reStart Annual Report 2014


reStart Annual Report 2014
empowering people
ending homelessness
2014 Annual Report
Our Mission
reStart’s mission is to provide shelter and supportive services to move
homeless men, women, youth and families toward self-sufficiency with
the goal of ending homelessness in our community.
It’s been another incredible
year at reStart. As I reflect
on 2014 and all that has
been accomplished, I’m
truly honored to be part of
an organization with such
dedicated Board members,
staff and volunteers and
part of a community that
cares deeply about the
people we serve.
We continue to successfully provide housing stabilization
for our clients. In 2014, 364 individuals and 113 families – a
total of 671 people – were placed in permanent housing.
Our Housing Solutions Center placed 88 people, including
1 veteran, and 11 families into permanent housing through
100,000 Homes.
We were honored to be named the Charity of the Year by
Swiss Re for three years (2014 - 2016). Already a great
corporate partner, Swiss Re raised funds to completely
renovate our youth shelter. Youth residents, having had input
on the renovations, have expressed nothing but positive
feedback about the changes – “It’s really cool and a place
that I feel like part of a family and I can get on the right track
being here,” said one youth about the newly renovated
Also, construction began on our Washington Apartments in
Waldo, 14 units of permanent housing for young adults with
disabilities who have aged out of the foster care system.
Rose Hill Townhomes construction, 33 units of permanent
housing for families located within a few blocks of reStart’s
main office, is underway as well.
We implemented our new Support Service for Veteran
Families (SSVF) program that serves homeless veteran
families and those at risk of becoming homeless.
Other highlights this year include:
•  revUp 2014 raised $99,000
•  reStart, as a founding partner, participated in the first
Annual Project Homeless Connect, an all-day event
where over 200 families, individuals, and veterans
received haircuts, health, vision & medical care,
identification procurement, housing & legal assistance,
employment services, veteran services and much more.
•  In April, reStart residents, volunteers and staff
participated in our second annual Advocacy Day in
Jefferson City and met with state legislators and leaders
from state agencies.
•  Volunteers - 100 Swiss Re employees volunteered for
our Swiss Re Day of Service, to garden, clean, decorate,
serve meals and paint common spaces and residential
quarters. Old Paths Baptist Church held its 3rd annual
Trunk or Treat Halloween event for youth and families.
Congregation Beth Torah volunteers prepared and
served meals every weekend in January as they have
done for over two decades. Kaw Prairie (KPCC) hosted
a fall festival in the park for reStart youth, families and
single adults. VML volunteers designed and painted a
new mural for reStart in the main lobby.
We expect more incredible happenings next year and that
is only possible because of our supporters, volunteers and
friends. With your help, we are empowering people and
ending homelessness.
Boards & Committees
President & CEO
Evelyn E. Craig, MA, CFRE
2014 Capital Campaign
William H. Dunn, Sr., Honorary
2014 Board of Directors
Bob Dunn, Chair
John Kinney, Chair
Attorney at Law
Jennifer Curzon
Jeff Turner, Vice Chair
Commerce Bank, N.A.
Leslie Sims, CPA, Treasurer
McGladrey & Pullen, LLP
Rosemary Polk, Secretary
Assurant Employee Benefits
Timothy Stepp, M.D.,
Assistant Secretary
University of Kansas
Dr. Patricia Caruthers, Trustee
Retired, Kansas City Kansas
Community College
Jamesetta Davis
Communication Workers of
America Local 6355
Susan Fahey
Community Volunteer
Debra Johnson
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Heath J. Leuck, CPA
John Knox Village
Susan Schaefer
JE Dunn Construction
Linda Word
Sturges Word Communications
Chris Howard
Littler Mendelson P.C.
Olivia Dorsey
Sally Firestone
Steve Metzler
Table of Contents
Boards & Committees
2014 Services
Financial Report
Community Partners
Karl Zobrist
reStart Housing
Services Board
Capital Campaign
Heath Leuck
reStart Board
Veteran Feature
Volunteers in Action
RevUp Recap
Evie Craig
reStart President and CEO
Carl Anderson
Comprehensive Mental
Health Center
April Miller
ReDiscover Mental Health Center
Donor List
In Memoriam
Mike Vessels
reStart Cultural
Patricia Becher
Amber Dahl
Carrie Bond
Ryan Tomilson
Tommie Brown
Julie Williams
Alankar Patal
Total Unique Individuals Served
Total Number of Children
and Youth Served
Total Number of Families Served
Under 19
19 to 29
30 to 39
40 to 49
50 to 59
Total Persons Moved to
Permanent Housing
(100 households)
Race & Ethnicity
American Indian/Alaska Native0%
Multiple Races
Youth Emergency Shelter
Unduplicated Individuals Served
Including 29 boys and 76 girls
Total Bednights
Family Shelter
Total Bednights
Total Bednights
Total Bednights
(Scattered-site permanent housing)
Total Bednights
Total Bednights
Unduplicated Families Served
Including 41 adults and 68 children
Total Bednights
Unduplicated individuals served
Including 40 men, 26 women and 12 unspecified
Total Bednights
Unduplicated individuals served
Including 16 men and 9 women
Total Bednights
Housing Solutions Center and Housing Counts
Vocational Living Center Permanent Housing
Unduplicated individuals served
Including 8 men and 5 women
Total Bednights
A New Start Permanent Housing
100,000 Homes
Unduplicated Individuals Served
Including 12 families
Unduplicated Families Served
Including 34 adults and 57 children
Single Adult Transitional Living
Adult Emergency Shelter
Unduplicated individuals served
Including 144 men, 108 women and 2 unspecified
Family Rapid Rehousing
Youth Rapid Rehousing
Unduplicated individuals served
Including 10 boys and 9 girls
Total Bednights
Family Transitional Living
Youth Transitional Living
Unduplicated individuals served
Including 12 boys and 10 girls
Unduplicated Families Served
Including 59 adults and 88 children
(Scattered-site permanent housing)
Unduplicated individuals served
Including 11 families
Total Bednights
(Individual Programs, continued)
Street Outreach Services
Total Contacts
Including 9,451 adults and 8,743 youth
Total Hotline Calls
Financial Report
Program Expenses
Total Expenses
Other Income
Religious Organizations
Special Events
United Way
Government Revenue
Total Revenue
169 (92 boys, 76 girls and 1 unspecified) were
19 (10 boys and 9 girls) moved into their own
22 (12 boys and 10 girls) were served by the Youth
5,214 hotline calls received
served by the Youth Emergency Shelter
Transitional Living Program
apartments with Youth Rapid Rehousing assistance
8,743 contacts made with homeless youth by reStart’s Street
Outreach Team
In 2014, reStart served 9,243 children or youth (38% of all
homeless served). reStart youth programs expanded and
changed in order to effectively serve youth. Eighty percent
(80%) of youth served by the Youth Emergency Shelter
(YES) were successfully reunited with family. Partnerships
with local businesses and volunteer groups (painting
and furniture donations for example) have improved the
aesthetics of the YES space and 2014 renovation plans
include more extensive improvements to the YES space will
improve space functionality, improve security, and measures
to support self-sufficiency and life skills building.
Tom left home after years of
experiencing the trauma of abuse
from a family member. He lived
on the streets, in multiple shelters
and even in dwellings unfit and
unsafe for adults let alone a 14 year
old. reStart’s Street Outreach staff
connected with Tom and after gaining
his trust referred Tom to reStart’s
Transitional Living Program for youth.
During his stay, Tom received trauma
responsive counseling, life skills
training, education assistance, safe
dating education, fitness education
and opportunities to take part in art
and recreation activities. We are
happy to report that Tom has now
graduated high school and found
employment. As expected, he at
times still struggles with the effects of
childhood trauma but continues his
individual therapy and practicing
using more effective personal
tools that get him past debilitating
depression. Much to his credit Tom
applied to Penn Valley Community
College and will start school in
2015. With the odds stacked
against them, but for programs like
reStart’s youth services, tailored
to fit the specific challenges of
homeless youth, adolescents
experiencing homelessness are at
very high risk for becoming the next
generation of homeless adults.
27 Families were served by
reStart’s Family Transitional
Living Program
34 Adults
41 Families were served by
reStart’s Family Shelter
50 Families moved into their
own apartments with Family
Rapid Rehousing assistance
54 Adults
88 Children
57 Children
41 Adults
23 families were permanently housed through reStart’s scattered-
68 Children
site permanent housing programs—Housing Solutions Center, Housing
Counts and 100,000 Homes Kansas City
From Homeless to Homeowner
The P family’s road to independence has not been free
of potholes and detours. Dad was incarcerated and both
he and mom struggled with substance abuse before they
became homeless. Reaching their lowest point, the family
was squatting in an abandoned house without water or
electricity. A call from the children’s school homeless liaison
finally brought the P family to reStart. While the family lived
in reStart’s Transitional Living Program both mom and dad
participated in substance abuse treatment, parenting classes
and nutrition programs. Dad met regularly with his probation
officer and worked in reStart’s seasonal MoDOT employment
program. Mom participated in mental health treatment and
found a part-time job with Truman Medical Center Behavioral
Health. Dad is now employed full-time with MoDOT, working
the overnight shift repairing guardrails, assisting motorists
and plowing snow in the winter. Mom continues to work 30
hours/week as a Certified Peer Specialist. Both mom and dad
now have health insurance through their employers and dad
has received much-needed medical treatment for high blood
pressure and other chronic health needs.
In addition to celebrating four years of sobriety, mom and dad
are most proud of their children. The oldest son is a freshman
at Cristo Rey High School, receiving a full-ride academic
scholarship and playing on a club football team. Their third
grader is at Pathway Academy and received all “superior”
marks on his report cards. Their granddaughter, also living in
the household and being raised by mom and dad are doing
well in the preschool program at Operation Breakthrough.
She was recently fitted for glasses and is making great strides
in overcoming speech delays and mastering kindergarten
readiness skills. The P family has worked very hard to provide
for their children and giving them with the security and stability
that all children need to succeed.
100 individuals were served in
reStart’s new Adult Emergency
54 men
46 women
38 individuals were served
by reStart’s facility-based
permanent housing programs—
A New Start and Vocational
Living Center
24 men
14 women
78 individuals were served
in reStart’s Single Adult
Transitional Living Program
(total includes 12 unspecified gender)
40 men
26 women
128 individuals were served by reStart’s scattered-site permanent
housing programs—Housing Solutions Center, Housing Counts and
100,000 Homes Kansas City
reStart continues to be at the forefront of change in
its mission to end homelessness by transforming its
Overnight Emergency Shelter (OES) to a 24/7/365 day
Adult Emergency Shelter (AES), eliminating the mandate to
leave the shelter daily and re-enter in the evening. Whereas
very limited engagement with clients occurred under the
former model, the new Housing First/Rapid Rehousing
model being implemented across reStart’s non-permanent
housing programs, moves clients into permanent housing as
quickly as possible while providing immediate and ongoing
support services including but not limited to mental health
assessments, referrals and treatment services; assistance
in accessing health benefits; substance abuse prevention;
curriculum-based anti-violence education (youth); nutrition
and fitness education; chemical dependency support
groups; life skills, job skills and financial literacy classes;
housing and employment assistance; periodic HIV/AIDS
on-site testing; parenting classes; and arts and recreational
programming for children and youth.
“Kyle” is a 32-year-old gentleman
who lost his job working as a labor
in Omaha, Nebraska after having
back injury. After recovery, Kyle
sought employment opportunities
in Kansas City. He had no housing
and slept in his car in a Wal-Mart
parking lot. A Good Samaritan told
him about reStart. Kyle immediately
came to reStart and began working
with a case manager in the Adult
Emergency Shelter (AES) program.
The case manager assisted
Kyle with creating a resume
and conducting employment
searches. The first job Kyle
obtained paid $10.00 an hour. Kyle
wanted to increase his income
and during his time off continued
working with his case manager to
do so. Kyle successfully landed a
job shortly after that paid $13.00 an
hour. Kyle again working with his
case manager met another client in
the shelter who was also employed.
The two work with reStart staff and
secured permanent, affordable
housing. Kyle and his roommate
remain gainfully employed and
housing stable.
Ending homelessness for veterans means connecting
homeless veteran families and those at risk of becoming
homeless to housing and support services. reStart’s Support
Services for Veteran Families (SSVF Program began in
October of 2014. Veterans and their families receive:
•  Housing counseling services
•  Vocational and rehabilitation counseling
•  Employment and training
•  Educational assistance
•  Legal services
Bruce is a veteran raising his teen
daughter. He is a homeowner and
lived for a long period without
running water. It was turned
off because of a past utility bill
balance. Bruce and his daughter
were living in an unstable housing
situation that put them at risk
of becoming homeless with no
running water. reStart SSVF
(Supportive Services to Veteran
Families) staff worked with Bruce
and his family to secure financial
assistance to cover past due bills
and get the water turned on. Bruce
received assistance to address
the problem and continued to live
stably housed raising his daughter
in his own home.
Volunteers In Action
We believe Kansas Citians are the most generous people
on the planet. We are incredibly thankful for the time and
dedication of our volunteers. New support from businesses
such as Swiss Re and long-time volunteers groups such
as Old Paths Baptist Church represent just two of many
community groups and individuals who truly made a
difference in the lives of the 24,504 homeless men, women,
teens and children reStart served in 2014.
Thank you to the
Your 15,961 HOURS of service
is valued at $368,220.27 in 2014.
RevUp 2014
The 10th Annual RevUp was a
smashing success! In 2014 RevUp
raised $99,000!
Thank you Supporters!
Donor List
Aaron Jones
Adam and Nikol Terrill
Adam Hamilton
Adam Nelson
Adam Sterns
Adrienne and Chris Fisher
Charitable Fund
Al and Mary Tikwart, Jr.
Al Kohl
Alan and Sandra Burgers
Alexander & Michelle Maslow
Alison Vandyke
Allison Clark
Allison Mott
Alysia Herbison
Alyson Looney
Amy Adams
Amy and Matthew Davis
Amy Hantla
Amy Segura
Andrea Cahill
Andrea Rudolph-Miller
Aneita Remus
Ann and Kurt Schmidt
Anna Morse
Anna Sajovic
Anne C. Wilson
Anne Durham
Anne Hall
Annie Koch
Anthony Hill
Aramovich, David
Arghya Sen
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
BA & AI Cook
Bank of America UW Campaign
Barbara Benson
Barbara Lee
Barbara Meuth
Barbara Mueth & Steven Rinne
J Mueth
Barbara Ziegler
Barnett C. Helzburg
Barry and Krista Rogers
Barry and Marjorie Skikne
Barry McIntyre
Benjamin & Amy Deane
Benjamin Malloy
Benny & Susan Harding
Beth O’Bryan
Betsy and Harold Scott
Betty L Weeks
Betty Winchester
Beverly & Kevin White
Beverly Walker
Bill and Sherry Goucher
Blaine and Carolyn Englund
Blake Newell
Bobby Hoover
Bradley Gault
Brandon Jaye
Brandon Jaye
Brandon Mayer
Brea and Fred Ontiveros
Brenda & Michael Mitchell
Brenda Tonyes
Brenda White & Andrew Bracker
Brett and Melissa Gansen
Brett and Samantha Boyle
Brian Beebe
Brian Belanger
Brian Gillig
Brian Gray
Bridget Hollenbeck
Bruce & Nicole Yarbrough, Jr.
Bruce and Marilyn Lowery
Bruno Gallo
Bryon & Lisa Conrad
C Carl and Barbara Dodson
C. and G. Stelle
C.D. Keen
Carl and Becky Prather
Carla Zamora
Carm and Barton Hakan
Carole Bickimer
Carole Jahn
Caroline Sue Wagner
Carolyn Reintjes
Carolyn Rose Elder
Casey & Lisa Conus
Cathy & Terry Matlack
Cathy Stern
CB Gilbreath
Chad Hindes
Chad Hindes
Charles & Betty Hulse
Charles and Donna Iser
Charles and Jennifer Reid
Charles and Kristy Gratham
Charles and Tracy Phillips
Charles Arnot
Charles Arrambide
Charles Manning
Charles Wolber
Chelsey Forge
Chris Alpers
Chris and Brook Howard
Chris Jones
Christian Ragan
Christine and Don Alexander
Foundation Fund
Christine Becicks
Christine Bertram
Christopher & Hannah Falk
Christopher & Jennifer Nickols
Christopher and Linda Iliff
Christopher Carpenter
Christopher Rooney
Cindy Leary
Claire Seem
Clara Maingi
Cloud Family Foundation Fund
Colleen Kennedy
Connie & Jeff Dolson
Connie and Kevin Fahey
Connie Boyle
Connie Henderson
Constance E. McConnell Trust
Corrie Wolff
Cory Rehmsmeyer
Craig & Deana Zahnd
Cynthia and Scott Richards
Cynthia Hawthorne
Cynthia Keen
Cynthia Pinno
Cynthia Simpson
Dale Eisele
Dan Ozenberger
Dan Walstrom
Dana Duncan
Daniel and Nena Daily
Daniel and Susan Carlson
Daniel and Toni Cline
Daniel Greer
Danielle Bellis
Darcy Clymer
Darren Gallup
Datha Warring
Dave Daugherty
David & Claudia Gonzales
David & Ronda Reid
David and Aileen Barnes
David and Cheryl Harris
David and Reta Mcall Gaebler
David C Hinchman
David Firestone
David Hobbs
David Newkirk
David Pierson
David Power
David Sargeon
Davis Woods Kemper Memorial
Dean A. Cox and Susan O. Cox
Rev Trust
Dean Lickteig
Deanna Harmon
Deborah L Holt
Deborah Lane
Deborah Lorigan
Deborah Prather
Debra Corbin
Debra Johnson
Debra Ruth
Debra S. Wood Charitable
Debra Sue Wood Charitable
Foundation Fund
Denise Campbell
Denise Durinzi
Dennis and Reve Butler
Deryck Malone
Desiree Stiles
Donor List
Individual (contiued)
Diana & Robert Washburn
Diana and larry Brassfield
Diana G. Howard
Diane Botwin Alpert
Diane Herbst
Dianna Kidwell
Dianne Dickerson
Don and Christine Alexander
Donald & Linda Marshall
Donald and Ann Vernon
Donald and Catheine Warring
Donald O’Brien
Donald Simpson
Doran and Cynthia Cart
Doris Virden
Dortha Mae Olsen
Douglas Dixon
Dr. and Mrs. James and Ann Zarr
Dr. Patricia Caruthers
E & S Smith
E. Maxine Thompson
Earl and Rachel Hennigh Trust
Edgar Mitchell
Edith Loudon
Edward & Cynthia Bartak
Edward Nicholson
Edwina Turner
Elizabeth & Thomas Johnson
Elizabeth Bahner
Elizabeth Brown
Elizabeth Potter
Emily Eaton
Eric and Meghan Alpers
Eric Edman
Erin Naughton
Eugene Chambers
Eugene Theiss
Eugene Trice
Evan Zittergruen
Evie Craig
F Michael and Susan Prestia
F. Porter O’Brien
Fern Truschke Stuart
Fernando Gaitan
First Christian Church
Florian Maurer
Francis and Lillian Reichart
Frank Kehrwald
Franz and Janice Winklhofer
Galen & Amy Franken
Gary and Margaret Whitmer
GC and DC Moore
GE United Way Campaign
Gerri Rathbun
Gina Engelhardt
Gina M Anderson
Glenn Hopper
Glenna Horn
Gloria Parsons
Gordon Zoesch
Grace Boswell
Gracemor Christian Church
Grant Strohm
Greater Horizons
Greenbaum Family Charitable
Greg and Debbie Strohm
Greg Patterson
Greg Snook
Gregory Deveau
Gregory Maddux
Gregory Steele
Griffin and Leslie Sims
Grover Simpson
Harold and Janet Price
Heartland Combined Federal
Heath Leuck
Heather Yows
Henry and Betty Jo Marder
Henry E. Wurst Family
Henry J Massman IV
Herman Family Foundation Fund
HG Kelso
Holly Lowe
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
J Brook Nienstedt
J. M. Fahey
J.M. and Susan Hayden
Jack Booth Family Trust
Jack Burnell
Jacob Spangler
Jacquelin Alstatt
Jacqueline Epps
Jacquelyn Golden
Jaculin Reagan
Jaime L Kennicutt
James & Cynthia Davis
James A Torres
James and Annette Howk
James and Cathy Kline
James and Deborah Schloegel
James and Kathy Riggs
James and Kimberly Paulsen
James and Susan Beck
James Beezley
James Farley
James George
James Krezek
James Mordy
James Reynolds
James Sill
Jamesetta Davis
Jamie T. Thornton
Jamie T. Thornton
Janet Holincheck
Janet K Wilbert
Janet Schaal
Janice Alexander
Jason and Melody Morgan
Jason Croghan
Jason Petite
Jay Brown
Jean E. Lininger
Jean Neenan
Jeanne Woon
Jeff and Gina Stingley
Jeff Benelli
Jeff Drummond
Jeff Turner
Jeffrey Lamott
Jeffrey Lauersdorf
Jeffrey Roitman
Jeffrey Stegman
Jennifer Allbee
Jennifer and William Majors
Jennifer Atterbury
Jennifer Saylor
Jeremy Messerly
Jerome Tizler
Jerry Rees
Jesse Swearingen
Jill and Marcus Hammond
Jill Hill
Jim Lamb
Joan Pylelo
Joan Winger
John and Deana Miller
John Donahoe
John Flory, Jr.
John Lankard
John Madison
John Monahan
John Nesbitt
John Orr
John R. Bruhn Revocable Living
Jolee Crosby
Jon Brax
Jon Steffens
Jonathan Kaplan
Jonathan Molina
Joseph and Charlotte Fahey
Joseph and Sandra Sauter
Joseph Burns
Joseph Segura
Josephine D. Sanditz
Joshua Kettler
Joy and Jerry Kaplan
Joyce Merideth
Joyce Pollock
JP and WK Mohler
Judith and Lloyd Hellman
Judith Crosthwait
Judith M Peuland
Judy M Herold
Judy Stoddard
Jules and Beti Moskowitz
Julia & William Steilen
Julia Helder
Julie & Daren Fox
Julie A Miller
Julie and Mark Osborn
Julie Brown
Donor List
Individuals (contiued)
Julie Foth
Julie Johansen
Julie Livingston
Julie Mohling
Julie Welch
Julius and Kathryn Karash
Justin Whitaker
K.A. Harding
Kara and Anthony Fandel
Kara Kim-Hensley
Karen Petersen
Karey Shepard
Karl and Susan Kessler
Karl Stephenson
Karl Zobrist
Katherine Wolfe
Kathleen Pierce
Kathryn E Morris Fund
Kathryn L Smith
Kathryn Tigerstrom
Katrina Charles
Kay Callison
Kay Sharp
Kayla Schiller
Keith and Marcia Berry
Keith and Robin Shuttleworth
Kelley A. Dinnebier
Kelly Sizemore
Kelsey Mulder
Ken and Jeanette Grenz Family
Ken and Lana Fleischmann
Kenneth and Mary Teresa
Kent Arnett
Kerr Foundation
Kevin Smith
Kimberly Barrett
Kimberly Wulf
Kristen Bowen
Kristin Lopeman
Kyle Fowler
Lamonia Turner
Lance Walker
Laraine Walters
Larry & Helen Daniels
Larry and LaDona Brents
Larry G White
Larry Judy
Larry Lorenzen
Larry McMullen
Larry and Sandra Kauffman
Larry Vaughn
LaToya Epps
Laura and Michael Berg
Laura Devereux
Laytona R Sewell
LeAnn D Greer
Lee Smith
Leslie and Dean Walston
Levi Hart
Lia Asztalos
Linda Bond
Linda Difolco
Linda H Zemke
Linda Linhoff
Linda McConnell
Linda Word and Don Mackey
Linnie Cunningham
Lisa & Brett Berry
Lisa Propes
Lori Amble
Lori Jackson
Lori Wyglendowski
Louis Dimiceli
Lucia Rooney
Lynn and Louise Lackey
Lynne & Dalibor Grabar
Mandi Clifton
Manolito Batocabe
Marci Bocox
Marcia Eaton
Marco Solorio
Marcus Hansen
Margaret Hanners
Margaret Nichols
Margarita Leonhart
Maria Hover
Marianne E McGinn
Marilyn Flanigan
Marilyn Garber
Marilyn Hall
Marilyn Phillips
Mark & Debra Heimsoth
Mark & Joan Stephens
Mark & Michelle Smith
Mark & Patricia Heinerikson
Mark Soltis
Marlene and George Fry
Marlene and Jack Nagel
Marlene Dinkmeyer
Marsha Coffey
Marsha Kurth
Marsha Woods Generosity Fund
Marshall and Annette
Martha Taylor
Martin P Gorin
Mary and Daniel McLaughlin
Mary and Thomas Kampmeyer
Mary Jo Shaney
Mary Joan Hopper
Mary Kingsley
Mary L Beach
Mary Maughn Ruf
Mary Shaw Branton
Mary Steeb
Matt A Stutzman
Matt Trentman
Matthew and Vida Leming
Matthew Hollingshead
Matthew Iorio
Mauer, Norma Jean
Megan & Jon Stephens
Melba J Curls
Melinda Garrett
Melinda Rustici
Melissa Taylor
Melody Rockufeler
Meredith Shields
Michael & Marybeth Morris
Michael and Denise Cochran
Michael and Donna Demarea
Michael and Karen Herman
Michael and Sandra Reams
Michael and Sarah Martin
Michael and Tamera Nichols
Michael Horine
Michael Mann
Michael Meyer
Michael Schlem
Michaela A Brady
Michale Ann Kincaid
Michelle and William Vendelinder
Michelle Robinson
Mikael Fredholm
Mildred Willock Trust
Mile High United Way
Misty Armstrong
Monica Ningen
Morgenstern Family Donor
Advised Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Charles and
Elizabeth Schellhorn
Mr. Andrew Milian
Ms. Barbara A Williams
Nancy Carson
Nancy Wilson
Natalie Weedman
Nathaniel Bunck
Nicholas & Allison Krieger
Nicole Brune
Norma McKelvy
Norman Besheer
Obrien, Donald
Olga and Victor Salas
Olisa Gravney
Olivia Morgan
Pamela Long
Patrice Kay
Patricia Becher
Patricia DeWitt
Patricia Engelage
Patricia Robertson
Patrick & Jodie Cobb
Patrick and Melanie Dean
Patrick Hoppa
Paul and Wanda Holman
Paul M Chapman
Paul White
Peace Matters
Penny Condos
Preston Pulido
R. Keith Baker
Donor List
Individuals (contiued)
Rabbi and Mrs. Mark Howard
and Kacy Childs Levin
Rachael Lanoue
Rachel Fowler
Rachel Stover
Raimund Guensche
Ralph Eaton
Ramakrishna Ravipati
Ramelle M Timm
Ramesh Balakrishnam
Ramona Kee
Randall and Maria Rotert
Randall Wood
Randy & Julie Newcomer
Randy Nordquist
Rebecca and Thomas O’Connor
Reed and Sharon Hoffmann
Richard and Barbara Dickerson
Richard and Nadine Butler
Richard and Susan Worrell
Richard Fender
Richard Lloyd Kaufman
Richard Saeger
Richard Slavens
Richard Speidel
Rita Shelton
Robert & Cynthia Thompson
Robert & Shirley McMillin
Robert and Barb Burks
Robert and Deborah Kelly
Robert and Natalie Byrnes, Jr.
Robert K Aber
Robert Nelson
Robert Rawls
Robert Snook
Robin Bromell
Rocky and Dona Calahan
Rod Crawford
Rodney Clark
Rodney Harrington
Roger Armfield
Ron C Hamilton
Rosemary Polk
Ross & Clarene Cascio
Russell and Sarah Propp
Sabrina Hunter
Sally Gustafson
Sam Diederich
Samantha Brown
Sandra & Curtis Jiles
Sandra Frakes
Sara Dobbie
Sarah McKevitt
Scott Koehler
Scott Pulido
Sean Devlin
Sean Noteboom
Shannon and Logan Reed
Sharon DeFries
Sharon M Ambroz
Shawn Moore
Shawnee Mission Schools
Sheila Briscoe
Shelley Cox
Shelli & Alex Kutz
Sheryl Davis
Shirle Winkler
Shirley Legg
Shirley Neff Pryor Foundation
Shivani Walker
Shwetha Nayak
Simon Kalish
SM and DL Wester
Sonya Crosby
Stacey Fortin
Stacie Gram
Stephanie Graeber
Stephanie Tatley
Stephen King
Stephen Pyle
Stephen Raydo
Stephen Woods
Steve and Cindy Owens
Steve Mermelstein
Steven & Shannon Johnson
Steven Ashie
Steven Braun
Steven Loving
Steven O’Hern
Steven Slater
Sue Vile
Suella Smith
Susan Crewz
Susan F Hill
Susan L Taylor
Susan Myers
Susanne Hupp
Susanne Thompson-Wright
Suzy Younger
Sven and Julia Sykes
Swiss Re
T. and D. Gillen
Taellis Counce
Tamara Rife
Tammy and Mark Petheram
Terri Paglusch
The Arnold Family Giving Fund
The Lorraine and Norman Martin
Gift Fund
Thomas & Donna Kuzila
Thomas & Londa Rourick
Thomas & Sally Wood Family
Thomas and Andrea Wolfe
Thomas S Woodward
Thomas Steil
Thomas Thornhill
Tilton Family Fund
Tim and Deborah Stepp
Todd & Andrea Jones
Tonya Williamson
Traci Gleason
Travis and Jessica Dobbins
Travis Trout
Trent and Debra Failing
Trevor Winchell
Tricia Miles
Vanessa R Cumberford
Vernon and John Leakey Register
Vicki George
Victor and Clare Poirier
Virginia Argubright
Viseshu K Repalle
Vivian and Hymie Sosland
Charitable Trust
Wallace Glasco
Walter Aucott
Will and Adriana Gray
William and Barbara Freund
William and Brenda Eckhardt
William and Frances Lynn
William and Hazel Davidson
William and Kathryn Worley
William Heidebrecht
William Koenigsdorf
William Marko, III
Yolanda and Daniel Villlegas
Ziva and Jordan Patt-Rappaport
Zixuan Li
Donor List
Francis Family Foundation
Frank & Margaret G. McGee
Charitable Fund
General Mills Foundation
Hall Family Foundation
Hallmark Cards, Incorporated
Health Care Foundation of
Greater Kansas City
Homelessness Trust Fund of
Kansas City, MO
Hunt Foundation - Chief’s 50/50
Jacob L and Ella C Loose
JC Penny Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
Jewish Heritage Foundation
Judge Cleveland F. Moulton
Christmas Poor Fund Tru
Junior League of Kansas City
MO, Inc.
Kearney Wornall Foundation
Macy’s Corporate Services, Inc.
Mayor’s Christmas Tree
Morgan Family Foundation
R.A. Long Foundation
Reach Healthcare Foundation
Royals Charities
Second Presbyterian Church
Soroptimist Kansas City
St. Thomas Moore Parish
Swiss Re
Truman Heartland Community
United Way Combined Federal
United Way of Greater Kansas
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
United Way of Wyandotte County
Victor E Speas Foundation
Visitation Catholic Church
VML Foundation
YourCause, LLC Trustee for JC
All Souls Unitarian Universalist
American Century Investments
Arley United Methodist Church
Asbury United Methodist Church
Ashland UMC
Assurant Foundation Matching
Assurant, Inc
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Atterbury Family Foundation
Avondale United Methodist UMW
Bank of America Charitable
Barry Christian Church
Berry OLC, Inc.
Bethel Bazaar Association
Bethel United Church of Christ
BlueCross Blue Shield of Kansas
Broadway United Methodist
Burns and McDonnell Foundation
Centennial United Methodist
Charity Thrift Mart
Cherokee Christian Church
Christian Church (Disciples of
Church of the Resurrection
Community Christian Church
Computer Engineering, Inc.
Congregation Beth Torah
Country Club Christian Church
Cretcher Heartland LLC
Davis Love III Foundation, Inc.
Downtown KC Civic Ventures
DST Systems, Inc. Matching Gifts
Eastgate Christian Church
Fagan Company
Fahey Family Foundation
Fairview Christian Church
Faith Presbyterian Church
Memorial Fund
Faubion UMC
First Baptist Church
First United Methodist Church
Blue Springs
Gail King Ministries
Gibbens Drake Scott, Inc.
Grace United Methodist Women
Grundy Center Church
H & R Block
Hallmark Cards, Incorporated
Hallmark Corporate Foundation
Heartland North District UMW
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
JC Penny Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
JE Dunn Construction Company
Kansas City Consensus
Kansas City Star
Kauffman Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Kidder UMC
Kiwanis Club of Greater Kansas
Liberty Christian Church
Linwood Service Aux of
Lindwood UC
Littler Mendelson Foundation,
Loyal Workers Class McMurry
Methodist Church
Mariner Foundation Fund
Mark One Electric Company
Missouri Annual Conference
Morgan Stanley
National Safe Place, Inc.
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
New Horizons Enterprises, LLC
New Life Community Church
North Cross United Methodist
North Heartland Community
North Oak Christian Church
Donor List
Corporate (contiued)
Northeastminster Presbyterian
Oakland UMC
Old Paths Baptist Church
Omni Employment Mgmt.
Services, LLC
Park Hill Christian Church
Raytown Christian Church
Red Bridge United Methodist
Rich Hill United Methodist Church
Savannah United Methodist
Schloegel Design Remodel, Inc.
South & Associates
Southwood United Church of
Sprint Nextel
St. John’s United Methodist
St. Luke’s United Methodist
St. Paul House of God
St. Paul’s UMC
St. Pauls United Methodist
St. Thomas Moore Parish
Steve and Mary Hunt Foundation
Swiss Re
Terrace Lake United Methodist
U.S. Bank Foundation
UMB Bank
UMB Financial Services
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women (Blue
Springs UMC)
United Methodist Women (Fabion
United Methodist Women (Fabion
United Methodist Women (FUMC)
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women (Red
United Methodist Women
(Windsor UMW)
United Way of Greater Kansas
Virginia United Methodist Women
United Way
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Heartland Combined Federal
Please be assured that whatever your gift, in-kind or cash,
and no matter the size, reStart is ALWAYS grateful to you
and appreciates your support of our mission. Due to space
limitations, we regret that we are unable to include the name
of every donor to reStart. If we have misspelled your name,
we apologize; please let us know the correct spelling by
e-mailing [email protected].
In 2014, reStart along with the entire Kansas
City community mourned the loss of William
Curtis Nelson April 17, 1937 – August 7, 2014.
918 E. 9th Street
Kansas City, MO 64106
Phone: 816.472.5664
Fax: 816.472.6127
Community Partners
Thank you for supporting reStart!