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4@33 B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< >:CA¬ 5/G71=<A 2@16@7AB7/< 83AA3< A7AB3@/1B >=AB1/@24@=; <3EG=@9 :=<2=<¸AAG<B6>=>972;/93A5==2 >@723:=<2=< '³B6343AB7D/:>/@/23/<2>/@B73A EEE=Cb;/51=C9 7AAC3B67@BG=<3%' WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM :=@3; =CbZ]`S[ =CbT`]\b The gay doctor from Channels 4’s Embarrassing Bodies talks to Tim Seward… EDITORIAL// ADVERTISING PAGE 43 OUT THERE Upcoming scene highlights for July, plus coverage of Salvation, XXL and Kinky Kabaret Editor David Hudson [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1943 Contributing Editor Adrian Gillan [email protected] Staff writer Jamie Tabberer Design Concept Boutique Marketing Art Director Markus Scheef [email protected] Graphic Designer Siv Nielsen Sub Editor Kathryn Fox Contributors Richard Bevan, Adrian Foster, Edward Gamlin, Knight Hooson, Mark PalmerEdgecumbe, Tim Seward, Richard Tonks, Michael Turnbull Photographers Chris Jepson Publisher Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley ISDN: 1473-6039 Advertising Manager Dan Goodban [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1832 Senior Advertising Executive Maggie Allen [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1991 Senior Advertising Executive Maz Ogden [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Advertising Executive Dan Brown [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Square Peg Media Ltd. 37 Ivor Place London NW1 6EA Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2008. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. PAGE 67 OUTREACH The work undertaken by GALOP, and the issues facing older lesbians and gay men PAGE 24 FRANKMUSIK CONTENTS PAGE 76 OUTNEWS Gay stories from home and abroad PAGE 80 CAREER The inaugural Diversity PAGE 04 LETTERS Send your correspondence to [email protected] HUDSON’S LETTER We’ve come a long way baby. This summer marks the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. These took place when drag queens and other patrons at the Stonewall Inn in New York resisted police harassment and embarked on four days and nights of protests. Even though it took place in America, those protests kicked-started much of the modern gay movement, and paved the way for many of the freedoms and rights that we enjoy today. Here in the UK, it would be easy to think that there was little reason to go on Pride marches. It is illegal to discriminate against gay people, equality laws protect us in the workplace, and we can register our partnerships and adopt or foster children. However, one of the best reasons for continuing to march is to celebrate the very fact that we can, and to show solidarity with those who can’t. If you lived in Russia, or a number of other Eastern European countries, you would not be allowed to take part in a Gay Pride parade. If you lived in certain countries in Africa or Middle East, being openly gay could land you a lengthy prison sentence – or even a death sentence. We may have come a long way, but other parts of the world have not. After a head count of 800,000 last year, the organisers of Pride London are hoping the festival will attract over one million this year. You can help them achieve that goal by joining the action on Saturday 4 July. Check this issue for full details on this year’s festival, plus information on all the hottest post-Pride parties. The next issue of Out In The City will be out 22 July - see you then. [email protected] PAGE 06 MY LONDON Paul Birrell, chair of Pride London, gives us his capital highlights PAGE 08 SHOPPING Jockey underwear and egg white protein PAGE 11 DIARY July’s cultural highlights in and around London PAGE 20 PRIDE LONDON Everything you need to know about this year’s Pride festival… PAGE 22 COLUMNIST Knight Hooson is getting married… PAGE 24 FRANKMUSIK We catch up with the hottest new electro boy on the pop block PAGE 28 MUSIC New albums from Nouvelle Vague and PAGE 20 LONDON PRIDE Jack Savoretti Careers Show PAGE 30 FILM Moon, Frozen River and The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 reviewed PAGE 82 PROPERTY Living in Acton, and Berlin’s art hotel at Propeller Island PAGE 34 THEATRE Sister Act and Naked Boys Singing reviewed PAGE 96 MOTORING We test drive the new Mazda3 PAGE 36 FOOD L’Anima and Drakes in Brighton reviewed PAGE 98 TRAVEL Gay Antwerp and a Postcard from New York PAGE 40 DR CHRISTIAN JESSEN PAGE 106 HOROSCOPES PAGE 40 DR CHRISTIAN JESSEN PAGE 108 HEALTH The Gym Covent Garden, Zero Seven dental service, and the new sexual health clinic, 56 Dean Street ! =CbT`]\b :3BB3@A ON FIRE PRIDE It’s that time of the year again. Grab a whistle (and knowing the British weather – maybe a brolly) and take to the streets on Saturday 4 July. See you on the parade! THE RETURN OF SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR Back with her best single in years - courtesy of a little help from the Freemasons - and once again gracing the charts. Hurrah! DALSTON SUPERSTORE A new venue bringing some alternative gay life to Dalston, courtesy of the people that bought us Trailer Trash and Disco Bloodbath. WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL GIBRALTAR The island’s Parliament recently voted against a bill to equalise the age of consent for gay men, in line with the law for lesbians and heterosexuals. Boo! TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN Way too long. After the disappointment of the new Terminator movie, another summer blockbuster fails to impress… POST OFFICE QUEUES After the closure of all the smaller branches, if anyone now knows a Post Office in London where you don’t have to queue for 20 minutes, please let us know! ON ICE " TOP OF THE POST Oa·2Wbb]O\RbVSP]ga¸ ³0SbV¸aPO\R[ObSa O`S0`OQS>OW\SOUcg O\R6O\\OV0WZZWSO UW`Z;WUVb7acUUSab PSbbS``SaSO`QV\Sfb bW[S Damien, NW1 METER READING HOT JOCK E]e7¸dSaSS\ g]c[S\bW]\<WQY BQVS`\WOYPST]`SeVS\ VS¸a28¸SRObQZcPa Pcb7\SdS`Y\SebVOb bVSUcgeOaacQVO V]bbWSBVO\Yg]cT]` bVSW\bS`dWSeI=7B1 8c\S'KO\RT]`bVS ^WQbc`Sa³VS¸aPSQ][S [g\SeTOd]c`WbSX]QY Simon T, E2 LOVE ALL 7eOadS`gW[^`SaaSR PgbVSO`bWQZSe`WbbS\ Pg2O\WSZ4`gOP]cb UOg[S\O\RbVSW` Sf^Z]`ObW]\]T a^W`WbcOZWbgI=7B1 8c\S'K7VOdS ObbS\RSRaSdS`OZ U`]c^aSa^]caW\U OZbS`\ObWdSPSZWSTa a][SPSbbS`bVO\ ]bVS`a;O\g]Tca `SOQVO^]W\bW\]c` ZWdSaeVS`SeSe]\RS` WabVS`SWa[]`Sb] ZWTS³O\R7bVW\YbVWa Wa^O`bWQcZO`Zgb`cS T]`UOg[S\a][S ]TeV][QO\a^S\R b]]Z]\UacP[S`USR eWbVW\bVSUOgaQS\S O\RWbaa][SeVOb b`O\aWS\bO\RTZSSbW\U ^ZSOac`Sa/bbVSS\R ]TbVSROgO\gbVW\U bVObVSZ^acab]Z]dS ]c`aSZdSaOZWbbZSPWb []`SQO\PS\]POR bVW\U³W\eVObSdS` T]`[bVOb[OgbOYS Richard, Lambeth 7¸RZWYSb]R`Oeg]c` [OUOhW\S¸aObbS\bW]\ b]O^]bS\bWOZZg ]TTS\aWdS_cWh]\ 1VO\\SZ"¸aeSPaWbS 7b¸a·5Og=;SbS`¸ QZOW[ab]RSRcQSWba ^O`bWQW^O\baZSdSZa]T UOg\SaaPgOaYW\U _cSabW]\aacQVOa ·e]cZRg]caZSS^ eWbVa][S]\ST]` bVSW`[]\Sg-¸O\R·7a WbPSbbS`b]PSa[O`b O\RcUZg]`PSOcbWTcZ O\Rabc^WR-¸/aeWbV OZ]b]T1VO\\SZ"¸a ]cbU]W\Ua7R]\¸b Y\]eeVSbVS`b]PS O[caSR]`W\acZbSR Shaun, Milton Keynes ALTERNATIVE MISS 6W7ObbS\RSRbVS /ZbS`\ObWdS;WaaE]`ZR Q]\bSabW\1O[RS\ a]eOa`SOZZgVO^^gb] aSSbVObbVSSdS\bU]b a][cQVQ]dS`OUSW\ =cb7\BVS1WbgI=7B1 8c\S'KBVSeW\\S` 4O\Qg1VO\QSWaO\ O[OhW\UZge][O\ O\RbVS`S¸aa][cQV []`Sb]VS`bVO\ Xcaba][S]\SeV] R`SaaSac^W\O[OhW\U ]cbTWba>ZSOaSR]YSS^ Q]dS`W\UVS`³7¸dS QOcUVbOQ]c^ZS]T VS`^S`T]`[O\QSaO\R bVSg¸`SOZeOgadS`g S\bS`bOW\W\U Michael, Oval GRRRL 7¸RZWYSb]^]W\b]cbO [WabOYS[ORSPg]\S ]Tg]c`e`WbS`aW\g]c` ZOabWaacS(W\bVS`SdWSe ]T5]aaW^¸a\SeOZPc[ ;caWQT]`;S\I=7B1 8c\S'KbVSe`WbS` `STS``SRb]bVSPO\R Everyone who had a letter published this month won a copy of the DVD Before Stonewall. STAR LETTER ENRIQUE’S MAN LOVE :Oab[]\bV7VORbVSRWdW\S^ZSOac`S]TU]W\U b]aSS>ZO\Sb>]^¸aaSfWSababO`3\`W_cS7UZSaWOa W\Q]\QS`b3\`W_cSW[^`SaaSR[SW\OeOgW\ eVWQV7Q]cZR\¸bW[OUW\S[O\g]bVS`[OZS^]^ abO`aR]W\UBVSW[^`][^bc_cSabW]\]TeVSbVS` bVS`SeS`SO\gZORWSaW\bVSOcRWS\QSZSRb]SO` aVObbS`W\UaQ`SO[a6]eSdS`bVWa_cSabW]\eOa bVS\T]ZZ]eSRPgO\]bVS`OaYW\UWTbVS`SeS`S O\gUOg[OZSaW\bVSOcRWS\QSBVSRSQWPSZZSdSZa eS`S`ObVS`ZSaaV]eSdS`bVS`SeS`SS\]cUV QVSS`aT]`3\`W_cSb]VSO`PST]`SVSbVS\ aSZSQbSRbV`SS]TbVSaOWR[OZSab]Q][Sc^]\ abOUS0SW\U^ZcQYSRT`][bVSOcRWS\QS3\`W_cS bVS\^`]dWRSRbVSUcgaeWbVd]RYOVc[]`]ca QVWbQVObO\R[O\VcUaOZZ`]c\R8SOZ]ca-G]c PSb7eOaEVObab`cQY[SOP]cbbVWaUSabc`S eOabVSTOQbbVOb7eOaa]ac`^`WaSRb]aSSO[OZS ^]^abO`\]b]\Zg`SQ]U\WaSbVObVSVOaOUOg OcRWS\QSPcbb]OZa]S[P`OQSWb 6S`S¸aV]^W\Ug]cQV]]aS3\`W_cSOaOTcbc`S =cb7\BVS1WbgQ]dS`abO`¬O\RO^WQ]TbVS :ObW\]Z]dSU]RW\bVS\SfbWaacSe]cZROZa]U] R]e\eSZZ <SWZEO`[W\Ub]\@][T]`R BVO\YaT]`bVSZSbbS`<SWZ³eS¸dSOZ`SORgPSObS\ g]cb]Wb3\`W_cSVOaOZ`SORgU`OQSR]c`Q]dS` O\RWb¸aOZeOgaO^ZSOac`Sb]TSObc`SVW[eWbVW\ bVSaS^OUSa WIN! /\g]\SeV] VOaOZSbbS` ^cPZWaVSRW\ bVS/cUcab WaacS]T=cb 7\BVS1Wbg eWZZ`SQSWdS OQ]^g]TbVS\SeZg`SZSOaSR2D2 2`SO[0]gBVWaOQQZOW[SRW\RWS[]dWSVOaPSS\ Q][^O`SRb]P]bV0`]YSPOQY;]c\bOW\O\R 0]ga2]\¸b1`gPSW\UQ]\QS`\SReWbVOb`OUWQ bOZS]TR]][SRZ]dSPSbeSS\be]bSS\OUSP]ga W\OPOQYeO`Ra^]QYSb]TA]cbVS`\/[S`WQOBVS 2D2WaOdOWZOPZST`][$8cZgeee^SQQO^WQa Q][ BVSe`WbS`]T8cZg¸aAbO`:SbbS`eWZZ`SQSWdSOQ]^g ]T2`SO[0]gO\ROQ]^g]T0`SOYTOabEWbV AQ]bOb]cQVW\UQ][SRgOP]cbOUOgQ]c^ZS eV]c\Sf^SQbSRZgS\Rc^eWbVQcab]Rg]TO\ gSO`]ZRP]g\O[SRAQ]bBVSTWZ[Wa`SZSOaSR %8cZgPgB:/@SZSOaW\UB]PSW\eWbVOQVO\QS ]TeW\\W\UO^`WhS^ZSOaSPSac`Sb]W\QZcRSg]c` TcZZ\O[SO\R^]abOZORR`SaaeWbVbVSZSbbS`g]c aS\Rca3[OWZSRWb]`WOZ.]cb[OUQ]cY =CbT`]\b MY LONDON B6316/7@>3@A=<=4>@723:=<2=< >/C:07@@3::57D3ACA67A1/>7B/: 6756:756BA¬ >=@B@/7B0G16@7A83>A=< E63@32=G=C1=;34@=;=@757</::G7¸[T`][3RW\Pc`UV]`WUW\OZZgO\R[]dSRR]e\b]U]b]c\WdS`aWbgeVS\7eOa& E63@32=G=C1C@@3<B:G:7D3/<2E63<272G=C;=D3B63@37Qc``S\bZgZWdSW\bVS3Oab3\RO\RVOdSR]\ST]`[]ab]T[gbW[SW\:]\R]\7 TW\RWbSOagT]`e]`YO\RT]`^O`bgW\U E6/B¸AB6303ABB67<5/0=CB:7D7<57<:=<2=<7b¸aU]bacQVOTO\bOabWQaQS\SO\Ra][cQVb]R]7baSS[aROc\bW\UPST]`S g]c[]dSR]e\Pcb7TW\RWbOdS`gT`WS\RZgQWbg=VO\R:]\R]\P]gaO`SSOag ¬/<2B63E=@ABB`OTTWQQ`]eRa¬2Sa^WbS]`UO\WaW\UOPWU]ZRT`SS^cPZWQSdS\bW\bVSQWbg QS\b`S7¸[\]b]\ST]`Q`]eRa E63@32=G=C5=2@7<97<5>`Sbbg[cQVO\geVS`S7VOdS\¸bPSS\PO``SRT`][;gZ]QOZ¸abVS/\USZW\bVS 3Oab3\RPcb7¸[cacOZZg³^`]POPZgOPWbb]][cQVO`]c\RbVSQWbgQS\b`S(9c 0O`0O`1]RSO\R]TQ]c`aSbVS@]gOZDOcfVOZZBOdS`\ 4/D=C@7B3B=C@7AB6/C<B:]\R]\H]]:]dSWbbVS`S7bVW\YWb¸a[gW\\S`PSO` 4/D=C@7B35@33<A>/13BVSU`OaagY\]ZZPSVW\RbVS@DB E63@32=G=C3A1/>3B6317BG0`WUVb]\¸aOZeOgaTc\Pcb7USbOeOgT`][bVSQWbgOP`]OReVS\7QO\7Xcab QO\¸bZSOdS[g[]PWZSOZ]\SV]eSdS`a]7\SdS``SOZZgSaQO^S E6/B¸AB63;=ABG=C¸D3>/724=@/1/0/<2B=E63@3G]c¸`SOaYW\UOAQ]ba[O\b]^OgT]`OQOPa][SeVS`S-0OQYeVS\7eOa$ 7^cZZSRa][S]\SbVObZWdSReOgeOg]cb]T3RW\Pc`UVO\RWbQ]ab"b] USbPOQYW\³POQYbVS\7eOaabWZZObaQV]]ZO\RbVObeOaOVSZZ]TOZ]bb]^Og 7¸[ac`S7¸dS^OWR[]`SaW\QSPcbWbVOa\¸bTSZbOaUcbe`S\QVW\U;g[]bVS` bV]cUVb7¸RPSS\OPRcQbSR³Oa]\Zg[]bVS`aQO\³O\RQOZZSRbVS^]ZWQSBVSg UOdS[SO[]QYbOZYW\Ub]eVS\7U]bPOQY[OW\ZgT]`VS`PS\STWbOZbV]cUV bVSgQ]cZR\¸bab]^U`W\\W\U </;3/>:/13=@:=1/B7=<=4A3<B7;3<B/:D/:C3B=G=C¬ BVObe]cZRVOdSb]PS9W\UaeOgEVS\7TW`abQO[SR]e\b]:]\R]\7ZWdSR W\VOZZa]T`SaWRS\QSXcab\SO`3cab]\]\BOdWab]QYA_cO`SO\R7caSRb]eOZY R]e\b]c\WdS`aWbg]\bVS/ZRegQVSdS`gROg³7eOaObbVS:A37e`]bS [gTW`ab³^`]POPZg^`Sbbg^]]`³T]`OgaW\b]abcRS\bX]c`\OZWa[W\Q]TTSS aV]^abVS`SO\RSdS\b]ROgbVObO`SOP`W\UaPOQYZ]ba]TT]\R[S[]`WSa]T QVObbW\Ub][gTW`abT`WS\RaW\:]\R]\O\Rb`gW\Ub]ORXcabb]OP`O\R\SeQWbg 4/D=C@7B3:=<2=<A=<5¬ =V^`]POPZg·:]\R]\¸a0c`\W\U¸ E6/B¸A:=<2=<¸A;=AB03/CB74C:0C7:27<5AS\ObS6]caS³OZbV]cUVbVObaOgaOZ]bOP]cb[S7e]`Y³T]`[g^`]^S`X]P ³W\1O\O`gEVO`TO\RbVSUZOaaP]fSabVS`SXcabR]\¸b^caV[gPcbb]\a /@3G=CA7<5:3=@2/B7<52ObW\UQc``S\bZg7[Sba][S]\SOTSegSO`aOU]O\RaV]`bZgOTbS`eO`RaeS `SOZWaSRbVObeSeS`SP]bVW\Z]dSeWbV[S/[ObQV[ORSW\6SOdS\=`W\]c` QOaS5/G:ObS6Wa\O[SWa<SWZ³VS[O\OUSaOPO`W\QS\b`OZ:]\R]\ 7<D7B3CAB=/>/@BG¬ 6OVESZZbVSQZWQV{e]cZRPS"bV8cZgQS\b`OZ:]\R]\¬eS¸`S]`UO\WaW\UOPWb ]TOaVW\RWUbVS`ST]`OTSe^S]^ZS=bVS`eWaSPSO`aP]gaO\RP]]hSR]SaWT T]`[S E6/B¸AG=C@4/D=C@7B3>@723;3;=@G@SQS\bZgWbeOaa][S]\SeV]e`]bSb]caO\Rb]ZRcabVObVSbVObVORPSS\ W\bVSQZ]aSbc\bWZVSQO[Sb]]c`SdS\bOQ]c^ZS]TgSO`aPOQYO\RaOea][S a^SOYS`aT`][:ObdWObOZYW\UOP]cbbVS^S`aSQcbW]\bVSgacTTS`ObV][S7bVWb VW[VO`RO\RVSQO[S]cbbVS\SfbROgBVOb¸aeVOb>`WRS¸aOP]cbO\RWb¸a`O`S bVOb^S]^ZSOQbcOZZgbSZZcabVSaSbVW\Ua7¸dSe]`YSR]\>`WRST]`]dS`ORSQORS O\RWb¸aPWhO``S(7R]\¸b`SOZZgaSSbVSSdS\bW\bVSaS\aSbVOb7aSS0`WUVb]\>`WRS Wb¸aOZZe]`YOZbV]cUV7R]b`gb][OYSbW[Sb]QObQVa][S]TbVSOQbaeVS\ 7QO\ASSW\U[g^O`S\baW\bS`OQbW\UeWbVa][S]TbVS[]`S³S`³Q]Z]c`TcZ SZS[S\ba]TbVSROgWaOZeOgaS\bS`bOW\W\UV]eSdS`OZbV]cUVbVSgZ]dSWb $ % PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbaV]^ >@=2C1BA SHOPPING... Clockwise from left S102 [£312], OC102 [£296], O101 [£186] and the MM151 [£864] WATCHMEN EGGS-CELLENT! In fitting with the butch and rugged theme of this month’s shopping page, we’re quite liking these hunky men’s watches from Swiss designer Its summer 09 collection includes the new wide-face MM (46.5mm in diameter and available in various colours), the O and OC series (£186 and £286 respectively), and the O101, which is based on the original design with its signatory 31-hole face (£186). If you want to get a body like the lovely Mark Cueto (pictured bottom right in his Jockey pants), you’ll already know that you’ll have to get down the gym and probably increase your protein intake. Best-selling protein range MyProtein has just launched its latest protein drink – Liquid Egg Whites. Made from 100% fresh eggs whites (pasteurised to eliminate the risk of salmonella that you may find in raw eggs), the drink delivers protein and amino acids, but is very low in fat or cholesterol. A bottle costs £4.25 from For stockists, or to order online, check LOCKER ROOM LOVELY GREEN FINGERS We’ve been an admirer of American author Dale Peck since his debut novel in 1993; Fucking Martin. Subsequent work has failed to match that high, but we reckon his latest, Sprout, is one of his best. It tells the tale of green-haired gay teen who finds himself very much the odd one out when he’s forced to relocate from New York to a tiny town in rural Kansas. Although the book is, in fact, being published by the children’s division of Bloomsbury, we think that this contemporary ‘coming of age’ novel won’t fail to move you, whatever your age. This tender but punchy tale is out now in paperback priced £6.99. & We don’t exactly need much of an excuse to include a picture of a semi-naked rugby player within our pages, but if he’s flogging a new range of underwear then all the better! Jockey has chosen England rugby player Mark Cueto to model its new Sport range. The Jockey Sport range starts at £10 for a pair of briefs, made from a mixture of stretch cotton, Coolmax and Lycra – designed to keep you cool. The full range can be purchased at, figleaves. com/uk and =CbT`]\b 27/@G HIGHLIGHT EVENTS// JULY 2009 16, 18, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 JULY: The four original members of Blur re-unite for their first live appearances together since 2000, performing two big shows in Hyde Park. Support comes from Foals, Friendly Fires, Vampire Weekend, Amadou & Mariam and others. WED 01 JULY: CA `]QYS`a;Sb`]AbObW]\ ZSRPgB`OQS1g`ca P`]bVS`]T;WZSg^ZOg O]\S]TTW\bW[ObS UWUObbVSAVS^VS`R¸a 0caV3[^W`S 04-05 JULY 01 & 03-05 JULY:/ b`Wc[^VO\bBOYS BVOb^S`T]`[Oab`W\U ]TVcUSQ]\QS`baOb ES[PZSgAbORWc[ ]\!"O\R#8cZg ^ZOgW\UOZZbVSW` U`SObSabVWbaO\Rb`OQYa T`][ZOabgSO`¸aOZPc[ BVS1W`Qca:ORg5O5O ZS\Raac^^]`b]\bVS "bVO\R#bVeee bOYSbVObQ][ 02-03 JULY Madonna returns to London for the second run of her hugely successful Sticky & Sweet tour, sweeping into the O2 Arena for two nights on 4-5 July. If you didn’t catch the show last year, this will probably be your last chance. SUN 05 JULY: BVS :]\R]\5Og Ag[^V]\g=`QVSab`O QSZSP`ObSa>`WRS POPEYE 2003 © JEFF KOONS IMAGE © PENNIE SMITH OK, we know it’s all looking a bit hit and miss, and that some concerts have been postponed or re-scheduled, but at the time of going to press Michael Jackson (pictured here in rehearsal) was still supposed to be kicking off his string of dates (no less than 50!) at the O2 in July. Who knows what the self-titled ‘King of Pop’ will be pulling out of the bag for these much-hyped shows – nearly all of which have sold out. At the very least, it should be quite a spectacle. www. :]\R]\O\RbVSS\R ]TWba]e\&' aSOa]\eWbVOQ]\QS`b ObbVSPO`]_cSAb 8]V\¸aQVc`QVW\A[WbV A_cO`SAEeWbV]\S ]TWbaabO`^S`T]`[S`a ^ZOgW\U@OQV[O\W\]d¸a >WO\]1]\QS`b<] /R[WaaW]\# Q]\QSaaW]\a]`_c]bS µ>`WRS'¶b]`SQSWdS O>`WRSRWaQ]c\b^`WQS ]T #BWQYSbaO`S OdOWZOPZST`][bVS dS\cSP]f]TTWQSW\ ^S`a]\]`Pg^V]\S % $eee ZUa]]`UcY 02-16 JULY: BVS6]caS =T6][]aSfcOZ 1cZbc`SVOaVSZ^SR O``O\UST]c`]TbVS SdS\baObbVWagSO`¸a :]\R]\:WbS`Obc`S 4SabWdOZeVWQVeWZZPS bOYW\U^ZOQSW\8cZgOb bVSA]cbVPO\YT`][ $8cZg4W`abc^ PSabaSZZW\UOcbV]` 8OYS/`\]bbeWZZPSOb bVS>c`QSZZ@]][]\ "8cZgb]RWaQcaaVWa ZObSabP]]YBVS2SdWZ¸a 02 JULY-13 SEPT The Serpentine Gallery will be hosting an exhibition of a key series of works by American artist Jeff Koons. Koons has been exploring notions of consumerism, taste, banality and sexuality since the 80s, and the Popeye series incorporates some of the ideas central to his work, combining – as they do – surreal combinations of everyday objects. =CbT`]\b 27/@G Hustler White CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS//JULY 2009 The World Ten Times Over Summerstorm 28 JUNE-06 JULY: To celebrate Pride London week, Peccadillo Pictures, Verve Pictures, the ICA, Club Des Femmes, Curzon Cinemas and Pride London have teamed up to host Pout – a mini gay film festival. Showcasing a cross-section of historical and contemporary queer cinema, screenings include The World Ten Times Over (Club Des 14 JULY-18 OCT Telling Tales: Fantasy And Fear In Contemporary Design is a free exhibition coming to the V&A museum this month. The exhibition will concentrate on European designers that have truly blurred the boundaries between art and design, producing exclusive and highly-limited pieces – be they furniture, ceramics or large-scale installation pieces. The exhibition will be structured in three sections. ‘In The Forest Glade’ - design that evokes the innocence of fairy-stories will be on display, notably the work of Tord Boontje. ‘The Enchanted Castle’ is inspired by the rise of the novel and prints in the 18th century, and features design that parodies and questions decorative taste, exemplified by the work of Studio Job and Maarten Baas. ‘Heaven and Hell’ is informed by psychoanalysis and the work reflects anxieties about our mortality. Designers in this section will include Dunne & Raby and Miriam van der Lubbe and Niels van Eijk. Femmes – 28 June), Before Stonewall (introduced by Ken Livingstone at the Curzon Soho on 29th), The Times Of Harvey Milk (Curzon Soho – 1 July), Greek Pete (ICA cinema – 2 July – with director’s Q&A), The Celluloid Closet (Curzon Soho – 3 >OW\bP`caVBVWaeWZZ PST]ZZ]eSR]\'8cZg Pg:]dS/\R;O``WOUS ³O\SdS\bZ]]YW\UOb V]e`][O\QSe]`YaW\ bVSQ]\bSfb]TZSaPWO\ O\RUOgZWbS`Obc`S BOZYW\UObbVSSdS\b eWZZPS>OcZ0c`ab]\ ;O`W]\6caPO\RO\R ]bVS`_cSS`e`WbS`a BVS`SeWZZPS_cSS` ^]Sb`g`SORW\UaOb /0Wb=TDS`POZ]\ 8cZgTSObc`W\UbVS ZWYSa]T2OdWR6]gZS ^WQbc`SRD5:SS O\R?0]gBVWaeWZZPS T]ZZ]eSRPgAb]\SeOZZ "]\$8cZgeVWQV eWZZP`W\Ub]USbVS` e`WbS`aVWab]`WO\a O\ReWb\SaaSaacQV Oa>SbS`BObQVSZZ >`]TSaa]`8STT`Sg ESSYaO\R@WYYW 0SORZS0ZOW`b]RWaQcaa bVSaWU\WTWQO\QS O\RZSUOQg]TbVS Ab]\SeOZZ`W]bac^]\ :50BVWab]`g4]`[]`S RSbOWZaQVSQYeee a]cbVPO\YQS\b`SQ]cY O\Reee[ga^OQS Before Stonewall July), Hustler White (ICA cinema – 3 July), Summerstorm (ICA cinema – 4 July) and The Killing Of Sister George (Club Des Femmes – 5 July), amongst others. Q][V][]QcZbc`S 03-04 JULY: BVS A]cbVPO\Y¸a CRRS`PSZZgV]aba AbO\RC^eWbV>`WRS ³OQ][WQaV]eQOaS Oa^O`b]TbVWagSO`¸a >`WRSTSabWdOZH]S :g]\a1`OWU6WZZAcaO\ 1OZ[O\O\R8]\ObVO\ ;Og]`eWZZPSbSZZW\U bVSX]YSaeWbVbVS aV]eYWQYW\U]TTOb "#^[]\!`RO\R "bV]T8cZg 09 JULY-20 SEPT: BVSb`WS\\WOZ3Oab 3\R/QORS[g aV]eQ][Sab]bVS EVWbSQVO^SZ/`b 5OZZS`g4W`abZOc\QVSR W\'! bVWab`WS\\WOZ SdS\bWaO\]^S\ FRI 10 JULY Vodka makers Smirnoff host a big promo club event at Matter at the O2 Arena. U.R The Night will feature lives performances from Pet Shop Boys and Little Boots (pictured), with guest DJs (Hot Chip) and plenty of creative cocktails. Those attending are invited to submit ideas for drinks, playlists and other aspects of the evening (hence the ‘U.R The Night’ theme – geddit?). Check for more details. ! =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS// JULY 2009 THUR 09 JULY: The Somerset House series of concerts kicks off with headline show from Grace Jones. This is simply going to be one of July’s hottest tickets – the chance to watch Grace perform some of her greatest hits (and no doubt sporting SAT 04 JULY Pride London culminates in its annual parade through central London, kicking off at 1pm at Baker Street, and making its way along Oxford Street, Regent Street, Piccadilly and Trafalgar Square, with entertainment stages in Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square and Soho – see pages 20-21 for more details. acP[WaaW]\SfVWPWbW]\ bVObOW[ab]aV]eQOaS bVSe]`Y]TO`bWaba ZWdW\UO\Re]`YW\U W\bVS3Oab3\R 3f^SQbO[WfSRO\R abW[cZObW\UaSZSQbW]\ ]T^WSQSaW\OdO`WSbg]T RWTTS`S\b[SRWOT`][ P]bVSabOPZWaVSRO\R c^¸\¸Q][W\U\O[Sa eeeeVWbSQVO^SZ]`U SAT 11 JULY(:WZg/ZZS\ ^S`T]`[aObA][S`aSb 6]caSOa^O`b]T Wbaac[[S`aS`WSa ]TQ]\QS`baeee a][S`aSbV]caS]`UcY TUE 14 JULY:BOYW\UO P`SOYT`][e]`YW\U ]\bVSW`aSQ]\R OZPc[BVSBW\UBW\Ua ^S`T]`[ObA][S`aSb 6]caSOa^O`b]TWba ac[[S`aS`WSa]TUWUa eeea][S`aSbV]caS ]`UcY 05-06 JULY The Royal Albert Hall will be rocking out to the sounds of Las Vegas’ finest, as The Killers perform two big shows in the historic venue, following the success of last year’s Day & Age album. " 16-17 JULY: 4]ZZ]eW\U bVS`SZSOaS]TbVW`R OZPc[ESab@WRW\U >Oc^S`:c\ObWQ /agZc[:SWQSabS` `]QYS`a9OaOPWO\VWb some ludicrous head gear) in the gorgeous surroundings of Somerset House. Grace will be followed by concerts from Lily Allen, The Ting Tings, Pendulum, Athlete, The Enemy, Bat For Lashes and The Mars Volta. bVS= /QORS[g 0`Wfb]\T]`be]\WUVba eeeYOaOPWO\Q]cY 16-19 JULY:6]e Q]]ZWabVWagSO`¸a :ObWbcRSTSabWdOZ-/aWT WbeS`S\¸bOZ`SORg]\S ]T]c`TOd]c`WbSO\\cOZ ]cbR]]`TSabWdOZaeWbV WbaT]QcaXcabOa[cQV ]\Q][SRgQOPO`Sb O\RZWbS`Obc`SOa]\ PWU\O[S[caWQOQba bVWagSO`¸aSdS\beWZZPS VSORZW\SRPg>SbAV]^ 0]gaO\R5`OQS8]\Sa /Za]]\bVSPWZZeWZZPS 5]aaW^0Ob4]`:OaVSa <WQY1OdSO\R3RWb]`a ;SO\eVWZSO^^SO`W\U W\bVS:WbS`Obc`S/`S\O eWZZPSDWdWS\\S ESabe]]R`SORW\U T`][VS`[O\WTSab] ·/QbWdS@SaWabO\QSb] 04-05 JULY Don’t fancy Pride London? Hyde Park will be playing host to the annual Wireless Festival on 4-5 July, which this year will feature a headline appearance from Kanye West. Also on the bill are Basement Jaxx, The Streets, Dizzee Rascal, Eddy Grant, Paul Oakenfold, FrankMusik, Flo Rida, Daniel Merriweather, N-Dubz, Tinchy Stryder, Lady Sovereign, Alesha Dixon, Kelly Rowland, Saint Etienne, Afrika Bambaataa and Britain’s Got Talent winners Diversity. # =CbT`]\b 27/@G HIGHLIGHT EVENTS// JULY 2009 17 JULY-04 OCT: >`]^OUO\RO¸O\R AW`>SbS`0ZOYSeVWZS bVSQOPO`SbO`S\OeWZZ TSObc`SUOgTOd]c`WbSa BW[PS`ZW\O7RO0O`` 8]\\gE]]O\R2cabg :W[WbaBVS`SeWZZOZa] PSO\]cbR]]`bVSOb`S >]Sb`g/`S\OO\R EObS`T`]\bAbOUSeWbV bVSeV]ZSaVSPO\U PSW\UaSbO[WRab PSOcbWTcZaQS\S`g]\ bVS6S\VO[>O`Y 3abObSAcTT]ZY ESSYS\RbWQYSbaQ]ab #^ZcaP]]YW\UTSSa ]`$T]`4`WROgO\R AObc`ROgROgbWQYSba eSSYS\RbWQYSba W\QZcRSQO`^O`YW\U O\RQO[^W\Ueee ZObWbcRSTSabWdOZQ]cY TUE 14 JULY Following up the number one success of ‘Just Dance’ and ‘Poker Face’ the all-conquering Lady Gaga will be performing a headline show at the O2 Academy in Brixton. $ FRI 17 JULY:1O\Wb `SOZZgPSgSO`aaW\QS bVSZOab;ORab]QY TSabWdOZ-0ZW[Sg :]\R]\TOd]c`WbSaO\R The Photographer’s Gallery – which relocated earlier this year to new premises behind M&S on Oxford Street – will be hosting an exhibition this month of Men’s Fashion Photography. More specifically, When You’re A Boy will be celebrating some of the men who create photographs of men, concentrating on groundbreaking British menswear stylist Simon Foxton, whose career spans the last three decades. Born in 1961, Foxton has anticipated and defined some of the key shifts in menswear design since the early 1980s. Capturing menswear’s spirit and energy in some of the most memorable fashion photographs of the period, his work has questioned definitions of masculinity, national identity and taste. Initially a fashion designer, graduating from Central Saint Martins in 1983, Foxton began styling for i-D magazine in 1984. Over the years he has worked with the likes of Nick Knight, Jason Evans, Alasdair McLellan, Giles Price, David Sims and Donald Christie, all of which are included in this show. The Photographer’s Gallery, 16–18 Ramillies Street, W1. ]`WUW\OZ\cbbgP]ga ;OR\Saa`Sac``SQb bVSW`]\SROg[caWQ SdS\bT`SaVT`][bVS `SZSOaS]TeVOba][S Q`WbWQaO`SVOWZW\UOa bVSW`PSabSdS`OZPc[³ BVS:WPS`bg=T<]`b]\ 4]ZUObSBOYW\U^ZOQS W\DWQb]`WO>O`YbVSg¸ZZ PSac^^]`bSRPg0WZZg 0`OUU5`SU]`g7aOOQa BVS>]UcSaO\R0X`\ /UOW\^Zcaa][SdS`g ·a^SQWOZ¸UcSabaeee [OR\SaaQ]cY <3@2AW[WO\ ;]PWZS2WaQ] <SeG]`Y2]ZZa O\R4`WS\RZg4W`Sa O[]\Uab[O\g ]bVS`aBVS`SeWZZPS bS\O`S\OaW\b]bOZ OaeSZZOaOTc\TOW` O\RQW`QcaOQba1ZcP TOd]c`WbSaacQVOa 6]`aS;SOb2WaQ]O\R 2WaQ]0Z]]RPObVeWZZ OZa]PSV]abW\UO`SOa ESSYS\RbWQYSbaQ]ab %#]`" #T]`ROg bWQYSbaeeeZ]dSP]f\Sb aQVSRcZSRb]c`RObSa bVObeS`SQO\QSZZSRO Q]c^ZS]T[]\bVaOU] RcSb]WZZ\Saa1ObQV VW[Ob\Se3Oab3\R dS\cSBVSB`]fg]\ &8cZgT]ZZ]eSRPg bVS= /QORS[g W\0`Wfb]\]\' O\R 8cZgeee Wba[]``WaaSgae]`ZR Q][ 18-19 JULY:7Tg]c R]\¸bTO\Qg:ObWbcRS `WUVbVS`SW\:]\R]\ WabVSO\\cOZ:]dSP]f ESSYS\RS`W\bVS 3Oab3\R¸a]e\ DWQb]`WO>O`YBVWa gSO`¸aSdS\bTSObc`SaO VSORZW\SO^^SO`O\QS T`][2c`O\2c`O\ OZ]\UaWRS5`]]dS /`[ORO:ORgVOeYS 18-19 AND 21-22 JULY: ;]``WaaSg`Sbc`\ab] :]\R]\b]^ZOgbVS`S MON 20 JULY:/Qb`Saa 6SZS\;W``S\Wa W\bS`dWSeSR]\abOUS ObbVS:gbbSZb]\ObbVS <ObW]\OZBVSOb`Sb] RWaQcaaVS`QO`SS` O\RSf^S`WS\QSaOb bVS<ObW]\OZBVSOb`S T]ZZ]eSRPgO\ OcRWS\QS?/BWQYSba !#Pcb^ZSOaS\]bS bVObbVSSdS\babO`ba Ob#^[ZObS`bVO\ ^`SdW]caZgORdS`bWaSR eee\ObW]\OZbVSOb`S ]`UcY =CbT`]\b PHOTOGRAPHY © FERGUS GREER PHOTOGRAPHY © LEWIS MORLEY ARCHIVE/ NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY, LONDON 27/@G PHOTOGRAPHY © JILL FURMANOVSKY Joe Orton by Lewis Morley (1965) PHOTOGRAPHY © PAUL MORRISSEY k d lang by Jill Furmanovsky (1992) Quentin Crisp by Fergus Greer (1989) – National Portrait Gallery, London 5Og7Q]\aWaO\SOUS`ZgO\bWQW^ObSR ^V]b]U`O^VWQSfVWPWbW]\Q][W\U b]bVS<ObW]\OZ>]`b`OWb5OZZS`g bVWaac[[S`@c\\W\UT`][ 8cZg c\bWZ&=Qb]PS`bVS^WQbc`SaVOdS PSS\QV]aS\Pga][S]TbVS[]ab W\TZcS\bWOZ[S[PS`a]TbVSC9¸aUOg O\RZSaPWO\Q][[c\WbgBVSbS\ ]^S\ZgUOgaSZSQb]`a³VSORSRPg P`]ORQOabS`O\RQ][SRWO\AO\RW B]YadWUO\ROZa]W\QZcRW\UAW`3Zb]\ 8]V\0S\Ac[[S`aYWZZO\RAO`OV 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]`WS\bObW]\eOaZO`USZgW``Sa^SQbWdS W\bVSb]cUVWRS\bWTWQObW]\^`]QSaa `SUO`RSR0`WbWaV[ObVS[ObWQWO\ GAY ICONS :/C<1632B=1=7<1723E7B6B67A G3/@¸A>@723:=<2=<43AB7D/: 5/G71=<A7A/5@=C<20@3/97<5 3F6707B7=</BB63</B7=</: >=@B@/7B5/::3@G =CbT`]\b 27/@G PRIDE LONDON 2009 63@37A3D3@GB67<5G=C<332B=9<=E/0=CB B67AG3/@¸A>@723:=<2=<43AB7D/:³1C:;7</B7<5 7<7BA/<<C/:>/@/23B6@=C56B63AB@33BA=4 :=<2=<=<A/BC@2/G"8C:G 7b[WUVbaSS[ZWYS]\ZggSabS`ROgbVObOPWbbS` eW\bS`VSZRObWUVbU`W^]dS`bVSQO^WbOZPcb ac[[S`Wa\]e]TTWQWOZZgW\TcZZaeW\UO\RT]`OZZ UOg:]\R]\S`abVObQO\[SO\]\Zg]\SbVW\U( >`WRS:]\R]\WaVS`S 4`][ 8c\SbVSW\SaQO^OPZSa^W`Wb ]TbVS>`WRS:]\R]\TSabWdOZT]`b\WUVb eWZZaSWhSbVSQO^WbOZW\WbaS\bW`SbgeWbV O^ZSbV]`O]T\SeZgO\\]c\QSRSdS\ba ³T`][bVSQcZbc`OZO\RbVSO`bWabWQb]bVS bVSOb`WQOZO\RbVS[caWQOZ µBVWagSO`¸a>`WRS:]\R]\R]SaW\RSSR ]TTS`OQcZbc`OZa[]`UOaP]`R]Tb`SObaT]` SdS`g]\S¶OU`SSaQ]]`UO\WaS`AVOc\ <Se^]`b]\S]T>`WRS:]\R]\¸abSO[]T d]Zc\bSS`aµESO`ST]QcaSR]\^`]RcQW\U O\RRSZWdS`W\UbVSPSab]T:50B:]\R]\ W\]c`^`]U`O[[S3OQV]TbVSSdS\baeWZZ 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The Ku Bar Pop Stage was a big hit last year, and this year it’ll be returning to Leicester Square. So expect all things pop and scene with DJs and performers including Boy George and Out In The City favourites Miss Dusty O, Lady Lloyd and Boogaloo Stu. URBAN STAGE – 4 JULY – CARLISLE STREET, SOHO GAY SOHO WALKING TOURS :SaaVWab]`WQOZeOZYO\R[]`SSRcQObW]\OZ^cP Q`OeZbVWaWaO^O`bWQcZO`ZgU]]RacUUSabW]\T]` O\g]\SZ]]YW\UT]`O\W\b`]RcQbW]\b]bVS:]\R]\ aQS\S]`ObZSOabbVSQVO\QSb]PSQ][S`S OQ_cOW\bSReWbVWbB]c`aPSUW\Ob9c0O`]\:WaZS Ab`SSbSdS`gBVc`aROgT`][$!^[³SdS`g]\S eV]eOZYaOZa]`SQSWdSaOT`SSU]]RgPOU2c`W\U bVS>`WRSTSabWdOZeOZYaeWZZOZa]bOYS^ZOQS]\! 8c\SO\R8cZgBWQYSbaO`S dWaWbbVSPSZ]e eSRORR`Saab]P]]Y eeeUOgPcRRgZ]\R]\Q][ FILM 1]c\bZSaaTWZ[aO\RR]Qc[S\bO`WSaeWZZPS aQ`SS\SROQ`]aabVS>`WRST]`b\WUVbOa ^O`b]TbVS>]cbQW\S[OaSOa]\7Tg]c VOdS\¸baSS\WbgSbeS `SQ][[S\R@]P3^abSW\¸a SfQSZZS\b=aQO`eW\\W\U R]Qc[S\bO`gBVSBW[Sa]T 6O`dSg;WZY]\8cZgObbVS1c`h]\A]V] Ob'^[7beWZZ^cbg]cW\SfOQbZgbVS`WUVb T`O[S]T[W\Rb]bOYSb]bVSab`SSba eee^SQQO^WQaQ][ eeeQc`h]\QW\S[OaQ][ R]\ObW]\b]aV]eg]c`ac^^]`b µ>`WRSWaOQVO`WbgO\ReSO`Se]`YW\U`SOZZg VO`R`]c\RbVSQZ]QYO\ReWbV]cbO^S\\g b]P`W\Ug]cOU`SObQSZSP`ObW]\¶Q]\QZcRSa <Se^]`bµBVS`SO`Sa][O\g^`]PZS[a]cb bVS`SbVOb\SSRb]PS^cbR]e\a]^ZSOaSQ][S OZ]\UaV]eg]c`ac^^]`bO\RVSZ^[OYSbVWa bVSPWUUSab>`WRSgSb¶ Boy George Aimed at gay, black, Asian and other ethnic communities, there will be an action-packed six-hour line-up on the Urban Stage on Carlisle Street, Soho. The run-down is as follows: 2pm 3pm 3.10 3.20 4pm 5pm 5.15 5.30 5.45 6.40 7pm Music from Caribana Speaker – TBC Pride Dancers Performance – TBC Denise Pearson (from 5 Star) Davis Mac-lllya Chewy (MC/Rapper) Kory Mcleod (RnB Singer) Michael Anthony Moonchild & Dancers Michael Ashanti (US RnB singer) Music from Caribana WOMEN’S STAGE – 4 JULY You’ll find the Women’s Stage at the junction of Dean Street and Romily Street from 3pm until 8pm, with a jam-packed line-up of female performers and entertainers. 3pm 3.20 3.40 4pm 4.20 4.40 5pm 5.20 5.40 6pm 6.20 6.40 7pm 7.20 7.40 The Berettas Anna Sinfeild Kal Lavelle DJ MC Angel Kenelis DJ Lady Destiny Ruth Cullen Jess Gardham Laura Steel Nicolette Steel Neon Choir DJ Kimberly Ann DJ Sandra D =CbdWSe AB=@G DING, DONG THE BELLS ARE GONNA CHIME 9<756B6==A=<7ABG7<5B639<=B 7YSS^^W\QVW\U[gaSZTO\R`c\\W\UbV`]cUVQVSQYZWaba A][SbVW\U]ZRQVSQYa][SbVW\U\Se[OgPS- a][SbVW\UP]``]eSR\]^Sa][SbVW\UPZcS--=9 [OgPS7¸[\]bbVObeSZZ^`S^O`SREVOb¸aOZZbVS^O\WQ-7 O[USbbW\U[gaSZTVWbQVSR :OabgSO`7e`]bSOP]cbV]ebVS 04O\R7eO\bSRb]VOdSO1WdWZ >O`b\S`aVW^PcbQ]cZR\¸bOQbcOZZgUSb ]TT]c`RcTTb]O``O\USa][SbVW\UES abOgSRW\bVObabObS]TU]]RW\bS\bW]\a ZSORW\U\]eVS`Sc\bWZeSeS`S `SQS\bZga^O`YSRW\b]OQbW]\ ESO`SO^^ZgW\Ub]PSQ][S QWbWhS\a]Tg]c`TOW`WaZSC^c\bWZ\]e W\]c`W[[WU`ObW]\^`]QSaaWbVOa PSS\acTTWQWS\bb]PSZWdW\Ub]USbVS` OaOQ]c^ZSW\]`RS`b]_cOZWTgT]` bVS·U`]c^`ObSa¸]\O^^ZWQObW]\TSSa BVS`cZSaVOdS\]eQVO\USRES O`STOQSReWbVbVS^`]a^SQb]TSWbVS` [OYW\UaW\UZSO^^ZWQObW]\aOb%# SOQV]`USbbW\UOQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^O\R O^^ZgW\UOaa^]caSaX]W\bTSS& C\OPZSb]`SaWabOU]]Rbe]T]`]\S ]TTS`]`be]TS`OaeSQOZZWbW\[g V]caS[OYW\UO\V]\Sabe][O\]cb ]TVW[aSS[SRb]PSbVS]\Zg]^bW]\ 7\OTZOaV7eOa]\bVS^V]\Sb]bVS <SeVO[@SUWab`g=TTWQSeVS`SO dS`g\WQSQVO^^WSbOZYSR[SbV`]cUV bVS^`]QSaa2]g]cY\]eWTg]c VOdSO1WdWZ>O`b\S`aVW^]\O;]\ROg b]BVc`aROgRc`W\UROgbW[SV]c`a Wb]\ZgQ]aba&-=VbVSbV`WZZ]TO PO`UOW\ 6]eSdS`WbWaOPWbVO`RS`b]USb O\g]\Sb]Q][SO\RPSeWb\Saab]g]c` Q][[Wb[S\b]\OBVc`aROg[]`\W\UOb (#A]PSW\UbVSPWUa^S\RS`aeSO`S eSabc[^SRT]`bVSAObc`ROg[]`\W\U aZ]bOb$! 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I HAD A VERY FEMININE UPBRINGING $ [OW\ab`SO[7TbVSgabO`bSR]cb\]eO\RbVS`S VORPSS\\]·>SbAV]^0]ga¸PST]`Se]cZRWb PSa]UOg-7Y\]e^ZS\bg]TTcQYW\Ua]\UabVOb a]c\RZWYSBVS>SbAV]^0]gabVObO`S\¸bUOg 7¸dSR]\SO[OaVc^]T·7b¸aOAW\¸7R]\¸bY\]e eVObWb¸aOP]cbPcbWb¸a]PdW]caZgb]R]eWbVPSW\U UOg4]`[SbVSgeS`Sb]bOZZgWQ]\WQ)\]bT]`bVSW` aSfcOZWbgPcbPSQOcaSbVSge`]bSU`SOba]\Ua G]cVOdSab`]\U]^W\W]\a]\@SOZWbg;caWQBD AVOZZeSbOZYOP]cbbVOb7Tg]c¸`STSSZW\UP`OdS7]\ZgeObQVWbT]`bVS TOWZc`SaBVS\bVS`S¸a]\STcQYW\U^S`a]\I]\bVS `SQS\baS`WSa]T0`WbOW\¸a5]bBOZS\bKeV]^cbbVS VOW`ac^]\bVSPOQY]T[g\SQY7beOa\¸bOQbcOZZg bVOb0]gZSe][O\7beOabVWaUcgeV]QO[S]\ 6SVOR[O\UOVOW`O\ReOaOV]bSZeOWbS`6S Z]]YSRZWYSVSeOaU]W\Ub]aW\Ua][S;=@`]QY a]\UBVS\]cb]T\]eVS`SQ][SabVWac^^S` QOab`Ob]dS`aW]\]T·<Saac\2]`[O¸7[SO\7QO\ aW\UVWUVPcbVSQO\U]OTSeVWUVS`bVO\[S Frankmusik’s debut album, Complete Me, is scheduled for release on 3 August on Island Records. You can also catch him DJ’ing at the Circus post-Pride party at Matter on Saturday 4 July. =Cb\]e ;CA71 FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE ALBUMS OUT IN JULY Lungs (Island) When presented with the debut album of a band that’s been touted and raved about for what feels like years, how is one to feel? Coming first in the 2009 BRITs Critics’ Choice selection and third in the BBC’s Sound of 2009 poll has only heightened the buzz surrounding this strange musical outfit – a vocalist named Florence Welsh, to whom a bunch of folksy musicians play second fiddle. Frankly, we felt more than a bit jaded by it all. And once we’d clapped eyes on the pretentious album cover – the front: a photo of Florence with a pair of plastic lungs tied around her neck, the back: a rather amateur looking diagram of a pair of lungs (enough already, we get it – and are suitably grossed out) we felt positively sedated. Infuriatingly, however, the hype is more than justified. In fact, it took but one listen to chant-heavy ditty and album A-HA Foot of the Mountain (Universal) Out: 6 July +++++ NOUVELLE VAGUE – 3 (Peace Frog) When a globally successful artist like Moby launches his own label and releases an album on it, a dose of trepidation is natural. We all know that Moby’s music can be difficult to navigate at the best of times. Dumping those clever, corporate bigwigs and awarding oneself creative free range can be a recipe for experimental, inaccessible disaster and poor sales, so we’ll freely admit that we were worried for everyone’s favourite bald-headed hippy. “It seems too often creative output is judged by how well it accommodates the marketplace, how much market share it commands and how much money it generates,” he laments in this self-financed album’s accompanying press release. Well, if anybody is in the position to make music for selfgratification as opposed to financial gain, it’s a millionaire like Moby. However, our concerns were unfounded. Wait for Me is a serene, peaceful classic. Hours of thought are clearly behind every seemingly insignificant sound that contributes to the lush, stirring whole, and the array of diverse, haunting vocalists keeps the listener interested. Plus, it’s reminiscent of Play: the creative apex of Moby’s prolific career – and is not the avant garde experimentalism we feared. A chill-out electronica album through and through, Wait for Me nevertheless avoids the cold, synthetic atmosphere of its contemporaries – in its place is an organic ambience, most apparent on the hymn-like ‘A Seated Night’ and the uplifting ‘Study War’. JT Norwegian pop stars, a-ha, experienced giddy levels of success in Britain and throughout the world in the 80s: breakout album Hunting High and Low, along with signature hit ‘Take On Me’ (and its progressive video) remains ubiquitous, engrained in the memories of even those born years later. But 20 years and nine studio albums on, it’s fair to say that despite maintaining a place in the British public’s affections, the band have had great difficulty in replicating their early successes, particularly in recent years. We’d probably have more sympathy if Madonna didn’t make it looks so easy. Foot Of The Mountain is unlikely to return the band to prominence. Unlike the offerings of younger movers and shakers on the scene, FOTM doesn’t adapt the 80s sound to a 00s audience. There’s a strong sensation here of your uncle doing karaoke – albeit in tune – whilst trying his hardest to look cool. It just doesn’t quite work. The pace isn’t fast enough for a start. Tracks like ‘Mother Nature Goes To Heaven’ and ‘Nothing Is Keeping You Here’ are as boring and long-winded as their titles. The extent with which the underwhelming vocals on tracks like ‘Riding The Crest’ differ from the soaring, energetic performances of yesteryear is surprising. The keyboard-like sound effects on ‘Real Meaning’ and ‘Shadowside’ are basic. The album does have its moments: lead single ‘Foot Of The Mountain’ is probably the album’s summit, with a genuinely terrific melody. A few more like this wouldn’t have gone amiss. JT There’s something about the words ‘new’, ‘wave’, and ‘covers’, that, when used together, will no doubt scream ‘pretension!’ to some. Yet they’ve been positively used to describe this French collective’s back catalogue. And they’ll probably be used this time around too, for 3 is yet another collection of chilled versions of yesteryear classics. A duff ska-lite version of Plastic Bertrand’s ‘Ca Plane Pour Moi’ is the low-point, but thankfully, there’s more a toned down, gentle jazziness veining through every other crevice of this record, one that will ultimately divide listeners between two schools of thought: beautiful or boring? Despite a vast catalogue of impressive contributors and vocalists – Depeche Mode’s Martin Gore pops up on the sexually charged album opener – a cover of DM’s ‘Master and Servant’ – it’s the breathy, velvety vocals of Melanie Pain that stand out most. She flavours every track she appears on with a lazy, summery vibe that’s most effective on the gorgeous adaptation of Soft Cell’s ‘Say Hello Wave Goodbye’. The cool, laid-back melodies, soft percussion and gentle banjo playing here and on others such as Fun Boy Three’s ‘Our Lips Are Sealed’ and Talking Heads’‘Road To Nowhere’ create an inviting environment – it’s the musical equivalent to sipping a beer on a porch in America’s Deep South, watching a beautiful sunset as Miley Cyrus falls off a horse somewhere in the distance. We’re not saying it’s a stereotypical affair: we just hope they’ve cut the singing crickets a hefty cheque: they’re on every track! JT Out: 30 June Out: 13 June Out: 16 June +++++ & +++++ +++++ REVIEWS: JAMIE TABBERER MOBY Wait For Me (Little Idiot) opener ‘Dog Days Are Over’ for us to find ourselves hanging off this woman’s every word. Track two steps up the excitement further: a thrilling, godly anthem named ‘Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)’, that had us yearning to strip off and dance around a roaring fire in the dead of night. By the time we’d reached track 11, the joyous ‘Hurricane Drunk’ we were rendered speechless. Even the slightly dodgy cover of ‘You’ve Got the Love’ at the album’s close has emotional impact, thanks to Florence’s core-shaking vocal talents. Think equal parts Sinead O’Connor, Stevie Nicks and Kate Nash. Don’t tell the tabloids, but this woman is ripe for the big time. It’s hard to believe we’ve yet another addition to that already teeming collective of successful and charismatic British female vocalists (Adele, Duffy, Amy – give or take Leona), but one listen to Lungs - an almost faultless pop, soul and indie hybrid that’s destined to become one of 2009’s essential albums – proves that’s precisely what we have. A truly amazing debut. JT =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN JULY THE BEST DVDS JULY ’09 BRONSON Tom Hardy turns in a great performance in this bloody, low-budget biopic of Charles Bronson –“Britain’s most violent prisoner”. It’s a pity then that the rest of the film is let down by an oblique narrative that darts around all over the place, and which singularly fails to answer why this character was worthy of a celluloid hagiography in the first place. One for those with a fondness for true-life Brit crime stories only. For everyone else, a bit of a disappointment. OUT: 6 JULY +++++ DREAM BOY MOON O\RaQ`SS\e`WbS`2c\QO\8]\Saa]\]T2OdWR 0]eWS[OYSa\]P]\SaOP]cbbVSTOQbbVObVS VOaPSS\W\a^W`SRPgacQV^VWZ]a]^VWQOZaQWTW QZOaaWQaOaAWZS\b@c\\W\UO\R (/A^OQS =RgaaSg^S`VO^aeWbVOROaV]T0ZORS@c\\S` /aacQV;]]\WaObV]cUVbTcZ³WTa][SeVOb RS`WdObWdS³O\bWR]bSb]a][S]TbVS[]`SOQbW]\ ]`WS\bSRO\R157R`WdS\aQWTWTZWQYa]T`SQS\b gSO`a6]eSdS`bVOb[WUVbOZa][SO\bVObWb¸a OZWbbZS]\bVSaZ]eO\RQZOcab`]^V]PWQaWRST]` [O\g]Tb]ROg¸a[cZbW^ZSfV]`RSaeV]O`ScaSR b]bVSW`a^OQSORdS\bc`SaPSW\UaS`dSReWbVO ZWbbZSSfb`OdOdOd]][ @]QYeSZZbc`\aW\OU`SOb^S`T]`[O\QSOa ^`OQbWQOZZgbVS]\ZgOQb]`T]`bVSTWZ[¸a'%[W\cbS Rc`ObW]\O\RbVSab]`gQ]\bOW\a[][S\ba]T US\cW\SW\b`WUcSO\R^ObV]aPcbWb¸a[]`SZWYSZg b]ObbOW\Oa[OZZQcZbT]ZZ]eW\UbVO\[OW\ab`SO[ acQQSaa26 =cb(%8cZg +++++ THE TAKING OF PELHAM 123 /\gTWZ[RW`SQbSRPgB]\gAQ]bb2Oga=T BVc\RS`1`W[a]\BWRS3\S[g=TBVSAbObSWa ZWYSZgb]PS^OQYSReWbVbV`WZZaO\Ra^WZZaO\R]\ bVObQ]c\bBVSBOYW\U=T>SZVO[ !R]Sa\¸b RWaO^^]W\b/`S[OYS]TO'%"bV`WZZS`abO``W\U @]PS`bAVOeO\REOZbS`;ObbVOc>SZVO[abO`a 8]V\B`Od]ZbOOabVSZSORS`]TOVWXOQYUO\U bVObbOYSa]dS`OacPeOgb`OW\O\RRS[O\RaO [WZZW]\`O\a][T`][bVS1Wbg=T<SeG]`Y 2S\hSZEOaVW\Ub]\WabVSacPeOgRWa^ObQVS`eV] VO^^S\ab]TW\RVW[aSZTW\bVSQ]\b`]Z`]][eVS\ bVSVWXOQYS`aQOZZbV`]cUVeWbVbVSW`RS[O\Ra O\ReV]cZbW[ObSZgVOab]caSVWaY\]eZSRUS ]TbVSacPeOgagabS[b]b`gO\RT]WZ@gRS` B`Od]ZbO /ZZbV]aSW\d]ZdSRb`gVO`Rb][OYSbVWa bSab]abS`]\S^OQYSRgO`\OU`W^^W\U`OQSOUOW\ab bW[SeWbV@gRS`UWdW\UOcbV]`WbWSaXcabO\V]c` b]Q][Sc^eWbVbVS[]\SgPST]`SVSPSUW\a ! OUT: 6 JULY +++++ THE YOUNG VICTORIA Emily Blunt takes the titular role of one of England’s most famous monarchs. However, as the name suggests, rather than examining her achievements on the throne, The Young Victoria looks instead at her early life and the period when she fell in love with her beloved Albert. Held together by a strong performance by Blunt, The Young Victoria is a must for any lovers of period romance. OUT: 13 JULY +++++ WATCHMEN aV]]bW\UVWaQO^bWdSaBVObaOWRO\ROZbV]cUVWb `ObbZSaOZ]\UObOaZWQY^OQS>SZVO[¸aab]`gZW\S T]ZZ]eaO\STTSQbWdSgSbc\`S[O`YOPZSbO\US\b BVS^Z]bWa^`SRWQbOPZSO\RbVSQOabW\QZcRSaOZZ g]c`bg^WQOZOQbW]\[]dWSabS`S]bg^Sa³eWbV P]bVEOaVW\Ub]\O\RB`Od]ZbOaSS[W\UZgXcab U]W\UbV`]cUVbVS[]bW]\aBVSS\R`SacZbWaO Q][^SbS\bbV`WZZS``ObVS`bVO\O[cabaSS =cb( "8cZg +++++ Comic books fans could find little to complain about in the big screen adaptation of Alan Moore’s seminal Watchmen tome – mainly because director Zack Snyder stuck so faithfully to the original novel… perhaps a little too faithfully for anyone unfamiliar with the tale, who might find themselves thrown rather immediately into the action. Still, it remains a visually stunning, boldly imaginative story. OUT: 27 JULY +++++ REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON AO[@]QYeSZZabO`aW\bVWaSfWabS\bWOZO\R [SRWbObWdS^WSQS]TaQWS\QSTWQbW]\6S^ZOgaAO[ 0SZZbVSa]ZSQ`Se[S[PS`]\O[]]\[W\W\U POaSaSba][SgSO`aW\bVSTcbc`S6S¸aQ][W\U b]bVSS\R]TOZ]\U[W\R\c[PW\UbV`SSgSO` Q]\b`OQbO\ReWbV]\ZgOQ][^cbS`53@BG ³d]WQSRPg9SdW\A^OQSgT]`Q][^O\gVSQO\¸b eOWbb]`Sbc`\b]SO`bVb]PS`Sc\WbSReWbVVWa eWTSO\RQVWZR/P`]YS\aObSZZWbSVOaRS\WSRVW[ ZWdSQ][[c\WQObW]\O\RVS¸aVORb]`SZg]\bO^SR [SaaOUSaT]`c^RObSa 6]eSdS`be]eSSYaPST]`SVS¸aRcSb]`Sbc`\ V][SVSSf^S`WS\QSaab`O\USdWaW]\a6S acPaS_cS\bZgQ`OaVSaVWa[]]\PcUUg]\Zgb] `SOeOYS\W\bVSPOaS¸aW\TW`[O`gc\Wb6SRWa]PSga ]`RS`aO\RdS\bc`SaPOQY]cbb]SfO[W\SbVS aQS\S]TbVSQ`OaV]\Zgb]RWaQ]dS`VWaPORZg RO[OUSRP]RgabWZZW\bVSPcUUgA]]\bVS`SO`S be]AO[0SZZaeO\RS`W\UQ]\TcaSRO`]c\RbVS []]\POaS7a]\S]TbVS[OQZ]\S-/\O\R`]WR- 2]SabVS`SOZAO[0SZZSdS\abWZZSfWab-2W`SQb]` Adapted from Jim Grimsley’s1995 novel, James Bolton’s handsomely shot indie flick paints powerful images of homophobia, abuse and dysfunctional family dynamics, that will linger in your memory long after the end credits have rolled. Like a mini-Brokeback Mountain or Boys Don’t Cry, this beautiful yet tragic tale of doomed love between two teenage boys in a backwards pocket of Southern America is stunning, exquisite and deeply affecting. =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN JULY FROZEN RIVER 2Sa^WbS[OYW\UWba^`S[WS`SOb bVS8O\cO`g &Ac\RO\QS4WZ[ 4SabWdOZeS`SWbe]\bVS5`O\R8c`g >`WhST]`PSabR`O[ObWQTSObc`S O\RZSOROQb`Saa;SZWaaO:S]PSW\U \][W\ObSRT]`O·0Sab/Qb`Saa¸=aQO` ObbVWagSO`¸a/QORS[g/eO`Ra 4`]hS\@WdS`VOabOYS\WbabW[Sb] [OYSWbaeOgb]C9aQ`SS\aOTbS` `SQSWdW\UOdS`gZW[WbSR`SZSOaSW\bVS CAZOabgSO` /bbVS\]`bVS`\S\R]Ta\]eg<Se G]`YabObS:S]^ZOgab`OWZS`^O`Y [][@OgeV]¸aUO[PZW\UORRWQbSR ^O`b\S`OPaQ]\RaOeSSYPST]`S 1V`Wab[OaeWbVbVSTO[WZg¸aZWTS aOdW\Ua/Z]\SeWbVbe]YWRaO\R\] []\Sg@Og`c\aW\b]Z]QOZ<ObWdS /[S`WQO\:WZO:WbbZSe]ZT;Wabg C^VO[eV]]TTS`aVS`O`WaYgPcb aSS[W\UZgSOageOgb][OYS[]\Sg JUST ANOTHER LOVE STORY 8cab/\]bVS`:]dSAb]`gbWbZSR9£`ZWUVSR^y TWZ[W\2O\WaVWaORO`Y^agQV]Z]UWQOZbV`WZZS`T`][ 2O\WaVRW`SQb]`^`]RcQS`O\ROQb]`=ZS0]`\SROZ( O\Sf^S`W[S\bOZ^WSQSbVOb]TbS\`WaYaZ]aW\UWba OcRWS\QS¸aW\bS`SabeWbVWbab]]T`S_cS\b^Z]b beWabaO\RQ][^ZWQObSRQ][[S\ba]\bVS\Obc`S ]TWRS\bWbgGSbeWbVa][S^]eS`TcZ^S`T]`[O\QSa T`][WbabOZS\bSRQOabWbcZbW[ObSZg^`]dSaO U`W^^W\USf^S`WS\QS BVSab]`gW\WbWOZZgT]QcaSa]\[O``WSRTObVS` ]Tbe]O\R^]ZWQSQ`W[S^V]b]U`O^VS`8]\Oa /\RS`a0S`bVSZaS\O\RVWaRWaQ]\bS\b[S\beWbV VWa[c\RO\SZWTS6]eSdS`eVS\VSPSQ][Sa W\d]ZdSRW\OQO`OQQWRS\beWbVOPSOcbWTcZg]c\U e][S\\O[SR8cZWOOaS`WSa]TQ]W\QWRS\QSa O\R[Wac\RS`abO\RW\UaZSORaVW[b]c\eWbbW\UZg Oaac[SbVS`]ZS]T8cZWO¸aR]bW\UP]gT`WS\RO ³a[cUUZW\UWZZSUOZW[[WU`O\baT`][ \SWUVP]c`W\U1O\OROPgR`WdW\UVS` QO`OQ`]aabVST`]hS\AOW\b:Oe`S\QS @WdS`7\WbWOZZgO^^`SVS\aWdS@Og TW\OZZgacQQc[Pab]bVS^ZO\ RSa^WbSbVSW\VS`S\bRO\US`a]TbVS S\RSOd]c` 4`]hS\@WdS`WaO^`W[SSfO[^ZS]T /[S`WQO\W\RS^S\RS\bTWZ[[OYW\U ObWbaPSabBV]cUVWb¸aPSS\aV]b ]\VO`RZgO\gPcRUSbO\ReOa ^`]POPZgOZOP]c`]TZ]dST]`OZZ W\d]ZdSRWbaVSZRb]USbVS`PgO `WdSbW\UO\ROcbVS\bWQ^S`T]`[O\QS T`][;SZWaaO:S]O\RO^ZOcaWPZS aQ`W^bbVObaV]eaXcabV]eSOag WbQO\PST]`a][S]\Sb]R`WTb W\b]Q`W[SeVS\OZZ]bVS`]^bW]\a VOdSaSS[W\UZgRWaO^^SO`SR7b¸aO R]e\PSObbOZSO\RbVS^OQS[WUVb aZOQYS\aZWUVbZgRc`W\UbVS[WRRZS OQbPcbbVS`SO`SUS\cW\SVSO`bW\ []cbV[][S\baeVS\@OgO\R :WZO¸a^ZO\aPSUW\b]c\`OdSZO\RO []dW\URS\]cS[S\b7Tg]cS\X]gSR bVWagSO`¸aES\Rg:cQgOaW[WZO` bOZS]TOPZcSQ]ZZO`e][S\eV]VWb VO`RbW[SabVWaWaO\]bVS`[]dWSb] aSSY]cbO\Rb`SOac`S26 =CB(%8cZg +++++ `caSbVObW\Q`SOaW\UZgb`O^aVW[Oa8cZWOOeOYS\a T`][OQ][OPZW\RO\ReWbVaWU\WTWQO\b[S[]`g Z]aa/a8]\OaaZ]eZgTOZZaW\Z]dSeWbV8cZWOO\R VWa\SeW\dS\bSRZWTSVWa`SOZTO[WZgPSUW\b] acTTS`³^`][^bW\UOaSO`W\UZgS[]bWdSO\R Q][[S\ROPZS^S`T]`[O\QST`][1VO`Z]bbS4WQV Oa8]\Oa¸aeWTS;SbbS BVSZOhWZgW`]\WQbWbZS8cab/\]bVS`:]dSAb]`gWa ^S`VO^abVSZSOabW\dS\bWdSQVO`OQbS`WabWQ]TbVWa TWZ[7baSRUgQO[S`Oe]`YUZ]][gQ]Z]c`^OZSbbS O\R\]\ZW\SO`\O``ObWdSQ][PW\W\Ub]Q`SObS ObS\aSc\aSbbZW\UO\RRWabW\QbZgc\`][O\bWQ Ob[]a^VS`S8B =CB(8cZg +++++ 0`WO\ESObVS`aPg`WaW\UabO` >OcZ2O\]e]`YaW\O<SeG]`Y PSRab]`S=\SROgSQQS\b`WQO\R ]^W\W]\ObSRPcaW\Saa[O\/ZZ:]ZZg 8]V\5]]R[O\Q][Sab]bVS ab]`Sb]PcgO\]`bV]^OSRWQPSR6S aS\RaVWaROcUVbS`³bVSY]]YgO\R SQQS\b`WQ6O``WSbH]]Sg2SaQVO\SZ ³OZ]\UOTbS`eO`Rab]a]`b]cbbVS TW\O\QSa³O\Ra^O`YaPSbeSS\0`WO\ O\RbVST`SSa^W`WbSR6O``WSbRcZg TZg=`a]5WUO\bWQe]cZRVOdSca PSZWSdSC\T]`bc\ObSZgbVSQVS[Wab`g ! PSbeSS\bVSbe]g]c\UZSORaWa]\S ]TbVS[]`Sc\Q]\dW\QW\USZS[S\ba ]TbVWaU`ObW\UZg]RRPOZZ`][Q][ BVWaWaOaVO[SPSQOcaS5WUO\bWQ PSUW\aeWbVO^`][WaW\UO\R O[caW\U]^S\W\UVOZTV]c`ZO`USZg RcSb]OaORZgc\RS`caSR8]V\ 5]]R[O\PST]`SR`]^^W\UbVS ^OQSW\bVSaSQ]\ROQbO\RS\RW\U eWbVO^S`^ZSfW\UO\Rc\^S`acOaWdS TW\OZSbVObeWZZZSOdS[]abOcRWS\QSa eWbV[]`Sc\O\aeS`SR_cSabW]\a bVO\O\aeS`a)EVgWa0`WO\ ]PaSaaSReWbVOR]^bW\UO1VW\SaS POPg-EVgO`SVWaTO[WZgZSR PgdSbS`O\OQb]`3R9Oa\S`a] ac^^]`bWdS]TbVWaaQVS[S-EVg Wa0`OW\`S^SObSRZgOaaOcZbSRPg bVSaO[S[gabS`W]cab`O[^-GSa RW`SQb]`;Obb/aSZb]\¸aRSPcbTSObc`S Wa^`]POPZgOZZO[SbO^V]`T]` a][SbVW\UPcbPgbVSbW[SbVSS\R Q`SRWba`]ZZg]c¸ZZ^`]POPZgPS\]\S bVSeWaS`Oab]eVObSfOQbZg26 =cb('8c\S +++++ REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON AND JAMIE TABBERER GIGANTIC !! =Cb\]e PHOTOGRAPHY © CATHERINE ASHMORE B63/B@3 BARING ALL JAMIE TABBERER REVIEWS NAKED BOYS SINGING AT THE KING’S HEAD THEATRE Gimmicky by default yet brashly unashamed, Phil Wilmott’s adaptation of this long running off-Broadway musical holds few aspirations beyond following its accompanying tin-clear instructions: a small, male-only cast strip to their birthday suits, in a decidedly intimate venue (there’s absolutely no need for binoculars), before striking a multitude of suggestive poses whilst singing their little hearts out. Gloriously camp and an incredible amount of fun, this is probably the dream destination for any gay stag party. However, this by itself sells things short: whilst the nudity exists purely in the pursuit of comedy, it’s somehow not crass. The handsome actors involved employ a level of cheerful, infectious nonchalance and most importantly, confidence; so much so that one can’t help but titter with them rather than at them… despite the occasional attack of shrunken willy! And whilst the limited plot – about a rainbow selection of gay actors earnestly auditioning for a role in a nude play, promoting their naked ambitions in the process – is mostly secondary to the flexing of muscle and the energetic dance routines, each boy is awarded his own song through which he’s granted the gift of characterisation. It’s during these HIGH HEAVEN 32E/@25/;:7<@3D73EAA7AB3@/1B 7abVS`SO\gbVW\UOaaObWaTgW\UOaaSSW\UO\O`bWab `Sbc`\b]T]`[OTbS`OaZc[^W\bVSW`]cb^cb-0S Wb@3;`S[S[PS`W\UV]eb]`]QY]`AO[@OW[W [OYW\UO\SeV]``]`TWZ[bVSX]g]T`SQZOW[W\U ^OabUZ]`WSaQO\ZSORb]OP`SObVbOYW\U`Sab]`ObW]\ ]TTOWbV/\Ra]WbWaT]`a]\Ue`WbS`/ZO\;S\YS\ :WbbZSAV]^]T6]``]`aeV]OTbS`Z]aW\Ue`WbW\U ^O`b\S`6]eO`R/aV[O\W\bVS'¸aVOaTW\OZZg `Sbc`\SRb]bVSabOUSeWbVOe]\RS`TcZZgQObQVg Tc\YgO\RTc\\gaQ]`ST]`\Se[caWQOZAWabS`/Qb EVWZSbVSPOaWQ^`S[WaSOZ]c\USaW\US`VWRSa ]cbW\OQ]\dS\bOTbS`eWb\SaaW\UO[c`RS` O\Rb`O\aT]`[abVSQV]W`T`][TZc[[]fW\Ub] TOPcZ]caWabVSaO[SOabVS'' TWZ[abO``W\U EV]]^W5]ZRPS`UbVWaAWabS`/QbWaaSbW\'%a >VWZORSZ^VWObVSVSWUVb]TbVSRWaQ]P]][O\R P]OabaO\S\bW`SZg\SeaQ]`SeVWQVaSO[ZSaaZg Q][PW\SaRWaQ]U]a^SZO\RU]]R]ZRTOaVW]\SR 0`]OReOg<c[PS`aacQVOa·@OWaSG]c`D]WQS¸ OZZPcbZWTbbVSOcRWS\QS]cb]TbVSW`aSObaeVS`SOa bVSB][:SV`S`Sa_cS·EVS\74W\R;g0OPg¸ Q][PW\SaOU`]]dgZ]dSa]\UeWbVdW]ZS\bbV`SOb AbS^^W\UW\b]5]ZRPS`U¸aZO`USO\RW\bW[WRObW\U VSSZaWaP`WZZWO\b\SeQ][S`>ObW\O;WZZS`OaaSZT QS\b`SRaW\US`2SZ]`WaEWbVaVO`^Q][WQbW[W\U O\RO[W\RPZ]eW\UU]a^SZ PSZb;WZZS`b`cZgR][W\ObSabVS abOUSO\RbVSaV]eacTTS`a eVS\SdS`aVS¸aOeOg T`][WbBVSZSUS\RO`g AVSWZO6O\Q]QYabS^a c^Oa2SZ]`Wa¸aT]WZbVS ab`OWbZOQSR;]bVS` Ac^S`W]`^`]dWRW\U OaS\aS]TaO`QOa[ aVO`^S\]cUVb] !" 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Naked… is hardly a vehicle of exploitation: beyond the press ups and the bum-slapping, there’s a genuinely warmth of heart to it. For example, although the delectable Duncan Leighton garners whoops of laughter as he recounts his colourful rise to ‘Perky Little Porn Star’ status by openly considering that it’s a product of his homophobic upbringing, an emotional connection between actor and audience is delicately formed. Equally, the gorgeous Steven Butler showcases stirring vocals on ‘Window To Window’, a number that recounts (and re-enacts) the sexually loaded peep shows his character often participates in with his elusive neighbour, and his subsequent infatuation with this mystery man. Towards the end of the song it becomes apparent that the lyrics are really about the pain of unrequited love: and all of a sudden you’re fighting back the tears. On the surface, Naked Boys… is simplistic, but a closer look reveals a wonderful surprise – there are plenty of hidden layers to enjoy, if you choose to see them. +++++ Naked Boys Singing is running now at the Kings Head Theatre, Upper Street, N1 ( and transfers to The Arts Theatre, WC2, from 7 July. =CbbVS`S 4==2 HIGH FLYER DAVID HUDSON REVIEWS L’ANIMA 1 Snowden Street, EC2. 020 7422 7000. High-end Italian, L’Anima, opened in the city just over a year ago and made an instant impression, scooping a ‘Best New Restaurant’ award from the folk at Square Meal in the autumn, and a similar accolade in 2009 Harden’s UK Restaurant Guide. The brainchild of renowned chef Francesco Mazzei, and designed by acclaimed architect Claudio Silvestrin, this is about as far away from your local pizza parlour as you’re likely to get. In keeping with its city location (five minutes’ from Liverpool Street down a quiet side street), the interior palette is starkly white; white leather and chrome seating, white tablecloths adorned with dinky little pots of white roses, white crockery, etc. This contrasts against the dark brown granite walls, and the pale marble floor. Floor-to-ceiling windows make for an airy atmosphere, while an abundance of glass partitions and screens lends a slightly airport terminal feel – slightly sterile yet chic. There are a selection of starters, along with soups, risotto and pasta available in both small and large portion sizes (a concept going down at storm at Soho’s Bocca di Lupo although L’Anima opened several months earlier). I opted for a small portion of taglierini with garlic, chilli and crab (£10.75) to start, and the first mouthful immediately made me wish I’d chosen the larger portion for my main course. The sauce was simple, yet sublime – the chilli kick and warmth of the garlic perfectly complimenting the flakes of crabmeat, entwined in the string-like taglierini. My companion was similarly impressed by his ‘Licurdia’ summer soup (£8) – a bright green and fresh concoction of peas, spinach, courgette, barley and potato, dressed with mint and a poached egg, and also boasting a slightly spiced frisson. He followed this up with slow roasted black pig belly with N’Cantarata sauce (£18.50) – two thick slices of pork belly, DRAKE ESCAPE MAZ OGDEN REVIEWS DRAKES IN BRIGHTON 43-44 Marine Parade, Brighton, BN2. 01273-696 934. Inside highly acclaimed Drakes boutique hotel, my partner I and were treated to what I now realise is one of Brighton’s best kept secrets: the restaurant at Drakes. Pre-dinner drinks overlooking the blue sky above Brighton beach instantly transported us to a romantic holiday in the heart of Brighton’s gay village. Drakes hosts an impressive wine list, enough to satisfy the wine experts among you. And for the rest of us, Frazer, the charming bar manager provided knowledge and entertainment to assist our decision. Once inside the restaurant, we were hit by the welcoming fusion of fresh cooking aromas and ambient surroundings. Then it was decision time, as we had four types freshly baked bread rolls to choose from. Looking at the menu, I realised why Drakes have received two AA rosettes, the highest possible rating for first time applicants in the Fine Dining category. We wrestled as to whether to opt for the à la carte menu or !$ topped with perfect crackling, and served upon potato mash with a honey and paprika sauce. “Wow!” was his succinct evaluation. By contrast, my baked monkfish with potatoes, olives and sun dried tomato (£28) was the only weak point of the evening – the priciest dish on the menu, it was pleasant but – at that price – a little bland compared to all that had gone before. Fortunately, we had no such complaints about the desserts, although yet again my companion made the better choice. His ‘Josper’ charcoal apricots with Amaretto ice-cream (£9.75) were goo-ey and syrupy, but my Gianduja cake and Fior Di Latte ice cream (£7) came a close second as a sweet sensation. The restaurant prides itself on its cellar, boasting a state-ofthe-art walk-in tasting room, as well as a separate bar area for those just seeking liquid refreshment. L’Anima has deservedly made a splash in the Square Mile, and its formal and refined atmosphere suits it location. The menu is pricey, but unusually, the cheaper options are just as good – if not better – than some of the pricier dishes. the gourmet five-course chef’s taster menu, which includes recommended wines to accompany each course (£49.50 per person – but if you’re celebrating a special occasion then I can hand-on-heart say it’s worth every penny). We tossed a coin and decided on à la carte! To start, I managed to resist the oysters and opted for the pan-roasted Rye Bay scallops with apple purée, cider sauce and caviar (£9.50). My partner, meanwhile, was thrilled to find well thought-out veggie options, making this a rare paradise for nonmeat eaters. She enjoyed grilled white asparagus with poached duck egg and chive beurre blanc (£7.50), followed by crispy mushroom polenta with roasted cherry tomatoes, accompanied by stuffed grilled courgette and a tomato sauce (£17). Both dishes were packed with flavour. After much debate over the vast selection of seafood, poultry and meat options I settled on the pan-roast fillet of local brill, with red wine-poached salsify and spinach soubise and star anise sauce (£17.50). The fish was a chunky, generous portion, perfectly complimented by the gently cooked accompaniments. The dessert menu has both savoury and sweet options. As chocolate lovers, we couldn’t resist sharing the hot chocolate and coffee fondant with pistachio ice cream and the praline parfait with nougatine and stem ginger ice cream (£8.50 each). Both were delightful. What an amazing evening – we didn’t want to leave, and fortunately, we didn’t have to. Once we managed to drag ourselves upstairs, we received our final treat; a Scotsman’s dream whiskey selection! As we strolled home across a moonlight Brighton beach, I felt lucky to have found such a gem – not just for the exquisite food and service but also as somewhere to take my next date for drinks! =CbbVS`S 4==2 EATING OUT OUR FAVOURITE RESTAURANTS AND GAY-FRIENDLY DINING OPTIONS CENTRAL Amato, 14 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1. 020-7734 5733. Busy café and patisserie, offering pasta dishes and a huge array of cakes. Very popular with gay Soho. Balans, 60 Old Compton Street, W1. 020-7439 2183. The nearest Soho has to a gay restaurant, busy throughout the week and open throughout the day and night. Traditional British dishes with Meditteranean and Asian flourishes. Approx. £28 per head. See also the nearby Balans Café at 34 Old Compton Street. www. Bocca di Lupo, 12 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 2223. Gayrun, upmarket Italian restaurant, opened November 2008 and running Monday-Saturday. Approx. £29 per head. www. Bodeans, 10 Poland Street, W1. 020-7287 0506. Cheap and cheerful barbecue restaurant, with counter service upstairs and restaurant down below. Popular with visiting Americans, plus the odd bear from the nearby Kings Arms! Branches also in Clapham, Fulham and Westbourne Grove. Cha Cha Moon, 15-21 Ganton Street, Soho, W1. 020 7297 9800. Newly-opened noodle restaurant from Hong Kong-born restaurateur Alan Yau (Hakkasan). Great selection of soup-based dishes, wok-fried noodles and sides. Ed’s Diner, 12 Moor Street, W1. 020 7434 4439. Delightfully kitsch, American-style 50s diner, at the Shaftesbury Avenue end of Old Compton Street, great for burgers and milkshakes. Check website for details of other central London branches – First Out, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020-7240 8042. Long-running, gay-run café and bar, serving homemade vegetarian dishes, coffee and cakes. Lots of gay magazines, !& community info and flyers. Floridita, 100 Wardour Street, W1. 020-7314 4000. Large, glamorous Cuban-themed restaurant and bar, with regular music acts and even occasional drag. Approx. £36 per head. cheap, healthy Japanese delights – great gyoza and… well, noodles! £16 per head. Check website for other branches - Haringey, N8. 020-8340 5635. Trendy, chic, gay-friendly café for Crouch Hill crowd, serving snacks, main meals and fab cappuccinos. stuffed with baroque decor and antiques, creating a camp, culinary haven near Old Street. British/French menu. www. NORTH EAST Gilgamesh, Camden View, Camden Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, NW1. Huge, ornate and lavish pan-Asian restaurant with one of London’s most stunning interiors. Food good rather than outstanding, but worth a visit for the décor. Cheaper at lunchtime than the evening. Bistrotheque, 23-27 Wadeson Street, Bethnal Green, E2. Modern, contemporary classy restaurant with basement bar and cabaret room, and fine dining upstairs – modern British cuisine and French bistro dishes – approx. £35 per head. www. Saf, 152-154 Curtain Road, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7613 0007. A stylish and upmarket vegan and raw food restaurant – popular with London’s healthconscious and conscientious diners. Approx. £24 per head. The Landau, Langham Hotel, Portland Place, W1. 020 7965 0165. Grand and glamorous hotel restaurant, offering a pricey but imaginative modern European menu. Approx. £60 per head. The Easton, 22 Easton Street, Tinseltown, 44-46 St John Street, Farringdon, EC1. Want a double cheeseburger and Mars Bar Milkshake at 5am? Then Stef’s, 3 Berners Street, W1 0203073 1041. Huge, gay-friendly Italian – formerly Linda’s Pasta Bar on Poland Street – moved to the other side of Oxford Street in 2007. Pizza and pasta heaven. St Pancras Grand, Upper Concourse, St Pancras International, NW1. 020 7870 9900. Old-fashioned, art-deco glamour at this stunning, all-day restaurant from Searcys (who also operate the neighbouring Champagne Bar). Well worth a trip to St Pancras, whether you’re catching the Eurostar or not. Approx. £40 per head. www. Wagamama, 10a Lexington Street, Soho, W1. 020-7292 0990. Our favourite branch of the noodle chain, offering The Riverside, 5 Hamilton House, 5 St George Wharf, Vauxhall, SW8. Great pub food in upmarket, riverside gastropub that boasts terrific views of the Thames. Roxy Bar and Screen, 128-132 Borough High Street, SE1. 020 7407 4057. London’s unique, gay-friendly cinema restaurant. Free film screenings – everything from recent blockbusters to arthouse documentaries. www. Royal Teas, 76 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE10. 020-8691 7240. Delightfully charming café offering tea, scones, cakes and other delights for an eclectic crowd. Brit camp fabulousness. L’Autre Pied, 5-7 Blandford Street, Marylebone Village, W1. 020 7486 9696. Chic, stylish, upmarket restaurant from the same team that created the Michelin-starred Pied-à-Terre on Charlotte Street. Winner of the BMW Square Meal Award for Best New Restaurant Spring 2008. Approx. £40 per head (or take advantage of the lunch and pre-theatre fixed-price deals). Ristorante Biagio, 189 Piccadilly, W1. 020-7434-1921. Great, authentic Italian food in contemporary and smart surroundings, spread over four floors. Approx. £32 per head. The Loft, 67 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020-7627 0792. Upmarket and stylish restaurant, bar and late-night haunt. Classic British dishes and lots of cocktails. Approx. £40 per head. The Stonhouse, 165 Stonhouse Street, SW4. Lovely Clapham gastropub with great steaks, burgers, salads and sandwiches. Approx. £22 a head. Offering much more than just food, Volupte (7-9 Norwich Street, EC1) is building a following as one of the London’s best supper clubs, offering a rotating array of avant-garde cabaret, singers and modern burlesque. Nathan Evans, who is well known for hosting a variety of promotions and shows at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, runs his cabaret extrvaganza Fair here, joined by Dusty Limits and Fancy Chance. Catch it again on 1-3 July. Dinner is served from 6.15 till 10pm, with shows usually kicking off around 8pm-ish. La Porchetta, 141-142 Upper Street, N1. 020-7288 2488. Great value pizza and pasta restaurant, with possibly some of the biggest pizzas in London! Sister branches in Finsbury Park and Bloomsbury. Approx. £17 per head. Little Bay, 228 Belsize Road, NW6. Wonderfully down-toearth and charming restaurant serving Modern European cuisine at very reasonable prices (particularly at lunchtime). Excellent value for money. Spotted Dick, 292 Caledonian Road, Islington, N1. 020 7607 5577. Gay-friendly café/bar/ restaurant offering modern and traditional British grub (great Sundays roasts!). Open from breakfast till late throughout the week. World Café, 130 Crouch Hill, WC1. 020-7278 7609. Cool gastropub just off Exmouth Market. Sunday lunch is packed with Clerkenwell-istas and the food is top notch. www. Green and Red, 51 Bethnal Green Road, E1. 020 7749 9670. Fiesta-style restaurant with Mexican food and a huge tequila selection - with basement bar and dancefloor area for afterwards. Kenza, 10a Devonshire Square, EC2. 020-7929 5533. Delightful and sumptuous subterranean Middle Eastern restaurant a stone’s throw from Liverpool Street station. Arabic interior and mezza menu – approx. £35 per head. Les Trois Garcons, 1 Club Row, Whitechapel, E1. 020-7613 1924. A former Victorian boozer, 24-hour, subterranean American diner Tinseltown is the place to head. Round the clock diner (24/7) popular with late-night clubbers – very near Fabric. Cool when quiet but avoid if there’s a queue for entry. www. SOUTH Bonnington Café, 11 Vauxhall Grove, SW8. Cheap, cheerful and very gay-friendly cooperatively run vegetarian café in Bonnington Square. Pig out on three courses for £10! http:// El Panzon @ The Dogstar, 389 Coldharbour Lane, SW9. Authentic Mexican and Tex-mex restaurant and fantastic prices in the trendy Dogstar bar. Don’t miss the burritos or the taco plate to share. Approx. £14 per head. Upstairs Bar and Restaurant, 89b Acre Lane, SW2. Hidden gem and local secret. Critically acclaimed, eclectic European menu, with emphasis on French cuisine. Limited choice but menu changes daily. Open Tue-Sat. WEST Balans Chiswick, 214 Chiswick High Road, W4. 020 8742 1435. Balans heads further out west – gay-friendly service and British and Meditrerranean dishes. Balans Knightsbridge, 239 Old Brompton Road, SW5. 0207244 8838. Very gay-friendly restaurant, offering British and Mediterranean dishes. Approx. £28 per head. The Fat Badger, 310 Portobello Road, W10. Upmarket and classy gastropub, serving fine British cuisine. Good Sunday roast. =CbabO\RW\U DOCTOR, DOCTOR 6C<9GBDB=BBG2@16@7AB7/<83AA3<B/:9A B=B7;A3E/@2/0=CB037<5/13:30@7BG;3271 /<267A63/:B61=<13@<A4=@5/G;3< 6]eRWTTWQcZbWaWbb]XcUUZSPSW\UOQSZSP`Wbg eWbVOQO`SS`W\bVS[SRWQOZ^`]TSaaW]\7b¸aTc\\gbVS`SVOa\¸b`SOZZgPSS\O^`SQSRS\ba] bVS`SWa\¸bO\g]\S7QO\Z]]Yb]b]aSSV]ebVSg R]Wb7b¸aW\bS`SabW\UV]e^S]^ZS`SOQb>S]^ZS aSS[b]bVW\YbVObPSQOcaSg]c¸`S]\BDg]c [cabPSO`SOZZgO[OhW\UR]Qb]`a]bVSg RSa^S`ObSZgeO\bb]Q][Sb]g]ceWbVeSW`R O\R`O`SO\R]TbS\c\b`SObOPZSQ]\RWbW]\aO\R bVW\Yg]c¸ZZPSOPZSb]Qc`SbVS[eVS\`SOZZg7 [OgPS\]PSbbS`bVO\]bVS`R]Qb]`a 6]eR]^ObWS\ba`SOQbeVS\bVSg`SOZWaS g]c¸ZZPSb`SObW\UbVS[/UOW\Wb¸aTc\\g7e]`YW\OUS\S`OZQZW\WQO\R _cWbS]TbS\^S]^ZSQ][SW\O\ReVS\bVSg aSSWb¸a[SbVSg¸`SZWYSµ=VVWWb¸ag]cT`][ BSZZcaeVS`Sg]cZWdSO\ReVgg]cQV]aSb]ZWdS bVSBD¶O\RUSbdS`gSfQWbSR7b`gb]^ZOg bVS`SWbR]e\O\RYSS^WbOaO\]`[OZ[SRWQOZ 7ZWdSW\EObS`Z]]\]e7¸[O:]\R]\S`P]`\O\R O^^]W\b[S\b P`SR]`WUW\OZZgT`][>O`a]\a5`SS\PcbaSbbZSRW\ 6OdSg]cU]bO\gOa^W`ObW]\ab]bOYS EObS`Z]]OP]cbSWUVbgSO`aOU]7ZWYSbVSA]cbV g]c`BD^S`a]\O]\SabS^Tc`bVS`O\R 0O\Y7b¸aOZa]dS`gQS\b`OZO\R7Z]dSbVS^`]fW[Wbg []dSW\b]OQbW\U->S`VO^aO^O`b]\ b]bVS`WdS` 1OacOZbg /aO:]\R]\S`eVS`SR]g]cUSbg]c`PZ]\RS 7e]cZRZ]dSb]3dS`g]\SeWZZU`]O\OaWb¸a AQO\RW\OdWO\Z]]YaO\R\O[SOPWbZWYSa]O^abO`aPSQ][W\U^]^abO`a ;gTObVS`Wa2O\WaVa]7¸[VOZT2O\WaVPcb7¸dS OPWb\OTTPcb7¸RZ]dSb]VOdSOZWbbZS^O`b \SdS`ZWdSRbVS`SBVSTc\\gbVW\UWa[gaV]ea W\OTWZ[O\RaSSeVS`SWbeS\b7¸[ac`S7 O`S]\W\2S\[O`YO\R7USbW\c\RObSReWbV Q]cZR^ZOgOR]Qb]`Pcb7¸R^`STS`b]Od]WR S[OWZaT`][2O\WaVdWSeS`aeV]aSS[g\O[S O\gbVW\Ub]R]eWbVbVS[SRWQOZ^`]TSaaW]\ O\R^`Sac[S7¸[2O\WaVPcb7VOdS\]WRSOeVOb 7TO\g]\S]cbbVS`SWa[OYW\UOTWZ[]`OBDaS`WSa bVSg¸`SaOgW\U O\Re]cZRZWYSb]QOab[S7¸RPSdS`gVO^^g /`Sg]c·]cb¸W\OZZO`SOa]Tg]c`ZWTS7\g]c`aS`WSaAc^S`AYW\\gdaAc^S`aWhSg]c GSa7b¸a\SdS`PSS\OaSQ`Sb7¸dSPSS\ZcQYgOa ORR`SaaP]RgW[OUSWaacSa2]g]cbVW\YUOg [g^O`S\baO`SW\Q`SRWPZg]^S\[W\RSRa]7¸dS [S\O`S^O`bWQcZO`ZgacaQS^bWPZSb]acQVWaacSa\SdS`TSZbbVS\SSRb]VWRSbVW\Ua7OZa]eS\bb] GSaW\O\cbaVSZZ5Og[S\QO\]TbS\acTTS`T`][ Oe]\RS`TcZ`SZOfSRaQV]]ZeVS`SQVWZR`S\eS`S OQ]\RWbW]\QOZZSRP]RgRga[]`^VWOeVS`SbVS OZZ]eSRb]PSeVObbVSgeO\bSRb]PSO\R7eOa W[OUSbVSgaSSW\bVS[W``]`Wa\]bV]ebVSg \SdS`PcZZWSR]`VORO\g^`]PZS[a7bVW\YW\[g OQbcOZZgZ]]YBVS`S¸aO^agQV]Z]UWQOZW[POZO\QSW\ ZW\S]Te]`YWTg]cZWSOP]cba][SbVW\UO\Rb`g bVSW`VSORA]bVSgbVW\YbVSgZ]]YaYW\\g]`^c\g b]Q]dS`Wbc^g]cS\Rc^[OYW\UWbW\b]Oab]`g T]`SfO[^ZSeVS\W\`SOZWbgbVSgZ]]YQ][^ZSbSZg ^O`bWQcZO`ZgW\bVS[SRWQOZ^`]TSaaW]\ASfcOZWbg \]`[OZBVS`SO`Sb]][O\gUOg[S\]PaSaaSR aV]cZROPa]ZcbSZg\]bPSO\WaacS eWbVe]`YW\U]cb 6OdSg]cSdS`Sf^S`WS\QSRO\gV][]^V]PWOW\ G]c¸dSaOWRW\bVS^OabbVObWb¸a\]bbVS^VgaWQOZ SWbVS`g]c`[SRWQOZ]`BDe]`YRST]`[WbWSa]`RWaSOaSabVObaV]QYg]cPcbbVS GSaW\bVS[SRWQOZ^`]TSaaW]\7bQO\PSdS`g]ZR ZSdSZ]TWU\]`O\QSEVObWabVS[]abQ][[]\ aQV]]ZO\RdS`g]ZRTOaVW]\SReWbVabcTTg]cb]T [WaQ]\QS^bW]\bVObg]cQ][SOQ`]aab]cQVQ]\acZbO\ba7¸dS\SdS`VORO\g^S`a]\OZ 7b¸aabWZZO`]c\R67D>S]^ZSaV]cZRY\]eV]eg]c ObbOQYaPcbcaSRb]VSO`PZObO\bZgV][]^V]PWQ QObQV67DPg\]e7b[ObbS`a7b¸aOPOaWQZWTSTOQb Q][[S\baOP]cbUOg^ObWS\baeVWQVOZeOga ZWYSV]eg]cQ`]aabVS`]OR c^aSb[S7RSQWRSR7e]cZRR]eVOb7Q]cZRb] 7Tg]cVORb]QV]]aS]\Se]cZRbVS`SPS]\S QVO\USbVW\UaO\RbVOb¸a^O`bZgeVg7¸[R]W\U VSOZbV[SaaOUSg]c¸RZWYSb]aOgb]UOg[S\eVOb7¸[R]W\UV]^STcZZgPg`OWaW\UOeO`S\Saa 0Z]]RgVSZZbVOb¸aRWTTWQcZbE]eeVObe]cZR bV`]cUVBD PSbVS[]abW[^]`bO\bbVW\U-7¸RZWYSb]aOg 2]g]cVOdSOP]gT`WS\Ra][SbVW\UOZ]\UbVSZW\Sa]TbVSTOQbbVObUOg GS^7VOdSO0`OhWZWO\P]gT`WS\RO\ReS¸dSPSS\ [S\R]\¸b`Sa^SQbbVS[aSZdSadS`g[cQVES b]USbVS`T]`OP]cbT]c`gSO`a6S¸aOaW[WZO`OUS ]TbS\b`OaV]c`aSZdSaeWbVQZcPPW\UR`W\YW\U b][SO\ReSZWdSb]USbVS`7R]\¸beO\bb]aOgO ^O`bgW\UO\RbOYSOµZWdSTOabRWSg]c\U¶ObbWbcRS VcUSO[]c\bOP]cbVW[OaVS¸aOdS`g^`WdObS BVS`SWaZWTSPSg]\R!#O\ReS\SSRb]Z]]YOTbS` ^S`a]\ ]c`aSZdSaO\R`Sa^SQb]c`P]RWSaPSbbS` " PHOTO © CHANNEL4 3dS\bV]cUVVS¸a]\Zg!2`1V`WabWO\8SaaS\ VOaOQVWSdSR\]b]\SPcbbe]acQQSaaTcZ QO`SS`a³TW`abZgOaO`Sa^SQbSR[SRWQOZ ^`]TSaaW]\OZa^SQWOZWaW\UW\aSfcOZVSOZbVO\R67D O\RaSQ]\RZgOaSdS`g]\S¸aTOd]c`WbSBDR]Qb]` eWbVOab`W\U]T^]^cZO`1VO\\SZ"aV]eac\RS` VWaPSZbW\QZcRW\UAc^S`AYW\\gdaAc^S`aWhSO\R 3[PO``OaaW\U0]RWSa /ZbV]cUVVS¸aPSS\`SUcZO`ZgTWZ[SRW\a^SQbW\U bVS^cPZWQ¸a]]hW\UO\RRST]`[SR^`WdObS^O`ba acQVW[OUSaVOdSR]\S\]bVW\Ub]RO[OUSVWa O^^SOZeWbVVWaSOagQVO`[U]]RZ]]YaO\R PSRaWRS[O\\S`eW\\W\UVW[O\O`[g]TTO\a P]bVUOgO\Rab`OWUVbBW[ASeO`R^W\\SRVW[ R]e\T]`OTcZZSfO[W\ObW]\¬ CLUBS>BARS>FASHION>GOSSIP>NEWS>TRENDS>SCENES>QUEENS>FACTS> PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S PAGE 44 SALVATION Salvation hosted a very special guest PA from Kelly Rowland, and as usual, the place was packed with plenty of muscle... PAGE 48 KINKY KABARET The Very Miss Dusty 'O' is hosting a brand new Monday night cabaret session each week at Freedom in Soho... LOVE ALL 167</B=E<A9C0/@7A=44717/::G=<3=4B63 03AB5/G0/@A7<B631=C<B@G PAGE 52 LO-PROFILE One of our favourite, late-night Soho haunts, Lo-Profile continues to pack in the crowds each weekend... And to prove the fact, the bar keeps winning awards! The team celebrated their latest accolade with a weekend of bank holiday partying, attracting loyal customers from far and wide. Check out our full review on pages 50-51... "! =CbbVS`S @3D73E SALVATION A/:D/B7=<B6@3E/<=B63@ >/1932>/@BG7<;/GE7B6/ 5C3AB>/4@=;B63=<3/<2 =<:G93::G@=E:/<2¬ Kelly Rowland "" WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E Salvation has to be one of Europe’s biggest Sunday parties, and over the years it has visited various glamorous venues both in London and abroad. However, at the end of May, the team threw a one-off special Saturday night bash at the Troxy in the East End. Formerly a bingo hall, the Troxy retains all its deco glamour and trimmings and is a great space for the Salvation production team to transform, with swags of fabric, chandeliers and lasers creating a truly unique party space. A sparkling PA from former Destiny’s Child star and multi-platinum artist Kelly Rowland saw her belting out her massive hit from last year ‘Work’, followed by ‘Dilemma’, and finally, what is sure to be one of this year’s biggest smashes, ‘When Love Takes Over’. All through her set she was upbeat and chatty, working the stage and interacting with the audience, getting them to sing along and making sure every arm was in the air till our hands practically turned blue. Before and after her show, the stage was filled with the buffest go-go boys on the circuit (courtesy of Chris Geary). There were spectacular costumes, and we even spied some feather-plumed stilt walkers parading through the crowd that, as always at Salvation, consisted of the hottest and horniest guys on the scene. We’re already counting down to the next one! Salvation takes place at The Troxy - dates and details at "# =CbbVS`S @3D73E Promoter Mark Ames and his XXL team organised another hugely successful Bear Pride event in late May. The weekend kicked off with a party at the Kings Arms on Poland Street, and was followed by a packed weekend of clubbing at the London Bridge Arches. We got down there on the Saturday night for the main XXL Bear Pride bash, and found the place heaving with bears, big guys, rugger buggers and their many admirers from all corners of the globe. To help make the party extra memorable, a cabaret stage had been set up in the open air arch, and this hosted a full show featuring turns from those cheeky "$ DreamBears, up’n’coming rapper MC Envy, and singer David Jonson. In the main arch, resident DJ Christian M threw down the big dance anthems, and was joined by guest DJs Moto Blanco, who didn’t let the pace slip. The Saturday party was followed by an even more successful Fusion party on Sunday (featuring the Freemasons), and an Ursus Planet party on the bank holiday Monday. Proceeds from the weekend were donated to the Albert Kennedy Trust, Terrence Higgins Trust and British Heart Foundation, and at the time of going to press, over £2,000 had been raised, so well done to all concerned. PHOTOS © DICK GOOSE XXL BEAR PRIDE 03/@>@723@3AC:B327</<=B63@ >/1932E3393<2=4>/@BG7<5/B B63:=<2=<0@7253/@163A WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =CbbVS`S A13<3 "% =CbbVS`S @3D73E KINKY KABARET Surely one of the hardest working drag DJ/hosts on the circuit at the moment has to be Dusty O, and the month of May saw the opening of her most recent venture, Kinky Kabaret. A departure from her usual nights, and located in the basement club of Freedom on Wardour Street, Dusty opens the evening playing a selection of 50s and 60s hits… ‘Mambo Italiano, ‘Great Balls Of Fire’, ‘Que Sera’, etc, before hosting an eclectic cabaret show in true ‘variety’ style on the stage. On the night we were there, the line-up included Scales Of The Unexpected (“Saving the world, one harmony at a time”), with their hilarious homage to one-hit wonders. Reminiscent of Weimar cabaret clubs, there were also several burlesque performances through the evening including Lola Labelle in "& fairy white tuille, a prison-garbed Ruby Deshabille and Banbury Cross with her cork-poppingly spectacular finale. Ventriloquist Steve Hewlett had a neat twist with a randy old man puppet, the leading actors of the musical Jersey Boys sang their show highlights (then snogged each other!), and So Jest End did some great lyrical send ups to West End anthems. With more drinking and dancing well in to the wee hours, Kinky Kabaret has something for everyone… and at only a fiver, it’s superb value too. Kinky Kabaret every Monday evening at Freedom, 66 Wardour Street, Soho, W1. www. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM 2CABG=6/AB3/;32C> E7B64@332=;7<A=6=B= 6=AB/E339:G1/0/@3B 3FB@/D/5/<H/¬ @3D73E =CbbVS`S KU BAR PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM B639C0/@1/<¸BAB=>E7<<7<5 /E/@2A<=E=<23@B63B3/;E3@3 7<AC166756A>7@7BA=D3@B63@313<B 0/<96=:72/GE3393<2 # =CbbVS`S @3D73E Never ones to let an excuse for a party to slip past, the team at the Ku Bar on Lisle Street enjoyed a memorable bank holiday weekend in late May. One of the weekend’s highlights was undoubtedly the Sunday night on which we visited. Not only was Lady Lloyd’s Sunday Tea Dance rocking all three floors of the venue, but guv’nor Gary Henshaw had bought back his collection of stunning and athletic go-go’s and pole dancers. In fact, so athletic were the boys that many punters just stood slack-jawed at them as they seemingly defied gravity – toes pointing towards the ceiling. One can only wonder at the positions they must be capable of throwing themselves into! The weekend found the Ku gang in a particularly jubilant mood, as just beforehand they had received the news that they’d scooped a Gay Times readers award for ‘Best Bar’ – a high accolade indeed which saw them beating off competition from across the UK. The bar is one of London’s few gay-owned and independently run pink establishments, and offers a diverse selection of club nights and daily drinks promotions. It now operates from large premises on Lisle Street, with a smaller sister bar recently throwing opening its doors on the corner of Frith Street and Old Compton Street, Soho. Expect both venues to be packed out over the upcoming Pride London weekend, plus a Ku Bar cabaret stage entertaining the masses in Leicester Square. # =CbbVS`S @3D73E In an uncertain economy, luxury goods and leisure activities tend to take a hit, so it was refreshing to rock up to Soho's Lo Profile recently and find it rammed to the rafters with revellers partying with gay abandon. The advertising says, “where the hot boys are”, and it’s not wrong as seemingly, every A-gay with a gym card was parading their winter’s work across the floor wearing nothing but Abercrombie shorts and a smile. In fact, you could easily be mistaken for thinking you’d fallen into an alternate reality inhabited by buff A&F models at a porn fantasy frat party! No distracting PA’s or dancers this time, just superb music from deck maestros # Steve Pitron and Jamie Head playing hit after hit of uplifting and vocal house and allowing the aural waves to wash over the assembled masses like the best of the Balearic super clubs. While it was swelteringly hot and muggy outside, inside the air-conditioning worked a treat, bathing us with cool blasts of refreshing air. Lo Profile consistently gives us great nights out, so we are on the edge of our seats with anticipation for the venue’s forthcoming relaunch, complete with additional floors – watch this space! Lo Profile, 86 Wardour Street, Soho, W1. Open Fri-Sat 10pm-4am. www. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM LO-PROFILE :=>@=47:3>@=D723AB63>3@431B :/B3<756B23AB7</B7=<=<B63A3 6=BAC;;3@<756BA¬ WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =CbbVS`S A13<3 #! =CbbVS`S A13<3 bVS`SWaO\OUUW\UTSSZW\UbVObWb¸aa][SV]e\]b _cWbS`WUVbbVObQVc\YgY\Wb;O`X]`WSO\R\SOb U`SgW\UP]P0O`PO`OW\1ZO^VO[A]cbVbVW\YbVOb 7O[abWZZUORRW\UO`]c\RW\[gbSS\a2]7`SOZZg abWZZQO``g[gaSZTO`]c\RZWYSO%gSO`]ZR- YOUTH AND YOUNG MANHOOD @716/@2B=<9A/A9A67;A3:4A=;3 /53=:2?C3AB7=<A¬ 0gbVSbW[SbVWaQ]Zc[\VWbabVS^`Saa7eWZZ PSQ]\aWRS`W\U[gbVW`bWSbVgSO`]TSfWabS\QS O\R^]\RS`W\U[g^S`a]\OZOQVWSdS[S\ba[g W[^OQb]\]bVS`aO\RO^^O`S\bZOQY]TOPWZWbgb] bOYSZWTSaS`W]caZgBVSROg[g^O`S\baV]ZRW\VWUV SabSS[³eVS\7O^^O`S\bZg·aSbbZSR]e\¸³aSS[a OaTO`OeOg]\bVSV]`Wh]\OaWbeOaW\[gSO`Zg beS\bWSaO\RRSa^WbSO`ObVS`\WQS^ORO\RO []\bVZg^Og[S\bW\b]O^S\aW]\^]bg]c¸`S[]`S ZWYSZgb]TW\R[SQVWZZW\U]cbObO^O`bgW\2OZab]\ ]\OAObc`ROg[]`\W\UbVO\aV]^^W\UT]`O\bW_cS Qc^P]O`RVO\RZSaW\<]bbW\U6WZZ5ObS 7baSS[aW`]\WQbVObObbVWaO^^O`S\bZgaS[W\OZ bc`\W\U^]W\bPST]`S[WRRZSOUS7O[O^^ZgW\UT]` WRS\bWTWQObW]\b]^`]dS[gOUSBVOb¸a`WUVb7O[ ^`]cRb]O\\]c\QS7]TTWQWOZZgVOdSO\O^^ZWQObW]\ ^S\RW\UT]`[gdS`g]e\·>`]dS7b¸QO`RBVS `SOa]\-7\bVSZOabbe][]\bVaOZ]\S7VOdS PSS\OaYSRT]`WRS\bWTWQObW]\]\bV`SSaS^O`ObS ]QQOaW]\a^c`QVOaW\UOZQ]V]ZW\bVSac^S`[O`YSb beWQSW\R`W\YW\UV]ZSaO\R]\QSW\OQZcPAV]`b]T QO``gW\UO`]c\R[g^Oaa^]`bbVWaQOZZaT]`^]aWbWdS OQbW]\³O\RTOab >S`VO^aWb¸aOYW\R]T>SbS`>O\STTSQbOTT]`RSR PgU]]RUS\SaO\R^O`bgW\UW\[]RS`ObW]\Pcb bVSS\b`O\QSW\b][gbVW`bWSaVOaPSS\`S[O`YOPZg PS`STb]TO\gYW\R]Te]`ZReSO`W\SaaaQ`OeZSR OQ`]aa[gTOQSBVSZOabbW[S7eOa·QO`RSR¸ VO^^S\SRW\;O`YaA^S\QS`W\1ZO^VO[A]cbV eVWZab^c`QVOaW\Ube]P]bbZSa]T&''AVW`OhO\R ORSdWZWaVZgSfb`OdOUO\bbV`SSP]bbZSa]T^SO`QWRS` 7eOaOaYSRb]`S[]dS[gac\UZOaaSaO\Rac^^Zg bV`SSQ`SRWbQO`RaOabVSQOaVWS`aQ`cbW\WaSR[g TOQST]`e`W\YZSa]`]bVS`bSZZbOZSaWU\a]TOUS >S`VO^a7aV]cZRbOYSOZZbVWaOaOQ][^ZW[S\bPcb #" 7TbVS`SWaO^S`QS^bW]\bVOba]QWSbgOaOeV]ZS VOaPSQ][S[]`Sg]cbVQS\b`WQWb¸aOQQS^bSR bVObbVSUOgQ][[c\WbgOZeOgaVOaPSS\ES b`g]c`PSabb]`S[OW\g]c\UbV`]cUVaVSS`eWZZ VO`Re]`YO\RaW[^ZS`STcaOZ>S`VO^aWb¸aPSQOcaS ]c`OUSWaabWZZ^S`QSWdSROa_cWbSOdOZcOPZS Qc``S\bZgOZ]\UeWbVRWQYaWhS)WbWabVSPOaWaT]` eVS`SeSTOZZW\bVS^SQYW\U]`RS`]TaSZSQbW]\ AbS`S]bg^WQOZZgWbaeVOb[]\SgR]SaT]`cUZg [WRRZSOUSRab`OWUVb[S\BOZYW\UTc`bVS`OP]cb bVWab]cQVgO`SOeWbVa][S]ZRS`QZcPPW\U T`WS\Ra]T[W\S7RWaQ]dS`SRbVObWb¸a\]bbVS USbbW\U]ZRS`bVObOQbcOZZgP]bVS`aO\g]\S7b¸a bVSTSO`]TUSbbW\UcUZg)bVSTSO`]TZ]]YW\U]cb]T ^ZOQS]\bVSRO\QSTZ]]`)bVSSTT]`bW\[OYW\Uac`S ]\SO^^SO`ag]cbVTcZeWbV]cb^`SaS\bW\U[cbb]\ R`SaaSROaZO[P)]`bVSV]``]`]T`SOZWaW\Ug]c¸`S ObO\OTbS`V]c`aW\DOcfVOZZ`ObVS`aSZTWaVZgbOYW\U c^a^OQSObbVSS^WQS\b`S]TOZZbVW\UaVSR]\WabWQ Oag]c`g]c\US`^SS`aaVOYSbVSW`VSORaW\ ag[^ObVg¬ IT’S NOT THE GETTING OLDER THAT ACTUALLY BOTHERS ANYONE. 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Expect spectacularly hi-octane twisted sets from the Trade collective including Pete Wardman, Fat Tony, Malcolm Duffy and with special guest superstar Mark Knight. Late night diva Tonnic will be on the live vocal mic in the Lite Lounge and expect sexy shows, stunning lasers and pyrotechnics. Doors are open from 6am on Saturday night/Sunday morning 5 July – tickets are available from www. and selected gay outlets. (£15 in advance). The Duckie crew will be going girly at this year’s alternative outing at Gay Shame. Expect a festival of femininity featuring over 35 side shows and 100 artists. Why not decorate a cake, paint a gentle watercolour of your favourite vagina or have your nipples cast in chocolate? DJs the London Readers Wifes and Unskinny Bop residents spinning the rock, pop and electro mash-up. Gay Shame is on Saturday 4 July at the O2 Brixton Academy. Doors are open 9pm4am and entry’s £15 in advance. www. =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A <756BA PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM HIGHLIGHTS HOT VAUXHALL TAVERN MUSCLE PRIDE The Fridge in Brixton will be celebrating Pride London with the return of its legendary Love Muscle XX party on Saturday 4 July. Although taking place in its usual home (The Fridge), the night is now being promoted by Steve Elliot (Salvation, Famous), and has undergone a bit of a makeover, but Steve assures us that the club will be bigger and better than ever before, “dripping with testosterone and pumped full of growth hormone!” He and his team will be injecting the night with some extra va-va-voom, by bringing in #$ FESTIVAL OF FEMININITY The team from Duckie have announced that this year’s Gay Shame event will sadly be the last! The event takes months of organization and requires a huge amount of funding, and although always one of the highlights of the Pride season, after running the event for the past 11 years, the team feel that the time’s now right to move on. However, they plan to go out with a bang. They will be taking over the huge Brixton Academy on the night of Saturday 4 July, for a 3,000-capacity bash themed upon ‘A Festival Of Femininity’ (following up last year’s ‘Masculinity’ party). Once again, expect the main floor to boast a wealth of interactive sideshows from a multitude of performers. Confirmed attractions will include; Test Your Feminine Qualities, Make A Tapestry, Paint A Gentle Watercolour Of Your Vagina, Get Arrested By The Femme Police, Do Some Low Paid Factory Work, Get Hysterical, Breastfeed, Give Birth, Have An Abortion, Watch Your Weight… “But most of all, go shopping!” As usual, expect to receive your Duckie dollars upon arrival, which you can spend at the sideshows of your choice. The whole event has been designed by Robin Whitmore, with Amy Lamé as hostess and the Readers Wifes and Unskinny Bop team as your DJs. The night will be open to all butches of both genders: “Stop being hard and let down your guard!”The suggested dress code is, “radical femmes, first ladies, femme doms, fairies, WI’s, debutantes, dandies, birds, brides, sissies, suffragettes …and their butch brethren.” Advance tickets cost £15 and can be purchased now from www.ticketweb (08444 77 2000). Gay Shame takes place on Saturday 4 July at the 02 Academy Brixton, 211 Stockwell Road, SW9. some high quality entertainment, top class DJ’s, stunning laser & light show, exploding pyrotechnics and Ibiza style CO2 blasters. At the time of going to press, they had yet to release DJ names, but expect some beefier sounds on the Fridge’s superb new sound system. The action will run for eight sizzling hours from 10pm till 6am. Limited early bird tickets cost £10, then £15 in advance from Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8, The Box and Kazbar, or online at www. Love Muscle XX on Saturday 4 July at The Fridge, Town hall Parade, Brixton Hill, London SW2. WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM Many congratulations to the team at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. The venue’s recent The Tavern’s Got Talent fundraiser garnered a whopping £1,400 on the night, all of which was being donated to The Food Chain – a service providing nutritional meals to those affected by HIV/AIDS. You can check out photos from the night at http://www.rvt. The Royal Vauxhall Tavern has plenty of attractions lined up for July, with a highlight being a special Pride night Chill-Out/S.L.A.G.S session on Saturday 4 July. Simon Le Vans, Andy Almighty and Sean Sirrs will spin the sounds from 8pm till 4am, with a show from the D.E. Experience at 10pm. Expect a sizzling summer party from the club that just keeps on giving – regulars were treated to a surprise PA from Lonnie Gordon in June! Each Wednesday from 24 June till 22 July, the bar will also be hosting some Edinburgh Fringe Festival previews, with shows from Adams & Rea (24 June), Pappy’s Fun Club (attempting 200 comedy sketches in one hour on 1 July!), Tiffany Stevenson & John Gordillo (8 July), grumpy magican Piff the Magic Dragon (John Van Der Putt) and Ava Vidal (15 July), and acclaimed illusionists Barry and Stuart, and the award-winning Zoe Lyons (22/7). Other highlights from the packed roster include Tenor Ladies, “a concept band manufactured by leading London performers Scottee and Sami Knight,” which Scottee himself described as, “Like the Funny Girls of Blackpool meets the Benny Hill girls – overworked, over paid and overweight.”They’ll be making their debut performances on Tuesday 14 July and 21 July. The RVT is also launching its very own Hot August Fringe festival on Friday 27 July. Running for a month (until 28 August), the festival will feature a riotous selection of stand-up, sketch comedy, cabaret, magic, burlesque, theatre and dance, with four different shows treading the boards every night, and over 100 different performers over the course of the festival. Every night during the Festival (Monday – Friday), the RVT will run shows at 6pm, 7.30pm, 9pm and 11pm. Audiences pay a flat fee of £12.50 to see all the shows in one night. The programme will be eclectic and inclusive and everyone is welcome – from die-hard RVT regulars, to first-timers looking for a fantastic night out. Interested performers can go to to download an application, and we’ll bring you further details of some of the acts appearing next month. For full details of the nightly cabaret and club promotions at the RVT, check the website at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11. =CbbVS`S A13<3 #% =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A <756BA HIGHLIGHTS JESUS LOVES DUSTY Dusty’s favourite hats, all of which have been made by designer Prudence for Vivienne Westwood. There will be a live show from the Transisters and the Trannyshack Girls, plus some goody bags from Barry M Cosmetics. “I have always been in to hats,” Dusty told Out In The City. “My first ‘special’ one was a pirate hat from Westwood. It got stolen though so I had a one-off made by Prudence, who makes hats for Vivienne. It’s a pirate hat but larger and in the famous squiggle fabric. It’s currently in a hat exhibition at the V&A and is worth more than my flat! I have about 30 hats. Hats make an outfit and are so much better than big wigs. It should be compulsory for people to wear a hat!” Trannyshack runs every Wednesday at Madame Jo Jo’s. Doors for Dusty’s birthday bash open at 10.30pm, with admission £5 (free for anyone in drag before midnight). PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM Dusty O (pictured) is one of the busiest DJs and club hostesses in London town, and on top of her regular dates, she has a couple of very special parties lined up for July. On the night of Pride London (4 July), she and DJ Tasty Tim will be hosting a one-off night entitled Jesus Loves Drag. Pointing out that it’s the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York, and that there would be no Pride if it were not for those brave drag queens, this celebration of all things drag will take place at the Green Carnation, 4-6 Greek Street, Soho, W1. Doors will be open from 10pm till 3am, with Dusty and Tim spinning the commercial sounds and pop disco. Also, do look out for them on the God Loves Drag Trannyshack float on the 4 July Pride Parade – complete with special guest Boy George! Then, on Wednesday 15 July, Dusty will be celebrating her birthday (“my third 40th!”) with a big bash at Trannyshack (at Madame Jo Jo’s), entitled ‘Dusty’s Mad Hatter Tea Party’. The night will be a celebration of hats and headwear, and will include a hat show of XXL SUMMER LOVIN’ Fresh from the success of last month’s Bear Pride events, XXL will be joining in the celebrations for this year’s Pride London. It’s London Pride Party takes place on Saturday 4 July at the London Bridge Arches. Doors will be open from 9pm till 6am, and rocking the dancefloors will be special guest Wayne G, alongside Christian M, Leonardo Glovibes, Mark Ames, Joe Egg, Alex Logan and Steve Felice. The UK’s premier night for bears, big guys, rugger buggers, furry muscle hunks and their admirers (“One size fits all!”), this is guaranteed to be another hot and heaving session beneath the railway arches. Admission will be £8 for members or £12 for guests – check the website if you wanna buy an advance ticket, although there will be more on the door if the advance tickets sell out quickly. XXL’s flagship night takes place every Saturday at the Arches, and other big events are planned for 27 June (the ‘Summer Like It Hot’ party) and 25 July (the ‘Summer Like It Dark’ party) – expect free CDs giveaways plus a pumping summer #& soundtrack. Don’t also forget that a smaller XXL bash takes place each Wednesday, when admission is just £3 (or free for members!). XXL at The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. The Trade collective will be returning to host a big post-Pride after-hours party on Saturday 4 July… and they’ve chosen to host the event at Ministry Of Sound! This is all set to be the biggest Trade event for several years, and it will kick off at 6am on the morning of Sunday 5 July at the iconic Elephant and Castle club space. For anyone who hasn’t been to the Ministry Of Sound recently, it’s undergone a huge refurbishment and now boasts five distinct areas, an outdoor terrace, four bars and four dancefloors, and two luxury VIP lounges. Working the state-of-the-art sound system will be the Fierce Rulin’Trade DJs, including Kamishake, Pagano, Malcolm Duffy, Nick Tcherniak, Lady Bianca, Pete Wardman, Nik Denton, Fat Tony, Paul King, Paul Heron, Gary H, Guy Williams, Jonny M and Kath Harding, amongst others, while the very special guest will be Mark Knight (of Toolroom Records fame). The Trade team have a series of spectacular events planned over the coming months, featuring all the elements that have made Trade such a clubbing phenomenon for the past 18 years. Promoter Laurence Malice told Out In The City, “We are thrilled to be moving to such a prestigious venue, and it’s a very exciting new chapter in the history of Trade. We look forward to bringing the true Fierce Trade Experience to this London clubbing institution.” Advance tickets are available now from Prowler Soho, Clone Zone Soho, DV8 and the Box Bar, or from Ticketweb (www. – 08444 771 000). These cost £13 (early bird advance ticket), £15 (general admission) or £25 (VIP). A percentage of door proceeds will go to Pride London. Trade at Ministry of Sound, 103 Gaunt Street, SE1. www. WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM TRADE PRIDE =CbbVS`S A13<3 PHOTO © GERARD GASKIN/WWW.GERARDHGASKIN.COM GOING=Cb PENDULUM SWINGS INTO SOHO It’s all change down at Profile on Frith Street, Soho. As you may know, the venue was previously a joint venture between QSoft and Vince Power Music Group (VPMG), but the two companies decided to dissolve the partnership a couple of months ago, with QSoft keeping Lo-Profile on Wardour Street and VPMG keeping Profile. By the time you read this, the latter bar should have now been relaunched by VPMG as Pendulum bar and restaurant. As we write, the builders and decorators are busy putting the finishing touches to the place. There’s a bar on the ground floor – similar to Profile – but a new table-service restaurant and lounge on the upper two floors, courtesy of artisan bakery Outside Tart – “bringing America’s foremost regional cuisine to Soho”. Promoter Patrick Lilley is helping with the promotion of the new bar, and will also be curating a rotating selection of photographic exhibitions – with the first show featuring the work of American documentary photographer Gerard Gaskin, who was extensively covered the New York Vogue Ball scene (as pictured above). Mistress Jonny will continue to be on hand as the venue’s resident hostess, and the bar aims to play host to a selection of pre-club parties. Check it out at 56 Frith Street, W1. VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar - always busy after 10.30pm with those who don’t want to head home too early. ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 5300. Leicester Square tube. Friendly, famous, traditional gay pub - just look out for the purple and pink exterior! BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 3342. www. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. Sun until 10.30pm. Dance bar on three floors, with club-style basement. Comedy Camp stand-up night each Tuesday, and more danceoriented sessions at weekends. THE BOX, 32-34 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020 7240 5828. Leicester Square tube. 11am-11pm. Stylish and award-winning gay café bar popular with scene and muscle queens. Frequent exhibitions on the walls and great food. CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm-2am. Sun 5-11pm. Longrunning and famed lesbian bar. COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors, attracting a butch and manly crowd. www. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors, attracting a good cross-section from across the scene. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs, regular piano bar and tasty food. THE ENCLAVE, 25-27 Brewer Street, W1. Intimate, lounge bar and basement club, offering members-bar atmosphere but open to all. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. Long-running community café bar. FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly v Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a mixed, metrosexual crowd. FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar with quirky decor and fun atmosphere – attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks.Gets very busy most nights of the week. THE GREEN CARNATION, 4-5 Greek Street, Soho, W1. 020-7434 3323. Stylish, three-floored late night gay venue, with bar, dancefloor and nightly promotions. Attracts a mixed crowd. www. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club, which is now home to G-A-Y, along with Monday nighter Popcorn and Wednesday’s urban session Work! Check for details THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere plus pool table. Sunday night karaoke very popular. KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar, with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian crowd. Weekend jazz sessions in the basement. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, award-winning, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily and always busy throughout the week. www. KU BAR SOHO, 25 Frith Street, W1. Leicester Square tube. New, smaller sister venue to Lisle Street Ku Bar, with entrances on Old Compton Street and Frith Street - open till 11pm daily.. www. LO-PROFILE, The Basement, 84-85 Wardour Street, W1. Swanky, sophisticated, 400-capacity late-night basement bar and club space – from the people that bring you Open 10pm-4am on Fridays and Saturdays. www. MOLLY MOGG’S, 2 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7434 4294. Tottenham Court Road tube. Small, intimate little gay pub, with regular drag shows attracting a mixed crowd of theatre folk and tourists. PENDULUM, 56 Frith Street, Soho, W1. Tottenham Court Road tube. Stylish, big gay bar – spread over three floors, with food, drink, art displays and pre-club promotions. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. Marble Arch tube. Long-running and huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. Open till 3am at weekends. Off the beaten Soho track but well worth checking out. RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer style bar, popular with professional gay boyz. LONG YANG CLUB, long-running social group for East Asian gay guys and friends. Regular parties and social events. Check website at for full details. SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. Open from late each evening. MADAME JO JO’S, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1. Long-running, late night gig venue, nightclub and cabaret bar - open to very mixed crowd. Home to popular Wednesday nighter Trannyshack. SWEATBOX, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020-3214 6014. Exclusively gay gym (ground floor) and sauna (first floor), which now hosts occasional late-night parties with a late-night alcohol licence. Open Sun-Thurs noon-midnight, EXILIO MOVES SOUTH The long-running, popular gay Latin night, Exilio, has moved homes. After running for several years at the LSE near Holborn, promoter Gloria has told us that the whole shebang has now taken up a new Friday night residency in Vauxhall. The Exilio Latino Fridays takes place at Bar Rez, Club Colosseum, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8, with doors open from 11pm till 4am. DJ G and guests will be spinning the best in “Latino crossover music”. Admission is £8 (or £5 with flyer/this piece of editorial before midnight and £6 after). #' =CbbVS`S A13<3 VAULT 139, 139 Whitfield Street, W1. 020-7388 5500. Newlyopened, central, daytime intimate cruise club, for a men-only crowd. Open 1pm-1am seven days a week. VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, and now with basement dancefloor and discos. Popular with a youngish crowd of boys and girls. PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm1.10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and cosy loft bar. NORTH LONDON THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7485 0538. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Long-running, famed gay pub – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London, with nightly DJs and entertainment. www. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. Big, late-opening gay bar on three floors, with ground floor cabaret and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. Upstairs restaurant offering gastropub menu, plus B&B accommodation. www. CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Southern Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. Always busy and rather unique. NEWS IN BRIEF The recently launched Infinity (above) is continuining to pull in the punters down in Earl’s Court. Occupying the venue formerly known as Bromptons, this new bar and late-night club is open throughout the week, with regular cabaret each weekend. Check out the action at 294 Old Brompton Road, SW5 • Future Fusion is a special Pride afterparty London party taking place on Sunday 5 July at the Green Carnation in Soho. The very special guest DJ will be Patrick Forge, who is in London as part of a European tour. He’ll be joined at the decks by Nikki Lucas and Miss Bailey, while a live PA will be provided by Z-Star (described as a “funkier Shirley Bassey”!). Doors to will be open from 7pm till midnight, with admission £5 for members and £8 for guests • The Tonker boys will be throwing a special Saturday night party at The Eagle in July – in addition to their regular Friday night party. Juggernaut will be taking place on Saturday 25 July – from 9pm till 4am. Expect a men-only party showcasing the best of Tonker, “but with a hell lot more!”The evening will be hosted by the Men Of Alphamedia, plus the resident Tonker DJs • Stand-up comedy night Comedy Camp continues to pull in the punters each Tuesday evening in the basement of BarCode in Soho. Highlights for July include Topping & Butch and Jo Caulfield (7 July), Mrs Barbara Nice (14 July), Stephen K Amos (21 July), and Phil Nichol (28 July) • G-Spot at the Bizz is a brand new gay club for those in the Canterbury area. The club will officially open on Friday 3 July, and you’ll find it at 15 Station Road East, Canterbury, Kent. $ PHOTO © JCHRIS JEPSON and till 5am Friday and Saturday. COSMO LOUNGE, 43 Essex Road, N1. Tel: 020 7688 0051. Angel tube. Sun-Wed 2pm-Midnight, Thu-Sat 2pm-1am. Long, narrow, intimate gay bar popular with locals girls and boys. EGG, 200 York Way, Kings Cross, N7. Tel: 020 7609 8364. Kings Cross tube. Bespoke club space on three floors, hosting occasional gay club nights and after-hours sessions (mixed afterhours every Saturday night/Sunday morning). THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. 020-7704 0713. Angel tube. London’s first ‘gay gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full food menu and wide range of cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd - now run by the same team as The Edge in Soho. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. SUMMER IN SW4 One of the most popular dates in the gay capital’s annual calendar is the Clapham Street Party that takes place each year outside the Kazbar in Clapham. This year’s event – the fifth such party – is scheduled to take place on Saturday 27 June. As usual, most of the shenanigans can be found on Edgeley Road, SW4. Last year’s event attracted an estimated 6,000 revellers over the course of the day, but organisers are hoping for even more this year as they’ve been granted permission to extend further along Edgeley Road. As is now traditional, both the teams at the Kazbar and the nearby Two Brewers have had a hand in organising the cabaret stage, which will feature such acts as Sandra, Lola Lasagne, Titti La Camp, Le Gateau Chocolat, Dave Lynn, Rose Garden and the winner of this year’s Drag Idol contest (the final of which takes place on Friday 26th June). There will also be a 6pm charity auction. Organisers tell us that the emphasis of this year’s event will be ‘community’, and the two charities that will benefit from this year’s event will be the Albert Kennedy Trust and health charity GMFA. The event is free to enjoy, but they do ask that those attending try to make a minimum £1 donation – look out for volunteers rattling collecting buckets! The day starts at around 1pm and you can expect constant cabaret and entertainment right through until 9pm. KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cosy, traditional old gay pub, with regular entertainment, beer garden and food. One of London’s longestrunning gay establishments. www. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford’s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment. www.loadofhay. THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, diverse gay bar with late-night club promotions, and open ‘til 3am at weekends. Very popular with lesbians and male friends. www. PLAYPIT, 76 Caledonian Road, N1. Intimate, King’s Cross sleaze club – basically a basement darkroom. Open Thur-Sat 9pm-3am, Sun 3pm-7pm and 8pm-1am. Take your own booze. SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Gorgeously-designed, hard dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay nights, one-off promotions, plus cruise nights like Rude Boyz. www. BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space - gets busy at weekends. CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various monthly promotions such as Bootylicious, Matinee and Megawoof. THE EAGLE, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 9pm-2am, Sun 9pm-late. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Tonker (Fridays), Berlin (Thursdays) and Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) are particularly popular. www. EGO, 82 Norwood High Street, SE27. 020 8761 5200. West Norwood BR. Sun-Thu 8pm-late, 7pm-4am. Door charge on weekend. Large, popular bar and club, attracting big crowds at weekends. EXILIO, Bar Rez, Club Colosseum, 1 Nine Elms Lane, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Long-running, Friday night gay Latin and salsa night. Open 11pm till 4am. GA GA G-A-Y Just as we were going to press, G-A-Y promoter Jeremy Joseph announced that his very special guest PA for Pride night (4 July) would come from Lady Gaga. This is Mz Gaga’s second appearance at the club, following a sell-out show earlier in the year when she’d hit the number one spot with ‘Just Dance’. Of course, since then she’s hit the top spot again with the brilliant ‘Poker Face’, and is currently riding high in the charts with ‘Paparazzi’. This is sure to be one of the very busiest post-Pride parties, and you’d be very wise to arrive early or pick up tickets in advance from G-A-Y Bar. Further confirmed bookings for July include Cascada on Saturday 11 July, and former Destiny’s Child singer Michelle Williams on Saturday 18 July. G-A-Y takes place at Heaven, Under The Arches, Villiers Street, Charing Cross, WC2. For more details, see =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs - busy with a men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays every third Thursday of the month - www. JACKIE’S JUKEBOX, Rivoli Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, SE4. First Saturday of the month, 7pm-midnight (£7). Gay ballroom and Latin dancing night, attracting up to 300 dancers a month to the glam 1950s-style Rivoli Ballroom. Crofton Park BR. www.therivoli. KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pmmidnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week, with DJs at weekends. FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and Robert Owens underwear parties. LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls - open till 1.30am Fri-Sat. Fri-Sat. THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7819 9539. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. It’s been pulling in the punters for over 20 years. UNION, 66 Albert Embankment, SE1. 020-7793 9262. Cruisy dance club which hosts monthly parties such as Growl and afterhours party Menergy. Plays areas and hot gogo’s. XXL, The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. www.xxl-london. com. London Bridge tube. Huge world-famous club for bears, big men and admirers, on Saturday and Wednesday. Pulls in 1,000+ customers each Saturday with uplifting dance anthems and occasional guest DJs. EAST LONDON FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Infamous, late-night gay venue beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Orange, A:M, Horizon and Gravity. Open around the clock at weekends. or THE FRIDGE, Town Hall Parade, Brixton, SW9. 020 7326 5100. Brixton tube. Large and legendary venue - formerly a theatre. Now home to occasional gay club nights such as Love Muscle and Revolver. and PLAY PIT SOUTH, 64 Tyres Street, Vauxhall, SE11. Sleazy, late-night cruise club - no DJ and bring your own booze! Open Fri-Sat 9pm2am, Sun 3pm-midnight (£8). ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out). Check or the facebook group RV Taverners for information. THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular cabaret, DJs and disco nights. THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 24 years old – small but legendary East End dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. Very strict rubber and leather dresscode, ensuring a wide and loyal following. www. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. www. CHARLIE’S BAR, 124 Globe Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1007. Whitechapel tube. Recently refurbished, Moroccan style – friendly, local gay bar. DALSTON SUPERSTORE, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8. 020 7254 2273. Highbury & Islington tube. New, two-floor mixed gaystraight venue - café by day and fashionable performance space and club promotions at night, with a variety of hip promotions. Open noon-2am seven days a week. GHETTO OLD STREET, 58 Old Street, EC1. 020-7287 3726. Trendsetting gay club venue - now in a new Old Street home! Spread over two floors, with Trash Palace bar upstairs (open from 5pm) and late night club downstairs. Nightly alternative promotions, such as Kill Your Pets (Fri) and Wig Out (Sat). THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with QUEER PRIDE Patrick Lilley’s legendary and long-running club night, Queer Nation, has now settled into a monthly slot at its original home – SubStation South (now called Nsomnia) in Brixton. It’s rebuilding its reputation for offering a high-quality, multi-ethnic and popular house and disco outing. The night will be returning for a Pride London special on Saturday 4 July. To also commemorate American Independence Day, the night will feature Chicago DJ and singer Robert Owens, who will be spinning an extended four-hour set. Doors will be open from 11pm till 5am, with admission £8 or £5 concessions/members. Queer Nation, every first Saturday of the month at NSomnia, 9 Brighton Terrace, SW9. Join the Facebook group for regular updates. $ THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and cabaret. www. HIDDEN, 100 Timworth Street, SE11. Railway arch venue, home to infamous Hard On night once a month ( THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria, with occasional cabaret and DJs at weekends, and now an upstairs theatre space. 286, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE14. 020-8690 7648. Large, lateopening gay venue, with regular entertainment, DJs and cabaret. Open till 2am Sun-Thur and 4am STORE ROOMS Brand new for E8 is the Dalston Superstore. From the people that gave us Trailer Trash and Disco Bloodbath, this unique, two-floor space is aimed very much at a hip, gay, mixed, arty, fashion-ey boy-girl crowd. You’ll find a ground floor café and art gallery for daytime food and coffee trade, before an evening bar service kicks in later in the day. The basement is the venue’s club and performance space, which over the coming weeks will feature the likes of DJs Erol Alkan, Trevor Jackson, Tomboy, Princess Julia, Serge Santiago and Severino. Open seven days a week from noon till 2am, check it out at 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB (020 7254 2273). $! =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A post-club crowd at weekends. Gets busy later in the evenings. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8534 0197 Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. Open till late throughout the week. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. Limehouse DLR. Open from 7pm Mon & Tue, from 6pm Wed-Sat, from 4pm on Sun. Small, local, traditional pub, with regular cabaret - five minutes’ walk from BJ’s White Swan (see below). Jodie Harsh PRIDE CIRCUS Jodie Harsh’s weekly Circus party is one of East London’s most colourful and hip happenings. For Pride though, she’s really pulling out all the stops. Jodie will be upping sticks for the night (4 July) and taking Circus to Matter – the state-of-the-art club venue at London’s O2 centre. Joining Jodie at the decks will be very special guest DJ Siouxsie Sioux, this month’s cover star, Frankmusik, Dan Gillespie Sells (The Feeling) and Kris Di Angelis, with a live set from Kissy Sellout and VV Brown. Room Two of the venue will be taken over by the Gutterslut crew, with DJs Tom Stephan, Per QX, Elliot J Brown, Nic Fisher and Miss Crystal MC. Advance tickets cost £12, or it’s £15 on the door (with admission from 10pm till 7am). Don’t forget that you can catch the Thames Clipper directly to the O2 from Waterloo Pier (beneath the London Eye). Circus at Matter on Saturday 4 July – for more details check and $" THE TROXY, 490 Commercial Road, E1. Huge club venue, host to gigs and occasional club nights, such as mega muscle club Salvation. BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. Mon 9pm-1am Tue-Thu 9pm-2am, Fri-Sat 9pm-3am, Sun 5.30pmmidnight. A large, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week and legendary across London! Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www. WEST LONDON THE CULVERT, 54 Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge. 01895 256 690. Uxbridge tube. Mon-Wed 4pm-1am, Thu noon-2am, Fri & Sat noon-3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Regular discos, cabaret, karaoke and one-off events. Established, local gay venue. ESCAPE, 184 London Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2. 020 8549 9911. Revamped, long-running gay nightclub open Wednesday-Sunday. THE HOPE & ANCHOR, 20 Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6. (contact mobile - 07858281995). New gay pub for Hammersmith and Chiswick. Traditional boozer with nightly entertainment – open noon11pm throughout week, with popular karaoke at weekends. INFINITY, 294 Old Brompton Road, SW5. 020 7370 3494. Earls Court tube. Big gay pub and disco, formerly Bromptons. Open late throughout the week, with weekend cabaret. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret and entertainment. One of gay London’s better locals. TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pmlate, closed Sat & Sun. Small, West London cruise club. Dark and sleazy. weekends with entertainment and DJs. Attracts a big local crowd - particularly at weekends. WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at WINDSOR CASTLE, 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3. 0208577 6590. Large, local gay pub with regular cabaret and entertainment throughout the week. www. Mark Moore and Jerry Bouthier YES WE CAN CAN! Recently launching to great acclaim in London Bridge is new state-of-the-art clubbing venue Cable. It’s now home to new polysexual Thursday nighter Can Can, from promoters and DJs Mark Moore and Jerry Bouthier. The former is known to many for his time as ringleader of 80s chart stars S’Express, his DJ’ing and remixing work, and past clubbing ventures such as Electrogogo, while Frenchman Bouthier was a former resident of Hoxton’s Boombox club night. The duo will preside over the main room, while the second room will feature a rotating lineup of different guest clubs, with Kashpoint and Nag Nag Nag having already accepted guest slots. The next Can Can takes place on Thursday 2 July at Cable, 33 Bermondsey Street, SE1. Doors open 10pm till 3am, with entry £5 or £3 NUS. Info at $# $$ =Cb`SOQV 1=;;C<7BG CRIME FIGHTERS 230=@/65=:24@=;5/:=>3F>:/7<A B63A3@D713A=443@320GB63 =@5/<7A/B7=</<26=E7B1/<63:> B630=B6G=C/<2B63>=:713B= 1=;0/B6/B31@7;3¬ 5OZ]^VOaPSS\QO[^OWU\W\Ub] W[^`]dS^]ZWQW\UT]`:50B^S]^ZS W\:]\R]\T]`[]`SbVO\ #gSO`a 7\bVObbW[SeS¸dSeWb\SaaSRa][S bS``WPZS^]ZWQW\UO\ReS¸dSPSS\ W\ab`c[S\bOZW\VSZ^W\Ub][OYS ac`SbVObbVW\UaVOdSW[^`]dSRT]` ]c`Q][[c\WbWSaESeS`SbVS`S W\bVS'&aeVS\bVS^]ZWQScaSR OUS\b^`]d]QObSc`ab]O``SabUOg [S\eVS\bVSgeS`SQ`cWaW\U ESeS`SbVS`SW\bVS''aeVS\1]ZW\7`SZO\R[c`RS`SR TWdSUOg[S\O\RWbb]]Y5OZ]^b]acUUSabbVObbVS`SeOa OaS`WOZYWZZS`]\bVSZ]]aSES¸dSaV]cbSReVS\eS\SSRSR b]eS¸dSbOZYSRa]TbZgeVS\WbVSZ^SRPcbg]cVOdSb]OaY ³eVObRWTTS`S\QSVOaOZZ]TbVWa[ORS>]ZWQW\UVOaW[^`]dSRZSO^aO\RP]c\RaaW\QSbV]aSRO`Y ROgaBVS^]ZWQSOQY\]eZSRUSbVObV][]^V]PWQO\R b`O\a^V]PWQVObSQ`W[SSfWabaBVSgWRS\bWTgVObSQ`W[Sa eVS\bVSgO`S`S^]`bSRa]bVObbVSgQO\b`OQY^ObbS`\aO\R W[^`]dSW\bSZZWUS\QSBVSgVOdS:50B:WOWa]\=TTWQS`aW\ []abP]`]cUVabVObg]cQO\bOZYb]WTg]cR]\¸beO\bb]bOZY b]bVST`]\bRSaY7TbVSe]`abVO^^S\aO\RO\:50B^S`a]\ Wa[c`RS`SRPSQOcaS]TVObSg]cQO\Sf^SQbbVS^]ZWQSb] b`SObbVSdWQbW[bVSW`TO[WZgO\RQ][[c\WbWSaeWbV`Sa^SQb =TQ]c`aSWTSdS`gbVW\UWaa]U`SObbVS\a][S[Oge]\RS` eVgeSO`SabWZZO`]c\RESZZeS¸`SVS`Sb]VSZ^^S]^ZSZWYS B][O\RAVO[W[O e]`YOabVSgO`Sac^^]aSRb]B]][O\g]Tca B][QOZZSRcaPSQOcaSe]`YS`aW\OPcaW\Saa abWZZSf^S`WS\QSOPcaS³W\bVSab`SSbT`][]c` \SO`VWaTZObeS`S`S^SObSRZgOPcaWdSb]VW[ \SWUVP]c`aT`][]c`^O`b\S`aO\R]c`TO[WZWSa B][VORQOZZSRbVS^]ZWQSPcbT]c\RbVObbVSg /\RT]`a][S]TcaeVS\eSb`gb]bSZZbVS^]ZWQS eS`S\¸bW\bS`SabSRO\Re]cZR\¸b`Sbc`\VWa bVSgR]\¸baSS[W\bS`SabSR=c`aW[^ZS[SaaOUS QOZZa/TbS`5/:=>U]bW\d]ZdSRO\R[ORSO WabVWa³eVS\bVObVO^^S\a5/:=>WaOZeOga Q][^ZOW\b]\VWaPSVOZTB][SdS\bcOZZg`SQSWdSR W\bS`SabSR³bSZZcaOP]cbWb O\O^]Z]UgT`][bVS^]ZWQSO\RbVS[OW\OPcaS` eOaO``SabSR AVO[W[OeOa`S^SObSRZgdS`POZZgOPcaSRPg VS`QO`SbOYS`W\VS`PZ]QY]TTZOba/TbS`5OZ]^ W\bS`dS\SRbVS^]ZWQS^cb11BDW\VS`PcWZRW\U ³S\ac`W\UbVObbVSSdWRS\QSeOaOdOWZOPZST]`VS` b]^`]dSVS`QOaS ES¸`SOZa]VS`Sb][OYSac`SbVObbVObbVSagabS[ e]`YaT]`OZZ:50B^S]^ZSEVS\]\S]TcaWa OaaOcZbSR]`ObbOQYSReSQO\e]`YeWbVbVS W\RWdWRcOZb]VSZ^bVS[PcbeSOZa]e]`Yb]S\R VObSQ`W[ST]`OZZ]Tca7b[SO\aS\ac`W\UbVObbVS ES¸ZZ[OYSac`SbVObbVS^]ZWQSbOYSg]caS`W]caZg ^]ZWQSO`SQ]]`RW\ObW\UbVSW`STT]`baO\R^S]^ZS /\RWTbVSe]`abVO^^S\aO\RbVS^]ZWQSO`SbVS R]\¸bTOZZbV`]cUVbVSQ`OQYaW\bVSagabS[7b ^S]^ZSeV]O`SPSW\UOPcaWdS³eSQO\VSZ^g]c [SO\aa^SOYW\U]cbeVS\SdS`eSaSSOeOg b][OYSOQ][^ZOW\b]`bOYSbVS[ObbS`Tc`bVS` bVObbVW\UaQ]cZRPSW[^`]dSR7b[SO\aTW\RW\U \SeeOga]Tac^^]`bW\U^S]^ZSBSZZW\UbVS^]ZWQS 7b¸aW[^]`bO\bb]bSZZcaOP]cbVObSQ`W[Sa³a] Wa\¸bSdS`gbVW\U³eSeO\bb]TW\R\SeeOga]T eSQO\VSZ^[OYSac`SbVObbVS`SWaXcabWQST]` VSZ^W\U^S]^ZSb]`SPcWZRbVSW`ZWdSaO\R[OYW\U SdS`g]\S7\ "O[O\\WQY\O[SR·5]ZRb]]bV¸ ac`SbVObbVSW`Sf^S`WS\QSa]TVObSR]\¸bRSTW\S eOaXOWZSRT]`aWfgSO`aT]`&OaaOcZba]\UOg[S\ eV]bVSgO`S ]\6O[^abSOR6SObV7bb]]Y^]ZWQS\SO`ZgT]c` /b5OZ]^eSY\]ebVObbVW\UaR]\¸bOZeOga gSO`ab]QObQVVW[PSQOcaS[O\g]TVWadWQbW[a TOO MANY OF US STILL EXPERIENCE ABUSE VOR\]b`S^]`bSRbVSW`ObbOQYc\bWZa][S]TbVS[ TW\OZZgb]ZR5/:=>/PcaS`a]TbS\Q]\bW\cSbVSW` OQbW]\aPSQOcaSbVSgbVW\YbVSgQO\USbOeOg eWbVbVS[:STbc\QVSQYSReVObabO`baOadS`POZ OPcaSQO\_cWQYZgSaQOZObS0ST]`SZ]\UbVSg Q]cZRZWbS`OZZgPSUSbbW\UOeOgeWbV[c`RS` /b5/:=>eSPSZWSdSbVObeSO`SOZZS\bWbZSRb] ZWdS]c`ZWdSaT`SST`][TSO`]TdW]ZS\QSO\ROPcaS ]cbW\bVS]^S\O\ReWbV^`WRS7bWa\¸b=9bVObeS VOdSb]bVW\YbeWQSPST]`SV]ZRW\UVO\RaeWbV ]c`^O`b\S`aW\^cPZWQ7bWa\¸b=9bVObeS[WUVb VOdSb]bVW\YbeWQSOP]cbeVObQZ]bVSaeSO`S eSO`W\U]`eVObO`SOaeSU]b]EVWZSeSabWZZ VOdSb]R]bV]aSbVW\Ua5/:=>eWZZabWZZPSbVS`S b]TWUVbg]c`Q]`\S` A]bSZZcaOP]cbg]c`Sf^S`WS\QSaeVSbVS` bVOb¸adS`POZOPcaSW\bVSab`SSbVO`Oaa[S\b T`][\SWUVP]c`aVObS[OWZ]`^VgaWQOZdW]ZS\QS 0gbSZZW\Ucag]cQO\USbbVSVSZ^g]c[Og \SSRPcbg]cQO\OZa]VSZ^ca^`]dSbVSaQOZS ]TbVS^`]PZS[O\Rc\RS`abO\RWba\Obc`S PSbbS`0ge]`YW\Ub]USbVS`eSQO\OZZQVOZZS\US V][]^V]PWOO\Rb`O\a^V]PWO You can tell GALOP about your experiences by calling the Shoutline on 020 7704 6767, or by visiting GALOP’s new website and reporting online at $% =Cb`SOQV :7AB7<5A Ben Bradshaw VILLAGE POLITICS Village Drinks, the hugelypopular gay social club and professional networking group, will be hosting another of its politics nights on Tuesday 21 July. ‘An evening with Ben Bradshaw MP’ (pictured) will take place at Soho House on Old Compton Street, W1. However, you have to be a Village Drinks member to attend, and you must first reserve your place online. Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. uk. Disabled LGBT. Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. 9 Archer St, London W1D 7AZ. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for LGBT and questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, [email protected]/www.lgcm. Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: – 020 7922 7811. Every Mon 2-6.30pm, Tue 10am-5pm and Wed/Thur 10am-1.30pm. Helpline and meetings. LGBT Choir: 07980 023578. Call Michael for more information. London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Groups in Islington. GROUPS//ORGS Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, support groups, Thursday drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol and drug issues. BKY - Alternative Jewish Community: www.bkylondon. Regular services and events. ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. Quaker London Lesbian & Gay Fellowship: Religious group – 020 8675 6740. Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, Regular groups in Greenwich. Mosaic: 0800 0433 411. www. Youth group based in Brent. One-Up: LGBT under-18 youth group, meets every Monday 4-7pm (based in Hendon - North West London) - contact Theresa (PACE) 07504226793 (mobile). HATE CRIME Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), [email protected]. Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. For victims of hate crime. HIV//AIDS Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, GMFA: 020 7738 6872. The gay men’s health charity. National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 6767, Terence Higgins Trust: 02078121777. Counselling Services. GRACE’S GAY CRICKET Owzat! The crack of leather on willow and the shining of balls! Grace’s Cricket Club was the first – and, to its knowledge, still is the only – gay cricket club in the world. Founded in 1996, it exists to promote enjoyment of cricket within the gay and lesbian community. It currently has over 50 members, plays around 25 games per season in and around London (a mixture of both league matches and friendlies), and has its home ground at the Peter May Sports Centre, near Walthamstow in north east London. Grace’s operates a truly inclusive selection policy, with a pool of players ranging from experienced club cricketers with league backgrounds, through to strictly social players – and a few who are playing their first organised cricket. Everyone gets to play a full role in the team, which strives to strike a happy balance between being competitive – in recent years it has consistently won more matches than it has lost – and being friendly. New players are always more than welcome. It hosts numerous social events and trips, both within the UK and abroad. King’s Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. London Amateur Wrestling: SPORTS London Guns ‘N’ Roses Hockey: Mixed hockey for all levels. or email iainkimmins115@ Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Gay running group. Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. Raiders Softball Club: 07931 721 377, www.rainbowraiders. com. Mixed baseball in Regents Park / Primrose Hill area. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ Irons: . Gay golfing, events for all levels. Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): 01926 858450, Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Politic campaiging group. PACE: 020 7700 1323. Counselling and support groups. FIGHTING FIT! Get Fierce! is the name of a groundbreaking and novel gay charity event taking place on 2 October at the Troxy in Stepney. Former boxing champion and gay sports trainer Jimmy Dublin will be taking 16 ordinary men and women from the LGBT community and turning them into “fit and fierce fighting machines”, equipped to compete against one another in a charity boxing event. “Get Fierce! is about breaking down barriers,” $& Stonewall: 020 7593 1850. Campaign group for LGBT rights. Cruisers basketball: 020 8960 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). Mixed basketball. OutZone: London-based social and support group for gay and bisexual young men under 25. Every Friday 6.30-9.30pm - [email protected] - www. Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council and victim support. South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. Friendly social group. explain the organisers. “Many gay men, women and transgendered individuals are disenfranchised from sport. From an early age they are told they are not strong enough for football, too camp for rugby and useless at other contact sports. Well we’re here to set the record gay. Who says we can’t!” Organisers hope the event will challenge some of the homophobia associated with sport, as well as encourage the gay community to take pride in their physical and sexual health. Participants will be trained HELPLINES Broken Rainbow: LGBT National Domestic Violence Helpline. 08452 60 44 60 (Mon and Thurs, 2-8pm/Weds, 10am1pm). www.broken-rainbow. helpline at pacehelpline@ POSITIVELINE: 0800-1696806. HIV info and counselling (weekdays: 11am-10pm and weekends: 4pm -10pm). www. Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 Stonewall infoline: London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Counselling service. PACE: 0808 1807 223. Helpline open Monday 9.30am-12.30pm and Thursday 6.30-8.30pm, offering structured telephone counselling or 30-minute counseling sessions. Or email in one of the East End’s toughest gyms, alongside professionals in a safe and tolerant atmosphere, while the boxing evening itself will take place at a grand event at the Troxy, including live acts, hostess Miss Kimberley (pictured right) and late-night partying. Training begins on the 14 July, and anyone wanting more information, or who might be interested in participating, can get more information at www.myspace. com/getfierce09 or by sending an email to [email protected] Information on all LGB rights - 08000 50 20 20 (Mon- Fri 9.30am- 5.30pm). Unison: 0845 355 0845/0800 0967 968 (minicom). Works with LGBT community about work and employment problems. WANT TO GET LISTED? Please send listings to [email protected] $' =Cb`SOQV 1=;;C<7BG OLD AND OUT PHOTOGRAPHY © AGE CONCERN AND HELP THE AGED 43E=4CA:793B=B67<9/0=CB53BB7<5=:23@/<2;/<G=4CA/@3 4/7:7<5B=;/93>@=D7A7=<A4=@=C@=:2/53@716/@203D/<@34:31BA =<A=;3=4B63A>317471<332A=4B63=:23@:50B1=;;C<7BG/<2 :==9A/B=<3A>317471A3@D713/D/7:/0:3B=B63;¬ 2c`W\U]\S]TbV]aSa]cZaSO`QVW\U Q]\dS`aObW]\a]\SbS\Rab]VOdSeVWZS]cb R`W\YW\UO\R[cZZW\U]dS`ZWTSZ]dSaSfO\R bVSc\WdS`aSO\]ZRS`T`WS\R^]\RS`SR]dS` eVSbVS`VSaV]cZRRWa^]aS]TVWaeSZZab]QYSR ^]`\abOaVRcSb]VWaW\Q`SOaW\UOUS6WaTSO`a PSW\UbVObWTO\gbVW\UeOab]VO^^S\b]VW[bVS dS`gbV]cUVb]TTO[WZg[S[PS`aT`][AeO\aSO Q][W\UOQ`]aaO\Oaa]`b[S\b]TUOgVO`RQ]`S [OUaO\RaSfb]gaTWZZSRVW[ eWbVR`SOR µ=9¶a][S[WUVbbVW\Yµa] eV]QO`SaeVObO\g]\STW\Ra eVS\g]c¸`SOQbcOZZgaWfTSSb c\RS`-¶6]eSdS`OaeSUSb ]ZRS`Q]\QS`\aO\RWaacSa bVOb[Og\SdS`VOdSQ`]aaSR ]c`[W\ReVS\g]c\UPSUW\ b]`SO`bVSW`VSOR@SQS\b `SaSO`QVQ][[WaaW]\SRPg bVS001T]c\RbVObVOZT]T C9ORcZbaOUSRPSbeSS\ O\R$O`S\]b^cbbW\UOaWRSO\gTc\Ra 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=^S\W\U2]]`aVOaQ][Sc^eWbVOa[O`b W\WbWObWdSb]RSOZeWbVbVSWa]ZObW]\WaacSOa HALF OF UK ADULTS AGED BETWEEN 20 AND 60 ARE NOT PUTTING ASIDE ANY FUNDS INTO A PENSION /\bV]\gSf^ZOW\aµESVOdSUOgT`WS\RZg d]Zc\bSS`aBVSTOQbbVSgO`SSf^ZWQWbZgUOg T`WS\RZgWaQ`cQWOZG]cbOZYb]OZ]b]T]ZRS`UOg ^S]^ZSO\RbVS]\SbVW\UbVObQ]\QS`\abVS[ OP]cbZSbbW\UW\Oab`O\US`WaTSSZW\UbVSgVOdSb] RSUOg]`RSZSaPWO\bVSW`V][SaBVSgVOdSb] bWRgbVW\UaOeOgVWRSbVW\UaW\R`OeS`aPSQOcaS bVSgUSbO\fW]caOP]cbeVObbVS`Sa^]\aS[WUVb PSWTbVSgaSSOQ]^g]T2WdO]`5OgBW[SaZgW\U O`]c\R]`[OgPSbVObSf^ZWQWb^V]b]]Tg]cO\R g]c`Z]dS` gSO`aOU]¶ 7\bS`SabW\UZg/\bV]\gPSZWSdSabVObbVS[]ab Q][[]\Q]\QS`\WabVSQ][W\U]cb_cSabW]\ µ7bVW\Y^S]^ZSR]\¸b]TbS\`SQ]U\WaSeVObWb¸aZWYS T]`ca¶`STZSQb/\bV]\gµ/ZZ]TcaVOdSb]QV]]aS b]Q][S]cb]`\]b]\OROWZgPOaWa7b¸a\]bXcab OQOaS]TdWaWbW\Ug]c`5>]`a]QWOZaS`dWQSaPcb XcabW\US\S`OZQVWbQVObO\RW\bS`OQbW]\eWbV]bVS` ^S]^ZSBVS_cSabW]\]TeVObg]cR]eV]g]c ZWdSeWbVWTg]c¸dSPSS\[O``WSR]`VORYWRaWa U]W\Ub]Q][Sc^7bR]Sa\¸bUSbO\gSOaWS`Oa g]cUSb]ZRS`O\RORRab]bVSab`Saa¶ 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centre hosts a regular group for older LGBT people in South East London. Check www. Age Of Diversity – a new, user-led service that is currently being set up to cater the older LGBT community – email [email protected] for more details. /2D3@B=@7/: PACE YOURSELF! 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You can also read a copy of the Mayor’s Draft Housing Strategy at: Stonewall Housing has existed since 1983 to provide housing advocacy, advice and support, and to influence housing policy and practice, in order to secure safe accommodation for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people. %# =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES UK NEWS NO SOHO PRIDE THIS YEAR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FUNDS NHS PRIDE LONDON FLOAT The Department of Health is, for the first time, funding a float for NHS LGBT health professionals, in this year’s London Pride parade, on Saturday 4 July. Surrinder Sharma, Director of Equalities and Human Rights at the Department of Health, said, “We hope that this float provides a visible statement for the public that the Department [of Health] and the NHS is proud of its LGBT staff and wants to actively support them”. NHS LGBT staff interested in taking part in the float can find out more at TRANSLONDON PLANS PRIDE BOYCOOT Members of TransLondon, London’s largest support group for all trans-identified and genderqueer people, have voted overwhelmingly for a boycott of the Pride London 2009 march and rally – largely due to what they claim has been inadequate consultation. As a result, for the first time since the group was formed, TransLondon says it will currently have no presence at the event. FORMER LGBT CHARITY CHIEF GUILTY OF CHILD SEX ABUSE Eight members of a Scottish paedophile ring – including 38year old James Rennie, the former head of LGBT Youth Scotland – have been found guilty of dozens of child abuse charges. Rennie was found guilty of abusing one child over a four-year period, starting when the child was just three months old. Approximately 125,000 indecent images were seized during the investigation into offences committed in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee and East Lothian between February 2004 and May 2008. SCOTS PARLIAMENT PASSES HATE CRIME LAW Crowds gather in Soho Square at last year’s Soho Pride The organisers of Soho Pride have confirmed that they will not be arranging an event for 2009. Despite the popularity of the event, co-organisers Kim Lucas and Adrian Eleftheriou issued a joint press statement saying: “We have thought long and hard about this year’s event and have decided to take a break in 2009. There are two main factors why we have decided not to produce Soho Pride this year: In part, it’s down to increased road works in Soho, making the area unsafe and therefore impossible to create the standard of event that we require. We have grown the event over the years, adding additional stages and entertainment. It would be a backward step to reduce the event this year. Also, being in an economic downturn, sponsor funding is now more difficult to obtain (it began with the Mayor withdrawing the money we received from his office, citing duplication of our event by London Pride – which started two years after Soho Pride) and many gay clubs, bars and local Soho businesses not contributing to the event last year. We would also like to thank all our wonderful sponsors and those businesses that did contribute to Soho Pride, who helped make the event possible for the last six years. Keep your eyes peeled in the press for some exciting news for 2010.” The Scottish Parliament has passed deterring legislation, aiming to more fully protect LGBT and disabled people from hate crime, in line with the rest of the UK. Those who target victims because of their sexual orientation, gender identity or disability now face heavier sentences. QUEER CABINET TRIO VIGILANTES PATROL CRUISY WOODS “WITH CHAINSAWS” A group of vigilantes, allegedly armed with chainsaws and shotguns, has been patrolling a remote Derbyshire wood on Matlock Moor – to discourage gay men meeting for sex. Their actions have prompted local police to increase patrols in the area, to protect idle ramblers and cruisers alike. WEAR STONEWALL T-SHIRTS WITH PRIDE With Pride season upon us, what better time to purchase a well-nigh iconic Stonewall “Some people are gay. Get over it!” T-shirt? Available for only £10 (+ postage), order online at %$ L-R: Peter Tatchell and ‘A Day In Hand’ campaign founder David Watkins “A DAY IN HAND” LAUNCHED DSbS`O\Vc[O\`WUVbaOQbWdWab>SbS`BObQVSZZ VSZRµ/2Og7\6O\R¶eeeOROgW\VO\RQ][ QO[^OWU\T]c\RS`2OdWREObYW\a¸VO\RObbVS <ObW]\OZBVSOb`SW\:]\R]\³b]VSZ^ZOc\QV bVSW\WbWObWdSb]USb[]`SaO[SaSf^O`b\S`ab] V]ZRVO\RaW\^cPZWQµ4]`O\gQ]c^ZS]TO\g aSfcOZWbgV]ZRW\UVO\RaWaO\Obc`OZ\]`[OZOQb ]TW\bW[OQgO\ROTTSQbW]\¶aOWRBObQVSZZµ4]` aO[SaSfQ]c^ZSaV]ZRW\UVO\RaW\^cPZWQWaOZa] O\OQb]TdWaWPWZWbgOTTW`[ObW]\^`WRSO\RRSTWO\QS W\Oa]QWSbgeVS`S[O\g:50B^S]^ZSabWZZTOQS ^`SXcRWQS]ab`OQWa[RWaQ`W[W\ObW]\O\RSdS\ dW]ZS\QS¶ 4]`[]`SRSbOWZaaSSeeeOROgW\VO\RQ][ PHOTOGRAPHY © CLAIRE NATHAN PM Gordon Brown has reshuffled his senior political pack and brought in openly-gay former BBC journalist, MP Ben Bradshaw, as Culture Secretary – replacing Andy Burnham, who becomes Health Secretary. The move means there are now three out figures at No. 10’s top table – with Business Secretary, Peter Mandelson; and Chief Whip, Nick Brown. =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES INTERNATION NEWS GLOBAL: PRIDE ROUND-UP Dan Gillespie Sells, Sir Ian McKellen and Jo Chastney with some attendants at Stonewall’s City hall Youth event CITY HALL HOSTS STONEWALL YOUTH @=:3;=23:ABC@<=CBB==443@ AC>>=@BB=5/GG=C<5AB3@A A][S]T0`WbOW\¸a[]abW\TZcS\bWOZUOg`]ZS[]RSZa³W\QZcRW\UAW`7O\ ;Q9SZZS\2O\5WZZSa^WSASZZaO\RQVO[^W]\a\]eP]O`RS`8]1VOab\Sg ³X]W\SRT]`QSaT]`Ab]\SeOZZ¸aG]cbV3dS\bOb:]\R]\¸a1Wbg6OZZSO`ZWS` bVWa[]\bVBVSSdS\ba^]\a]`SRPg/dWdOOW[SRb]]TTS`g]c\U^S]^ZS U`]eW\Uc^UOgZSaPWO\]`PWaSfcOZ^S]^ZSeWbVORdWQSac^^]`bO\R W\a^W`ObW]\BVSVWUV^`]TWZSdS\cS³^`]dWRSRPgbVS5`SObS`:]\R]\ /cbV]`Wbg³^ZOgSRV]abb]]dS`"g]c\U^S]^ZS]\bVSROg7\ORRWbW]\ b]bVSa^SSQVSa[ORSPgQSZSP`WbgUcSabadWaWb]`aObbS\RSROdO`WSbg]T e]`YaV]^a]\b]^WQaacQVOaTW\RW\UOX]PabOgW\UVSOZbVgO\RWaacSa O`]c\RaSfcOZWbgO\RTOWbVBVSROgeOa`]c\RSR]TTeWbVOaS`WSa]T ^ZOgaT`][@WYYW0SORZS0ZOW`¸aOQbW\US\aS[PZS^ZcaO\ORO^bObW]\]T4Wb ³Ab]\SeOZZ¸aV][]^V]PWOQVOZZS\UW\U^`]RcQbW]\T]`aQV]]ZaAb]\SeOZZ¸a 1VWST3fSQcbWdS0S\Ac[[S`aYWZZQZOW[SRbVSSdS\bµ`Sab]`SaQ]\TWRS\QSb] g]c\U^S]^ZSO\RS[^]eS`abVS[b]S\bS`bVSe]`ZReWbVO[]`S^]aWbWdS ObbWbcRSb]eO`RabVSW`aSfcOZ]`WS\bObW]\¶ Respective organisers estimate some 50,000 people participated in the EuroPride parade in Zurich (6 June); 20,000 in Tel Aviv Pride (12 June); 100,000 in Rome (13 June); 1,500 in Warsaw (13 June); and 500 in Zagreb (13 June). US: NEW HAMPSHIRE OKS SAME-SEX MARRIAGE New Hampshire has legalized same-sex marriage, effective from 1 January 2010, when it will simultaneously prohibit any new same-sex civil unions from occurring. Same-sex marriage is legal in five other US states: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont (from September 2009) and Maine (also from September 2009). There are also 18,000 samesex couples legally married in California, although no more will be allowed to marry until Proposition 8 is repealed, struck down or blocked. ...AND FINALLY PHOTO © CLEO LENG DANNY LA RUE (1927-2009) After many decades entertaining the world with his impersonations of female celebrities – such as Elizabeth Taylor, Zsa Zsa Gabor and Margaret Thatcher – Danny La Rue has died, aged 81. Born in Ireland, as Daniel Patrick Carrol, La Rue lived for many years with his manager and partner, Jack Hanson – until Hanson’s death in 1985. The drag star – one of the most highly paid British entertainers in his early 1970s heyday – had been suffering from cancer and died at his home after a short illness. ELVIS IS KING The second, annual national Drag King competition took place on 24 May in London. A host of contestants battled it out in the competition, which was eventually won by “Scottish Elvis”, otherwise known as Susan Patterson. The event was hosted by last year’s winner, Stevie Wonderful. For more details, see FRAZIER ACTOR GETS MARRIED Emmy Award-winning American actor David Hyde Pierce – best known for his role as Niles Crane in the long running sitcom Frasier – has revealed that he married his partner, TV producer Brian Hargrove, last October. Hyde Pearce spoke of the ceremony, which took place in California on 24 October last year, while making a guest appearance on the US chat show The View. The ceremony took place shortly before the state of California voted to pass Proposition 8, effectively banning same-sex marriage. However, the state’s Supreme Court announced earlier this month that while it would continue to uphold the ban, all marriages that took place before the proposition was passed would remain valid. ALAN CUMMING OBE The actor Alan Cumming has been honoured with an OBE in the recent Queen’s birthday honours list. The Scots actor, 44, who has appeared in films such as Spy Kids and X2: X-Men United, was given the award in recognition of services to film, theatre and the arts, and for his work as a gay-rights campaigner. “I am really shocked and delighted to receive this honour. I am especially happy to be honoured for my activism, as much as for my work,” said the Scottish-born US citizen. OUTSPOKEN: BEN SUMMERSKILL OBE THE STONEWALL CHIEF AND FORMER OBSERVER ASSISTANT EDITOR, ON CURRENT-DAY LGBTRELATED COVERAGE IN THE UK’S MAINSTREAM MEDIA. BBC1’s EastEnders is used to provoking protest – if you’re a member of the Christian Institute, please form an orderly queue – whenever two men or two women share as much as a smooch. But the latest gay storyline ventures into uncharted territory as buff gay pin-up Christian Clarke shares not just a screen kiss, but also an off-screen affair, with Muslim newcomer Syed Masood. The Muslim Public Affairs Committee, now even more annoyed than the THE BBC CAN ONLY Christian Institute, has announced that JUSTIFY A LICENCE the soap has “lost an FEE IF EVERYONE, opportunity to present a normal friendly INCLUDING Muslim character”. In the noble tradition BRITAIN’S 3.6 of the late Mrs Mary MILLION GAY Whitehouse they did this without seeing a PEOPLE, THINKS single scene. But you IT SERVES THEM get their drift. How can a homosexual AS WELL AS possibly be “normal”, EVERYONE ELSE or even “friendly”? Tuned Out, a pioneering investigation into the BBC, revealed that in 168 hours of programming monitored by Stonewall researchers, gay lives were represented positively for just six minutes. So we should certainly be grateful that someone with a complex identity is appearing in a mainstream soap. But drama isn’t the only part of the British media in which gay people are still often invisible. Last summer, 18-yearold Michael Causer was murdered by homophobes in Liverpool. While his death was reported locally, it appeared not once on a national news bulletin – unlike almost every other stabbing of a young man in Britain in 2008. Gay people elsewhere only learned about the killing from publications such as Out In The City. It’s not only on TV but in newspapers too that our daily lives are often invisible. In my view, part of the fault lies with Fleet Street itself. With a few notable exceptions – Johann Hari at The Independent, Tim Teeman at The Times, Andrew Pierce at The Daily Telegraph – there are hardly any openlygay role models for young print journalists. I heard recently about someone who worked at The Guardian for three years before feeling able to come out to his colleagues. If gay people don’t work in newsrooms, whether in Fleet Street or on TV, it’s hardly surprising that our perspectives don’t feature in their output. And even the BBC can only justify a licence fee – on pain of imprisonment for nonpayers – if everyone, including Britain’s 3.6 million gay people, thinks it serves them as well as everyone else. Let’s hope that the development of the new EastEnders storyline turns out to be sensitive and positive, not just a headline-chaser. For more information: %% =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES NEWS THE JAKE DEBATE POLICE FIGURES Recently released figures illustrating an escalation of homophobic attacks in the last year are said to have senior police members “exceptionally concerned”. A shocking study by the Greater Manchester police reported a rise of 63% in homophobic crime, while Scotland Yard declared an astonishing 1,372 homophobic and transphobia crimes occurred in the last year alone, including nine ‘critical incidents’. The Crown Prosecution Service has also released figures that imply a rise of 60% in homophobic crime prosecutions. Gerry Campbell, the Metropolitan police’s Acting Detective Superintendent has expressed deep concern over this spate of foreboding figures; “homophobia cannot be considered a thing of the past, it’s on the increase.” L-R: Peter Tatchell and ‘A Day In Hand’ campaign founder David Watkins GAY PENGUINS ADOPT CHICK Two male penguins from a zoo in Bremerhaven, northern Germany have hatched a chick and are now said to be rearing it as its adoptive parents. The adults – named Z and Vielpunkt, two of six adult penguins at the zoo that are believed to be gay – were given the egg as an ‘Easter gift’. A zoo statement claimed that, “since the chick arrived, they have been behaving just as you would expect a heterosexual couple to do. The two happy fathers spend their days attentively protecting, caring for and feeding their adopted offspring.” ISAAC JULIEN MIX East End arts centre Rich Mix will be holding an Isaac Julien Retrospective this month, with screenings on Wednesday 1 and Wednesday 8 July. The screenings of the cult queer artist and filmmaker’s features Derek and Looking For Langston on Wednesday 1 July will be followed by a discussion with Julien himself. Tickets for the screenings and discussion cost £10. Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green, E1. TEST NEGATIVE, STAY NEGATIVE Gay health charity GMFA has produced a new booklet, Tested Negative?, to help gay men who test negative to stay negative – by taking control of the sex that they have and avoiding the sex that is more risky. Recent research found that a negative HIV test often “imbued men with a sense of immunity from HIV”, leading them to take more risky behaviour. The booklet is available in some gay bars and GUM testing services; and can also be downloaded free at www. NEW GUIDE EXPLAINS HIV PROSECUTIONS Two leading HIV charities have launched a guide for people living with HIV in England & Wales, explaining criminal prosecutions for HIV transmission. Prosecutions for HIV Transmission, written by NAT (National AIDS Trust) and THT (Terrence Higgins Trust), explains the law around HIV transmission in a straightforward way, answers some common questions and provides practical advice for anyone accused of HIV transmission, or who is considering making a complaint against someone for HIV transmission. The leaflet is available to download for free from www.tht. or from Useful-information/Criminal-prosecutions.aspx Anyone concerned about prosecutions for HIV transmission can also contact THT Direct on 0845 12 21 200. %& Chris Bryant MP Gay professional networking group Jake will be hosting its biggest event of the year on Thursday 2 July, with an evening of political discussion at the National Portrait Gallery. Billed as the “first ever national debate to pitch for British gay votes”, speakers participating include the Secretary of State for Culture, Ben Bradshaw; Conservative shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and shadow Minister for Equality, Theresa May; and the Liberal Democrat shadow Secretary of State for Innovation, Stephen Williams. Other participants include Nick Herbert, Conservative shadow Secretary of State for the Environment; and Chris Bryant (pictured above), Deputy Leader of the House. Keeping the speakers in order will be Ben Summerskill, of Stonewall, who will also be inviting questions from the audience. “With a General Election less than a year away, the main British political parties have finally recognised that the three million gay voters can no longer be taken for granted,” said a spokesman for Jake, “and that their views and needs must be addressed, every bit as much as those of other interest groups.” The event is open to Jake members only – for more details check PINK POUNDS SPOTTED BVS]`UO\WaS`a]TbVSW\OcUc`OZ>`WRSB]`POg VOdSZO\RSRbVS[aSZdSaW\Oa^]b]TP]bVS`eWbV bVS@]gOZ;W\b7\O\ObbS[^bb]^cPZWQWaSbVS W[^OQb]TZSaPWO\O\RUOgab]c`Waba]\bVSa] QOZZSR3\UZWaV@WdWS`OO\RbVSW`c^Q][W\U>`WRS TSabWdOZbVSg^`]RcQSRa][S`SOZ^W\Y^]c\Ra ³PgObbOQVW\UabWQYS`a^`][]bW\U >`WRSB]`POgb]bV]caO\Ra]T ^]c\RQ]W\a;Obb<SePc`gbVS ]`UO\WhS`]TbVSSdS\baOWRµES bV]cUVbbVSabWQYS`ae]cZRPS OZWbbZSPWb]TQVSSYgTc\b]VSZ^ ^`][]bSbVSSdS\b¶ 6]eSdS`Z]QOZ^O^S`BVS6S`OZR 3f^`SaaVOa`S^]`bSRbVObbVS 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Out In The City is one of the media sponsors of the event. For more details, check or join the Facebook group of the same name. Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe an international consultant in diversity. =Cb\Sea >@=>3@BG GOING OUT TOP HANGOUTS We find the most popular hotspots in Acton THAI TOUCH THERAPY 309 UXBRIDGE ROAD, W3 Get an authentic Thai foot massage at the sister establishment of gay friendly restaurant Thai Nice. PLACE TO BE: ACTON 5=E3ABG=C<5;/<8/;73B/003@3@C<1=D3@AB63;C:B7 1C:BC@/:/<2E3::1=<<31B3223:756BA=4/1B=<¬ AWbcObSRW\bVS:]\R]\0]`]cUV ]T3OZW\UO\R]\Zg$#[WZSaT`][ 1VO`W\U1`]aaWabVSSbV\WQOZZgRWdS`aS /Qb]\=QQc^gW\UOabc`Rg^]`bW]\ ]TH]\S!O\RO^SbWbSaVO`S]TH]\S WbabV`WdW\U^]^cZObW]\ac`^OaaSa bVS#[O`Y7bW\Q]`^]`ObSa\] ZSaabVO\aWfb`OW\abObW]\a/Qb]\ B]e\A]cbV/Qb]\/Qb]\1S\b`OZ ESab/Qb]\O\RW\H]\S <]`bVO\R 3Oab/Qb]\4]c`]TbVSaSW\QZcRS c\RS`U`]c\RQ]\\SQbW]\a³Wb¸a bVS`ST]`Sc\RS\WOPZSbVOb/Qb]\WadS`g eSZZQ]\\SQbSR 2Sa^WbSOVSTbga[ObbS`W\U]T^]c\R aV]^aO\RU`SOaga^]]\a/Qb]\VOa O\c[PS`]Tc\W_cSR`OeW\U^]W\ba ³Wb¸aV][Sb]bVSBVS0`WRUS1OT{ bVSQOT{bVObbVSZ]aW\UbSO[]\BVS /^^`S\bWQSO`SaS\bb]PWQYS`]dS` PZOQYQ]TTSSBVSO`SO¸aOZa]TO[SROa bVSPW`bV^ZOQS]TWQ]\WQ`]QYPO\RBVS EV]O\RbVSQVWZRV]]RV][S]T`WaW\U abO`;7/ ACTON >]^cZO`QcZbc`SOaWRS/Qb]\VOa OZeOgaPSS\Y\]e\OaOabObW]\]T QcZbc`OZRWdS`aWbg)8O^O\SaS7`O_W7`WaV /cab`OZWO\O\R>]ZWaV^]^cZObW]\aOZZ W\bS`[WfVS`SBVcabVS`SabOc`O\baO`S W\Q`SRWPZgRWdS`aS³W\bVSe]`Ra]T]\S Z]QOZ`SaWRS\beSO^^`]OQVSRµEVS`S SZaSQ]cZRg]cTW\RO\3bVW]^WO\POYS`g \Sfbb]O9]`SO\`SabOc`O\b-¶ C\T]`bc\ObSZg/Qb]\¸aUOgaQS\SWa a][SeVObc\RS`RSdSZ]^SR³Z]QOZ TOd]c`WbSabVS>S\\g4O`bVW\UO\RbVS 0W`R1OUSVOdSQZ]aSRW\`SQS\bgSO`a eWbV\]bVW\U]^S\W\Ub]TWZZbVSUO^a 7b¸a\]bOZZPOR\SeabV]cUV)]\Zg\Sfb R]]`W\A]cbV3OZW\UWabVSTOPcZ]ca ESab#]\>]^Sa:O\S 5OgT`WS\RZgdS\cSaW\bVSO`SOO`S VO`Rb]Q][SPgPcbR]SfWabO\R ]TbS\O^^SO`W\bVS[]abac`^`WaW\U]T ^ZOQSa4]`W\abO\QSOP`W\Ug]c`]e\ eW\SBVOW`SabOc`O\b]\CfP`WRUS@]OR BVOW<WQSWaT]`S[]abY\]e\T]`Wba SfQSZZS\bT]]RO\RT`WS\RZgaS`dWQSPcb WaOZa]RSaQ`WPSRPgWbaQ]]e\S`2OdWR /`QVS`Oaµ^`]cRZgUOgT`WS\RZg¶7b¸ZZPS QSZSP`ObW\UWbaSWUVbVgSO`]TPcaW\Saa ]\ &8c\SeWbVOU`O\R^O`bg³O\R ^`]dWRW\UbVSSdS\W\U¸aS\bS`bOW\[S\b eWZZPSa][SZORgP]gQOPO`Sb /ZbV]cUVTSe^`]^S`bWSaVOdSPSS\ QVO\UW\UVO\RaW\/Qb]\bVWagSO` bVS`SWaOeWRSQV]WQS]TV]caW\U BVSW[^OQb]TbVWaaZ]eQZW[ObS]\ V]caS^`WQW\UWaRWTTWQcZbb]\OdWUObS ³bVS^`WQSa]T]\SO\RT]c`PSR`]][ ^`]^S`bWSaO`SaOWRb]PSabSORWZg RSQ`SOaW\UeVWZabbe]O\RbV`SS PSR`]][aO`S]\bVS`WaS0cb/Qb]\¸a VOaZ]\UPSS\RSaQ`WPSROaO\O`SO bVOb]TTS`aU]]RdOZcST]`[]\Sg ^ZcaWb¸aOTO`QVSO^S`OZbS`\ObWdS b]Wba\SWUVP]c`a(OT]c`PSR`]][ ^`]^S`bgW\\SO`Pg1VWaeWQYWaO`]c\R '³W\/Qb]\Wb¸a\SO`S` # 02 CUMBERLAND PARK, W3 £289,950 03 EDRIDGE COTTAGE, W3 £399,950 A surprisingly low price for a Victorian terrace house split over three levels, not far from Acton High Street. This gorgeously decorated top floor flat includes two bedrooms, a balcony, a modern fitted kitchen and bathroom. It’s well located for local amenities and transport, with Acton Central station five minutes away. Located on a quiet Acton road, this rather quaint but adorable, detached red-brick house (pictured left) comes with neutral but modern décor, a decked outside area, and two double bedrooms. Winkworth: 020 8896 0123 Winkworth: 020 8896 0123 Winkworth: 020 8896 0123 WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN THE AREA 01 LARDEN ROAD, W3 £549,950 & WEST FIVE POPES LANE, W5 This popular gay venue caters for everyone: it has its own piano lounge, and boasts a big party atmosphere at the weekends. ACTON FARMERS MARKET KING STREET, W3 Reasonably priced homemade jam might be hard to come by in central London, but not in Acton. This market takes place every Saturday from 9am-1pm. REDBACK TAVERN 264 HIGH STREET, W3 The heart of Acton’s party-loving Australasian community, this charismatic bar is packed to the rafters with friendly punters. =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 01 03 WE WANT B67A;=<B6¸A6=B >@=2C1BA4=@B636=;3 01 JEWEL SPECTRUM PENDANT LAMPSHADE With a funky, contemporary appearance and interesting, complex design that borrows from eras past, this cool creation is a chandelier for the 00’s – of sorts. With their enticing sheen, the polycarbonate lenticular lenses hang proudly from steel wires, producing an inimitable lighting result. RRP £140 &" 02 CORK EASY CHAIR MULTI STEM This attractive lounge chair was designed exclusively fort Heal’s by Orla Kiely. Its colourful, autumnal design would surely cheer up any home, and the best news of all is that Heal’s has a rug for sale in an identical pattern. RRP £995 03 GRETA WATER GLASS You can always rely on Habitat for a bargain that looks three times the price than it actually is; the Greta water glass is a prime example. It comes in a wide variety of deep and delicious colours, but we especially like the sharp contrast between the yellow and the blue of the above. RRP £7 WORDS: JAMIE TABBERER 02 =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 04 06 05 04 05 FIN CHAIR Decidedly the most decadent item we’ve seen in a long while, what takes this chair to the next level in indulgence isn’t its rather hefty price tag, or even the luxurious turquoise velvet it’s upholstered in; it’s the sensuous jet black and aqua green feathers that nonchalantly decorate its back and sides. RRP £2,750 07 05 CASSINA ZIG ZAG CHAIR An enduring design dating back to 1934, Gerrit T Rietveld’s famous invention doesn’t come cheap, but could be warranted as an investment piece, being featured in several major art museums. Made of genuine cherry wood, each piece comes with certificate that verifies its authenticity. RRP £986.94 06 UTEN.SILO WALL STORAGE UNIT Another winning piece from the family-founded, world renowned Vitra, this functional but aesthetic wall sorter will release your inner Bree Van De Kamp to the max - you’ll never lose so much as a button ever again. The 60sinspired piece is available in the striking red seen above, or white. From £159.30 08 07 SOFT CLOCK Whilst its somewhat unimaginative title does this incredible statement piece no favours, it’s simple but commanding appearance speaks volumes. This stunning piece, by highly praised Dutch designer Kiki van Eijk is exclusive to London based interior design store, Mint. RRP £690 08 BLOW AWAY VASE Sometimes pieces come along that are simplistic yet so innovative they literally blow you away – excuse the pun. This absolutely genius ceramic vase has to be one of them: a traditional, hand-painted design at the base is offset by a top half that is wistfully frozen as if at the beck and call of a simulated but everlasting flood of air. RRP £584 &# =CbV]caS Blue Room Castle Room HOME STYLE: ART ATTACK /</@B7<A>7@320=CB7?C36=B3:7< 03@:7<=443@A/AC@@3/:B/93=< 7<B3@7=@23A75<¬ Clouds Room Orange Room 5S`[O\O`bWab:O`aAb`]aQVS\RSaQ`WPSaVWa 0S`ZW\V]bSZ>`]^SZZS`7aZO\R¸a1Wbg:]RUSOa µO\VOPWbOPZSe]`Y]TO`b¶<]bb]PSRWa[WaaSR Oa[S`SZgµ]\S]TbV]aSb`S\RgRSaWU\S`V]bSZa¶ Ab`]aQVS\a^SQWTWQOZZgaSb]cbb]RSaWU\Oc\W_cS V]bSZb]V]caSVWa]e\OcRW]dWacOZQ`SObW]\a¬ PcbVSRWR\¸bab]^bVS`SE]`YW\UOZ]\UbVSUcWR W\U^`W\QW^ZSa]Tµc\ZW[WbSRRWdS`aWbg`S^SObW\U \]bVW\UO\RQ]^gW\U\]bVW\U¶bVS`SWa\]bVW\U eWbVW\bVSV]bSZbVObVOaPSS\P]cUVb7\abSOR SdS`g]PXSQbO\RRSQ]`ObW]\VOaPSS\Q`SObSR T]`bVSdS\cS BVSPcWZRW\UW\bVS/RS\OcS`>ZObhO`SO]TbVS 5S`[O\QWbg]TTS`a!`]][aSOQV]TeVWQVVOa PSS\c\W_cSZgRSaWU\SR³`O\UW\UT`][bVSTOW`Zg && bO[SO\R`SZOfW\Ub]bVS]cb`WUVbac``SOZO\R PWhO``S/bbVS[]`SaS`S\SS\R]TbVSa^SQb`c[ WabVSZWUVbO\R[SRWbObWdS·1Z]cRa¸`]][³aW[^Zg OeVWbS`]][O\RPSReWbVQOZ[W\UPZ]ec^ ^V]b]a]TQZ]cRa]\]^^]aW\UeOZZaAW[WZO`Zg [W\W[OZO\RQOZ[W\UO`SbVS·0ZcS¸`]][PZcS ZWUVbTWfbc`SaO\RQW`QcaaWRSaV]eabgZS[W``]`a O\ROaZWUVbZgSS`WSU`SS\>ORRSR1SZZ¸4]`bV]aS eO\bW\Ua][SbVW\UOZWbbZS[]`SZSTbTWSZRbVS`S¸a bVS·;W``]`SR¸`]][]TTS`W\UV]c`a]TRSZWUVbT]` g]c`W\\S`\O`QWaaWabBVS^agQVSRSZWQ[cZbWQ] Z]c`SR·1OabZS@]][¸Z]]YaZWYSbVSaSb]TOYWRa BDaV]eeVWZSbVSbeWabSR^S`a^SQbWdSO\RaZ]^ W\UTZ]]`]TbVS·4ZgW\U0SR¸`]][]TTS`aSfOQbZg bVOb³OPSRbVObO^^SO`ab]PSZSdWbObW\UOP]dS Therapie Room bVSU`]c\R4]`SdS\[]`SeOQYW\SaabVS·Be] :W]\a¸`]][]TTS`aSZSdObSRQOUSaT]`PSRaeVWZS O\]bVS``]][SdS\OTT]`Rag]cbVS]^^]`bc\Wbg b]aZc[PS`W\OQ]TTW\ 0SaWRSabVSdWacOZRSaWU\SZS[S\ba[]ab]T bVS`]][aP]OababVSW`]e\OcRW]a]c\Rb`OQY ³^O`b]TAb`]aQVS\¸a]\U]W\UO`bWabWQS\RSOd]c` µ3dS`aW\QSQVWZRV]]R7VOdSOZeOgaS\X]gSRR] W\UbVW\UabVObVORa][SbVW\Ub]R]eWbVa]c\R O\RW[OUSa7VOR[caWQZSaa]\aabO`bSRb]R`Oe PcWZb[g]e\Tc`\Wbc`SO\Rb]]Y^V]b]aZWYS[OR 7Q]cZR\SdS`aSbbZST]`]\S^O`bWQcZO`RWaQW^ZW\S PSQOcaS7Z]dSRbVS[OZZ0SQOcaSbSQV\WQOZW\\] dObW]\aeS`SOZa]OU`SObW\a^W`ObW]\b][S7a]]\ Flying Bed Room Padded Cell Mirror Room Symbol Room bc`\SRW\bVSQVc`QV]`UO\T]`Oag\bVSaWaS`O\R ZObS`aVWTbSRT`][bVS^S\QWZO\RbVSRO`Y`]][b] Q][^cbS`O`b¶ /TbS`aQV]]ZAb`]aQVS\abcRWSRDWacOZ1][ [c\WQObW]\ObbVS0S`ZW\/`b1]ZZSUSO\Re]`YSR W\VWaa^O`SbW[SOaO^V]b]U`O^VS`O\Ra]c\R S\UW\SS`µ2c`W\U[gdO`W]cab`OdSZaObbVWabW[S 7aeO^^SR[gQO[S`OT]`O[WQ`]^V]\SO\R abO`bSRb]Q]ZZSQb\]WaSa¶ BVWae]`YPcWZbb]PSQ][SVWa>`]^SZZS`7aZO\R ^`]XSQb³Q][^WZObW]\a]Tc\cacOZ\]WaSaO\R OcRW]a]c\RaQO^Sa µB]Tc\R[g[caWQ^`]XSQbaO\R[gabcRW]7 bc`\SRbe]`]][aW\[gTZObW\b]UcSab¸a`]][a 0SQOcaS\]`[OZ`]][ae]cZRVOdSPSS\TO` b]]P]`W\UbVSTW`ab`]][a]T1Wbg:]RUSeS`S Q`SObSR¶ µBVS`]][a_cWQYZgPSQO[SdS`g^]^cZO`dWObVS ^`SaaO\Ra]]\bVSZSbbW\U]cbPSQO[Sa][cQV e]`YbVOb7VOROZ[]ab\]bW[SZSTbT]`[gabcRW] ^`]XSQba7RSQWRSRb]S\ZO`USbVSUcSab`]][ PcaW\SaabVW\YW\UbVOb7e]cZRPSOPZSb]VW`S abOTTO\RbVS`ST]`SVOdS[]`SbW[ST]`[gabcRW] 6]e\OWdS¶ µ/\]ZR^S\aW]\V]bSZW\bVSaO[SPcWZRW\U aSS[SR^S`TSQbT]`bVSSf^O\aW]\7eOaZcQYg bVSZSOaSVORXcab`c\]cbO\RWbeOac^T]`aOZS7b b]]Y]dS`TWdSgSO`ab]Q][^ZSbS>`]^SZZS`7aZO\R 2c`W\UbVObbW[S7RSaWU\SRVc\R`SRa]TW\bS`W]` SZS[S\ba]PXSQbaO\R^WQbc`SaO\RR`Sec^ Two Lions Room \SeQ]\QS^ba/aO·\]\V]bSZWS`¸7VORb]ZSO`\ b]bVW\YOP]cbaOTSbg`SUcZObW]\aT]`UcSabaO\R OZa]Q]\dW\QSOcbV]`WbWSa]TbVS^`OQbWQOZWbg]T [gTO\bOagW\bS`W]`a7beOaOZ]\UVO`R`]ORbVOb [OYSa[SSdS\[]`S^`]cR]T[gUWO\be]`Y ]TO`baW\QSa][O\gR]cPbSRbVOb7e]cZRSdS` [O\OUSb][OYSWbe]`Y7bWaObb`OQbW\UO`bZ]dS`a T`][OZZ]dS`bVSe]`ZRa³SdS\·^`]^S`·O`QVWbSQba O\R·^`]^S`·V]bSZWS`a¶ Propeller Island City Lodge, 10709 Berlin, Albrecht Achilles Str. 58. Tel. 0049 3 0891 9016. &' =Cb\Sea /2D3@B=@7/: NEW PROPERTY FROM NEWLON >@3A3<B7<5<3E 6=;30CG>@=>3@B73A7< :=<2=<¸A3/AB3<2 <SeZ]\6]caW\UB`cabWa^ZSOaSRb]]TTS`g]c bVS]^^]`bc\Wbgb]bOYSOabS^]\bVS^`]^S`bg ZORRS`W\:]\R]\c\RS`bVS<Se0cWZR 6][SPcgaQVS[SAVO`SR=e\S`aVW^O\R @S\bb]6][SPcgW\WbWObWdSG]c`\SeV][SeWZZ PSQ]\bS[^]`O`gO\RPcWZbb]VWUVa^SQWTWQObW]\ [OYW\UbVSaSV][SaO^ZSOac`Sb]`S\bO\R]e\ /bbVS\SeZg]^S\SR5ZOaaV]caS4WSZRaW\ :W[SV]caS<SeZ]\VOa]\SO\Rbe]PSR`]][ O^O`b[S\baOdOWZOPZSEWbVabc\\W\UdWSea]T bVS1Wbg1O\O`gEVO`TO\RbVSBVO[SaT`][ aSZSQbSRO^O`b[S\babVSaSV][SaO`SO[cabT]` O\g]\SeV]eO\bab]PSQZ]aSb]bVS1Wbg 0cWZb]\bVSaWbS]TOVWab]`WQT]`[S` 5ZOaae]`YaRObW\UPOQYb]bVS$bVQS\bc`g bVSRSdSZ]^[S\bWaeWbVW\eOZYW\URWabO\QS]T [O\geObS`aWRS`SabOc`O\baPO`aO\R^cPaW\ ONE-STOP LAW SHOP VISIT OUR RESIDENT SOLICITOR GABRIELE GIAMBRONE IF YOU HAVE A DIFFICULT LEGAL PROBLEM. PLEASE SEND ANY QUESTIONS TO [email protected] DEAR LEGAL DOC, Me and my boyfriend have been together for four years and are still civil partners, but we recently split up rather acrimoniously. Two years ago, we bought a dog together. We lived at my partner’s house. I now want the dog to live with me but he’s insisting that it stays with him, but I cared for ' EO^^W\U:W[SV]caSO\RAb9ObVS`W\S¸a2]QY 8cabOab]\S¸abV`]eOeOgWabVSb`O\_cWZ9W\U 3ReO`RD77;S[]`WOZ>O`YeWbVP`SObVbOYW\U dWSeaOQ`]aabVS@WdS`BVO[SaO\ReVWQVT]`[a ^O`b]TbVSBVO[Sa>ObVeOZYeOgb]B]eS` 0`WRUSdWOAVOReSZZ0OaW\O\RAb9ObVS`W\S¸a 2]QY 5ZOaaV]caS4WSZRaWaPcWZbb]VWUVa^SQWTWQObW]\ O\RW\QZcRSabVST]ZZ]eW\UTSObc`Sa( /cRW]S\b`gagabS[ 1]\bS[^]`O`gTWbbSRYWbQVS\aO\RPObV`]][a BS``OQSPOZQ]\g]`XcZWSbbSPOZQ]\g b]aSZSQbSRO^O`b[S\ba ·A[SU¸abOW\ZSaaabSSZ]dS\V]P O\RQ]]YS`V]]R 4cZZgQO`^SbSRZ]c\USPSR`]][O\RVOZZeOg 5OaQS\b`OZVSObW\U <SeZ]\¸aV][Sa]\1][[S`QWOZ@]OR3 ]TTS`O\O[OhW\UO\RQ]\dS\WS\bZ]QObW]\T]` ^S]^ZSeWaVW\Ub]PSW\bVSVSO`b]T:]\R]\ the dog much more than he ever did. Do I have any legal rights in getting my dog back, or even securing access? We didn’t draw up any sort of prenuptial agreement about anything. Any advice you can give me would be welcome. Mike DEAR MIKE, 0`SOYW\Uc^Wa]TbS\dS`gRWab`SaaW\U^O`bWQcZO`Zg OabVSRWdWaW]\]T^]aaSaaW]\aQO\]TbS\PS dS`gRWTTWQcZbb]c\`OdSZSdS\[]`Sa]eVS\bVS ^`]PZS[ZWSa\]beWbVO\O`bWQZSPcbO^Sb>Sba O`ST`S_cS\bZgQ]\aWRS`SRb]PS^O`b]TbVSTO[WZg O\RbVWa[OYSaWba][cQVVO`RS`eVS\g]cO`S W\d]ZdSRW\OP`SOYc^7be]cZRPSTO`PSbbS`WT g]cQO\RSOZeWbVbVWaPSbeSS\g]c`ObVS`bVO\ U]W\Ub]bVSZS\UbVa]TaSSYW\UOZSUOZXcRUS[S\b eVWQVQ]cZRW\SdWbOPZg^`]dSSf^S\aWdS 7Tg]cQO\¸bQ][Sb]O\OU`SS[S\bO\ReWaVb] bOYSbVS[ObbS`Tc`bVS`bVS\Wbe]cZR[]`SbVO\ Glasshouse Fields, exterior (left) and interiors BVSaSV][SaO`SWRSOZZgaWbcObSRT]`OQQSaab] bVS1WbgO\RESab3\ReWbV:WdS`^]]ZAbAbObW]\ ]\ZgO#[W\cbSeOZYOeOg7Tg]ce]`YW\]` \SO`bVS\SeZgPcWZb@]gOZ:]\R]\6]a^WbOZ EVWbSQVO^SZeVg\]bO``O\USOdWSeW\UO\R Od]WRbVSZ]\UX]c`\SgO\RQ]abab]USbb]e]`Y- EWbVBSaQ]WRSOZZgZ]QObSRObbVSP]bb][]TbVWa RSdSZ]^[S\bbVWa`SOZZgWaOQ]\dS\WS\b^ZOQSb] ZWdSW\OdWP`O\b^O`b]TbVS1Wbg <SeZ]\¸aO^O`b[S\baOb6O`T]`RAb`SSb AbS^\Sg3^`]dWRSg]ceWbVQ]c`bgO`RV][Sa eWbVSfQSZZS\bOQQSaab]bVS1S\b`OZ:W\S1Wbg O\RESab3\RdWOAbS^\Sg5`SS\O\R;WZS3\R bcPSabObW]\aeVWQVO`SXcabOaV]`beOZYOeOg <SO`PgEVWbSQVO^SZ@]OR1][[S`QWOZ@]OR 1O\\]\Ab`SSbO\R0`WQY:O\SVOdSO\O``Og]T `SabOc`O\baO\RPO`ab]QObS`T]`OZZbOabSa For more information on any of these properties please contact Newlon Home Ownership on 0800 058 2544 or visit our website ZWYSZgPSORR`SaaSRObOA[OZZ1ZOW[a1]c`b^O`b ]TbVS1]c\bg1]c`b5S\S`OZZgbVSPSabQO`S O\ReSZTO`S]TbVSR]UWabOYS\W\b]OQQ]c\b PgbVSXcRUSeVS\RSQWRW\U]e\S`aVW^]TbVS O\W[OZBVSg[OgSdS\Z]]YObeV]P]cUVbbVS R]UO\RbVS\O[SWbWa`SUWabS`SReWbV /ag]cR]\¸bVOdSO\OU`SS[S\bW\^ZOQSbVS 1]c`bWa[]`SZWYSZgb][OYSbVSRSQWaW]\bVOb bVSR]UWaaW[^ZgX]W\bZg]e\SRPgbVS^OW`]T g]caVO`SR]e\S`aVW^4]`bVWa`SOa]\bVSPSab ORdWQSe]cZR`SOZZgPSb]b`gO\R`Sa]ZdSbVWa [ObbS`eWbV]cb`Sa]`bW\Ub]ZSUOZOQbW]\ For further advice, call Gay Lawyers on 0870-0427 631 or check - or email Gabriele Giambrone at [email protected] PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS VERY GENERAL ADVICE AND WE RECOMMEND YOU SEEK ADVICE FROM A SOLICITOR SPECIALISING IN SAME-SEX COUPLES AND GAY RIGHTS ISSUES. '! =Cb`c\ ;=B=@7<5 CRUISING HISTORIC NAME FOR NEW ROLLS-ROYCE /2@7/<4=AB3@7A7;>@3AA320GB63<3E;/H2/!¬ 7¸dSXcaba^S\bbe]ROgaR`WdW\UbVS\Se ;OhRO!O`]c\RbVS\]`bV]TAQ]bZO\RO\R7QO\ OZ`SORgbSZZg]cbVObWb¸aOQ]c\b`g[WZSOVSOR ]TbVS]ZRQO`7bTSSZae]\RS`TcZZga]ZWRZ]]Ya ^`SbbgU]]Rb]]PcbbVS[]abac`^`WaW\UbVW\U WabVS`STW\S[S\b³Wb¸aZWYSR`WdW\UOZcfc`gQO`W\ [W\WObc`SEWbVWbaaVO`^S`TOQSbVS\Se;OhRO! 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Visit: html SUZUKI LAUNCH LUXURY BURGMAN 400 Hailed by some as the daddy of large capacity scooters, the new Burgman 400 has gone on sale offering a great mix of power, stability and practicality. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Suzuki has launched two new versions: the luxurious Burgman 400ZA, boasting a fuel injected 400cc single-cylinder engine and standard features like a vast 62 litre under-seat carrying capacity and a DC power socket. The ZA version comes with ABS, heated grips, large hand guards, passenger backrest, wood patterned instrument panel, titaniumcoloured wheels – and a new brown seat. With an RRP of £5,400 and suitable for riders on a reduced power license, the 400ZA claims to be perfect for commuters looking to reduce journey times while retaining some luxury and comforts. For riders not needing the luxury of the ZA, the standard Burgman 400 is also available, boasting a great specification and a recommended retail price of £4,710. Price: from £4,710 Visit: WORDS BY ADRIAN FOSTER/DRIVELINES MONARCH OF THE GLEN Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has revealed pictures of what its next new model will probably look like. Officially called the Rolls-Royce Ghost, the car is based on the breathtaking 200EX concept, the experimental car shown at the Geneva motor show early in March. Production will begin at the company’s Goodwood manufacturing facility on the south coast of England later in 2009. Due to be launched in 2010, the new car will sit alongside the Phantom model line-up. The Ghost will be smaller than Phantom and powered by a brand new 6.6-litre turbocharged V12 engine unique to Rolls-Royce. The engine will be combined with an 8-speed automatic ZF gearbox. This new drive-train will significantly improve fuel and CO2 efficiency over the already class-leading Phantom series of cars. Engine power will be upwards of 500bhp. =CbeO`R B@/D3: E7B67BA1C:BC@3 4/A67=<A4==2 27/;=<2A/<2@716 67AB=@G8/;73B/003@3@ 27A1=D3@A/<BE3@> B=03=<3=403:57C;¸A =D3@:==93253;A¬ ANTWERP: 0SZUWc[(W\bVSZSOab W[OUW\ObWdS]T[W\RaWb [OgQ]\Xc`Sc^W[OUSa ]TQV]Q]ZObSPcbOTbS` dWaWbW\U/\beS`^³bVS Q]c\b`g¸aaSQ]\RZO`USab QWbgOTbS`0`caaSZa³Wb PSQ][SaW[[SRWObSZg O^^O`S\bbVObbVS`S¸a TO`[]`Sb]bVWa QVO`[W\UQ]c\b`gbVO\ Q]\TSQbW]\O`g7b¸aR`S\QVSRW\VWab]`gQcZbc`S O\R³[]abW[^]`bO\bZg³RWdS`aWbg<SdS`bVSZSaa WTg]cR]VOdSO^OaaW]\T]`bVSQ]Q]PSO\g]c QO\`SabOaac`SRbVS`SO`S[]`SQV]Q]ZObSaV]^a VS`S^S`a_cO`S[WZSbVO\bVS`SO`S·b]c`Wab¸aV]^a W\bVSESab3\R/\RSOQVWaa]]dS`eVSZ[W\UZg RSQORS\bg]c¸RPST]`UWdS\T]`bVW\YW\Ug]c¸R S\bS`SRbVS[W\R]T6][S`AW[^a]\O\ReS`S VOdW\UVOZZcQW\ObW]\a/\RR]\¸bUSbcaabO`bSR]\ bVSeOTTZSa¬ /\beS`^Waa]QVO`[W\UbVObWb¸aabc\\W\U ;O`YSbA_cO`Sbg^WTWSa0SZUWc[ObWba[]ab _cOW\baV]eQOaW\UO\O``Og]TU]`US]ca`WQYSbg O`QVWbSQbc`SaT`][dO`W]caS`OaBVWaO`SOWaOZa] QS\b`Sa³/\beS`^PSTSZZO\ORdS`aSTObS(O\ ObbOQYbVObWaY\]e\b]ROgOabVSA^O\WaV4c`g BV]caO\Ra]TA^O\WaVa]ZRWS`aRSaQS\RSR]\ The Church of St Paul bVSQWbgW\`SbOZWObW]\OUOW\abORSZOgW\^Og[S\b b]bVSA^O\WaVVSOR]TabObSObbVSbW[S>VWZZW^ \]bOPZSOabVS`SaWRS\QS]TO\OPa]`PW\UabObcS 77`SacZbW\UW\[OaaZ]]bW\UbV]caO\Ra]TRSObVa Pg\W\SbSS\bVQS\bc`gaQcZ^b]`8ST:O[PSOcf O\RcZbW[ObSZgbVSR]e\TOZZ]T/\beS`^¸a 6WaabW``W\UT]c\bOW\RS^WQbabVSc\QO\\gW[OUS SQ]\][WQU]ZRS\OUS ]TOVS`]WQObVZSbWQ³O\RaQO\bWZgQZOR³@][O\ 3fbS\RSR^S`aSQcbW]\]T1ObV]ZWQaT]ZZ]eSR \O[SR0`OP]Vc`ZW\UbVSaSdS`SRVO\R]TO R`O[ObWQOZZg`SRcQW\UbVSQWbg¸a^]^cZObW]\Pg []\abS`]dS`VWaVSORBVSVO\RWaaOWRb]PSZ]\U []`SbVO\VOZT4OQb]`W\bVSOTTSQbW]\ObSZgbWbZSR b]bg`O\\WQOZUWO\b2`c]\/\bWU]]\eV]e]cZR ·@O^S]T0SZUWc[¸Pg5S`[O\gW\EEO\RWba RS[O\R[]\SgT`][^OaaS`aPg]\/\beS`^¸a acPaS_cS\b]QQc^ObW]\W\EE O\RWbPSQ][Sa ab`SbQV]TbVS@WdS`AQVSZRbQcbbW\UbVSVO\Ra O^^O`S\bbVOb/\beS`^¸aQ]Z]c`TcZVWab]`gWa]\S ]TTbV]aSeV]RWR\¸bQ]cUVc^ bVOb¸aVSOdWZgaVORSRW\RO`Yb]\Sa2Sa^WbSbVS b`WPcZObW]\a]TWba^Oab/\beS`^¸a^`SaS\bQ]cZR\¸b 7\bVSaWfbSS\bVQS\bc`g³O\OUSW\eVWQVbVS PSab`]\US`O\RWbaTcbc`SZ]]Ya`]ag(b]c`Wa[ QWbgeOa]\S]T3c`]^S¸a^`S[WS`STW\O\QWOZ TWUc`SaO`S`O^WRZgW\Q`SOaW\U '& =\S]T/\beS`^¸aPWUUSabObb`OQbW]\aT]` b]c`WabaWabVSaSdS\bSS\bVQS\bc`gO`bWab>SbS` >OcZ@cPS\aBVSWQ]\WQ^OW\bS`³eV]eOa VcUSZg`S\]e\SReWbVO`Wab]Q`OQgbVSe]`ZR]dS` Rc`W\UVWaZWTSbW[S³a^S\b[O\ggSO`a`SaWRW\U W\bVSQWbgBVca[O\g]TVWa[gbV]Z]UWQOZO\R `SZWUW]cabVS[SRe]`YaO`SRWa^ZOgSRW\[cZbW^ZS [caSc[aO\RQVc`QVSaOQ`]aabVSQWbgBVS`SO`S []`SW\VWaT]`[S`OP]RS)bVS6]caS]T@cPS\a eeeO\beS`^S\PSOPSOcbWTcZPcWZRW\UeVWQV VOaPSS\`Sab]`SRO\RRSQ]`ObSRb]`S^ZWQObSbVS @S\OWaaO\QSa^ZS\R]c`@cPS\aOR]`SR BVS1ObVSR`OZ]T]c`:ORgeeeRSYObVSR`OOZ PSS\Wa/\beS`^¸aabO^ZSaWfbSS\bVQS\bc`g U]bVWQZO\R[O`YO\RWa[S[]`OPZSW\WbaPSOcbg OZbV]cUVbVSa[OZZS`Ab>OcZ¸a1ObVSR`OZWaS_cOZZg fUfUfUfUfUfUfUffUfUUfUfUfUfUUffUfUfUUUfUf abc\\W\UeWbVUZSO[W\U[O`PZSaO\RW\b`WQObS e]]RS\aQcZ^bc`Sa³Wb¸aOZZbVS[]`SW[^`SaaWdS =CbeO`R B@/D3: PHOTO © STEFAN DEWICKERE STYLE CITY ]cb^cb]TbV]aSeV]R]Wa_cWbSSfb`O]`RW\O`g BVSRS^O`b[S\baV]eQOaSabVS]cb^cbObWba gSO`ZgTOaVW]\aV]eeVWQVObb`OQbaa][S$ dWaWb]`a³bVS`SabWa]\^S`[O\S\bRWa^ZOgT]`bVS US\S`OZ^cPZWQObbVSOQORS[g /a[OZZQ]ZZSQbWdS]TbVSOQORS[g¸a[]abOdO\b UO`RSU`ORcObSa³;O`W\OGSSO\R2`WSadO\ <]bS\b]\O[SPcbOQ]c^ZS³VOdSSf^S`WS\QSR acQVZSdSZa]TacQQSaabVObbVSg¸dSacPaS_cS\bZg PSQO[SQ]dSbSROa·bVS/\beS`^AWf¸BVSW` W\TZcS\QS^ZcabVSOQORS[g¸ac\RS\WOPZSW\TcaW]\ ]TSRcQObW]\O\RabgZSVOaZSTbTW\US`^`W\baOZZ ]dS`bVSQWbg;O\gTOaVW]\T]`eO`RW\RWdWRcOZa QOacOZZgabOZY/\beS`^¸aab`SSbaPcb\]bW\bVS O``]UO\b]`ObbS\bW]\aSSYW\U[O\\S`g]c [WUVbTW\RW\0]\RAb`SSb]`AV]`SRWbQVBVS abgZSa]\aV]eO`S[Obc`SO\RQZSO\eWbV RSZWQObS^ObbS`\W\UO\RacPbZS_cW`Ya(W\Oe]`R c\RS`abObSRBVSTOaVW]\aQS\SVS`SWaQZSO`Zg ZSaaOP]cb^`]TWbO\R[]`SOP]cbQ`SObW]\(OdOab \c[PS`]TZW\SaO\RP]cbW_cSa`S[OW\^`WdObSZg ]e\SRO\R`c\ The House of Rubens =\bVS]bVS`VO\RP`O\RaacQVOa6; 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Having recently adding the glamorous Tel Aviv – Israel’s second largest city and undoubtedly both the country’s economic and gay capital – to its portfolio of destinations, Out In The City readers can benefit by enjoying a £50 discount off their holiday, by quoting Out In The City and the code OITC0609 when booking. Enviably bounded by 14 kilometres worth of soft, white Mediterranean beaches, Tel Aviv has it all: a pulsating nightlife, fantastic shopping and hundreds of great museums and restaurants – all of which is heavily tinged by that all important Middle Eastern vibe. Increasingly popular with gay tourists in the last decade, it’s a summer destination not to be overlooked. If, on the other hand, you’re addicted to Gran Canaria, Mantrav also have another offer for you – stay at Club Mancha Yumbo for just £50 per night. Again, quote OITC0609 when booking! Both promotions are valid for holidays booked before the end of July. KANDI RELOCATES Last month we bought you news of Hed Kandi’s Ibiza move to El Divino. Well, forget that – at the last minute, the team have swapped venues again. For its seventh season on the White Isle, the Hed Kandi team have now decided to take up a residency at the world-famous Space… simply because it afforded them more space (no pun intended). The increased capacity has allowed the addition of a ‘Nu Disco’ room, which will feature guests such as The Unabombers and Crazy P. LIGHT LUGGAGE Lugging around luggage is one of the few drawbacks of travelling, and as we’ve yet to have mastered the art of packing light, we’re always on the look out for ways to make it easier. Step forward the new power-assisted collection from Live Luggage. Its new ‘Hybrid PA Bag’ is like something out of Back To The Future, featuring an extendable “anti-gravity” handle that can pivot away from the case. In short, it means that 85 per cent of the weight of the luggage is automatically balanced over the bag’s two powered wheels. Motors in the wheels – powered by rechargeable batteries – combine with sensors in the antigravity handle to make luggage feel as light as a feather! Of course, such technology doesn’t come cheap – at around £295 per bag – but for more details, go to =CbeO`R B@/D3: The new High Line urban park in Lower Manhattan 7<=C@?C/@B3@:G @3>=@B4@=; B63075/>>:3 E3B/93/:==9 /BB6317BG¸A A>317/:AC;;3@ /BB@/1B7=<A/<2 @3>=@B=< B634C@0/:: /<2@/;@=2¬ /ZbV]cUVeS¸`SW\bVS[WRab]TOe]`ZReWRS `SQSaaW]\eSQO\Pcb`SX]WQS]dS`]\STW\O\QWOZ TOQb(bVS^]c\RVOa`OZZWSROUOW\abbVSR]ZZO` EVS`SOaSO`ZWS`W\bVSgSO`bVSbe]Qc``S\QWSa eS`SdW`bcOZZg\SQYO\R\SQY³[OYW\UbVSCAO \]U]O`SOT]`QOaVab`O^^SR0`Wba³ObbVSbW[S ]TU]W\Ub]^`SaaWbeOaeWRSZg^]aaWPZSb]^WQY c^O^^`]fW[ObSZg$T]` 7Tg]c¸dSPSS\^ZO\\W\UOb`W^b]<SeG]`Y\]e WaOU]]RbW[Sb]bOYSORdO\bOUS\]b]\Zg]T bVSTOd]c`OPZSSfQVO\US`ObSPcbOZa]bVSTOQb bVOb[O\g]TbVSQWbg¸aPSabV]bSZaO`S]TTS`W\U a][Sc\PSObOPZS]TTS`aES¸`SOZa]\]eW\bVS ac[[S`¬O\ROZbV]cUV<SeG]`YWa[OUWQOZ eVObSdS`bVSaSOa]\OaeSZbS`W\U<SeG]`Y ac[[S`]TTS`abS[^bObW]\aOZZ]TWba]e\ 3dS\WTg]c¸`SOaSOa]\SRdWaWb]`b]bVS0WU /^^ZSac[[S` ']TTS`aa][SP`O\R\Se Obb`OQbW]\aQVWST]TeVWQV[cabPS\Sec`PO\ 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Q][^`SVS\aWdSO\RTcZZgW\bS`OQbWdSeSPaWbSOb eee\gQU]Q][ GANSEVOORT HOTEL Out In The City stayed at the Gansevoort Hotel, 18 Ninth Avenue, New York, 10014 ( – 001 212 206 6700). In the heart of the city’s Meatpacking District, five minutes walk from both Chelsea and Greenwich Village, it’s the ideal destination hotel for those who wish to sample the nearby gay scene. This luxury urban resort features a stunning rooftop pool, restaurant and bar, plus gym and 4,300- sq ft health spa. VIRGIN HOLIDAYS If you’re looking to take the hassle out of booking a trip to New York, it’s worth exploring the new joint packages from Virgin Holidays and Hip Hotels. The two brands have united to offer some unbeatable offers to some of the world’s most gorgeous hotels – including The Gansevoort in New York. Virgin Hotel is currently offering three nights in New York for the all-inclusive price of £999. This includes scheduled flights with Virgin Atlantic from London Heathrow direct to New York and accommodation at the Gansevoort on a breakfast-only basis. Prices are per person based on two adults sharing a Superior room, and the price includes all applicable taxes and fuel surcharges which are subject to change. Alternatively, for the same price, you can stay at the nearby Soho Hotel. This includes scheduled flights with Virgin Atlantic from London Heathrow direct to New York, and accommodation at Soho House on a breakfast only basis. Prices are per person based on 2 adults sharing a ‘Playpen’. Prices are based on departures on 27 August 2009. or call 0844 573 2460 WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =Cbb]^ B@/D3: # # =CbaQ]^S AB/@A 23 AUG-22 SEP VIRGO Oh Virgo, you old blowhard, please stop spouting a load of waffle when you open your mouth. You’re an interesting person, but you don’t have to trample over every conversation, blabbing on and on about all the marvellous things you’ve done. It might be true but people are bored of it. 23 SEP-22 OCT LIBRA Tom Cruise 03.07.62 Flying the flag for sexy 40-somethings, Tom Cruise turns 47 this July, which places him under the sign of Cancer. Cancerians typically boast a hard outer shell to protect their softer, more emotional core. They are purposeful, tenacious and fiercely loyal, but can have trouble letting go and can sometimes bottle up their feelings. You should watch in whom you confide, Libra. People that you can trust surround you, but there’s always one witless idiot that relays back what you say to the worst possible ears. It’s not that you have enemies everywhere, but there’s always someone who wants to stir things up. Be more diplomatic. 22 DEC-19 JAN Developments in your career can be a challenge at the best of times, but even more so in these recessionary times. You every right to be feeling cautious, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore opportunities or be afraid to take some risks. Keep your eyes open for ways to advance your career this month – and be sure to keep your CV updated! PICTURE © FOX UK CAPRICORN SCORPIO There’s no stopping you Scorpio, is there? Whatever you want to do then you’re going to do it, and why not? Life is indeed for living – as long as you’re in control and responsible for what you do, then that’s fine. Just make sure that you pay the piper… which is an old-fashioned way of saying settle those bills! 22 NOV-21 DEC SAGITTARIUS Going for the polar opposite of yourself is not necessarily going to compliment those areas of your life in which you feel lacking. No one person is going to make your life complete. Look inwards and decide which patterns of behaviour you need to break – instead of hoping someone else will sort you out. 20 JAN-18 FEB Stop trying to measure up to else. We’re all so very AQUARIUS someone unique that no comparison we make can truly tell if one human is better than another. Don’t let jealousy get the better of you, as you’ll only end up looking foolish. Concentrate on your own strengths – and how best to showcase them – and not the strengths or charms of others. 19 FEB-20 MAR 21 MAR-19 APR 20 APR-20 MAY 21 MAY-21 JUN 22 JUN-22 JUL 23 JUL-22 AUG PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO Although you may not always be the most thoughtful person on the planet, recent accusations thrown in your direction are unkind and untrue. You have a huge heart and are a very loving person, so try to be a bit more open and allow others to see more of this side of your personality. $ 23 OCT-21 NOV CANCER You may believe that you’re pure of heart, but your dark side might make a re-appearance this month. All it will take is for someone to push you just that fraction too far to unleash your temper. As cathartic as that may feel, try hard to keep it in check – it will only alienate you from colleagues. Revenge is a dish best served fabulous! Taurus baby, you need to deliver a big dose of payback to a certain someone that’s really pissed you off. Make it a lesson they won’t forget. Being the understanding person that you are, people are sometimes going to chance their arm, but even you have limits. Softly, softly for you this month Gemini. You have a few different options presenting themselves and you need to be really selfish for once and choose what you want – considering others will only cloud your judgement and, before you know it you would have lost the opportunity. Stop being so bothered about what other people think of you and let the person you want to be out of their shell. When you consider how short life can be you suddenly realise that you don’t have the time to be so ponderous. Just allow yourself to venture into areas that excite you and enjoy the experience. There’s only so much you can do at work Leo before you wear yourself out. Please don’t make me quote the whole of Dolly Parton’s ‘9 to 5’ to prove my point – just don’t get swallowed up in your career; you’re but a cog in a machine. Get yourself out and about and remind yourself what life is actually about. =CbTWb % =CbTWb 63/:B6 /\]bVS`]TbVSUg[¸aab`]\UTSObc`SaWaWba eWRS`O\US]TSfS`QWaSQZOaaSaBOYW\U^ZOQS W\bVSQVWQZgRSQ]`ObSR[OW\abcRW]g]cQ]cZR SfS`QWaSg]c`[W\ROaeSZZOag]c`P]RgeWbVO eSSYZgg]UOQZOaaOQ_cW`S\SeaYWZZaO\R[OYS \SeT`WS\RaeVWZSZSO`\W\Ub]P]f]`YO`ObSYWQY ³g]cQ]cZRSdS\PSQ][SOTW`ab`ObSPc`ZSa_cS ]`^]ZSRO\QS`eVWZSb]\W\Uc^g]c`bVWUVaW\bVS ^`]QSaa 3_cOZZgbVS`S¸aO[cZbWbcRS]T^`]TSaaW]\OZO\R `Sa^SQbSR^S`a]\OZb`OW\S`ae]`YW\UQZ]aSZg OZ]\UaWRSbVSUg[]TTS`W\UbVSW`aS`dWQSaOb VWUVZgQ][^SbWbWdS`ObSaBVS`S¸aOZa]OeWRS `O\US]TV]ZWabWQbVS`O^WSa]\]TTS`W\QZcRW\U [OaaOUSOQc^c\Qbc`SO\RVg^\]bVS`O^g 1ZSO`ZgbVSg¸dSbV]cUVb]TSdS`gbVW\UBVS`S¸a SdS\OdS`bWQOZbO\\W\Uc\Wb]^S\T]`!#O aSaaW]\OaeSZZ BVS5g[1]dS\b5O`RS\WaO\]`UO\WaObW]\ bVObPSZWSdSaW\UWdW\Ua][SbVW\UPOQYb] bVSZ]QOZQ][[c\WbgB]bVWaS\RWbT`S_cS\bZg R]\ObSaabcRW]a^OQSb]SdS`g]\ST`][ Z]QOZaQV]]ZQVWZR`S\b]aS\W]`QWbWhS\a]\O Q][^ZW[S\bO`gPOaWa4]`SfO[^ZSW\`SQS\b []\bVabVSdS\cSVOaPSS\caSROaOb`OW\W\U U`]c\RPg[S[PS`a]TbVS;Sb`]^]ZWbO\>]ZWQS AS`dWQSOaeSZZOaO`SVSO`aOZa^OQST]`bVSQOab ]TbVS:W]\9W\U[caWQOZ GYM BUNNIES :==97<54=@/13<B@/::=<2=<5G;- 8/;73B/003@3@47<2AC<03/B/0:3=443@A/BB63 5G;1=D3<B5/@23<³=<3=4:=<2=<¸A;=AB 5/G4@73<2:G3AB/0:7A6;3<BA¬ 5g[aO`S`O`SZgbVS[]abV]a^WbOPZS]T^ZOQSa ³^O`bWQcZO`ZgW\:]\R]\B]][O\gQO\PS QZOcab`]^V]PWQQ]`^]`ObSSabOPZWaV[S\ba aWbcObSRbS\TSSbc\RS`U`]c\R^]^cZObSR PgTWb\SaaTO\ObWQaeV]\SdS`a^SOY]`a[WZS BVS5g[1]dS\b5O`RS\V]eSdS`WaOZb]USbVS` RWTTS`S\b BVWaUOgT`WS\RZgSabOPZWaV[S\bPOaSRW\1]dS\b 5O`RS\>WOhhOS\Q][^OaaSaOQ]Z]aaOZ# a_cO`STSSbO\RSfcRSabVSRWabW\QbWdS^S`a]\OZWbg T]c\RbV`]cUV]cbbVS_cOW\bO\RQVO`Wa[ObWQ 1]dS\b5O`RS\RWab`WQb)O^S`a]\OZWbgOZZSdWObSR PgWbaaSQ]\RTZ]]`]^S\^ZO\eO`SV]caSaSbbW\U BVSeW\R]eSR"T]]bQSWZW\Ua]TbVSUg[¸a T]`S[]abb`OW\W\UO`SO^S`[WbaP`SObVW\Ua^OQS O\R`S_cWaWbS\Obc`OZZWUVbW\U³OQVO`OQbS`WabWQ bVObZWTbaP]bVbVSdWaWb]`a¸[]`OZSO\RbVS & a^OQS¸aUS\S`OZS\dW`]\[S\b7b¸aOQVSS`TcZO\R c\W\bW[WRObW\U^ZOQS)O\RWba`SUcZO`aSQZSQbWQPcb T`WS\RZg BVSUg[¸aS_cW^[S\bQ]ZZSQbW]\WaaW[WZO`ZgdOab O\RRWdS`aS(Wb¸abVS]\ZgUg[W\bVSQ]c\b`gb] P]OabbVSTcZZ<OcbWZca5g[3_cW^[S\b`O\US ³O\c^b]bVS[W\cbSP`O\R`Sa^SQbSRUZ]POZZg 7bQ]\bOW\aSdS`g^WSQS]TO^^O`Obcag]c¸RSf^SQb T`][O`S^cbOPZS[]RS`\ROgUg[W\acQVO VWUV^`]TWZSZ]QObW]\(bVS`SO`S[cZbW^ZS`]ea]T a^W\PWYSaQ`]aab`OW\S`aO\R`]eW\U[OQVW\Sa b]\O[SPcbOTSe7bVOa^WSQSab]QObS`T]`SdS`g \SSR³`SaWabO\QSTWb\SaaQO`RW]dOaQcZO`³VS\QS eVSbVS`g]ceO\bb]Z]aSeSWUVbQVO\USg]c` P]RgaVO^S]`aW[^ZgW[^`]dSg]c`US\S`OZ TWb\SaaZSdSZag]cQO\R]a]VS`S /R[WaaW]\^`WQSaO`SVWUVZgQ][^SbWbWdSC\ZWYS bVS[OX]`Wbg]TUg[abVS`S¸a\]]PZWUObW]\b] X]W\PcgW\b]Q]\b`OQba]`^Og`SQc``W\UTSSaWT g]cR]\¸beO\bb]³bVS`S¸aO\SOagU]W\U]^S\ ^]ZWQgW\[]bW]\aSdS\ROgaOeSSYAV]cZRbVS a^]\bO\S]caRSaW`Sb]SfS`QWaSab`WYSO\g\]\ [S[PS`Rc`W\UbVSUg[¸a]^S\W\UV]c`a%O[ ^[;]\ROgb]4`WROg'O['^[]\AObc`ROga O\RO[b]#^[Ac\ROgO]\S]TTROWZg`ObS ^Og[S\b]T&#WaOZZbVOb¸a`S_cW`SRb]SfS`QWaS b]bVSVSO`b¸aQ]\bS\b³eWbV\]]PZWUObW]\b] SdS``Sbc`\/\g]\SQO\bOYSORdO\bOUS]TbVS ORRWbW]\OZ^S`Ya]TQ]c`aS)]\SPSW\UT`SScaS]T bVSaOc\OW\bVSQVO\UW\U`]][aAW[WZO`ZgbVS TSSb]^O`bWQW^ObSW\]\S]TbVSUg[¸aSfS`QWaS QZOaaSaWaO]\S]TT^Og[S\b]T% AV]cZRg]c^`STS`b]X]W\V]eSdS`bVS[]\bVZg [S[PS`aVW^`ObSWaOabSOZOb"''#G]caW[^Zg ^OgT]`g]c`TW`abO\RZOab[]\bVa¸TSSac^T`]\b O\RbVS\g]c`[S[PS`aVW^YSS^a`]ZZW\UeWbV bVS]^bW]\]TQO\QSZZW\UObO\gbW[SAcTTWQSb] aOgbVObRc`W\UbVSaSRWTTWQcZbbW[Sag]c¸RPS VO`R^`SaaSRb]TW\ROUg[bVWaQVSO^]`TZSfWPZS W\QS\b`OZ:]\R]\ The Gym Covent Garden, 30 The Piazza, Covent Garden, London WC2. For more details call 020 7836 4007/4835. 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