Annual Report to the Community
Annual Report to the Community
albertina kerr report to the community 2010–2011 challenge the norm 7,215 Generous donors and community supporters 1,109 Children, adults and families served by Albertina Kerr 51,399 Hours dedicated by volunteers committed to our mission We are a community that stands together and challenges the norm to create a society that has no barriers. CRISIS PSYCHIATRIC CARE REACH OUT TO THE MOST VULNERABLE Like many teens, Jacob* is really into sports. He enjoys playing baseball and is a running back on his high school football team. The Steelers and the Dodgers can count him as one of their most enthusiastic fans. However, just a few short years ago Jacob wasn’t running down the field, he was running away from one foster home after another. Disconnected from his family and falling further into crisis, he finally found safety and security in the Crisis Psychiatric Care program at Albertina Kerr. This short term residential program provides a secure alternative to hospitalization for kids needing 24-hour supervision, a psychiatric evaluation and crisis stabilization. In addition, the staff works to develop a plan for the future while connecting children and families to the support they need. Kerr strives to provide a continuum of care to children based on their level of need. The goal is to ultimately return the child to their home, family, and community. Crisis Psychiatric Care (subacute) Typically a two-week residential stay that offers kids ages 6 to 18 a safe place to stay and 24-hour access to mental health professionals to address urgent mental health crises. The goals of the program are to stabilize children in crisis and provide effective mental health treatment. * A pseudonym has been used to protect privacy. 2 89 Percent of children had a decrease in behaviors such as self-harm and aggression 297 Children and their families served 83 Percent of children showed improvement in impulsivity, depression and anxiety Intensive treatment program & Youth group homes INCLUDED AND EMPOWERED When Jacob was ready to leave the Crisis Psychiatric Care program, he still needed a more intensive level of care. After moving over to Albertina Kerr’s Intensive Treatment Program, he started to learn how to talk about his concerns instead of using behavior to express his emotions. He learned how to live with other kids and to connect with staff members. Eventually, Jacob was ready for more independence and to be part of the community. At first, he moved into an Albertina Kerr Youth Group Home for kids who need the most supervision. While there, he “learned a lot of stuff…like life skills” and adjusted to living in a neighborhood, going to school and responsibility. He also discovered a need to speak out on behalf of other kids. Over time, Jacob has become an advocate for children throughout Kerr. In particular, he takes great pride in serving on the planning committee for the Kerr Games, a twice-yearly opportunity to come together, play sports and just be kids. 4 Intensive Treatment Program The only program of its kind in Oregon, the Intensive Treatment Program is a safe and secure residential treatment program for youth with developmental disabilities, many of whom have concurrent mental health challenges. Youth receive education, therapy, and life skills training. The goal is for every child to develop the stability and skills to successfully live in the community. YOUTH GROUP HOMES “ There aren’t many agencies that do more than Albertina Kerr for those most in need. The needs are major and Albertina Kerr has evolved to meet those needs.” Chris Brown, Emeritus Board Member Albertina Kerr neighborhood group homes for youth offer specialized care and treatment for children ages 7 to 18 with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges. Each home is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by direct care staff. They work as a team together with family members, psychiatrists, therapists and behavior support specialists to develop each child’s treatment plan to meet shared goals. Many residents have a history of abuse and neglect and have experienced multiple placements outside their own home. Moving to a Kerr group home allows youth to establish a safe, nurturing and stable home environment where they have their own room, healthy meals and an active life within their neighborhood. 19 Kids received services in the intensive treatment program 91 Children received services in 16 neighborhood group homes for youth 97 Percent of youth met their personal goals or are making progress Attorney, Garvey Schubert Barer 5 KERR BIKES becoming part of the community In time, Jacob demonstrated that he was ready for more independence. He took the opportunity to move to a group home for kids who were also ready to do more on their own. Today, he is a junior in high school and enjoys going to the park, meeting his friends at the mall and spending time on the internet. At first he says he didn’t want to talk to other kids at school, but becoming part of the football team has changed that. His teammates have become like family. Jacob also spent the summer working at Kerr Bikes, where he says he enjoyed learning job skills, how to work with customers and responsibility. He sees Albertina Kerr as a place where you can learn independence and how to advocate for yourself. 6 Kerr Bikes: Supporting the community Beyond providing great fun on the waterfront through bike rentals, Kerr Bikes also supports the community. All proceeds benefit Albertina Kerr and Kerr Bikes also employs people with developmental disabilities in meaningful jobs. You’ll see people who receive services from Albertina Kerr fixing up the bikes, giving directions, and handing out brochures, among other duties. Kerr Bikes, LLC Volunteer Board of Managers Shelley Barnes, Jerry Baysinger, Geoffrey Bruce, Keith Meyers, and David Streicher 440 Hours of job experience gained by teens and adults working at Kerr Bikes “ I’ve seen progress in myself since I’ve been here,” said Jacob. “If it wasn’t for the staff and the support that I got from them, I would still be running away.” Jacob, recipient of Kerr services 7 Community Inclusion & Intensive Community-Based Treatment A SOCIETY that has NO BARRIERS When Lori and Teresa* first connected with Albertina Kerr, their world was limited to home and family. The sisters, now in their 40s, both have developmental disabilities and have lived at home in Eugene for their entire lives, rarely venturing out as they got older. After their father passed away, mom was home alone with the sisters and needed help. She turned to Albertina Kerr. Today, with support from Kerr’s Community Inclusion services, a whole new world has opened up for Lori and Teresa. Two years ago, they started as volunteers picking up paper for recycling at a number of office buildings. That volunteer work has evolved into paid positions, their first jobs. They are also leading more independent lives, enjoying the movies, bowling, swimming, eating out and even producing work for art shows, from glass to beads. After 20 years at home, their mother is grateful that they have the opportunity to be part of the community: “They both have blossomed. I didn’t know all this was possible.” * Pseudonyms have been used to protect privacy. 8 Community Inclusion People with developmental disabilities have the opportunity to participate in the workforce, community activities and volunteer through Community Inclusion services. Increased independence, productivity, community integration and expanded social relationships are the result. 109 95 People took part in community inclusion Percent of personal goals partially or fully completed reason to smile Alice* had been removed from every single school, daycare or other program she attended for unruly behavior. With a divorce in the family, the situation intensified and her parents turned to the medical system for help. After ten days in the hospital, they finally found a safe setting for their daughter in Kerr’s Crisis Psychiatric Care program. The team at Albertina Kerr provided an environment where Alice could stabilize and developed a team to plan for her future. “Coming to Albertina Kerr allowed us to feel, as a family, that other people were seeing the same behavior,” said her mother. “We no longer felt alone.” After a brief stay, Alice was able to return to her family. Today, the team at Kerr continues to provide care through Intensive Community-Based Treatment Services. It has been a difficult road for her mother, “As a parent, it was scary to let go and put my trust in the professionals. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do but if we didn’t get something done right away, this could affect her entire life.” Today, for the first time, she is going to school every day. Alice has learned skills that allow her to take breaks and express what she needs in the classroom. The Kerr team still sees her and her family once a week, but she continues to progress toward a less intensive level of care. Her mother says, “She is a whole different child. It’s definitely been a positive experience although it was hard in the beginning.” * A pseudonym has been used to protect privacy. Intensive CommunityBased Treatment Services Community-based services for children ages 3 to 17 at risk of being removed from their home or school due to mental health challenges. In addition to help building strong connections within the community, the child and family may receive home-based therapy, skills training and access to a 24-hour helpline. 97 Children received treatment services 64 Percent of children showed improvement in high risk behaviors 100 Percent of families felt their family’s quality of life has improved 9 message from the chair & president JOIN US TO CHALLENGE THE NORM Change has always been at the heart of what we do here at Albertina Kerr. Since the day Kerr was founded in 1907, we have evolved to meet the changing needs of our community. What remains constant is our commitment to reaching out to the most vulnerable and challenging the norm to create a society that has no barriers. In this report, you’ve read the stories of people whose lives have changed thanks to you – our donors, volunteers, employees, families, partners and the community. By joining our army of angels and giving back, you ensure that we will be here to support children, adults and families with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges. And that’s one thing that will never change. Colin R. Cave, MD 2010-11 Chair, Board of Directors 10 Christopher J. Krenk, MSW President & CEO Our Mission Albertina Kerr partners with families and the community to support people with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges to lead self-determined lives and realize their full potential. Our Vision All children and adults with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges will thrive in nurturing homes and inclusive communities. albertina kerr 2010-11 Highlights Albertina Kerr’s board developed, long-term strategic plan includes five key goals. Here are the highlights of our progress this year: Goal 1: Expand programs and services A new transitional group home was opened for young adults ages 18 to 26 moving from a youth group home into an adult setting. They are now able to live with their peers before stepping into independent living or a traditional group home. Goal 2: Elevate Kerr to the “Employer of Choice” Three years into the current strategic plan, there is a 35 percent reduction in employee turnover, a 10 percent reduction in employee injuries and an improved quality of hire. Goal 3: Maintain and improve the stability and diversity of funding As the State of Oregon faced budget reductions, Albertina Kerr worked with advocates, peer associations and the community to communicate the importance of funding for services for people with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges. While many anticipated cuts to programs were not made, Kerr also moved to improve efficiencies to ensure the long-term stability of the organization. In addition, more than $1 million in planned gifts and an increase in event revenue helped increase funding for the organization this year. Goal 4: Increase awareness of Kerr In the second year of the Army of Angels campaign, awareness of Albertina Kerr increased an additional 11% in a survey of the general public. Goal 5: Define the best opportunities for long-term use of Kerr’s physical assets Many services previously housed at the Gresham Campus, including outpatient services, foster care, the family resource center, human resources and IT were moved to a new, short-term location at Cascade Station as plans are made for the long-term use of the campus. Albertina Kerr provides a wide range of mental health services for children and support for their families. We also provide care and skills training for people with developmental disabilities, serving people in their homes, in the community and in group homes. We serve individuals from throughout Oregon at facilities throughout the Willamette Valley, with services primarily offered in Clackamas, Lane, Marion, Multnomah, and Washington Counties. We also work with foster families in Northwest Oregon. Improving the lives of Oregonians in need for more than 100 years Established in Portland in 1907, Albertina Kerr has long supported children and families from a nursery and adoption center to supported living, employment and life skills training for people with developmental disabilities. Over the decades, our services have evolved to meet community needs. Today, we serve children and adults with mental health challenges and developmental disabilities. 11 ABOUT ALBERTINA KERR WHAT WE Do Albertina Kerr provides a continuum of services to children, adults and families living with mental health challenges and developmental disabilities. For adults with developmental disabilities & their families: Community Inclusion Group Homes for Adults Support for people with developmental disabilities provides the opportunity to participate in the workforce, volunteer, join in community activities and pursue hobbies that enrich their lives, leading to increased independence and community involvement. A total of 109 people took part in Albertina Kerr’s community inclusion services last year with 95 percent on their way to or completing personal goals. Albertina Kerr runs twenty-eight neighborhood homes in Clackamas, Lane, Marion, Multnomah, and Washington counties that offer 24-hour support and individual growth opportunities to adults with developmental disabilities. Last year, Kerr provided services to 117 people with 96 percent either on their way to or having completed their personal goals. Supported Living A support system for adults with developmental disabilities that provides opportunities to create their own living situation based on their needs and goals. Four people received supported living services. 12 For children & families: Family Resource Center Crisis Psychiatric Care (Subacute) A place where families raising a child with mental health challenges and/or developmental disabilities can find support, answers to questions and gather for activities and events. Due to the relocation of the center, a change in staff leadership and the closing of a major community partner, the family resource center was only open part of the year and served 30 families. Short-term residential care (usually less than two weeks) and 24-hour access to mental health professionals for children with urgent mental health crises. Children are stabilized and families connected with long-term services and support. This year, Kerr provided short-term crisis psychiatric care for 297 children who posed an immediate danger to themselves or others. Ninety-seven percent of children were stabilized and able to successfully transition to a less intensive level of care, including returning home. Foster Care Safe and caring homes for foster children with mental health challenges as well as developmental disabilities. Foster care providers receive extensive training and 24-hour support. Last year, Kerr provided foster care for 106 children with both mental health challenges and developmental disabilities. More than 80 percent of families report that they feel they have more resources and support available. Group Homes for Youth Sixteen group homes where 91 youth ages 8 to 18 with developmental disabilities and mental health challenges found around-the-clock support and life skills training in a safe and secure setting. Ninetyseven percent of the youth met their personal goals or are making significant, positive progress. Intensive Treatment Program A safe and secure treatment program for youth with developmental disabilities, many of whom also have mental health challenges. This program is the only one of its kind in Oregon. This year, 19 youth were served. Community-Based Mental Health Services Outpatient, early childhood and intensive communitybased mental health services for children and their families provided in the child’s home, school and community. In the intensive community-based mental health services program, Kerr served 97 low-income children, ages 4 to 17, with emotional and behavioral health challenges who were at risk of losing their home or school placement. Therapy, skills training, and intensive behavioral support allowed 77% of children to remain safely in their home setting. Kerr provided community-based outpatient services to 207 children with 79 percent of families reporting that they felt their child is better at handling daily life. In addition, Kerr served 32 very young children in the early childhood outpatient services program. All 32 children showed improvement. 13 FOUNDATION & ORGANIZATION AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIALS Consolidated Statement of Activities Year ending June 30, 2011 Oregon’s Investment in Kerr PRIVATE SOURCES OF SUPPORT Government Contracts $36,987,316 Contributions and Grants 1,941,955 Events474,852 Volunteer-Managed Businesses, Net Sales 420,755 Income & Net Appreciation of Investments 1,090,275 Total Revenue Grants VolunteerManaged Businesses Events $40,915,153 15% 15% 17% 53% Contributions Kerr’s Investment in Oregon Program Services $34,208,250 Management2,773,590 Fundraising459,741 Volunteer-Managed Businesses 357,080 Total Expenses INVESTMENT IN OREGON Cost Benefit $37,798,661 9% 91% Consolidated Statement of Financial Position Assets Cash Contract & Contributions Receivable Investments Property & Equipment Other Assets Total Assets 20112010 $5,079,051$4,216,666 2,162,175 4,489,132 7,924,0223,901,209 9,501,836 8,984,858 457,121 423,619 $25,124,205 $22,015,484 Liabilities Payables & Accrued Liabilities Deferred Revenue Long Term Debt $3,347,799 48,689 1,299,255 $3,196,297 116,863 1,390,354 Total Liabilities $4,695,743 $4,703,514 $20,428,462 $17,311,970 Net Assets 14 Despite ongoing challenges in our state economy, Albertina Kerr has responded well to funding cuts from government sources through efficient management of its resources and solid fundraising efforts. Strong operational performance, combined with favorable investment returns and some generous estate gifts, enabled Albertina Kerr to increase its unrestricted net assets by 22% for the year. Through strong fiscal management, Albertina Kerr has been able to increase our reserves to better position us to handle the impact of further funding cuts and uncertain economic conditions that lie ahead. In addition, we have continued our commitment to financial stewardship, with our recent audit producing no management letter findings. EARN YOUR WINGS When everyday people reach out to the most vulnerable and give back to their community, they become part of Albertina Kerr’s Army of Angels. It’s easy to earn your wings: Volunteer Attend an event Whether you’re interested in becoming a visiting friend, baking birthday cakes for people living in group homes or working as a server in Albertina’s Restaurant and Shops, we offer meaningful volunteer experiences that really make a difference. Have a great time at our events and give back at the same time. Join us for the Kerr Classic Golf dinner and tournament, the Spotlight on Kerr gala and the Race for the Roses half marathon, 10k and 5k races. Get a glimpse inside Kerr’s work at the Snapshot Series events and the Annual Meeting & Community Awards. Give Donations of money, goods, and services are always appreciated and used wisely. Private support makes this important work possible and we are committed to being good stewards of your generosity, putting 91 cents of every dollar to work for those most in need. Visit Albertina’s Restaurant & Shops Earning your wings is easy when you enjoy lunch, brunch or a private event at volunteer-run Albertina’s Restaurant. Plus, pick up some great gifts, antiques or collectibles and gently used treasures at The Shops. Work for Kerr Take a spin on a Kerr Bike When you join Albertina Kerr as a staff member or a foster parent, you become part of a team motivated to provide innovative and excellent programs, services and care to those in need. Enjoy the waterfront on a fun bike rental from Kerr Bikes and know that while you are having a good time, you are also giving back and providing job experience for people with developmental disabilities. 15 Albertina Kerr’s Army of Angels Guardian ANGELS SOCIETY Each Guardian Angels Society member has made Albertina Kerr part of their estate plans or created a life income gift, helping us build a solid foundation for the future. Fritz and Lynn Bartsch recently decided to join the society. “Albertina Kerr has demonstrated its leadership and superior fiscal responsibility,” said Fritz and Lynn. “Because Kerr effectively manages its resources, 91 cents of each dollar goes directly to its programs and services. Our legacy gift will be well utilized.” 2010-11 LEGACY GIFTS Albertina Kerr received extraordinary legacy gifts this year from volunteers, supporters and community members who have passed away. Their gifts are invested in Kerr’s endowment where proceeds will fund future community needs. Betty Allen, Lois Colliver, Howard Dietrich, Sr., Anna Jamison, Hattie Kielhorn, Jane Winks-Kilkenny, Dennis Panichello, Marjorie Ann Parks, Louise Smith “ With our legacy gift, we hope that Kerr’s services and programs be available to those most in need, long beyond our time.” - Fritz & Lynn Bartsch 16 Thank you for reaching out to the most vulnerable and giving back as donors and volunteers in 2010-11. Your generosity has helped change the lives of the people who receive services from Albertina Kerr. Guardian Angels Society David and Karole Wilson Muriel Woolley Each member of the Guardian Angels Society has made Albertina Kerr part of their estate plans or created a life income gift, helping us build a solid foundation for the future. Champion Angels Gift Society Anonymous Donors Virginia Ammons Fritz and Lynn Bartsch Charles Beek Darlene Benjamin Eleanor Boxx Lee Carson Dion Cole Jean Cory Patricia L. Cudahy Beulah V. Dennis Andy F. and Pat Dignan Kevin and Genevieve Director Marcia J. Director Dorothy Emig Gwen Foley Edson C. and Jeanne B. Gaylord Helen R. Harris Barbara Hood Conner Gordon Janney Curtis Jantze Charmaine Jensen Alison Jones Helen M. Kelly Georgia Koehler Chris Krenk and Nell Babcock James and Joan Leigh Ardath Lilleland Helen Lindgren Jodi Lippert and Timothy L. Barr Jerry L. Martin Merry M. Meek Joan R. Morton Greg and Sandra Mottau Marjorie E. Mottau Renee Nevegold Clarice L. Norman Frances S. Palk Jackie Panner Carl Pearson Marty and Dick Phillippi Robert and Dorothy Poznanski Dawn Pratt Harry Tarbell Peter Thompson and Suzanne Spitler Thompson Marta and Kenneth Thrasher James and Christina Trolinger William and Lila Ulrich Caroline J. Wann B. Joanne Weaver Comprised of our closest individual donors who contribute $1,000 or more annually, we thank them for their essential support. Founders $500,000 + Dennis Panichello Estate Founders $100,000 + Hattie Kielhorn Estate Marjorie Ann Parks Estate Founders $25,000 + Lois Colliver Estate Anna Jamison Estate Helen H. Lindgren* David and Lori Manougian Louise Smith Estate James and Christina Trolinger Founders $10,000 + Jan Barrett Roger Cooke and Joan Cirillo Edson C. and Jeanne B. Gaylord David Reinhart David and Karole Wilson Founders $5,000 + Betty Allen Estate Fritz and Lynn Bartsch Jerry and Donna Baysinger Carl Cadonau Jr. and Phyllis Cadonau Howard N. Dietrich Sr. Estate Dr. and Mrs. John C. English, MD Alan and Sharon Folkman Bill Furman Barbara and Robert Godel Robert and Roje Gootee Yoshiaki Hasebe Susan Hellstedt Jim Mendenhall Richard Olazaba Charles and Darci Swindells Martin Taylor and Connie Seeley Kim Thale Keren Brown Wilson PhD and Michael Deshane Jane Winks Kilkenny Estate Benefactors $2,500 + Kay and Roy Abramowitz Harold C. Babcock Gavin and Canoise Brown Larry and Gayle Cable Richard Codanti Mariel Combs, JD and Jason Yamamoto Richard and Maggie Drake Deanne Foster Ron and Annie Foster Angela and Nathan Hult Gordon Janney Mary and Daniel Lago Ross Lienhart and Sheila Edwards-Lienhart Merry M. Meek Celia and Jerry Murphey Danny Nelson Bill and Debbie Newcomer Charla Ray Misty and Ray Rivoli Tom Rocca Dave and Julie Sobolik Jennifer Song Ken and Marta Thrasher President’s Circle $1,500+ Dave and Glenda Andersen Lacey Bartels Doug and Terri Bogen Marsha and Richard Buono Colin Cave, MD Megan Combs and Craig Little Jean Cory Lance and Cristi Dayton Margot Dewart Jeanne and Brian Farr Debbie Greene Stephen and Vicki Jackson Sandra and Arthur James Georgia Koehler Joan Lawler Guy and Marian Martin Joan Morton Greg and Sandra Mottau Dave and Ruth Murray Verne and Jean Newcomb Jackie Nigh Claudine and Craig Payne Patricia and Ron Peterson Craig and Liz Rusch Don Rutherford Rich and Denise Smith Loren J. Stolin Craig M. Thompson Sandra Watson Connie West Craig and Sue Westling Kingsley and Kelly Wick Jack and Ginny Wilborn Gary and Katie Withers Champions $1,000 + Thelma J. and Merril M. Adkisson Virginia L. Ammons Jonathan and Deanne Ater Kelly Ballas Ken Barker and Jeff Stookey Shelley and Gary Barnes Sam Bars and Bobbi Jo Shrum Barbara Bradshaw Gina and Karl Brimner Don and Patricia Cassady in memory of Amelia Puustinen Bristow Barbara Hood Conner Larry Davis and Linda Locker Ed and Carole Dayoob Andy F. and Pat Dignan Dustin and Crystal Edens Larry and Joan Ellis Matthew and Jasmin Felton Paul Frisch Douglas and Traci Greenberg Lois Gibson Jim Gustafson Tom and Sandy Hageman Mark and Patty Hall Gladys Hawthorne Patsy Heinlein Jerry and Sharyn Hoffert Edward and Teresa Hostmann Peter and Jan Jacobsen Terri and Art Johnstone Elsie Jones and Ron Allen Helen M. Kelly Joyce and Kevin Kerstiens Jean Kircher Dean and Kenneth Kirn Jan Kooning Chris Krenk and Nell Babcock Ed and Marilyn Lacy Priscilla Lewis RN, MBA Jodi Lippert and Timothy L. Barr Tom Lorish, MD and Sarah Lorish Sal and Laura Maglietta Phillip Margolin Jerry L. Martin Linda and David McCammon J. Bart McMullan, Jr., MD and Patricia Dunahugh Keith and Debi Meyers Stephany Mo Greg and Diane Morgan Ron and Judy Mundt Steven Naito Anton and Angie Oehlert Gary and Bette Parks Chip and Christianna Pierce Traci and Bob Richardson Barbara Robbins Margaret Rowland MD and Art LaFrance Alan and Anita Ruderman William and Susan Ruecker David and Sheila Scott Susan J. and Duane D. Stanley Vic and Chris Stibolt Marsha and Steve Straus David Streicher and Gretchen Downey Daniel Striplin Serilda Summers-McGee and Charles McGee June and William Tagmyer Jerry and Terri Thale Jay Tinker John and Randi Thoma Peter Thompson and Suzanne Spitler Thompson Karin Wandtke B. Joanne Weaver David Zier Individual, Corporate, Group and Foundation Donors * Represents gift total for multi-year commitment Gifts $300,000 + Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund* Portland Children’s Levy* Gifts $100,000 + Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission* Gifts $50,000 + City of Gresham Community Development Block Grant Funds Greenlayer Sports JFR Foundation Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon Gifts $20,000 + The Collins Foundation Entercom Portland KPTV-Fox 12 The Quadrant Corporation The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation* Gifts $10,000 + Cal Weld CareOregon Comcast SportsNet Henry Lea Hillman, Jr. Foundation Kaiser Permanente The Oregon Community Foundation Oregon Convention Center PacificSource Health Plans Partners on Demand Precision Castparts Corp. Riverbend Youth Center Safeway Foundation Subaru of America, Inc. - Portland Zone Swagelok Northwest Tournament Golf Foundation, Inc. United Way of the Columbia- Willamette UnitedHealthcare Wentworth Subaru Gifts $5,000 + AA Sports, Ltd. American Property Management Andersen Construction Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Baysinger Partners Architecture Boyd Coffee Company CresaPartners - Portland Dave Shepard Enterprises Inc. Hoover Family Foundation Oregon Juan Young Trust McKay Family Foundation Nike Employee Grant Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation CHAMPION ANGELS GIFT SOCIETY This society, whose 157 members contributed a total of $271,000 in 2010-2011, was established in 2004 to recognize individuals who have made an annual contribution of $1,000 or more and to encourage others to join. Chair: David Streicher Committee: Chris Adamek, Shelley Barnes, Fritz Bartsch, Larry Davis, Chris Krenk, Merry Meek, Tony Seashore, Rich Smith, Serilda Summers Holiday Giving Each year, the Holiday Giving Committee coordinates the grant a wish and giving tree program to ensure that people served by Albertina Kerr receive a holiday gift. In 2010-2011, hundreds of gifts were delivered and nearly $62,500 was raised. Committee: Vanessa Crawford, Rose Livengood, IBEW & United Workers Federal Credit Union, Karin Wandtke, McDonald Jacobs, P.C. 17 Albertina Kerr’s Army of Angels THE OLD KERR NURSERY ASSOCIATION Celebrating 30 years of service to our community, more than 460 volunteers of the Old Kerr Nursery Association gave an impressive 42,522 hours of service last year. The volunteer-run Albertina’s Restaurant and Shops are not only a Portland icon, all the tips and proceeds help support Albertina Kerr programs. Chair: David Widmark Committee: Marsha Buono, Mary Ann “Miki” Herman, Kathy Jaffe, Ron Kaplan, JD, Merry Meek, Ernie Oliver, Mary Polivka, Ann Uphoff, Ann Warner, Connie West, Jackie Wilhite “ I think giving back is important not only to be of service to the community but for yourself.” Connie West, 30 Year Volunteer “ It makes me happy to use the skills that I have to help other people.” Marsha Buono, 30 Year Volunteer 18 OCF Joseph E. Weston Public Foundation The ODS Companies Oregon Sports Authority Foundation Pacific Power Foundation PGA TOUR Portland Trail Blazers Providence Health & Services - Oregon Region The Rite Aid Foundation The Swigert Foundation Charlie Swindells Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation The TJX Foundation Trikke of Oregon, LLC TriMet U.S. Bank/U.S. Bancorp Foundation Union Bank Wessinger Foundation Wheeler Foundation Wilfs Restaurant & Bar Willamette Week Winderlea Vineyard and Winery Gifts $2,500 + ACME Business Consulting, LLC Ater Wynne LLP BNC Printing and Graphics Bob’s Red Mill BridgePort Brewery Bull Mountain Orthodontics Combined Federal Campaign Comcast Compli Distillery Row Finish Line Youth Foundation Fit Right Northwest Running and Walking Store Foster Family Care Network Free Geek Gary McGee & Co. Google Headsweats HN Cox Development Group Ltd Howard S. Wright Constructors Integra Telecom, Inc. Howard Wallis Irwin & Dorise Carlyon Hinton Irwin Foundation Marion Baird Janney Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Juan Young Fund VII of The Oregon Community Foundation LARABAR Mercer Health & Benefits Multnomah Education Service District Nike, Inc. Oregon Charitable Checkoff Pacific Continental Bank Perkins & Company, P.C. Portland Timbers Portland Timbers Community Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation SOYJOY Sunshine Dairy Foods Sysco Food Services of Portland, Inc Team in Training Oregon Chapter Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust Union Pacific Foundation United Salad Walters Family Foundation West Coast Event Productions, Inc. Gifts $1,500 + Alaska Airlines Beighley & Associates, Inc. Bella Casa Bradshaw Advertising The Robert Brady Charitable Trust Broadmoor Woman’s Club C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation Cascadian Farm Don Rutherford Construction The Duvoisin Group Gilkey International Middle School Horizon Christian Elementary School Jackson Foundation Arthur M. James Family Foundation Jeff Sanders Promotions Justa Pasta Morgan Stanley Foundation NIKE Employee Matching Gift Program Oregon Screen Impressions Oregon Sports Network Payless Shoesource Portland General Electric Employee Giving Campaign Portland Police Bureau Sunshine Division Project Enterprise Simpatica Catering & Dining Hall The Standard TaylorMade Golf Tripwire, Inc. Gifts $1,000 + Alexander & Baldwin Foundation Ashforth Pacific, Inc. Ater Family Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Avnet Contributions Council Beaverton Florists Black Helterline LLP Doot Doot, LLC. Give with Liberty Golf Channel Dan and Irene Hunter Fund at The Seattle Foundation Levi Strauss & Co Merta J. Mason Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation McDonald Jacobs, P.C. Mortgage Trust, Inc. Multnomah Athletic Foundation Munich Reinsurance America, Inc. Omega Audio Ruderman Philanthropic Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Sunrise Bagels and More, Inc. Sweets Etc. Tagmyer Family Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation 3 Leg Torso Wilson Construction Co. Yolo Colorhouse Gifts $500 + Christopher and Heather Adamek Ray and Jean Auel Steven and Mary Baker Banfield Charitable Trust Bank of America Merrill Lynch Charles Beek Vera Bennett Best Western University Inn & Suites Peter Bhatia and Liz Dahl The Frank and Margaret Bitar Foundation Bradshaw Frame and Gallery Verna Branch Gwen Burns James and Lorraine Bushek Lee Carson and Jeremy Hyatt Jerome Casey Kirsten and Chad Chambers Chubb & Woodruff-Sawyer Oregon, Inc. Mary Clark Vern Crawford Patrick and Monica Criteser Jason and Alyssa Dalton Rene Deras Shawn and Jen DuBurg Dylan Leeds Design Eaton Electrical Joseph Emerson and Ann Brayfield Sheila and Aaron Engstrom Evan Pilchik Photography Patricia and Myron Fleck Scott Fleming Flowers by Dorcas, Inc. Susan and Ian Ford James Foster Kathleen Francis Roseann Freitag Jennifer Gilstrap Lisa Gitelson DMD Jim Hajek William and Martha Hall William and Linda Hammersley Ryan and Kristin Headrick Heffernan Insurance Brokers JD and Dee Hill Roger Hinshaw HP Company Foundation Ruth and Edwin Hutchinson and Family, Barrie, Gay, Mark and Brent Iverson Meat Company JW Marriottt San Francisco Paul and Lynn Kelly Kimberli Ransom Photography Cynara Ko Joan Kuni Thomas and Marcy Lasley Tricia and J.B. Leahy Life To The Max Foundation Stephanie and Kevin Lynch William C. and Jani E. McCormick Douglas Morris JD and Miranda Carney-Morris Tom and Tamara Muldoon Neil Kelly Company Karl and Arlene Nelson Northwest Children’s Theater & School A Nose for Wine Ocean Beauty Seafood Ovations Food Services Pepsi Bottling Group Donna Philbrick and Duncan Kretovich Tatyana Polyakova Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Preble Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club Race Center Northwest Fritz and David Rankin Renaissance Wines Harley and Kristin Roberts Betsy Russell Tom Rymanowicz Joan L. Samsel Anthony and Kim Seashore John and Daphne Settle David and Xuan Sibell Julia and Michael Sims SMART Cate and Jeff Soulages Southwest Airlines Barb and Steve Spence TS Construction Management Daniel and Makiko Villeneuve Caroline J. Wann William C. Woods Gifts $100 + Colleen and Chuck Aaker Ronald and Elaine Aase Accanto Restaurant Jerry and Cindy Adamek Bruce and Susan Adams Lisa and Jarrod Adams Jani P. Aden Aegis Capital Inc. Valerie Aitchison Ivy Akui Carole Alexander Sharon Alexander John Alger Barbara Allen The Allison Richard D. and Denise G. Allman Marie Amacher American Medical Response Alice Anderson Earl H. and Jeanette L. Anderson Shirley M. Anderson Shirley Anderson Kip and Kimberly Andress Adelaide Andrews Archery Summit Ardiri Winery and Vineyards Argyle Winery Artists Repertory Theatre Atiyeh Bros., Inc. Nelson and Susan Atkin Ted and Kathi Austin Marian J. Avena Angela Ayres Betty Jo Bachmeier Rachelle and Clyde Bagley David and Carol Baker Joann Baker David Bartels The Bartick Family Thomas and Mary Bartlett John and Joanne Bastian Larry and Jan Beaudoin Doris Beck Bert and Mary Lou Becker Neil and Marcia Bednarczyk Hal and Ellen Beighley Darlene Benjamin Benjamin Moore & Co Mark and Pamala Berge Family Rosalie Betschart B. Clay Biberdorf and Erika Shuster Big Winds Sandra Birkner and David Crout Steven and Elaine Blackhurst Owen and Lynn Blank Stan and Judy Blauer Richard Blickle Ann Blume Nancy Boden Rokus and Scott Rokus Randy and Kim Boehm BoldTrek, Inc. Carol Booth Craig Boretz Fidelia and Gary Boshears Jim Bradley Judith Breen Bremik Construction Marni Brinkley Kay S. Bristow Shirley Brock Ann and Bob Brockamp Bonnie Brown and Don McKelvey Cynthia Brown Kristin and Matt Brownfield Dorothy Bruck Joel Bruhn Barb and Tom Buchholz Steve and Marcelle Buck Patricia Budo David Bull Virginia Burns Martha Butler C & G Wines Lois Callaghan A. D. and Catalina Capellan Roland Carfagno Tom and Linda Carson Carter Family Dick Casali and Anne Wang and Family Jonathan Caver Celilo Restaurant & Bar CherryWood Village Retirement Community Margaret Christenson Clackamas County Event Center Joseph Clark Jr. Elyse Clawson Mark Clift Martin and Barbara Cloe Courtney Clouatre and Jay Bagdanoff SPOTLIGHT ON KERR More than 320 guests stepped into a different era at our carnivalthemed gala on February 18. Together, they raised more than $219,000 during the evening of dining, auctions and games. Leadership Committee: Kirsten Chambers, Mariel Combs, Traci Richardson, Kim Thale Volunteer Committee: Gwen Butler, Colin Cave, Susan Ford, Emily Gleason, Angela Hult, Courtney Mersereau, Doug Morris, Jen Tate, Michelle Timpani, Danielle Wallace, Keren Brown Wilson Platinum Sponsors: Precision Castparts Corp. Gold Sponsors: Ater Wynne LLP, CareOregon, Concepts in Community Living & JFR Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, Providence Health & Services - Oregon Region, Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon, Union Bank 19 Albertina Kerr’s Army of Angels ANNUAL MEETING & COMMUNITY AWARDS More than 250 people attended the 104th Annual Meeting and Community Awards on October 25. Guest speaker Rachel Simon, author of Riding the Bus with My Sister, reminded us of the importance of Albertina Kerr’s community-based care and its impact on individuals and families. Silver Circle Award: The Old Kerr Nursery Association was founded to help support the work of Albertina Kerr. Albertina’s Restaurant and Shops have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to support vital services over the past 30 years. Outstanding Foundation Support: Since 1947, the Collins Foundation has generously helped fund services to the most vulnerable in our community. Over the years, they have played a crucial role in providing support that helped Albertina Kerr make advances in innovation and care including our low lift project and youth group home improvement projects. Outstanding Community Support, Business: Precision Castparts Corp., has supported the work of Kerr both financially and through the time and talents of its leadership. A long time sponsor of various events, Precision Castparts has played an important role in ensuring that children, adults and families in our community get the services they need from Albertina Kerr. Community Service Award: Jim and Christina Trolinger have been involved with Albertina Kerr for more than a decade. Their time, dedication and generosity have made a significant impact on those we support today and into the future. Over the years, the Trolingers have also been an inspiration to others, engaging their staff at Swagelok NW (US). 20 Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cohen Barbara Coit Yeager Maribeth Collins Annie Combe and Tami Hess Jim and Libby Combs Joe Connors and Linda Schmidt Contractor Plan Center, Inc. Lou Conway Lois and William Costine George Coveney Lorraine and Graham Covington Stuart Cox and Richard Gerstl Allan and Jennifer Coyle Earl and Joanne Cramer Brown Kristen Crockett John and Margaret Crowell Bruce and Kathryn Cunningham Daedalus Cellars Maureen and Anthony D’Agostino Sharon Dagsland Chris and Nancy Dalengas Daughters of Penelope Cindy Davis Karla and Steve Dearborn Alan and Tomoko DeLaTorre William Denecke Beulah Dennis James and Rita Deweese Cindy Dickerson Domaine Drouhin Oregon Domaine Serene Sandy and Jim Donahue Richard Dowsett and Elizabeth Reis Harry and Kathleen Dozier Eileen and Bruce Drake Barbara Dunham Bob Durgan Durham & Bates Agencies, Inc. Richard and Rebecca Dusa Jr. DWA Trade Show & Exposition Services Lanee and Thomas Edwards Elizabeth and John Ehrsam Lois & Glenn Elliott Robert and Rosemary Emmerich Arthur Etheridge Jenna Evans Mary Jane Everist Scott and Cynthia Everist Virginia Everton Gerald Exley, Jr. Exxon Mobil Foundation Mobil Retiree Matching Gifts Program Edward Feldhousen Jane and Edward Fennell Sue and Kimball Ferris Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Joanna and Steven Fief Maureen and Mike Fisher Valerie Fisher Ed and Judith Fletcher Elaine D. Flowerree Flowerree Foundation David and Phi Ford Hank and Linda Fore Millard and Donna Forell Forest Grove Curves Rebecca Fortuine Milton Fox Linda Frank Matthew Franklin Margaret and Roger Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Freysinger Paul and Nancy Frisch Jennifer Frozena Thomas and Doris Galt Doris Gardiner Bill and Colleen Gardner Garmin Garnish Apparel Russ and Stephanie Garrow Bill Gascoigne Vickie Gates Carolyn and Tom Gavin Geffen Mesher & Co. Flora Geiger Patricia Gentry and Leo Gentry II George Fox University Arthur and Patricia Gerlach Darlene and Charles Gilbert Daniel Gilden and Alison Fulmer Janette and Robert Gill David and Delores Gillmor Carol Girt Jeffrey and Christy Gladheim Vicki Glasco Emily Gleason Marsha and Jack Gleason Jon Goodrich Robert Grafe Patti and Ron Grant Grape Escape Winery Tours Patsy Graves Sara Gray Greenbrier Companies David Grindy Atul Gupta Grace Hafdahl Mike and Robin Hageman Bill and Carol Hall Arlene and John Halvorson Jean Hamlin Arley and Mira Hartley Hart’s Tarts Josephine Hatfield Hawks View Cellars The Heathman Hotel Bob and Francy Heffernan Gary and Beverly Heitz Greg and Tina Held Gary and Karen Helzer Dan and Debbie Hempy Sharon and Charles Hering Carol Herman Mauro Hernandez and Ken Morrison Kathleen Hessel Zilda Heusinkveld Mary Higgins Higgins Restaurant and Bar Hillsboro Law Center Alan Hoffer Michelle Hofmann Christie Hogueisson Nancy Holden Diane Hoobler and Jeffrey Curtis Erin and Stan Hubert Joel and Debra Huffman Julie and Sam Hughes Karleen Hulbert Mary and Steve Hull Wendy Hunter and Brian Kulhanjian Robert and Cecelia Huntington Intel Corporation Alex and Courtney Jackson Elisabeth and Jean Pierre Jacqmotte Nancy Jaksich Meg and Stephen James Julie Jelline and John Barker Jane Jensen Kenneth and Sandra Jernstedt Kirk and Judith Johansen Ann Johnson Jason and Kaitlin Johnson Maurita and Stephen Johnson Sarena Johnson Kristin Johnson-Shadley and Michael Shadley Karen Justice David Kamens Ron and Linda Kaplan Gary and Patricia Keaveny Kells Irish Retaurant & Pub Mary Anne Kenworthy Louis Kenyon Andrew and Marjorie Kerr Kettle Foods, Inc. Marianne King Lloyd and Maryon Kinsey Paul and Monica Kirk Kivel & Howard, LLP Marguerite E. Kleger Kelly and Michael Klein Jeff Knapp Christiane and Tom Kraemer Stephanie Kralevich and Chris Campbell Marvin and Mary Krenk Linda and Thomas Krippaehne Deborah and Robert Kross L & L Exhibition Management Arnold Labby, PhD and Eva Labby Laborers’ Union Local No. 121 Ladies Social Club Grieg Lodge 2-15 Lago di Merlo Vineyards & Winery Lake Oswego Junior Women’s Club Carol and Richard Lalli Dina Lang Lara Blair Images Rose Marie Lathrop Jim and Joan Leigh Thomas and Arlene Lemieux Leon Family Jill Leonetti Harriet Lesher Ardath Lilleland Earl Lillevig Sharon Lindersmith Elaine Linne Donald Lombard Jeanine Lopez Chris and Linda Loughran Larry Lovelady Jacob Lowen Penny and James Luening Laurie and Robert Lusk Lesley Ma Veronica MacDonald Heather MacPherson Michelle and Chris Madsen Tracy Madsen Megan and Scott Maitland Eloise Mark Mary Marr Peter Mason Thomas and Julie Mathews Barbara and Bill Mathey Matt and Sarah Mattecheck Sue Mautz Rachel McAdam Joyce and Douglas McCulloch Marilyn McDonald and Wilford Weeks Jean McDowell Dave and Kim McElwee Steven & Linda McGeady Foundation Martin and Catherine McLendon Jo Anne McMahan Ellen E. McMillan Scott McMullin Jack and Carolyn McMurchie Jean and Willis McNeil Jeremy and Heather McPherson McTavish Shortbread Don Meadows Mel-Ken Motors, Inc Robert and Robin Mesher Metrovino Karolyn Meyers Craig Miller Amy and Colin Miner Milton and Phyllis Mittelstedt Regina Mockmore John Mohlis Daniel Monaghan, Jr. and Sheila Monaghan Daniel E. Montag and Kathryn M. Martinson Montero Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Sylvia Montero Charles Moore, M.D. Jason Moore and Manami Yaguchi James Morgan Adele Morley Julie Morris Melinda Morris Marie Morrison Marjorie Mottau Laurie Munro Bloch Pat Murray-Kuhnhausen and E. Ross Kuhnhausen Music Millenium Mary Myers Armando and Jean Navarro Paula and David Neher Nel Centro Jane Ellen and Lem Nelson Madeline Nelson and Jim Lafky Teresa and Curt Nelson New Seasons Market Richard and Sally Newlands Patricia Nichols Linda Nicoll Heidi Nielsen and David Combe Jeanine and George Nordling Peter and Suzie Norman Theadore Norton Nostrana Noventus Solutions Jennie and Robert O’Connor Odom Southern Distributors Kathy and Robert Okano Michael and Gloria Olin Kathleen Olsen Thomas and Mary-Mariah Olson OMSI Oregon & Southern Idaho District Council of Laborers Oregon Ballet Theatre Oregon International Air Show Oregon Shakespeare Festival Herb Ozer and Sandra Taylor Alyssa Pace and John Olson Pacific Machinery & Tool Steel Co. Raymond Packouz Andrew and Wendy Palau Daniel and Maylene Park Park Kitchen Judy Parks Metta and Roger Parsons Frankie and James Paulson Pazzo Ristorante Pearl Bakery Carl Pearson Penner Family Lindsay Perkins Natalie Perrin Patti Perrin June Petticord The Phoenician Resort Spa Plants Beautiful Janet Plog Por Que No Taqueria Donalda Porter Portland Garden Club - Hort X Portland Nursery Portland Spirit Portland Team Fitness Joseph Poulin Precision Images Marvin and Betty Prestwood PRG Horseless Carriage Club of America - Ladies Auxillary Rose Prihar Providence Festival of Trees Provvista Speciality Foods Dave and Carol Pullin Brian Puziss Ms. Sally Quimby-Peterson Knute and Gloria Qvale Mary Lou Raffety Rafia Dental Nancy and Steve Randleman Linda Rasmusson Ms. Raube and Mr. Behnke Red Lion Hotels Kathleen Reed Christine Reeder Kelly Reeves Norine Reres David Ressler and Robert Berger Debra and William Richard Jan Roberts Patricia Roberts Susan and Steven Roberts Manfred Robinson Nancy and Don Robison Miriam and Harvey Rogers The Rose Quarter RACE FOR THE ROSES More than 5,000 runners, walkers and volunteers took part in Portland’s favorite half-marathon, 10K and 5K races and raised more than $275,000. Event Chair: Jason Yamamoto Volunteer Committee: Rivah Beaty, Jessica Brandes, Anja Bump, Allison Gourley, Alli Graham, Bob Gravely, Jeremy Hyatt, Kyle Liljegren, Amanda Meyer, Dan McGrath, Heidi Nielsen, Erinn Warner Title Sponsor: Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon Presenting Sponsors: Subaru and Wentworth Subaru, UnitedHealthcare Platinum Sponsors: Charlie 97.1, 94.7 Alternative Portland, Fit Right NW, Fox 12, GreenLayer Gold Sponsors: AA Sports, BNC Printing and Graphics, Bob’s Red Mill, Boyd Coffee Company, BridgePort BrewPub, Oregon Convention Center, Sunshine Dairy Foods, Swagelok NW (US), Willamette Week 21 Albertina Kerr’s Army of Angels KERR GOLF CLASSIC The 19th annual golf tournament raised more than $123,000 on September 15 and 16. An exclusive dinner and auction was hosted by Wilfs Restaurant & Bar and followed by golf the next day at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club. Event Chair: Dave Manougian Volunteer Committee: Chris Adamek, Sam Bars, Jerry Baysinger, Greg Mottau, Adele’ Nofield, David Reinhart, John Thoma, Jim Trolinger, Casey Waage Title Sponsor: CalWeld Course Sponsor: Comcast SportsNet Driving Range Sponsor: Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon Dinner Sponsor: Wilfs Restaurant & Bar and Sysco Co-Cart Sponsors: Pacific Continental Bank and Swagelok NW (US) 22 Elise Rosenfeld Philip and Vickie Rothrock Fern Russak and Sean Schafer Barry and Penny Russman Marian P. Ryan Matt Ryer Diane Saban Saint Cupcake Joan Salisbury Russel W. Sanderlin Susanna and John Sandvig Sapphire Hotel Jessica Scarborough Cheryl Scarcelli Tony Schaefer and Nona Soltero Jane Schiffhauer Susan Schlesinger Ann Schramm Herb Schroeder Schwab Charitable Fund Clara Settle Don Sharpe Michael Shields John and Joan Shipley Margaret Shoemaker David and Penny Short Jeff and Theresa Silver Betty and Forrest Simmons Wayne Simons Rachel and Fred Siri Katherine and Kevin Skurski Colin Slade John Smalldon Beverlee S. Smith Debbie Smith Donald and Nancy Smith Montgomery and Leilani Smith Patricia Smith Ann Snow Jim and Barbara Snow Sokol Blosser Winery Adam and Carol Solomonson Georgia and John Solomonson Myna Somers Southpark Seafood Grill & Wine Bar Muriel Spear Deborah Spencer Denise and Kip Steele William and Diane Sternberg Ardus Stevens Nathan Stevens Eloise and Rees Stevenson Stevenson-Barrie Wines George Stockinger Stoel Rives LLP Sue and Neel Stoneking Storefronts and Entrances Inc. Tony and Dawn Stravens Robert Streicher Steve and Angie Sundholm Sunset Speedway Jacqueline Susi Shirley and John Sutton Ronald and Linda Swan Ernest and Marianne Swanson Bill Sweat and Donna Morris Wade and Jami Symons Anne Taggard John and Ruth Talbott Jen and Kevin Tate Melvin Taylor Virginia Taylor Don and Gayle Thieman John Thiemeyer Lise Thom John and Randi Thoma Donald and Barbara Thompson Dorothy Thompson Dana Tierney Michelle Timpani and Eric Brosterhous TownePlace Suites Portland Hillsboro Niall Travers and Shelby Galvin Travers Joan Turner Ann and Richard Uphoff Uptown Hardware John and Barbara Van Laningham Wally Van Valkenburg and Turid Owren Joseph and Stephanie Vize Pamela Vohnson & David Streigh Ralph T. Voltz Edward and Mary Vranizan Kathy Vu Casey and Darci Waage Don and Eunice Waggoner Arlan and Caroline Walker Danielle and Charlie Wallace George and Janice Wallace Marc Walters Zandra Walton Ann Warner Matthew Warner and Jerry Bennett Jennifer Watson Helen F. Weber Jill and Michael Weier Richard L. Weil Hildegard Weiss Molly Weiss Julanne Weller Mike and LeeAnn Wells Sarah Wetjen Leslie Wheeler Denise and Doug White Barbara Whiteley Willamette Writers - Books for Kids Bob and Barbara Williams Williamson Family Adam Willis Alan Willis Steven L. and Mary Lynn Wintermantel Don and JoAnne Wold Elizabeth Woodcock Stewart Wright Forrest and Lily Wyler Denise Yager Anna M. Youngren Mary C. Zehrung Marlene Zichlinsky Gifts in Appreciation Amelia and Bruce Anderson Earl H. and Jeanette L. Anderson Roberta Bentson-Royal Bonnie Diessner Nancy Pagaduan Elenor Wear Gifts in Honor Janine Atherton Jane Ellen and Lem Nelson Shelley and Gary Barnes Misty Moxley Bret Bennett Family Bill and Barbara Dugger Teri Rae Marr Mary Marr Pat Martin Helen Brackney Whitney Moller for her bridal shower Joseph and Stephanie Vize Kay Bristow Donna Tewsbury Mary Lou Munroe Susan Schlesinger Barbara Bullier’s 80th birthday Patrick and Andy F. Dignan Charlotte and Mark Nelson Jane Ellen and Lem Nelson Joanne O. Carrato’s birthday Jim and Bev Dixon Rose and Dirk Nelson Jane Ellen and Lem Nelson Lee Carson and Jeremy Hyatt Jennifer Gilstrap Trish and Erik Nelson Jane Ellen and Lem Nelson Roberta Dunham Tacy Elliott-Parson Amy Penner Penner Family John and Jean Dutton Neil and Marcia Bednarczyk Mary and Scott Peterson Kenneth and Diane Weidkamp Holly Lynn Eberhard’s adoption Bob and Kaye Eberhard Mary Jane Everist’s 80th birthday Scott and Cynthia Everist B J and Steve Flitcroft Patricia Flitcroft Scott and Chris Flitcroft Patricia Flitcroft Geneva Gainer’s 101st birthday Patricia Flitcroft David Rees’ birthday Joel Bruhn Deborah Spencer David Reinhart’s birthday Susan and Dick Reinhart Sylvia Richen Patricia Flitcroft Nancy and Don Robison Jean Donly Edward Rouffy’s birthday Elizabeth and Stephen Rouffy Sara Gallaher Astrid Adams Diane Saban Helen Brackney Karen and Barry Goldberg Merry M. Meek Devan Spenst Daniel Jordan and Mona Spenst Jordan Linda and David Grilley Kathleen Hessel Kathy Hemrich’s 60th birthday Jane and Jim Deprospero Frances Herrall’s 80th birthday Patrick and Andy F. Dignan Stephen and Vicki Jackson Morgan Stanley Foundation Charmaine Jensen’s birthday Linda Jensen Georgia Koehler’s 90th birthday Patricia and Myron Fleck Donald Lombard Alicia Laird Stewart Wright Tom and Pat Landye Betty Snider Hannah Larsen Patricia Flitcroft David and Constance Manning Patricia Flitcroft Mary Steerman’s birthday Patricia and Myron Fleck The Newell Family Kathryn R. Newell and Ben Nadler Jack and Mary Jane Thompson Craig M. Thompson Helen Wallace Merry M. Meek Irma Wauchope Norine Reres Connie West Jean Coulthurst Betty White Patricia Flitcroft Mary C. Zehrung’s birthday Patrick and Andy F. Dignan Julanne Weller Gifts in Memory Betty Allen Virginia Dockrell Bertha Guptill Katherine Hart Mary Higgins Georgia A. Koehler Mary Myers Janice Phillips Ardith and Garry Stensland William and Roberta Vrooman Helen Asher Barbara Coates Lois Aungier John and Sandra Lasswell Marvin Axtell Irma Wauchope Matt Baldwin Jan Darden Hollis and Maryann Ballew Barbara Ballew Gerald Bartz Fidelia and Gary Boshears Lyn Bauer Marie Amacher Larry and Sue Olson James Bayless Chiane Kathrens Frank Beckett Rosalie Betschart Beth Boland Geffen Mesher & Co. Bertha Guptill Tom and Salena Johnson Louis Kenyon Georgia A. Koehler Barbara and Ken Lance Donald Lombard Hedy and Alfred Luthy Sue Mautz Jean and Willis McNeil Pat Murray-Kuhnhausen and E. Ross Kuhnhausen Metta and Roger Parsons June Petticord Marvin and Betty Prestwood Barry and Nancy Rand John and Sidney Reed Daphne and John Schetky Julie Steffanoff Joyce and James Ward Pat and Gerry Wilson Clifford Herrall Julanne Weller Donna Exley Ann McDowell Robert and Robin Mesher Marion Janney Gordon Janney Ida Findley Brian and Elizabeth DeBrie Artie Foster James Foster John “Steve” Foster, DVM James Foster Peter Garibbo Peg Coburn Jean Broms Louis and Donna Kennedy Susan Gillette Mary C. Zehrung Carol Brossard Anonymous Marilyn F. Hallett Ms. Karen Bailey Janet and Don Barber Susan Bates Betty and Robert Bauer Lu Bond Kay S. Bristow Margaret Christenson Elizabeth Crookham Mitchell and Jeannette Daletas Julie Durkheimer and Mark Dohrmann Marilyn and Charles Frost Heritage Study Group Nancy Jaggar Blount and William Blount Mary Lou Leahy Richard and Marjorie Lindquist Veronica MacDonald Ann McDowell Karolyn Meador Walter and Jean Meihoff Ruben and Elizabeth Menashe Ruth and John Mepham Richard and Nancy Mitchell Georgie Packwood Nancy and Don Robison Betty Rosenfeld Denise and Doug White Mary C. Zehrung Diane Campbell Sharon Dagsland Joyce Carroll Cynthia and Tom Caulfield Shirlie and Bill Durkheimer Janet and Tim Heinson and Family Sudan African Mission Gloria Castonguay Joan Kuni Stephen and Margery Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ehrman III Jeanine Colasurdo Dr. Matt A. and Adele Matthews Suzanne Combs Jim and Libby Combs Selma Denecke William Denecke Tabitha Densmore Robert McHugh Claire Dube Nathan Stevens Thomas Dunham Lila Jean Allen Marion Busch Charlotte Close Helen Deeks Barbara Dunham Lillian Ferguson Jack Grey and Phyllis Edy Grey Lucille Hartley Mary C. Zehrung Gerhard Heckmann Zelda and Royce Lowery Debbie Higbee Karen Mansfield Fred Hutchinson David and Carol Baker Mary Lou Belozer Dick Casali and Anne Wang and Family Jean Cory Ed and Judith Fletcher Ruth and Edwin Hutchinson and Family, Barrie, Gay, Mark and Brent Leon Family Mary Lou Raffety Jane Richardson Joseph and Mary Thimm William Kerr Mark and Pamala Berge Family Guy and Marian Martin Dede and Ben Kirby Larry and Gayle Cable Jo Anne Klaus Anonymous Howard Kremer Brian and Elizabeth DeBrie Robert Lavey Julanne Weller Deana and John Long Shirley Zinn-Larson and John Larson Maxine Lundquist Steven and Mary Baker Sandi Holmgreen Nancy Jaksich Marsha , Neal, Max and Sam Jurgenson Donald Lombard Sam and Charlene Notos Andryce and Tom Packouz River Park Real Estate Services Betty and Forrest Simmons Dinah Smith Muriel Spear Jeanette Luthy Beverly Dale Anne Driscoll Fran Juliano Dorsey Luttrell Roberta Dunham John Q. Lynch and Harold W. Rebarich Ken Barker and Jeff Stookey Tom Masic Marie Amacher Angela Ayres Joan Beckley Mary Borghorst Janet and Mike Buck Marsha and Richard Buono Jane Butler Stuart Cox and Richard Gerstl 23 Albertina Kerr’s Army of Angels VOLUNTEER COMMITTEES By sharing their time and talent with Albertina Kerr, volunteers make much of our crucial work in the community possible. Last year alone, a total of 922 volunteers gave of their time and talent. In addition to the volunteer committees listed throughout this report, the volunteer members of the board of directors and foundation trustee board also serve on year-round committees together with members of the community. Thank you all for your expertise and efforts. Governance & Board Development Chair: Priscilla Lewis, RN, MBA Committee: A.F. (Fritz) Bartsch, Jerry Baysinger, David Manougian, Celia Murphey, Rich Smith, JD, Serilda Summers, Keren Brown Wilson, Ph.D. Operations Chair: Larry Davis, MBA Committee: Douglas C. Bogen, Geoffrey Bruce, Victoria Bryson, Anthony Cracchiolo, Tom Lasley, David Reinhart, David Streicher, John Thoma, John Ward Program & Accreditation Chair: Margaret S. Rowland, MD Committee: Christopher F. Adamek, Shelley Barnes, Elyse Clawson , Mariel Combs, JD, Jalaunda Granville, Celia Murphey, Rich Smith, JD, Serilda Summers, Karin Wandtke, CPA, David Wilson, DMD Investment & Gift Acceptance Chair: Keith Meyers, CPA Committee: Kevin Blount, Christine Brown, JD, Tom Griffin, Christopher J. Krenk, MSW, Mary Lago, Jeff Rippey, Mike Rompa, CPA Marketing & Public Relations Chair: David Manougian Committee: Heather Barta , Peter Bhatia, Angela Hult, Christopher J. Krenk, MSW, Leigh Milander, Brad Preble, Katie Sachse, Jim Trolinger Tom Masic cont. Margaret Doherty Sandy and Jim Donahue Margo and Malcolm Erickson Jean Eves Patricia and Myron Fleck Susan Greer Shirley Kane Georgia A. Koehler Donald Lombard Betty Lovett Merry M. Meek Charles Moore, M.D. Renee Nevegold Patricia Nichols Jennie and Robert O’Connor Mary and Roger Polivka Karen and Glenn Prohaska Mary Lou Raffety David Ressler and Robert Berger Jude and David Russell Carolyn and Henry Sakamoto William and Corinne Swift Ann and Richard Uphoff Marc Walters Sandy Wolfe Marilyn Zwald Violet Murphy Myra Ferris Diana Nelson Jessica Scarborough Dennis Panichello Jo Anne McMahan Helen Petch Robert Frost Elementary School Angeline Stevenson Eloise and Rees Stevenson William “Roger” Stevenson Gresham Antique Glass Club Max Stoessel Carl Pearson James Sullivan Susan Van Lente Ernest Swann LaRhette Swann Earl Sykes Anonymous Arthur Etheridge Brenda Felton William and Barbara Goodway Pamela Granger Beverly Miller Manfred Robinson Anne Sykes Polly Tarbell Sue Mautz Nettie Thorn Jim and Anne Holtz Bradley Turner Robert and Robin Mesher John Waddingham Joan Waddingham Thad Piercey Marlene Acre Beverly Dale Gretta Welch Lloyd and Maryon Kinsey Harriet Lesher Darrell Poff Mildred Kelsey Gale Williams Fidelia and Gary Boshears Amelia Puustinen Bristow Don and Patricia Cassady Lloyd Ramey Kathryn R. Newell and Ben Nadler Jim Ridenour Diane Saban Percy Robinson Shirley and John Sutton Stan Samuels Robert and Robin Mesher Edith and Herb Sears Fidelia and Gary Boshears Richard Shaffer Bill and Jane Scott Beverly Simons Spidel Jacleen Simons Anonymous Maxine Sims Sue Mautz Mary Steerman Charlotte Close Patricia and Myron Fleck Georgia A. Koehler 24 Donald Lombard Phyllis and Larry McIntyre June Petticord Mary Lou Raffety Barbara and Charles Tomassene These lists represent donations made between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. We have made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of this list, and ask that you please contact us if you find an error or omission. LEADERS & PROFESSIONAL STANDING 2010-11 Board of Directors Colin R. Cave, MD, Chair Board Member & Surgeon Northwest Permanente Priscilla Lewis, RN, MBA, Chair-Elect Region Director of Community Services & Development, Providence Health & Services Douglas D. Morris, JD, Immediate Past Chair Partner, Ater Wynne LLP Chris Adamek Practice Director, ACME Business Consulting Shelley Barnes Family Consultant, Oregon Health & Science University Doug Bogen Area Manager, Eaton Electrical Mariel Combs, JD Attorney, Pacific NW Region U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of the Solicitor Larry Davis, MBA Senior Vice President, Bank of America Angela Hult Executive Director, The Regence Foundation Director of Corporate Philanthropy, Regence Tom Lasley Director of Destination Services, Providence Health & Services – Pastoral and Spiritual Care Celia Murphey Community Volunteer David Reinhart Managing Principal, Felton Properties, Inc. Margaret Rowland, MD Chief Medical Officer, CareOregon, Inc. Rich Smith Vice President, Human Resources, Kaiser Permanente, Northwest Region David Streicher, JD, CPA Attorney at Law, Black Helterline, LLP Serilda Summers-McGee Executive Director, Partners in Diversity, Program Director, Leadership Portland John Thoma, CPA Karin Wandtke, CPA Partner, McDonald Jacobs John Ward President, R & H Construction David Wilson, DMD General & Cosmetic Dentistry, David L. Wilson, DMD, P.C. Honorary SENIOR STAFF Ken and Ginger Harrison Peter Jacobsen Christopher J. Krenk, MSW President & CEO Emeritus Gina Brimner, LCSW Senior Vice President, Youth & Family Services Peter Bhatia Christine Brown, JD Marsha Buono Jean C. Cory Andy F. Dignan Helen H. Lindgren Robert Mesher, CPA Greg Mottau Victor Stibolt, JD Ken Thrasher Bill Ulrich Connie West Foundation Trustees Jerry Baysinger, Chair Co-Founder/President, Baysinger Partners Architecture, PC David Manougian, Chair-elect General Manager, Comcast SportsNet Northwest Keith Meyers, CPA, Secretary-Treasurer Principal, Perkins & Company Kay Abramowitz, JD, Immediate Past Chair Partner, Ater Wynne LLP A.F. (Fritz) Bartsch Retired, US Bank, Private Client Reserve Tom Griffin Vice President – Financial Consultant, RBC Wealth Management Christopher J. Krenk, MSW, Ex-officio President & CEO, Albertina Kerr Mary Lago, CTFA Vice President & Senior Wealth Advisor, Union Bank Traci Richardson Senior Director of Marketing, Portland Trail Blazers Mike Rompa, CPA President & Managing Shareholder, Geffen Mesher Anthony J. Seashore Principal, TS Construction Management James L. Trolinger President, Swagelok Northwest David Widmark Gresham City Council Keren Brown Wilson, PhD President, Jessie F. Richardson Foundation Doug Butler Vice President Facilities Jeanne Farr, MA Senior Vice President, Developmental Disability Services Jerry Hoffert, MBA Chief Financial Officer Jodi Lippert, CFRE Chief Development Officer Craig Rusch Chief Information Officer Susan Stanley Vice President Human Resources Jennifer Woods Corporate Compliance Officer Certified & Licensed State of Oregon Seniors and Persons with Developmental Disabilities Division Oregon Department of Human Services as a Private Child Caring Agency State of Oregon Addictions and Mental Health Services Division Medicaid Approved Member Association of Fundraising Professionals National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare National Foster Family Based Treatment Association Oregon Alliance of Children’s Programs Oregon Rehabilitation Association Developmental Disabilities Coalition Accredited Behavioral Health Care Accreditation: The Joint Commission EMERITUS This year, Albertina Kerr honored former board leaders for their years of leadership and commitment by inducting them as emeritus board members. Visit to watch a video of the honorees. Congratulations to Peter Bhatia, Christine Brown, JD, Marsha Buono, Robert Mesher, CPA, Greg Mottau, Victor Stibolt, JD, Ken Thrasher, Bill Ulrich, and Connie West. Thank you for your continued dedication to Albertina Kerr. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Portland, OR Permit No. 2009 424 NE 22nd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97232 SAVE THE DATE February 17, 2012 | Spotlight on Kerr Gala: Studio 54 Dinner, dancing and entertainment at Left Bank Annex. April 1, 2012 | Albertina Kerr’s Race for the Roses Half-marathon, 10k & 5k races start warm and dry at the Oregon Convention Center. Visit Albertina’s Restaurant & Shops Enjoy lunch, brunch and shopping at Portland’s historic Old Kerr Nursery. 424 NE 22nd Avenue, 503-231-3909 Year-round, Monday–Saturday September 16 & 17, 2012 | Kerr Golf Classic Evening dinner and auction followed by a golf tournament the next day. January 12, 2012 Chefs’ Dinner: Oregon Truffles October, 2012 | 105th Annual Meeting & Community Awards Community awards, Albertina Kerr update and guest speaker. February 11, 2012 Albertina’s Tea: Valentine’s Day Spring & Fall, 2012 | Snapshot Series Get a glimpse into Albertina Kerr programs and services. Visit Kerr Bikes Fun bike rentals for the whole family. Portland Waterfront at Salmon Street Springs Fountain, 503-808-9955 March–October, seven days a week February 23, 2012 Cooking School: Cook with Chocolate April 19, 2012 Chefs’ Dinner: Earth Day May 12, 2012 Albertina’s Tea: Mother’s Day June 1, 2012 Party on the Patio For more information, hours or reservations, please visit or call 503-239-8101. Printed on paper that is 100% post consumer, manufactured process chlorine free and FSC-certified.
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