THE OPEN DOOR - Saint John`s Cathedral
THE OPEN DOOR - Saint John`s Cathedral
Life at your Cathedral Parish THE OPEN DOOR June / July 2013 Page 3 Page 6 & Lo aves Fishes Page 12 Staff and Vestry Clergy The Very Reverend Peter Eaton Rector and Dean, Ext. 7721 The Reverend Robert Hendrickson Sub-Dean, Ext. 7706 5 The Reverend Jadon D. Hartsuff Canon The Reverend Elizabeth Marie Melchionna, Canon The Reverend Charles LaFond Canon Steward CONTENT Elizabeth Costello Curate Senior Staff NEW CLERGY & STAFF BIOS Kim McPherson Director of Religious Education Ext. 7729 Mike Orr Communications Director Ext. 7730 13 MEMO FROM WARTBURG COLLEGE WEST 14 A LETTER FROM FORMER Curate BLake Sawicky 15 Vestry Tom Stoever, Senior Warden Frank Scott, Junior Warden Mary Ellen Williams, Treasurer David Abbott, Clerk Class of 2016 David Ball, Kat Challis, Jen Courtney-Keyse, Amanda Montague Class of 2015 Susan Chenier, Larry Kueter, Ned Rule, John van Camp Class of 2014 David Abbott, Newt Klusmire, Jim East, Mary Ellen Williams 6 A LETTER FROM FORMER SUB-DEAN DREW VAN CULIN Stephen Tappe Organist and Director of Music Ext. 7726 Tara Williams Director of Finance and Operations Ext. 7720 12 From the Dean: A New Chapter As June begins, we look to the sort of opportunity and excitement that comes to very few congregations ever. For we shall welcome a completely new group of clergy staff, as well as two other significant leaders. Robert Hendrickson is the new Sub-Dean (in succession to Drew), Elizabeth Marie Melchionna and Jadon Hartsuff are the two new Canons (replacing Rebecca Crummey and Elizabeth Randall), Elizabeth Costello is the new Curate (following Blake Sawicky), and Charles LaFond is our new Canon Steward (filling the shoes of Greg Movesian). All of these clergy bring considerable and varied gifts to us, and a deep commitment to the vision, mission and core values of the Cathedral. I am rather biased, of course, but they constitute, in my opinion, the strongest staff of any parish I know. In addition to these fine new clergy, we welcome Tara Williams as our new Director of Finance and Operations, who takes Mike Wright’s vacant position. And I am delighted to be able to name Greg Robbins, a long-standing parishioner, good friend, and superb theologian and teacher, to the stall of Canon Theologian of the Cathedral. As we welcome all these new people into their new responsibilities, and as we also welcome their families into our community, our first job is to ensure that they settle well and comfortably into their new jobs and homes. This is going to take a while, and it is our first priority. In a congregation of our size, it takes a priest a year to understand the full rhythm of life here, and with so many new clergy arriving at once, this is even more the case. Only then can the new staff be genuinely creative and effective leaders in all the new things we hope to accomplish over the next five years or so. So I hope that everyone will help with this. Make time to get to know your new clergy, as well as Tara, and Greg, if you do not already know him. They want to learn about our life and ministry, and we are the ones who shall teach them. The time that we spend now in building relationships in this way will pay big dividends as we move ahead once everyone is settled. We shall be looking at effective ways for us to interact in this first year so that we can lay the right kind of foundation. Our new staff are coming to us with tremendous enthusiasm and energy. The clergy are already sensitive pastors, and they will take their place immediately as those who care for us in need. As soon as they are comfortable with the weekday and Sunday liturgies, they will take their regular turns in presiding, and from Sunday, June 16, they will be preaching their first sermons to us. It takes time for a priest to learn to preach to a new congregation, and it takes time for a congregation to learn to hear a new voice, but over the summer we shall have a good opportunity to hear all our new clergy speak to us and begin to listen to their distinctive reflections. Tara, too, will be learning quickly and taking the lead in a number of the annual systems that make the Cathedral’s life work, like our budget process. So we are about to embark on “a new chapter with a new Chapter.” A Cathedral Chapter is the group of full-time clergy who, with the Dean, are the pastors, priests, and teachers of the community. As the Canon Theologian, Greg will also have an honorary place among us. And our associate clergy continue to have a valued place in our common life. Please join us on Sunday, June 6, at 10:00 am for a great and unique celebration of our life. Thanks to our Clergy Associates We are fortunate to have several clergy associates – clergy who are either retired or who have other work – who are attached to the Cathedral and who help us in a number of ways. These clergy are our former bishop, Bishop Jerry Winterrowd, as well as Sally Brown, Gary Brower, Stu Jones, Paul Spurlock, and Bob Thompson. I would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to them for their faithful service to the Cathedral, and especially for the help that they have given during this season of clergy departures and arrivals. They have been willing help, and I am deeply thankful to them. 3 Summer Service Times Sunday, May 26 through September 8 8:00 am, 10:00 am, & 6:00 pm The Wilderness Nursery: 9:30 am - 12:00 pm (ages 0 - 3), 5:30 - 7:30 pm (all ages) Summer Children’s Chapel: 10:00 am (beginning June 9) 4 Saint John’s Cathedral to Host the Association of Anglican Musicians (AAM) National Conference June 27 – July 4 Two hundred church musicians of the Anglican persuasion will soon be descending on Denver and Colorado Springs for their annual gathering. Some events require tickets, but the services and performances listed below are open to all. An AAM member since 1978, Stephen Tappe, the Cathedral organist and director of music, is co-chairing the conference with Joseph Galema, longtime music director and Academy organist at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs. The Rev. Barbara Cawthorne Crafton, Conference Preacher, will speak at each principal liturgy beginning Monday. Sunday, June 30 Evensong, Saint John’s. 5:00 pm. Come at 4:45 pm for the 15-minute voluntary before the service, which will be officiated by Dean Peter Eaton. The Cathedral Choir will sing. Reception follows. Monday, July 1 through Thursday, July 4 Choral Matins, Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 2015 Glenarm Place, 7:30 am each day. Monday, July 1 Voluntary before the Opening Eucharist. Following Choral Matins at Saint Andrews, AAM musicians move to Saint John’s for a 15-minute voluntary to begin at 9:45 am. The Opening Eucharist for the conference begins at 10:00 am. Concert, Saint Martin’s Chamber Choir, Saint Paul Lutheran at 16th Ave. and Grant St., 7:30 pm. Tickets will be available ($25) at 7:00 pm. Tuesday, July 2 On July 2, the conference moves to Colorado Springs for the day. Organ recital, Dongho Lee, 11:00 am, USAFA Cadet Chapel. Ms. Lee was awarded both the First Prize (the Lilian Murtagh Memorial Prize) and the Audience Prize in the 2010 American Guild of Organists’ National Young Artists Competition in Organ Performance. Noon Prayer, 12:00 pm, USAFA Cadet Chapel. Concert, Colorado Vocal Arts Ensemble, 7:00 pm. Grace and Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church at 601 N. Tejon. Tickets at $25 are available at 6:30 pm. Wednesday, July 3 The conference participants return to Denver after the CVAE concert at Grace and Saint Stephen’s. Carillon performance, Carol Jickling Lens. University of Denver, 12:15 pm. Jickling Lens is a Cathedral parishioner, choir member, and DU Carillonneur. Concert, Denver Brass & Organ (organist Joseph Galema). University of Denver, 2:00 pm. The concert takes place in Hamilton Hall, Lamont School of Music. Open to the public. Worship, Christ Church at 2950 S. University Blvd, Monastic Office of None (Ninth Hour), 3:30 pm. Thursday, July 4 Closing Eucharist, Saint John’s Cathedral, 4:00 pm. Bishop Keith Whitmore, AAM chaplain, will preside. Come early to hear an extended prelude. Additional Conference Information & Volunteering Registered conference participants will be attending a host of panel presentations and workshops, but everyone is invited to the events listed here. For more info, please visit Conference volunteers are in great need, and there are many ways help. For more information, please contact Abbi Chapman at [email protected]. 5 > PRAYERS FOR OUR CLERGY & STAFF Please pray for Blake as he prepares to move to his new post in Providence, and please pray for Robert, Elizabeth Marie, Jadon, Elizabeth, and Charles, and their families as they move to Denver over the next several weeks to join us. Please also remember Tara and Greg as they assume new responsibilities in our community, and for Abbie and Carol, as they move on to new opportunities. > CHAPTER INSTALLATION Sunday, June 9 at 10:00 am Bishop O’Neill will be with us on Sunday, June 9, for the 10:00 am Eucharist to install and license the new clergy staff and the honorary Canon Theologian. The installation of new Chapter members at the Cathedral is always a significant event in our life, and this one will be particularly impressive, as we shall be installing five new clergy at once as well as a lay Canon and the Director of Finance and Administration into new Cathedral responsibilities. This will be the first time we shall see our new clergy staff in public worship, and I hope that you will join us to help welcome an impressive new group of talented clergy to our staff and into our Cathedral community. > THANK YOU I would like to take this opportunity to thank the two advisory committees that have helped me in the new appointments that have been made. While it is the Dean’s responsibility to appoint all staff, it has always been my practice to involve advisory committees to help me do this. Diane Barrett, Kat Challis, Jay Swope, Drew Van Culin, Mary Ellen Williams, Mary Frances Kelley, Jim East, Mike Orr, and Carolyn McCormick have put in a great deal of time and energy into this work over the last year, and I am very grateful to them for their attentiveness and hard work. 6 Peter The Reverend Robert Hendrickson appointed the next Sub-Dean We are delighted to announce that we have appointed the Reverend Robert Hendrickson to be Drew’s successor as the Sub-Dean. He and his wife, Karrie, will join us in June. Robert is currently the program director of the Saint Hilda’s House young adult residential internship program and the Ascension House intentional community and curate at Christ Church, New Haven. He is also the missioner for Ascension Church in the Hill/Iglesia de la Ascensión (a parochial mission parish of Christ Church). His recently completed book, Yearning: Young Adults, Authentic Transformation, and the Church, which will be out in November. He earned the degree of Master of Divinity at the General Theological Seminary in NYC in 2009 and was ordained to the priesthood in the Diocese of Connecticut. Robert has also worked with the Ecumenical Office of the Episcopal Church and is a co-founder of the Society of Catholic Priests. Previously, he studied at the University of Mississippi, Cornell University, and Beijing Foreign Studies University and worked as the Communications Manager for Brooks Brothers. He is married to Dr. Karrie Cummings Hendrickson who is a professor of nursing in New Haven where they have lived since 2004. Robert and Kerrie are avid hikers and travelers with a burgeoning interest in taking up kayaking. They have two plump cats, one dolorous Basset hound, and one very brave dachshund puppy. The Reverend Jadon D. Hartsuff appointed a Canon We are also delighted to announce that we have appointed the Reverend Jadon Hartsuff to fill the Canon’s position that has been vacant since Elizabeth Randall left the staff several years ago. He will also be joining us in early June. Born and raised in Michigan, Jadon studied Economics and Management before his first career took him to Chicago and California where he managed corporate giving for a consortium of private colleges, served as a consultant in the hospitality sector, and led sales and distribution offices for Ciao Bella Gelato Company. In response to the tragedies of 9/11, he also served as a Mandarin Chinese linguist in the Army’s Intelligence Corps. Always keen one day to build and manage a firm of his own, Jadon took the opportunity to do so in collaboration with a well-established Beverly Hills interior designer - managing major projects in Europe and the Middle East for members of the Saudi Royal Family. Jadon’s call to the priesthood was nurtured at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, in Beverly Hills, California. He earned the degree of Master of Divinity with Honors as well as a graduate certificate in spiritual direction from General Seminary in NYC. He has served in a wide variety of church contexts including an Old Catholic cathedral in Switzerland, a one-room schoolhouse church, an Episcopal chaplaincy to seafarers at the Port of Newark, and a vibrant suburban parish in Bronxville, New York. Jadon comes to Denver having served most recently as Curate of the Dean’s former parish, Saint James, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 7 The Reverend Elizabeth Marie Melchionna appointed a Canon We are also delighted to announce that we have appointed the Reverend Elizabeth Marie Melchionna to succeed the Reverend Rebecca Crummey as a Canon of the Cathedral. She, her husband, Will, and their seven-yearold son, Liam, will also join us in June. Elizabeth Marie (she uses both names, and that will help us to keep her and Elizabeth distinct in our conversations!) is a wife, mother, and priest. As a native of Roanoke, VA, Elizabeth Marie has strong family ties to southwestern Virginia. She has lived, worked, or studied in Alaska, Virginia, North Carolina, Madagascar, England, New Zealand, and Thailand. Elizabeth Marie worked as a field instructor for a New Zealand study abroad program and canoeing instructor in North Carolina. She later won a fellowship from the Henry Luce Foundation to teach at the McGilvary College of Divinity and to facilitate interfaith dialogue at the Institute for the Study of Religion, Culture, and Peace, both in Chiang Mai, Thailand. During the last seven years Elizabeth Marie has served parishes in Arlington, VA, Davidson, NC, and at Davidson College with responsibilities in pastoral care, faith formation, youth and young adults, newcomers, parish administration, campus ministry, and conflict transformation. She studied English, Anthropology, and French at Davidson College and graduated with a B.A. in English. She holds a Masters of Divinity from Yale Divinity School, summa cum laude, as well as diplomas from the Yale Institute of Sacred Music, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, and Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding. Elizabeth Marie is married to Will Roberts, who has a Master’s Degree from University of Colorado-- Boulder in Anthropology, Museum and Field Studies. He has extensive experience in cultural sector management, museum exhibit design and preparation, and grants/donor relations management. 8 Elizabeth Costello appointed the next Curate We are delighted to be able to announce that we have appointed Mrs. Elizabeth Costello to be Blake’s successor as the Curate of Saint John’s Cathedral. She and her husband, Joe, will join us in June. Elizabeth is currently a candidate for ordination in the Diocese of North Carolina, and a student at Yale Divinity School where she is pursuing a Master of Sacred Theology (STM) and a Certificate in Anglican Studies at Berkeley Divinity School, which will be granted in May. She holds the degree of Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Duke Divinity School. Previously, Elizabeth served as a Director of Christian Formation at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church (Burlington, NC) and Youth/Children’s Worker at Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church (Buckinghamshire, UK). She has also worked with the homeless at a hostel in Oxford (UK), lived with asylum seekers and refugees at Saint Francis House (also in Oxford), and co-founded the Community of the Franciscan Way, a Catholic Worker community in the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina that provides hospitality to the homeless in Durham, NC. Her husband, Joe Wolyniak is a DPhil candidate in theology at the University of Oxford studying Science and Religion. Elizabeth and Joe enjoy traveling, running, hiking and camping, cooking, rich conversation, and time with loved ones. She will be ordained as a transitional deacon on June 29, 2013, by the Bishop of North Carolina at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Raleigh. The Reverend Canon Charles LaFond appointed the Canon Steward We are pleased to welcome the Reverend Charles LaFond to succeed Greg Movesian and to be with us as Canon Steward. Charles comes to us from a long and effective history of strategic planning, annual and capital campaign design, and planned giving program management, among other areas of ministry and congregational development. He will also join us in June. Charles is the Canon for Congregational Life in the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire where he cares for and encourages the spiritual growth and non-profit management of the 47 diocesan churches especially around raising money, raising people and developing fresh expressions of ministry. His own ministry began as a corporate non-profit development officer, during which he raised an estimated $30 million for the YMCA of Greater Richmond, Virginia, over nine years. has for seven years lived on a farm in the woods of New Hampshire with his companion black Labrador retriever named “Kai.” Dr. Gregory Robbins appointed Honorary Canon Theologian We are also delighted to announce that we have appointed Dr. Gregory Robbins as the Honorary Canon Theologian of the Cathedral. This appointment is an honorary one, and recognizes Greg’s contribution as a lay theologian and the close relationship that exists between the Cathedral and Iliff School of Theology. Greg’s duties as Canon Theologian will consist mostly of preaching and teaching at the Cathedral. He will be installed with the other new members of the Chapter on Sunday, June 9, at the 10:00 am Eucharist. Charles has taught stewardship design as a guest faculty member at Virginia Theological Seminary, leads stewardship webinars for the Episcopal Church Foundation, is on the TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship) Board of Directors and is on the Presiding Bishop’s Advisory Council for the Episcopal Church’s Financial Development Office. Charles is a frequent blogger at, writes a bimonthly article on domestic spirituality and is the author of Fearless Church Fundraising: The Practical and Spiritual Approach to Stewardship. Greg is chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Denver and director of the Anglican Studies Program at the Iliff School of Theology. He specializes in the history of Christianity and its scriptures. Regular course offerings include a survey of the New Testament, an introductory Church history sequence, and readings in early Christian classics. Film is a passion of Greg’s, and his “Jesus on the Silver Screen” course is one of the Department’s most popular. He is currently at work on a book-length project entitled, Adam & Eve at the Movies: Cinematic Transformations of Genesis 1-11. In his second decade of ministry, he served as an episcopal priest and spent three of those years as a monk at the Society of Saint John the Evangelist. Charles has been in parish ministry alongside his diocesan responsibilities serving as Priest Associate at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Nashua, New Hampshire, and has been Chaplain to the New Hampshire State Senate for the past five years. Charles is a member of the Episcopal Church’s Executive Council from Province I and serves on its Executive Committee. Charles is a potter and Dr. Robbins received his M.Div. degree from Yale University and his Ph.D. from Duke University. He has authored two books, Exploring the New Testament and Intrigue in the Garden: Genesis 1-3 in the History of Exegesis, numerous entries in the Anchor Bible Dictionary and The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, articles in Studia Patristica, and contributions to the Feasting on the Word and Feasting on the Gospels commentary series. In 1990, he received the Burlington-Northern Award for Teaching Excellence. (continued on page 10) 9 (continued from page 9) Greg is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the Department of Religious Studies and the School of Music at Indiana University, and is working with Stephen Tappe to the plan the worship services for the annual conference of the Association of Anglican Musicians, which convenes this summer in Denver. Greg serves on the boards of directors of Saint Martin’s Chamber Choir, Saint Elizabeth’s School, and the Society for Values in Higher Education. He is vice president and program chair of the Rocky Mountain-Great Plains region of the American Academy of Religion/Society for Biblical Literature. Tara Williams appointed Director of Finance and Operations We are delighted to announce that we have appointed Tara Williams to the Director of Finance and Operations position that has been vacant for over a year and a half. She will join us in late May. Tara is a nonprofit executive with over 15 years of financial and administrative management experience incorporating collaboration, innovation, and technology to facilitate strategic change. Her focus is on supporting the nonprofit dual-bottom line of financial strength and mission fulfillment. In her most recent position(s) as Chief Financial Officer and Director of Administration and Finance at Veterans Green Jobs, Tara spent three years launching, growing and managing an organization that received over $15 million in government contracts, employed 65 staff, weatherized over 3000 homes, and found employment opportunities for over 300 veterans. Prior to that, Tara was the owner of Dollar-Sense, a successful accounting and bookkeeping company geared to serving non-profit organizations. A graduate of Brown University, Tara also worked as a social worker in San Francisco and Baltimore and as a program associate with Maryland Nonprofits, and in management with the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art. She has lived in Boulder since 1997 and in her non-work time enjoys all that Colorado has to offer with her 5 ½ year old daughter and 11 year old dog. Her other interests include hiking, running, camping, good local food, and reading a great novel. 10 Abbi Chapman to attend Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore After five years of faithful and good service as the Administrative Assistant in our Music Department and as a staff singer, Abbi Chapman will leave in August to enter a Master of Music degree program in Voice at The Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Established in 1857, Peabody is America’s first conservatory of music, and one of the premiere music institutions in the country. It is an accomplishment and an honor to be accepted into a program there, and we are proud to be sending Abbi to this very fine school from Saint John’s Cathedral. Abbi’s last day in the Music Office will be Thursday, August 15, marking her fifth anniversary of joining the Cathedral staff. Her last Sunday with us as a staff singer in the Cathedral Choir will be August 18 and we shall celebrate with her after the 10:00 am service on the East Lawn. We wish her and her husband Peter well on this new adventure. Carol Mohr, Christian Education Assistant, Farewell After six years of faithful and good service as the Christian Education Assistant, Carol Mohr will leave our staff at the end of May. In her time with us, she has helped with all the details of the Christian Formation Program, including camp and day camp, seasonal events, baptism classes, and resources for adult classes and our children’s stewardship campaign. Carol has been an example for us all in her faith, always willing to step up to new tasks with a smile. Whether on the phone or in person, Carol has lived out Jesus’ commandment to love one another. Joyce Louise White 1927-2013 By Ann Jones, Librarian Joyce White is remembered by many at Saint John’s Cathedral as the loving and gifted librarian who for over twenty years gave dedicated service to the library at Saint John’s. Bishop O’Neill & Joyce White, Library, Sept 8, 2005 Under her stewardship the library grew into a viable source for clergy and lay people alike. Joyce received an undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania University at a time, says former Canon Jean Clift, “when she, as a woman, had to sit in the balcony in order to study her chosen subjects”. She went on to obtain Masters Degrees in both Library Science and Religion, and through a long career she served as head librarian at Pennsylvania University, archivist at St. Francis Boys’ Home in Salina, Kansas, and library director at St. Thomas Theological Seminary in Denver. In addition to her other skills, Joyce loved research, and in 2003 she published her book Colorado Episcopal Clergy in the 19th Century: a Biographical Register, which is still in use as a valuable historical resource. At a sherry party given in her honor in Saint John’s library at the time of her retirement in 2005, Bishop Rob O’Neill recalled that it was he who asked Joyce if she could “do something about the library.” She could, and did, and we are all grateful for her life of dedicated service. A final loving remembrance—“She loved the Cathedral and donated her time and skill here, loving the Cathedral as much as she loved her cats—maybe more!” 11 & Loaves & Fishes: Lo aves Fishes Food Drive Supporting Metro CareRing Just as Christ fed the 5,000, we too are charged to feed the hungry. At Saint John’s, the celebration of the miracle of the Loaves and Fishes will be July 28. On that day, the Urban and Social Concerns Commission of Saint John’s asks your support for the annual food collection benefitting Metro CareRing. Last year we collected close to 5,000 pounds of food, and this year our goal is to exceed that amount. Bags with lists of the food most needed will be distributed after every service on July 7, and a representative from Metro CareRing will be at the 10:00 am service that day to talk about serving people who are hungry in our community. On July 28, please bring non-perishable food or financial contributions to church. After the 10:00 am service, we’ll caravan to Metro CareRing at 18th and Downing to deliver the food. Loaves and Fishes is one of our most important outreach projects of the year. Why do we put so much emphasis on this food drive? It’s because hunger is everywhere in our community, and this is our time to provide a caring ministry to our neighbors in need. There is hunger in Denver: • 1 out of 3 children in Denver live below the poverty line. • More than 25% of working families in Colorado do not have enough food to meet basic needs. • Children who are food insecure are two times more likely to be obese than their peers who have access to enough food at all times. • A child who goes hungry just once in his or her life is 2 ½ times more likely to have poor overall health 10-15 years later. • Metro CareRing distributes more than 1,000,000 pounds of nutritious food each year. • Local food drives account for 25% of the food at Metro CareRing. • 96% of the food distributed is donated from local businesses, grocery stores, organizations, individuals, and communities of faith. Source: Loaves and Fishes Day is our time to help combat hunger in Denver and to be a tangible witness to the living power and presence of God among us. At St. John’s, the food collection for Metro CareRing is organized by the Urban and Social Concerns Commission. Please contact Diane Neumann of the USCC at 303-638-5082 if you can help with this event. 12 L o aves F is h e s & “You have helped shaped me as a priest, father, and friend...” Dear Friends, It was with excitement and sadness that I accepted the call to serve as the 10th Rector of Christ Church Grosse Pointe and, as this new ministry begins, I cannot help but give thanks to you as a community for your affection and care these past years. The opportunity to serve as rector will present me with many new challenges that will demand the best of my skills and my continued development as a priest and for that I am excited. Unfortunately, it also demanded our departure from a wonderful community of friends that not only has been personally formative for me, but extremely rewarding for my family. Together, you have helped shaped me as a priest, father, and friend, and for that I am most grateful. And yet, the greatest gift Jessica and I have received has been the great love that you have extended to us personally and to our children from our initial reception on 20 December 2009 through the birth of our daughter, Catherine. Your love extended throughout our ministry and life in Denver and was evidenced again at my Installation and Welcome as Dean Eaton preached and Tom and Kris Stoever joined in the celebration. It is such love that has made my ministry with you as rewarding and joyous as it was, and for that Jessica and I remain abundantly grateful. Jessica and I cannot thank you enough for your great care for us, and we look forward with hopeful expectation to a return someday to Denver to renew friendships and to hear and see the many great new ministries of Saint John’s. With affection and gratitude, Drew 13 Memo from Wartburg College West Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Kin at Saint John’s, We celebrate the partnership between Saint John’s Cathedral and Wartburg College, officially launched on Sunday, April 28 with the signing of the covenant document by Dean Peter Eaton and President Darrell Colson in Dagwell Hall. The people who were here from Wartburg College for this weekend celebration of our new partnership sincerely appreciated the welcome and hospitality they received from all of you. Almost the entire President’s Cabinet was in Denver for the occasion; it was the largest representation from the college administration in Denver at one time, and it could not have been a more positive, affirming, auspicious event. The enthusiasm for the future of this partnership that was generated can hardly be overstated. In addition, the director and members of the Wartburg choir were thrilled by the opportunity to perform at the Cathedral and by the reception they received on April 26th. So THANK YOU. During May, Wartburg will be moving furniture into apartments in the Kimberly across 14th Ave., the first group of Wartburg students will be occupying 14 apartments on May 30, and we will be in the process of moving into our office and classroom space on the Cathedral grounds. The summer students will be doing internships in and around Denver everywhere from Denver Health to Visit Denver to Comedy Works to Metro State University and more. As Directors of the Wartburg West program, we are very excited about our new location at Saint John’s, not just for the facilities but for the location in Capitol Hill and the community represented here. We are eager for our program to become integrated into the life of this neighborhood. We are also excited and hopeful about further developing our relationship to Saint John’s through its ministries of worship, music, education, fellowship, and community service. We plan to keep you informed of significant events and developments with this program and the college. Meanwhile, please visit and “like” Wartburg West on Facebook. With a call to Common Mission, The Reverends Nelson and Bonita Bock, ELCA Co-Directors, Wartburg West “There are countless moments that I treasure in my memory from my time with you...” Dear People of Saint John’s, It is hard to say thank you enough for all the love, support, and encouragement you have given me these last two years. You have invited me into your homes, into your families, into your lives. I have been privileged to celebrate with you at baptisms and weddings, to be with you in hospital rooms and at deathbeds, to run into you in the hallways at church, in the grocery store, even in airports and out of state; and even to be dunked by you into the tank on Saint John’s Day! You have shown me what it is to be generous, to offer yourself freely on behalf of another. You have taught me to be a priest. It is hard to describe how quickly you have entered my heart and impressed yourselves upon my spirit. There are countless moments that I treasure in my memory from my time with you, and I will cherish them all the more in Rhode Island: as a new priest many of them are firsts, but many more of them are simply the kaleidoscope of shining glimpses of the face of God which you have given me through your lives. I will miss all of you deeply, and will keep you in my prayers. “Walk in love as Christ loved us, and gave himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God.” Yours faithfully, Blake 15 OuT oF THe ARCHIVeS fellow who set fire to the cathedral. There were some clues, but they developed nothing. When the chap that did it gets into the other world he’ll preach against hellfire, I warrant you.” He was never caught in this world. Dreaming of a New Cathedral A meeting of the congregation was held at Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church less than a month after the fire to “consider and determine the question of a change in the location of the Cathedral.” The minutes report that it had “by far the largest attendance at a parish meeting for many years.” A newspaper reported more than 500 present, the prevailing sentiment favoring the building of a new cathedral on Capitol Hill. Despite a few who believed that the burned building should be restored and the cathedral remain where it was, a vote was taken, resulting in a nearly unanimous decision to move to a more central location. The details were referred to a committee chaired by S. F. Rathvon, senior warden. by Robert “Woody” Woodward 1931-2007, Cathedral Archivist for over 30 years Published May 1990, Open Door “A miscreant set fire to the Old Cathedral on Friday night, May 15, 1903.” so wrote H. Martyn Hart, first dean of Saint John’s, in his Recollections and Reflections. The minutes of a vestry meeting held later that night acknowledged communications from the Peoples Tabernacle, Trinity Methodist, Central Presbyterian, First Congregational, Temple Emanuel, and other churches tending their sympathies and offering to share their places of worship. The next day, Dean Hart published the following notice, “My Dear Friends - Nothing could exceed the depths of universal sympathy which the loss of our beautiful church has evoked.... We have finally concluded to hold our early communion at 7:30 every Sunday morning in the Central Presbyterian Church....As all our books are soaked, we will not have any mid-day service tomorrow, but for the future we have accepted the kind loan of the Jewish synagogue at the corner of 16th and Pearl streets, wherein to hold our 11 o’clock service and the Sunday school at 3 o’clock... Cast down. but not destroyed.” This was the arrangement for seven months, until November. The vestry minutes record that Central Presbyterian will charge $50 rent for the early service was suggested by the Dean that we accept the proposition of Reverend Houghton to join with him at St. Mark’s for our early Sunday morning service.” Immediately after the fire the vestry offered a reward of $1000 for the apprehension and conviction of the person who set the fire. Later one of the newspapers reported the Dean as saying, “We haven’t caught the 16 By the end of June of that year, 20 lots on the half block bounded by 14th Avenue, Washington and Clarkson streets were purchased. This location was opposite Wolfe Hall. the Episcopal Girls School (located where Morey Middle School is today). Most of the rest of the block was owned by the Diocese. Second Cathedral Winning Design Soon a circular announcing a “Competition for a church building to be erected in the City of Denver” was sent to eight architects, offering $150 as incentive for their designs. Other architects applied, until 18 architects submitted a total of 19 designs by November 20, 1903. Six were from Colorado, two from London, and the rest from the eastern states. A building committee was quickly formed and met with Mr. Swartwout in December 1903. To provide temporary quarters for the congregation, a Chapter House was designed by Tracy & Swartwout, and James Murdock, a local architect, was hired to supervise construction. Murdock had designed St. Luke’s Church, Montclair, and the Chapel of Our Merciful Savior (All Saints) in west Denver, both built in 1890. In 1896, he became the construction superintendent for the Colorado State Capitol. The Chapter House was completed in August 1904. Second Cathedral Second Design A consulting architect, Thomas Walsh, made the following recommendation: “Design number 14... [it] is well planned and of good proportions. There is no particular attempt at originality; the author being evidently content to follow conventional lines. This design is, apparently, a happy solution of the the writer’s opinion, this design should be placed first.” And so the design of the firm of Tracy & Swartwout of New York City was chosen. It was immediately apparent that the winning design could not be built within the dollar limitation set forth in the competition. Tracy & Swartwout were told to modify the design and prepare working drawings. The design was for the complete cathedral: the working drawings were for the “church” - the nave of the cathedral and a temporary chancel. “The dream was about to become a reality.” The second and third place designs were both submitted by Ralph Adams Cram of Boston, well-known master of the Gothic Revival style who redesigned the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York in 1911. In correspondence from Cram to the vestry, he argued that we should have chosen an architect rather than a specific design. The same year he submitted one of his designs for a similar competition held by the Military Academy at West Point, where his design for the chapel was selected. Cram wrote in December 1903, “Of all the means in use for selecting an architect for a given piece of work, a competition is the most inadequate.” In 1908, Cram did design a Denver church - Trinity Memorial at 2035 Glenarm, just east of the former site of the first St. John’s Cathedral. In 1919, Trinity Memorial Church became St. Andrew’s, currently our mission church. The modified design for the cathedral was received in July 1904, but working drawings were not forthcoming. At the urging of Dean Hart and the building committee, Tracy & Swartwout provided drawings for the foundation. Under Mr. Murdock’s direction, the foundation was completed in April 1906. Shortly before its completion, the working drawings for the nave arrived, more than a year and a half after the design was submitted. Bids Construction Crew, 1908 17 received in May indicated that the modified design would cost about $300,000, which was more than twice the amount allowed. The building committee rejected the plans and called on Tracy & Swartwout to again submit new plans that would comply with the terms of the competition. The working drawings that were actually used were not received until November 1907. A low bid of $160,000 from contractor Orvid Olsen was submitted. Although this was more than planned for, the building committee didn’t want to start over again. The Denver Republican reported the laying of the cornerstone on Sunday. January 24, 1908, nearly five years after the first cathedral was destroyed. The order of service indicates that Bishop Charles Sanford Olmsted and Dean H. Martyn Hart laid the stone for the Cathedral Church of St. John the Evangelist. The dream was about to become a reality. Bishop Olmsted, Blessing of the Cornerstone 18 Library News The coming of summer often brings with it the excitement of plans for travel and new opportunities for broadening our horizons. For many, travel also takes the form of pilgrimage, visiting places with special associations and meaningful connections. On display for the next few months in your library will be books such as “The art of pilgrimage”, “The Pilgrim’s way: shrines and saints in Britain and Ireland”, and “Colorado’s sanctuaries, Retreats and Sacred Places”. Active travelers might be interested in Bruce Feiler’s “Walking the Bible”, or the journey through Umbria and Tuscany described in “On the road with Francis of Assisi”, or the beautiful account of spiritual renewal on the Camino de Santiago in Kerry Eagan’s “Fumbling”. Summer Schedule Throughout the summer months, the Cathedral library will continue to be open on Sunday mornings, and on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. To provide inspiration for other destinations, come browse our large collection of beautiful art books about churches and cathedrals, tapestries and paintings, stone and stained glass. To request a book or arrange other visiting times, email volunteer librarian Ann Jones at [email protected]. 19 Gift for New Vestments in Honor of the Dean’s Ministry Recently the Cathedral received a major gift of $15,000 in honor of the Dean’s ministry to go towards the purchase of new vestments for the Cathedral. The gift was made by His Beatitude Theophilos III, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, in recognition of the work that the Dean has done, and continues to do, on behalf of the Patriarchate and the Christian communities in the Holy Land. Archbishop Aristarchos, the Secretary of the Patriarchate and Patriarchal Librarian, also made a generous gift. This brings the total in the New Vestment Fund to $85,514. This is not all that we need, but it is enough to begin, and as soon as we have firm estimates from the vestment makers, we shall proceed to replace each color of vestments as we can. The Fund is still open, and will remain open, until the re-vesting of the Cathedral is completed. If you would like to donate a set of vestments, or part of a set, in memory of a loved one, or in thanksgiving for some good thing in your life, please contact Michelle in the Dean’s Office, [email protected]. We hope to be able to complete this project over the next 18 months or so, so that we have the proper vestments that we need for the worship of God. The Curate’s Ordination June 29 in Raleigh, NC Although Elizabeth Costello will be licensed as the Curate on June 9 when the Canons are installed, she will not be ordained a deacon until June 29 in Raleigh, NC. She will begin her work as usual with the other members of the Chapter, and we shall see her vested and with the clergy in the chancel on Sundays. She will take on all her duties except those that are specific to a deacon, and she will exercise that ministry after she returns from her ordination. As usual when a curate is ordained to the diaconate somewhere else, the Dean will attend her ordination and represent the Cathedral, and will be one of her formal Presenters at the service. Please keep Elizabeth and her husband, Joe, in your prayers, as she prepares for this significant event in her life, and we look forward to Elizabeth exercising the ministry of a deacon among us. Her ordination as a priest will take place sometime in 2014. 20 If you stop by Dagwell Hall on a Monday night, you will see 20 homeless women finding a safe and welcoming sanctuary. As part of the Women’s Homeless Initiative, we are one of seven churches providing a hot meal and a place to sleep. But what we do best is treat our guests with respect and dignity. One even told us after a very challenging week that she knew if she could just get to Saint John’s, then everything would be all right. Who are these women who stay with us? They are young, they are old, they are funny, they are scared. One arrived who hadn’t eaten in two days. Another showed up on a cold night with only two towels wrapped around her shoulders for a coat. Some feel forgotten. Many feel despair. One woman told us that she didn’t think even God cared about her anymore. But we were here to remind her that He does. Being homeless is tiring. And that is how they arrive at Saint John’s. They know that they are safe with us but that is not all that they seek. Because when they arrive, our volunteers call them by name and show them that not only are they truly cared about, but that they matter, to the volunteers, to our parish community, and to God. They often say how unbelievable it is that perfect strangers are willing to help them. We witness their struggles but they are also witnesses to the outpouring of generosity and Christian love that expects nothing in return. Sometimes the stories we hear can be heartbreaking. But we also have the chance to see God’s grace. We see it in the kindness they show each other, and in the kindness that they allow us to share with them. These women live in a world where they are often made to feel as if they don’t belong. But God never intended for there to be an “us” and a “them.” And that is what is so amazing at Saint John’s because on Monday nights, it is all “us.” Although the stories our guests share can be heartbreaking, we also have the gift of laughter, fun stories, silliness over which color to paint fingernails (“Do you think the glitter is too much?”), great satisfaction when creating a water color, accolades all around for a beautifully crocheted afghan, and rueful comments that “If I could just quit smoking, I wouldn’t need to stand out here in the snow.” Our guests are us, and we are them. And we all belong to God. There are opportunities for everyone to share in the village that is the Women’s Homeless Initiative, and we hope you’ll consider joining us; we encourage both women and men to be a part of the program. We especially need volunteers for the overnight team, but every team is essential to the program and every prayer and every moment spent helping our guests is most welcome. If you would like more information about what we do or would like to be added to our email list, please contact Site Coordinator Sue Abbott at [email protected]. 21 2: The Nursery Picnic will be in the Nursery Play Garden on June 2, following the 10:00 am service. All families with children who come to the nursery are invited; this is a wonderful way to get to know some of the other parents and their children. We’ll provide fried chicken- please bring a dish to share, a blanket to sit on and bathing suits for little ones. Sign up via the Family Ministry eNewsletter! Nursery Summer Hours 9:30 am - 12:00 pm, ages 0-3 5:30 - 7:30 pm for The Wilderness, any age 9: Summer Children’s Chapel begins at 10:00 am in Room 103. This summer’s stories will highlight Jesus’ compassion and love, and help children focus on ways to love and care for others. Parents, please escort your child, fill out a nametag, and sign-in sheet. Chapel-goers will come to the Cathedral for Communion. Have a Heart for Children? Make a difference in the lives of our young ones this summer as a chapel leader. Please call Kim McPherson to find out more about this great need at 303.577.7729. Sign up at or on Sunday in classrooms. Children’s Stewardship Make a banner! Would you and your family like to make one of the banners? They are lots of fun to decorate with materials from our resource room. Contact Kim McPherson at 303.577.7729 or [email protected]. Children 22 are still welcome to pledge for 2013. See the table outside Room 103 for more information about pledging. All children’s pledges and money placed in the arks on Sunday go to Episcopal Relief and Development. Sewell School The Sewall Preschool is now housed in our Room 101 classroom and there are openings (with a variety of options) for the fall for two and a half to five year old children. Brochures are on the table outside Room 103 and more information is available at Safeguarding God’s Children Sunday, June 16, 1:00 – 4:30 pm, Room 200. For Parents, Adult Acolytes, Lay Eucharistic Visitors, Teachers, Youth Leaders, Camp Counselors & Volunteers, Nursery Volunteers, and other adults of Saint John’s! Whether you are a parent, someone who volunteers with children or one of those named above, this training is important for you so that we can all help to keep our children safe. The Safeguarding God’s Children program was designed by the Church Pension Group, and is aimed at preventing childhood sexual abuse. Past reluctant participants all agreed at the end: “Everyone should attend this!” Register by emailing Catie Greene at [email protected]. It’s Almost Time for Cathedral Camp! June 23-29, Cathedral Ridge, Woodland Park Please check to see if we have spaces available, or to be on the waiting list by contacting Kim McPherson at 303.577.7729. Drivers needed: Can you help us get some of our campers to Camp this summer? Drivers are needed to offer a ride to or from Cathedral Ridge in Woodland Park, Sunday, June 23 & Saturday, June 29. Contact Kim McPherson at 303.577.7729 if you are able to drive. A Second Week of Camp? Yes! In partnership with Saint Michael’s in Colorado Springs, we’re helping to get a second week of camp up and running. We’ll repeat the activities of our Cathedral Camp. Register at children/summer-events. Youth Parents Please be sure to give us your email addresses for regular updates on youth activities. Check the Family Life eNewsletter to RSVP and for details on upcoming events. Youth Summer Fun Youth entering 6th grade in the fall are invited to all summer Middle School Youth events. Those entering 9th grade are invited to all summer High School Youth events. Sophia Burris (one of our young adult youth leaders) is taking the lead to help plan activities this summer for youth. Details are being determined. Tentative plans include: June: Rafting trip (you must be signed up) July 14: Movie July 28: Hike We also are making plans to visit and help at Metro CareRing. Please check the weekly Family Newsletter for specific dates, and to rsvp for events. We just had an important conversation with youth about the need to RSVP ASAP so that plans can move forward. 23 Confirmation for Youth Youth in our diocese may be confirmed at age 15. Classes will begin in the fall, so please contact Kim McPherson for more information at [email protected]. Yoga for Every Body Saturdays from 8:30 to 9:45 am and Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:45 to 7:00 pm. $5 minimum suggested donation goes to charity. Registered Yoga Teacher Jan Bernstein offers classes to the Saint John’s community. Come to stretch, breathe, relieve tension and enjoy relaxation. June 23-29 at Cathedral Ridge, Woodland Park For girls & boys ages 8-14 Camp fee: $475 Early registration (by April 15) $450 Scholarships are available - contact Blake Sawicky Cathedral Camp is a whole week's worth of sleepovers! Make new friends and reunite with old ones. Play all day! Have a carnival, slide down the water slide, pray, hike, do crafts, sing, laugh and watch the stars at night. Camp is the best! Don't miss out. Register now because Cathedral Camp filled up fast last year! Register online at! 24 Ecclesia and Synagoga at 1313 Clarkson By David Abbott Have you ever noticed the carved heads in the arch over the 1313 Clarkson entrance to the Parish Hall outside Saint Martin’s Chapel? If you have, have you wondered what they represent? They represent Synagoga and Ecclesia, the Synagogue as a symbol of Judaism, and the Church, as a symbol of Christianity. They are commonly found in medieval Christian art, often as sculpted figures on either side of a church portal. The two figures, usually shown as women, both usually young and attractive. Ecclesia is generally adorned with a crown and looking confidently forward while Synagoga is blindfolded and looking down. These carvings represented the medieval belief – now happily no longer held by the Church – that Christianity has superseded Judaism. Although the first representations Ecclesia and Synagoga date from the 9th century, they did not become common until the 12th century. Their figures are generally found in the cathedrals of larger European cities, particularly those with large Jewish populations such as Germany. Medieval cathedrals were places in which business was conducted by both Christians and Jews, so Jews would see the figures on entering the cathedrals. Many English cathedrals had the figures although many were damaged or destroyed during the English Reformation. The figures became rarer in the 14th and following centuries. Dean Eaton has remarked about these carvings, “Sadly, a now unfortunate theology is, literally, ‘cut in stone’ in many churches, including ours. May these carvings here remind us of the call that we have to create a new and better realtionship between Christianity and Judaism, for without our elder sisters and brothers in faith, we Christians would ourselves still be walking blindfolded.” This information is summarized from Wikipedia, which was found after the question of what these sculptures represented was raised during the Catechumenate class. Source: 25 Saint John’s Cathedral Music & Worship Friday, June 7, 7:30 pm - St. Martin’s Chamber Choir - The King of Instruments St. Martin’s Chamber Choir celebrates Saint John’s newly restored organ in a concert of 20th-century blockbusters for organ and choir, including Alexander Gretchaninov’s (1864-1956) Missa Festiva, and Kenneth Leighton’s (1929-1988)Crucifixion and Solus ad victimam. Gretchaninov, after emigrating from Russia, was asked by a French monsignor to write some Roman Catholic sacred music. The result – of which his Missa Festiva is an example – is a haunting fusion of Eastern and Western styles. To purchase tickets, please visit or call 303.298.1970. Friday, June 14, 7:30 pm – Colorado Haiti Project presents Crossing Borders Music Collective Beyond the Headlines: Haiti in Music. An exclusive opportunity to hear Haitian classical music in Denver! Join the Colorado Haiti Project, a not-for-profit organization working in Haiti since 1989, and Crossing Borders Music Collective from Chicago for a concert of music by classically trained Haitian composers, played in Denver for the first time! Haiti captivates the minds and hearts of all who visit, but for most of us, traveling to this country filled with vibrant sounds and colors is out of the question. Come listen and fall in love with Haiti, her people and her music. This unique collection of Haitian music explores untold stories that will touch your soul and move your spirit. Tickets may be purchased online by visiting or by calling 303.579.5586. Summer is a Great Time of Year to Join the Choir! The Cathedral Choir is now open to new membership, and there is no audition required for summer membership. Our rehearsal time is reduced and personal time commitment is far less than during the regular program year. For information call Stephen Tappe, Organist and Director of Music at 303-5777726 or Abbi Chapman, Administrative Assistant to Music at 303-577-7717. 26 We are so Proud of our Young Singers! Congratulations to our Youth Choir members who were recognized on May 19: Lucero Armendariz, Charlie Denman, Eleanor Konosky, Baker Niles, Elizabeth Rebber, and Lucy Strawbridge graduated from the Saint David Choir and became Probationers in the Saint Cecilia Girl Choir or Saint Nicolas Boy Choir. Elika Rodrigues has completed her first full year as a Probationer in the Saint Cecilia Girl Choir, and received her ruff and cotta at Youth Choir Recognition on May 19. Ben Veltri and Ella Williams completed the first level of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) program, and received their light blue ribbons. Faith Darnell, Kaya Rodrigues, and Anna Veltri completed the second level of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) program, and received their dark blue ribbons. Angelina Thomson completed the third level of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) program, and received her red ribbon. Lea Shaw graduated from the Saint Cecilia Girl Choir. Lea will be attending the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Glasgow this fall. Ribbon-bearers are welcome to sing with the Parish Choir during the summer. Find our summer rehearsal and anthem schedule at Youth Choirs: Mark your Calendars for Next Fall! The Saint Cecilia Girls Choir, Saint Nicolas Boys Choir, and Probationers start rehearsals on Wednesday, August 21. The Saint David Choir starts rehearsals on Wednesday, September 11. Find out more about our Youth Choirs at 27 1350 Washington Street Denver, Colorado 80203 [email protected] 303.831.7115
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THE OPEN DOOR - Saint John`s Cathedral
The Reverend Elizabeth Marie
Melchionna, Canon, Ext. 7731
The Reverend Charles LaFond
Canon Steward, Ext. 7711