to - the Institute of Masters of Wine
to - the Institute of Masters of Wine
1/27/2014 Physiology and Psychology of Flavor Perception Flavor is the psychological interpretation of the physiological response to a physical stimulus* Hildegarde Heymann University of California at Davis, USA January 25, 2014 Flickr: Like_the_Grand_Canyon Flickr: Libraryman Blog: Reasonably Well *Also affected by vision A range of senses are used when tasting wine. Normal human physiological variation These senses are: • sight • taste • smell • touch •[hearing] Flickr: Mike McCaffrey 1 1/27/2014 Appearance • First impression • Color – many expectations The Nature of Color‐is‐in‐the‐eye.jpg‐content/uploads/2012/02/color‐of‐wine‐primary‐indicators.jpg Color is the absence of (certain) wavelengths‐‐gCW5gTCzJo/TxVIH‐fUIGI/AAAAAAAAH9Y/67mYZRvpbP4/s1600/seeing+colours.jpg Rods (scotopic vision): abundant in periphery, dim light, B/W Cones (photopic vision): abundant around fovea, bright light, color, 2 1/27/2014 Different types of opsins: Exact structure of opsin molecule determines maximal sensitivity to lights wavelengths COLOR-BLINDNESS Ishihara Plates – Long wavelength: red light – Medium wavelength: green light – Short wavelength: blue light Molecular Expressions: Optical Primer‐cvision.shtml 5-8% of males (as high as 1 in 12) 0.5% of females (1 in 200) Normal human color vision variability Rayleigh color test use red & green lights to make yellow Opsin polymorphic variant at amino acid 180 60% of red pigments encode for serine 40% of red pigments encode for alanine ▪ ser version is red shifted 3-4 nm relative to ala ▪ i.e. they need less red light to match the yellow 90% of green pigments encode for ala 10% of green pigments encode for ser Y = tyrosine, T = threonine, A = alanine, I = isoleucine, S = serine, F = phenylalanine Vision Research (2011) volume: 51 issue: 7 page: 633‐51 3 1/27/2014 Individual variation of Just Noticeable Differences at isoluminance (8 women; 2 men) Taste versus “taste” 100 with smell 90 Without smell 80 Percent correct 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Water Vinegar Whiskey Wine Coffee Chocolate Garlic Substance to be identified Journal of Vision June 3, 2013 vol. 13 no. 7 article 1 Taste • Five “basic” tastes sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami, [fat, water] • Oral Sensations: (Chemestesia) astringency, burn/irritation, tingling, temperature Compounds must be dissolved (saliva, wine, etc.) Taste • final "barrier" function – intimate contact – least complicated – stimulation to perception time is very short • • • • Taste: 1.5 – 4.0 msec Touch 2.4 – 8.9 msec Vision: 13 – 45 msec Hearing: 13 – 22 msec 4 1/27/2014 Hänig’s 1901 dissertation and the tongue map – a story about primary resources Sweet, sour salty – not much difference Bitter – back of palate (mostly due to soft palate taste buds) NY Times, 11/10/08: Leif Parsons Bartoshuk, L.M. (1993). The biological basis of food perception and acceptance. Food Quality and Preference, 4, 21‐32 Purvis et al. (2001) Neuroscience, 2nd edition Infant Taste Responses sweet sour bitter 5 1/27/2014 “Supertasters” ‐Hypertasters • PTC (phenyl thio carbamate) • PROP (6-n-propylthiouracil) • H-N=C-S group • Sensitivity genetic • Chromosome #5 (with some effect from #7) • May have had evolutionary advantage: • Plants high in H-N=C-S group tend to contain toxic elements • Protects against goitre (iodine deficiency) “Supertasters” continued •Dye tongue blue •Count papillae in reinforcement circle at tip •<20: nontaster •>40: supertaster With thanks to JX Guinard “Supertasters” continued PROP (propylthiouracil) thresholds PROP thresholds for 41Ss 1.E-03 1.E-03 X= 1.14 E-5 std=1.08 E-5 (n=21) 1.E-03 X=1.23 E-4 std= 1.96 E-5 (n=10) X=1.83E-4 std 3.75 E4 (n=10) 8.E-04 6.E-04 4.E-04 2.E-04 0.E+00 1 supertaster nontaster 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Supertaster Taster Non-taster‐content/uploads/2007/07/supertasters_nontaster.jpg 6 1/27/2014 Bitterness, sweetness, and liking ratings of unsweetened white grapefruit juice. “Supertasters” continued • US population • 25% ST, 50% MT; 25%T • 35% of woman and 10% men • Asians higher proportion ST Hayes J E et al. Chem. Senses 2011;36:311-319 © The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved Bitterness and trigeminal effect of 10% ethanol (Bartoshuk et al. 1994) Bitterness Burning/ Hotness OLFACTION Intensity Non tasters Nicht Schmecker Schmecker Tasters Super Supertasters Schmecker 7 1/27/2014 Olfactory Cells • • ORTHO and RETRO NASAL OLFACTION Retronasal smell images are IMPORTANT as illustrated by the massive extent to which they interact with these brain systems compared with orthonasal smell images Olfactory Mucosa – orange-yellow pigment area (2.5 sq. cm) – cilia area -- 6000 sq. cm Olfactory cells – Very sensitive • mercaptans – 40 olfactory cells need 9 molecules each – 10 million cells – Lifespan -- 30 days – axons directly to olfactory bulb no synapses! Aging declines in flavor perception: Retronasal olfaction is more vulnerable to loss than orthonasal olfaction Anosmia Odor molecules create different patterns of spatial activity in the olfactory bulb. A homologous chemical series (aldehydes) elicits patterns that are overlapping but different, as shown high‐resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) Olfactory cell axons pass through cribiform plate Viral infections Gordon M. Shepherd, Nature 444, 316‐321(16 November 2006) 8 1/27/2014 Nasal cycle • • • • Scent tracking by humans (Noam Sobel UCB) 80% of humans have a nasal cycle lasts 30 min to 5 hours (mean 2‐2.5 hours) combined flow rate remains constant Odorants attachment to mucosa depends on airflow – Some better at low versus high and vice versa • Provides two olfactory images of the world – Result: better olfactory acuity Porter, et al., (2007) Mechanisms of scent-tracking in humans, Nature Neuroscience 10, 27 - 29 http://www.sleep‐apnea‐ Aroma: Specific anosmias Specific Anosmia Observed for β-Ionone, but not for α-Ionone Good sense of smell BUT much less sensitive (at least 100 fold less) 40 of 62 compounds at least 4% of population (Amoore, 1969) androstenone (about 5%) OR7D4 receptor genes Both copies: urine and unpleasant One copy: no or weak odor Mutation in gene: floral and pleasant Compounds at 30+% isobutyraldehyde – malty geraniol ‐‐ rose‐like odor Pentadecalactone ‐‐ musky musk xylol ‐‐ musk odor 1,8‐cineole ‐‐ camphoraceous Frequency distribution of β-ionone, and α-ionone orthonasal thresholds in water and deodorized orange juice (pumpout). Concentrations in water or pumpout for steps 1, 6, and 12 are indicated below each compound, accordingly. 9 1/27/2014 Tempere et al. (2011) The Training Level of Experts Influences their Detection Thresholds for Key Wine Compounds. Chem. Percept. (2011) 4:99–115 3‐methoxy‐2‐isobutylpyrazine Aroma Carvone • Thousands of odors • “Tip of nose” phenomenon 3‐methoxy‐2‐isopropylpyrazine musk odors == entirely different families 10 1/27/2014 Chemical irritation “Common chemical sense” or chemesthesia – Free endings of the trigeminal aka 5th cranial nerve – CO2 (tingle), capsaicin (burn), mustard (pungency), bite (raw onion), astringency (tannin), pain (chlorine) Dr • Often innate dislike (protection) but can be overcome and be pleasurable Astringency of 4 tannic acid samples (1.4 g/L) rated by LR (20), MR(37) and HR(20) subject groups Questions? “We live in our own sensory world – individual differences in sensory functioning … even with simple aromas and flavors … will not be similarly perceived as acceptable” R=Salivary responsiveness, Low, Medium, High Dinella et al., 2011, Chemical Senses Mela, D. Prepared Foods, July, 1996 11
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