limited warrai{ty - Customized Vinyl Sales
limited warrai{ty - Customized Vinyl Sales
pro LIMITED WARRAI{TY Procell Decking Systems arewarranted bytheManufacturer, PR0-CELL, L.L.C., t0 befreefromdefects in material andworkmanshio. paragraph, setforthinthefollowing occuning asa directresultof pr0cess, themanufacturing under normal useandservice, during theperiod stated andsubject to thetermsandconditions ofthis warranty. Thiswarranty isvalidonlyintheUnited States. distortion or collapse oftheground or supportino structure 0n which theProcell (c1naturally Decking System isinstalled: occurring including casualties impact of objects. earthquakes. tornados, hurricanes, lightening, flooding oractsol God:(d)improper handling, storage, neglect or misuse oftheproduct either bythe (e)improper Purchaser orthirdparties; application of paint 0r othersurface chemicals notrecommended bytheManufacturer; (f)adverse effects of airpollution andnormal weather of surfaces. Procell Decking Systems arewananted against manufacturing defects inmaterial peeling, andworkmanship thatresult inblistering, flaking, cracking, splitting, cupping, rotting 0rstructural defects OtherConditions fromtermites orfungal decay. TheManufacturer doesnotrecommend this0roduct forallend useapplications. Thisproduct is intended fordeck,boardwalk and Notilication piers.Local Code Authority should beconsulted before installation yourProcell Should Decking System showdefects atanypoint, ofandstructures withspecific loadbearing capacities orother zoning Purchaser/Homeowner mustnotifyProcell Decking Systems in coderequirements. ThisLifetime Limited Warranty isvalidonsinglewriting within30daysafterdiscovering theclaimed defect and family, residential applications only.Forallotherentities, suchas priorto beginning anyrepair oralteration to theProcell Decking commercial use.thiswariantyshallbein effectfor a periodoftwenty product. Systems Thenotice mustinclude a detailed description (20)years.THEWARRANTY STATEMENTS CONTAINED lN THIS oftheclaimed defect, a photograph(s) ofthedefect andproof-of- LIFETIME LIMITED WARRANTY SETFORTH THEONLY EXPRESS purchase. Allclaimrequests should bemailed to: WARRANTIES EXTENDED BYPROCELL DECKING SYSTEMS, IN LIEUOFALLOTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, PRO-CEII, L.L.G. INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY ANDFITNESS FORA PARTICULAR P.0.Box1680 PURPOSE, ANDTHEPROVISIONS OFTHISWARRANry SHALL Foley, At 36535 CONSTITUTE THEENTIRE LIABILITY OFPROCELL DECKING A reasonable purposes. SYSTEMS timeperiod should beallowed forinspection ANDTHEPROPERTY OWNER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY lf,afterinspection, theManufacturer determines thattheclaimisin FORBREACH OFTHISWARRANTY. PROCELL DECKING SYSTEMS accordance withthetermsofihisLifetime Limiied Warranty, the SHALLNOTBELIABLE TOTHEPROPERTY OWNER FOR Manufacturer willrepair or replace atitssolediscretion, thedefective INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FORBREACH OF purchase priceofthedefective ANYEXPRESS material, orwillrefund theoriginal ORIMPLIED WARRANTY ONTHISPRODUCT. material. TheManufacturer willnotbeliable forlabor and/or removal product costsconnected withtheclaim. Replacement willbeprovided Some states donotallowtheexclusion or limitation of incidental ascloset0theoriginal aspossible, although notguaranteed t0 match 0rconsequential damages, sotheabove limitations orexcluslons completely. Intheevent0f repairor replacement, theoriginal warranty maynotapplyto you.ThisLifetime givesyou Limited Warranty portion shallapplyto therepaired or replaced 0fthedecking material specific legalriqhtsandyoumayalsohaveotherrightsthatvary periodin effectai the andwillextend forthebalance of thewarranty fromstateto state. proved timethematerial defective. yourLifetime N0TE: Inordert0 register please Limited Warranty, Limitations complete andsigntheWarranty Registration Cardwithinforly-five ThisLifetime Limited Warranty isvoidif anyofthefollowing (45)dayso{purchase. Failure portions to dosomayvoidcertain (a)improper occurs: installation and/or failure to abidebythe ofthiswarranty. lf youdonothavea Warranty Registration Card, guidelines; Manufacturer's (b)movement, installation settling, call251-943-2916. olease E = { rTl (7 l. -Tl n1 { = rTl ? S, & e -o{ a ! - e a IE o c o ? zo 3 _o n_ F { q G L a a o a F ! a z L o 3 o t e P Io zC 3 r t o 3 :9t -o o I r I 3 f a_ 0 zo ;ar =' B a d 3 I a q 9 o . z I 'T1 ra r$F -af *fi 3Ed t- Fi Iy C s FT er- -F G B D 5 o o 7 a rn F d. 5 o o zc 3 q !l P F 7 2 z a o Iff r. o z a (A