrianus
Commissiekamer 3
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
TECS Generalized Airplane Control System – an Update (I), pp. 1284-1303.
Lambregts, Antonius, Adrianus
THCS Generalized Airplane Control System Design (I), pp. 1304-1323.
Lambregts, Antonius, Adrianus
Generic TECS Based Autopilot for an Electric High Altitude Solar Powered Aircraft, pp. 1324-1343.
Kastner, Nir
DLR - German Aerospace Center
Looye, Gertjan
DLR - German Aerospace Center
The Total Energy Control Concept for a Motor Glider, pp. 1344-1363.
Lamp, Maxim
Luckner, Robert
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Flight Envelope Protection for Automatic and Augmented MAnual Control (I), pp. 1364-1383.
Lambregts, Antonius, Adrianus
TECS-Based Generic Autopilot Control Laws for Aircraft Mission Simulation (I), pp. 1384-1403.
Looye, Gertjan
DLR - German Aerospace Center
Control 4 (Regular Session)
Collegezaal C
Chair: Tekin, Raziye
Fault Tolerant Control of Octorotor Using Sliding Mode Control Allocation, pp. 1404-1423.
Alwi, Halim
Edwards, Christopher
Univ. of Leicester
Univ. of Leicester
An Impulsive Input Approach to Short Time Convergent Control for Linear Systems, pp. 1424-1443.
Weiss, Martin
Shtessel, Yuri B.
Univ. of Alabama at Huntsville
Incremental Backstepping for Robust Nonlinear Flight Control, pp. 1444-1463.
Acquatella B., Paul
Van Kampen, Erik-Jan
Chu, Qiping
DLR - German Aerospace Center
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Adaptive Augmentation of a Fighter Aircraft Autopilot Using a Nonlinear Reference Model, pp. 1464-1483.
Leitão, Miguel
Tech. Univ. München
Peter, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
Holzapfel, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
Estimation 3 (Regular Session)
Chair: Van Kampen, Erik-Jan
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Flight Test Oriented Autopilot Design for Improved Aerodynamic Parameter Identification, pp. 1484-1495.
Krings, Matthias
Henning, Karsten
Thielecke, Frank
Hamburg Univ. of Tech.
Hamburg Univ. of Tech.
Hamburg Univ. of Tech.
Robust Thruster Fault Diagnosis: Application to the Rendezvous Phase of the Mars Sample Return Mission, pp.
Fonod, Robert
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Henry, David
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Charbonnel, Catherine
Thales Alenia Space
Bornschlegl, Eric
A Multiple-Observer Scheme for Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery of Satellite Thrusters, pp. 1511-1526.
Abauzit, Antoine
Marzat, Julien
Aeronautical Applications 9 (Regular Session)
Chair: de Croon, Guido
Position Tracking of a Multicopter Using a Geommetric Backstepping Control Law, pp. 1527-1545.
Falconí, Guillermo P.
Holzapfel, Florian
Commissiekamer 3
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Automatic UAV Landing with Ground Target Maintained in the Field of View, pp. 1546-1562.
Burlion, Laurent
de Plinval, Henry
Nonlinear Non-Cascaded Reference Model Architecture for Flight Control Design with Flight Path Angle Rate Command
System, pp. 1563-1581.
Zhang, Fubiao
Tech. Univ. München
Holzapfel, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
Heller, Matthias
Tech. Univ. München
Book of Abstracts of 2nd CEAS Specialist Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control
Technical Program for Wednesday April 10, 2013
Aeronautical Applications 1 (MAV/UAV) (Regular Session)
Chair: Johnson, Eric N.
Application of Frequency-Limited Adaptive Quadrocopter Control, pp. 1-16
Scheper, Kirk Y. W.
Magree, Daniel
Yucelen, Tansel
De La Torre, Gerardo
Johnson, Eric N.
Collegezaal C
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Adaptive control systems have long been used to effectively control dynamical systems without excessive reliance on system models.
This is due mainly to the fact that adaptive control guarantees stability, the same however, cannot be said for performance; adaptive
control systems may exhibit poor tracking during transient (learning) time. This paper discusses the experimental implementation of a
new architecture to model reference adaptive control, specifically, the reference system is augmented with a novel mismatch term
representing the high-frequency content of the system tracking error. This mismatch term is an effective tool to remove the high
frequency content of the error signal used in the adaptive element update law. The augmented architecture therefore allows high-gain
adaptation without the usual side-effect of high-frequency oscillations. The proposed control architecture is validated using the Georgia
Tech unmanned aerial vehicle simulation tool (GUST) and also implemented on the Georgia Tech Quadrocpoter (GTQ). It is shown
that the new framework allows the system to adapt quickly to suppress the effect of uncertainty without the usual side effects of high
gain adaptation such as high-frequency oscillations.
Autonomous Wind Tunnel Free-Flight of a Flapping Wing MAV, pp. 17-35
De Wagter, Christophe
Koopmans, Andries
de Croon, Guido
Remes, Bart
Ruijsink, Rick
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
A low-cost high performance control system is developed to enable autonomous untethered flight inside a wind tunnel. Such
autonomous flight is desirable for aerodynamic experiments on flapping wing MAVs, since fixing the fuselage has been shown to
significantly alter wing deformations, air flow and performance on vehicles with a periodically moving fuselage. To obtain autonomous
untethered flight, 3D position information is obtained from off-board WiiMote infrared tracking sensors with a total system accuracy of
0.8mm and an update rate of 80Hz in a quarter cubical meter control box. This information is sent to a 1.5 gram onboard autopilot
containing communication, inertial measurements as well as onboard infrared tracking of an in-tunnel LED to achieve the high
performance control needed to position itself precisely in the wind tunnel flow. Flight tests were performed with the 16 gram flapping
wing MAV DelFly II. The achieved control performance is shown to be sufficient for many new research purposes, like researching the
influence of a fixed fuselage in flapping wing aerodynamic measurements and obtaining more precise performance characteristics.
A Flight State Estimator That Couples Stereo-Vision, INS, and GNSS Pseudo-Ranges to Navigate with Three or Less
Satellites, pp. 36-55
Andert, Franz
DLR German Aerospace Center
Dittrich, Jörg
DLR German Aerospace Center
Batzdorfer, Simon
Tech. Univ. Braunschweig
Becker, Martin
Tech. Univ. Braunschweig
Bestmann, Ulf
Tech. Univ. Braunschweig
Hecker, Peter
Tech. Univ. Braunschweig
This paper presents a flight state estimator which couples stereo vision, inertial (INS), and global navigation satellite system (GNSS)
data. The navigation filter comes with different operation modes that allow loosely coupled GNSS/INS positioning and, for difficult
conditions, improvements using %satellite augmentation systems (SBAS), visual odometry and a tighter coupling with GNSS
pseudo-range (PSR) data. While camera systems are typically used as an additional relative movement sensor to enable positioning
without GNSS for a certain amount of time, the PSR data filtering allows to use satellite navigation also when less than four satellites
are available. This makes the filter even more robust against temporary dropouts of the full GNSS solution. The application is the
navigation of unmanned aircraft in disaster scenarios which includes flights close to ground in urban or mountainous areas. The filter
performance is evaluated with sensor data from unmanned helicopter flight tests where different conditions of the GNSS signal
reception are simulated. It is shown that the use of PSR data improves the positioning significantly compared to the dropout when the
signals of less than four satellites are available.
L1 Adaptive Control for Systems with Matched Stochastic Disturbance, pp. 56-71
Souanef, Toufik
Pinchetti, Federico
Fichter, Walter
Univ. of Stuttgart
Univ. of Stuttgart
Univ. of Stuttgart
This paper presents a stochastic state feedback L1 adaptive control for systems with matched disturbances. The proposed approach is
characterized through the introduction of a Kalman type fixed gain in the predictor. The main contribution of this work is that closed
loop system analysis is demonstrated through a deterministic-like approach that uses the stochastic Laplace transform. The control is
designed to accommodate and to be robust to unknown input gain as well as to system uncertainties. Simulation results show good
results for the pitch angle control of a small fixed wing UAV.
Space Applications 1 (Regular Session)
Chair: Choukroun, Daniel
Relative Optical Navigation for a Lunar Lander Mission, pp. 72-90
Verveld, Mark Johannes
Delft Univ. of Tech.
DLR German Aerospace Center
This work explores the problem of providing relative velocity navigation for an autonomous precision landing approach on the moon
without the use of telemetry or known points of support. An error-state Unscented Kalman Filter for the fusion of inertial and optical
imaging sensors is presented. These sensors include a star tracker, a monocular surface camera and a laser altimeter. The filter
estimates position, velocity and attitude, which, together with an initial position based on crater matching, allows for trajectory following
to the surface. A main difficulty is the scale ambiguity in optical flow. The laser altimeter has been included to resolve this ambiguity
and allow for velocity and altitude estimation. The scenario of a lunar landing from parking orbit was chosen to test and verify the
developed navigation method in simulation using a high resolution surface model of the moon.
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Applied to Vision-Based Spacecraft Landing, pp. 91-107
Izzo, Dario
de Croon, Guido
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Real-time optimal control has eluded practical implementation for most systems so far. The reason being mainly related to the scarce
computational resources available and the high CPU requirements of commonly proposed real-time optimal control architectures. In
this paper we show how, by a careful use of the Nonlinear Model Predictive Control approach one can obtain a real-time control
system able to drive a mass optimal spacecraft landing in the presence of highly noisy navigation inputs such as those coming from a
light weight solution including only one IMU and a camera. The introduced approach is applicable to a broader class of systems, as is
shown by applying the method to find time-optimal maneuvers for a quad rotor model.
Conception of Sub-Optimal Solution for Spacecraft Rendezvous Near an Elliptic Orbit, pp. 108-117
Felisiak, Piotr
Wroclaw Univ. of Tech.
Sibilski, Krzysztof
Wroclaw Univ. of Tech.
This document presents a part of work which aims to find sub-optimal strategy for the orbital rendezvous between an active chaser
spacecraft and a passive target satellite which is moving in a known elliptic orbit around the Earth. The Yamanaka-Ankersen model of
motion is considered. The variable-mass chaser spacecraft is equipped with a variable-thrust propulsion. The essence of the problem
is to find a control resulting in a quasi-optimal rendezvous trajectory. This work approaches the problem of rendezvous of spacecraft
using model predictive control. A proposal of solution is based on a version of Quasi Time-Optimal Receding Horizon Control
(QTO-RHC) algorithm. This method is noise resistant and able to effectively handle with various constraints. The problem includes
constraints on amount of used fuel, thrust magnitude and approach velocity. In this paper a conception of solution is presented. The
paper contains also results for simplified case.
Aeronautical Applications 2 (Regular Session)
Chair: Delannoy, Stephane
Commissiekamer 3
Airbus France
Automatic Control Generation for Aircraft Taxi Systems through Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion of Object-Oriented
Model, pp. 118-130
Re, Fabrizio
DLR German Aerospace Center
Within the framework of automatic ground propulsion systems for aircraft, a method is presented to generate Feedback Linearization
based controllers in an automated way. A nonlinear on-ground aircraft model realized in the objectoriented language Modelica is
inverted automatically and used as Feedback Linearizing core of a ground trajectory tracking system. The controller is completed by an
outer linear loop. Issues in the model inversion process are discussed. In particular, robustness against parameter uncertainties must
be assessed carefully. With this method, the study and development of automatic ground propulsion systems can be quickened
because control laws can be obtained for different system architectures and different aircraft starting from the respective dynamic
models, allowing easier and quicker assessment of these technologies and comparisons between different aircraft platforms.
Estimation of Nonlinear Parameters from Simulated Data of an Aircraft, pp. 131-143
R, Dhayalan
Indian Inst. of Tech. at Kanpur
The current paper discusses an attempt for estimating Non-linear parameter by an improvement to well known Neural Gauss
Newton(NGN) method, which makes the method capable of estimating nonlinear parameters from flight data. The estimation is carried
over for a set of simulated data with various control surface combinations. Then the estimation is carried out for the simulated data with
selected control surface combination, for which noise is added, to test the handling capabilities of the Improved Neural Gauss
Newton(INGN) method.
A New Approach for the Validation of Potential Pilot Gain Measures, pp. 144-163
Niewind, Ina
DLR German Aerospace Center
The term “pilot gain” essentially describes the way the pilot acts on the inceptor during flight. It is a key aspect of handling qualities
research and related flight tests. Most test organizations have their famous high- and low-gain pilots and the term “pilot gain” is
understood very well on an intuitive level. In spite of its importance for handling qualities flight test, however, there is no generally
accepted verbal or mathematical definition of “pilot gain”. This paper summarizes an approach for the validation of multiple potential
pilot gain measures in the time and frequency domain based on pilot models and the associated results. The validation is based on
data from a simulator study which was performed with 12 experimental test pilots and 12 operational pilots who varied their pilot gain /
aggressiveness on command during a closed-loop tracking task. The approach is based on the idea that the validity of a potential pilot
gain measure is based on its ability to reflect the pilot gain the pilots intended to apply during the tests and its ability to identify known
Longitudinal Control Law for Modern Long Range Civil Aircraft, pp. 164-180
Delannoy, Stephane
Oudin, Simon
The challenge in the design of commercial aircraft is the multi-disciplinary optimization over the largest flight domain. This can lead to
very non-linear aerodynamic and handling qualities which are influenced by a great number of parameters, such as Mach number,
surfaces deflections and wing flexibility. The presented longitudinal control laws concept copes with these difficulties by combining an
adaptive controller based on a reference model and a set of dynamic feed-forwards to shape the aircraft behaviour in every condition
and for every piloting task. On top of providing a robust control of the aircraft, ensuring safety and easy to fly, the concept eases the
development of flight control laws and reduces flight test effort.
Control 1 (Regular Session)
Chair: Edwards, Christopher
Collegezaal C
Univ. of Leicester
Model Reference Adaptive Control of Mildly Non-Linear Systems with Time Varying Input Delays - Part I, pp. 181-191
Nelson, James
Univ. of Wyoming
Balas, Mark
Univ. of Wyoming
Erwin, Richard
US Air Force Res. Lab.
In this paper, we develop a Direct Model Reference Adaptive Tracking Controller for mildly non-linear systems with unknown time
varying input delays. This controller can also reject bounded disturbances of known waveform but unknown amplitude, e.g. steps or
sinusoids. In this paper a robustness result is developed for DMRAC of mildly non-linear systems with unknown small constant or time
varying input delays using the concept of un-delayed ideal trajectories. We will show that the adaptively controlled system is globally
stable, but the adaptive tracking error is no longer guaranteed to approach the origin. However, exponential convergence to a
neighborhood can be achieved as a result of the control design. A simple example will be provided to illustrate this adaptive control
method. The proof of the corollary for the application and further examples are provided in the paper: Model Reference Adaptive
Control of Mildly Non-Linear Systems with Time Varying Input Delay - Part II.
Model Reference Adaptive Control of Mildly Non-Linear Systems with Time Varying Input Delays - Part II, pp. 192-203
Nelson, James
Univ. of Wyoming
Balas, Mark
Univ. of Wyoming
Erwin, Richard
US Air Force Res. Lab.
In this paper, a proof for the corollary developed for the Direct Model Reference Adaptive Tracking Control of mildly non-linear systems
with unknown time varying input delays found in Model Reference Adaptive Control of Mildly Non-Linear Systems with Time Varying
Input Delays - Part I is completed. The adaptive error system was developed for the DMRAC of mildly non-linear systems with
unknown small constant or time varying input delays using the concept of un-delayed ideal trajectories. We will show that the
adaptively controlled system is globally stable, but the adaptive tracking error is no longer guaranteed to approach the origin. However,
exponential convergence to a neighborhood can be achieved as a result of the control design. A simple example will be provided to
illustrate this adaptive control method.
Improving the Performance of an Actuator Control Scheme During Saturation, pp. 204-216
Lo, Chang How
Cranfield Univ.
Shin, Hyo-Sang
Cranfield Univ.
Tsourdos, Antonios
Cranfield Univ.
Kim, Seung-Hwan
Agency for Defense Development
This paper first introduces a new control scheme for a four fin missile actuation system. Exiting missile autopilot systems generally
compute aileron, elevation, and rudder commands since these three variables dominantly influence the roll, pitch, and yaw motion of
the vehicle. These commands are distributed to four fin deflection commands and fin controller actuates the fins to track the defection
command. The performance of such control schemes can be significantly degraded when fin actuators are saturated due to certain
physical constraints, such as voltage, current, or slew rate limit. This paper analytically proves that the proposed control scheme
mitigates this problem, so it outperforms the conventional control scheme in the tracking performance if an actuator is
saturated.Without any actuator saturation, the performance of the proposed scheme is also proved to be equivalent to that of a
conventional actuator scheme. Numerical simulations verify the superiority of the proposed scheme and the theoretical analysis.
Concurrent Learning Adaptive Model Predictive Control, pp. 217-235
Chowdhary, Girish
Mühlegg, Maximilian
How, Jonathan P.
Holzapfel, Florian
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Tech. Univ. Munchen
Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.
Tech. Univ. München
A concurrent learning adaptive-optimal control architecture for aerospace systems with fast dynamics is presented. Exponential
convergence properties of concurrent learning adaptive controllers are leveraged to guarantee a verifiable learning rate while
guaranteeing stability in presence of significant modeling uncertainty. The architecture switches to online-learned model based Model
Predictive Control after an online automatic switch gauges the confidence in parameter estimates. Feedback linearization is used to
reduce a nonlinear system to an idealized linear system for which an optimal feasible solution can be found online. It is shown that the
states of the adaptively feedback linearized system stay bounded around those of the idealized linear system, and sufficient conditions
for asymptotic convergence of the states are presented. Theoretical results and numerical simulations on a wing-rock problem with fast
dynamics establish the effectiveness of the architecture.
Aeronautical Applications 3 (MAV/UAV) (Regular Session)
Chair: Looye, Gertjan
Adaptive Trajectory Controller for Generic Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aircraft, pp. 236-255
Mühlegg, Maximilian
Dauer, Johann
Dittrich, Jörg
Holzapfel, Florian
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Tech. Univ. Munchen
DLR German Aerospace Center
DLR German Aerospace Center
Tech. Univ. München
This work deals with the construction of a nonlinear adaptive trajectory controller, which is easily applicable to a multitude of fixed wing
unmanned aircraft. Given a common signal interface, the adaptive trajectory controller is divided into a generic part, which is common
for each vehicle, and into a part, which is unique. The generic part of the control architecture bases on a common inversion model
which is used for feedback linearization. However, the dynamics of the aircraft and the inversion model differ, thus introducing model
uncertainties to the feedback linearized system. The effect of modeling uncertainties is reduced by the application of a concurrent
learning model reference adaptive controller, which uses neural networks in order to approximate the uncertainty. Leveraging
instantaneous as well as stored data concurrently for adaptation ensures convergence of the adaptive parameters to a set of optimal
weights, which minimize the approximation error. Performance and robustness against certain model uncertainties is shown through
numerical simulation for two significantly different unmanned aircraft.
Decoupling the Eye: A Key Toward a Robust Hovering for Sighted Aerial Robots, pp. 256-275
Manecy, Augustin
Inst. of the Movement Sciences
Juston, Raphaël
Inst. of the Movement Sciences
Marchand, Nicolas
Viollet, Stephane
Inst. of the Movement Sciences
Inspired by natural visual systems where gaze stabilization is at a premium, we simulated an aerial robots with a decoupled eye to
achieve more robust hovering above a ground target despite strong lateral and rotational disturbances. In this paper, two different
robots are compared for the same disturbances and displacements. The first robot is equipped with a fixed eye featuring a large
field-of-view (FOV) and the second robot is endowed with a decoupled eye featuring a small FOV (about ±5°). Even if this mechanical
decoupling increases the mechanical complexity of the robot, this study demonstrates that disturbances are rejected faster and
computational complexity is clearly decreased. Thanks to bio-inspired visuo-motor reflexes, the decoupled eye robot is able to hold its
gaze locked onto a distant target and to reject strong disturbances by profiting of the small inertia of the decoupled eye.
Integrated Modelling of an Unmanned High-Altitude Solar-Powered Aircraft for Control Law Design Analysis, pp.
Klöckner, Andreas
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Leitner, Martin
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Schlabe, Daniel
DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Looye, Gertjan
DLR German Aerospace Center
Solar-powered high-altitude unmanned platforms are highly optimized and integrated aircraft. In order to account for the complex,
multi-physical interactions between their systems, we propose using integrated simulation models throughout the aircraft's life cycle.
Especially small teams with limited ressources should benefit from this approach. In this paper, we describe our approach to an
integrated model of the Electric High-Altitude Solar-Powered Aircraft ELHASPA. It includes aspects of the environment, flight
mechanics, energy system, and aeroelasticity. Model variants can be derived easily. The relevant parts of the model are described and
the model's application is demonstrated.
Non-Cascaded Dynamic Inversion Design for Quadrotor Position Control with L1 Augmentation, pp. 291-310
Wang, Jian
Tech. Univ. München
Holzapfel, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
Xargay, Enric
UIUC Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hovakimyan, Naira
UIUC Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
This paper presents a position control design for quadrotors, aiming to exploit the physical capability and maximize the full control
bandwidth of the quadrotor. A non-cascaded dynamic inversion design structure is proposed for the baseline controller, augmented by
an L_1 adaptive control in the rotational dynamics. A new implementation technique is presented in the reference model and error
controller; so that nonlinear states can be limited according to their physical constraints without causing any inconsistency. The L_1
adaptive control is derived to compensate plant uncertainties like inversion error, disturbances, and parameter changes. Simulation
and flight tests have been performed to verify the effectiveness of the designs and the validity of the approach.
Aeronautical Applications 4 (Regular Session)
Chair: Schönfeld, Andrej
Modification of the Approaches to Flying Qualities and PIO Event Prediction, pp. 311-322
Efremov, Alexander
Korovin, Alexander
Koshelenko, Alexander
Commissiekamer 3
TU Berlin
MAI Moscow Aviation Inst.
MAI Moscow Aviation Inst.
MAI Moscow Aviation Inst.
A number of approaches are used now for the aircraft flying qualities and PIO event prediction. There are the following: Experimental approach by use of ground-based simulators; - Mathematical modeling of pilot-aircraft system; - Prediction of flying
qualities (FQ) and PIO events with help of criteria. Each of these approaches has the shortcomings and limitations in predictions.
Such kind of problems and ways for their solution are considered below.
Investigation of Manual Control Behaviour During Flight Control Mode Switching: Test Procedure and Preliminary
Results, pp. 323-342
Schönfeld, Andrej
Berlin Tech. Univ.
This paper describes pilot-in-the-loop experiments that are used to investigate peculiarities in manual control behaviour in case of flight
control law reconfiguration. In such situations a closed-loop pilot-vehicle system (PVS) instability can occur that manifests itself in the
form of an unwanted oscillatory aircraft reaction called ``pilot-involved oscillation'' (PIO). A focus of the experiments was to provide an
answer to the question, whether PIOs can occur following sudden flight control mode switching, even if the aircraft dynamics before
and after switching are not rated PIO-prone. The determination of linearised aircraft dynamics from a nonlinear aircraft model is
described and a handling qualities database is presented. Linearised aircraft have been determined for the aircraft with augmentation
by flight control laws and with direct link between pilot inceptor and control surface. An explanation of the test station, the flying task
and the conduct of the experiments is given. Preliminary results are shown and conclusions regarding the experimental approach are
Design of a Waypoint Tracking Control Algorithm for Parachute-Payload Systems, pp. 343-359
Gursoy, Gonenc
Prach, Anna
Yavrucuk, Ilkay
Middle East Tech. Univ.
Middle East Tech. Univ.
Middle East Tech. Univ.
This paper describes the development of an automatic control algorithm and a waypoint navigation approach for a parachute payload
system. A model is developed and the effectiveness of the controller architecture using classical control methods and waypoint
navigation is demonstrated. Simulation results show that an introduced waypoint update criteria for the heading reference allows to
obtain sufficient waypoint tracking. Simulation results are performed under varying wind conditions.
A Frequency-Limited H2 Model Approximation Method with Application to a Medium-Scale Flexible Aircraft, pp. 360-375
Vuillemin, Pierre
Poussot-Vassal, Charles
Alazard, Daniel
Univ. de Toulouse, ISAE
In this paper, the problem of approximating a medium-scale MIMO LTI dynamical system over a bounded frequency range is
addressed. A new method grounded on the SVD-Tangential model order reduction framework is proposed. Based on the
frequency-limited gramians defined in [5], the contribution of this paper is to propose a emph{frequency-limited iterative
SVD-Tangential interpolation algorithm} (FL-ISTIA) to achieve frequency-limited model approximation without involving weighting
filters. The efficiency of the approach is addressed both on standard benchmark and on an industrial flexible aircraft model.
[5]W. Gawronski and J. Juang. Model reduction in limited time and frequency intervals. International Journal of Systems Science,
21(2):349–376, 1990.
Collegezaal C
Estimation 1 (Regular Session)
Chair: Fichter, Walter
Inst. of Flight Mechanics and Control, Univ. of Stuttgart
A Spherical Coordinate Parametrization for an In-Orbit Bearings-Only Navigation Filter, pp. 376-393
Grzymisch, Jonathan
Fichter, Walter
Casasco, Massimo
Damiana, Losa
Univ. of Stuttgart
Univ. of Stuttgart
Thales Alenia Space
In-orbit rendezvous is a key enabling technology for many space missions. Implementing it employing only bearing measurements
would simplify the relative navigation hardware currently required, increasing robustness and reliability by reducing complexity, launch
mass and cost. The problem of bearings-only navigation has been studied intensively by the Naval and Military communities. Several
authors have proposed that a polar or spherical coordinate parametrization of the underlying dynamics produces a more robust
navigation filter due to the inherent de-coupling of the observable and un-observable states. Nevertheless, the complexity of this
problem increases significantly when the underlying dynamics follow those of relative orbital motion. This paper develops a spherical
coordinate parametrization of the linearized relative orbital motion equations for elliptical orbits and uses an approximation of these
equations for circular orbits to develop an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for bearings-only navigation. The resulting filter is compared
to its equivalent based on the well known Hill Equations in cartesian coordinates via a Monte Carlo analysis for a given reference
trajectory. Simulations show that a spherical co- ordinate based EKF can perform better than its cartesian coordinate counterpart in
terms of long-term stability tracking of the reference trajectory, with little additional computational effort.
Oscillatory Failure Case Detection for Aircraft Using Non-Homogeneous Differentiator in Noisy Environment, pp.
Cieslak, Jérôme
Univ. Bordeaux
Efimov, Denis
Zolghadri, Ali
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Henry, David
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Goupil, Philippe
In this paper, the problem of Oscillatory Failure Case (OFC) detection in aircraft servo-loop control surfaces is addressed. OFC leads
to strong interactions with loads and aeroelasticity and consequently must be detected as quick as possible. This paper proposes a
hybrid monitoring scheme developed during ADDSAFE1 project for robust and early detection of such unauthorized oscillatory events.
More precisely, a hybrid robust non-homogeneous finite-time differentiator is firstly used to provide bounded and accurate derivatives
in noisy environment. Fault reconstruction is next made by solving on-line a nonlinear equation using a gradient descent method. The
detection is finally done by the decision making rules currently used for in-service Airbus A380 airplane. Robustness and performance
of the proposed scheme are tested using a high fidelity benchmark and intensive Monte Carlo simulations based on several flight
scenarios specified in ADDSAFE. The performance indicators highlight that the proposed scheme can be a viable solution for realistic
issues. Note that the term “viable” covers some important aspects which are often under-estimated (or missing) in the classical
academic publications: tuning, complexity of the design, real time capability, etc.
Air Data Sensor Fault Detection Using Kinematic Relations, pp. 414-428
Van Eykeren, Laurens
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
This paper presents a Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) method for Air Data Sensors (ADS) of aircraft. In the most general case, fault
detection of these sensors on modern aircraft is performed by a logic that selects one of, or combines three redundant measurements.
Such a method is compliant with current airworthiness regulations. However, in the framework of the global aircraft optimization for
future and upcoming aircraft, it could be required, e.g. to extend the availability of sensor measurements. So, an improvement of the
state of practice could be useful. Introducing a form of analytical redundancy of these measurements can increase the fault detection
performance and result in a weight saving of the aircraft because there is no necessity anymore to increase the number of sensors.
Furthermore, the analytical redundancy can contribute to the structural design optimization. The analytical redundancy in this method
is introduced using an adaptive form of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). This EKF uses the kinematic relations of the aircraft and
makes a state reconstruction from the available measurements possible. From this estimated state, an estimated output is calculated
and compared to the measurements. Through observing a metric derived from the innovation of the ac{EKF}, the performance of each
of the redundant sensors is monitored. This metric is then used to automatically isolate the failing sensors.
Spacecraft Fault Detection & Isolation System Design Using Decentralized Analytical Redundancy, pp. 429-446
Indra, Saurabh
Travé-Massuyès, Louise
Fault detection and isolation (FDI) functionality constitutes a critical element of spacecraft fault protection system capabilities. The FDI
schemes currently implemented on board operational spacecraft suffer from a lack of systematic design methods and resulting
behavior. While model based diagnosis techniques can resolve a number of these issues, their applicability to spacecraft has been
limited until now largely due to an unfavorable net value proposition. An approach integrating analytical redundancy based diagnosis
into a conventional spacecraft FPS architecture is presented. The approach is based on a novel decentralized diagnosis architecture
based on analytical redundancy relations. A systematic approach to designing such decentralized model based diagnosers for
spacecraft is discussed, with a focus on the attitude and orbit control system. Analytical redundancy relation based error monitors and
activation rules relying on the corresponding fault signatures are derived during the design phase. A comparison with the diagnosis
functionality as currently implemented in the Cassini attitude and articulation control system fault protection is presented in terms of the
design & development effort. It is demonstrated that the presented diagnoser design approach addresses several issues with the
conventional methods, while having reasonable additional costs
Invited Session: Missile Guidance (Regular Session)
Chair: Weiss, Martin
Linear Quadratic Integrated vs. Separated Autopilot-Guidance Design (I), pp. 447-466
Levy, Maital
Shima, Tal
Gutman, Shaul
TNO Organization
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Three types of guidance systems are studied. The first type is a separated two-loop autopilot guidance law that assumes spectral
separation between the guidance and the flight control. However, separation may not hold close to interception, requiring possibly an
integrated design of guidance and control. Using the integrated approach, two different guidance law types can be used to improve the
end-game performance. The first one is the integrated single-loop guidance law, where the coupling between flight control and
guidance loops is taken into account in the derivation process. The second type is the integrated two-loop autopilot guidance law. In
this case, the autopilot loop is designed separately from the guidance one, but all the states are fed-back into the guidance loop. The
performance of the three guidance laws is evaluated and compared via a single-input single-output test case. It is shown that the
integrated two-loop autopilot-guidance law can manipulate the inner autopilot dynamics, resulting in the same performance as the
integrated single-loop guidance law. In addition, it is shown that the performance of the separated guidance law is inferior to that of the
integrated laws.
Model Formulation of Pursuit Problem with Two Pursuers and One Evader (I), pp. 467-483
Patsko, Valery, S.
Le Menec, Stephane
Kumkov, Sergey
Russian Acad. of Sciences UrB
Russian Acad. of Sciences UrB
A model differential game with two pursuers and one evader is studied under various assumptions on the players. Optimal strategies
are obtained through specialized numerical algorithms and the numerical simulations are analyzed to reveal interesting properties of
the problem.
Single vs Two-Loop Integrated Guidance Systems (I), pp. 484-498
Gutman, Shaul
Rubinsky, Sergey
Shima, Tal
Levy, Maital
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Conventionally, a guidance system is formed of two loops - an autopilot that controls the rigid body with respect to the center of mass,
and a guidance law that controls the center of mass toward the target. The present paper discusses the possibility of integrating these
two loops into a single loop. In particular, in the class of optimal guidance laws, the absence of a state running cost term, may render
some of the physical states out of bound. The presence of an autopilot assures a well behavior.
On the Crucial Role of the Estimation in Interception Endgames (I), pp. 499-506
Shinar, Josef
Turetsky, Vladimir
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Ort Braude Coll.
This paper considers the estimation problem in interception endgames against randomly maneuvering targets and in the presence of
measurement noise. It gives a brief survey of recent attempts to solve the estimation problem, taking into account that the principle of
separation/certainty equivalence is not valid in this case.
Control 2 (Regular Session)
Chair: Alazard, Daniel
Commissiekamer 3
Univ. de Toulouse, ISAE
The Influence of the Taylor Series Remainder on an Incremental Non-Linear Dynamic Inversion Controller, pp. 507-522
Hertog, A.L.
This paper presents an analysis of a non-linear control algorithm called incremental non-linear dynamic inversion. A Taylor series
approximation is used in this algorithm, neglecting higher order terms. This could destabilize the controller if the error made is not
bounded. By making use of the Taylor series remainder term and the bounding properties it has, a derivation is made showing that the
control algorithm is able to reject these inaccuracies under certain conditions. It is also shown that the incremental non-linear dynamic
inversion controller remains robust towards model uncertainties under the influence of the remainder.
Linear Parameter Varying Control of an Agile Missile Model Based on the Induced L2-Norm Framework, pp. 523-534
Tekin, Raziye
Pfifer, Harald
DLR German Aerospace Center
DLR German Aerospace Center
This paper deals with the application of a linear parameter varying (LPV) controller synthesis for a modern air defense missile model.
The model represents a challenging control problem due to the wide operation range. First, an LPV model of the missile is constructed
via a novel approach of function substitution. Then, an LPV controller is designed based on the induced L2-norm framework. A mixed
sensitivity weighting scheme is applied to specify the performance requirements. In order to fulfill various time and frequency domain
criteria, a multiobjective optimization is used to tune the weighting functions of the mixed sensitivity weighting scheme. Finally, the
robustness and performance of the controller is evaluated by nonlinear simulations.
Similarities of Hedging and L1 Adaptive Control, pp. 535-554
Bierling, Thomas
Höcht, Leonhard
Merkl, Christian
Holzapfel, Florian
Maier, Rudolf
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
EADS Innovation Works
In recent years L 1 adaptive control was suggested as an advancement to model reference adaptive control (MRAC) and its benefits
have been controversially discussed. This paper discusses the similarities of applying a hedging signal to the reference model used in
model reference adaptive control to account for dynamic constraints in the input channel, and L 1 adaptive control. In particular it is
shown that in the case where the control effectiveness is known, both approaches are exactly the same, where the contribution of the
L 1 theory is the mathematically correct framework that provides a stability proof/condition which has not been available for the hedging
approach. In the case of unknown control effectiveness, the two methods are slightly different and the L 1 approach additionally adjusts
the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter. This difference allows for the elegant stability proof given by L 1 theory. At the end the two
approaches are compared based on a simple short period model of a large transport aircraft by assessing the robust performance
w.r.t. model uncertainties.
Nonlinear Output-Feedback H-Infinity Control for Spacecraft Attitude Control, pp. 555-574
Capua, Alon
Berman, Nadav
Shapiro, Amir
Choukroun, Daniel
Ben-Gurion Univ.
Ben Gurion Univ.
Ben-Gurion Univ.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
In this paper, a novel computational scheme is proposed in order to solve the output-feedback H-infinity control problem for a class of
nonlinear systems with polynomial vector field. By converting the Hamilton-Jacobi inequalities from rational expressions to equivalent
polynomial expressions, the non-convex nature and the associated numerical difficulty are overcome. Using quadratic Lyapunov
functions over an augmented state vector both the state-feedback and output-feedback problems are reformulated as semi-definite
optimization problems, while locally tractable solutions can be obtained through sum of squares (SOS) programming. A numerical
example shows that the proposed computational scheme results in a better disturbance attenuation closed-loop system, as compared
to standard methods using classical quadratic Lyapunov functions. The novel methodology is applied in order to develop a robust
spacecraft attitude regulator.
Technical Program for Thursday April 11, 2013
Aeronautical Applications 5 (Regular Session)
Collegezaal C
Chair: Sieberling, Sören
Ampyx Power B.V.
Adaptive Control of Flutter Suppression of Wind Turbine Blade Using Microtabs, pp. 575-592
Li, Nailu
Balas, Mark
Nikoueeyan, Pourya
Univ. of Wyoming
Univ. of Wyoming
Univ. of Wyoming
The control of aeroelastic response of a wind turbine blade is examined through theoretical and experimental studies. Motivated by the
conventional trailing-edge flap control of flutter suppression, small-sized, low-cost, power-efficient microtabs are utilized as active flow
control device, which is capable of affecting the flow over the blade to generate sufficient control force. The open-loop test of proposed
model is presented by pole-zero analysis for flutter study and controllability detection. The designed Adaptive Controller responses well
to the dynamics of the system via microtabs. The robustness and effectiveness of the controller are shown by good simulation
performance within a wide range of aerodynamic loads in closed-loop experiments. The stability of the controller is proved theoretically
by the given Adaptive Stability Theorem, which is also demonstrated by specified cases in details.
Flight Guidance and Control of a Tethered Airplane in an AirborneWind Energy Application, pp. 593-607
Sieberling, Sören
Ampyx Power B.V.
One of the concepts of an upcoming technology known as airborne wind energy is the pumping kite system. The pumping kite system
uses a conventional gliders to fly highly dynamic crosswind patterns downwind of a generator to which it is connected by a tether to
harvest wind energy. Operating the pumping kite system requires a novel view on conventional flight control. A tether based reference
frame is introduced that in effect decouples the longitudinal and lateral motion which can thereby be designed independently and thus
allowing the highly dynamic motion of the glider to be controlled through simple control schemes. Furthermore the longitudinal motion
is constrained through the tether of which the tangential velocity is controlled by the generator providing an additional control input
besides the elevator to control longitudinal motion. Flight tests demonstrate that using the tether based flight control system reasonably
simple and commonly used control methods provide satisfactory flight performance.
Design and Flight Testing of Nonlinear Autoflight Control Laws Incorporating Direct Lift Control, pp. 608-627
Lombaerts, Thomas
German Aerospace Center DLR
Looye, Gertjan
German Aerospace Center DLR
This publication describes how direct lift control has been incorporated in a nonlinear autoflight control algorithm. Direct lift control
demonstrated its use in earlier aircraft designs. In two recent internal DLR projects, accurate flight path tracking in atmospheric
disturbances was an important research goal, where direct lift control could potentially provide an important contribution. In these
projects, use has been made of nonlinear control techniques. Objective of this research publication is to incorporate direct lift control in
these nonlinear control laws. Simulations as well as flight tests have shown that more accurate flight path changes are achieved by this
addition. Direct lift control can be particularly useful for path tracking as well as in turbulent air, since it facilitates lift changes without
pitching. More precisely, the non-minimum phase behaviour of the aircraft caused by the elevators is eliminated in this way.
Aeroservoelastic Investigations of a High-Aspect-Ratio Motor Glider, pp. 628-647
Silvestre, Flavio Jose
Inst. Tecnologico de Aeronautica
This paper presents aeroservoelastic investigations for the STEMME S15 prototype using a methodology of modelling the flexible
aircraft dynamics in the time domain. The effects of the flexibility in the closed-loop stability according to the sensor positioning are
discussed, for a pitch and a yaw damper. The modelling of the flexible dynamics is based on the mean axes approximation, without
considering the inertial coupling between the rigid-body and the elastic degrees of freedom. The structural dynamics is linearly
represented in modal coordinates. To determine the incremental aerodynamics due to elastic deformations, an unsteady strip theory
formulation in the time domain is used, considering the exponential representation of the Wagner function and the resulting stripwise
aerodynamic lag states. Spanwise correction to account for three-dimensional effects at the wing tip based on the quasi-steady
circulation distribution was applied. The validation of the open-loop flexible aircraft simulations with flight test results are also
Aeronautical Applications 6 (MAV/UAV) (Regular Session)
Chair: van Tooren, Joost
Experiences with the Barracuda UAV Auto Flight System, pp. 648-664
van Tooren, Joost
Hammon, Reiner
Operational surveillance and reconnaissance requirements not only put requirements on the mission systems, but also affect
requirements on the reliable and autonomous operation of a UAV platform. To enable the safe and care free operation of UAVs in
complex mission scenarios Cassidian has invested in the development of necessary technologies for reliable and autonomous Auto
Flight systems for UAVs. Furthermore, due to decreasing budgets the design and development phases of such systems need to be
cheaper and faster, even though functional complexity is constantly increasing. This paper details the Cassidian experience with the
Auto Flight system on the Barracuda technology demonstrator. The guidance and control functional architecture and control law design
are detailed regarding the newly developed Auto Flight system which successfully flew in multiple flight tests in 2012 on the Barracuda
UAV demonstrator.
UAV Trajectory Generation Using Fuzzy Dynamic Programming, pp. 665-674
Basmadji, Fatina Liliana
Gruszecki, Jan
Rzeszow Univ. of Tech.
Rzeszow Univ. of Tech.
This paper presents an algorithm based on fuzzy dynamic programming to generate UAV trajectory in the x-z plane. The dynamics of
the UAV that had been written in a fuzzy form and the initial and final conditions relating to altitude and attitude had been considered.
The Experiments with Obstacle Avoidance Controls Designed for Micro UAV, pp. 675-685
Kownacki, Cezary
Bialystok Univ. of Tech.
The paper presents results of an experiment prepared to validate the autonomous control of ob-stacle avoidance designed for a micro
UAV. The idea of the obstacle avoidance assumes usage of two miniature laser rangefinders responsible for obstacle detection and
range measurement. Measured ranges from obstacles placed on both sides of UAV can be used to simultaneous con-trol of desired
roll and pitch angles. Such combination of controls allows achieving high agility of UAV, because during a maneuver of obstacle
avoidance UAV can make a turn and climb at the same time. In the experiment, controls of roll and pitch angles were verified
separately to en-sure high reliability of results and clearance of UAV behavior in the real flight. Because of lack of appropriate objects,
which can be used as obstacles, laser rangefinders were directed vertically to the ground instead of the original horizontal
configuration. So sensors determine ranges from the ground during a descent flight of UAV, and if their values are lower than defined
threshold, it could be interpreted as obstacle detection. The experiment results present UAV behavior adequate to designed controls of
roll and pitch angle. The vehicle turns in the opposite direction to the sensing axis of laser rangefinder detecting an obstacle and starts
climbing when both sensors detect obstacles at the same range below the threshold.
Cooperative Autonomous Collision Avoidance System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, pp. 686-705
Jenie, Yazdi Ibrahim
Van Kampen, Erik-Jan
Remes, Bart
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Autonomous collision avoidance system (ACAS) was defined and investigated in this paper to support UAVs integration to the national
airspace system. This includes not only UAVs on-board system, but also the definition of requirements, collision avoidance structure,
and the avoidance rules. This paper focuses on the cooperative avoidance, where UAVs (or any aircraft) involved avoid each other
using rules previously agreed by involved parties. A novel algorithm of avoidance was developed, named as Selective Velocity
Obstacle (SVO) method. Several simulations were conducted and show satisfying result on how well the algorithm work to avoid
separation violations. In the end of the paper, using Monte Carlo simulation, violation probabilities were derived for three setups. These
simulations shows the performance of the developed algorithm for cooperative ACAS, and suggesting the need to derive a new
parameter the minimum required turning rate of avoidance.
ECAERO Invited Session: Active Space Debris Removal (Regular Session)
Chair: Ortega, Guillermo
Commissiekamer 3
European Space Agency
Video Navigation and GNC System Layout for a Rendezvous with a Noncooperative Tumbling Target (I), pp. 706-723
Sommer, Josef
Ahrns, Ingo
The imperilment in space by debris or incapacitated spacecraft, in particular in nearly polar low earth orbits, has materialized latest
after the collision between an Iridium and a superannuated Kosmos satellite in February 2009. Today all space agencies are working
more or less intensive on concepts for space waste disposal. A key technology for this is a system, which allows the approach to an
uncooperative passive target in low earth orbits down to a relative distance, where capturing is possible. The final distance depends on
the capture system and varies between 1m for a manipulator arm and several 10m for tether based systems like the net.
Today's operating RVD systems like the one from ATV require a cooperative target, i.e. there is a need for a target pattern and an
inter-satellite RF link for data exchange (RGPS). For old or incapacitated spacecraft this is not available, so that the navigation must
rely on active sensors (radar, laser scanner, flash light) or exploit environmental illumination or temperature (video- or infrared
camera). In close vicinity to the target, it is not sufficient to measure distance and line of sight, but the target attitude needs to be
known as well. This requires onboard real time image processing, whereby the images may be generated by a camera (video, IR,
PMD), a laser scanner or even an imaging radar.
This paper presents results achieved within Inveritas (‘Innovative Technologien zur Relativnavigation und Capture mobiler autonomer
Systeme'), an Astrium internal project cofounded by the German space agency DLR. It describes a conceptual GNC system layout and
presents preliminary performance results for a rendezvous with a disused but known space vehicle, i.e. the knowledge of the S/C
geometry is exploited by the navigation dedicated onboard image processing. First the typical mission segments and corresponding
GNC requirements are summarized. Thereafter a preliminary GNC system layout for the chaser spacecraft in accordance to the
mission needs is presented. For the GNC description focus is given to the image based navigation over the complete approach
distance. In the proposed concept, a video camera has been selected as the primary navigation sensor for far range distance, a laser
scanning system (Lidar) provides the required measurements for mid range and the same sensor, while operating in the 3D modus,
serves as the primary sensor in close range distances. In the 3D modus the Lidar provides a point cloud, which is used for pose
estimation. The preliminary performance of the image processing algorithms has been tested in both, a simulation environment and
with real sensors in a test facility. Finally the laboratory environment for navigation design and analysis including the use of a test
facility for sensor testing is briefly described.
Vision Based Rendezvous GNC Techniques and Test Benches for Active Debris Removal (I), pp. 724-737
Bastante, Juan Carlos
Penin, Luis F.
In the context of the European Clean Space initiative, several relevant technologies are being preliminarily traded-off as promising for
Active Debris Removal (ADR). This paper presents the features and strengths of a Vision-based Rendezvous GNC system covering
the close proximity operations up to the contact phase, either docking or capture, with the specific debris. Not only the GNC system
and associated techniques are described in detail, but also the environments specifically developed to test the performances of such
system, including a MATLAB/Simulink simulator, and two real time test-benches, one with processor in the loop, and other with
hardware in the loop.
GNC Challenges and Navigation Solutions for Active Debris Removal Mission (I), pp. 738-757
Kervendal, Erwan
Chabot, Thomas
Kanani, Keyvan
Active removal of large space debris has been identified as a key mission to limit growth of debris jeopardizing missions of active
satellites. In particular, orbits of economic and strategic importance, Low Earth Orbits, are pervaded with objects such as upper stages
of launchers or defunct satellites: collision between large debris has become a likely event in the next five years according to
simulations done in Space Agencies. Willing to anticipate such event and limit collision risk, Agencies and industrials investigate
feasibility of Active Debris Removal (ADR) mission. Many critical points have yet to be solved, such as legal aspects, cost, debris to be
removed and technological challenges to successfully complete the mission. This paper will first initiate a discussion around
challenges that has to face the Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) sub-system during the ADR mission. Then, two navigation
solutions that meet most of navigation challenges for ADR mission will be introduced in this paper. The first solution relies on an active,
3D camera, fused with IMU data in a navigation filter. The second solution relies on a passive, 2D camera and a state-of-the-art Image
Pro-cessing that provides pseudo-measurements, also fused with IMU data in the navigation filter.
GNC Aspects for Active Debris Removal (I), pp. 758-776
Colmenarejo, Pablo
Binet, Giovanni
Strippoli, Luigi
Peters, Thomas V.
Graziano, Mariella
The access to space in the medium term future is being compromised by the exponentially growth of space debris, including
launchers, stages, obsolete space objects and different objects that have resulted from break-ups in space. Orbits like LEO polar
Sun-synchronous (very used for Earth Observation purposes) and GEO (very used for commercial telecommunication purposes) orbits
are specially contested and the risk of a collision between a debris object and an operative mission is starting to be non-negligible.
Technologies for debris removal using active means are nowadays being seri-ously studied. Among the needed technologies, the
Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) related technologies are especially critical because of the complex-ity in the operations to be
performed and the possibility to collide with the debris and generate a much higher amount of debris objects than those that are
intended to be removed. This paper includes a discussion about the main critical GNC related aspects that are involved in the Active
Debris Removal (ADR) scenarios.
Control 3 (Regular Session)
Chair: Mora-Camino, F.
Flight Control Algorithms for a Vertical Launch Air Defense Missile, pp. 777-788
Tekin, Raziye
Collegezaal C
The necessity of high maneuverability and vertical launching require thrust vector control additional to aerodynamic control. That hybrid
usage of aerodynamic and thrust vectoring controls effectively increases the agility of the missile against air defense threats. This
requirement and the rapidly changing dynamics of this type of missiles renders the guidance and control design critical. However, the
findings suggest that classical guidance and control design approaches are still valuable to apply and can have successful
performance within the effective flight envelope. It is very rare that a study concerns from detailed dynamics and analysis of the
dynamics covering flight mission and algorithms. In this study, together with the modeling of the agile dynamics of a vertical launch
surface to air missile and the corresponding thrust forces and moments depending on linear supersonic theory, the application of the
flight control algorithms are presented. Two classic linear autopilot structures are studied. During autopilot design process, an
additional term related to short period dynamics of boost phase is proposed and the drastic effect of this term is shown. In addition to
control algorithms, guidance algorithms are also defined to fulfill the mission of the missile. Body pursuit algorithm is applied for rapid
turnover maneuver and midcourse guidance. Proportional navigation guidance is chosen for terminal phase. In addition, an alternative
maneuvering technique is proposed to reduce further side slip angle during vertical flight.
Constrained Adaptive Control with Transient and Steady-State Performance Guarantees, pp. 789-803
Schatz, Simon Philipp
Tech. Univ. München
Yucelen, Tansel
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Johnson, Eric N.
Georgia Inst. of Tech.
Over the last decades research has been performed in order to improve the transient behavior of adaptive systems. To that end, this
paper develops a new adaptive control architecture for uncertain dynamical systems to achieve guaranteed transient performance in
the presence of state constraints. For this purpose, we extended a recently developed command governor method. Specifically, the
command governor is a dynamical system adjusting the trajectory of a given command in order to follow an ideal reference system in
transient time, where this system captures a desired closed-loop dynamical system behavior specified by a control engineer. Our
extension enables this method to handle state constraints in the range space of the control input matrix. Alternative approaches for
enforcing state constraints outside of the range space are further discussed. Finally, these methods are illustrated for the lateral and
the longitudinal motion of an aircraft.
A New Joint Sensor Based Backstepping Control Approach for Fault-Tolerant Flight Control, pp. 804-823
Sun, Liguo
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
de Visser, Cornelis. C.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Recently, an incremental type sensor based backstepping (SBB) control law, based on singular perturbation theory, was proposed.
This Lyapunov function based method uses measurement data rather than the model knowledge, and has the advantage that the
model uncertainty plays only a minor role. In this paper, the above mentioned SBB method has been extended to deal with fault
tolerant flight control when failures occur to the aircraft. A new double-loop joint SBB attitude controller, as well as a hybrid nonlinear
dynamic inversion (NDI)/SBB attitude controller, has been developed for a Boeing 747-200 aircraft. The benchmarks namely rudder
runaway case and engine separation scenario are employed to evaluate the proposed methods. The simulation results show that the
proposed joint SBB attitude control method can achieve a zero-error tracking performance in nominal condition and can guarantee the
stability of the closed-loop system, under the aforementioned two failures, as long as the reference commands are achievable.
Comparing with the hybrid NDI/SBB method, the joint SBB attitude control setup has an advantage in eliminating the tracking error of
the sideslip angle without needing the onboard model information.
LFT Model Generation Via L1-Regularized Least Squares, pp. 824-837
Pfifer, Harald
Hecker, Simon
Munich Univ. of Applied Sciences
The paper presents a general approach to approximate a nonlinear system by a linear fractional representation (LFR), which is
suitable for LFT-based robust stability analysis and control design. In a first step, the nonlinear system will be transformed into a quasi
linear parameter varying (LPV) system. In the second step, the nonlinear dependencies in the quasi-LPV, which are not rational in the
parameters, are approximated using polynomial fitting based on l1-regularized least squares. Using this approach an almost Pareto
front between the accuracy and complexity of the resulting LFR can be efficiently obtained. The effectiveness of the proposed method
is demonstrated by applying it to a nonlinear missile model of industrial complexity.
Estimation 2 (Regular Session)
Chair: Zolghadri, Ali
Rotorcraft System Identification: An Integrated Time-Frequency Domain Approach, pp. 838-857
Bergamasco, Marco
Lovera, Marco
Univ. Bordeaux I
Pol. di Milano
Pol. di Milano
The problem of rotorcraft system identification is considered and a novel, two step technique is proposed, which combines the
advantages of time domain and frequency domain methods. In the first step, the identification of a black-box model using a subspace
model identification method is carried out, using a technique which can deal with data generated under feedback; subsequently, in the
second step, a-priori information on the model structure is enforced in the identified model using an H-infinity model matching method.
A simulation study is used to illustrate the proposed approach.
A New Substitution Based Recursive B-Splines Method for Aerodynamic Model Identification, pp. 858-871
Sun, Liguo
Delft Univ. of Tech.
de Visser, Cornelis. C.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
A new substitution based (SB) recursive identification method, using multivariate simplex B-splines (MVSBs), has been developed for
the purpose of reducing the computational time in updating the spline B-coefficients. Once the structure selected, the recursive
identification problem using the MVSBs turns to be a constrained recursive identification problem. In the proposed approach, the
constrained identification problem is converted into an unconstrained problem through a transformation using the orthonormal bases of
the kernel space associated with the constraint equations. The main advantage of this algorithm is that the required computational time
is greatly reduced due to the fact that the scale of the identification problem, as well as the scale of the global covariance matrix, is
reduced by the transformation. For validation purpose, the SB-RMVSBs algorithm has been applied to approximate a wind tunnel data
set of the F-16 fighter aircraft. Compared with the batch MVSBs method and the equality constrained recursive least squares (ECRLS)
MVSBs method, the computational load of the proposed SB-RMVSBs method is much lower than that of the batch type method while it
is comparable to that of the ECRLS-MVSBs method. Moreover, the higher the continuity order is, the less computational time the
SB-RMVSBs method requires compared with the ECRLS-MVSBs method.
Detection of Abnormal Aircraft Control Surface Position Using a Robust Parametric Test, pp. 872-886
Gheorghe, Anca
Univ. of Bordeaux & Airbus
Zolghadri, Ali
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Cieslak, Jérôme
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Henry, David
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Goupil, Philippe
Dayre, Remy
Le-berre, Hervé
For upcoming and future aircraft, one important challenge to tackle is the structural design optimization as it contributes to weight
saving, which in turn helps improve aircraft performances (e.g. fuel consumption, noise, range) and consequently to decrease its
environmental footprint. Jamming and runaway of a control surface could lead to significant structural loads and consequently must be
considered in the aircraft structural design. A runaway is an untimely (or uncon-trolled) deflection of a control surface which can go
until its stops if it remains undetected. A jamming is a control surface stuck at its current position. In this pa-per, a procedure for robust
and early detection of such failures is presented and it is shown that it significantly contributes to the aforementioned challenges.
Firstly, an appropriate parametric model of the control servo-loop is estimated, and se-condly, a fault is detected by means of a
suitable decision test in the parametric space. It is shown that a particular parametric direction can be identified which is sensitive to
the occurrence of the investigated faults. The proposed approach satis-fies technical requirements in terms of false alarm, detection
time and computa-tional burden for real implementation. Experimental results with in-flight recorded data sets provided by Airbus are
presented to show the efficiency of the proposed technique.
Invited Session: LAPAZ (Regular Session)
Chair: Luckner, Robert
Commissiekamer 3
Berlin Tech. Univ.
A Full-Authority Automatic Flight Control System for the Civil Airborne Utility Platform S15 – LAPAZ, pp. 887-906
Dalldorff, Lothar
Luckner, Robert
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Reichel, Reingard
Univ. Stuttgart
The market for airborne reconnaissance, surveillance, exploration, and measurement tasks is growing and light civil utility aircraft are
suited to fulfil his demand. Missions that are dangerous or extremely long require an automatic flight control system (AFCS) that
supports the pilot or that even replace the pilot. Such an AFCS for unmanned aircraft operations has to have full authority, it has to be
highly reliable, it must be able to follow precisely predefined trajectories, and it must be able to take off and land automatically. The
development and certi-fication of such an AFCS at competitive cost is a major challenge. This paper gives an overview on the LAPAZ
project, in which an AFCS is developed for the STEMME S15 utility aircraft. It describes the design objectives, the selected flight
control architecture, the system and the development process as well as first flight test results.
Hardware-In-The-Loop – an Essential Part of the Development Process for the Automatic Flight Control System of a
Utility Aircraft, pp. 907-923
Boche, Bernd
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Kaden, Andre
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Luckner, Robert
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Based on a powered sailplane STEMME S15, an automatic flight control system is designed for high-precision automatic control of a
utility aircraft. The LAPAZ project is funded by the German National Aviation Research Program (LUFO IV). LAPAZ is a German
acronym for an Air-Working Platform for the General Civil Aviation. To test the automatic flight control system, a ground test facility in
the form of a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulator was built. The correct integration of the flight control system in the aircraft (STEMME
S15 prototype) is checked by this system. In addition, the functions of the flight control laws are verified. HIL simulation is part of a
cost-effective development process for safety-critical systems, which will be established as part of this project. The present report gives
an overview of the development process and describes the concept, the functional principle and the construction of the HIL simulator.
As an example to validate the HIL-simulator flight test and simulation data of the first automatic landing of the STEMME S15 are
Modelling of Nonlinearities and Parasitic Effects in the Electro-Mechanical Command Transmission Path for a
Real-Time Flight Simulation Model, pp. 924-936
Meyer-Brügel, Wolfram
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Steckel, Florian
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Luckner, Robert
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Electronic flight control systems of civil utility aircraft typically use electro-mechanical actuators for commanding the control surfaces.
Their characteristics and installation can introduce significant nonlinear dynamic effects that have to be simulated by the flight
mechanical model that is used for flight control law design and testing. This paper describes an approach on how the nonlinearities
and high dynamic effects can be modelled in real time.
Aeronautical Applications 7 (Regular Session)
Chair: Balas, Mark
Collegezaal C
Univ. of Wyoming
Adaptive Disturbance Tracking Control to Maximize the Power Capture of Large Wind Turbines in below Rated Wind
Speed Region, pp. 937-945
Thapa Magar, Kaman
Univ. of Wyoming
Balas, Mark
Univ. of Wyoming
Frost, Susan
The amount of power captured by wind turbine depends on the wind speed and the power coefficient (Cp). When wind speed is above
rated value, the rated amount of power is captured but in below rated wind speed operation or Region II operation, the power captured
must be maximized. The power coefficient (Cp) further depends on the blade pitch angle and the Tip Speed Ratio (TSR). For a fixed
blade pitch angle there exist an optimum TSR for which the power coefficient becomes maximum. In Region II turbine operation, blade
pitch is kept constant and TSR is tracked to its optimum value to maximize the power capture. In this paper we introduce an Adaptive
Disturbance Tracking Control (ADTC) Theory and make some modifications to implement it to maximize the power capture by tracking
the optimum TSR in Region II operation of large wind turbines. Since ADTC requires measurement of wind speed, a wind speed and
partial state estimator based on linearized lower-order model of wind turbine at Region II operating point was developed. The
estimated wind speed was then used with the adaptive controller and the states were used for state feedback. The combination of
partial state feedback and adaptive disturbance tracking control is implemented in National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)'s 5
MW offshore wind turbine model and simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation result was then compared with existing fixed gain
Lateral Fly by Wire Control System Dedicated to Future Small Aircraft, pp. 946-965
Heller, Matthias
Baier, Thaddäus
Schuck, Falko
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Compared to common transport aircraft (airliners), it is fact that the General Aviation (GA) sector exhibits a significant higher rate of
accidents. Even though the sources are manifold, two main reasons may be identified. First, General Aviation Pilots generally have a
relative low training level and small number of flight hours compared to airliner pilots and thus, their flight experience and hazard
awareness is consequently limited. The second reason is, that recent transport aircraft feature a significant higher technical standard
possessing various beneficial pilot assistant systems supporting the pilot to fly the aircraft safely at the same time reducing pilot's
workload extensively. The most vital assistant systems, well-known as Fly-by-Wire Flight Control Systems (FbW FCS), provide directly
the appropriate control deflections according to the pilot's commands and (measured) flight condition and thus are capable to assume
important safety enhancing tasks. In addition to ensuring excellent and homogenized flying/handling qualities along the whole
envelope, they offer functionalities like pilot input monitoring, provision of warnings plus active envelope protection yielding a
substantial increase of passenger, crew and aircraft safety towards the key objective "carefree handling". Unfortunately, this valuable
safety increase did not find its way into the general aviation sector although it is standard in current transport planes and modern
business jets. This is due to the tremendous cost of typical Fly-by-Wire control technology always requiring complex redundancy and
reversionary systems to fulfill the strict certification requirements. However, in order to accomplish an equivalent safety enhancement
for GA aircraft and thus to diminish the high accident rates and so to protect human lives, the wellproved beneficial features of active
Flight Control Systems have to be made available and affordable for them. An essential contribution to this subject is the major
objective of the ambitious Technology Research Program “Future Small Aircraft (FSA)” of the Austrian aircraft manufacturer Diamond
Aircraft Industries in cooperation with the Institute of Flight System Dynamics of the Technische Universität München. Within this joint
multinational research program concerning upcoming Future Small Aircraft, (amongst others) the development of an appropriate FbW
lateral flight control system is expedited. Although the control law design is primarily aimed for provision of excellent handling qualities
and pilot's assistance, one main focus is also set on the elaboration of special processes, tools and hardware solutions enabling the
progression of control algorithms which are perfectly tailored to the specific needs of manufacturers of small and medium-sized planes.
Dynamic Trajectory Control of Gliders, pp. 966-979
Dilao, Rui
Fonseca, Joao
Inst. Superior Tecnico
Inst. Superior Tecnico
We propose a new dynamic control algorithm in order to direct the trajectory of a glider to a pre-assigned target point. The algorithms
runs iteratively and the approach to the target point is self-correcting. The algorithm is applicable to any non-powered lift-enabled
vehicle (glider) travelling in planetary atmospheres. As a proof of concept, we have applied the new algorithm to the command and
control of the trajectory of the Space Shuttle during the Terminal Area Energy Management (TAEM) phase.
Aircraft Longitudinal Guidance Based on a Spatial Reference, pp. 980-992
Bouadi, Hakim
Choukroun, Daniel
Mora-Camino, F.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
In this study, instead of using time as the independent variable to describe the guidance dynamics of an aircraft, distance to land,
which can be considered today to be available online with acceptable accuracy and availability, is adopted. A new representation of
aircraft longitudinal guidance dynamics is developed according to this spatial variable. Then a nonlinear inverse control law based-on
this new representation of guidance dynamics is established to make the aircraft follow accurately a vertical profile and a desired
airspeed. The desired airspeed can be regulated to make the aircraft overfly different waypoints according to a planned time-table.
Simulations results with different wind conditions for a transportation aircraft performing a descent approach for landing under this new
guidance scheme are displayed.
Space Applications 2 (Regular Session)
Chair: Theil, Stephan
Toward an Autonomous Lunar Landing Based on Low-Speed Optic Flow Sensors, pp. 993-1011
Sabiron, Guillaume
Chavent, Paul
Burlion, Laurent
Kervendal, Erwan
Bornschlegl, Eric
Fabiani, Patrick
Raharijaona, Thibaut
Ruffier, Franck
Astrium Satellites
CNRS / Aix-Marseille Univ.
CNRS / Aix-Marseille Univ.
Growing interest has returned for the last few decades to the quite challenging task which is the autonomous lunar landing. Soft
landing of payloads on the lunar surface requires the development of new means of ensuring safe descent with strong final conditions
and aerospace-related constraints in terms of mass, cost and computational resources. In this paper, a two-phase approach is
presented: first a biomimetic method inspired from the neuronal and sensory system of flying insects is presented as a solution to
perform safe lunar landing. In order to design an autopilot relying only on optic flow (OF) and inertial measurements, an estimation
method based on a two-sensor setup is introduced: these sensors allow to accurately estimate the orientation of the velocity vector
which is mandatory to control the lander's pitch in a quasi-optimal way with respect to the fuel consumption. Secondly a new low-speed
Visual Motion Sensor (VMS) inspired by insects' visual systems performing local angular 1-D speed measurements ranging from 1.5°/s
to 25°/s and weighing only 2.8 g is presented. It was tested under free-flying outdoor conditions over various fields onboard an 80 kg
unmanned helicopter. These preliminary results show that the optic flow measured despite the complex disturbances encountered
closely matched the ground-truth optic flow.
PROBA-3 Rendezvous Experiment Design and Development, pp. 1012-1024
Bastante, Juan Carlos
Recent years have seen a growing interest towards the development of the GNC functions associated to RV and Formation Flying (FF)
scenarios, motivated by the need of increasing the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of different technologies required to
successfully accomplish several of the future planetary and science missions. Moreover, different sources (for instance, [1]) have
demonstrated the benefits of running planetary RV in non-circular orbits, since though circular relative motion is simpler, and better
known and tested (from ISS-ATV experience, see [2]), elliptical option is being identified as interesting for a cost-effective mission
delivering heavy vehicles for planetary exploration. On the other hand, data fusion is of paramount importance for having a robust
enough mission design in RV scenarios. Particularly important is the selection of a reliable set of sensors for measuring the relative
motion, since for close distance between the two satellites (up to few tens of km, as a maximum) Navigation function must be based on
it, instead of estimating two absolute motions (which is instead the Navigation approach for longer distances). Several sensors
combinations are possible, being those based on optical devices, on one hand, and on radiofrequency signals, on the other, the two
best suited candidates. This article presents the design and development of a Rendezvous Experiment (RVX) to be flown by PROBA-3
mission. This RVX is based on only-camera measurements (images) taken on a target in free flight. The main advantage of this
solution is that it is simpler and hence more robust than if considering additional sensors for relative motion. The work presented in this
paper is part of the activities performed by DEIMOS Engenharia and FFCUL (Portugal) in the frame of the PROBA-3 Phase B2.
Contents are as follows: Section 2 presents the generals about the PROBA-3 RVX, including mission constraints, main drivers and
objectives of RVX itself. Section 3 presents the design of a nominal RVX profile compatible with the constraints imposed by the main
requirements on RVX design. Section 4 presents the relative navigation system definition the RVX rely on, while Section 5 finally
presents some results obtained during the first analyses performed on the current RVX design.
Space-Borne Geolocation with a Quasi-Planar Satellite Cluster, pp. 1025-1043
Leiter, Noam
Gurfil, Pini
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Space-borne geolocation aims at determining the Earth coordinates of a terrestrial emitter. Whereas algorithms for space-borne
geolocation have been presented before, this study provides a theoretical basis for achieving optimal positioning performance based
on sequential time difference of arrival measurements with a satellite cluster, while solving for the initial position ambiguity through
recursive filtering techniques.
Online Estimation of Mean Orbital Elements with Control Inputs, pp. 1044-1063
Zhong, Weichao
Gurfil, Pini
Harbin Inst. of Tech.
Tech. - Israel Inst. of Tech.
Estimating the mean orbital elements is essential for satellite orbit determination as well as guidance and autonomous orbital transfer.
Whereas offline estimation of mean elements can be performed using batch processing and analytical satellite theories, online
estimation requires recursive filtering. This paper proposes a unique formulation for mean orbital elements estimation, wherein the
semianalytical theory is used for generating both the process and measurement equations, but the mean elements estimation is
performed using an Unscented Kalman Filter. A comprehensive performance evaluation for both controlled and uncontrolled orbits
shows the potential applicability of the method and its advantages compared to Brouwer-based approaches.
Space Applications 3 (Regular Session)
Chair: Giulicchi, Luisella
Commissiekamer 3
European Space Agency
Gyro Bias Estimation Using a Dual Instrument Configuration, pp. 1110-1121
Ruizenaar, Marcel
van der Hall, Elwin
Weiss, Martin
An innovative method is proposed for the estimation of inertial measurement biases. This method, that we call DriftLess, is based on
fuzing the data from two sets of inertial measurement sensors that are displaced with respect to each other by a known angle. By
varying the relative position of the sensors according to a predefined pattern, it is possible to acquire sufficient measurement data in
order to estimate the biases of both sensors. The method was validated and tested in a laboratory installation and a numerical
sensitivity study was conducted in order to evaluate the feasibility of the method for more realistic settings.
Flight Nutation Validation of the COS-B and EQUATOR-S Spacecraft, pp. 1081-1092
Kuiper, Hans
Delft Univ. of Tech.
The validation of spacecraft flight nutation damping performance can only be obtained when flight data become available. Dedicated
space nutation tests, e.g. in a decommissioning phase, are required to enable a systematic evaluation of model, ground test and space
performance results. Space nutation flight data, however, are sparsely available. This article deals with the verification and validation of
the COS-B and EQUATOR-S nutation flight data on basis of ground test and three types of models. It will be shown that the
Navier-Stokes model solution used in the development of the Ulysses and FY-2 nutation dampers is the backbone of liquid damper
design of the type “tube-with-endpots”.
Active and Passive Disturbance Isolation for High Accuracy Control Systems, pp. 1093-1109
Boquet, Fabrice
Falcoz, Alexandre
Bennani, Samir
Micro-vibrations are a major contributor to the performances of an in-creasing number of Earth observation and space science
missions because line of sight stability requirements get tighter with increasing resolution and longer in-struments integration time.
These mission performances are sensitive to the pres-ence of disturbance sources such as wheels, cryocoolers and solar array drive
mechanisms. For the majority of Astrium's satellites, microvibrations attenuation is widely handled by considering passive isolators set
at the reaction wheels inter-face. This solution allows guaranteeing good rejection of high frequency disturb-ances while providing
sufficient performances for the current missions. However, this so-called “passive” solution provides limited isolation at low frequency
which could be insufficient for future mission needs. The work presented in this paper results from research activities led by Astrium
Satellites and the European Space Agency on the design of optimized passive/active solutions for large frequency band
microvibrations insulation. The preferred solution is based on a passive iso-lator coupled with an active control system in charge of
rejecting disturbances in the low frequency band. Two kinds of active controllers have been designed and implemented. The first one
is based on an adaptive disturbance cancellation scheme operating in the output demodulated space while the second one is
formulated and managed in the H∞/µ setting. The plant model, used for the con-trollers design procedure, has been derived from a
prior ARMAX-type MIMO identification procedure considering input/output experimental time measurements collected on the real
system. The two control solutions have been implemented on a dedicated hardware test bench facility and a robust performances
assessment campaign has been performed demonstrating more than 20dB disturbance rejection even on a partially modeled structure.
GN&C Engineering Lessons Learned from Human Space Flight Operations Experiences, pp. 1064-1080
Dittemore, Gary
Dennehy, Neil
Documenting and sharing GN&C lessons learned helps the entire community of practice, including design engineers, test engineers,
system engineers, flight operations engineers and project managers. Capturing and disseminating these GN&C lessons serves to
minimize project risk and improve performance of system performance, operational reliability, and safety. The importance of
identifying, documenting and widely sharing GN&C lessons learned during system design and development is broadly acknowledged
by most aerospace engineering organizations. This paper addresses a recently observed concern. While NASA and other national
spaceflight organizations do a reasonably good job of capturing the lessons learned arising from the GN&C system design and
development phases of the project life cycle we are not so adept at identifying and capturing lessons learned from the flight operations
phase of a given mission's life cycle. Often significant lessons learned during flight operations fail to be captured even though they are
well known ‘tribal knowledge' amongst the flight operations team members. This paper summarizes the results of a study performed by
members of the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) Technical Discipline Team
(TDT) to systematically and comprehensively identify and document GN&C lessons learned that have emerged from NASA's human
and robotic spaceflight operational experiences. We believe that some of these operational lessons learned can provide valuable
feedback not only for the next generation of GN&C flight operations engineers but also for those engineers performing the up-front
N&C design and development work.
Technical Program for Friday April 12, 2013
Space Applications 4 (Regular Session)
Chair: Lovera, Marco
Co-Chair: Frapard, Benoit
Spacecraft Attitude Control Based on Magnetometers and Gyros, pp. 1122-1137
Bergamasco, Marco
Lovera, Marco
Collegezaal C
Pol. di Milano
EADS Astrium
Pol. di Milano
Pol. di Milano
The problem of designing attitude control laws for a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite on the basis of static feedback from a triaxial
magnetometer and a set of high precision gyros is considered and an approach based on optimal static output feedback for linear
time-periodic system is presented. Simulation results are used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed strategy and to evaluate
its performance in a realistic setting.
Fault-Tolerant Spacecraft Magnetic Attitude Control, pp. 1138-1157
Sadon, Aviran
Choukroun, Daniel
Ben-Gurion Univ.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
This work is concerned with the development of a control algorithm for Markovian jump-linear systems, and its application to
fault-tolerant spacecraft magnetic attitude control. For completeness, the jump-linear quadratic optimal controller with full state and
mode information is presented. Relaxing the assumption of perfect mode information, a similar optimal control problem is formulated
where the mode is observed via discrete measurements. The elements of the measurement matrix, i.e. the probabilities for correct and
wrong mode observations are assumed known. The optimal controller is developed, which requires an exponentially growing
computational burden, and a suboptimal controller is proposed that only requires knowledge of the current mode measurement. This
controller is finite memory and possess some of the classical linear quadratic regulator features such as the linear state feedback
structure and a state quadratic optimal cost-to-go. The performances of the suggested algorithm are illustrated through extensive
Monte-Carlo simulations on a simple numerical example. A realistic fault-tolerant spacecraft magnetic attitude controller is developed
based on the proposed approach. The attitude controller succeeds in mitigating the destabilizing effect of corrupted mode observations
while being computationally efficient.
Optimal Control Gain for Satellite Detumbling Using B-Dot Algorithm, pp. 1158-1169
Juchnikowski, Grzegorz
Barcinski, Tomasz
Lisowski, Jakub
Space Res. Center PAS
Tech. Univ. of Szczecin
Space Res. Center PAS
Theoretical derivation of the optimal control gain in the detumbling process using B-dot control law is presented. It is shown that the
optimal gain is a function both of magnitude of magnetic field B and the rate of change of its direction. As both factors change along
the orbit, the control gain applied should be variable.
Decentralized Energy Management for Spacecraft Attitude Determination, pp. 1170-1189
Amini, Rouzbeh
Gill, Eberhard
Gaydadjiev, Georgi
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Chalmers Univ. of Tech.
Employment of wireless links for spacecraft onboard data communication provides promising solutions for improved modularity of
onboard system architectures. In such onboard wireless network infrastructure power is highly distributed and often limited for some of
the nodes that makes energy efficient data collection extremely important. Wireless technology can be specifically employed for
sensors and actuators of attitude determination and control system (ADCS). In this paper we propose a new decentralized architectural
scheme for energy management of onboard wireless sensors and actuators network (OWSAN). Our energy manager is based on a
decentralized sensor scheduling. The local node energy managers dynamically schedule the sleep periods of wireless transmitters to
lower the frequency of data communication activities which, as a consequence, reduces the energy consumption and minimizes the
chances of communication collisions among the wireless nodes. The results of the simulation show about 25% to 33% reduction in
wireless communication activities of some nodes without sacrificing the ADCS accuracy which implies a significant improvement in
sensors energy efficiency.
Aeronautical Applications 8 (Regular Session)
Chair: Holzapfel, Florian
Multi-Lifting-Device UAV Autonomous Flight at Any Transition Percentage, pp. 1190-1204
De Wagter, Christophe
Dokter, Dirk
de Croon, Guido
Tech. Univ. München
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Remes, Bart
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Hybrid UAVs with hovering as well as fast forward flight capability or enhanced maneuverability are expected to become increasingly
important. To approach the complex problem of autonomous flight in the full flight envelope of these transitioning or reconfiguring
vehicles, a simple but powerful approach is presented. A traditional rotorcraft control strategy consisting of an attitude innerloop and
position outerloop is enhanced with a lift allocation controller in between. By running several sub-controllers per lift-device, simplicity is
kept while allowing sustained flight at any transitioning percentage for any number of lifting devices. The applications of this approach
range from hover of fixedwings, or allowing easier fast forward flight of conventional rotorcraft to autonomous flight of most types of
hybrid or reconfiguring UAV. Flight test results are presented using the ATMOS hybrid UAV.
A Low-Cost Integrated System for Indoor and Outdoor Navigation of Miniature UAVs, pp. 1205-1224
Marmet, François-Xavier
Bertrand, Sylvain
Hérissé, Bruno
Carton, Mathieu
This paper presents an hardware device and associated algorithms for the navigation of miniature rotorcraft-based Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles (UAVs). Unlike many studies that focus on navigation solutions adapted to one single type of mission and environment, the
proposed approach aims at simultaneously dealing with indoor and outdoor missions, as well as being robust to sensors' loss and/or
faulty measurements. An hardware device with low-cost sensors is presented as well as algorithms that are used to estimate online the
vehicle's state composed of its position, attitude and velocities. This estimation architecture, based on complementary and Kalman
filters, enables measurement selection and fusion fromdifferent sensors, depending on the current environment (indoor or outdoor).
Algorithms are described and simulation results are provided to illustrate and compare the performance of the proposed approach.
Stereo Vision Based Obstacle Avoidance on Flapping Wing MAVs, pp. 1225-1244
Tijmons, Sjoerd
de Croon, Guido
Remes, Bart
De Wagter, Christophe
Ruijsink, Rick
Van Kampen, Erik-Jan
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
One of the major challenges in robotics is to develop a fly-like robot that can autonomously fly around in unknown environments.
State-of-the-art research on autonomous flight of light-weight flapping wing MAVs uses information such as optic flow and appearance
variation extracted from a single camera, and has met with limited success. This paper presents the first study of stereo vision for
onboard obstacle detection. Stereo vision provides instantaneous distance estimates making the method less dependent than single
camera methods on the camera motions resulting from the flapping. After hardware modifications specifically tuned to use on a
flapping wing MAV, the computationally efficient Semi-Global Matching (SGM) algorithm in combination with off-board processing
allows for accurate real-time distance estimation. Closed-loop indoor experiments with the flapping wing MAV DelFly II demonstrate
the advantage of this technique over the use of optic flow measurements.
Comparison of Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion and Backstepping Controls with Application to a Quadrotor, pp. 1245-1263
Wang, Jian
Tech. Univ. München
Holzapfel, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
Peter, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
This paper presents a comparison between different control designs using Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (NDI) and Backstepping
methodologies. Most of control design variations of the two mentioned methods, if not all, are concluded here. Similarities and
differences are compared not only between NDI and Backstepping, but also between different designs of the same method, where the
output tracking error dynamics are used as an important criterion for the comparison. Due to the high maneuverability and agility of the
quadrotor, the control bandwidth of the designs is of particular interest, which is related to the requirement on the Time Scale
Separation (TSS) in the control system. Through the comparison, the related issues are clarified, e.g. if the additional Backstepping
term reduces the TSS compared with the NDI designs; which control designs have the highest control bandwidth. The attitude control
of a quadrotor is used as an example system to explain and verify the comparison.
Automatic Landing System of a Quadrotor UAV Using Visual Servoing, pp. 1264-1283
Ho, Hann Woei
Chu, Qiping
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
This paper presents a fully autonomous system for a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that employs the visual measurements
to perform automatic landing task on a specific landing platform. Basically, there are two main control tasks discussed in this paper.
The first task refers to the auto-land mission that tracks the platform horizontally and performs the vertical landing. It was accomplished
by using the red blob tracking technique. The second task involves the robust motion tracking that activates the recovery action once
the target is lost so that the vehicle is still able to hover steadily. It was realized by implementing the features accelerated from
segment test (FAST) technique with the pyramidal Lucas-Kanade algorithm to detect the local feature in the image and compute the
optical flow. From the visual results obtained, the position and velocity of the vehicle were estimated using a nested Kalman-based
sensor fusion . The state estimation was validated in a series of experiments using a CNC milling machine. Lastly, the control
architecture for automatic landing system was formed with the classical PID controller and the flight test proved the success of the
proposed system.
Invited Session: TECS (Regular Session)
Chair: Looye, Gertjan
Co-Chair: Lambregts, Antonius, Adrianus
Commissiekamer 3
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
TECS Generalized Airplane Control System – an Update (I), pp. 1284-1303
Lambregts, Antonius, Adrianus
The Total Energy Control System (TECS) was developed in the early eighties to overcome well known safety/design deficiencies of
traditional Single Input/Single output (SISO) based Flight Guidance and Control (FG&C) systems. TECS uses generalized Multi
Input/Multi Output (MIMO) based airplane control strategies to functionally integrate all desired automatic and augmented manual
control modes and achieve consistently high performance for airplane maneuvering in the vertical plane. This paper documents further
insights gained over the past years on TECS design details for achieving precision control decoupling, integration of augmented
manual control modes, embedded envelope protection functions and innerloop design using airplane dynamic model inversion.
Additionally, non-linear design aspects are discussed, including thrust limiting, energy management, maneuver rate limiting and mode
THCS Generalized Airplane Control System Design (I), pp. 1304-1323
Lambregts, Antonius, Adrianus
Generic TECS Based Autopilot for an Electric High Altitude Solar Powered Aircraft, pp. 1324-1343
Kastner, Nir
DLR - German Aerospace Center
Looye, Gertjan
DLR - German Aerospace Center
High altitude long endurance UAVs draw increasing attention in recent years. Combined with solar electrical power, they can be
expected, for example, to complement the role of stationary satellites as inexpensive alternatives. This paper discusses the approach
used in designing a full featured TECS (Total Energy Control System) based generic autopilot for conducting long-endurance
autonomous missions with the ELHASPA (ELectric High Altitude Solar Powered Aircraft) platform and the progress made to date.
The Total Energy Control Concept for a Motor Glider, pp. 1344-1363
Lamp, Maxim
Luckner, Robert
Berlin Tech. Univ.
Berlin Tech. Univ.
In this article the Total Energy Control System (TECS) that was introduced by Lambregts to control the vertical flight path and the
velocity of an aircraft by using the total energy and the energy distribution between the flight path and the acceleration, will be taken
up, modified, extended and tested on a motor glider. The TECS concept has been extended by using the airbrakes as additional
control elements to manipulate the total energy. For motor gliders and utility aircraft with a high glide ratio this increases the sink
performance and the range of possible missions, like steep approaches. Further modifications are done to improve the height accuracy
during normal operation and during flare manoeuvre and to improve the control response reaching its saturations. A height protection
is introduced to make a safe flight near to the ground possible. The usage and generation of required sensor signals from existing
sensor data is introduced. Examples of flight test results are given.
Flight Envelope Protection for Automatic and Augmented MAnual Control (I), pp. 1364-1383
Lambregts, Antonius, Adrianus
TECS-Based Generic Autopilot Control Laws for Aircraft Mission Simulation (I), pp. 1384-1403
Looye, Gertjan
DLR - German Aerospace Center
Mission simulation involves automated simulation of complete aircraft flights or flight segments in order to assess over-all metrics like
block fuel, flight times and total emissions. This contribution presents a fully automated mission simulation environment that may be
used in flight trajectory as well as aircraft or engine design optimisation loops. To this end, the environment covers the complete
process, from integration of a flight dynamics model for the given aircraft configuration to simulation and assessment of all metrics of
interest. The aircraft is usually represented by a point-mass, which is guided along 3D trajectories by means of generic autopilot
guidance control laws based on the Total Heading and Total Energy Control Systems (THCS and TECS). These control structures
elegantly accommodate all speed and path-related autopilot modes, control priorities, performance and protection limits and do not
require aircraft-specific gain tuning. This paper discusses the mission simulation environment, the implementation of TECS / THCS
herein, as well as example applications on dissimilar aircraft and missions types.
Control 4 (Regular Session)
Chair: Tekin, Raziye
Collegezaal C
Fault Tolerant Control of Octorotor Using Sliding Mode Control Allocation, pp. 1404-1423
Alwi, Halim
Edwards, Christopher
Univ. of Leicester
Univ. of Leicester
This paper presents a fault tolerant control scheme using sliding mode control allocation for an octorotor UAV. Compared to the
existing literature on quadrotor or octorotor UAVs, the scheme in this paper takes full advantage of the redundant rotors to handle
more than one rotor failure. A sliding mode approach is used as the core baseline controller, which is robust against uncertainty in the
input channels – including faults to any of the rotors. Even when total failures occur, no reconfiguration is required to the baseline
controller, and the control signals are simply re-allocated to the remaining healthy rotors using control allocation, to maintain nominal
fault-free performance. To highlight the efficacy of the scheme, various types of rotor fault/failure scenarios have been tested on a
nonlinear model. The results show no visible change in performance when compared to the fault-free case.
An Impulsive Input Approach to Short Time Convergent Control for Linear Systems, pp. 1424-1443
Weiss, Martin
Shtessel, Yuri B.
Univ. of Alabama at Huntsville
The paper considers the problem of bringing the state of a controllable linear system to the origin in a very short time. It takes the
approach of considering an ``ideal'' control input consisting of a linear combination of the Dirac delta function and its derivatives that
realizes this goal instantaneously. Three schemes are introduced to approximate the impulsive input with physically realizable
functions: a smooth approximation with compact support, a Gaussian function approximation and a step approximation. It is shown
using a numerical example that all approximations work reasonably well, with the Gaussian approximation providing slightly worse
results. It is also shown that a direct approach to obtain a state nulling input by solving an integral equation runs quicker into numerical
problems than the impulsive input approach as the convergence time decreases. A rendez-vous problem for satellites is used as an
example for the practical applicability of the techniques presented here.
Incremental Backstepping for Robust Nonlinear Flight Control, pp. 1444-1463
Acquatella B., Paul
Van Kampen, Erik-Jan
Chu, Qiping
DLR - German Aerospace Center
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Delft Univ. of Tech.
This paper presents a robust nonlinear flight control strategy based on results combining incremental control action and the
backstepping design methodology for vehicles described by strict-feedback (cascaded) nonlinear systems. The approach, referred to
as incremental backstepping, uses feedback of actuator states and acceleration estimates to allow the design of increments of control
action. In combination with backstepping, the proposed approach stabilizes or tracks outer-loop control variables of the nonlinear
system incrementally, accounting for large model and parametric uncertainties, besides undesired factors such as external
perturbations and aerodynamic modeling errors. With this result, dependency on the modeled aircraft system is greatly reduced,
overcoming the major robustness flaw of conventional model-based flight control strategies. This suggested methodology implies a
trade-off between accurate knowledge of the dynamic model and accurate knowledge of the vehicle sensors and actuators, which
makes it more suitable for practical application than identification or model based adaptive control architectures. Simulation results
verify the tracking capability and superior robustness of the proposed controller under aerodynamic uncertainty with respect to
standard backstepping methodologies for a simple flight control example.
Adaptive Augmentation of a Fighter Aircraft Autopilot Using a Nonlinear Reference Model, pp. 1464-1483
Leitão, Miguel
Tech. Univ. München
Peter, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
Holzapfel, Florian
Tech. Univ. München
A Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion (NDI) baseline control architecture based on a nonlinear reference model and augmented by an
adaptive element is developed for an agile modern fighter aircraft. This paper mainly focuses on the nonlinear reference model and on
a modified NDI error feedback architecture. The chosen reference model contains the main nonlinear plant characteristics and is
therefore able to fully exploit the physical capabilities of the fighter aircraft. Starting with the classical inversion control laws, the
implemented NDI-based error feedback baseline controller architecture is tailored according to the modifications motivated by the new
reference model. In order to keep closed-loop performance in the vicinity of the nominal case, even in the presence of severe
uncertainties and turbulence, the aforementioned baseline controller is augmented by an adaptive layer. The employed control
architecture has proven its capabilities and its robustness for a large set of uncertainties and in the presence of turbulence effects.
Estimation 3 (Regular Session)
Chair: Van Kampen, Erik-Jan
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Flight Test Oriented Autopilot Design for Improved Aerodynamic Parameter Identification, pp. 1484-1495
Krings, Matthias
Hamburg Univ. of Tech.
Henning, Karsten
Hamburg Univ. of Tech.
Thielecke, Frank
Hamburg Univ. of Tech.
In order to reduce development costs and time, model-based design is widely introduced in the industry leading to a strong need for
verified high-fidelity simulation models. An inevitable, but challenging process step to obtain such simulation models for
GNC-applications is the aerodynamic parameter identification on the basis of real flight test data. The identification process requires
distinct excitation maneuvers in order to constrain the design space to a subset of model parameters reducing the complexity of the
identification problem and the correlation within the overall parameter set. Typically, manually flown excitation maneuvers are not exact
and fully reproducible concerning the requirements and therefore the amount of rejected data points is significant. In case of remotely
piloted aircraft systems, the decoupling of the aircraft and the ground pilot in charge leads to an even less sensitive maneuver control,
a further reduced disturbance suppression and even greater difficulties in meeting the initialization requirements. This scenario calls for
an automation of aerodynamic parameter identification related flight tests. A practical approach to a flight test oriented autopilot for
improved aerodynamic parameter identification is proposed within this paper. The requirements for identification excitation maneuvers
and the corresponding design of the autopilot are emphasized and flight test results are presented.
Robust Thruster Fault Diagnosis: Application to the Rendezvous Phase of the Mars Sample Return Mission, pp.
Fonod, Robert
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Henry, David
Univ. Bordeaux 1
Charbonnel, Catherine
Thales Alenia Space
Bornschlegl, Eric
This paper addresses robust fault diagnosis of the chaser's thrusters used for the rendezvous phase of the Mars Sample Return (MSR)
mission. The MSR mission is a future exploration mission undertaken jointly by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA). The goal is to return tangible samples from Mars atmosphere and ground to Earth for
analysis. A residual-based scheme is proposed that is robust against the presence of unknown time-varying delays induced by the
thruster modulator unit. The proposed fault diagnosis design is based on Eigenstructure Assignment (EA) and first-order Pade
approximation. The resulted method is able to detect quickly any kind of thruster faults and to isolate them using a cross-correlation
based test. Simulation results from the MSR "high-fidelity" industrial simulator, provided by Thales Alenia Space, demonstrate that the
proposed method is able to detect and isolate some thruster faults in a reasonable time, despite of delays in the thruster modulator
unit, inaccurate navigation unit, and spatial disturbances (i.e. J2 gravitational perturbation, atmospheric drag, and solar radiation
A Multiple-Observer Scheme for Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery of Satellite Thrusters, pp. 1511-1526
Abauzit, Antoine
Marzat, Julien
The method proposed in this paper aims at automatically detecting, isolating and identifying faults on actuators of a satellite model and
also aims at automatically reconfiguring the reference input once the fault has been isolated. The method uses two sliding mode
observers to detect and reconstruct the fault. A cusum test on the output of the detection observer triggers a bank of Unknown Input
Observers in order to isolate the faulty actuator. The reference input is automatically reconfigured in order to pre-compensate the fault,
which makes the satellite capable of fulfilling its mission with the desired performances and good precision. Monte Carlo analysis,
based on performance criteria, is carried out to assess the performance of the strategy. The combination of these different types of
filters might provide better detection, isolation and identification capabilities than a single filter that would be forced to achieve a
trade-off between fast detection and accurate estimation.
Aeronautical Applications 9 (Regular Session)
Chair: de Croon, Guido
Position Tracking of a Multicopter Using a Geommetric Backstepping Control Law, pp. 1527-1545
Falconí, Guillermo P.
Holzapfel, Florian
Commissiekamer 3
Delft Univ. of Tech.
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
In this paper a position tracking controller for a multirotor helicopter is presented. The controller design exploits the fact that for position
tracking, the control of the whole attitude is not needed,but only the control of the body-fixed z-axis. This results in a position controller
which is independent of the heading controller. This is achieved by introducing the thrust vector as a system's state, i.e. using the
body-fixed z-axis as a reduced attitude parameter and extending the thrust input T dynamically. This parameter choice also avoids
drawbacks of local attitude parameterizations like singularities or unwinding and thus maximizes the flight envelope. The position
controller is designed using a three-step backstepping control law, such that no time-scale separation is needed. Furthermore, two
heading controllers are proposed.
Automatic UAV Landing with Ground Target Maintained in the Field of View, pp. 1546-1562
Burlion, Laurent
de Plinval, Henry
In this paper, a key capability for UAV visual servoing in automatic landing is investigated: the possibility to add an output constraint to
a given control law, namely that a ground target point be maintained inside the camera field of view (FoV). This method has been
recently developed, and the present study represents an application of this method, which can be applied to any nonlinear system.
First, a control law for UAV automatic landing is proposed. Then, the output constraint method is presented. Later, the method is
applied to the UAV landing case. Finally, simulation results are presented, which show the relevance of the method. The approach
thus solves a key element of any visual servoing problem: the possibility to maintain a given object inside the camera field of view.
Nonlinear Non-Cascaded Reference Model Architecture for Flight Control Design with Flight Path Angle Rate Command
System, pp. 1563-1581
Zhang, Fubiao
Holzapfel, Florian
Heller, Matthias
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
Tech. Univ. München
A nonlinear reference model architecture motivated by dynamic inversion based flight control is introduced. As a novel feature, only
one integrated reference model is used to provide reference commands, for longitudinal axis: the flight path angle, vertical load factor
and pitch rate, while admitting flight path rate command as input; for lateral axis, bank angle and roll rate; for directional axis, lateral
load factor and yaw rate. Flight dynamics, actuator dynamics with rate and position limits, and envelope protections could also be
incorporated in a straight forward way in one reference model. One advantage of this non-cascaded reference model is that at least
attitude of the reference re-sponse could be restored and flied at an early stage of the flight control system design cycle. The second
feature is that the reference model is parameterized, allowing the opportunity of updating the knowledge of aircraft dynamics (perhaps
damaged) and flying qualities design. With these two aspects, the physical consistency in terms of the reference commands among
different channels and reference commands reasonable with respect to true aircraft dynamics could be assured. Although designed for
General Aviation air-craft, the framework could be generalized for other aircrafts considering only rigid body dynamics
EuroGNC 2013 Author Index
Abauzit, Antoine .................................................................................................................................................FrBT2.3
Acquatella B., Paul .............................................................................................................................................FrBT1.3
Ahrns, Ingo .........................................................................................................................................................ThAT3.1
Alazard, Daniel ...................................................................................................................................................WeBT3.4
Alwi, Halim .........................................................................................................................................................FrBT1.1
Amini, Rouzbeh ..................................................................................................................................................FrAT1.4
Andert, Franz......................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.3
Baier, Thaddäus .................................................................................................................................................ThCT1.2
Balas, Mark ........................................................................................................................................................WeBT1.1
Barcinski, Tomasz ..............................................................................................................................................FrAT1.3
Basmadji, Fatina Liliana......................................................................................................................................ThAT2.2
Bastante, Juan Carlos ........................................................................................................................................ThAT3.2
Batzdorfer, Simon ...............................................................................................................................................WeAT1.3
Becker, Martin ....................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.3
Bennani, Samir ...................................................................................................................................................ThCT3.3
Bergamasco, Marco ...........................................................................................................................................ThBT2.1
Berman, Nadav ..................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.4
Bertrand, Sylvain ................................................................................................................................................FrAT2.2
Bestmann, Ulf .....................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.3
Bierling, Thomas.................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.3
Binet, Giovanni ...................................................................................................................................................ThAT3.4
Boche, Bernd......................................................................................................................................................ThBT3.2
Boquet, Fabrice ..................................................................................................................................................ThCT3.3
Bornschlegl, Eric.................................................................................................................................................ThCT2.1
Bouadi, Hakim ....................................................................................................................................................ThCT1.4
Burlion, Laurent ..................................................................................................................................................ThCT2.1
Capua, Alon........................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.4
Carton, Mathieu ..................................................................................................................................................FrAT2.2
Casasco, Massimo .............................................................................................................................................WeCT1.1
Chabot, Thomas .................................................................................................................................................ThAT3.3
Charbonnel, Catherine........................................................................................................................................FrBT2.2
Chavent, Paul .....................................................................................................................................................ThCT2.1
Choukroun, Daniel ..............................................................................................................................................WeAT2
Chowdhary, Girish ..............................................................................................................................................WeBT1.4
Chu, Qiping ........................................................................................................................................................WeCT1.3
Cieslak, Jérôme..................................................................................................................................................WeCT1.2
Colmenarejo, Pablo ............................................................................................................................................ThAT3.4
Dalldorff, Lothar ..................................................................................................................................................ThBT3.1
Damiana, Losa ...................................................................................................................................................WeCT1.1
Dauer, Johann ....................................................................................................................................................WeBT2.1
Dayre, Remy ......................................................................................................................................................ThBT2.3
de Croon, Guido .................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.2
De La Torre, Gerardo .........................................................................................................................................WeAT1.1
de Plinval, Henry ................................................................................................................................................FrBT3.2
de Visser, Cornelis. C. ........................................................................................................................................ThBT1.3
De Wagter, Christophe .......................................................................................................................................WeAT1.2
Delannoy, Stephane ...........................................................................................................................................WeAT3
Dennehy, Neil .....................................................................................................................................................ThCT3.4
Dilao, Rui............................................................................................................................................................ThCT1.3
Dittemore, Gary ..................................................................................................................................................ThCT3.4
Dittrich, Jörg .......................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.3
Dokter, Dirk ........................................................................................................................................................FrAT2.1
Edwards, Christopher .........................................................................................................................................WeBT1
Efimov, Denis .....................................................................................................................................................WeCT1.2
Efremov, Alexander ............................................................................................................................................WeBT3.1
Erwin, Richard ....................................................................................................................................................WeBT1.1
Fabiani, Patrick ...................................................................................................................................................ThCT2.1
Falconí, Guillermo P. ..........................................................................................................................................FrBT3.1
Falcoz, Alexandre ...............................................................................................................................................ThCT3.3
Felisiak, Piotr ......................................................................................................................................................WeAT2.3
Fichter, Walter ....................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.4
Fonod, Robert ....................................................................................................................................................FrBT2.2
Fonseca, Joao ....................................................................................................................................................ThCT1.3
Frapard, Benoit...................................................................................................................................................FrAT1
Frost, Susan .......................................................................................................................................................ThCT1.1
Gaydadjiev, Georgi .............................................................................................................................................FrAT1.4
Gheorghe, Anca .................................................................................................................................................ThBT2.3
Gill, Eberhard .....................................................................................................................................................FrAT1.4
Giulicchi, Luisella ................................................................................................................................................ThCT3
Goupil, Philippe ..................................................................................................................................................WeCT1.2
Graziano, Mariella ..............................................................................................................................................ThAT3.4
Gruszecki, Jan....................................................................................................................................................ThAT2.2
Grzymisch, Jonathan ..........................................................................................................................................WeCT1.1
Gurfil, Pini...........................................................................................................................................................ThCT2.3
Gursoy, Gonenc .................................................................................................................................................WeBT3.3
Gutman, Shaul ...................................................................................................................................................WeCT2.1
Hammon, Reiner ................................................................................................................................................ThAT2.1
Hecker, Peter .....................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.3
Hecker, Simon ....................................................................................................................................................ThBT1.4
Heller, Matthias ..................................................................................................................................................ThCT1.2
Henning, Karsten ................................................................................................................................................FrBT2.1
Henry, David.......................................................................................................................................................WeCT1.2
Hérissé, Bruno....................................................................................................................................................FrAT2.2
Hertog, A.L. ........................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.1
Ho, Hann Woei ...................................................................................................................................................FrAT2.5
Höcht, Leonhard .................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.3
Holzapfel, Florian................................................................................................................................................WeBT1.4
Hovakimyan, Naira .............................................................................................................................................WeBT2.4
How, Jonathan P. ...............................................................................................................................................WeBT1.4
Indra, Saurabh....................................................................................................................................................WeCT1.4
Izzo, Dario ..........................................................................................................................................................WeAT2.2
Jenie, Yazdi Ibrahim ...........................................................................................................................................ThAT2.4
Johnson, Eric N. .................................................................................................................................................WeAT1
Juchnikowski, Grzegorz ......................................................................................................................................FrAT1.3
Juston, Raphaël .................................................................................................................................................WeBT2.2
Kaden, Andre .....................................................................................................................................................ThBT3.2
Kanani, Keyvan ..................................................................................................................................................ThAT3.3
Kastner, Nir ........................................................................................................................................................FrAT3.3
Kervendal, Erwan ...............................................................................................................................................ThAT3.3
Kim, Seung-Hwan...............................................................................................................................................WeBT1.3
Klöckner, Andreas ..............................................................................................................................................WeBT2.3
Koopmans, Andries ............................................................................................................................................WeAT1.2
Korovin, Alexander .............................................................................................................................................WeBT3.1
Koshelenko, Alexander .......................................................................................................................................WeBT3.1
Kownacki, Cezary ...............................................................................................................................................ThAT2.3
Krings, Matthias ..................................................................................................................................................FrBT2.1
Kuiper, Hans.......................................................................................................................................................ThCT3.2
Kumkov, Sergey .................................................................................................................................................WeCT2.2
Lambregts, Antonius, Adrianus ...........................................................................................................................FrAT3
Lamp, Maxim ......................................................................................................................................................FrAT3.4
Le Menec, Stephane ..........................................................................................................................................WeCT2.2
Le-berre, Hervé ..................................................................................................................................................ThBT2.3
Leitão, Miguel .....................................................................................................................................................FrBT1.4
Leiter, Noam .......................................................................................................................................................ThCT2.3
Leitner, Martin ....................................................................................................................................................WeBT2.3
Levy, Maital ........................................................................................................................................................WeCT2.1
Li, Nailu ..............................................................................................................................................................ThAT1.1
Lisowski, Jakub ..................................................................................................................................................FrAT1.3
Lo, Chang How...................................................................................................................................................WeBT1.3
Lombaerts, Thomas............................................................................................................................................ThAT1.3
Looye, Gertjan ....................................................................................................................................................WeBT2
Lovera, Marco ....................................................................................................................................................ThBT2.1
Luckner, Robert ..................................................................................................................................................ThBT3
Magree, Daniel ...................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.1
Maier, Rudolf ......................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.3
Manecy, Augustin ...............................................................................................................................................WeBT2.2
Marchand, Nicolas ..............................................................................................................................................WeBT2.2
Marmet, François-Xavier ....................................................................................................................................FrAT2.2
Marzat, Julien .....................................................................................................................................................FrBT2.3
Merkl, Christian ..................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.3
Meyer-Brügel, Wolfram .......................................................................................................................................ThBT3.3
Mora-Camino, F..................................................................................................................................................ThBT1
Mühlegg, Maximilian ...........................................................................................................................................WeBT1.4
Nelson, James....................................................................................................................................................WeBT1.1
Niewind, Ina........................................................................................................................................................WeAT3.3
Nikoueeyan, Pourya ...........................................................................................................................................ThAT1.1
Ortega, Guillermo ...............................................................................................................................................ThAT3
Oudin, Simon......................................................................................................................................................WeAT3.4
Patsko, Valery, S. ...............................................................................................................................................WeCT2.2
Penin, Luis F. .....................................................................................................................................................ThAT3.2
Peter, Florian ......................................................................................................................................................FrAT2.4
Peters, Thomas V. ..............................................................................................................................................ThAT3.4
Pfifer, Harald ......................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.2
Pinchetti, Federico ..............................................................................................................................................WeAT1.4
Poussot-Vassal, Charles ....................................................................................................................................WeBT3.4
Prach, Anna........................................................................................................................................................WeBT3.3
R, Dhayalan........................................................................................................................................................WeAT3.2
Raharijaona, Thibaut ..........................................................................................................................................ThCT2.1
Re, Fabrizio ........................................................................................................................................................WeAT3.1
Reichel, Reingard ...............................................................................................................................................ThBT3.1
Remes, Bart .......................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.2
Rubinsky, Sergey ...............................................................................................................................................WeCT2.3
Ruffier, Franck ....................................................................................................................................................ThCT2.1
Ruijsink, Rick ......................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.2
Ruizenaar, Marcel ..............................................................................................................................................ThCT3.1
Sabiron, Guillaume .............................................................................................................................................ThCT2.1
Sadon, Aviran .....................................................................................................................................................FrAT1.2
Schatz, Simon Philipp .........................................................................................................................................ThBT1.2
Scheper, Kirk Y. W. ............................................................................................................................................WeAT1.1
Schlabe, Daniel ..................................................................................................................................................WeBT2.3
Schönfeld, Andrej ...............................................................................................................................................WeBT3
Schuck, Falko .....................................................................................................................................................ThCT1.2
Shapiro, Amir......................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.4
Shima, Tal ..........................................................................................................................................................WeCT2.1
Shin, Hyo-Sang ..................................................................................................................................................WeBT1.3
Shinar, Josef ......................................................................................................................................................WeCT2.4
Shtessel, Yuri B. .................................................................................................................................................FrBT1.2
Sibilski, Krzysztof................................................................................................................................................WeAT2.3
Sieberling, Sören ................................................................................................................................................ThAT1
Silvestre, Flavio Jose..........................................................................................................................................ThAT1.4
Sommer, Josef ...................................................................................................................................................ThAT3.1
Souanef, Toufik ..................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.4
Steckel, Florian...................................................................................................................................................ThBT3.3
Strippoli, Luigi .....................................................................................................................................................ThAT3.4
Sun, Liguo ..........................................................................................................................................................ThBT1.3
Tekin, Raziye......................................................................................................................................................WeCT3.2
Thapa Magar, Kaman .........................................................................................................................................ThCT1.1
Theil, Stephan ....................................................................................................................................................ThCT2
Thielecke, Frank .................................................................................................................................................FrBT2.1
Tijmons, Sjoerd ..................................................................................................................................................FrAT2.3
Travé-Massuyès, Louise.....................................................................................................................................WeCT1.4
Tsourdos, Antonios.............................................................................................................................................WeBT1.3
Turetsky, Vladimir ...............................................................................................................................................WeCT2.4
van der Hall, Elwin ..............................................................................................................................................ThCT3.1
Van Eykeren, Laurens ........................................................................................................................................WeCT1.3
Van Kampen, Erik-Jan ........................................................................................................................................ThAT2.4
van Tooren, Joost ...............................................................................................................................................ThAT2
Verveld, Mark Johannes .....................................................................................................................................WeAT2.1
Viollet, Stephane ................................................................................................................................................WeBT2.2
Vuillemin, Pierre .................................................................................................................................................WeBT3.4
Wang, Jian .........................................................................................................................................................WeBT2.4
Weiss, Martin......................................................................................................................................................WeCT2
Xargay, Enric ......................................................................................................................................................WeBT2.4
Yavrucuk, Ilkay ...................................................................................................................................................WeBT3.3
Yucelen, Tansel ..................................................................................................................................................WeAT1.1
Zhang, Fubiao ....................................................................................................................................................FrBT3.3
Zhong, Weichao .................................................................................................................................................ThCT2.4
Zolghadri, Ali ......................................................................................................................................................WeCT1.2
EuroGNC 2013 Program
History of Delft
Delft is located between the larger
cities of Rotterdam and The Hague.
Delft is primarily known for its historic
town centre with canals; also for the
painter Vermeer, Delft Blue pottery
(Delftware), the Delft University of
Technology, and its association with
the Dutch royal family, the House of
On the 3rd of May 1536 the great fire
broke out. How it started exactly is
not known, but it is likely that the
wooden spire of the Nieuwe Kerk was
hit by lightning and flying sparks set
the surrounding houses on fire. Some
2,300 houses went up in flames. More
than a hundred years later, in 1654,
an explosion destroyed part of the
city. The cellar of the former Poor
Clares convent on the Paardenmarkt
was used to store gunpowder. This
central warehouse for the region
Holland contained some 80,000 pounds
of gunpowder. The consequences
of the explosion were enormous two hundred houses were razed to
the ground, and roofs fell in and
windows were smashed in another
three hundred houses. In 1660 a new
gunpowder house was built about a
mile outside the centre.
Knowledge and Culture
In 1842 the Netherlands lagged behind
its neighbouring countries from an
industrial point of view. The country
required technically trained people,
and therefore the Royal Academy
for Civil Engineers was founded. The
Academy used the building vacated
by the artillery school. The Academy
of then is the Technical University
of today, which is also the largest
employer in Delft. Some thirteen
thousand students are registered
with the TU in Delft. Delft is not just
a city of culture, but also a city of
knowledge. Not just because of the
Technical University and TNO, but also
because of the many knowledge-based
institutes and companies - DSM Gist,
the Dutch Normalisation Institute,
the Dutch Measuring Institute, Exact
Software, Delft Instruments etc. The
Netherlands is world famous for its
hydraulic engineering works. Students
from all over the world come to
the TU and the Unesco IHE to gain
more knowledge. Large projects
are simulated to scale in the WL/
Delft flourished and new neighbourhoods were added. As early as 1355 the city reached the
size it would have until the 19th century.
Delft in time
Nieuwe Delft (New Delft)
acquires its city franchise
Start of construction of the
Old Church
Start of construction of the
New Church
Construction of Oostpoort,
East Gate, foundation of
Great fire
Delft joins the uprising and
becomes one of the six large
William of Orange is
murdered by Balthazar
Gerards in Het Prinsenhof
Foundation of the Dutch
East India Company and the
establishment of a
chamber in Delft
Piet Heijn, conqueror of
the Spanish Silver Fleet, is
given a mausoleum in
the Oude Kerk
Johannes Vermeer is
baptised in the Nieuwe Kerk;
the Delft school, including
e.g. Pieter de Hoogh and
Jan Steen, becomes world
Hugo de Groot (also known
as Hugo Grotius), legal
scholar, dies
Explosion of the gunpowder
Anthony van Leeuwenhoek,
the ‘father of microscopy’,
Foundation of the
Polytechnic School, the
current Technical University
Delft (TUD)
Connected to the railways,
the Hollandse IJzeren
Foundation of the
Nederlandse Gist- en
Spiritusfabriek, considerable
expansion, annexation of
Vrijenban and Hof van Delft
Prinsenhof becomes the
Stedelijk Museum, the
Municipal Museum
Expansion to construct the
neighbourhoods Voorhof and
TU Delft exists 150 years
Delft celebrates its 750th
year as a city
Burial of Prince Claus
Burial of Queen Juliana and
Prince Bernhard, marriage of
Prince Friso and Mabel Wisse
Tourist Information Point
Kerkstraat 3
2611 GX Delft
EuroGNC 2013 Program
Town Hall background Information
The town hall was designed in 16181620 by Hendrick de Keyser. Built
around the remaining parts of the
13th-century brick tower, called ‘Het
Steen’, top storey added in the 15th
The medieval town hall
Since the 13th century the Count of
Holland owned a court at the site of
the present town hall. Around 1435
the court with the buildings and
the market field (that till then also
belonged to this count) became part of
the town of Delft. Parts of the complex
have been repaired and adapted for its
new function as town hall. The former
town hall of Delft was situated near
the corner Choorstraat-Voorstraat. The
various expansions and repair activities
resulted in a cluster of buildings of
which the former 13th-century prison
tower, which originally had been a
part of the Count’s court, is the most
‘Het Steen’
In the 13th century, when Delft
was considerably smaller than the
present town centre, Delft had almost
exclusively wooden buildings. The
church, built around 1200 at the site
of the present Oude Kerk, was built
in tuff and probably the only stone
building in the town. Halfway through
the 13th-century the count’s court was
furnished with a brick tower, which
was used as prison. In those days it
was rather unusual to build in hard
materials like brick. In Dutch, brick and
stone both mean ‘steen’ and therefore
the tower was called ‘Het Steen’. At
the end of the 13th century, west of
it, a larger prison-tower was built, also
in brick. Since then the oldest tower
was called ‘Het Oude Steen’ and the
new one ‘Het nieuwe Steen’. In the
15th century both towers became part
of the town hall, which in the course
of time was enlarged and modernized.
During the great fire in 1536 the town
hall burned down. It was restored,
slightly modernized and enlarged in the
course of the 16th century.
The tower of the town hall
In the 15th century, when the tower
became part of the town hall, ‘Het
Nieuwe Steen’ was raised with a stone
storey, which had a gallery at the
bottom. This was the stand for the
town-crier and the watchman who was
looking out for possible troubles, for
instance besiegers or fires. The raised
City Hall of Delft
part of the tower was furnished with
bells, a clockwork and a carillon. In the
older basement was a cellar, a room on
the ground-floor for special occasions,
probably the council-chamber, and at
the storey were prison-cells. In order
to create more space inside and to give
good access to the first floor of the
north wing, a stone staircase-turret
was erected at the outside against
the back wall. The small doorway at
the back, through which the staircase
is now accessible, was fitted in 1618
Right of it we can still trace a bricked
up window gap, which, like the low
gate next to it, probably originates
from the 16th century. The exterior
of the tower has been kept almost
undamaged, except for the gallery,
which was harshly restored about 1850.
In one of the tower rooms a wooden
lockup survived the restorations. It is
set up as a small museum called: ‘Het
Steen’, in which various instruments of
torture are put together.
Hendrick de Keyser
The town hall burnt down completely
in 1618. Only the tower, ‘Het Nieuwe
Steen’ and a few walls survived.
Several architects provided designs
for a new town hall. The choice fell
on Hendrick de Keyser’s plans. The
well known architect succeeded in
creating a new town hall, using the
old tower and remaining parts of the
walls. The new building came about in
the year’s 1618- 1620 and had a very
delicately balanced, almost symmetric
ground-plan. After this the building
hardly changed, till in the 19th century
it was drastically converted, due to
administrative reorganizations that
started off during the French Period
(appointment of aldermen, a council
and registry offices). The changes
caused modernization of the larger
part of the interior and also the
windows and main entrance.
The renovations and restorations
In the years between 1934 and
1939, most of the 19th century
modernizations were reversed.
The structure of the building was
strengthened and almost all the
timber constructions in the tower
were replaced by reinforced concrete
constructions. After the Second World
War the town hall was more often
used for representative functions and
therefore it was decided that the
building would be restored into it’s
17th century splendor. The exterior
walls were restored in 1962 - 1966,
followed by the restoration of the
interior in 1980 - 1981. It was not
the intention to bring back the 17th
century situation in detail; on the one
side for practical reasons, on the other
side because many 17th-century details
could not be traced back. Inside the
present town hall reings a 17th-century
atmosphere, but except for the main
reception room with its judgment
seat and its adjoining rooms, this
atmosphere is partly due to elements
such as doors and doorframes that are
not in accordance with the historical
reality. The exterior was carefully
reconstructed in a reliable way, and
is now an outstanding example of
17th century architecture. Engraving
from 1675. The 17th-century external
aspects were an important starting
point for the restoration in 1962-1966.
Readable history
A medieval tower with bricked up
window, a simple 16th-century
doorway and a much richer doorway
from 1618. The age-old lock-up with
a rack, one of the preserved medieval
instruments of torture. Above the
entrance figures Lady Justice, which
reminds us of the former function
of the building: municipal Court of
Justice. Noticed by only a few people,
the original 17th-century sundial at
the southwest corner. The tower of the
town hall bears witness of many ages
of history of the town. The crossbar
windows were created when the front
was restored. Shells and angels were
favorite ornaments in the 17th century.
10 - 12 April 2013
EuroGNC 2013 Program
Floorplan Aula
Ground Floor
First Floor
EuroGNC 2013 Program
Floorplan Aula
Second Floor
1 Aula
2 Library
3 Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
to the dinner
Map TUDelft
to the City hall
B Busstop
For sceduling your route go to or scan the QR-code
DelTax: +31 (0)15 219 1919
10 - 12 April 2013
EuroGNC 2013 Program
AIAA Guidance, Navigation,
and Control Conference
AIAA Atmospheric Flight
Mechanics Conference
AIAA Modeling and Simulation
Technologies Conference
AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2013
1st Announcement
Call for Papers
19–22 August 2013
Marriott Boston Copley Place
Boston, Massachusetts
Abstract/Draft Manuscript Deadline
31 January 2013
Author Notification
24 April 2013
Final Manuscript Deadline
30 July 2013
Four conferences will combine in 2013 to provide the world’s premier forum for
presentation, discussion, and collaboration of science, research, and technology in
these highly related aerospace fields. It will bring together experts from industry,
government, and academia on an international level to cover a broad spectrum of
issues concerning flight mechanics, modeling, simulation, information systems, and
the guidance, navigation, and control of aerospace vehicles.
The co-location of these events provides attendees with a unique opportunity to
expand their knowledge of technological advances of these interrelated disciplines and
explore areas of common technical expertise.
Merrie Scott
Phone: +1.703.264.7530
Email: [email protected]
EuroGNC 2013 Program
Submit your abstract or draft manuscript today at
Submission deadline is 31 January 2013.
AIAA Guidance, Navigation,
and Control Conference (GNC)*
AIAA Atmospheric Flight
Mechanics Conference (AFM)*
r Control Theory, Analysis, and Design
r Novel Navigation, Estimation, and Tracking
r Aircraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control
r Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control
r Missile Guidance, Navigation, and Control
r Multi-Vehicle Control
r Space Exploration and Transportation
Guidance, Navigation, and Control
r Guidance, Navigation, and Control Concepts
in Air Traffic Control Systems
r Sensor Systems for Guidance, Navigation, and
r Mini/Micro Air Vehicle Guidance, Navigation,
and Control
r Human and Autonomous/Unmanned Systems
r Intelligent Control in Aerospace Applications
r Invited Sessions
AIAA Modeling and Simulation
Technologies Conference (MST)
AIAA Infotech@Aerospace 2013
Conference (I@A)*
Vehicle Dynamics, Systems, and Environments
Simulation Design and Architecture
Modeling Tools and Techniques
Human Factors, Perception, and Cueing
Motion Systems
Visual Systems and Image Generation
Simulation/Simulator Testing and Validation
Hardware in the Loop
Air Traffic Management
Space Systems
UAVs and Unmanned Systems
Aircraft Dynamics
Aircraft Flying Qualities
Projectile and Missile Dynamics and
System Identification and Parameter
Reentry and Aeroassist Vehicle Technology
Launch Vehicles and Launch Abort Vehicles
Unsteady and High-Angle-of-Attack
Linear and Nonlinear Equations of Motion
Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Education
Vehicle Flight Test
Bio-Inspired Flight Mechanics
Airships and Hybrid Airships
Invited Sessions and Workshops
Space Autonomous Systems and Robotics
Unmanned Systems Applications
Human-Machine Interface
System Integrity, Verification, and Validation
Adaptive Systems
Integrated System Health Management (ISHM)
Sensor Systems
Computer Systems
Software Systems
Personal In-Flight Electronics
Plug-and-Play Mechanisms
Real-Time Embedded Computing
r Focused Session Proposals
* Student paper competitions available. For more information, including eligibility requirements and
prizes, visit
Visit for a complete list of technical topics and organizers.
GNC General Chair
David B. Doman
Air Force Research Laboratory
[email protected]
GNC Technical Program Chairs
Joseph S. Brinker
The Boeing Company
[email protected]
John Valasek
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
AFM General Chair
Rick Lind
University of Florida
[email protected]
AFM Technical Program Chairs
Michael Grant
Purdue University
[email protected]
Daniel Murri
NASA Langley Research Center
[email protected]
MST General Chair
Julien Scharl
The Boeing Company
[email protected]
MST Technical Program Chairs
Judith Bürki-Cohen
U.S. Department of Transportation – Volpe, The
National Transportation Systems Center
[email protected]
Jean Slane
Engineering Systems Inc. (ESI)
[email protected]
I@A General Chair
Fernando Figueroa
NASA Stennis Space Center
[email protected]
I@A Technical Program Chair
Natasha Neogi
National Institute of Aerospace
[email protected]
About Boston
Boston can perhaps be best described as a welcome contradiction: Hip alongside historic.
Skyscrapers surround parks. Gourmet meets pizza.
There’s history and culture around every bend in Boston—skyscrapers nestle next to historic hotels
while modern marketplaces line the antique cobblestone streets. When visiting Boston, you’ll
discover neighborhoods with distinct character, quaint brownstone-lined streets, the beloved
Red Sox, and big-city entertainment.
10 - 12 April 2013
EuroGNC 2013 Program
13–17 JANUARY 2014
(near Washington, D.C.)
AIAA SciTech 2014 provides a premier, forwardlooking forum to highlight the most recent advancements
in aerospace research, development, and technology;
discuss new initiatives and plans; and spotlight key issues
and concerns.
If you’ve presented papers at any of the featured
conferences, be sure to submit your latest research
papers to SciTech 2014!
22nd AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference
52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference
15th AIAA Gossamer Systems Forum
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference
10th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist
16th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference
55th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics,
and Materials Conference
7th Symposium on Space Resource Utilization
32nd ASME Wind Energy Symposium
EuroGNC 2013 Program
Why Submit a Paper?
Worldwide Exposure – Your paper will be added to AIAA’s
Aerospace Research Central (ARC), the largest aerospace library
in the world. More than two million searches are performed every
year with 150 institutions as subscribers!
Respect – AIAA journals are cited more often than any other
aerospace-related journal and their impact factor is ranked in the
top ten. When you publish with AIAA, you know that your name
is connected with the most prestigious publications in aerospace.
Networking – Build your professional network when you interact
with peers and colleagues during your paper presentation.
Abstract Submission Deadline
5 June 2013
Submit your paper online at
Praise – Receive recognition from your peers and the broader
aerospace community.
Technical Topics Include
Abstract Submission Deadline
for Invited Sessions
April 17 2013
… and more!
10 - 12 April 2013
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