Network PHCS Network Directory Includes Practitioner locations
Network PHCS Network Directory Includes Practitioner locations
Network PHCS Network Directory Includes Practitioner locations (8,207 found) Provider Type All practitioners in the PHCS Network, within a radius of 50 miles around the zip code 78201 with the following specialties: All Primary Care, All Surgery, All Behavioral Health, All Other Specialties. Note that practitioners may have more than one specialty. The practitioners listed here all specialize in the above-listed area(s), but they are grouped by their main specialties, which may not match what is shown above. The information within this document is accurate as of 11/7/13. ** Important Note: Certain limitations regarding access to this healthcare provider may apply to your plan. Before seeking care from this provider, please be sure to confirm access by calling the provider, or by calling MultiPlan at 866-680-7427. Important Notice When Using This Directory This directory contains a listing of facilities and/or practitioners who are participating in the network indicated on the title page as of the creation date of this document. Although every effort is made to ensure a complete and current listing, provider participation is subject to change. We encourage you to confirm the provider is participating for a specific location, and accepting new patients by calling the toll-free provider information number on your member id card, or visiting the website. To verify benefit and eligibility information, call your health plan's telephone number listed on your member ID card or speak with your employer's human resource representative. If you learn this directory includes any inaccurate information and you would like to report it, please contact the number on the back your ID card for provider referrals. The participating providers listed in this directory are independent contractors and are not employees of MultiPlan. They are paid a discounted, negotiated fee for services they provide. All healthcare decisions are between the patient and the provider, and MultiPlan does not participate in the patient-provider relationship. Additional State-Specific Notices Some states require that we display additional notices in our provider listings. If your directory includes providers in one of the states below, please take note. CA - Depending on your health plan, the provider you select may not be available due to plan design. Additionally, some hospitals and other providers do not provide one or more of the following services: family planning; contraceptive services, including emergency contraception; sterilization, including tubal ligation at the time of labor and delivery; infertility treatments; or abortion. MA - Physician profiling information may be obtained from the Board of Registration in Medicine. Please call 1-800-922-4362 for a list of behavioral health providers (Non-MD) who have reported to us that they offer the following services in your area: anxiety/panic disorders, ADHD/learning disorders, chemical dependency, child/adolescent disorders, chronic pain, eating disorders, group therapy, marriage/family counseling, mood disorders, physical/sexual abuse, phobias, psychological/neurological testing and sexual dysfunction. NJ - The approximate percent of participating NJ providers who are board certified is 85%. WI - You are strongly encouraged to contact the number on your ID card to verify the status of the providers involved in your care including, for example, the anesthesiologist, radiologist, pathologist, facility, clinic or laboratory, when scheduling appointments or elective procedures to determine whether each provider is a participating or nonparticipating provider. Such information may assist in your selecting of provider(s) and will likely affect the level of co-payment, deductible and amount of co-insurance applicable to the care you receive. The information contained in this directory may change during your plan year. Please call the number on your ID card to learn more about the participating providers in your network and the implications, including financial, if you decide to receive your care from non-participating providers. TX and LA - A facility-based physician or facility-based health care practitioner, such as an anesthesiologist or radiologist, may not be included in the network. Non-participating facility-based physicians and non-participating facility-based health care practitioners may balance bill the enrollee for amounts not paid by the enrollee's health benefit plan. For more information, please refer to the 1-800 number located on your ID card. Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Page 2 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Practitioners Adkins Mental Health Counseling Carla F. Cheatham, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 144 Oak Park Rd Adkins, TX 78101 County: Bexar Tel: 210-777-1679 Mary D. Way, EDD Accepts new patients: Yes 1811 Burr Oak Ln Adkins, TX 78101 County: Bexar Tel: 830-216-2263 11/18/13 Margo A. Denke, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 910 12th St Ste A Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-8787 Leesa J. Cotton, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Family Practice Sylvia A. Davila, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Francisco Barrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 628 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3048 Raja Cherukuri, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1050 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-7713 Alamo Heights Internal Medicine Mental Health Counseling Carmen C. Lewenthal, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 7870 Broadway B 201 Alamo Heights, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-6144 Saleh N. Jaafar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1050 State Highway 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-7713 Nephrology Balcones Heights Optometry Rebecca M. Williams, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 4522 Fredericksburg Rd Balcones Heights, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-1555 Bandera Chiropractic Allan Gratia, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 650 State Highway 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-7200 Endocrinology and Metabolism Margo A. Denke, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1212 Hackberry Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-8787 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Fadi Abouzahr, MD Accepts new patients: No 1300 Cedar Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 210-614-1515 Anita M. Dietz, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Carmen M. Gascot, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Occupational Therapy Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Physical Therapy Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Michael S. Beville, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Kirsten M. Harper, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Margaret A. Jacobs, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Erik W. Lechtenberg, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Christopher J. Luper, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Highway 16 South Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Elizabeth A. Menchaca, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Landon Chase Olson, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 William H. Person IV, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Chad A. Pogue, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Jessica N. Williams, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 3456 Hwy 16 S Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 830-796-3447 Radiation Oncology Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Cedar, Bandera Bandera, TX 78003 County: Bandera Tel: 210-616-5700 Page 3 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Brent K. Denny, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 11 Blanco Ave E Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-2598 Mark A. Moran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 113 Falls Ct # 400 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-546-1470 Jose Angel Perez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Court St Ste 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 Cardiac Electrophysiology Family Practice Brent K. Denny, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Blanco Ave E Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-2598 Ann P. Black, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 825 4th St Blanco, TX 78606-4913 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-5581 Robert M. Saad, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Spgs Dr Ste 1370 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8000 Ardra D. Hughes, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Blanco Ave E Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-2598 John D. Weaver, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 825 4th St Blanco, TX 78606-4913 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-5581 Michael B. Klepser, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Blanco Ave E Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-2598 Madhu B. Challapalli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Spgs Dr Ste 1370 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8000 Nurse Practitioner Vance Andrews McDonald Jr, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Blanco Ave E Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-2598 William E. Craig, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Dr # 1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8000 Craig F. Neffendorf, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 825 4th St Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-5581 Kenneth M. Leclerc, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct Ste 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 Collin Chase Riley, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Blanco Ave E Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-2598 Michael B. Melucci, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct St 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 Boerne George Palomino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Spgs Ste 1370 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8000 Blanco Acupuncture Margaret M. Boswell, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 4520 Highway 281 South Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-0510 Cheryl D. Hyatt, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 4520 Highway 281 South Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 832-428-2963 Charlotte I. Widick, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 4520 S US Highway 281 Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-0510 Optometry Leslie R. Dullnig, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 825 4th St Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-5768 Mark R. Tholen, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 N Main St Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-2020 Physical Therapy Jody Bill Brown, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 111 E Blanco Ave Blanco, TX 78606 County: Blanco Tel: 830-833-2598 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Allergy & Immunology David Fuentes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct #100 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-0633 Anesthesiology Javier Roman-Gonzalez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct Ste 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 Cardiovascular Diseases Devang N. Patel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Spgs Ste 1370 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8000 Anatole David Trakhtenbroit, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste1375 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8000 David H. White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Court St # 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 Chiropractic Chad A. Carpenter, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 115 Hwy 46 W Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-8900 Kerri S. Carpenter, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 115 Hwy 46 W Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-8900 James F. Kennell, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 115 Hwy 46 W Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-8900 BILLY L. RYAN, DC Accepts new patients: No 116 James St Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-8377 Katherine Maryann Van Dyke, DC** Accepts new patients: Yes 712 River Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-443-4841 Page 4 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Katherine Maryann Van Dyke, DC** Accepts new patients: Yes 801 N Main St Ste C Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8600 Clinical Nurse Specialist Pamela N. Putnam, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct St, Ste 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 Clinical Psychology Nancy D. Ratliff, PSYD Accepts new patients: Yes 31320 Interstate 10 W Boerne Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-240-0964 Clinical Social Work Antonio H. Vitela, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 114 Trade Ave Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-724-1854 Dermatology Virnalisis M. Gonzalez-Marrero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Ste 1360 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-268-4941 Joseph R. Peterson, MD** Accepts new patients: No 1415 E Blanco Rd Ste 9 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-6321 Ana Trevino Sauceda, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1414 E Blanco Rd, Ste 9 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-6321 Michael A. Sorace, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Road Ste 406 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-9900 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Diagnostic Radiology Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-9500 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 1110 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-9500 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-9500 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 2110 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-9500 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 2110 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-9500 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Spgs Ste 1110 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-9500 Family Practice Jay D. Akin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 518 N Main St Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-5400 Alice A. Epperson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main St Ste 118 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-815-1081 Susan A. Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1028 N Main Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-2312 Victor D. Vela, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main St #114 Boerne, TX 78006-2838 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-6844 Shannon S. Livingston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main St #114 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-6844 Gastroenterology Jeffrey S. Bullock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 Bandeva #3 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-271-0606 Shannon S. Livingston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1430 S Main St # 111 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8585 Jeffrey S. Bullock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main St Ste 122 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-271-0600 Richard E. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: No 114 Trade Ave Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-2552 Ernesto Guerra Jr., MD Accepts new patients: No 128 W BANDERA RD BOERNE, TX 78006 County: KENDALL Tel: 210-271-0606 Jimmy E. McCoy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 120 Medical Dr Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-9307 Michael Scott Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: No 128 W BANDERA RD BOERNE, TX 78006 County: KENDALL Tel: 210-271-0606 Deepa Padia, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 518 N Main St Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-5400 Armando A. Sanchez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 1210 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-698-9841 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 518 N Main St Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-5400 Benjamin A. Stahl, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1430 S Main St Ste 111 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8585 Belinda Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: No 128 W BANDERA RD BOERNE, TX 78006 County: KENDALL Tel: 210-271-0606 Steven R. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: No 128 W BANDERA RD BOERNE, TX 78006 County: KENDALL Tel: 210-271-0606 General Practice John P. Rheiner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main St Ste 118 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-815-1081 Gynecologic Oncology James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 5 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Elizabeth T. Mcrae, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 117 S Saunders St # 1 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-2600 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: No 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Spgs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Interventional Cardiology Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1429 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Internal Medicine Hematology Mika K. Cole, MD Accepts new patients: No 1421 S Main St Ste 111 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-9995 Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1429 Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1429 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1429 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Terry A. Grover, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 105 Falls Ct Ste 100 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-3800 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1429 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1429 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Saleh N. Jaafar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 1100 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-5700 Eva J. Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main St Ste 122 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-690-5515 Steven E. Daniels, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct Ste 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 Abram Charles Rabinowitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Court St Ste 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 John Nathaniel Sanderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct Ste 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 Medical Oncology Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs # 1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5900 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1429 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 6 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Richard V. Zapf, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 216 Market Ave #110 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-8521 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs # 1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Nephrology Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1429 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Meringer Rd Ste 1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs # 1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Mental Health Counseling Randall B. Adkins, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 103 E Kronkosky St Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8962 Christopher W. Glanton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main St Ste 118 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-495-8280 Christopher W. Glanton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1210 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-495-8280 Nurse Practitioner Jacqueline M. Murley, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct Ste 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1700 Obstetrics and Gynecology Tracy A. Gerber, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 18 Scenic Loop Rd Ste 200 D Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-275-0856 Paul H. Kocay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Suite 1360 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-5222 Patricia L. McNaught, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 28580 ih 10 west suite 4 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Bexar Tel: 210-202-1999 Melissa H. Miskell, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 31007 Interstate 10 W Ste 115 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-981-9540 Sherry A. Schmitz, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 110 Hilltop Dr Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-755-9040 Roy G. Taylor, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 115 Hwy 46 W Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-388-9874 Shawna R. Wall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main St Ste 209 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-393-7161 Occupational Therapy Amanda L. Wells, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 34910 Interstate 10 W Ste 401 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-2611 Ophthalmology Charles David Brodrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 113 Falls Ct #100 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-271-7648 William J. Flynn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 113 Falls Ct # 100 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-248-1222 Edward R. Rashid, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 113 Falls Ct Ste 100 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-248-1222 Charles D. Reilly, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 113 Falls Ct Ste 100 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-248-1222 Robert A. Rice, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 113 Falls Ct Ste 100 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-248-1222 Frank W. Scribbick, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main #108 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-3241 Frank W. Scribbick, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1001 S Main Ste 5 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-3241 W Darrell Willerson Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 113 Falls Ct # 100 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-271-7648 Page 7 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Optometry Justin M. Kim, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1201 S Main St # 108 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-3898 Mary E. McMains, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 136 Old San Antonio Rd Ste 305 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-5559 Donald F. Semler, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 403 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-226-6169 Orthopaedic Surgery Adam J. Bruggeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 1210 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 800-924-1455 J Steven Hoerster, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1421 S Main St Ste 111 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-997-4043 David A. Roberts, MD Accepts new patients: No 134 MENGER SPGS BOERNE, TX 78006 County: KENDALL Tel: 210-614-6432 Otolaryngology James H. Atkins Jr., MD Accepts new patients: No 34910 I H 10 W Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-3838 Pediatrics Kathryn D. Buck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 304 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-5055 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Vincent N. Coleman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 34910 I H 10 W Ste 501 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-1717 Richard L. Childers, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 28580 I H 10 W Ste 3 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-980-5150 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Jeffrey M. Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 34910 I H 10 W Ste 501 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-1717 Raymond J. Oliviero, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 136 Old San Antonio Rd Ste 305 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-5559 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd Ste 301 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-1429 Richard A. Holcomb, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs # 1240 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-5437 Anne D. Logan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd #304 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-5055 Sheralyn D. Wood, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 E Bandera Rd #304 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-816-5055 Physical Therapy Daniel E. Kasprowicz, BS Accepts new patients: No 430 W Bandera Rd #9 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-7211 Mark S. Malone, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main St Ste 104 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-331-8420 Podiatric Medicine Elias R. Cheleuitte, DPM Accepts new patients: No 128 E BANDERA RD BOERNE, TX 78006 County: KENDALL Tel: 210-227-4164 Richard L. Childers, DPM Accepts new patients: No 130 MEDICAL DR BOERNE, TX 78006 County: KENDALL Tel: 830-249-8385 Peter J. Williams, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 128 w Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-227-4164 Podiatric Surgery Kyle S. Miller, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct # 400 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-249-5858 Pulmonary Disease William J. Ryan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 34910 Interstate 10 W Ste 601 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 830-248-1207 Radiation Oncology Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Surgery Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs 1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Brian V. Given, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Falls Ct Ste 300 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 800-425-1633 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs #1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 8 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Kathryn L. Safford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Kathryn L. Safford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 1120 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-593-5700 Urology John R. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Ste 14B Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-655-2411 John R. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 1210 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-614-4544 Lewis F. Russell Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-655-2411 George J. Vassar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 128 W Bandera Rd Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-655-2411 George J. Vassar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 Menger Springs Ste 1210 Boerne, TX 78006 County: Kendall Tel: 210-655-2411 Bulverde Chiropractic Jason R. Hahn, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 32685 US Highway 281 N Ste 100 Bulverde, TX 78163 County: Comal Tel: 830-980-2225 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 James C. Outlaw, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 29750 US Highway 281 N Ste A Bulverde, TX 78163 County: Comal Tel: 210-782-8622 Yanko A. Yankov, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2395 Bulverde Rd Ste 101 B Bulverde, TX 78163 County: Comal Tel: 830-980-1761 Clinical Social Work Physical Therapy John Harvey Strange, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 2295 5 Bulverde Rd Bulverde, TX 78163 County: Comal Tel: 210-738-2222 Aaron J. Krejci, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 2395 Bulverde Rd Ste 101 Bulverde, TX 78163 County: Comal Tel: 830-980-6880 Robert Rodriguez, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1356 FM 2673 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 County: Comal Tel: 830-907-2145 Physicians Assistant Jose A. Martinez Jr, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 13201 Fm 306 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 County: Comal Tel: 830-964-5575 Castle Hills Canyon Lake Family Practice Michael W. Mann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 32665 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 208 Bulverde, TX 78163 County: Comal Tel: 830-980-9686 Leslie F. Stork, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 32665 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 202 Bulverde, TX 78163 County: Comal Tel: 830-980-8433 Internal Medicine Hugo A. Rojas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 32635 Hwy 281 N #180 Bulverde, TX 78163 County: Comal Tel: 210-922-3627 Nephrology Nurse Practitioner Chiropractic Justin Dudycha, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 14812 S Access Rd Bldg A Canyon Lake, TX 78133 County: Comal Tel: 830-907-3811 Clinical Social Work Sandy W. Loflin, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 501 Lorne Rd Canyon Lake, TX 78133 County: Comal Tel: 830-837-2496 Family Practice Matthew W. Nicola, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13201 F M 306 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 County: Comal Tel: 830-964-5575 Rodolfo O. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: No 32665 US Highway 281 N Bulverde, TX 78163 County: Comal Tel: 210-495-8280 Stephen J. Vreeke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13201 F M 306 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 County: Comal Tel: 830-964-5575 Christopher W. Glanton, MD Accepts new patients: No 32665 US HIGHWAY 281 N BULVERDE, TX 78163 County: COMAL Tel: 210-495-8280 Internal Medicine Neurology Stephen Colwell Carey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1395 Sattler Rd # 6 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 County: Comal Tel: 830-964-3340 Tina M. Copple, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 6915 W Ave Castle Hills, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Pauline Nguyen, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 Nw Military Hwy, Ste 207 Castle Hills, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-4358 Dorothy J. West, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 Nw Military Hwy Suite 207 Castle Hills, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-4358 Candace E. Yeargain, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 6915 West Ave Castle Hills, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Castroville Cardiovascular Diseases Kalife Kuri, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 E Hwy 90 Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 210-403-2926 Chiropractic Physical Therapy Page 9 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 George Bashton, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1011 Alamo St Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-3373 Slavisa Gasic, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 210-616-9922 Tricia S. Hilliard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-3336 Lance D. Moore, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 212 US Highway 87 Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-3887 Ernest C. Kothmann, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 703 US Highway 90 E Ste 107 Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-2211 Zulfaqqar M. Jaffar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 210-616-9922 Radiation Oncology Family Practice Internal Medicine Marta C. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-3336 Karen G. Cornett, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 815 Front St Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-5633 Saleh N. Jaafar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 U S Hwy 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-3336 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-3336 Suzanne E. Ellison, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 815 Front St Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-5633 Medical Oncology Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-3336 Matthew J. Hoermann, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 815 Front St Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-5633 Cibolo John P. Ramsay, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 815 Front St Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-5633 Family Practice Raja Cherukuri, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-3336 Mary S. Nguyen-Poole, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 409 Madrid St Castroville, TX 78009-4527 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-2575 Bobby Pittman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 703 Hwy 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-538-2467 Lloyd P. Van Winkle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 409 Madrid St Castroville, TX 78009-4527 County: Medina Tel: 830-538-2254 Gastroenterology Muhammad Naeem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-3336 Catherine F. Yaussy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1028 Country Ln Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7444 Hematology Syed Nayyar Raza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 830-931-3336 Mental Health Counseling Patricia E. Adams, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 409 Madrid St Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 866-344-5517 Ronald Duane Fielden, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 6105 Sennen Cove Cibolo, TX 78108 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-885-7699 Nephrology Fadi Abouzahr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1051 US Highway 90 E Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 210-614-1515 Larry R. Davis, MD Accepts new patients: No 409 Madrid St Castroville, TX 78009-4527 County: Medina Tel: 210-692-7228 Optometry Chandra V. Mickles, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Drive Castroville, TX 78009 County: Medina Tel: 210-283-6800 Pediatrics Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Chiropractic Daniel Joseph Maire, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 750 Schneider Rd Ste 170 Cibolo, TX 78108 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-7873 Comfort Chiropractic Chad A. Carpenter, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 212 US Highway 87 Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-3887 Kerri S. Carpenter, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 212 US Highway 87 Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-3887 Nancy M. Rickerhauser, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 815 Front St Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-5633 Nurse Practitioner Erika D. Benfield, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 815 Front St Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-5633 Ophthalmology Anne C. Pluenneke, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 815 Front St Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-995-5633 Surgery Page 10 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Andrew N. Bowser, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 815 Front St Comfort, TX 78013 County: Kendall Tel: 830-997-7138 Michael J. Dorsa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1250 State Highway 173 N Devine, TX 78016 County: Medina Tel: 830-663-9260 John H. Frierson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114-2710 County: Wilson Tel: 830-216-2907 Daryl C. Currier, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 921 10th St Ste 111 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-216-7979 Converse Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Chiropractic Mark E. Haverkorn, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 403 N Milam St Devine, TX 78016 County: Medina Tel: 830-379-3977 Devraj U. Nayak, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-216-4815 Roderick Ekmark, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-1747 Devraj U. Nayak, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 101 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-216-2716 Roy S. Fisher, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 260 US Highway 181 N Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-8222 Stephen M. Sokolyk, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 559 10th St # 1 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-303-9221 Emily F. Frye, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 260 US Highway 181 N Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-8222 Diagnostic Radiology Jyothi Kundur, MD Accepts new patients: No 559 10th St Ste 1 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-9152 Mark E. Coira, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 8014 Kitty Hawk Converse, TX 78109-2424 County: Bexar Tel: 210-658-6000 Podiatric Medicine Mental Health Counseling Melanie M. Hennis, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 101 Peaceful Ln Converse, TX 78109 County: Bexar Tel: 210-248-9077 Ophthalmology Peter J. Speicher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9250 Fm 78 Converse, TX 78109 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-9707 Donald E. Robinson, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1814 County Road 5710 Devine, TX 78016 County: Medina Tel: 830-665-3141 Donald E. Robinson, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1250 State Highway 173 N Ste B Devine, TX 78016 County: Medina Tel: 830-665-3141 Fair Oaks Ranch Optometry Mental Health Counseling Jodi L. Flanagan, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8315 Fm 78 Ste A Converse, TX 78109 County: Bexar Tel: 210-666-3700 Amanda R. Ward, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 8000 Fair Oaks Pkwy Ste 202 Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 County: Bexar Tel: 210-412-2653 Devine Optometry Cardiovascular Diseases Guillermo A. Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 State Highway 132 N Devine, TX 78016 County: Medina Tel: 830-665-5700 Jack W. Rountree Jr, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9091 Fair Oaks Ranch Pkwy Ste 307 Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015 County: Kendall Tel: 210-698-6393 Family Practice Walter Lee Chesshir III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1250 State Highway 173 N Ste A Devine, TX 78016 County: Medina Tel: 830-663-9260 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Floresville Cardiovascular Diseases Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-216-7096 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 499 10th St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-1370 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 499 10th St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-1370 Family Practice Jacquelin Elizabeth Castillo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 260 U S Hwy 181 N Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-8222 Harry L. Chavez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-3114 Nanda Kishore Nemarugommula, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 10th Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-9390 Leila Peterson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 6511 US Highway 181 N Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-1747 Gastroenterology Hector D. Allende, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-253-3422 Ravi Botla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-253-3422 Page 11 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Komaranahal P. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-253-3422 Ravi L. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-253-3422 Amit Goyal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-253-3422 Eric J. Lawitz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-253-3422 Internal Medicine Winnifer L. Baduel, MD Accepts new patients: No 499 10th St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-1671 11/18/13 Courtney L. Mayfield, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 1019 B St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-431-0366 Joel V. Kay, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 662 10th St Bldg A Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-401-8185 Mary D. Way, EDD Accepts new patients: Yes 1104 D St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-216-2263 Alba G. Sierra-Perez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 540 10th St Ste 140 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-9390 Nephrology Carl J. Blond, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114-2731 County: Wilson Tel: 830-343-3122 Lisa O. Cabrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 543 10th St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-4010 John E. Kobert, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 495 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-216-2606 Nurse Practitioner Marriage and Family Counseling Susan M. Walsh, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 1104 D St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-364-2490 Medical Oncology Rohit A. Kapoor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 800-928-4981 Mental Health Counseling Gloria G. Gallegos, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 540 10th St Ste 140 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-9390 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Sarah Marie Campana, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 260 U S Hwy 181 N Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-8222 Luis S. Cardenas, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 662 10th St Bldg A Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-401-8185 Shelley Ann Gibbens, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 540 10th St Ste 140 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-9390 Brian S. Johnson, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 662 10th St Bldg A Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-401-8185 Obstetrics and Gynecology Felipe A. Garcia-Ghinis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-648-2273 W Darrell Willerson Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-271-7648 Optometry Brandon J. Blaker, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 495 10th St Ste 105 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-7744 Shelly D. Blaker, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 495 10th St Ste 105 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-896-2600 Orthopaedic Surgery Frederick Vinson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 101 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-6800 Edward B. Elmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1411 3rd St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-569-6009 Ophthalmology Frederick Krause, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 495 10th St Ste 104 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-0235 Charles David Brodrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-271-7648 Donald K. Sanford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-821-6901 David G. Shulman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-821-6901 David G. Shulman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-821-6901 Fred H. Olin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-614-1020 David A. Roberts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Hospital Blvd # 200 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-614-6432 Pediatrics Nandini A. Mandlik, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 540 10th St Ste 140 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-9390 Physicians Assistant Page 12 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Shelly N. Lambdin, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 260 US Highway 181 N Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-8222 Miranda D. Willette, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 260 US Highway 181 N Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-8222 11/18/13 Undersea/Hyperbaric Medicine Leonardo Profenna, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 499 10th St Ste 205 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-393-1747 Garden Ridge Clinical Psychology Podiatric Medicine Elias R. Cheleuitte, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-227-4164 Vickie W. Jackson, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 19315 F M 2257 # 305 Garden Ridge, TX 78266 County: Comal Tel: 210-632-6652 Mental Health Counseling Peter J. Williams, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Hospital Blvd Floresville, TX 78114-2731 County: Wilson Tel: 210-227-4164 Podiatric Surgery Celeste M. Borchers, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-445-0300 Celeste M. Borchers, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 260 US Highway 181 N Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-445-0300 Marianne R. Jones, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 19115 Fm 2252, Ste 12 Garden Ridge, TX 78266 County: Comal Tel: 907-687-6880 Brian D. Schwartz, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 19315 Fm2252 Ste 153 Garden Ridge, TX 78266 County: Comal Tel: 210-391-1179 Helotes Allergy & Immunology Gordana Gligoric, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 15039 Pastura Pass Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-6976 Tara L. Alexander, PHD Accepts new patients: No 12274 BANDERA RD HELOTES, TX 78023 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-771-2163 John Harvey Strange, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 13200 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-2222 Dermatology William C. Cragun, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12415 Bandera Rd 114 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7171 Diagnostic Radiology Yasoda Eranky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9716 Tower View Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-9835 Family Practice Matthew P. Gibbs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12415 Bandera Rd Ste 112 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-543-7000 Ramon G. Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12910 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-1900 Transplant Hepatology Fernando E. Membreno, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 497 10th St Ste 102 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 210-253-3422 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Chiropractic Michael A. Rihn, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 13667 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023-3930 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-5557 Teresa L. Rihn, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 13667 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023-3930 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-5557 Clinical Social Work Sylvia Moore, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 13438 Bandera Rd Ste 105B Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-1788 Rita A. Moreno, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 12274 Bandera Rd Ste 232 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-838-5514 Elizabeth A. Young, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 13200 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-2222 Nurse Practitioner Shannon D. Bartell, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 12274 Bandera rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0505 Debra L. Luna-Jones, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1207 N Loop 1604 W Ste 115 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-3474 Occupational Therapy Pulmonary Disease Delano S. Fabro Jr, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 6511 US Highway 181 N Ste 1 Floresville, TX 78114 County: Wilson Tel: 830-815-1202 Michael Shawn Mcgee, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 13200 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-2222 Internal Medicine Alejandro Arizmendi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12002 Bandera Rd Ste 111 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-9002 Mental Health Counseling Edward M. Flatow, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 13200 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-2222 Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: No 12918 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-875-6025 Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd # 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-875-6025 Optometry Page 13 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Celeste Acosta, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 11864 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-2222 Anita M. Dietz, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-2682 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: No 12918 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Michael S. Sullivan, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 12980 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Pediatrics Elaine M. Duet-Lee, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: No 12952 Bandera Rd #107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-875-6025 Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: No 12952 Bandera Rd #107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 John P. Malfer, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 12980 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 830-792-1111 Jessica N. Williams, SCD Accepts new patients: No 12952 Bandera Rd # 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-875-6025 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Elizabeth A. Menchaca, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Kirsten M. Harper, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Landon Chase Olson, SCD Accepts new patients: No 12952 Bandera Rd #107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-875-6025 Wendy L. Gideon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12274 Bandera Rd # 106 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0505 Laura R. Tamayo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12274 Bandera Rd #106 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0505 Physical Therapy Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 12918 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Mark J. Bauernfeind, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Michael S. Beville, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Leesa J. Cotton, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Sylvia A. Davila, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd, Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Kunihiko Hosaka, MSPT** Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Margaret A. Jacobs, BS Accepts new patients: No 12952 Bandera Rd # 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-875-6025 Erik W. Lechtenberg, SCD Accepts new patients: No 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Christopher J. Luper, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd, Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 William H. Person IV, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Chad A. Pogue, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Katherine E. Schmidt, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 12952 Bandera Rd Ste 107 Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Merick A. Stanchak, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 12980 Bandera Rd Helotes, TX 78023 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Hondo Diagnostic Radiology Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3100 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-741-6322 Family Practice Miles A. Hutson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 606 31st St Hondo, TX 78861-3512 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7444 Miles A. Hutson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3100 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Miles A. Hutson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3200 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Emily S. Meyer, MD Accepts new patients: No 3100 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Page 14 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Emily S. Meyer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3200 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 606 W 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 210-595-5300 Thomas W. Grabow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 602 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7855 Donald E. Robinson, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 605 20th St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-741-3909 John W. Meyer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3100 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Internal Medicine Optometry Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 606 W 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 210-595-5300 Brandon J. Blaker, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1620 Avenue M Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-741-2634 Donald E. Robinson, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1613 Avenue K Ste 101B Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-741-3909 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 606 W 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 210-595-5300 Shelly D. Blaker, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1620 Avenue M Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-741-2634 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 606 W 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 210-595-5300 Medical Oncology Orthopaedic Surgery Rheumatology Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 606 W 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 210-595-5300 Uwe R. Pontius, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3004 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861-3527 County: Medina Tel: 830-741-3049 John P. Huff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 606 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7855 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 606 W 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 210-595-5300 Pediatric Cardiology Jourdanton John W. Meyer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3200 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Richard S. Rowland, MD Accepts new patients: No 606 31st St Hondo, TX 78861-3512 County: Medina Tel: 830-741-3353 Richard S. Rowland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3200 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Matthew John Windrow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3200 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Zachary R. Windrow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3200 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Gastroenterology Muhammad Naeem, MD Accepts new patients: No 606 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 210-509-8888 Muhammad Naeem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 602 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7855 Hematology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 606 W 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 210-595-5300 Nephrology Steven G. Rosenblatt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 602 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 210-692-7228 Nurse Practitioner Susan Anne Wnuk, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 602 31st St Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-741-3049 Ophthalmology John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3100 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3100 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3100 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3100 Avenue E Hondo, TX 78861 County: Medina Tel: 830-426-7700 Podiatric Medicine Radiation Oncology Cardiovascular Diseases David L. Briseno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 110 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3271 Jude V. Espinoza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 110 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3271 Manuel M. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 110 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3271 Michael R. Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 110 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3271 Page 15 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 220 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-1108 Komaranahal P. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-4141 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Syed J. Umer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 220 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-1108 Ravi L. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-4141 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Nephrology Diagnostic Radiology Michael H. Wholey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 220 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-1108 Family Practice Jenifer Rene Donnell-Kowalik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Hwy 97 E #110 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-1024 Michael A. McFarland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1105 Oak St #A Jourdanton, TX 78026-2100 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-2181 Benjamin S. Zertuche, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-9900 Gastroenterology Hector D. Allende, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-4141 Ravi Botla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-4141 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Amit Goyal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-4141 Eric J. Lawitz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-4141 General Vascular Surgery Jeffrey M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 210-225-2608 Ricardo A. Montemayor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1905 Highway 97 E Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3515 Hector J. Osorio, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 110 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3271 Ines E. Vazquez, MD Accepts new patients: No 1901 HIGHWAY 97 E JOURDANTON, TX 78026 County: ATASCOSA Tel: 830-769-5259 Hematology Medical Oncology Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Internal Medicine Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Rohit A. Kapoor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Hwy 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Ronald W. Hamner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1603 Hwy 97 E # 300 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 210-226-2001 Robert A. Holub, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1603 Highway 97 E # 300 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 800-927-5436 Nurse Practitioner Gina Campbell, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-8147 Obstetrics and Gynecology Edward B. Blackmon Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 230 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3970 Ophthalmology John A. Campagna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-4200 Sharon K. Sra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-4200 Orthopaedic Surgery Page 16 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Edward Ratcliffe Anderson III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 110 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3271 Surgery Pediatrics Naveed Zafar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1907 Hwy 97 E Ste 260 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5910 Martha A. Moreno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 120 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-1045 Tessa V. Perez, MD Accepts new patients: No 1901 HIGHWAY 97 E JOURDANTON, TX 78026 County: ATASCOSA Tel: 830-769-1045 Physicians Assistant Carolyn E. Dowd, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E, Ste 110 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3271 Podiatric Medicine Elias R. Cheleuitte, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E # 130 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 210-227-4164 Peter J. Williams, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Hwy 97 E # 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 210-227-4164 Radiation Oncology Suresh V. Dutta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 100 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-3980 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Highway 97 E Ste 200 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5259 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Isela Vasquez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1907 Hwy 97 E Ste 260 Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-5910 Transplant Hepatology Fernando E. Membreno, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 256 Medical Dr Jourdanton, TX 78026 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-769-4141 La Vernia Cardiovascular Diseases Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13857 US Highway 87 W Ste 100 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-2752 Syed J. Umer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13857 US Highway 87 W Ste 100 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-2752 Chiropractic Bruen C. Goolsby, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 13210 U S Hwy 87 W La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-253-7246 Diagnostic Radiology Michael H. Wholey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13857 US Highway 87 W Ste 100 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-2752 Bruce C. Begia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 James M. Lackey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 210-779-5900 Pedro A. Calzada, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 Joseph A. Lopez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 210-779-5900 Rodrigo David Cantu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 Deepa Padia, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 210-779-5900 Daryl C. Currier, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 402 W Chihuahua St La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-3800 Anthony M. Deep, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 210-779-5900 Beverly D Spaulding Gutierrez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 George Steven Ingram, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 210-779-5900 Daniel H. Kellum Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13857 US Highway 87 W Ste 100 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-2710 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 210-779-5900 General Practice Roger M. Moczygemba, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 Armando Quinones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 Internal Medicine Chinyere Iheoma Odu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 210-779-5900 Interventional Cardiology Family Practice Page 17 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 William C. Wu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13857 US Highway 87 W Ste 100 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-2752 Dennis R. Krueger Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 Us Hwy 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 Maged M. Mina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Topperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5151 Subrata K. Talukdar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-757-5075 Obstetrics and Gynecology Lackland A F B Cardiovascular Diseases Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-253-8116 General Vascular Surgery Imam Eko Tjahja, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd #207 Live Oak, TX 78233-3260 County: Bexar Tel: 210-967-0096 John H. Kellum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13857 Hwy 87 W #100 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-2710 Concepcion Martinez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 210-779-5900 Robert P. Morales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2200 Bergquist Dr Ste 1 Lackland A F B, TX 78236 County: Bexar Tel: 210-292-5927 Lakehills Family Practice Shelley R. Kohlleppel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 146 Laurel Vista Dr Lakehills, TX 78063 County: Bandera Tel: 830-751-3330 Lavernia Physicians Assistant Nurse Practitioner James P. Bell, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 Alice Finegan, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 402 W Chihuahua Lavernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-3800 Blaine Philip Carmichael, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 Leesville Tasha Ann Despault, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 Us Hwy 87, Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 Sidney C. England, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 14114 US Highway 87 W Ste 2 La Vernia, TX 78121 County: Wilson Tel: 830-779-5900 Pathology John R. Russel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mc Cullough Ave Leesville, TX 78122 County: Gonzales Tel: 210-477-5800 Live Oak Allergy & Immunology Frank C. Hampel Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12501 Judson Rd Ste 202 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 830-609-0998 Christopher W. Casey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-2020 William E. Craig, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-757-5075 Kevin F. James, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 308 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-2021 Edmond J. Leroux, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-2020 Jack L. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 205 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-0887 George Palomino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 300 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-757-5075 Charles L. Roeth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6000 L Prasad M. Vemulapalli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd #207 Live Oak, TX 78233-3260 County: Bexar Tel: 210-967-0096 Edwin J. Whitney, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd #101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Chiropractic Drew S. Czerminski, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 11465 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-9570 Roger Brian Woywood, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 12315 Judson Rd Ste 108 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-9060 Dermatology Chantal O. Barland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Eloise L. Beightler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Anesthesiology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Page 18 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Thushan N. De Silva, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-9338 Thushan N. De Silva, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-5005 Alfred J. Hockley III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-9338 Rinna C. Johnson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-9338 Mark F. Naylor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-9338 Terri J. Nutt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-9338 Robert L. Ochs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12413 Judson Rd #100 Live Oak, TX 78233-3262 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3376 Mobolaji M. Opeola, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-9338 William T. Parsons, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-9338 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Liliana J. Saap, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-9338 David L. Shriner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Paula S. Vogel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-9338 Lisa C. Walker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7832 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Diagnostic Radiology Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12412 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9750 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 106 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9720 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9700 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12412 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9750 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 106 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9720 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9700 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12412 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9750 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9700 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 106 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9720 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12412 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9750 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 106 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9720 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9700 Family Practice Yolanda R. Alonzo, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 12413 Judson Rd Ste 100 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-0030 Thilo E. Burzlaff, MD Accepts new patients: No 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4241 Jeffrey A. Cannon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11901 Toepperwein Rd Ste 1201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9066 John J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12315 Judson Rd Ste 118 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-7271 Thomas Ward Neal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12702 Toepperwein Rd Ste 120 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-8179 David Ochoa, MD Accepts new patients: No 11485 Toepperwein Rd #1 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-2128 Mark A. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-0404 Victor G. Rosales, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 12413 Judson Rd Ste 100 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-0030 Moiz Abbas Tajkhanji, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11355 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7200 Page 19 Provider Directory for PHCS Network David W. Talafuse, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11901 Toepperwein Rd Ste 1201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9066 Gastroenterology Hays L. Arnold, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11485 Toepperwein Rd Ste 2 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Steven E. Hearne, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Ste 110 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-9702 David P. Jones, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 11485 Toepperwein Rd Ste 2 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Robert M. Narvaez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd #208 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9119 Oscar G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11485 Toepperwein Rd Ste 2 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Gynecology Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Hematology Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Zulfaqqar M. Jaffar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12705 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-0922 Huyen T. Nguyen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12501 Judson Rd Ste 202 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-4086 Syed Nayyar Raza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12705 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-0922 Navneet Mittal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12705 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-0922 Randall M. Vanover, MD Accepts new patients: No 12602 Toepperwein Rd #100 Live Oak, TX 78233-3270 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9669 Nephrology Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Infectious Diseases Alison J. Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 207 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-8941 Internal Medicine Randy N. Bergman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12702 N I H 35 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9669 Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Orlando Kypuros, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12501 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-4086 Medical Oncology Devendra K. Bhachawat, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12705 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233-3257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-0922 Basel Dabas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12501 Judson Rd #102 Live Oak, TX 78233-4117 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5100 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Rohit A. Kapoor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 114 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-0075 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Flavio H. Alvarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11481 Toepperwein Rd #1202 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-8470 Flavio H. Alvarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11701 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Lisa O. Cabrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11485 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-8470 Steven F. Gouge, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12315 Judson Rd #304 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7326 Brijesh Kapoor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11481 Toepperwein Rd Ste 1202 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-8470 Rahul S. Koushik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6700 Randolph Blvd # 102 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7326 Deandra L. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11485 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233-3138 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-8470 Deandra L. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11701 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-4005 Page 20 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Shadi M. Mourad, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11481 Toepperwein Rd Ste 1202 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-8470 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Fahim Zaman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11481 Toepperwein Rd Ste 1202 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-8470 Elisa F. Carroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Neurology Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Praveen K. Thangada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12414 Toepperwein Rd #100 Live Oak, TX 78233-3230 County: Bexar Tel: 830-303-1819 Obstetrics and Gynecology Joy Tara Aden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd #201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 Bruce D. Akright, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12501 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233-4103 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Bruce D. Akright, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 Valentin Almendarez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Carey L. Britt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 218 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-0848 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Anna L. Chavana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 Scott A. Farhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12501 Judson Rd # 200 Live Oak, TX 78233-4117 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Joseph A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 Elizabeth A. King, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein # 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 Tammy Murdock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Celyna D. Delgado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Cesar Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Jessica D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein # 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Randall K. Sadler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 David R. Dooley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Scott A. Farhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 Mark E. Thompson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Ronald A. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 309 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Occupational Therapy Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Ophthalmology Wendall C. Bauman Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11651 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-0400 Darren Josiah Bell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12413 Judson Rd Ste 100 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 J Mark Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11601 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2020 Jon M. Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11601 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2020 Susan M. Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11601 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-0469 Page 21 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Jeffrey H. Cohen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12413 Judson Rd #100 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2020 Jorge Adrian De La Chapa, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 12413 Judson Rd #100 Live Oak, TX 78233-3262 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Aaron B. Pittard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11601 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2020 Scott A. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12413 Judson Rd #100 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 William T. Walton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11601 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2020 Optometry Richard P. Sharp, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 12702 Toepperwein Rd Ste 121 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-637-5742 Orthopaedic Surgery John R. Chance, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5151 David L. Fox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5151 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Paul T. Geibel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 302 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-6948 Rex E. Wilcox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5151 Gerald Quintin Greenfield Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 TOEPPERWEIN RD Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5470 Orthopaedic Surgery of Spine Ples L. Kujawa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 202 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-8110 Frank K. Kuwamura III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 TOEPPERWEIN RD Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5470 Jamie L. Lynch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5151 Charles Stuart Pipkin III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 302 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-2922 Alexander S. Rowland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 TOEPPERWEIN RD Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Pablo S. Vasquez-Seoane, MD Accepts new patients: No 12602 TOEPPERWEIN RD LIVE OAK, TX 78233 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-804-5470 Stephen J. Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6704 Randolph Blvd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-9506 Pain Medicine Stephen E. Earle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12315 Judson Rd Ste 208 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-872-6572 Narciso Gonzalez III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 218 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1901 Pathology Otolaryngology Devang P. Desai, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6704 Randolph Blvd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-9506 David M. Gleinser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6704 Randolph Blvd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-9506 Gerald Paul Laursen, MD Accepts new patients: No 6704 Randolph Blvd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-9506 Jesse Moss Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 211 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-8888 Harry E. Schilling, MD Accepts new patients: No 6704 Randolph Blvd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-9506 Stephen J. Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 111 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-9506 Lilia Wojcik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12315 Judson Rd Ste 318 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-0890 Pediatric Cardiology John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12412 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-4949 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12412 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-4949 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12412 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-4949 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12412 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-4949 Pediatrics Yvette Marie Almendarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 104 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6251 Page 22 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Nadine Liu, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 11901 Toepperwein Rd Ste 1402 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-3840 Jesus L. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 104 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6251 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Stephen W. Dinger, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 12414 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7246 Physical Therapy Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Michael S. Beville, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 David S. Biediger, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 218 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-3090 Leesa J. Cotton, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Sylvia A. Davila, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Anita M. Dietz, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: No 12602 TOEPPERWEIN RD LIVE OAK, TX 78233 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-590-7412 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Elizabeth A. Menchaca, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Kirsten M. Harper, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Landon Chase Olson, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 James D. Hedgepeth, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 11481 Toepperwein Rd #1201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-8903 William H. Person IV, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Kunihiko Hosaka, MSPT** Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Chad A. Pogue, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Margaret A. Jacobs, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Erik W. Lechtenberg, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Jessica N. Williams, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Christopher J. Luper, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Pat Booker Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2400 Physicians Assistant Richard A. Nevill, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 12501 Judson Rd Ste 102 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5100 Roxanne Rodriguez, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 12413 Judson Rd Ste 100 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-0030 Podiatric Medicine James E. Miller, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 11901 Toepperwein Rd Ste 1102 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-0314 Catherine Rezendes, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 12413 Judson Rd Ste 120 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-9965 Pulmonary Disease Stephen S. Im, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-6400 Rafael M. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: No 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 207 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-421-9428 John E. Stupka, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 201 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-6400 Nasir S. Syed, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11901 Toepperwein Rd Ste 1401 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-1433 Muhammad Talib, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12412 Judson Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-1433 Page 23 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Muhammad Talib, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11901 Toepperwein Rd # 1401 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-1433 Gary M. Hall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 203 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-9307 Lewis F. Russell Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 206 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-564-8000 Radiation Oncology George R. Tuchsen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd # 101 Live Oak, TX 78233-3259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-9307 David Ray Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 206 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-564-8000 Christian A. Woodbury, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd # 210 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Michael A. White, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 206 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-564-8000 Marta C. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12705 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-0922 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12705 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-0922 Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12705 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-0922 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 306 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Jory D. Lange, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12705 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-0922 Rheumatology Jeffrey A. Feinstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 208 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9596 Surgery Richard E. Fischer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 203 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-9307 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Mental Health Counseling Donna R. Granato, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 16486 Fm 463 Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-709-0711 Obstetrics and Gynecology John H. Kellum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14610 Main St Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-709-0257 Lytle John H. Kellum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 15320 Main St Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-709-0257 Francisco Bernardo Rodriguez IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 110 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-202-0222 Cardiovascular Diseases Occupational Therapy Devang N. Patel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19432 S Davis St Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-709-9960 Tawnya A. Vogelsong, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 19965 Fm 3175 N Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 210-357-0336 Urology Chiropractic Physical Therapy George D. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 206 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-564-8000 Ronny A. Nixon, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 15123 Main St Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-772-4422 James R. Hartman, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 15320 Main St Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-709-5777 Clinical Social Work Podiatric Medicine Antonio H. Vitela, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 1511 Main St Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 210-930-5893 Kenneth E. Williams, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 14610 Main St Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 210-491-4452 Family Practice Maxwell Thoracic Surgery Patricia P. Cecconi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein #110 Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-564-8000 Arthur S. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-564-8000 Thomas K. O'Neill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Live Oak, TX 78233-3259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-5158 Glendon S. Hack, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19432 Davis St Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-709-9960 Daniel H. Kellum Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 15320 Main St Lytle, TX 78052 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-709-0257 Mental Health Counseling Martha G. Pinto, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 1715 W F M 1626 #102 Maxwell, TX 78656 County: Caldwell Tel: 512-699-6503 McQueeney Page 24 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Family Practice Cardiovascular Diseases Jane V. Pearce, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3556 F M 78 Rd McQueeney, TX 78123 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-560-2813 Prasantha Bathini, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1272 New Braunfels Aerospace Medicine Elizabeth P. Clark, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1050 N Interstate 35 Ste 100 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4445 Rahul Bose, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1272 Sheri Y N Boyd, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1272 Allergy & Immunology Priyanka Gupta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 705 F Landa New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-0998 Christopher W. Casey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave #2 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-608-9058 Frank C. Hampel Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 705 Landa St Ste F New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-0998 Yasser Farra, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1272 Anesthesiology Ronnie Garcia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1272 Eric James Miller, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-3800 Eric James Miller, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 213 Hunters Vlg New Braunfels, TX 78132 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-3800 Kanishka Monis, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 213 Hunters Vlg New Braunfels, TX 78132 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-3800 Mark A. Moran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 861 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-805-9800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Kevin F. James, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1583 Common St Ste 105 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-9058 Frank J. Rubalcava, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1272 John F. Seaworth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave Ste 2 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-9058 Stephen M. Sokolyk, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave #2 New Braunfels, TX 78130-4123 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-9058 Stephen M. Sokolyk, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1583 E Commerce # 105 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-9058 Theodor Trusevich Jr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1272 Jason A. Yoho, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1272 Certified Nurse Anesthetist David A. Flores, BSN Accepts new patients: Yes 600 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-8603 David A. Flores, BSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1738 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-8600 Chemical Dependency Yvonne L. Heim, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 1040 North Walnut Ave STE D New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1445 Chiropractic Micah Raymond Barber, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 624 S Seguin Ave Ste A New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-9910 Jennifer R. Holley-Armstrong, DC Accepts new patients: No 1174 W SAN ANTONIO ST NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 County: COMAL Tel: 830-643-0747 Raymond B. Perry, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 624 S Seguin Ave # A New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-9909 Vanessa E. Vajdos, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 6781 Fm 1102 New Braunfels, TX 78132 County: Comal Tel: 830-557-6740 Clinical Psychology Winston A. Haun, PSYD Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0599 Randolph K. Sanders, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 555 S Interstate 35 Ste 422 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-7377 Clinical Social Work Sandra A. Eaves, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 711 N Walnut Ave #E New Braunfels, TX 78130-7933 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-2673 Lori E. Garza, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0599 Darla K. Griffis-Lane, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0599 Page 25 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Ann B. Karbach, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 555 S Interstate 35 Ste 422 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-7377 Sarah N. Becker, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-262-7770 Ronald R. Cohle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 774 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0305 John Y. Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 774 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0305 Timothy C. Morris, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 200 N Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-5016 Susan L. Gautier, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-0092 Brett T. Earnest, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 910 Gruene Road #2 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-3330 Madison D. Lowry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1282 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-2200 Carolyn C. Morrison, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 831 Landa St #C New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9066 Emergency Medicine Alice A. Epperson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1659 State Hwy 46 Ste 160 New Braunfels, TX 78132 County: Comal Tel: 830-387-4991 Jason A. Nelson, MD Accepts new patients: No 774 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0305 Filomeno P. Gonzalez Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-7770 Dorothy N. Overman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 774 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0305 Robert P. Thronson, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 181 S Santa Clara Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-499-1020 Dermatology John Anderson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 901 A Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-1786 Anna M. Boecker, MD** Accepts new patients: No 948 Gruene Rd Ste 140 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-2700 Family Practice Warren A. Albrecht, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 774 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0305 James R. Bartay, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1260 River Acres Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-0956 Walter C. Anderson III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 901 A Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-1786 Emily D. Briggs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 910 Gruene Rd # 2 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-3330 Mark D. Garcia, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2660 Common St Ste 104 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-7902 Carlos Campos, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 189 E Austin St #102 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-8161 Vicente Quintero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 493 S Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-5551 David C. Champion, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-262-7770 John M. Tieman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1584 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-4700 Claire M. Coco, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1260 River Acres Dr Ste 1 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-0956 Tanya R. Grun, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 921 Lakeview Blvd New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-3999 Michael G. Hindman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 774 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0305 Randal K. Jacks, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 774 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0305 Kourosh Jahangir, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 160 Creekside Way Ste 602 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-387-5330 Cecily Kelly, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 66 Gruene Park Dr Ste 109 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-214-6411 William E. Reeves Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 774 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0305 Rikki J. Scoggin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 457 Landa St Ste C New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-5535 Teresa K. Smith-Knuppel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-7770 Gerald R. Snyder, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Houston Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4540 Benjamin J. Stevens, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 731 N Walnut Ave # 101 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-0080 Diet/Nutrition Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Page 26 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Brian W. Stigall, MD Accepts new patients: No 774 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0305 Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1448 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1762 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1448 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1762 Gastroenterology Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1448 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1762 Lori A. Hickson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union Ave #350 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-5375 Internal Medicine Sharon R. McGeeney, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 600 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-6252 Shannon Joseph Vojak Marek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 226 N Union New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 512-754-8676 Carlos A. Neghme, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 226 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 512-754-8676 General Practice Marcus L. Gitterle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union Ave Ste 335 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-6205 Judith L. Thompson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 876 Loop 337 Bldg 101 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-624-7993 General Vascular Surgery William O. Kirk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1583 E Common St # 108 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-656-5098 Mario M. Rossbach, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1191 Daniel D. Tamez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 66 Gruene Park Dr # 211 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-656-5098 Hematology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Douglas F. Bahr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 576 Comal Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-6961 Luis F. Bieler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1050 I 35 N Ste 200 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4989 Sharon R. McGeeney, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-262-7770 Anthony Bienek, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 66 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-387-5270 Ho David S. Pak, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 705 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-1111 Anthony Bienek, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 160 Creekside Way # 602 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-387-5330 Ho David S. Pak, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-7770 Stephen Colwell Carey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1583 E Common St Ste 105 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-9058 Kathleen B. Rockwood, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union Ave Ste 350 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-5375 Bryan A. Fisk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 600 N. Union Ave. New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-5100 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1448 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1762 Steven J. Slagle, MD Accepts new patients: No 600 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9111 Haoran Yu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Yu Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-608-9300 Alexander S. Zweibach, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1448 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78131 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1762 Marriage and Family Counseling Jackie J. Engelhardt, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 468 S Seguin Ave Ste 200 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-822-2333 Medical Oncology Devendra K. Bhachawat, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 593 N Union Ave #B New Braunfels, TX 78130-4157 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-5534 Devendra K. Bhachawat, MD** Accepts new patients: No 1124 S INTERSTATE 35 NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 County: COMAL Tel: 830-606-5534 Basel Dabas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 593 N Union Ave #B New Braunfels, TX 78130-4157 County: Comal Tel: 210-606-5534 Basel Dabas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Sundance Pkwy Ste A2 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-5534 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1448 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1762 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1448 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1762 Page 27 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1448 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1762 Nina C. Nicolaides, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0599 Mental Health Counseling Lou Ann Wallis, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 468 S Seguin Ave Ste 201 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-822-5054 Tina M. Arnold, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 468 S Seguin Ave Ste 202 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-481-0691 Dawn M. Brunkenhoefer, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 340 N Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-5016 Joyce M. Dannehy, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 1395 Sattler Rd Ste 5b New Braunfels, TX 78132 County: Comal Tel: 830-964-2407 Ann C. Davis, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0599 Lisa G. Dolle, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 1217 Boenig Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-237-1432 Valerie J. Lyon, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 145 Landa New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-433-7883 William T. Mallory, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0599 John R. Morris, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0599 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Martha L. Ward, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0599 Nephrology Heather E. Banks, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1528 E Commons St Ste 1 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4650 Alfredo J. Fiallo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 900 Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130-3555 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4650 Nicolas A. Forero, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 900 Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130-3555 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4650 Terrance A. Fried, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 900 Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130-3555 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4650 Steven F. Gouge, MD Accepts new patients: No 1528 E Commons St Ste 1 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4650 Lin Z. Johnson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1528 E Common St #1 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4650 Steven G. Rosenblatt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 900 Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130-3555 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4650 Sarah Little, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 66 Gruene Park Dr Ste 114 & Ste 210 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-387-4660 Neurology Melanie Morris, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 1626 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-1272 Laurence R. Bower, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19B Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9142 Bill D. Davis, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 19 Gruene Park Dr # B New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9142 Gerlyn M. Friesenhahn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 19B Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9142 Nurse Practitioner Jeanne Contreras, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Sundance A 2 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-5534 Sarah C. Gaylord, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 589 N Union Ave Ste 335 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-6205 Ernestine J. Jimenez, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave Ste 3 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-450-0999 Wendi Konomos, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 66 Gruene Park Dr Ste 114 220 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-387-5270 Marilynn Mujezinovic Womack, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 43 Yu Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-608-9300 Gregory W. Nelson, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union Ave Ste 320 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-379-8800 Aaron R. Rossett, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave Ste 3 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-450-0999 Nancy K. Seman, MSN** Accepts new patients: No 600 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-6252 Nancy K. Seman, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 921 Lakeview Blvd Ste 200 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-0330 Colleen K. Stephens-Kelly, BA** Accepts new patients: No 1260 River Acres Dr Ste 1 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-0956 Peggy Wood, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-262-7770 Obstetrics and Gynecology Page 28 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Kevin D. Blair, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 571 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0474 Kendra L. Thorn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union Ave Ste 320 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-632-6857 Barrett R. Blaue, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1583 Common St Ste 100 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 512-396-7575 Occupational Therapy Kari H. Fay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1583 Common Street Ste 100 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-387-4790 Mary E. Geldernick, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 505 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-6462 Teresa Lynn Irwin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1583 Common St Ste 100 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 512-396-7575 Melissa H. Miskell, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union Ave #300 New Braunfels, TX 78130-4179 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-7979 Albert E. Rath, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 274 E Garza St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-7714 Nagakrishna Reddy, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 712 N Houston St Ste A New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-6810 Beth G. Reid, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1583 Common St Ste 100 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 512-396-7575 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Tina Bhakta, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 755 W Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-624-7337 Shiryl A. Gaitan, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 755 W Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-624-7337 Michael D. Hopkins, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 1528 E Common Ste 23 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4922 Ivette A. Nienstedt, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 755 W Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-624-7337 Ophthalmology William Isaac Sawyer, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 1439 Hanz Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9099 Stanley G. Smith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1439 Hanz Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9099 Michael D. Tschoepe, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 218 E Austin St New Braunfels, TX 78130-4106 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-6905 David M. Way, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 457 Landa St #A New Braunfels, TX 78130-5414 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-2335 W Darrell Willerson Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 457 Landa St # A New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-271-7648 Wendall C. Bauman Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1619 Common St Ste 403404 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-654-0400 Optometry Charles David Brodrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 457 Landa St # A New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-271-7648 Mark G. Carolan, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1099 N Walnut Ave #D New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-6151 Joseph T. Kavanagh, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1551 N Walnut Ave Ste 25 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-7327 Douglas B. Albright, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1595 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-4090 Henry A. Hull, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 147 Fredericksburg Rd New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-5716 Jessica L. Tompkins, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1439 Hanz Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9099 Natalie R. Wiggins, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1659 State Hwy 46 Ste 120 New Braunfels, TX 78132 County: Comal Tel: 830-535-6000 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Michael A. Casillas, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1572 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-3084 Michael B. Gissell, DDS Accepts new patients: No 1572 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-3084 Mark E. Haverkorn, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1572 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-3084 LaVan R. Parker III, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1572 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-3084 Jack W. Pool, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1572 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-3084 William E. Thornton, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1572 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-3084 Orthopaedic Surgery Adam J. Bruggeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 861 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-3800 Matthew M. Dwyer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1619 Common St Ste 902 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-545-7171 Page 29 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Paul T. Geibel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 861 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-3800 Christopher I. Phelps, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 160 Creekside Way Ste 602 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-358-7162 11/18/13 Gerald Marcus Franklin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 948 Gruene Rd Ste 120 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-3777 Charles F. Lano, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 42 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-5830 Charles Stuart Pipkin III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 861 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130-4132 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-3800 Jesse Moss Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-8888 Richard J. Post, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 54 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-3481 Shaun C. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 861 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-805-9800 Loddie F. Roeder Jr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 189 E Austin St Ste 101 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-0002 Charles W. Murphy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 861 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-805-9800 Irvin K. Sahni, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union Ave Ste 320 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-379-8800 Scott P. Worrich, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 861 Landa St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-805-9800 David W. Starch, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 54 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-3481 David B. Templin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave Ste 2 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0009 Michael Vrana, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave Ste 2 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-0009 Otolaryngology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Pain Medicine Pediatric Cardiology Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-9153 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-9153 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 600 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9111 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-9153 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 600 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9111 Pediatric Pulmonology Bennie C. Mc Williams, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 E Common New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-745-2003 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 600 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9111 Kelly Jon Smith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-249-5020 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 800-697-7008 Pediatrics Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 600 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-9111 Michelle L. Bernardy, MD Accepts new patients: No 1535 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-9153 Jason James Fullmer, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-745-2003 Jason James Fullmer, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2660 E Common St Ste 201 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 512-380-9200 Melissa A. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: No 948 Gruene Rd Ste 140 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-2700 Melissa A. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 N Walnut Ave Ste 103 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-214-6708 Timothy W. Owens, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-9153 Sarah E. Rieger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-9153 Jordan Victor Scalo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-745-2003 Mark D. Statler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-9153 Jay S. Weinberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-9153 Physical Therapy Page 30 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Andrew C. Bennett, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1324 Common St Ste 307 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-7310 Travis B. Cox, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 468 S Seguin Ave Ste 100 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-8839 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 1528 East Common #23 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-372-9600 John P. Malfer, BS Accepts new patients: No 1528 East Common Ste 23 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4922 Kristie L. Nicely, BS Accepts new patients: No 1551 N WALNUT AVE NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 County: COMAL Tel: 210-606-8839 Matthew A. Polhemus, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 1528 COMMON ST NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 County: COMAL Tel: 830-620-4922 Vicki H. Ralph, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 468 S Seguin Ave #100 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-8839 Robert Rodriguez, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 894 Loop 337 Ste C New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-609-2000 Dairan D. Talley, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 1528 E Common St Ste 23 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-4922 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Whitney A. Welsch, BS Accepts new patients: No 1324 COMMON ST NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 County: COMAL Tel: 830-625-7310 Lonny K. Ramey, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 160 Creekside Way Ste 602 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-387-5330 Physicians Assistant Stephanie A. Sekula, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-7770 Michael Booth, PAC** Accepts new patients: No 160 Creekside Way Ste 602 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-387-5330 Sharla R. Clark, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 1860 S Seguin Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-7770 Rebecca Guler, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave Ste 3 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-6258 Larry May, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 213 Hunters Vlg New Braunfels, TX 78132 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-3800 Jeanette Naschke, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 921 Lakeview Blvd New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-620-7744 Richard A. Nevill, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Sundance # A 2 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-606-5534 Andrea Parsons, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 54 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-3481 David M. Peterson, PAC Accepts new patients: No 1395 SATTLER RD NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78132 County: COMAL Tel: 830-964-5575 Jose Sigala, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 54 Gruene Park Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-3481 Crystal Sturm, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 948 Gruene Rd Ste 140 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-2700 Sierra Tesch, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 921 Lakeview Blvd New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-3999 Christopher B. Watson, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 876 Loop 337 Ste 201 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-626-1000 Podiatric Medicine Jessica D. Bordon, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 1528 E Common Ste 18 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-8200 Judith A. Jonke, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 925 Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-7233 Alex J. Urteaga, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 1528 Common St Ste 18 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-8200 Podiatric Surgery Steven B. Beito, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 1524 N Walnut Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130-6074 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-1642 John J. Ransom, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 1524 N Walnut Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130-6074 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-1642 Pulmonary Disease David Sergio Hernandez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1619 E Common St Ste 902 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-214-0104 Tyrus Schroeder, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 368 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-6770 Muhammad Talib, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union St # 250 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-599-1433 Radiation Oncology Suresh V. Dutta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Sundance Pkwy Ste A1 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-4200 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1448 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-643-1762 Jimmy Michael Kerley, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Sundance Pkwy Ste A1 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-4200 Page 31 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Rheumatology Kenneth F. DesRosier, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 876 Loop 337 # 201 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-590-9596 Terri Horan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 901 Loop 337 # B New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-629-1703 John P. Huff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union # 350 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-5375 William Wade White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 901 B Loop 337 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-590-9596 Sleep Medicine Avie A. Grunspan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-249-5020 Tarak Jayanti Patel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-249-5020 11/18/13 Mark S. Hickman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 598 N Union Ave Ste 200 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-6259 Mark F. Kneuper, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave #3 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-6258 Nicholas Metzger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 191 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-9229 Thoracic Surgery John H. Calhoon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave Ste 3 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-450-0999 Deborah Aguilar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 200 E 2nd St Nixon, TX 78140 County: Gonzales Tel: 830-582-1222 Daniel D. Dugi Kennedy Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 200 E 2nd Ave Nixon, TX 78140 County: Gonzales Tel: 830-582-1222 Raymond R. Reese, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 200 E 2nd St Nixon, TX 78140 County: Gonzales Tel: 830-582-1222 Olmos Park Timothy Thomas Hamilton, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave Ste 3 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-450-0999 Syed Adil Husain, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 652 N Houston Ave Ste 3 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-450-0999 Urology James Mansel Harris, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 876 Loop 337 Ste 302 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-8088 Surgery Michael F. Sedlak, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 876 Loop 337 # 302 New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-8088 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Family Practice General Practice Joshua Simon Rotenberg, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1535 E Common St New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 210-249-5020 Anthony B. Bordon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 191 N Union Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130 County: Comal Tel: 830-627-9229 Nixon Patrick A. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 876 Loop 337 #302 New Braunfels, TX 78130-3518 County: Comal Tel: 830-625-8088 Orthopaedic Surgery Sanjay Misra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Olmos Park, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 Pipe Creek Internal Medicine Sanjay Kumar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 146 Laurel Vista Dr Pipe Creek, TX 78063 County: Bandera Tel: 210-674-0257 Mental Health Counseling Jeannette D. Tappe, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 791 Backhaus Rd Pipe Creek, TX 78063 County: Bandera Tel: 210-325-4870 Podiatric Surgery Celeste M. Borchers, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1229 River Trl Pipe Creek, TX 78063 County: Bandera Tel: 210-445-0300 Pleasanton Cardiovascular Diseases John H. Frierson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 107 N Smith St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-281-5474 Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1320 W Oaklawn Rd Ste F Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-281-2108 Chiropractic Jimmy J. Zuniga, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 220 W Goodwin St Ste C Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2167 Clinical Social Work Noel F. Laurel, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2527 Family Practice Walter Lee Chesshir III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 110 Preston St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-5552 Walter Lee Chesshir III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1240 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-5552 Mario Humberto Guel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1222 W Oaklawn Ste A Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-1907 Page 32 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Gail Theresa Hirschfield, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2527 John J. Ryan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 220 W Goodwin St Ste A Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2118 Armando S. Villarreal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1540 W Goodwin St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-6340 Thomas T. Vuong, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1240 W Oaklawn Rd Ste 106 Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-3553 Benjamin S. Zertuche, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2527 11/18/13 Mental Health Counseling Optometry Gloria G. Gallegos, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2527 Stephen Planchet, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1514 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064-3830 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-8771 Kathleen G. Koehler, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 114 S Bryant St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 210-826-9599 Melanie E. Meier, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1215 Encino Dr Unit A Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-5778 Nephrology Irfan A. Agha, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1320 W Oaklawn Rd, Ste H Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-1858 John E. Kobert, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1320 W Oaklawn Rd # H Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-1858 General Practice Enrique J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 130 S Water St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-5030 Nurse Practitioner Patricia A. Amerson, MS** Accepts new patients: Yes 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2527 Internal Medicine Abimbola M. Banjo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 220 W Goodwin St Ste A Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2440 Anthonette R. Felkins, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 109 N. Smith Street Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-281-8367 Vernon C. Haverlah, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 220 W Goodwin St # A Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2440 Guadalupe R. Rios, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2527 Chun Wang Y. Tan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1540 W Goodwin St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-4003 Leigh A. Ware, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 109 N Smith St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-281-8367 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Orthopaedic Surgery Edward B. Elmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1102 N Main St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-6009 Otolaryngology Mark W. Hatch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 809 N Bryant St Pleasanton, TX 78064-2549 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-281-5181 Pediatrics Nandini A. Mandlik, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2527 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Stephanie M. Prado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1240 W Oaklawn Rd Ste 109 Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2029 Physicians Assistant Shannon Lawson, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 220 W Goodwin St Ste A Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2118 Kila D. Nsamenang, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 310 W Oaklawn Rd Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2527 Darren J. Silvester, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 409 N Bryant St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-3338 Surgery James P. Dorman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1240 W Oaklawn Rd Ste 108 Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-8130 Maria A. Palafox, MD Accepts new patients: No 1540 W Goodwin St Pleasanton, TX 78064 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-569-2701 Poteet Family Practice Mario Humberto Guel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8555 N State Highway 16 Poteet, TX 78065 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-742-3637 Physicians Assistant Michael W. Warner, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 8555 N State Highway 16 Poteet, TX 78065 County: Atascosa Tel: 830-742-3637 Poth Physicians Assistant Elizabeth A. Clancy Hrna, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 117 Dilworth Plz Poth, TX 78147 County: Wilson Tel: 830-484-3530 San Anton Obstetrics and Gynecology Podiatric Surgery Page 33 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Luis A. Garcia-Arecha, MD Accepts new patients: No 7333 Barlite Blvd San Anton, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-1116 San Antonio Acupuncture Cecilia H. Gulyas, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 15321 San Pedro Ave Ste 106 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0000 Yanqing Huang, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 4955 De Zavala Rd San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-219-7019 Yuan C. Liu, DOM Accepts new patients: Yes 6502 Bandera Rd Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-647-1305 Aerospace Medicine Robert N. Bertoldo, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-705-5030 Elizabeth P. Clark, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 650 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9700 Elizabeth P. Clark, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7220 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-368-7493 Merritt G. Davis, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4320 Allergy & Immunology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Edward G. Brooks, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste 2669 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4504 Theodore M. Freeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7594 Kristin L. Bussey-Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-4335 Gordana Gligoric, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr 6100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-807-3889 Christopher William Calabria, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7835 I H 10 W San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4405 Joseph D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Babcock Rd #109 San Antonio, TX 78229-4870 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Joseph D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Joseph D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10447 State Highway 151 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5370 Dennis E. Dilley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7835 W Interstate 10 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4405 Araceli Elizalde, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Babcock Rd Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Victor A. Estrada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14615 San Pedro Ave #250 San Antonio, TX 78232-4316 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2051 Dalys F. Gomez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 24165 W Interstate 10 Ste 126 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-687-1222 Patricia L. Gomez-Dinger, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 210 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-4824 Erika G. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Babcock Rd Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Erika G. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 106 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Mirie Roanne Hosler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10447 State Highway 151 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5370 David E. Hrncir, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7594 Robert L. Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8285 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3923 Robert L. Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-5300 Robert L. Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8279 FREDERICKSBURG RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-614-3923 William T. Kniker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Babcock Rd #109 San Antonio, TX 78229-4870 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Erika G. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10447 State Highway 151 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 William T. Kniker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Priyanka Gupta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur # 407 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4405 William T. Kniker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10447 State Highway 151 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5370 Mirie Roanne Hosler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Babcock Rd, Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Bruce G. Martin, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0690 Page 34 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Bruce G. Martin, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd #202 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0690 Daniel A. Ramirez Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8285 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3923 Michael J. Buys, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Bruce G. Martin, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 901 905 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0690 Daniel A. Ramirez Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Pl Ste 118 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-5300 Lee Anne S. Carlisle, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Miguel J. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9555 John D. Mastrovich, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 888 Isom Rd # 205 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-6200 John D. Mastrovich, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 20650 Stone Oak Pkwy #106 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-6200 Maritza Navarro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Babcock Rd #109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Maritza Navarro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd #115 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8833 Daniel A. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8285 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3923 Daniel A. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd Ste 118 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-5300 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Roberto Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0690 Roberto Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd #202 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-767-0690 Roberto Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr # 901 # 905 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0690 Eliseo M. Villalobos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #901 & #905 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0690 Eliseo M. Villalobos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3619 Paesano's Pkwy Ste 112 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-455-2000 Anesthesiology Erik A. Boatman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Lois L. Bready, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Randall W. Day, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr Ste 3100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1187 Maxim S. Eckmann, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 614 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9850 Rafael Elenes, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Gary B. Elliott, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Sarah Pate Fandre, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Bonny C. Gillis, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Leah E. Gross, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Matthew C. Gummerson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Brooke G. Harden, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Rosemary Hickey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Wendell C. Johnson, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Michelle Z. Koehler, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 David Bruce Langdon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 David Bruce Langdon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr Rm 321 5E San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-4533 Kerry C. Latch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd, Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7480 Page 35 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Theresia L. Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-1888 Jett J. Mercer, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Deena R. Liles, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Maged M. Mina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 45 N E Loop 410 Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-375-7790 Gregory L. Lilly, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 45 N E Loop 410 Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-375-7790 Maged M. Mina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-6561 Gregory L. Lilly, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-422-6438 Baker A. Mitchell III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 614 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9850 Gregory L. Lilly, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7480 Kanishka Monis, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Michael B. Little, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Kanishka Monis, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 390 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 830-627-3800 Luis L. Llamas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Mark A. Moran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 403 Treeline Park Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Richard S. Malkowski, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Mark A. Moran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 625 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Matthew L. McClure, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Mark A. Moran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 Southcross Blvd Ste 203 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Mark A. Moran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5368 Fredericksburg Rd # 210 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-546-1470 Ashlie R. Stowers, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Christopher J. Nagy, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 William A. Tisdall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-0700 Tuyet Ha D. Nguyen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Gordon M. Verber, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Susan H. Noorily, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Benjamin J. Wallisch, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Samir P. Patel, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Travis D. Wilson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Daniel N. Pina, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Manuel Ybarra, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 614 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9850 Somayaji Ramamurthy, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 614 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9850 Manuel Ybarra, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Lane Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-3700 Kelly Thomas Shannon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 147 E Mistletoe Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-279-1516 Garrett D. Starling, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Audiology Robert E. Novak, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Jennifer M. Schreiner, AUD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Page 36 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Cynthia D. Wright, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 6067 De Zavala Rd San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-7858 Cardiac Electrophysiology Salvadore A. Barbaro III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy # 190 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4600 Robert E. Eckart, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Alexis M. Fenton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 N E Loop 410 #242 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-8800 Kiran N. Jayaram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Charles Heberton Machell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #909 San Antonio, TX 78229-3926 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Charles Heberton Machell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-0494 Stephen A. May, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #518 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-7712 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Manoj M. Panday, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Milton E. Alvis Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd #445 San Antonio, TX 78229-5390 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1400 Michael A. Barnett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 Hwy 151 Ste 200 Medical Plz I I San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7000 David N. Pederson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Socrates B. Aramburu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 Richard Allen Baum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Larry Dean Price, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 216 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 512-807-3150 Stephen S. Reich, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 518 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-7712 Carlos A. Roman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Javier Roman-Gonzalez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 W Interstate 10 Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-0494 Robert N. Schnitzler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-0600 David S. Wise, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 NE Loop 410 Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-7001 Cardiovascular Diseases Ildiko Agoston, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Socrates B. Aramburu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 338 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-270-9400 Umesh Kumar Arora, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd # 102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-408-2632 Bakthavathsalam S. Athreya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak #240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-8582 Bakthavathsalam S. Athreya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13423 Blanco Rd # 134 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4641 Bakthavathsalam S. Athreya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 430 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4641 Michael A. Barnett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12446 West Ave Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-1668 David L. Briseno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ave Ste 333 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3204 Moises C. Bucay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Moises C. Bucay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Mark L. Canales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 209 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-0304 Christopher W. Casey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217-5415 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2330 Christopher W. Casey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Paul V. Celio, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Page 37 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Madhu B. Challapalli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre,# 350 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6000 Madhu B. Challapalli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6000 Madhu B. Challapalli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Kiran K. Cheruku, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 200 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4566 Kiran K. Cheruku, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 N E Loop 410 Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-637-0091 Mark F. Colligan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-483-8883 Maria D. Cortez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 William E. Craig, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 William E. Craig, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 William E. Craig, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 140 & Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1366 William E. Craig, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 315 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 William E. Craig, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4000 Meeney Dhir, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock #235 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-0340 Meeney Dhir, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-0300 Meeney Dhir, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd #102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-0300 Daniel J. Donovan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Gregory L. Freeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Thomas W. Eades, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #200 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4566 John H. Frierson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 333 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7221 John M. Erikson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Jude V. Espinoza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-7366 Jude V. Espinoza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-270-2992 Mirhassan M. Farivar-Mohseni, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St # 1033 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-8888 Jose A. Diaz-Widmann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4566 Harold G. Felter Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 270 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-9170 Jose A. Diaz-Widmann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 211 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-229-1980 Harold G. Felter Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19276 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-9170 Jose A. Diaz-Widmann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-4085 Harold G. Felter Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 343 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7221 John H. Frierson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4125 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7266 Jose Enrique Lagueras Garcia Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 213 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-3483 Manuel M. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-7366 Manuel M. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W # 200 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 Francisco B. Garcia-Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 211 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-2312 Juan L. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Juan L. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd #200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2926 Page 38 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Ricardo A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6391 Michael R. Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ste 270 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-4800 David A. Grant, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 602 W French Pl San Antonio, TX 78212-3634 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-7111 William Todd Gray, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 8500 Jones Maltsberger Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-5003 Diane Z. Greiner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Diane Z. Greiner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-483-8883 John K. Gresham, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19276 Stone Oak Pkwy #103 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-449-0448 Janet V. Hays, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Mark A. Jacob, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6391 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Laura O. Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr #500 San Antonio, TX 78229-3318 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Laura O. Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-483-8883 Kevin F. James, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6001 Christopher L. Kopecky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3021 Gerald M. Koppes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19276 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-9170 Gerald M. Koppes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-270-2992 Kalife Kuri, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 NE Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217-5320 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Kalife Kuri, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2926 Kenneth M. Leclerc, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Edmond J. Leroux, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2638 Edmond J. Leroux, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Edmond J. Leroux, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Jean Hon H. Liu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Fernando Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-2036 Fernando Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: No 7726 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6391 Fernando Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6391 Fernando Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: No 7711 LOUIS PASTEUR DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-614-6391 David Malave, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14615 San Pedro Ave # 218 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-4200 Juan A. Marmol-Velez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3555 Gary J. Maszak, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 W Interstate 10 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 David McCall, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Frank William Meissner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8700 Crownhill Blvd #600 San Antonio, TX 78209-1130 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1059 Frank William Meissner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 519 E QUINCY ST SAN ANTONIO, TX 78215 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-7819 Joe M. Moody Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Scott A. Moore, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-483-8883 Page 39 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Joseph P. Murgo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 927 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215-1630 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 George Palomino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 315 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Joseph P. Murgo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 George Palomino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12702 I H 35 N San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-967-0096 Joseph P. Murgo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3555 Devraj U. Nayak, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4566 Devang N. Patel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6000 Devang N. Patel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 315 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Rene A. Oliveros, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Devang N. Patel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Mauro Ortiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Jose Angel Perez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W # 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Roman T. Pachulski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-408-2343 Ananth K. Prasad, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 George Palomino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 George Palomino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Bal T. Reddy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-7736 Bal T. Reddy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston St Ste A San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-8099 Bal T. Reddy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 W Interstate 10 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 Guillermo A. Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8093 Eckhert Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-1300 Robert M. Saad, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6000 Robert M. Saad, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 315 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Robert M. Saad, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4000 John F. Seaworth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Pedro A. Rivas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 209 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-0304 John F. Seaworth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Charles L. Roeth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1366 Moiz M. Shafiq, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7717 Charles L. Roeth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Moiz M. Shafiq, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Jairo Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 Robert M. Saad, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #909 San Antonio, TX 78229-3926 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4000 Umang H. Shah, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 330 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6111 Jairo Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough # 270 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-4800 Robert M. Saad, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Umang H. Shah, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W # 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Page 40 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-1200 Gerald M. Sioco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9465 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8800 Syed J. Umer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-0578 Randal W. White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-7342 Eric H. Stocker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Syed J. Umer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-1315 Edwin J. Whitney, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-0034 Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 Subrata K. Talukdar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4566 Syed J. Umer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 315 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 Edwin J. Whitney, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-7462 Imam Eko Tjahja, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #200 San Antonio, TX 78212-4803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4566 Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste # 1431 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-579-3249 Shadi M. Tolaymat, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 209 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-0304 Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-7366 Jawad Z. Shaikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston St Ste A San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-8099 Gerald M. Sioco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #540 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8800 Gerald M. Sioco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1545 Benton Woods San Antonio, TX 78258-4494 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Art R. Tontiplaphol, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Anatole David Trakhtenbroit, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Jose Fernando Triana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #600 San Antonio, TX 78229-3924 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Jose Fernando Triana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Syed J. Umer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-0578 Syed J. Umer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7838 Farlight Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-6176 L Prasad M. Vemulapalli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #200 San Antonio, TX 78212-4803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4566 Hector R. Villasenor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy # 427 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-7500 Armistead L. Wellford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 David H. White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0801 Lawrence E. Widman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #803 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-9500 Richard F. Wilks, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Philip D. Zinn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5400 Certified Nurse Anesthetist John Arredondo, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Rinia L. Cruz, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Lacresa B. Davis, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 7 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Page 41 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Michael R. Falk, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 David A. Flores, BSN Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 101 E San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 334-412-4583 Jeanette E. Jackson, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Laurie E. Lopez, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Adrian Maese, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Dennis W. Martin, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Dennis W. Martin, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 153 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-9998 Dennis W. Martin, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 150 East Sonterra Blvd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-9998 Dennis W. Martin, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 110 Stone Oak Loop Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0153 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Dennis W. Martin, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 19226 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0156 Tania V. Mehta, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Jessica Oldham, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Elizabeth A. Rivera, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Annette F. Robichaux, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Cynthia A. Schmelz, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9030 James R. Tarpley, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Tracy C. Villarreal, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9030 John S. Weaver, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Laura C. Wilson, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Brigitte Y. Bailey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Ramil T. Baratang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 17720 Corporate Woods Dr San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-3512 Lydia Ruiz Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: No 12915 Jones Maltberger Rd San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-3200 Rene L. Olvera, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Tracy L. Schillerstrom, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-1800 Tracy L. Schillerstrom, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Chiropractic Mary Elizabeth Adkins, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 8808 Tradeway San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-6937 Neil Odom Boecking, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 9502 Huebner Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-881-0630 James W. Bramblett, DC** Accepts new patients: Yes 2397 N W Military Hwy Ste D San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-3507 James T. Bryant, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 24165 W Ih 10 #106 San Antonio, TX 78257-1160 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-1700 Douglas W. Burke, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 88 Briggs St San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-9944 Paul Calandra, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 16410 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-408-6446 Kyle J. Campbell, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1313 Se Military Dr Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-4884 Carmen N. Carlile, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 8647 Wurzbach Rd Bldg H San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-6355 William PRESTON Christie III, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 6500 S Flores St San Antonio, TX 78214-2628 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-2225 Rudy D. Cox, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-368-7493 Page 42 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Walter K. Crooks, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 FREDERICKSBURG RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78201 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-785-9882 Rhonda A. Dungan, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 James Edward Franklin, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 8077 Callaghan Rd San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-5454 Steven Wayne Grimm, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 7330 San Pedro Ave Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-4000 Brad Alan Cudnik, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 6207 Pecan Valley Dr San Antonio, TX 78223-3226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-359-9100 David M. Durkin, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 7220 Louis Pasteur Suite 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-368-7493 Jesus Garcia, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 702 Division Ave San Antonio, TX 78225 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2225 Raymond S. Harris, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 200 E Ramsey Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-530-9000 Carey H. Davis, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 5999 De Zavala Rd San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-691-2747 Sheri Simonds Earley, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 9910 Huebner Rd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-9700 Juan L. Garcia, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 702 Division Ave San Antonio, TX 78225 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2225 Kadee D. Helmick, DC** Accepts new patients: Yes 6521 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-0607 Charles F. Downing, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 3006 Breeden Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-1427 County: Bexar Tel: 210-734-7029 Joanne M. Eash, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 26112 Overlook Pkwy Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78260 County: Bexar Tel: 800-404-6050 Dale Wayne Girod, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2520 Broadway St Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 281-479-3553 Hollis R. Helms, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3555 Tafi L. Downing, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 3006 Breeden Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-2804 Larry M. Fenton, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 3740 Colony Dr #150 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8153 Rhonda A. Dungan, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Ronald Duane Fielden, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1205 N Loop 1604 W #211 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-764-8888 Rhonda A. Dungan, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Rhonda A. Dungan, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Rhonda A. Dungan, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Orlan L. Fikes, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 5309 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-8464 Joseph J. Flood, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1313 Se Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-4884 James Edward Franklin, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 6128 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78238-1642 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-8575 Dale Wayne Girod, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 911 Central Pkwy N Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 800-404-6050 Michael R. Golab, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1205 N Loop 1604 W #211 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-764-8888 Tina P. Grau, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 510 Med Ct Ste 207 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-2001 David M. Griffith, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 6851 Citizens Pkwy Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-1444 Steven Wayne Grimm, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 21115 US Highway 281 N Ste 1502 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-6633 Craig A. Honer, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 9386 Huebner Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-0158 David Jones, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 8127 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251-1634 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-2313 Ian L. Jones III, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 9502 Huebner Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-881-0630 Judith L. Joyner, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2002 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8144 David Allen Kling, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd #113 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-493-9119 Page 43 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Broderrick D. Koolman, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 4801 Fredericksburg Rd # A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-735-0588 Broderrick D. Koolman, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 12640 NACOGDOCHES RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78217 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-637-7246 Doreen A. Lewis, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1006 Central Pkwy S San Antonio, TX 78232-5021 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9169 John Luther Marsh, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 8910 Bandera Rd Ste 302 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-6932 David Randall Miller, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 4881 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3627 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-3434 David Randall Miller, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2391 N E Loop 410 Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-967-9200 David Randall Miller, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2511 S Ww White Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1300 Mark C. Miller, DC Accepts new patients: No 4881 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3627 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-3434 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Mark C. Miller, DC Accepts new patients: No 2391 N E Loop 410 Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-967-9200 Mark C. Miller, DC Accepts new patients: No 2511 S WW White Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1300 Pamala Ann Mitchell, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 9179 Grissom Rd Ste 131 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-5133 Andrew W. Moore, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 8507 Mccullough Ave #A1 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-9063 Dwane C. Moyer, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 8738 Grissom Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7833 Noel J. Nolasco, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 6338 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78238-3803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-682-9696 Gregory T. Otterman, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 13133 NW Military Hwy #300 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-7473 Dean K. Parsons, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7246 Dean K. Parsons, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 Dean K. Parsons, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy St Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 John M. Raimondo, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1313 S E Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-4884 Thimios D. Partalas, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd #101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 Rene Ramon, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 12802 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-6744 Thimios D. Partalas, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #620 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-7246 Julio Cesar Regalado, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 3232 I H 10 W San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-9090 Thimios D. Partalas, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 111B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7246 Julio Cesar Regalado, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 7460 Callaghan Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-9090 Thimios D. Partalas, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy St Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0435 Jeffrey S. Reynolds, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 10221 Desert Sands St #206 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-0771 Hamid Pejman, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 113 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-0888 Donald Steven Phillips, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 115 N Loop 1604 E #1207 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-1144 Harold F. Puhl III, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 332 W Sunset Rd Ste 8 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-2665 John M. Raimondo, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Woodcock Dr Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-731-9010 Ramon Rosales, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 9107 Marbach Rd #150 San Antonio, TX 78245 County: Bexar Tel: 210-674-2700 BILLY L. RYAN, DC Accepts new patients: No 458 PAMELA DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78223 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-533-0506 Bryant A. Saenz, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 6338 N W Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-682-9696 Randall M. Schulze, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 11924 Vance Jackson Rd #104 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-5150 Page 44 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Regan L. Schulze, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1518 Austin Hwy #13 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-9595 Brian Clay Suggs, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 5819 N W Loop 410 #152 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-3333 Bradley E. Smith, DC Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jeffrey S. Szarek, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 15600 San Pedro Ave # 102 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-5511 Bradley E. Smith, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Bradley E. Smith, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Bradley E. Smith, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Bradley E. Smith, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Michael M. Stelzer, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 615 N W Loop 410 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-384-0777 James D. Strader, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 100 N E Loop 410 # 450 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-8898 Jeffrey S. Sturgeon, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1518 Austin Hwy Ste 13 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-9595 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. John A. Tarpoff II, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 620 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-7246 Christopher D. Tupper, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Roger Brian Woywood, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 4961 De Vavala San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-734-5815 Christopher D. Tupper, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Clinical Genetics Joy L. Wafful, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 7870 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-4422 Gabriel S. Khodr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7614 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8237 John A. Tarpoff II, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 111 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7246 Patrick B. Waikem, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1430 CULEBRA RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78201 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-733-9999 Keith A. Taylor, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 6207 Pecan Valley Dr San Antonio, TX 78223-3226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-359-9100 Chad E. Wersell, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 15150 Nacogdoches Rd # 185 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-6130 Christopher D. Tupper, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Robert R. Wetz, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1583 Thousand Oaks Dr #127 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-2225 Christopher D. Tupper, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd, Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Jordan C. White, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 8647 Wurzbach Rd Bldg H San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-6355 Christopher D. Tupper, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Marcus L. Wilcox, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 21970 Bulverde Rd #101 San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-4999 Aaron Solon Williams, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 911 Central Pkwy N Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 800-404-6050 Gabriel S. Khodr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8237 Clinical Nurse Specialist Grace G. Balderas, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 W Interstate 10 Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Nancy M. Daniels, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9595 Lisa A. Dubos, MA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl Ste 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Geoffrey M. Gonzales, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd Dept OF San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3255 Phyllis A. Gordon, MA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2074 Page 45 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Linda L. Hill, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 W Interstate 10 Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Tamara E. Armstrong, PSYD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa 4th Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Tabatha H. Blount, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9900 Anthony R. Dodge, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd #210 San Antonio, TX 78240-1545 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-2201 Bridget V. Moreno, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3255 Jodi G. Arnold, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Michael G. Castillo, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr #6300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8400 Sally M. Dunlap, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 4MS # 39-2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Pamela N. Putnam, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr, Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 830-249-1414 Ellen M. Bajorek, PHD Accepts new patients: No 2829 Babcock Rd Tower 1 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-705-5100 Virginia Celmer, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 5440 Babcock Rd #110 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-7400 Nancy J. Sandusky, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Mark D. Soucy, MA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5339 Elaine E. Staton, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3108 Gail P. Williams, MA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr Rm 1 422 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-9355 Jeni L. Wilson, MA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Clinical Psychology Nancy Amodei, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr Ste 6150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-1906 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Leanne M. Embry, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Ellen M. Bajorek, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 803 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-9500 Sean G. Connolly, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8610 N New Braunfels Ave Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-447-6363 Frank E. Emmett, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8310 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0885 Ellen M. Bajorek, PHD Accepts new patients: No 333A N SANTA ROSA ST SAN ANTONIO, TX 78207 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-704-2594 Douglas B. Cooper, PSYD Accepts new patients: Yes 4901 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-5795 William M. Erwin, PHD Accepts new patients: No 3030 NACOGDOCHES RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78217 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-826-9599 Ellen M. Bajorek, PHD Accepts new patients: No 333B N SANTA ROSA ST SAN ANTONIO, TX 78207 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-704-4130 Douglas B. Cooper, PSYD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-3658 Rupert G. Barber, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 12050 Vance Jackson Rd #201 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8881 Judith E. Craig, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 147 W Sunset Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-3624 Fernando J. Esparza, PSYD Accepts new patients: Yes 14607 San Pedro Ave Ste 295 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2050 Margaret W. Berton, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Lynn Batts San Antonio, TX 78218-3078 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-1994 Bonnie L. Blankmeyer, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Maria C. Cruz, PHD Accepts new patients: No 132 Chichester Pl San Antonio, TX 78209-5306 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-8495 James B. Currin, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 6521 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-0607 Fernando J. Esparza, PSYD Accepts new patients: Yes 16500 San Poedro #245 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2050 Anne M. Esquivel, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8207 Callaghan Rd Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0885 Edwin L. Gerwell, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 130 Lewis St San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-7471 Page 46 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Kristine J. Gerwell, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 130 Lewis St San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-7471 Alison J. Glezen, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 214-348-5557 David W. Gunzburger, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 1040 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7564 Charles E. Gutierrez, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St San Antonio, TX 78205-2107 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-3273 Ann Marie Hernandez, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9900 Marian H. Higgins, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 5805 Callaghan Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-4833 Susan H. Hull, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 16607 Blanco Rd # 1102 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-1713 Vickie W. Jackson, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-632-6652 Claire E. Jacobs, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 14607 San Pedro Ave Ste 295 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-254-4574 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Todd S. Larsen, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 7272 Wurzbach Rd Ste 1504 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-522-1187 Esther O. Lockart, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8222 Datapoint Dr Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 866-786-2373 Esther O. Lockart, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 214-348-5557 Norma Lopez, PSYD Accepts new patients: Yes 700 S Zarzamora St Ste 313 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1100 Marilyn L. Maas, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8600 Wurzbach Rd Ste 1204 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3369 Magaly V. Marrero, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 11124 Wurzbach Rd Ste 204 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-9093 Wayne F. Martin, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8600 Wurzbach Rd 1204 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-884-4643 Donald D. Mc Geary, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Michael McMains, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 6851 CITIZENS PKWY San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-1444 Janyna M. Mercado, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 5101 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-860-9755 Nancy D. Ratliff, PSYD Accepts new patients: Yes 500 E Loop 1604 Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-240-0964 Janyna M. Mercado, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 19430 Camino Rdg San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-860-9755 David L. Roberts, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur Dr R M 316 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Daneen A. Milam, PHD Accepts new patients: No 2515 MCCULLOUGH AVE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78212 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-736-1762 STEVEN W. MURPHY, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 12042 Blanco Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8400 Fernando J. Obledo, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #812 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0999 Louise O'Donnell, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Russell D. Pella, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 John W. Perry Jr., PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr #6300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8400 Jeslina J. Raj, PSYD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur R M 316 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Michael A. Roman, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr Ste 6150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-1906 Bracha T. Rubin, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 11124 Wurzbach Rd Ste 204 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-1600 Bracha T. Rubin, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 11503 N W Military Hwy Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-1600 Stacy R. Ryan, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur R M 316 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Italo A. Samano, PHD Accepts new patients: No 4242 Medical Dr Ste 6300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8400 Lawrence S. Schoenfeld, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Betty L. Schroeder, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 5721 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209-5701 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-1573 Page 47 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Poonam Sharma, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 11503 N W Military Hwy Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-493-6554 Tracy B. Sloan, PHD Accepts new patients: No 8331 Fredericksburg Rd #1603 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-216-5818 Tracy B. Sloan, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8231 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-216-5818 11/18/13 Richard Yurcheshen, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 6391 De Zavala Rd San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-734-6668 Margot B. Zuelzer, PHD Accepts new patients: No 14800 San Pedro Ave #110 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9850 Clinical Social Work Carmen M. Balderas, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 7272 Wurzbach Rd #1504 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-647-7907 Laurence C. Smith, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 359 E Hildebrand Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-2436 County: Bexar Tel: 210-710-6579 Martha J. Barker, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 16019 Via Shavano San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-393-4598 Rosemary J. Stauber, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 147 W Sunset Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-3624 Larry A. Barton, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 3030 Nacogdoches Rd # 101 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-9599 James M. Stedman, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Ruth M. Bounous, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 7410 Blanco Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-344-9255 Russell L. Thompson, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Blanw Rd Ste 126 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8700 Mary T. Torres, MA Accepts new patients: No 9150 Huebner Rd #210 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-4223 Dawn I. Velligan, PHD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur Dr Rm 112 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5508 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Tyler J. Burnett, MSW** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-3833 Diane B. Castillo, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr #6300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8400 Caren Corkins-Hawkins, MSW Accepts new patients: No 702 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-2400 Caren Corkins-Hawkins, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 4245 Centergate St San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-2400 Michael D. Davis, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr Ste 3100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 512-614-8400 Lenore T. DeAngelis, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 11107 Wurzbach Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-344-1223 Arlene G. Dryer, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 12500 NW Military Hwy # 250 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-302-6920 Leslie A. Ellenbogen, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8623 Starcrest Dr # W3 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-4135 David B. Franklin, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 19206 Huebner Rd #104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2648 Robin L. Gans, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 23535 IH 10 West San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-8818 Gilbert R. Gonzales, MA Accepts new patients: No 5410 FREDERICKSBURG RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-692-7868 Julie B. Gowen, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 16607 Blanco Rd Ste 12101 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-219-4991 Mary I. Granger, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8245 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0022 Janet P. Grant, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8245 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3356 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0022 Faye E. Hallford, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 10615 Perrin Beitel Rd #406 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2273 Rosalind G. Harris, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 6851 Citizens Pkwy Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-1444 Mary R. Heard, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 1635 NE Loop 410 #901 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-7889 John L. Hollingsworth, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 10615 Perrin Beitel Rd Ste 305 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-287-3962 Roxanne B. Hotchkiss, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 214-348-5557 Caroline F. Howitt, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 3635 Granby Ct San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-557-8003 Leslie J. Hoy, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 9511 Gladeview San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-379-4403 Page 48 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Lisa R. Huizar, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-6010 Irv L. Loev, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 7300 Blanco Rd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-0270 Brittani L. Persha, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 23535 I H 10 W Ste 3002 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-8818 Delores Jackson, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St Stop 145-1 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Lupita M. Martinez-Goller, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 9011 Poteet Jourandon Hwy. San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-928-4900 Scott E. Persinger, MSW Accepts new patients: No 6835 Brookfield San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-782-7551 Leticia L. Jimenez, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 5115 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0074 Leonard R. Kajs, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8207 Callaghan Rd #425 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0885 Rodney C. Keller, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 319 E Mulberry Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-415-4278 Donald L. Knoll, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 406 Wood Shadow St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-0579 Marilyn Laird-Garland, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 6914 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-846-7904 Dorothy W. LePere, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8301 Broadway St Ste 112 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-5980 Lilian L. Lima, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 3750 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-334-3780 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Mary Ann B. Miklas, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 19206 Huebner Rd #104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-685-4442 Linda M. Mockeridge, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 11107 Wurzbach Rd #304 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-8003 Dolores I. Montanez-Rodriguez, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 Ste 1050 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-0883 Antonio M. Navarro, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 1931 NW MILITARY HWY SAN ANTONIO, TX 78213 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-349-7404 Jesse P. Newborn, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 9310 Broadway St Allstate Bldg # 2 Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-572-8327 Georgann E. Owens, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #301 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3764 Darrell E. Parsons, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8607 Wurzbach Rd Bldg S San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-827-1517 Scott E. Persinger, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 6502 Bandera Rd Ste 202 A San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-782-7551 Thomas J. Preininger, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8310 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0885 Faustina Ramirez-Knoll, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8400 Dolores Reddick, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 3242 Woodcock Dr Ste 208 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-9929 Leta G. Schmid, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 11107 Wurzbach Rd #501 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-6118 Mark A. Simmons, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 7272 Wurzbach #1504 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-647-7907 Mark A. Simmons, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8301 Broadway St Ste 112 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-5980 Sydney E. Slye, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 12915 Jones Maltsberger Rd Ste 424 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-6340 Nomi R. Solomon, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 11503 N W Military Hwy Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 888-291-7763 Bettsie E. Specia, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8301 Broadway St Ste 112 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-5980 John Harvey Strange, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 Park Ten Blvd Ste 138 E San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-2222 Anne H. Tuttle, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Ms 125 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7000 Beverly J. Valtierra, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 7410 Blanco Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-1662 Antonio H. Vitela, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 5108 Broadway St #235 San Antonio, TX 78209-5746 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-5893 Colon and Rectal Surgery Mario A. Alcantara, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-5250 Page 49 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 William E. Bode, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0880 William C. Lewis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19288 A Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2828 Jaime L. Mayoral, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 625 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-7501 Vincent T. Caldarola, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #331 San Antonio, TX 78229-3713 County: Bexar Tel: 210-670-9030 Sara L. Marciniszyn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 705 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Tamara J. Merchant-McCambry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 625 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-7501 James C. Connaughton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 625 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-7501 R Blair B. Jackson Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr # 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0880 R Blair B. Jackson Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-0843 Clark Michael Kardys, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0880 Clark Michael Kardys, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Oak Centre Dr Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0880 Michael Anton Rodriguez Keller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0880 Michael Anton Rodriguez Keller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Oak Centre Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0880 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Sara L. Marciniszyn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1240 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-4114 Sara L. Marciniszyn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-4114 Sara L. Marciniszyn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd # 428 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-7501 Sara L. Marciniszyn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Jaime L. Mayoral, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-4114 Jaime L. Mayoral, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct Ste 207 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-3050 Jaime L. Mayoral, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-4020 Tamara J. Merchant-McCambry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-4114 Tamara J. Merchant-McCambry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct Ste 207 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-3050 Tamara J. Merchant-McCambry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-4020 Raul Ramos, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1180 San Antonio, TX 78207-3155 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7811 Raul Ramos, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9200 Raul Ramos, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr M C T 1 Ste 508 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1600 Randall D. Rogers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 265 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-0402 Randall D. Rogers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4499 Rolando H. Saenz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 527 N Leona St San Antonio, TX 78207-3110 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3090 Rolando H. Saenz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1180 San Antonio, TX 78207-3155 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7811 Rolando H. Saenz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr # 320 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-0843 Rolando H. Saenz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-3916 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4000 Rolando H. Saenz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Rolando H. Saenz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 705 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Rolando H. Saenz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Page 50 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Critical Care Medicine Luis F. Angel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Herschell Bldg 5th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Stephanie M. Levine, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3038 Ali Seifi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8555 Dermatology Samuel Adelman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8534 Village Dr #C San Antonio, TX 78217-5501 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-5352 Mary D. Altmeyer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 William S. Babcock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #145 San Antonio, TX 78229-5373 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7111 Linda J. Banta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir # 135 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0504 Chantal O. Barland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Eloise L. Beightler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Jean A. Bluestein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 1009 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6600 Patricia A. Burden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir #135 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0504 Linda J. Coffey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19222 Stonehue # 103 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-1475 William C. Cragun, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16110 Via Shavano San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7171 Brian M. Davis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1842 Lockhill Selma Rd #101 San Antonio, TX 78213-1559 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-0011 Steven A. Davis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7810 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3355 Thushan N. De Silva, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #180 San Antonio, TX 78258-3281 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Thushan N. De Silva, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Virnalisis M. Gonzalez-Marrero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-4941 Thushan N. De Silva, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 15900 La Cantera Pkwy Ste 20270 San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-5005 Virnalisis M. Gonzalez-Marrero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9502 Huebner Rd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-4941 Linda J. DeLoach Banta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir Ste 135 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0504 Avared Dearl Dotson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Avered D. Dotson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Karis M. Fagan McCarroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16110 Via Shavano San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7171 Annabelle L. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-5792 Robert T. Gilson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9840 John J. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #629 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8460 Ronald E. Grimwood Jr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7825 Neil F. Haddock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-5792 Scott M. Henslee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 909 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3575 Edmund R. Hobbs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #518 San Antonio, TX 78229-6046 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8200 Alfred J. Hockley III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy # 180 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Eric W. Kraus, MD** Accepts new patients: No 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207-5209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7000 Mark S. Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0402 Page 51 Provider Directory for PHCS Network John G. LeVasseur, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 518 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8200 Robert J. Magnon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2769 Robert J. Magnon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2632 Broadway Ste 401 N San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-0040 Susan J. Mahler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7810 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3355 Jeffrey John Meffert, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 3rd Fl Grossman Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9840 Stephen Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8431 Fredericksburg Rd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7171 Stephen Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-0700 Stephen Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16110 Via Shavano San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7171 Stephen Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 200 Medical Plz I I San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7171 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Karla N. Munoz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 15900 La Cantera Pkwy Ste 20270 San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-9500 Frank Charles Petr Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 401 Austin Hwy Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3376 Terri J. Nutt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-9494 Ronald J. Ressmann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-6921 Robert L. Ochs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2391 NE Loop 410 #101 San Antonio, TX 78217-5675 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3376 Robert L. Ochs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14855 Blanco Rd Ste 214 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-493-1568 Kim Marie Ross, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2769 Liliana J. Saap, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Ryan P. O'Quinn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9238 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-6234 Ana Trevino Sauceda, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Sandra S. Osswald, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 3rd Fl Grossman Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9840 Rafael A. Schulze, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Grossman Bldg 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9840 Nicole M. Owens, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2632 Broadway Ste 401 N San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-0040 Leah K. Shama, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3498 William T. Parsons, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #180 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 David L. Shriner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Van E. Perry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 N E Loop 410 # 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6000 Alan K. Silverman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Gregory W. Thompson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14615 San Pedro Ave Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-5192 Gregory W. Thompson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 414 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-5192 Charles S. Thurston, MD Accepts new patients: No 343 W Houston St Ste 909 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0376 Elizabeth H. Tichy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr #1010 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-5585 Catherine M. Tisdall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-0700 Catherine M. Tisdall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16110 Via Shavano San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7171 Catherine M. Tisdall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 200 Medical Plz I I San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7171 Paula S. Vogel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy # 180 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Paula S. Vogel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2632 Broadway St Ste 401 N San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-0040 Page 52 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Lisa C. Walker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Parkway # 180 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8026 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9674 Lisa C. Walker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18540 Sigma Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4661 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7796 Yang Xia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 3rd Fl Grossman Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9840 Dermatopathology Thomas L. Davis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1122 Austin Hwy San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-6488 Lester Fred Libow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1122 Austin Hwy San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-6488 Charles Samuel Stevens, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1122 Austin Hwy San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-6488 Raul Vela, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #909 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3575 Diagnostic Radiology Wilson B. Altmeyer, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9450 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9950 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9400 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9850 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9970 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9674 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Ste U113 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9050 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9800 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7402 John Smith Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9400 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9550 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 195 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9190 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 180 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-2640 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9900 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9500 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 171 A &B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9200 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3528 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste S L 140 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9100 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4343 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0089 Isabel S. Bass, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-5800 Carlos Bazan III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Page 53 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Gregg W. Bean, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Christine E. Benton, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Christa B. Blecher, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Christa B. Blecher, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-6000 Ralph Blumhardt, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9950 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7796 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9119 Cinnamon Hl San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-691-0737 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7796 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9970 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0089 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9600 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-5800 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Ste U113 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9050 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9800 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7402 John Smith Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9400 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9550 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9900 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9450 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 195 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9100 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 180 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-2640 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9500 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-832-5418 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 171 A &B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9200 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste S L 140 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9100 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3528 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7796 Aimee P. Carswell, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Wilfrido R. Castaneda Zuniga, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5564 Jayanta K. Chaudhuri, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Kedar N. Chintapalli, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Ewell A. Clarke, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9450 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9950 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7796 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9970 Page 54 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 195 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9190 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 180 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-2640 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9900 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9600 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9500 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9800 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 171 A &B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9200 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste S L 140 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9100 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0089 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-5800 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9550 John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7796 Howell Anson Cone, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7418 John Smith Ste 218 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0959 Arthur D. Cortez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Brian P. Deuell, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Brian P. Deuell, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-6000 Nella C. Dornbluth, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Phillip Fortenberry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 208 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-892-0228 Andres Garza-Berlanga, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Stacy L. Grayson Mc Faul, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-0360 Juan E. Gutierrez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Julia L. Humphrey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 John Juarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4440 Piedras Dr # 100 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-785-2500 Nidhi Kacholiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8706 Fredericksburg Rd # 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-2151 Rashmi S. Katre, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Rodney Desmond Kidd Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7418 John Smith Ste 218 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0959 Kenneth A. Kist, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Philip S. Kline Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St #102 San Antonio, TX 78215-2003 County: Bexar Tel: 210-351-0783 Philip S. Kline Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave #205 San Antonio, TX 78205-1115 County: Bexar Tel: 210-351-0741 Philip S. Kline Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 620 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-351-0748 Nidhi Kacholiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 115 Gallery Circle #101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8856 Philip S. Kline Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St #100 San Antonio, TX 78215-2032 County: Bexar Tel: 210-351-0784 Nidhi Kacholiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1222 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-280-4045 Dirk A. Koester, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7418 John Smith Ste 218 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0959 Venkata S. Katabathina, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Kristen B. Koester, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7418 John Smith Ste 218 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0959 Page 55 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Jorge E. Lopera, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Aaron T. Moon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-6000 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3528 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste Sl140 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9100 Rebecca A. Loredo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Amy L. Mumbower, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7796 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 180 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-2640 Michael J. McCarthy, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Matthew F. Murray, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7418 John Smith Ste 218 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0959 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9300 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0089 Darlene F. Metter, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 David E. Mitchell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7888 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3418 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9824 David E. Mitchell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St 3208 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-892-0228 David E. Mitchell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 620 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-892-0224 Richard S. Montgomery, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Aaron T. Moon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Robert Roos Murray Jr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Pamela M. Otto, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Ami Rajendra Patel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7418 John Smith Ste 218 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0959 Andres Rahal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Andres Rahal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Adam V. Ratner, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9950 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2901 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9400 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9600 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 195 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9190 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9900 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Ste U113 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9050 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 155 Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9500 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-5800 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9800 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9550 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1502 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-579-3222 Page 56 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9970 11/18/13 Deborah Stedman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Hugh White, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Lee John Zbojniewicz, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 20330 Huebner Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-9655 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 McCullough Ave Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-757-2200 Abhijit G. Sunnapwar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Hugh White, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-6000 Lee John Zbojniewicz, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3154 S E Military Dr Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-2123 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 19010 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-5200 Rajeev Suri, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 171 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9200 Bundhit Tantiwongkosi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7796 Mario E. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19223 Stonehue #117 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-5100 Umber A. Salman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Riley P. Scott, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 John H. Starkey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7418 John Smith Ste 218 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 830-693-1400 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Kenneth A. Taylor, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Robert Ladd Thompson Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 402 Oak Sq San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-771-7615 Michael H. Wholey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4403 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5535 Michael H. Wholey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-1200 Michael H. Wholey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1431 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-1200 Diet/Nutrition Jennifer L. Guerra, MS** Accepts new patients: No 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-5577 Anthony K. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8815 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-5822 Jan L. Tilley, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 400 N Loop 1604 E #175 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-4422 Anthony K. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross # 100 San Antonio, TX 78222-3735 County: Bexar Tel: 210-351-0770 Stacy L. Wallace, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 20330 Huebner Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 832-237-3500 Maria Del Pilar Valencia Velez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Jessica A. York, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 20330 Huebner Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 866-693-4223 Bethany L. Zimbicki, BS Accepts new patients: No 7863 Callaghan Rd Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 832-237-3500 Bethany L. Zimbicki, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3154 S E Military Dr Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-2123 Emergency Medicine Bruce D. Adams, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Carmelito Arkangel Jr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Vikhyat S. Bebarta, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Marc S. Bhogte, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Marc S. Bhogte, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Page 57 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Marc S. Bhogte, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Karen De Lean Chin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Marc S. Bhogte, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Karen De Lean Chin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Marc S. Bhogte, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Marc S. Bhogte, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave #525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Nicholas M. Bown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Karen De Lean Chin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Karen De Lean Chin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Karen De Lean Chin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Karen De Lean Chin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Cristal Cristia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Lennis K. Dippel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Lennis K. Dippel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Lennis K. Dippel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Lennis K. Dippel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Lennis K. Dippel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Miguel C. Fernandez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Zachary A. Franklin Sr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1202 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 972-570-5698 Thomas J. Gowan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Gale T. Gregory Laine, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1202 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-5698 Corey D. Harrison, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Katherine A. Harrison, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Robert Frank Kacprowicz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10628 Culebra Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-3737 Elisabeth M. Kang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Elisabeth M. Kang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Elisabeth M. Kang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Elisabeth M. Kang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Elisabeth M. Kang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Thomas E. Kolkebeck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave Ste 710 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Doo S. Lee, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Christina B. Lumbreras, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Brian K. MacGillivray, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd #124 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-8989 Brian K. MacGillivray, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd #105 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4708 Elisabeth M. Kang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Page 58 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Brian K. MacGillivray, MD Accepts new patients: No 20658 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-447-9275 Daniel A. Mackay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-6530 Anthony M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Anthony M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Anthony M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Anthony M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Anthony M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 11/18/13 Joseph L. McDaniel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Douglas A. Miesen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Matthew L. Patlovany, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Joseph L. McDaniel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Douglas A. Miesen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Matthew L. Patlovany, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Joseph L. McDaniel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Douglas A. Miesen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Joseph L. McDaniel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Joseph L. McDaniel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Christopher R. McNeil, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Douglas A. Miesen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Anthony M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Douglas A. Miesen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Joseph L. McDaniel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Douglas A. Miesen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Robert A. Mora, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Nkeiruka N. Onyenekwu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Matthew L. Patlovany, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Matthew L. Patlovany, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Matthew L. Patlovany, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Matthew L. Patlovany, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Emily N. Pavlik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Gracia G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Gracia G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Gracia G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Gracia G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Gracia G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Gracia G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Page 59 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Gillian R. Schmitz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 John Flint Smith Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Lawrence G. Tatum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Howard T. Wells, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 James W. Slauson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 John Flint Smith Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Lawrence G. Tatum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Howard T. Wells, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 James W. Slauson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 John Flint Smith Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-3000 Lawrence G. Tatum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Howard T. Wells, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 James W. Slauson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 John Flint Smith Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Lawrence G. Tatum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 Howard T. Wells, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Mark K. Sparkman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Lawrence G. Tatum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Howard T. Wells, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Richard J. Spitz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Ralph N. Terpolilli, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Allen C. Whitford, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Eunice H. Suhr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Shawn M. Varney, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Justin B. Williams, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Michael P. Vaughn, MD Accepts new patients: No 115 Gallery Cir Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-0033 Christine L. Zink, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Howard T. Wells, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Endocrinology and Metabolism James W. Slauson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 James W. Slauson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9700 James W. Slauson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 John Flint Smith Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 John Flint Smith Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Ernesto M. Tamez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10200 Broadway St Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-3192 Lawrence G. Tatum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Sara Ahmadi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9490 Page 60 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Firas Akhrass, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 Jaime O. Cruz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr #201 San Antonio, TX 78217-5419 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2520 Luis C. Anaya Hoyos, MD Accepts new patients: No 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Jaime O. Cruz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-314-8045 Ramon Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 319 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-3434 Nicolas Musi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Ramon Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr #201 San Antonio, TX 78217-5419 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2520 Nicolas Musi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7500 Luis C. Anaya Hoyos, MD Accepts new patients: No 1303 Mccullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jaime O. Cruz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 319 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-314-8045 Ramon Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #570 San Antonio, TX 78258-3933 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2520 Luis C. Anaya Hoyos, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Kenneth Cusi, MD** Accepts new patients: No 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7500 Ramon Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #105 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2520 Jeannie A. Baquero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 374 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5483 Ralph A. DeFronzo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Fl 1 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7500 Bryan Martin Kahl, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 374 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5483 Joseph R. Becker, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Richard A. Becker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 374 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5483 Jan M. Bruder, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9490 Eugenio Cersosimo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Fl 1 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7500 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Robert F. Dons, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ave Ste 374 San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5483 Dianne A. Fetchick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7863 Callaghan Rd Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-1206 Jerome S. Fischer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 Joseph Michael Freiberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9255 Mark S. Kipnes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 Maureen K. Koops, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7500 Nancy A. Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ave Ste 374 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5483 Sam S. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3413 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4800 Vijayveer S. Pamar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 Charles A. Reasner II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 20330 Huebner Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-9655 Amna A. Salhin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 Sherwyn L. Schwartz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 William F. Trigoso, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 Devjit Tripathy, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7500 Harry Lim L. Uy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 374 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5483 Page 61 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Jacob Vadakekalam, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 Ricardo C. Aguilar Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4300 Nehman M. Andry, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Aruna Venkatesh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Fl 1 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7500 Felix Aguirre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 N Panam Expy Ste 207B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Wanda D. Angueira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr #215 San Antonio, TX 78229-3907 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4882 Michelle D. Welch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 Syed K. Ahsan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St SAN ANTONIO, TX 78207 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-358-3441 Wanda D. Angueira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 88 Briggs St Ste 800 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-9500 Michelle D. Welch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 840 Pine St # 400 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-3739 Muhammad Akram, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St SAN ANTONIO, TX 78207 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-358-3441 Aaron A. Anguiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1715 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5323 Michelle D. Welch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak # 620 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-3739 Muhammad Akram, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr Fl 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 Aaron A. Anguiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4708 Michelle D. Welch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr # 320 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-3739 Gary Roger Albertson, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2950 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 12 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 877-281-7139 Michelle G. Anson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3619 Paesanos Pkwy # 206 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-7827 Family Practice Sarah N. Abang-Hayes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Leticia T. Aguilar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector St San Antonio, TX 78216-5718 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Nick S. Aguilar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 250 Medical Plz I San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-2224 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Fozia A. Ali, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 4M San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Clifford N. Alprin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct #107 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-3646 Clifford N. Alprin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8209 Roughrider Dr # 210 San Antonio, TX 78239 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-8497 Sara J. Apsley-Ambriz, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4435 De Zavala Rd San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-4081 Aimee R. Aquino-White, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2520 Broadway St Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-1019 Christopher W. Arnold, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd #124 San Antonio, TX 78217-1297 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-8989 Christopher W. Arnold, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7622 Louis Pasteur Dr # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4708 Richel Z. Avery, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 Lydia Avila, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3166 S E Military Dr Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-4711 Maria D. Ballesteros, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 Clinic B San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Timothy Dwain Barker, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 James A. Baros Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19276 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-7172 Larry W. Baros, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19276 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-7172 Abigail R. Barrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2406 Commercial St # G San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0294 Abigail R. Barrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 919 SW Military Dr Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-6600 Page 62 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Francisco Barrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8223 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3355 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0864 Francisco Barrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4241 Woodcock Dr # A 200 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-3182 Nicholas H. Baxter, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Bruce C. Begia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Bruce C. Begia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Bruce C. Begia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Bruce C. Begia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1045 Central Pkwy N Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-4500 Bruce C. Begia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Bruce C. Begia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Edgardo Benavides, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1339 Fair Ave San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-3864 Edgardo Benavides, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 9418 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-7765 Edgardo Benavides, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 12650 Nacogdoches San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-4363 Edgardo Benavides, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5975 F M 78 Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78244 County: Bexar Tel: 210-662-0076 Edgardo Benavides, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 705 W Kirk San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2200 Melissa A. Benavides, MD Accepts new patients: No 333 N Santa Rosa C C F 4th Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Eric Bernstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Eric Bernstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 390 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-523-7237 Javier C. Bocanegra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1616 Callaghan Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-435-1218 Brandon L. Bolfing, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9900 Segundo A. Briones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16614 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-6515 James M. Bromley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3202 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-732-5100 Pedro A. Calzada, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Pedro A. Calzada, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Pedro A. Calzada, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Ambur Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16088 N U S Hwy 281 Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-200-6744 Pedro A. Calzada, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Thilo E. Burzlaff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8530 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217-5508 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4241 Eduardo J. Camero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3412 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78214-2606 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-8146 Robert D. Butter, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-705-5030 Rodrigo David Cantu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Robert D. Butter, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-703-8454 Maria M. Cabello, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0500 Pedro A. Calzada, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Rodrigo David Cantu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Rodrigo David Cantu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Page 63 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Rodrigo David Cantu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Rodrigo David Cantu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 N W Military Dr Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Stephen A. Carter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1 Lone Star Pass Bldg 46 San Antonio, TX 78264 County: Bexar Tel: 210-263-5706 Ricardo Castillo, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd #205 San Antonio, TX 78222-3750 County: Bexar Tel: 210-304-3500 Christopher T. Caulfield, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2897 N E Loop 410 Ste 2 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-572-3306 Jose F. Cavazos, MD Accepts new patients: No 1303 McCullough Ave # 533 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5229 Eduardo O. Caveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 803 Castroville Rd Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-436-7402 Michael A. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd #360 San Antonio, TX 78240-1285 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7667 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Michael A. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St # 100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-1267 Michael A. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5929 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-5392 Leticia A. Cerda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1202 W Bitters Rd Bldg # 4 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-9144 Oscar J. Cerda, MD Accepts new patients: No 13906 Bluff Ivy Ln San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-365-3270 Oscar J. Cerda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4522 Fredericksburg Rd #A14 San Antonio, TX 78201-6595 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-3008 Oscar J. Cerda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5410 Fredericksburg Rd # 112 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-3008 Francisco D. Cervantes, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Francisco D. Cervantes, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 Southcross San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1255 Francisco D. Cervantes, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9355 Bandera Rd, Ste 136 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-543-0700 Candace C. Chase, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2550 Steepleway San Antonio, TX 78248-2209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6444 Helo Chen, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 200 E Ramsey Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-4878 Kevin P. Comfort, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 510 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-637-0000 Carlos L. Cortes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 SW 36th St Fl 1 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5163 Cristina Cortez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 740 S Alamo St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Cristina Cortez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9215 Westover Hills Blvd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Cristina Cortez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Rohan P. Coutinho, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Rohan P. Coutinho, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 700 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Christine D. Criscuolo-Higgins, MD Accepts new patients: No 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 Clinic B San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Natalie B. Cuellar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th M S 63 2 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Melhem A. Dandan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-4700 Lloyd Virgil Das, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8144 Ralph A. De La Rosa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Ralph A. De La Rosa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Ralph A. De La Rosa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Pedro A. De Leon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd #104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-4372 Pedro A. De Leon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-4372 Page 64 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Anthony M. Deep, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Anthony M. Deep, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Anthony M. Deep, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Anthony M. Deep, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Anthony M. Deep, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Jose E. DeJesus, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7614 Culebra Rd #103 San Antonio, TX 78251-1477 County: Bexar Tel: 210-706-2580 Thuy T. Do, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1214 S New Braunfels Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-534-6225 Michael J. Dominguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 590 N General McMullen Dr Ste 1 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-0212 Tamara J. Dominguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 US Highway 281 N Ste 122 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-546-1600 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Michael J. Dorsa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 600 Division Ave #F San Antonio, TX 78214-1336 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-6300 Ricardo Escamilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3326 S E Military Dr Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-0798 Michael J. Dorsa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #1010 San Antonio, TX 78205-2109 County: Bexar Tel: 210-475-0605 Ricardo Escamilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 303 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-0798 Mark Drogin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 23445 US Highway 281 N Unit 2 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-4300 Dean A. Earp, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-6800 Carolyn Eaton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7726 Louis Pasteur San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8820 Robin M. Eickhoff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7622 Louis Pasteur Dr # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7840 Nida J. Emko, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Marisa E. Emmons, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 156 W Sunset Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-0101 Ricardo Escamilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr #620 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0237 Gina M. Esparza, MD Accepts new patients: No 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Gina M. Esparza, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Gina M. Esparza, MD Accepts new patients: No 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Gina M. Esparza, MD Accepts new patients: No 7616 CULEBRA RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78251 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-509-2603 Gina M. Esparza, MD Accepts new patients: No 4212 E SOUTHCROSS BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-333-3066 Gina M. Esparza, MD Accepts new patients: No 1303 Mc Cullough Ave # 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Linda I. Esquivel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 Hwy 151 Bldg 1, Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-682-9434 Sandra Guerrero Fernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #280 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Sandra Guerrero Fernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-304-3500 Sandra Guerrero Fernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd # 360 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4744 Cristian P. Fernandez Falcon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Robert L. Ferrer, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 630 S General Mcmullen M S 52 2 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8500 Robert L. Ferrer, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 4MS # 39-2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Ramon Figueroa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1715 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5323 Ramon Figueroa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 360 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4744 Page 65 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Margaret Rosina Finley, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Tower I 5th Fl Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9890 Mitchell F. Finnie, MD Accepts new patients: No 12000 Huebner Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-2422 Odus Martin Franklin, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 8535 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 830-257-6316 Mark A. Fredrickson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5353 Robert J. Freeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Robert J. Freeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 N E Loop 410 # 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6000 Howard H. Galarneau Jr., DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 N E Loop 410 # 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-432-2336 Howard H. Galarneau Jr., DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2515 Castroville Rd Ste 1 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-432-2336 Alejandro Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: No 12227 Huebner Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-1565 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Dora S. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3619 Paesanos Pkwy #206 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-7827 Dora S. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245/320 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 Edmundo O. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9673 Marbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78245 County: Bexar Tel: 210-675-8390 John S. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 824 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2001 John J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8366 John J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy # 140 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-3101 Salvador J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6010 Old Pearsall Rd #306 San Antonio, TX 78242-2651 County: Bexar Tel: 210-623-8617 Jesus G. Garcia-Gallegos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jesus G. Garcia-Gallegos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Jesus G. Garcia-Gallegos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jesus G. Garcia-Gallegos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jesus G. Garcia-Gallegos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Susan M. Garton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7246 Susan M. Garton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 Susan M. Garton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 620 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-7246 Susan M. Garton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0435 Erika A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3326 S E Military Dr Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-0798 Erika A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plaza Ste 303 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-0798 Juan C. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4318 Moonlight Way San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-8878 Nora O. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6428 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-4455 Nora O. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4708 James J. Gaspard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston St # E San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-6929 James J. Gaspard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 Embassy Oaks Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9087 Rebekah L. Georges, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa, Ccf, 4th Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Renato A. Geralde, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 19222 Stonehue Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-6800 Renato A. Geralde, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-6800 Page 66 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Cesar Gerez Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-0126 Joseph D. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6218 N W Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-523-1411 Marijan D. Gillard, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl Ste 1 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 Andrine K. Grant, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4511 George W. Girgis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Medical Plz I I Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-703-8955 Sudhir R. Gogu, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 104 Gallery Cir Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-6060 Annika M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Bernice Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2520 Broadway St Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-1019 Javier G. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 226 W Bitters Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-7724 Clay Gruesbeck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 323 NW 24th St San Antonio, TX 78207-3209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-438-8055 Clay Gruesbeck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12414 Nacogdoches Rd # 204 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-447-2302 David A. Guerrero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 590 N General Mc Mullen Dr # 1 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-433-2334 David A. Guerrero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1511 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-433-2334 Amy J. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-0126 Joseph D. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd #124 San Antonio, TX 78217-1297 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-8989 Amy J. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16403 Huebner Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-493-4357 Joseph D. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-304-3500 Beverly D Spaulding Gutierrez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Beverly D Spaulding Gutierrez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Beverly D Spaulding Gutierrez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Beverly D Spaulding Gutierrez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Beverly D Spaulding Gutierrez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Louis R. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Louis R. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Louis R. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Louis R. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Louis R. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 April Dawn Hain, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 624 W Sunset Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-2531 April Dawn Hain, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Gordy S. Hall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches #124 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-8989 Gordy S. Hall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7407 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-4584 Alaina D. Hallmark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9647 Huebner Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-735-5225 Suhaib W. Haq, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7000 Raymond P. Harle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3866 Mary Beth B. Harr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 805 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1112 Barrett K. Hays, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 209 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-6556 Kimberly K. Heller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9647 Huebner Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-735-5225 Page 67 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Matthew A. Hendley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-314-6557 Richard Hernandez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5975 F M 78 # 300 San Antonio, TX 78244 County: Bexar Tel: 210-662-0076 Beverley L. Henwood, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9240 Guilbeau Rd #128 San Antonio, TX 78250-3091 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-4685 Richard Hernandez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9418 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-7765 David A. Holland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-6009 Mark A. Hurd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 David A. Holland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4204 Gardendale St Ste 312 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-6006 Mark A. Hurd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2 Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Louis D. Holst, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-0695 Harry Hernandez, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1339 Fair Ave San Antonio, TX 78223-1437 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-3864 Richard Hernandez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 705 Kirk Pl Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2200 Harry Hernandez, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5975 Fm 78 Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78244 County: Bexar Tel: 210-662-0076 Gordon T. Hill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-3646 Harry Hernandez, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 12650 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78217-2118 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-4363 Monica R. Hill, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Curtis Scott Horn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 W Sunset Rd #101 San Antonio, TX 78209-1744 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-5201 Nancy K. Hinitt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2826 Thousand Oaks Dr San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0303 Laura K. Huete, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5018 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-832-8900 Jose R. Hinojosa Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Laura K. Huete, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1714 S W Military Dr #101 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-832-8900 Stephanie A. Hoefle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Laura K. Huete, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10515 State Hwy 151 # 180 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-832-8900 Harry Hernandez, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 9418 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-7765 Harry Hernandez, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 705 Kirk Pl Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2200 Raymond H. Hernandez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 505 Howard St San Antonio, TX 78212-5532 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5323 Richard Hernandez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1339 Fair Ave San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-3864 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Stephanie A. Hoefle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 700 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Nasha L. Holt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14800 San Pedro Ave Ste 222 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3500 Marcia C. Hugen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151, Medical Plaza 1 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-523-7237 George Steven Ingram, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 George Steven Ingram, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 George Steven Ingram, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 George Steven Ingram, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 George Steven Ingram, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Linda M. Ivy, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 NE Loop 410 #100 San Antonio, TX 78217-5650 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6066 Page 68 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Linda M. Ivy, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Cindy L. Johnston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4600 N W Loop 410 #110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-280-0040 Daniel H. Kellum Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd #215 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-675-6724 Gregory M. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209-5743 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-3130 Cindy L. Johnston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7840 Daniel H. Kellum Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8870 US Highway 87 E San Antonio, TX 78263 County: Bexar Tel: 210-649-4257 Cindy L. Johnston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4438 Centerview San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-280-0040 Daniel H. Kellum Sr, DO Accepts new patients: No 8870 US Highway 87 E San Antonio, TX 78263 County: Bexar Tel: 210-649-0257 Mario R. Juarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4151 Callaghan Rd #102 San Antonio, TX 78228-3419 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-6380 Daniel H. Kellum Sr, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8920 US Highway 87 E Ste 3 San Antonio, TX 78263 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-3529 Monika P. Kapur, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7726 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8820 Daniel H. Kellum Sr, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7323 Marbach Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-674-0257 Larry R. Karrh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Melissa M. Kempf, MD Accepts new patients: No 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-5959 Frank C. Kretsinger, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St #409 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2105 David A. Katerndahl, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Farah Khan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 302 Dora San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8000 Frank C. Kretsinger, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 519 E Quincy St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2105 Holly Kaufman, MD Accepts new patients: No 1055 ADA St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Shakil A. Khan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Craig W. Kuebker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8090 Daniel H. Kellum Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7323 Marbach Rd #104 San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-674-0257 Aaron Asa King, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 20330 Huebner Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-9655 Kaparaboyna A. Kumar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 Gregory M. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4220 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-0700 Vadean L. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 ADA St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Carlos R. Jaen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 1 A 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 Kourosh Jahangir, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 527 N Leona M S 9 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Kourosh Jahangir, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9658 James G. Jennings, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 24165 W Interstate 10 Ste 118 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-7777 Anton J. Jirka, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5979 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-5700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Aaron Asa King, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 26112 Overlook Pkwy Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78260 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-2338 Susan C. King, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln # 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 512-346-7966 Vijay Narayanrao Koli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-5097 James B. Kopp, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Stella Koretsky, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9900 Page 69 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Jyothi Kundur, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1032 S W W White Rd San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 830-393-9152 James M. Lackey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 James M. Lackey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 James M. Lackey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 James M. Lackey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 James M. Lackey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Nagwa N. Lamaie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5290 Medical Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6000 Thomas C. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite #101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 Thomas C. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd #111 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5242 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Joan E. Laufman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy #201 San Antonio, TX 78213-1851 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 William Ross Lawler, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 William Ross Lawler, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4020 Naco Perrin San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-207-5000 William Ross Lawler, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 302 Dora San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8000 John D. Ledbetter, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ave Ste 135 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-9214 Regina K. Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 Hwy 151 Blgd 1 Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-682-9434 Kathleen A. Leinen, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ste 135 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-9214 Edward L. Lin, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 Ste 325 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2693 Doris D. Ling, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-6466 Joseph A. Lopez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Doris D. Ling, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2241 NW Military Hwy Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8689 Joseph A. Lopez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 E Richard R. Lochte III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4403 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1300 E Richard R. Lochte III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4550 Alexandra S. Loffredo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Juanito Q. Lomboy Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7726 Louis Pasteur Dr Ms 71 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8820 David N. Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4910 Golden Quail Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8495 Elizeth Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Joseph A. Lopez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Joseph A. Lopez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Joseph A. Lopez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Shannon R. Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6428 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-4455 Shannon R. Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4438 Centerview San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-0040 Carlos A. Lozano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Richmond Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-7119 J H. Luna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-928-7070 Joseph H. Luna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-928-7070 Page 70 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Raymond Luna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Kenneth M. Lyssy Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6100 Bandera Rd Ste 403 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-256-9500 Leah R. Mabry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa Ave Fl 4 #A San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Anne C. Machinena, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7579 N Loop 1604 W Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-1900 Patricia A. Mackin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2241 N W Military Hwy Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8689 Preeti Malik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 Embassy Oaks Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9087 Margaret M. Mann-Zeballos, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 630 S General Mcmullen M S 52 2 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-435-9771 Margaret M. Mann-Zeballos, MD** Accepts new patients: No 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 James C. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: No 333 N Santa Rosa St C C F Fl 4 Clinic B San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Fernando Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 517 S W Military Dr # A San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-0322 Richard E. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: No 1423 Guadalupe St #102 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3050 Eva J. Mason, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-444-9000 Eva J. Mason, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #1023 San Antonio, TX 78205-2527 County: Bexar Tel: 210-304-3500 David T. McCall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Tamre B. Mcclelland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1919 Oakwell Farms Pkwy Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-0101 Dixie P. Mccrory, MD Accepts new patients: No 8542 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7006 Matthew S. McGlothlin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13750 281 N #140 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9087 Matthew S. McGlothlin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 Embassy Oaks Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9087 Brenda B. McMahon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Neal S. Meritz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-6022 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1300 Neal S. Meritz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr #150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4549 Eman G F Mina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-7700 Shashi Mittal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Edward A. Miwa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 200 N Comal San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-335-6260 Edward A. Miwa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1202 E Sentara Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78285 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-5698 Cordelia A. Moscrip, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 527 N Leona St San Antonio, TX 78207-3110 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Cordelia A. Moscrip, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 98 Briggs St #800 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-9500 Cordelia A. Moscrip, MD** Accepts new patients: No 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 Judith A. Moss, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Judith A. Moss, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Judith A. Moss, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Judith A. Moss, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Judith A. Moss, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Cheryl H. Mueller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8090 David R. Mullican, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd, Tower Ii Ste 215 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-705-5100 Page 71 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Mehnaz Mumtaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8144 Samuel B. Munro, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 6387 Babcock Rd #3 San Antonio, TX 78240-2516 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-4081 Samuel B. Munro, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 16403 Huebner Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-493-4357 Hugo E. Muzza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-8851 Mark T. Nadeau, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 4MS # 39-2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Mark T. Nadeau, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 630 S General Mc Mullen Dr San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-435-9771 Manuel S. Naron, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-6800 Manuel S. Naron, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19222 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-6800 Rodolfo R. Navarro, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St # 39 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Lan-Anh L. Ngo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-9109 Alonzo Ortega, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd #360 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4744 John Q. Nguyen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Alonzo Ortega, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3939 John Q. Nguyen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 700 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Wendy T. Nguyen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Wendy T. Nguyen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 700 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Sandra L. Nieto, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10607 Liberty Field #103 San Antonio, TX 78254 County: Bexar Tel: 210-999-5586 Simone L. Norris, MD Accepts new patients: No 2829 Babcock Rd Tower 1 #236 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-705-5100 Simone L. Norris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-1817 Simone L. Norris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 Clinic B San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Alonzo Ortega, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3939 Andrew P. Ortega, MD Accepts new patients: No 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Andrew P. Ortega, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Andrew P. Ortega, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Andrew P. Ortega, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Andrew P. Ortega, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 David D. Ortiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Gabriel Ortiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6428 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-4455 Gabriel Ortiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7254 Blanco Rd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-384-8282 Gabriel Ortiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 615 N W Loop 410 Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-384-8282 Manuel A. Oscos-Sanchez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9900 Cecilia Pacheco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd #360 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4744 Cecilia Pacheco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3939 Cecilia Pacheco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3939 Deepa Padia, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Deepa Padia, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Page 72 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Deepa Padia, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 David E. Padilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Deepa Padia, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Federico P. Padua, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1630 Sw Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221-1427 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-7930 Deepa Padia, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Belinda R. Padilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-0404 David E. Padilla, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 David E. Padilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4708 David E. Padilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 David E. Padilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 David E. Padilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Solomon I. Paley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 434 N Loop 1604 W Ste 1204 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-6677 Carlos E. Perches, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7622 Louis Pasteur Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78229-3820 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7840 Rolando Perez Jr, MD Accepts new patients: No 333 N. Santa Rosa San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Diane M. Perritano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 John N. Phillips, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 John N. Phillips, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd #360 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7667 John N. Phillips, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy #615 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-4331 Diane M. Perritano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 John N. Phillips, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Timothy S. Palomera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5921 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-8326 Diane M. Perritano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 John N. Phillips, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 700 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Timothy S. Palomera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 Diane M. Perritano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Marianne J. Pinkston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #170 San Antonio, TX 78229-3784 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7911 Ernesto Ortiz Parra, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3710 Diane M. Perritano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2672 Richard D. Palmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2277 N W Military Hwy Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-7300 Pat Keith Patteson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 Clinic B San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Nahim M. Pearose, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 A D A St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 John N. Phillips, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr #330 San Antonio, TX 78258-3916 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 John N. Phillips, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #280 San Antonio, TX 78258-3281 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7999 Marianne J. Pinkston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10865 Shaenfield Rd Ste 1101 San Antonio, TX 78254 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7911 Elena G. Pogosian, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7000 Jennifer R. Porr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8144 Page 73 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Carlos Porter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr # 250 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-9614 Clarence M. Porter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd #124 San Antonio, TX 78217-1297 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-8989 Geri E. Poss, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5262 Geri E. Poss, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5430 Fredericksburg Rd # 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-3362 Geri E. Poss, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1148 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-5646 Ramin S. Poursani, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Richard Prezas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4600 Nw Loop 410 # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229-1994 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-8515 Richard Prezas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4438 Centerview San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-280-0040 Richard Prezas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd # 360 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4744 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Louis U. Pulicicchio Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7330 San Pedro Ave Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-344-2673 Clayton L. Pullin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd # 136 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Manuel M. Quinones Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6428 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78238-1511 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-4455 Manuel M. Quinones Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1805 Castroville Rd San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-4455 Stephen F. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir #131 San Antonio, TX 78258-3328 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-5100 Daisy R. Ramirez-Estrada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 # 325 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2693 David A. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Ave Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 David A. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3110 Nogalitos Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78225 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-0257 Gerardo J. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1831 S General Mc Mullen Dr San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-434-1400 Ronald J. Reardon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-3490 Edward M. Reed, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 NE Loop 410 #100 San Antonio, TX 78217-5650 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6000 Henry Renteria, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5978 F M 78 #300 San Antonio, TX 78244 County: Bexar Tel: 210-622-0076 Henry Renteria, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12650 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-4363 Henry Renteria, MD Accepts new patients: No 705 Kirk Pl San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2200 Henry Renteria, MD Accepts new patients: No 9418 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-7765 Homer C. Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St Ste 2C San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7520 Jose Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 612 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-7444 Jose Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12730 I H 10 W Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-0772 Jose Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12730 W Interstate 10 Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-0772 Ramon G. Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7579 N Loop 1604 W Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-695-1900 George M. Richmond Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 135 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-9214 Bridget Robledo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3939 Bridget Robledo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd # 360 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4744 Bridget Robledo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3939 Abelardo Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 NE Loop 410 Ste 325 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-2693 Jesus A. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9179 Grissom Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-8081 Page 74 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Jesus A. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 N Panam Expy Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-7767 Joy Anne N. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1050 Homero Rodriguez-Juarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 147 W Sunset Rd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3900 Alexander S. Roka, MD Accepts new patients: No 19222 Stonehue Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-3220 Carlos Roldan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-4106 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Thomas Romo Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Baltimore Ave San Antonio, TX 78215-1919 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-1424 Lewis C. Rose, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Roberto J. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3412 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78214-2606 County: Bexar Tel: 210-675-1675 Paul S. Saenz, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Paul S. Saenz, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5921 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-8326 Gilbert R. Salazar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-304-3500 Valentin G. Salcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 NE Loop 410 #100 San Antonio, TX 78217-5650 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6000 Shamsa Saleem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd # 360 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4744 Shamsa Saleem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14100 Nacogdoches Rd # 116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-8989 Jose A. Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 N E Loop 410 # 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6000 Armando A. Sanchez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd # 136 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Armando A. Sanchez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-9841 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 505 Howard St San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-8904 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9355 Bandera Rd Ste 136 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-543-0700 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 David J. Sandercock, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-3646 Hormazd B. Sanjana, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 NW Military Hwy Ste A San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-7300 Raul Santoscoy, DO Accepts new patients: No 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Raul Santoscoy, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Raul Santoscoy, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Raul Santoscoy, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Raul Santoscoy, DO Accepts new patients: No 7616 Culebra Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Cynthia S. Saucedo, MD Accepts new patients: No 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4549 Nick H. Shannon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3326 E Southcross Blvd # 226 San Antonio, TX 78223-1922 County: Bexar Tel: 210-532-3216 Puja Sharma, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 Sw 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Burton G. Shaw Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 135 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-9214 Page 75 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Karen S. Shimotsu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 15102 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-493-5330 Saima Siddiqui, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Prajna Sidhu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Sveta Singh, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-0126 Sveta Singh, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 16088 N U S Hwy 281 Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-200-6744 Mark K. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-4106 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Iveth Soza, DO Accepts new patients: No 810 S E Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-4200 Iveth Soza, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2911 S New Braunfels Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-532-0891 Juanita Huertas Sprute, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9647 Huebner Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-735-5225 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Ashley V. Summers, MD Accepts new patients: No 333 N Santa Rosa C C F 4th Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 David K. Tharakan, MD Accepts new patients: No 6111 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78211-3214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-7361 Alyssa Hoan-Hung Tran, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 911 Old Hwy 90 M S 52 2 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-433-3279 Jennefer C. Sutton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3619 Paesanos Pkwy # 206 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-7827 David K. Tharakan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1202 E Sonterra Blvd #301 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-2311 Alyssa Hoan-Hung Tran, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4020 Naco Perrin San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8900 Jennefer C. Sutton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245/320 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 Denise L. Tarver, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Denise L. Tarver, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Denise L. Tarver, DO Accepts new patients: No 7616 Culebra Rd # 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 David K. Tharakan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10999 W INTERSTATE 10 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78230 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-977-6863 David K. Tharakan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 408 Navarro St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-272-1741 Amy L. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Tower 1 Ste 236 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-9901 Scott M. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Tower 1 Ste 236 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-9901 Denise L. Tarver, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Luis N. Torres, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1920 S W Military Dr # 2 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-2337 Denise L. Tarver, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Luis N. Torres, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1060 San Antonio, TX 78207-3100 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4511 Todd A. Thames, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St 4th Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Luis N. Torres, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Ih 10 #480 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-731-4800 Magdalena C. Traudt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7224 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216-4901 County: Bexar Tel: 210-979-6718 Juan Jose Trevino, MD** Accepts new patients: No 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 Juan Jose Trevino, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 630 S General Mcmullen M S 52-2 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8500 Lucina B. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 507 Pleasanton Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-433-3334 Lucina B. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 426 Castroville Rd Ste 4 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-433-3334 Gabriel A. Urrea-Botero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Gabriel A. Urrea-Botero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Page 76 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Gabriel A. Urrea-Botero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Gabriel A. Urrea-Botero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Richard P. Usatine, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Nora I. Valdes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0000 Salvador C. Vazquez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 210 N Rio Grande San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8700 Salvador C. Vazquez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 A D A M S 65 2 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Jose V. Vela, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jose V. Vela, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Jose V. Vela, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Jose V. Vela, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Jose V. Vela, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Victor D. Vela, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8500 Village Dr #202 San Antonio, TX 78217-5510 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-6450 Victor D. Vela, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 630 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-6450 Juan P. Velazquez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6601 Blanco Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-0018 Walter Walthall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1777 NE Loop 410 #210 San Antonio, TX 78217-5216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-3646 Marcy Renee Wiemers, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9658 Walter Walthall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-3646 James E. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3103 S E Military Dr Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-4711 James R. Watson, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1032 S Ww White Rd San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-2333 Richard J. Whittaker, MD Accepts new patients: No 6218 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78238-3306 County: Bexar Tel: 210-523-1411 Beth A. Wichman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1339 Fair Ave San Antonio, TX 78223-1437 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-3864 Richard J. Villafana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd #360 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4744 Beth A. Wichman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5978 F M 78 #300 San Antonio, TX 78244 County: Bexar Tel: 210-662-0076 Richard J. Villafana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-304-3500 Beth A. Wichman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12650 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78217-2118 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-4363 Laura A. Villarreal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4549 Beth A. Wichman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 705 Kirk Pl San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2200 Melissa A. Walker, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St Rm 105 San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0805 Beth A. Wichman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9418 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-7765 James E. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3166 S E Military Dr Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-4711 Joseph Wysoki, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd. San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Jesus A. Yanes III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9179 Grissom Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-8081 Yanping Ye, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Tower I 5th Fl Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9890 Robert F. Yerrington, MD Accepts new patients: No 8318 Jones Maltsberger Rd #118 San Antonio, TX 78216-6552 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-4060 Derick W. Young, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1715 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5323 Derick W. Young, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 Embassy Oak #200 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9087 Page 77 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Eliot J. Young, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Tower 1 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 Eliot J. Young, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 Eliot J. Young, MD Accepts new patients: No 5307 Broadway St Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-8326 Eliot J. Young, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5921 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-8326 Eliot J. Young, MD Accepts new patients: No 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 Clinic B San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Marcy E. Youngdahl, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-314-6557 Vance Edward Zachary, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Vance Edward Zachary, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd #111 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7246 Vance Edward Zachary, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave # 461 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0435 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Lazaro Zagorin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs Ave Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-928-7070 Hector D. Allende, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9181 Ravi Botla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd # 235 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9181 Ayesha N. Zaheer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8144 Hector D. Allende, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 607 Camden St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Ravi Botla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9181 Alykhym B. Zarzuela, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7042 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-6886 Hays L. Arnold, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Ravi Botla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 607 Camden St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9181 Michael P. Zeitlin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5555 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-379-0953 Hays L. Arnold, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 855 Proton Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-8000 Charles E. Brady III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Gastroenterology Luis J. Acosta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 317 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-5151 Mosaab A. Al Shikh Hasan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 10515 STATE HIGHWAY 151 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78251 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-509-8888 Yasmin Alishahi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9880 Yasmin Alishahi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9887 Hector D. Allende, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 621 Camden St Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Hays L. Arnold, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Datapoint Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Charles E. Brady III, MD** Accepts new patients: No 903 W Martin 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9887 Michael K. Bay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Data Point # 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Jeffrey S. Bullock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Roy P. Bell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr #208 San Antonio, TX 78217-5420 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2637 Jeffrey S. Bullock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8201 Ravi Botla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 621 Camden St Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Ravi Botla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4127 E Southcross Blvd # 4 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-9321 Jeffrey S. Bullock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-2555 Jorge M. Cavazos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Page 78 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Sharif Mohammed Riaz Chowdhury, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr # MC7750 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-4862 Delbert L. Chumley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd # 2118 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Delbert L. Chumley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 855 Proton Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-8000 Delbert L. Chumley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Datapoint Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Seema A. Dar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0156 Seema A. Dar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3715 Seema A. Dar, MD Accepts new patients: No 19226 Stonehue Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0124 Silvio Wanderley De Melo Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 855 Proton Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Silvio Wanderley De Melo Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Leonard Y. Duran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Eddie Flores, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave # 440 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Sunil K. Dwivedi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Eddie Flores, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8201 Sunil K. Dwivedi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 855 Proton Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-8000 Eddie Flores, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-2555 Sunil K. Dwivedi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Datapoint Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Alfredo A. Espinoza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Alfredo A. Espinoza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 855 Proton Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-8000 Alfredo A. Espinoza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Datapoint Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Christopher A. Fincke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr Ste LL100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8308 Christopher A. Fincke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8308 Eddie Flores, MD Accepts new patients: No 4212 E SOUTHCROSS BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-359-6446 Eddie Flores, MD Accepts new patients: No 540 MADISON OAK DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-0606 Eddie Flores, MD Accepts new patients: No 7333 BARLITE BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78224 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-923-6288 Eddie Flores, MD Accepts new patients: No 8800 VILLAGE DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78217 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-0906 Kevin J. Franklin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Kevin J. Franklin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 317 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Komaranahal P. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 621 Camden St Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Komaranahal P. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4127 E Southcross Blvd #3 San Antonio, TX 78222-3720 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-9321 Komaranahal P. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9181 Komaranahal P. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 607 Camden St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Ravi L. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 621 Camden St Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Ravi L. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9181 Ravi L. Ganeshappa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 607 Camden St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Homero R. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0707 Mario A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Page 79 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Mario A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Datapoint Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Ernesto Guerra Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #729 San Antonio, TX 78229-6015 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8201 Russell D. Havranek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-4220 Joseph E. Johnson IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave # 440 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Gary S. Gossen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 126 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0088 Ernesto Guerra Jr., MD Accepts new patients: No 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-6238 Russell D. Havranek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr Lower Level # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8308 Amit Goyal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 621 Camden St Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Ernesto Guerra Jr., MD Accepts new patients: No 4212 E SOUTHCROSS BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-359-6446 Joseph E. Johnson IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 690 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Russell D. Havranek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8308 Ernesto Guerra Jr., MD Accepts new patients: No 540 MADISON OAK DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-0606 Steven E. Hearne, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston # 1006 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-8400 Ernesto Guerra Jr., MD Accepts new patients: No 8800 VILLAGE DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78217 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-0606 Steven E. Hearne, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 N E Loop 410 # 101 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-8400 Juan A. Guerrero, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4500 Ricardo A. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 NE Loop 410 #101 San Antonio, TX 78217-5211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-8400 Amit Goyal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9181 Amit Goyal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 607 Camden St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3430 Gerald I. Green, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden # 608 San Antonio, TX 78215-2016 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-0202 Gerald I. Green, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 520 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-0202 Glenn W. Gross, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9880 Ernesto Guerra Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave # 440 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Michael J. Guirl, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Michael J. Guirl, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 855 Proton Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-8000 Michael J. Guirl, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Data Point # 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Hopethe H. Hubbard, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-988-5838 James F. Jackson III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 James F. Jackson III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Data Point # 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Joseph E. Johnson IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8201 Joseph E. Johnson IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-2555 David P. Jones, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 David P. Jones, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 855 Proton Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8308 David P. Jones, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Datapoint Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Shailesh C. Kadakia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Page 80 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Shailesh C. Kadakia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-7477 Michael Scott Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave # 440 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Tisha N. Lunsford, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9880 Shailesh C. Kadakia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19010 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258-3281 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-5200 Michael Scott Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8800 Village Dr Ste 207 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-7891 Gabriel A. Magraner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-9272 Shailesh C. Kadakia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sontera Blvd Ste 215 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Leon W. Kundrotas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Sarah E. Lapey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9887 Eric J. Lawitz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-1617 Eric J. Lawitz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 621 Camden St Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Eric J. Lawitz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9181 Eric J. Lawitz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 607 Camden St Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3426 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Michael Scott Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-2555 Michael Scott Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: No 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-6238 Michael Scott Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: No 4212 E SOUTHCROSS BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-359-6446 Michael Scott Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: No 540 MADISON OAK DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-0606 Michael Scott Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: No 8711 VILLAGE DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78217 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-590-7892 Michael Scott Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8201 Gabriel A. Magraner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Gabriel A. Magraner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Gabriel A. Magraner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 215 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Patrick A. Masters, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd # 2118 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Patrick A. Masters, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Datapoint Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Bassem W. Mazloum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9502 Huebner Rd #101 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-7300 Robert Stetson McFadden, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-705-6700 Donna M. McMyler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Donna M. McMyler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 855 Proton Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-8000 Jorge Munoz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #180 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3004 Jorge Munoz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2515 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3004 Jorge Munoz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr # 420 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3004 Jorge Munoz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr Lower Level # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8308 Muhammad Naeem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0140 Muhammad Naeem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9793 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-8888 Muhammad Naeem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3070 Page 81 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Muhammad Naeem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 270 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-8888 Robert M. Narvaez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2115 Pleasanton Rd #101 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9119 Richard L. Otero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave # 440 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Richard L. Otero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-359-6446 Nicole A. Palekar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0156 Allan L. Parker, DO** Accepts new patients: No 8300 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9880 Allan L. Parker, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9887 Sandeep N. Patel, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-1617 Clinton D. Polhamus, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 N E Loop 410 #101 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-8400 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Fred F. Poordad, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-1617 Belinda Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: No 540 MADISON OAK DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-0606 Steven R. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-6238 Fred F. Poordad, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 607 Camden St Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3426 Belinda Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: No 8800 VILLAGE DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78217 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-0606 Steven R. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: No 4212 E SOUTHCROSS BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-359-6446 Jan C. Prazak, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 621 Camden St Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Belinda Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8201 Jan C. Prazak, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 607 Camden St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Oscar G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 855 Proton Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Alejandro Pruitt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Oscar G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Alejandro Pruitt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Datapoint Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Oscar G. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Data Point Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Belinda Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave # 440 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Steven R. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave # 440 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Belinda Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: No 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-6238 Steven R. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: No 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Belinda Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: No 4212 E SOUTHCROSS BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-359-6446 Steven R. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-2555 Steven R. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: No 540 MADISON OAK DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-0606 Steven R. Ramos, MD Accepts new patients: No 8800 VILLAGE DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78217 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-271-0606 Zeeshan Ramzan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Charles W. Randall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr Lower Level # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8308 Venkatesan Ranganathan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0120 Michael James Rensch, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4414 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Page 82 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Laura M. Rosenkranz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9880 Amy Schindler, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9880 Amy Schindler, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9887 Antonio Serna IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 E Euclid Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0606 Richard T. Shaffer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 Richard T. Shaffer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Data Point # 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Desh B. Sharma, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd, Suite 213 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-3483 Vijayaprakash Sreenarasimhaiah, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E. Quincy, # 610 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2001 David L. Stump, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr Ste LL100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8308 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 John Thomas Swan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8214 Wurzbach Rd # 2118 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1234 John Thomas Swan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8415 Datapoint Dr Ste 1000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-3669 Kamal A. Syed, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-3433 Joycelyn M. Theard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct # 205 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3070 Joycelyn M. Theard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19284 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0120 Hendrikus S. Vanderveldt, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9880 Hendrikus S. Vanderveldt, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9887 Elliot Weser, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Randy P. Wright, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9887 Victor Franz Zurita, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr Lower Level 100 # LL100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8308 Roger M. Moczygemba, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 General Practice Roger M. Moczygemba, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Alan P. Crowther, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 115 N Loop 1604 E Ste 1206 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-4694 Joeming W. Dunn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7272 Wurzbach Rd #203 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1331 Carl F. Erickson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9711 Huebner Rd Bldg 2 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-6559 Jose A. Fuentes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6521 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-0607 Pat M. Mcmeans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 650b San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-3988 Roger M. Moczygemba, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Roger M. Moczygemba, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N # 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Roger M. Moczygemba, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Armando Quinones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Armando Quinones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Armando Quinones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Armando Quinones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Armando Quinones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1045 Central Pkwy N Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-4500 Armando Quinones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Page 83 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Edmundo Reveron-Questell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11403 Oconnor Rd Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-3700 Gerardo Vazquez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6430 Bandera Rd #98 San Antonio, TX 78238-1513 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-4461 Odville A. Rinn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4402 Vance Jackson Rd #250 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-0096 Patrick G. Vinyard, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4360 Greco Dr San Antonio, TX 78222-2725 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-8200 Vicki J. Sparks, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5018 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-736-4496 Thomas C. Wascher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2221 Buena Vista St San Antonio, TX 78207-3702 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3524 Vicki J. Sparks, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 114 Southbridge St Ste D San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-2707 Ronald S. Stogryn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9355 Bandera Rd Ste 136 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-543-0700 Ronald S. Stogryn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E. Southcross, Bldg 2 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1255 Leonel Tano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 711 Kirk Pl # 2 San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-9408 David E. Thomas, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1202 E. Sonterra Blvd, Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-5698 David E. Thomas, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 9234 N 1604 W, Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 877-544-5698 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. General Vascular Surgery Grady D. Alsabrook, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 518 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5098 Grady D. Alsabrook, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5098 Thomas J. Beadle Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Gabriel J. Bietz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St Ste 200 A San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Gabriel J. Bietz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5098 Christopher J. Busken, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2074 William P. English, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St # 200 A San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Lois A. Fiala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 519 E Quincy St Ste B San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7819 Lois A. Fiala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-1487 Seth H. Fritcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Seth H. Fritcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Patrick Allen Hartsell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd #116 San Antonio, TX 78209-1803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-2531 Patrick Allen Hartsell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Lois Archer Killewich, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0770 William O. Kirk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8534 Village Dr #A San Antonio, TX 78217-5501 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5098 William O. Kirk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd #116 San Antonio, TX 78209-1803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-2503 William O. Kirk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5098 Alfred L. Laborde, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr #120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Demetrios N. Macris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St #427 San Antonio, TX 78215-2033 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Demetrios N. Macris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St # 200 A San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Demetrios N. Macris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-9920 Jeffrey M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd #116 San Antonio, TX 78209-1803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Jeffrey M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St #427 San Antonio, TX 78215-2033 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6805 Jeffrey M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7467 Page 84 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Jeffrey M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St # 200 A San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Michael A. Peck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Jeffrey M. Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 520 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-237-4499 Lori C. Pounds, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5715 David J. Mozersky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7467 Lori C. Pounds, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9700 David J. Mozersky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19141 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 401 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-483-8822 Syed Z. Rizvi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7417 Lyssa N. Ochoa, MD Accepts new patients: No 111 Dallas St # 200 A San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Lyssa N. Ochoa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz # 310 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Gerardo M. Ortega-De La Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St #427 San Antonio, TX 78215-2033 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Gerardo M. Ortega-De La Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St # 200 A San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Michael A. Peck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre # 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-237-4467 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Maureen K. Sheehan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9888 Paula K. Shireman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2074 Matthew J. Sideman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl Ste S 0352 U H San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2074 Mellick Tweedy Sykes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 Park Ten Blvd #154-E San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-0590 Mellick Tweedy Sykes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Mellick Tweedy Sykes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5047 Sherri Ann Rd San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-2503 Daniel D. Tamez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St #427 San Antonio, TX 78215-2033 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5608 Daniel D. Tamez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St # 200 A San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6508 Robert K. Thompson III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19141 Stone Oak Pkwy # 401 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-483-8822 Robert K. Thompson III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7467 Robert K. Thompson III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5098 Boulos Toursarkissian, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl Ste S 0352 U H San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2074 Mark Wengrovitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd #116 San Antonio, TX 78209-1803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-2503 Mark Wengrovitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Edward A. Wolf Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd #116 San Antonio, TX 78209-1803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-2503 Edward A. Wolf Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre # 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-237-4467 Edward A. Wolf Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Geriatric Medicine Denise R. Dahm, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9020 Cesar H. Garcia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9020 Elizabeth Glazier, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Difu Guan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4403 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-0400 Difu Guan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd #340 San Antonio, TX 78229-3813 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0500 Page 85 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Jennifer M. Healy, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Michael J. Lichtenstein, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9020 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Sandra L. Oakes, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Robert W. Parker, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Tower I 5th Fl Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9890 Neela K. Patel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Tower I 5th Fl Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9890 Sandra E. Sanchez-Reilly, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9020 Elenita L. Usher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1111 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-568-5600 Geriatric Psychiatry Donald R. Royall, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Gynecologic Oncology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5021 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr #4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 James E. Mark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Georgia A. Mccann, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Georgia A. Mccann, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Georgia A. Mccann, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Georgia A. Mccann, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St #103 San Antonio, TX 78202-2952 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0137 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #503 San Antonio, TX 78229-3419 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0603 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-7317 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-7317 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 86 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Allan James White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Fl 3 Ste 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 James L. Wilder, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 570 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-3700 Gynecology Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: No 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr #230 San Antonio, TX 78258-3916 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14500 San Pedro Ave #101 San Antonio, TX 78232-4354 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St San Antonio, TX 78205-2107 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 570 San Antonio, TX 78258-3943 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Paul E. Morton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 503 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1098 Michael L. Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-5350 Jorge F. Peacher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 309 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-9049 Joel B. Nilsson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8255 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3357 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8292 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Jorge F. Peacher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1950 Joel B. Nilsson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #940 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste GL70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Antonio Santillan-Gomez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Joel B. Nilsson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Robert Michael Young, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78217-5507 County: Bexar Tel: 972-772-9911 Carlos A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Bernard R. Cavazos Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9639 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-3636 Marco A. Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 920 San Pedro Ave Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4963 Paul E. Morton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell #210 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3524 Robert Michael Young, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 470 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6677 Robert Michael Young, MD Accepts new patients: No 22 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3641 William C. Pederson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln # 310 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-7025 David W. Person, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln # 310 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-478-5244 David W. Person, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd # 216 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-493-4263 Hand Surgery Miguel J. Saldana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #1616 San Antonio, TX 78205-2517 County: Bexar Tel: 210-244-5800 Mark R. Bagg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd # 216 San Antonio, TX 78285 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-7025 Miguel J. Saldana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-5600 Page 87 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Miguel J. Saldana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-244-5800 Miguel J. Saldana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd # 250 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-244-5800 Ramesh C. Srinivasan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-7025 Hematology Carlos R. Bachier, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr Fl 10 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-3817 Yuhoe Gia Dice, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2 Spurs Lane Bldg 6 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8003 Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 11/18/13 Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6972 Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Slavisa Gasic, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct # 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 David H. Gordon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6972 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 5 # 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Joseph R. Holahan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Zulfaqqar M. Jaffar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Zulfaqqar M. Jaffar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd #360 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Zulfaqqar M. Jaffar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8130 Zulfaqqar M. Jaffar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 590 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Zulfaqqar M. Jaffar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste B100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Zulfaqqar M. Jaffar, MD Accepts new patients: No 4243 Southcross Blvd Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-5556 Zulfaqqar M. Jaffar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct # 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 David Young Kahn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Merton Minter St San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 623-933-7453 Kevin R. Kelly, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1143 Ting-Wei Lu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Ting-Wei Lu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Devalingam Mahalingam, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-3833 Page 88 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 5 Ste 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Kyriakos P. Papadopoulos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd #405 San Antonio, TX 78224-1342 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6972 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Scott C. Ulmer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Esther Urbaez-Duran, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Esther Urbaez-Duran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Esther Urbaez-Duran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Page 89 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Esther Urbaez-Duran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Luis A. Cisneros, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 808 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8100 Esther Urbaez-Duran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Robert A. Clark, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Sharon T. Wilks, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 George E. Crawford, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3555 Sharon T. Wilks, MD Accepts new patients: No 2130 NE Loop 410 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 David P. Dooley, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Infectious Diseases Richard J. Fetchick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8100 Gregory M. Anstead, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3710 Ruth E. Berggren, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Carl M. Berkowitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8100 Alison J. Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8100 Jose A. Cadena Zuluaga, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Pablo M. Feuillet, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-7700 Pablo M. Feuillet, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13423 Blanco Rd P M B # 210 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-7700 Heta A. Javeri, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3710 Jan E. Patterson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Thomas F. Patterson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Richard E. Thorner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8100 Elizabeth A. Walter, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Robert A. Zajac, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 808 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-2800 Robert A. Zajac, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 170 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-2800 Internal Medicine Jeremias M. Abueme, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8434 Jesus J. Aguilar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2911 S New Braunfels Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-532-0891 Fernando Aguirre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-4106 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Sunil K. Ahuja, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Laura S. Akright, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 508 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-3360 Lawrence A. Alder, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd #250 San Antonio, TX 78229-3812 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0048 Lawrence A. Alder, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-3456 Jeremias M. Abueme, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8366 Najah MUHAMAD AL-SHALCHI, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7712 Eckhert Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-3008 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8060 Alma L. Aguado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 600 Division Ave Ste G San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-6649 John K. Alukal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1620 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-4091 Alma L. Aguado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1445 Somerset Rd Ste 1 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-6649 Carlos E. Alvarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd #200 San Antonio, TX 78229-4894 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7300 Page 90 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Carlos E. Alvarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr #600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3723 Patrice Alves, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr Ste 401 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-2200 Shan N. Ansari, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Shan N. Ansari, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Shan N. Ansari, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Shan N. Ansari, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Shan N. Ansari, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Steven Argumedo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 SW 36th St Fl 1 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Carolina Arias-Cuello, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 609 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-8622 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Patricia K. Arizaca-Dileo, MD Accepts new patients: No 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Patricia K. Arizaca-Dileo, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Patricia K. Arizaca-Dileo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Patricia K. Arizaca-Dileo, MD Accepts new patients: No 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Patricia K. Arizaca-Dileo, MD Accepts new patients: No 1303 Mc Cullough Ave # 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 William A. Atlas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Ko Ko Aung, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9020 Miguel A. Ayala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 740 S Alamo St San Antonio, TX 78205-3437 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Miguel A. Ayala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Miguel A. Ayala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4203 E Southcross Blvd Ste A San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Melba J. Beine, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 624 W Sunset Rd San Antonio, TX 78216-6907 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-2531 Vernon R. Benson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Oak Centre Dr #240 San Antonio, TX 78258-3937 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Miguel A. Ayala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd Ste 8 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Vernon R. Benson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd #100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Ana M. Ballester-Fiallo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 622 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-1575 Vernon R. Benson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Leslee I. Ball-Scovel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 Embassy Oaks Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9087 Luis F. Bieler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 88 Briggs St #170 San Antonio, TX 78224-1295 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-1323 Robert G. Bass Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1202 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 701 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-2650 Luis F. Bieler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7220 Louis Pasteur Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-368-7493 Steven M. Bauer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 20642 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-0505 Charles H. Beckmann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 Dallas St # 800 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1771 Luis F. Bieler, MD Accepts new patients: No 7127 Somerset Rd # 103 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-1323 Roberta C. Bogaev, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8201 Ewing Halsell Dr #250 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8485 Roberta C. Bogaev, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-0600 Page 91 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Robert A. Borrego III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 359 E Hildebrand Ave Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-5524 Charles R. Cervantes Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 Palo Alto Rd San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-4343 Krista W. Bowers, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3555 Aurelio Roberto Cervera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 1006 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-3288 Delia E. Bullock, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3710 Gregory A. Buser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1933 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-6000 Gregory A. Buser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell #100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6111 Qasim A. Butt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 609 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-8622 Fred C. Campbell, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9020 Rosemary Castoreno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1611 N Alamo St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-0733 Carmen Cawley, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4114 Pond Hill Rd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-510-2141 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Suneetha Challagundla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Jayanta Chaudhuri, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Eugenio R. Chinea, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8303 W Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-674-6130 Kristi G. Clark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 Park Ten Blvd #240E San Antonio, TX 78213-4219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-0578 Kristi G. Clark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St San Antonio, TX 78205-2527 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3246 Kristi G. Clark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7300 Kristi G. Clark, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8542 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7300 C Richard Clemons, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr #401 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-2200 Mika K. Cole, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8001 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-4555 Ramon Colen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 803 Castroville Rd # 120 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-436-7402 Carlos Correa, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd # 105 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-8100 Sue E. Crow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14100 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 116 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-8989 Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6972 Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 5 Ste 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Sreedevi Daggubati, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Samuel Colby Danna, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Lisa Anne Davis, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Camden St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3246 Michael E. Decherd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-4100 Michael E. Decherd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 W Sunset Ste 215 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-4100 Anu Dham, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 Carlos J. Diaz-Velez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 John E. Dickson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14100 San Pedro Ave #400 San Antonio, TX 78232-4362 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-3069 Page 92 Provider Directory for PHCS Network John E. Dickson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-3069 11/18/13 James Brant Ellis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Khanh G. Do, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1439 S W Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-6565 Dante P. Escalante, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4364 Thousand Oaks Dr San Antonio, TX 78217-2153 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-1288 Tere L. Drogin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #570 San Antonio, TX 78258-3933 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-0045 Jorge A. Estrada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #110 San Antonio, TX 78229-3805 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-3600 Liem C. Du, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St SAN ANTONIO, TX 78207 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-358-3441 Paolo Fanti, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Elenora E. Duke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 810 S E Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78214-2823 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-4200 George A. Ford III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Oak Centre Dr #240 San Antonio, TX 78258-3937 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Elenora E. Duke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 Ih 10 W #1001 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4872 George A. Ford III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Elenora E. Duke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-304-3500 Carl E. Dukes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston St Ste 101A San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-1717 Leo K. Edwards, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston Ste 104 C San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5047 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: No 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6972 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 David A. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-9618 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 5 Ste 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Jesus G. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 606 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-8374 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Po-Ming Ming Fung, MD Accepts new patients: No 8303 W Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-674-6130 Raul E. Gaona Sr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 804 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-1471 Raul E. Gaona Sr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1030 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-1471 Raul E. Gaona Sr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 98 Briggs St Ste 900B San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-1472 Raul E. Gaona Jr, MD Accepts new patients: No 414 Navarro St # 1030 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-1471 Allen R. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 815 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3119 Marco X. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Ronald K. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 NW Military Hwy San Antonio, TX 78213-1814 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-7300 Ronald K. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #540 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7865 Max G. Garoutte, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-6000 Max G. Garoutte, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1003 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-6000 David A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 550 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0792 Ernesto Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 700 S Zarzamora St Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-432-0967 Page 93 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Heberto Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St # 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-3130 HERGERTO GARZA Jr, MD Accepts new patients: No 5307 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-3130 Anwar S. Gerges, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 505 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-236-9326 Zeba Gill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Zeba Gill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3166 S E Military Dr Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-298-4711 Jon Avery T. Go, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7000 Hector L. Gomez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 213 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-1832 Vincent Gregory Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: No 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Vincent Gregory Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Vincent Gregory Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: No 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Vincent Gregory Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Vincent Gregory Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 William Thomas Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: No 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 William Thomas Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro #355 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 William Thomas Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 William Thomas Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: No 7616 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 William Thomas Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: No 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 William Thomas Gonzaba, MD Accepts new patients: No 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Juan C. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1603 Babcock Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-200-8798 Gregory J. Guzley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Halim Hanna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-209-8666 Juan A. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Ih 10 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4872 Gerald Harrington, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd #340 San Antonio, TX 78229-3813 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0500 Juan A. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1920 S W Military Dr Ste 3 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-2337 Bryan D. Harris, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9901 Ih 10 W #400 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 541-265-2244 Abhijeet Goyal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 609 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-8622 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 Dina X. Goytia-Leos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 703 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-4811 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 #100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Lewis Greenberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2245 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Lewis Greenberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2241 N W Military Hwy # 200 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8689 Nandkishore R. Gurram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 400 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-6556 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 5 Ste 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Page 94 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Lama Hashish, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4910 Golden Quail Ste 180190 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-9090 Kevin B. Horton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Olga Joukovski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10515 State Highway 151 Ste 370 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-5040 Karl H. Hempel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #703 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-4811 Anastacio M. Hoyumpa, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Olga Joukovski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 370 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-5040 Thwe T. Htay, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9020 Daniel Juarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 220 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0705 Mark A. Isaeff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 542 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-572-4431 Daniel Juarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 S W Military Dr # 204 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-220-3737 James H. Henderson II, MD Accepts new patients: No 333 N Santa Rosa C C F 4th Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Carlos O. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd #105 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4708 Caroline Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-523-9933 Saleh N. Jaafar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-3456 Daniel Juarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 N Mc Cullough Ave Ste 248 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-220-3737 Ramil Jumao-As, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 # 370 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-7462 Ernesto Hernandez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 823 Junction Hwy San Antonio, TX 78208 County: Bexar Tel: 830-258-7900 Robert G. Jakubowski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babock Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7300 Timothy A. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 520 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0709 Robert G. Jakubowski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8542 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7300 Tin A. Hla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6628 Crestway Dr San Antonio, TX 78239-2807 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-3288 Brook T. Jimma, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 402 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-886-0871 Balakuntalam S. Kasinath, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207-5209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Maria M. Jirka, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5979 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-5700 Jibrail Kasperkhan, MD Accepts new patients: No 16906 Hidden Oak Woods San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-1955 Jay M. Hoelscher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1034 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6565 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Ami S. Kadakia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5929 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-5392 Daniel Katselnik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Ctr # 320 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-3739 Cassandra C. Key, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Jerome D. Kizzart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-3010 Kristy Y. Kosub, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3555 Sanjay Kumar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-0126 Sanjay Kumar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7323 Marbach Rd #104 San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-673-4440 Sanjay Kumar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8920 US Highway 87 E Ste 3 San Antonio, TX 78263 County: Bexar Tel: 210-649-4257 Sanjay Kumar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd #100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-0126 Benjamin Pin Hsun Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave # 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Page 95 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Janet I-Ping Lin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-0126 Robert Lira Jr., MD Accepts new patients: No 4006 Nogalitos San Antonio, TX 78211-1336 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-0049 Eva J. Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3603 Paesanos Pkwy # 202 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-5515 Carlos Lorenzo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Carlos Lorenzo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3143 Pablo A. Lozada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2551 Roger M. Lyons, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Kathleen J. Lyssy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6100 Bandera Rd #403 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-256-9500 Aamir S. Malik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 321 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-9481 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Subodh Kumar Mallik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1937 NE LOOP 410 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78217 County: BEXAR Tel: 432-336-0700 Manuel Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Migdalia Molina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 515 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-2026 Lovelesh K. Manocha, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 Dallas St # 800 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1771 Manuel Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 David F. Montemayor, MD** Accepts new patients: No 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3555 John S. Matlock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr Ste 401 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-2200 Lenibet M. Montemayor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Yolanda Marcos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Oak Centre Dr #280 San Antonio, TX 78258-3937 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-4290 Yolanda Marcos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 510 Med Ct #210 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-4290 Joseph A. Marotta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St 3101 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-475-0605 Joseph A. Marotta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-475-0605 Manuel Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Manuel Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Manuel Martinez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Gregory Duncan D. McCarroll, MD Accepts new patients: No 5282 Medical Dr #107 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-3362 Gregory Duncan D. McCarroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5430 Fredericksburg Rd #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-3362 Glen D. McCreless, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4037 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222-3636 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4921 Mary L. Mercado, MD** Accepts new patients: No 927 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 Robert S. Michaelson, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3493 Thomas W. Mieras, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr #401 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-2200 Lenibet M. Montemayor, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lenibet M. Montemayor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lenibet M. Montemayor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lenibet M. Montemayor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Raul M. Montemayor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5855 Page 96 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Carlos F. Morales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 860 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9999 Robert G. Nobles, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-5511 Albert Mosqueda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr #401 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-2200 Chinyere Iheoma Odu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Marvin R. Moszkowicz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #312 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-3815 Lubna Naeem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3800 Sasikanth Nallagatla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Medical Plz Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-417-4142 Michael Natalino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #320 San Antonio, TX 78217-5407 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3109 Michael Natalino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3109 Aris Nikas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W lh 10 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-7872 Aris Nikas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4511 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Chinyere Iheoma Odu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Chinyere Iheoma Odu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Chinyere Iheoma Odu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Chinyere Iheoma Odu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 N W Military Dr Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Karen E. Olarte Merida, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St, Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Dennis C. Oliver, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-4106 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Margarita M. Ontiveros, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St #102 San Antonio, TX 78215-2003 County: Bexar Tel: 210-281-9800 Ho David S. Pak, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4360 Greco Dr San Antonio, TX 78222-2725 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-8200 Carlos R. Orozco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5290 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6000 Joel Pena Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1207 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4804 County: Bexar Tel: 210-229-9100 Carlos R. Orozco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston Ste C 3 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6000 Ana Y. Perez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 408 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3744 Carlos R. Orozco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6000 Carmen Perez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 810 S E Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-4200 Carlos R. Orozco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 Camden St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-9019 Enrique R. Perez-Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4950 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-9700 Jose C. Ortiz Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2551 Timothy Osonma, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7330 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-344-2673 Hector Alejandro Oyarzabal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1911 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78221-1210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-7331 Aydin M. Ozan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross # 205 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-304-3500 Patrick H. Peters Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6547 Bandera Rd # C San Antonio, TX 78238-1434 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-7676 Leticia A. Poret, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6431 Pemwoods San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-0000 Leticia A. Poret, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4522 Fredericksburg Rd #A14 San Antonio, TX 78201-6595 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-3005 Jacqueline Ann Pugh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7863 Callaghan Rd Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-858-7191 Page 97 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Rebecca A. Quiroz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0127 Khusro Rashid, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-6184 Javier F. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 509 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-4278 Roberto D. Ross, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Rebecca A. Quiroz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 20306 Encino Ledge Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0127 Richard S. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-1600 Manuel J. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-4106 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Antonio L. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #312 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-3815 Richard S. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Ih 10 # 480 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-731-4800 Radames Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 740 S Alamo St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Rowland S. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-1600 Radames Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4203 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Jose A. Sanchez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-4106 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Robert R. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd #130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Mark D. Riddoch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr #401 San Antonio, TX 78229-5925 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-2200 Tamyra L. Rogers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2815 N Loop 1604 E Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2117 Marlene L. Sanchez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 NE Loop 410 #100 San Antonio, TX 78217-5650 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6000 Robert R. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: No 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Julie S. Rivera Fernandez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3555 Tamyra L. Rogers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 24200 I H 10 W Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2117 Ninza A. Sanchez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4203 E Southcross Blvd Ste C San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Robert R. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: No 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Guillermo I. Rocha, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3408 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-5922 Hugo A. Rojas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11730 West Ave San Antonio, TX 78216-2524 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-8501 Ana I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-4106 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Hugo A. Rojas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2115 Pleasanton Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-3627 Francisco C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 SW Military Dr Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-7356 Roberto D. Ross, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 740 S Alamo St San Antonio, TX 78205-3437 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Robert R. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Robert R. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Khusro Rashid, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1080 Khusro Rashid, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6111 S Zarzamora St Ste A San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-6900 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Brian N. Sabowitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3370 Jully M. Sanchez Mora, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Jully M. Sanchez Mora, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jully M. Sanchez Mora, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Page 98 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Jully M. Sanchez Mora, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jully M. Sanchez Mora, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Ravi Santhanam, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 230 B San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-7400 Edward R. Sargent, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8401 Datapoint Dr Ste 401 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-2200 George B. Schneider III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14100 San Pedro Ave #400 San Antonio, TX 78232-4364 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-9162 George B. Schneider III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 N Mc Cullough #560 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-9162 Mysti D. Schott, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9020 Brian P. Senger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-4106 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Jayesh B. Shah, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2520 Paul H. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St # 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-3130 Nishi Tahkur, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 620 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0237 Jayesh B. Shah, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3493 Kermit V. Speeg, MD** Accepts new patients: No 4502 Medical Dr Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4500 Chandandeep Takkar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Alexander M. Shepherd, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Venkatasubramanian Srinivasan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224-1337 County: Bexar Tel: 210-928-2273 Alexander M. Shepherd, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-6400 Venkatasubramanian Srinivasan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-928-2273 Alexander M. Shepherd, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-8505 Marium Z. Steele, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 NE Loop 410 #100 San Antonio, TX 78217-5650 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-6000 Alexander M. Shepherd, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3561 Laura A. Suarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14701 San Pedro Ave Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1111 Robert A. Tavera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 102 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4540 Bradley N. Shipman, MD Accepts new patients: No 5307 Broadway St # 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-3130 Kristina K. Swiggum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14100 Nacogdoches #116 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-8989 Robert A. Tavera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4511 Lorraine Lee Shirley-Wenzel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5929 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-5392 Nishi Tahkur, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7323 Marbach Rd # 104 San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-751-2930 Ruben L. Tenorio, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 705 Kirk Pl San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0024 Nishi Tahkur, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8920 US Highway 87 E Ste 3 San Antonio, TX 78263 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-3529 Ruben L. Tenorio, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 432 Castroville Rd San Antonio, TX 78207-5147 County: Bexar Tel: 210-432-8871 John J. Siedenfeld, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-3130 Chandandeep Takkar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9650 Chun Wang Y. Tan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 927 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3203 David C. Tapp, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8132 Fredericksburg Rd #111 San Antonio, TX 78229-3312 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1079 Page 99 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Nishi Thakur, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2241 N W Military Hwy # 200 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8689 Mark L. Thornton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7720 Jones Maltsberger Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-2004 Joe E. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4438 Centerview San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-8515 Robert P. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 740 S Alamo St San Antonio, TX 78205-3437 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Robert P. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-1181 Roberto Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 428 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2229 Chandana Tripathy, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9020 Nazli M. Uppal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr # 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-7311 Jesus A. Valdes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4402 Vance Jackson Rd Ste 248 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-344-9988 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Pavel Valdes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Pavel Valdes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Pavel Valdes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Pavel Valdes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Pavel Valdes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Rayleen Villanueva Rumpf, MD Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Rayleen Villanueva Rumpf, MD Accepts new patients: No 7616 Culebra Rd # 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Rayleen Villanueva Rumpf, MD Accepts new patients: No 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Rayleen Villanueva Rumpf, MD Accepts new patients: No 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Rayleen Villanueva Rumpf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 David J. Wehrly, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #2 San Antonio, TX 78229-3735 County: Bexar Tel: 210-732-7030 Marc H. Weiner, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Santiago Villarreal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4151 Callaghan Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-647-1195 Robert A. Weiss, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3646 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78228-5916 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-4236 James L. Vosberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2 Spurs Lane Bldg 6 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8003 Robert A. Weiss, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 626 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-4236 Jennifer L. Wallace, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 560 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-9617 Lindsay H. White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St Rm 103 San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0137 Andrew L. Walsh III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #1404 San Antonio, TX 78205-2516 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5933 Andrew L. Walsh III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #250 San Antonio, TX 78212-4803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5933 Patricia I. Wathen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3611 Martin J. Wiesenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3365 George K. Wilcox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7330 San Pedro Ave Ste 540 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-344-7287 Brian E. Winn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2551 Ronald D. Wong, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2118 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3863 Page 100 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Ronald D. Wong, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 125 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-7158 David R. Wood, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222-3726 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-9500 Stella V. Yu-Kabingting, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7300 Stella V. Yu-Kabingting, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8542 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-7300 Jocelyn V. Zarate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1422 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-8787 Jocelyn V. Zarate, MD Accepts new patients: No 5100 John D Ryan Blvd San Antonio, TX 78245 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-8787 Jocelyn V. Zarate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4917 Ravenswood Dr San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-8787 Rudolfo P. Zarate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1422 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-8787 Rudolfo P. Zarate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5100 John D Ryan Blvd San Antonio, TX 78245 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-8787 Interventional Cardiology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Shah-Hinan H. Ahmed, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7717 Chad R. Christopherson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12446 W Ave # 200 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-1668 Jarrett T. McGehee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 209 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-0304 Shah-Hinan H. Ahmed, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Chad R. Christopherson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-281-9800 Son V. Pham, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Steven E. Daniels, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Anand S. Prasad, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7717 Steven E. Daniels, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 Anand S. Prasad, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Shah-Hinan H. Ahmed, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9900 Steven R. Bailey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Marvin Ho-Keung Eng, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Abram Charles Rabinowitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1234 Marc D. Feldman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Abram Charles Rabinowitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W # 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 George Borland Boyd III, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7838 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-9729 Radoslaw Stefan Kiesz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18615 Tuscany Stone Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-272-0098 John Nathaniel Sanderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1414 George Borland Boyd III, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 213 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-3483 Richard A. Lange, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Ryan N. Bourne, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-6556 Ryan N. Bourne, MD Accepts new patients: No 12446 WEST AVE 2ND FL SAN ANTONIO, TX 78216 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-525-1669 William C. Wu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 927 Mc Cullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-6896 William C. Wu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross #120 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-2031 Page 101 Provider Directory for PHCS Network William C. Wu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 333 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3204 Marriage and Family Counseling Lourdes Aguilar-Landin, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 510 Med Ct Ste 106 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-0675 Gabrielle R. Carey, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 11122 Wurzbach Rd #302 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-0409 Patricia Carrillo Barnes, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 88 Briggs St San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-0582 Patricia Carrillo Barnes, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 12915 Jones Maltsberger Rd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3344 Hazel S. Colvin III, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 5115 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0074 Maria T. Flores, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 1528 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-8407 Diana R. Galvan, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 11122 Wurzbach Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-0345 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Fred Z. Hernandez, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 419 S Main Ave Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78204 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-2707 Mark S. Jones, DMIN Accepts new patients: Yes 16607 Blanco Rd #12102 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-260-9949 Kathleen N. Kinder, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 610 Rockhill Dr San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-2151 Agnes M. Klar, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 211 Tammy Dr San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-789-1843 Agnes M. Klar, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 1501 Cincinnati Ave San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-789-1843 Eugene G. Krenzer, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 12500 Nw Military Hwy San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-302-6920 Mayin Lau-Patterson, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8245 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0022 Mayin Lau-Patterson, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8239 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3164 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-8857 Estela Olivares, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1528 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-8407 Dolores G. Osborn, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1919 Oakwell Farms Pkwy Ste 138 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-9882 Glenn C. Pedder, DMIN Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 Ste 1050 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-0883 Neli A. Rogers, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 16601 Blanco Rd #219 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-3689 Gloria P. Smith, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 19206 Huebner Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-2880 Joan M. Smock, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 214-348-5557 Michele F. Twist, MA Accepts new patients: No 339 E Hildebrand Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-9919 Diana G. Zuniga, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 19206 Huebner Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-1020 Maternal and Fetal Medicine Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2209 Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2000 Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8281 Melissa A. Aerts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 121 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-6341 Joseph Paul Bruner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-2200 Page 102 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Deborah L. Conway, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Nancy Louise Eriksen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-2200 Stephen Jos Fortunato, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-2200 Michael Gordon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd # 227 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 Michael Gordon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 David Christopher Gore III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 David Christopher Gore III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 David Christopher Gore III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 11/18/13 David Christopher Gore III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5714 Kenneth Higby, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St #221 San Antonio, TX 78215-2034 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 Kenneth Higby, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd #227 San Antonio, TX 78229-3403 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Kenneth Higby, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2209 Gerard M. Honore, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-3000 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2000 Mark C. Maberry, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-2200 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 121 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-1455 Lissa Kathleen Magloire, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8281 Theresa L. Stewart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Theresa L. Stewart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 Theresa L. Stewart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 Theresa L. Stewart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Theresa L. Stewart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Theresa L. Stewart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2209 Theresa L. Stewart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2000 Theresa L. Stewart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Theresa L. Stewart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 121 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-1455 Medical Microbiology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Page 103 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Kristin R. Fiebelkorn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Medical Oncology Athanassios Argiris, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Alexei Arkhipov, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Rd Ste100 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-1977 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd #230 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Ste Z323 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak # 120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Muralidhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Sridhar Beeram, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Devendra K. Bhachawat, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy # 250 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-7446 Devendra K. Bhachawat, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave # 338 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-6156 Devendra K. Bhachawat, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 116 Gallery Cir Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-4999 Devendra K. Bhachawat, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 925 San Pedro Ave Ste B San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-6156 Andrew Jacob Brenner, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Linda S. Couch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Tyler J. Curiel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Paromita Datta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9102 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-247-0888 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 102 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-3838 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd #230 San Antonio, TX 78229-4427 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-3838 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-3838 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ronald L. Drengler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 104 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Richard M. Elledge, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: No 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lisa M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0606 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Allison M. Garner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd #230 San Antonio, TX 78229-4427 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Allison M. Garner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 5 Ste 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6972 Kathleen Grace Halka, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 960 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-9888 Kathleen Grace Halka, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8001 Midcrown Dr Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-9888 Edsel L. Hesita, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Blvd Ste 5 # 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven P. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Fl 3 # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 105 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Rohit A. Kapoor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 135 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 11/18/13 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Anand B. Karnad, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1143 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Irene Kazhdan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Amy S. Lang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Charles F. LeMaistre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr Fl 10 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-3817 Robert A. Marciniak, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 330 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1143 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6972 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 5 Ste 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr #4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9090 Alexander R. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr #250 San Antonio, TX 78229-3271 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-5041 Page 106 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St # 410 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 Peter M. Ravdin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1143 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 Syed Nayyar Raza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-3838 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 5 # 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Syed Nayyar Raza, MD Accepts new patients: No 4243 E Southcross # 205 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-0922 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-3838 Syed Nayyar Raza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 590 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2707 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2570 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak # 120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Amita Patnaik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6972 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Jayasree N. Rao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19288 Stone Oak Pkwy # B San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2707 Syed Nayyar Raza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste B100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Syed Nayyar Raza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd 3rd Fl Ste 360 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Syed Nayyar Raza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Syed Nayyar Raza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 504 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-5556 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 107 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 11/18/13 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd # Z 309 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-3838 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Gladys I. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Ste 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-3947 Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 353 W Houston St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-2811 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Luis C. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Ste 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Dennis L. Rousseau Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 620 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1400 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak # 120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Marisa Sandera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Alfredo A. Santillan-Gomez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 6th Fl Zeller Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-5990 John Sarantopoulos, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd #230 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1143 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 108 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Lon S. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr # 205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5250 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Patricia E. Adams, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 19595 I H 10 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 866-344-5517 Kristin E. Barto, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 625 E Guenther St San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-325-6921 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5250 Patricia E. Adams, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8333 Culebra Rd Ste 201 B San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-344-5517 Susan M. Bayne, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1919 Oakwell Farms Pkwy #230 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-4969 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Patricia E. Adams, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 28300 US Highway 281 N San Antonio, TX 78260 County: Bexar Tel: 866-344-5517 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Patricia E. Adams, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 400 N Loop 1604 E Ste # 175 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 866-344-5517 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak # 120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Anthony W. Tolcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Mental Health Counseling Patricia E. Adams, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8113 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7411 Patricia E. Adams, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1222 N Main Ave Ste 740 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7411 Patricia E. Adams, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 4615 Walzem Rd Ste 209 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-8993 Patricia E. Adams, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Mabry St Suite 100 San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-6188 Randall B. Adkins, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 23535 I H 10 W Ste 3002 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-8818 Andrea M. Alvarez, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 16007 Via Shavano Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-557-9212 Constance K. Austin, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 214-348-5557 Eugene H. Benedict, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 18587 Sigma Rd Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-316-5618 Rafael C. Bertran, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6521 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-0607 Tammy Botello-Castillo, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 6931 Leslie Rd Ste 2 San Antonio, TX 78254 County: Bexar Tel: 210-736-0106 Thomas B. Bowling, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 8535 Wurzbach Rd #108 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-8500 Thomas B. Bowling, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 16019 Via Shavano San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-9292 Amey E. Buchanan, MED Accepts new patients: No 8301 Broadway 414 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-863-3943 Karen J. Cabral, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 5805 Callaghan Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78228-1127 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-4833 Page 109 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Cynthia C. Cano, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8627 Cinnamon Creek Dr Bldg 701 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-0345 Cynthia C. Cano, MA Accepts new patients: No 2950 THOUSAND OAKS DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78247 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-699-0345 Cynthia C. Cano, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 11122 Wurzbach Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-0345 Julian Cano, EDD Accepts new patients: No 8627 Cinnamon Creek Dr San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-0345 Julian Cano, EDD Accepts new patients: No 2950 THOUSAND OAKS DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78247 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-699-0345 Diane M. Cantrell, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 400 N Loop 1604E Ste 175 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-632-4147 Angela D. Casanova, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 11107 Wurzbach Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-535-4956 Laura F. Cavicchi, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8400 Blanco Rd Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-632-9390 Susan D. Clifford, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1122 W Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-887-2122 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Manuel Robert Cordero, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste L 1010 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-1186 Patricia A. Cotton, EDD Accepts new patients: Yes 100 Magnolia Dr San Antonio, TX 78212-3115 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-2037 Suzanne P. Davis-Thomas, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1122 W Blanco RD San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-4540 Sabina R. De Vries, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 4538 Centerview Dr Ste 158 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-215-8817 Sonia Dimas, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Blanco Rd Ste 501 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-827-5812 Mary A. Dom, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 7300 Blanco Rd Ste 501 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-488-0384 Joslyn L. Drzymalla, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 Ste 1050 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-0883 Jeannette N. Dupont, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8217 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3500 Patricia A. DuTerroil, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 8310 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0885 Derek H. Elder, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 16607 Blanco Rd Ste 502 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-326-4663 Melissa Friesenhahn, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 19206 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-2880 Andrea D. Ellis, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 19206 Huebner Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-2880 Katherine C. Georgulas, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 4207 Gardendale St San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 877-314-7497 Joan M. Ellis, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 7410 Blanco Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-1979 Jessie M. Estrada, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 202 E LOCUST SAN ANTONIO, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-687-2939 Edward M. Flatow, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 Park Ten Blvd Ste 138E San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-2222 Melisa L. Fleming, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 3242 Woodcock Dr Ste 208 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-9929 Robert C. Flinn, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 16607 Blanco Rd, Ste 12102 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-862-6992 Beverly Franklin, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 7300 Blanco Rd Ste 501 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-878-9623 Robert K. Franklin, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 7300 Blanco Rd Ste 501 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-878-9623 Michelle L. Grigsby, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 11503 Jones Maltsberger Ste 1203 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-683-5975 Cheryllann Grimsley, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 11122 Worebach Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-0345 Michelle B. Gunnin, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 4230 Gardendale St Ste 601 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-0409 Mark Harris, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 8400 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1927 Mary Ann D. Harris, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 3030 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-9599 Margene F. Hartley, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 219 Brees Blvd San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-820-3415 Susan R. Hartman, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 11120 Wurzbach Rd Ste 304 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-691-2100 Page 110 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Jay C. Hebert, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 12915 Jones Maltsberger Rd #600 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-0054 Christine M. Hefel, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 23535 I H 10 W Ste 3002 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-8818 11/18/13 Bart W. Kelly, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1603 Babcock Rd Ste 165 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-710-4915 Kathleen G. Koehler, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 3030 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-9599 Paula S. Hernandez, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 803 Castroville Rd # 134 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-436-2339 John H. Koiner, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9062 Laura D. Hill, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 4055 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-383-3243 Corinne Kurth, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 16607 Blanco Rd Ste 502 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-643-3798 Mary S. Hullinger, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 1800 N E Loop 410 #216 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-9882 Richard R. Layne, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 3740 Colony Dr Ste 125b San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-818-1707 Bobby D. Hunt, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 3242 Woodcock Dr Ste 208 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-9929 Armando Leal, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 702 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-2400 Darlene Jimenez, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 134 E Mistletoe Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-3407 County: Bexar Tel: 210-735-9341 Deborah M. Lee, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 105 Willim St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-5959 Roberta B. Jones, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 2040 Babcock Rd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7979 Madhu Karnad, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 12500 NW Military Hwy. San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-302-6920 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Karen D. Lee, EDD Accepts new patients: Yes 8207 Callaghan Rd San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-870-7799 Martha L. Leesman, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd #230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6860 Shelley L. Lilliker, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8245 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3356 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0022 Susan C. Loveland, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 21714 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9062 Dirk Magdahl-Jakob, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 12050 Vance Jackson Rd Bldg 2 Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8881 Donna J. Martin, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 9650 Datapoint Dr #108 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-872-4534 Cecelia A. Maurer, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 Ste 1050 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-0883 Courtney L. Mayfield, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 23535 Ih 10 West Ste 2204 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-8818 Kevin McBrearty, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 1920 Burnet St San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-4061 Colleen A. Mcdonald, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 12500 Nw Military Hwy, Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-302-6920 Dawn M. McFadden, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8301 Broadway St # 410 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-748-7072 Randall A. McGibeny, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8207 Callaghan Rd Ste 425 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-3700 Evelyn M. McNeel, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 10615 Perrin Beitel Rd Ste 406 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-325-1567 Preston M. McNeel, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 3030 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-9599 Kristen E. Mews, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1222 N Main Ave Ste 740 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7411 Marilyn Miller, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 5108 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-1708 Felicia A. Montejano, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 3126 N Saint Marys St Unit 3 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-849-2110 Kimberly Morehouse-Sheffield, MA Accepts new patients: No 702 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-2400 Sylvia Moreno, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 10003 N W Military Hwy Ste 2217 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2998 Martha T. Munch, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 12500 NW Military Hwy, Suite 250 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-302-6920 Page 111 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Lizette Nale, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 Ste 1050 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-0883 Cathy L. Neville, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8207 Callaghan Rd, Suite 220 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-286-0810 JOSE R. ODIO, MA Accepts new patients: No 4242 MEDICAL DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-614-8400 Mary Ann O'Loughlin, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 214-348-5557 M'Lissa Parsons, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 7475 Callaghan Rd #104 San Antonio, TX 78229-2934 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-6009 Jordana S. Pazin, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 4230 Gardendale St Ste 601 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-0409 Andrea F. Pena, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 4203 Woodcock Dr Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-733-9929 Erin R. Porche, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8207 Callaghan Rd, Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-3700 Sean A. Post, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 7300 Blanco Rd, Ste 501 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-827-5812 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Maria E. Quevedo, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 21714 Hardy Oak San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 915-838-8638 Jeannette C. Santos, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8000 I H 10 W Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-445-1424 Gregg J. Ramirez, MA Accepts new patients: No 702 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-2400 Sharon Schorsch, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 Park Ten Blvd #206N San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-643-5155 Mark A. Raymond, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 4230 Gardendale St San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-0409 Miguel G. Serrano, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 9019 Swinburne Ct San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-248-6618 Germaine M. Rosas, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 7300 Blanco Rd Ste 501 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-326-3964 John F. Sherwood, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9595 Marian F. Rubio, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1514 Viewridge Dr San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-364-8663 Austin M. Siegel, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 14815 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232-3708 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-1991 Marian F. Rubio, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 5805 Talahan Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-364-8663 Glenn C. Sammis, DMIN Accepts new patients: Yes 8546 Broadway St # 270 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-274-0683 Priscilla R. Sanchez, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8245 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0022 Yolanda V. Sanchez, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 4230 Gardendale Bldg 601 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-0409 Jeannette C. Santos, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 8800 I H 10 W Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-445-1424 Mabel A. Sluder, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 12500 NW Military Hwy, Suite 250 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-302-6920 Billie Smithson, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 4901 Broadway St # 100 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-5795 Donna S. Stutes, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 16607 Blanco Road Ste 502 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-867-9301 Charles H. Tatum, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 12050 Vance Jackson Rd Bldg 2 Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8881 Clifton N. Taylor, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 13300 Old Blanco Rd Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-378-0480 Roy G. Taylor, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 8310 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0885 Joan Y. Terry, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 4230 Gardendale St Ste 601 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-0409 Edward P. Travers, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6615 Prescott Dm San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-213-5220 Eric Neil Turpening, MA Accepts new patients: No 6521 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-0607 Vikki L. Vaiani, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 12050 Vance Jackson Rd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8881 Lou Valdez, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6609 Blanco Rd Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-0202 Roberta K. Varela Hein, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 12500 Nw Military Hwy San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-302-6920 Christina E. Villarreal, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 5503 Grissom Rd Ste 156 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-4747 Page 112 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Joan B. Wade, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 1731 N Comal San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-735-7275 Margaret E. Wesner, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #1001 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2600 Jana L. Sullivan, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Richard F. Stribley, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1154 Gerard J. Walencey, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 Park Ten Blvd Ste 103N San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-735-2740 Donna F. Wickwar, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 11107 Wurzbach Rd # 104 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-844-8446 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Nephrology Sherry L. Wally, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 Ste 1050 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-0883 Carol J. Walter, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1852 Lockhill Selma Rd #108 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-1000 Dorothy R. Warren, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 117 Southbridge St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-287-6386 Danielle A. Warzecha-Camplen, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 13750 San Pedro #210 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2992 Danielle A. Warzecha-Camplen, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 7800 W Interstate 10 Ste 232 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2992 Serena Watts Kumar, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 4230 Gardendale St San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-0409 Marilou C. Weir, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 5805 Callaghan Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-4833 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Maria F. Winsborough, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1132 W Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-544-1711 Elizabeth A. Young, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 Park Ten Blvd Ste 138 E San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-738-2222 Desirae L. Ysasi, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 23535 I H 10 W Ste 3002 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-8818 Andrea Zuflacht, MS Accepts new patients: No 5555 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0828 Andrea Zuflacht, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 455 S Main Ave # A San Antonio, TX 78204 County: Bexar Tel: 210-279-8938 Andrea Zuflacht, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs # 450 San Antonio, TX 78204 County: Bexar Tel: 216-616-0828 Midwifery Margaret A. McGill, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Lisa Melvin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9644 Marisol Montes-Morales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8281 Alvaro G. Moreira, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 5th Fl N I CU San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1154 David Clay Mullins, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 David Clay Mullins, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericks Burg Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78229-5657 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3472 David Clay Mullins, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurbach #310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Eduardo Martin Perez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4115 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 512-324-1000 Hanna E. Abboud, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Fadi Abouzahr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur #109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Fadi Abouzahr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd # U309 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 830-931-3336 Fadi Abouzahr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Steven Gerard Achinger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 609 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-8622 Irfan A. Agha, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Flavio H. Alvarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr #109 San Antonio, TX 78229-4539 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Flavio H. Alvarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #210 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-8470 Page 113 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Tahira P. Alves, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Bruce A. Brockway, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 803 Castroville Rd Ste 401 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-0776 Gerardo A. Chica II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2391 N E Loop 410 # 405 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7326 Tahira P. Alves, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0743 Varshasb Broumand, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 609 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-8622 Cleve B. Collins, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Lisa O. Cabrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2001 Casey Lee Cotant, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-661-5622 Alfredo J. Fiallo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 116 Gallery Cir San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-661-5622 Larry R. Davis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Alfredo J. Fiallo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1008 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0743 Larry R. Davis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 116 Gallery Cir San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Nicolas A. Forero, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2391 NE Loop 410 Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7326 Michael V. DeGaetano, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Rd # 309 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Nicolas A. Forero, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave # 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-7453 Tahira P. Alves, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1008 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0743 Tahira P. Alves, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9846 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-549-3524 Shweta Bansal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Mail Stop 3 5 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7538 Carl J. Blond, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave # 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-7453 Carl J. Blond, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2391 N E Loop 410 Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7326 Bruce A. Brockway, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3939 Medical Dr Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1515 Bruce A. Brockway, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1608 S New Braunfels Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-9693 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Lisa O. Cabrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16620 Us Hwy 281 N #300 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1231 Lisa O. Cabrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd Ste 16 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-359-7888 Timoteo Cabrera III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur, # 309 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Timoteo Cabrera III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 N Frio St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7627 Wesley B. Calhoun, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Gerardo A. Chica II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7114 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-2233 Michael V. DeGaetano, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Susan A. Diamond, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Christopher A. Dyer, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl Ste 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9650 Nastaran Fathi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave #515 San Antonio, TX 78205-1116 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-9997 Nastaran Fathi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 420 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-9997 Nicolas A. Forero, MD** Accepts new patients: No 94 BRIGGS ST SAN ANTONIO, TX 78224 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-403-0765 Iliana Fred Fred-Miranda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 N Frio St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7827 Iliana Fred Fred-Miranda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Page 114 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Terrance A. Fried, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Denise P. Hart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-270-7760 Melissa R. Isbell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16620 Us Hwy 281 N #300 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1231 Maria G. Luna, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Terrance A. Fried, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1008 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0743 Denise P. Hart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 714 E Quincy St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-270-7760 Melissa R. Isbell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Deandra L. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-2500 Terrance A. Fried, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave # 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0743 William L. Henrich, MD** Accepts new patients: No 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Rodolfo O. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 731 Carnoustie Dr Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-8280 Robert A. Holub, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur # 309 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Matthias H. Kapturczak, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-661-5622 Christopher W. Glanton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 116 Gallery Cir Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-8280 Robert A. Holub, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2001 Steven F. Gouge, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave, # 300 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0743 Steven F. Gouge, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2391 NE Loop 410 Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7326 Steven F. Gouge, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Ronald W. Hamner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2001 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Claudia E. Hura, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7540 Louis Pasteur Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78229-4008 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Claudia E. Hura, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave # 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-7453 Claudia E. Hura, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9650 Melissa R. Isbell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Matthias H. Kapturczak, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 John E. Kobert, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4911 John E. Kobert, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-661-5622 Rahul S. Koushik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2391 N E Loop 410 #405 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7326 Robert T. Kunau Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Maria G. Luna, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Deandra L. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1231 Deandra L. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Deandra L. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11481 Toepperwein Rd # 1202 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Elzbieta B. McMurtrie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave # 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-7453 Elzbieta B. McMurtrie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1008 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0743 Elzbieta B. McMurtrie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2902 Goliad Rd #103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4911 Alan J. Merin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 430 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1079 Page 115 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Mohammad R. Mizani, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Prakash R. Nancherla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 906 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-0765 Charles R. Nolan III, MD** Accepts new patients: No 7979 Wurzbach Rd Urschel Bldg Ste 219 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5777 Mohammad R. Mizani, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #609 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-8622 Prakash R. Nancherla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-0765 Aashish K. Pandey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross # 10 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-359-7888 Mohammad R. Mizani, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 137 Palo Alto Rd San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-572-5330 Mohammad R. Mizani, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Plz I I Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8155 Arturo U. Molina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1231 Prakash R. Nancherla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7515 Barlite Blvd Ste 906 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-277-1011 Prakash R. Nancherla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2902 Goliad Rd #103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4911 Prakash R. Nancherla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd #200 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-0765 Luz A. Moreno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St #610 San Antonio, TX 78215-2031 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2001 Rajeev Narayan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7114 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-2233 Luz A. Moreno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1231 Rajeev Narayan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1008 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0743 Paraic J. Mulgrew, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16620 Us Hwy 281 N #300 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1231 Rajeev Narayan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-0765 Paraic J. Mulgrew, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Rajeev Narayan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4653 Binz Engleman #1 San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-3988 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Aashish M. Pandya, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd Ste 10 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-359-7888 Pablo E. Pergola, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Pablo E. Pergola, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2001 Arnaldo J. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2001 Robert Ramiro Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Caridad M. Rebollar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn # 3 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0743 Caridad M. Rebollar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd # 4 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4911 Caridad M. Rebollar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2902 Goliad Rd #103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4911 Jessica L. Pierce, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur #109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Daniel J. Riley, MD** Accepts new patients: No 7979 Wurzbach Rd Urschel Bldg Ste 219 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5777 Jessica L. Pierce, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Bertram W. Roberts, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 David M. Player, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13409 George Rd San Antonio, TX 78230-3064 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-8922 Bertram W. Roberts, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7515 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224-1311 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-1091 Wajeh Y. Qunibi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Steven G. Rosenblatt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7540 Louis Pasteur Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78229-4008 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Page 116 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Steven G. Rosenblatt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Warsbach Rd Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Matthew E. Schaefer, DO Accepts new patients: No 1008 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-2233 Robert G. Szewc, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #102 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-277-1418 Luis E. Velez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St # 609 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-8622 Navid Q. Saigal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr # 109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Rashid Sharaf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 301 N Frio St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7827 Robert G. Szewc, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd # 103 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-277-1418 Victor Herman Villarreal Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16620 Us Hwy 281 N #300 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1231 Rashid Sharaf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7057 Leopoldo A. Tecuanhuey Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 718 Cupples Rd 102 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-438-0010 Navid Q. Saigal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16620 Us Hwy 281 N #300 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1231 Navid Q. Saigal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-1818 Navid Q. Saigal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11481 Toepperwein Rd # 1202 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-8470 Matthew E. Schaefer, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7114 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-2233 Matthew E. Schaefer, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7142 San Pedro Ave Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-7453 Matthew E. Schaefer, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Matthew E. Schaefer, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 731 Carnoustie Dr Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-8280 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Rashid Sharaf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 N Frio St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7827 Rashid Sharaf, MD Accepts new patients: No 5131 Medical Dr 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Matthias Simon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2311 Peter Smolens, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2391 N E Loop 410 Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7326 Neema A. Stephens, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Robert G. Szewc, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston #906 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-277-1011 Leopoldo A. Tecuanhuey Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 801 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2233 Leopoldo A. Tecuanhuey Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1010 N W Loop 410 Ste 100 A San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-2911 Lijuan Tong, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-577-0673 Christine M. Toth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Christine M. Toth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Johanna G. Urena, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2001 Victor Herman Villarreal Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Brent Wagner, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Michael N. Wall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach #500 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7228 Michael N. Wall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16620 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1231 Michael N. Wall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5131 Medical Dr # 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1515 Naushad Zafar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr #260 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7900 Carlos H. Zem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2001 Neurological Surgery Page 117 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Ladislau Albert Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4423 N W Loop 410 # 103 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-255-8935 11/18/13 John R. Floyd, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Tower I I Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-6027 Roberto J. Aranibar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #610 San Antonio, TX 78229-3755 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 George M. Galvan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 Roberto J. Aranibar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mccullough Ave #264 San Antonio, TX 78212-5612 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 David Garrett Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ave Ste 434 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-424-6590 Donald P. Atkins, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #610 San Antonio, TX 78229-3755 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 Arnulfo R. Garza-Vale, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0606 Donald P. Atkins, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-1956 Viktor Bartanusz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr Fl 5 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8555 Christopher A. Bogaev, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #610 San Antonio, TX 78229-3755 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 Jean-Louis R. Caron, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 5th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8555 Frank M. Fichtel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-5200 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Daniel E. Gutierrez, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 705 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Daniel E. Gutierrez, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Daniel E. Gutierrez, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Donald L. Hilton Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #610 San Antonio, TX 78229-3755 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 David F. Jimenez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Tower I I Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-6027 Jordan Jude, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 Ahmed Raza Shakir, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8555 Thomas A. Kingman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-5200 Holger E. Skerhut, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1935 NE Loop 410 #164 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9022 Christopher James Koebbe, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Tower I I Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-6027 Karl W. Swann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #610 San Antonio, TX 78229-3755 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 Patricia A. Mancuso, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1210 San Antonio, TX 78207-3100 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-0877 Warren F. Neely, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-5200 Roberto A. Negron, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #610 San Antonio, TX 78229-3755 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 Alexander M. Papanastassiou, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Tower I I Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-6027 Rafael Parra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-8349 Javier G. Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 811 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-9131 Kimberly D. Terry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1210 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-0877 Micam W. Tullous, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 1210 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-0877 Arnold Bradley Vardiman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 Giacomo G. Vecil, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8555 Bryan Jacob Wohlfeld, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-5200 Gerardo Zavala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4423 Nw Loop 410, Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-9898 Page 118 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Gerardo Zavala Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4423 N W Loop 410 Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-255-8935 Nancy A. Burt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 601 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-0016 Neurology Nancy A. Burt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 909 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-579-3208 Samiya F. Ahamd, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Gregory D. Ales, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-579-0709 Merrill K. Carolin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0500 Maria V. Alvarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-579-0709 John E. Carter, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9400 Ann D. Bass, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd Bldg #601 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-0016 Ratna K. Bhavaraju Sanka, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Lee A. Birnbaum, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8555 Eric J. Brahin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 432-582-8340 Robin L. Brey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Bailey Peyton Delaney, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #122 San Antonio, TX 78229-3716 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0665 Francisco Gonzalez-Scarano, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Susan P. Epner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #640 San Antonio, TX 78229-3810 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3959 Patrick M. Grogan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Susan P. Epner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4903 Golden Quail Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-2727 Robert C. Hermann Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Peter T. Fox, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8403 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-3904 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-8100 Daniel D. Hyun, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1110 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-3326 Victoria A. Carter, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 James E. Garrison III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7700 Daniel D. Hyun, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1202 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-3326 Deborah L. Carver, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 James E. Garrison III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5430 Fredericksburg Rd #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-3362 Daniel D. Hyun, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 370 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-3326 Wilfred Castro-Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1575 James E. Garrison III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7700 Daniel D. Hyun, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 230 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-3326 Jose E. Cavazos, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Joshua W. Goldman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 532 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3800 Badreldin A. Ibrahim, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 605 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-1913 Joshua W. Goldman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd Ste 17 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-4700 Badreldin A. Ibrahim, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4910 Golden Quail Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-1913 Jose E. Cavazos, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 535 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5229 Page 119 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Carlayne E. Jackson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Kameel M. Karkar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Sumeet Kumar, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2128 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-2111 11/18/13 Jorge N. Martinez-Prieto, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy St Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0435 Michael D. Merren, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Benjamin R. Millar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-3800 Domingo A. Lara, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mccullough Ave # 138 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3330 Vivek Misra, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Octavian Viorel Lie, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Samuel R. Neeley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #520 San Antonio, TX 78229-3755 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2320 J Scott Luther, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8070 Samuel R. Neeley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr #108 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2320 Jorge N. Martinez-Prieto, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 111 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7246 Richard B. Neiman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3603 Paesanos Pkwy Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1245 Jorge N. Martinez-Prieto, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd, Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Richard B. Neiman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr # 6100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1245 Philip Go Onghai, MD Accepts new patients: No 9119 Cinnamon Hill San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-1901 Michael Lee Palm, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 527 N Leona St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9887 Michael Lee Palm, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3108 Eric J. Pappert, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2379 Ne Loop 410 # 12 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2333 Eric J. Pappert, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd # 211 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2333 Augusto Parra, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0500 Jennifer E. Rasmussen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Santiago Restrepo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2379 N E Loop 410 # 12 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2333 Santiago Restrepo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 211 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2333 Gustavo Campos Roman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4403 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-0400 Rebecca S. Romero, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Jorge A. Saravia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 436 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3657 John R. Seals Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre #400 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2222 John R. Seals Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2222 Aamir J. Siddiqi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #607 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-4067 Roberto A. Silva, MD Accepts new patients: No 5655 INTERSTATE HIGHWAY 35 S SAN ANTONIO, TX 78211 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-921-0116 Roberto A. Silva, MD Accepts new patients: No 102 PALO ALTO RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78211 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-257-6011 John H. Sladky, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Diane H. Solomon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Page 120 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Perin G. Suthakar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-483-9800 Yanko A. Yankov, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 111 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5242 Mario A. Fierro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5539 Charles A. Szabo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Michael I. Zuflacht, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 620 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0237 Mario A. Fierro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8281 Neurology w/Spec Qual In Child Charles Thomas Gay, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 396 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3737 Peter A. Tarbox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd #101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 Peter A. Tarbox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd # 102 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-1394 Azreena B. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 914 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0900 Mario A. Fierro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Mario A. Fierro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 Mario A. Fierro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 Alejandro Tobon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Mario A. Fierro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 David W. Wenzel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd #601 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-0016 Mario A. Fierro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7371 Qingxuan Wu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7160 Mario A. Fierro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Yanko A. Yankov, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd #101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 Mario A. Fierro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste 2658 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-3796 Sheldon G. Gross, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 396 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3737 Melissa Sue Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4114 Pond Hill Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 David Hickey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11755 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-2574 William T. Phillips, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5600 Nurse Practitioner Anju S. Abraham, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Anju S. Abraham, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Anju S. Abraham, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Linda D. Leary, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Anju S. Abraham, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Linda D. Leary, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Shawn Eric Allison, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Jerry J. Tomasovic, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-3855 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2333 Shawn Eric Allison, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Jerry J. Tomasovic, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Ste 400 A San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2333 Shawn Eric Allison, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Nuclear Medicine Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Page 121 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Shawn Eric Allison, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lancia S. Beavers, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Patricia A. Amerson, MS** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste B8208 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Angelia C. Berkowitz, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 360 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Yvonne M. Ashbaugh, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd # 105 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 806-712-1096 Angelia C. Berkowitz, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Yvonne M. Ashbaugh, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 107 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 806-712-1096 Debra Ann Barnett, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Debra Ann Barnett, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Debra Ann Barnett, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Debra Ann Barnett, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Gail Beaver, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 8920 US Highway 87 E Ste 3 San Antonio, TX 78263 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-9900 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Stephanie R. Berry, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7000 Britney M. Beumeler, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Lilac Botbol, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Lilac Botbol, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Terri L. Boyce, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Jaime L. Boyd, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5169 Trent M. Broadus, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Sonja D. Brune, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Tower I Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Trent M. Broadus, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Kathleen Ann Buckley, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-3800 Nanette J. Brokaw, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9658 Karen M. Brown, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4500 Marilyn G. Brown, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Marilyn G. Brown, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Marilyn G. Brown, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Marilyn G. Brown, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sonja D. Brune, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Lance J. Buxton, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lance J. Buxton, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lance J. Buxton, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lance J. Buxton, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Kathryn W. Bycura, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Kathryn W. Bycura, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Patience T. Cain, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8900 Page 122 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Patience T. Cain, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9200 Deborah A. Clinton-Jordan, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Arlene Esther Cowie-Solomon, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Mandy Renee Dagostino, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Luis S. Cardenas, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22250 Blvd Rd Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 210-401-8185 Deborah A. Clinton-Jordan, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Arlene Esther Cowie-Solomon, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Daphne M. Daniels, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Arlene Esther Cowie-Solomon, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Daphne M. Daniels, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Jessica M. Castorena, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Sarah B. Chavez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-0100 Jane Cipriano, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Bernadette Collazo, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7863 Callaghan Road, Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-1206 Bernadette Collazo, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 20330 Huebner Rd # 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-9655 Wendy W. Crabbe, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1143 Ket H. Davis, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Mark A. Collazo, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1 Haven For Hope Way Rd San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-220-2330 Elsa Cuellar, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9727 Poteet Jourdanton Fwy Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8200 Deborah A. Clinton-Jordan, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Jeanne Contreras, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 12501 Judson # 102 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5100 Mary G. Curll, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 S Presa St San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-9340 Melissa D. De La Fuente Gonzalez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Deborah A. Clinton-Jordan, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Sandra Cortez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Mandy Renee Dagostino, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Melissa D. De La Fuente Gonzalez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Deborah A. Clinton-Jordan, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Sandra Cortez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Mandy Renee Dagostino, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Melissa D. De La Fuente Gonzalez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Arlene Esther Cowie-Solomon, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Ket H. Davis, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Mandy Renee Dagostino, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Page 123 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Melissa D. De La Fuente Gonzalez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Melissa D. De La Fuente Gonzalez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Stacey D. Dener, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste 2669 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4708 Andrea Y. Dennis, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Andrea Y. Dennis, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Andrea Y. Dennis, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Andrea Y. Dennis, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Jeffry Alan Dickerson, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 309 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-9000 Holly A. Dileo, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr Rm 1 422 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-9355 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Priti D. Doshi, BSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr Rm 1 422 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-9355 Yolanda J. Duglas, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Yolanda J. Duglas, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Yolanda J. Duglas, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Yolanda J. Duglas, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Yolanda J. Duglas, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Edna E. Eichler, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Edna E. Eichler, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Dorinda Escamilla-Padilla, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1575 Monica V. Esquivel, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Melissa M. Gabel, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 210 N Rio Grande San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8700 La Cinda D. Evans, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 5th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0500 Erica Garcia-Frausto, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Patricia Grace Fagan, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 23530 Wilderness Oak San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Maria C. Falkenberg, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Tammy L. Fey, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 2040 Babcock Rd Suite 403 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-858-9980 Martha L. Flagg, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-5556 Martha L. Flagg, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste B100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Martha L. Flagg, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Juanita E. Flores, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 ADA St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Krystle F. Garrett, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Krystle F. Garrett, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Sarah C. Gaylord, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 9727 Poteet Jurdan Hwy Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8200 Shelley Ann Gibbens, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd 205 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2000 Esmeralda G. Gill, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa Ste F4703 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Esmeralda G. Gill, MSN Accepts new patients: No 300 N Santa Rosa St 4th Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Paula S. Golden, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Page 124 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Paula S. Golden, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Paula S. Golden, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Paula S. Golden, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Paula S. Golden, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lori A. Green, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lori A. Green, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Lori A. Green, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lori A. Green, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Lori A. Green, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Alisa M. Gregory, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Lara E. Griffy, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1207 N Loop 1604 W Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0180 Ralph E. Grinnell Jr, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Rhoda A. Gwan, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Rhoda A. Gwan, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Dana R. Hamaker, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1575 Kim M. Hanks, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Kim M. Hanks, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Badia I. Harlin, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Badia I. Harlin, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Theresa M. Henry, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Wendy S. Harris, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-0100 Kim Marie Hinojosa, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7074 Doris Carolyn Harvey, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Susan M. Hinze, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Doris Carolyn Harvey, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Susan M. Hinze, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Doris Carolyn Harvey, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lauren N. Hoel, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 Doris Carolyn Harvey, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Jenelle Hughes, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 20642 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-0505 Theresa M. Henry, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Theresa M. Henry, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Theresa M. Henry, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Ameena S. Jain, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Emilia M. Jimenez, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Emilia M. Jimenez, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 8210 Callaghan Rd San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8255 Page 125 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Alexis Jiminez-Davila, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5364 Fredrickburg Rd Bldg D Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-546-1440 Lizy J. Johns, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lizy J. Johns, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lizy J. Johns, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 11/18/13 Sukhpreet Kaur, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sheba A. Kuriakose, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Rebecca Jo Light, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sukhpreet Kaur, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sheba A. Kuriakose, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Rebecca Jo Light, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sukhpreet Kaur, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Ouida M. Lacey, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 120 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Rebecca Jo Light, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Joel V. Kay, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 22250 Bulverde Rd, Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 210-401-8185 Melissa Joy Lang, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Rebecca Jo Light, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Melissa Joy Lang, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Marie C. Loera, BSN Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Babcock Road San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Melissa Joy Lang, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Christian R. Longoria, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 423 Treeline Park San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-546-1430 Lizy J. Johns, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Marc H. Koch, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Brian S. Johnson, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 22250 Bulverde Rd Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 210-401-8185 Kelly J. Koss, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1473 Jennifer L. Joiner, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Kelly J. Koss, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Ivette Jones, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-3705 Sheba A. Kuriakose, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sukhpreet Kaur, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sheba A. Kuriakose, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Melissa Joy Lang, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Ronda L. Lantz, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 Maureen A. Laughlin, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Lisa T. Lopez, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Lisa T. Lopez, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Amanda B. Loquias, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Page 126 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Kimberly A. Lucas, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln, Ste 230b San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-7400 Tiffany Lynn Lytle, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Tiffany Lynn Lytle, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Tiffany Lynn Lytle, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Tiffany Lynn Lytle, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Donna Marie Martinez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Donna Marie Martinez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Elizabeth R. Martinez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7000 Lisa J. Matasovsky, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Ruby Mathew, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Tower I 5th Fl Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9890 Gregory W. Nelson, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Heather J. Matthies, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Gregory W. Nelson, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 2828 Thousand Oaks Dr # 102 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-348-6377 Heather J. Matthies, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Gregory W. Nelson, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Kassandra A. Mcbride, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 23530 Wilderness Oak San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Michele L. Nelson, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Susan K. McCollow, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 Pamela A. McNitzky, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1154 Maria Y. Medina, BA** Accepts new patients: No 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1154 Kellie J. Miller, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Kellie J. Miller, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Michele L. Nelson, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Michele L. Nelson, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Michele L. Nelson, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lisa M. Newton, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9220 Janis E. Norris, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Janis E. Norris, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Janis E. Norris, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Janis E. Norris, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Katherine F. O'Donnell-Rose, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Teresa Madrigal Ortiz, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Teresa Madrigal Ortiz, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Teresa Madrigal Ortiz, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Teresa Madrigal Ortiz, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Deborah A. Pallister, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Page 127 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Wen Pao, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Victoria A. Paparelli, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-0600 Janus L. Pemberton, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Janus L. Pemberton, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Janus L. Pemberton, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Janus L. Pemberton, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Mary Jo Perley, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0594 Rebecca L. Pitotti, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Rebecca L. Pitotti, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Rebecca L. Pitotti, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Leticia A. Ramirez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Rebecca L. Pitotti, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Jose A. Ramos, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 3636 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 806-712-1096 Rebecca L. Pitotti, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Stephen G. Ray, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Ernest W. Prince, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 Southwest 36th San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Holly C. Rainer, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-3700 Leticia A. Ramirez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Leticia A. Ramirez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Leticia A. Ramirez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Leticia A. Ramirez, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Veronica R. Rettig, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1154 Amanda Stephenson Reyes, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Lisa Diane Reynolds, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lisa Diane Reynolds, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lisa Diane Reynolds, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lisa Diane Reynolds, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Denise M. Rios, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8555 Victoria A. Rodriguez, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1260 Sarah K. Rogers, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Sarah K. Rogers, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Sonceria Lena Roper, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sonceria Lena Roper, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sonceria Lena Roper, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sonceria Lena Roper, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Cristina L. Ross, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Blvd Bldg 3 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9400 Page 128 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Aaron R. Rossett, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Aaron R. Rossett, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Aaron R. Rossett, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Herschell Bldg 5th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Rana W. Russell, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 11845 W INTERSTATE 10 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78230 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-696-0028 Mary I. Salazar, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1143 Sandra Sanchez, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 24200 IH 10 West San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2117 Sandra Sanchez, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 2815 NORTH LOOP 1604 EAST SAN ANTONIO, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2117 Sandra Sanchez, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 5539 NW LOOP 1604 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2117 Irene Garcia Sandate, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 5th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1154 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Jessica Camille Sanders, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 9727 Poteet Jourdanton Fwy Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8200 Jessica Camille Sanders, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 1207 N Loop 1604 W Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-3474 Matee C. Sapolucia, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sharon Elizabeth Schultz, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Caroline Babirye Sebirumbi, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sharon Elizabeth Schultz, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Caroline Babirye Sebirumbi, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Christy Sue Scoggins, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 2827 Palo Alto Rd Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8200 Esther M. Seoanes, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Christy Sue Scoggins, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9727 Poteet Jourdanton Fwy Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8200 Esther M. Seoanes, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Matee C. Sapolucia, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Abigail C. Scott, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Jennifer Marie Shadrock, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 2827 Palo Alto Rd Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8200 Matee C. Sapolucia, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Abigail C. Scott, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Brenda Saucedo, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Linda S. Scott, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Jennifer Marie Shadrock, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9727 Poteet Jourdanton Fwy # 105 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8200 Matee C. Sapolucia, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sharon Elizabeth Schultz, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Linda S. Scott, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Sharon Elizabeth Schultz, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Caroline Babirye Sebirumbi, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Andrea M. Smith, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Andrea M. Smith, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Laura P. Steele, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8144 Page 129 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Liza N. Steinkirchner, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78299 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Karen M. Summy, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 300 Heart Plz 1 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0008 Thomas Traylor, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Melanie Melissa Turner, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Janine M. Stephens, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7220 Louis Pasteur Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9700 Anna M. Tabet, MSN Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Thomas Traylor, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Melanie Melissa Turner, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Laura E. Stevens, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Anna M. Tabet, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Thomas Traylor, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Laura E. Stevens, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Anna M. Tabet, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Thomas Traylor, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Anna M. Tabet, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Barbara A. Tuitele, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Anna M. Tabet, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Barbara A. Tuitele, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Laura E. Stevens, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Laura E. Stevens, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Gwenda M. Stewart-Reyes, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4888 Joseph O. Taylor Jr., MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 143 W Sunset Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-2663 Barbara A. Tuitele, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Nancy J. Sugarek, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3555 Marita S. Thies, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Barbara A. Tuitele, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Karen M. Summy, MSN** Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-1487 Thomas Traylor, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Barbara A. Tuitele, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Melanie Melissa Turner, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Melanie Melissa Turner, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Janice A. Valdespino, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-4220 Janice A. Valdespino, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 9502 Huebner Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-842-4420 Sharon K. Vance, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sharon K. Vance, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sharon K. Vance, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Page 130 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Sharon K. Vance, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Jill A. Watson, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-3700 Lesley Vernor, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4114 Pond Hill Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Tara D. Watson Post, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 120 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Cynthia G. Voorhees, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr, Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5733 Aleita Ellen White, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Thomas C. Vorpahl, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5777 Sarah Beth Waldroup, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Chao-Ying Wang, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Aleita Ellen White, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Aleita Ellen White, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Aleita Ellen White, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Chao-Ying Wang, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Emily White, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-682-9434 Chao-Ying Wang, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 James V. Whitley, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Chao-Ying Wang, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 James V. Whitley, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. James V. Whitley, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Branch T. Willis, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 James V. Whitley, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Cristina Leigh Winters, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 James V. Whitley, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Cristina Leigh Winters, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Chanel J. Wilkinson, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 405 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0000 Cristina Leigh Winters, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Martha M. Williams, MSN Accepts new patients: No 630 S General McMullen Dr San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-435-9771 Martha M. Williams, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8045 Branch T. Willis, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Branch T. Willis, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Branch T. Willis, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Cristina Leigh Winters, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Cristina Leigh Winters, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Susan Anne Wnuk, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Cathy S. Woodward, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Leticia M. Ybarra, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 4503 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8600 Page 131 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Lindsay D. Younger, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr Rm 1 422 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-9355 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2209 Obstetrics and Gynecology Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2000 Ometeotl M. Acosta, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 John Q. Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4000 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mc Cullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 Virginia Aguilar-Sitek, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 19179 Blanco Rd #105 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-2300 Houmam Al-Hakeem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd #101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-568-1949 Virginia Aguilar-Sitek, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 15714 Huebner Rd Bldg # 5 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-2300 Karen T. Allsup, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2496 Angela Akonye, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2496 Valentin Almendarez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Angela Akonye, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1068 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2496 Valentin Almendarez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 227 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 Bruce D. Akright, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Lan Le Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 121 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-6341 Bruce D. Akright, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Joy Tara Aden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Bruce D. Akright, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Joy Tara Aden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-9978 Lamar J. Albritton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr #430 San Antonio, TX 78229-3726 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3275 Joy Tara Aden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Abraham A. Alecozay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-2727 Valentin Almendarez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 367 E Ramsey Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Valentin Almendarez Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Yadira A. Anca, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9639 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-3636 Lydia Appiah-Dwamena, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-3331 Alka Arya-Degatano, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-6022 Page 132 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Jennifer M. Arzola, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3663 Adrienne W. Askew, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Adrienne W. Askew, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Adrienne W. Askew, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ste G L 70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Gihan M. Bareh, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl Ste 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Anna B. Beceiro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6505 Michael D. Berkus, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 527 N Leona St San Antonio, TX 78207-3110 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Michael D. Berkus, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2209 Michael D. Berkus, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Neera Bhatia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 237 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2694 Alan R. Braid, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #230 San Antonio, TX 78229-3712 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-0866 Paula M. Bilica, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Carey L. Britt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 129 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0718 Paula M. Bilica, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Patricia K. Brougher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr #320 San Antonio, TX 78229-3725 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0831 Paula M. Bilica, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Paula M. Bilica, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 John W. Boldt, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Jose V. Bonilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St & #308 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0289 James E. Bost, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 James E. Bost, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Patricia K. Brougher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 191 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0831 Frederick B. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 4 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Kristin J. Brozena, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1300 Nancy D. Bryant, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St C C F 4th Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Robert G. Brzyski, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 George W. Cajas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2496 George W. Cajas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1068 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2496 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr # 360 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 570 San Antonio, TX 78258-3943 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste GL70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Page 133 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Daniel A. Calderon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Karen M. Carcamo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #1200 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5420 Karen M. Carcamo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Karen M. Carcamo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Karen M. Carcamo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Karen M. Carcamo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Karen M. Carcamo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8585 Cristina P. Carreno-Simpson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St # 1200 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5420 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Cristina P. Carreno-Simpson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-6022 Elisa F. Carroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ste G L 70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Cristina P. Carreno-Simpson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5420 Elizabeth R. Casiano, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Elisa F. Carroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Elizabeth R. Casiano, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Elisa F. Carroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Elisa F. Carroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Elisa F. Carroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Elisa F. Carroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Elisa F. Carroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Elisa F. Carroll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St #608 San Antonio, TX 78215-2016 County: Bexar Tel: 210-476-8998 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 570 San Antonio, TX 78258-3943 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste GL70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Victor L. Casiano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Antonio Cavazos III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #800 San Antonio, TX 78229-3924 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0649 Michele Ann Cerny-Leecock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 300 & 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6505 Anna L. Chavana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Anna L. Chavana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste # 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Page 134 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Jorge A. Chavez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd # 235 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5519 Jorge A. Chavez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5519 Henry Chen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 204 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2464 Clifford R. Chensam, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2822 Clifford R. Chensam, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1202 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 401 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2822 Joe R. Childress, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Joe R. Childress, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Joe R. Childress, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Katherine E. Cornforth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Katherine E. Cornforth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr # 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8585 Bryan Matthew Cox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Katherine E. Cornforth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak # 450 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Kimberly N. Crittenden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #220 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0705 Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ste G L 70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Katherine E. Cornforth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd # 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Kimberly N. Crittenden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 S W Military Dr #204 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0705 Karyn-Anne B. Cumberbatch, MD Accepts new patients: No 1303 MCCULLOUGH AVE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78212 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-228-0705 Katherine E. Cornforth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Ash M. Dabbous, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2229 Katherine E. Cornforth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebera Rd # 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Katherine E. Cornforth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough # G L 70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Katherine E. Cornforth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein # 309 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Bryan Matthew Cox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Susan A. Crockett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Quyen Ngoc Bao Dang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Quyen Ngoc Bao Dang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Quyen Ngoc Bao Dang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Quyen Ngoc Bao Dang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Page 135 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Rochelle M. David, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Celyna D. Delgado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Rochelle M. David, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 302 Dora St San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8000 Celyna D. Delgado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Rochelle M. David, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl Ste 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Celyna D. Delgado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8585 Christine Marie De La Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #200 San Antonio, TX 78229-3412 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Christine Marie De La Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Laura A. De Los Santos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 300 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6505 Celyna D. Delgado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Celyna D. Delgado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr #340 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Jessica D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak # 450 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Jessica D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd # 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Jessica D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr # 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Jessica D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Jessica D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebera Rd # 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Jessica D. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough # G L 70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Karen C. Diaz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl Ste 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Donald J. Dudley, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl Ste 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Lisa Flores Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6505 Roy J. Elizondo Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8257 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0715 Peter E. Diaz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2632 Broadway St Ste 301N San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-2273 Linda R. Ellsworth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #380 San Antonio, TX 78229-3706 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3303 Jean P. Do, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Scott A. Farhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Jean P. Do, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Scott A. Farhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258-3916 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 David R. Dooley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Scott A. Farhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 David R. Dooley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-3725 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0804 David R. Dooley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 David R. Dooley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Scott A. Farhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Jose M. Farina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #220 San Antonio, TX 78212-4803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0705 Glen I. Feinstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 260 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-2800 Page 136 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 John C. Franka, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Michael D. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221-1703 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8545 David E. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr # 325 San Antonio, TX 78229-3714 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3352 John C. Franka, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Michael D. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St #200 San Antonio, TX 78215-2032 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5930 David E. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 550 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0792 Martha M. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #160 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-3542 Michael D. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2115 Pleasanton Rd #204 San Antonio, TX 78221-1300 County: Bexar Tel: 210-281-5588 Henry Garza III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Rebecca J. Gee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 204 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2464 Henry Garza III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Camilo Alberto Gonima, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Mark S. Funk, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Mark S. Funk, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Mary S. Gallagher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #200 San Antonio, TX 78229-3412 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Mary S. Gallagher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Jose Antonio Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 305 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-7827 Jose Antonio Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 305 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-7827 Michael D. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1715 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4046 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5930 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Michael D. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #365 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5930 Raul G. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 88 Briggs St Ste 195 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-9691 Henry Garza III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave # G L San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Luis A. Garcia-Arecha, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd Ste 215 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-1116 Henry Garza III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4610 E Southcross Blvd #100 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-5000 Felipe A. Garcia-Ghinis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2614 W Commerce #300 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-2273 Joseph A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Felipe A. Garcia-Ghinis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2632 Broadway St Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-2273 Marisol A. Garcia-Hodge, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6315 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-1931 Joseph A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Martha M. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr # 325 San Antonio, TX 78229-3714 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3352 Martha M. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4402 Vance Jackson Rd #211 San Antonio, TX 78230-5334 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3352 Camilo Alberto Gonima, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr#300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6505 Camilo Alberto Gonima, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Camilo Alberto Gonima, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Camilo Alberto Gonima, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Lisa B. Gurwitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak # 550 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9400 Page 137 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Lisa B. Gurwitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 119 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9400 Christina E. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #220 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0705 11/18/13 Brian W. Harle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Karen L. Hasty, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 907 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0700 Christina E. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 S W Military Dr Ste 204 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-5502 Lara K. Haun, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6505 James L. Hadnott, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 527 N Leona M S 49 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Heidi R. Heck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #200 San Antonio, TX 78229-3412 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Kevin L. Hall, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Michelle A. Harden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2229 Brian W. Harle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #200 San Antonio, TX 78229-3412 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Brian W. Harle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 240 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3866 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Heidi R. Heck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Parke J. Hedges, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #200 San Antonio, TX 78229-3412 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Parke J. Hedges, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Ernesto Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #312 San Antonio, TX 78205-2103 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5971 Gloria R. Herrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-6161 Gloria R. Herrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 403 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6161 Gloria R. Herrera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1445 Somerset Rd San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-6161 George D. Hilliard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7993 George D. Hilliard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston St Ste 101A San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3374 Robert Hilliard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston St Ste E San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6131 Robert L M Hilliard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 710 Augusta St San Antonio, TX 78215-1904 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6131 Robert L M Hilliard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston Ste E San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6133 Charles A. Holshouser Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #183 San Antonio, TX 78229-3711 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-5200 Charles A. Holshouser Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough Ave #542 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-5200 Robert W. Huff, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Jennifer D. Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr #1300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3274 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-7500 Jennifer D. Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #300 & #400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6505 Charles A. Jeffreys Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0921 Lillian M. Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 420 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8900 Michael Lloyd Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-6022 Michael Lloyd Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 336 San Antonio, TX 78229-6011 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-5350 Page 138 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Michael Lloyd Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1200 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-244-5800 Elizabeth A. King, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Moshin Kapasi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7127 Somerset Rd #101 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-2229 Elizabeth A. King, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Harmon W. Kelley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4115 E Southcross Blvd #102 San Antonio, TX 78222-3729 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-0532 Margaret A. Kelley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4115 E Southcross Blvd #102 San Antonio, TX 78222-3729 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-0532 John H. Kellum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-493-0433 John H. Kellum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 215 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-675-6724 John H. Kellum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8870 U S Hwy 87 San Antonio, TX 78263 County: Bexar Tel: 210-649-4257 Vanaja R. Kethireddy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 300 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4673 Elizabeth A. King, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Annaliese E. Kistler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Annaliese E. Kistler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Jennifer F. Knudtson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Christy G. Kobes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #178 San Antonio, TX 78229-3711 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9400 Edward R. Kost, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Roberta L. Krueger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9230 Peter V. Kuhl, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #540 San Antonio, TX 78229-5375 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0920 Peter V. Kuhl, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 300 & 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6505 Khim K. Lam, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1473 Khim K. Lam, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Aspen E. Laneman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Aspen E. Laneman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Aspen E. Laneman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Aspen E. Laneman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Marissa N. Largoza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #191 San Antonio, TX 78229-3774 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0831 Marianna G. Law, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-6195 Keisha L. Loftin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7993 James L. Lovell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8181 Concepcion Martinez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Concepcion Martinez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Concepcion Martinez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Concepcion Martinez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Concepcion Martinez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Page 139 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Melinda B. McFarland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-3000 Barbara McLaren, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-2781 Gabriel Adonaimedrano Medrano-Valle, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Gabriel Adonaimedrano Medrano-Valle, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3582 Patience B. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 420 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8900 Mohamed Farouk Mitwally, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-568-8346 Mohamed Farouk Mitwally, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Medical Plz I I Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-568-8346 Alison D. Moore, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #220 San Antonio, TX 78212-4803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0705 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Alison D. Moore, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 SW Military Dr #204 San Antonio, TX 78221-1400 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-5502 Gregory S. Neal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0577 James Mark Paine, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Sara J. Mornar, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Erin L. Nelson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Kay Morris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14800 San Pedro Ave Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-646-6700 Luke A. Newton, MD** Accepts new patients: No 2121 SW 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237-3360 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Lynn T. Parente, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-6022 Ricardo Munoz Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St # 1200 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5420 Luke A. Newton, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Ashley N. Parker, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Susan P. Novak, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1300 Jason A. Parker, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Ricardo Munoz Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-6022 Tammy Murdock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78258-3916 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7689 Tammy Murdock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Scheel S. Nayar, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7386 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2229 Scheel S. Nayar, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 920 San Pedro Ave Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-475-9020 Mayank Pandya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14080 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 313 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-281-1701 Nkechi Ogogor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5534 Rogers Rd Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-1000 Jason A. Parker, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Okechukwu Okoli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14100 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-8895 Rene Perez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3663 Tolulope O. Osowo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Sloyd Curl Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8756 Steven G. Pilkington, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 151 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3352 James Mark Paine, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Kristen A. Plastino, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 S W 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Page 140 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Kristen A. Plastino, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Veerakaputra R. Ramakrishnarao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5995 Heath Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-3300 Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Kristen A. Plastino, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 911 Old Hwy 90 Ms 52 2 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-433-3279 Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: No 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Luis Gaston E. Prieto, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 219 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-0195 Eduardo R. Raez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 367 E Ramsey Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Eduardo R. Raez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Eduardo R. Raez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Eduardo R. Raez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Veerakaputra R. Ramakrishnarao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-9777 Veerakaputra R. Ramakrishnarao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 234 San Pedro Ave # A San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-9091 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Ctr Dr #230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste GL70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Evangeline K. Ramos-Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Nancy A. Rector-Finney, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0700 Cesar Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Cesar Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Cesar Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Cesar Reyes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Susan Y. Rivera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 700 S Zarzamora St Ste 209 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-7827 Susan Y. Rivera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 305 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-7827 Randal D. Robinson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Joe Roman III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 281-398-8770 Marcy L. Rosen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Jose M. Ruiz III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Jose M. Ruiz III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Jose M. Ruiz III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Jose M. Ruiz III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Alexandra Runnels, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Alexandra Runnels, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 Sonterra Blvd Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2229 Page 141 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Vincenzo Sabella, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Vincenzo Sabella, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Vincenzo Sabella, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Vincenzo Sabella, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8585 Randall K. Sadler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Randall K. Sadler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Randall K. Sadler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Randall K. Sadler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Dorothea R. Saenger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 191 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0831 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Tiffany M. Satterfield, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Tiffany M. Satterfield, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 9842 Westover Hills Blvd Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9500 Robert S. Schenken, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8122 Datapoint Dr #1300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3274 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-7500 Robert S. Schenken, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Robert E. Schorlemer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 119 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9400 Ora I. Schwope, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 300 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4673 Christopher W. Serrano, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 20726 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7700 Leonora O. Shaw Mason, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 210 N Rio Grande San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8700 Leonora O. Shaw Mason, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 630 S General McMullen Dr San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8500 Leonora O. Shaw Mason, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 30 S Genral Mc Mullen San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8500 Jane Shows Atkerson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1300 Ingrid P. Skop, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Ingrid P. Skop, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Orlando J. Suris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Orlando J. Suris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Averell H. Sutton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #220 San Antonio, TX 78212-4803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0705 Averell H. Sutton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 SW Military Dr # 204 San Antonio, TX 78221-1400 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-5502 Beth L. Thai, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Vernon D. Theis Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr #240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Bruce H. Thompson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Mark E. Thompson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Mark E. Thompson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Mark E. Thompson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Paul A. Trautmann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Babcock Rd Ste 12 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0313 Alejandro D. Treszezamsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak # 450 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Alejandro D. Treszezamsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd # 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Page 142 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Alejandro D. Treszezamsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Alejandro D. Treszezamsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebera Rd # 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Alejandro D. Treszezamsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr # 900 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Alejandro D. Treszezamsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 Mc Cullough # G L 70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Alejandro D. Treszezamsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein # 309 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-4099 Jose A. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 622 Camden St San Antonio, TX 78215-1638 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1881 Jose A. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd #115 San Antonio, TX 78224-1338 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-4944 Jose A. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak # 210 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1881 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: No 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-8484 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Vu Truong, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-6022 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr #230 San Antonio, TX 78258-3916 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Ronald A. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4100 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste GL70 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9705 Ronald A. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Ronald A. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 Gail T. Van Wingerden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-6022 Gail T. Van Wingerden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1200 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8440 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Nichole J. Vandeputte, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd Ste 215 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-6150 Michael J. Troy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2000 Marilyn J. Vanover, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1300 Vu Truong, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St # 1200 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5420 Leticia Vargas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd Ste 215 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-6150 Gil Ray Villanueva, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1162 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-8100 Gill R. Villanueva, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1162 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-8100 Michelle M. Villa-Olvera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1300 Michelle M. Villa-Olvera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1300 Jerome T. Washington, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston St # 101A San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3374 Jerome T. Washington, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Jerome T. Washington, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak # 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Jerome T. Washington, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1000 Page 143 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Angeline H. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 816 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0640 Franklyn F. Farrell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2672 Gerald J. Hanke, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 118 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2821 Debra J. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1300 Raul M. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Gerald J. Hanke, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 Ih 35 N, Ste 207b San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-4606 Debra J. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1300 Raul M. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Gerald J. Hanke, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 207 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-568-0508 Heather R. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #1200 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5420 Raul M. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: No 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Patrick L. Williamson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6505 Occupational Therapy Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: No 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Robin L. Womack, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5501 Robin L. Womack, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Robin L. Womack, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-1900 Elly M. Xenakis, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 5th Fl 5 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9500 Occupational Medicine Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Melva P. Andrews, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8403 Floyd Curl Dr Rm 1 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-8600 Autumn D. Clegg, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Kimatha O. Grice, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9680 Gerald J. Hanke, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-4776 Kimberly A. Redding, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 15316 Huebner Rd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4567 Corinne Robles Meadows, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-5900 Ophthalmology David B. Abrams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 David B. Abrams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 David B. Abrams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: No 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 David B. Abrams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: No 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 David B. Abrams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6151 N W Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3062 Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 David B. Abrams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Joan M. Millwater, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Sharron K. Acosta, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 10935 Wurzbach Rd # 202 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-2020 Page 144 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Donald F. Adams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1919 Oakwell Farms Pkwy #120 San Antonio, TX 78218-1778 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-2800 Oday Jawad Alsheikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 Kent Lowell Anderson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7600 Mary H. Arno, MD Accepts new patients: No 2520 Broadway St Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3377 Wendy Baca, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10935 Wurzbach Pkwy # 202 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-3937 Alan D. Baribeau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7830 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-3404 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-8888 Alan D. Baribeau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Blvd Bldg # 4 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-5060 Alan D. Baribeau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1706 S W Loop 410 Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-459-2299 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Wendall C. Bauman Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd #7 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-0400 Darren Josiah Bell, MD Accepts new patients: No 9157 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 J Mark Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2020 Susan M. Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2020 Darren Josiah Bell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir Ste 139 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Susan M. Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 216 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2020 Darren Josiah Bell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 970 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Harrison N. Bowes Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 721 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-4273 Darren Josiah Bell, MD Accepts new patients: No 98 Briggs St # 980 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Harrison N. Bowes Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 300 W Bitters Rd #130 San Antonio, TX 78216-1690 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-4273 J Mark Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8478 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3317 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-8511 J Mark Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy #216 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-2020 J Mark Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross #12 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-1910 J Mark Berry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross #215 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-1910 Harrison N. Bowes Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr #608 San Antonio, TX 78229-3421 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-4273 Sheldon P. Braverman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4701 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 Charles David Brodrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8478 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7648 Charles David Brodrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2404 Commercial Ave Ste B San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-2851 Charles David Brodrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy St Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7648 Calvin Christopher Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 Calvin Christopher Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Calvin Christopher Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 Calvin Christopher Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Calvin Christopher Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Calvin Christopher Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6151 Nw Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3062 Page 145 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Zachary N. Burkhart, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Bldg #2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3600 Jason D. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9157 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Jason D. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Jason D. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir Ste 139 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-1920 John A. Campagna, MD Accepts new patients: No 414 Navarro St # 400 San Antonio, TX 78205-2505 County: Bexar Tel: 800-322-5056 John A. Campagna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 N E Loop 410 #270 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5561 Steven Chalfin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7600 Steven Chalfin, MD** Accepts new patients: No 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9400 Moises A. Chica, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1311 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Timothy P. Cleland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #924 San Antonio, TX 78207-3100 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8413 Jorge Adrian De La Chapa, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 9157 Huebner Rd # 240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Timothy P. Cleland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7600 Jorge Adrian De La Chapa, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 970 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6705 Timothy P. Cleland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9910 Huebner Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7600 Jeffrey H. Cohen, MD Accepts new patients: No 9157 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-1502 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Jeffrey H. Cohen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 970 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Jeffrey H. Cohen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 98 Briggs St #980 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-928-2015 Jeffrey H. Cohen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir Ste 139 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-1920 Tomas Coronado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 719 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0818 Andrew J. Cottingham Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 15900 La Cantera Pkwy Ste 19205 San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-2666 Jorge Adrian De La Chapa, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 11900 Crownpoint Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Christopher M. DeBacker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 5104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2367 Malvin Coleman Driver Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 800-322-5056 Timithy M. Dunham, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd # 280 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3333 Richard M. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9157 Huebner Rd # 240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Richard M. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir Ste 139 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Steven J. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 970 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Steven J. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: No 9157 Huebner Rd # 430 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Steven J. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir Ste 139 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-1920 William J. Flynn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5088 William J. Flynn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5430 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-1212 Duncan A. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 Miriam J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 300 W Bitters #130 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2015 Charles A. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10615 Perrin Beitel Rd San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5088 Robert P. Green Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 NE Loop 410 #270 San Antonio, TX 78217-5211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5561 Robert P. Green Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #400 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 800-322-5056 Page 146 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Sora H. Hahn Navas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 Dudley H. Harris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Jean Edwards Holt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19292 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-4747 Sora H. Hahn Navas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 Dudley H. Harris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Sarah E. Holy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1311 Sora H. Hahn Navas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 Mc Cullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Dudley H. Harris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6151 N W Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3062 Nader G. Iskander, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-9800 Sora H. Hahn Navas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Sora H. Hahn Navas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6151 N W Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3062 Sora H. Hahn Navas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 John Y. Harper Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 Dudley H. Harris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 Dudley H. Harris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Dudley H. Harris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Kristin Story Held, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd #100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6759 Raymond H. Hernandez III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 505 Howard St San Antonio, TX 78212-5532 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-8904 Raymond H. Hernandez III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19292 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-4747 David E. Holck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 5104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2367 Jean Edwards Holt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #450 San Antonio, TX 78258-3932 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6759 Nader G. Iskander, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3619 Piesanos Pkwy Ste 302 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-9800 Maria Stephani Jardeleza, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7600 John F. Kozlovsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2929 Mossrock #104 San Antonio, TX 78230-5141 County: Bexar Tel: 210-377-0350 Barbara L. Ku, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 Richard G. Lane, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1311 Washington T. Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 SW Military Dr #206 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-4464 Joshua M. Levar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2156 Daniel A. Johnson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7600 George M. Lowry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2161 Nw Military Hwy Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-828-3937 Daniel A. Johnson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9400 Lynnell C. Lowry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 119 A San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-3821 Relief Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12227 Huebner Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-485-1488 James Christopher MacDonald, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr Ste 2000 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5088 Joseph T. Kavanagh, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 10935 Wurzbach # 202 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-3937 James Christopher MacDonald, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3334 Page 147 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 James Christopher MacDonald, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 820 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8413 Charles S. McCash, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 85 NE Loop 410 #112 San Antonio, TX 78216-5844 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-6633 Sebastian A. Mora, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1327 SW Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221-1538 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-5121 James Christopher MacDonald, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1070 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8413 Charles S. McCash, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3380 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0008 Kundandeep S. Nagi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9400 Carlos Manrique de Lara, MD Accepts new patients: No 15900 La Cantera Pkwy #20215 San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2020 Charles S. McCash, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 5201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-6633 Lina M. Marouf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 924 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8413 Lina M. Marouf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9910 Huebner Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7600 Lisa Marten, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2424 Babcock Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1388 Kenneth J. Maverick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd Bldg # 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3600 Kenneth J. Maverick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-3600 Charles S. McCash, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4701 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Charles Fred Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8222 Marbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78227-1618 County: Bexar Tel: 210-675-2301 Charles Fred Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1401 SW Loop 410 #114 San Antonio, TX 78227-1660 County: Bexar Tel: 210-675-2301 James L. Mims, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St #511 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-0084 Loretta M. Miramontes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1 Haven For Hope Way Bldg 1 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-220-2370 Jorge A. Montes, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7600 Felipe A. Navas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy St Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7648 Hector L. Nevarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6633 John N. Nicolau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Jose L. Perez-Becerra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main #418 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6633 Jose L. Perez-Becerra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1327 S W Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-5121 Samuel J. Pierce, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 224 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3533 John N. Nicolau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 Aaron B. Pittard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy #216 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-2020 John N. Nicolau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 Aaron B. Pittard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross #12 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-1910 John N. Nicolau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Aaron B. Pittard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross #215 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-1910 John N. Nicolau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Aaron B. Pittard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2020 John N. Nicolau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6151 N W Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3062 Edward R. Rashid, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5430 Fredericksburg Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78229-3539 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-1212 Page 148 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Charles D. Reilly, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5430 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-1212 Sanford E. Roberts II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6151 N W Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3062 Antonio A. San Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-3600 David G. Shulman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8478 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3317 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-6901 Charles D. Reilly, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7550 I H 10 W Ste 1240 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-6565 Sanford E. Roberts II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 David G. Shulman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd Ste 127 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-6901 George S. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 505 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-9172 Richard A. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd # 450 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0555 Antonio A. San Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd Bldg # 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3600 Robert A. Rice, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5430 Fredericksburg Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78229-3539 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-1212 Carlos A. Rosende, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9400 Robert A. Rice, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1 Haven For Hope Way Bldg I Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-220-2370 Sanford E. Roberts II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 Sanford E. Roberts II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 Sanford E. Roberts II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Sanford E. Roberts II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Jay M. Rubin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd #128B San Antonio, TX 78209-1803 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-2012 Jay M. Rubin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-2012 Jay M. Rubin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8438 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-2012 Juan Elias Rubio Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9910 Huebner Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7600 Juan Elias Rubio Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 924 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8413 Roberto San Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #100 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3937 Donald K. Sanford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-2015 Martha P. Schatz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-0407 Martha P. Schatz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9400 Martha P. Schatz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7600 Frank W. Scribbick, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-0407 Frank W. Scribbick, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7600 David G. Shulman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 300 W Bitters Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-6901 David G. Shulman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8438 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-6901 Michael A. Singer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9157 Huebner Rd # 240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Michael A. Singer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # 970 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 James William Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 MEDICAL DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-575-4497 Peter J. Speicher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-9707 Peter J. Speicher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18720 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258-4130 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-9707 Page 149 Provider Directory for PHCS Network William E. Sponsel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-9292 Sharon K. Sra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 N E Loop 410 # 270 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5561 Sharon K. Sra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 800-322-5056 Tomy Starck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6818 Heuermann Rd San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-5550 Georgia S. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 Georgia S. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 11/18/13 Georgia S. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 John P. Stokes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 David I. Tasker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1150 N Loop 1604 W Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-0496 David I. Tasker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9901 I H 10 W # 800 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-0496 Joel Z. Taylor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7434 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste A1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8451 Arlo C. Terry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #400 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 800-322-5056 Georgia S. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Arlo C. Terry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 N E Loop #410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5561 Georgia S. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Stuart A. Terry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4701 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5191 Georgia S. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6151 N W Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3062 Stuart A. Terry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 434 N Loop 1604 W Ste 3201 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-348-0265 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Scott A. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9157 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Julie C. Tsai, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7550 I H 10 W Ste 1240 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-6565 Scott A. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: No 98 Briggs St San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 William T. Walton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 216 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-2020 Scott A. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir Ste 139 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Scott A. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11900 Crownpoint Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Scott A. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 970 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Fernando V. Trujillo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd Ste 127 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-6901 Fernando V. Trujillo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8200 I H 10 W Ste 730 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-5550 Julie C. Tsai, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5430 Fredericksburg Rd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-1212 Julie C. Tsai, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-8882 William T. Walton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross #215 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-1910 William T. Walton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-2020 Maria T. Whitney, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10935 Wurzbach Rd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-377-3937 W Darrell Willerson Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy St Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7648 W Darrell Willerson Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8478 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3317 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-7648 W Darrell Willerson Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2404 Commercial Ave # B San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-2851 Bruce L. Winter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2929 Mossrock # 104 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-377-0350 Page 150 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Allison Paige Young, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 325 E Sonterra Blvd # 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6759 Jason M. Zhao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 Jason M. Zhao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 Jason M. Zhao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Jason M. Zhao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Jason M. Zhao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6151 N W Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-426-3062 Jason M. Zhao, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Johan T. Zwaan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd #520 San Antonio, TX 78229-3850 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8474 Optometry Apeameokhai P. Aitsebaomo, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Apeameokhai P. Aitsebaomo, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Apeameokhai P. Aitsebaomo, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Apeameokhai P. Aitsebaomo, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Apeameokhai P. Aitsebaomo, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Monica L. Allison, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 19202 Stone Oak Pkwy 3106 # 106 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9020 Monica L. Allison, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8910 Bandera Rd # 107 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-682-4300 Rene Altamirano, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 803 SW Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-0177 Farshid Amir, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9577 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-523-6616 Farshid Amir, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Farshid Amir, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Farshid Amir, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Farshid Amir, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Farshid Amir, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Marlan G. Anderson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 5230 De Zavala Rd Ste 216 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-4644 Marlan G. Anderson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1205 N Loop 1604 W Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9293 Marlan G. Anderson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 15677 B San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9205 Marlan G. Anderson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 10722 Potranco Rd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-2020 Jennifer D. Barondes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 6818 Heuermann Rd San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-5550 Jennifer D. Barondes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 15900 La Cantera Pkwy Ste 6697 San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-4110 Jennifer D. Barondes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 San Pedro Ave Ste 486 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-0008 Richard A. Bell, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 5230 De Zavala Rd Ste 216 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-0500 Richard A. Bell, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 10650 Culebra Rd Ste 132 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-523-2020 Richard A. Bell, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1205 N Loop 1604 W Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9293 Richard A. Bell, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 10722 Potranco Rd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-2020 Richard A. Bell, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 15677 San Pedro Ave Ste B San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9205 Mervyn P. Bloom, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1939 N E Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-7239 Gary A. Borawski, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4701 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 Page 151 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Edward Bustamante, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-8687 Joseph D. Cessac, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 6818 Heuermann Road San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-5550 Russell S. Coates, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Charles G. Connor Jr, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Steven E. Campbell, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd #400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-2666 Joseph D. Cessac, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 14100 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-8500 Russell S. Coates, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Charles G. Connor Jr, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6832 Steven E. Campbell, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1900 N Main Ave Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-7183 James C. Chapman, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Russell S. Coates, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Charles G. Connor Jr, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Mark G. Carolan, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 5430 Fredericksburg Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-1212 James C. Chapman, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Russell S. Coates, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Charles G. Connor Jr, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 James C. Chapman, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Randal S. Collins, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Charles G. Connor Jr, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2547 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 James C. Chapman, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Randal S. Collins, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Charles G. Connor Jr, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 James C. Chapman, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Randal S. Collins, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Eddy Contreras, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 401 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-2666 James C. Chapman, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Randal S. Collins, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Eddy Contreras, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 Embassy Oaks Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-0051 Russell S. Coates, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Randal S. Collins, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Russell S. Coates, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Randal S. Collins, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Eric S. Casillas, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 4 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-5060 Eric S. Casillas, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1706 S W Loop 410 Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78227 County: Bexar Tel: 210-459-2299 Eric S. Casillas, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 7830 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-8888 Cassandra M. Cavazos, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8910 Bandera Rd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-682-4300 Joseph D. Cessac, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 20935 US Highway 281 N San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-0917 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Eddy Contreras, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1900 N Main Ave # 200 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-7183 Page 152 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Mark K. Davis, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1742 N Loop 1604 E #118 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-9050 Richard L. Delay, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2929 Mossrock Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-377-0350 Eric Delgado, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 14016 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-9620 Mark Delgado, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 11600 Bandera 106 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-4107 Ira P. Diskin, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Basse Road #330 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-8565 Martin T. Do, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 6301 NW Loop 410 Ste R6A San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-767-0202 11/18/13 Edward C. Elder, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1205 N Loop 1604 W Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9293 Emile B. Fadel, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 15900 La Cantera Pkwy Ste 6697 San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-4110 Edward C. Elder, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 15677 B San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9205 Emile B. Fadel, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 San Pedro Ave Ste 486 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-0008 Edward C. Elder, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 10722 Potranco Rd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-2020 Randall D. Elliott, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 11850 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78230-2744 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-4101 Aaron P. Erdmanczyk, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 Aaron P. Erdmanczyk, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 Renee Tomes Dunlap, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 21019 US Highway 281 N Ste 832 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3937 Aaron P. Erdmanczyk, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Edward C. Elder, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 5230 De Zavala Rd Ste 216 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-0500 Aaron P. Erdmanczyk, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Edward C. Elder, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 10650 Culebra Rd Ste 132 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-523-2020 Aaron P. Erdmanczyk, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Carlos Flores, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 4822 Walzem Rd San Antonio, TX 78218-2113 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-2462 Carlos Flores, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 6301 NW Loop 410 Ste N18 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 979-244-1440 Sandra Kay Fortenberry, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Sandra Kay Fortenberry, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9234 N Loop 1604 W # 104 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-417-4177 Brian K. Foutch, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Brian K. Foutch, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Brian K. Foutch, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Brian K. Foutch, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Brian K. Foutch, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Brian K. Foutch, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Sandra Marie Fox, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8403 Floyd Curl Dr Rm 1 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-8600 Maribel Garcia, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1955 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-4511 County: Bexar Tel: 210-530-2733 Omar D. Garza, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1343 Fair Ave San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-0101 Melanie P. Gonzalez, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-8687 Melanie P. Gonzalez, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7600 Mario Gutierrez, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 5212 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-8083 Page 153 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Mario Gutierrez, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 4501 McCullough Ave Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-5822 Samuel Houtkin, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4701 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 Ian M. Jones, OD** Accepts new patients: No 1303 MCCULLOUGH AVE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78212 County: BEXAR Tel: 512-477-1020 Suzanne M. Jones, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3150 SW Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-858-7408 Suzanne M. Jones, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 12349 Ih 35n San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-3937 Narges Kasraie, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Narges Kasraie, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Narges Kasraie, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Narges Kasraie, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Narges Kasraie, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Patrick M. Leas, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-637-7822 Carolyn E. Majcher, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Narges Kasraie, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Bridget J. Leesang, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 22906 US Highway 281 N Bldg O San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7483 Yutaka Maki, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7190 Theresa S. Kent, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Theresa S. Kent, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Theresa S. Kent, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Theresa S. Kent, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Theresa S. Kent, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Theresa S. Kent, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Patrick M. Leas, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3818 S New Braunfels Ave San Antonio, TX 78223-1716 County: Bexar Tel: 210-534-2244 Bridget J. Leesang, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 4437A De Zavala Rd Ste A San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-7483 Timothy J. Luke, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 15900 La Cantera Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2020 Carolyn E. Majcher, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7190 Carolyn E. Majcher, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Carolyn E. Majcher, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Carolyn E. Majcher, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8210 Callaghan San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Carolyn E. Majcher, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2547 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Yutaka Maki, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Yutaka Maki, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Yutaka Maki, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2547 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Yutaka Maki, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8210 Callaghan Rd San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Yutaka Maki, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Nazia Maredia, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1430 Austin Hwy # 112 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-3937 Nazia Maredia, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1603 Vance Jackson Rd San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-732-3200 Page 154 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Joshua J. Martin, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1955 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-4511 County: Bexar Tel: 210-530-2733 Joshua J. Martin, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1939 N E Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-7239 Joshua J. Martin, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 5212 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-8083 Sandra Mauro, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0807 Lara McKnight, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-8687 Arthur Medina, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2903 St Mary's San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4141 Arthur Medina, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-9358 Amanda A. Mendiola, OD Accepts new patients: No 11631 Bandera Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-9998 Chandra V. Mickles, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Chandra V. Mickles, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2547 E. Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Mark E. Nelson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 510 N W Loop 410 #105 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-2993 Chandra V. Mickles, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8210 Callaghan Rd San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Susan Nelson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 510 Nw Loop 410 #105 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-2993 Chandra V. Mickles, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E. Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Elizabeth T. Nguyen, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9262 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-647-4733 Chandra V. Mickles, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Elizabeth T. Nguyen, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9822 Potranco Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-4733 Srihari Narayanan, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Elizabeth T. Nguyen, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8202 N Loop 1604 W # 105 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-691-4733 Srihari Narayanan, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Huong M. Nguyen, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 5025 Nw Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-682-2020 Srihari Narayanan, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Michael A. Orozco, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9157 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-1502 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Srihari Narayanan, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Srihari Narayanan, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Srihari Narayanan, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Michael A. Orozco, OD Accepts new patients: No 109 Gallery Cir San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-1920 Michael A. Orozco, OD Accepts new patients: No 608 Bedell Ave San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Michael A. Orozco, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 11900 Crownpoint Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2020 Michael A. Orozco, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 970 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-6705 Richard R. Ortiz, OD Accepts new patients: No 9823 W Interstate 10 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-6500 Agnes L. Palys, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 4930 Evers Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-0366 Louis J. Peters, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8438 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-979-6440 Louis J. Peters, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 119 S W Loop 410 # 127 San Antonio, TX 78245 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-5210 Cynthia G. Phelps, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 13417 San Pedro Ave Ste B San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-2002 Kenneth Pierson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 5230 De Zavala Rd Ste 216 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-4644 Kenneth Pierson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 10650 Culebra Rd Ste 132 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-523-2020 Page 155 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Kenneth Pierson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1205 N Loop 1604 W Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9293 Ronald W. Richardson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Kenneth Pierson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 15677 B San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9205 Richard R. Rigsby, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 15126 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-7687 Kenneth Pierson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 10722 Potranco Rd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-2020 Joseph R. Rogalinski, OD Accepts new patients: No 9262 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-647-4733 Dawn M. Rakich, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2267 NW Military Hwy San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-3535 Joseph R. Rogalinski, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9822 Potranco Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-4733 Ronald W. Richardson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Joseph R. Rogalinski, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8202 N Loop 1604 W Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-691-4733 Ronald W. Richardson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Nydia C. Rosillo, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 14855 Blanco Rd Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-0900 Ronald W. Richardson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Ronald W. Richardson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Ronald W. Richardson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Jack W. Rountree Jr, OD Accepts new patients: Yes Jcpenney Rolling Oaks Mall 6909 N Loop 1604 E San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-5760 Sabrina L. Rubio, OD Accepts new patients: No 11631 Bandera Rd # 102 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-9998 Kyle A. Sandberg, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Kyle A. Sandberg, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Kyle A. Sandberg, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7190 Kyle A. Sandberg, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Kyle A. Sandberg, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6832 Kyle A. Sandberg, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8210 Callaghan San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6832 Kyle A. Sandberg, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2547 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Kyle A. Sandberg, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Stephanie R. Schmiedecke, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Stephanie R. Schmiedecke, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Stephanie R. Schmiedecke, OD Accepts new patients: No 8410 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-9733 Stephanie R. Schmiedecke, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Stephanie R. Schmiedecke, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7190 Stephanie R. Schmiedecke, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Stephanie R. Schmiedecke, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8210 Callaghan San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Stephanie R. Schmiedecke, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2547 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Stephanie R. Schmiedecke, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Donald F. Semler, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 4930 Evers Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-0366 Donald F. Semler, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 14807 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2020 Page 156 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Donald F. Semler, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2119 Commercial Ave San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0604 Kathryn E. Smith, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 6818 Heuermann Rd San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-5550 Richard C. Trevino, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2305 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Matt Sin Valdes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Donald F. Semler, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 800 McCullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Philip L. Smith, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4701 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 Richard C. Trevino, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 9725 Datapoint Drive San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Matt Sin Valdes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Richard C. Trevino, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2300 Roosevelt Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Matt Sin Valdes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8210 Callaghan San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-283-6800 Richard C. Trevino, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Matt Sin Valdes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2547 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-619-7020 Richard C. Trevino, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2527 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78203 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Matt Sin Valdes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Richard C. Trevino, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Marie Elaine Vlasak, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1430 Austin Hwy San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-3937 Kimberly D. Turner, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 5212 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-8083 Marie Elaine Vlasak, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 17503 La Cantera Pkwy Rim Shopping Ctr Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-3937 Donald F. Semler, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2362 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Donald F. Semler, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 6151 N W Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Donald F. Semler, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 511 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6169 Richard P. Sharp, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-2666 Richard P. Sharp, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 Embassy Oaks Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-0051 Richard P. Sharp, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1900 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-7183 Scott K. Sitterle, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2950 Thousand Oaks Dr #23 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9091 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Rachel D. Tellez, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 24165 I H 10 W Ste 125 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-7884 Luisa M. Thompson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 8089 Callaghan Rd San Antonio, TX 78230-4718 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-1228 Robert S. Thompson, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1009 N W Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-1021 Thanh Q. Tran, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 6818 Heuermann Rd San Antonio, TX 78256 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-5550 Thanh Q. Tran, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 14100 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 116 San Antonio, TX 78247 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-8500 Thanh Q. Tran, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 20935 Us Hwy 281 N San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-0917 Raul A. Trevino III, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 7959 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 137 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-735-5440 Mita K. Vala, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 4930 Evers Road San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-0366 Mano G. Valderaz, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 12215 Toepperwein Rd San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-3333 Marie Elaine Vlasak, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Eads Ave San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-531-1591 Anthony L. Webb, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1720 S Ww White Rd San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-4340 Matt Sin Valdes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7190 Page 157 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Nekima G. Williams, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2418 Sw Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-1983 Edward Joseph Zayac, OD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9400 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Michael A. Casillas, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 6501 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216-6627 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7264 Michael A. Casillas, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 3329 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78238-4004 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4324 Michael A. Casillas, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1227 SW Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-2666 Michael B. Gissell, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 3329 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78238-4004 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4324 Michael B. Gissell, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1227 SW Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7264 Michael B. Gissell, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 6501 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7264 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Mathew C. Gordon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 235 E Hildebrand Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-2430 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-4501 Mark E. Haverkorn, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 6501 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7264 Mark E. Haverkorn, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1227 S W Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-2666 LaVan R. Parker III, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1227 SW Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-708-2666 LaVan R. Parker III, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 6511 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7264 Jack W. Pool, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 6501 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7264 Mark E. Haverkorn, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 3329 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4324 Jack W. Pool, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 3329 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78238-4004 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4324 Matthew C. Largent, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 235 E Hildebrand Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-4501 Jack W. Pool, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1227 SW Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-2666 David G. Leibold, MD Accepts new patients: No 7703 Floyd Curl Dr Ste MC7908 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-3460 Juliana Robledo, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1122 Austin Hwy San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-6488 David G. Leibold, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 235 E Hildebrand Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-4501 Howard S. McGuff, DDS** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 LaVan R. Parker III, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 3329 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78238-4004 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4324 William E. Thornton, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 6501 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7264 William E. Thornton, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 3329 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78238-4004 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-4324 William E. Thornton, DDS Accepts new patients: Yes 1227 S W Military Dr San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-2666 Orthopaedic Surgery Animesh Agarwal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4403 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-0400 Animesh Agarwal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 Eradio Arredondo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave #110 San Antonio, TX 78205-1115 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9311 Bjorn C. Balldin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Bjorn C. Balldin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Bjorn C. Balldin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Bjorn C. Balldin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Bjorn C. Balldin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen Josh Bell, MD Accepts new patients: No 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Page 158 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Stephen Josh Bell, MD Accepts new patients: No 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Adam J. Bruggeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 800-924-1455 Stephen S. Burkhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Elliott I. Clemence, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd # 309 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-9000 Stephen Josh Bell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz # 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-5785 Adam J. Bruggeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 212 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-6948 Stephen S. Burkhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Ronald W. Connor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 Mario A. Bustamante, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 406 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-7800 Ronald W. Connor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Jerome M. Benavides, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1616 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-2655 Marvin R. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 570 San Antonio, TX 78258-3943 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Marvin R. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Marvin R. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1400 Marvin R. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Marvin R. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-5785 Marvin R. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Adam J. Bruggeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-280-7977 Adam J. Bruggeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 800-924-1455 Adam J. Bruggeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 800-924-1455 Stephen S. Burkhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen S. Burkhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen S. Burkhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen S. Burkhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-489-7220 Mark M. Casillas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2088 Mark M. Casillas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Mark M. Casillas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1616 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-2655 Ronald W. Connor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Ronald W. Connor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Ronald W. Connor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Michael Thomas Charlton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7333 Barlite Blvd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-598-5605 Ronald W. Connor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Zachary A. Child, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Fred G. Corley, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 Mickey S. Cho, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3851 Roger Brooke Dr Bldg 3600 San Antonio, TX 78234 County: Bexar Tel: 210-916-5666 Phillip R. Craven Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 390 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7200 Page 159 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Darryl D. Cuda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #350 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5001 Jesse C. DeLee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4263 Michael A. Earle, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-6721 Darryl D. Cuda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5001 Jesse C. DeLee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-579-3654 John Edeen III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #235 San Antonio, TX 78229-3712 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1613 Darryl D. Cuda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5001 Jesse C. DeLee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7100 Darryl D. Cuda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8800 Village Dr Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5001 Darryl D. Cuda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-653-5001 Ralph J. Curtis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 Steven J. Cyr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 Jason M. Defee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8113 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 888-828-1075 Jesse C. DeLee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #1128 San Antonio, TX 78205-2527 County: Bexar Tel: 210-579-3654 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Michael David Dennis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr # 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6432 Michael David Dennis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6432 Jerjis J. Denno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6432 Richard Eldon Duey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245 320 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 Anil Kumar Dutta, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Matthew M. Dwyer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7171 William H. Edwards Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 John A. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd #250 San Antonio, TX 78240-1598 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7100 John A. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 570 San Antonio, TX 78258-3943 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2088 John A. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St #120 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-832-5427 John A. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd # 204 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-5785 John A. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 John A. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 170 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 John A. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 John A. Evans, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St # 1119 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-351-6500 Guy R. Fogel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 650 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8600 Guy R. Fogel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 Mark A. Foreman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 David L. Fox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5151 John T. Friedland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245 320 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 Mayo J. Galindo Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-489-7230 Mayo J. Galindo Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Page 160 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Mayo J. Galindo Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Mayo J. Galindo Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Mayo J. Galindo Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Eddie A. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 709 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5100 Francisco J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-396-5310 Francisco J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Francisco J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr # 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Francisco J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Francisco J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Francisco J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Francisco J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 David M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5561 Gerald Quintin Greenfield Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6432 David M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-281-9595 Gregg S. Gurwitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9047 Paul T. Geibel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9047 David M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Robert B. Gledhill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1400 David M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Robert B. Gledhill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8255 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3357 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8292 Gregory D. Gordon Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr #560 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7400 Robert B. Gledhill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7220 Louis Pasteur Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8292 David M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 David M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 David M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd # 204 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-281-9595 David P. Green, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln #310 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-7025 Gerald Quintin Greenfield Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1420 Gerald Quintin Greenfield Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd # 204 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1420 Gerald Quintin Greenfield Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Dennis R. Gutzman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2424 Babcock Rd #201 San Antonio, TX 78229-6031 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0462 Adam I. Harris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #709 San Antonio, TX 78229-6015 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5100 Howard J. Hassell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8255 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-3357 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8292 Howard J. Hassell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7220 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8292 Alan Eric Hibberd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Alan Eric Hibberd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Page 161 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Alan Eric Hibberd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Alan Eric Hibberd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Alan Eric Hibberd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Alan Eric Hibberd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Peter F. Holmes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4403 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-0180 Peter F. Holmes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-9000 Phillip Michael Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Phillip Michael Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Phillip Michael Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Phillip Michael Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Phillip Michael Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Phillip Michael Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Phillip Michael Jacobs, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5490 Robert G. Johnson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 Robert L. Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 516 Lexington Ave San Antonio, TX 78215-1930 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1034 Ajeya P. Joshi, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza # 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Ajeya P. Joshi, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Ajeya P. Joshi, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 170 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Ajeya P. Joshi, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Frank K. Kuwamura III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave #320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Ajeya P. Joshi, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9047 Frank K. Kuwamura III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak # 620 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2088 Bryan W. Kaiser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Frank K. Kuwamura III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-396-5320 Bryan W. Kaiser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Bryan W. Kaiser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr # 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5530 Bryan W. Kaiser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Bryan W. Kaiser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Ravi A. Karia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5125 William K. Koeck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-4186 Frank K. Kuwamura III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Frank K. Kuwamura III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Frank K. Kuwamura III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9047 Wayne A. Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-4125 Wayne A. Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-4125 Page 162 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Lawrence L. Lenderman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2424 Babcock Rd #200 San Antonio, TX 78229-6031 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0802 Hongbo Liu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 Roger J. Lunke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-7470 Roger J. Lunke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 264 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-0156 Elizabeth L. Magnabosco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-2669 Farbod Malek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 390 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-865-9200 Keith L. Markey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn #320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-3434 Keith L. Markey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 690 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-3434 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Keith L. Markey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Merton Minter St Ste 112 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-5300 Amanda D. Marshall, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9000 Randall C. Marx, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Randall C. Marx, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Randall C. Marx, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr # 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Randall C. Marx, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Randall C. Marx, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 # 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Geoffrey M. Millican, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 560 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7400 Sanjay Misra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4263 Sanjay Misra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plz San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 Sanjay Misra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd 204 San Antonio, TX 78222-3739 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-5785 Sanjay Misra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1175 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-270-9999 Andrew Erle Moore, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Bernard Francis Morrey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Matthew C. Murray, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Travis N. Murray, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Arvo Neidre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7234 Eloy Ochoa Jr, MD Accepts new patients: No 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Eloy Ochoa Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Eloy Ochoa Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5920 Eloy Ochoa Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Randall C. Marx, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Matthew C. Morrey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Eloy Ochoa Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5920 Peter L. McGanity, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-8700 James R. Mull, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8113 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-767-9042 Eloy Ochoa Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Page 163 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Fred H. Olin, MD Accepts new patients: No 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-670-9030 Fred H. Olin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9512 Majestic Oak Cir San Antonio, TX 78255 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-0607 Nancy R. Otto, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr #110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-5350 Nancy R. Otto, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #234 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-0490 Nancy R. Otto, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 504 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-0490 Paul David Pace, MD Accepts new patients: No 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Kevin C. Paisley, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Patrick M. Palmer, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7755 Patrick M. Palmer, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr M C 7774 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5125 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Christopher I. Phelps, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 500 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7171 Charles Stuart Pipkin III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9047 Charles Stuart Pipkin III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12602 Toepperwein Rd Ste 212 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-6948 Uwe R. Pontius, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 560 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7400 Robert Henry Quinn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Rajiv Rajani, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Jesse J. Rettele, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7650 Kevin D. Richardson, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7234 Eric R. Ritchie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1613 Eric R. Ritchie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 David A. Roberts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr # 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6432 David A. Roberts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Dr # 305 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-4263 David A. Roberts, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro # 355 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Charles A. Rockwood Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9000 Alexander S. Rowland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 Alexander S. Rowland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Alexander S. Rowland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Alexander S. Rowland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Alexander S. Rowland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 David R. Schmidt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 David R. Schmidt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5921 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-8326 Matthew Robert Schmitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1613 David T. Schroder, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 David T. Schroder, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave, Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 David T. Schroder, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz # 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Frank W. Schroeder, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-448-1140 Page 164 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Frank W. Schroeder, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 346 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-448-1140 Alec C. Stall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-2669 Casey D. Taber, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5561 Brian E. Schulze, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5151 Earl A. Stanley Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #235 San Antonio, TX 78229-3712 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1613 Casey D. Taber, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr # 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 James W. Simmons III, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Center, #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-4047 Earl A. Stanley Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9000 Casey D. Taber, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 James W. Simmons III, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9047 Richard T. Steffen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 James W. Simmons III, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Dr # 305 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-4263 Patrick M. Simon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5151 Scott L. Sledge, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-8110 Scott L. Sledge, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #211 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-9600 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Casey D. Taber, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Richard T. Steffen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5921 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-8326 Brad S. Tolin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #620 San Antonio, TX 78258-3924 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Raymond M. Stefko, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1613 Brad S. Tolin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Scott P. Stephens, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Brad S. Tolin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Casey D. Taber, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Brad S. Tolin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Casey D. Taber, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 Brad S. Tolin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Brad S. Tolin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 John S. Toohey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd #350 San Antonio, TX 78240-1305 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7234 John S. Toohey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl Ste 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Dmitry Tuder, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3851 Roger Brooke Dr Dept 1 San Antonio, TX 78234 County: Bexar Tel: 210-916-2824 Richard L. Ursone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Richard L. Ursone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Richard L. Ursone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-396-5246 Richard L. Ursone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Richard L. Ursone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Page 165 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Daniel C. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 Daniel C. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Daniel C. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr # 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Daniel C. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Daniel C. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Daniel C. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd # 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Pablo S. Vasquez-Seoane, MD Accepts new patients: No 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9047 Pablo S. Vasquez-Seoane, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-5785 Pablo S. Vasquez-Seoane, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Pablo S. Vasquez-Seoane, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Pablo S. Vasquez-Seoane, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Pablo S. Vasquez-Seoane, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6432 Noel Vega, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7650 Sergio Viroslav, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Sergio Viroslav, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Sergio Viroslav, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Sergio Viroslav, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-281-9595 Sergio Viroslav, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-5785 Jeffrey R. Warman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #235 San Antonio, TX 78229-3712 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1613 Jeffrey R. Warman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd # 320 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-4186 Andrew L. Whaley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 143 W Sunset Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-2663 Rex E. Wilcox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5151 Ronald Paul Williams, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 527 N Leona St San Antonio, TX 78207-3110 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3611 Michael A. Wirth, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Boris A. Zelle, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 Orthopaedic Surgery of Spine Gilbert R. Meadows, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9047 Otolaryngology James H. Atkins Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9502 Huebner Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 830-816-3838 Walter M. Bain, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 242 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-8982 Walter M. Bain, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18518 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-4327 Walter M. Bain, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2632 Broadway St # 201 202 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-0880 Michael H. Bertino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd Bldg # 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1326 Michael H. Bertino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 926 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3136 Charles P. Biediger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy # 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0404 Jose A. Bonilla, MD** Accepts new patients: No 525 OAK CENTRE DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-477-3277 Jose A. Bonilla, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9502 Huebner Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-3277 Page 166 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Juan A. Bonilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16723 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0171 Devang P. Desai, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 816 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0283 Daniel Fleming, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1195 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3136 Rebecca C. Bowen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 926 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-5481 Devang P. Desai, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 516 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-2597 Daniel Fleming, MD Accepts new patients: No 926 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3136 Rebecca C. Bowen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0283 Devang P. Desai, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 926 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3136 Daniel Fleming, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd Ste 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8332 Patrick N. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Blvd Ste 24 Bldg 4 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-1050 Patrick N. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3154 S E Military Dr Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-1050 Patrick N. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1326 Kevin B. Browne, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #330 San Antonio, TX 78229-3713 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8177 Philip G. Chen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 William D. Clark, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4100 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Devang P. Desai, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-4589 Robert A. Dobie, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 John D. Edwards, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 618 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-967-7377 Carlos R. Esquivel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18518 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-4327 Alberto T. Fernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #409 San Antonio, TX 78205-2103 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9166 Daniel Fleming, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 606 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-5481 Christine L. Gilliam, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-647-3838 David M. Gleinser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-4589 David M. Gleinser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Medical Plz I Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-4840 David M. Gleinser, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Ste 1 Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0283 William W. Gordon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0096 Andamo A. Guillaume, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 98 Briggs Ave #960 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-3221 Andamo A. Guillaume, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd #100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5600 Nathan W. Hales, MD Accepts new patients: No 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-4921 Nathan W. Hales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Bldg 1#1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0283 Nathan W. Hales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 926 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3136 Nathan W. Hales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-5481 Mark W. Hatch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5600 Jeanne L. Hatcher, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Diana H. Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #120 San Antonio, TX 78258-3281 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-4589 Page 167 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Diana H. Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-4589 Gerald Paul Laursen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6712 Randolph Blvd San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-9506 Roderick D. Moe, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16723 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0171 Allen D. Noorily, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 98 Briggs Ave Ste 960 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-3221 Diana H. Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd Bldg 1 2nd Fl # 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-7029 Gerald Paul Laursen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3154 S E Military Dr # 103 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-1050 John M. Morehead, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Randal A. Otto, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 John M. Morehead, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W. Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9658 Randal A. Otto, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9658 Jesse Moss Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2011 E Houston St Ste E San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-8888 Brian P. Perry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln #100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6070 Thomas W. Nau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0096 Jeffrey S. Rosenbloom, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0096 Timothy M. Herr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6673 Manuel A. Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Rd Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0283 Timothy M. Herr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredricksburg Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5600 Manuel A. Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 5104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2367 Vincent F. Honrubia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6363 De Zavala Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5666 Susan M. Marenda King, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln #100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6070 Lance E. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18518 Hardy Oak Blvd #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-4327 Aayesha M. Khan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9658 Kevin C. McMains, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14811 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-7758 Keiko McManus, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5600 Wesley W O Krueger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2632 Broadway St Ste 201 202 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-0880 Frank R. Miller IV, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Wesley W O Krueger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18518 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-4327 Frank R. Miller IV, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Richard K. Newman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #330 San Antonio, TX 78229-3713 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8177 Richard K. Newman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8332 Allen D. Noorily, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5600 Allen D. Noorily, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6673 Jeffrey S. Rosenbloom, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy #110 San Antonio, TX 78258-3281 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-0404 Gilbert M. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1195 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3136 Gilbert M. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe #1 Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1326 Harry E. Schilling, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Blvd Bldg 4 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-1050 Page 168 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Harry E. Schilling, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4775 Hamilton Wolfe Bldg 1#1 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1326 11/18/13 Christian Lane Stallworth, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9658 Stephen J. Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-4589 William C. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 618 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-967-7377 Christian Lane Stallworth, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Stephen J. Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr Ste 516 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-2597 Anthony P. Sertich Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy #100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8625 Robert P. Spears, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd #315 San Antonio, TX 78224-1339 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-4921 Rose Caitlin Stavinoha, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16723 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0171 Anthony P. Sertich Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 W Sunset Rd San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8625 Robert P. Spears, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-4589 Cary E. Stratton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0096 Anand G. Shah, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9220 Robert P. Spears, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd #211 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-4921 Harry E. Schilling, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6712 Randolph Blvd San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-9506 Anand G. Shah, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 18838 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-833-7972 C Blake Simpson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4403 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-0400 C Blake Simpson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 10615 Perrin Beitel Rd San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5660 C Blake Simpson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-0400 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Charles B. Simpson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Robert P. Spears, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1195 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3136 Robert P. Spears, MD Accepts new patients: No 926 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3136 Robert P. Spears, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-0732 Christian Lane Stallworth, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Cary E. Stratton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19026 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0404 Charles A. Syms III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #550 San Antonio, TX 78229-3755 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6070 Charles A. Syms III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln #100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6070 Stephen J. Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 516 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-2597 Stephen J. Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-4589 Benjamin D. Webb, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0121 John W. Youngblood Jr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Pain Medicine Sergio J. Alvarado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1901 Sergio J. Alvarado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1901 Fernando T. Avila, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #1601 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-8280 Fernando T. Avila, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 700 S Saint Mary's St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-1181 Donald D. Bacon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 625 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Page 169 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Donald D. Bacon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 403 Treeline Park # 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Arthur S. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 415 EMBASSY OAKS SAN ANTONIO, TX 78216 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-489-4714 Donald D. Bacon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 445 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Arthur S. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 88 Briggs St # 250 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-9333 Yurii D. Borshch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 215 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9400 Yurii D. Borshch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1642 Lockhill Selma Rd San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-9331 Arnulfo T. Carrasco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4763 Hamilton Wolfe Rd # 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4825 Narciso Gonzalez III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3603 Paesanos Pkwy Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1901 Narciso Gonzalez III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3124 Sidney Brooks Ste 570 B San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1901 Larina V. Gutenberg, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9400 Larina V. Gutenberg, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Bldg 1 Ste 360 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9400 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Shaun C. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 403 Treeline Park Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Shaun C. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 625 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Shaun C. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 Southcross Blvd Ste 203 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Shaun C. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2902 Goliad Rd #104 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Shaun C. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: No 423 Treeline Park Ste 325 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-546-1460 Dennis E. Karasek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 403 Treeline Park # 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Dennis E. Karasek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1901 Dennis E. Karasek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3603 Paesanos Pkwy Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1901 Dennis E. Karasek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1901 Michael E. Kruczek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 621 N Alamo St San Antonio, TX 78215-1836 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-5223 Michael E. Kruczek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd #160 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7480 Michael E. Kruczek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7480 Charles W. Murphy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 45 NE Loop 410 #900 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-375-7790 Charles W. Murphy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1779 NE Loop 410 #200 San Antonio, TX 78217-5212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Charles W. Murphy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 403 Treeline Park # 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-6600 Charles W. Murphy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 625 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Charles W. Murphy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14800 San Pedro Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-6600 Shyam S. Purswani, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9080 Shyam S. Purswani, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2455 N E Loop 410 #101 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9080 William W. Robbins, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 390 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9955 Jerod K. Shaw, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14800 San Pedro Ave # 115 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-6600 Prafulla C. Singh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5101 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-527-1166 Prafulla C. Singh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-1168 Prafulla C. Singh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-527-1166 Prafulla C. Singh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18600 N Hardy Oak Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-527-1166 Page 170 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Scott P. Worrich, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5368 Fredericksburg Rd #210 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-546-1480 Jaime Furman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-7700 Maria Luisa C. Policarpio-Nicolas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Lilia Wojcik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 301 N Frio St San Antonio, TX 78207-3034 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5800 Scott P. Worrich, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 403 Treeline Park Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Chantal R. Harrison, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Robert L. Reddick, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Lilia Wojcik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-2617 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5800 Josefine M. Heim-Hall, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Cliff M. Richmond, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9600 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-892-3700 Jin X. Zhang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 301 N Frio St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5800 Vivian Rene Rone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 301 N Frio St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5800 Jin X. Zhang, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 McCullough Ave Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-757-2390 John R. Russel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 301 N Frio St San Antonio, TX 78207-3034 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5805 Pediatric Allergy & Immunology Scott P. Worrich, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 625 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Scott P. Worrich, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 Southcross Blvd Ste 203 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9800 Scott P. Worrich, MD Accepts new patients: No 11212 State Hwy 151 #240 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-546-1480 Darius Zagunis, MD Accepts new patients: No 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-3700 Pathology James M. Henry, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Russell Aaron Higgins, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Jaishree S. Jagirdar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Eugenia C. Bryan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-4000 Yehung Vivian Luo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 301 N Frio St San Antonio, TX 78207-3034 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5800 Aamir Ehsan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Babcock Rd Ste 30 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-4445 Yehung Vivian Luo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mc Cullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5800 Wieslaw B. Furmaga, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Marlo Magsanoc Nicolas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Francis E. Sharkey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Brian D. Towell, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 9600 Datapoint Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-892-3700 Philip T. Valente, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Sherry L. Werner, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Dale A. Wood, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 341 E Hildebrand Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-2412 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-6141 Pediatric Cardiology Kenneth R. Bloom, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 289 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 Kristie Borgman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4000 Kristie Borgman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7581 Page 171 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Kristie Borgman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 David M. Brennen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 289 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 11/18/13 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy #107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7581 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr # 289 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 Brian Seth Goldstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 289 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Brian Seth Goldstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba #102 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-8079 David M. Brennen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7581 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #272 San Antonio, TX 78229-3712 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy # 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7581 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba #102 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-8079 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2000 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2000 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2000 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8026 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8110 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4000 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2000 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4000 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Christopher L. Curzon, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Babcock Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7722 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8026 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8110 Catharine Astromelia Kral Kollars, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 289 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 John R. Brownlee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Patrick F. Glasow, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Babcock Rd #301 San Antonio, TX 78229-4546 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7722 Teresa A. Hospers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Catharine Astromelia Kral Kollars, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 Page 172 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Catharine Astromelia Kral Kollars, MD Accepts new patients: No 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Camila Londono-Obregon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 Elaine M. Maldonado, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Babcock Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7722 Steven R. Neish, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Babcock Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7722 Olawale O. Olabiyi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Olawale O. Olabiyi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8581 Jatin Narendra Patel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #289 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 John S. Plowden Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4000 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 289 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8026 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8110 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2000 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2000 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7581 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2000 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-8079 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Mary Porisch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3551 Roger Brooke Dr Bldg 3600 San Antonio, TX 78234 County: Bexar Tel: 210-916-3863 Jose R. Rebolledo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #811 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2175 James H. Rogers Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Babcock Rd #301 San Antonio, TX 78229-4546 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-7722 Timothy Harris Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 272 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8026 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8110 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4000 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy #107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7581 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr # 289 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 Page 173 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-7000 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba #102 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-8079 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2000 Rolando Zamora-Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4000 Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Christian P. Bauerfeld, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Anh T. Dinh, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Juan A. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N W Loop 410 Ste 211 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-7181 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Michelle L. Habash, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Maria S. Rayas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7500 Ricardo A. Munoz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1200 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5420 Maria S. Rayas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4708 Maria D. Sandoval, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-6919 Pediatric Gastroenterology Maria D. Sandoval, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1207 N Loop 1604 W Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-3474 Pediatric Dermatology John Caleb Browning, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-562-5300 John Caleb Browning, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3320 Oakwell Ct San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-5180 Pediatric Endocrinology Mark M. Danney, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5107 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8612 Daniel E. Hale, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4708 Sonal S. Desai, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Rm F-2658 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2098 Mark A. Gilger, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4100 Bharani Pandrangi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Rm F 2658 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4708 Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Chatchawin Assanasen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste B8208 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Gregory J. Aune, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Amanda B. Blair, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Sunil U. Bochare, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr # 502 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9973 Ka Wah W. Chan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8109 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-270-9400 Ka Wah W. Chan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 550 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-2222 Ka Wah W. Chan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 337 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3172 Jaime Estrada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 540 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-6240 Melissa Joy Frei-Jones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Anne-Marie R. Langevin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste B8208 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Darryl C. Longee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Mahendra C. Patel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur Dr Ste 502 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9973 Page 174 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Gerardo Quezada, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-6240 Susan M. King, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6070 Shafqat Shah, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa Ccbdc 8th Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Pediatric Pulmonology Aaron J. Sugalski, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Paul J. Thomas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78207-3108 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Gail E. Tomlinson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste B 8208 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Pediatric Nephrology Mazen Y. Arar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste 2658 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-3705 Daniel Ranch, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste 2658 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-3705 Janet L. Rowe, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-0353 Pediatric Otolaryngology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Victor F. German, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Jesus Ramon Guajardo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Lee C. Kirchner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3619 Paesanos Pkwy #212 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9830 Kelly Jon Smith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Kelly Jon Smith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 520 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Kelly Jon Smith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Kelly Jon Smith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4114 Pond Hill Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Sarat C. Susarla, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4114 Pond Hill Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Filomena Hazel R. Villa, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Beth B. Willey-Courand, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Pediatric Surgery Francisco G. Cigarroa, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Urschel Bldg Ste 219 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5777 Barry R. Cofer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7105 Barry R. Cofer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Barry R. Cofer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5605 Barry R. Cofer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Barry R. Cofer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 Barry R. Cofer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Barry R. Cofer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 347 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 John J. Doski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7105 John J. Doski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 John J. Doski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5605 John J. Doski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 John J. Doski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 John J. Doski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 John J. Doski, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Audrey C. Durrant, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 330 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-3006 Page 175 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Colleen M. Fitzpatrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7105 Colleen M. Fitzpatrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Colleen M. Fitzpatrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5605 Colleen M. Fitzpatrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 11/18/13 Joseph N. Kidd Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5605 Frank M. Robertson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Robert P. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Joseph N. Kidd Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Frank M. Robertson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Robert P. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 347 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Joseph N. Kidd Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 Frank M. Robertson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Robert P. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 Joseph N. Kidd Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Frank M. Robertson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2795 Robert P. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Joseph N. Kidd Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 347 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Frank M. Robertson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Marcene R. Mc Vay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Frank M. Robertson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Drive Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 Marcene R. Mc Vay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Frank M. Robertson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Colleen M. Fitzpatrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Marcene R. Mc Vay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-638-2000 Frank M. Robertson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7000 Joseph N. Kidd Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Marcene R. Mc Vay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 Robert P. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Colleen M. Fitzpatrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 Colleen M. Fitzpatrick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Robert P. Thomas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4000 Pediatrics Gloria B. Abraham-Cox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 412 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-8798 Jerri L. Abrams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7007 Bandera Rd #19 San Antonio, TX 78238-1265 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-6000 Olutola O. Adetona, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-3900 Carlos A. Aeschlimann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre # 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7334 Page 176 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Carlos A. Aeschlimann, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 123 Stone Oak Loop San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7334 William R. Beck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9969 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78240-4106 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-2273 Maria Del Rosario Aguirre-Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1927 Ceralvo St II San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-433-0366 Barbara P. Belcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 203 E Evergreen St San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-7171 Dianna M. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St Rm Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-2100 Marshall J. Benbow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #310 San Antonio, TX 78229-6044 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8687 Dianna M. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-2100 Sarah D. Bourland, MD Accepts new patients: No 15303 Huebner Rd Bldg # 9 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-697-2400 Dianna M. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 307 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-2100 Maria Del Rosario Aguirre-Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: No 2515 Castroville Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-433-0366 Endaline A. Anunobi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd #240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 J Laura Arnold, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258-3447 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Sidney W. Atkinson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Shannon M. Austin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8687 Mary S. Basey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2411 Thousand Oaks Dr San Antonio, TX 78232-3206 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Mary S. Basey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Tina H. Boylston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr # 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8687 Kathryn D. Buck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7581 Dianna M. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-2299 David M. Bush, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-562-5378 Olga Matilda Cajas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Dianna M. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Patricia O. Capote, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 412 E Southcross Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Dianna M. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd #240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Jose A. Cardenas Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Babcock Rd #19 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5000 Dianna M. Burns, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 123 Stone Oak Loop San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7334 Marcela L. Castano de Zamacona, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Marcela L. Castano de Zamacona, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7902 South Flores Ms 52 2 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-2552 David Castro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St # 302 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-5600 Renee L. Cevey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 W Sunset Rd Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-0311 K Job Chacko, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave #307 San Antonio, TX 78205-1115 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0362 Carol A. Chincanchan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Carol A. Chincanchan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd # 240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Meenakshi Chintapalli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr # 360 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7500 Meenakshi Chintapalli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 22 Galleria Dr San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-5130 Page 177 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Meenakshi Chintapalli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 5102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-8888 Jose D. Clay-Flores, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10350 Bandera Rd #210 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-688-0088 Rose C. Cofer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #310 San Antonio, TX 78229-6044 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8687 Dennis A. Conrad, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Xavier R. Cortada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1322 Twilight Rdg San Antonio, TX 78258-3629 County: Bexar Tel: 210-979-6863 Xavier R. Cortada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13750 N San Pedro Ste 850 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3434 Ray V. Cortez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16410 Blanco Rd #5 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-7827 Robert William Cox Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St #104 San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-0533 Robert William Cox Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Ricardo L. Cuellar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs # 400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-2299 Margaret D. Duvic, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 302 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-5600 David Michael Foulds, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa Ave San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-562-5300 Ricardo L. Cuellar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-4661 Sandra J. Ehlers, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 David Michael Foulds, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Ricardo L. Cuellar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 511 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-4661 Maria F. Fernandez-Falcon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 302 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-5600 Laurel A. Franck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 302 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-5600 G S. Cuming, MD Accepts new patients: No 8647 Wurzbach Rd Ste O San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2800 Laura F. Davis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4499 Laura F. Davis, MD Accepts new patients: No 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-5552 Aracely I. Ferrer, MD Accepts new patients: No 343 W Houston St # 302 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-5600 Aracely I. Ferrer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10407 State Highway 151 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-5600 Juan J. Ferreris, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8627 Cinnamon Creek Dr Ste 101 Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-5437 Daniel A. Deane, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 260 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4448 Lee K. Finklea Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8687 Byron S. Dooley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4560 Steven Fischer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Byron S. Dooley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-0220 John T. Fitch Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7959 Broadway St Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-1891 Dionne A. Franco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8606 Village Dr # A San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-0220 Jane D. Fried, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7007 Bandera Rd #19 San Antonio, TX 78238-1265 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-6000 Curtis D. Froehlich, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1575 Hoda Gabriel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6750 Tezel Rd #103 San Antonio, TX 78250-4183 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-5117 Angel Garcia-Del Villar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #612 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-2811 Angel Garcia-Del Villar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-3947 Page 178 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Angel Garcia-Del Villar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 SW Military Dr #105 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-7645 Angel Garcia-Del Villar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba # 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-2811 Angel Garcia-Del Villar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1075 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3543 Anthony G. Gardea, MD Accepts new patients: No 527 N Leona St San Antonio, TX 78207-3110 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5837 Leah R. Garguena-Bacuta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7903 Calle Rialto San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-687-1543 Armando D. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21195 W Interstate 10 Ste 2101 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-687-1144 Carmen T. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8210 Callaghan Rd San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7000 Jaime Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Babcock Road Ste 19 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5000 Jorge A. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 511 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-4661 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Maged M. George, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4360 Thousand Oaks Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-2300 Mary K. George, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9179 Grissom Rd #135 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-684-1020 Andrea J. Grant-Vermont, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8144 William P. Groos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8606 Village Dr # A San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-0220 Karen L. Gibbons, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2500 Jorge Grosz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #612 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-2811 Wendy L. Gideon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11085 Bandera Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0505 Jorge Grosz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-3947 Lizette U. Gomez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Jorge Grosz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 SW Military Dr #105 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-7645 Adelnery Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 15714 Huebner Rd Bldg #3 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-447-3000 Jorge Grosz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1075 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3543 Jessica M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: No 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Fernando A. Guerra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 401 W Commerce St # 200 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-0997 Lorelei A. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 210 N Rio Grande San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8700 Fernando A. Guerra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9080 Wilson W. Grant, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #310 San Antonio, TX 78229-6044 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8687 Fernando A. Guerra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 511 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-4661 Nicolas N. Guerra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Christopher G. Gulde, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8627 Cinnamon Creek Dr Ste 101 Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-5437 Annette Gunsberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Oak Centre Dr #200 San Antonio, TX 78258-3916 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2229 Annette Gunsberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2229 David S. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4499 David S. Gutierrez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-5552 Elizabeth B. Hagee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8606 Village Dr Ste A San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-0220 Graham T. Hall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7959 Broadway St #600 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-7033 Elizabeth Reed Hanson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Page 179 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Lindsey M. Hawkins-Alprin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-4661 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5000 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-1800 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2000 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7105 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mc Cullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-208-2200 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 111 Dallas St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-7000 Karen A. Hentschel-Franks, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4214 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-3000 Jorge A. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #612 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-2811 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 519 W Houston St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4000 Cody Lance Henderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7400 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Jorge A. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-3947 Jorge A. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 SW Military Dr #105 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-7645 Jorge A. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1075 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3543 Tricia S. Hilliard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 123 Stone Oak Loop San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7334 Richard A. Holcomb, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell # 360 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7500 James A. Hyslop, MD Accepts new patients: No 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Linda J. Holley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-2100 Anthony J. Infante, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St Ste B 8208 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2187 Linda J. Holley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 123 Stone Oak Loop San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7334 Linda J. Holley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Linda J. Holley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-2100 Linda J. Holley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 307 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-2100 Linda J. Holley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs Ave 400 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-2299 Suzanne E. Hood, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Linda F. Howelton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4560 Lindsay Irvin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 555 E Basse Rd Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-930-8400 Kimberly C. Irwin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #261 San Antonio, TX 78229-3712 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2205 Shahed Izaddoost, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 St Hwy 151, Bldg 2 Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-5747 Leah H. Jacobson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 15316 Huebner Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-9292 Rosalio Jalomo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 S W Military Dr # 105 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-7645 Rosalio Jalomo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1075 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3543 Michele Lero James, MD** Accepts new patients: No 203 E Evergreen St San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-7171 Page 180 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Freeman C. Jardan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1075 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3543 Nancy D. Kellogg, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-3800 Da-Hae Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 412 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1400 Stephen A. Maxwell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3111 San Pedro Ave # 406 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-732-7141 Diane E. Jendrzey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7007 Bandera Rd #19 San Antonio, TX 78238-1265 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-6000 Shantha Kesavulu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd #6 San Antonio, TX 78222-3728 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-4638 Da-Hae Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-0473 Brandy L. Mccray, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 15316 Huebner Rd #102 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-9292 David W. Johnson, MD Accepts new patients: No 3111 San Pedro Ave # 406 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-732-7141 Kassia L. Kubena, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd #300 San Antonio, TX 78229-4896 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Demetrios G. Leiloglou, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 119 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-7334 Diane A. McMains, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14811 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232-3708 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-7758 Esther Y. Johnson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Lanning D. Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #310 San Antonio, TX 78229-6044 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8687 Emad Y. Kaldas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Emad Y. Kaldas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro # 710 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Emad Y. Kaldas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-2532 Jose Karam, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-2299 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Kassia L. Kubena, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St #104 San Antonio, TX 78202-2952 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Kassia L. Kubena, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5255 Prue Rd # 105 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-877-9966 Bruce R. Lantry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2040 Babcock Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0358 Bruce R. Lantry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Babcock Rd Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0358 Kenneth H. Lazarus, MD Accepts new patients: No 4499 Medical Dr #260 San Antonio, TX 78229-3758 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0800 Sylvia Leal-Castanon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Laura L. Lindner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8606 Village Dr A San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-0220 Shelly M. McNair, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #310 San Antonio, TX 78229-6044 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8687 Henry J. Lipsitt, MD Accepts new patients: No 3111 San Pedro Ave # 406 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-732-7141 Glen A. Medellin, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Christine A. Littlefield, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7007 Bandera Rd #19 San Antonio, TX 78238-1265 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-6000 Amit Mehta, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-617-9550 Luis A. Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13032 Nacogdoches Rd #211 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-650-0814 James L. Lukefahr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-3800 Jane Lockwood Lynch, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Fl 1 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7500 Christina E. Merritt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8627 Cinnamon Creek Dr Bldg 1 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-5437 Elena I. Meza-Kane, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3543 Kirk A. Milhoan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 289 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3264 Page 181 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Kirk A. Milhoan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-562-5378 Amber M. Moreno, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7007 Bandera Rd #19 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-6000 Rene M. Ornes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-0220 Isham Ike W. Pauli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-0220 Kirk A. Milhoan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7581 Monica D. Murdoch-Cuenca, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Carisse M. Orsi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4708 Jeri L. Penkava, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1046 Central Pkwy S San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2343 Ambika N. Osborn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Mary H. Perez Adam, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8627 Cinnamon Creek Dr Bldg 1 Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-641-6421 Kirk A. Milhoan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-2229 Heather Lynn Miller, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 302 Dora St San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8000 Melanie C. Mitchell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4560 Josue Molina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7062 Josue Molina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9594 Potranco Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7070 Francisco J. Montemayor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7254 Blanco Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-3838 Francisco J. Montemayor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14327 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-3838 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Margaret D. Neiheisel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4499 Margaret D. Neiheisel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-5552 Federico Roman Ng, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr #270 San Antonio, TX 78229-3725 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2828 Janet M. Noll, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7007 Bandera Rd #19 San Antonio, TX 78238-1265 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-6000 Megan M. O'brien, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Patricia V. Oliver, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Oak Centre Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2229 Ambika N. Osborn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4020 Naco Perrin Blvd San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8900 Ambika N. Osborn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston 104 San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-3100 Paul Z. Quesada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-6581 Paul Z. Quesada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6025 Tezel Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Michael A. Ozer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2500 Paul Z. Quesada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9215 Westover Hills Blvd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-0333 Monica R. Pacheco, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7726 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8820 Amy R. Quinn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5225 Linda N. Parsi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd #260 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-1551 Katherine Quinones, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 307 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-2100 Isham Ike W. Pauli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr Ste 350 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4560 Carlos A. Quiroz, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-0138 Rene M. Ornes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8606 Village Dr Ste A San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-0220 Page 182 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Carlos A. Quiroz, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 20306 Encino Ledge Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-0138 Tanya M. Rackley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7007 Bandera Rd Ste 19 San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-6000 Daniel A. Ramirez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 999 E Basse Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-6697 Shaylon D. Rettig, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3111 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-732-7141 Shaylon D. Rettig, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7254 Blanco Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-1710 11/18/13 Jesus L. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Center #140 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4560 Teresa M. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Arathi A. Shah, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-2299 Luis A. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave #224 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-2971 Teresa M. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 SW 36th St Fl 1 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Shahzad A. Sheikh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14351 Blanco Rd San Antonio, TX 78216-7723 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-0900 Luis A. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1075 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3543 Teresa M. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 630 S General McMullen Dr San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8500 Marisol Loredo Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs Ave Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-2299 Marisol Loredo Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin M S 27 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Jennifer Nicole Reynard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-6800 Teresa D. Romero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St #104 San Antonio, TX 78202-2952 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-2100 Frederick T. Rhame, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8606 Village Dr Ste A San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-0220 David M. Ross, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd # 201 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-928-7538 Rebecca Rizo, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 3111 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-732-7141 David M. Ross, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsall Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2500 Rebecca Rocha-Davis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0500 Raymond Ruenes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2020 Babcock Rd #19 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Josephine H. Ruiz-Healy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #438 San Antonio, TX 78229-6012 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9471 Molly A. Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 123 Stone Oak Loop San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7334 Robert Scott Sanders, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Yirielis Sanguinetti-Colon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 302 Dora St San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-644-8000 Richard T. Schlosberg IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Stacey A. Schmidt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16414 San Pedro Ave Ste 525 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9860 Shivani Sikand, MD Accepts new patients: No 315 N SAN SABA SAN ANTONIO, TX 78207 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-223-2811 Illeana D. Silva, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7726 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8820 Susannah L. Simone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Jacqueline M. Sloan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Perla Nilam Soni, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Richard M. Switzer Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3066 E Commerce St San Antonio, TX 78220 County: Bexar Tel: 210-233-7074 Adelaida Tabet, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 520 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-9196 Page 183 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Laura R. Tamayo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Laura R. Tamayo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11085 Bandera Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0505 Joshua C. Tardy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7959 Broadway St Ste 600 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-826-1891 Maria Tiamson-Beato, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St #104 San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-2100 11/18/13 Daniel G. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd # 240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Clevert H. Tseng, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1075 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3543 Pamela R. Wood, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Daniel G. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 123 Stone Oak Loop San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7334 Subhashini S. Valavalkar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7581 Theodore Wu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1575 Daniel G. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-2299 Daniel G. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 307 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-2100 Maria Tiamson-Beato, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Amanda A. Trott-Gregorio, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd # 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-0690 Maria Tiamson-Beato, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd # 240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 Clevert H. Tseng, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-3947 Samuel D. Tressler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Clevert H. Tseng, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #612 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-3543 Daniel G. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd #150 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-2100 Clevert H. Tseng, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1730 SW Military Dr #105 San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-7645 Daniel G. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-2100 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Clevert H. Tseng, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba # 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-2811 Kathryn K. Wade, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4499 Kathryn K. Wade, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-5552 William C. Weise, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 13750 San Pedro # 560 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-576-1436 William C. Weise, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd #104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-4661 Kristin M. Wilke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2411 Thousand Oaks Dr San Antonio, TX 78232-3206 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Kristin M. Wilke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19238 Stonehue San Antonio, TX 78258-3447 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2223 Janet F. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Wisdeen Wu, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5437 Veronica Zamora-Campos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 401 W Summit Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-2815 County: Bexar Tel: 210-736-3126 Veronica Zamora-Campos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd # 104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9080 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation John D. Alfonso, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0770 Aixa L. Alvarez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5804 Babcock Rd # 166 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-785-8282 Douglas B. Barber, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2637 Michael P. Barker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9643 Huebner Rd # 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-3892 Page 184 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Deborah A. Bergfeld, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Deborah A. Bergfeld, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Deborah A. Bergfeld, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Ephraim K. Brenman, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Ephraim K. Brenman, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5741 Ephraim K. Brenman, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Ephraim K. Brenman, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Ephraim K. Brenman, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Ephraim K. Brenman, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Gary L. Campbell, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5353 Daniel Dumitru, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2710 David M. Hirsch, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr # 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6432 Dolores Contreras Urby, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2406 Commercial Ave #E San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-0621 Mark D. Fredrickson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0770 David M. Hirsch, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd #305 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-4263 Charles E. Cottle II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9643 Huebner Rd #103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-3892 Alasdair M. Goldstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 808 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8222 Donald M. Currie, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr # 638E San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5353 Donald M. Currie, MD** Accepts new patients: No 4502 Medical Dr Fl 3 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0500 Stephen W. Dinger, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7246 Stephen W. Dinger, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 24200 I H 10 W Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7246 Stephen W. Dinger, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2815 N Loop 1604 Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7246 Cesar Pierre Duclair, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6521 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-0607 Alasdair M. Goldstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9643 Huebner Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8222 Joe G. Gonzales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-2000 Manjusha Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 20770 U S Hwy 281 N #108 492 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-9906 Elizabeth J. Halmai, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0770 Barry T. Hill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5101 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2225 David M. Hirsch, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-9047 William W. Janes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5101 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2225 William W. Janes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd Ste 17 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-5360 Susan J. Kim, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0770 John C. King, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5353 Bruce G. Kinzy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-1300 Halekote N. Kumarashekhara, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8800 Village Dr #106 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2011 Halekote N. Kumarashekhara, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd #133 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2011 Page 185 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Halekote N. Kumarashekhara, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2011 Halekote N. Kumarashekhara, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 504 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-2011 Ellen Imber Leonard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5101 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-2225 Ellen W. Lin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 240 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-0777 Karwin L. Mc Cain, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9643 Huebner Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8222 Christopher J. McAllister, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0770 Heather A. Mckenzie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5101 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-5349 Patrick W. Mulroy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 816 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2606 Ameet S. Nagpal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Tower I I Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-6027 11/18/13 Ameet S. Nagpal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 614 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9850 Rebecca A. O'Bryan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0770 Marc D. Pecha, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2701 Babcock Rd Ste A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3225 Chaula J. Rana, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2701 Babcock Rd Ste A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3225 Roberto G. Rolfini, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2424 Angel M. Roman Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-2000 Daniel Luigi Santa-Maria, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 Jose A. Santos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2701 Babcock Rd Ste A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3225 Scott Thomas Stoll, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Babcock Rd #102 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-1525 Michelle B. Trbovich, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0770 Christine J. Vidouria, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 801 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-767-2258 Christine J. Vidouria, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Tower 1 Ste 801 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-767-2258 Nicolas E. Walsh, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 James D. Weiss, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 245/320 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 J W. Wellborn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0770 Alex C. Willingham, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5101 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-5360 Alex C. Willingham, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-2000 Annette M. Zaharoff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9631 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0646 Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A # 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Steven R. Alaniz, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg @ U S A A San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 Joseph D. Alejos, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy St #102 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-2320 Joseph D. Alejos, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 21195 Ih 10 W #2102 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-2320 Tetiana D. Appel, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 2410 Babcock Rd #110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0578 Physical Therapy Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Page 186 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Tetiana D. Appel, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 18626 Hardy Oak Blvd #200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-5977 Michael S. Beville, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg @ U S A A San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 Tetiana D. Appel, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 403 Treeline Park San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-366-1733 David S. Biediger, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-681-6681 Herbert L. Bairnsfather Jr, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 4910 Golden Quail Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-8186 Benjamin D. Barnes, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Michael S. Beville, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Michael S. Beville, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Michael S. Beville, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Michael S. Beville, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Michael S. Beville, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. David S. Biediger, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3124 Sidney Brooks St San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0578 David S. Biediger, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1123 N Main Ave Ste 211 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-2101 Robert Bonar, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Robert Bonar, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Robert Bonar, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Robert Bonar, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Robert Bonar, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Barbara H. Brem, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 8503 Broadway St #113 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-821-6100 Henry I. Bussey, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-9355 Henry I. Bussey, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 550 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0774 James J. Casey, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 N W Military Hwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-4500 David P. Coates, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Blvd San Antonio, TX 78222-3641 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-9955 Christian Compean, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 23127 I H 10 W Ste 203 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-698-6333 Leesa J. Cotton, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Leesa J. Cotton, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Leesa J. Cotton, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Leesa J. Cotton, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Leesa J. Cotton, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Leesa J. Cotton, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg @ U S A A San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 Stephen M. Cox, SCD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9680 Stephen M. Cox, SCD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11255 Huebner Rd Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-1102 Travis B. Cox, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Babcock Rd # 304 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-5033 Rodney Crowley, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1550 Ne Loop 410 #110 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 361-992-9047 Rodney Crowley, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1779 NE Loop 410 #100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9595 Sylvia A. Davila, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Page 187 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Sylvia A. Davila, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd, Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd # 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 David S. Elswood, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 1000 Oaks Ste 118 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2871 Anita O. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 IH 35 N San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-4606 Sylvia A. Davila, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd, Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Richard Allan Evans, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 2040 Babcock Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7070 Anita O. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2821 Sylvia A. Davila, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Sylvia A. Davila, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 Sylvia A. Davila, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg @ U S A A San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Anita M. Dietz, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-4900 Chad A. Elms, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Nancy M. Gann, BS Accepts new patients: No 14803 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2273 Anita M. Dietz, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg At U S A A San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 David S. Elswood, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N # 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-4606 Anita O. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Drive San Antonio, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-568-0511 David S. Elswood, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 N W Military Ste 207 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-568-0508 Anita O. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-568-0508 David S. Elswood, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navamo Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-4776 Anita O. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-4776 Mark G. Dodson, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1123 N Main Ave #100 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-6323 Sarah R. Eads, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-8585 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Richard Allan Evans, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 N W Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Rachel A. Fey-Larsen, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1901 Babcock Rd #204 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-342-5300 Sheri D. Fossler, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9680 Elva R. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-4776 Elva R. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 118 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2821 Elva R. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 Ih 35 N, Ste 207b San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-4606 Elva R. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 221 Nw Military, Ste 207 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-568-0508 Michael A. Geelhoed, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9680 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1130 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-7278 Page 188 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Kirsten M. Harper, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-694-8690 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Kirsten M. Harper, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A # 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Christopher M. Goodwin, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Jorge Guerrero, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 2210 NW Military Hwy Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-5558 Kirsten M. Harper, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Kirsten M. Harper, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Kirsten M. Harper, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Kirsten M. Harper, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 James R. Hartman, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 540 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-4006 James R. Hartman, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 8800 Village Dr Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-7428 Chad B. Hodges, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9680 Kunihiko Hosaka, MSPT** Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Kunihiko Hosaka, MSPT** Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Stacy L. Hoyt, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-8585 Stacy L. Hoyt, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5917 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3451 Kristini L. Inclan, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 11600 Bendera Rd # 102 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-336-1575 Margaret A. Jacobs, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Margaret A. Jacobs, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Margaret A. Jacobs, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Margaret A. Jacobs, BS Accepts new patients: No 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Margaret A. Jacobs, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Margaret A. Jacobs, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Shea E. Jarrett, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 18518 Hardy Oak Blvd Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-5222 Cruz Jimenez, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 6794 Ingram Rd San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-767-1722 Erik W. Lechtenberg, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Erik W. Lechtenberg, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Erik W. Lechtenberg, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Erik W. Lechtenberg, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd # FSVC San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Erik W. Lechtenberg, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Erik W. Lechtenberg, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 James A. Lee, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 4801 FREDERICKSBURG San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-0400 Page 189 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Ming H. Lee, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 288 W Bitters Rd San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-9906 Gregory H. Lego, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy St Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-2320 Gregory H. Lego, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 21195 Ih 10 W San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-2320 Christopher J. Luper, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Christopher J. Luper, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Christopher J. Luper, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd, Building A, Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Christopher J. Luper, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 Christopher J. Luper, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Christopher J. Luper, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: No 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: No 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 John P. Malfer, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Kathy M. Manka, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 15316 Huebner Rd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4567 Jimmy Justin Martindale, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 15614 Huebner # 115 San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-3334 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: No 8038 WURZBACH RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-614-8588 Jimmy Justin Martindale, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 9502 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-478-5486 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: No 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Jimmy Justin Martindale, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 10415 State Hwy # 101 San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-647-9170 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: No 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A # 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Smita A. Mehta, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl Ste 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9680 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Elizabeth A. Menchaca, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Lori L. Mahlmann, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Elizabeth A. Menchaca, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 John P. Malfer, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Elizabeth A. Menchaca, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Elizabeth A. Menchaca, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 Elizabeth A. Menchaca, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Elizabeth A. Menchaca, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Barry M. Morgan, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9680 Deborah A. Myers, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Kristie L. Nicely, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #360 San Antonio, TX 78258-3931 County: Bexar Tel: 817-261-3009 Kristie L. Nicely, BS Accepts new patients: No 705 Kirk Pl San Antonio, TX 78226 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-4744 Page 190 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Kristie L. Nicely, BS Accepts new patients: No 6100 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-5034 Kristie L. Nicely, BS Accepts new patients: No 1100 N MAIN AVE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78212 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-225-0702 Kristie L. Nicely, BS Accepts new patients: No 999 E BASSE RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-828-3973 Landon Chase Olson, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Landon Chase Olson, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-1278 Landon Chase Olson, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd, Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Landon Chase Olson, SCD Accepts new patients: No 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Landon Chase Olson, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Landon Chase Olson, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 William H. Person IV, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 William H. Person IV, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 William H. Person IV, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 William H. Person IV, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 William H. Person IV, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 William H. Person IV, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd Ste F S V C Bldg @ U S A A San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Chad A. Pogue, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Chad A. Pogue, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Adam A. Reyes, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1939 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8300 Chad A. Pogue, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Stephanie S. Reyes, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1939 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78221 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-8300 Chad A. Pogue, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 Chad A. Pogue, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Chad A. Pogue, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Kara K. Powell, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Lane Suite 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 Kara K. Powell, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5917 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3450 Timothy O. Puckett, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Lane Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-8585 Timothy O. Puckett, SCD Accepts new patients: No 5917 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3450 Patricia J. Rodriguez, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1779 N E Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9595 Diana C. Schonhoff, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 18945 Fm 2252 #107 San Antonio, TX 78266 County: Comal Tel: 210-651-4826 Merick A. Stanchak, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Steven A. Stratton, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 300 E SONTERRA BLVD San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 956-542-2845 Jeffery S. Turner, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 13750 San Pedro Ave Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-402-2290 Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Page 191 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-679-6900 Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Culebra Road, Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-8690 Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Anissa R. Valerio, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Steven M. Vinson, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1779 N E Loop 410 # 100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-805-9595 Thomas I. Washington, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 12770 Cimarron Path 1 De Zavala Ctr Ste 128 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8844 Thomas I. Washington, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-928-3030 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Linda F. Wells, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-8585 Jessica N. Williams, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 5441 Babcock Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3888 Jessica N. Williams, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 11219 Potranco Rd Bldg A Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-1278 Jessica N. Williams, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 10555 Culebra Rd Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-888-6042 Jessica N. Williams, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 9800 Fredericksburg Rd F S V C E Bldg San Antonio, TX 78288 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-9600 Jessica N. Williams, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 7003 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Jessica N. Williams, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 20821 U S Hwy 281 N Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-372-0211 Physicians Assistant Paul Benjamin Allen, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Ledyenska B. Ballesteros, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Ledyenska B. Ballesteros, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Ledyenska B. Ballesteros, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Ledyenska B. Ballesteros, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Ledyenska B. Ballesteros, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 James P. Bell, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 James P. Bell, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 James P. Bell, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 James P. Bell, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 James E. Bonson Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9100 Michelle R. Boroski, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 ADA St San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Richard P. Branson, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 11403 Oconnor Rd, Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78233 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-3700 Kathryn L. Brown, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 SW 36th St Fl 1 San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Karen D. Burchell, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7578 William E. Butler, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Raul Canales Jr, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Blaine Philip Carmichael, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Page 192 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Blaine Philip Carmichael, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Stephen Sui Fong Choy, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Blaine Philip Carmichael, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Stephen Sui Fong Choy, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Blaine Philip Carmichael, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 408 Navarro St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-272-1741 Stephen Sui Fong Choy, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Blaine Philip Carmichael, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Stephen Sui Fong Choy, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Blaine Philip Carmichael, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Blaine Philip Carmichael, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 1010 N W Route 410 Ste 100 A San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-8175 Adam N. Casillas, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7726 Louis Pasteur San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8820 Ingrid M. Cavanaugh, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Bruce E. Christensen, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1143 Sarah R. Cloud, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Griselda Cossio, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9900 Ginger M. Crowder, PAC Accepts new patients: No 9635 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1181 Jaime H. Davila, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Jaime H. Davila, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jaime H. Davila, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jaime H. Davila, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Jaime H. Davila, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Mark K. Dedmon, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4500 Christopher J. Delallo, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 Marc F. Deschaine, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Elizabeth H. Diaz, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Earl K. Downs, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Earl K. Downs, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Earl K. Downs, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Earl K. Downs, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Earl K. Downs, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasonton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Terry L. Emanuel, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Sidney C. England, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Sidney C. England, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Sidney C. England, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Sidney C. England, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Page 193 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Sidney C. England, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Kenneth T. Galfo, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 David J. Gomez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Allyson B. Erving, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Yammile Ceballos Gallegos, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9400 David J. Gomez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Parvaneh Firozbakht, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Parvaneh Firozbakht, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Parvaneh Firozbakht, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Parvaneh Firozbakht, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Melissa E. Garcia, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 2414 Babcock Rd Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 David J. Gomez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Melissa E. Garcia, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 10447 State Highway 151 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5370 Fabian J. Gomez, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 5th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Melissa E. Garcia, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0882 Gregory G. Goodwiler, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Mary G. Gloria, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 9635 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1181 Peter A. Forsberg, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 David J. Gomez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Sarah B. Franco, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5339 David J. Gomez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Janet L. Fuhrman, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 David J. Gomez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 3110 Nogalitos Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78225 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-0257 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Kristin F. Gutweiler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Kristin F. Gutweiler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Kristin F. Gutweiler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Kristin F. Gutweiler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Diana B. Hall, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8555 Tammy D. Harris, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Jamie E. Hayne, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8555 Charles E. Heausler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Charles E. Heausler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Charles E. Heausler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Charles E. Heausler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Charles E. Heausler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Charles E. Heausler, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-0100 Page 194 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Christopher A. Heim, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Jason D. Hinojosa, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W. Martin, Rbgc Express Med San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Freddie Curtis Hobson, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Freddie Curtis Hobson, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Freddie Curtis Hobson, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Freddie Curtis Hobson, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Freddie Curtis Hobson, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Melissa T. Israel, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr S O 352 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8001 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 James A. Jelen, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7755 Lauren K. Kain, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Brenda L. Johnson, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Lauren K. Kain, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Anissa Juarez Juarez Ramirez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Anissa Juarez Juarez Ramirez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Anissa Juarez Juarez Ramirez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Anissa Juarez Juarez Ramirez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Anissa Juarez Juarez Ramirez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lauren K. Kain, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Lauren K. Kain, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 John T. Kodosky, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 Patricia W. Koo, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector St San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Mary K. Kraus, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Dennis R. Krueger Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Dennis R. Krueger Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 3453 I H 35 N Ste 207 B San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8080 Dennis R. Krueger Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Dennis R. Krueger Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Dennis R. Krueger Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 NW Military Hwy Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 Kimberly S. Lasswell, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4360 Greco Dr San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-648-8200 Robert W. Lawson, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1143 Maria C. Leal, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Doo San Lee, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Kenneth D. Lee, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 13909 Nacogdoches Rd Ste 111 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-0100 Reenie Lopez, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 James C. Martin, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4140 Page 195 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Kristy L. Mccoy, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 215 N San Saba Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-422-6438 Kristy L. Mccoy, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 8637 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7480 Lauren L. Meals, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Alena V. Moreno, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St Fl 4MS # 39-2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3985 Donald Allen Morris, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 William D. Morris, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Sarah Elaine Mowery, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sarah Elaine Mowery, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Sarah Elaine Mowery, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Sarah Elaine Mowery, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Michael E. Nesbitt, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Natalie R. Nyren, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Gordie O'Rorke, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7755 Robert T. Page, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9887 Hershal Patel, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Charles A. Proulx, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Road San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Hershal Patel, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Kimie Michelle Pruessner, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Anabel Pearson, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7913 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 210-680-9393 Cristobal E. Perez, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Tower I I Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-6027 Jose M. Pluguez, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Charles A. Proulx, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Roland J. Paquette, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Charles A. Proulx, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Hershal Patel, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Charles A. Proulx, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Hershal Patel, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Charles A. Proulx, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Kimie Michelle Pruessner, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Kimie Michelle Pruessner, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Kimie Michelle Pruessner, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Curtiss L. Puckett Jr, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8144 Betty J. Ramos, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 3110 Nogalitos Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78225 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-0257 Linh T. Reeves, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba, Ste 1210 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-354-0877 Troy L. Reynolds, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Page 196 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Troy L. Reynolds, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd, Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Edward L. Russell, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Troy L. Reynolds, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Edward L. Russell, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Troy L. Reynolds, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Emilie Samandi, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr Ste 117 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1000 Troy L. Reynolds, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jefferson L. Rodieck, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Yadira Rodriguez, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1055 Ada Street San Antonio, TX 78223 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5515 Edward L. Russell, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Edward L. Russell, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Edward L. Russell, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Christopher A. Samuels, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Jacklyn R. Schallenberg, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 SW 36th St San Antonio, TX 78237-3360 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Jeffrey L. Scott, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jeffrey L. Scott, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Jeffrey L. Scott, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jeffrey L. Scott, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Jeffrey L. Scott, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Trina D. St Ann, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Deborah E. Seigler, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1838 Trina D. St Ann, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Megan R. Sewell, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 2121 SW 36th Street San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-5100 Trina D. St Ann, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Graciela P. Spencer, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr M S 9 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Graciela P. Spencer, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 527 N Leona St Ms 92 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Graciela P. Spencer, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3441 Jennifer M. Sprowls, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Trina D. St Ann, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Trina D. St Ann, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Charles L. Stanley, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lorraine H. Steelman, BS Accepts new patients: No 720 Pleasanton Road San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lorraine H. Steelman, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Lorraine H. Steelman, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Lorraine H. Steelman, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Lorraine H. Steelman, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Page 197 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Mark Stevens, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 11/18/13 Luis F. Trevino, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Quynh N. Vu-Malson, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 22202 Bulverde Rd San Antonio, TX 78261 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Charity L. Weberg, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 24200 IH 10 West San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2117 Maria A. Sustayta, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Luis F. Trevino, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Quynh N. Vu-Malson, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 16580 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78248 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Charity L. Weberg, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 5539 NW Loop 1604 San Antonio, TX 78253 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2117 Maria A. Sustayta, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Luis F. Trevino, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Florence E. Wall, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Jerald L. Wells, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Maria A. Sustayta, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Road San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Julie A. Trial, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 302 W Rector San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0800 Andrea G. Walters, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Russell A. Whittaker, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2074 Maria A. Sustayta, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Jose F. Villa-Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8144 Krista J. Warren, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Richard J. Williamson, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Maria A. Sustayta, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Alfredo D. Villarreal Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Elizabeth A. Sweeney, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4500 Alfredo D. Villarreal Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-9658 Veronica J. Toudouze, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Tower I I Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-6027 Quynh N. Vu-Malson, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 7603 Culebra Rd San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Luis F. Trevino, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Quynh N. Vu-Malson, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 9140 Guilbeau Rd San Antonio, TX 78250 County: Bexar Tel: 866-389-2727 Christopher B. Watson, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 110 Stone Oak Loop Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0129 Christopher B. Watson, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 550 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-268-0129 Jay H. Watson, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4100 Charity L. Weberg, PAC Accepts new patients: Yes 2815 N Loop 1604 East San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-2117 Daniel W. Wood, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 5th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1575 Larry J. Wooldridge, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Jayson B. Young, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Katrina D. Zedan, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8144 Page 198 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Katrina D. Zedan, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 6363 De Zavala Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5666 Russell T. Zepeda, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 2211 N W Military Dr Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-2264 David E. Zinsmeister, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Plastic Surgery Enrique C. Almaguer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-4588 R Bala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 1002 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-3006 Christie M. Bialowas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9220 Christie M. Bialowas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 6th Fl Zeller Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9220 Woodward L. Coleman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #1616 San Antonio, TX 78205-2527 County: Bexar Tel: 210-244-5800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Woodward L. Coleman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd #104 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-244-5800 Woodward L. Coleman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-5350 Woodward L. Coleman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 504 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-0490 Douglas T. Cromack, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 Mario Diana, MD Accepts new patients: No 19234 STONEHUE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-495-9950 Mario Diana, MD Accepts new patients: No 8715 VILLAGE DR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78217 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-655-6399 Stephen C. Drukker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen C. Drukker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen C. Drukker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen C. Drukker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Quintessa Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #620 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1400 Stephen C. Drukker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd #300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Quintessa Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln # 120 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-280-8988 Stephen C. Drukker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Chet L. Nastala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9635 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-1181 David J. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #904 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0798 Donald N. Novick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 904 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0822 Peter B. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 904 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3536 Julio E. Ortiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 226 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5164 Constance L. Fry, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7600 Constance L. Fry, MD** Accepts new patients: No 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9400 Jaime R. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln #120 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0301 Richard A. Levine, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9220 Julio E. Ortiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1265 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5164 Sheryl G. Pilcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-9900 Michele D. Thiet, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8550 Datapoint Dr #250 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0862 Alfredo Villarreal-Rios, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd #211 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1211 Page 199 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Howard T. Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9220 Peter T H Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-7105 Peter T H Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 520 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Peter T H Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7930 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-5605 Peter T H Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-2011 Peter T H Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8900 Peter T H Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 Peter T H Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-0410 Peter T H Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 347 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Peter T H Wang, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7902 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-6000 Tolbert S. Wilkinson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 109 Gallery Cir #127 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-8825 Podiatric Medicine Richard C. Adam, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 3026 Hillcrest Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0871 Moffatt D. Adams Jr, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd, Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1255 Moffatt D. Adams Jr, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Blvd Bldg 2 Ste 7 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1255 Marque A. Allen, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8326 Marque A. Allen, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 5921 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-8326 Stephan D. Bard, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 4407 Walzem Rd #110 San Antonio, TX 78218-2039 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-3668 Stephan D. Bard, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #280 San Antonio, TX 78258-3923 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-7630 Stephan D. Bard, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 400 N Loop 1604 E Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-0894 Richard A. Bellacosa, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach # 510 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9203 Michael J. Barrett, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 45 N E Loop 410 Ste 920 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-479-3233 James Michael Bluhm, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr #107 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-1500 Michael J. Barrett, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St # 1125 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-1077 Michael J. Barrett, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway Pkway Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8700 Teresa A. Barrios-Ogden, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 12042 Blanco Rd #310 San Antonio, TX 78216-5438 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-4183 Teresa A. Barrios-Ogden, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 88 Briggs St Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-0167 Roger J. Beal, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 306 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3623 Richard A. Bellacosa, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 14615 San Pedro Ave Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1871 Larry A. Bulahao, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 8500 Village Dr, #202 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-599-3008 Robert L. Castillo, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0279 Robert L. Castillo, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 260 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-0606 Dennis M. Chaney, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 7424 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-8770 Dennis M. Chaney, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-8770 Elias R. Cheleuitte, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 348 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-4164 Elias R. Cheleuitte, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre # 400 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-3922 Page 200 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Elias R. Cheleuitte, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E. Quincy # 615 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-3922 Michael L. Dempsey, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 94 Briggs St Ste 650 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-572-9255 Jose F. Hilario, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 14855 Blanco Rd Ste 212 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-9100 Elias R. Cheleuitte, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 45 N E Loop 410 Ste 920 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-4164 Kris A. Ford, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 133 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-9200 Jose F. Hilario, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 13423 Blanco Rd # 117 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-9100 Richard L. Childers, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd San Antonio, TX 78229-6028 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0871 Carmina M. Fusco, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 45 N E Loop 410 # 920 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8700 David T. Hughes, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 10114 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-3668 Caroline D. Gaynor-Elko, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 N E Loop 410 # 101 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-1880 Richard A. Keh, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-885-8882 Daniel R. Cruz, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Robert P. Cyr, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 712 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-4595 Lawrence A. Czelusta, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-6383 Eddie Davis, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak # 260 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3668 Michael L. Dempsey, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #706 San Antonio, TX 78205-2108 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-0193 Michael L. Dempsey, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Caroline D. Gaynor-Elko, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 340 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-1880 W Brent Gillespie, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 10222 Stone Hue Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-6408 Richard Nathan Goad, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 5101 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4801 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-3922 Joshua R. Hedman, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 10114 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-3668 Kevin R. Higgins, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 8800 Village Dr #202 San Antonio, TX 78217-5420 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-2644 Richard A. Keh, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 109 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-8882 Steven P. Kissel, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 811 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-1077 John E. Konkol Jr, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 811 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-1077 Shirmeen L. Lakhani, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Shirmeen L. Lakhani, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 7616 Culebra Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-509-2603 Shirmeen L. Lakhani, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1423 Guadalupe St Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Shirmeen L. Lakhani, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 902 Bandera Rd San Antonio, TX 78228 County: Bexar Tel: 210-431-4503 Shirmeen L. Lakhani, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3800 Michael R. Langlois, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7717 William D. Lovelady, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3155 Kathren D. McCarty, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd #200 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-9000 Charles M. Melton, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1804 NE Loop 410 Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-1880 James E. Miller, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross # 4 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-8441 James D. Ogden, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 12042 Blanco Rd #310 San Antonio, TX 78216-5438 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-4183 Page 201 Provider Directory for PHCS Network James D. Ogden, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 137 Palo Alto Rd San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-0167 James D. Ogden, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 88 Briggs St Ste 170 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-0167 11/18/13 Richard R. Perez, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1314 E Sonterra Blvd Bldg 3 Ste 302 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-8770 Richard A. Pollak, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 450 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0279 Raymond J. Oliviero, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 20079 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 1225 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-3338 Crystal L. Ramanujam, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7717 Raymond J. Oliviero, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1818 S New Braunfels Ave Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-3668 Catherine Rezendes, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave #824 San Antonio, TX 78205-1117 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-3922 Michael G. Palladino, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-7717 Catherine Rezendes, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St #615 San Antonio, TX 78215-2035 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-3922 Jerry W. Patterson, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 423 Treeline Park #315 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9610 Richard R. Perez, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 7424 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209-3254 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-8770 Richard R. Perez, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 9502 Huebner Rd Bldg 2 # 201 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-8770 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Catherine Rezendes, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 525 Oak Centre Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-3922 Catherine Rezendes, DPM Accepts new patients: No 1514 LARKSPUR SAN ANTONIO, TX 78213 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-340-2808 Catherine Rezendes, DPM Accepts new patients: No 5101 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-3922 Roberto H. Rodriguez, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Michael E. Roth, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 700 S Zarzamora St Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-569-7090 Jessica F. Rutstein, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach #525 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0279 Jessica F. Rutstein, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 10114 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-3668 Anna E. Sanchez, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-432-0967 Anna E. Sanchez, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 700 S Zarzamora St Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-432-0967 Karry A. Shebetka, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6693 Karry A. Shebetka, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7414 Karry A. Shebetka, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 4438 Centerview San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-280-0040 Steven P. Snider, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 300 W Bitters Rd #205 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3236 Russell Stanley, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 450 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0279 Walter W. Strash, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 7424 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209-3254 County: Bexar Tel: 210-829-8770 Walter W. Strash, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #336 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-0000 Morris A. Stribling, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 305 E Euclid Ave Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-9214 Wilburn E. Thomas, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 4320 S Gevers St #300 San Antonio, TX 78223-2210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-533-4455 Wilburn E. Thomas, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd #125 San Antonio, TX 78222-3721 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-3344 Mark H. Tompkins, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 4402 Vance Jackson Rd #146 San Antonio, TX 78230-5333 County: Bexar Tel: 210-341-2202 Robert R. Vranes, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 270 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7080 Page 202 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Robert R. Vranes, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 45 N. E. Loop 410 #990 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-375-7790 Robert R. Vranes, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-7080 Robert R. Vranes, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 1125 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-1077 Kenneth E. Williams, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1954 E Houston St #202 San Antonio, TX 78202 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5804 Peter J. Williams, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 45 N. E. Loop 410 #990 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-8700 Peter J. Williams, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 348 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-4164 Robert P. Wunderlich, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1123 N Main Ave Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-281-9200 Thomas Zgonis, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 701 S Zarzamora St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5170 Thomas Zgonis, DPM** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 C San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9300 Podiatric Surgery Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Celeste M. Borchers, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 819 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-445-0300 Anamari Camis-Milam, MD Accepts new patients: No 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1300 Raul Hidalgo, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 526 Camden St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2990 Michelle L. Cantu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 16007 Via Shavano Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-5230 Psychiatry Olivia Abrego, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #601 San Antonio, TX 78205-2108 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-1900 Yousuf Jan Allawala, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8400 Michael R. Arambula, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14800 San Pedro Ave #110 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9850 Ernest A. Casillas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St # 211 San Antonio, TX 78215-2012 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-6437 Jeffrey A. Cordes, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Michael A. Dawes, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Teresita G. Balderas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 84 N E Loop 410 Ste 140 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-344-0506 Michael A. Dawes, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur Dr Rm 316 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Erlinda E. Belvis, MD Accepts new patients: No 343 W Houston St Ste 503 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4251 Ariel De Llanos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2040 Babcock Rd Ste 403 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-858-9980 Charles L. Bowden, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur R M 316 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Pedro L. Delgado, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Ronald W. Brenz, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 234 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3996 Pedro L. Delgado, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5339 James E. Dickson Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14815 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-1991 Maria G. Dominguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12050 Vance Jackson Rd Bldg 2 Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8881 Florence F. Eddins-Folensbee, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Boyce Elliott III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5364 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-5533 Boyce Elliott III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr Ste 7100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-5533 Raymond A. Faber, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 17720 Corporate Woods Dr. San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-9400 Louis F. Fabre Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr, Ste 6300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8400 Dean M. Faulk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2711 Palo Alto Rd San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-4061 Dean M. Faulk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3031 W Interstate 10 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-4061 Page 203 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Benigno J. Fernandez, MD Accepts new patients: No 17720 Corporate Woods Dr San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-3627 Frederick L. Fox, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12050 Vance Jackson Rd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8881 Mary H. Garcia-Holguin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12050 Vance Jackson Rd # 201 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8881 Gianina Gomez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 17720 Corporate Woods Dr San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-9400 David Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8026 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8229 Nadeem Haidert, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-923-2588 Hugo R. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 807 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-229-1900 Joseph M. Hernandez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 17720 Corporate Woods Dr San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-3627 Patrick Holden, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 William D. Holmes, MD Accepts new patients: No 1380 Pantheon Way San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-9696 Ihab M. Istafanous, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Robert L. Jimenez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 134 E Mistletoe Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-3407 County: Bexar Tel: 210-735-9341 Robert L. Kalter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr Ste 7200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-9945 Thomas L. Matthews, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Marlon P. Quinones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur Rm 316 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Anamari C. Milam, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Franklin C. Redmond, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Philip J. Moorad Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 234 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3996 Ann L. Renthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 N Loop 1604 E Ste 180 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2929 Eric R. Mueller, MD Accepts new patients: No 17720 Corporate Woods Dr San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-548-9519 Malathi V. Koli, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14350 Northbrook Dr #230 San Antonio, TX 78232-5011 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1220 Habib Nathan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd # 210 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9595 Murray P. Luber, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Cornelius H. Nau, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 147 W Sunset Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-4888 Jorge L. Maldonado, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1634 Lockhill Selma Rd San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8455 Kelin M. Ogburn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-1260 Cervando Martinez Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur Dr Rm 316 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5339 Steven R. Pliszka, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Cervando Martinez Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3108 Henry L. Polk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 17720 Corporate Woods Dr San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-3627 Francisco J. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: No 311 Camden St # 211 San Antonio, TX 78215-2012 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1616 Raul G. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 17720 Corporate Woods Dr San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-415-6226 Rosario Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-5481 Donna J. Roybal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Donna J. Roybal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7526 Louis Pasteur Rm 316 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Ricardo Salazar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5484 Page 204 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Grace Salinas-Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1603 Babcock Rd Ste 148 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-4888 11/18/13 Luz Starck, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12050 Vance Jackson Rd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-699-8881 Antonio R. Anzueto, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Brenda J. Talley, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Randall C. Bell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9400 Jason E. Schillerstrom, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Peter M. Thompson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3730 Jennifer D. Brody, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 217 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-3119 Kurt James Sherick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 313 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-927-3062 John Tobis Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 17720 Corporate Woods Dr San Antonio, TX 78259 County: Bexar Tel: 210-491-3512 Joseph A. Simpson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9595 Juan C. Urizar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 Medical Dr Ste 6300 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-8400 Vivek Q. Singh, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7703 Floyd Curl Dr 7th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5555 Susan K. Wynne, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 16007 Via Shavano Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78249 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8900 Ramon V. Sanchez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 706 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-0481 Brian P. Skop, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14815 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78232-3708 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-1991 Eileen A. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr # 220 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-967-0515 Prasad G. Sripada, MD Accepts new patients: No 520 N MEDINA ST SAN ANTONIO, TX 78207 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-927-7143 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Mary E. Zuelzer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14800 San Pedro Ave Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-9850 Pulmonary Disease Sandra G. Adams, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3038 Charles P. Andrews, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9400 Charles J. Burch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9400 Charles J. Burch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 230 B San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-7400 Peter S. Fornos, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 504 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-7293 John R. Holcomb, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9400 Maria A. Hospenthal, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Manica Isiguzo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 230 B San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-7400 Douglas W. Jenkins, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 Dallas St # 800 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1771 Douglas W. Jenkins, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-6364 Deborah J. Levine, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Arturo Lopez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 230 B San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-7400 Adriel J. Malave, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3038 Diego J. Maselli Caceres, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3038 Jairo A. Melo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste # 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0934 Jairo A. Melo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 230 B San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-7400 Anoop M. Nambiar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Page 205 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Jay I. Peters, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 903 W Martin St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-3038 Rafael M. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14855 Blanco Rd Ste 304 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-492-1680 Peter A. Petroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5855 David A. Schenk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 620 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0361 Napoleon A. Puente-Cuellar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 230 B San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-7400 David A. Schenk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0934 Atif S. Qureshi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 230 B San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-7400 David Salazar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy #150 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-3119 David Salazar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd # 217 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-3119 David Salazar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 260 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-3119 Pedro Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 910 San Pedro Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-9575 Pedro Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10528 Culebra Rd Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-3800 Pedro Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Barlite Blvd Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-5503 Pedro Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Medical Plz 1 Ste 370 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-293-3800 Rafael M. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr #260 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-3119 Tamara D. Simpson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Rafael M. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd #217 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-481-3119 Kenneth Terrell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 MEDICAL DRIVE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-9400 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Jimmy Y. Uy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd Ste 5 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-359-9898 Jimmy Y. Uy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10999 W INTERSTATE 10 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78230 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-979-6863 Michael Wayne Wooley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 620 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0361 Michael Wayne Wooley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 440 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0934 Radiation Oncology Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-3707 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5692 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Ardow R. Ameduri Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Fl 3 # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Jui-Lien Chou, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9102 Floyd Curl Dr Ste A San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-247-0888 Richard L. Crownover, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 2nd Fl Grossman Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-3833 Page 206 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Marta C. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9102 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-0010 Marta C. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd #270 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0866 Marta C. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste B100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd #270 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0866 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8130 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9102 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-0010 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 590 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2707 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste B100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct #101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct # 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2707 Rajiv S. Dahiya, MD Accepts new patients: No 4243 E SOUTHCROSS BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-299-8000 Suresh V. Dutta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8130 Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9102 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-0010 Suresh V. Dutta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-408-2343 Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Suresh V. Dutta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9102 Floyd Curl Dr Ste D 3 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-247-0888 Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 590 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2707 Suresh V. Dutta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1010 N W Loop 410 #100 D San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-9999 Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste B100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Suresh V. Dutta, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-6575 Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: No 4243 Southcross Blvd Ste 205 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-922-5556 Tony Y. Eng, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 2nd Fl Grossman Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1016 Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd 3rd Fl Ste 360 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Frank T. Dancuart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8130 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5500 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 207 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Keith E. Eyre, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2638 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 115 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-6531 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr #100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2130 N E Loop 410 #100 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-7177 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 190 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-6972 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4025 E Southcross Bldg 5 Ste 30 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-4494 Michael J. Gagnon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7922 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-9548 Chul Soo Ha, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Jory D. Lange, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8209 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 270-593-5200 Nicholas O. Roman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1010 NW Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-9999 Jory D. Lange, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste B 100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5600 John R. Russell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1310 Mccullough Ave San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-5800 Ying Li, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak #120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Michael A. Selva, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0866 Bryan C. Lin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-5300 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Michael A. Selva, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5681 Elizabeth V. Maani, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1016 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr #4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Michael A. Selva, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207-3199 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5500 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Joaquin G. Mira, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr #205 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-5700 Cuong Quoc Phan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1010 N W Loop 410 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-9999 Michael A. Selva, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-9060 Gary W. West, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-3707 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8209 Gary W. West, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste B 100 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-299-8000 Sylvia G. Zubyk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Ste 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Reproductive Endocrinology Page 208 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Joseph R. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 418 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3040 Joseph R. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr # 230 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0680 Joseph R. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1210 Arion Pkwy San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-349-9300 11/18/13 Everett H. Allen, MD Accepts new patients: No 11212 STATE HIGHWAY 151 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78251 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-265-8851 Agustin Escalante, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Emily T. Marx, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8851 Theodore W. Bedard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr Ste 212 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-6281 Jeffrey A. Feinstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3859 E Southcross Blvd Ste B San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9596 Rodolfo Molina, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4511 Horizon Hill Blvd #150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-2626 John P. Huff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3118 Clark Ave # 1 San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0020 Matthew E. Mosbacker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4511 Horizon Hill Blvd #150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-2626 Chelsea I. Clinton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 24165 I H 10 W Ste 126 San Antonio, TX 78257 County: Bexar Tel: 210-591-0688 Joseph R. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd # 500 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0680 Chelsea I. Clinton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18585 Sigma Rd # 102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-591-0688 Joseph E. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-0577 Rita E. Cuevas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 417 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-5588 Rheumatology Alex De Jesus, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 155 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-396-7410 Everett H. Allen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr # 210 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-0270 Everett H. Allen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3926 Inmaculada Del Rincon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9800 Everett H. Allen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8851 Kenneth F. DesRosier, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr Ste 103 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-6221 Everett H. Allen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr Ste 207 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8851 Kenneth F. DesRosier, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd # 202 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9596 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. John P. Huff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14615 San Pedro Ave #105 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0020 John P. Huff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0020 Kevin J. Kempf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8851 Kevin J. Kempf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4319 Medical Dr # 210 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-0270 Kevin J. Kempf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr # 207 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-3926 Kevin J. Kempf, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 Hwy 151 Bldg 1 Ste 370 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8851 Mark W. Nelson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct Ste 114 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-656-5000 Luc Nguyen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Mohan Penmetcha, MD Accepts new patients: No 10130 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-8067 Emily R. Pineda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5414 Fredericksburg Rd #150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-9800 Thomas Andrew Rennie Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19272 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8851 Page 209 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Thomas Andrew Rennie Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr #207 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8851 Joshua B. Stolow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3859 E Southcross Blvd Ste C San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9596 Thomas Andrew Rennie Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3903 Wiseman Blvd Ste 221 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-448-4344 William Wade White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3118 Clark Ave # 1 San Antonio, TX 78210 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0020 Thomas Andrew Rennie Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 # 240 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-265-8851 Jose F. Roldan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4511 Horizon Hill Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-2626 Gerald T. Rosenberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4511 Horizon Hill Blvd #150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-2626 Leslie S. Staudt, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Joshua B. Stolow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr #103 San Antonio, TX 78217-5507 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9596 Joshua B. Stolow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 Sonterra Blvd # 21 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9596 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. William Wade White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0020 Sleep Medicine James M. Andry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5290 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6000 James M. Andry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7430 Barlite Blvd Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6000 James M. Andry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste C-3 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6000 William Wade White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9596 Avie A. Grunspan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 William Wade White, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8527 Village Dr Ste 104 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-9596 Avie A. Grunspan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 520 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Pendleton B. Wickersham, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4511 Horizon Hill Blvd Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-477-2626 Avie A. Grunspan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 James H. Wild, MD Accepts new patients: No 10130 Huebner Rd San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-690-8067 James H. Wild, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14615 San Pedro Ave Ste 105 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-0020 Jorge C. Zamora-Quezada, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3939 Medical Dr Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-4400 Avie A. Grunspan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 707 Zarzamora Ste 304 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Avie A. Grunspan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4114 Pond Hill Rd Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Santiago Palacio, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Tarak Jayanti Patel, MD** Accepts new patients: No 5282 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Tarak Jayanti Patel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 520 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Tarak Jayanti Patel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Tarak Jayanti Patel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 707 N Zarzamora St Ste 304 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Joshua Simon Rotenberg, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5282 Medical Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Joshua Simon Rotenberg, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 520 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Joshua Simon Rotenberg, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Joshua Simon Rotenberg, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4114 Pond Hill Rd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78231 County: Bexar Tel: 210-249-5020 Angela M. Velez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Page 210 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Speech Therapy Kristi G. Dehaan, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 926 Brooklyn Ave San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-696-0453 Jill K. Green, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 6th Fl 6 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9950 Pamela B. Honea, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 5415 Lost Ln San Antonio, TX 78238 County: Bexar Tel: 210-448-9111 Tami A. Johnson, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 11310 Sir Winston St Bldg D San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-8851 Jenny E. Sullivan, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 6601 Blanco Rd Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-525-8851 Lori H. Tyler, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9700 Sports Medicine Ty H. Goletz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 560 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-692-7400 Richard Paul Wilson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 111 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7246 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Richard Paul Wilson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 Richard Paul Wilson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 502 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0435 Richard Paul Wilson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Ste 620 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-7246 Richard Paul Wilson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Quincy Ste 102 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0435 Surgery Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 210 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-949-0650 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr Ste 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak 120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd 480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Steven M. Abbate, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr 116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Sabas F. Abuabara, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 704 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-0264 Michael C. Albrecht, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 608 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-2100 Jose Luis Almeda, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Urschel Bldg Ste 219 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5777 Raymond G. Armstrong, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 809 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4810 Adam W. Bingaman, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8425 Heliodoro V. Boone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 512 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4316 Andrew N. Bowser, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln # 245 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-487-7463 William H. Bradshaw, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8534 Village Dr #B San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-6340 Everett P. Bratcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 205 Chattington Ct San Antonio, TX 78213-2611 County: Bexar Tel: 210-670-9030 Sharon Braun, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1919 Oakwell Farms Pkwy Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-822-4969 Vincent A. Caldarola, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #250 San Antonio, TX 78229-3735 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3565 Vincent A. Caldarola, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3565 Gerardo E. Carcamo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 810 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-220-1726 Page 211 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Michael A. Cardenas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Donald D. Dilworth, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 608 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-2100 Preston F. Foster, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8109 Fredericksburg Rd San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-270-9400 Gina A. Gray, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St # 410 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-3751 David John Cohen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 14615 San Pedro Ave # 218 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-4200 Robert N. Dunn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 502 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-1145 Preston F. Foster, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8201 Ewing Halsell Dr Fl 2 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4837 Gina A. Gray, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-798-3751 John E. Etlinger, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 235 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-229-9290 Preston F. Foster, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 337 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3172 Kenneth L. Farrimond, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 16845 Blanco Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78232 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0635 Morris E. Franklin Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd #1 San Antonio, TX 78222-3728 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-7510 Regina M. Fearmonti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0301 Delfino R. Garza, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7390 Bartlite Blvd Ste 230 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-924-6618 Richard E. Fischer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8130 Jeffrey L. Glass, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd #1 San Antonio, TX 78222-3728 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-7510 Lawrence Allen Cohen, MD Accepts new patients: No 8042 WURZBACH RD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78229 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-614-5113 Bruce E. Conway, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 David M. Crouch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4403 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1830 David M. Crouch, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-1830 Anatolio B. Cruz Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 6th Fl Zeller Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-5990 Brittany Blackwell DeBerry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Daniel L. Dent, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Richard E. Fischer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Richard E. Fischer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 240 A San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-9950 Hilliard D. Floyd, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 225 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-8811 Jeffrey L. Glass, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #330 San Antonio, TX 78258-3921 County: Bexar Tel: 210-495-0787 John J. Gonzalez Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd #1 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-7510 John J. Gonzalez Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr 300 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-651-0303 Kathy D. Grove, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Kathy D. Grove, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1971 Mark Alan Gunst, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-4000 Brad W. Gurwitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Gary M. Hall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8130 Gary M. Hall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7718 Louis Pasteur Ct Ste 101 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-9922 Gary M. Hall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1139 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 240A San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-404-9950 Page 212 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Gregory A. Hamon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 620 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7300 Peter W. Hollimon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8534 Village Dr Ste E San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-4583 Edward E. Horvath, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr #608 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-2100 George R. Hsieh, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Rene G. Jaso, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 538 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-5350 Ismail Jatoi, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Urschel Bldg 5th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-5990 Angel R. Jimenez-Cerna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St # 804 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-5563 Robert G. Johnson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr Ste 610 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-2453 Joe E. Johnston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Karen S. Johnston-Jones, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 21 Spurs Ln #310 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-558-7025 Robert C. Lowry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2425 Babcock Rd Ste 111 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-520-7246 Morton S. Kahlenberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak #560 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1400 Philip D. Manfredi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3964 Morton S. Kahlenberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-2129 Morton S. Kahlenberg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 620 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-946-1400 Natasha Keric, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 Suresh Koneru, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 423 Treeline Park Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-5900 Alicia Josephine Logue, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9200 Robert C. Lowry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd #101 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-1477 Robert C. Lowry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 502 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-0435 Helen A. Markowski, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Arthur S. McFee, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9200 Calvin E. Mein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9480 Huebner Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1311 Calvin E. Mein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-1311 Catherine T. Milbourn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd # 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-497-7100 Damon A. Mimari, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 630 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5067 George E. Mimari, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 630 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5067 Mark T. Muir, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 David C. Mullins Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd #310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Patrick Nguyen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9900 John B. Metersky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7950 Floyd Curl Dr #810 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7300 Thomas O. Oei, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1100 N Main Ave San Antonio, TX 78212-4701 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2154 John B. Metersky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr # 620 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-7300 Thomas O. Oei, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7711 Louis Pasteur # 608 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8466 Catherine T. Milbourn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-4000 Boyce B. Oliver Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 6th Fl Zeller Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-5990 Page 213 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Delio P. Ortegon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 10515 State Hwy 151 Ste 260 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4320 Delio P. Ortegon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 260 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4320 Samuel J. Pangburn, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 705 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 11/18/13 John A. Pilcher Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7700 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4000 Mark C. Rittenhouse, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7940 Floyd Curl Dr Ste 840 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3349 James H. Prieto, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 501 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-212-6202 Douglas W. Robinson Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: No 502 Madison Oak Dr 440 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Dilma C. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 Dallas St # 800 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1771 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8215 Ewing Halsell Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Dilma C. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 705 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Dilma C. Ruiz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18518 Hardy Oak Blvd # 310 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-7270 Dana L. Reiss, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8026 Floyd Curl Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-3915 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3370 Samuel J. Pangburn, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Dana L. Reiss, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2833 Babcock Rd #415 San Antonio, TX 78229-4896 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3370 Jaime Pankowsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 463 Retama Way Dr San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2520 Dana L. Reiss, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3370 Jaime Pankowsky, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8811 Village Dr 1st Fl San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-297-2520 Dana L. Reiss, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8109 Fredericksburg Rd # 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-595-8111 Richard M. Peterson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9900 John A. Pilcher Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8109 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8111 John A. Pilcher Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9150 Huebner Rd Ste 250 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-3370 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Jorge L. Rincon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St # 410 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-7744 Jorge L. Rincon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Blvd # 504 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-7744 Jorge L. Rincon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 601 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-587-7744 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr # 4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: No 8715 Village Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 252 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Arthur Rosenthal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 290 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Kathryn L. Safford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 480 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Kathryn L. Safford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba Ste 1160 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5200 Kathryn L. Safford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-2510 Kathryn L. Safford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4383 Medical Dr #4044 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 Page 214 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Kathryn L. Safford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr Ste 116 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 David L. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2241 N W Military # 200 San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-541-8689 Angel Jose Tamez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St Ste 301 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-228-9605 Kathryn A. Wagner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St # 1407 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-277-6255 Kathryn L. Safford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-5700 David L. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-824-3130 Jonathan O. Tramer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 J Marvin Smith III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0008 George R. Tuchsen, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 220 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-7979 W Kenneth Washburn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4500 Michelle K. Savu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8900 David K. Scales, MD Accepts new patients: No 2829 Babcock Rd #407 San Antonio, TX 78229-6012 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6565 David K. Scales, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9623 Huebner Rd Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6565 Wayne H. Schwesinger, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9200 Craig S. See, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8715 Village Dr # 608 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-657-2100 Kenneth R. Sirinek, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9200 Clay R. Skinner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 Dallas St # 800 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1771 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Paxton J. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-403-9500 Moises M. Soulas Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 705 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Moises M. Soulas Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19016 Stone Oak Pkwy Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Moises M. Soulas Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak #260 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-1757 Moises M. Soulas Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 300 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-3660 Elizabeth Sutliff, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9200 Aureliano A. Urrutia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 810 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-220-1726 Kent Roderick Van Sickle, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4647 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-0400 Kent Roderick Van Sickle, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9200 Daniel Vargas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Chintalapati R. Varma, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8201 Ewing Halsell Dr Ste 280 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8500 Bala Viswanathan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19260 Stone Oak Pkwy # 102 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-5455 Russell L. Woodard, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8042 Wurzbach Rd # 310 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-5113 Christian A. Woodbury, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd Ste 700 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-1485 Christian A. Woodbury, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave # 320 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Christian A. Woodbury, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 400 Concord Plaza Dr # 300 San Antonio, TX 78216 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5400 Christian A. Woodbury, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 150 E Sonterra Blvd # 300 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-2297 Christian A. Woodbury, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 404 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-5785 Page 215 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Christian A. Woodbury, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Highway 151 Ste 150 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-804-5561 Ronald M. Stewart, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 William M. Davis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 325 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7700 William P. Kalchoff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7355 Barlite Ste 402 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 713-533-0535 Thoracic Surgery Joseph K. Wright, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 810 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-220-1726 John H. Calhoon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Daniel T. Dearmond, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd 3rd Fl Urschel Bldg San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Lauren C. Kane, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Surgical Critical Care Ramon F. Cestero, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Stephen M. Cohn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 A San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9200 Brian J. Eastridge, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-2078 Glenn A. Halff, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Urschel Bldg Ste 219 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5777 Glenn A. Halff, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr Fl 8 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4500 Deborah L. Mueller, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-0265 John G. Myers, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 2nd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-4000 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. John H. Calhoon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 166 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-8485 John H. Calhoon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Andrea J. Carpenter, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Alfonso Chiscano, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr 3rd Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-358-8001 Alfonso Chiscano, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Charles B. Christian Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #225 San Antonio, TX 78229-3712 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0834 Hector A. Escamilla, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 621 N Alamo St San Antonio, TX 78215-1836 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-5168 Renata B. Ford, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 502 Madison Oak Dr Ste 160 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-519-5797 James R. Garrison Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 325 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7700 Lawrence R. Hamner III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 325 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7700 Syed Adil Husain, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Scott B. Johnson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Herschell Bldg 5th Fl San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 William P. Kalchoff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8207 Callaghan Rd Ste 320 San Antonio, TX 78230 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-8346 James A. Knight, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 270 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-271-3660 James A. Knight, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 6800 I H 10 W Ste 300 Heart Plz 1 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0008 Timothy S. Lyda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 325 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7700 Carmelo Otero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd #201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6626 Carmelo Otero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 18615 Tuscany Stone St 170 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6626 Carmelo Otero, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 225 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6626 Francisco Bernardo Rodriguez IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1200 Brooklyn Ave Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-202-0222 Page 216 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Francisco Bernardo Rodriguez IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7500 Barlite Blvd Ste 311 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-932-9474 Francisco Bernardo Rodriguez IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 215 E Quincy St Ste 410 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 956-796-0269 Francisco Bernardo Rodriguez IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 155 E Sonterra Blvd # 201 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-6626 Francisco Bernardo Rodriguez IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 310 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-202-0222 Richard G. Rouse, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 325 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7700 Edward Y. Sako, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 3rd Fl 3 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Chad N. Stasik, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-0999 Leopoldo Zorrilla Rios, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4330 Medical Dr Ste 325 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-7700 Transplant Hepatology Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Gregory A. Abrahamian, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Urschel Bldg Ste 219 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5777 Robert M. Esterl Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Urschel Bldg Ste 219 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-5777 Fernando E. Membreno, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-567-1617 Fernando E. Membreno, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 621 Camden St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3422 Fernando E. Membreno, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Palo Alto Rd Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78211 County: Bexar Tel: 210-977-9181 Fernando E. Membreno, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 607 Camden St Ste 108 San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-253-3426 William K. Washburn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 7979 Wurzbach Rd Urschel Bldg Ste 219 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-1000 Undersea/Hyperbaric Medicine Duane A. Dietz, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St #502 San Antonio, TX 78205-2527 County: Bexar Tel: 210-223-1145 Timothy A. Hursh, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba, Ste 107 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4300 Mark Phillip Robbins, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5101 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-592-5439 Urology Amy M. Arisco, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 Ste 100 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-703-8000 Thomas H. Bartholomew, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #347 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Joseph W. Basler, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 George Steve Best, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr #206 San Antonio, TX 78217-5509 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-1018 George Steve Best, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3338 Oakwell Ct # 216 San Antonio, TX 78218 County: Bexar Tel: 210-590-1018 Christopher H. Cantrill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 George D. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St San Antonio, TX 78205-2527 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-7191 George D. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr Ste 312 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-2411 George D. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-564-8000 John R. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak # 620 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-545-1000 John R. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr Ste 312 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-2411 John R. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 203 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-5158 John R. Case, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 227 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-582-5577 Patricia P. Cecconi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1295 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-474-7020 Patricia P. Cecconi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Page 217 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Patricia P. Cecconi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 403 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 Arthur S. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-474-7020 Patricia P. Cecconi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd Ste 125 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 John J. De Leon Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 166 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-4444 Patricia P. Cecconi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-474-7020 William P. Fitch III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd #7 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-359-0078 Arthur S. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3749 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Christopher W. Graham, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8800 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-3737 Arthur S. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #629 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6075 Christopher W. Graham, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-581-0376 Arthur S. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd #1 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 Arthur S. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8800 Village Dr #207 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-3737 Arthur S. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-7020 Arthur S. Centeno, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-731-2050 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Samuel Hakim, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-7333 Samuel Hakim, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross # 125 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 Samuel Hakim, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-474-7020 Samuel Hakim, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 Hwy 151 Ste 180 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-7333 William James Harmon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 135 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Timothy Charles Hlavinka, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207-3124 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 James Mansel Harris, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4502 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229-4402 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-4000 Timothy Charles Hlavinka, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 200 And 130 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 James Mansel Harris, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr #400 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3040 Steven Jeffrey Hudak, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Rashel M. Haverkorn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Clayton H. Hudnall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 # 560 San Antonio, TX 78201-2090 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Rashel M. Haverkorn, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 11212 State Hwy 151 # 180 San Antonio, TX 78251 County: Bexar Tel: 210-521-7333 Clayton H. Hudnall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Javier Hernandez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Clayton H. Hudnall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8800 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217-5412 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-3737 Timothy Charles Hlavinka, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 # 560 San Antonio, TX 78201-2090 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Clayton H. Hudnall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #629 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6075 Timothy Charles Hlavinka, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3749 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Clayton H. Hudnall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8700 Village Dr San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-3737 Page 218 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Clayton H. Hudnall, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 125 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 LeRoy A. Jones Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1295 San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 LeRoy A. Jones Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Naveen Kella, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Naveen Kella, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 330 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7147 Naveen Kella, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 9102 Floyd Curl Dr 2 Of 2 San Antonio, TX 78240 County: Bexar Tel: 210-561-0010 Stephen R. Kraus, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Jerry E. Kruse, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1303 McCullough Ave Ste 561 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-9376 Jeffrey Alan Leslie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 347 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-8757 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Jeffrey Alan Leslie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 333 N Santa Rosa St San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-704-4100 Jeffrey Alan Leslie, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4411 Medical Dr Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-575-4584 Joan T. Meaney, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 151 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-593-4392 Joan T. Meaney, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 130 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Kurt G. Meissner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd # 210 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0410 Kurt G. Meissner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 135 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Edward J. Mueller, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr #251 San Antonio, TX 78229-3720 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-0222 Edward J. Mueller, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Thomas K. O'Neill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Thomas K. O'Neill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 # 560 San Antonio, TX 78201-2090 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-3737 Juan A. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Thomas K. O'Neill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3749 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Juan A. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #629 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6075 Thomas K. O'Neill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-5158 Thomas K. O'Neill, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200/203 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-5158 Dennis S. Peppas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Timothy M. Phillips, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Juan A. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 # 560 San Antonio, TX 78201-2090 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 Juan A. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3749 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Juan A. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba # C San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-9228 Juan A. Reyna, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro #900 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-474-7020 Luis Roberto Rivera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd #110 San Antonio, TX 78229-3400 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Luis Roberto Rivera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd Ste 125 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 Luis Roberto Rivera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207-3124 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-7020 Luis Roberto Rivera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 403 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 Ronald Rodriguez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Page 219 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Thomas A. Rozanski, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Lewis F. Russell Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5307 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-7191 11/18/13 Daniel R. Saltzstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 203 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-5158 Rene A. Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 # 560 San Antonio, TX 78201-2090 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-3737 Michael F. Sarosdy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4499 Medical Dr Ste 218 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-615-3899 Rene A. Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8800 Village Dr #207 San Antonio, TX 78217-5420 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-3737 Lewis F. Russell Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St San Antonio, TX 78205-2527 County: Bexar Tel: 210-225-7191 William W. Schuessler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4243 E Southcross Blvd Ste 202 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-333-9010 Lewis F. Russell Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr #312 San Antonio, TX 78217-5419 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-2411 William W. Schuessler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 19288 Stone Oak Pkwy # B San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-2707 Lewis F. Russell Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-564-8000 Michael F. Sedlak, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3040 Rufino Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 205 E Evergreen St Ste 1 San Antonio, TX 78212 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-6461 Rene A. Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4242 E Southcross Blvd #1 San Antonio, TX 78222-3728 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 Rufino Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 311 Camden St San Antonio, TX 78215 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-6461 Daniel R. Saltzstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd #110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Daniel R. Saltzstein, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-5158 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Rene A. Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd #110 San Antonio, TX 78229-3400 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Rene A. Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-7020 Rene A. Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2829 Babcock Rd #629 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-6075 Rene A. Sepulveda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 12709 Toepperwein Rd Ste 206 San Antonio, TX 78201 County: Bexar Tel: 210-564-8000 Randall P. Singleton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3749 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Randall P. Singleton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 # 560 San Antonio, TX 78201-2090 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Randall P. Singleton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #1295 San Antonio, TX 78207-3124 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Randall P. Singleton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Crumpton Ritchie Spence, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 # 560 San Antonio, TX 78201-2090 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Crumpton Ritchie Spence, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78229-3749 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Crumpton Ritchie Spence, MD Accepts new patients: No 4212 E SOUTHCROSS BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-337-6228 Crumpton Ritchie Spence, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 125 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Kenneth J. Stallman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 120 And 130 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Jackie D. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 124 Dallas St # 800 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-224-1771 Jackie D. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 720 Pleasanton Rd San Antonio, TX 78214-1306 County: Bexar Tel: 210-921-3855 Jackie D. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St #502 San Antonio, TX 78205-2103 County: Bexar Tel: 210-444-2781 Page 220 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Jackie D. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8601 Village Dr # 226 San Antonio, TX 78217 County: Bexar Tel: 210-654-6364 Leopoldo V. Tecuanhuey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr # 450 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-9997 Jackie D. Stephenson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 88 Briggs St Ste 245 San Antonio, TX 78224 County: Bexar Tel: 210-340-9944 Leopoldo V. Tecuanhuey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 730 N Main Ave Ste 716 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-227-7888 Robert S. Svatek, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Leopoldo V. Tecuanhuey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 718 Cupples Rd San Antonio, TX 78237 County: Bexar Tel: 210-438-0010 David Ray Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 # 560 San Antonio, TX 78201-2090 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Leopoldo V. Tecuanhuey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1010 NW Loop 410 Ste 100A San Antonio, TX 78213 County: Bexar Tel: 210-308-2911 David Ray Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba #990 San Antonio, TX 78207-3124 County: Bexar Tel: 210-494-7020 David Ray Talley, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 David Ray Talley, MD Accepts new patients: No 4242 E SOUTHCROSS BLVD SAN ANTONIO, TX 78222 County: BEXAR Tel: 210-337-6228 Leopoldo V. Tecuanhuey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 343 W Houston St Ste 801 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-222-2233 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Patricia J W Terry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-226-7020 Patricia J W Terry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4410 Medical Dr #300 San Antonio, TX 78219 County: Bexar Tel: 210-499-5158 Patricia J W Terry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Patricia J W Terry, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 203 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-581-0376 Ian M. Thompson Jr., MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Ian M. Thompson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 George J. Vassar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8711 Village Dr #312 San Antonio, TX 78217-5419 County: Bexar Tel: 210-655-2411 George J. Vassar, MD Accepts new patients: No 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-581-0376 Andrew A. Tobon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 315 N San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 County: Bexar Tel: 210-474-7020 George J. Vassar, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 255 E Sonterra Blvd Ste 200 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-581-0376 Andrew A. Tobon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 4212 E Southcross Blvd # 150 San Antonio, TX 78222 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 Sammy C. Vick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 330 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-496-7146 Andrew A. Tobon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 6243 W Interstate 10 # 560 San Antonio, TX 78201-2090 County: Bexar Tel: 210-474-7020 Sammy C. Vick, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 8038 Wurzbach Rd Ste 430 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-616-0410 Andrew A. Tobon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd # 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Paul W. Walker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Ste 120 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Andrew A. Tobon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3327 Research Plz Ste 403 San Antonio, TX 78235 County: Bexar Tel: 210-337-6228 Michael A. White, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 7909 Fredericksburg Rd Ste 110 San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Andrew A. Tobon, MD Accepts new patients: No 5307 Broadway St # 120 San Antonio, TX 78209 County: Bexar Tel: 210-614-4544 Michael A. White, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 414 Navarro St Ste 900 San Antonio, TX 78205 County: Bexar Tel: 210-474-7020 Timothy Y. Tseng, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 8300 Floyd Curl Dr 4th Fl 4 B San Antonio, TX 78229 County: Bexar Tel: 210-450-9600 Patrick A. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 540 Madison Oak Dr Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78258 County: Bexar Tel: 210-490-3040 Page 221 Provider Directory for PHCS Network San Marcos Anesthesiology Mark A. Moran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2003 A Medical Pkwy San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 210-805-9800 Charles Thomas Porter Jr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-753-3571 Cardiovascular Diseases William P. Abide Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1330 Wonder Word Dr B 108 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5603 Gregory L. Johnson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Steven T. Minor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1330 Wonder World Dr Ste B 108 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5603 Sam J. Nassar, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1330 Wonder World Dr, Ste B 108 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5603 11/18/13 Shelley Lynn Vinson, BA Accepts new patients: No 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-753-3627 William P. Howard, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 631 Mill St # 101 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-8540 Chiropractic Claudia J. Kotin, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 2106 Quail Run San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-8106 Christopher C. Baker, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2550 Hunter Rd Ste 1104 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5122 Carol W. Booth, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1401 Thorpe Ln San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-3900 William C. Booth, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1401 Thorpe Ln San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-3900 James Edward Colgin, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 Hunter Rd # 114 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-2662 Richard L. Gillespie, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1520 Old Ranch Road 12 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-2555 Curtis Wade White, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1346 Thorpe Ln #B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-5321 Faisal M. Syed, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1330 Wonder World Dr Ste B 108 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5603 Clinical Psychology Certified Nurse Anesthetist Patrick J. Dattore, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 100 N Edward Gary St Ste 103 B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-9472 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Barbara S. Alford, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 829 N L B J Dr #207 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-4898 Edward H. Kotin, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 2106 Quail Run San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-8105 Joan M. Matthews, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 631 Mill St # 101 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-8540 Clinical Social Work Jo A. Bennett, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 829 N Lbj Dr Ste 207 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-644-0778 Thea M. Dake, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Stagecoach Trl Ste 300 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-3398 Robert W. Herndon, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 631 Mill St #101 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-8540 Robert M. White, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 631 Mill St # 101 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-8540 Dermatology Carlos Gomez-Meade, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1320 Wonder World Dr Ste 108 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-393-3376 Amara Z. Sayed, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 1320 Wonder World Dr #108 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-393-3376 Diagnostic Radiology Joshua G. Abramowitz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 B Hwy 123 S San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Stephen A. Agatston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 B Hwy 123 S San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Michael D. Aronoff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 B Hwy 123 S San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Mark A. Auler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Sarah S. Avery, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 William Jeffery Banks, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Hillel A. Ben-Avi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Page 222 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Marouane Bouchareb, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 David J. Feldman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Connie I. Hsu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Gael J. Lonergan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Bradley A. Brenner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Thomas B. Fletcher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Shaheen M. Hussaini, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 John E. Manning, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Lauren L. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 David N. Goldblatt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Michael A. Jaimes, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Michael B. Martin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Chris M. Butschek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Mark B. Gray, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Ravi J. Jhaveri, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Anthony M. Masaryk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Frank A. Chia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Michael G. Gunlock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Gregory C. Karnaze, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Mark L. McLelland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Gregory F. Connor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Ronald L. Hoelscher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 John W. Kish, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Ian D. McLoughlin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Lawrence Kirkland Conrad, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 John S. Hogg, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Jeffrey S. Lava, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Gunar G. Mezaraups, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Jody Jeran Hooten, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Marcus L. Lines, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Andrea W. Michel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Newell E. Dutton, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Page 223 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Robert M. Milman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 J Neal Rutledge, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Binh C. Truong, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 James S. Garrett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1601 Redwood Rd #B San Marcos, TX 78666-9734 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-6622 Elizabeth A. Moorehead, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Amy Spector Salinas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 J Andrew Williamson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Richard R. Laue, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2406 Hunter Rd Ste 106 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-7686 Rodney D. Schmidt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 James P. Willis, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 David J. Shaw, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Mary Z. Winsett, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 B Hwy 123 S San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 David H. Nichols, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Debra Jo Kern J. Pennington, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 B Hwy 123 S San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 F Michael Pfeifer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Christopher E. Swanson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Russell Drew Putnam, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Gabrielle R. Theriault, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Andrew C. Reifsnyder, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Eugene Tong, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Dan N. Richardson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Anthony K. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 C Vince Wiseman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 B Hwy 123 S San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Family Practice Charles P. Anderson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1400 N State Highway 123 San Marcos, TX 78666-7856 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-3663 Thomas A. Castoldi, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Stagecoach Trl Ste 20 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8140 Jenifer Rene Donnell-Kowalik, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1999 Medical Pkwy Ste A San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-7111 Alan Lane Lee, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2406 Hunter Rd Ste 106 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-7686 Mark B. Randolph, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1921 Corporate Dr #102 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-878-6330 William Robert Rogers, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Stagecoach Trl # 200 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-4700 David Lynn Schneider, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr #309 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-6463 Ann C. Trevino, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1999 Medical Pkwy Ste A San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-7686 Jack Wesley Wallis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 Hunter Rd # 116 San Marcos, TX 78666-5101 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-7700 Gastroenterology Page 224 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Edward Francis Coles, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr #200 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-8676 William K. Deschner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 105 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8161 Thomas Kepczyk, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr #200 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-8676 Shannon Joseph Vojak Marek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 200 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-8676 Carlos A. Neghme, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr #200 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-8676 Gynecologic Oncology Ellen Blair Smith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1308 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5199 Gynecology Lance L. LeDoux, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2001 Medical Pkwy #C San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-3545 Hematology Rene Alberto Castillo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1308 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5199 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Jason Landon Smith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1308 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5199 Dennis Alan Tweedy, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1308 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666-7532 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5199 James Velde Hiroyuki Uyeki, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1308 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5199 Marriage and Family Counseling Kathie N. Cleveland, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 829 N L B J Dr #207 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-3103 Internal Medicine Jairo L. Bermudez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 307 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1270 Donna J. Dolan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 206 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8666 Camille Hemlock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 830-643-6252 Gregory K. Moore, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 601 A Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-1000 Grayson K. Smith, MD Accepts new patients: No 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 206 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8666 Julia B. Symon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1601 Redwood Rd #C San Marcos, TX 78666-9734 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-8500 Maternal and Fetal Medicine Michelle Saenz Haas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Mental Health Counseling Dana P. Borremans, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 1205 N State Hwy 123 #303 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-0483 Margo R. Case, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 631 Mill St # 101 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-8540 Margo R. Case, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 2876 Paso Del Robles San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-787-1127 Stanley R. Harlan, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 631 Mill St #101 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-8540 Kathleen L. Loisel, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 700 Rogers St San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-557-7204 Yvonne M. Perez, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 102 Whitetail Dr Ste 200 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-8804 Trinidad P. Rodriguez, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 205 Cheatham St Ste 1 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-7170 Trinidad P. Rodriguez, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 705 W Hopkins St Ste 113 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-7170 Richard K. Sears, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 323 W Hopkins St San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-753-2900 Barbara A. Sprott, MA Accepts new patients: No 102 Whitetail Dr Ste 200 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-395-5458 Iris P. Weeke, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1205 Hwy 123 # 303 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-468-8242 Andrea Zuflacht, MS Accepts new patients: No 1348 N STATE HIGHWAY 123 SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 County: HAYS Tel: 512-392-5556 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Serena Edna Scott, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Nephrology Page 225 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Ellen Margaret Grimm, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1330 Wonder World Dr # 101 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-805-0680 William A. Rodriguez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 11/18/13 Simon Trubek, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-998-8214 Nurse Practitioner Freth L. Carroll, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Koteswara R. Kunda, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2003 B Medical Pkwy San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-0033 Beth G. Reid, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr #209 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-7575 Occupational Therapy Karen S. Simpson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 900 Bugg Ln #220 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-9199 Freth L. Carroll, MSN Accepts new patients: Yes 1891 Medical Pkwy San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-7999 Mary K. Arellano, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 101 Uhland Rd San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-0872 Neurology Kay Ann Gibbons, BA Accepts new patients: Yes 601 Leah Ave Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 Terri E. Curtis, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 101 Uhland Rd Ste 112 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-0872 Nancy K. Seman, MSN** Accepts new patients: No 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-753-3524 Ophthalmology Eric J. Pappert, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1341 Thorpe Ln San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-558-7770 Santiago Restrepo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1341 Thorpe Ln San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-558-7770 Toan Q. Vu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1341 Thorpe Ln San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-558-7770 Obstetrics and Gynecology Neuroradiology Barrett R. Blaue, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 209 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-7575 Chris R. Richards, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Kari H. Fay, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 209 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-7575 Nuclear Medicine Teresa Lynn Irwin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr #209 San Marcos, TX 78666-7541 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-7575 John Randall Leahy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. James Harold Burden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666-7575 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Rex W. Cole, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Shelley Day, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 James W. Dooner, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Clio Armitage Harper III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Russell A. Hayhurst, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-452-8467 Joshua Ki Hu, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Mark Levitan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Jose Agustin Martinez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Peter A. Nixon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 James E. Pickett III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Corina Alina Stancey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Robert W. Wong, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1300 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-1300 Optometry Page 226 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Leslie R. Dullnig, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 221 N C M Allen Pkwy San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-3303 James M. Meany, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 901 Highway 80 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-3937 Stephen L. Stanfield, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2406 Hunter Rd Ste 102 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-6161 Stephen L. Stanfield, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1104 Thorpe Ln Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-6161 Matthew J. Zemanovich, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 2406 Hunter Rd San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-745-6161 Orthopaedic Surgery Michael M. Albrecht, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 Hunter Rd Ste 116 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-451-1969 James K. Baker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr #100 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8661 Adam J. Bruggeman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2003 Medical Pkwy San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 800-924-1455 Courtney Holt Cowden III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 100 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8661 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Joshua A. Crum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1340 Wonder World Dr Ste 104 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-878-4203 Paul T. Geibel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2003 Medical Pkwy #A San Marcos, TX 78666-7554 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-5359 Paul E. Jennings, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 100 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8661 Christina M. Sheely, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 Hunter Rd Ste 116 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-451-1969 Brian Loren Sullivan, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 Hunter Rd Ste 116 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-451-1969 Nicholas Francis Tsourmas, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 Hunter Rd Ste 116 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-451-1969 Otolaryngology Fames Patrick Finnigan, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Dudley Byron Holt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Silivana M. Lawrence, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Stephen M. Norwood, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 Hunter Rd Ste 116 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-451-1969 John H. Nowlin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 601B Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-452-0231 Hanoch Avraham Patt, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Manish V. Patel, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 Hunter Rd Ste 116 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-451-1969 Edward U. Tomaneng, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2000 Medical Pkwy Ste C San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8899 Stuart A. Rowe, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Gerard M. Pennington, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr #100 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8661 Charles Stuart Pipkin III, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2003 Medical Pkwy #A San Marcos, TX 78666-7554 County: Hays Tel: 210-657-6948 William C. Roden, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr #100 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8661 Pain Medicine Shaun C. Jackson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2003 A Medical Pkwy San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 210-805-9800 Charles W. Murphy, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2003 Medical Pkwy Ste A San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-0506 Scott P. Worrich, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2003 A Medical Pkwy San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 210-805-9800 Pediatric Cardiology Kenneth M. Shaffer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Ronald Shapiro, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Frank Wong, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Karen L. Wright, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1301 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8979 Pediatric Gastroenterology Page 227 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Ashis V. Barad, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr 308 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-509-5437 Sue Ann Harrison, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 601 B Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 Vikki L. Hill, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 915 Highway 80 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-4575 Jonathan R. Ramprasad, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr 308 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-509-5437 Jill S. Humphrey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 601 B Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 Bryan J. McAdams, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 2550 Hunter Rd Ste 1104 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5122 Muralidhar Jatla, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr 308 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-509-5437 Kirk G. Painter, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 915 Highway 80 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-4575 Ivri Kimmith Messinger, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 601 B Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 Pamela J. Turner, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 101 Uhland Rd #112 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-0872 Pediatric Radiology Lori Lee Barr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste B San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1831 Pediatrics Patricia A. Becker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1605 Redwood Rd #A San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-4800 Angela P. Black, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1320 Wonder World Dr #101 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 Angela P. Black, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 601 B Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 Michelle C. Miller, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 601 B Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Avinash N. Ramchandani, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1999 Medical Pkwy Ste C San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-326-5440 Physical Therapy Rhonda W. Deschner, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 601 B Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 Aaron E. Foreman, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 915 Highway 80 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-754-9928 Jeanne E. Flinn, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 601 B Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 James G. Grace Jr, MSPT Accepts new patients: No 1305 WONDER WORLD DR SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 County: HAYS Tel: 512-878-2835 Michael J. Grady, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 601 B Leah Ave San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-1700 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Robert B. Whalin, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 1205 Hwy 123 # 303 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-468-8242 Melesa J. Yager, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 915 Highway 80 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-4575 Podiatric Medicine Arush Kumar Angirasa, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 2108 Hunter Rd Ste 116 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-451-1969 Mark E. McDonnell, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1340 Wonder World Dr Ste 104 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-878-4203 Podiatric Surgery Robert D. Parker, DPM Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 201 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-805-7787 Preventive Med/Public Health Curtis Paul Clogston, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 N State Highway 123 Ste A San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-5556 Psychiatry Theodore Dake Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Stagecoach Trl San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-3398 Paul Richard Whitelock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 310 Stagecoach Trl Ste 300 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-3398 Pulmonary Disease Song Min Hong, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 2007 A Medical Pkwy San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-392-2684 Radiation Oncology David Campbell Jones Jr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1304 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-2500 Jimmy Michael Kerley, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1304 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-2500 Richard Scott Lawson, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1308 Wonder World Dr San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5199 Rheumatology Page 228 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Joshua B. Stolow, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr # 200 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 210-590-9596 Yasser Farra, DO** Accepts new patients: No 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-4800 Bruce C. Begia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Speech Therapy Jone C. Geimer-Flanders, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-658-0010 Ambur Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 17331 Interstate 35 N Ste 104 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-656-5600 Daniel H. Kellum Jr, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3401 F M 3009 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-945-2121 Clinical Psychology Pedro A. Calzada, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 James M. Lackey, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Rodrigo David Cantu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Joseph A. Lopez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Raylene Bell, MS Accepts new patients: Yes 101 Uhland Rd #112 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-0872 Surgery Robert R. Duran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1340 Wonder World Dr Ste 4301 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-6400 Steven A. Logsdon, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 519 Main St Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-658-6410 Diagnostic Radiology Abel Galaviz, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1305 Wonder World Dr Ste 206 San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-353-8666 Garrett K. Andersen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy Ste 500 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-617-9770 James W. Schlotter, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1347 Thorpe Ln San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-395-8770 Gregory J. Boys, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy Ste 500 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-617-9770 Urology John P. Clement, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy Ste 500 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-617-9770 Patrick A. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 2002 Medical Pkwy Ste C San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-5177 Donald L. Willis, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1601 Redwood Rd #A San Marcos, TX 78666 County: Hays Tel: 512-396-4400 Schertz Cardiovascular Diseases Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 500 Schertz Pkwy Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-616-7796 Lance E. Reinsmith, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy Ste 500 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-617-9770 Family Practice Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Anthony M. Deep, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Gordon D. Garcia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Beverly D Spaulding Gutierrez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Gerald P. Heisler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 17331 Interstate 35 N Ste 104 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-656-5600 George Steven Ingram, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Thomas Ward Neal, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 608 Schertz Pkwy Ste 200 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-491-8179 Deepa Padia, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Teofilo R. Sanchez III, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 105 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Gloria S. Wright, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 17460 I H 35 N Ste 420 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-654-9300 Gloria S. Wright, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5016 F M 1518 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-654-9300 Page 229 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Gastroenterology Muhammad Naeem, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 116 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-509-8888 General Practice Roger M. Moczygemba, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Armando Quinones, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptish Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 General Vascular Surgery Grady D. Alsabrook, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 116 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-656-5098 Internal Medicine Chinyere Iheoma Odu, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Anthony R. Wright Jr., DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-654-9300 Anthony R. Wright Jr., DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5016 F M 1518 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-654-9300 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. 11/18/13 Anthony R. Wright Jr., DO Accepts new patients: Yes 17460 Interstate 35 N Ste 420 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-654-9300 Nephrology Julio C. Araujo, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 124 B Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-658-9222 Carl J. Blond, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 116 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-945-0200 Gerardo A. Chica II, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-945-0200 Matthias Simon, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 124 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-658-9222 Obstetrics and Gynecology John H. Kellum, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 3401 F M 3009 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-945-2121 Concepcion Martinez, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Susan P. Novak, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr #100 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-946-1300 Jane Shows Atkerson, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 100 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-946-1300 Marilyn J. Vanover, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr #100 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-946-1300 Michelle M. Villa-Olvera, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr #100 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-946-1300 Debra J. Williams, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 100 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-946-1300 Occupational Therapy Gerald J. Hanke, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr, Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-568-0511 Optometry Debra M. Barnes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 17323 INTERSTATE 35 N SCHERTZ, TX 78154 County: GUADALUPE Tel: 210-651-5800 Debra M. Barnes, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 17331 Interstate 35 N Ste 110 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-651-5800 Michelle Lynn Buttlar, OD Accepts new patients: No 17323 Interstate 35 N Ste 110 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-651-5800 Roman Y. Klufas, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 1420 Schertz Pkwy Ste 130 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-651-3926 Leigha M. Nielsen, OD Accepts new patients: Yes 17460 Interstate 35 N Ste 412 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-590-2482 Orthopaedic Surgery Bjorn C. Balldin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen Josh Bell, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Marvin R. Brown, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen S. Burkhart, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Ronald W. Connor, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Mayo J. Galindo Jr., MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Francisco J. Garcia, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Page 230 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Alexander S. Rowland, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Steven Fischer, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 David T. Schroder, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Jessica M. Gonzalez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 Casey D. Taber, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Nicolas N. Guerra, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 Brad S. Tolin, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Richard L. Ursone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Daniel C. Valdez, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Sergio Viroslav, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Pediatrics J Laura Arnold, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 Mary S. Basey, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Suzanne E. Hood, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 James A. Hyslop, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 Richard T. Schlosberg IV, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 Susannah L. Simone, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 Samuel D. Tressler, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 Kristin M. Wilke, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr # 117 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-4777 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Deborah A. Bergfeld, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Ephraim K. Brenman, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Stephen W. Dinger, DO Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy Ste 400 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-495-7246 Physical Therapy Jeffrey S. Borcik, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 6032 FM 3009 Ste 130 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-781-4810 David S. Elswood, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-568-0511 Elva R. Garcia, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr, Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Felix Guerra, SCD Accepts new patients: Yes 1420 Schertz Pkwy Ste 100 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-659-0222 Brett Neilson, BS Accepts new patients: Yes 8335 Agora Pkwy Ste 100 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-658-8483 Derek E. Sanchez, MSPT Accepts new patients: Yes 790 Fm 3009 Ste E Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-659-4333 Physicians Assistant James P. Bell, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Blaine Philip Carmichael, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Sidney C. England, BS** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Dennis R. Krueger Jr, PAC** Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Baptist Health Dr Ste 102 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-566-2656 Plastic Surgery Stephen C. Drukker, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 5000 Schertz Pkwy # 600 Schertz, TX 78154 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-804-5400 Seguin Anesthesiology Page 231 Provider Directory for PHCS Network 11/18/13 Dolores S. Major, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1215 E Court St Fl 1 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-5867 Stephen M. Sokolyk, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 908 E Court St #3 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-303-9221 Kim Marie Ross, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1342 E Walnut St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-1648 James Rider, DO** Accepts new patients: No 519 N King St Ste 102 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-7901 Ronald E. Mayhorn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1215 E Court St Fl 1 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-5867 Stephen M. Sokolyk, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 944 S Hwy 123 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-303-9221 Kim Marie Ross, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1064 E Ireland Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-0123 Phillip C. Rinn, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 519 N King St Ste 105 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-0994 Mark A. Moran, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 280 S King St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-805-9800 Jason A. Yoho, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-4880 Family Practice Daniel N. Pina, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1215 E Court St Fl 1 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-5867 Chiropractic Susan Boullioun, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 113 E Cedar St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-303-3500 Linda Jane Sullivan, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 205 N King # 200 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-5200 John M. Flanagan, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 757 N 123rd Byp Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-303-4450 Jerry F. Castilleja, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1354 E Walnut St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-0025 Pamela A. Laird-Tackett, DC Accepts new patients: Yes 1367 E College St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-2944 Antonio A. Flores, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 214 N Camp St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-8811 Cardiovascular Diseases Rahul Bose, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-4880 William E. Craig, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1348 E Walnut Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-303-8445 Ronnie Garcia, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-4880 Frank J. Rubalcava, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-4880 Stephen M. Sokolyk, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 128 S Moss St #100 Seguin, TX 78155-5127 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-1666 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Clinical Psychology Steven A. Logsdon, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 1331 E Court St Ste 106 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-7367 Clinical Social Work Christine T. Mata, MSW Accepts new patients: Yes 1215 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-7367 Dermatology Robert J. Magnon, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1342 E Walnut St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-1642 Gustavo A. Gross, MD** Accepts new patients: No 214 N Camp St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-8811 Arlynn H. Hartfiel, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 519 N King St Ste 103 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-1980 Jane V. Pearce, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1483 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-560-2813 David M. Rider, MD** Accepts new patients: No 519 North King Street, Suite 102 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-7901 Nicole J. Talbot, DO** Accepts new patients: Yes 515 N King St Ste 103 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-5200 Raetzsch H. Thomas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-1184 Dean L. Zincone, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1355 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-4401 Gastroenterology Edward Francis Coles, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 512-754-8676 General Vascular Surgery Grady D. Alsabrook, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 944 S Hwy 123 B P Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-656-5098 Mario M. Rossbach, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 303 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-4880 Page 232 Provider Directory for PHCS Network Serapio Vela, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 515 N King St Ste 105 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-4891 Hematology Thomas D. Fisher, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-8688 Manuel A. Santiago, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-8688 Infectious Diseases Thomas Adam Kaspar, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1064 E Ireland St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-4455 Internal Medicine 11/18/13 Sankararao Tamtam, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 932 S Highway 123 Bypass Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-3999 Tony N. Tsen, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 911 S Hwy 123 Bypass Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-9042 Marriage and Family Counseling Nicholas T. Wilkens, PHD Accepts new patients: Yes 314 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-303-3161 Medical Oncology Devendra K. Bhachawat, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 515 N King St #104 Seguin, TX 78155-4815 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-303-1121 Robert L. Frets, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1255 Ashby St Ste I Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-1615 Basel Dabas, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 515 N King St Ste 108 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-4270 David J. Friedman, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-8688 Vijay K. Gunuganti, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-8688 Allyson L. Harroff, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-8688 Joseph Dean McCracken, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-8688 Camille Hemlock, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1215 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-643-6252 Yu Jie Kuo, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1356 E Walnut St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-5588 Copyright (c) 2013 MultiPlan, Inc. Arun R. Rao, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1025 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-8688 Mental Health Counseling Paige L. Falk, MA Accepts new patients: Yes 1215 E Court St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-401-7367 Richard A. Laosa, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 314 N Austin St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-303-3161 JoAnne H. Muelker, MED Accepts new patients: Yes 314 N Austin St 111 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-303-3161 Nephrology Heather E. Banks, MD Accepts new patients: Yes 1064 E Ireland St Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-620-4650 Nurse Practitioner Jessica Camille Sanders, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 205 N King # 200 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-5200 Lesley Vernor, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 1352 E Walnut Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 210-249-5020 Obstetrics and Gynecology James T. Colvin Jr, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 519 N King St Ste 101 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-372-2791 Alyson Kirchner, MD** Accepts new patients: Yes 1339 E Court St Ste 210 Seguin, TX 78155 County: Guadalupe Tel: 830-379-1500 Susanne Brandt, BA** Accepts new patients: Yes 515 N K
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