Friendship through FloZers
Friendship through FloZers
)ULHQGVKLSWKURXJK)ORZHUV )ULHQGVKLSWKURXJK )ORZHUV +LVWRU\RIWKH6HFRQG7ZHQW\ßYH<HDUV =VS 0ZZ\L o +LVWRU\RIWKH6HFRQG7ZHQW\ßYH<HDUV ,NHEDQD ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Friendship through Flowers History of the Second Twenty-five Years 1981–2006 Ikebana International $PQZSJHIUªCZ*LFCBOB*OUFSOBUJPOBM $PWFSQBOEQ/PIDPTUVNFTJMLCSPDBEFDIFSSZCMPTTPNEFTJHO&EPQFSJPEUIDFOUVSZ $PQZSJHIUªCZ4BUP:PTIJIJLP.FNPSJBM:BNBHVDIJ/PI$PTUVNF3FTFBSDI$FOUFS 1VCMJTIFECZBOEGPSUIFNFNCFSTPG*LFCBOB*OUFSOBUJPOBM*ODPSQPSBUFEJO+BQBOBTBDVMUVSBM OPOQSPmUPSHBOJ[BUJPO4IBEBO)PKJO "MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE/PQBSUPGUIJTCPPLNBZCFSFQSPEVDFEPSUSBOTNJUUFEJOBOZGPSNPSCZBOZNFBOT FMFDUSPOJDPSNFDIBOJDBMJODMVEJOHQIPUPDPQZJOHSFDPSEJOHPSCZBOZPUIFSJOGPSNBUJPOTUPSBHFBOE SFUSJFWBMTZTUFNXJUIPVUXSJUUFOQFSNJTTJPOGSPNUIFQVCMJTIFS 'PSJOGPSNBUJPOBEESFTT*LFCBOB*OUFSOBUJPOBM.JTBLJ#MEH',BOEB0HBXBNBDIJ $IJZPEBLV5PLZP+BQBO5FMFQIPOF'BDTJNJMF 8FCTJUFIUUQXXXJLFCBOB)2PSH&NBJMJLFCBOB!JLFCBOB)2PSH 1SJOUFEJO+BQBO Acknowledgments he History Book Committee would like to express our sincere appreciation to Her Imperial Highness Princess Mikasa and Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado for their warm messages in this special publication. On behalf of Ikebana International, the History Book Committee would also like to offer deepest gratitude to the ikebana schools for their continuous support of and cooperation with I.I. since its foundation. The special article to honor the deceased iemotos and flower masters is especially meaningful, for it is to their memory that we dedicate this history book. We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the past international presidents and representatives of worldwide chapters for their valuable and informative experiences and viewpoints of I.I. history. Due to limited space, we understandably had to shorten many texts. The chapters that did not send reports are here in spirit. This was a three-year project involving extensive archival research as well as compilation of personal experiences, and we made every effort to pursue accuracy and rigor in the process. Profound gratitude goes to Etsuko Hattori for the donation in memory of her father, the late Mr. Reikichi Yokohama, who provided assistance to our founder, Ellen Gordon Allen, in establishing Ikebana International in 1956, and continued throughout his life to give tremendous support to I.I. The generous donation from Mr. Shigeaki Iijima, President of Yamazaki Nabisco Co., Ltd., is also greatly appreciated. We also appreciate the cooperation of K. Mikimoto & Co., Ltd. We are grateful to all who have supported, encouraged and led our way down this long and winding road through these fifty years. We wish to thank Mr. Kim Schuefftan for his expertise and advice and other individuals who were committed to seeing this project through to completion. Finally, the History Book Committee hopes that this history book will serve not only to trace history but to contribute something fruitful to the bright future of Ikebana International for all our members. 3 7PM*TTVF1VCMJDBUJPO/Po *LFCBOB*OUFSOBUJPOBMXJTIFTUPUIBOLBMMUIFTDIPPMTBOEJOEJWJEVBMT XIPIBWFDPOUSJCVUFEUPUIJTJTTVF IKEBANA INTERNATIONAL Founded in 1956 by Ellen Gordon Allen Honorary President H.I.H. Princess Takamado %2$5'2)',5(&7256 )281',1*)/2:(50$67(5$'9,6256 Ikenobo Sen’ei Ikenobo Ohara School Wakako Ohara Sogetsu School Akane Teshigahara (OHFWHG2IILFHUV President FirstVice-President Second Vice-President ThirdVice-President Recording Secretary Treasurer AssistantTreasurer CorrespondingSecretary Historian Supervising Auditor Marie Kawai Itsuko Nakayama Wienczyslawa Sato Malgorzata Nowakowska Kazuko Yokosuka Hanako Sato Yoshikazu Hori Mieko Ohashi Kyoko Ehara Yoshimasa Usui )/2:(50$67(5$'9,6256 Chiko School Ichiyo School Kozan School Ryusei-Ha Saga Goryu Shinpa Seizan School +2125$5<$'9,6256 6WDQGLQJ&RPPLWWHH&KDLUSHUVRQV Amendments Development Nominating Protocol Publication Public Relations Translation Makiko Yamaki Beverly Brown Nobuko Usui Kayoko Tsukamoto Junko Sakamoto Michiko Motomura Megumi Saito ([SHUWV&RPPLWWHH&KDLUSHUVRQV Web Site Nobuko Matsubara History Book Noriko Matsudaira Flower Dictionary Keiko Nonoyama $GYLVRUV Protocol Advisor Noriko Matsudaira International Parliamentarian Kathy Roper Kosen Naruse Akihiro Kasuya Kozan Okada Kasen Yoshimura Shindo Shingai Kogetsu Kamijo Etsuko Hattori Haruhiko Ishikawa 3$6735(6,'(176 Fay Kramer Carola Meller Ruth Scott Hisako Komine Gail Feerer Martha P. Neese Etsuko Hattori Norma Tennekoon Margaret Hague A. Lucille Hurley Grace Chase Mary Ford Mona Lutz Antoinette Ashley Hatsumi Whitehead Midori Purdy Rosamonde F. Naegele Yuko Matsumura Kaeko Nakashima Marilyn Hoskins Louise Daggs Karen Pinard Noriko Matsudaira Stephanie Tomiyasu Lincolna M. Guilfoile Emily Brown Noriko Matsudaira Anna Nakada Michiko Suzuki Shizuyo Nakayama Edited by the History Book Committee Publication Manager Editorial Advisor Proofreader Production Printing Keiko Eizawa Kim Schuefftan Anna Nakada McEdit Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. Contents Acknowledgments Messages ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Pillars of Ikebana International: The First Twenty-five Years In Memory of Flower Masters ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Shaping History Accounts of International Presidents ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Schools Participating in Demonstrations at World Conventions Memorabilia—Chapters ・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Recipients of Orders Awarded by the Government of Japan Chronology 1956–2006 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Maps of Ikebana International Chapters ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ I t is a delight for me to send you a me s s a ge on the occasion of the publication of the history book for the period 1981–2006. I have many memories of the times that I shared with you all, and this official record of the various events will serve as a good memento of those moments. During the second twenty-five years in the history of Ikebana International, I attended four World Conventions as Honorary President, and at the same time sent messages to the many Regional Conferences that were being held in different parts of the world. At every Convention, I was able to meet a large number of dedicated members who participated from various countries. I was impressed with their enthusiasm in the study of ikebana. I enjoyed the ikebana exhibitions by the overseas members as well as by the members of Japan, and every time, I was surprised to see their improvement and high technique in ikebana. The demonstrations by the iemotos of various schools were wonderful, and I was happy to see that on all these occasions they gave invaluable lessons to the members as well. I thank the members who worked hard on this project, and hope that this history book will give our members an opportunity to review the steps of the past and, at the same time, bring new ideas for the future activities of Ikebana International. My enduring hope is that Ikebana International will keep this strong tie of Friendship through Flowers and that this effort will have some influence, even in a small way, towards bringing true peace to this world. H.I.H. Princess Mikasa Former Honorary President I t is with great pleasure that I send you my sincere congratulations on the publication of the second history book of Ikebana International covering the years 1981 to 2006. I take this opportunity to thank the ie m ot o s of t h e v a r iou s schools for their gracious and generous support and all those concerned for their hard work in realising this project. This publication offers us all an opportunity to ref lect not only on the second half of Ikebana International’s fifty years’ history, but on the original ideology that formed the basis of her establishment. The motto Friendship through Flowers was created at a time when the world was recovering from the ravages of war, and it urges us all to join together in a spirit of peace and harmony. It is frightening to think that fifty years on from our foundation, the world continues to have war-stricken areas and is still full of terror and strife. And, it is shameful that we are unable to stop ourselves from destroying harmony on earth and from striding purposefully down the path of environment degradation. Flowers are harbingers of peace, for the mere act of looking at flowers makes it impossible to harbour vicious or violent thoughts. Flowers bring us closer to the natural world, and ikebana brings the peace and harmony of the universe to our own homes. Ikebana International has continued to flourish under the motto Friendship through Flowers. Today, there are 165 chapters and about 8,500 members in over 60 countries. I believe the larger this circle of friendship, the better a place this world. It is up to us to make our future bright and full of Friendship through Flowers. It is only five years since H.I.H. Princess Mikasa asked me to succeed her as your Honorary President. I am delighted to be a part of this circle of friendship and I sincerely hope that our love of ikebana and flowers will contribute further towards the fostering of international understanding and goodwill as we enter the next phase of our history. H.I.H. Princess Takamado Honorary President 6 I a m extremely honored to send you this message on the occasion of the publication of this second history book of Ikebana International covering the past twenty-five years. On behalf of Ikebana International, I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to Her Imperial Highness Princess Mikasa and Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado for giving us their warm messages for this special issue. Mrs. Ellen Gordon Allen, the founder of Ikebana International, had a dream that one seed of ikebana would grow up and many seeds would spread all over the world under the motto Friendship through Flowers. The first history book told us how members enjoyed the ikebana created by many enthusiastic iemotos and ikebana masters. In the next twenty-five years, Mrs. Allen’s vision for I.I. grew steadily and broader in scope. Membership increased, and, through world conventions and regional conferences, each chapter’s level of activities and many foreign ikebana teachers and demonstrators matured as well. Fifty years later, we find that our Ikebana International has become famous in the world. We were recently asked to provide major ikebana demonstrations and exhibitions at the Freer Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., the British Museum in London, and the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo. Continuity imparts strength as this history book shows, and you will find wonderful reports and articles with nostalgic recollections of the days of old—made complete with Mrs. Allen’s symbolic butterfly no doubt hovering over us. Lastly I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to Noriko Matsudaira, chairperson of the History Book Committee, and members of her hard-working committee for making this wonderful history book issue of the I.I. magazine in the true spirit of Friendship through Flowers. A understand the foundation of our organization, which has been and is supported by the passion and tireless efforts of each member, each chapter, everyone at I.I. Headquarters, as well as many iemotos, schools, organizations, and the public at large. I am most grateful and honored to be involved with this very important project, and I believe that all my committee members feel the same. During this period, we have experienced sad farewells to iemotos and long-time members who gave continued support to I.I. throughout their lives and left us with fond memories. We cannot thank them enough. To those who have been long with I.I., I am sure that this issue will evoke many happy memories, and to those who are young and new to this organization, please read these accounts of the past and be sure that you are the ones who will harvest Friendship through Flowers in the next twenty-five years. s the work on this history book project progressed, I became increasingly conscious of how Ikebana International represents a harvest of Friendship through Flowers. “Fifty years of history” is easy to say, but compiling a clear retrospective of I.I.’s cornucopia of activities has proved to be both daunting and rewarding. In the first twenty-five years of our history, I.I. was busy planting seeds of ikebana and friendship across the earth. This second history book tells how the seeds have sprouted and matured beautifully, bearing an abundant harvest all over the world. The reports from the chapters tell us the results. Regional conferences are getting larger and larger, as are the world conventions, and members are more and more interested in attending conferences of regions other than their own. That this publication is titled Friendship through Flowers, the same as the first history book published in 1986 written by Hollistar Ferretti covering the first twenty-five years (1956–81) of Ikebana International, reflects the importance of our unifying and energizing slogan. This history book is being published as one issue of the I.I. magazine, but in book format, so that it will be sent to all members throughout the world. We do hope that this book helps members Marie Kawai President, Ikebana International Noriko Matsudaira Chairperson, History Book Committee 7 Pillars of Ikebana International: The First Twenty-five Years ing the purpose of the organization; English was the The birth of Ikebana International was vigorous, official language; the cherry blossom was the official and sudden. The founder of I.I. and wellspring of logo; initial I.I. membership totaled twenty-one. energy is, of course, Ellen Gordon Allen. Mrs. Allen’s first stay in Japan was brief (1950– Building a Strong International Organization 52). She took lessons in two schools, first from Hoga Office: In the early years, I.I.’s mailing address was Fujiwara of the Ohara School and, later, concurrentnothing more than the home address of the correly from Koshu Tsujii of Saga Goryu. She developed sponding secretary. Fay Kramer’s PR office sufficed a lasting friendship with Mr. Reikichi Yokohama, for a while, and then in 1959 Dr. Kazuo Ishiwho was impressed by her enthusiasm for kawa of Shufunotomo Co., Ltd. offered ikebana, supported her efforts, and was a storage closet that could be locked instrumental in the founding of I.I. and use of a room once a week. He subsequently gained support With the increase in memberfrom both Sofu Teshigahara and ship, the office was moved a few Houn Ohara for Mrs. Allen’s gertimes to somewhat larger faciliminal idea of a Japan-US ikebana ties. In 1971, financial realities organization, as well as from the demanded a dow nsizing, and Cultural Affairs Division of the again, Dr. Ishikawa came to the Foreign Ministry. rescue, providing I.I. with conveIn Rome, Mrs. Allen began to nient and less expensive office space teach ikebana, and the multinational in the Shufunotomo Building, and response made her expand her first idea of a Japan-US ikebana group to an later, a large facility in the building with organization of international scope. spacious storage. Ellen Gordon Allen In her second Japan visit (1955–56), Organization : Ikebana International she dove headfirst into the ocean of ikebana and reached a critical size in the mid-1960s, and it betook lessons from the Ikenobo teacher Ueda and came apparent that an independent Headquarters to Seitei Taguchi of the Sogetsu School as well as from coordinate the huge and growing organization was the same teachers of the first visit. needed. At the First World Convention, a resolution Mrs. Allen’s vision of an international orgawas passed to separate Tokyo Founding Chapter and nization climaxed at the August 17, 1956, meeting Headquarters. This was carried out in 1965/66, durat the Washington Heights Officers Club in Tokyo ing the term of President Gail Feerer. Etsuko Hattori (facility for US officers) when Fay Kramer orgabecame the first president of Tokyo Founding Chapter. nized a large group for her to address. Pressed for Ikebana International’s legal status was of paratime and the need to propose something concrete, mount importance. A move to consider a nonprofit Mrs. Allen requested Mr. Yokohama to draft a organization status started in 1963, but in 1966/67 structural prototype of an international ikebana tax problems involving I.I. brought the issue to a organization. The response was immediate. Shortly head, and efforts were made to obtain Shadan Hojin thereafter, at the meeting at International House, status, one of Japan’s various legal nonprofit orgaMrs. Allen gave the organization a structure and nization categories. It took a full year to obtain this appointed a roster of officers, the first Board: Fay designation, a year of complex legal reports and a Kramer, Hilka Smedslund and others. The name vast supply of patience by Martha Neese, Etsuko Ikebana International was selected as best expressHattori and Board members. 8 Then, in 1978, when International President Hatsumi Whitehead translated the Japanese legal document defining I.I. into English, it was found by Parliamentarian Dr. Herberta Ann Leonardy that I.I. had three different sets of governing rules—the Japanese “Articles of Association” just translated, the Constitution, and the International Bylaws. The discrepancies were alarming, and an amendment committee was appointed to “unravel this snarl.” The committee completed the task under President Midori Purdy, and the new Articles of Association were presented to the membership in I.I. magazine #55. At the end of the first twenty-five years, I.I. had 173 active chapters in 50 countries with a membership of 12,000 throughout the world. which was planned for 1975, was postponed one year. Happily, the convention coincided with I.I.’s 20th anniversary and, in a sense, it was a memorial to the founder, Ellen Gordon Allen, who passed away suddenly on June 9, 1972. Margaret Hague recalled, Mrs. Allen had always laughingly said if there was reincarnation, she would like to come back as a butterfly. To this day her friends are poignantly reminded of her whenever they see a butterfly hovering about flowers. Acknowledgments Sofu Teshigahara and Houn Ohara were steadfast pillars of support from the very beginning of Mrs. Allen’s enthusiasm for ikebana in the early 1950s, both as major artists and as iemotos of the two largest ikebana schools in Japan. Sen’ei Ikenobo joined the ranks in Get-Togethers, Conferences, 1957, bringing together the Big Three Conventions Schools to give stature and strength to I.I. in its early years. Also I.I.’s early success Mrs. Allen’s vision for I.I. called for indepenFay Kramer would not have been possible without the dent local chapters with central coordination. energy, efforts, support, and vision of some generIt is natural that the need for broader and direct ous and great-hearted people, such as Mr. Reikichi communication among members increased as chapYokohama of Mikimoto Co., Ltd.; Dr. Kazuo Ishiters and membership increased, and meetings of kawa of Shufunotomo Co., Ltd.; Mr. Tetsutaro Iida various kinds and scales solved this need. The first of Takashimaya Co., Ltd.; Mr. Morisada Hosokawa such meeting was the First Australian Regional of Nihon Ikebana Geijutsu Kyokai; Mr. Akira TsuConference in April 1961, followed a year later by nashima of Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.; Norman Washington, D.C. Chapter Get-Together (the First and Mary Sparnon; and Toshi Takamura. North American Regional Conference). These reThe dedication of past international presidents gional meetings remain important features of I.I., of the first twenty-five years and of many other being not only platforms for airing procedural and members fostered I.I. to become a vigorous and organization matters, but venues of communicavital organization. These past international presition, creative expression, stimulation, sowing seeds, dents are: Fay Kramer, Carola Meller, Ruth Scott, social contact, and fun. The regional meetings cliHisako Komine, Gail Feerer, Martha Neese, Etsuko maxed in the world conventions, the first of which Hattori, Norma Tennekoon, Margaret R. Hague, A. was held in May 1965 in Tokyo. Lucille Hurley, Grace F. Chase, Mary J. Ford, Mona The world’s economy affected Ikebana InterLutz, Antoinette Ashley, Hatsumi Whitehead and national as well as other organizations. Due to the Midori Purdy. first oil shock in 1973, the Third World Convention, 9 In Memory of Flower Masters >P[OYLZWLJ[HUKHKTPYH[PVU^LVMMLYV\YOLHY[MLS[NYH[P[\KL[V[OLMVSSV^PUNMSV^LYTHZ[LYZMVY[OLPY \UZ[PU[PUNHUK]PNVYV\ZZ\WWVY[VM0RLIHUH0U[LYUH[PVUHS[OYV\NOV\[[OLPYSP]LZ;OLHJOPL]LTLU[ZVM[OLZL MSV^LYTHZ[LYZHYLH[YLHZ\YLKHZWLJ[VM[OLOLYP[HNLVM0RLIHUH0U[LYUH[PVUHS 7OV[VI`2LU+VTVU Sofu Teshigahara First Iemoto of the Sogetsu School (1900–79) (YYHUNLTLU[[P[SLK2@6A6 Kasumi Teshigahara 7OV[VI`;HRLZOP-\QPTVYP Second Iemoto of the Sogetsu School (1932–80) (YYHUNLTLU[[P[SLK¸1V`M\S-LZ[P]HS¹ 10 Houn Ohara Third Headmaster of the Ohara School (1908–95) 7OV[VI`;HRHV0[V 9PTWHHYYHUNLTLU[ Natsuki Ohara Fourth Headmaster of the Ohara School (1949–92) 7OV[VI`;Z\ULOPYV2VIH`HZOP /HUHTHPHYYHUNLTLU[ 11 Hiroshi Teshigahara Third Iemoto of the Sogetsu School (1927–2001) 7OV[VI`:HKHT\:HP[V (YYHUNLTLU[VM4HNUVSPHVIV]H[HPUH]HZL THKLI`[OLHY[PZ[ Meikof Kasuya Second Iemoto of the Ichiyo School (1913–83) HIV]L(YYHUNLTLU[[P[SLK2\UP[Z\JOPH[[OL0JOP`V:JOVVS ,_OPIP[PVU YPNO[4LPRVM2HZ\`HHUKHYYHUNLTLU[ 12 Ryokai Ajioka Grand Master of Saga Goryu (1903–88) (YYHUNLTLU[H[[OL -SV^LY6MMLYPUN*LY LTVU`MVY,TWLYVY :HNH¶ ¸)HTIVV9VVT¹VM +HPRHR\QP[LTWSL (WYPS Koshu Tsujii Head Teacher of Saga Goryu (1883–1963) SLM[=PL^PUNJOLYY`ISVZ ZVTZI`[OL6ZH^H7VUK +HPRHR\QP[LTWSL(WYPS MHYSLM[:LPRHHYYHUNL TLU[VMSV[\ZH[[OL-SV^LY 6MMLYPUN*LYLTVU`MVY ,TWLYVY:HNH Kozan Okada Third Iemoto of the Kozan School (1932–2002) 2VaHU6RHKHHUKOLYHYYHUNLTLU[VMJOY` ZHU[OLT\TZHUK^PUNLKZWPUKSL[YLLPUH IHZRL[ Z 13 Riei Ikeda Third Iemoto of Koryu Shoutoukai (1906–99) Masahiro Ikeda Fourth Iemoto of Koryu Shoutoukai (1930–2002) (YYHUNLTLU[H[[OLHNLVM (YYHUNLTLU[THKLMVYHUL_OPIP[PVUIYV JO\YL Z Soshoen Yokochi Nineteenth Iemoto of the Soami School (1911–90) MHYSLM[:VZOVLU@VRVJOP SLM[2HR\IHUHHYYHUNLTLU[ VMUHYJPZZ\Z^P[OYVV[Z 14 Isshin Mori Second Iemoto of Enshuryu Isshin-kai (1913–2002) Saigetsu Yamamoto First Iemoto of the Kofu School (1905–2006) (YYHUNLTLU[SH[L Z (YYHUNLTLU[SH[L Z Jyozan Yamamoto Tenth Iemoto of Yamamura Goryu (1916–95) MHYSLM[1`VaHU@HTHTV[VTPK Z SLM[(YYHUNLTLU[JH 15 Shaping History Accounts of International Presidents Rosamonde F. Naegele 1981–83 Plans and Results I’ve discovered that remembering details of almost twenty-five years ago is not easy. Mainly what comes to mind is what a wonderful experience it was. Being convention chairperson of the Fourth World Convention just prior to becoming international president gave me, a relative newcomer to the ikebana world, a valuable overview of the worldwide organization and pointed to possible growth changes that might be advantageous for the future. One goal was to answer as many letters from chapter members as I could. Unfortunately, it wasn’t always possible to answer positively. It’s heartbreaking enough when chapters just fall apart, but much more so when political problems make it impossible to continue. During my term, Iran Chapter had to close, and Zimbabwe also had political troubles. The Fourth World Convention At the convention, dues were raised for the first time in years, which did lead to a decrease in membership, but most of our members were very loyal. This loyalty was dramatically demonstrated when, during the Thirteenth Australia/New Zealand Regional Conference in Adelaide when Midori Purdy was the international president, our business meeting was held at exactly the same time as the event with Prince Charles and Princess Diana—nonetheless, we had a full house at the meeting. That was a thrill! Iemoto demonstrations at the convention were partially videotaped for the first time, and tapes were sold to the chapters. This turned out to be more complicated than we thought, since different countries have different videotape systems. It wasn’t the greatest success, but I still have my tape and have sometimes shown it to students. Immediately after the convention we lost our wonderful and loved parliamentarian, Dr. Herberta Leonardy. She had just returned home, told her family what a wonderful time she had had, and passed away that night. Since she was 87 years old, we had been hesitant about asking her to make the trip. When I called her son, he said the trip was the greatest going-away gift we could have given her. She was replaced by Geraldine Lash of Washington, D.C. Chapter, a registered parliamentarian who taught congressmen. Plans for the next convention were already in progress. The Fifth World Convention would be held in Kyoto in 1986. While there were definite advantages to have the world convention in Tokyo, the Kansai area also had fine schools of ikebana, of which foreigners were not aware. Not only that, Kyoto had a modern convention center, making it possible for larger attendance and allowing nonmembers to attend the demonstrations, thus increasing income and expanding demonstration ideas. Chapter Activities and Publications S[VY4PKVYP7\YK`/0/7YPUJLZZ4PRHZH7YPUJLZZ4HZHRV KH\NO[LYVM/0/7YPUJLZZ4PRHZH9VZHTVUKL-5HLNLSLH[ [OL-V\Y[O>VYSK*VU]LU[PVU 18 I made a point of reading every one of the many chapter reports (Form A). As a result, I compiled a list of chapter activities, which I passed on to others. Having now been involved in a chapter out of Japan, I think there are too many members who are too engrossed in their own chapters and don’t have a good understanding of a worldwide organization. The Experts Committee to compile the book covering the first twenty-five years of I.I. history was formed, chaired by Past International President Midori Purdy. Mrs. Raymond Stoltz of New York Chapter compiled the Index of Ikebana, covering all of the articles in the I.I. magazines for twenty-five years. (I still use it! She compiled a second one later, and I use that, too.) Directory of Certified Teachers Abroad was also printed and sent to each chapter. It was about this time that the I.I. office acquired a computer. It was a great advantage, but I never quite agreed with the salesman that paper files would be totally unnecessary—in this country of earthquakes? Four important contributors to the founding of I.I. passed away during my presidency: Iemoto Meikof Kasuya of the Ichiyo School; Dr. Kazuo Ishikawa of Shufunotomo Co., Ltd.; Mr. Tetsutaro Iida of Takashimaya Co., Ltd.; Miss Koha Taira of the Ohara School. Y[VS9VZHTVUKL-5HLNLSL*OHPYTHU9HPRVO5HY\ZLHUK 0LTV[V2VIHP5HY\ZLVM[OL*OPRV:JOVVSHUKHN\LZ[H[[OL :LJVUK(:,(59LNPVUHS*VUMLYLUJLPU4HSH`ZPH Yuko Matsumura 1983–85 One evening I was clearing my desk and getting ready to leave the office when the phone rang. The call was coming all the way from Luxembourg. It was a conversation about inviting an iemoto to participate as a demonstrator in the regional conference to be held two years hence. I offered some advice and hung up the phone. Another day had passed without incident, then I was the last to leave the office. Regional Conferences The regional conferences during the time I was in office included the Third ASEAN Regional Conference in March 1984 in Singapore, the Second South American Regional Conference in June of the same year in Asuncion, Paraguay, and in April 1985 the Tenth North American Regional Conference in New Orleans. I also attended the Fifteenth Australia/New Zealand Regional Conference on Australia’s Gold Coast in September 1985, just before my term ended at the Annual General Meeting. Sometimes I was renewing old friendships. Sometimes I was meeting new people in lively exchanges of opinion. All were fruitful encounters. I also participated in the First Hong Kong Symposium in May 1985. Preparations for the Fifth World Convention in Kyoto in 1986 were another major undertaking. Official Recognition In July 1985, I.I. was officially recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a cultural organization contributing to international exchange. As I recall, we first considered installing a computer to smooth the process of recording and keeping track of our members in 1983. It was 1984–85 when we actually started using it. Until then, we had done everything using typewriters. Since then we have muddled through to reach the present day. One thing I was always thinking about was the need to run meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order. It wasn’t just I who found them unfamiliar. Since these rules hadn’t taken root in Japan, we held many meetings to study them. With Robert’s Rules, the minutes show only motions, seconds, debates, decisions, which is the way the process really ought to work. But the Japanese style of consulting with everyone beforehand, using private unofficial conversations, and forming coalitions has always been part of I.I., hasn’t it? It’s a pity that we haven’t 19 learned to operate under the procedures shared by organizations around the world. For two decades after I.I. was founded 50 years ago, non-Japanese living in Tokyo made up more than half of our Board. Now non-Japanese Board members, both at Headquarters and in Tokyo Founding Chapter, have become increasingly rare. I say to our current Board members that we need to hold those Robert’s Rules study sessions again. In the 1980s, I.I.’s financial situation was fairly good. At that time our membership had reached more than 11,000. Then came economic growth, the collapse of the economic bubble, and other events. As our membership declined, our expenses increased. The situation became more severe. It used to be that when we held a convention, our membership increased and we would go, at least temporarily, back into the black. But recent years have seen some of our conventions go heavily into the red. It won’t be easy to keep I.I. going under these conditions. I hope current and future Board members can keep our finances healthy. I have the highest regard for our volunteer members all over the world who, ever since our founding, have worked themselves to the bone, not just at conventions, regional conferences, and symposia, but also day after day to run their chapters, large or small, to keep our organization going. Without their help, our chapters would dissolve and our organization wither away. I remember someone whispering that her husband had complained during a world convention about not having any clean underwear and how those hearing this chuckled. It isn’t easy, keeping our families happy. I wish to send my very best regards to the current and future Boards for their successful achievements. Kaeko Nakashima* 1985–87 20 Regional Conferences The Fifth World Convention The Fifteenth Australia/New Zealand Regional Conference was held in 1985. Hiroshi Teshigahara, iemoto of the Sogetsu School, was the guest demonstrator. The Fourth ASEAN Regional Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, was held in February 1986, with Iemoto Sen’ei lkenobo of Ikenobo as the guest demonstrator. The decision was made at this conference to rename the region and to include the Hong Kong and Taipei chapters; the next regional conference would be called the First Asian Regional Conference. In 1987, the Second European Regional Conference was held in Luxembourg. Iemoto Kasen Yoshimura of Ryusei-Ha was the guest demonstrator. President Kaeko Nakashima, who attended two of the above regional conferences, observed, “In the real spirit of friendship through ikebana, one becomes friends by expressing one’s hopes and wishes and asking for help in certain situations and working together in obtaining a goal. Regional conferences have been unforgettable experiences for me.” The Fifth World Convention was held October 1986 at the Kyoto International Conference Hall under Convention Chairperson Noriko Matsudaira, with the theme History of Ikebana. Her Imperial Highness Princess Mikasa graciously attended the whole program. A specially designed commemorative stamp for the convention was issued by the Japanese Posts and Telecommunications Ministry, with the assistance of Mrs. Hiroko Sato, wife of the former Japanese prime minister. The lectures “The Origin and History of Ikebana” by Professor Tatsusaburo Hayashiya, Director of the Kyoto National Museum, and “Ikebana and Designs” by Mitsukuni Yoshida, Kyoto University, were given with simultaneous translation. Demonstrations by Ikenobo, Enshu, Misho-Ryu, Saga Goryu, Kuwahara Senkei, Omuro, Ohara and Sogetsu used a large video screen (eidophor) for the first time. The exhibitions included works by 39 iemotos, mainly from Kyoto. Attendees were stimulated by the Art Exhibition, Art Craft Salon, Bonsai Exhibition and by the workshops given by various ikebana schools. At the sayonara dinner, S[VY@\RV4H[Z\T\YHPU[LYUH [PVUHSWYLZPKLU["4HYPHKL)LZH MV\UKLYHUKWYLZPKLU[VM:HU [PHNV*OHW[LY"HUKHTLTILY H[[OL:LJVUK:V\[O(TLYPJHU 9LNPVUHS*VUMLYLUJL7HYHN\H` )VHYKTLTILYZ ¶!MYVU[YV^S[VY1\KP[O,SSPUN[VU 1HUL/H`KL0U[LYUH[PVUHS7YLZPKLU[@\RV4H[Z\T\YH4PJOPRV /VWRPUZIHJRYV^S[VY(UUH4HYPL5HNHP2YPZ[PU2 /\NOLZ1HUL[/PL[IYPUR4HYNHYL[/VVK2HLRV5HRHZOPTH S[VY5VYTHU:WHYUVU5VYPRV4H[Z\KHPYH/0/7YPUJL4PRHZH0U[LY UH[PVUHS7YLZPKLU[2HLRV5HRHZOPTH/0/7YPUJLZZ4PRHZH4Y4H ZH[HKH;HJOPIHUHKPYLJ[VYVM[OL2`V[V0U[LYUH[PVUHS*VUMLYLUJL/HSS THRLH[VHZ[H[[OL-PM[O>VYSK*VU]LU[PVU 21 7HZ[PU[LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU[ZH[[OL-PM[O>VYSK*VU]LU[PVUPU2`V[V !MYVU[YV^S[VY4HY[OH 5LLZL.HPS-LLYLY*HYVSH4LSSLY-H`2YHTLY9\[O:JV[[(3\JPSSL/\YSL`,[Z\RV/H[[VYP/H[Z\TP >OP[LOLHKIHJRYV^S[VY5VYTH;LUULRVVU(U[VPUL[[L(ZOSL`4VUH3\[a9VZHTVUKL-5HL NLSL4PKVYP7\YK`@\RV4H[Z\T\YH a Kyogen (Noh farce), Kaminari, was performed by Sengoro Shigeyama and his family. It was very special. The whole programs were videotaped and kept as records of this memorable event. Starting with this convention we enclosed a copy of the registration form in the magazine to each I.I. member to promote increasing membership. It resulted in a drastic increase of attendees: from about 500 to more than 800, from 100 chapters in 33 countries and Taiwan. New Publications The history of Ikebana International’s first twentyfive years was published October in 1986 as a softcover book entitled Friendship through Flowers in time for the Fifth World Convention and was mailed to all chapters as well. The handy botanical reference Floral Focus was published the same year. Also in 1986, fundraising ikebana note cards to assist chapters involved the creative works of 15 iemotos. A lengthy questionnaire was sent to all chapters, and 90 out of 160 chapters responded. The responses dealt with issues of membership (rising value of the yen affecting membership); chapter programs (most popular attractions were demonstrations by master teachers, workshops conducted by master teachers 22 and public exhibitions); fundraising (small chapters sponsored white elephant sales, large chapters raised the most by sponsoring demonstrations by iemotos); regional interests (language was stated as a problem in some European countries); Headquarters newsletters (complaints of not seeing their chapter in print—not filling out Form A with interesting material); and the I.I. magazines (overwhelming enthusiasm, suggested topics for articles, desire to see other languages). Two months after receiving the questionnaire summary there was a response in the president’s News Sheet regarding the I.I. magazine: “I.I. Headquarters’ relevant policy is to encourage the chapters which need translation from English into other languages to do so themselves to the best of their ability. Although our official language is English, Headquarters will continue to make regular translations, that is, on a one-article-into-onelanguage-per-issue basis.” In February 1985, the Long Range Financial Planning Committee’s structure was presented at the Board meeting and approved in September of the same year. Towards Friendship and Peace Kaeko Nakashima stated, “It is heartwarming to know that our motto, Friendship through Flowers, is a dynamic one,” when referring to the many charitable and community events that the chapters promoted. “To raise funds for necessities by offering beauty is to be commended.” “I realize that this position as president is a unique one. One must be acquainted with Japanese customs and as well understand other ways of thinking. We are all different, each individual, each culture is like ikebana material. The final arrangement is beautiful, and thus we can work towards friendship and peace.” *Mrs. Kaeko Nakashima passed away in July 2000. In her honor and with respect, this synopsis was prepared by Karen Napoli. Marilyn Hoskins 1987–88 Guidance Though my term as international president was short, much was accomplished. I was and am still grateful for the guidance and advice I received from Noriko Matsudaira, Midori Purdy, and Yuko Matsumura during my years as president. Prior to becoming president, I served as corresponding secretary and first vice-president. I am grateful to Kaeko Nakashima, who preceded me as president, for her gentle ways. Perhaps I am biased, but I think the Board of Directors during my years as president was one of the best. Everyone was dedicated to expanding the membership and enabling Headquarters to be of greater assistance to members. the exchange rate; then they had to collect dues from members and remit them to Headquarters. The commission charged by the banks to deposit and convert foreign checks was prohibitive. Ikebana International received permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to open a US-dollar account at Chase Manhattan Bank New York branch. The first year that account received checks from 50 percent of the membership and allowed for consolidation of local bank accounts, resulting in JPY400,000 savings the first year. Personal computers were purchased for the office staff, allowing for greater efficiency in keeping membership and financial records. Projects and Business The Board of Directors determined that increased communication between Headquarters, chapters, and Members-at-Large was a priority. To that end, a new format was created for Chapter Activities to reflect the diversity of membership and celebrate the vibrancy of the chapters. A new editor of the magazine was selected, Mrs. Lynn Tsang, and with the change came a renewed focus on flowers and the art of ikebana. The Board explored the idea of developing a video library of demonstrations and lessons from various iemotos. The library was created, but, unfortunately, was not a success. The most significant innovation during my term was a simplification of the dues-paying process. Payment of dues was a frustrating process for the membership and the office staff. Chapters determined )VHYKTLTILYZMVY ¶!ZLH[LKS[VY4HYPL2H^HP 4HYPS`U/VZRPUZ;VZOPRV/V[[HIHJRYV^S[VY+LUPZL7LYY` :\ZHU)HZ[PHUP1HUL[1\KNL*OYPZ[PUL7L[[P[@VYPRV0RLaH^H 23 The Articles of Association and Bylaws were revised and submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. One other achievement of my term as president was to designate one cherry blossom icon as the official Ikebana International symbol. Traveling to Kyoto with Noriko Matsudaira to attend the funeral of Chief Abbot Ryokai Ajioka of Saga Goryu organized under the auspices of the Daikakuji Temple is one of the most memorable experiences during my presidency. Regional Conferences I attended two regional conferences while president —the Third South American Regional Conference in Buenos Aires in 1987, where Iemoto Akihiro Ka- suya of the Ichiyo and Shuho Sasaki of the Sogetsu schools were the guest demonstrators. I was also fortunate enough to celebrate the Australian Bicentennial at the Sixteenth Australia/New Zealand Regional Conference in Sydney, 1988. Headmaster Houn Ohara and Iemoto Sen’ei Ikenobo were the guest demonstrators. It was awe inspiring to bring the message of Friendship through Flowers with these great masters of the art. Many years have passed since I was president. I have seen the great ikebana schools pass from one generation to the next. It is a fine thing to experience the art of ikebana prospering around the world through the dedicated membership of Ikebana International. Louise Daggs 1988–90 Preliminaries I came to Japan when my husband was posted in Tokyo by his company in 1985. Years previously I had seen New York Chapter’s exhibition at the New York City Flower Show. I was determined then that when the time was right I would study ikebana. I began my lessons at the Ohara School’s International Divi- sion, determined to learn as much as possible while living at the source. Ikebana lessons consumed most of my time with classes four days a week. I joined Tokyo Founding Chapter, was appointed ways and means chairperson, served on the Fifth World Convention Agenda Committee, and volunteered for the Convention Registration Committee. )VHYKTLTILYZ ¶ !MYVU[YV^S[VY4HYNHYL[)VLOT@VYPRV0RLaH^H2HYLU 7PUHYK:L[Z\RV2LUULK`IHJRYV^S[VY;VZOPRV4HJOPKH3VYUH/VS[0U[LYUH[PVUHS 7YLZPKLU[3V\PZL+HNNZ1HUL[1\KNL@\RPRV@HTHTV[V 24 In 1986, International President Kaeko Nakashima appointed me as corresponding secretary. In 1987, under International President Marilyn Hoskins, I served as chairperson of the newly formed Long-Range Financial Planning Committee. This committee was charged with solving the problem of extremely high bank charges for transfers of dues and payments from other currencies into yen and with initiating a project to computerize accounting and other office functions. I was elected international president in 1988. I took office first as acting president in June due to the early departure of International President Marilyn Hoskins and assumed full duties in September 1988. I served two years as international president, from 1988 to 1990. My tenure gave continuity to the financial project underway when most of the other members of the Long-Range Financial Planning Committee had left Tokyo. I provided leadership over the next two years to computerize the accounting system, upgrade the membership computer program, and add capability for in-house publishing of some standard reports and forms. This process at times caused great anxiety, but in the end streamlined the office functions greatly. During my term in office, the Japanese Foreign Ministry approved revisions to the Articles of Association, which included the Life Membership category approved at the Fifth World Convention. The Ta-Ke-No-Ko Membership Drive in the autumn of 1988 gave a boost to new memberships in preparation for the Sixth World Convention. A special project to reissue the first 1956 issue of I.I. magazine originally was undertaken. As a commemorative issue, this was an exact replica of the original and offered to membership worldwide in 1990. Regional Conferences I attended three regional conferences in my first year: the Asian Regional Conference, renamed from the ASEAN Regional Conference, was held in Jakarta in September 1988. This change expanded the participation of the chapters in Japan with other Asian chapters. Iemoto Akihiro Kasuya of the Ichiyo School demonstrated. At the Eleventh North American Regional Conference in San Diego, Headmaster- S[VY-SVYLUJL/HYHKHWYLZPKLU[VM2`V[V*OHW[LY"3V\PZL +HNNZPU[LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU[")PZOVW+HP`\/LUQVQPMV\UKLYVM 2`V[V*OHW[LY"HUK5VYPRV4H[Z\KHPYHH[HUHUUP]LYZHY`TLL[ PUNPU2`V[V Designate Natsuki Ohara of the Ohara School and Iemoto Kobai Naruse of the Chiko School demonstrated. At the Third European Regional Conference hosted by Geneva Chapter in 1989, Head Teacher Hakushu Tsujii of Saga Goryu demonstrated. In my second year I attended two more regional conferences: the Seventeenth Australia/New Zealand Regional Conference in Christchurch, New Zealand, at which Iemoto Akihiro Kasuya of the Ichiyo School demonstrated; and the Fourth South American Regional Conference in Santiago, Chile, where Professor Shoun Hiraide of the Ohara School and Master Teacher Tetsunori Kawana of the Sogetsu School demonstrated. Frequent Chapter Miles In addition to these conferences, I used my frequent f lier miles to visit chapters outside of Japan. My objective to expand the international spirit within chapters whenever I traveled was met with great enthusiasm. I attended anniversary celebrations in Manila and Taipei and visited regular chapter meetings in Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and San Francisco. I also made many trips to chapters in Japan. 25 Karen M. Pinard 1990–92 The Appeal of Ikebana We moved to Tokyo in the summer of 1987. I consider that time to be the most inspirational and adventuresome of our life to date. I knew that there were many special things to learn and see in Japan. Because I had always been involved in gardening and horticulture, it was natural to be drawn to the exquisite art of ikebana. I began taking lessons at the Ichiyo School and looked forward to every lesson and attended as many exhibitions as possible. Soon I was asked to join the I.I. Board as recording secretary, and when Louise Daggs returned to the US, I was nominated to be international president. The Sixth World Convention So many things happened during my short tenure as international president. But the Sixth World Convention was the most special event for me. With the theme The Tradition and Future of Ikebana, the convention was held October 3 to 7, 1991, at the Tokyo Prince Hotel and the NHK Hall as main sites under the direction of Convention Chairperson Noriko Matsudaira and her committees. It was the first time that we opened our program to the public and sold tickets at the NHK Hall. We had the Japanese translation in the souvenir program. We also invited foreign students to the hall. The demonstrations, by 10 leading iemotos at the NHK Hall, were the most impressive and breathtaking in the history of Ikebana International. Also for the first time, the stage was run and directed by a professional, an NHK producer, and everything was computerized. I was most impressed with a fantastic demonstration by my teacher, Iemoto Akihiro Kasuya of the Ichiyo School. We had a most successful business meeting at the convention, and members began to realize the cost of running the Headquarters. We needed to increase membership, or increase dues, and everyone associated with the organization realized that they had to assume responsibility for our future. The Tree Planting Ceremony commemorating the 35th anniversary of this organization was held at the Showa Memorial Park on October 8, 1991, and H.I.H. Princess Mikasa and a representative from each region participated in this event. Other Business S[VY2LPRV5HRHQPTH9VIIPUZMV\UKLYVM6RPUH^H*OHW[LY" 2HYLU7PUHYKPU[LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU[")L]LYS`4\YWO`WYLZP KLU[VM6RPUH^H*OHW[LYH[6RPUH^H*OHW[LY»Z[OHUUP]LY ZHY`WYLZLU[H[PVUJLYLTVU` 26 I was invited to attend the exhibition of Sapporo Chapter during the Snow Festival. I also visited Okinawa Chapter to present it with a certificate honoring its 35th anniversary. Another trip was to attend the Second Asian Regional Conference in Taipei in 1990. Iemoto Sen’ei Ikenobo of Ikenobo was the guest demonstrator. The Chapter Directive was revised in 1991. There were other special moments for me such as changing the format of the magazine. The new logo for the convention was designed, and this logo has been in use for the I.I. magazines and Headquarters stationery. I strongly recommended the Kozan School to join the magazine. I thought members would appreciate the naturalistic and classical style of this school. Unfortunately, we were transferred just prior to the end of my second year. Noriko Matsudaira graciously completed my term and then began her own term as president. Often I reflect on the richness and impact of my experience with I.I. ... how I look at flowers, how I design my gardens, how I understand and take pleasure in cultural diversity, and how I recognize that true leadership is not what you say and do but how you listen and try to integrate what others express and what they need. ([[OL:LJVUK(ZPHU9LNPVUHS*VUMLYLUJLPU;HPWLP!S[VY *VUMLYLUJL*OHPYWLYZVU3PUKH3VL^LUZ[LPUVM;HPWLP*OHW[LY 3V\PZL+HNNZ4YZ2\V/^H@\^PMLVM[OLMVYTLYWYPTLTPU PZ[LYVM;HP^HU2HYLU7PUHYK5VYPRV4H[Z\KHPYH Noriko Matsudaira 1992–94 Sakura News Winds of Change When my predecessor, Karen Pinard, left office in March, I became acting president for the remaining five months of her term. My first job was to launch the Sakura News. The I.I. magazines were not designed to keep members in touch with Headquarters. Sakura News was intended to address the need for more communication from Tokyo, directly to each member by airmail. That Sakura News continues to be published and is playing an ever-larger role makes me very happy. Around that time we were becoming aware of the danger posed by the unintended but natural increase in our membership fee that resulted from a stronger yen value. Office Manager Masayuki Kagami created a whole series of easy-to-understand spreadsheets describing I.I.’s economic situation. Karen Pinard and I took them with us as we made the rounds of regional conferences. They were enormously helpful to us to explain the situation. The second step I took was to reduce the size of our Board of Directors. Karen Pinard and Louise Daggs both had recommended this action. To improve the performance of the Board and return to the original form envisioned in I.I.’s Bylaws, we reduced the number of members and set up the following three groups: (1) the Board of Past Presidents, (2) the Board of Representatives of Ikebana Schools, and (3) the Conference of Chapter Presidents in Japan. As a result, the number of Board members was reduced from 36 to 20. The first meeting of Representatives of Ikebana Schools was held in May, with representatives of 11 schools attending. The major issue was the cost of sending demonstrators to overseas conferences. During this year I participated in the Fourth European Regional Conference and the Third South Y[VS/0/7YPUJLZZ4PRHZH5VYPRV4H[Z\KHPYHHUK-H` 2YHTLYH[[OLWHY[`JLSLIYH[PUN-H`2YHTLY»ZH^HYK 27 African Regional Symposium hosted by Harare Chapter in Zimbabwe. Sad Events This was also a year of sad events. Kyoko Yoshimura, wife of Iemoto Kasen Yoshimura of Ryusei-Ha, and the Fourth Headmaster Natsuki Ohara of the Ohara School, both passed away. Mrs. Yoshimura had been an active ikebana master herself and had always given her all for the sake of I.I. The death of Headmaster Natsuki Ohara was a great shock to everyone. He had been active in ikebana since his high school days, and his achievements were impressive. It was truly a great sadness to lose him, and at such a young age. 1992–93 in getting the organization started. But by this time Japanese members were the core of our organization. It was time for us to ask ourselves what we could do to support I.I. The presidents of 12 chapters, ranging from Sapporo to Okinawa, assembled. Fay Kramer, who had served as the first international president while she was in Japan, came to offer her congratulations. Fay Kramer Honored It was a great joy that Fay Kramer was awarded the Fifth Class Order of the Precious Crown by the Japanese government. I.I. magazine Volume 37, Issue 2, was dedicated to George and Fay Kramer. During this year, I participated in the Twelfth North American Regional Conference in Philadelphia and the Third Asian Regional Conference in Hong Kong. Big Events The big event was having H.I.H. Princess Mikasa become our Honorary President. Since 1970, Princess Mikasa had graciously served as Honorary Patroness of our world conventions. We asked that she become Honorary President for all I.I. activities. The Imperial Household Agency acceded to this request, and on March 18, Princess Mikasa was formally installed in this new, comprehensive office. The First Conference of Chapter Presidents in Japan was an epoch-making event. In retrospect, we see that American members played a major role Meetings, Reports and More Meetings That year, when chapter presidents in Japan assembled for a second time, our accountants told us that our JPY5,000 membership fee was too low to keep us out of trouble. At the request of the Showa Memorial Park in Tachikawa, Tokyo, a two-day outdoor ikebana exhibition was held on October 17 and 18. Ten ikebana artists exhibited their works in an outstanding display of contemporary ikebana. Other outdoor ikebana exhibitions were put on by I.I. in Hibiya Park >LHYPUN7P[[ZI\YNO*OHW[LY»Z¸0RLIHUH-VYL]LY¹JHWS[VY/PZHRV 2HUaHRPWHZ[WYLZPKLU[VM5L^@VYR*OHW[LY"+VU6SZLUWHZ[WYLZP KLU[VM:HU(U[VUPV*OHW[LY":OPYSL`>PURSLYWHZ[WYLZPKLU[VM7P[[Z I\YNO*OHW[LY"HUK5VYPRV4H[Z\KHPYHPU[LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU[H[[OL ;^LSM[O5VY[O(TLYPJHU9LNPVUHS*VUMLYLUJL 28 and Kasai Park. These events helped to introduce the idea that ikebana can also be enjoyed outdoors. This year also saw a meeting of school representatives, who heard iemotos report on regional conferences around the world. These reports played an important role in raising consciousness inside Japan concerning what goes on at regional conferences. Headquarters directors received a sharp reminder of the significance of their positions and the need to pay close attention to the world outside Japan. Pleading advanced age, our parliamentarian, Mrs. Geraldine Lash, submitted her resignation. Her contributions at the Fifth and Sixth World Conventions were highly praised. Later, Kathy Roper was appointed as her successor. 1993–94 My second year as president began by welcoming H.I.H. Princess Mikasa as our Honorary President at the First Special Leadership Council Meeting, with iemotos, past international presidents, and the newly elected members of our Board. This was the first time that the Princess and iemotos had participated in a meeting at which we presented our annual report, our financial report, our plan, and our budget for the next fiscal year, an extraordinary opportunity for the Princess and iemotos to understand I.I.’s management. The Third Conference of Chapter Presidents in Japan was held on September 24, 1993. During the opening remarks, a minute of silence was observed in memory of Monica Kelley, the former Kobe Chapter president, who had died suddenly the previous year. So many of our most ardent members from so many different places have left us. To commemorate their service we added an “In Memoriam” column to Sakura News in which their names are listed. This year we were once again invited by the Showa Memorial Park and Parks Association to hold an outdoor ikebana exhibition from October 25 to 31. A special committee was formed, and 9 international members of I.I. joined 38 ikebana artists from Japan in presenting their works. This event was a great success, and the photo collection published after it ended won high praise. Basic Changes The major task of 1993 was the revision of the Articles of Association and International Bylaws of Ikebana International. A portion of the Bylaws had been revised the previous year, but the Articles of Association were further revised by a committee headed by Saeko Umemura. The points revised were as follows. 1) Notice that our Honorary President is a member of the imperial family 2) The addition of managing directors in charge of protocol and development, and 3) Granting the title of Founding Flower Master Advisors to the iemotos of the three largest schools (Ikenobo, Ohara and Sogetsu), and excluding them from ex officio membership on the Board of Directors. Giving these iemotos this status was customary but not prescribed in our Bylaws. The change was accepted, and the iemotos approved it. The revised Articles of Association was accepted by the Board in December and authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in August 1994. Active and Thriving The Eighteenth Australia/New Zealand Regional Conference was held in Melbourne in 1993, with Iemoto Hiroshi Teshigahara of the Sogetsu School as the guest demonstrator. The date of the meeting was also the 80th birthday of Norman Sparnon, for whom a special birthday party was held in honor of his long years of service to the Sogetsu School as well as Ikebana International in Australia. Shortly afterwards, he fell ill and died. On April 5, we enjoyed an extremely happy event. The cherry trees planted in 1991 to celebrate our 35th anniversary and the Sixth World Convention bloomed. H.I.H. Princess Mikasa, accompanied by her daughter Yasuko Konoe, made an unofficial visit to see them. In 1994, I.I.’s international network included eastern Germany. Wherever we look around the world, we have active and thriving chapters. Sakura News is now filled with their contributions in a flourishing network of international exchange. 29 Stephanie Tomiyasu 1994–96 Advice and Responsibility Website Every day for two years, I felt the great responsibility of being president of Ikebana International—a nearly forty-year-old, worldwide organization with 10,000 members. I made every effort to keep foremost in my attention the concerns of our members, without whom there is no organization. I received excellent advice and support from many people during my two years as international president, but the guidance from past international presidents was extremely important to me. Within a few days of the start of my term as international president in September 1994, I was sent to Kyoto to give the opening greetings at an I.I.organized event, Flower Expressions ’94, which was held in connection with the 1,200th anniversary of Kyoto becoming the imperial capital. This successful two-day event (all 500 tickets were sold out each day) featured four young artists: two Japanese women destined to be future iemotos of ikebana schools, Yuki Ikenobo and Akane Teshigahara; one Japanese male flower designer, Mr. Keita Kawasaki of the Mami Flower Design School; one American male flower arranger, Mr. Frank Cushing from the American Institute of Floral Design. This was the first large public event organized by I.I., and the first time for ikebana artists to be on the same program as floral artists. In June 1996, we opened the Ikebana International website. It was in 1995–96 that Headquarters first started to use email and that the publication manager first used a computer to prepare the magazine for publication (resulting in a 15 percent cost savings, which paid for the purchase of the computer). Because I.I. was one of the first organizations representing traditional Japanese arts to create its own website, it received extensive coverage in both the Japanese- and English-language press. The website was the result of an extremely generous donation from NEC, the Japanese computer company, obtained by Hanako Sato. Thanks to her efforts and those of many other members, the website continues its success. 7HZ[PU[LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU[ZH[[OL;OPY[LLU[O5VY[O(TLYPJHU 9LNPVUHS*VUMLYLUJLPU !MYVU[YV^S[VY9\[O:JV[[-H` 2YHTLY3V\PZL+HNNZIHJRYV^S[VY9VZHTVUKL5HLNLSL *HYVSH4LSSLY:[LWOHUPL;VTP`HZ\.YHJL*OHZL 30 Economics In 1994 –95, the yen appreciated sharply w ith respect to the US dollar, so severely that we seriously thought our organization might be destroyed. We decided to use an artificial exchange rate of JPY100=US$1.00 for the international dues. That benefited overseas members who were paying in dollars, but resulted in I.I. having to dip into its savings to make up for lost income. I worked hard to raise funds, writing to many consultants for advice and establishing the custom of the International Board holding small fundraising events. An I.I. flag with a simple design that featured the cherry blossom logo designed by Mrs. Gyokko Tanaka, and the I.I. seal was created for sale to chapters. In addition, with the cooperation of the Seattle Chapter, Headquarters sold attractive I.I. T-shirts. These fundraising activities were designed so that it would be impossible (or almost impossible) for I.I. to lose money on them. For example, all the items we sold were made only after an order had been received, so there was never a costly backlog of unsold inventory. The fundraising events sponsored by the International Board had outstanding results. In 1995–96, the Board’s fundraising efforts resulted in total net donations of over JPY 1 million. Other important Regional Conferences :[LWOHUPL;VTP`HZ\PU[LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU[SLM[HUK(UUL /VWRPUZ[OLZLJVUK]PJLWYLZPKLU[^P[O[OLUL^00MSHN benefits of these events were the goodwill and joy felt by members and guests who participated, and an enhanced image for I.I. At that time, chapters were disbanding because they were unable to draw in younger members and because elderly members on fixed incomes were finding that the appreciation of the yen made it difficult to pay dues. It was important to bring in new, younger, members. In 1995–96, I initiated a membership drive. The membership increased to over 10,000, reversing a marked two-year downward trend. I had the great privilege and honor of representing Ikebana International as international president at the Fourth Asian Regional Conference in Bangkok (November 1994), the Thirteenth North American Regional Conference in Honolulu (April 1995), and the Fifth European Regional Conference in Nîmes, France (June 1995). Friendships that I made at those regional conferences continue to this day and have enriched my life. The Amendment Committee in 1995–96 revised the Chapter Directive, and the new version was issued in August 1996. Preparation of the World Convention Guidelines was initiated in 1995–96 and completed the following year. The field of ikebana as a whole was saddened by the death in March 1995 of the great artist Houn Ohara, headmaster of the Ohara School, and of Norman Sparnon, the distinguished Sogetsu teacher from Australia, who died in June 1995. During my term, the Convention Committee, under the direction of Emily Brown, worked hard to prepare for the Ikebana International Seventh World Convention, which was held in Nagoya in the autumn of 1996, after the end of my term. Lincolna M. Guilfoile 1996–97 Early Days My involvement with Ikebana International began in 1956, when our family returned to Tokyo due to my husband’s reassignment. We had been in Tokyo from 1949 to 1952, during which time I had studied Japanese sumi-e painting at the Washington Heights Officers’ Club. This is the time when I met Virginia Davis, who started painting cover designs for the I.I. magazines later on. At that time, Sofu Teshigahara was teaching Sogetsu ikebana at the same Officers’ Club. Artworks and World Conventions When we returned to Japan in 1962, I continued with the Japanese painting class. At the time when Mona Lutz was international president, I was asked to do the cover paintings for issues #43 and #44 of the I.I. magazine. Issues #45 and #46 were drawn by Virginia Davis. Issue #47, which was autumn flowers and foliage, was my drawing, and this was the last hand-painted cover. After this issue, professional photographs were used for the covers. At the time of the Fourth World Convention in 1981, I was asked to design and prepare the program book for the occasion, a challenging but exciting project for me. At the Fifth World Convention, Noriko Matsudaira, convention chairperson, appointed me to be program chairperson. Mrs. Gyokko Tanaka, my painting teacher, drew the cover, and I did the paintings inside the book. The Sixth World Convention was held in Tokyo again in 1991. The demonstrations were held 31 at NHK Hall. Once again, I served as convention coordinator and program chairperson. It had been Convention Chairperson Noriko Matsudaira’s longtime dream to use the NHK Hall, and it was thrilling for me to be the mistress of ceremonies in both English and Japanese for all the demonstrations. The Seventh World Convention The Seventh World Convention was held in Nagoya October 3–7, 1996. The Nagoya Congress Center and the Aichi Arts Center were the main venues. Barbara Franke first directed the convention committee, but after her return to the US, Emily Brown succeeded to her position. The convention committee members were from Tokyo, Kamakura, Kobe, Fukuoka, Kyoto and the host chapter, Nagoya. Their experience and dedication, despite the distances, enabled a successful convention. Since this convention was the last of the 20th century, the theme was Ikebana: A Bridge to the Next Century. We invited two iemotos from the Nagoya area, and a total of eight schools gave demonstrations at the Nagoya Congress Center. Despite the distance from Tokyo and Kyoto to Nagoya, those schools gave tremendous support to the convention. Iemoto Kobai Naruse of the Chiko School kindly gave a demonstration even after her great loss in the terrible earthquake disaster the previous year in Kobe. The forum was a new idea. The theme of Ikebana, Its Future and Our Earth was chosen under the direction of Kosen Otsubo. The panelists were non-Japanese who lived in Japan, and an ikebana critic was also invited. Their views and opinions on this subject were detailed and interesting. We received excellent feedback from members, who felt that this idea should be continued. The other new program was that two flower artists, Mr. Keita Kawasaki of the Mami Flower Design School and Mr. Toshiro Kawase of Kaze-no-kai, were invited to perform at the convention. The performances were both very different from each other and also from ikebana demonstrations. The program received strong mixed opinions. Floral Focus I had started this project mainly for Japanese teachers who did not understand enough English and for their foreign students who did not know Japanese. Therefore, Floral Focus is divided in two sections. If you start from the front of the book, the first column is in English, the middle column has the botanical name, and the last column is the Japanese name. If you start from the other end of the book, you will find that the first column is in Japanese, the middle column in Japanese characters, and the right-hand column in English. This way, students, teachers and f lorists can make good use of this booklet. The compilation took me almost three years, and Junko Nakagawa and I spent the last two years checking the spelling, proofreading, and rewriting. Floral Focus was completed in time for the Seventh World Convention. In the last Sakura News of my tenure, in May 1997, I wrote that due to personal and health reasons, I had decided not to continue as president for a second term. I certainly enjoyed working for I.I. and still do, but within my capabilities. Emily Brown 1997–99 1997–98 Official Events The Fourth Conference of Chapter Presidents in Japan was held at the Kobe Club on September 19, 1997. The incoming Board was introduced. I thanked outgoing International President Lincolna 32 Guilfoile and handed over the official past international president brooch. The Special Leadership Council Meeting was held at International House in October 1997. Regional Conferences Soon after being sworn in as international presi- MYVU[YV^S[VY3PUJVSUH4.\PSMVPSL/0/7YPUJLZZ4PRHZH /0/7YPUJLZZ;HRHTHKV4Y1VZLWO.\PSMVPSLIHJRYV^S[V Y5VYPRV4H[Z\KHPYH:VRL2VIHP5HY\ZLVM[OL*OPRV:JOVVS ,[Z\RV/H[[VYP0LTV[V2VaHU6RHKHVM[OL2VaHU:JOVVSH[ [OLJLSLIYH[PVUMVY4YZ.\PSMVPSL»ZYLJLP]PUN[OL-PM[O*SHZZ6Y KLYVM[OL7YLJPV\Z*YV^U *V]LYWHPU[PUNZVM00 THNHaPULZI`3PU JVSUH4.\PSMVPSLPU [LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU[ ,TPS`)YV^UPU[LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU[[VHZ[PUNH[[OL>LS JVTL7HY[`VM[OL:L]LU[O>VYSK*VU]LU[PVU ZLH[LKS[VY5VYPRV4H[Z\KHPYHHUK0U[LYUH[PVUHS 7YLZPKLU[,TPS`)YV^UIHJRYV^S[VY2P`VRV 4Pa\RVZOP1V`JL;OVYWLWHZ[WYLZPKLU[VM:`K UL`*OHW[LY5H[HSPL4VYNHUWHZ[WYLZPKLU[VM *OYPZ[JO\YJO*OHW[LYH[[OL5PUL[LLU[O(\Z[YHSPH 5L^ALHSHUK9LNPVUHS*VUMLYLUJL 33 dent, my first duty was to attend the Nineteenth Australian/New Zealand Regional Conference held in Auckland, New Zealand in September 1997. The demonstrator was Professor Kayoko Namba of the Ohara School. Three chapters—Manila, Cagayan de Oro and Davao—hosted the Sixth Asian Regional Conference in the Philippines in February 1998, a well-attended regional conference with the guest demonstrator Iemoto Sen’ei Ikenobo of Ikenobo. The I.I. 45th Anniversary Song was born during my first year as president. We sifted through a large selection of songs from members across the world, and though it was not until the Eighth World Convention in 2001 that it was first heard, it was well worth waiting for. Headquarters arranged for various fundraising events to be held during the year. We are very grateful to the ambassadors’ wives who kindly opened up their residences to I.I. to allow us venues for lectures and cultural programs. The Amendments Committee finished updating the Regional Conference Guidelines. This was made available to chapters hosting a regional conference. 1998–99 Meetings The Fifth Conference of Chapter Presidents in Japan and the Annual General Meeting were held at the Tokyo American Club in September 1998. The Board members for the fiscal year 1998–99 were formally installed. The international treasurer reported on the previous fiscal year’s accounts and the coming fiscal year’s budget. The Joint Meeting, officially named Special Leadership Council Meeting, with Honorary President H.I.H. Princess Mikasa, iemotos, honorary advisors, past international presidents and the Board members, was held at International House on September 14, 1998. Activities The Fourth South African Regional Symposium was held in September 1998 in Johannesburg, hosted by both Pretoria and Johannesburg chapters. Iemoto Akihiro Kasuya of the Ichiyo School was the guest demonstrator. The Fourteenth North American 34 Regional Conference hosted by Ottawa Centennial Chapter was held in Ottawa in October 1998. Iemoto Rihoh Semba of Koryu Shoohkai was the guest demonstrator. Fundraising activities continued with ambassadors’ wives generously opening their residences to our members. The Amendments Committee started work on putting together the World Convention Guidelines. The Eighth World Convention chairperson was formally announced: Michiko Suzuki. The convention was scheduled for March 2001 in Yokohama. It was an honor to serve as international president for two years. Though not an easy task, I was very grateful to have had the experience of being first vice-president and world convention chairperson. This gave me good solid background knowledge of how Ikebana International works both locally and internationally. I was also grateful to have had a truly experienced, willing and enthusiastic Board. Noriko Matsudaira 1999–2001 1999–2000 I became international president for a second time. Committee members were already energetically involved in preparations for the Eighth World Convention. Preparing the ground for acceptance of an increase in dues was imperative. For nineteen years, the dues had been JPY5,000. As the yen strengthened and our members aged, our situation had become increasingly difficult. This would be an opportunity to secure our members’ understanding of why the dues increase was necessary. Fundraising I was very grateful, indeed, for the support of the chapters in Japan. Like the American members who supported us during our earliest history, the Japanese chapters called on each of their members for additional support in the form of a JPY2,000 “Annual Donation” for three years leading up to the world convention. Through the goodwill of many different embassies, we were able to raise funds by holding events in official residences, and the committee was able to plan many enjoyable fundraising events. One particularly impressive example was an opera program held at the Embassy of Canada, a truly gorgeous afternoon at which foreign opera stars visiting Japan put on a performance of arias from Don Giovanni. We tried our best to think of other ways to keep our organization going, but our membership numbers began to fall. During a demonstration requested by Kyoto Chapter, I spoke on the topic “I.I. and I,” reviewing our organization’s history. Since so many of our members, and not just the new ones, are unfamiliar with this history, my words were received with great interest. Not a few people were surprised to discover that I.I.’s long record of achievements is the work of volunteers. I gave the same program at Fukuoka Chapter. Communicating After two years of work, the World Convention Guidelines were completed; they were prepared by a committee led by Emily Brown, who had pointed out the need for such guidelines now and for those organizing future conventions. In the second year of my term, Sakura News continued to be a vital tool for quickly communicating information about the world convention to our members around the world. For the first time, entries were solicited for an official I.I. Song to celebrate I.I’s 45th anniversary. Lincolna Guilfoile headed the committee in charge of promoting the song contest. 2000–01 The Eighth World Convention The Eighth World Convention was held from March 9 to 12, 2001, at Pacifico Yokohama, the Pacific Convention Plaza Yokohama. A total of 808 attendees from 70 chapters in 29 countries participated. The need to raise the annual dues was presented to the members present, and a motion to raise the dues passed with no difficulty. I wish, in particular, to express my heartfelt gratitude to our parliamentarian, Kathy Roper, and to the chair of our Resolutions Committee, Susan Cano, for the S[VY/0/7YPUJLZZ4PRHZH/0/7YPUJLZZ;HRHTHKV 5VYPRV4H[Z\KHPYHHUK-H`2YHTLYH[[OL,PNO[O>VYSK *VU]LU[PVU 35 S[VY,TPS`)YV^U1\K`9H[aYHMM:\ZHU*HUV0U[LYUH[PVUHS7YLZPKLU[5VYPRV 4H[Z\KHPYHHUK4PJOPRV:\a\RPPU6RPUH^HUJVZ[\TLH[[OL^LSJVTLWHY[`VM [OL,PNO[O>VYSK*VU]LU[PVU4HYJO preparations that enabled the business meeting to operate so smoothly. The theme of this world convention was Ikebana Reflections for the 21st Century. As mentioned previously, to celebrate our 45th anniversary, we held an I.I. Song contest. The winner was Valerie Eccleston from Washington, D.C. Chapter, who introduced this truly beautiful song in a solo performance during our opening ceremony. The ikebana exhibition was open to the public, and the exhibition hall was filled with visitors. The ikebana demonstrations by overseas members located near the entrance were a powerful draw to people passing by. One of the sad transitions that year included the death of Iemoto Hiroshi Teshigahara of the Sogetsu School. I had urged the Organizing Committee to have him lecture at the convention, and the iemoto had agreed. After he fell ill, from his hospital bed he spoke through video with music, telling us about the scope of the Sogetsu School and showing us some of its most distinctive and impressive works. It was absolutely unforgettable. One incident that had a decisive inf luence on my life occurred back in the late 1970s when I was a Sogetsu School instructor and first vice-president of Tokyo Founding Chapter. At a Sogetsu study session, Iemoto Sofu Teshigahara, who was still vigorous and active then, said, “Mrs. Matsudaira, please do all you can for I.I.” I didn’t know what to say, that 36 was so unexpected. He then repeated his request. I later realized that that was, in a way, his bequest to me—and, as you know, I have been deeply involved with I.I. ever since. Sadly, H.I.H. Princess Mikasa had to give up her honorary presidency for reasons of health, resigning after the world convention. Her involvement with I.I. had spanned three decades and, particularly since 1993, with the annual Special Leadership Council meetings, she had been fully informed about our activities. Her support was of great significance to I.I., for which we are most grateful. The world convention was a good start for I.I. in the 21st century, and I am deeply grateful to all who made it possible, and especially to Michiko Suzuki, who chaired the Organizing Committee, and all who served so long and hard to make it happen. Ikebana International is a living organization, responsive to changing times. Anna Nakada 2001–02 Complications Unraveled Ikebana International 2001–02 was unusual to say the least. No sooner had the Board and I taken office, but the tragedy of September 11 struck and stopped the world. Not long afterward my husband’s company repatriated us to the US. With the nominating committee unable to find a successor, on September 18, 2001, I offered a solution and the Board accepted: I would continue as international president—on condition that the Board would continue its search in earnest for a new president. First Vice-President Ayako Katsumata would serve as acting president in my absence, and I would conduct day-to-day business with the Board and the Headquarters staff by telephone, email and fax. Also, I would return to Tokyo every two to three months to perform the most critical duties. Not to be a financial burden, I offered to underwrite all travel, telephone, email and fax expenses between Japan and the US at my personal expense. Ms. Katsumata did an excellent job as acting president; I made four trips to Tokyo for I.I. in December 2001, March and August 2002, and the year ended. To the extent we could, we made some headway in reaching the goals we had identified to increase membership, support chapters, improve two-way communications between chapters and Headquarters. formed us that they were putting the Ochanomizu Square Building up for sale and we would have to move. Several backbreaking months later, on January 20, 2002, Ayako Katsumata, chairperson of the Move Committee comprising Board members and volunteers, supervised the Headquarters move to the nearby Misaki Building in Kanda Ogawamachi. Shufunotomo generously provided partial funding for the move. Members, Chapters, Reports, Records Second Vice-President Kazuko Yokosuka, Corresponding Secretary Kayoko Suzuki, and Historian Mariko Miyamoto created a system of personalizing contact with chapters. Also, to bring us into the 21st century and make chapter and membership data processing and record keeping more efficient, they designed a new set of reporting forms—for the first time available in email format. Third Vice-President Hanako Sato reported that, as of September 2002, total membership was 8,922 in 60 countries with 158 chapters. Amendments Chairperson Marie Kawai and committee compiled the 2002 editions of the Articles of Association and International Bylaws of Ikebana International as well as Chapter Directive 2003. H.I.H. Princess Takamado Becomes Honorary President On August 21, 2001, H.I.H. Princess Takamado became Honorary President of Ikebana International, succeeding H.I.H. Princess Mikasa, who retired after ten years of dedicated leadership. On September 20, Past International President Noriko Matsudaira, Protocol Advisor Toshi Takamura and I made an official visit to Princess Takamado to express our gratitude. A New Office In the summer of 2001, Shufunotomo Co., Ltd., our Headquarters landlord of 30 years, reluctantly in- (UUH5HRHKHYPNO[^P[O2Ha\L2PTVM:PUNHWVYL*OHW[LYH[ [OL,PNO[O(ZPHU9LNPVUHS*VUMLYLUJLPU:PUNHWVYL 37 Publications and Websites Toyoko Tokuhisa, as Sakura News editor, a newly created position, revamped the newsletter to focus more on future ikebana exhibitions and events throughout the world and timely communications from Headquarters. As of October 2001, we adopted a new domain name [] supplanting the old I.I. website that had been founded and maintained by Hanako Sato since 1986. For the future, our Board recommended outsourcing the management of the new I.I. website to professionals. Finances Treasurer Nobuko Usui and Assistant Treasurer Miy u k i Tsureishi repor ted t hat income f rom membership had increased JPY1.5 million over the September 2001 level in spite of a 6 percent drop in membership over the last fiscal year. Supervising Auditor Kiyoko Mizukoshi completed another round of audits and reports to the Foreign Ministry. A new advertisement for the I.I. magazine was gained by the efforts of Michiko Motomura. Public Relations and Development The Open House Celebration, March 26, 2002, at the new offices of Headquarters and Tokyo Founding Chapter, was attended by 90 people—including 3 iemotos, 4 representatives from schools, 7 ambassadors’ wives, 9 past international presidents. Regional Conferences The Board voted in February 2002 to increase the remuneration to iemotos who demonstrate at regional conferences and strengthen support of iemotos and conference-sponsoring chapters overseas. The Board approved the following regional conferences: Twenty-first Australia/New Zealand Regional Conference by Lismore/Gold Coast chapters, May 5–8, 2003; Fifteenth North American Regional Conference by Chicago Chapter, October 1–5, 2003; Ninth Asian Regional Conference by Taipei Chapter, November 4–7, 2004; Sixth European Regional Conference, Basel, Switzerland, March 25–28, 2004, sponsored by Basel, Berlin, Biberach/Riss and Zurich chapters. Acknowledgments My colleagues on the Board of Directors worked tirelessly for I.I. The members of our Headquarters administrative staff brought commitment and professionalism to keep I.I. moving forward. Working with them and being in touch with thousands of members throughout the world was my personal honor and the meaning of Friendship through Flowers. (UU\HSTLL[PUNH[0U[LYUH[PVUHS/V\ZL:LW[!ZLH[LKS[VY;VZOP;HRHT\YH3PUJVSUH4.\PSMVPSL/LHK ;LHJOLY:LPM\5VN\JOPVM:HNH.VY`\0LTV[V2HZLU@VZOPT\YHVM9`\ZLP/H,[Z\RV/H[[VYP0U[LYUH[PVUHS7YLZP KLU[(UUH5HRHKH/0/7YPUJLZZ;HRHTHKV5VYPRV4H[Z\KHPYH/LHKTPZ[YLZZ>HRHRV6OHYHVM[OL6OHYH :JOVVS0LTV[V2VaHU6RHKHVM[OL2VaHU:JOVVS0LTV[V(RPOPYV2HZ\`HVM[OL0JOP`V:JOVVS0LTV[V2VNL[Z\ 2HTPQVVM[OL:OPUWH:LPaHU:JOVVS/PZHRV2VTPUL 38 Michiko Suzuki 2002–04 The Office Regional Conferences and Subsidy The Ikebana International Eighth World Convention, held at the Pacifico in Yokohama, was successfully concluded in March 2001. Later, after all the records of the convention had been submitted to Headquarters, my more than three-year tenure as chairperson of the Convention Committee, which had planned the event, came to an end. I had begun the work before September, but the I.I. office, which had moved in January 2002, was not fully organized. The work of getting Headquarters functions operating smoothly was my first major task. I also had the problem of hiring new staff, since some of our long-term office staff members were retiring or planning to. Coping with a change of generations among our core staff as well as the move were thus major tasks throughout my term of office. Training our new hires so that operations quickly proceeded smoothly and that Headquarters was able to support our chapters and members throughout the world was, therefore, my top priority. Hiring new staff members can sometimes be stressful, but I was delighted to be able to find the right people to fill all the positions. The holding of established I.I. regional conferences, and the rush of requests to hold new ones, was a source of great satisfaction to us at Headquarters. Because we had a little financial leeway, we officers were committed to the idea that the funds, however small, should be used for the benefit of our members throughout the world. The outcome of our discussion was that supporting regional conferences in regions for which Headquarters had not provided support would be an appropriate way to return the funds to individual members. That proposal was decided upon, with JPY500,000 in funding per regional conference. We officers were delighted to begin that program by providing funds for the Twentyfirst Australia/New Zealand Regional Conference, to be held on Australia’s Gold Coast in May 2003. Thereafter we provided support for two regional conferences a year. As international president, I officially attended the following regional conferences. The opportunity to observe the activities in each region and interact with members from around the world was highly educational and deeply meaningful for me. 1) The Twenty-first Australia/New Zealand Regional Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, May 2003 2) The Fifteenth North American Regional Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 2003 3) The Sixth European Regional Conference, Basel, Switzerland, March 2004. Sad News At the start of my first year, I was, sadly, informed of the deaths of a series of persons who had been of great help to I.I. These included Isshin Mori, iemoto of Enshuryu Isshin-kai, and Kozan Okada, the third iemoto of the Kozan School. Saddest of all was the death of H.I.H Prince Takamado, husband of Honorary President H.I.H Princess Takamado. I attended their funerals and prayed for the repose of their souls. The Ninth World Convention With the appointment of Yoriko Ikezawa as chairperson of the Convention Committee for Ikebana International Ninth World Convention, to be held in Tokyo in 2006, preparations for the convention got underway. Ikebana International Magazine At the end of my first year in office, Ms. Keiko Ohta, who had long served as production manager in charge for producing the I.I. magazine, was planning to retire. I thus experienced an issue that I.I. has faced since its founding: whom to choose to continue the magazine. After considerable research and discussion, we concluded that outsourcing the magazine would be the best solution. The magazine was outsourced to McDavis Associates, Inc. 39 Chapter Founding Dates For a chapter, the anniversary of its founding is an important day, but how the years since founding are counted varies greatly from chapter to chapter, sometimes causing great confusion. To avoid that problem, we decided to inform each chapter of when it had been chartered. Website It had been more than eight years since we launched the website, but, unfortunately, little material had been added to the site. It was necessary to reorganize it so that our members and other viewers could use it effectively. It is much more convenient for our chapters, since they can also download thirteen kinds of documents that they need from Headquarters straight from the website. Cherry Membership Drive For the past few years, total membership has been declining to a serious extent. After considering various ways to counter that trend, in March 2004, we instituted our Cherry Membership Drive. It was a long-term campaign intended to last through the Ninth World Convention and served, I hope, to help raise awareness of the appeal and significance of I.I. throughout the world. Shizuyo Nakayama 2004–06 40 Conferences and Conferences Travels Near and Far I served as international president from 2004 to 2006. My first visit was the Ninth Asian Regional Conference in Taipei. Iemoto-Designate Yuki Ikenobo of Ikenobo was the guest demonstrator. Interest in ikebana runs high in Taipei, which is so close to Japan. I next attended the First Middle Eastern Regional Conference in Jordan. When my husband was the ambassador there, I helped found the Jordan Chapter. It was, thus, very exciting to return to Jordan in April 2005 as international president. As an additional plus for me, the main demonstrator was Iemoto Akihiro Kasuya of the Ichiyo School, which I study. It was wonderful that our Jordan Chapter has grown to a membership of over 100 and that ikebana is greatly appreciated in that country. This regional conference offered an exciting program, and it was in a region we have relatively little chance to visit, so we had a large group going from Japan, helping to make the First Middle Eastern Regional Conference a great success. Since there are only two Middle Eastern chapters, it was agreed that the next regional conference would be hosted by Dubai Chapter, but the date remains open. In my second year, I felt I was finding my feet. In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the reopening of international relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea that year, members from several chapters in Japan went to Seoul in late October to have a joint ikebana exhibition and demonstrations with the Seoul Chapter headed by Im Wha Kong. At the end of March, the Fifth South American Regional Conference was held. The previous conference in Santiago had been held in 1990. I had invited all nine of the chapters in the region to host the conference, and Quito Chapter in Ecuador was the first to respond, so Quito became the host chapter. My husband and I had spent two and a half years in Quito, and I helped found that chapter. Iemoto Kosen Naruse of the Chiko School kindly accepted to be the guest demonstrator. The Galapagos Islands and other local features were used in the demonstrations. Prospective Panama Chapter was formed in September 2006. This was the result of my stopover in Panama and a meeting with Dagmar de Adames, Pilar Hasebe, and Maria Gabriella. Since San Francisco Bay Area Chapter was holding a commemorative celebration for Fay Kramer, 0U[LYUH[PVUHS7YLZPKLU[4PJOPRV:\a\RPYPNO[HUK0LTV[V:LRPOV/POHYHVM4PZOV9`\H[ [OL[HWLJ\[[PUNJLYLTVU`VM[OL:P_[O,\YVWLHU9LNPVUHS*VUMLYLUJLPU)HZLS S[VY0T>OH2VUNMV\UKLYVM:LV\S*OHW[LY4YZ*HYVS`U SH)YHZO^PMLVM[OL*HUHKPHUHTIHZZHKVY[V2VYLHHUK:OP a\`V5HRH`HTHPU[LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU[H[[OLL_OPIP[PVUJVT TLTVYH[PUN[OL[OHUUP]LYZHY`VMMYPLUKZOPWIL[^LLU1HWHU HUK2VYLH Y[VS/0/7YPUJLZZ;HRHTHKV"4PJOPRV:\a\RP PU[LYUH[PVUHSWYLZPKLU["+LIVYHO>OP[LOLHK;-* WYLZPKLU["+HNTLYKL(KHTLZ-HPYJOHPYWLYZVU HUK^PMLVM[OL7HUHTHUPHUHTIHZZHKVYH[[OL ;-*»ZHUU\HS00-HPY 0LTV[V2VZLU5HY\ZLVM[OL*OPRV:JOVVSUKYV^ [OMYVTYHUK:OPa\`V5HRH`HTHPU[LYUH[PVUHS WYLZPKLU[UKYV^JLU[LYH[[OL-PM[O:V\[O(TLYP JHU9LNPVUHS*VUMLYLUJL 41 our first international president, on April 8, I also stopped over there on the way back. I learned that a plaque incised with her name would soon be installed in the San Francisco Botanical Garden. In response to a call from our Karachi Chapter after the devastating earthquake of 2005, Sanae Maeda of the Sogetsu School led a volunteer team of ten to Karachi the following year, where they held workshops and demonstrations to raise funds for earthquake relief, with local people joining in the effort. That was also an opportunity for people in Karachi to learn more about Ikebana International. thanks, I have realized, to the dedicated efforts of so many people and our love of ikebana. Our founders’ passion for ikebana started it all, and I can only express my awe at their achievements. I hope that my successors in this organization will also take the time to study the inspiring history of ikebana and I.I. There is need to rethink what and how we do things. I hope that those who will take up the task will find ways to revitalize I.I. Now we need to think about ikebana as a focus for deepening international ties among all people, so that we can join hands in a search for world peace. Thinking and Doing It was a great honor to serve as international president for two years, and at the 50th anniversary of the founding of Ikebana International I have learned much about how I.I. was formed and has grown— *All materials in this section, with the exception of the synopsis for Kaeko Nakashima, were submitted by the past international presidents included herein. Ikebana International Ninth World Convention Celebrating I.I.’s 50th Anniversary Marking I.I.’s 50th anniversary, Ikebana International Ninth World Convention was held October 27 –30, 2006, at the New Takanawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo. The theme of the convention was Retracing the Footsteps of Ikebana … Lighting a Path to the Future. Honorary President H.I.H. Princess Takamado graciously attended all the programs with more than 1,000 members from 92 chapters. Japan Post issued two commemorative stamps that evoke the memory of I.I.’s Founder, Ellen Gordon Allen. Mary Kaser of Philadelphia Chapter won the Essay Contest on the theme Ikebana International and Me. @VPJOPYV2PR\JOP 2LUQP4P\YH 42 3CHOOLS 0ARTICIPATING IN $EMONSTRATIONS AT 7ORLD #ONVENTIONS )KEBANA )NTERNATIONAL EXPRESSES PROFOUND GRATITUDE TO THE FOLLOWING IKEBANA SCHOOLS FOR THEIR PARTICIPA TION IN THE DEMONSTRATIONS OF THE NINE SUCCESSFUL 7ORLD #ONVENTIONS HELD DURING THE LAST FIFTY YEARS 4HE &IRST 7ORLD #ONVENTION 4OKYO )KENOBO /HARA 3CHOOL 3OGETSU 3CHOOL 3ENEI )KENOBO (OUN /HARA 3OFU 4ESHIGAHARA 3AGA 'ORYU 3OGETSU 3CHOOL 9AMAMURA 'ORYU (AKUSHU 4SUJII (IROSHI 4ESHIGAHARA *YOZAN 9AMAMOTO 4HE 3IXTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION 4OKYO 4HE 3ECOND 7ORLD #ONVENTION 4OKYO #HIKO 3CHOOL %NSHURYU )SSHINKAI )CHIYO 3CHOOL )KENOBO +ORYU 3HOUTOUKAI /HARA 3CHOOL 3AGA 'ORYU 3OGETSU 3CHOOL +OBAI .ARUSE )SSHIN -ORI -EIKOF +ASUYA 3ENEI )KENOBO 2IEI )KEDA (OUN /HARA (AKUSHU 4SUJII 3OFU 4ESHIGAHARA #HIKO 3CHOOL %NSHURYU )SSHINKAI )CHIYO 3CHOOL )KENOBO +ORYU 3HOOHKAI +ORYU 3HOUTOUKAI /HARA 3CHOOL 2YUSEI(A 3AGA 'ORYU 3OGETSU 3CHOOL +OBAI .ARUSE )SSHIN -ORI !KIHIRO +ASUYA 3ENEI )KENOBO 2IHOH 3EMBA 2IEI )KEDA (OUN /HARA +ASEN 9OSHIMURA (AKUSHU 4SUJII (IROSHI 4ESHIGAHARA 4HE 4HIRD 7ORLD #ONVENTION 4OKYO #HIKO 3CHOOL %NSHURYU )SSHINKAI )CHIYO 3CHOOL )KENOBO +ORYU 3HOOHKAI +ORYU 3HOUTOUKAI /HARA 3CHOOL 2YUSEI(A 3AGA 'ORYU 3OGETSU 3CHOOL +OBAI .ARUSE )SSHIN -ORI -EIKOF +ASUYA 3ENEI )KENOBO 2IHOH 3EMBA 2IEI )KEDA (OUN /HARA +ASEN 9OSHIMURA (AKUSHU 4SUJII 3OFU 4ESHIGAHARA 4HE 3EVENTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION .AGOYA #HIKO 3CHOOL (ACHIDAI 3CHOOL +ORYU 3HOOHKAI )CHIYO 3CHOOL )SHIDA 3CHOOL +AZENOKAI -AMI &LOWER $ESIGN 3CHOOL /HARA 3CHOOL 3OGETSU 3CHOOL +OBAI .ARUSE "ANKO /HSAWA 2IHOH 3EMBA !KIHIRO +ASUYA 3HUSUI )SHIDA 4OSHIRO +AWASE +EITA +AWASAKI 7AKAKO /HARA (IROSHI 4ESHIGAHARA 4HE &OURTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION 4OKYO #HIKO 3CHOOL %NSHURYU )SSHINKAI )CHIYO 3CHOOL )KENOBO +ORYU 3HOUTOUKAI /HARA 3CHOOL 2YUSEI(A 3AGA 'ORYU 3OGETSU 3CHOOL +OBAI .ARUSE )SSHIN -ORI -EIKOF +ASUYA 3ENEI )KENOBO 2IEI )KEDA (OUN /HARA +ASEN 9OSHIMURA (AKUSHU 4SUJII (IROSHI 4ESHIGAHARA 4HE %IGHTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION 9OKOHAMA #HIKO 3CHOOL )CHIYO 3CHOOL )KENOBO +ORYU 3HOOHKAI +OZAN 3CHOOL /HARA 3CHOOL 2YUSEI(A 3AGA 'ORYU 3OGETSU 3CHOOL +OBAI .ARUSE !KIHIRO +ASUYA 3ENEI )KENOBO 2IHOH 3EMBA +OZAN /KADA 7AKAKO /HARA +ASEN 9OSHIMURA 3EIFU .OGUCHI (IROSHI 4ESHIGAHARA 4HE &IFTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION +YOTO #HIKO 3CHOOL %NSHU )CHIYO 3CHOOL )KENOBO )NDIVIDUAL +UWAHARA 3ENKEI 3CHOOL -ISHO2YU /HARA 3CHOOL /MURO 3CHOOL +OBAI .ARUSE )CHIBA !SHIDA !KIHIRO +ASUYA 3ENEI )KENOBO (ENRY -ITTWER 3ENKEI +UWAHARA 3EKIHO (IHARA (OUN /HARA #HITOSHI 4ESHIMA 4HE .INTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION 4OKYO )CHIYO 3CHOOL )KENOBO +ORYU 3HOOHKAI -ISHO2YU /HARA 3CHOOL 3AGA 'ORYU 3OGETSU 3CHOOL !KIHIRO +ASUYA 3ENEI )KENOBO 2IHOH 3EMBA 3EKIHO (IHARA 7AKAKO /HARA +ISHU (ASEGAWA !KANE 4ESHIGAHARA 52-1_p43_WC-list.idd 43 07.11.20, 4:17 PM -EMORABILIA#HAPTERS 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 45 07.12.4, 8:01 PM 4OKYO &OUNDING #HAPTER *APAN 7ASHINGTON $# 53! )N 4OKYO &OUNDING #HAPTER 4&# AND (EAD QUARTERS BECAME INDEPENDENT WITH %TSUKO (ATTORI AS 4&#S FIRST PRESIDENT 4HE CHAPTER MAINTAINS AN AMBITIOUS AND INTENSE SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES TO THE PRESENT DAY WITH MONTHLY IEMOTO DEMONSTRATIONS LECTURES EXHIBITIONS WORKSHOPS TOURS ETC 4HE )KEBANA )NTERNATIONAL &AIR IS 4&#S ANNUAL SPECIAL EVENT USUALLY TAKING PLACE IN $ECEMBER 4HE &AIR HAS ABOUT ARRANGEMENTS BY IEMOTOS AND EMBASSIES PARTICIPATE 7E ARE ALSO HONORED BY THE PRESENCE OF SOME MEMBERS OF THE IMPERIAL FAMILY 4HE %LLEN 'ORDON !LLEN -EMORIAL 'ARDEN AT THE 53 .ATIONAL !RBORETUM IN 7ASHINGTON $# WAS DEDI CATED ON *UNE AS A GIFT TO THE !MERICAN PEO PLE BY THE CHAPTER AND MANY FRIENDS OF )) AROUND THE WORLD 4HIS ELEGANT AND STATELY GARDEN FORMS THE ENTRANCE TO THE .ATIONAL !RBORETUMS EXTENSIVE "ONSAI #OLLECTION 4HE INSCRIPTION ON THE PLAQUE READS 4HIS 'ARDEN )S $EDICATED TO THE -EMORY OF %,,%. '/2$/. !,,%. &OUNDER )KEBANA )NTERNATIONAL "Y 7ASHINGTON $# #HAPTER .O AND &RIENDS AROUND THE 7ORLD *UNE "OARD MEMBERS VISITING THE CHERRY TREES PLANTED IN COMMEMORATING ))S TH ANNIVERSARY AND THE 3IXTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION 4O COMMEMORATE THE TH ANNIVERSARY IN WE HAD A VERY SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITION BY MEMBERS AND IEMOTOS AT A GALLERY IN 'INZA AS WELL AS A GALA LUN CHEON TO CELEBRATE THE CHAPTERS DECADES OF SUCCESS )N "OARD MEMBERS VISITED THE 3HOWA -E MORIAL 0ARK TO VIEW THE CHERRY TREES WHICH WERE PLANTED BY ()( 0RINCESS -IKASA AND REPRESENTA TIVES OF EACH REGION IN COMMEMORATING THE TH ANNIVERSARY AND THE 3IXTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION 4HE CHERRY BLOSSOMS WERE IN FULL BLOOM AND WE WERE VERY PROUD TO SEE THE GROWTH AND MATURITY OF THESE TREES SYMBOLS OF ))S SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS 4HE GARDEN IN MEMORY OF -RS %LLEN 'ORDON !LLEN CONSISTS OF A LARGE STONE TERRACE WITH BROAD STEPS AND MANY TREES AND PLANTS OF *APANESE ORIGIN 3T ,OUIS 53! /UR CHAPTER HAS PARTICIPATED IN THE ACTIVITIES AT THE -ISSOURI "OTANICAL 'ARDEN SINCE WHEN WE HELD A 7ASHI 3ALE TO RAISE FUNDS TOWARD THE INSTAL LATION OF 4ORTOISE )SLAND LOCATED IN THE 3EIWA%N *APANESE 'ARDEN WHICH WAS OPENED IN 3INCE AN ANNUAL *APANESE FESTIVAL HAS BEEN HELD AT THE -ISSOURI "OTANICAL 'ARDEN AND OUR CHAPTER HAS 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 46 07.12.4, 8:01 PM PARTICIPATED IN THIS THREEDAY EVENT WITH AN IKEBANA DISPLAY DEMON S T R AT ION S A ND M I N I WORKSHOPS /UR CHAPTER IS VERY PROUD OF THE *APANESE GARDEN BUT PARTICULARLY OF 4ORTOISE )S LAND WHICH WE HELPED FINANCE "ROCHURE OF 3EIWA%N *APANESE 'ARDEN .ASHVILLE 53! )T WAS GOOD FORTUNE TO BE PRESENT AT THE (ORTICUL TURAL 3OCIETY MEETING WHEN %LLEN 'ORDON !LLEN FOUNDER OF )) PRESENTED A PROGRAM A YEAR PRIOR TO THE FOUNDING OF )) 4HE LOCAL !CCREDITED *UDGES #OUNCIL INVITED HER TO SPEAK AT THEIR MEETING THE NEXT DAY !LL THROUGH THAT SECOND DAY SHE REITERATED HER DREAM &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS THROUGH THE WORLD 4HE CHAPTER WAS ESTABLISHED IN !PRIL 3OME OF OUR MEMBERS ATTENDED THE &IRST .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN 7ASHINGTON $# IN AND THE 3IXTH IN 3AN &RANCISCO IN AND ALSO THE 4HIRD 7ORLD #ONVENTION IN ,OS !NGELES 53! 4HE THEME OF OUR CHAPTERS LUNCHEON ON *ANUARY WAS A SALUTE TO PAST PRESIDENTS 4HIS EVENT WAS UNIQUE BECAUSE PAST PRESIDENTS THEMSELVES PUT ON THE PROGRAM /F THE CHAPTERS PAST PRESIDENTS DECEASED UNKNOWN KNOWN WERE IN ATTENDANCE AT THIS CELEBRATIONAN OUTSTANDING AT TENDANCE RECORD 4HE CELEBRATION FEATURED *OSE * 3ALCEDO n DEMONSTRATING NUMEROUS )KENO BO IKEBANA 4HE ARTISTIC IKEBANA CENTERPIECES FOR THE TABLES WERE BY (IROKO +URATA n ASSISTED BY -ASAKO +AKIMOTO AND #LAIRE 7ARNER SECRETARY )KEBANA ON DISPLAY WERE BY 3HIGERU 3HIBUYA THIRD VICEPRESIDENT (ELEN ! 'ATES n $ONALD ,2 $AVIDSON n &LORENCE 3EIKOH +ONDO n (IROKO +URATA n -IHOKO !KI YAMA SECOND VICEPRESIDENT -ARGIE "IRD n AND -ARY ' 4HAYER n ,ONDON 5+ )N WHEN *EAN (ARTLAND WAS THE PRESIDENT AND 4INEKE 2OBERTSON THE EXHIBITION CHAIRMAN IT WAS DECIDED TO CELEBRATE ,ONDON #HAPTERS 3ILVER *UBILEE WITH AN EXHIBITION ENTITLED &ESTIVALS OF *APAN 4HE COMMITTEE FELT THAT THIS TITLE WOULD CHALLENGE MEM SEATED L TO R 0AMELA 3OUTH *EAN (ARTLAND 4INEKE 2OBERTSON 3TELLA #OE (AZEL "EASLEY AND 6)0S 0AST PRESIDENTS IN L TO R -ARGIE "IRD -ARY ' 4HAYER 'AIL 3ASS "UCKLEY *OSE * 3ALCEDO "ETTY 5PSON (IROKO +URATA &LORENCE 3EIKOH +ONDO (ELEN ! 'ATES $ONALD , 2 $AVIDSON 0EARL , !HN BERS AS WELL AS ATTRACT VISITORS 3EVEN *APANESE FESTI VALS WERE CHOSEN.EW 9EAR /3HOGATSU THE $OLL &ESTIVAL (INA -ATSURI "OYS $AY 4ANGONO3EK KU THE 3TAR &ESTIVAL 4ANABATA -OON 6IEWING / 4SUKIMI #HRYSANTHEMUM 6IEWING +IKU-ODE AND ONLY FOR PAST PRESIDENTS "UDDHAS "IRTHDAY (ANA -ATSURI !FTER THE 0REVIEW 0ARTY AND THE OPENING OF THE %XHIBITION EACH PAST PRESIDENT GAVE A SMALL DEM ONSTRATION WITH ONE OF THE FESTIVALS AS SUBJECT 3TELLA 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 47 07.12.4, 8:01 PM #OE STARTED WITH A WONDERFUL SMALL DEMONSTRATION OF *APANESE .EW 9EAR )T WAS A VERY SUCCESSFUL MEETING WITH MANY VISI TORS SHOWING INTEREST IN THE EXPLANATIONS ABOUT THE DIFFERENT FESTIVALS AND THE TRADITIONAL STYLES OF AR RANGEMENTS DEMONSTRATION OF IKEBANA AND PERFORMED A TYPICAL /KINAWAN DANCE FOR MORE THAN DISTINGUISHED GUESTS $URING THE DAY STAY MEMBERS VISITED "OSTON .EW 9ORK #ITY 0HILADELPHIA AND 7ASHING TON $# 4HE DELEGATION WAS LED BY +EIKO .AKAJIMA 2OBBINS CHAPTER FOUNDER .EW 9ORK 53! (OUSTON 53! /N -AY THE CHAPTER PROUDLY HONORED #AROLA -ELLER DURING OUR ANNUAL LUNCHEON MEETING AT THE "ROOKLYN "OTANIC 'ARDEN 3HE WAS RECOGNIZED FOR HER MANY YEARS OF SERVICE AND DEVOTION TO )KEBA NA )NTERNATIONAL 3HE IS PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT LONGTIME .EW 9ORK #HAPTER "OARD MEMBER AND CHAPTER ADVISOR ! LARGE EXHIBITION OF IKEBANA ARRANGEMENTS IN THE *APA NESE 'ARDEN IN (ERMANN 0ARK DURING (OUSTONS *APAN &ESTIVAL IS ALWAYS ONE OF OUR MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS (IGH TEA AT !NN #HINGS HOME WATCHING DANCERS AND 0AT #RAVENS IKEBANA DEMONSTRATION IN L TO R %MIKO 9ANAGIHARA *UDITH (ATA #AROLA -ELLER AND %LIZABETH 3CHOLTZ $IRECTOR %MERITUS OF THE "ROOKLYN "OTANIC 'ARDEN AT THE ANNUAL LUNCHEON MEETING IN /KINAWA *APAN 4HE CHAPTER WAS INVITED BY THE 3TATE $EPARTMENT OF THE 53 GOVERNMENT TO GIVE AN IKEBANA DEMONSTRATION AT THE 5NITED .ATIONS AND WAS ALSO INVITED TO THE 7HITE (OUSE IN HONOR OF THE CHAPTERS TH ANNIVERSARY IN /UR CHAPTER GAVE A 4HE ARTICLE FROM A NEWSPAPER INTRODUCING THE CHAPTERS ACTIVITIES IN 7ASHINGTON $# 4HE PUBLIC PARTICULARLY LIKES WATCHING ARRANGEMENTS BEING MADE 4O ATTRACT NEW MEMBERS AND AS A PUB LIC SERVICE WE PLACE IKEBANA IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PLACES SUCH AS THE (OUSTON -USEUM OF &INE !RTS &LORESCENCE 3HOW IN DEPARTMENT STORES AND MALLS AND IN THE (OUSTON 'ARDEN #ENTER "OSTON 53! %ACH YEAR THE CHAPTER PARTICIPATES IN THE .EW %NG LAND &LOWER 3HOW $URING THE DAY DURATION OF THE SHOW MEMBERS VOLUNTEER AS HOSTESSES TO TALK WITH VISITORS AND GIVE PRINTED MATERIALS ON THE HIS TORY OF IKEBANA AND )) MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION )N WE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING PRIZES 'OLD -EDALh! SOPHISTICATED AND VISUALLY ENGAGING EXHIBIT THAT DEMONSTRATES THE PROGRESSION OF THE ART FORM FROM TRADITIONAL TO CONTEMPORARY 3IMPLY ELEGANTv 3UPERLATIVE !WARD FOR #UT &LOWERS 2ALPH 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 48 07.12.4, 8:01 PM #LEVELAND 53! !RRANGEMENTS AT THE .EW %NGLAND &LOWER 3HOW 7ERMAN !WARDh!N EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATIONAL EX HIBIT %XCELLENT USE OF SPACE ! GLORIOUS DESIGN REP RESENTING THE THREE SCHOOLSv (ARRISBURG 53! )N /CTOBER (ARRISBURG #HAPTER CELEBRATED ITS TH ANNIVERSARY AT THE 2ADISSON (OTEL #ONVEN TION #ENTER #AMP (ILL 0ENNSYLVANIA WITH THE TITLE )N OUR CHAPTER CELEBRATED ITS TH ANNIVERSARY BY COSPONSORING A BENEFIT WITH THE 7OMENS #OUNCIL OF THE #LEVELAND -USEUM OF !RT 0ROFESSOR +AZUHIKO +UDO OF THE /HARA 3CHOOL PRESENTED A LECTURE DEMONSTRATION ON IKEBANA &UNDS RAISED ENDOWED A F LOWER FUND FOR AR RANGEMENTS TO WEL COME VISITORS AS THEY ENTER THE MUSEUM 7E MARKED OUR T H A N N IVERSA R Y IN WITH A TREE PLANTING OF MAGNO LIA AND AN EXHIBITION A T T H E # L E VE L A N D "OTANICA L 'ARDEN #"' /NE OF THE &OR THE TH ANNIVERSARY IN TREASURES OF THE #"' ,UCILLE 7UNDERLY AND -ARIE -ELBY PLANTED A MAGNOLIA IN THE *APA IS THE 'ANR Y U 4EI NESE 'ARDEN ESTABLISHED BY THE CHAPTER IN *APA NESE 'A RDEN DON ATE D BY U S I N /UR CHAPTER HAS HAD THE PLEASURE OF SHARING THE BEAUTY OF IKEBANA BY EXHIBITING AT THE #"' &LOWER 3HOW THE LARGEST OUTDOOR FLOWER SHOW IN THE 53 -ILWAUKEE 53! -ILWAUKEE #HAPTER WAS ORGANIZED *ANUARY AND CHARTERED 3EPTEMBER 7E CELEBRATED OUR TH ANNIVERSARY IN )N WE INVITED )EMOTO !KIHIRO +ASUYA OF #HAPTER MEMBERS AT THE TH ANNIVERSARY %NCHANTING !FTERNOON IN *APAN 4HE PREPROGRAM INCLUDED IKEBANA KIMONOS *APANESE DOLLS AND *APANESE DINNERTEA SETS $URING THE DAY THERE WAS A HISTORICAL NOTE ON )) AND GREETINGS FROM A *APANESE EMBASSY REPRESENTATIVE !LSO OFFERING CONGRATULATO RY MESSAGES WERE THE PRESIDENTS OF 7ASHINGTON $# AND "ALTIMORE CHAPTERS AS WELL AS THE PRESIDENT OF OUR CHAPTER 4HE EVENT WAS ENLIVENED BY A MARVELOUS KOTO CONCERT GIVEN BY A THREEPIECE KOTO ENSEMBLE )EMOTO !KIHIRO +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 49 07.12.4, 8:01 PM THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL TO -ILWAUKEE (E GAVE TWO WORK SHOPS ONE AT THE -ILWAUKEE 0UBLIC -USEUM AND THE OTHER AT THE %LM 'ROVE #OMMUNITY 2OOM (ONG +ONG #HINA (ONG +ONG #HAPTER WAS FOUNDED IN THE FIRST CHAPTER IN THE !SIAN REGION OUTSIDE OF *APAN /UR TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION IN *UNE AT THE (ONG +ONG #OUNTRY #LUB LITERALLY STARTED WITH A BANG WITH SIX TAIKO DRUMMERS PERFORMING THE OPENING CEREMONY 7E WERE DELIGHTED TO HAVE OUR (ONORARY 0ATRONESS -RS 3ADOSHIMA IN AT TENDANCE TOGETHER WITH SIX PAST PRESIDENTS ,UCILLE %VANS FOUNDING MEMBER GAVE A BRIEF HISTORY OF OUR CHAPTER 4HE HIGHLIGHT OF THAT EVENING WAS THE DEMONSTRATIONEXHIBITION OF F LORAL MASTERPIECES WITH -ATTHEW " 2IDGEWAY AS ONE OF THE CHARTER MEMBERS 7E HAVE TAKEN GREAT PRIDE IN COOPERATIVE EFFORTS TO PROMOTE IKEBANA IN WESTERN 0ENNSYLVANIA WITH JOINT PARTICIPATION BY IKEBANA SCHOOLS IN EXHIBI TIONS DEMONSTRATIONS AND WORKSHOPS 4HE TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION IN BEGAN WITH A HAIKU CONTEST JUDGED BY 0ROFESSOR (AROLD 3ASAHARA 4HE CELEBRATION CONTINUED WITH )KENOBO 3OGETSU /HARA AND )CHIYO DEMONSTRATIONS FINISH ING WITH A WONDERFUL &OUNDERS $AY 4EA AND A &ULL -OON &ESTIVAL %XHIBITION 3ACRAMENTO 53! /NE OF OUR MOST INTERESTING PROGRAMS WAS A DEM ONSTRATION AND WORKSHOP OF GYOTAKU*APANESE FISH PRINTINGBY #HRISTOPHER - $EWEES 0H$ %XTENSION -ARINE &ISHERIES 3PECIALIST 5NIVERSITY OF #ALIFORNIA $AVIS 7E ALL LEARNED HOW TO hPRINTv IMPRESSIONS OF FISH FIRST ON NEWSPRINT PAPER THEN ON QUALITY PAPER ANDOR FABRIC ,EARNING THIS UNUSUAL SKILL WAS AN EXCITING EXPERIENCE (EADMISTRESS #HIZU +USUME SEATED TH FROM R FOUNDER OF )KEBANA -URASAKIKAI AND MEMBERS AT OUR TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION IN BY THE REVERED YEAROLD HEADMISTRESS #HIZU +USUME FOUNDER OF )KEBANA -URASAKIKAI WHO TRAVELED FROM *APAN WITH ASSISTANTS 7ITH DELICATE FLORAL ARTISTRY (EADMISTRESS +USUME CONVEYED THE GRACE AND PEACE OF HER TIME ! GYOTAKU FISH PRINT BY ONE OF OUR MEMBERS 0ITTSBURGH 53! #HICAGO 53! 0ITTSBURGH WAS NAMED FOR THE SECOND TIME THE hMOST LIVABLE CITY IN THE 53v PARTLY BECAUSE OF THE DIVERSITY AND ABUNDANCE OF CULTURAL ACTIVITIES AVAILABLE SUCH AS IKEBANA /UR CHAPTER WAS FOUNDED BY +AY -C+ENNA IN 4HE -ORTON !RBORETUM )KEBANA %XHIBITION IN ,ISLE IS ONE OF THE THREE EXHIBITIONS WE DO EACH YEAR )N AN EFFORT TO PROMOTE THE ART OF IKEBANA TO THE NEXT GENERATION WE PROVIDED A #HILDRENS 4ABLE WHERE APPROXIMATELY CHILDREN CREATED THEIR OWN FLOW 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 50 07.12.4, 8:01 PM ER ARRANGEMENTS 4HE ENTHUSIASTIC RESPONSE FROM EVERYONE ASSURES THAT THIS EVENT WILL BE REPEATED (AVING THE &IFTEENTH .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN #HICAGO IN GAVE US THE OPPOR TUNITY TO SHOWCASE IKEBANA IN THE 53 -IDWEST 7E WERE HONORED TO HAVE )EMOTO !KANE 4ESHIGAHARA OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL AND 3ENIOR 0ROFESSOR 4ORU 2YU OF )KENOBO AS OUR DEMONSTRATORS AND WORKSHOP LEADERS -ELBOURNE !USTRALIA )N OUR TH ANNIVERSARY WAS CELEBRATED WITH A FOURDAY &ESTIVAL OF )KEBANA 'UESTS CAME FROM DIF FERENT STATES AND OVERSEAS )N T HE PLANNED PROJECT WAS TO PORTRAY THE DEVEL OPMENT OF IKEBANA FROM ITS BEGINNINGS TO THE PRESENT DAY ENT IT LED 4 HE L ONG RIVER OF )KEBANA 4HIS REQUIRED MUCH RE SEARCH AND RECEIVED WILLING COOPERATION A ND ENT HUSIA SM FROM OUR MEMBERS ENTA I LING F U L LY MONTHS PREPARATION 4HE LONG RIVER OF )KEBANA ! SPACIOUS GALLERY WAS MADE AVAILABLE FOR THE WEEK EXHIBITION AND A PAGE PUBLICATION WAS PREPARED 4HE EVENT GAINED WIDE PUBLIC INTEREST ATTRACTING MORE THAN AT TENDEES 4HE PUBLICATION IS STILL IN DEMAND 3AN &RANCISCO "AY !REA 53! /UR CHAPTER WAS FORTUNATE TO HAVE AS ITS MEMBER &AY +RAMER n THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL PRESI DENT /N !PRIL WE HAD A KENKA OFFERING OF F LOWERS CEREMONY IN &AYS MEMORY %ACH OF GUESTS PLACED AN IRIS &AYS FAVORITE FLOWER IN ONE OF THE EIGHT VASES ARRANGED IN HER HONOR 4HE CHAPTER DONATED OVER BLOSSOMING CHERRY TREES IN THE S TO 3AN &RANCISCO "OTANICAL +ENKA CEREMONY FOR &AY +RAMER THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT 3HE PASSED AWAY IN 'ARDEN AT 'OLDEN 'ATE 0ARK 4HEIR BEAUTY IN SPRING REMINDS ALL MEMBERS AND VISITORS OF OUR PARTICIPA TION IN THE 3AN &RANCISCO "OTANICAL 'ARDEN AT 3TRY BING !RBORETUM ,ISMORE !USTRALIA )N ,ISMORE #HAPTER COMBINED WITH "RISBANE 4OOWOOMBA AND "UNDABERG CHAPTERS TO ORGANIZE THE &IFTEENTH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2EGIONAL #ON FERENCE AT THE 'OLD #OAST )N ,ISMORE MEMBERS WERE VERY KEEN TO COMBINE WITH 'OLD #OAST #HAPTER TO ORGANIZE AN OTHER CONFERENCE FOR 4HEY TRAVELED TWO HOURS TO THE 'OLD #OAST FOR EACH MEETING WHICH THEY DID TWO OR THREE TIMES EACH MONTH FOR NEARLY TWO YEARS $ESPITE THE 'ULF 7AR THE DECISION WAS MADE TO GO AHEAD WITH THE CONFERENCE 4HE 3!23 VIRUS ALSO REDUCED THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS FROM OVERSEAS COUNTRIES 4HE 4WENTYFIRST !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE HELD IN -AY WAS THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OCCASION &RIENDSHIP AMONGST MEMBERS WAS ALWAYS STRONG BUT IN ORGANIZING THE CONFERENCE MEMBERS TIES BE CAME FIRMLY ENTWINED FOR THE FUTURE 3YDNEY !USTRALIA 4HE 4WENTIETH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE HELD -ARCH TO WAS ORGANIZED BY THE CHAPTER AT THE NEW 7ESTIN (OTEL IN -ARTIN 0LACE WITH GUEST DEMONSTRATOR )EMOTO !KIHIRO 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 51 07.12.4, 8:01 PM "ATON 2OUGE 53! "USINESS -EETING AT 3YDNEY 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE L TO R 3HIRLEY -A ,YN 3TEPHENSON 0ATRICIA 7ALTERS .ORIKO -ATSUDAIRA *ANE -C'OWN *OYCE 4HORPE %LEANOR "RADLEY -ICHIKO 3UZUKI AND MEMBERS +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL 4HIS WAS PARTICULARLY SIGNIFICANT SINCE IT COINCIDED WITH THE TH YEAR SINCE THE FORMATION OF OUR CHAPTER AND ALSO WITH THE /LYMPIC 'AMES HELD THE SAME YEAR IN 3YDNEY /UR CHAPTER WAS GRANTED ITS CHARTER IN THE AUTUMN OF WITH MEMBERS 4HOUGH MEMBERSHIP HAS FLUCTUATED THE CHAPTER HAS ALWAYS HELD AN ANNUAL EXHIBITION WHICH HAS GROWN OVER THE YEARS AND HAS BECOME A POPULAR EVENT 4HE CHAPTER CONTINUES TO STUDY DIFFERENT SCHOOLS AND SEVERAL MEMBERS HAVE BECOME CERTIFIED IKEBANA TEACHERS "ATON 2OUGE #HAPTER HAS DONATED TO THE ESTAB LISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF THE NEW *APANESE 'AR DEN IN #ITY 0ARK .EW /RLEANS )N WE BEGAN AN OUTREACH PROGRAM MAKING INDIVIDUAL IKEBANA FOR HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS TO PRESENT TO THEIR CLIENTS &ORT 7ORTH 53! 4HE CHAPTER WAS FOUNDED IN AND CHARTERED IN .INE FOUNDING MEMBERS KEPT THE CHAPTER GO ING UNTIL IT WAS REVIVED IN !LTHOUGH THE CHAPTER IS SMALL IN MEMBERSHIP IT IS LARGE IN ITS SCOPE OF EVENTS 4HE BIGGEST EVENTS ARE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE 3PRING AND &ALL &ESTIVALS IN THE *APANESE 'ARDEN OF THE &ORT 7ORTH "OTANICAL 'ARDEN %ACH FESTIVAL TAKES PLACE OVER THE COURSE OF A WEEKEND AND OFFERS THE COMMUNITY INSIGHT INTO THE ART OF IKEBANA )KEBANA TECHNIQUES AT THE 3PRING &ESTIVAL OF THE *APANESE 'AR DEN AT THE &ORT 7ORTH "OTANICAL 'ARDEN #HAPTER MEMBERS 3AN !NTONIO 53! 4HE )NSTITUTE OF 4EXAN #ULTURES WAS CREATED IN TO PRESENT THE HISTORY OF 4EXAS THROUGH VARIOUS ETHNIC GROUPS WHO SETTLED AND DEVELOPED THE STATE 3INCE THE )NSTITUTE HAS BEEN A PART OF THE 5NI VERSITY OF 4EXAS 3YSTEM LOCATED IN 3AN !NTONIO )N THE !SIAN .EW 9EAR &ESTIVAL AT THE )N STITUTE SAW OVER PEOPLE AT TEND I NG T HE FESTIVITIES 4HE YEAR MARKED THE TH ANNI VERSARY OF THE !SIAN .EW 9EAR &ESTIVAL AND ALSO THE TH YEAR THAT 3AN ! NTONIO #HAPTER HAS PARTICIPATED IN THE EVENT 4HE CHAPTER SCHEDULES ITS PRIMARY ANNUAL EX HIBITION AS A PART OF THE )KEBANA BY #ONNIE *ACOBSON 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 52 07.12.4, 8:01 PM !SIAN &ESTIVAL WHICH ALLOWS MEMBERS TO EXHIBIT AR RANGEMENTS AND TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC ABOUT IKEBANA TO RECRUIT NEW MEMBERS 0ORTLAND 53! 4HE CHAPTERS TH ANNIVERSARY WAS CELEBRATED IN !PRIL BY A GALA LUNCHEON FOR WHICH 0RESIDENT ,AURIE !DAMS CHAIRED THE PROGRAM 0AST 0RESIDENT 0ATTY 0EDERSEN READ THE CELEBRATORY PROCLAMATION AND -S #LAIRE &ULTON READ THE CONGRATULATORY MES SAGES 3PECIAL GUESTS WERE INTRODUCED BY THE CHAPTERS FIRST PRESIDENT -ILDRED 3CHNITZER !MONG THEM WAS &AY +RAMER THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT 4HE PROGRAM INCLUDED A PERFORMANCE OF CHORAL MUSIC A DEMONSTRATION BY 3ADAO /EHLER SENIOR PROFESSOR OF )KENOBO IN 3AN $IEGO ETC /VER MEMBERS AND THEIR FRIENDS INCLUDING GUESTS FROM 3EATTLE CROWDED THE BIG HALL TO ENJOY THE ATMOSPHERE OF &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS #HARLOTTE 53! /UR CHAPTER HAS BEEN PRIVILEGED TO BE A PARTICIPANT IN THE #HARLOTTE 3OUTHERN 3PRING (OME AND 'AR DEN 3HOW FOR THE PAST YEARS 4HE 3PRING 3HOW IS AN ANNUAL FIVEDAY EVENT WITH AN ATTENDANCE OF OVER VISITORS 7E HAVE EXHIBITED IKEBANA ARRANGEMENTS IN GARDEN SETTINGS AS WELL AS IN MUL TIPLE NICHES 4HROUGH OUR ANNUAL EXHIBITION WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GIVE A PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION OF THE ART OF IKEBANA ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM OUR VISITORS AND PROVIDE AN EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN 7E HAVE ENJOYED OUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS EVENT BECAUSE IT ALLOWS A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF IKEBANA WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY +AMAKURA *APAN 3ATO "Y THE COURTESY OF -RS 3ATO MONTHLY MEET INGS HAVE BEEN HELD AT HER RESIDENCE THE +OTOKUIN 4EMPLE FAMOUS FOR THE 'REAT "UDDHA IN +AMAKU RA !FTER SHE PASSED AWAY HER DAUGHTERINLAW -RS -ICHIKO 3ATO (ONORARY -EMBER OF THE CHAPTER HAS CONTINUED SUPPORT )N OUR CHAPTER WAS HONORED TO HOST THE !NNUAL 'ENERAL (EADQUARTERS -EETING AND THE #ONFERENCE OF #HAPTER 0RESIDENTS IN *APAN 4HE CHAPTER MEETING WAS HELD ON THE SAME DAY !T TENDEES WERE ENTERTAINED BY A PERFORMANCE OF THE UNIQUE PUPPET DRAMA KNOWN AS (ACHIOJI +URUMA .INGYO GIVEN BY -R +ORYU .ISHIKAWA )6 #INCINNATI 53! 7E WERE CHARTERED 3EPTEMBER AND CELEBRATED OUR TH ANNIVERSARY MILESTONE ON /CTOBER AND !N EXHIBITION AND LUNCHEON HELD AT THE #INCINNATI #IVIC 'ARDEN #ENTER BEGAN THE TWODAY EVENT 0AST PRESIDENTS WHOSE COLLECTIVE SERVICE NUM BERED YEARS ATTENDED %LIZABETH 7ILSON n #AROLYN $OERFLEIN n *OANNE !RMITAGE n !DELE (YDE n .ORIKO &IELDS n %VELYN +OVACH n %ACH WAS PRESENTED WITH A MEDAL 0AST PRESIDENTS L TO R %LIZABETH 7ILSON .ORIKO &IELDS %VELYN +OVACH !DELE (YDE *OANNE !RMITAGE #AROLYN $OERFLEIN /NDO DANCE BY +AMAKURA #HAPTER AT THE %IGHTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION +AMAKURA #HAPTER WAS FOUNDED ON -ARCH BY T HE DE VOT E D EFFORTS OF -RS ,UCILLE $AVIS AND -RS (ARUKO 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 53 07.12.4, 8:01 PM LION PIN CONTAINING SYMBOLISM FOR NATURE WATER EARTH AND SKY AND TIME AND DISCIPLINE GIVEN TO THIS WONDERFUL ART FORM )T IS OUR HOPE THAT &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS WILL NOT ONLY BE A MOTTO BUT A PRAC TICAL AND VIBRANT REALITY 2OCHESTER 53! 4HE CHAPTER CELEBRATED ITS TH ANNIVERSARY ON -AY 4O COMMEMORATE THIS MILESTONE EVENT WE HELD A PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTING THE HISTORY OF THE CHAPTER /UR SENSEI FOR THE MORNING WORKSHOP WAS !NN % !NDERSON JUNKATOKU SENIOR PROFESSOR OF )KENOBO FOURTH GRADE !NN HAD BEEN A MEMBER OF 2OCHESTER #HAPTER FOR YEARS TEACHING IKEBANA IN 2OCHES TER "UFFALO 3YRACUSE AND THE &INGER ,AKES REGION AND SERVED AS PRESIDENT IN n AND IN n 7E FEEL EXTREMELY FORTUNATE TO HAVE !NN AS LIFELONG MEMBER OF THE CHAPTER AND IN -AY WE WERE DELIGHTED TO MAKE HER OUR FIRST AND ONLY (ONORARY -EMBER 2EF LECTING ON HER YEARS OF INVOLVEMENT WITH IKEBANA !NN SAID h) LOOK BACK YEARS AND ) THANK 'OD FOR ALL ) HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO EXPERIENCE SUCH BEAUTYv .ORTH #ANTON 53! )N THE CHAPTER CELEBRATED ITS TH ANNIVERSARY 7E CELEBRATED AND HONORED THOSE LONGTIME MEM BERS WHOSE LEADERSHIP AND WISDOM HAS CARRIED OUR CHAPTER INTO THE NEW CENTURY 4HROUGH THE YEARS .ORTH #ANTON #HAPTER HAS MOUNTED NUMEROUS IKEBANA EXHIBITIONS MEMBERS HAVE MADE PRESENTATIONS TO AREA ORGANIZATIONS AND ALSO CREATED IKEBANA FOR BEAUTIFICATION OF A LOCAL LIBRARY /UR ANNUAL CULTURAL PROGRAMS HAVE BEEN MOST INTERESTING &OR EXAMPLE IN WE PARTICI PATED IN THE TEA CEREMONY )N A *APANESE MEAL WAS SERVED ON TRADITIONAL *APANESE DISHES A PRACTI CAL VEHICLE TO LEARN ABOUT *APANESE FOOD AS WELL AS ETIQUETTE AND TABLE MANNERS /UR MEMBERS COME FROM MANY CULTURAL BACK GROUNDS *APAN !RGENTINA "RAZIL *AMAICA 0HILIP PINES 4HAILAND 53! &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS IS VERY MEANINGFUL TO US /MAHA 53! 4HREE EVENTS STAND OUT SINCE )N *ULY MEMBERS COLLABORATED IN PREPARING A TRAVELING EXHIBIT OF *APANESE DOLLS ENTITLED 4HE $OLLS OF *APAN 4HE DOLLS REFLECTED CUSTOMS REGIONAL STYLES AND *APANESE CRAFTSMANSHIP /N -AY #ONSUL 'ENERAL 4AKAO 3HIBATA FROM THE *APANESE CONSULATE IN +ANSAS #ITY HONORED /MAHA MEMBERS WITH THE h#OMMENDATION FROM THE *APANESE -INISTER OF &OREIGN !FFAIRSv FOR SPREAD ING *APANESE CULTURE THROUGH IKEBANA AND PARTICIPA TION IN *APANESE CULTURAL EVENTS )N /CTOBER /MAHA #HAPTER PARTICIPATED IN A GATE DEDICATION CEREMONY HONORING /MAHAS YEARS AS A SISTER CITY TO 3HIZUOKA *APAN #ONSTRUC TION OF THIS GATE A GIFT OF 3HIZUOKA WAS THE FIRST STEP TOWARDS A *APANESE GARDEN PROJECT !DELAIDE !USTRALIA 7E MUST RECOGNIZE )) FOUNDER %LLEN 'ORDON !LLEN AND LATER .ORMAN AND -ARY 3PARNON FOR BRINGING IKEBANA TO !USTRALIA !DELAIDE #HAPTER WAS CHARTERED IN AND REMAINING ORIGINAL MEMBERS -ARJORIE "ROMILOW 2ENE .ICHOLSON "ETTY 'OODALL *EANETTE AND (ELEN 3PENCE HAVE LED US THROUGH MANY YEARS OF PUBLIC EX HIBITIONS CONVENTIONS AND VISITING MASTERS )N PARTICULAR IN EARLY AN EXHIBITION WAS HELD FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE !RTSPACE OF THE NEWLY OPENED !DELAIDE &ESTIVAL #ENTER WITH )EMOTO 2IEI )KEDA OF +ORYU 3HOUTOUKAI AND .ORMAN 3PARNON "ETTY 'OODALL CHAIRPERSON 'WEN 'REEN AND .ANCY #OWLEY OPENED THEIR HOMES AND GARDENS TO ENTERTAIN -ANCHESTER 5+ 7E HAVE PARTICIPATED IN EXHIBITIONS THROUGH OUR AF FILIATION WITH THE .ATIONAL !SSOCIATION OF &LORAL !RT 3OCIETIES AND HAVE BEEN REPRESENTED AT EVENTS AT THE *APANESE 3OCIETY OF THE .ORTH 7E ARE TRYING VALIANTLY TO KEEP THE SPIRIT OF IKEBANA ALIVE IN -ANCHESTER FOR WE ALL BELIEVE THAT 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 54 07.12.4, 8:01 PM 2ECEPTION AND !WARD #EREMONY OF /MAHA #HAPTER IN -AY !NN % !NDERSON OF 2OCHESTER #HAPTER WITH (ONORARY -EMBER PLAQUE L TO R 0RESIDENT -ARY *ESSUP AND 9VONNE #ORRELL OF !DELAIDE #HAPTER WITH ARRANGEMENTS USING !USTRALIAN FLOWERS AT THE !USTRALIA*APAN 9EAR OF %XCHANGE !T THE TEA CEREMONY OF *APANESE CULTURE CLASS MEMBERS OF .ORTH #ANTON #HAPTER AND TWO TEACHERS 9OKO -OTOMURA FRONT ROW R AND 3ALLY 3CHURKS CENTER FRONT .ORMAN 3PARNON AT THE WORKSHOP IN #HRISTCHURCH IN &EBRUARY 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 55 07.12.4, 8:02 PM THROUGH OUR FRIENDSHIP BROUGHT ABOUT BY OUR LOVE OF FLOWERS WE SHALL CONTINUE TO BE A GREAT INFLUENCE IN THE QUEST FOR PEACE AND GOODWILL AMONG THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD 7INSTON3ALEM 53! /NE VERY MEMORABLE EVENT THAT WE EXPERIENCED DURING THE LAST YEARS WAS THE DEMONSTRATION OF )KENOBO BY -ASTER )NSTRUCTOR +IYOKO 5YEDA OF 7ASHINGTON $# #HAPTER 3HE WAS SO POPULAR WHEN SHE FIRST DEMONSTRATED IN AT THE 3TAR MOUNT #OUNTRY #LUB IN 'REENSBORO WHERE OVER PEOPLE ATTENDED THE LUNCHEON AND DEMONSTRATION THAT WE INVITED HER BACK IN 3HE GRACIOUSLY AC CEPTED THE INVITATION AND DEMONSTRATED AT THE /LD 4OWNE #OUNTRY #LUB IN 7INSTON3ALEM WITH AN ATTENDANCE OF OVER PEOPLE !T THAT MEETING SHE DEMONSTRATED NEW IDEAS AND TECHNIQUES WHICH SHE WAS ANXIOUS TO SHARE AFTER HAVING ATTENDED A SIX WEEK WORKSHOP IN *APAN 7E WERE ALL THRILLED AND AWED BY HER WONDERFUL ARRANGEMENTS BOTH TRADI TIONAL AND MODERN L TO R +AZUHIKO +UDO OF THE /HARA 3CHOOL (AR RIET 2EED AND -ARTHA .EESE PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT 3OME OF THE GREAT TEACHERS WHO HAVE HONORED US ARE )EMOTO 3ENEI )KENOBO +AZUHIKO +UDO (ONORARY 0RESIDENT OF THE #OUNCIL OF /HARA 0ROFES SORS -UTSUO 4OMITA OF THE /HARA 3CHOOL RIJIRANK TEACHERS #HIEKO -IHORI *UDITH (ATA +OYO )KEZAWA AND *ENNIE 3TERLING OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL AND THREE GENERATIONS OF )CHIYO MASTERSTHEN )EMOTO -EIKOF +ASUYA IN LATER )EMOTO !KIHIRO +ASUYA AND )EMOTO$ESIGNATE .AOHIRO +ASUYA )N *ANUARY OUR CHAPTERS LARGEST ANNUAL EX HIBITION AT THE 4AMPA "AY &LOWER 3HOW FEATURED DAI LY IKEBANA DEMONSTRATIONS AND WAS VIEWED BY OVER VISITORS RESULTING IN MANY NEW MEMBERS $ENVER 53! +IYOKO 5YEDA OF 7ASHINGTON $# #HAPTER DEMONSTRATING ONE OF THE NEW )KENOBO STYLES 3T 0ETERSBURG 53! /UR ABUNDANCE OF EXCELLENT IKEBANA PROGRAMS IS UNBELIEVABLE /UR CHAPTER HAS BEEN SHOWERED WITH SO MANY TALENTED INSTRUCTORS THAT THERE IS NO SPACE TO ACKNOWLEDGE ALL WHO HAVE COME AND GIVEN US MEMORABLE DEMONSTRATIONS )N THE S THE CHAPTER RAISED THE MONEY AND DO NATED THE BEAUTIFUL *APANESE TEAHOUSE IN THE $ENVER "OTANIC 'ARDENS 2UTH 7ARING GENEROUSLY GAVE HER TIME EFFORT AND MONEY TO $ENVER "OTANIC 'ARDENS 3HE DONATED HER BEAUTIFUL HOME TO BE USED AS AN ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING FOR THE 'ARDENS AND ALSO HER HUSBANDS $R 7ARINGS BOTANICAL BOOKS TO THE 'ARDENS $ENVER #HAPTER HOLDS ITS MONTHLY MEETING IN THE BEAUTIFUL 7ARING (OUSE 4HE CHAPTER IS EXTREMELY FORTUNATE TO HAVE +YOKO +ITAS STATURE IN OUR COMMUNITY )N /CTOBER !LBERTA 0ENNAK AND +YOKO +ITA COMPILED AN ORIEN TAL COOKBOOK USING OUR MEMBERS RECIPES DEDICATED TO THE .INTH .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 56 07.12.4, 8:02 PM HOSTED BY OUR CHAPTER 4HEY DONATED THE PROCEEDS TO THE $ENVER "OTANIC 'ARDENS FOR MORE TREES ETC TO BE PLANTED PLUS EDUCATION OF MEMBERS AND THE PUB LIC IN THE ART OF IKEBANA SION OF THE 4ENTH !SIAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE HOSTED BY (YDERABAD #HAPTER THE CHAPTER HAS PLANNED TO TAKE THE PROCEEDS FROM OUR ANNUAL CHARITY EXHIBITION TO )NDIA FOR PLANTING MANGROVE TREES THROUGH THE ASSISTANCE OF (YDERABAD #HAPTER 7E HOPE THAT THIS DONATION WILL STRENGTHEN TIES AMONG !SIAN COUNTRIES !UCKLAND .EW :EALAND /UR TH ANNIVERSARY WAS CELEBRATED AT A LUNCHEON HELD AT 2OMFORDS AT THE 4AMAKI 9ACHT #LUB IN 0HILADELPHIA 53! 4HE CHAPTER CELEBRATED ITS TH ANNIVERSARY IN -EMBERS EXHIBIT EVERY YEAR AT THE 0HILADELPHIA &LOWER 3HOW WHICH IS THE LARGEST INDOOR F LOWER SHOW IN THE WORLD ATTENDED BY APPROXIMATELY VISITORS 4HE EXHIBIT IS CHANGED THREE TIMES DURING THE EIGHTDAY SHOW 0HILADELPHIA #HAPTER ALSO HOLDS AN ANNUAL EXHIBIT DURING THE #HRYSAN THEMUM &ESTIVAL AT ,ONGWOOD 'ARDENS 0ENN SYLVANIA &ROM !PRIL TO /CTOBER MEMBERS PLACE SEVERAL IKEBANA EXHIBITS EACH WEEK IN THE 3HOFUSO 4EA (OUSE IN &AIRMONT 0ARK L TO R 0RESIDENT 6AL &LAVELL (IROTO /BAYASHI +EIKO /BAYASHI -URAKAMI 9UKO +AMEDA 2UTH 3COTT +EITH "LIGHT -ARGOT (ULLENA AND 6AL 3INCLAIR /UR PAST PRESIDENTS MEMBERS AND VISITORS ATTENDED INCLUDING FORMER MEMBERS 2UTH 3COTT PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT WAS AN HONORED GUEST 4HE GRAND FINALE WAS A GLIMPSE OF OUR HISTORY PHO TOS AND NEWS ARTICLES ON $6$ AND SET TO MUSIC BY 0ETER -C-AHON )T WAS FUN TO SEE MEMBERS IN THEIR YOUNGER DAYS 3APPORO *APAN 3APPORO #HAPTER HAS A TRADITION OF DONATING CHERRY TREES TO PARKS NEARBY 4HIS YEAR ON THE OCCA 0AST PRESIDENTS L TO R 3ARAH 'OETZ (ELEN !RMSTRONG -ARY 2ICKETSON 2ONELL $OUGLAS ,ORRAINE 4OJI (ELEN &LAIG -ARION 4AMAKI %DITH +OHN AND -ARY +ASER AT THE TH ANNIVERSARY DINNER IN +UALA ,UMPUR -ALAYSIA 3APPORO #HAPTERS TH ANNIVERSARY 4HE 3EVENTH !SIAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE WAS HELD *UNE n AT +UALA ,UMPUR (ILTON (OTEL 4HE GUEST DEMONSTRATOR WAS (OSEN )ZUTANI PROFES SOR OF THE #OUNCIL OF /HARA 0ROFESSORS !LSO PRESENT WAS (EADMISTRESS 7AKAKO /HARA WHO IS ALSO THE GREATGRANDDAUGHTER OF 5NSHIN /HARA FOUNDER AND FIRST HEADMASTER OF THE /HARA 3CHOOL 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 57 07.12.4, 8:02 PM &UKUOKA *APAN )KEBANA FOR 9OUTH WORKSHOP THE CHAPTERS ANNUAL EXHIBITION IN $URING OUR TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR IN OUR GUEST DEMONSTRATOR WAS -ANABU .ODA )KENOBO HEADQUARTERS SPECIAL VISITING PROFESSOR WHO ALSO CONDUCTED A SPECIAL WORKSHOP FOR CHAPTER MEMBERS AND FRIENDS 4HE CHAPTER WAS ESTABLISHED IN UNDER THE STRONG LEADERSHIP OF -RS !LMA /.OREAN 'RAVES PROFESSOR AT 3EINAN 5NIVERSITY 3INCE THEN WE HAVE ORGANIZED MONTHLY MEETINGS WITH VARIOUS ACTIVE PROGRAMS "EVERLY *EAN +AWABE PRESIDENT REPORTED IN HER NEWSLETTER THAT SHE LEARNED MANY THINGS THROUGH THESE MEETINGS NOT ONLY IKEBANA BUT MORE IMPORTANT THINGS SUCH AS THE TRUE MEANING OF *APA NESE SPIRIT AND MODESTY 4HE CHAPTER IS PROUD OF ITS SUCCESSFUL ASSISTANCE TO THE .INTH 7ORLD #ONVEN TION THROUGH TAKING CARE OF THE &RIENDSHIP 2OOM WHERE MEMBERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD ENJOYED THE HOSPITALITY OF OUR CHAPTER ¥ 9OICHIRO +IKUCHI !SHEVILLE 53! /UR CHAPTER SPONSORED !RT IN "LOOM WITH THE "LACK -OUNTAIN #ENTER FOR THE !RTS IN "LACK -OUNTAIN .ORTH #AROLINA FROM -AY TO *UNE 4HE INTERPRETIVE FLORAL DESIGN EXHIBIT FEATURED ARRANGE MENTS BY F LORAL ARTISTS 4HIS FUNDRAISING EVENT ALSO INCLUDED A *APANESE GARDENING DEMONSTRATION *APANESE TEA CEREMONY IKEBANA DEMONSTRATION BY )CHIYO %XECUTIVE -ASTER %LAINE *O GIANT ORI GAMI CRANE FOLDING DEMONSTRATION BY CHILDREN TAIKO DRUMMING BY THE 4RIANGLE 4AIKO $RUMMERS LOCAL GARDEN TOURS AND WESTERN FLORAL DEMONSTRATIONS BY NOTED 3AN &RANCISCO DESIGNER 2ON -ORGAN ()( 0RINCESS 4AKAMADO RIGHT AND "EVERLY *EAN +AWABE CHAPTER PRESIDENT AT THE &RIENDSHIP 2OOM RUN BY THE CHAPTER AT THE .INTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION "RISBANE !USTRALIA /UR CHAPTER WAS ASKED TO CONDUCT IKEBANA DEMON STRATIONS IN THE *APANESE GARDEN OUTSIDE THE *APAN L TO R 6ICE0RESIDENT 3ALLY 2OBINSON #HAIRMAN OF !RT IN "LOOM AND 3OUTHEASTERN 3TATES #ONSUL 'ENERAL OF *APAN -R 3HOJI /GAWA "ETTIE -ADSEN %LAINE *O AND 4ERRI 4ODD GUEST DEMONSTRATOR $EMONSTRATION AT THE 7ORLD %XPO 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 58 07.12.4, 8:02 PM 0AVILION DURING SIX MONTHS FROM -AY TO /CTOBER OF THE 7ORLD %XPO 4HE ENTHUSIASTIC RESPONSE FROM MEMBERS WAS SUCH THAT WE HELD DEMONSTRA TIONS ON TWO AFTERNOONS EACH WEEK THROUGHOUT THE EVENT 4WENTYEIGHT MEMBERS FROM THE 3OGETSU /HARA AND )KENOBO SCHOOLS TOOK PART !T THE CLOS ING CEREMONY OF THE *APAN 0AVILION OUR CHAPTER WAS PRESENTED WITH A SCROLL IN APPRECIATION OF OUR PARTIC IPATION IN THE %XPO )T WAS A WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE TO PRESENT IKEBANA TO MORE THAN ONE MILLION PEOPLE WHO VISITED THE EXPOSITION 4OSHIKO 3HIMOURA WITH ARRANGEMENTS SHE DEMONSTRATED #OLUMBUS 53! #OLORADO 3PRINGS 53! 4HE YEAR MARKED THE CHAPTERS TH ANNIVER SARY WHICH WE PLANNED TO CELEBRATE IN STYLE 4HE HIGHLIGHT OF THE ANNIVERSARY EVENTS WAS THE !NNUAL 3PRING ,UNCHEON WITH 3OGETSU RIJI *UDITH (ATA OF .EW 9ORK #HAPTER AS DEMONSTRATOR 3HE GRACIOUSLY HELD WORKSHOPS AS WELL 4HE SPIRIT OF IKEBANA HAS INSPIRED YEARS OF JOY FUL FRIENDSHIPS SHARING AND LEARNING AMONG #OLO RADO 3PRINGS #HAPTER MEMBERS THANKS TO OUR FOUNDERS 4HROUGH THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS THE ART OF IKEBANA HAS CONNECTED HEARTS AND MINDS TO THE SPIRITUAL ENERGY AND BEAUTY OF NATURE AT MANY DEM ONSTRATIONS WORKSHOPS AND EXHIBITIONS )N THE CHAPTER EXPANDED ITS OUTREACH WORLDWIDE TO SHARE IKEBANA THROUGH A WELLDESIGNED WEBSITE ;WWWIKEBANACOSITGOCOM= CONTAINING PHOTOS OF GUEST DEMONSTRATORS AN EXHIBIT GALLERY UPDATED MONTHLY AND PRESENTATION OF OTHER ARTISTIC ACTIVITIES RELATED TO OUR CHAPTER 0AST PRESIDENTS SEATED L TO R #HIEKO !RIKAWA -YRNA #ORDRAY 3OKO ! #OX BACK ROW L TO R 'ERTRUDE 2ICKERD *ACKIE 2OEDERER (AZEL "ERGAMO $OROTHY "ATES "ETTY #UNIBERTI 0ATRICIA -C.EMAR $ETROIT 53! /UR ANNUAL FUNDRAISING PROGRAM WAS HELD ON -AY 4HE PUBLIC WAS INVITED TO ATTEND ! 'LIMPSE OF *APAN 0ROFESSOR 4OSHIKO 3HIMOURA DEMONSTRATED )KENOBO ARRANGEMENTS -EMBERS ARRANGEMENTS SOME INTERPRETING HAIKU LINED THE WALLS 4HE *APA NESE ,ADIES !UXILIARY CHORUS GROUP ENTERTAINED WITH *APANESE SONGS ! h4EA (OUSEv WAS SET UP WITH TEA TASTING FOR GUESTS ! RAFFLE WAS HELD WITH A STONE LAN TERN AS THE MAIN PRIZE +YOKO +ITA OF $ENVER #HAPTER GIVING A DEMONSTRATION 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 59 07.12.4, 8:02 PM .EW /RLEANS 53! 4HE CHAPTERS MOST MEMORABLE EVENT WAS THE 4ENTH .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE HELD IN THIS CITY IN 4HE CONFERENCE ATTRACTED PAR TICIPANTS WITH DELEGATES FROM .ORTH !MERICAN CHAPTERS AND PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENTS -EM BERS CAME FROM -ANILA 3YDNEY AND 4OKYO 'UEST DEMONSTRATORS WERE )EMOTO (IROSHI 4ESHIGAHARA OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL AND )EMOTO 2IHOH 3EMBA OF +ORYU 3HOOHKAI 4HEIR MUSEUM EXHIBIT WAS SO POPULAR THAT THE IEMOTOS WERE ASKED TO EXTEND IT BY A FEW DAYS 4HEY AGREED AND MUSEUM OFFICIALS LATER SHIPPED BACK TO *APAN THEIR PRECIOUS CONTAINERS 7E MUST MENTION THE CATASTROPHE OF (URRICANE +ATRINA IN !UGUST WHICH AFFECTED ALL OUR MEMBERS "ECAUSE OF THE AVID INTEREST IN IKEBANA AND THE HELP FROM )) (EADQUARTERS AND CHAPTERS WE WERE ABLE TO REORGANIZE AND EVEN RECRUIT NEW MEMBERS OVER BY THE END OF THE CONFERENCE AND EVERYONE FLEW SAFELY HOME 4HIS IS THE CHAPTER THAT VALIANTLY HELD ANNUAL IKEBANA EXHIBITS DURING THE DIFFICULT DAYS OF MARTIAL LAW !T THE "ANGKOK CONFERENCE A RESOLU TION WAS PASSED EXPANDING THE TITLE FROM !3%!. TO !SIAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE &ROM THE &IRST 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN -ANILA IN THERE HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL CONFERENCES AS !3%!. AND AS !SIAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCES L TO R -ISSY )GNACIO ,ILING .UGUID %LSA 2EGALA (2( 0RINCESS 3OAMSAWALI OF 4HAILAND 6IRGIE 0ANTALEON #ARMEN 'UEVARA AND -ILA 3UMULONG AT THE &OURTH !3%!. 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN "ANGKOK *OHANNESBURG 3OUTH !FRICA R TO L )EMOTO (IROSHI 4ESHIGAHARA OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL )EMOTO 2IHOH 3EMBA OF +ORYU 3HOOHKAI &AY +RAMER AND MEMBERS AT THE 4ENTH .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN 4HE HISTORY OF KIMEKOMI BALLS WAS EXPLAINED AND DEMONSTRATED BY -ARILYN 'IANNADA HEAD OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL 3OUTH !FRICA 4HE MAKING OF KIMEKOMI BALLS WAS A FUN MORNING 4HIS WAS NOT HOWEVER AN EASY EXERCISE FOR IT REQUIRED A LOT OF CONCENTRATION ,AUGHTER ENCOURAGEMENT AND HELP WHERE NECESSARY WAS EXCHANGED BETWEEN MEMBERS -ANILA 0HILIPPINES 0ERSEVERANCE AND DEDICATION CHARACTERIZE -ANILA #HAPTER )N &EBRUARY EIGHT MEMBERS HEADED BY THE FOUNDER #ARMEN 'UEVARA BRAVED THE HEIGHT OF A REVOLUTION AND TOOK OFF AS THE AIRPORTS CLOSED 4HEIR DESTINATION WAS THE &OURTH !3%!. 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN "ANGKOK 3INCE #ARMEN 'UEVARA AND MEMBERS HELPED TO ORGANIZE PAST !3%!. 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCES THE LADIES HAD TO GO AND FULFILL A COM MITMENT TO IKEBANA &ORTUNATELY THE REVOLUTION WAS ! GROUP OF PROUD HAPPY *OHANNESBURG #HAPTER MEMBERS AND THEIR KIMEKOMI BALLS L TO R $ORA (ONG -ARILYN 'IANADDA %UNICE 4REDOUX *OYCE 2AFTER #AROL &IORENTINO 'LORIA #ROSS 3OPHIA $OOLEY !RLENE "ERGER AND $ERRY 2ALPH 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 60 07.12.4, 8:02 PM !KRON 53! /UR CHAPTER HAS MADE THE MOTTO &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS INTO A REALITY )NTEREST IN FLOWERS HAS BROUGHT US TOGETHER AND FRIENDSHIP HAS FLOURISHED 7E ENJOY OTHER CULTURES AND FOREIGN CUISINES 7E HAVE COOKED FOR ONE ANOTHER THREE TIMES IN THE PAST AND WE EN JOYED THE EXPERIENCE 4HIS WAS DONE MOST RECENTLY IN &EBRUARY OF AT THE HOME OF -RS -IKE (AYA MA 3UCH EVENTS HAVE STRENGTHENED THE FRIENDSHIP AMONG US ALL 3ARASOTA 53! 4HE CHAPTER WAS ES TABLISHED IN "OTH TEACHERS AND STUDENTS OF THE VARIOUS SCHOOLS OF IKEBANA HAVE PARTICIPAT ED IN MANY WORKSHOPS AND DEMONSTRATIONS PRESENTED BY THE TOP RATED IKEBANA INSTRUC TORS AND *APANESE CRAFT ARTISANS FROM *APAN ! BROCHURE OF THE !SIAN #UL %U ROP E A ND .OR T H TURAL &ESTIVAL !MERICA )N THE CHAPTER WAS INVITED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE WORLD FAMOUS -ARIE 3ELBY "OTANICAL 'ARDENS AND 2ESEARCH #ENTER TO CONDUCT MEETINGS AND STAGE AN ANNUAL EX HIBITION IN THE 'ARDENS 4HIS CONTINUES TODAY SINCE CHAPTER MEMBERS ASSISTED IN THE CREATION AND PLAN NING OF THE ANNUAL !SIAN #ULTURAL &ESTIVAL WITH THE CHAPTERS EXHIBITION AS THE CENTERPIECE OF THIS EVENT 4HE &ESTIVAL PROVIDES A PERFECT VENUE FOR SPREADING THE ULTIMATE MESSAGE OF ALL )) CHAPTERS&RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERSAND STIMULATES COMMUNITY INTEREST IN THE ART OF IKEBANA 3AN $IEGO 53! )N SEVERAL WOMEN INTRIGUED BY THE BEAUTY OF IKEBANA FORMED 3AN $IEGO #HAPTER 4WO ARE STILL MEMBERS (ARUKO #RAWFORD AND %VELYN 3HERMAN 4HE FREELY SHARED KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES OF MANY L TO R (ARUKO #RAWFORD (EADMISTRESS 7AKAKO /HARA (EADMASTER$ESIGNATE .ATSUKI /HARA *OANNE -EREDITH )EMOTO +OBAI .ARUSE AND #HAIRMAN 2AIKOH .ARUSE OF THE #HIKO 3CHOOL +AY 9ARNELL AT THE %LEVENTH .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN 3AN $IEGO TEACHERS OF IKEBANA AND RELATED ARTS HAVE HELPED US GROW FLOURISH AND MATURE )N /CTOBER WE HOSTED THE %LEVENTH .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE -ORE THAN MEMBERS ATTENDED REPRESENTING CHAPTERS FROM THE REGION (EADMASTER$ESIGNATE .ATSUKI /HARA PRESENTED AN OUTSTANDING DEMONSTRATION OF /HARA STYLES )EMOTO +OBAI .ARUSE OF THE #HIKO 3CHOOL ENTERTAINED WITH MORIBANA ARRANGEMENTS WHICH IN CLUDED FOLK OBJECTS AND HISTORIC SCENES 5NDER ENLIGHTENED GUIDANCE WE HAVE PROSPERED )T HAS BEEN A PRODUCTIVE MEMORABLE JOYFILLED YEARS AND OUR PAST ASSURES US THAT OUR FUTURE WILL BE FILLED WITH &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS /TTAWA #ENTENNIAL #ANADA )N /CTOBER THE CHAPTER WAS PLEASED TO HOST THE &OURTEENTH .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE /VER GUESTS FROM COUNTRIES CAME TO EXPERI ENCE DEMONSTRATIONS AND WORKSHOPS BY )EMOTO 2IHOH 3EMBA OF +ORYU 3HOOHKAI 0ROFESSOR !KIRA 3UZUKI OF THE /HARA 3CHOOL AND RIJI RANK TEACHER 3HUKO +ANO OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL )NTERNATIONAL 0RESIDENT %MILY "ROWN AS WELL AS FIVE PAST INTERNA TIONAL PRESIDENTS INCLUDING THE FIRST TWO &AY +RAMER AND #AROLA -ELLER HONORED US WITH THEIR PRESENCE !LTHOUGH SOME OF OUR MEMBERS HAD ATTENDED PRE VIOUS )) CONFERENCES AND CONVENTIONS IT WAS THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY FOR MANY OF US TO EXPERIENCE THE 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 61 07.12.4, 8:02 PM FRIENDSHIP OF OUR INTERNATIONAL FAMILY AND TO ENJOY THE ARTISTIC SKILLS OF THE EXHIBITORS -INNEAPOLIS3T 0AUL 53! 4HERE ARE TWO ANNUAL EVENTS THAT WE HAVE PARTICIPAT ED IN FOR MANY YEARS !RT IN "LOOM IS A MAJOR FUND RAISING EFFORT HELD EVERY SPRING AT THE -INNEAPOLIS )NSTITUTE OF !RT (UNDREDS OF FLORAL DESIGNERS CHOOSE ARTWORK IN THE MUSEUM TO INTERPRET THROUGH FLOW ERS )N MORE THAN PEOPLE ENJOYED THE EXHIBIT -OST OF OUR MEMBERS CREATE IKEBANA FOR THIS EVENT !RT IN "LOOM WILL HAVE ITS TH ANNIVERSARY IN %VERY YEAR WE ARE INVITED TO AN ANNUAL DISPLAY OF IKEBANA AT THE #OMO 0ARK #ONSERVATORY IN 3T 0AUL 4HIS BEAUTIFUL SETTING IS PERFECT FOR OUR IKE BANA ARRANGEMENTS AND WE ARE HAPPY TO BE A PART OF THAT WONDERFUL FIXTURE OF 3T 0AUL (UDDERSFIELD 5+ )N THE 5+ THE .ATIONAL !SSOCIATION OF &LOWER !RRANGERS .!&!3 COMPRISES AREAS AND AFFILI ATED CLUBS OF WHICH (UDDERSFIELD #HAPTER IS ONE 4HROUGH .!&!3 WE HAVE BEEN INVITED TO TAKE PART IN MANY EVENTS INCLUDING THE .ATIONAL &LOWER 3HOWS AT .OTTINGHAM AND (ARROGATE AS WELL AS FLOW ER FESTIVALS AT 3TOKE 'ATESHEAD AND "EVERLY -INISTER !T THE ANNUAL (ARROGATE 3PRING &LOWER 3HOW WE HAVE BEEN INVITED EVERY YEAR FOR THE LAST YEARS TO STAGE AN IKEBANA STAND 4HIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN A GREAT ATTRACTION CREATING AN AREA OF BEAUTY AND PEACE WHERE THE PEOPLE PAUSE AND STUDY HAIKU AND ACCOM PANYING ARRANGEMENTS FROM LIVE MUSIC 4HE MUSIC ALSO WENT FROM TRADI TIONAL TO MODERN 4HE MUSICIANS WERE AS DIVERSE AS THE MUSIC AND THE ARRANGEMENTS 4HIS CONCERT TIED TOGETHER WITH MUSIC FRIENDS AND FLOWERS CAPTURED THE ESSENCE OF &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS /RLANDO7INTER 0ARK 53! !LL OF THE LAST YEARS OF /RLANDO 7INTER 0ARK #HAPTER HAVE BEEN OUTSTANDING 7E CONTINUE TO BRING &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS TO THE #ITY OF /RLANDO AND SURROUNDING AREAS 7HETHER IN A SHOP PING MALL GARDEN CLUB CLASSROOMALL ORGANIZA TIONS ARE BEING EDUCATED ABOUT IKEBANA )T IS A LABOR OF LOVE THAT HAS OPENED MANY DOORS 7E ARE ALSO FORTUNATE TO HAVE ONE OF OUR ORIGINAL FOUNDING CHAP TER MEMBERS WHO REMAINS ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING AS WE PREPARE TO CELEBRATE WONDERFUL YEARS IN /NE EVENT IN -ARCH THAT IS STILL TALKED ABOUT AS BEING MEMORABLE IS A FIVEHOUR DEMONSTRATION WORKSHOP CONDUCTED BY -ARTHA .EESE PAST INTERNA TIONAL PRESIDENT ,ANSING 53! !MONG OUR CHAPTERS MANY MEMORABLE EVENTS IN THE PAST YEARS IN *UNE WE WERE DELIGHTED TO TOUR THE NEWLY CREATED 3HIGEMATSU -EMORIAL 'AR DEN ON THE CAMPUS OF ,ANSING #OMMUNITY #OLLEGE 4HE MAIN THEME OF THE GARDEN IS ,AKE "IWA WHICH HAS BROUGHT TOGETHER THE PEOPLE OF -ICHIGAN AND *APANS 3HIGA 0REFECTURE BOTH LAKESIDE REGIONS &OR THE GARDENS DEDICATION CEREMONY LAST 3EPTEMBER -ARY )SHINO AND 0AT +APLAN WERE HONORED TO CREATE ARRANGEMENTS .OW THE GARDEN IS OPEN TO INSPIRE AND DELIGHT EVERYONE IN THE MID-ICHIGAN AREA -IAMI 53! 4HE CHAPTER CELEBRATED ITS ND !NNUAL !FTERNOON OF )KEBANA WITH A UNIQUE STAGE PERFORMANCE OF IKE BANA WITH MUSIC 4HIS IKEBANA CONCERT TOOK PLACE AT THE 6ICTOR % #LARK 2ECITAL (ALL AT THE 5NIVERSITY OF -IAMI ON -ARCH -IEKO +UBOTA OF +UMOI 3AKURA +AI DEMONSTRATED ARRANGEMENTS FROM TRA DITIONAL TO MODERN STYLES DRAWING HER INSPIRATION 3INGAPORE 3INGAPORE 4HE CHAPTER HAS EXPERIENCED MANY EXCELLENT PRO GRAMS 4HE HOSTING OF THE %IGHTH !SIAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE FROM !PRIL TO TRULY REPRESENT ED ))S DREAM OF CREATING BEAUTY THROUGH IKEBANA AND OF PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP THROUGH 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 62 07.12.4, 8:02 PM !T THE &OURTEENTH .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE HOSTED BY /TTAWA #ENTENNIAL #HAPTER FRONT ROW L TO R &AY +RAMER 3HUKO +ANO (ELEN 7ESTINGTON -AMIKO 5CHIDA %MILY "ROWN BACK ROW L TO R +AYOKO 3EMBA $ENISE "ATSON #AROLA -ELLER -ITSUGI +IKUCHI %TSUKO .EGISHI !KIRA 3UZUKI 2ALPH 7ESTINGTON !MBASSADOR +ATSUHISA 5CHIDA )RWIN -ELLER 2IHOH 3EMBA 3ANDY -C1UARRIE (ELEN -C1UARRIE !KIRA /GO -IEKO 7ATANABE "LAKE "ATSON 4AKASHI 3EMBA +ANAKO 3EMBA )KEBANA EXHIBITION !RT IN "LOOM -INNEAPOLIS3T 0AUL #HAPTER #ERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION TO (UDDERSFIELD #HAPTER (ARROGATE &LOWER 3HOW ,ANSING #HAPTER MEMBERS TOURED THE 3HIGEMATSU -EMORIAL 'ARDEN )KEBANA CONCERT -IAMI #HAPTERS ND !NNUAL !FTERNOON OF )KEBANA 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 63 07.12.4, 8:02 PM GUEST MASTERS WERE (AKUSHU 4SUJII HEAD TEACHER OF 3AGA 'ORYU AND 4ETSUNORI +AWANA RIJIRANK TEACH ER OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL &ROM -ARCH TO THE ANNUAL EXHIBITION AND THE TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING OF OUR CHAPTER WERE COMBINED AT THE #IT£ "LEUE PART OF 'E NEVA 5NIVERSITY 4HE ARRANGEMENTS REPRESENTED IKEBANA SCHOOLS!DACHI )CHIYO )KENOBO /HARA 3HOFU AND 3OGETSUAND THE EXHIBITORS CAME FROM SEVERAL %UROPEAN CHAPTERS #OMMITTEE MEMBERS OF 3INGAPORE #HAPTER DRESSED IN TRADITIONAL 3ARONG +EBAYA AT THE %IGHTH !SIAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE FLOWERS 3EVERAL YEARS OF INTENSIVE PLANNING UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF 0RESIDENT 6ERONICA 4AY #ONFERENCE #HAIRPERSON 4AN 3OCK +HEE !DVISORS .G %NG +IAT AND $AVID ,IM AND THE DEVOTED COMMITTEE CUL MINATED IN AN EXCITING BEAUTIFUL EVENT 4HE THEME OF (ARMONY WAS EVIDENT TO ALL !MID DEMONSTRA TIONS WORKSHOPS AND COLORFUL EVENTS )EMOTO 2IHOH 3EMBA OF +ORYU 3HOOHKAI GAVE A BREATHTAKING PRE SENTATION 4HE BEAUTY EXHILARATION FRIENDSHIP AND HAPPINESS WE SHARED REMAINS ALWAYS IN OUR MEMORY #EBU 0HILIPPINES 5NUSUAL ARTISTIC IDEAS SWEPT OVER #EBU #HAPTER AT OUR *UNE MEETING 7E WANTED SOMETHING RADI CAL FOR OUR COMING $ECEMBER EXHIBIT AND PLANNED TO SHOWCASE THE COLLECTIVE EXPRESSION OF OUR LIVES LIVED ON THE NEAR SIDE OF HAPPINESS 4HE ATMOSPHERE WAS 'ENEVA 3WITZERLAND 'ENEVA #HAPTERS MOST MEMORABLE EVENT WAS HOST ING THE 4HIRD %UROPEAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE HELD AT THE #ASINO IN -ONTREUX FROM *UNE TO 4HE PARTICIPANTS REPRESENTING CHAPTERS IN COUNTRIES WERE WELCOMED BY #ONFERENCE #HAIR PERSON !NN-ARIE ,EANDERSSON 4HE TWO *APANESE L TO R *ULIET "ASA .ORMA 3ANCHEZ ,ILY !NCAJAS ,INA 3ANTOS AND #ARMEN 'O IN VIBRANT WITH AVANTGARDE CONCEPTS 7E WANTED TO UTILIZE THE UNUSUAL AND CREATE SOMETHING MARVELOUS WITH THE ART OF IKEBANA 3URPRISINGLY THE EMOTIONAL HIGH OF *UNE CARRIED OVER TO $ECEMBER 4HE EXHIBIT BREATHED SOMETHING PERKY !LL MANNER OF OBJECTS WERE hRECYCLEDv AS CONTAINERS FOR IKEBANA !MONG OTHER ODDITIES AN UMBRELLA A CAR TIRE A LAMPSHADE AND A PAIR OF DENIM SHORTS WERE USED IN THE ARRANGE MENTS 4HAT EXHIBIT WAS A TESTAMENT TO THE VERSATIL ITY AND VIGOR OF THE ART OF IKEBANA (EAD 4EACHER (AKUSHU 4SUJII OF 3AGA 'ORYU CENTER FRONT GIVING A WORKSHOP IN -ONTREUX ,OUISE $AGGS PAST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT ON HIS LEFT 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 64 07.12.4, 8:02 PM 4ACOMA/LYMPIA 53! THE EARLIEST YEARS OF )) HAS BEEN TO CONVEY TO OTHERS THE HARMONY AND SPIRITUALITY OF IKEBANA !MONG THE MANY NOTABLE MEMBERS IS A LADY DIS TINGUISHED FOR THE MANY YEARS SHE HAS STUDIED AND TAUGHT IKEBANA %DITH !LICE 3OWRAY WAS ONE OF THE FIRST WOMEN TO STUDY IKEBANA IN %NGLAND IN THE LATE -ONTREAL #ANADA %DITH !LICE 3OWRAY THE FIRST WOMAN TO STUDY IKEBANA IN THE 5+ IN THE LATE S S 3UBSEQUENTLY SHE EARNED TEACHING CERTIFICATES FROM THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL AND LATER FROM THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL 3HE JOINED )) IN -ANCHESTER 5+ IN )N !LICE 3OWRAY WAS INVITED BY THE 5NIVERSI TY OF 7ASHINGTON 3CHOOL OF ,AW TO PROVIDE ARRANGE MENTS FOR ITS CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 4HE CELEBRATION HAD A SPECIAL MESSAGE -R 4AKUJI 9AMASHITA HAD COME FROM *APAN TO 3EATTLE TO STUDY LAW (E GRADU ATED WITH DISTINCTION IN BUT WAS NOT ADMITTED TO THE 7ASHINGTON 3TATE "AR !SSOCIATION SOLELY ON ACCOUNT OF RACE 4HUS HE COULD NOT LEGALLY PRACTICE THE LAW FOR WHICH HE HAD STUDIED SO HARD 4O DO WHAT COULD BE DONE TO RIGHT THIS WRONG #HIEF *USTICE 'ERRY !LEXANDER OF THE 7ASHINGTON 3TATE 3UPREME #OURT POSTHUMOUSLY ENTERED 4AKUJI 9AMASHITA INTO THE BAR ASSOCIATION 4HE STORY APPEARED IN THE .EW 9ORK 4IMES !LICE 3OWRAY CREATED EXQUISITE IKEBANA ARRANGE MENT EXHIBITS USING MASCULINE AND SYMBOLIC FLOWERS APPROPRIATE TO *APAN FOR THIS IMPORTANT OCCASION )KEBANA TRULY CONVEYED THE SINCERITY OF THIS GESTURE OF INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP .OW IN HER NINETIES !LICE 3OWRAY STILL TEACHES TEN CLASSES EACH SPRING AND AUTUMN AT THE /LYMPIA #OMMUNITY #ENTER ! MASTER OF ARTFUL DEMONSTRA TION AND GENTLE CORRECTION HER GIFT AS TEACHER FROM 4HE CHAPTERS ANNUAL EXHIBITION CELEBRATING ITS TH ANNIVERSARY ON -AY n WAS COMBINED WITH A MINI CULTURAL FESTIVAL )T WAS A MAJOR UNDER TAKING REQUIRING ELABORATE PREPARATION AND COORDI NATION AND RESULTED IN A PHENOMENAL PRESENTATION NOT ONLY OF IKEBANA BUT ALSO OTHER ASPECTS OF *APA NESE CULTURE 4HE EXHIBITION THEME WAS #ONTINUITY FROM (ISTORY AND THE *APANESE 0AVILION OF THE -ONTREAL "OTANICAL 'ARDEN WAS ITS VENUE (ONORARY 0RESIDENT -RS &USAKO +UROKAWA GAVE UNCEASING SUPPORT IN THE REALIZATION OF THIS PROJECT 0RESIDENT )RENE #ALDE RISI -AILLET ASSISTED BY THE "OARD ASSUMED THE HARD WORK OF ORGANIZATION &IFTYFIVE ARRANGEMENTS REP RESENTING FIVE SCHOOLS)KENOBO /HARA 3OGETSU +ORYU 3HOUTOUKAI AND 4AKEYAAND SEVEN DEMON STRATIONS WERE SHOWN !PPROXIMATELY VISITORS ATTENDED AND PARTICIPATED IN THE MANY CULTURAL AC TIVITIES 4HE TH ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION CEREMONY 3T !NDREW *AMAICA 4HE CHAPTER WAS CHARTERED IN )T IS OUR PARTNER SHIP WITH THE *APANESE EMBASSY THESE PAST DECADES OF WHICH WE ARE PARTICULARLY PROUD 7HEN WE STARTED THE *APANESE EMBASSY WAS LOCATED IN THE $OMINICAN 2EPUBLIC WE WROTE AND ASKED FOR A MEETING WHEN 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 65 07.12.4, 8:02 PM FERENCE IN !PRIL 4HE EXTENSIVE GARDENS WERE THE VENUE FOR A VARIETY OF EVENTS TO SUIT ALL TASTES 4HESE INCLUDED MUSIC BY THE ,OWER (UTT -UNICIPAL "AND -AORI DANCING BY .GATI 0ONEKE GROUP KENDO DEMONSTRATION BY 7ELLINGTON +ENDO #LUB 7EL LINGTON 3PINNERS DEMONSTRATION IKEBANA DISPLAYS FEATURING FOUR SCHOOLS AND AN ORIGAMI DISPLAY /VER PEOPLE ATTENDED THIS EVENT WHICH STANDS OUT AS A MEMORABLE AND REWARDING OCCASION IN THE HISTORY OF OUR CHAPTER -EETING AT THE *APANESE EMBASSY THE AMBASSADOR VISITED *AMAICA AND THE REQUEST WAS GRANTED )F THE WIFE OF THE *APANESE AMBASSADOR PRACTICES IKEBANA SHE PARTICIPATES IN OUR ANNUAL EX HIBITION (IS EXCELLENCY THE AMBASSADOR HAS ALWAYS BEEN GRACIOUS IN ATTENDING AND OPENING OUR EXHIBI TIONS 4HE *APANESE EMBASSY HAS PARTNERED WITH US IN HOSTING IKEBANA MASTERS VISITING *AMAICA 4HE EMBASSY HAS ALSO GIVEN EXCEPTIONAL HELP FOR VISITS OF CHAPTER MEMBERS TO CONVENTIONS 7E TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT 0EARL 7RIGHT OUR FOUNDING MEMBER WAS AWARDED THE /R DER OF THE 2ISING 3UN 'OLD AND 3ILVER 2AYS FOR HER CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL AMITY THROUGH HER )KEBANA )NTERNATIONAL RELATED WORKS .ICOSIA #YPRUS .ICOSIA #HAPTER WAS CHARTERED IN -ANY DEM ONSTRATIONS AND IKEBANA EXHIBITIONS HAVE BEEN ORGANIZED OVER THE YEARS USING THE TALENTS OF BOTH #YPRIOT AND INTERNATIONAL TEACHERS 7ELLINGTON .EW :EALAND 6OGEL (OUSE THE OFFICIAL RESIDENCE OF THE PRIME MINISTER OF .EW :EALAND WAS THE VENUE OF A SUCCESS FUL AND AMBITIOUS FUNDRAISING FUNCTION PRIOR TO THE &OURTEENTH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2EGIONAL #ON ,INA )OANNIDOU AND /URANIA 'AVRIELIDOU GIVING A JOINT IKEBANA DEMONSTRATION AT THE TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT IN /UR CHAPTERS MOST SUCCESSFUL EVENT TOOK PLACE AT OUR TH ANNIVERSARY IN &EBRUARY 4WO TAL ENTED 3OGETSU TEACHERS ,INA )OANNIDOU AND /URA NIA 'AVRIELIDOU GAVE A JOINT IKEBANA DEMONSTRATION USING BOTH LOCAL AND IMPORTED MATERIALS 4HIS EVENT WAS ATTENDED BY PEOPLE AMONG WHOM WERE THE &IRST ,ADY OF THE #YPRUS 2EPUBLIC THE WIVES OF MIN ISTERS AND MEMBERS OF VARIOUS EMBASSIES 4HE EVENT RECEIVED MUCH MEDIA COVERAGE .APLES 53! +ENDO DEMONSTRATION BY 7ELLINGTON +ENDO #LUB 4HE CHAPTER WAS FOUNDED BY (ELEN 2HOADES IN *ANU ARY 7E ARE FORTUNATE TO LIVE IN A TROPICAL PARA 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 66 07.12.4, 8:02 PM HAVE INCLUDED IKEBANA TECHNIQUES PRINCIPLES OF VARI OUS SCHOOLS OF IKEBANA AND RELATED SUBJECTS SUCH AS ORIGAMI SUMI INK PAINTING *APANESE BRAIDING AND CLAY WORK &OR YEARS THE CHAPTER HAS PARTICIPATED IN -OBILES &ESTIVAL OF &LOWERS 4HIS ANNUAL GARDEN EXTRAVAGANZA ATTRACTS MANY THOUSANDS OF VISITORS /UR EXHIBIT AREAS ARE DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED BY MEMBERS AND FEATURE IKEBANA CREATED BY MEMBERS 7E ARE PROUD TO HAVE TWO APPRENTICES AGED TEN AND ELEVEN WHO ARE STUDYING AND EXHIBITING WITH US -EMBERS PREPARING FOR THE EXHIBITION IN DISE WHICH IS ONE OF THE FASTEST GROWING REGIONS IN THE 53 AFFORDING THE CHAPTER A DIVERSE MEMBERSHIP OF PEOPLE FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD /UR ANNUAL FLOWER EXHIBIT GROWS MORE SPECTACU LAR EACH YEAR AND EVEN (URRICANE 7ILMA WHICH HIT .APLES IN ADDED TO THE SHOW 3OME MEMBERS USED STORM DEBRIS TO CREATE BEAUTIFUL ARRANGEMENTS 4HE CHAPTERS TH ANNIVERSARY TEA WAS HELD IN *ANUARY /UR FOUNDER (ELEN 2HOADES WHO PASSED AWAY AT AGE IN WAS PRESENT 7E ALL HOPE FOR A MORE BEAUTIFUL PEACEFUL WORLD WHEN WE CELEBRATE OUR TH ANNIVERSARY IN .APLES IN -OBILE 53! /N 3EPTEMBER THE CHAPTER CELEBRATED ITS TH BIRTHDAY -ONTHLY PROGRAMS ARE PRESENTED BY MEMBERS AND GUESTS 4OPICS HAVE VARIED WIDELY AND 3UN #ITIES 53! 4HE CHAPTER CONTINUES ITS FREE TWO DAY !NNUAL )KEBANA &LOWER %XHIBIT 3PACE ALLOWS FOR TO ARRANGEMENTS AT THIS %XHIBIT CURRENTLY HELD AT THE 7EST 6ALLEY !RT -USEUM 4HE %XHIBIT HAS A LARGE ATTENDANCE MANY OF WHOM BECOME MEMBERS !D DITIONALLY MEMBERS DISPLAY AN ARRANGEMENT WEEKLY TO PROMOTE PUBLIC AWARENESS OF IKEBANA 4HROUGHOUT THE S AND EARLY S OUR CHAPTER HELD SILVER TEAS WITH HANDMADE INVITATIONS EXTENDED TO RESIDENTS OF THE 3UN #ITIES AREA COM MUNITIES &ORMAL TEA SERVICES WERE HELD AND SOME IKEBANA WERE SHOWN #URRENTLY IN KEEPING WITH THE MORE RELAXED SOCIAL MORES OF OUR RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES MEETINGS ARE ANNOUNCED IN AREA NEWSPAPERS AND BY OTHER MEANS AND OUR MEMBERS ENCOURAGE FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS TO VISIT OUR CHAPTER AS GUESTS 4ODAY AS A RESULT OF THE DEDICATION OF OUR MEMBERS FOR THE PAST YEARS THE CHAPTER ENJOYS A WELLESTABLISHED PLACE IN OUR AREA COMMUNITIES "IBERACH2ISS 'ERMANY L TO R -ARIEDORA -OORE TREASURER $OROTHY "ALDWIN PAST PRESI DENT #AROLYN 3AUNDERS PRESIDENT !NNE 7ALSH VICEPRESIDENT )N A NEW DIMENSION WAS ADDED TO OUR CHAPTER BY THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE 9OUTH !RT 3CHOOL "IBER ACH IN WHICH WE INTRODUCED AND PRACTICED IKEBANA WITH CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE 4HE IDEA AND BASIC CONCEPT OF THE COURSE!RRANGING WITH "RANCHES AND &LOWERSWAS DEVELOPED BY -ARIANNE 3IKORA 3CHOECK .OW SEVERAL IKEBANA TEACHERS OF OUR CHAPTER REGULARLY OFFER IKEBANA LESSONS FOR CHILDREN BETWEEN SIX AND TWELVE YEARS OF AGE !T A WORKSHOP TITLED h(OW TO 4EACH )KEBANA TO 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 67 07.12.4, 8:02 PM TAURANT WHERE WE ENJOYED A LUNCHEON OF DELICIOUS SEASONAL +YOTO CUISINE 4HE TALK WAS OF THE UPCOM ING CHERRY BLOSSOM SEASON 7OULD OUR TREE WHICH WAS ALREADY YEARS OLD BLOOM IN ITS FIRST YEAR IN ITS NEW HOME 7E SOON FOUND OUT )T BLOOMED BEAUTI FULLY A MONTH LATER 7E DECIDED TO MAKE PICNICKING BESIDE OUR WEEPING CHERRY TREE AN ANNUAL TRADITION "ANGKOK 4HAILAND 7ORKSHOP h(OW TO 4EACH )KEBANA TO #HILDRENv AT THE 3IXTH %URO PEAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE "ASEL #HILDRENv AT THE 3IXTH %UROPEAN 2EGIONAL #ONFER ENCE IN "ASEL 3WITZERLAND WE PASSED ON OUR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE TO A LARGE INTERNATIONAL AUDIENCE 4HIS ACCUMULATED WEALTH OF EXPERIENCE ENCOURAGED -ARIANNE 3IKORA3CHOECK TO PUBLISH A SMALL BOOK )KEBANA AND #HILDREN! $ARING 6ENTURE WHICH AIMS TO GIVE TEACHERS CONFIDENCE AND SUPPORT TO DEVELOP APPROACHES TO IKEBANA EDUCATION FOR THE UP COMING GENERATION 4HE CHAPTER WAS ESTABLISHED BY ,ADY DE LA -ARE WIFE OF THE "RITISH AMBASSADOR TO 4HAILAND WITH OTHER MEMBERS (2( 0RINCESS 3OAMSAWALI IS AN (ONOR ARY 0ATRON 4HE CHAPTER HOSTED THE &OURTH !3%!. 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN )EMOTO 3ENEI )KENOBO OF )KENOBO WAS THE GUEST DEMONSTRATOR 4HE CHAPTER ALSO INVITED !KANE 4ESHIGAHARA NOW IEMOTO OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL AS GUEST DEMONSTRATOR AT THE &OURTH !SIAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN )N -AY THE CHAPTER HELD ITS TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT INVIT ING )EMOTO$ESIGNATE 2YUHO 3ASAOKA OF -ISHORYU 3ASAOKA +YOTO *APAN /N -ARCH OUR MEMBERS PLANTED A WEEPING CHERRY TREE IN THE +AMEYAMA SECTION OF !RASHIYAMA 0ARK TO COMMEMORATE THE TH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR CHAPTERS FOUNDING 4HE WEATHER WAS FINE AND AFTER A GROUP PHOTO WAS TAKEN WE WALKED TO A NEARBY RES (2( 0RINCESS 3OAMSAWALI VIEWING MEMBERS EXHIBITION IN 0RETORIA 3OUTH !FRICA -EMBERS PLANTED A WEEPING CHERRY TREE IN THE !RASHIYAMA 0ARK TO COMMEMORATE OUR TH ANNIVERSARY /F 0RETORIA #HAPTERS MANY MEMORABLE EVENTS THE *APANESE !RTS &ESTIVAL IN /CTOBER WAS BY FAR THE MOST OUTSTANDING 4HE VENUE WAS THE 0RETORIA !RT -USEUM WHERE THE PUBLIC WAS INTRODUCED TO A WIDE VARIETY OF ARTS INCLUDING DOLL MAKING CALLIGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY WOODBLOCK PRINTS POTTERY BAMBOO 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 68 07.12.4, 8:02 PM AND LACQUER WARE TEA CEREMONY AND EMBROIDERY !N IKEBANA DEMONSTRATION WAS HELD AT THE 5NIVERSITY OF 0RETORIA )KEBANA WORKSHOPS ON MODERN ARRANGEMENTS ALLOWED STUDENTS OF VARIOUS IKEBANA SCHOOLS TO PAR TICIPATE !PPROXIMATELY MEMBERS FROM 0RETORIA *OHANNESBURG $URBAN AND (ARARE CHAPTERS ATTEND ED EACH OF THE TWO DAILY SESSIONS 4HIS EXHIBITION TOOK MORE THAN A YEAR TO COORDINATE WITH THOROUGH PLANNING DONE BY THE COMMITTEE UNDER THE CHAIR MANSHIP OF #HRISTINE 0RETORIUS !FTER THE ARTISTS RETURNED TO *APAN THE EXHIBITION REMAINED OPEN FOR AN EXTRA WEEK DUE TO PUBLIC DEMAND 0AST PRESIDENTS L TO R 9OSHIKO 4AKAO 3UJATA #AUDHARI -ICHIKO -AEDA NOW PRESIDENT -UTSUKO 9AMATOKU +IKUKO 4OGASHI "EATE :IEROTH PAST PRESIDENT AND NOW MEMBER OF "ERLIN #HAPTER $URHAM 5+ 7ELCOMING #OMMITTEE MEMBERS AT THE *APANESE !RTS &ESTIVAL /CTOBER /NE OF THE MOST MEMORABLE EVENTS FOR OUR CHAPTER WAS IN THE SUMMER OF !T 'ATESHEAD .ATIONAL 'ARDEN &ESTIVAL AN EXHIBITION WAS STAGED WITH MANY CHAPTERS TAKING PART AS WELL AS GROUPS AND INDIVIDU ALS 4HE EXHIBITION WAS A MARVELOUS OPPORTUNITY TO MEET OLD FRIENDS AND TO WORK ALONGSIDE EACH OTHER TO PRODUCE AN EXHIBITION THAT WAS GREATLY ADMIRED BY ALL -R 3UGA DEMONSTRATED IN #AEDMON (ALL 'ATESHEAD ON *UNE 4HE EVENT WAS ATTENDED BY APPROXIMATELY PEOPLE WHO WERE ENTHRALLED BY HIS SKILL AND ARTISTRY +OBE *APAN 4HE CHAPTER COMMEMORATED ITS TH ANNIVERSARY WITH AN !NNIVERSARY &LOWER %XHIBITION AND "ANQUET 0ARTY ON !PRIL AT THE +OBE "AY 3HERATON (OTEL #HAPTER 0RESIDENT -ICHIKO -AEDA WELCOMED ATTENDEES MEMBERS FORMER MEMBERS VISITING FROM OVERSEAS GUESTS AND DIGNITARIES INCLUDING (YOGO 0REFECTURE 'OVERNOR 4OSHIZO )DO WHO ALSO PRESENTED A CONGRATULATORY SPEECH )NTERNATIONAL 0RESIDENT -ICHIKO 3UZUKI ADDRESSED THE GROUP AND PRESENTED THE TH ANNIVERSARY CERTIFICATE 0RESIDENT -ICHIKO -AEDA ALSO PRESENTED CERTIFICATES TO PAST PRESIDENTS AND CHARTER MEMBERS OF +OBE #HAPTER FOR THEIR LONG CONTRIBUTIONS TO )) ! COMMEMORATIVE BOOKLET WAS PUBLISHED AND MADE AVAILABLE THAT DAY "UNDABERG !USTRALIA "UNDABERG #HAPTER CELEBRATED ITS TH ANNIVERSARY IN )N 3EPTEMBER -ARIKO "ANDO 1UEENSLA ND CONSU L GENERAL OF *APAN AT TENDED THE T WO DAY EXHIBITION AT (ERVEY 4HE ARRANGEMENT ENTITLED %X HAUSTING IN THE CHAPTERS TH ANNIVERSARY EXHIBITION AND MEMBERS L TO R "ETTY (OUSTON AND ARRANGERS 3HIRLEY -C!ULAY AND #HRISTINE $AVIES 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 69 07.12.4, 8:02 PM "AY 2EGIONAL 'ALLERY )N *ULY IN CELEBRATION OF THE GALA OPENING OF THE 2IVERSIDE 4HEATRE AND #ON VENTION #ENTER THE CHAPTER PLACED IKEBANA THROUGH OUT THE FOYER 3UBSEQUENTLY WE HELPED TO ORGANIZE THE &OURTH 3OUTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN 3ANTIAGO IN 4HE CHAPTER CELEBRATED ITS TH ANNIVERSARY IN (ELSINKI &INLAND &RANKFURT 'ERMANY (ELSINKI #HAPTER WAS ESTABLISHED IN /NE OF THE IMPORTANT EVENTS IN OUR EARLY YEARS WAS IN THE S WHEN FORMER AMBASSADOR TO *APAN -R 2AG NAR 3MEDSLUND BECAME AN (ONORARY -EMBER OF OUR CHAPTER (E GAVE HIS EXPERTISE ON ALL MATTERS CONCERNING *APAN AND DONATED A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF IKEBANA CONTAINERS BOOKS SLIDES AND OTHER IKE &RANKFURT #HAPTER WAS FOUNDED IN 3EPTEMBER )TS HOME WAS THE )KEBANA #ENTER OF &RANKFURT WITH A TRADITIONAL TEAROOM AND CLASSROOMS FOR )KENOBO /HARA AND 3OGETSU IKEBANA LESSONS AND 5RASENKE TEA CEREMONY 0AST 0RESIDENT %RIKA 0ETERMANN WITH HER HUSBAND AND 6ICE0RESIDENT (ARRY 0ETERMANN ORGANIZED MANY EXCELLENT EVENTS SUCH AS IKEBANA DEMONSTRATIONS .EW 9EAR BANQUETS VARIOUS EXHI BITIONS AS WELL AS CULTURAL TRIPS TO *APAN !FTER THE PASSING OF THE 0ETERMANNS IN THE S THE )KEBANA #ENTER CLOSED AND &RANKFURT #HAPTER MEMBERSHIP DECREASED TO ONLY EIGHT IN )N *ULY &RANKFURT #HAPTER WAS REFOUNDED /UR FIRST EXHIBITION IN *ULY WAS ENTITLED #OLORS ARE THE 3MILE OF .ATURE 3EPTEMBER SAW ANOTH ER EXHIBITION IN THE GARDEN OF A CASTLE NEARBY WITH MODERN IKEBANA )N *UNE WE EXHIBITED IKEBANA SCULPTURES AND LARGE INSTALLATIONS IN A SPACIOUS HALL PROVING THAT WE ARE ON OUR WAY AGAIN UNDER THE MOTTO &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS BANARELATED MATERI ALS FROM HIS LATE WIFE (ILKKA 3MEDSLUND WHO HAD STUDIED I KEBA NA IN 4OK YO 3HE WAS 3OGETSU RIJI AND ALSO ONE OF THE FOUNDING MEMBERS OF )) (ILKKA 3MEDS LUND PUBLISHED AN IKEBANA BOOK IN &INNISH IN (ER BOOK AND THE VALU ABLE DONAT ION A RE CHERISHED PAR TS OF OUR HERITAGE 4HE IKEBANA BOOK BY (ILKKA 3MEDSLUND /SORNO #HILE )N /CTOBER MEMBERS PARTICIPATED IN THE 4HIRD 3OUTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN "UENOS !IRES 7E TOOK CONTAINERS AND F LOWER MATERIALS FOR THE EXHIBITION WITH US AND MADE A LARGE SCULPTURE )T WAS OUR GOOD FORTUNE TO MEET -ARYLIN (OSKINS INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT AND SHE ENCOURAGED US TO OBTAIN CHARTERED STATUS !LSO THE GROUP ENJOYED A BOAT TRIP WITH )EMOTO !KI HIRO +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL 7ITH THE HOST CHAPTER AND THE PEOPLE IN !RGENTINA WE DIRECTLY EXPERIENCED THE MOTTO &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS AT THIS CONFERENCE 7E BECAME CHARTERED IN -EMBERS AT THE EXHIBITION #OLORS ARE THE 3MILE OF .ATURE IN *ULY 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 70 07.12.4, 8:02 PM #HRISTCHURCH .EW :EALAND 4HE CHAPTER WAS FIVE YEARS OLD IN )N FUND RAISING BEGAN FOR THE 3EVENTEENTH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN #HRIST CHURCH IN &EBRUARY .ATALIE 7ARRINER NOW -ORGAN WAS THE CHAIRPERSON AND -ABEL 3ELLERS WAS THE PRESIDENT )NTERNATIONAL 0RESIDENT ,OUISE $AGGS WAS THE SPECIAL GUEST AND )EMOTO !KIHIRO +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL WAS THE GUEST DEMONSTRATOR 'REAT TEAMWORK ENSURED THAT THE CONFERENCE WAS A TREMEN DOUS SUCCESS 7E ALWAYS LOOKED FORWARD TO .ORMAN 3PARNON COMING FROM 3YDNEY TO GIVE WORKSHOPS 3INCE 9OSHI 5MEMURA OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL HAS BEEN COMING TO RUN WORKSHOPS 4HE CHAPTER HAS BEEN REPRESENTED AT ALL OF THE WORLD CONVENTIONS AND !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND REGIONAL CONFERENCES AS WELL AS AT TWO !SIAN REGIONAL CONFERENCES 0AST PRESIDENTS AT THE TH ANNIVERSARY IN !UGUST -EMBERS WATCHING A DEMONSTRATION PEAN IN 'ENEVA IN AND THE &OURTH IN ,UNTEREN .ETHERLANDS +ARACHI 0AKISTAN 4HE CHAPTER OVER THE YEARS NOT ONLY HAS DONE IKEBA NA BUT ALSO WITH THE HELP OF OUR SPONSORS HAS RAISED FUNDS FOR !0(! 3/3 #HILDRENS 6ILLAGE 3)54 AT THE #IVIL (OSPITAL 0ATIENTS !)$ &OUNDATION AT *IN NAH (OSPITAL AND THE #IVIL (OSPITAL 0EDIATRIC 7ARD !FTER THE /CTOBER DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKE IN NORTHERN 0AKISTAN EVERYBODY GAVE A HELPING HAND +ARACHI #HAPTER DECIDED TO HOLD A FUNDRAISER AND WE APPROACHED )) (EADQUARTERS WHICH HELPED US IN ARRANGING TO SEND TEACHERS FROM THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF 3ANAE -AEDA (AV ING THEM WITH US IN WAS MEMORABLE 4HE FUNDS RAISED WERE DONATED TO A RELIABLE .'/ FOR REHABILITA TION OF EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS 6ALDIVIA #HILE /UR CHAPTER WAS FORMED BY (ELGA ( DE !LLEN AND WAS FOUNDED IN 7E MEET ONCE A MONTH HOLD WORKSHOPS LECTURES IKEBANA SLIDE SHOWS OR PREPARE EXHIBITIONS AND DEMONSTRATIONS 7E ORGANIZE ONE ANNUAL EXHIBITION CHANGING SEASONS AND SIX PUBLIC DEMONSTRATIONS 7E ALSO INVITE *APANESE IKEBANA TEACHERS TO 6ALDIVIA WHO GIVE WORKSHOPS DEMON STRATIONS AND EXHIBITIONS 3OME OF OUR MEMBERS ATTENDED THE &IFTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION IN +YOTO IN THE 3EVENTH IN .AGOYA IN AND THE .INTH .ORTH !MERICAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN $ENVER IN THE 4HIRD %URO $EMONSTRATIONS BY VISITING 3OGETSU TEACHERS FOR THE EARTHQUAKE FUNDRAISING IN !PRIL 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 71 07.12.4, 8:02 PM -ILAN )TALY -ILAN #HAPTER AND THE *APANESE #ULTURE #ENTER OF -ILAN HAVE BEEN ORGANIZING IKEBANA COURSES FOR OVER YEARS 4HE FOUNDER +EIKO !NDO -EI BELIEVES THAT WITHOUT COMPREHENSION OF *APANESE SPIRIT AND CUL TURE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND THE ART OF IKE BANA 4HIS IS WHY BESIDES THE PRACTICE OF IKEBANA WE STUDY *APANESE RELIGION HISTORY PHILOSOPHY LIT ERATURE POETRY AND VARIOUS ARTS !PART FROM WEEKLY COURSES WE ORGANIZE NUMEROUS PUBLIC EVENTS &OR EXAMPLE LAST YEAR WE HELD AN EXHIBITION OF OVER IKEBANA WORKS IN THE CENTER OF -ILAN 4HE EVENT WAS FEATURED WIDELY IN DIFFERENT MEDIA AND LASTED FOR A WEEK WITH CONTINUOUS FLOW OF VISITORS )T WAS A BIG SUCCESS ACHIEVED AN EXCITING DISPLAY OF 3OGETSU AND /HARA STYLE IKEBANA 4ORONTO #ANADA &ROM THE FIRST YEAR OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF 4ORONTO #HAPTER AN !NNUAL &LOWER 3HOW HAS BEEN HELD EVERY YEAR EXCEPT DUE TO A WINTER STORM #UR RENTLY THIS EVENT IS HELD IN .OVEMBER )N WE CELEBRATED OUR TH ANNIVERSARY WITH THE THEME #LEARLY )KEBANA 4WELVE MEMBERS PRO VIDED DEMONSTRATIONS 7E HAVE INTRODUCED VARIOUS *APANESE ARTS AT CHAPTER ACTIVITIES INCLUDING BONSAI HAIKU GIFTWRAPPING SWORDS WOODBLOCK PRINTS ORIGAMI AND SUSHI "ELFAST 5+ "ELFAST #HAPTER WAS FOUNDED THANKS TO THE ENTHU SIASM AND LOVE OF IKEBANA BY ,ADY (ARRIET +IDD 3OGETSU 3CHOOL 4HE CHARTER WAS GRANTED IN *ANUARY WHEN THE CHAPTER PRESIDENT WAS (ELGA (UGHES /HARA 3CHOOL TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 7ILMINGTON 53! 4HE CHAPTER WAS CHARTERED IN 3EPTEMBER WITH MEMBERS %FFIE "URNEY INTRODUCED IKEBANA TO 7ILMINGTON TEACHING CLASSES IN )KENOBO )N THE L TO R 0RESIDENT )SOBEL *OHNSTON !LDERNAN 6ALERIE +INGHAN AND (ELGA (UGHES AT THE TH ANNIVERSARY 7E WERE PRIVILEGED TO HAVE 4AMIKO 4AMURA OF )KENOBO TO CELEBRATE OUR TH ANNIVERSARY IN ! PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION WAS ATTENDED BY APPROXIMATE LY GUESTS 3HOKA AND 3HIMPUTAI WERE PRESENTED IN THE FOUR WORKSHOPS 7E CELEBRATED OUR TH AN NIVERSARY IN WITH A THREEDAY EXHIBITION 5SING PLANT MATERIALS CUT FROM OUR GARDENS THE MEMBERS -EMBERS IN ATTENDANCE AT THE -AY MEETING 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 72 07.12.4, 8:02 PM S AND EARLY S -ARY 4AKAHASHI CAME AT LEAST TWICE A YEAR FROM !TLANTA 'EORGIA TO PROVIDE DEM ONSTRATIONS WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES IN )KENOBO 7E MEET AT THE .EW (ANOVER #OUNTY !RBO RETUM A PERFECT SETTING FOR OUR ACTIVITIES WITH ITS LOVELY *APANESE TEAHOUSE AND GARDEN 4HERE IS GROW ING INTEREST IN IKEBANA IN THE AREA 3EVERAL MEMBERS HAVE PROVIDED IKEBANA PROGRAMS FOR COMMUNITY OR GANIZATIONS AND EVENTS AND ALSO HAVE TAUGHT CLASSES AT THE LOCAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY 7E CELEBRATED OUR SILVER TH ANNIVERSARY IN :URICH 3WITZERLAND 4HE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN THE HISTORY OF OUR CHAPTER WAS THE 3IXTH %UROPEAN 2EGIONAL #ONFER ENCE IN "ASEL 3WITZERLAND -ARCH n OR GANIZED BY :URICH "ASEL "ERLIN AND "IBERACH2ISS CHAPTERS /UR CHAPTER MEMBERS HAVE ORGANIZED MORE THAN IKEBANA EXHIBITIONS AT THE WELLKNOWN -USEUM 2IETBERG IN :URICH 4HE MOST MEMORABLE ONE WAS -ARCH n DURING THE *APAN 9EAR ORGANIZED BY THE CITY OF :URICH 3INCE OUR CHAPTER HAS PARTICIPATED IN THE 'IARDINA :URICH AN ANNUAL GARDENING AND LIFESTYLE EXHIBITION !BOUT IKEBANA REPRESENTING THE SCHOOLS WERE EXHIBITED FOR SIX DAYS 4HE 'IARDINA EXHIBITION HAD MORE THAN VISITORS IN 4HIS GAVE US A CHANCE TO INFORM VISITORS ABOUT THE ART OF IKEBANA .ETHERLANDS .ETHERLANDS ,IESBETH 2ODRIGUES DE -IRANDA WHO WAS A MEMBER OF +OBE #HAPTER TOOK THINGS IN HER CAPABLE HANDS BY INVITING ALL $UTCH -!,S TO MEET /N 3EPTEMBER SHE ESTABLISHED .ETHERLANDS #HAPTER /UR MEMBERS LIVE SCATTERED THROUGHOUT OUR COUNTRY 4HEREFORE WE TRY TO HOLD MEETINGS AT DIFFERENT PLACES .ETHERLANDS #HAPTER HOSTED THE &OURTH %URO PEAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN WITH DEMONSTRA TIONS AND WORKSHOPS BY )EMOTO 2IHOH 3EMBA OF +ORYU 3HOOHKAI 9OSHI 4AKAHASHI OF 3AGA 'ORYU AND *ENNY "ANTI 0EREIRA OF THE /HARA 3CHOOL 3OME ATTENDEES REPRESENTED COUNTRIES 4HE EXHIBI 4ULIPS IN THE PARK IN +EUKENHOF TION WAS HELD IN THE +EUKENHOF THE UNIQUE FLOWER GARDEN IN THE .ETHERLANDS %VERY MORNING ON THE NOTICE BOARD IN THE RECEPTION AREA A HAIKU WAS WRIT TEN BY 'ERRIT *AN +ORTELING GIVING HIS IMPRESSION OF THE EVENTS OF THE PREVIOUS DAY 4HE HAIKU CONCERN ING THE VISIT TO +EUKENHOF WAS AS FOLLOWS 7HERE FOOD WAS GROWN ONCE 4HE WEALTH OF COUNTLESS FLOWERS &EEDS OUR EAGER EYES 0ORT %LIZABETH 3OUTH !FRICA 3INCE BECOMING A CHARTERED CHAPTER IN WE HAVE HELD MANY DEMONSTRATIONS AND WORKSHOPS AS WELL AS HAVING BEEN INVITED TO EXHIBIT AT NUMER OUS F LOWER FESTIVALS ! LL THESE ACTIVITIES HAVE ENHANCED T HE LOVE OF IKEBANA AND TRA NSFORMED MA NY A HALL AND FOYER INTO G RE AT B E AUT Y W IT H I KEBANA ARRANGE MENTS REPRESENTING 0RESIDENT 3HIRLEY (ARLECH*ONES THE /HARA AND )CHIYO WITH THE ARRANGEMENT TITLED .ATURE SCHOOLS AND 4ESHIGA %NCOUNTERED AND A SCREEN MADE BY "UNNY (ODGES HUSBAND OF THE HARA 7AFUKAI LATE (ETTIE (ODGES 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 73 07.12.4, 8:02 PM 0ORTUGAL 0ORTUGAL 4HE CHAPTER IS HONORED TO HAVE HELD TWO WORKSHOPS AT THE #HANCELLERY OF THE %MBASSY OF *APAN 4HE FIRST WAS FROM *ANUARY TO DURING THE CELEBRA TIONS OF YEARS OF 0ORTUGAL*APAN FRIENDSHIP 4HE SECOND WAS FROM -ARCH TO "OTH WERE IMPORTANT EVENTS INCORPORATING EXCELLENT DEMON STRATIONS AS WELL AS A RANGE OF OTHER ACTIVITIES 4HE TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF 0ORTUGAL #HAPTER WAS HELD AT #ASCAIS IN !PRIL 4HE "IENNIAL %X HIBITION OF .OVEMBER HELD AT THE -USEUM OF ,ISBON -UNICIPALITY WAS AN IMPORTANT OPPORTUNITY TO PROMOTE IKEBANA TO THE PUBLIC $UBAI 5!% /N THE TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF $UBAI #HAP TER IN $ECEMBER WE HAD A ,EBANESE #ULTURAL -ORNING AND &ASHION 3HOW AT THE -AIS %L 2EEM RES TAURANT *7 -ARRIOTT (OTEL $UBAI !MAL (AROUB GAVE A PRESENTATION WITH A SLIDE SHOW ON THE HISTORY OF ,EBANON FOLLOWED BY A ,EBANESE !BAYAS &ASHION 3HOW -RS 4SUJIMOTO WIFE OF THE AMBASSADOR OF *APAN ATTENDED THIS FUNCTION AND WE HAD THE HONOR TO HAVE HER SHARING THE CUTTING OF THE ANNIVERSARY CAKE /N THIS OCCASION WE HAD OVER A HUNDRED MEM BERS AND GUESTS THE LARGEST GATHERING IN THE HISTORY OF OUR CHAPTER 6IENNA !USTRIA ! REGISTERED STUDY GROUP OF )KEBANA )NTERNATIONAL STARTED IN 6IENNA IN AND IN THE GROUP BE CAME 6IENNA #HAPTER )N THE 9EAR OF %NCOUNTER BETWEEN *APAN AND THE %5 6IENNA #HAPTER TOGETHER WITH THE IKE BANA SECTION OF THE !USTRIAN GARDEN SOCIETY ORGA NIZED AN IKEBANA EXHIBITION ON THE OCCASION OF THE *APANESE MOONVIEWING FESTIVAL -RS !YAKO 'RAEFE OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL WAS INVITED TO 6IENNA IN AND 4HE FOCUS OF THE FIRST SEMINAR WAS *APANESE -OTIFS 7ITH A SLIDE SHOW AND DEMONSTRATION SHE REVEALED THE HIDDEN BEAUTY OF KIMONO ART OBJECTS AND THINGS OF EVERYDAY USE /UR MEMBERS ENTHUSIASTICALLY TRANSFORMED CLASSICAL *APANESE MOTIFS INTO CREATIVE IKEBANA *AKARTA 0ROSPECTIVE )NDONESIA /UR MOST MEMORABLE EVENT WAS THE &IRST !SIAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE )T WAS ORGANIZED BY *AKARTA #HAPTER AND WAS THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL FLOWER CON FERENCE OF ITS KIND EVER HELD IN )NDONESIA 4HIS EVENT WAS HELD IN "OROBUDUR )NTERCONTINENTAL (OTEL *A KARTA 3EPTEMBER n /UR CHAPTER PRESIDENT WAS !S !ULINA -AHYUDIN AND THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE /RGANIZING #OMMITTEE WAS ,IA !MINUDIN 4HE CONFERENCE WAS ATTENDED BY PARTICIPANTS 0AST )NTERNATIONAL 0RESIDENT ,OUISE $AGGS WAS AN HONOR ARY GUEST AND )EMOTO !KIHIRO +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL WAS OUR GUEST DEMONSTRATOR #ASTILLON DU 'ARD &RANCE )N WE WERE ABLE TO GATHER MOST OF THE DESCEN DANTS OF THE PEOPLE 6INCENT VAN 'OGH ADMIRED TO COMMEMORATE THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF HIS DEATH 4HE 'AUGUINS CAME ALL THE WAY FROM 3TOCK HOLM 7E PUT IKEBANA ALL AROUND THE VILLAGE AND CREATED AN EXHIBITION IN WHICH HIS WRITINGS WERE INTERPRETED IN FLOWERS ,ATER WE TOOK FLOWERS TO THE LAST PERSON WHO HAD MET 6INCENT 3HE WAS VERY HAP PY TO RECEIVE THEM SHE WAS BLIND AND NO ONE EVER THOUGHT TO PRESENT HER WITH FLOWERS /UR BIG EVENT WAS THE &IFTH %UROPEAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN )EMOTO !KIHIRO +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL AND )NTERNATIONAL 0RESIDENT 3TEPHANIE 4OMIYASU ATTENDED &OR YEARS WE HAVE HELD A FOURDAY EXHIBITION IN THE CHATEAU OF +ING 2EN£ IN 4ARASCON 7E ONCE HAD A RECORD OF VISITORS 4HE *ORDAN *ORDAN 4HE *ORDAN #HAPTER HEADED BY (IND 3HARIF .ASSER WAS OFFICIALLY ESTABLISHED IN 4HE KEEN INTEREST AND ENTHUSIASM OF THE MEMBERS CONTINUE TO SPREAD THROUGHOUT *ORDAN WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THE %M 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 74 07.12.4, 8:02 PM 0AST PRESIDENTS OF 0ORTUGAL #HAPTER R TO L #ARMINA -UCHAXO - &ERNANDA !LMEIDA (ENRIQUES %NEIDA 3OUSA &ORTE 6IBHUTI *AMNADAS AND !CTING 0RESIDENT 0ETRONELLA -OURA 6ICENTE ! ,EBANESE #ULTURAL -ORNING AND &ASHION 3HOW WAS PRESENTED AT $UBAI #HAPTERS TH ANNIVERSARY !YAKO 'RAEFE OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL WAS INVITED AS DEMONSTRATOR BY 6IENNA #HAPTER #ONFERENCE #OMMITTEES OF *AKARTA #HAPTER L TO R ON THE STAND %MILY "ROWN )EMOTO !KIHIRO +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL AND )NTERNATIONAL 0RESIDENT 3TEPHANIE 4OMIYASU AT THE &IFTH %UROPEAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE HOSTED BY #ASTILLON DU 'ARD #HAPTER 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 75 07.12.4, 8:02 PM -EMBERS OF THE FOUR HOST CHAPTERS WITH THEIR DIF FERING BACKGROUNDS AND CULTURES STROVE TO ACHIEVE A COMMON GOAL 4HE DEEP SENSE OF COMMITMENT TO )) BY ALL INVOLVED MADE THE CONFERENCE A SUCCESS 4HE REWARD WAS A DREAM FULFILLED R TO L )EMOTO !KIHIRO +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL (UDA &ALLAHA CONFERENCE CHAIRPERSON 3HIZUYO .AKAYAMA FOUNDER AND INTER NATIONAL PRESIDENT AND 6ICE)EMOTO 3HUNSUI +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL AT THE &IRST -IDDLE %ASTERN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE BASSY OF *APAN 4HE -INISTRY OF &OREIGN !FFAIRS OF *APAN AWARDED OUR CHAPTER FOR THE CONTRIBUTION TO FRIENDSHIP AND MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN *A PAN AND *ORDAN IN *UNE 7E HOSTED THE &IRST -IDDLE %ASTERN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN !MMAN IN !PRIL )EMOTO !KIHI RO +ASUYA OF THE )CHIYO 3CHOOL WAS THE MASTER DEM ONSTRATOR 7E HAD 3HIZUYO .AKAYAMA FOUNDER OF THE CHAPTER AND INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT AND MANY PARTICIPANTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD #OMMITTEE MEMBERS AT THE 3IXTH %UROPEAN 2E GIONAL #ONFERENCE IN HOSTED BY "ASEL "ER LIN "IBERACH2ISS AND :URICH CHAPTERS "ASEL 3WITZERLAND -EXICO #ITY -EXICO 4HE 3IXTH %UROPEAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE WAS HELD -ARCH TO IN THE CITY WHERE THREE COUN TRIES INTERSECT"ASEL 3WITZERLAND 3INCE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN IMPOSSIBLE FOR ONE SINGLE CHAPTER TO BEAR THE ENORMOUS FINANCIAL AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBIL ITY ALONE FOUR CHAPTERS"ASEL :URICH "ERLIN AND "IBERACH2ISS 'ERMANYDECIDED TO JOIN FORCES 4HE EXHIBITION HAD NO LESS THAN IKEBANA BY INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT SCHOOLS 4HE %UROPEAN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE AND THE %UROPEAN .EWSLETTER WERE DISCUSSED AT THE $EL EGATES -EETING 4HE EMAIL CIRCULAR THAT HAS REPLACED THE NEWSLETTER IS ENJOYING GREAT POPULARITY )EMOTO 3EKIHO (IHARA OF -ISHO2YU PRESENTED AN IMPRESSIVE DEMONSTRATION OF TRADITIONAL IKEBANA 4HE FINALE WAS PRESENTED BY )EMOTO$ESIGNATE +EI (IHARA WHO CREATED A MODERN FREESTYLE ARRANGE MENT ! SURPRISINGLY LARGE AUDIENCE WATCHED SHORT DEMONSTRATIONS PRESENTED BY )) MEMBERS -EXICO #ITY #HAPTER WAS STARTED IN BY THE FIRST PRESIDENT 2ENEE .IDE 2IVERA /UR FIRST MAJOR EXHIBIT WAS IN *UNE AT THE %MBASSY OF *APAN &ROM FOR YEARS AFTER STUDENTS AT THE !MERI CAN 3CHOOL HAD SPENT A MONTH STUDYING *APAN AND ITS CULTURAL RICHNESS WE CAME AND DEMONSTRATED FOR THEM WHAT IKEBANA WAS ABOUT !S PART OF THE CELEBRATIONS IN MARKING THE CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE ARRIVAL OF THE FIRST *APANESE TO -EXICO A HUNDRED IKEBANA TEACHERS OF -ISHO2YU VISITED OUR CHAPTER )N EVERY WEEK FOR THREE MONTHS WE PLACED IKEBANA AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE #ARRILLO 'IL -USEUM ONE OF THE MOST PRES TIGIOUS OF THIS CITY .OW IN WE HAVE A YEARLY SHOW USUALLY AT THE *APANESE #LUB 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 76 07.12.4, 8:02 PM -ONTEREY "AY 53! /UR CHAPTER FOUNDED IN STARTED WITH MEM BERS AND HAS GROWN TO -EMBERS ORGANIZED ARRANGEMENTS FOR A THREE DAY #ENTRAL #OAST 'ARDEN 3HOW HELD AT THE -ON TEREY &AIR 'ROUND 7E ALSO GAVE DEMONSTRATIONS AND MADE ARRANGEMENTS FOR MAJOR EVENTS IN THE AREA !S WEEKLY ACTIVITIES WE DISPLAYED IKEBANA AT ,A -IRADA -USEUM AND 7ESTLAND (OSPICE (OUSE )N THE CIT IES OF -ONTEREY #ARMEL AND 3EASIDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS INVITED OUR CHAPTER TO GIVE WORKSHOPS TO TEACH THE ART OF IKEBANA #HILDREN RESPONDED WITH ENTHUSIASM TO THESE WORKSHOPS 7ORKSHOP FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT THE ANNUAL )) &ESTIVAL CEREMONY AND CALLIGRAPHY 4HE %NGLISHLANGUAGE PRESS ALWAYS GIVES THE EVENT EXCELLENT PUBLICITY 7E HOPE THAT SOME OF THESE STUDENTS WILL BE INTERESTED IN IKEBANA AND PRACTICE AFTER RETURN TO THEIR HOME COUNTRIES "ANGALORE )NDIA 4HE FIRST "OARD MEMBERS n L TO R *EAN #HAPMAN %U NICE 3HIFFMAN &RED :IMMERMAN #AROL -ARCHETTE 9OSHI #HUNG /SAKA *APAN 4HE MOST PROMINENT AND LARGEST PROGRAM OF OUR ANNUAL )) &ESTIVAL IS AN IKEBANA WORKSHOP FOR IN TERNATIONAL STUDENTS %VERY YEAR WE INVITE ABOUT STUDENTS FROM VARIOUS COUNTRIES AND GIVE THEM FREE IKEBANA LESSONS 4HIRTEEN IKEBANA SCHOOLS KINDLY EXTEND THEIR SUPPORT BY SENDING EXCELLENT TEACHERS 4HE PROJECT IS SUPPORTED BY OUR DEDICATED MEMBERS WHO DONATE *09 EACH 7E RECEIVE SUPPORT FROM MANY CONSULATES AND DONATIONS FROM LOCAL COMPANIES /SAKA 5NIVERSITY AND OTHER LOCAL UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES ARE ALSO VERY COOPERATIVE WITH THIS PROGRAM AND ENCOURAGE THEIR INTERNA TIONAL STUDENTS PARTICIPATION 4HE STUDENTS NOT ONLY ENJOY IKEBANA LESSONS BUT ALSO RECEIVE INVALUABLE EX PERIENCES OF OTHER *APANESE TRADITIONAL ARTS LIKE TEA 7E CELEBRATED OUR TH ANNIVERSARY ON *ANUARY 4HE DAYLONG PROGRAM WAS INAUGURATED BY -RS 2ANI 3ATISH FORMER MINISTER FOR THE +ANNADA ,ANGUAGE AND #ULTURE 7E COMPILED A MEMBERS DIRECTORY FOR THIS EVENT $EMONSTRATIONS FROM THE 3OGETSU /HARA )KENOBO AND )CHIYO SCHOOLS WERE DYNAMIC AND INTERESTING ! *APANESE CHORUS COM PRISING *APANESE MEMBERS PERFORMED AND BONSAI AND ORIGAMI WERE DEMONSTRATED /VER ATTENDEES ENJOYED THE PROGRAMS !LL THE PAST PRESIDENTS OF OUR CHAPTER WERE HONORED (ONORING PAST PRESIDENTS AT THE *USSHUNEN 9EAR #ELEBRATION 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 77 07.12.4, 8:02 PM 3ENDAI *APAN 3ENDAI #HAPTER CELEBRATED ITS TH ANNIVERSARY ON /CTOBER 7E WERE HONORED TO HAVE ()( 0RINCE 4OMOHITO AS OUR GUEST SPEAKER (IS TOPIC WAS WELFARE AND ARCHAEOLOGY 7E ALSO PUBLISHED A TH ANNIVERSARY BOOK FOR THIS OCCASION 4ERUKO !IKAWA FOUNDER AND PAST PRESIDENT OF OUR CHAPTER SAID h) CANNOT ADEQUATELY EXPRESS MY HAPPINESS ON THIS OC CASION AND TO EXPERIENCE HOW &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS HAS MOTIVATED OUR CHAPTERv 7E ENJOY A VARIETY OF PROGRAMS AT OUR MONTHLY MEETINGS SUCH AS LITERATURE AND PAINTING BESIDES IKEBANA /NCE WE HAD A VERY ENTERTAINING READING OF 2OMEO AND *ULIET IN OUR LOCAL THICK DIALECT WHERE WE COULD SUCCESSFULLY MEET THE CREATIVE CHAL LENGE OF LARGE ARRANGEMENTS 4HE FOCUS OF THE EXHIBITION WAS THE EXTRAORDI NARY CERAMIC OBJECTS OFFERED BY CERAMIC ARTISTS AND BY CERAMIC COLLECTOR -R "RAUMANN FROM THE /FFICE OF &OREIGN !FFAIRS #HAPTER MEMBERS ENTHUSIASTI CALLY INCORPORATED THE CERAMIC WORKS INTO BEAUTIFUL IKEBANA 4HE WIFE OF THE *APANESE AMBASSADOR AR RANGED IN CONTRAST TO IKEBANA A BEAUTIFUL BONSEKI SAND PAINTING ON A LACQUER TRAYA LANDSCAPE OF A RIVER UNDER -T &UJI (UNDREDS OF PEOPLE VISITED ON THE OPENING EVE NING OF THE TENDAY EXHIBITION ENJOYING THE DIVERSE STYLES OF 3OGETSU )KENOBO /HARA AND 3AGA 'ORYU IKEBANA CREATED BY OUR MEMBERS "ERLIN 'ERMANY (ANA OF "ELGIUM "ELGIUM )N !PRIL 0RESIDENT (ORST +HLER OPENED THE 9EAR OF 'ERMANY IN 4OKYO WITH THE THEME h'ER MANY IN *APANv INCLUDING EVENTS PUBLIC TALKS AND EXHIBITIONS )T WAS SUPPORTED BY COMPANIES AND CUL TURAL INSTITUTES OF BOTH COUNTRIES )N THIS CONTEXT "ERLIN #HAPTER DECIDED TO PRES ENT AN EXHIBITION ENTITLED )KEBANA IN 'ERMANY UNDER THE DIRECTION OF -ARIANNE 0UCKS AND 2EINALD %CKERT &ORTUNATELY THE /FFICE OF &OREIGN !FFAIRS IN "ERLIN OFFERED US ITS HUGE ENTRANCE HALL AS THE VENUE /N 3EPTEMBER THE EMPEROR AND EMPRESS OF *APAN VISITED THE CITY OF !NTWERP AS PART OF THEIR GOODWILL %UROPEAN TRIP !NTWERP WHICH THAT YEAR &OUNDING MEMBERS AND THE ,UXEMBOURG DELEGATION %XHIBITION ENTITLED )KEBANA IN 'ERMANY WAS DESIGNATED THE h#ULTURAL #APITAL OF %UROPEv HONORED THE IMPERIAL COUPLE AND THE "ELGIAN KING BY HAVING THE CITY HALL DECORATED BY FAMOUS FLOWER ARRANGEMENT ARTISTS ! LARGE ROOM WITH SPECIAL LIGHT ING WAS RESERVED FOR IKEBANA IN ORDER TO SURPRISE THE EMPEROR AND THE EMPRESS !LL THE TEACHERS WHO PARTICIPATED WERE INVITED TO A RECEPTION AND RECEIVED CONGRATULATIONS FROM THE IMPERIAL COUPLE 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 78 07.12.4, 8:02 PM 7HEN !TSUKO "ERGSMA SETTLED IN "RUSSELS THE SAME GROUP OF TEACHERS ENCOURAGED BY THE ENTHUSI ASM OF !TSUKO FOUNDED OUR CHAPTER IN -ISSISSIPPI 53! -ISSISSIPPI #HAPTER WAS FOUNDED IN WHEN THE MEMBERS OF THE GARDEN CLUB WERE INFORMED THAT A NEW ORGANIZATION FOR *APANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENT WAS BEING ORGANIZED 3INCE THEN WITH THE CHAPTERS ACTIVE PROGRAMS UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF FOUNDER 2OBERT % 3TEVENS THE PEOPLE OF -ISSISSIPPI HAVE BECOME AWARE OF IKEBANA -EMBERS AT THE .INTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION IN -OSCOW 0ROSPECTIVE #HAPTER IS QUITE ACTIVE /UR MANY EXHIBITIONS SEMINARS AND MEETINGS ARE POPULAR AND HELP ATTRACT NEW MEMBERS SHARING OUR LOVE OF IKEBANA !LL THE REPORTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS IN THIS SECTION WERE SUB MITTED BY CHAPTERS BETWEEN *ANUARY AND *ULY UPON THE REQUEST OF THE (ISTORY "OOK #OMMITTEE 2OBERT % 3TEVENS BY HIS CAR WITH THE )+%"!.! CAR PLATE -OSCOW 0ROSPECTIVE 2USSIA 7E ARE A YOUNG PROSPECTIVE CHAPTER REGISTERED IN $ECEMBER THE FIRST IN 2USSIA ! TRULY MEMORABLE EVENT WAS OUR PARTICIPATION IN THE &IRST -IDDLE %ASTERN 2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE IN *OR DAN IN !PRIL 4HERE WE WERE ABLE TO EXPERIENCE THE VIGOR OF &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS /UR THREE DELEGATES RETURNED WITH UNFORGETTABLE IMPRESSIONS WHICH THEY SHARED WITH OTHER MEMBERS IN -OSCOW !T THE .INTH 7ORLD #ONVENTION HELD IN 4OKYO IN OF OUR MEMBERS ATTENDED 4HE MOST EXCITING MOMENT WAS WHEN WE RECEIVED THE )KEBANA )NTERNATIONAL #ERTIFICATE OF #OMMENDATION )T WAS A GREAT SURPRISE FOR US TO BE IN THE BEST FIVE CHAPTERS IN THE #HERRY -EMBERSHIP $RIVE 52-1_p45-79_Chapters.idd 79 07.12.4, 8:02 PM 2ECIPIENTS OF /RDERS !WARDED BY THE 'OVERNMENT OF *APAN .AME#HAPTERS -RS %LLEN 'ORDON !LLEN 7ASHINGTON $# 53! -RS (ARUKO /BATA 3AN &RANCISCO "AY !REA 53! -RS -ATHIE -AE 7ILKINSON (OUSTON 53! -RS &AE (UTTENLOCHER 3AN &RANCISCO "AY !REA 53! -R .ORMAN 3PARNON 3YDNEY !USTRALIA -R (AROLD ( 3ASAHARA 0ITTSBURGH 53! -RS 3TELLA #OE ,ONDON 5+ -RS -ILDRED 3CHNITZER 0ORTLAND 53! -RS !NITA !RECO DE 3AYAGUES ,ASO -ONTEVIDEO 5RUGUAY -RS *ENNY "ANTI 0EREIRA 2OME )TALY -RS %LLEN "OROP *ORGENSEN #OPENHAGEN $ENMARK -RS &AY +RAMER 3AN &RANCISCO "AY !REA 53! -RS 2UTH 3COTT 7ELLINGTON .EW :EALAND -RS 0EARL +IMURA 3AN &RANCISCO "AY !REA 53! -S +AZUKO (ENJOJI 0ORTLAND 53! -RS #HRISTINE 0RETORIOUS 0RETORIA 3OUTH !FRICA -RS +UWAKO 4AKAHASHI 3AN &RANCISCO "AY !REA 53! -RS (ESTER &ERREIRA *OHANNESBURG 3OUTH !FRICA -RS ,UCILLE ( %VANS (ONG +ONG #HINA -RS ,INCOLNA - 'UILFOILE 4OKYO &OUNDING #HAPTER *APAN -RS -EENA !NANTNARAYAN (YDERABAD )NDIA -RS -ARIA 5NDURRAGA DE "ESA 3ANTIAGO 53! -RS *OSYANE (OFFMANN'REISCH ,UXEMBURG ,UXEMBURG -RS )RENE 3CHMIDT #OPENHAGEN $ENMARK -RS )M (WA +ONG 3EOUL +OREA -RS 0EARL 7RIGHT 3T !NDREW *AMAICA 9EAR /RDER 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS 4REASURE 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 2ISING 3UN 'OLD AND 3ILVER 2AYS 4HE 3IXTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE 3IXTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE 3IXTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 3ACRED 4REASURE 4HE &IFTH #LASS /RDER OF THE 0RECIOUS #ROWN 4HE /RDER OF THE 2ISING 3UN 'OLD AND 3ILVER 2AYS 4HE /RDER OF THE 2ISING 3UN 'OLD AND 3ILVER 2AYS 4HE /RDER OF THE 2ISING 3UN 'OLD AND 3ILVER 2AYS #HAPTER DISSOLVED 52-1_p80_Award List.idd 80 07.11.20, 4:21 PM #HRONOLOGY n 9EAR 0RESIDENT #HAPTERS )KEBANA )NTERNATIONAL 4OKYO (EADQUARTERS #HAPTER FOUNDED &IRST NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED 7ASHINGTON $# 53! &IRST PUBLIC MEETING HELD HONORING (EADMASTER (OUN /HARA AND )EMOTO 3OFU 4ESHIGAHARA 2OME )TALY 3T ,OUIS 53! ,OS !NGELES 53! .ASHVILLE 53! ,ONDON 5+ .EW 9ORK 53! #HINOOK 53! -ACON 53! &IRST MAGAZINE PUBLISHED 0ARTICIPATED IN ND 4AKASHIMAYA 7OMENS 2OSE &LOWER !RRANGEMENT %X HIBITION SPONSORED BY 3HUFUNOTOMO #O ,TD )EMOTO 3ENEI )KENOBO JOINED &LOWER -ASTER !DVISORS .ORMAN AND -ARY 3PARNON APPOINTED #OUNSELORSAT,ARGE INTRODUCED IKE BANA IN 2OME 6IENNA ,ONDON 7ASH INGTON $# AND #ANBERRA /KINAWA *APAN 3T ,OUIS 53! (OUSTON 53! $ALLAS 53! #HATTANOOGA 53! #LEBURNE 53! !TLANTA 53! "OSTON 53! (ARRISBURG 53! #OSPONSOR OF !SIAN &LOWER /LYMPICS WITH !SIAN #ULTURE 3OCIETY 0/ BOX SET UP )NFORMATION BOOTH SET UP IN 4AKASHI MAYA $EPARTMENT 3TORE 3EATTLE 53! #LEVELAND 53! 0ARTICIPATED IN 3HUFUNOTOMO 7OMENS 2OSE %XHIBITION AT 4AKASHIMAYA $EPART MENT 3TORE #AROLA -ELLER 0ANAMA #ITY 53! -ILWAUKEE 53! !TLANTA 53! (ONG +ONG #HINA 0ITTSBURGH 53! 3ACRAMENTO 53! #HICAGO 53! -ADISON 53! -ELBOURNE !USTRALIA %LLEN 'ORDON !LLEN NAMED FOUNDER OF )) AND APPOINTED (ONORARY !DVISOR !RTICLE FEATURED )) IN "ETTER (OMES AND 'ARDENS IN 53 &IRST (ANA +AGAMI PUBLISHED ,AKE #HARLES 53! 3AN &RANCISCO "AY !REA 53! ,ISMORE !USTRALIA "IRMINGHAM 53! 6IRGINIA 53! 3YDNEY !USTRALIA 3AVANNAH 53! &ORT 7ORTH 53! REORGANIZED IN .OV 'ULF #OAST !REA 53! !LBUQUERQUE 53! "ATON 2OUGE 53! 3AN !NTONIO 53! $AYTON 53! #HESTER #OUNTY 53! -EMPHIS "AMBOO 53! 0HOENIX 53! 0ORTLAND 53! "EAUMONT 53! #HARLOTTE 53! +A MAKURA *APAN #INCINNATI 53! 2OCHESTER 53! .ORTH #ANTON 53! 0ENSACOLA 53! (ONOLULU 53! ST !USTRALIAN 2# -ELBOURNE "UFFALO 53! .ORTHERN .EW *ERSEY 53! !DELAIDE !USTRALIA "UENOS !IRES !RGENTINA -T 'AMBIER !USTRALIA !NCHORAGE 53! /MAHA 53! -ANCHESTER 5+ 7INSTON3ALEM 53! 3T 0ETERSBURG 53! 0ARIS &RANCE $ENVER 53! (UNTSVILLE 53! ST .ORTH !MERICAN 2# 7ASHINGTON $# ND !USTRALIAN 2# 3YDNEY 3APPORO *APAN &AY +RAMER 2UTH 3COTT %VENTS 3PONSOR .OTES RD !USTRALIAN 2# !DELAIDE ND .ORTH !MERICAN 2# 3ACRAMENTO (ISAKO +OMINE 52-1_p81-87_Chro.idd81 07.12.4, 8:03 PM 9EAR 0RESIDENT #HAPTERS 9OUNGSTOWN 53! 0HILADELPHIA 53! +UALA ,UMPUR -ALAYSIA TH !USTRALIAN 2# -ELBOURNE RD .ORTH !MERICAN 2# .EW 9ORK ST "RITISH 39- ,ONDON !UCKLAND .EW :EALAND !SHEVILLE 53! 4ULSA 53! &UKUOKA *APAN $ELRAY "EACH 53! "RISBANE !USTRALIA #HAUTAUQUA #OUNTY 53! !UGUSTA 53! "IRMINGHAM 5+ #OLUMBUS 53! $ETROIT 53! %VENTS 3PONSOR .OTES 2ESOLUTION PASSED FOR THE SEPARATION OF )NTERNATIONAL (1 AND 4&# 53! CHAPTERS PRESENTED DOGWOOD TREES TO 4OKYO +YOTO AND +OBE AND FOR THE GARDEN OF ()( 0RINCESS 4AKAMATSU 0UBLICATION OFFICE ESTABLISHED ST 7# 4OKYO 'AIL &EERER .EW $ELHI )NDIA 'RAND 2APIDS 53! .ATCHITOCHES 53! 4OOWOOMBA !USTRALIA /KLAHOMA #ITY 53! &RESNO 53! .EW 9ORK #ITY %VENING 53! #OPENHAGEN $ENMARK +ULKA !USTRALIA #OLORADO 3PRINGS 53! TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# !TLANTA TH !USTRALIAN 2# 3YDNEY ND "RITISH 39- ,ONDON -ARTHA .EESE -IDDLE 'EORGIA 53! &T ,AUDERDALE 53! -IDLAND 53! 3TRATFORDUPON!VON 5+ .EW /RLEANS 53! 3ANTIAGO #HILE 4USCALOOSA 53! (ARARE :IMBABWE -ANILA 0HILIPPINES .AGOYA *APAN 4AIPEI 4AIWAN 4RURO 5+ $URHAM 53! 3ARASOTA 53! 'RAPEVINE 53! 23' TH !USTRALIAN 2# "RISBANE "ALTIMORE 53! 3AN $IEGO 53! $ES -OINES 53! 23' +NOXVILLE 53! !KRON 53! 0ARKERSBURG 53! $E ,AND 53! 2ICHMOND 53! /RLANDO7INTER 0ARK 53! *EFFERSON #OUNTY 53! *OHANNESBURG 3OUTH !FRICA ,EICESTER 5+ TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# "OSTON )) ACQUIRED 3HADAN (OJIN STATUS (1 OFFICE MOVED TO !OYAMA 4OKYO %TSUKO (ATTORI -IAMI 53! #ALCUTTA )NDIA 3INGAPORE 3INGAPORE )) OFFICIALLY REGISTERED UNDER -/&! AS 4EHRAN )RAN "AGUIO 0HILIPPINES 3EOUL +OREA 3HADAN (OJIN -INNEAPOLIS3T 0AUL 53! 3INGAPORE 3INGAPORE %DMONTON #ANADA "USAN +OREA ,EHIGH 53! .ORWICH 5+ ,ANSING 53! 'ENEVA 3WITZERLAND ,A #ROSSE 53! /TTAWA #ENTENNIAL #ANADA TH !USTRALASIAN 2# !UCKLAND RD "RITISH 39- ,ONDON (UDDERSFIELD 5+ %DINBURGH 5+ (UDSON 6ALLEY 53! 2IVER 0LATE !RGENTINA $AVAO 0HILIPPINES ,IVERPOOL 5+ "ULAWAYO :IMBABWE 4ACOMA/LYMPIA 53! #EBU 0HILIPPINES 52-1_p81-87_Chro.idd82 07.12.4, 8:03 PM 9EAR 0RESIDENT #HAPTERS %VENTS 3PONSOR .OTES .ORMA 4ENNEKOON ND 7# 4OKYO %TSUKO (ATTORI #HERRY "LOSSOM 23' 53! *ACKSONVILLE 53! 7OLLONGONG !USTRALIA #APE 4OWN 3OUTH !FRICA -ALTA -ALTA )MPERIAL 0OLK 53! (1 OFFICE MOVED TO 3HUFUNOTOMO "LDG IN #HIYODAKU TH !USTRALASIAN 2# !DELAIDE -ARGARET (AGUE 3ASEBO *APAN #OLOGNE 'ERMANY ,UXEMBURG ST -ALTA 39-ONTREAL #ANADA 4IMARU .EW :EALAND TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# 3AN &RANCISCO "AY !REA 0UBLICATION CUT BACK TO MAGAZINES NEWSLETTERS AND (ANA +AGAMI A YEAR &OUNDER %LLEN 'ORDON !LLEN PASSED AWAY ,UCILLE (URLEY 'RACE #HASE 3T !NDREW *AMAICA *ONESBORO 53! 7ELLINGTON .EW :EALAND ,UCILLE (URLEY .APLES 53! .ICOSIA #YPRUS .ORTH 7EST ,ANCASHIRE 5+ #AGAYAN DE /RO 0HILIPPINES -OBILE 53! 4RAVERS #ITY 53! #HERRY 0OINT 53! 3UN #ITIES 53! (IAWATHA 6ALLEY 53! "OMBAY )NDIA $URBAN 3OUTH !FRICA $ES -OINES 53! "ATTLE #REEK 53! !SMARA 02/ %THIOPIA ,AS 6EGAS 02/ 53! TH !USTRALASIAN 2# -ELBOURNE %L 0ASO 53! "ANGKOK 4HAILAND +OBE *APAN #OLUMBIA 53! ,A 0AZ 02/ "OLIVIA 7INDHOEK .AMIBIA TH !USTRALASIAN 2# 3YDNEY -ARY &ORD TH "RITISH 39- ,ONDON TH !USTRALASIAN 2# "RISBANE ST 3OUTH !MERICAN 2# 3ANTIAGO -ONA ,UTZ 5JUNG 0ANDANG 02/ )NDONESIA )SRAEL )SRAEL TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# 7ASHINGTON $# TH "RITISH 39- ,ONDON RD 7# 4OKYO "IBERACH2ISS 'ERMANY !USTIN 02/ 53! &IRST MAGAZINE ISSUE FEATURING 7# PUBLISHED -ARGARET (AGUE !NTOINETTE !SHLEY 0RETORIA 3OUTH !FRICA "ERMUDA "ERMUDA !NN !RBOR 53! $URHAM 5+ #ONCEPTION #HILE $UNEDIN .EW :EALAND "UNDABERG !USTRALIA 4HE 4OMODACHI )NDIA -ONTEVIDEO 02/ 5RUGUAY 6ALDVIA 02/ #HILE 2EVISIONS BEGUN ON !RTICLES OF !SSOCIA TION TH "RITISH 39- ,ONDON 52-1_p81-87_Chro.idd83 07.12.4, 8:03 PM 9EAR 0RESIDENT #HAPTERS %VENTS 3PONSOR .OTES (ATSUMI 7HITEHEAD -ONTGOMERY 53! &AYETTEVILLE 53! -EDAN 02/ )NDONESIA TH !USTRALIA .EW :EALAND 2# 4IMARU $UNEDIN "LOEMFONTEIN 02/ 3OUTH !FRICA TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# $AYTON -IDORI 0URDY (ELSINKI &INLAND :AGREB 02/ 9UGOSLAVIA !SUNCION 0ARAGUAY &RANKFURT 'ERMANY +ARACHI 0AKISTAN #ORDOBA 02/ !RGENTINA /WENSBORO 53! +YOTO *APAN #HRISTCHURCH .EW :EALAND ST #YPRUS 39- .ICOSIA ST !3%!. 2# -ANILA TH !USTRALIA .EW :EALAND 2# !DELAIDE -ORISADA (OSOKAWA PRESIDENT OF .IHON )KEBANA 'EIJUTSU +YOKAI BECAME (ON ORARY !DVISOR 4ORONTO #ANADA TH 7# 3ILVER *UBILEE 4OKYO -/&! APPROVED REVISED !RTICLES OF !S SOCIATION AND )NTERNATIONAL "YLAWS )) PINS COMMEMORATING TH ANNIVER SARY MADE )EMOTO (IROSHI 4ESHIGAHARA OF THE 3OGETSU 3CHOOL BECAME &OUNDING &LOWER -ASTER !DVISOR 'ERALDINE ,ASH OF 7ASHINGTON $# APPOINTED NEW PARLIAMENTARIAN 2OSAMONDE & .AEGELE 7ILMINGTON 53! TH 7# DEMONSTRATIONS VIDEOTAPED AND AVAILABLE "ELGIUM "ELGIUM .ETHERLANDS .ETHERLANDS "ELFAST 5+ ND !3%!. 2# +UALA ,UMPUR TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# $ENVER $IRECTORY OF #ERTIFIED 4EACHERS !BROAD PRINTED 4HE %LLEN 'ORDON !LLEN -EMORIAL 'AR DEN INSTALLED AT 53 .ATIONAL !RBORE TUM IN 7ASHINGTON $# :URICH 3WITZERLAND 3HEFFIELD 5+ -ELBOURNE 53! 0OLICY CONCERNING COMPETITION RE AFFIRMED AS STATED IN "YLAWS UNDER -AFIKENG 02/ "OPHUTHATSWANA *AKARTA 02/ THE NAME OF )) EXHIBITIONS SHALL BE )NDONESIA 0ORT %LIZABETH TH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2# NONCOMPETITIVE 3OUTH !FRICA 7ELLINGTON $UBAI 5!% ST %UROPEAN 2# ,ONDON 9UKO -ATSUMURA RD !3%!. 2# 3INGAPORE )NTERNATIONAL 0ARLIAMENTARIAN CLARIFIED ND 3OUTH !MERICAN 2# !SUNCION CHAPTER ELECTION ISSUES TH "RITISH 39- ,ONDON TH 7# 3AKURA -EMBERSHIP $RIVE ST 3OUTH !FRICAN 23 *OHANNESBURG STARTED &IRST COMPUTER INSTALLED AT (1 0ORTUGAL 0ORTUGAL TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# .EW /RLEANS ST (ONG +ONG 39- (ONG +ONG -/&! AWARDED )) A CERTIFICATE OF COM MENDATION FOR ITS CULTURAL AND INTERNA TIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS 52-1_p81-87_Chro.idd84 07.12.4, 8:03 PM 9EAR 0RESIDENT #HAPTERS %VENTS 3PONSOR .OTES +AEKO .AKASHIMA 6IENNA !USTRIA TH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2# ,ISMORE "RISBANE 4OOWOOMBA "UNDABERG TH !3%!. 2# "ANGKOK TH 7# +YOTO TH 7# ISSUE PUBLISHED AS )) MAGAZINE )KEBANA -ATERIALS PUBLISHED #OMMEMORATIVE STAMP ISSUED BY -INISTRY OF 0OSTS AND 4ELECOMMUNICA TIONS &IRST HISTORY BOOK &RIENDSHIP THROUGH &LOWERS PUBLISHED 3ET OF NOTE CARDS FEATURING WORK OF IEMOTOS PUBLISHED TO ASSIST CHAPTERS ND %UROPEAN 2# ,UXEMBURG /PENED 53 ACCOUNT IN .EW 9ORK -ARILYN (OSKINS RD 3OUTH !MERICAN 2# "UENOS !IRES 4HE *ORDAN *ORDAN "ASEL 3WITZERLAND -EXICO #ITY -EXICO ,OUISE $AGGS 'OLD #OAST !USTRALIA ST !SIAN 2# *AKARTA /SORNO #HILE TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# 3AN $IEGO TH "RITISH 39- ,ONDON ND 3OUTH !FRICAN 23 0ORT %LIZABETH !3%!. 2# BECAME !SIAN 2# -/&! APPROVED AMENDMENTS OF !RTICLES OF !SSOCIATION INCLUDING LIFE MEMBER SHIP STATUS 4A+E.O+O -EMBERSHIP $RIVE STARTED #ASTILLON DU 'ARD &RANCE 3POKANE 53! -ONTEREY "AY 53! 0EORIA 53! RD %UROPEAN 2# 'ENEVA 0OSITION OF EXECUTIVE MANAGER CURRENTLY OFFICE MANGER SET IN (1 ADMINISTRA TION TH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2# 3YDNEY )) CHERRY BLOSSOM LOGO STANDARDIZED TH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2# #HRISTCHURCH TH 3OUTH !MERICAN 2# 3ANTIAGO +AREN 0INARD ND !SIAN 2# 4AIPEI &LOWER $ICTIONARY PUBLISHED &IRST ISSUE OF )) MAGAZINE REPRODUCED TH 7# 4OKYO 0UBLICATION OF /VERSEAS 4EACHERS $IREC TORY DISCONTINUED THE LAST ISSUE PUB LISHED IN TH %UROPEAN 2# .ETHERLANDS RD 3OUTH !FRICAN 23 (ARARE %STABLISHED 0AST 0RESIDENTIAL !DVISORS -EETING AND *APANESE #HAPTER 0RESI DENTS -EETING &IRST (EADMASTERS -EETING HELD /SAKA *APAN .ORIKO -ATSUDAIRA .ORIKO -ATSUDAIRA TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# 3HIZUOKA 02/ *APAN 0HILADELPHIA RD !SIAN 2# (ONG +ONG ()( 0RINCESS -IKASA (ONORARY 0A TRONESS OF 7ORLD #ONVENTIONS BECAME (ONORARY 0RESIDENT /UTDOOR %XHIBITION HELD AT 3HOWA -E MORIAL 0ARK AND PHOTO ALBUM PUB LISHED 52-1_p81-87_Chro.idd85 07.12.4, 8:03 PM 9EAR 0RESIDENT #HAPTERS %VENTS 3PONSOR .OTES 'ERALDINE ,ASH RESIGNED AS )NTERNATIONAL 0ARLIAMENTARIAN -ADRID 02/ 3PAIN 3ENDAI *APAN +ATHY 2OPER APPOINTED )NTERNATIONAL *OHOR "AHRU -ALAYSIA 3HINANO 02/ *APAN 0ARLIAMENTARIAN TH "RITISH 39- ,ONDON TH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2# -ELBOURNE $HAKA 02/ "ANGLADESH !MENDMENTS OF !RTICLES OF !SSOCIATION ST -IDDLE %ASTERN 23 4HE *ORDAN APPROVED BY -/&! 3TEPHANIE 4OMIYASU TH !SIAN 2# "ANGKOK 4RINIDAD AND 4OBAGO 02/ 4RINIDAD AND 4OBAGO &LOWER %XPRESSIONS FIRST LARGE PUBLIC EVENT HELD IN +YOTO -EMBERSHIP $RIVE STARTED /SLO .ORWAY 3PAIN #ASTELLANA 3PAIN TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# (ONOLULU TH %UROPEAN 2# #ASTILLON DU 'ARD )KEBANA %XHIBITION AT (IBIYA 0ARK IN 4OKYO )) EXCHANGE RATE SET AT *0953 )) WEBSITE SET UP )) FLAG MADE IN 53 FOR FUNDRAISING )NDEX OF )) MAGAZINES PUBLISHED BY .EW 9ORK AVAILABLE AT TH 7# "ANGALORE )NDIA TH !SIAN 2# .EW $ELHI /UTDOOR %XHIBITION HELD AT +ASAI 2INKAI 0ARK TH 7# .AGOYA TH !NNIVERSARY )NTERNET %XHIBITION OPENED ,INCOLNA - 'UILFOILE !NCHORAGE 53! "ERLIN 'ERMANY 0ARIS &RANCE 3TOCKHOLM 3WEDEN 0HOTO ALBUM -ETROPOLITAN 0ARK /PEN !IR )KEBANA %XHIBITION PUBLISHED &LOWER DICTIONARY &LORAL &OCUS PUBLISHED %MILY "ROWN 1UITO %CUADOR "OARD DECIDED NOT TO AUTHORIZE SYMPO SIUMS 'UIDELINES FOR 2#S UPDATED 3AN 3ALVADOR %L 3ALVADOR -EMBERS IN *APAN EACH DONATED (ANA #HAPTER OF "ELGIUM "ELGIUM *09 ANNUALLY FOR THREE YEARS TO -ONTERREY 02/ -EXICO SUPPORT FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES (YDERABAD )NDIA TH !SIAN 2# -ANILA $AVAO #AGAYAN DE /RO TH 3OUTH !FRICAN 23 *OHANNESBURG 0RETORIA TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# /TTAWA #ENTENNIAL TH "RITISH 39- $ERBYSHIRE TH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2# !UCKLAND .ORIKO -ATSUDAIRA 52-1_p81-87_Chro.idd86 07.12.4, 8:03 PM 9EAR 0RESIDENT #HAPTERS )STANBUL 02/ 4URKEY TH !USTRALIA.EW :EALAND 2# 3YDNEY TH !SIAN 2# +UALA ,UMPUR -ILLENNIUM 6IRTUAL %XHIBITION OPENED ON THE WEBSITE 'UIDELINES FOR 7#S SET 3ONG BY 6ALERIE %CCLESTON 7ASHINGTON $# SELECTED AS TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE SONG &ORM ! REVISED AND DISTRIBUTED 'UATEMALA 02/ 'UATEMALA TH 7# 9OKOHAMA !NNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES OF *09 APPROVED AT TH 7# ()( 0RINCESS -IKASA RETIRED AS (ONOR ARY 0RESIDENT %VENTS 3PONSOR .OTES !NNA .AKADA ()( 0RINCESS 4AKAMADO ASSUMED HONORARY PRESIDENCY .EW 52, ;HTTPIKEBANA(1ORG= ADOPTED TH !SIAN 2# 3INGAPORE (1 OFFICE MOVED TO -ISAKI "LDG IN #HIYODAKU #HAPTER REPORT FORMS REDESIGNED AND MADE AVAILABLE FOR FIRST TIME ONLINE -ICHIKO 3UZUKI 'URGAON 02/ )NDIA 9OSHIMASA 5SUI NAMED LEGAL ADVISOR ST !USTRALIA .EW :EALAND 2# !LL THE NECESSARY FORMS AVAILABLE ON THE 'OLD #OAST ,ISMORE INTERNET TH .ORTH !MERICAN 2# #HICAGO 3UBSIDIES FOR 2#S SETTLED )) MAGAZINE OUTSOURCED -ISSISSIPPI 53! -ILAN )TALY TH %UROPEAN 2# "ASEL :URICH "ERLIN AND "IBERACH 2ISS #HERRY -EMBERSHIP $RIVE INITIATED #HAPTER !CTIVITIES CHANGED FORMAT 3HIZUYO .AKAYAMA -OSCOW 02/ 2USSIA TH !SIAN 2# 4AIPEI -!, ANNUAL DUES PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD INSTITUTED ST -IDDLE %ASTERN 2# 4HE *ORDAN -ORISADA (OSOKAWA (ONORARY !DVISOR PASSED AWAY (1 SET POLICY ON 0ROTECTION OF 0ERSONAL )NFORMATION &AY +RAMER FIRST INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT PASSED AWAY 0ARTICIPATED IN *APAN+OREA 9EAR &RIENDSHIP #ELEBRATION IN 3EOUL TH 3OUTH !MERICAN 2# 1UITO 3UPPORTED CHARITY EVENTS OF +ARACHI FOR 0AKISTAN EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS ()( 0RINCESS 4AKAMADO CONTRIBUTED h.ETSUKEv ARTICLE TO )) MAGAZINE 0ANAMA 02/ 0ANAMA TH 7# 4OKYO $ISSOLVED (1(EADQUARTERS -/&!4HE -INISTRY OF &OREIGN!FFAIRS OF *APAN 02/0ROSPECTIVE 2#2EGIONAL #ONFERENCE 232EGIONAL 3YMPOSIUM 23'2EGISTERED 3TUDY 'ROUP 39-3YMPOSIUM 4OKYO &OUNDING #HAPTER 7#7ORLD #ONVENTION 52-1_p81-87_Chro.idd87 07.12.4, 8:03 PM &).,!.$ .%4(%2,!.$3 ./27!9 "%,')5- 37%$%. 2533)! $%.-!2+ 5+ '%2-!.9 */2$!. 0!+)34!. &2!.#% !5342)! 5!% 37)4:%2,!.$ 0/245'!, 30!). )4!,9 -!,4! #90253 %52/0% !5342)! "%,')5#90253 $%.-!2+ &).,!.$ &2!.#% '%2-!.9 )4!,9 -!,4! .%4(%2,!.$3 ./27!9 0/245'!, 2533)! 30!). 37%$%. 6IENNA (ANA OF "ELGIUM .ICOSIA #OPENHAGEN (ELSINKI 0ARIS #ASTILLON DU 'ARD #OLOGNE "IBERACH2ISS &RANKFURT "ERLIN -ILAN -ALTA .ETHERLANDS /SLO 0ORTUGAL -OSCOW 02/ -ADRID 02/ 3PAIN #ASTELLANA 3TOCKHOLM 3/54( !&2)#! 37)4:%2,!.$ 5+ 'ENEVA :URICH "ASEL ,ONDON -ANCHESTER "IRMINGHAM ,EICESTER (UDDERSFIELD $URHAM "ELFAST 3HEFFIELD -)$$,% %!34 */2$!. 5!% 4HE *ORDAN $UBAI !&2)#! 3/54( !&2)#! *OHANNESBURG 0RETORIA 0ORT %LIZABETH 52-1_p88-91_Map.idd88 07.12.4, 8:04 PM -APS OF )KEBANA )NTERNATIONAL #HAPTERS AS OF 3EPTEMBER +/2%! ).$)! "!.',!$%3( #().! (+ *!0!. 4!)7!. 4(!),!.$ 0(),)00).%3 !5342!,)! .%7 :%!,!.$ -!,!93)! !5342!,)! .%7 :%!,!.$ 3).'!0/2% ).$/.%3)! !3)! "!.',!$%3( $HAKA 02/ #().! (+ (ONG +ONG ).$)! .EW $ELHI "ANGALORE (YDERABAD 'URGAON 02/ -UMBAI 02/ ).$/.%3)! *AKARTA 02/ -EDAN 02/ *!0!. n 4OKYO &OUNDING /KINAWA +AMAKURA 3APPORO &UKUOKA .AGOYA +YOTO +OBE /SAKA 3ENDAI 3HINANO 02/ +/2%! 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