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2005-07 INSTITUTE OF SPACE AND ATMOSPHERIC STUDIES Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies Annual Report 2005-07 Table of Contents Advisory Committee Members of the Institute Chair’s Report ISAS Facilities Research Programs University of Saskatchewan Government Industry Department of Physics and Engineering Physics Faculty Members ISAS Staff ISAS Graduate Students Highlights of the Year Observatory Facilities Field Sites Computing Facilities Optical and Electronic Laboratory Facilities Particle Calibration Facility Electronics and Mechanical Stores Facility Atmospheric Science • • Atmospheric Dynamics Group InfraRed Group Solar-Terrestrial Science • • • Appendices SuperDARN/ PolarDARN Group Solar-Terrestrial Relations/ Space Weather Ionospheric Physics/ VHF and CADI Radars Publications Presentations (Talks, Papers, Posters) Graduate Student Theses Services and Distinctions Vision Statement 1 Advisory Committee University of Saskatchewan Peter MacKinnon Michael Atkinson Designate -Jim Germida Steven Franklin Bryan Schreiner Tom Wishart Jo-Anne Dillon Jim Basinger Ernie Barber Claude Lagϋe Rob Pywell Alan Manson President Provost and Vice President (Academic) Vice Provost (Academic), Designate to the V-P (Academic) Vice President (Research) Director of the Office of Research Services, Designate to the V-P (Research) Dean, College of Graduate Studies/ Associate V-P (Research) Dean, College of Arts and Science Associate Dean (Science), College of Arts and Science Dean, College of Agriculture Dean, College of Engineering Head, Department of Physics and Engineering Physics Chair, Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies Government Gordon James Larry Newitt Tom McElroy David Kendall Malcolm Vant David Grier Senior Scientist, Space Science, CRC, Ottawa Head, Geomagnetic Laboratory, NRCanada, Ottawa Senior Scientist, Atmospheric Sciences and Technology Directorate, Environment Canada, Downsview, ON Director General, Space Science Program, Canadian Space Agency, Ottawa Director General, Defence R&D Canada - Ottawa Vice President, Environment and Minerals, Saskatchewan Research Council, Saskatoon Industry Don Epp Larry Cooper Dennis Johnson Director of Marketing Communication Systems, SED - a division of CALIAN Ltd., Saskatoon President, Scientific Instrumentation Ltd., Saskatoon PAKWA Engineering Ltd. (Retired, Director), Saskatoon June 2006 2 Members of the Institute Department of Physics and Engineering Physics Faculty Members ISAS Chair ISAS Executive A.H. Manson D.A. Degenstein G.C. Hussey A.V. Koustov E.J. Llewellyn K.A. McWilliams G.J. Sofko Canadian Research Chair J-P.St-Maurice Adjunct Professors R.L. Gattinger D. R. McDiarmid B.Sc., Ph.D. (Canterbury, N.Z.), Professor B.Sc., B.E., Ph.D. (Saskatchewan) Associate Professor B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Saskatchewan), P. Eng., Associate Professor M.Sc. (Leningrad State), Ph.D. (Moscow Institute of Earth Phys.), P. Eng., Assoc. Professor B.Sc., Ph.D. (Exeter), D.Sc. (Saskatchewan) F.R.S.C., P.Eng., Professor B.Sc., M.Sc., (Saskatchewan), Commonwealth Fellow, Ph.D. (Leicester), NSERC PDF (Sask.) Assistant Professor B.A.Sc. (British Columbia), Ph.D. (Saskatchewan), P.Eng., Professor B.A., B.Phys. (Quebec), Ph.D. (USA), Professor, Canadian Research Chair (CRC) B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Saskatchewan) B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D. (British Columbia) Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies Staff Professional Research Associates D.A. André N.D. Lloyd C.E. Meek M. Watanabe B.Sc. (Erlangen-Nurnberg), Ph.D. (GeorgAugust, Germany), P.Eng. B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph.D. (London) B.A. (Queen’s), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Saskatchewan) B.A., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Japan) (until April 2006) Research Assistants Research Engineer C. (Qin) Li Comp. Eng. B.Sc., (China) Data Assistant/ Archivist (until Aug. 2006) J. Wiid P. Loewen B.Eng. (South Africa) B.Eng. (Saskatchewan) Technical and Support Staff D.M. Kowaliuk W.L. Marshall C. Jelinski ISAS Secretary B.Sc. (Hons.) (Saskatchewan), ISAS Technician ISAS Assistant (since August 2005) 3 Graduate Students Post-Doctoral Fellows (Supervisor) S. Petelina (Llewellyn) R. Kumar Choudhary (St.-Maurice) J. Liang (Sofko) E. Dupuy (Llewellyn) Odin Aerosol Studies (until June 2007) Studies of E & F region field-aligned irregularities Studies of F-region echoes and field-aligned currents using SuperDARN (until Dec. 2005) Odin Mesospheric Studies (until March 2007) Ph.D. Students (Supervisor) L. Benkevitch (Koustov) B. Hesman (Davis) A. Bourassa (Llewellyn/ Degenstein) T. Chshyolkova (Manson) R. Gillies (Hussey/ Sofko) M. Hargrove-Gillies (St.-Maurice) A. Gahein (Degenstein) J. Ma (St.-Maurice) T. Wiensz (Llewellyn/ Degenstein) Ionospheric conductance effects in high-latitude phenomena (until Aug. 2006) Ground-based Planetary Spectroscopy - James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) project (until Dec 2005) Odin IR operation (until 2007) Planetary Wave Coupling processes in the Middle Atmosphere (until 2007) Radio Propagation Effects for the e-POP Radio Receiver Instrument (RRI) A study of sudden onsets in Geomagnetic activity after prolonged periods of quiet conditions A Study of the Exchange Processes Between the Troposphere and Stratosphere Using OSIRIS Ozone and Aerosol Data (until Dec. 2007) Ion Velocity distributions in structured Auroral Electric Fields Odin IR Modelling M.Sc. Students (Supervisor) J. Gorin (Koustov) J. Pfeifer (McWilliams) C. Roth (Llewellyn/ Degenstein) R. Drayton (Koustov) R. Schwab (Sofko/ McWilliams) N. Wiebe (Llewellyn/ Degenstein) Velocity of Decameter Electrojet Irregularities at strongly driven conditions Steady Magnetospheric Convection: The Implications of SuperDARN Odin Radiative Transfer (until March 2007) Study of SAPS with King Salmon SuperDARN radar (until Sept. 2006) Modelling SAPS flows (until March 2007) Tomographic Retrievals with the OSIRIS InfraRed Imager Data (until Dec. 2006) 4 Graduate and Summer Students (Supervisor) T. Bathgate (Degenstein) W. Brenna (McWilliams), B. Krug (Hussey) P. Kulyk (Koustov), E. Kulyk (Koustov) R. McDonald (Llewellyn/ Degenstein) E. Normand (Hussey) M. Paulson (Degenstein), G. Perry (Hussey) M. Stoicescu (Llewellyn/ Degenstein) M. Thorpe (McWilliams) J. Wood (Llewellyn/ Degenstein) 5 Chair’s Report The nature of academic life now precludes the production of Annual Reports, which contain unique materials designed solely for this purpose. In 2004/5 we decided on a web-site structure for each professor of one page of text, with 2-3 figures with significant captions…………..this was followed rather well. For 2005/6 another format eventuated: the Head of Physics and Engineering Physics [PEP], our parent Department, called a meeting/workshop in December 2006, as part of the UofS Integrated Planning Cycle #2. For this each Prof provided a presentation of their research in 2006 and a Programmatic Vision of the next 10 years. This report contains those presentations. In ISAS we have two themes: Solar and Terrestrial Physics and Atmospheric Science, where each title should include the other, but does not always due to the enormity of the themes. Within ISAS we subscribe to the broader and challenging overlap and synergy between the two themes. Another pedantic distinction is “Space Weather/Climate” and “Climate Change”. During 2005 national workshops on each Theme were held, for the purpose of providing “10year Visions” for the Advisory Committees to the Space Science Branch [SSB] of the CSA (SAEAC). These workshops and reports (see ISAS website/CSA Activity), led coincidentally by two ISAS Profs, Jean-Pierre St-Maurice and Alan Manson, were very successful and provided recommendations that were accepted and acted upon [2006-7] by the Jean Paquette, Director of Solar Terrestrial and Atmospheric Sciences within the SSB, and David Kendall, Director General of the SSB. The influence of these events can be seen within the pages that follow. 6 ISAS Facilities Observatory Facilities The majority of the optical and radar systems supporting the programs of the Institute are at the field sites described below. There are a number of additional systems which have been developed or purchased with Institute funds, or are operated for colleagues by ISAS staff. was moved from the Physics Building to Park Site in July 2001. The instrument measured perturbations of the rotational temperatures and vertical column emission rate of the O2 Atmospheric nightglow layer at 94 km and the OH Meinel layer at 86 km. The equipment which was on loan from the Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science York University and was returned in June 2003. These include the following: Three-component Magnetometer and ULF System Field Sites The Three-component Magnetometer and ULF system resumed operations in June 2001, after being damaged in the Park Site fire in 1999. The University of Tokyo operates the Magnetometer and ULF System. Rabbit Lake (58°20' N, 103°70' W) This site was extensively used from 19851990 as part of the HILAT and VIKING satellite activities. A new trailer, obtained with CNSR funds, was located at Rabbit Lake during 1992 with a TV all-sky camera. The system was upgraded to a digital recording capability in the Fall of 1993, and operated until Spring of 1996 with visible, red and green filters. The CADI phase-coherent ionosonde system from the University of Western Ontario was removed from the Rabbit Lake site in 2001, and it is now operating at Rankin Inlet. A magnetometer operated by the University of Tokyo is still operating at Rabbit Lake. T.V. All-Sky Camera This has the following features: 2 filters and shutter to allow observations of specific wavelengths; PC control for automatic field use; a photo-sensor for computer failure. This all-sky camera was returned to ISAS and is awaiting deployment to another field site. Meridian Scanning Photometer (multiwavelength) MSP Park Site (52°12' N, 107°7' W) Five single-channel photometers are incorporated into this (Iwan Goza for Dr. McEwen, during 1992/93). It is PC (IBM-compatible personal computer) controlled. This MSP has been located at both La Ronge and Rabbit Lake, for Dr. McEwen’s CNSR/STEP research; it is now at Rabbit Lake (since the Spring of 1995). The field site near Asquith continues to be used by the Atmospheric Dynamics Group with their large MF (2.2 MHz) radar system. This has extensive transmitting and receiving antenna systems for spaced antenna and interferometry studies of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (60-110 km). Turbulent scatter and meteor trails are used to provide winds, atmospheric waves and turbulence data as well as ionospheric data from D-, E- and F-regions. This internationally recognized system is fully automated and requires only occasional maintenance; this is normally provided by weekly visits. Data are made available to collaborators in International (e.g. STEP, MLTCS) and National (e.g. CNSR) programs. Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI-2) In December 2000 a SATI-2 Imager began operating in the penthouse observatory on the roof of the Physics Building. The SATI-2 Imager 7 In 2001 two experiments were installed at Park Site: 1) A CADI phase-coherent ionosounde system from the University of Western Ontario, using the Delta antenna, which was later moved to Rankin Inlet, September 2002; and 2) The SATI-2 Imager from York University, moved from the Physics building in July 2001, used to solve the light contamination problem that was prevalent while running in an urban environment. This SATI was returned to York University in June 2003. angle of arrival calculation. This radar is paired with the US-run radar at Kapuskasing. During Magnetometer was 2005 a Fluxgate successfully tested at Kernen farm to co-exist along with a SuperDARN radar at the same site. In October 2006 a Riometer was installed at the site to test if a Riometer and SD radar can coexist at the same site. This Riometer will be moved to Bakker’s Farm once the test has been completed. Prince George (53°59' N, 122°35' W) The 160-acre site is leased from a local farmer, Mr. Charles Chappell, on a long term rental agreement. On July 13, 1999, a fire caused by lightning destroyed two of the three bays of the main receiver building. The other wing, the MF Radar wing, suffered extensive The two fires smoke and water damage. damaged wings were demolished and the other wing was cleaned and restored. The MF Radar transmitter and receiver systems both had to undergo extensive cleaning before being returned to the field. A new building was completed in April 2000. It was attached to the existing MF Radar Wing. The new building has a 600 sq. ft. cold storage area and a 600 sq. ft. working area. The new working area also contains the optical dome. A SuperDARN radar was built in 1999 on a site 15 km east of Prince George, British Columbia. The radar system is identical to the SuperDARN radar operating in Saskatoon. The radar has two antenna arrays: a main transmitting array and a vertical interferometer array. The radar point 5° west of north and is paired with a U.S. run radar on Kodiak Island, Alaska. Rankin Inlet (a) SAPPHIRE radar site from the CNSR (Canadian Network for Space Research) (62°48' N, 92°10' W) The SAPPHIRE radar was decommissioned in 1997, but the site was retained by the space radar group in ISAS. Subsequently, in 2000, a NORSTAR all-sky-imager was installed by the U of Calgary team, and in 2002, a CADI (Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde) instrument was installed at the site. Bakker’s Farm (52°15' N, 106°27' W) In May 1997, SAPPHIRE operations were terminated at the Bakker Farm site. The associated SAPPHIRE transmitter sites at La Crete, Alberta and Gilliam, Manitoba were decommissioned in September 1997. The 6and 2-meter antenna systems have been left standing to be used on a campaign basis. The building remains ready to be used for radar experiments. Currently the site is being prepared for development and installation of a new and novel 50MHz FMCW E-region experiment, to start operation in 2004. (b) PolarDARN/NORSTAR site (62.82°N, 93.11° W) In 2004, a PolarDARN HF radar site was established at Rankin Inlet, with the installation of power lines, a road and a 20-foot ship container that will house both the radar electronics and a NORSTAR imager (for which a dome was cut into the roof). The NORSTAR imager will be moved over to this new site from the SAPPHIRE site referred to in (a) above. During 2005, the SuperDARN antenna system was completed at the site. In September 2005, a THEMIS ASI has been put into operation at the site. The installation at the PolarDARN radar system as completed in March 2006 and the radar went operational in May 2006 and has been providing very interesting data since. Kernen Farm (52°9' N, 106°32' W) The Kernen Farm is the site of the Saskatoon SuperDARN system. The site is comprised of two antenna arrays: 1. The main array: 16 log-periodic antennas mounted on 15 meter towers. Each connected to a 600W pulsed transmitter. 2. The vertical interferometer array: 4 logperiodic antennas mounted on 15 meter towers connected to an independent receiver to allow 8 Inuvik (68° 24' 46"N, 133° 46' 10" W) In the fall of 2004, the CADI antenna system was installed by engineer Jan Wiid and technician Bill Marshall, and the CADI system itself was installed in July, 2005. The radar system for the Inuvik PolarDarn site is currently under construction. This was made possible by the CSA grant which paid for all remaining hardware. The antenna system will be put in place during the summer of 2007 and the plan is to install the full radar system no later than February 2008. The Inuvik radar will be a clone of the Rankin Inlet Radar. In 2004, a radar/NORSTAR site was established about 7.5 km north of the town of Inuvik. This is a former Dept. of National Defence overthe-horizon radar site, and was ideal for its purpose of acting as a radar site at which CADI and PolarDARN operations will occur. In 2004, the roads, power lines, and a 20-foot container were installed. The container has a dome that will allow the site to house a NORSTAR imager. Computing Facilities An Institute with such extensive observational systems, and data analysis programs, requires considerable computing facilities. A wide range of computer systems is available to ISAS scientists and graduate students. Finally, most of the Institute’s observational systems have the capability of real-time analysis of data by dedicated PC systems, which has minimized the need for major main-frame computers or even work stations. The MF radar at Saskatoon (Atmospheric Dynamics Section, Dr. Manson), the VHF radar transmitter/receiver system known as SAPPHIRE, the SuperDARN MF radar at the Kernen Farm, and the Rabbit Lake/ Rankin Inlet All-sky Camera, are each Computer controlled and generate processed data. These are then ready for detailed analysis. In addition, the engineers within ISAS continue to demonstrate leadership by the use of transputer technology. In addition to being used for data analysis, the DEC Alphaserver is mainly used as a mail server for ISAS because of its security against virus attacks. Analysis of the SuperDARN data has been moved from the Hewlett-Packard systems to a Linux based PC, mainly for cost reasons; but also, because the increased storage capacity allows all SuperDARN data to be kept online. The SuperDARN data distribution has been changed from Exabyte tapes to CDs. For this a Rimage Protege CD duplicator and printer and a Young Minds AutoStudio interface to a Linux computer was acquired. Optical And Electronic Laboratory Facilities The Optical Laboratory is under the direction of Bill Marshall and continues to provide general support for the research programs within the Institute. There are optical calibration standards for visible, UV and IR (200-900 nm). Low brightness sources (LBS) in the UV and IR were developed during the CNSR for medical research (ozone) and stratospheric measurements. In particular, calibrated detectors were obtained for the UV-A and B regions, and there was testing of sources and detectors over the 200 to 400 nm range. art VHF/HF/MF radars. Marshall also maintains this electronic test equipment and develops new systems/sub-systems for the optical and radar facilities of ISAS. Marshall is supported by ISAS funds (50%), NSERC funds from the MF radar group and the HF/VHF radar group. Projects of particular note include the following: • SuperDARN system support • Park Site MF radar system maintenance and development, and • General support for the electronic/ mechanical needs of 32-35 ISAS personnel • CADI system management The Electronic Laboratory has network and spectrum analyzers, signal generators and test equipment to allow development of state of the 9 Particle Calibration Facility The basis of this facility is the Canadian Space Agency electron calibration system (1400 eV), with a cryogenically pumped vacuum chamber and clean room which was developed for FREJA-CPA, but has also been used for various rocket systems. This facility is within the Optics Lab. It will allow calibrations for electron energies of up to 25 keV, which are of value for satellite and rocket systems sampling auroral electron populations. Electronics and Mechanical Stores Facility Comprehensive electronic and mechanical Stores were maintained and administered by Cindy Jelinski (Dept. Assistant) for ISAS researchers throughout the years 2005-07 Cindy is supported 100% from ISAS funds and her hours are at .50 FTE. Materials and components are provided at cost and this has been of significant practical assistance in research programs. Turn-over of parts and purchase of equipment, and other related expenses in the year 2005-07 were in excess of half a million dollars in activity, which is consistent with previous years. Cindy handles all of the ISAS accounting and provides in-house monthly and annual budget summaries for all ISAS accounts, which are administered by herself and the ISAS Chair. She is also responsible for the purchasing of all equipment and supplies. 10 Research Programs Atmospheric Science • Atmospheric Dynamics Team Professor Alan Manson • InfraRed Team Aeronomy Research – Odin/ OSIRIS Professor E.J. (Ted) Llewellyn Professor Doug Degenstein Solar-Terrestrial Science • Super DARN/ PolarDARN Team Professor George Sofko Professor Sasha Koustov Professor Kathryn McWilliams • Solar-Terrestrial Relations/ Space Weather Professor Jean-Pierre St.-Maurice (CRC) • Ionospheric Physics/ VHF and CADI Radars Professor Glenn Hussey 11 Atmospheric Dynamics Team Professor A.H. Manson Team Members Research Associate: Research Assistant: Technician: PhD Graduate Student: Collaborations in ISAS: Dr. Chris E. Meek Open Bill Marshall Tatyana Chshyolkova Profs. Degenstein, Llewellyn, St-Maurice, Hussey and Sofko The Group continued to operate (2005/6) its three MF Radar systems in Saskatoon 52N, Tromso (70N, Norway) and Platteville (40N, Colorado), and the meteor SKiYMET radar at PEARL, Eureka (80N). These are involved, along with circa 25 radars operated by international colleagues, in four major science themes. Activity on these 4 themes, along with a greater fifth theme of “Climate Change” were all worked upon during 2005/6 and are part of our Vision for the next 5-10 years. 1. Characteristics of, and interactions between, the global winds and waves (gravity, tidal and planetary) of the Stratosphere-Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere 20-100km: this is facilitated by comparisons between data from radar observations (Equatorial to the Arctic) and data from experiments carried out with the Canadian Middle Atmosphere (General Circulation) Model (CMAM, Professor Theodore Shepherd, PI): the model now includes interactive chemistry, but with no data assimilation. This model is also associated with all CSA Atmospheric Missions. A figure (#1) from a published paper is shown below and is discussed in the caption. The development of data-assimilation for CMAM (CMAMDAM) during 2006-7 will allow more extensive diagnosis of observed-modelled waves and their interactions during the next 5 years. 2. Linkages between stratospheric [20-50km] dynamical systems and planetary waves (PW) and the dynamics and thermal state of the mesosphere (50-90km). This is presently facilitated by the use of a data assimilation model (U.K. Meteorological Office GCM, MetO) that provides data (temperatures and winds) from 0-55km, and Polar Mesospheric Cloud data from Odin-OSIRIS and winds from the radars. The Group will be associated with the CSA’s Chinook Mission (launch 2008), which will provide global stratospheric winds, ozone, temperatures and gravity wave fluxes; the global network of radars co-ordinated by the Group will be a synergistic ground-based system within this Mission. 3. Science of the atmosphere 0-100km as studied at CANDAC-PEARL, Eureka 80N: Arctic Troposphere Transport and Air Quality; the Arctic Radiative Environment; Middle Atmosphere Chemistry, and Waves and Coupling Processes (0-100km). Focus is primarily upon the 4th topic, as there is a suite of instruments including the Group’s SKiYMET radar at Eureka, but we also contribute dynamical information to topics one and three. 12 A figure (#2) from a developing study is shown below and discussed in the caption. The CANDAC-PEARL science-team will also be a major participant in the IPY 2007-9. A major contribution to the PEARL and IPY science-program is the characterization of the winter vortex for each winter: this will be done by Tatyana Chshyolkova using the software (see below) she developed as part of her Program of Studies for a PhD. 4. CAWSES (Coupling and Weather of the Sun Earth System, 2004-2008), and the Project co-ordinated by Prof Manson: “Atmospheric Wave Interactions with the Winter Polar Vortices (0-100km)”. The first northern hemisphere Campaign to study the breakdown of the Polar Winter Vortex (2004/5) has been completed, and the paper will soon be submitted. This Campaign, which has involved 25 radars, optical systems, satellite systems (Odin-OSIRIS, TIMED-SABER, Aura) and several models (CMAM, MetO), was led by Tatyana Chshyolkova. Enhanced understanding of atmospheric dynamics (0-100km) is essential to properly understand the coupling effects within the atmosphere, as well as the distribution and transportation of significant chemicals including and associated with ozone. A second paper is under development and involves comparisons between dynamical parameters [from MetO and the Group’s radars] and chemical species from the NASA Aura satellite’s MLS system. Changes in the wave fluxes, thermal conditions and chemical distributions are also the signals of “Climate Change”. Two figures from a submitted paper are shown below and discussed in the caption. The most powerful software tool now available to the group is the Vortex Characterization Process (VorCharP) developed by Tatyana Chshyolkova. The methodology developed by Lynn et al. [JGR 107, 2002] has been employed. This involves calculations of the scalar quantity Q that is a measure of the relative contribution of strain and rotation on fluid elements in an Eulerian frame. Closed circulations can be associated with negative Q, while positive Q is typically associated with planetary-wave breaking and related mixing of “vortex-edge” and mid-latitude air. Q, the stream function and potential vorticity (PV) are calculated for 24 different isentropic levels (from 300 to 2000 K) using MetO fields of temperature and horizontal winds. Under certain conditions, PV is used as an indicator of PW breaking and a tracer of fluid motion. Figures 3 and 4 below use the VorCharP software. 5. Atmospheric Processes of Climate Change (APOCC) is the title of the next major CSA mission, which is now beginning development within the Space Science Branch (and its Program). This Mission was the result of two community Workshops held during 2005; the Reports (in combination they form the 10 year Vision for Atmospheric Sciences in Canada) are available in the ISAS website Professor Manson, as Chair of the Advisory Committee to the CSA on Atmospheric Science, provided leadership to the Workshops and the Reports. A major activity over the next 10 years, for Prof Manson, and hopefully his ‘successor’ in the Institute, will be to work with the CSA-SSB and also with Professors Degenstein and ‘Llewellyn’s-successor’ in developing one system for what is expected to be a multiplesystem satellite (circa $500M). The APOCC mission will include elements of the lower atmosphere, tropopause and middle atmosphere, understanding of which will contribute to a richer knowledge of the processes involved in Climate Change. 13 We are now also becoming part of the development of the ‘School of the Environment’ at the UofS, which has a theme on ‘Global Change’. ISAS will play a leadership role in this theme. Given the time-scale of the APOCC mission, and this new school, we will endeavour to provide as much linkage as possible between these two entities: School and Mission. The theme “Sun-Earth” could well engage both the APOCC Mission of the CSA-SSP and the ‘School of the Environment’ of the UofS over the next decade. Figure 1 The mesospheric winds measured by 13 meteor and MF radars at 82-85 km on January 20th are provided at the top of the figure. At the bottom, the Q diagnostic calculated for the 2000 K isentropic surface (~50 km) is shown by blue (negative) and green (positive) colors. In blue regions, the rotation of the flow is dominant, while green regions are expected to be associated with PW breaking and mixing. The thick black line (a stream line for which integrated Q is near zero) is the estimated edge of the polar vortex. Black circles are potential vorticity with negative values; vectors show winds; and red stars are the locations of the 13 radars. The mesospheric winds, although 35 km higher in altitude are very consistent with the stratospheric polar vortex winds. 14 Figure 2 The same as Figure 1, but for day number 60 (March 1, 2005). During this time the polar vortex is strongly disturbed and displaced equatorward throughout the stratosphere, and almost disappears at this uppermost (50 km) stratospheric level. Mesospheric winds are weaker compared to those in January, and provide no evidence for vortical winds. 15 Figure 3 Mean meridional (left column) and zonal (right column) winds, obtained using 3 day harmonic fits, are shown for the time interval from January 15 to the beginning of April for three stations: Tromso (70N), Saskatoon (52N), and Platteville (40N). At the end of February/beginning of March (day numbers 45-75), typical winter northward and eastward winds (red) became weaker and reversed at all three stations. These reversals have occurred around the time when the stratospheric polar vortex was strongly disturbed and displaced from the pole. The wind reversals are consistent with higher polar temperatures. Increases in PW activity (not shown) also occurred at these times, since vertical propagation is enhanced by the weaker zonal winds. 16 Ionospheric Physics/ VHF and CADI Radars Professor G.C. Hussey Team Members Graduate Students: R. Gillies, J. Cooper Ionospheric Physics (E-region) As reported previously, a prototype of the new 50 MHz FMCW (frequency modulated continuous wave) radar developed and constructed by my graduate student, Joel Cooper, and myself was deployed in the field during the summer of 2004. The system operated as designed (or better) with a temporal resolution of ~5Hz (~15m/s), that typical of bistatic CW (continuous wave) E-region radars previously operated by researchers here at the University of Saskatchewan, and a range resolution of ~1km, (as good as or better than most pulsed Eregion radars). This project has been temporarily delayed due to J. Cooper acquiring a job in industry and having, at the same time, to complete writing his thesis, which he successfully defended in June, 2006. As well during this time period, G. Hussey was dominated with deploying the upgraded CADI systems as discussed immediately below. This research is now more in an analysis stage. Ionospheric Physics (F-region) CADI Once again the current reporting period has been dominated by technical issues; however, now mostly instrument deployment and site operations and maintenance, as opposed to instrument development, predominated. Over the summer and fall of 2005 all the new LINUX based CADI systems for the 5 CADI polar sites (Eureka, Resolute, Cambridge Bay, Inuvik, and Rankin Inlet) were re-assembled, configured and tested at the University of Saskatchewan before deployment in the field. All aspects of site installation at Rankin Inlet, Inuvik, and Cambridge Bay were also initiated from the University of Saskatchewan. Internet connections were obtained for the Rankin Inlet, Inuvik, and Cambridge Bay sites during the re-installations and it is expected that Resolute and Eureka will be connected to the Internet in the next year or two. 17 Figure 1 The locations of the CADI polar sites. Note that all CADI sites are in the field-ofview of the Saskatoon-Kapuskasing SuperDARN pair and that the Eureka, Resolute, and Cambridge Bay CADI sites are in the field-of-view of the PolarDARN radar pair (Rankin Inlet site which has been operating the spring of 2006 and the Inuvik site which should be operational sometime late in 2007). The instrument configuration will allow for first time collaborative studies. 18 e-POP The enhanced Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) is scheduled to be launched as part of the Cascade Demonstrator Small-Sat and Ionospheric Polar Explorer (CASSIOPE) satellite in early 2008. A Radio Receiver Instrument (RRI) on e-POP will receive HF transmissions from various ground-based transmitters. G. Hussey and G. Sofko are involved with the RRI instrument and SuperDARN will supply the transmitter radio signal which will be received by the RRI instrument. In preparation for the e-POP mission, data from a similar transionospheric experiment performed by the International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies (ISIS) II satellite has been studied. This was the bulk of the research performed by graduate student R. Gillies, who completed his M. Sc. thesis in January, 2006. From the ISIS II data set, the prominent features in the received 9.303-MHz signal were periodic Faraday fading of signal intensity at rates up to 13 Hz and a time of arrival delay between the O- and X-modes of up to 0.8 ms. Both features occurred when the satellite was above or south of the Ottawa transmitter, the transmitter source for the transionospheric experiment. Ionospheric models for ray tracing were constructed using both International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) profiles and local peak electron density values from ISIS ionograms. Values for fade rate and differential mode delay were computed and compared to the values observed in the ISIS II data. The computed values showed very good agreement to the observed values of both received signal parameters when the topside sounding fOF2 values were used to scale IRI profiles, but not when strictly modeled IRI profiles were used. It was determined that the primary modifier of the received signal parameters was the fOF2 density and not the shape of the profile. This dependence was due to refraction, at the 9.303-MHz signal frequency, causing the rays to travel larger distances near the peak density where essentially all the mode splitting occurred. This study should assist in interpretation of e-POP RRI data when they are available. 19 Figure 2 An example comparison between simulated and observed Faraday fade rates. This pass occurred on July 8, 13:10 UT. The two computed curves were obtained using two different electron density profiles, one generated using only the IRI model and the other using the model scaled to the topside sounding fOF2 values. 20 The “Research Themes and 10 year Visions” of the ISAS Professors: presented at the Physics and Engineering Physics Department’s Workshop (December 2006) and as input to the College of Arts and Sciences Integrated Planning Cycle #2 (1997+) can be found at the following URL: 21 Appendices Publications Presentations (Talks, Papers, Posters) Graduate Student Theses Services and Distinctions Vision Statement 22 Publications Atmospheric Dynamics Team C.M. Hall, A. Brekke, A.H. Manson, C.E. Meek and S. Nozawa. Trends in mesospheric turbulence at 70° N. Atmos. Sci.Let., 8, 80-84, 2007. P. Mukhtarov, D. Pancheva, B. Andonov, N.J. Mitchell, E. Merzlyakov, W. Singer, W. Hocking, C. Meek, A. Manson, Y. Murayama. Large-scale thermo-dynamics of the stratosphere and mesosphere during the major stratospheric warming in 2003/2004. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 69, 2338-2354, 2007. K.F. Tapping, K.F., D. Boteler, P. Charbonneau, A. Crouch, A. Manson, H. Paquette, 2007. Solar Magnetic Activity and total Irradiance since the Maunder Minimum. Solar Physics, 246, 309-326. T. Chshyolkova, A.H. Manson, C.E. Meek, T. Aso, S.K. Avery, C.M. Hall, W. Hocking, K. Igarashi, C. Jacobi, N. Makarov, N. Mitchell, Y. Murayama, W. Singer, D. Thorsen, M. Tsutsumi, 2007. Polar Vortex Evolution during Northern Hemispheric Winter 2004/05 Ann. Geophys., 25, 1279-1298. C.M. Hall, S. Nozawa, A.H. Manson, and C.E. Meek, 2006. Tidal signatures in mesospheric turbulence Ann Geophys., 24 (2), 453-465. T. Chshyolkova, A.H. Manson, C.E. Meek, S.K. Avery, D. Thorsen, J.W. MacDougall, W. Hocking, Y. Murayama, and K. Igarashi, 2006. Planetary wave coupling processes in the middle atmosphere (30-90 km): a study involving MetO and MF radar data. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 68, 353-368. D.M. Riggin, H-L Liu, R.S. Lieberman, R.G. Roble, J.M. Russell III, C.J. Mertens, M.G. Mlynczak, D. Pancheva, S.J., Franke, Y. Murayama, A.H. Manson, C.E. Meek, and R.A. Vincent, 2006. Observations of the 5-day wave in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 68, 323-339. C.M. Hall, T. Aso, M. Tsutsumi, S. Nozawa, C.E. Meek, and A.H. Manson, 2006. Comparison of meteor and medium frequency radar kilometer scale MLT dynamics at 700N. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 68, 309-316. T. Chshyolkova, A.H. Manson, and C.E. Meek, 2005. Climatology of the quasi two-day wave over Saskatoon (520N, 1070W): 14 years of MF radar observations. Advances in Space Res., 35 (11), 2011-2016. T. Chshyolkova, A.H. Manson, C.E. Meek, S.K. Avery, D. Thorsen, J.W. MacDougall, W. Hocking, Y. Murayama, and K. Igarashi, 2005. Planetary wave coupling in the middle 23 atmosphere (20-90 km): a CUJO study involving TOMS, MetO and MF radar data. Ann Geophys., 23 (4): 1103-1121, SRef-ID: 1432-0576/ag/2005-23-1103. C.M. Hall, T. Aso, M .Tsutsumi, S. Nozawa, A.H. Manson, and C.E. Meek, 2005. A comparison of mesosphere and lower thermosphere neutral winds as determined by meteor and medium-frequency radar at 70ºN. Radio Science Vol. 40, RS4001, doe: 10.1029/2004RS003102. S.I. Martynenko, V.T. Rozumenko, O.F. Tyrnov, A.H. Manson, C.E. Meek, 2005. Statistical parameters of nonisothermal lower ionospheric plasma in the electrically active mesosphere. Advances in Space Research 35, 1467-1471. Aeronomy Research – Odin/ OSIRIS (InfraRed Team) A.E. Bourassa, D.A. Degenstein, E.J. Llewellyn, SASKTRAN: A Spherical Geometry Radiative Transfer Code for Efficient Estimation of Limb Scattered Sunlight, J. Quant. Spect. and Rad. Trans., doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2007.07.007, 2007. A.E. Bourassa, D.A. Degenstein, R. L. Gattinger, and E. J. Llewellyn, Stratospheric aerosol retrieval with optical spectrograph and infrared imaging system limb scatter measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D10217, doi:10.1029/2006JD008079, 2007. S.M. Brohede, Craig S. Haley, Chris A. McLinden, Christopher E. Sioris, Donal P. Murtagh, Svetlana V. Petelina, Edward J. Llewellyn, Ariane Bazureau, Florence Goutail, Cora E. Randall, Jerry D. Lumpe, Ghassan Taha, Larry W. Thomasson, and Larry L. Gordley. Validation of Odin/OSIRIS stratospheric NO2 profiles. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D07310, doi:10.1029/2006JD007586, 2007. D.A. Degenstein, A.E. Bourassa, E.J. Llewellyn, and N.D. Lloyd. The impact of sea-glint upon limb radiance. Can. J. Phys., in press, 2007. R.L. Gattinger, C.D. Boone, K.A. Walker, D.A. Degenstein, N.D. Lloyd, P.F. Bernath, and E.J. Llewellyn, OSIRIS observations of OH 308 nm solar resonance fluorescence at sunrise in the upper mesosphere, Can. J. Phys., 85, 131-142, doi: 10.1139/P06-087, 2007. J. Kuttippurath, H. Bremer, J. Burrows, A. Kleinbohl, H. Kullmann, K. Kunzi, J. Notholt, M. Sinnhuber, C. von Savigny, N. Lautie, D. Murtagh, J. Urban, M. Milz, G. Stiller, S. Petelina, J. de La Noe, E. Le Flochmoen, and P. Ricaud. Intercomparison of ozone profile measurements from ASUR, SCIAMACHY, MIPAS, OSIRIS, and SMR. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D09311, doi:10.1029/2006JD007830, 2007. C.A. McLinden, V. E. Fioletov, C. S. Haley, N. Lloyd, C. Roth, D. Degenstein, A.E. Bourassa, C. T. McElroy, and E. J. Llewellyn, An evaluation of Odin/OSIRIS pointing and stratospheric ozone through comparisons with ozonesondes, Can. J. Phys., in press, 2007. 24 S.V. Petelina, E.J. Llewellyn, and D.A. Degenstein. Properties of Polar Mesospheric Clouds measured by Odin/OSIRIS in the Northern Hemisphere in 2002-2005. Can. J. Phys., 85(11), 1143-1158, 2007. S.V. Petelina, E.J. Llewellyn, and D.A. Degenstein. Properties of Polar Mesospheric Clouds measured by Odin/OSIRIS in the Northern Hemisphere in 2002-2005. Can. J. Phys., in press, 2007. C.Z. Roth, D.A. Degenstein, A.E. Bourassa, and E.J. Llewellyn. The Retrieval of Vertical Profiles of the Ozone Number Density Using Chappuis Band Absorption Information and a Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique. Can. J. Phys., in press, 2007. C.E. Sioris, C.A. McLinden, R.V. Martin, B. Sauvage, C.S. Haley, N.D. Lloyd, E.J. Llewellyn, P.F. Bernath, C.D. Boone, S. Brohede and C. T. McElroy. Vertical profiles of lightning-produced NO2 enhancements in the upper troposphere observed by OSIRIS. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 4281–4294, 2007. J.R. Taylor, K. Strong, C.A. McLinden, D.A. Degenstein and C.S. Haley, Comparison of OSIRIS stratospheric O3 and NO2 measurements with ground-based Fourier Transform Spectrometer measurements at the Toronto Atmospheric Observatory, Can. J. Phys., in press, 2007. S. Tukiainen, S. Hassinen, A. Sepp¨al¨a, H. Auvinen, E. Kyr¨ol¨a, J. Tamminen, C. S. Haley, N. Lloyd, and P. T. Verronen. Description and validation of a limb scatter retrieval method for 1 Odin/OSIRIS. J. Geophys. Res., accepted October 2007. J. Gumbel1, Z. Y. Fan, T. Waldemarsson, J. Stegman, E. J. Llewellyn, C.-Y. She and J. M. C. Plane, Retrieval of global mesospheric sodium densities from the Odin satellite, Submitted to Geophys. Res, Lett., November 4, 2006 S.V. Petelina, E.J. Llewellyn, D.A. Degenstein, N.D. Lloyd, Odin/OSIRIS limb observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds in 2001-2003, J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 68, 42-55, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2005.08.004, 2006 S.V. Petelina, D.A. Degenstein, E.J. Llewellyn, N.D. Lloyd, Correlation of PMC relative brightness and altitudes observed by Odin/OSIRIS in the northern hemisphere in 20022003 J. Atm. Solar-Terr. Phys., 68, 56-64, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2005.08.005, 2006 R.L. Gattinger, C.D. Boone, K.A. Walker, D.A. Degenstein, P.F. Bernath and E.J. Llewellyn, Comparison of Odin-OSIRIS OH A(2)Sigma(+)-(XII)-I-2 0-0 mesospheric observations and ACE-FTS water vapor observations , Geophys. Res. Lett., 33 (15), L15808, 2006. R.L. Gattinger, D.A. Degenstein, and E.J. Llewellyn, Optical Spectrograph and Infra-Red Imaging System (OSIRIS) observations of mesospheric OH A2S+–X2 0-0 and 1-1 25 band resonance emissions, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D13303, doi: 10.1029/2005 JD006369, 2006. S.V. Petelina, D.A. Degenstein, E.J. Llewellyn, N.D. Lloyd, C.J. Mertens, M.G. Mlynczak, and J.M. Russell III, Thermal conditions for PMC existence derived from Odin/OSIRIS and TIMED/SABER data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L17813, doi:10.1029/2005 GL023099, 2005. F. Sigernes, N. Lloyd, D.A. Lorentzen, R. Neuber, U.-P. Hoppe, D. Degenstein, N. Shumilov, J. Moen, Y. Gjessing, O. Havnes, A. Skartveit, E. Raustein, J. B. Ørbæk, and C.S. Deeh, The Red Sky over Svalbard in December 2002: Observations, Annales Geophysicae, 23, 1593-1602, 2005. Super DARN/ PolarDARN G. Chisham, M. Lester, S. E. Milan, M. P. Freeman, W. A. Bristow, A. Grocott, K. A. McWilliams, J. M. Ruohoniemi, T. K. Yeoman, P. Dyson, R. A. Greenwald, T. Kikuchi, M. Pinnock, J. Rash, N. Sato, G. J. Sofko, J.-P. Villain, and A. D. M. Walker, A decade of the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN): Scientific achievements, new techniques and future directions. Surveys in Geophysics, Vol. 28, #1, doi: 10.1007/s10712-007-9017-8, 2007. E. Donovan, T. Trondsen, J. Spann, W. Liu, E. Spanswick, M. Lester, C.-Y. Tu, A. Ridley, M. Henderson, T. Immel, S. Mende, J. Bonnell, M. Syrjasuo, G. Sofko, L. Cogger, J. Murphree, P. T. Jayachandran, T. Pulkkinen, R. Rankin, J. Sigwarth, Global Imaging in the ILWS Era, Advances in Space Research, 40, 409-418, 2007. R.G. Gillies, G.C. Hussey, H.G. James, G.J. Sofko, D. Andre, Modelling and observation of transionosphric propagation results from ISIS II in preparation for ePOP, Annales Geophysicae, 25, 87-97, 2007. R.A. Makarevich, A. V. Koustov, A. Senior, M. Uspensky, F. Honary, and P. L. Dyson. Aspect angle dependence of the E-region irregularity velocity at large flow angles. J. Geophys. Res., accepted 2007. G. Sofko, R. Schwab, M. Watanabe, C. Huang, J. Foster, K. McWilliams, Auroral postsecondary ions from the night side ionosphere in the inner magnetosphere, J. Atmos. & Solar Terr. Phys., 69, 1213-1232, 2007. M. Watanabe, G.J. Sofko, K. Kabin, R.Rankin, A.J. Ridley, C.R. Clauer, and T.I. Gombosi, The origin of the interhemispheric potential mismatch of merging cells for IMF BYdominated periods J. Geophys. Res., 112, A10205, doi:10.1029/2006 JA012179, 2007. L. Xu, A.V. Koustov, J.S. Xu, R.A. Drayton and, L. Huo. A 2-D comparison of ionospheric convection derived from SuperDARN and DMSP measurements. Adv. Space Res., accepted, 2007. 26 M.V. Uspensky, A.V. Koustov, and S. Nozawa, 2006. STARE velocities at large flow angles: Is it related to the ion-acoustic speed? Annales Geophysicae, 24, 873-885. A.V. Koustov, R.A. Drayton, R.A. Makarevich, K.A. McWilliams, J.-P. St-Maurice, T. Kikuchi, and H.U. Frey, Observations of high-velocity SAPS-like flows with the King Salmon SuperDARN radar, Ann. Geophys., 24, 1591–1608, 2006 R.A. Makarevitch, F. Honary, V. S. C. Howells, A. V. Koustov, P. Janhunen, S. E. Milan, J. A. Davies, A. Senior, I. W. McCrea, A. Viljanen, 2006. A first comparison of irregularity and ion drift velocity measurements in the E region, Annales Geophysicae, 24, (in press, 15 journal pages). J.-C. Cerisier, A. Marchaudon, J.-M. Bosqued, K.A. McWilliams, H.U. Frey, M. Bouhram, H. Laakso, M. Dunlop, M. Förster, A. Fazakerley, Ionospheric signatures of plasma injections in the cusp triggered by solar wind pressure pulses, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A08204, doi:10.1029/2004JA010962, 2005. Solar-Terrestrial Relations/ Space Weather R.S. Kissack, L. M. Kagan, and J.-P. St.-Maurice, Thermal effects on Farley-Buneman waves at nonzero aspect andflow angles, I: Dispersion relation, Phys. of Plasmas, submitted, July 2007. R.S. Kissack, L. M. Kagan, and J.-P. St.-Maurice, Thermal effects on Farley-Buneman waves at nonzero aspect andflow angles, II: Behavior near threshold, Phys. of Plasmas, submitted, Sept 2007. J.Z.G. Ma, and J.-P. St.-Maurice (2007), Ion distribution functions in cylindrically symmetric electric fields: the collision-free case in a uniformly charged configuration, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, Sept 2007. P.J. Perron, J.-M. Noel, and J.-P. St.-Maurice, Velocity shear and current driven instability in a collisional F-region, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, Sept 2007. A. Russell, J.-P. St.-Maurice, R. J. Sica, and J. M. Noel, Composition changes during disturbed conditions: Are mass spectrometers overestimating the concentrations of atomic oxygen?, Geophys. Res. Lett., in press, Sept 2007. St.-Maurice, J.-P. and R.K. Choudhary (2007), The influence of non-isothermal electrons and neutral wind structures on the Doppler properties of vertical m-size field-aligned irregularities in the low latitude E region, Revista Brasileira de Geofisica (Brazil), accepted Jan 2007, 9 pages. J.-P. St.-Maurice, G.J. Sofko, J. Wiid, D. Andre, A.V. Koustov, K.A. McWilliams, R. K. Choudhary, R. Drayton, G.C. Hussey and R. A. Greenwald, First observations from the 27 new Rankin Inlet SuperDARN radar at high northern latitudes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 4 pages, submitted Sept 2006. J.-P. St.-Maurice and R.K. Choudhary (2006), The influence of non-isothermal electrons and neutral wind structures on the Doppler properties of vertical m-size field-aligned irregularities in the low latitude E region, submitted to Revista Brasileira de Geofisica (Brazil), revised Oct 2006, 8 pages. I. Coco, E. Amata, M.F. Marcucci, J.-P. Villain, J.-P., C. Hanuise, J.-C. Cerisier, J.-P. St.Maurice, and N. Sato, Night-side effects on the polar ionospheric convection due to a solar wind pressure impulse. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement, v.9, 91-93, 2006. R.K. Choudhary, J.-P. St.-Maurice, W. Eklund, and R. T. Tsunoda, (2006) East-west and vertical spectral asymmetry associated with equatorial type-I waves during strong electrojet conditions: I. Pohnpei radar observations, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. A11, A11302,, 12 pages. J.-P. St-Maurice and R. K. Choudhary (2006), East-west and vertical spectral asymmetry associated with equatorial type-I waves during strong electrojet conditions: II. Theory, J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 111, No. A11, A11303,, 11 pages. A.V. Koustov, R. A. Drayton, R. A. Makarevich, K. A. McWilliams, J.-P. St.-Maurice, T. Kikuchi, and H. U. Frey, Observations of high velocity SAPS-like flows with the King Salmon SuperDARN radar, Annales Geophysicae, 24, 1591-1608, 2006. J. Drexler and J.-P. St.-Maurice (2006), Nonlocal waves in vertical density gradients in the high-latitude E region, Annales Geophysicae, submitted, March 2006. J.-P. St.-Maurice, J.-M. Noel, and P. J. Perron (2006) An assessment of how a combination of shears, field-aligned currents and collisions affect F-region ionospheric instabilities, J. Plasma Phys., 72, part 4, 1-20. J.-M. Noel, St.-Maurice, J.-P., and P.-L. Blelly (2005) The effect of E-region wave heating on electrodynamical structures, Annales Geophysicae, 23, 6, 2081-2094. K. Schlegel, H. Lühr, J.-P. St.-Maurice, G. Crowley (2005) Thermospheric Density Structures over the Polar Regions observed with CHAMP, Annales Geophysicae, 23, 5, 1659-1672. J.-P. St.-Maurice, (2005), Comment on ‘‘Nonlinear electron heating by resonant shear Alfven waves in the ionosphere’’ by J. Y. Lu et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L13102, doi:10.1029/2005GL022513 R.K. Choudhary, J.-P. St.-Maurice, L. M. Kagan and K.K. Mahajan (2005) Quasi-periodic backscatters from the E region at Gadanki: evidence for Kelvin-Helmholtz billows in the lower thermosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 110, A08303, doi:10.1029/2004JA010987. 28 P.T. Jayachandran, E. F. Donovan, J. W. MacDougall, D. R. Moorcroft, K. Liou, P. T. Newell , and J.P. St-Maurice (2005), Global and local equatorward expansion of the ion auroral oval before substorm onsets, J. Geophys. Res, 110, A05204, doi:10.1029/2004JA010837. J. Drexler, and J.-P. St.-Maurice (2005) A possible origin for large aspect angle “HAIR" echoes seen by SuperDARN radars in the E region, Annales Geophysicae, 23, 767772. L.M. Kagan, and J.-P. St.-Maurice (2005) Origin of type-2 thermal-ion upflows in the auroral ionosphere, Ann. Geophys., Ann. Geophys., 23: 13–24. L.M. Kagan, and J.-P. St.-Maurice (2005), Impact of electron thermal effects on FarleyBuneman waves at arbitrary aspect angles, J. Geophys. Res., A12302, doi:10.1029/2004JA010444. Ionospheric Physics/ VHF and CADI Radars H.G. James, R.G. Gillies, G.C. Hussey, and P. Prikryl. HF fades caused by multiple wave fronts detected by a dipole antenna in the ionosphere, Radio Science, accepted 8 May, 2006, 39 pages. 29 Presentations (Talks, Papers, Posters) Atmospheric Dynamics Group A.H. Manson. Polar Vortex Evolution and Breakdown, Including Wave Interactions, During Winter 2004/05: Campaign 1 of the “Vortices” Project with SCOSTEP-CAWSES, Toronto, Ontario, May 29- June 1, 2006. T.E. Chshyolkova, A.H. Manson, C.E. Meek. NH Polar Vortex Evolution During Winter 2004/05. STP-11, SCOSTEP, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 6-10, 2006. Aeronomy Research – Odin/ OSIRIS (InfraRed Group) A. Bathgate, E.J. Llewellyn, D.A. Degenstein, R.L. Gattinger and S.V. Petelina, The Measurement of Mesospheric Water Vapour, Ozone, and Temperature with OSIRIS, Paper P6-2, CAP Congress, Saskatoon, SK, June 2007. E.J. Llewellyn, R.L. Gattinger, M.H. Stevens, J. Gumbel, D.A. Degenstein, and S. Petelina, Global Observations of Water Vapor and Ice Content in the Mesosphere Together with Co-located Measurements of Temperature and Ozone, IUGG/IAGA Perugia, Italy, July 2007. S.V. Petelina E.J. Llewellyn and D.A. Degenstein, Interannual and Hemispheric Variability in Properties of Polar Mesospheric Clouds Detected by Odin/OSIRIS, Paper P6-3, CAP Congress, Saskatoon, SK, June 2007. D. Degenstein, A. Bourassa, C. Roth, E.J. Llewellyn, SaskTran: A Radiative Transfer Tool for the Analysis of OSIRIS Measurements, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un., Fall Meeting Suppl. A43B-0095, San Francisco, CA, December, 2005. S.V. Petelina, D.A. Degenstein, E.J. Llewellyn, M.G. Mlynczak, J.M., Russell, Two-Satellite Comparison of Molecular Oxygen Singlet Delta in the Mesosphere, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un., Fall Meeting Suppl. SA43A-1087, San Francisco, CA, December, 2005. Llewellyn, E. J.; Gattinger, R. L.; Degenstein, D. A.; Lloyd, N. D.; Boone, C.; Bernath, P.; Walker, K, The OH (v= 0) Altitude Distribution at Sunrise, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un., Fall Meeting Suppl. , San Francisco, CA, December, 2005. 30 Super DARN/ PolarDARN URSI/North American Radio Science meeting, Ottawa, ON, July 22-26, 2007 G. J. Sofko, J.P. St.Maurice, J. Wiid, D. Andre, R. K Choudhary, A. V. Koustov, G. C. Hussey, K. A. McWilliams, The PolarDARN Radar Project and High-latitude Convection. G. C. Hussey, H. G. James, and G. J. Sofko, A satellite instrument proposalfor topsidesounding and radar observations of the ionosphere. CAP (Canadian Association of Physicists) Congress, Saskatoon, SK, June 17-20, 2007 G. J. Sofko, R. Schwab, M.Watanabe, K. McWilliams, Inner Magnetosphere Effects of Suprathermal Auroral Post-Secondary Ions. R. G. Gillies, G. C. Hussey, H. G. James and G. J. Sofko, SuperDARN radio wave power distribution characteristics in the ionosphere from an ePOP perspective. G. Hussey, G. James and G. Sofko, Proposed satellite radar instrumentfor top-side observations of the terrestrial ionosphere. J-P. St-Maurice, G. Sofko, K. McWilliams, R. Kumar Choudhary, A.V. Koustov, 1. Wiid, D. Andre and G. Hussey, PolarDARN: A new window on magnetospheric processes at very high latitudes. R. Kumar Choudhary, J.-P. St.-Maurice and G. J. Sofko, SuperDARN obervations of sunward convection under strong interplanetary magnetic field By conditions. M. Watanabe, G. 1. Sofko, K. Kabin, R. Rankin, A. Ridley, c.R. Clauer and T.Gombosi, The origin of the interhemispheric potential mismatch of merging cells for IMF Bydominated periods. SuperDARN Workshop, Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan, June 08-16, 2007 J-P. St. Maurice, G. Sofko, K. McWilliams, S. Koustov, G. Hussey, D. Andre, J. Wiid, R. Choudhary, and M. Watanabe, PolarDARN - Review of Rankin Inlet first year results and progress. G. Sofko, R. Chaudhary, G. Hussey, M. Watanabe, K. McWilliams and 1.-P. St. Maurice, Polar DARN measurements of lobe cell dynamics during strong By+ conditions. J.-P. St-Maurice: one presentation on early PolarDARN results (with Saskatoon PolarDARN team), and the other on Gradient Drift Instabilities in the F region (with student Megan Gillies). Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan Annual Meeting, Moose Jaw, SK, May, 2007. G.J. Sofko, Magnetism – Consequences of Solar and Terrestrial Changes. J. Pfeifer, K.A McWilliams, R.L. McPherron, Implications of global SuperDARN convection measurements for the selection criteria of steady magnetospheric convection intervals, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SM2IB0263. McWilliams, K.A, Twin-vortex convection in the nightside high-latitude ionosphere observed by the new polar cap SuperDARN radar at Rankin Inlet, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SMIID-05. 31 St. Maurice, J-P., GJ. Sofko, J. Wiid, D. Andre, AV. Koustov, K.A. McWilliams, R.K. Choudhary, R. Drayton, G.C. Hussey, R.A Greenwald, First observations from the new Rankin Inlet SuperDARN radar at high northern latitudes, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract SMI3A-0354. K.A. McWilliams, J.B. Pfeifer, and R.L. McPherron, Statistical study of SuperDARN global convection patterns during intervals of steady magnetospheric convection, International SuperDARN Workshop, Chincoteague, Virginia, USA, 5-9 June, 2006. A.V. Koustov, R.A. Drayton, and K.A. McWilliams, On the nature of high-velocity echoes seen by the KS radar International SuperDARN Workshop, Chincoteague, Virginia, USA, 5-9 June, 2006. L.V. Benkevich, A.V. Koustov, and J. Liang, 2006. Comparison of the magnetic equivalent convection direction and the true convection observed by the SuperDARN radars, Annual SuperDARN meeting, Chincoteague, USA, June 5-9, 2006. J.-P. St-Maurice, R. Drayton, R. Choudhary, A. Koustov, and S. Bansal, Comparing SuperDARN Doppler shifts with DMSP velocities under ideal situations: Is there a problem? Annual SuperDARN meeting, Chincoteague, USA, June 5-9, 2006. M.V. Uspensky, A.V. Koustov, S. Nozawa, and R. Pellinen, 2006. Can one predict STARE velocities from EISCAT data? International Conference, Problems of Geocosmos, May 23-27, 2006, St.-Petersburg, Russia. A. Koustov, 2005. Studies with coherent radars, Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Space Environment Workshop, Sept. 8-10, 2005, Saskatoon. J. Gorin, and A. Koustov, 2005. Study of E-region irregularity velocity with SuperDARN HF radars, Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Space Environment Workshop, Sept. 8-10, 2005, Saskatoon. R. Drayton, and A. Koustov, 2005. SuperDARN observations of fast flows at the equatorial edge of the auroral oval, Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Space Environment Workshop, Sept. 8-10, 2005, Saskatoon. Solar-Terrestrial Relations/ Space Weather J.-P. St.-Maurice, The aurora boreales, CAP’s workshop for teachers, Saskatoon, June 2007. J.-P. St.-Maurice et al., Early results from PolarDARN, CAP, Saskatoon, June 2007. J.-P. St.-Maurice, and J.-M. Noel, Parallel electric field generation in the ionosphere, Greenland Space Science Symposium, Kangerlussuak, Greenland, May 2007. 32 J.-P. St.-Maurice and A. M. Hamza, Small scale irregularities at high latitudes (2007), NATO conference proceedings, submitted Jan 15, 2007. J.-P. St.-Maurice, and R.K. Choudhary, The influence of non-isothermal electrons and neutral wind structures on the Doppler properties of vertical m-size field-aligned irregularities in the low latitude E region, Revista Brasileira de Geofisica (Brazil), accepted Jan 2007, 9 pages. St.-Maurice, J.-P. (2007). Two presentations at the Greenland Space Science Symposium, Kangerlussuak, Greenland: one on PolarDARN, and the other on a D region study done with Sonderstromfjord radar during a very strong proton precipitation event, May 2007. St.-Maurice, J.-P., 2 DASP papers in Kingston, Feb 2006; 3 at SuperDARN workshop in Wallops Island in June 2006, 1 at the AMISR workshop in California, Oct 2006, 1 at the EPOP workshop in Athabasca in Sept 2006. St.-Maurice, J.-P. (2006). “Early results from PolarDARN”, AMISR workshop, Asilomar , California, Oct 2006. St.-Maurice, J.-P. (2006). “First PolarDARN results”, EPOP workshop, Athabasca, Alberta, Sept 2006. J.-P. St.-Maurice, “Why and how do E region irregularities evolve large aspect angles, or not”, 28th general assembly of URSI, New Delhi, India, October 2005. J-M Noel, J-P St-Maurice, A. Russel, and P. L. Blelly, “Electrodynamical modelling of auroral arcs”, biannual EISCAT workshop, Kiruna, Sweden, August 2005. L. Kagan and J.-P. St.-Maurice, “The role played by high frequency turbulence in auroral ionospheric ion outflows”, biannual EISCAT workshop, Kiruna, Sweden, August 2005. J.-M. Noel, St.-Maurice, J.-P., Blelly, P.-L., “A time-dependent two-dimensional electrodynamic model of the auroral ionosphere”, IAGA 2005 Conference, Toulouse, France, July 2005 J-P St-Maurice, R. K. Choudhary and L. Kagan, “A strong case for the detection of KelvinHelmholtz billows at low latitudes and of the plasma processes that allow for that detection”, International Symposium for Equatorial Aeronomy -11 (ISEA11), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2005. J-P St-Maurice, R. K. Choudhary, L. Kagan and R. Kissack, “The low altitude phase velocity of Type I waves at small aspect angles”, International Symposium for Equatorial Aeronomy -11 (ISEA11), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2005. 33 Ionospheric Physics/ VHF and CADI Radars G.C. Hussey, H. G. James, and G. J. Sofko, 2007. A satellite instrument proposal for topsidesoundings and radar observations of the ionosphere, URSI 2007, 22-26 July, 2007, Ottawa, Ontario. G.C. Hussey and J. Cooper, 2007. The application of the Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave radar technique to E-region VHF coherent backscatater radar studies, URSI 2007, 22-26 July, 2007, Ottawa, Ontario. G.C. Hussey, H. G. James, and G. J. Sofko, 2007. A satellite radar instrument for top-side observations of the terrestrial ionosphere, CAP Congress 2007/ e-POP Science Team Meeting #10, 17-20 June, 2007, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. G.C. Hussey, H.G. James, and G.J. Sofko, 2006. Radar Observations of the Ionosphere from Space: A Preliminary Instrument Proposal, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) ASTRO 2006, 25-27 April, 2006, Montréal, Quebec. R.G. Gillies, G.C. Hussey, H.G. James, and G.J. Sofko, 2005. Transionospheric HF Propagation Modelling: Results from ISIS II to be applied to ePOP, Symposium on Physics at the University of Saskatchewan, 5-6, October, 2005, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. G.C. Hussey, 2005. Irregularities, convection, and structure in the E- and F-regions, Space Environment Workshop 2005, 9-10 September, 2005, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. G.C. Hussey and J.W. MacDougall, 2005. Upgrades to the CGSM CADI polar network, Space Environment Workshop 2005, 9-10 September, 2005, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. R.G. Gillies, G.C. Hussey, H.G. James, and G.J. Sofko, 2005. Transionospheric HF Propagation Modelling: Results from ISIS II to be applied to ePOP, Space Environment Workshop 2005, 9-10 September, 2005, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. H.G. James, P. Prikryl, R.G. Gillies, and G.C. Hussey, 2005. Old and new experiments on transionospheric HF propagation, 2005 CAP Congress, 5-9 June, 2005, Vancouver, British Columbia. 34 Graduate Student Theses Bourassa, Adam (Ph.D.) - Stratospheric Aerosol Retrieval from OSIRIS Limb Scattered Sunlight Spectra. Defence held April 23, 2007. Chshyolkova, Tatyana (Ph.D.) - Planetary Waves and Dynamical Processes Associated with Seasonal Transitions. Defence held March 28, 2007. Lamont, Kirk (M.Sc.) - Validation of the MOPITT-A Instrument through Radiative Transfer Modelling and Laboratory Calibration. Defence held August 29, 2007. Roth, Christopher (M.Sc.) - Atmospheric Ozone Retrieval Using Radiance Measurements from the Chappuis and Hartley-Huggins Absorption Bands. Defence held March 6, 2007. Schwab, Robert (M.Sc.) - Energy Dispersed Ion Signatures at Auroral and Subauroral Latitudes. Defence held March 30, 2007. Cooper, Joel (M.Sc.) - A 50 MHz FMCW Radar for the Study of E-region Coherent Backscatter. Defence held June 19, 2006. Drayton, Robyn (M.Sc.) - Study of SAPS-like flows with the King Salmon SuperDARN radar. Defence held September 19, 2006. Gillies, Robert (M.Sc.) - Modelling of Transionospheric HF Radio Wave Propagation for the ISIS II and ePOP Satellites. Defence held January 24, 2006. McDonald, Christopher Reid (M.Sc.) - Ground Based Measurement of Ozone Using Stellar Spectra. Defence held February 23, 2006. Stoicescu, Mike (M.Sc.) - Development and Characterization of the OSIRIS USASK Observatory. Defence held June 28, 2006. Benkevitch, Leovid (Ph.D.) - Effects of ionospheric conductance in high-latitude phenomena. Defence held August 29, 2005. 35 Services and Distinctions J.-P. St-Maurice G.J. Sofko - Member of the Space Science and Exploration Advisory Group to the CSA (Jan 2006- ) - Member of the SuperDARN Executive Committee -Co-Chair of SAEAC (CSA) (2005- ) CSA’s Space Science Fellowships Selection Committee (2005-2008) - Elected as DASP representative to NSERC liaison committee with CAP (Nov. 2003) -Assoc. Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research (1998-2001) - International representative, Science Steering Committee for Coupling Energetics & Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) USA 19982000) - External member, Scientific Advisory Committee, EISCAT Observatory, Europe (19982000) National URSI Committee: Commissions G&H Chair (1993-1999) - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Group Achievement Award for ground based investigation by Team/SuperDARN, ‘in recognition of the highly successful exploration of geospace by the Global Geospace Science Program’ - Member of SuperDARN Executive Committee - Principal Investigator, DSS/CSA contract for System Management at the Saskatoon CANOPUS node - Principal Investigator, NSERC CSP “The Canadian component of SuperDARN, Phase II” D.A. Degenstein K.A. McWilliams - Participant, Optical Aeronomy and Atmospheric Science experiment (OSIRIS) on the Swedish Odin satellite -Member of CGSM Team -Member of SuperDARN Team -Member of Ravens Science Team G.C. Hussey -Member of SuperDARN Team A.V. Koustov -Member of CGSM Team -Member of SuperDARN Team E.J. Llewellyn A.H. Manson - Vice-Chair, Commission C of COSPAR, (20022006) - Member, SAEAC (Space and Atmospheric Environments Advisory Committee) of Canadian Space Agency, (2000-2004) - Member of Steering Committee for Post-STEP International Programs; S-RAMP (STEPResults, Applications, and Modelling Phase) (1997-2002) - Chair of COSPAR Sub-Commission C2, Middle Atmosphere and Lower Ionosphere (1994-1998, 1998-2002) -Editorial Advisory Board member, “Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics” (1994-present) -Chair, Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan (1991-1997; 1997-2003) - Distinguished Researcher (2002) - Principal Investigator, Optical Aeronomy and Atmospheric Science experiment (OSIRIS) on the Swedish Odin satellite - Principal Investigator, satellite experiment: OGLOW II on STS-52 Mission - Co-investigator, satellite experiments: OGLOW (STS-17/41G); PHOTONS (STS-19); WINDII (UARS); ACE (Canadian SciSat); AEPI (EOM1/1) renamed ATLAS; WAMDII; VIKING-UV Imager - Co-investigator, rocket experiment: GEMINI - Chairman, Time Allocation Committee for WINDII/UARS - Member of CAP/NSERC Committee for Review of Physics in Canada -Chairman, NASA Selection Panel for LCAS -Associate Editor Canadian Journal of Physics 36 Vision for the 21st Century INVESTIGATE the Atmospheric and Geospace Environments of the Planet Earth: the Dynamics and Chemistry of the Middle Atmosphere and Troposphere; the Magnetosphere, Thermosphere and Ionosphere with the imbedded Aurora Borealis. Expand these studies to the other Planets where possible and relevant. DEVELOP a comprehensive suite of observational systems including ground-based, rocket and satellite; and support the development of comprehensive Space and Atmospheric Models consistent with observations. Strive to achieve levels of excellence in research consistent with the highest international standards in Solar Terrestrial Physics. RELATE the investigations and observations to important societal issues such as the Understanding of Atmospheric Processes and Global Climate Change, and Geospace Weather Prediction. ESTABLISH balanced and complementary links with Agencies and Councils involved in Atmospheric and Space Research – CSA, AES, NSERC – and with high-technology industries, especially those in Saskatchewan. PROVIDE a balanced working and educational ENVIRONMENT for graduate students, scientists and engineers, including involvement with local industries, and with the wider life of the University of Saskatchewan – teaching and outreach. ENCOURAGE collaborations within the Institute to maximize opportunities for comprehensive, complementary studies of the Atmosphere and Geospace. CONTRIBUTE to the community of Solar Terrestrial Physicists, and to the international community engaged in Solar Terrestrial Physics. PROVIDE the Saskatoon and Saskatchewan communities, including especially students and the media, with information and opportunities to share in the Solar Terrestrial Physics activity in the Institute; recognizing that these contribute to the economic health, quality of life and knowledgebase of the nation. ISAS - University of Saskatchewan 37 THE POLARDARN-AMISR GEOMETRY INSTITUTE OF SPACE AND ATMOSPHERIC STUDIES FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan 116 Science Place, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7N 5E2, Canada Phone: (306) 966-6401 Facsimile: (306) 966-6400 Electronic mail: [email protected]