Introduction © On 2nd, January, 2011, “Strannik


Introduction © On 2nd, January, 2011, “Strannik
© On 2nd, January, 2011, “Strannik-11.11.2011” and “Strannik*” (a full pseudonym where
the date is determined of open demonstration beginning of FREE flight possibility for the largest
public in all the countries on operating samples, and reduced)
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A - copying of all the materials of the records presented below,
B - manufacturing one device with efin engines for tests by one person
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In case of my death all the rights of this copyright pass to the International Coordination
Center “Ethereal Technologies” (ICCET) which is a private property of Strannik-11.11.2011
(or Strannik*).
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There are some accesses to all the presented materials. Someone will want to go deep into
studying of opinions of the different authors closest to the theme “Ethereal Technologies”,
representing in their opinion the true system of the Universe. Someone will pass at once to
manufacturing of working models for check of free movement effect, choosing their
complexity which is well within reach. But the major part will be those who are for various
reasons compelled to expect such time when ready devices with efin engines can be bought
in shops. As expectation also can be active, interested, therefore it is offered to find the
nearest firm and experts, capable to hold all the preparation work for mass production of
free movement devices, or to organize the creative group. BIG GOOD LUCK to all of you!
Ethereal substance
Effects of interaction of physical substance with substance of Ether, part one
Effects of interaction of physical substance with substance of Ether, part two
Aircraft designer Bartini and astronomer Kozyrev
Poet Derbenyov and prophetess Kessi
Development of Tolchin’s idea for free movement
Research of Grebennikov’s platform, part one
Research of Grebennikov’s platform, part two
Zero point of acceleration-braking at nonlinear rotation
Drawings and schemes
Conditions of cooperation
The list of the literature
02.01.11 18:04 The Beginning of the Records
It is very difficult to begin a report of the work materials on the subject “Ether
Technology”, and there is nothing new under the sun, however this is my first try to impart my
“knowledge”, ideas, intuition views of this broad theme.
Since no one and nothing can forbid me to present my ideas as texts and images, to
quench the desire to communicate with the whole world via website and these records, so I will
try to do it. The creation of the records can make our life more interesting and fascinating, more
comfortable and safer and even happier and offer still unfamiliar opportunities of the ethereal
technologies of double purpose to the current state of the Humanity.
Though the conflict situation in the World and inside the state is supported by the fact that
terrorism and imposed fears are the only explanation of functionality maintenance of a terrible
war machine, force structures and power, but the largest mass of all the countries have been
suffered enough and are ready to take only the positive purpose of the ethereal technologies.
I think that the information of the subject is beyond comprehension of the categories of
good and harm. It would be more accurate to call this a GAME of fast or instant move almost
without cost, which would be new to the most of the Planet’s population. And though experts on
«esoteric» knowledge will find nothing unknown to them, this is the FIRST attempt OPEN to
everybody of uniting disparate technical ideas (puzzles) into a single preliminary schemepicture for PRACTICAL engineering purposes.
This will allow checking a control opportunity by a direct and very simple experiment,
such as: the effect of Free Movement in Space, atmosphere, water, and within limited spaces.
This also applies to other ethereal technologies: transmutation of substances, materialization and
dematerialization, efficient extraction of all types of energy directly from ether.
The Ethereal Substance.
What is meant hear as ether requires an expanded description. Let us imagine that
someone pumped all the air from closed volume. It is the way to get the technical vacuum of
varying degrees of purity or dilution. When in this content there is no one molecule or atom,
such space in science is called physical vacuum. Ancient thinkers claimed that in this content
there is no physical substance, but this content is always filled with ultra-low material of very
high density and complex structure - ETHER, of which all the subatomic elements are composed
(electrons and other parts of physical atoms).The largest elements of ethereal substance are
smaller than proton and neutron of the physical world. Consequently, its density is so high that it
can be correlated with the density of neutron stars or “black holes”, where the constituent
elements of atoms of the physical world can be regarded as ultra-thin «bubbles» of instantaneous
torus vortex form. This is our world we live in...
Therefore, everything described below is ether and material world interaction. Therefore
all our world is based on ether and goes out (dissolves) into it under certain conditions. There are
also other terms, hidden the omnipresent ether in other ideas.
If it is invisible to the naked eye, then how can it be seen? Some particularly sensitive people see
it directly (up to 25 mm) near the human body as a gray-blue glow because of its high
concentration. Its streams near permanent magnets are found by the force lines of the iron filings.
All the equipment based on Kirlian effect, reveal some glow and separate ethereal
concentrations, sometimes stretching into the space in clot forms.
There are techniques of martial arts, special services of different countries, teaching how
to feel ether in hands and how to form an elastic ball (there are also some small generators to
create a directional wave) before throwing in the direction of the enemy, which leads to complete
loss of orientation, even of a group of people in the absence of physical contact.
The healers use ether as for diagnostic of the organism state with in terms of ether cover,
and as for energy balance of organs of human body. The reverse procedures, violating the
balance of organs, lead to diseases (deterioration).
Everyone of us from the early childhood learn to inertial displays of any space and his own body
as one of the qualities of ether.
Let us note some scientific and technological achievements and natural phenomena of an
unusually high efficiency, confirming the presence of ethereal substance.
Some authors argue that the elements of ether are of sphere form, others develop this point
further, considering it to be double-original (such as plus and minus), that fills the space of
gaseous, liquid and solid ethers, where the primary is a gaseous ether, from which the sphere of
liquid ether is constructed. The spheres of solid ether are made of the spheres of liquid ether.
The filling of the space does not end on the gaseous ether, but for practical purposes let’s
suppose that the largest spheres of solid ether are surrounded (“float”) by liquid ether, that
consists of liquid ether spheres, surrounded by spheres of gaseous ether.
This structure of ether is the base of development of electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic
and thermal effects in the material world. The ether omnipresence makes clear the demagogic
guesswork of some physicists about the closed systems that removes the imposed restriction of
impossibility of extracting more energy than it is lost from any ether space, penetrating the world
of physical substance. The physical universe is constantly changing its state in the compression
and rarefaction waves of ether substance.
Ether makes EACH system OPEN, allowing unlimited extraction of any kind of the energy,
eliminating the need to pay for its use.
The structures, that for centuries conceptualize the limitedness of natural resources,
energy death of the Universe, dissemble very much to hide their imperious parasitism on the
peoples of the planet.
There is the solution. Let us replace the SOS-call to more practical one: “Let us save our
life themselves!”. We all have a great technology potential, concentrating in research
laboratories and mass production of the countries, situated on islands or nearby sea and ocean
shore, where exists a crowded urban environment, where danger of earthquakes, deluges,
hurricanes, volcanic eruptions is not declined. These peoples have no fear, they are ready to try
immediately any of innovations, which are hidden by the small group. These ultra dangerous
areas have more than 1 billion people. It is necessary to establish a target cooperation at all kinds
of the levels, from skilled and amateur craftsmen to researchers and engineers of all countries
and international corporations.
This website has only one aim - not allow to hide or classify, slander or destroy the thing,
well considerate by collective efforts of the all mankind generations. It is necessary to deploy to
the mass output of products based on evidence of ether technology of free movement in space
and free extraction of energy from the limitless ether available to everyone and do it quickly,
openly and in concordance with international law.
01.04. 11 13:52 The Continuation of the Records
Effects Received from the Physical and Ether Matter Interaction, the First Part
Before we go to description of simple and cheap experiments, showing matter of material world
and ether fullness interaction of any space, we need to emphasize term groups partly from school
knowledge and partly from widely known technical effects. We will take the solid ether as one
sized “ice” cuts of sphere form and different polarity, surrounded by the liquor ether of “water”
form. We suggest, that the space between liquor ether sphere is filled of gaseous ether in a
conditional “vapor» form of the same water (something like soda). The combination of liquid
ether spheres in a medium of gaseous ether spheres we call ether liquid, having superfluidity.
So, the gaseous ether is on the basis of the initial ether fullness of the space and particular ether
liquid spheres have it in the structure. The gaseous ether and liquid ether spheres form “ether
liquor”, where are “drawn” the solid ether spheres. The solid ether spheres (little piece of ice of
sphere-form) are made of the liquid ether spheres.
If we take as measure the degree of reduction of its size we should range ethers in the following
way: first go the solid ester spheres, then liquid ones and in the end - the initial gaseous ether
spheres, which have the smallest sizes. Each type of ethers has an equal number of bipolar
spheres, that makes the ether space fullness homogeneous one, but it is able to polarize the ether
matter. The gaseous stream is composed of even smaller particles of the mental plane, where
manifest our thoughts, but now for practical purposes it will be more than enough to consider
only ether fullness of the space, of which are consist elementary atomic particles of the material
world (neutrons, protons and electrons) and in which are resided.
Would it be possible to envisage the images of atomic particles consist of the ether matter
(fullness) and reside in it? Yes, it would, it is logical to form it of SOMETHING material but
very fine-dispersed one than do of nothing.
In the nature there is a stably, thanks to the self- preservation quality, form of torus vortex,
known to all smokers as a smoke ring. Bigger formations in the atmosphere are almost invisible,
but its central part can be visible in the form of tubes of windspout and tornado of powerful
destructive forces which are deploying on the huge areas a spiral of air cyclones and
anticyclones. These spirals are visible from the cosmic distance. There are a very simple and
visual experiences in the issue we can obtain SMOKE torus vortex in the air, liquid INK ones in
dead water. Also if we blow the compressed air stream into the chamber, partially filled with a it,
we can appreciate appearance of the torus vortex of ball-form.
Even without knowledge of the electron formation, but using above mentioned ideas
about ether matter, we can suppose as current hypothesis, that torus vortex of the electron has in
its unscrewed cover a big concentration of solid ether spheres of negative charge, proton – of
positive charge and neutron – of neutral concentration of solid ether heteropolar spheres. The
torus vortex are very stable, powerful and widespread in Nature. Kanarev uses the similar
electron model.
The basis for studying the natural processes is the ability of researcher to notice what the
DELUDED, disinterested or unprepared consciousness does not pay any attention to, considering
it like something plain and simple. If you think about it even for a moment, you find out, that in
each studied subject there are many mysterious facts, which you do not just skip. The revealing
regularities and the combination of necessary conditions allow immediately to realize the
engineering open opportunity, if it solves the problems of human civilization.
The information of amazing facts and effects in Nature and technology were getting with
difficulty. Serious troubles were presented as: conscious misrepresentation in mass-media, in
reference books, spread of wrong believes, passing of real science achievements over in silence
in SCHOOLS and even in academies. There were also mentality and health damage of practical
persons, PRESSURE by “scientific” authorities and by endless massif of “VACUOUS”
information with small inserts of knowledge, close to the truth, which are have to be noticed and
felt by intuition. Such massive and constant manipulation of public consciousness in our
civilization separates people, breaks up the true researchers, conducts the investment not into the
essential technologies but into nuclear, space and military programs like «collider», allowing
only counter controlled technologies. This unnaturally overloads our world by big problems such
as a closed circle, DISTRACTING and breaking up resources. We need the right move out of the
circle, that would turn it into a developing spiral of dissolved problems.
The current state of civilization is HIDDEN system of conscious support of diverse
dependences or un-freedom.
The true freedom is absolute and connected with anyone and nothing. Here are the three
interrelated aspects of the one Absolute: omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence in life of
earth civilization have its views. The omnipresence is presented by all world complex of cargo
and passenger streams within the bounds of movements from momentary ones to rapid and very
slow ones. The omniscience is presented better in virtual spaces of Internet. The omnipotence
can be related to all that is connected with energies and raw material resources. The
simultaneous triple connection of transport, Internet and energies with raw stock of the real time
can provide insight into great weight of problems of the real UNFREEDOM up to planet point.
However something managed to be found and comprehended in search of mysterious still not
enough understood, very important FACTS for the majority of the population of our Planet that
will allow us as the future uniform society to take the first step in the direction of true Freedom.
Still for a very long time «the scientific» ambition will be inflated to cry out most loudly about
the only correct theory though each theory can contain at least one grain of true knowledge. It is
very difficult and consequently unreasonable to connect these splinters of true knowledge from
the huge number of theories into one uniform «puzzle».
Only ONE approach can be practical – revealing such REGULARITIES, FACTS and
EFFECTS in the Nature and technique which will make vital activity of each person and
his family completely self-sufficient, but not deprived of a unification in cooperation,
friendship and love.
Aggression of persons and the nations is specially provoked by ideas of the extremity of
resources which are necessary to be grasped for the existence. As Russian scientist Vernadsky
described aggression as heterotrophy (“capture of resources and destruction of the opponent in
biosphere”), opposing it autotrophy as ability to produce any quantity of necessary resources for
the automatic resolving of current problems. The aggression and the authoritativeness connected
with it can be called children's illnesses of the consciousness going to wisdom of acceptance of
this world as boundless and unlimited in any aspects. The fear of lack of resources for own
actively generates aggression and authoritativeness following by it. When everything becomes
available for everybody without expectations, it removes the aggression reason, but it takes time
for even the traces of deficiency were completely dissolved in the consciousness of each person.
Is it really possible to produce inside oneself everything necessary for life?
The facts of long existence without meal, but drinking water are known among people. There are
also such people that don't drink, and don't eat anything. They are “suneaters”, developed inside
themselves the quality of transformation of omnipresent ethereal substance to any complicated
biological substances that are necessary for maintenance of own vital activity. For the majority
of people the desire to be sated tasty and densely is more important than the freedom from meal,
that is both the reason for communication in consolidated meal, and the possibility to occupy
free time, and the way of expression of care about each other that it is necessary to accept as
For such kind of people availability to a sufficient quantity of high-quality food is very important
when it is necessary to have a snack. Let us notice that this is one of private expressions of
absolute Freedom in the physical world. This temporary problem can be resolved also,
developing corresponding ethereal technologies. Transformation of ethereal substance into the
element of the physical world allows cultivation of plants and animals usual in a usual way and
instant reception of ready products.
Very close to the concept of autotrophy are the processes of buid-up a biomass in plants in usual
conditions of temperature are, humidity and pressure when almost imperceptible singular
quantum of energy of ultraviolet separates one atom of hydrogen from the water molecule,
enigmatically starting self-build-up of the organic molecule of biomass, simultaneously filling
atmosphere of the Planet with oxygen. How simple and ecologically clean it is! With years the
humus layer is built-up where the grass and trees grow. Here it is – the transformation of ethereal
substance into a biomass of the physical world without participation of a man, a free feedbox of
the Nature. Why the mankind would not direct all the power of its mind on solving self-growth
of complicated substances? Taking into consideration the principle, it is possible to reduce all the
intermediate stages, having established the necessary quantity of conditions.
The body of “suneater” develops free of charge even more complicated organic compounds of
different purpose in exact quantity and quality and it cannot be kept up with by any ultramodern
manufacture of medical products of typical influence – one I treat, the rest I will cripple, when
new medicines for other the crippled organs are started. What is being undertaken for changing
such a position? NOTHING. Search of ethereal processes of materialization, dematerialization
and transmutations of substances inside a man’s body can directly specify an exact combination
of necessary conditions.
It is known that in a grain other chemical elements appear in the process of its germination. For
this purpose it is necessary to have only light inflow of thermal energy, moderate humidity and
air exchange for transmutation beginning (transformation of some elements into others). In the
nature it is provided by season changes of weather without participation of a man and it is free of
charge. Knowing the essence of such transmutation or materialization and accompanying
conditions, it is possible to make any chemical elements in any quantity both in Space, and on
the Earth, achieving self-sufficiency in life-support. But the facts of transmutation processes of
the Nature are ignored, these effects are attributed to far-fetched unreal processes, research
works on such subjects aren't financed to keep and strengthen mankind RESTRICTIONS in
food and industrial resources, to create steady deficiency of TIME.
It is known that by Vachaev’s setup “Energo Field” was produced more than one hundred
kilogram chemical elements made of PURE water in plasma TOROID when at switching-off the
external power the process proceeded to a contamination of an electrode backlash for several
hours, simultaneously generating electric current about 30 kilowatt per hour. These researches
aren't financed, the setup stopped operating without Vachaev, and it was dismounted. But the
fact of creation of technical devices for maintenance of transmutation process can't be denied.
The discovery No13 made by Aleksandrov (not the academician) is amazing, the falling of the
steel tempered ball on the rigid basis in a tube from which air is pumped out was researched in it.
While the height of the beginning of falling of a ball was builtup, that corresponded increasing of
speed in a blow point, first there were daps on smaller height, then the dap of height began to
exceed the height of the beginning of falling at achievement of critical speed of blow due to a
sharp braking (and the subsequent acceleration), beginning the process of additional energy
emission due to elastic forces of ethereal substance already.
Quite a lot of information can be found of Nobel winner Lengmjur’s achievements. Very few
people pay attention to his unique discovery of 1912 (!), when he selected the best threads of an
incandescence for the first electric lamps, - warm energy emission in tens times exceeding
expenses on nuclear hydrogen process of dissociation and recombination of hydrogen molecules.
In more details it is described in Line’s book «Super confidential archives of Tesla» (1). He
realized this process in a hydrogen torch where the energy is obviously scooped from ethereal
substance. Such torch easily cut tungsten, melting the most refractory metal by the warmth of a
flame, but thus the central part of a stream of hydrogen should cross the electric arch at right
angle. Next year this suppression will be 100 years old!
It is impossible to work with heritage of great Tesla because of language barrier and
inaccessibility of primary sources, but he has developed the whole VARIETY of devices for
reception energy in a larger quantity, than it is spent, he could unweight things, and according to
Line’s statement (1) even has created a Frisbee which flights are now written off now on «green
little men».
Experts in gas dynamics find power shortage for maintenance of flight of various bugs and they
joke – as bugs know nothing about it, they continue the flights. About the possibility of effective,
energetically low-cost flight Grebennikov V. S (2) has left hints in the book «MY WORLD»,
describing jumps of a cocoon without pushing away from an external support and the unweight
of a bug’s shard in the form of short lag in the air. The fact of jumps at the expense of internal
efforts of a larva in a rigid cocoon is fixed in a reference book of insects.
On p. 226 he writes – “… Looking ahead, I would tell that the equestrian of Ichneumonidae
kind left the cocoon, belonging to a species of Batiplektes anurus, useful because its larvas
parasitize on the Weevil-Phytonomus, depredator of Lucerne”.
On p. 228 – “did not know “the interdiction” physicists and skilled, prominent biologists,
frankly written on 26th page of the academic reference book of insects of the European part of
the USSR (volume III, a part 3): “the Cocoon jumps up as a result of sharp movements INSIDE a
The inertsoid of Tolchin is known in the technique since 1936 (or Tolchin’s cart), developing
draft inside the device without direct transfer of movement to wheels. This experimental fact is
75 years old in our 2011. The book of the author can be recommended for the most attentive
reading that will secure against imposed sights of modern interpreters, look V.Tolchin “Inertsoid.
The energy of inertia as a source of translational movements”. Perm, Book Publishing House,
1977, 99 pages, 5000 copies (3).
Patent US No2886976 dated 19th May, 1959 Dyne (4) describes the system for
transformation of a rotary motion to rectilinear movement.
The inertioid device elaborated by NIIKS (scientific research institute of space systems of Russia
federal space agency structure) is capable to move a raft made of polyfoam in a bath with water (5).
There are unconfirmed data from the Internet that NIIKS has created and has tested in
weightlessness engines with draft no more than 20 grams for deduction and orientation of orbital
modules in the Space. And further everything is held back as usual (as if the money received not
from the Russian tax payers).
The setup of Mr. Shipov has been banging its head against a brick wall for many years, there
are some available mathematic conclusions, but there is no flying device. Nobody has shown the
setups having support-free draft of more than 15 kg, better than Mr. Tolchin.
Those who flies, knowing the principle of free three-dimensional movement, using ethereal
substance as support, but don't try to transfer this knowledge to everybody, can be considered as
clever men who are not capable to elementary cooperation and aren't understanding that their
narrow specialization in this direction is possible only in the society that nevertheless has created
conditions for such achievement, having released them personally from the struggle for the
It is necessary to pass this knowledge even in the conditions of the massed counteraction. But it
is their right to risk or not to risk their life.
Yet our known level of achievement of ethereal (“support-free”) draft is 15 kg. The goal is
to understand the principle of action, to analyze lacks of known devices, to bypass them in the
ideal process and to offer the simple device for experimental check of FREE MOVEMENT
effect. This is a usual task on realization of new inventions.
09.01.11 13:43 The Continuation of the Records
Effects Received from the Physical and Ether Matter Interaction, the Second Part
One can find the information about transfer of hydrogen atom (and some other atoms as well)
into excited state under light quantum irradiation of definite frequency (with laser) on pages 1719 of the reference book (6) where Nikolayev collected data about hydrogen and its atom.
Principal quantum number n=3 was taken as an example. Ionizing energy in item 2.1.6 of the
reference book was indicated as equal to 1,512 эВ; in item 2.1.10 energy radiated by the atom
under transfer from this excited state to ordinary (Lyman series) is equal to 12,095 эВ. Energy
output in this case, which is considered as not the best one, is 8 times as much as the
expenditures. Has anyone been surprised by it to begin with? Has anyone found out an effective
heater using this scientific fact? If the device was supplied with not the best laser of 50%
efficiency practical value of energy transfer from matter of ether to physical heat would be equal
to 400% (4 times as much). Eliminating of scientific achievements, suppression and nonfinancing is obvious here. The reference book “Hydrogen and Atom of Hydrogen: Reference
Book of Physical Characteristics” was published by LENAND in Moscow in 2006, 52 pages,
(Relata Refero). The information became disclosed before the emergence of lasers, that is about
30-40 years ago. Kanarev’s works include the description of one hundred and fifty levels of
excited state of electron in atoms. It means that from theoretical point of view energy output
might be 50 times as higher, 400 times in all or 4838 эВ from one electron.
It is quite obvious that we deal with regular and deliberate suppression, making a fool of
public opinion through official science. It looks as if there were two “hands”. The right hand
doesn’t know what the left one, situated in a shadow place, does. Against the background of a
corrupt science and veil of secrecy from the country’s own peoples there is a slight hope to have
a relative freedom of speech on the Internet in all countries. Ether directivity sites and some
others on top topics become inaccessible all of a sudden if they do approach us to true
knowledge. Advertising banners get virus-like elements of programs with users’ antivirus
programs rejecting searchers from an interesting site. That’s why it would be better to refuse
ALL the limitations of parents’ supervision in one’s own antivirus programs. I hope that both
the book and the site will be downloaded off and on by our like-minded persons and then will be
duplicated on other sites under different titles.
Mass saturation of the Internet with verified knowledge and facts will be opposed to massive
veil of distortion. As a result the best intellects will be involved in a first-priority development of
ethereal technologies, it will also develop a correct attitude of public conscience to them and
involve powerful forces of private international corporations and invested capital from different
countries of the world involved.
It is worth noting Romanov’s article (7) “What We Don’t Know about Atom” which was
published in the journal “Technology for the Youth”, No 8, 2003. The article demonstrated 6
patents with the priority of the first No 2031685 of July 18th 1990 which is called “Romanov’s
Machine – Mechanical Atom”. His machine transforms rotary motion of foam plastic raft
mechanism into directed motion without water masses being thrown off and using debalances of
gyrating masses under nonlinear acceleration-deceleration of plummet rotation at definite
The book of Ivanov M.G. (8) “Antigravity Engines of “flying saucers”: the Theory of
Gravitation”, ed.2, M., LKI, 2007, 352 p. (Relata Refero) describes an experimental facility
which can be made in a school shop. It shows decrease or increase of weight at the expense of
inertia under nonlinear rotation. The patent claim, known as “multidirectional and alternating
rotation with increasing and decaying acceleration of two coaxial one junction disks gravity
inversion device”, was described in the patent application No 2006105164. He hasn’t published
the second volume of the dissertation yet.
Shesterenko’s limited monograph (9), which is being published on his own account, deals
with perpetual motion machines of the second category - “Use of Gas Dynamics Laws in
Applied Tasks Solution. Perpetual Motion Machine of the Second Category” – M., TsP,
Vasizdat, 2007, 200 p. – and describes 18 patents of his. In the monograph the author shows
likeness of one of his constructions with an ancient Arian flying chariot and availability of
getting more energy than it was consumed earlier. Page 195 gives us the description of Degree
No 314 of the USSR which concerns the discovery “of the phenomenon of abnormally high draft
increase in a gas ejector process with an active pulsed jet” of 1975 with priority of 1951 (!) when
abnormal draft increase up to 140% with respect to the initial force was received
experimentally. It meant that the draft became 2,4 times as much.
Menshikov’s book (5) “Drivers without Blowout of Reactive Mass: Backgrounds and
Results”, M., NII KS, 2003, 226 p. with a three hundred copies circulation completes the
preliminary informational survey.
Its conclusion (p.221, 222) contains the following information, “The authors’ experiments
with different models of drivers without blowout of reactive mass showed that rotary motion of
the working substance along definite path initiates forces which transfer linear motion to the
centre of inertia of the system. The adversaries’ arguments, indicating that it is impossible as a
body can’t move under internal force (p.222), are wrong.”
The main institute of Russia on space systems considers it’s not bad, but … these are also the
last public data in our sphere, though the book with a number of 300 copies is very rear. Quite a
lot was written but the main sense is either obscure or hidden. They wanted the best but the result
was quite common: suppression, hiding.
Modern physics distinguishes substances by their properties. Solid substances hold the shape,
liquid ones spread over the volume under gravity while gas substances tend to fill the whole
volute limited. As far as these properties are just projections of ethereal substance which is
considered to be the basis of physical world starting from subatomic particles one can suggest
that properties of solid substances somehow correlate with solid ethers, properties of a liquid
correlate with ethereal liquid, properties of gases – with gas ether.
For practical reasons it’s better to represent atom structure as coupling of torus-shaped
electrons, protons, neutrons having different electric charged state and magnetic poles which
form stable linear magnetic and electric interactions among subatomic particles. One can find a
more detailed description on Kanaryov’s site where proportions of one cooperative pair in a
common measurement range are presented.
The main axis has one torus-shaped proton, the axis of the torus is overlapped with the main
axis and its maximum diameter is symbolically equal to 1 mm. At a distance of 100 m on the
main axis there is a coaxial torus of an electron with a small 1 m diameter so that magnetic poles
of torus of proton and electron were of the same polarity that prevents them from being brought
together by electric forces. The one hundred meter distance can be changed in different
conditions (under exciting – to a considerable extent, under heating and cooling – to a little
The whole space of atom around interacting particles is saturated with mobile spheres of
solid ethers with a diameter of 1 micron; solid ethers are surrounded by spheres of liquid ethers
(or ethereal liquid) of smaller sizes which fill the space of this structural interaction of electron
and proton tightly.
Torus forms keep themselves thanks to a constant motion through reversing and spin rotation
of a thin layer of spheres of solid ethers where everting rotation, “evacuating” spheres of solid
ethers with the help of a centrifugal force up to the diameter of torus profile, is a stabilizing
movement and where the force of external pressure of spheres of solid ethers is balanced with
this centrifugal force. We are of the opinion that inside the tor there are no spheres of solid
ethers, meanwhile the internal volume of the tor is always filled with ethereal liquid.
Hereby, “liquid bubbles” (of electrons, protons and neutrons) in ethereal liquid in the
form of tors without spheres of solid ethers inside, linearly combined by magnetic and electric
interaction, are a physical substance of interacting subatomic particles where a shell of each
torus consists of a thin layer of rotating spheres of solid ethers.
If we take into consideration the motions in the space which are connected with rotation of
the planet about its axis, the Sun and the Sun about the centre of gal ofaxy (and further), total
rate of the point on its surface will be very high and its direction will steadily change. That is
why the tors of electrons will be subject to pressure of spheres of solid ethers from “creeping” of
physical substance of the planet on ethereal matter to a greater extent than tors of protons. As far
as a torus of an electron has the largest size (external diameter) and the least one (diameter of a
torus profile), a relatively creeping stream of ethereal matter subject to the current projection in
the direction of total rate of the motion of the planet will be loaded like a bulldozer blade with a
different depressed mass of the spheres of solid ethers. In regard to this total universal rate each
change of earth rates will try to change the motion vector of different bodies in direction and size
that will inevitably change the depressed mass of solid ethers.
Under fixed motion of a physical body this reduces mass is wedgewise streamed by other
solid ethers that can correspond to inertial motion as ethereal liquid is likely superfluid and
doesn’t give a sensible resistance. If a physical body’s driving direction isn’t changed and its rate
is increased, the amount of pressed mass of the spheres of solid ethers will be increased (they fill
the space flexibly) and inertial forces will also increase. A fast change in driving direction will
give the same result as each pressed mass of solid spheres of ether to all electrons of a moving
body has the effect of a powerful “track” from a set of wedge-shaped spheres of solid ethers
which should be weakened first in order to change the rate direction.
One can suggest that under hard braking or acceleration (detonation, explosion, or acanthoid
impulse) there is no time for ethereal liquid to streamline a superfluid flow of spheres of solid
ethers near torus vortices of intra-atomic elementary particles. It has no time to part, “jamming”
a physical substance of electrons, protons and neutrons. Ethereal liquid stops flowing (hardens,
“fastens”) and spheres of solid ethers as well as spheres of liquid ethers form an absolutely solid
monolith of a huge mass in the place of such an interaction as the density of liquid ethers
exceeds the density of solid ethers by several digits.
It is impossible to go on drawing conclusion without some new concepts connected with the
stream of time according to Kozyrev (10) and the Bartini theory (11).
10.01.2011 17:57 The Continuation of the Notes
Aircraft Designer Bartini and Astronomer Kozyrev
In the book (10) «The Causal Mechanics» Kozyrev tried to get out a message of time arrow
as a consequence of different conditions that can be related to motion-less film shots where the
natural least interval of lasting is specified – an instant where the condition is characterized by a
Suppose, according Bartini (11), the intervals between conditions are equal to an instant of
physical life absence. The Universe has 3D shot of existence of the next invariable condition
(present) limited from side of the past and the future on 1 instant of physical non-existence in the
same Space of the Universe. This non-existence from the future is necessary, that on regularities
of the Nature ideas and our strong-willed mental creativity the ethereal substance could collect
instantly the next 3D invariable shot of the present during 1 instant, different from the previous
3D shot of the present which has become the past.
The consciousness of a man perceives this series of static different conditions of one instant of
the present as nonstop processes of various kind (birth, development, stability, fading, collapse)
where the influence and the response to it is always separated from each other that is expressed
by cause and effect relationship (according to Kozyrev).
The law of mechanics claiming that the force of action is equal to the force of counteraction
needs to be specified and added that their demonstrations follow each other in time. Let during
some concrete 1 (first) instant of time there was an active force of impact then its reaction will
appear only during 2nd subsequent instant of time. If during 3rd instant of time the force of
influence is removed, then during an instant of time 3 there will be only one reaction without
force. Thus the reaction has a passive character - that means that during 4th instant of time the
reaction won't develop any more reaction, and will simply disappear.
Now it is important to specify that the direction of counteraction (reaction) coincides with the
line of action of the first active force if the object moves WITHOUT ROTATION.
If any rotation of bodies of gyroscopes types the reaction is always PERPENDICULAR to the
force of influence, being a tangent to a rotation circle, and is located in a rotation plane. This
experimental fact in the technique is called DIRECT gyroscopic effect. RETURN gyroscopic
effect is demonstrated ONLY by Tolchin’s inertsoid and efin engines offered later in these notes.
Active force and its passive reaction makes 90 degrees on rotating bodies or gyroscopes.
Let's pass to the analysis of the conditions necessary for movement without repulsion from
support or without rejection of reactive weight. Above there were presented enough examples of
mechanic devices and live organisms where the rotary motion inside the system was transformed
into progressive one. Let’s specify once again those that possess the best results.
The larva in a cocoon in length about 3 mm and in diameter about 1.1 mm without repulsion
of the surface jumps up on height on the average on 50 mm and is displaced aside on 30 … 35
mm without tumbling, however we will not describe its prospective internal device yet.
The first instant of taking off of well-known bug-Hydrocotyle (diving beetle) is so impetuous
that an eye hasn't time to react. The bug as if disappears. Researches of the device of a jumping
cocoon and the first instant of taking off demand special expensive highly-exact technique which
is not available to the Russian entomologists or enthusiasts of free movement “without a
The most powerful inertsoid of Tolchin develops draft of 15 kg without repulsion of the surface
and transfer rotation to wheels. Inertsoid movement for a long time and still unsuccessfully
investigated from the point of view of free flight. There are some experimental models and
stands in which it is possible to notice a number of repeating constructive features which can
provide conditions of free movement of the technical devices cooperating with ethereal
Its presence was acknowledged by ancient thinkers. In the book (12) of Blavatskaya “The
Secret Doctrine”, volume I, section 9 “The Forthcoming Force. Its possibilities and
impossibilities” on p. 712 … 727 the action of ethereal power is presented. As an example many
achievements of John Worel Kili from Philadelphia were shown, including a levitation of heavy
equipment of his laboratory (p.713) in 90–s of 19th century!
It is possible to specify the following REPEATING design features:
- It is enough to provide symmetric and synchronous ROTATION of two unbalanced
WEIGHTS of cargoes (or eccentric weighs) BETTER in one plane or in two parallel
- Along the rectilinear movement these weights should have such position at one moment
of time (or the ZERO point / points) in which weights symmetrically and synchronously are
retarded - accelerated by the pair of forces the line of action of which is perpendicular to
rectilinear movement.
- This pair of active forces in return gyroscopic effect can be closed ON ITSELF through
the case and their passive gyroscopic reactions (or force of draft) will always be directed to
the set course of movement WITHOUT OPPOSITE reactions.
Probably that one description is insufficient. It is necessary to imagine the location of the instant
center of weights from sharp NONLINEAR rotation of two weighs concerning the instant center
of weights at EQUAL rotation of two cargoes. Nonlinear rotation does these cargoes at the
moment of such arrangement much more MASSIVE due to instant “seizing” of super dense
mass of ethereal substance that creates the impulse of aspiration to this more remote in the
direction of travel instant position of the center of weights.
As a playful illustration we can imagine the dog team where the rider in the sledge keeps a
sappy piece of meat on a rope of a long fishing tackle before the head of the dog, its look and
smell forces the dog to aspire to it only at the moment of cross-section moving of conditional
curtain. Such “piece of meat” (the stimulus for the set movement) in the device will be the
instant considerably increased massiveness of rotating weighs caused by the pair of cross-section
forces of a very sharp nonlinear acceleration-braking in this position.
Let's consider the ideal variants of the form of the schedule of nonlinear angular speed, presented
on Scheme 1. All of them will be similar to symmetric “thorn” about three character points 1, 2
and 3. Symmetric curves of nonlinear dispersal 1-2 and braking 2-3 should have thus the general
tangent which is simultaneously their axis of symmetry. Points 1 and 3 have equal angular speed
of rotation, and in point 2 it nonlinearly reaches a limiting maximum on a quarter of a line of a
circle or even more abrupt curve - ellipse quarter.
Then in the locality of point 2 on the left the ideal schedule of nonlinear angular accelerationbraking will direct to the module In PLUS infinity, and on the right – FROM MINUS infinity.
That is in one of the instants the schedule line “will promptly cross” axis X when acceleration for
one instant will be equal 0, and the value of force since the last instant (as consequence) still
remains equal + to infinity under laws of causal mechanics.
Thus, the weight of two rotating cargoes during this instant will appear theoretically
infinite as in the weight formula it is necessary to divide infinite force into zero value of
acceleration taking into account assumptions of Kozyrev (10) and Bartini (11).
Therefore the instant position of the gravity center in two-mass system will receive from the
previous instant the powerful aspiration in the form of a mechanical impulse of motion in the set
direction as the reaction which does not have counteractions, keeping this motion by inertia to
the following cycle of a push (aspiration).
It is obvious that all mechanical systems have small possibilities on increasing the module of
change of the angular speed, limited by durability of materials. But the field electric and
magnetic interactions in the streams of liquids, liquid metals or gases will destroy nothing.
Is it possible to receive in technical devices such ideal schedules of non-linear rotation of debalance weighs or masses?
This question was “hanging” long enough in the consciousness until the understanding came.
Free electrons have minimum physical weight in the process of flashing. They are moving on a
helical spiral, “wrapping” on a magnetic line with a very wide set of the different periods of
corresponding frequencies. Strengthening of intensity of a magnetic line reduces the diameter of
a spiral, keeping its step or period. The angle between the line of flashing and a magnetic line
develops a spiral that in a combination can give in projection on a plane of flashing the exact
form of ideal “thorn” for electromagnetic systems with very powerful push (aspiration) for nonmechanic self-restoring structures of tor vortex type in any mobile environment.
12.01.11 13:25 The Continuation of the Records
Poet Derbenyov and prophetess Kessi
The basis of Bartini’s representation is stated in the book (11). He continued a scientific
direction on generalization of physical quantities dimensions where any certain dimension of
physical quantities can be shown as dimension of time and space (see p.203-221), before
developed by J. B. Brown. Bartini described very closely (in questions) the contradictions
(aporias), arising in attempts of separate substance and movement representation.
The correctly asked question already comprises the uniting representation, possible for us if
we accept (massive) filling of space by ethereal substance of the midget sizes, considerably
smaller than proton and a neutron of which for ONE instant of the present is built (materialized)
the physical substance or in which it then “is instantly dissolved” (dematerialized).
In article “Dialectic monizm. Experience of elementary system of isomorphic relations” (without
date, but roughly 1940 … 1953) Bartini wrote:
On p.142, paragraph 3, sentence 1. – “The Concept about EXISTENCE (life) of the subject
includes a dialectic combination of two contradictions– of condition (Invariability ) and
formation (CHANGE).”
Paragraph 4, sentence 1. – “Accepting the definition that existence is a unity of condition and
formation so alternation of conditions can be carried out under a condition, … that if the new
condition is distinct from the former one.”
Paragraph 5, sentence 1,2,3 – “The Generalized spatial and time extent of existence of the
phenomena (BEEING) is perceived by us on the screen of knowledge in the form of a session
(“film”), when close examination images (shots) of a subject stand INVARIABLY for some (1st
shot) time interval, then DISAPPEAR (dwell), then appear, CHANGED, in the following (2nd
Under the pretext of such “screen version” of existence (fast change of shots and dwells
between them) it (phenomenon) will appear to us in the form of movement, inseparable from its
“Movement is a moving in time and moving to space, displacement and deteriorating”.
(Text inserts in brackets are given by the author of these records.)
These Bartini’s representations are logically combined with Kozyrev’s statements in the book
(10) dated 1958 “The Causal or asymmetrical mechanics in linear approach”. In a file
“MEHANIKA” of the Internet version (see, p.38) he confirms on the basis of watching the stars
the phenomenon of asymmetry of the processes leading to allocation of energy for maintenance
of eternal life against symmetry, balance (or death). This non-symmetry is set by a course of
time from the reason to the consequence. In his axioms of causality he declares that the
consequence is always separated from the reason by space and time of very small extent, but
unequal to zero. Kozyrev does the basic conclusion of axioms of causality (see, p.11) where in
point 1 it is specified - “The world course of time is defined by universal pseudo-scalar С2,
having dimension speed”; he has calculated its size in a range from 300 to 700 km/s;
In point 2 (see, p. 12) where it is specified –
“Thus, the existing course of time, even at full isolation, connects ALL the bodies in the
World …”.
Our task appears to be much easier as the facts of possibility of movement without a physical
support (but with a support on very subtle and super massive element of ethereal substance) are
known from the Nature and techniques.
It is necessary to combine an integral chain of representations of known effects from science
and techniques, filling the gaps of with the most simple and logical assumptions. Ideas rule the
world, including powerful streams of visualizations from all the mankind and other regular
influences of the Nature. They as a group during a unique instant of life (PRESENT) instantly
build of ethereal substance in ALL the Universe one static and unique three-dimensional shot
(3D) on grains of the reasons, sown as various probabilities in 3D future shots.
Thus, the present will be one ripened instant of the future physically existing (materialized
of the Ether) only for one instant of a very small duration as unique static character.
During the subsequent instant all physical substance of the Universe completely
DISAPPEARS (or again dematerializes into the Ether), leaving a record or a print (matrix)
of the past on Akasha.
Words of Derbenyov’s song come into the mind, written to a film “The Earth of Sannikov” –
“There is only the INSTANT between the past and future – it is called the life!” (as revealed
being). Many people just know about such model of the Universe, without having possibility to
transfer or express all the set of this knowledge to others.
The procession of instant flashings of being of the unique present (or physical materialization
from the Ether) and the NON-EXISTENCE will be perceived by the consciousness screen as the
movement of different type as of movements or deterioration changes by the laws of the Nature
or by our will, realized by a modern science of different areas, including the law of the reasons
and consequences.
Thanks to memory, our consciousness is filled with a large quantity of very different sensations
and past and future representations. Our thoughts on the future form probabilities of the next
instants in the form of fancies or matrixes on Akasha substance consistently flowing to the
unique instant of BEING (physical materialization of the Ether) the invariable and unique
present that in the subsequent instant completely with all the Universe to disappear
(dematerialize). For the sake of these sensations, representations we do live our lives when
memory allows to have completeness of life.
Surprisingly, but extremely probably that all our life is based on consciousness perception of the
procession of instants of a unique invariable and unique instant of the present, thanks to an
instant materialization of all physical substance of the Universe and instant subsequent
So from each present instant of physical existence of substance 3D image will remain in the past
on a mental substance (Аkasha). These motionless images are accessible for perception to some
people with hyper sensibility (seers, clairvoyants) who can as well watch some instants of
probable close or far future as mental images where at the moment of present formation the
cumulative Thought will create instantly from ethereal substance the static unique physical world
for 1 instant of existence. During the following instant of a physical non-existence (or otherexistence) the physical world of the present is again dissolved without the rest in the Ether
substance, leaving in Akasha a procession of mental static and unique images (matrixes or prints)
of the past of all our Universe which is perceived by these especial people on sensitivity.
As an example you can watch a license record of a film “PUCH” (“ the fifth degree”) from
current time of 42 minutes and 32 seconds, where the girl-prophetess Kessi speaks if to trust the
translation, - “I see everything, as if on the photo”.
The phrase very short and it is impossible to distort its translation for professionals.
The word “as if” sets difference from a photo, keeping “a photo print” invariance. The unique
true assumption is that all the images are three-dimensioned, not flat as they can be on a photo.
You may wonder if somebody has it, they are local seers-clairvoyants, aren’t they? As a rule,
script writers and directors go from life and they received irrefragable answers on this theme
from professional clairvoyants who earn on the life by perception of images of the past or the
future. It seems that our assumption has received unexpected acknowledgement from the life of
script writers and song-poets!
Let us repeat once again for full comprehension of new possibilities.
What is an instant of the PRESENT?
Our physical world on all extent of the Universe has display (the present or
materialization from the Ether) in the same Space only for ONE instant in ONE static and
UNIQUE 3D image and during the following instant completely DISAPPEARS (again
dematerializes in the Ether). The procession of instant developments creates perception of
our REALITY in consciousness of everyone.
Same the Phoenix (Universe) constantly and inimitably reviving of Ashes (the Ether)!
Ancient myths about constant revival also confirm our guess about the UNIQUE instant of
display of the unique present. Only in on consciousnesses instant flashings of STATIC 3D
images create the illusion of all changes, processes or movements and the reality of existence of
our physical world.
Thus, the reality of the physical world is naturally connected with cumulative influence of
spatial thought of the Nature and human thinking. And this guarantees the successful
development of ethereal technology of a materialization and dematerialization of any material
objects and all live subjects.
Instant occurrence and disappearance in one place or in different places (teleportation in
myths and fairy tales) and different bodies (transformation) is possible.
The repeated occurrence of the same object in one place is accepted as miracle (let’s remember a
case of feeding of 5000 persons, not including women and children with 5 loaves and 2 fish). But
it is only one of the Nature laws which can be realized in the technical device, materializing on
the set matrix of thought everything that we want now. Let me remind you the fairy tales of the
different peoples on a magic tablecloth, a wonderful pot, which infinitely cooks porridge by
itself; wonderful occurrences and transformations of people and animals or the monsters,
speaking the HUMAN voice.
It is possible to dissolve instantly in the Ether all the flagrant mountains of garbage dumps of
physical reality as the most dense physical substance in comparison with density of the Ether is
subtler than a soap bubble and half of our time perception does not have any display at all as
during these instants the mountain of dumps have already been completely dissolved
(dematerialized) in the Ether in one moment together with the Universe.
All obligatory work imposed to the mankind, deficiency in all and rush of other infinite problems
imperceptibly reduce the time of a quiet meditation.
It is justified by nothing and specially creates a hopelessness vicious circle that there was no time
to meditate on meaning of life and to understand that our world is the PARADISE, ready to
fulfill any our desire and a wonderful Playground. Of course, it is very important to remember all
the time of love even to “enemies”.
Our desires shouldn't create problems for others, but in the rest there are no any
Now it is necessary to adapt and be reconciled by that nowadays the whole world is in unfreedom and in the latent submission to a very small number of people, created their game
though all of us from the birth moment are equal and we are “sons of God”, children of the Soli
Deo. These people play domination over other mass of the planet’s population during centuries,
is artificial creating problems of our existence, regularly concealing the true outlook.
They have made the game, at the expense of creation of special system of problems preservation
of all the mankind. All exclusive and deficiency of unique things can be for ever removed from
our life by easy and frequent repetition of the most difficult game of thought, including
mountains of gold, platinum or diamonds.
Meal, clothes and spacious habitation of the first-rate quality, our state of health or the
sensations, favorite age or body, instant movements or transformations and many other things
can be received instantly and ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE after development of
corresponding technologies! The things that has already bothered or aren't required, will also be
instantly dissolved in the Ether.
After some time the necessity for any technical devices will disappear as conscious obtaining the
force of CREATING thought will make each person a real FREE in the Unity of Omnipresence,
Omniscience and Omnipotence for still 2000 years ago Jesus told us “You are Gods!”. Such
FREEDOM can't be received from anybody for it is necessary to TAKE personally on game
conditions in our physical reality. These records are the first steps to TRUE Freedom, helping
every capable person to begin technical or mental idea realization of free movement and free
There is the playful expression reflecting an essence of casual decision-making on the basis of
two various possibilities, - three “П”. A Finger, a Floor, a Ceiling. The same – “The Rule of
scientific self-thumb”. When 4 years of 6 has already passed, spent for understanding the idea of
free movement, in one of the days the awareness at once has come that everything that is made
or being made, always corresponds to a certain sequence of actions or stages which can be
expressed by 4 “П”! To Understand, to Accept, to Adapt and to Change.
Without understanding it is impossible for consciousness to accept EASY everything that is bad
or limiting in our world and to pass to an adaptation stage. Only FULL acceptance allows to
begin infinite process of the adaptation in each new day for the purpose of reception “possibility
window” when it is possible to win for a while the vanity of personal life and to create absolutely
small free resources of time, money and health for resolving all the problems put by the theme of
free movement and free energy or any another. It is clear all the life can be spent on it…. Even
the most successful people of our time, from those who works on himself, consider 3rd letter
“П” to be the last one for achieving personal life priorities. However they are only built in - that
global GAME the conditions of which are already set by this small group.
For creation of new conditions of planetary interaction (NEW GAME), the adaption is not the
purpose, but possibility to think over everything all carefully for the last stage, to create
sufficient conditions gradually for deduction of the necessary CHANGES for the period of idea
consolidation. Certainly, changes of such scale should be based on a personal interest of ALL
the population of our planet provided that their future is independently guaranteed by the
laws of the Nature without fear for resources, energy, information and freedom of movement in
process of development of ethereal technologies.
Since 11.11.2011, as soon as working models or devices of free movement are ready,
everyone on the place will show openly to the general public the operating examples. Only in
this way we together will take future planning in our hands, making OUR games on the Nature
laws, not creating problems to other mankind.
For a science-mechanics the conclusion is very important that by the law the action is equal
to counteraction, but their developments DIFFER for one instant of existence of physical
The similar point of view already took place in the translation of the article (13) of the French
magazine «Science et vie» for August, 1962, got to magazine IR №10 for 1962 on p.19 see 19
paragraph, 1 sentence. – “That is, action and counteraction aren't simultaneous” - at the analysis
of the invention work of Dyne. And further under the text of this specified law the Soviet
astronomer Kozyrev to whom the American scientists and engineers referred was mentioned as
discoverer. It would not be bad to remain in the company of wise men then there are more
chances to gain in experiments expected powerful effect of free flight.
This instant practically can't be measured, however Kozyrev has defined the smallest size of
pseudo-scalar С2 approximately equal 300 km/s. This limit of replacement of one invariable and
unique condition on another one means that speed of moving of freely moving devices in space
can't exceed it on tempo rate of transition the reason into a consequence set by the Nature.
In the Internet version of the book (14) of Chernobrov (in the file) “V.A. Chernobrov-They
exist in spite logics” unconfirmed data were presented. It is said on p. 76 in paragraph 3, that
maximum speed of officially registered UFO comprised 56 km/sec.
In the book (2) of Grebennikov “My World” on p.222 in 6 paragraph it is written – “…, and a
horizontal speed – at most 30-40 kilometers per second?”.
Thus, these are speeds of one order and don't exceed the bottom limit of speed, calculated by
Kozyrev and set by the Nature law.
In search of combination of the conditions showing the effect of interaction of physical
substance and ether substance during the free flight, the resonance for electromagnetic processes
will be especially important, but it shouldn't be exact as the forces of vibrations will begin to
destroy any strong surface in places of instant blows. The safety factor equal 11 can be criterion
of security that is used at designing of passenger lifts for a safety guarantee.
As eversible tor from a mobile physical substance for an ether substance will present similarity
of the jet pump, therefore its central part at protection absence will strike ethereal cover of a
physical body of a person with a narrow flood of firm ethers spheres that is inadmissible for life
and health.
Though expected capacity of Grebennikov’s device at the moment of start at the maximum
charge no more than 1 Vt, and at horizontal movement even less in 40 km/s, ethereal jet current
will undoubtedly destroy a physical body and especially genes, responsible for restoration of the
form and right functioning of bodies and body systems of a man. Most of all for protection will
fit the left and right spirals of DNA type on the level of atoms from crystals of quartz sand
ground in a fine dust. Their casual orientation will block off the sharp directed traffic of spheres
of firm ethers, but will keep their slow admissible infiltration.
It is possible to check with a transducer from a substratum of live green seaweed in the water
environment which in a narrow test tube for some reason in a quiet condition accumulates in the
form of equal green strips with alternating transparent areas of water. In the absence of
protection due to emissions of an ethereal substance green seaweed is in regular intervals
distributed on length of a test tube that will specify in danger of human biology and necessity of
quartz protection restoration of the working chamber of the device.
This idea of the transducer belongs to Grebennikov, and the idea of protection by means of
crystals to Carroll Li (15) when he was asked a question on the UFO engine.
Unfortunately, Grebennikov didn't consider necessary, because of a danger of destruction of that
bug, precisely to specify its sort and kind that detained for a long time the search of the necessary
sizes and geometrical parities. But, as a result this uncertainty also has been specified so that it
was possible to start designing of the working chamber of a breadboard model for carrying
power test.
14.01.11 18:13 The Records Continuation
The Tolchin’s concept development for unrestricted movement
For the given set of conditions by the subject of unrestricted movement being an interaction
between physical and ethereal matter, it is possible to propose four embodiments of one concept.
According to rise of the complexity of making and tests, these embodiments are as follows:
1 – an improved mechanical analogue of the Tolchin inertia drive (see Fig. 1 and 2);
2 – an hydraulic device, effecting an internal impact (a continuous sequence of such impacts for
the time of acting of the fluid pressure), like this occurs in a larva in the hard cocoon (see Fig. 3,
4 and 5);
3 – a sealed chamber with gaseous medium tore vortices, reconstituting the lift force generation
processes at elytra (wing-cases) of some beetles due to the interaction of sparking with the
proper homogeneous magnetic field, imitating the terrestrial magnetism (see Fig. 6 and 7);
4 – a sealed chamber for movable media, like gases, fluids or liquid metals, which generate a
structure similar to the atomic or molecular crystalline structure in orthogonal uniform fields of
magnetic and electric forces (see Fig. 8 and 9).
Under the effect of SHF resonant impulses with the specially shaped “spike”, there is
created a pressure against the gravity (or a “conditional negative mass of the chamber matter”) in
the chamber due to the electron tore vortex spinning during additional travel of the centre of
mass of molecules or atoms by the electric polarization and the increased pressure within the
chamber relative to the electron tore centre. At that, their intrinsic magnetism and electrical
polarity would provide the sufficient “crystalline” regularity of the structure of movable media in
orthogonal fields.
The last embodiment is virtually perfect, since here is used the natural (free) spine-like
rotation of the electron tore vortex and the “turning-out” rotation creating its magnetic polarity,
which does not break and wear off.
In the modern pulse engineering, it is surely mastered the frequency band from 1 to 10
GHz in areas of radio-locating and SHF devices, computers processors, but the pulses have to be
PERFECTLY shaped into the “spike”, what is attained easily using relevant directions of the
directional diagram symmetrical angle along the third axis, along which the SHF radiation is
directed. This will allow disposing of precision automatic propulsion control of tens of tones, but
only the third embodiment allows initial precise measuring of a resonance frequency (in order to
find out all the band of resonant frequencies) experimentally and the angle of required projection
of the harmonic gyroidal movement of the charged particle to the third orthogonal axis in order
to obtain the perfectly shaped spike.
Even the forth embodiment is suitable for self-making in a house workshop, if one will
know how to make the generating magnetron for one of resonant frequencies of the GHz band
with the first six significant digits exact value. For information, the magnetron is a part of a radar
installation and well-known since the World War II. Its use is required the special protection
from exposure to the SHF radiation. At that, other embodiments are excellent field for
independent creative work. The natural quartz crystal resonators (quartz oscillators) have the
required precision, working stability even in very critical conditions and long-time reliability,
up-building the lowest harmonics of the specified band. The large-scale production of them is
very inexpensive, what was just recently used in wristwatches, and is so far used in fuses of
military arsenals. So, this technology can be inaccessible. But the lowest harmonics precise value
can without a problem to be passed into the primary circuit to the magnetron from the self-made
device according to the third embodiment, with fine measurements and quartz oscillators.
One such “negative” mass chamber with its control unit sized less than a cellular phone,
considered EMI-RFI protection, will occupy not plenty of area and will cost as a cheap cellular
phone, having the theoretical lift capacity something like 10 tonnes. Their minimum quantity to
control unrestricted motion is three (3), for double fusing – six (6), so the entire device can cost
as a motor scooter or a cellular phone of high quality in large-scale manufacturing, with the
maximum lift capacity at the start of 60 tonnes.
It should remind of the possibility to get the real-time thermal energy liberation efficiency
400 to 600 times exceeding the costs for decomposition of water molecules into gases according
to the Meyer or Kanarev techniques at the start of appropriate resonance devices. Such energy
liberation is not extreme. Recombining, these gases will rotate the simple Tesla turbine by the U.
S. patent No. 1061206 dd. 06.05.1913, which will drive (or pump) mechanical or hydraulic
devices of the first or second embodiment of the unrestricted motion concept. At that, the same
water volume will take part in perpetual energy liberation cycles according to the Meyer or
Kanarev system, what makes noncompetitive other lines of development of the hydrogen power
engineering. Any driving gear providing the initial gradient or potential is required only to
change-over into the resonance, and afterwards it can be OFF!
The Tolchin truck is very simple in its making and demonstrated obviously the motion
without a direct movement translation onto the wheels. The weakness of this device is the
FRICTION between the trippet and the spring-loaded strip, which was chosen by its author for
abrupt slowing down of the driving gear with saved energy recovery at the instant of stretched
spring contraction, what provides a drastic acceleration.
Let we consider the mechanical device in Fig. 1 and 2. In the nonmagnetic caprolon gear
wheels, item 3, the steel pins, item 4, can be mounted rigidly, and with the minimum clearance to
them the horseshoe constant magnet can be fixed on the flanges, item 2, magnets, item 6, or a
couple of pulsed electromagnets. So, we can exclude friction, but save the local nonlinearity of
rotation as the nonmagnetic gear wheels acceleration-deceleration by the steel pin interacting
with the magnetic field.
At the ends of the magnet it is better to arrange the magnetic “lenses”, item 5, with the
spike shaped cross-section and the apex line directed toward the pin. The pin counterpart has the
same spike-like shape (formed by the quarters of circle or a more abrupt elliptical curve).
Tolchin found the required nonlinearity of the angular acceleration plot by intuitive fitting
of the cams profile, which needs to be excluded from the improved inertia drive manufacturing
This design (the Tolchin truck) had not the dynamic equilibrium, creating a reactive torque
(similar to a helicopter with its anti-torque rotor is broken), as the loads rotation axes were
scattered physically and the loads were rotated in different planes. That is totally unacceptable
for suspended models and unrestricted motion, since an unintentional torsion by the reactive
torque will exclude the flight controllability.
In order to compensate these torques one need to counter-double the initial module in a
rigid design, at the same time keeping rotational synchronism. So, there is no description of an
experience with the straight-line VERTICAL motion under conditions of the balanced
suspension on pulleys or on the balance swing in his book.
There is the opportunity to exclude totally the reactive torque action, arranging in the
SAME plane two identical gear wheels engaged for synchronous rotation; at that, there should be
little lugs on either side of the gear wheels for movable fastening in grooves of slide bearings of
the flanges, item 2.
This least assembly and suspension on pulleys are all enough for the first test of the
unrestricted motion effect in the vertical direction, if one took two statically and dynamically
balanced, equal spring winding mechanisms from alarm clocks or clock-work toys.
In order to make the lift force pulses more frequent and powerful, it needs to transmit
rotation from two statically and dynamically balanced standard electric motors over the external
engagement lines, item 9.
The lateral motion of three-corned platform with three inertia drives along a given azimuth
can be provided trough its lateral inclination (raise) due to greater rotational speed of the drives
opposed to the motion.
Being unaware of all necessary conditions of the unrestricted motion of physical
devices in ethereal matter, it is difficult and very expensive to study a hard cocoon interior
arrangement. Now it is already possible to arrange a closed hydraulic device, technically
feasible in size, from available materials by simplified technologies.
I do not want to recur, “inventing the bicycle”, but I managed to find in the Internet nothing
but inaccurate rumors about the “Ikarus” by Kardanovsky. I have a subconscious feeling that its
author has understood correctly the necessary set of conditions, but the original source of the
patent application directed for appraisal into Roscosmos is meanwhile needed an additional time
for its search. Nevertheless we will have to exert ourselves to give our embodiment of the
hydraulic “Jumper”.
All insects have an analog of the human blood, or multifunctional fluid, which flows
symmetrically, over equal circles, within two rounded ends of the hard cocoon, reaching in a
defined position the opposing motion, the line of which is normal to a defined straight direction
of the hard cocoon “jump”.
In order to make the jump, his line of the fluid opposing motion during the hemolymph “inplane” flow within the cocoon has to have a nonzero value of the displacement from the common
center of mass, even with small cocoon diameter (of 1.1 mm).
In Fig. 3, 4 and 5, we shall look at a hydraulic device, similar to the jumping hard cocoon
in its principle of operation, which consists of the vertical case, item 1, and the lateral flange,
item 2, which cut and lugs when jointed produce a sealed ring-shaped cavity, in the bottom of
which is a flaring to allocate and squeeze out liquid silicone (oil lubricant) by compressed air
into two symmetrical channels from an air chuck, item 9 (with a spring-loaded slide for
compressed air quick disconnection), which design is not shown here to simplify the view.
It is better to make the case and the flange from Plexiglas (acrylic resin) and to glue with
carbon tetrachloride solvent (this is produced in a draft hood for safety reason), providing
centering by the holes, item 7, for pins, where, in 18 holes, item 6, bolts with nuts are nested at
their opposing interchange to strengthen the glued joint, items 10 and 11. Gluing allows having
no carrying out of the channels, item 4 and 5, for sealing-in. When the need of static balancing
exists, the additional nuts, item 16, are screwed on the protruded ends of the bolts, item 15, for
exact balancing.
The ring-shaped cavity bottom part and two symmetrical channels up to the Laval nozzles
form the pressurized end of the hydraulic system. Once an fluid expulsion impulse completed,
the pressurized and drain ends are connected by pressing on the return valve, item 8, through the
upper hole in the case, item 1, after unscrewing of a lug plug, item 3, in order to overflow fluid
from the drain end into the pressurized one and to prepare new cycle of the fluid pulse
In order to get a lifting force, two equal local reductions were formed within the device,
which are of a kind of the symmetrical Laval nozzle from two (or one) semi-circles with the
radius of 5 to 0.5 mm (or, better, semi-ellipses). Then for the right and left portions of fluid it
will be provided a local acceleration downstream to the narrowest nozzle spot, and after the
narrowest spot a symmetrical deceleration. In each couple of appropriate cross-sections of
several modules, or in one such cross-section of our hydraulic device, there will be the same
arrangement of local narrow spots, see Fig. 3, 4 and 5.
In the schematic 2, there is presented a more power revision of the pipeline hydraulic
system in order to create a constant controlled lift power, item 2, in the device of unrestricted
motion, where each Laval nozzle is replaced by a couple of developed reflection symmetric turns
of pipeline, item 1, which are soldered in separate cases for rigidity, which are not shown in the
schematic to simplify the view.
To keep the symmetry and the equilibrium relative to the centre of gravity, let we mount in
the bottom two gear pumps, item 5, with symmetrical channels of suction, item 4, and pumping,
item 3, provided with two opposed rotating drives, item 7. The drives are timed by engagements
of the ring gear, item 9, two gear wheels, item 6, and the timing gear wheel, item 8, where two
Tesla turbines with working medium of Brown gas (detonating gas) are used as drives. The
weight, item 10, provides the dynamic balancing, and the weight, item 11, the static one,; at that,
the volume balancing occurs automatically on connecting of the pumps with the hydraulic
system pressurized end. As through each couple of turns of piping, item 1, the same mass of
fluid will flow each instant trough the point 2, then here is an opportunity to get STEADILY
instant lift force pulses, when fluid flows from each vertical instant cross-section of the fluid
flow crossing through the “zero point 2 projection” of the slowing down acceleration, created by
the spike-shaped profile. The lift force value, item 2, will depend on the outer diameter of
reflection symmetric turns, their projection and pitch, which creates the required displacement
(delta E) of the point 2 relative to the points 1 and 3. In the resonance mode the drive is
disconnected, since the “0” point, as a pump, also provides the fluid flow.
The pressure rise before the turns, item 1, and the fluid-flow rate rise, item 12, through the
turns will result into the controlled rise of the lift force, item 2, within the hydraulic device.
Placing the drives from below creates the additional displacement of the centre of gravity of the
system from the points 1 and 3.
To simplify the arrangement, another couple of the Tesla turbines can operate as pumps,
while provided static, dynamic and volume balancing and timing of rotation. Moving of the
triangle platform along a given direction is similar to the description above for the mechanical
embodiment 1.
It is better to carry out the first experimental check of the hydraulic embodiment 2 (see
Figs. 3, 4 and 5) of the unrestricted motion in the vertical direction, using the vertical
arrangement of one module on a counterweight with the “plane” motion of fluid opposed flows,
created due to sudden pressing-out of an portion of oil or silicone fluid from above on
connecting of the air chuck.
Nevertheless, it will be more efficient, reliable, light and space-saving the device according
to the embodiment 3 reconstructing the conditions of gas tore vortices build-up in the elytra of
some beetles, where the central arcing in the Earth magnetic field enveloping the tor creates the
lift force, directed onto the elytra inner surface. It is possible, that the presented embodiment
somewhat coincide with the Grebennikov platform embodiment, but its inner arrangement is not
known for us, in order to speed up the work using prompts. The current time requires energetic
anticipatory activities, until the rise in elements upset better international contacts and
opportunities in cooperation, if these be in case.
Initial stuff for the analysis of the Grebennikov platform internal arrangement were
collected and comprehended during last six years, with stoppage of the work and unexpected
subconscious comprehension of successive stages. At the very beginning, in 2005, I had luck to
get into my hands one of the last copies of the book “My World” just by a miracle, since
hundreds enthusiasts together with the competent bodies passed this way by that time.
Afterwards, other original sources were collected long and laboriously: his works in magazines
by all themes, the previous book “Secrets of the world of insects”, inventions, technologies,
description of embodiment of his various concepts – with the only purpose to decide the issue of
relation (faith) to his main Find and its embodiment by the “UNRESTRICTED MOTION”
He proved to be a straight man of science. Then I had decided to begin in this direction, in
order to try to guess his way of the device creation, having passed by myself way of creative
comprehension of each emerging problem.
Should the current guess-work do not result in a successful experimental check, we
will change our comprehension, until we shall get experimentally a sufficient lifting force of
the device.
17.01.11 19:55 The Continuation of the Records
Study of Grebennikov’s Platform, part one
Genus and species of the beetle, as well as internal assembly of the device, Grebennikov
found necessary to conceal under publishing of the book «My world» in year 1997, therefore, to
start with, we have suggested that all illustrations of beetles or their descriptions in text may be
concealed clues. In micrographs we can’t see lower part, where scale of magnification is usually
indicated. None of them didn’t correspond with text description of stellular repeated cavities of
complex spatial outline. But even magnification of school microscope has allowed to notice that
different genus of beetles have the same structural replication either of flanges of different type
or of cavities, form of which on a plane has been slightly indicated under horizontal lighting.
This structure – three points, which form equilateral triangles of inaccurate dimensions.
Three points in a circle is a very ancient symbol and it can be found cut on stones, caves’ walls at
different continents. This fact has been originally described in their books by Rerich family after
the end of multi-year expeditions in different countries. Many nuances of geometric
interpretations of this symbol has been presented by Drunvalo Melhisidek in the book
(16) “Ancient secret of Life Flower”.
If on each cube face we outline all diagonals, then they will be at the same time edges of two,
inserted into each other, tetrahedrons (pyramid from four equilateral triangles). Let’s select any
axis in the cube with tetrahedrons, which connects opposite apexes, and establish it
perpendicularly for projection of all apexes on a plane. Projection of all points of tetrahedrons
apexes (or unfolded cube) will form accurate periodic structure from three points.
Therefore, any orthogonal coordinates system in the form of a unit cube ALWAYS contains four
directions (projections), where regular three point structure is presented. Let’s call this structure
triangular flat network. From several accurate triangles on a plane, an eye can distinguish
rhombuses, hexagonal cells and even Star of David (Solomon, symbol of Jews). Now we can see
STELLAR SHAPE of Grebennikov.
In this, we can see a direct indication to the size of a side of elementary triangle, which, if we
know scale of magnification, can be received by statistical analysis by method of Gaussian
distribution of certain number of actual dimensions of scanned photos. Following the results of
analysis of concealed indications, we have selected Chrysobothris chrysostigma, photos of both
sides of elytron of which are presented in 7 files of IPG type, made with the help of electron
microscope. For statistical analysis we have taken a photo with 1300 times magnification and
length of scale marker – 50,0 micron, meanwhile, the most accurate for execution of sampling
triangular structure have been repeated by relative centers of BASES of every acanthoid flange.
Therefore, to every point we have drawn six different intervals, length of which under
corresponding computer-generated magnification has been measured with the aid of school ruler
– on the display. Illustration of the author on page 22 of the book «My world», where we can see
Buprestids of another species in a flight, without scale, gives an angle of 30 degree spread of
elytron from horizon, which has allowed to conditionally vary decrease of statistical triangle side
by means of angles projection – from 5 to 30 degrees.
At the end of calculations we have received the value, which has not pleased us because of it’s
microscopicity, because for real production it has to be in –mm range of sizes. The only natural
resemblance of dimensions can be achieved by sequential duplication of dimensions. In addition,
we can calculate resonances on higher frequencies through lower frequency components.
Such dependence of duplication has been presented by Grebennikov in his book (17) «Secrets
of insect life» as places of maximum of cavity effects forces in a sequence «13, 26, 51, 102 and,
particularly, 205 meters:…» at pages 206,207. Repeated division by 2 lengths of 205000 mm to
32768 gives the diameter of described circular curve, equal to 6,256 mm, which is recounted to
diameter of inscribed circle for the same hexahedron with the size of 5,418 mm. In one of his
articles about bees, he calls them «terrestrial aliens» and on the background of title of this article,
he painted bees on bee’s cells.
All of this allows us to hope that correct dimensional scaling will preserve natural correlations
in –mm range under projection and production, will start-up powerful process of creation of
vertical force in experiment under preservation of SIMILARITY in correlations.
Calculated by us range of diameters of circumscribed circle (5,690…6,571 mm) after many
days and efforts has coincided with dimension by GOST 21180-75 on BEESWAX
FOUNDATION (6,235 mm). All species of honeybees construct hexagonal cells with same
dimensions, which allows to establish this as a standard. From GOST on beeswax foundation we
can see that dimensions 5,40 mm +/-0,05 mm correspond to diameter of circumscribed circle
(«clear dimension») to position of axes of sides of exact hexahedrons without consideration of
cell’s wall thickness. Supposed clue from Grebennikov and GOST on beeswax foundation have
happened to be very close (5,418 and 5,40+/-0,05 mm), which allows to start subsequent costly
stages on topic. Our calculations can’t consider error of angle of ascent of elytron even from very
sharp eye of an artist, decrease of elytron dimensions under drying-up of hemolymph and
different spread of elytron, shown by different species of Buprestidae. That’s why it seems
correct to calculate dimensions of comb cells as most accurate indicators of Nature and, on the
basis of their dimensions, build up project relations and proportions, but we shall start tests on
the basis of Grebennikov dimensions - 5,418 mm.
Most probably, he once again duplicated range for simplification of production. In other
words, our initial dimension for all subsequent calculations and construction should be in range
10,8 mm +/-0,1 mm as a diameter of circumscribed circle to position of axes of sides of exact
hexahedron. Such tolerances and dimensions can be easily controlled under production of parts
and their assembly, as well as under setting-up under tests.
Studying of internal surface of elytron on the photo with 5000-times magnification and length
of scale marker of 10,0 micron has specified dimension of rounding of very sharp edges of
spinelets to radius around 0,17 micron. In technical devices such as ionizers they use effect of
discharging of charges to angles, tops and points, where under small high-voltage current near
base at the top of needles constant light emission can be seen – from a charge in air around one
million volts under length of needle of 10 mm.
In the article (18) in the magazine «RADIO» №3, 2002 «Physics of aeronization» at the page
38 there is a statement – «… under creation of sufficient for ionization field participates not only
potential at a needle, but also sharpness of the needle. Thus, on the tip of a needle with radius of
rounding equal to 10 microns even under current of 1000 volts, very strong field is created –
with intensity of 100 million volts per 1 meter.».
Under normal conditions, there is voltage limit, when air is broken down by electric spark of
1000 volt under clearance of 1 mm. At the photo with 1300-times magnification, some spinelets
have been chipped off and laid at the surface without size distortion of their length, which in
average constituted 4,762 microns. Then spinelets, in average bound to the angle of 30 degrees
will be at the distance from the surface equal to 4,12 micron. Let’s transfer voltage limit under
break-down of air to clearance of 1 micron, then limit will be equal to only 1 volt, and under
distance of 4,12 micron – to 4,12 volt. However, sharpness of Buprestids spinelets is 50 times
bigger than in the article’s sample. It allows to decrease current equivalently near their base from
1000 volts to 20 under same intensity of 100 million volts per 1 meter. Our distance of tops of
bend spinelets from base is 4,12 micron, but meter exceeds micron for 1 million times, which
will maintain intensity of 100 volt per 1 micron and will constitute 412 volt at the edges of
spinelets, which is 100 times bigger than value of breakdown voltage and creates electric spark.
The conclusion is simple – massive sparking from each top of spinelets will start as soon
as Buprestids will start ventilating strokes of wings, which create electrostatic charge of
elytron on their internal surface because of air friction.
These processes are ultra-speed or instantaneous, which makes mental experiments so far
multivariate that it will be unreasonable to consider search of correct processes, considering time
Experiments, which confirm creation of torus vortexes from gases in –mm range of
dimensions are far more effective. In Nature only one single stable structure of torus vortex in
natural world and ethereal substance is known and wide-spread.
For completeness of pattern, it is necessary to indicate that stellate structures of spinelets
cavities have not been considered further only due to the fact that all available resources of time
and finances, current standard of knowledge, selection of specific beetle for scanning have
automatically disabled all other possibilities. Best of all this direction has been developed at the
site of Mahov, however, even his suggestion for creation of free movement devices can be
supplemented with presented information for IMPROVEMENT and specification.
In some point of torus vortexes of elytron, plane of sparking will certainly make necessary
angle with local direction of magnetic lines of the Earth, which will finish shaping of accurate
form of “acanthoid” impulse and create necessary conditions of resonance, causing unusually
effective carrying capacity of beetles.
18.01.11 16:55 The Continuation of the Records
Study of Grebennikov Platform, part two
Let’s examine the device, shown in the figures 6 and 7. It’s necessary to create a chamber,
where sparking and uniform magnetic field of the device are active simultaneously for
generation of torus vortexes in gaseous medium in position 12, so that by means of resonance it
will be possible to get adjustable carrying capacity of our device. Whereas tor will have usual
rotatable movement of spin type, which will create reaction moment and turn the device in a
flight or on suspension, that’s why for compensation it is necessary to introduce symmetrical
duplication of number of torus vortexes. Since initial structural properties of Nature contain 3
points, for compensation we have to add another 3, without infringing of structure periodicity.
This condition forms a ring-shaped structure under combination of 6-cells and form exact
hexagons, where the inner cell can not be used to obtain the torus vortex. Six cells of comb type
in position 9 on one flat surface of the upper platform under number 5 will specify transverse
dimensions of tor and maintain their contact for synchronization and compensation of counter
revolution. But we need one more plane parallel to and located below the first, in which opposite
to each center of upper cells it is necessary to position electro conductive sheets №.10 for
supplying of high potential sparking. Both figures from copper wires can be made on the basis
of the technology of etching of circuit sheets or milling of a comb pattern with glass fiber plastic
with a thickness of 1.5 mm. These illustrations of two platforms are combined for clarity on plan
view in Fig.7.
How the magnitude of the clearance between the inner surfaces of the two sheets can be
Each center of torus vortex in №12 is a projection of tops of one of tetrahedrons, combined
in the cube, so, for experiments it is necessary to make spacer rings in №7 of different heights.
The most logical choice - is to repeat the size of a height of one tetrahedron, but there are other
assumptions, which we are not going to specify right now.
By GOST on beeswax foundation with duplication,
height of tetrahedron will constitute
with duplication, diameter of circumscribing
circle will constitute
By Grebennikov from dimension 205 m
with duplication, diameter of circumscribing
circle will constitute
The choice is up to experimenter.
– 8,82 +/-0,10 mm,
– 12,470 mm.
– 8,85 mm,
– 12,512 mm.
It's more practical to make a ring a bit thicker, and then in the process of experimenting by
central screw-fitting in № 15 to slightly clench it, squeezing elastic sealing ring in № 8, or
slightly bend lower sheet in №6 from glass fiber plastic with thickness of 1.5 mm.
The bottom surface of upper printed circuit sheet after etching or milling will bare the surface
of glass fiber plastic inside the cells, to which by a vertical traction hauling capacity shrinking
gas of torus vortexes will be clenched. These contact surfaces are in the same plane with axes of
4 coils in №13 that are placed in the grooves of fixed flange in № 2. 4 coils in №13 serve to
create their own uniform magnetic field, simulating the action of terrestrial magnetism. In the
center hole of a fixed flange in №2 in soft centralizers in №16, a body in №3 with a cover in № 4
is placed with a clearance. The body and cover perpetuate a working chamber from two sheets in
№5, 6 and a spacer ring in № 7, while retaining the ability of angular body rotation relative to
fixed flange. Flange in № 2 with 4 coils should be fixed and maintain its initial ANGULAR
setting, providing the opportunity of plane-parallel displacement of working chamber by the
value of + / -1 mm under its turning in the body in any direction for compensation of residual
magnetic field volume inhomogeneity of 4 coils.
To maintain an easier perception, we don't show assembly of a node of plane-parallel
displacement of the body for final setting-up of resonance, but with sufficient skills of
manual shift, presence of this node is not required.
Vector in №21 of uniform magnetic field of the device is directed along the diagonal of a
square, formed by axes of the grooves. Before the experiment, it is necessary to combine by
turning a triangular mark on top plane of the body in № 3 with the direction of diagonal of the
square on the fixed flange.
In the course of experiment from initial alignment of vector in №21 of fixed flange with local
magnetic line in №22 we slowly and gradually change the angular deflection of the body in № 3
from 0 to 20 degrees in any direction until the force of updraft in a certain situation will not stop
Presumably, it is better to pre-create torus vortexes in №12 in full. Therefore, at first, the
cathode for the line of sparks discharge in №10 (see., Scheme 3) should be the cells of upper
sheet. A spark from the outside will begin to tighten «growing» vortexes of all tor successively
to the line of sparking in №11. You must then abruptly switch polarity, so that sparking will
occur by the line in № 9 (see., Scheme 3) from central elements of bottom sheet and through the
centers of tori it will continue to twist vortexes for compensation of friction losses. This same
line of sparking in № 9 at the contact point of torus cover in № 1 and bottom surface of top sheet
in № 2 will form a zero point by means of acanthoid projection of spiral trajectory of movement
of one electron of a spark. At the moment of presence of an electron in zero point under
resonance, its added mass will be infinite, creating a mechanical impulse of motion for the
current position of center of mass of the device in vertical direction at ALL points of
circular contact six torus vortexes. Thus, sparking through the centers of tor and bending over
a given direction at the contact points of tor under slow reversal of angular position of working
chamber will create final condition in the form of exact form of acanthoid impulse as a
projection of spiral track of a charged particle.
In this position at the end of cycles of setting, it is necessary by MAXIMUM of vertical
updraft to clarify the angle of rotation and perform measurement of frequency, close to
the accurate resonance on BOTH sides and calculate average (most accurate) position of the
frequency. Before the beginning of the experiment, vector in №21 of the fixed flange in №2 is
combined with the direction of the local vector in №22 of terrestrial magnetism. Under ascent of
the working chamber until it stops (at the top or at the bottom) we reduce the current in the coils
of a uniform magnetic field, until camera will not descend, and then again repeat cycles of more
accurate settings from the moment of ascent of the working chamber. The cycles shall be
repeated as long as the current in the coils will not be completely turned off (or we will reach
limit of its influence), when the ascent until it stops will take place only due to terrestrial
magnetism. Counter-connection of a uniform magnetic field of the coils to the local vector of
terrestrial magnetism is also possible.
According to the results of all tests we determine the most accurate range of change of
the thickness of spacer ring under bending or compression of the lower sheet, turning angle
of the working chamber and the resonance frequency under condition of MAXIMUM
manifestations of vertical updraft at the lowest values of tension of the uniform magnetic
field within the breaking strength of fiber glass plastic.
For flights on a homemade device it is not necessary to measure frequency, but it is still
necessary to structurally maintain adjustment and fixing of positions of all settings.
Sparking destroys and heats a thin layer of copper conductive tracks, so, before each test it is
necessary to purge the device with argon to increase operating period of the camera without
overheating and its sealing by the rings in №8 from silicone or rubber (?) at the ends of the
spacer ring in № 7.
High-voltage power supply should be carried out through the center of the top sheet by
means of coaxial cable in № 11, which will not distort the uniform magnetic field of 4 coils
within the thickness of 0.5 mm (see. Scheme 3) of conductive pattern of cells. The coils are
reeled in on the same threaded arbor prior to their installation in the slots of the fixed flange in
№2. Their connection must be the same for pairs of parallel coils with a same orientation S-N
(see Fig. 7), meanwhile, it is necessary to provide a serial connection through a narrow annular
wiring in №14 EXACTLY in the plane of axes of all 4 coils for total adjustment of current
We must remember that non-magnetic alloys, even with a certificate of compliance, may
have iron impurities, which would distort the field uniformity of 4 coils. If a reeled in coil on a
mandrel is placed on a plastic foam raft, floating in the water of a plastic pelvis, the most
powerful magnet will attract the raft with materials, which have the slightest admixture of iron.
While the influence of the residual and induced magnetism at the uniform magnetic field of this
device is not investigated, it is better to exclude such materials from the construction, if possible.
For the bodies and flanges we can use caprolon with its set of physical characteristics, and for
external biosecurity - textolite, because under painting a mixture of bakelite lacquer and quartz
dust will be fixed to it.
If in a scale of 10:1 of Scheme 3 in corresponding cut, we will measure the distance along the
line in № 10 of cross-section of torus vortex of the working chamber, then each millimeter of
this distance (diagonally) will require 1000 volts for start-up of breakdown (sparking) of air,
which is replaced by argon, which has lower limit of start of sparing. In our construction this
distance is defined geometrically and is equal to 9.4 mm, which will constitute 9,400 V. Then,
with a reserve for losses and adjustment, we can order high-voltage power source of the brand
“Plason”, which operates on 220 V and has a sufficient current for sparking. Approximate size a pack of cigarettes, but - more massive.
It is desirable to CONSTANTLY monitor current condition of protection from
«critical» flows of hard spheres of ethereal substance under tests and in flight by biosensors with alive green algae.
01.02.11 13:25 The Continuation of the Records
Zero Point of Acceleration-Braking at Nonlinear Rotation
Let's consider in more details the process of self-movement of the devices which do not push
off a support and don't reject from itself a part of the weight. Tolchin connected this process
with periodic occurrence of a dynamic reference point in the mechanism of inertsoid.
Let's study the file “Inertsoid of Tolchin”, chapter1, sentence 4 – “The Dynamic point of
support is created periodically within its system.”.
Further between drawing 10 and 11 he says that – “SURPASSING quantity of inertness of
one half of inertsoid weights system – that of cargoes, cases – quite reliable dynamic point of
support for other half of system of weights.”.
This expression of Tolchin is worth while modifying, as he assumes that this dynamic support
also is mobile in the device and passes from cargoes to the case and back - from the case to
cargoes, creating a time support for opposite weight.
Actually this PLACE is instantly and precisely connected only with one point or system
of points of symmetric and unbalanced weights (de-balances, “cargoes”), synchronously
and non-linearly moving on a circle ACROSS the set linear moving of the device (“case”),
which (place) doesn't change its location towards the case of the device.
Therefore the surpassing quantity of inertness (or instant “sticking of the nearest” mass of ethers)
can be carried only to rotating “cargoes” (corresponding weights of firm bodies, liquid, gas and
even electrons), for an instant crossing these special “zero” points.
It is very difficult to admit to unprepared consciousness that the weight of cargoes in these
conditions becomes MUCH MORE for one instant. Tolchin marked a difference in movement at
switching-off the sharp change knot of acceleration-braking of cargoes when the spring doesn't
press a brake lath to a cam in the inertsoid mechanism. Then the device made oscillative motions
near the motionless center of weights by a vibrator principle, without moving anywhere. At
uniform rotation of cargoes on the loose case it is possible to see that the center of weights
concerning the case moves in this case on one straight line and DOESN’T fall outside the limits
of its extreme positions concerning the case. In the mode of inertsoid (managements of inertia)
movement known from the EXPERIENCE, the case moves OUT of limit of one extreme
position formed at movement by a principle of the vibrator.
There is only ONE logic explanation – in these points the weight of rotate cargoes in
inertsoids for an instant becomes MORE!
This exactly leads the mass centre of case and weighs from vibration regime for an instance to a
linear movement in one direction.
There is a practical question – whether there is an ideal technical possibility to rush for an
instant the size of the rotating weight in these points to infinity? For this purpose we will use
research of Shipov, see the file “The UFO of terrestrial origin”, drawing 51 with schedules of
moving, linear speed of the inertioid case and nonlinear angular speed of rotation of small
(It is necessary to explain that expression “inertsoid” is a tribute to authorship of Tolchin, and
“inertioid” - of Shipov.)
Below Shipov again fixes the result of experiment by the sentence – “From these diagrams it is
clearly visible that the REASON of movement of the weights center of inertioid is CHANGE of
angular frequency of small cargoes rotation” where the marking in capital letters is made by the
author of these records. However this fact the first was noticed by Tolchin in 1936! It is a pity
that nobody has had the idea to share openly by personal achievements for the past of 75
The instant mass center of the inertsoid always aspires to occupy position closer to the
GREATEST weight from these cooperating weights of rotating cargoes and the mobile case
for balance! As rotation of cargoes in this point didn't stop, there is such short instant of
time when change of angular speed of rotation of cargoes will be equal to ZERO!
Our consciousness should admit at last the scientific fact of many EXPERIENCES that, during
time instant when weights of cargoes go through this point of sharp change of angular speed at
“thorn” top, they for an instant become very heavy. In this point obvious jump from the
maximum acceleration of one direction before the maximum acceleration of other direction is
It is possible to name change of angular rotation and angular acceleration-braking of cargoes
which is a reason, and movement of inertioid on a straight line is a consequence of this reason. It
is so similar to the causal mechanics of Kozyrev … Instant value of angular speed change in the
set point of its schedule is considered to define a tangent of angle, formed between a tangent a
line to this point and time axis.
Further it is more convenient to consider scheme 1. Mentally in the middle of each hollow of an
ideal scheme of nonlinear angular speed we will draw perpendiculars to an axis of time and we
will consider only ONE period from all cycles. For simplification of constructions let’s change
the experimental schedule to a proximate by the form, but ideal - in the form of “the thorn”,
made of two symmetric quarters of a circle of one radius. After transfer into dimensions more
convenient for representation from rad/sec into turns/sec and scaling we will receive initial value
of angular speed - 0,5 turns in a second and maximum – 2 turns/sec for Shipov’s model.
The schedule of accelerations-braking will change more abruptly upwards-downwards if in the
basis of the nonlinear schedule of angular speed we use symmetric quarters of ellipses. A
vicinity close to a point 2 (on the left) a drawing of nonlinear angular speed we “connect” with
the moment of time (instant) t1, point 2 itself (precisely on the center) – to t2, and a vicinity
close to point 2 (on the right) – to t3. These instants of time are so small that seeming movement
becomes a series motionless 3D shots on which cargoes are motionless, and their interaction
among themselves and the case is replaced by the action of corresponding passive
(consequences) of forces of the previous conditions and active (reasons) of accelerations-braking
of the present moment (instant).
It is possible to understand a process essence if to replace with its sequence of motionless
conditions of ONE cargo during the moments t1, 2 and 3; as the condition of other cargo will be
symmetric. Thus we use the formula of the second law of Newton in the form of the relation
passive (consequence) of force and active (reason) of the acceleration-braking expressing size of
WEIGHT of cargo. Then the incorporated theory of Bartini-Kozyrev in this case assumes that in
all previous t1 instants of time (in the period) and during the moment t1 the weight of cargo is
conditionally constant. However during instant t2 from instant t1 the size of force with the
module equal as consequence will pass infinity plus. Thus active (reason) acceleration-braking
will be equal to ZERO that qualitatively should give value of infinitely big weight of cargo (as
their relation).
These assumptions correspond the aforesaid skilled and experimental data, the FACT instant of
“seizing” of ether weight in the ZERO point non-linearly rotating cargoes in type devices of
Tolchin’s inertsoid .
It DOESN’T mean that the weight of rotating CARGOES became so heavy, this is a
moment of instant association in the UNIFORM monolith of physical weight of cargoes
with weight of the “nearest” super dense ethereal substance. Thus, all the nearest spheres
of firm ethers of physical substance and surrounding space as though instantly “seize” in a
liquid ether, transforming a liquid ether with a rotary cargoes for an instant into a uniform
monolithic piece of space of huge weight.
Acceleration-braking transition at ROTATION of weights through “0” in inertsoid
devices reveals the sense of technology of the ZERO point for free movement in space.
In a motionless condition of the moment t3 from a condition t2 passes zero value of passive force
(consequence) thus active (reason) value of acceleration-braking is equal minus infinity. During
an instant t3 the weight as their relation will be equal to zero. In the following instants of time
after t3, but within period Т weight of rotating cargoes will be conditionally CONSTANT and
equal to weight in the cycle beginning.
The impulse of quantity of movement is received by that part of inertsoid weight which is
connected only with the case (excepting weight of cargoes). In cycles of the following periods
the interaction of physical substance of cargoes with ether substance similarly repeats, causing
cyclic aspiration of the mass center of inertsoid to occupy new “escaping” position of balance.
Then passive force of draft of improved inertsoid will be directed against forces of “gravitation”
that can be interpreted as instant appearance of “negative” weight at its nonlinear rotation.
Due to RETURN gyroscopic effect the active force of braking-accelerations (reason) is
always perpendicular to force of draft and for two symmetrically rotated weights can be closed
on the inertsoid case. Thus passive force of draft always operates on a course of the set
movement and has the meaning of reaction (consequences or a passivity) on influence from
Therefore passivity of force of draft (as reactions) can't generate force of counteraction on itself
as it is already a REACTION on perpendicular to it primary active force of brakingacceleration. Thus, this situation in the mechanic doesn't concern to physics Newton's third
law of a school course from which interaction of rotating bodies is excluded.
In order to stop demagogical distortions of true from the moment of training, children's
consciousnesses are zombified openly and for a long time since SCHOOL (!) already it is
enough to input into Newton's third law – “Forces with the help of which cooperating
WITHOUT ROTATION bodies influence each other, are equal by the module and are directed
on one straight line to.
For demonstration of bodies interaction where at least one body rotates, a simple experience
with a massive top can be offered. It is necessary to put on the upper side of the axis it is
necessary to put on the bearing of sliding which sideways can be kept through an axis and the
telescopic plug. After top promotion it is necessary to strike sharply on the bearing of
perpendicularly axis that will pull out an axis from the telescopic plug and will push off a small
subject in a direction perpendicular to blow. Certainly, experience should be made after all
security measures maintenance.
Many people in practice had the experience of considering attentively appearance of usual
springs of compression in the form of a cylindrical spiral of an equal step of any direction of
wind. Let’s put one of them horizontally before eyes. At small angular turns round a vertical axis
to different directions you can find such angles at which the original form of an exact sinusoid
changes on exact “thorns” from the semiellipses which edges are turned either upwards, or
downwards. For descriptive reasons these kinds are presented on a series of 6 pictures of a
spring. If to stretch a spring more, it is necessary to develop it more for the reception of the exact
form of a projection of “thorn” thus semiellipses in a limiting position will be transformed to
Thus, it is already easier to understand that all the semiellipses and the semicircles forming flat
projections of exact “thorns” in space (3D) represent spiral volume trajectories of pipelines,
wires on which the liquid flows, gas moves or the electric current proceeds. Even movement of
free electrons in space submits to the same law.
The technical ways of reception the exact form of “thorns” are rather various and are made easily
from technological point of view that will be presented below in the following part of the
description of 4 variants of advanced idea inertsoid execution.
As force of draft in the set direction is a consequence of excitation of inertial processes
perpendicular to it in the form of symmetric forces of acceleration-braking of non-linearly
rotating weights further devices on their basis in these records for REDUCTION will be called as
ETHereal-INertion (efin) engines of various modifications.
Instant “JOINING” of ethereal substance weighs to ROTATING - physical weights in a
point of “ZERO” value of nonlinear angular acceleration-braking DISPLACES instant
position of the center of weights of system towards rotating weights in the direction of
travel that reflects an essence of free movement devices in open spaces with efin engines.
03.02.11 13:25 The Continuation of the Records
Drawings and Schemes
Four variants of efin engines execution with different types of rotating parts in the form of
graphic materials are attached to working text materials on the present moment.
Var.1 (See Fig.2 Fig.1 on two sheets A4) – The device with mechanical pins № 4, having as
well as magnetic lenses № 5 symmetric recesses in the form of two quarters of circles of one
radius. It is advanced analog Tolchin’s inertsoid
Var.2 (See Fig.3, Fig.4 and Fig.5 on three sheets A4) – The device with symmetric opposit
channels for giving of gas or a liquid in the nozzles executed under the form of two circles of one
radius. It probably coincides with “Ikar” of Kardanovsky by an action principle
Var.3 (See Fig.6 and Fig.7 on one sheet A4) – the Electromagnetic device raising in the
working chamber from two payments № 5, pos.6 and brace rings № 7 at the high-voltage firing
of six tor vortexes of pos.12 in the gas environment from argon. Thus the plane of the spark
firing forms the corner set by turn with a vector № 21 the homogeneous magnetic field formed of
two pairs of coils № 13. The case № 3 has turn possibility in angle + / - 20 degrees and planeparallel moving (keeping a current direction) within a backlash between the case and a
motionless flange № 2.
Var.4 (See Fig.8 and Fig.9 on one sheet A4) – The device using for reception of vertical draft
own (spin) rotation of electrons, combining two atoms of hydrogen with atom of oxygen in a
water molecule. Thus in working volume of the chamber pos.11 there is a pure water under
pressure in two orthogonal fields of electric and magnetic forces which is exposed to operated
influence of a resonance frequency of the microwave range from 3 to 10 GHz in 3 direction.
On Fig.10 (on one sheet A4) the stand is shown of effectiveness research of detonating gas
(Brown's gas) separation in a resonance mode on Kanarev and Meyer’s methods depending on
smooth change of a backlash from 0,5 … 5 mm between the conic surface of the cathode of the
carving plug pos.5 and an anode cone pos.7 .
On Scheme1 (on one sheet A4) the binding to time instant t1, t2, t3 of the drawing of vertical
force of draft “Т” is executed; a drawing of instant “joining” of ethereal substance weight to
rotating physical weights to size equal + infinity; the nonlinear schedule of angular accelerationbraking with “the ZERO” point; a drawing of nonlinear angular speed in the form of “thorn”
from two symmetric quarters of a circle of one radius (or ellipses). And nonlinear forces of
angular braking-acceleration are always perpendicular to force of draft and compensate each
other through the general case of the device for free three-dimensional motion.
On Scheme 2 (on one sheet A4) other execution of Var.2 where the necessary form of “thorn” №
1 is formed by a projection of one pair coils with mirror-symmetric wind that replaces a pair of
local narrowness of the previous model.
On Sheme3 (on one sheet A4) it is shown on the scale of increase 10:1 the location of one of
6 tor vortexes № 1 in space of a homogeneous magnetic field № 12 in a vertical direction of 0,5
mm size formed by milling of holes of 6 cells to the dielectric basis of the top plane № 2.
08.02.11 21:10 The Continuation of the Records
Cooperation Conditions
All the previous working material on the theme “Ethereal Technologies”: texts, schemes,
drawings, photos, video data and references to books and sites, working out of personal web-site
“Ethereal Technologies” are intended for the statement of full readiness of our current life to
transition to a new standard of well-being by all the mankind in the shortest terms while the
elements allow. And nobody, and nothing interferes with it, except a very small number of the
people themselves considering all others suitable only for various manipulations for the purpose
of preservation of their latent influence.
The presented effects of free movement and free energy not just once were used in technical
devices by separate representatives of the mankind in all the times and in the people.
I am the first who has openly suggested the whole world to use this power of ethereal
substance in the devices IMPROVED by me
- for fast rescue of people on their own devices of free three-dimensional motion,
- for extraction of free energy and
- for organizing of automatic international transport system ultra-fast delivery of
physical cargoes on the fixed or current coordinates of longitude, latitude and altitude.
The offered variants of breadboard efin engines models of the small size and weight are
very simple and can be made and tested for a week in laboratories of the developed
corporations as are designed for possibilities of house craftspeople.
Those private companies, groups of them or countries which are capable to prepare for half a
year to mass release of personal saving-vehicles on the basis of efin engines of any of the
described modifications from one million pieces a year and more, can receive supervised ICCET
for the right to their manufacturing. This right can be received after a direction of the full report
on tests in Russian and English languages of above-mentioned working breadboard models on a
mail of Strannik *, allowing to repeat their way for little-equipped amateurs to craft till the
moment of open tests of products from several organizations.
They should undertake
- all the responsibility for safe operation of devices of own manufacture in users life,
- maintenance service during the set term of operation,
- to guarantee payments of deductions for each sold device or the rendered service in a scale of
0,2 %... 2 % from the final price to the international coordination center “Ethereal Technologies”
(ICCET) for execution of functional duties of ICCET.
The organization which is ready to fulfill these conditions, can send the short CV in a free form
and corresponding reports in Russian and English languages to the e-mail address –
[email protected]. Further it is necessary to send NONRECOVERABLE
organizational payment for the supplying of the beginning of interaction in the amount of 1mln.
roubles on the settlement account of Strannik * which will be offered to the organization under
the analysis of its CV and report.
In addition to these offers the private companies and the countries can offer their services
themselves within the context of 5 external directions of cooperation ICCET.
ICC “Ethereal Technologies” organizes external and internal cooperation in the following
- financing of researches and workings out on ethereal technologies,
- the coordination and the statement of rules of safe movement in all the spaces of the planet and
beyond its limits,
- drawing up and monitoring of cards of a current condition of magnetic and gravitational
anomalies of a planet,
- current navigating control in real time behind position of devices in all spaces of a planet for
safe free movement,
- execution on a theme “Flying House”, uniting in itself all ethereal technologies for full
independent maintenance as manned planets,
- delivery of permissions to connection of cargo ports of physical persons and the organizations
to automatic international transport system of superfast delivery,
- control of payment of deductions by means of cancellation of permissions to the goods and
services in a target date,
- revealing of copyright infringements on the given copyright on presented above records and all
accompanying materials on the theme “Ethereal Technologies”,
- selection of the best candidates from each country for work in ICCET,
- full replacement of all certified employees after 8 years of successful work on the basis of
continuity and replacement of 12,5 % working upon termination of each calendar year,
- rotation when the best employees after three years of work on one profile can take the position
of the head of corresponding department of one of 10 directions and to enter into 11 department
of uniform planning and control,
- the collegiate statement of 11 department of each document after the termination of all the
necessary coordination for obligatory execution,
- the statement of 11 department of the plan of scientific and technical researches and workings
out in all directions of ethereal technologies.
ICCET mission is the creation of easy access for each inhabitant of the planet to the
information, energy, movement and other services of life-maintenance while developing of
corresponding ethereal technologies.
It is necessary to accelerate the cooperation organization in the specified directions for
association of influences of the Planet’s elements and technogenic influences of civilization can
lead to such large-scale accidents that business cooperation and the best experts collaboration
and the best technologies will appear impossible. Very fast tempos are required in order to
provide in short terms all 7 milliard population with personal devices of free movement of
different modifycations for fast rescue and current life-support. Such possibility does exist for
the present time.
Nobody and nothing will save us, except our foresight and enterprise.
The Literature List
1. Line V. Tesla’s Superconfidential Archives: special investigation/Translation from English by
Pankina M., Eksmo, 2009, 256 pages, 5000 copies
2. Grebennikov V. S. MY WORLD. Novosibirsk, IPP “The Soviet Siberia”, 1997, 320 pages,
3000 copies
3. Tolchin V. N. Inertsoid. Inertia Forces of as a Progress Source. Perm Book Publishing
house, 1977, 99 pages, 5000 copies
4. Din N. Patent US No 2886976 dated May, 19th 1959.
5. Menshikov V. A, and others The Drives without Emission of Jet Weight: Preconditions and
Results. - М, Scientific Research Institute KS, 2003, 226 pages., 300 copies
6. Nikolaev O. S. Hydrogen and hydrogen atom: The Reference Book of physical parameters.
M., Publishing House LENAND, 2006, 52 pages, (Relata Refero).
7. Romanov R. I. What We don't Know about Atom. 8/2003, “Techniques to youth”.
8. Ivanov M. G. Antigravitational Engines of “UFOs”: the Theory of Gravitation, print 2 – М,
Publ. LKI, 2007 – 352 pages. (Relata Refero).
9. Shesterenko N.A. “Applying of Laws of Gas Dynamics in the Decision of Applied
Problems. A Perpetuum mobile of the Second Type”- М: CP “Vasizdast”, 2007.-200 pages.
10. Kozyrev N.A. Causal or Asymmetrical mechanics in linear approach. Pulkovo, АN USSR,
11. Robert Oros the Bartini-Soviet aircraft designer, the physicist-theorist, the philosopher.
Articles on the physicist and philosophy. Redactor A.N.Maslov, М, Self-education, 2009, 224
pages, 2000 copies
12. Blavatskaya E.P. The Secret Doctrine, volume I: М: Joint-Stock Company Publishing
house EKSMO-Press, Kharkov: Publishing house “Folio”, 2001 880 pages, (Series – “Great
devoted”), 5000 copies
13. Comments of the Foreign Press. 10/1962, “The Inventor and the Rationalizer”.
14. A file «V_А_Chernoborov-They exist in spite of Logics».
15. Carroll Li, Krayon. Don't think as a Man. Translation from English-M.: PH “Sofia”, 2006,
304 pages, 10000 copies
16. Drunvalo Melhisedek. Ancient Secret of Life Flower. Vol.1/Transl. from English-M.: PH
“Sofia”, 2006, 304 pages, 5000 copies
17. Grebennikov V. S. The Secrets of Insects World. Novosibirsk, 1990.
18. Physics of Aeroionization. 3/2002, “RADIO”.
16.02.11 17:30 The End of the Records.
The Appendix 1 (Drawings)
Приложение 2 (фото пружины)