PROSPECTUS WHAT INTÉRIEURS EN VILLE INTÉRIEURS EN VILLE is the annual directory of places in the greater Montreal area that have a design content, whether through their actual space design or the products offered. In INTÉRIEURS EN VILLE, selected personalities from the field of arts and design or from the business world present their preferred destinations while the INTÉRIEURS team shares its own favourites. This reference tool contributes to projecting the creativity which mirrors Montreal’s status as a UNESCO, City of Design. DESIGN GUIDE TO THE GREATER MONTRÉAL Concieved for those who seek out design-oriented environments in the restaurants and bars they visit, in the retail establishments they shop in, or the galleries and hotels they go to… Whether it is to uncover the latest spa or salon or to find the trendiest landscape architect around, INTÉRIEURS EN VILLE offers readers a wide spectrum of avant-garde design discoveries. Don’t miss the opportunity to be seen among them! GENERAL PUBLIC ///PROFESSIONALS 30,000 copies of this must-have guide for design-loving consumers and professionals alike is printed in digest size for better handling. 30,000 copies WHEN DISTRIBUTION IEV # 5 January 30th, 2014 Duration : 1 year WHERE INTÉRIEURS EN VILLE is distributed in numerous strategic places: » A selection of design-conscious places in the Greater Montreal area including select showrooms, high-end retailers, galleries, hotels, spas, salons and cultural centers; » On select newsstands with INTÉRIEURS, in Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto, the Maritimes as well as several North American cities such as New York and Chicago; » At SIDIM (Montreal International Design Show) where it is handed out to qualified attendees. FOR WHO The INTÉRIEURS EN VILLE guide is open to all businesses wishing to reach a large pool of consumers that are passionate about design plus industry professionals. Our advertisers are industry leaders and innovative businesses carefully selected for the quality of their interior designs and use of space or for their products and services offered. RETAILERS /// RESTAURANTS /// HOTELS AND SPAS /// BARS, PUBS AND CLUBS /// SHOWROOM /// FASHION RETAIL /// JEWELLERY AND ACCESSORIES /// MUSEUM AND GALLERIES /// ARTIST CENTER AND THEATERS /// URBAN SPACES /// ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES /// WHY Reach pre-qualified consumers, design connoisseurs and enthusiasts. Reach the industry’s professionals, both designers and architects. Maintain a regular relationship with consumers. (Duration : 1 year) Benefit from large-scale targeted distribution within the greater Montreal area. Promote your business and increase your brand awareness. Promote your products and services. Position yourself as an industry leader. Promote a new business or a new brand. Promote a new product or service. Benefit from the standing, the creativity and the quality of one of the most prestigious design publications. Benefit from web visibility on the INTÉRIEURS EN VILLE site. GENERAL PUBLIC TARGETED DISTRIBUTION PROMOTIONAL ARTICLE CALENDAR & RATES Rates PACKAGES 1X Double page + promotional article (1 page) $5,650 C4 + promotional article (1 page) $4,350 C2 + promotional article (1 page) $4,150 C3 + promotional article (1 page) $3,950 Full page + promotional article (1 page) $3,650 Full page $1,950 Superior visibility $450 Accredited agencies: 15% discount. Guaranteed positioning: +20%. Rates are expressed in Canadian dollars and do not include applicable taxes. Superior visibility Promotional article All aforementioned visibility packages for INTÉRIEURS EN VILLE come with a publication in the directory with superior visibility which includes*: By choosing this option, our journalistic and creative teams entirely write and illustrate an article based on the information you will provide. » Company name » Address » Phone » Website » Map location » 1 picture or logo » Designer or architect of space * Deadline to obtain Superior visibility in the printed listing: December 15th, 2013. Publishing calendar PROMOTIONAL ARTICLE SUPERIOR VISIBILITY TRADITIONAL AD ISSUE SPACE DEADLINE MATERIALS DEADLINE SPACE DEADLINE MATERIALS DEADLINE DISTRIBUTION IEV # 5 | 2013 Decmber 2nd December 5th December 15th December 20th January 29th 2014 Non-binding exemple of address book layout of INTÉRIEURS EN VILLE 2013 baRs baRs steReo nightCLub 858, rue Ste-Catherine Est 514 658-2646 In Camera 2011 baLdWin baRMaCie 115, avenue laurier Ouest 514 276-4282 Alexandre baldwin baR pLan b 327, avenue du Mont-Royal Est 514 845-6060 Materia Design 2007 La fabRique annexe 3625, rue St-Denis 514 544-5404 teRRasse pLaCe d’aRMes 701, côte de la Place d’Armes 514 904-1201 fait iCi 2519, rue Notre-Dame Ouest 514 439-3888 lindsay Davis suite 701 701, côte de la Place d’Armes 514 904-1201 Camdi Design nÜvÜ bistRo expéRienCes 1336, rue Ste-Catherine Est 514 940-6888 humà design + architecture & Moment Factory fushia 4050, rue Coloniale 514 842-1232 benky Holleran W baRtini 901, rue du Square Victoria 514 395-3100 Miguel Cancin Martinez sCM_spoRting CLub MontRéaL 4671, boulevard St-laurent 514 742-4141 gLaCieR biLboquet 4864, rue Sherbrooke Ouest 514 369-1118 Rubin & Rotman associés 2007 pLat e Café eLLefsen 414, rue St-Zotique Est Le Moineau / the spaRRoW 5322, boulevard St-laurent 514 690-3964 Café hoLt 1300, rue Sherbrooke Ouest 514 842-5111 Agence II by IV bistRo CoCagne 3842, rue St-Denis 514 286-0700 Les sŒuRs gRises 32, rue McGill 514 788-7635 blazysgérard Jean-Pierre Viau design Café via dante 251, rue Dante 514 270-8446 Caffe MaRiani 4450, rue Notre-Dame Ouest 514 504-7458 ChoCoLats geneviève gRandbois 9389, boulevard leduc 450 462-7807 brossard phiLéMon baR 111, rue St-Paul Ouest 514 289-3777 Zébulon Perron phiLLips Lounge 1184, place Phillips 514 871-1184 Foti Drouin Designer bistRot La fabRique puLLMan 3424, avenue du Parc 514 288-7779 Cabinet braun braën 3609, rue St-Denis 514 544-5038 Stéphanie labelle & Pascal Pilon designers ChoCoLat, Le CoMptoiR 463, avenue Victoria 450 550-4503 St-lambert Marie-Sophie Dion aC La Maison du MaCaRon 2 rue De la Roche 514 759-9290 4479, 3 c3studio het CLunY shop eR desig 257, rue Prince 514 866-1213 n desig n Patrick Meausette 1 T-GRÉ GOIR AV. SA IN T-JO SEPH E E. 4Lapin pRessé avenue laurier Est 514 903-3555 6 1309, RUE MARI 1 Noémie ledoux, Jonathan AV. DUAyers Sylvain E-AParé, NNE MONT E. -ROYA L E. 5 Le keM Coba 60, rue Fairmount Ouest 514 419-1699 beck Design 3 RUE RA CHEL E. point g 1266, avenue du Mont-Royal Est 514 750-7515 lorna2Gordon AV. DE S 8 AV. SA IN java u AV. LAU RIER E. 514 505-0943 Fairview Pointe-Claire Optima Design PINS 7 R 1 java u 124, rue McGill 514 954-0707 Optima Design LORI MIE Café du nouveau Monde 84, rue Ste-Catherine Ouest 514 866-8669 1 luc laporte itsi bitsi 2507, rue Notre-Dame Ouest 514 509-3926 T-DE NIS apoLLo bistRo 6422, boulevard St-laurent 514 800-6486 Côté Sud bRÛLeRie st-denis 3039, rue Masson 514 750-6259 Dimarco Ferrao design ENT bistRos bistRos au | M ontRoYa L gReen Café 443, rue Viger Ouest 514 868-0498 CDID Design T-UR BAIN biRks Cafés 1240, rue du Square Phillips 514 397-2511 T-LA UR Cafés Coffees AV. SA IN WhiskY Café 5800, boulevard St-laurent 514 278-2646 Gervais Fortin Le ConfessionnaL 431, rue McGill 514 656-1350 Le pouRvoYeuR 184, rue Jean-talon Est 514 277-5858 taKtik design de faRine et d’eau fRaîChe 1701, rue Amherst 514 522-2777 Surface3 2011 AV. SA IN edgaR hYpeRtaveRne 1562, avenue du Mont-Royal Est 514 521-4661 benoit lacaille Café des beaux-aRts 1384, rue Sherbrooke Ouest 514 843-3233 AV. SA IN Candi baR 1148, avenue du Mont-Royal Est 514 524-4075 Paulo branco 2010 eat & dRink AV. PA PINE AU Radio Lounge 6000, boulevard de Rome, suite 500 450 443-3010 brossard MangeR et boiRe AV. DE MangeR et boiRe eat & dRink biLY kun 354, avenue du Mont-Royal Est 514 845-5392 Cabinet braun braën Address book eat shop & dRink design AV. DU PARC MangeR aCheteR et boiRe design E. nespResso 2045, rue Crescent 514 287-1222 thibodeau Architecture + Design & Concept Consult Design E E. 1 RBROOK RUE SHE oLive et gouRMando 351, rue St-Paul Ouest 514 350-1083 Dyan Solomon & Éric Girard Galeri e F low doR MiR erbox Alix & et sLee (p. 69 ) p & R ReLaxeR numé Gagné eLax im Designer, architecte riqulauréat des GRANDS PRIx Du DESIGN 91 e hau pressio 1 D intéRieuRs en viLLe | 3 G e n t-de-g rm rizz amm et de alounge, c photo ly Montré e (p b . e 70) auté (p entre d al / G graph e a iq . santé lerie d 85) 4 ue (p. Atmo ’art 70) se v sphère êtiR (p. 72 5 get Interv ) dRes ersion sed (p. 73 6 1 b Mà, m ) outiq obilie ue 5 e MOUSSEUX r actu Avenu SPIRITUEUX 7 M el (p. ontré e (p. 74) Man 9) Fine P al-les-b CIDRES DE10GLACE geR lombe ains, e eat & tb CIDRES LÉGERS rie (p. 8 dRin oiRe le M 78) CIDRES FORTS k oine u 1 b rbain istrot (p. 74 la Fa ) briqu 2 b istro C e (p. 9 0) ocagn 3 e (p. 9 Chuc 0) hai l oft (p. 9 90 | intéRieuRs en viLLe Designer, architecte lauréat des GRANDS PRIx Du DESIGN Map 2 3) inté optimiser l’espace optimizing space Alain Marchand est un inventeur comme il en existe peu. En plus de 20 ans, son entreprise Excalibur Industries a développé une expertise dans la conception et la fabrication de produits et de systèmes avant-gardistes. Alain Marchand a toujours cherché à rendre les choses plus efficaces. Son système de rangement wall-out en est un parfait exemple. Il constitue un vrai gain d’espace et peut même être fait sur mesure. Comprimable et repliable, il offre une garde-robe organisée, esthétique et fonctionnelle. Avec ses produits et solutions originales, Excalibur Industries donne la possibilité aux professionnels du design de suivre leurs élans créatifs pour satisfaire leurs clients. Ces derniers peuvent dorénavant découvrir ces produits dans la nouvelle salle de montre sur la rue brabant Marineau à Ville St-laurent. Rs en viLL e | 11 5 excalibur industries 2610, rue brabant Marineau 514 333 7762 Full page ad Promotional article Rieu Alain Marchand is an inventor. In over twenty years of existence, his company Excalibur Industries, has developed an expertise in a wide range of areas in the design and manufacturing of cutting-edge systems and products. Alain Marchand has always wanted to make things more efficient. His storage device is a perfect example. It helps optimizing space and can even be customized. the compressible and folding wall-out system offers a well-organized, aesthetic and functional wardrobe. with its original products and solutions, Excalibur Industries gives to design professionals the possibility to pursue their creative impulses to better answer their clients’ needs. Customers can now find these products in the new showroom on brabant Marineau Street in Ville St-laurent. 136 | intéRieuRs en viLLe specifications Formats double page full page Cropped : 10 1/2” x 8 1/4” With Bleed : 10 3/4” x 8 1/2” Safe Area : 10” x 7 3/4” Cropped : 5 1/4” x 8 1/4” With Bleed : 5 1/2” x 8 1/2” Safe Area : 4 1/2” x 7 1/2” Bleed 1/8” (double and full pages) Critical Margin 1/4” (double and full pages) Files High resolution CYMK PDF with bleed marks for any simgle or double page ad. Delivery of materials » Via our FTP site*: server: Creative services Creative services including design, graphic design, creative writing and translation are available to PID Agency clients upon request and at an additionnal cost. Required material A single file or compressed document with all materials to be included in the ad is required : » vector logo username : [email protected] » one or more high resolution images password : pid4398 » MAC compatible font (TTF, OTF) in case *Requires an FTP Client software (ex. : cuteFTP, FileZilla, Fetch, Transmit, etc.) » On CD-ROM or DVD, by snail mail or courrier to the following address (at your charge): 4398, boul. Saint-Laurent Bureau 103 Montréal (Québec) Canada, H2W 1Z5 (300dpi) of specific font choice As to make sure the colors are spot-on, Please include : the PANTONE code for all flat colors. Important Please make sure that your documents are clearly identified with the advertiser’s name. We recommend that you confirm the document transfer with our graphic design team by email at: [email protected] All ads deposited must be final versions ready for print only. PID Agency cannot be held responsible for choosing between different versions.