2% - CTCO
2% - CTCO
www.salon-ctco.com/en a event MAKE YOUR BUSINESS OF THE YEAR For 10 years now, CTCO organises unmissable event of your business. All the promotional garments and gifts leaders meet up at the beginning of the year at Lyon. With a recognised business expertise and control organisational specificities of the sector, CTCO offers a solution that meets all your expectations. Take advantage of this opportunity to grow up your business! CELEBRATES ITS 10 YEARS AND PREPARES SURPRISES FOR YOU! CONcept Meet highly qualified contacts! KEY TARGET I’M SEARCHING NOVELTIES TO ENHANCE MY OFFER SERVICE PROVIDERS PRESCRIBERS I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS I EXPLORE NEW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES! PROMOTIONAL GARMENTS AND GIFTS DISTRIBUTOR SCREENPRINTING, EMBROIDERY PERSONALISATION DIGITAL PRINTING ADVERTISING AGENCY CREATIVE AND DESIGNER THE 2nd EUROPEAN EXHIBITION IN WHO EXHIBIT? Promotional garments and gifts importers and manufacturers BY EXHIBITING AT CTCO, YOU’RE RELYING ON A PROVEN EVENT MODEL FOR 10 YEARS! THE GARANTEE TO MEET 100% OF YOUR MARKET ON 3 DAYS! The NUMBER OF VISITORS guarantee CTCo Qualified and controlled visitors Access is strictly limited to promotional garments and gifts distributors and personalisation techniques professionals. The organisation performs a systematic verification of the professional activity of badge seekers. No loss of time or bad surprise, you will only meet key-targeted prospects related to your business! 2016 REPORT Exhibitors PREMIUM SERVICE EXCLUSIVE OF CTCO We manage your VIP accounts from A to Z to ensure a PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE service that promotes your business! PERSONALISED CONTACT / REGISTRATION TO THE EVENT / HELP IN RESEARCH AND HOTEL BOOKING / HOME AND TRANSFER STATION / PARKING AND OFFERED LOCKER / SHUTTLE STATION - FREE AIRPORT / SPECIAL WELCOME / OPEN BAR 258 EXHIBITORS 196 Visitors 9,070 VISITORS OVER THE 3 DAYS OF THE TRADE SHOW increased compared with the 2015 show PROMOTIONAL GIFT PROVIDERS 93 PROMOTIONAL GARMENT BRANDS +2% Visitor profiles and posts 65.2% decision makers OUR STRUCTURE-INTEGRATED LOGISTICS SUPPORT PERSONALISED LOGISTICS ASSISTANCE SINGLE REPRESENTATIVE FOR ALL YOUR TECHNICAL NEEDS AN OFFER TO A TAILOR-MADE STAND 17.98 % purchasing advisers 16.82 % others 2016 Report VISITOR BUSINESS FIELDS IN 2016 CREATIVES AND DESIGNERS CONSULTING, INTELLECTUAL SERVICES ADVERTISING AGENCY SMALL FORMAT PRINTER, PERSONALISATION SERVICES 1.41% PROMOTIONAL GARMENT AND GIFT DISTRIBUTORS 58.83% 0.51% 12.65% 17.56% PRINTING SERVICES 9.04% GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF VISITORS 43 COUNTRIES REPRESENTED 93% FRENCH DISTRIBUTION PER FRENCH REGION: Alsace, Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine 6.16% Aquitaine, Limousin and Poitou-Charentes 4.95% Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes 34.66% Bourgogne and Franche-Comté 4.78% Brittany 1.91% Centre 2.40% Corsica 0.32% Ile-de-France 15.75% Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées 9.72% Nord - Pas-de-Calais and Picardie 3.39% Basse-Normandie and Haute-Normandie 1.56% Pays de la Loire 3.86% Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur 10.54% Build all tomorrow’s market CTCO also relies on usability to promote business and strengthen the ties between exhibitors and visitors: THE BAR: free access for exhibitors and their close contacts THE LOUNGE SPACE: ideal resting place for business meetings THE CATERING SPACES: zone of comfort and sharing CTCO’S + SERVICE! A true logistic service at your disposal to accompany your steps. Service communication for you to gain visibility before, during and after the trade show! A Premium Customers service that ensures the arrival of the biggest buyers. COME TO CTCO: THE PLACE TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS LEADS ON THE FRENCH MARKET! Following the success of the 2016 event, CTCO will once again propose a program with major industry players. Our speakers have a strategic vision of the business and large experience they want to share. CONTENt Conferences / Debates / Round-tables / Workshop BECAUSE THE MARKET IS CHANGING, CTCO REFLECTS THESE CHANGES BY OFFERING ANIMATIONS IN RELATION TO YOUR CURRENT PROBLEMS: WEB OPPORTUNITIES I SOCIAL NETWORKS SALES TOOLS COMMUNICATION & MARKETING STRATEGY PURCHASE MANAGER SERVICE PROVIDERS STANDARDS AND LABELS PRODUCT QUALITY CERTIFICATIONS… A TRADE SHOW DIRECTLY LINKED WITH THE MARKET IDENTIFY THE MOST PROMISING TRENDS ANALYSE THE MARKET CHANGES ACCOMPANY DISTRIBUTORS IN THE EVOLUTION OF THEIR PROFESSION FIND ON THE TRADE SHOW « LES MUST DE CTCO », WHERE IN A SINGLE SPACE WILL BE STAGED THE BEST PRODUCTS OF OUR EXHIBITORS TO COMMUNICATE AROUND A STRONG THEME. AN EXHIBITION AREA TO PROMOTE YOUR PRODUCTS In 2016, the European Football Championship that had been honoured. More than 150 products from the footballing world were gathered on an area of 100 sqm: the best ideas to build an offer adapted to the advertising ideas that impact business. CTCO is organized on the same dates as C!Print, the referent trade show in the print and visual communication techniques. So you get the natural synergy between the personalisation techniques and the promotional garments and gifts markets. The association of these two events allows you to emphasise the function of the promotional object: be a fully furnished communication tool. CTCO gives you access to new prospects and creates new opportunities! CTCO’S MUST / PERSONALISATION A complementary trade show to enhance the business meetings a trade show IN CONNECTION WITH MARKET 365 DAYS A YEAR Beyond the 3 days of the exhibition, CTCO accompanies you throughout the year. Indeed the Organiser 656 Editions animates the community garments and gifts professionals throughout various initiatives. So as an exhibitor at the CTCO trade show, enjoy 365 days a year of visibility on all our supports! EDITORIAL COVERAGE C!mag: promotional garments and gifts and personalisation techniques / 4 issues a year Posted to more than 2 500 SELECTED CONTACTS. A CTCO special edition issued in January: 2 500 additional copies distributed during the event. #14 Janvier 2015 15 euros - www.c-mag.fr Édité par en partenariat avec WEB AND BLOG INFORMATION Broadcast daily market news and weekly newsletters sent to over 20 000 CONTACTS in exhibition period. www.salon-ctco.com The digital version of magazine C!mag which brings 3100 unique visitors per month. Monthly newsletter sent to 18 000 CSELECTED CONTACTS. www.c-mag.fr DATA 656 KEY FIGURES 23 000 traffic generated on site www.salon-ctco.com the month before the show. 985 We broadcast your news on all our networks! 1 542 downloads application fans on Facebook 719 followers on Twitter +38% increase in the number of followers on Twitter since the 2015 edition +121% increase in the number of fans on Facebook since the 2015 edition #CTCO16 - @Salon_CTCO A HIGHLY-QUALIFIED DATABASE FOR TARGETED CAMPAIGNS! Promotional garments and gifts distributors / small and large formats markers / providers of communication solutions / prescribers and creative / advertising agencies Segment your needs on a basis of more than 30 000 CONTACTS and perform direct marketing campaigns (emailing, telemarketing, mailing) tailor-made campaigns! ASK FOR THE DOCUMENT DATA656 COMMUNICATION custom COMMUNICATION TOOLS TO ENHANCE YOUR VISIBILITY PERSONALISED E-MAILING We performed personalised e-mailing depends on your choice ready to send to your contacts. SPONSORING OF THE FAIR GOODIES Attract more visitors to your stand by providing and personalising the official CTCO goodies. CUSTOM BANNER To integrate on your website / e-mail signature..... INVITATIONS PAPER To invite all your clients FREE TOOLS TO GUIDE YOU LANYARDS BAGS BAG INSERTS PENS Banner on the site of the trade show, visibility on the application, you will find all our communication tools on: www.salon-ctco.com/en/advertising-tools/ ContacTs Anne SIZARET Sales manager [email protected] Tel. +33 (0)4 78 28 65 04 Emilie EGGENSCHWILLER Sales representative [email protected] Tel. +33 (0)4 78 30 44 57 A EVENT Victor VERDIER Marketing manager [email protected] Tel. +33 (0)4 78 30 41 73 Céline COLLOT Content manager [email protected] Tel. +33 (0)4 78 30 35 06 Exhibitor communication department [email protected] Logistic department [email protected] Tel. +33 (0)4 78 69 84 25 expert organizer of your markets The CTCO Lyon trade show is organised by 656 Editions, animating the professionals garments and gifts community, visual communication and graphic industries. TRIMESTRIEL JANVIER 2016 #15 The group is responsible for specialist trade shows, press publications, social media and marketing services aimed at a range of markets including visual communication, merchandise / textiles, print and graphic arts and its new applications (Architecture, Decoration, Design, Industry, etc.). Throughout the year 656 publishes fresh content relating to markets, new trends, and highly innovative technical applications. It also runs communication campaigns targeting fully qualified and personalised contacts, making 656 a Multi-Channel group. The group channels its expertise into helping market players optimise their year-round communication activities with a view to acquiring new market opportunities Since its creation in 2001, the group has constantly sought to provide innovative solutions combining creativity, conviviality and high-quality services. € Rencontre Jacques-Antoine Granjon, PDG et fondateur de vente-privee.com Tribune Dossier Les perspectives de l’impression numérique industrielle RÉINVENTER LES ESPACES DE TRAVAIL, ENTRE UTILITÉ ET IDENTITÉ ... Étude de cas Une ola pour la signalétique du stade de Lens www.visible-mag.com MAG /// AUTOMNE 2015 LE JOURNAL DE L’OBJET PUBLICITAIRE, DU TEXTILE PROMOTIONNEL ET DES TECHNIQUES DE PERSONNALISATION /// « Vous informer ÉVÉNEMENTS sur l’actualité et les mutations de votre marché, c’est notre priorité ! » Pour tous les distributeurs d’objets et de textile promotionnels et les professionnels du marquage et de la personnalisation, le prochain grand événement du marché aura lieu à Lyon du 26 au 28 janvier 2016. CTCO et C!Print : deux rendez-vous indispensables et complémentaires pour bien démarrer 2016 en étant en prise directe avec un marché en pleine évolution. Les préenregistrements sont désormais ouverts : rendez- CTCO : CAP SUR L’ÉDITION 2016 ! Le cadeau Pour mettre sur pied la 8ème édition du salon CTCO, du 26 au 28 janvier prochain à Lyon, l’organisateur 656 Editions s’est avant tout posé une question : comment accompagner toujours mieux fournisseurs et distributeurs d’objets et de textile promotionnels dans l’évolution et la professionnalisation de leur marché ? La réponse en quelques points clés… (La suite page 2) septembre d´affaires fait sa rentrée les 2 et 3 à Paris vous sur les sites www.salon-ctco.com et www.salon-cprint.com pour obtenir gratuitement vos badges d’entrée avec le code invitation APCTCO16CM. Organisateur de salons en France et, depuis 2014, également en Espagne, nous souhaitons par ailleurs renforcer la dimension européenne de nos activités, que ce soit dans l’événementiel ou l’édition. Par exemple, nous initions à compter de ce numéro d’automne de C!mag News une collaboration éditoriale avec le magazine EPPI de la société allemande WA Media. Dans chaque numéro, vous retrouverez désormais une rubrique dédiée, signée par la rédaction d’EPPI, vous offrant un supplément d’information sur l’actualité européenne. Je vous invite donc à découvrir dès à présent votre C!mag News et à retrouver, en 36 pages, les dernières actualités et nouveautés du secteur promotionnel et des techniques de personnalisation. Bonne lecture à tous et rendez-vous en janvier pour un numéro exceptionnel CTCO et C!Print ! Guillaume Abou, Directeur de publication fr.linkedin.com/in/guillaumeabou ACTUALITÉS PF CONCEPT DEVIENT DISTRIBUTEUR EXCLUSIF DES PRODUITS OPPENHEJM & JANSSON En août dernier, PF Concept a annoncé qu’il prenait en charge la distribution exclusive sur le marché promotionnel européen de la collection de produits de sûreté et de sécurité de Oppenhejm & Jansson. Un accord stratégique qui permet à chaque partie d’aller de l’avant tout en se concentrant sur son domaine d’excellence. (La suite page 11) BP 1072 - 69202 Lyon Cedex 01 - 1 place Tobie Robatel 69001 Lyon - Tél : +33 (0)4 78 30 41 73 - Fax : +33 (0)4 78 30 41 79 E-mail : [email protected] - www.c-mag.fr Directeur de la publication : Guillaume ABOU - [email protected] Fondateur : Michel ANJORAS - [email protected] Direction artistique et réalisation : François JAILLET - [email protected] Rédactrice en chef : Céline COLLOT - [email protected] Chefs de publicité : Anne SIZARET - [email protected] - Thomas NOLLET - [email protected] Rédaction : Céline COLLOT - Guillaume ABOU - Julie CHIDE Contributions éditoriales : Olivier Cetra - Thierry Reynaud - Communication et marketing : Pauline DUCAT Web-mastering : Thomas PERRAUT Petites annonces : [email protected] Corrections : Céline COLLOT Omelettes & bières : Christian du Romarin Impression : Manufacture d’histoires des Deux-Ponts, 5 rue des Condamines, 38320 Bresson Routage : DS Routage, 73 rue Jules Guesde, 69230 Saint Genis Laval Prix au n° : 15 euros Abonnement 1 an : 50 euros Publicité : +33 (0)4 78 30 41 73 Editeur : Sarl 656Editions - RCS LYON B 440 290 070 - APE 221E - ISSN : 2266-7601 - Commission paritaire en cours - “costatum pressio est” - Conformément à la loi du 11/03/57 toute reproduction même partielle des articles et illustrations publiés dans C!mag News est interdite sans accord de la société d’édition. INTERVIEW Jean Chabert, fondateur de la marque textile Stanley&Stella ANALYSE Pour un objet publicitaire responsable Page 24 BRODERIE Achat de matériel : la bonne marche à suivre FOCUS Le textile promotionnel tiré à quatre épingles ! Page 58 Page 44 Page 22 #15 Septembre 2015 15 euros - www.c-mag.fr en partenariat avec Édité par VOIR PAGE 4 PAGE 1
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