January 22nd, 2006
January 22nd, 2006
Page 2 St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church OUR LITURGY Jonah is called by God to proclaim the time of judgment to Nineveh. The people hear and reform their lives. Paul calls the people to an awareness that Jesus and the Spirit have brought about a new age. In the Gospel, we hear that the reign of God is at hand. All are called to reform their lives according to God’s will; to love one another. ALTAR BREAD & WINE Donated in Honor of Dick Kiley Requested by The Gagliardo & Brennan Families REMEMBER OUR DEAD Giuseppa Romano, for our deceased soldiers and all of our deceased relatives and friends. REMEMBER OUR SICK Rosemarie Aiello William Barry Adrian Bohl Hazel Boyce Leo Cantelmo Angelina DeSimone Barbara DiGirolomo Geraldine DuBritz Maria Goncaldes Jasper Indelicato Jack Kelleher Ann Marie Lovett Howard Meeks Timothy M Nigro Grace C Peshkur Richard Rigney Rose Russo Jeanette Schaefer Darryll Smith Stacie Tizzard Dianne Barello Marie Behling Nicholas Bohl Mr. Michael Boyle Sr Raffaela Capp Nesam Devaraj George Dinger Michael A DuBritz Jeanne Hartman Dixon Ingram Logan Lamas Maureen McCann Brett Meyers Robert Pascale Bari Pizzurro Christopher Rubin Theresa Ryan Sharon Schneider Lorraine Stiefel Lloyd Turnier Rob Barello Sonny Bock Oliver Bouchard Dolores Burke Joseph DeMaio Olivia Marie Devine Mary Dougherty Maggie Errico Mike Healy Matthew Jankay Georgiana Lopez Michele McGee Sam Monte Leone Valerie Peruzza Joseph Poirot Christopher Rubino Dawn Saporito Dorothea Slinkoky Jesus Tapel Wallace Williams PLEASE NOTE: To keep our prayer list current, we will keep names on the sick list for two months. We ask families to return the bulletin cut-out to include names of those who are ill for another two months. OUR PRIEST-CELEBRANTS This Week End Mass Fr Boyle Fr Boyle Fr Tapel Fr Maffeo Fr Tapel Fr Maffeo 5:00 pm 7:00 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 noon 5:00 pm Next Week Fr Maffeo Fr Maffeo Fr Tapel Fr Thomas Fr Boyle Fr Thomas MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, January 22, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 Jared Kremm requested by Michael Domiano 9:00 Deceased Members of St Regis Knights of Columbus & Columbiettes 10:30 Connie Mulrane requested by Robert & Nilda Ortiz 10:30 St Anthony requested by Vicenca & Marian Gagliardo 12:00 Philip Jaryniszyn requested by Loving Wife & Family 12:00 Margaret Nugent requested by Loving Family 5:00 For An End to Abortion requested by Right to Life 5:00 Henry Hauser requested by Mary Johnson Monday, January 23 4:30 AM For An End to Abortion 7:00 Barbara Payne requested by Kathryn Dell’Aglio 9:00 Mildred Turner requested by The Devenney Family 9:00 Terry Motta requested by Mom & Susan Tuesday, January 24, St Francis de Sales 7:00 Mary La Rock requested by Anthony & Ann Ambrosio 8:45 Marie Affenita requested by The Gelderman Family 8:45 Albert Dantzig requested by Katherine, Dave & Family Wednesday, January 25, Conversion of Paul 7:00 Janet Marinello requested by the Wimpelberg Family 9:00 Gloria Pace requested by Carol & Harry Donald 9:00 John Connolly requested by Frank & Kathryn Dell’Aglio Thursday, January 26, Sts Timothy & Titus 7:00 Henry Parisi requested by John Lesko 9:00 Shane Moritz requested by The Binger Family 9:00 John Makris requested by Thomas Kelly Friday, January 27, St Angela Merici 7:00 Maureen Berdon requested by Loving Father 9:00 Jennifer Binger requested by Loving Mom & Dad Saturday, January 28, St Thomas Aquinas 8:00 Grace Marron requested by Mr & Mrs Daniel Ventola 8:00 Josephine Bellino-Press requested by Houser Family Anticipated Mass for Sunday 5:00 Andrew D’Angelis requested by Antoinette D’Angelis 5:00 Kathleen Cromidas requested by Cathy & Jim Foy Sunday, January 29, Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 Jared Kremm requested by Bryan Russel 7:00 Patricia Carduner requested by John Farkas 9:00 John Johnson requested by 9 O’Clock Choir 9:00 Gilbert J Costa requested by Thomas & Carol Gillin 10:30 The Blessed Mother requested by Vincenca & Marian Gagliardo 10:30 Mary Claire DeBacker requested by Ed Mitchell 12:00 Tony, Elise & Frank Valisno requested by Aida Samson 12:00 Thomas Cecere requested by Uncle Steve 5:00 Jillian McLees requested by The VanBells 5:00 Annette Hewitt requested by Jerry, Rosaria Michels & Family IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO BRING UP THE GIFTS AT THE MASSES ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY, PLEASE CONTACT ONE OF THE USHERS WHEN YOU ARRIVE FOR MASS. Sunday, January 22, 2006 Page 3 FROM THE DESK OF FR. MIKE “ I tell you brothers and sisters, that time is running out…For the world in its present form is passing away.” “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Ever get the sense that there is not enough time to get everything done? This is certainly true during the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays, when it seems that we cannot possibly get all of the shopping, the decorating (inside and out) done, and then prepare for guests. Yet, in most cases it all gets done, because we call upon strengths or talents we really didn’t know we had or don’t always want to show to the rest of the world because we will be expected to do it all the time. St. Mark’s Gospel and St. Paul’s Letter this week reminds us that in reality there is not a great deal of time at hand. While it is true in the early days of the Church they expected Christ to come back almost immediately, and we now we have been waiting for over 2000 years for Christ to return. It is also true that we do not know the hour or the day when Christ will come back, and we can’t go around looking for signs or omens to predict it. Remember, Jesus tells us in the Gospel that only the Father in Heaven knows! So, we may have to wait another 2000 years or we may have only another 2, or 3, or 20 years, who knows? What we do know, as we see in today’s gospel, is the call is given and we are to act upon it, and use those hidden strengths and talents for building the Kingdom of God. It is every Christian’s job to do this, not just the job of Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Religious Brothers and Sisters or Professional Lay Church Workers. It is everybody’s job and we must do our part, for we do not have forever. No, we only have the time allotted to us in this world to do our share. Keep in mind that Christ Himself will ask us when we see Him face to face what have done and what have we failed to do! Notice if you will, how Mark’s Gospel is laid out. Unlike Matthew, Luke or John there is no Infancy Narrative or Prologue. Mark gets right to the point, starting with John the Baptist, The Baptism of The Lord, and then the call of the First Disciples. So, get busy just like Mark is telling us! But how do I do my part, where should I direct my strengths and talents? Follow the Gospel Message especially as seen in the story of the Good Samaritan, The Beatitudes, Matthew Chapter 25, and The Prodigal Son, and so much more. Pray become one with God by coming to know God in Communal Prayer (as seen when we gather for Mass and the celebration of the Sacraments), and through our individual one-on-one prayer, in which we share with God our entire life. Repent, change your life move away from sin and believe in the Gospel, and answer the call just like Simon (Peter), Andrew, James and John. Last weekend we began this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal. After Special Consideration, the Appeal Office has given Saint Joseph’s the same goal as we had last year. They reached this decision because they realized that we did not reach the goal last year, but we came so close. So, they wanted to give us another shot at reaching the goal and finally realizing the full amount of the rebate coming to St. Joseph’s. I do know that we can do it this year, and we really should try because it is a win/win situation. The more we raise the more we are helping our brothers and sisters throughout the Diocese-in a way we could not help them individually or as one parish. The more we raise, the more we help St. Joseph’s. We do this in two ways! One, some of the people helped through Catholic Charities belong to our parish, the support given to our Catholic Schools, helps our own St. Joseph’s School and our students who attend Catholic High Schools. Support given to the Ministries Appeal also supports Religious Education in the Parishes, especially our program here directed by Jane Favale, Cathy Foy, Gloria Napolitano and the work of so many others. There is also Adult Formation (The Pastoral Formation Institute, Masters of Arts Degree in Theology –at the Seminary) and the training of Deacons and Priests for service as Ordained Ministers for the Diocese. In our parish, we have two men studying to become Deacons and of course, several members of our parish have become priests, and St. Joseph’s has served as a wonderful training ground for Pastoral Year Seminarians like Lachlan and Lee-The Ministries Appeal helps make all this happen. The other way we help St. Joseph’s is the more we raise, the more of a rebate we receive and thus the Appeal becomes an almost painless Fund Raiser. Please give to this worthwhile Appeal, and if you have never made a donation before, please consider it this year. If it has been a while since you made a donation, now is the time to reconsider, and if you gave last year, please give again, and if you are able to make a higher donation (to help us make our goal) please help. Thank you, so much in advance for your wonderful support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal and for helping St. Joseph’s get its full share of the rebate. Tomorrow following a special Mass at 4:30 AM, a bus will leave St. Joseph’s for the Annual March on Washington to protest against Abortion. If you are making the trip or want to support those making it please join us at the Mass or pray especially on this day to change people’s hearts and minds. Next week is the start of Catholic Schools Week and we invite you to come and tour our own beautiful St. Joseph’s School. See the bulletin for all the activities and wonderful opportunities to our young people that a Page 4 Sunday, January 22, 2006 SAY A PRAYER FOR OUR TROOPS Please continue to remember them in your prayers. CPL Deborah Alfieri SGT Dennis Bailey Tech SGT Louis Barletta PFC Justin Browne PC Michael Dean Cantley SPC Thomas E. Corcoran SGT Ryan Delaney LTCOL Kurt Diehl SGT Stephen G DiGirolamo SSGT Tony Elliott CPL Keith Flick PFC Adam Franciosa RCT Michael Gabriellini PVT2 Edward Johnston SGT John W Keohane SGT Steven Knight CPL Andrew Kochman 1SGT John Krumholz SSG Stephen LeGrady PFC Edward McGinn SGT Patrick McNally PFC William Meyer Andy Mezador SGT Glenn Miller SGT Daniel Montville SSGT Brian Moran CPT Gregory Mueller LCPL Thomas Napolitano LCPL Michael Napolitano LCPL James Neubauer LCPL Anthony Notaroberta SGT Brian Pacella N/Seal Paul Padro ENS3 Lucy Padro CPT Michael Parisi 2LT Anthony Parisi MAJ Paul E Pinaud SGT Edwin Rivera, II SSGT Jason Schiavo RCT Brian Schildt LCPL W.Mason Shehan SPC James Stanek SSGT Nick Vicale SGT John Thomas Vogt SGT Randolph Weaver (If you would like to include a soldier from your family who is serving, place St Joseph’s School Congratulations to our 8th grader, Olivia Greto. Olivia will be in Orlando Florida, playing soccer in the national finals of the “Got Milk 3v3 Soccer Tournament!” Way to go Olivia! A beautiful reconciliation service was shared by our second grade students this week, who received the sacrament for the first time. Please see our school website for information in regard to registration and Catholic Schools Week. Also flyers will be in the weekly bulletin with specific information for all the events. Tickets are now on sale for the Fashion Show. See the information in the bulletin or call the school office for details (588-4760). Outreach The Commodity Supplemental Food Program / FAN is offering free food for seniors age 60 and over who are income eligible. The food package includes cheese, milk, cereal, juices, canned fruits, vegetables, meat and more. Those NEW eligible include a single senior whose gross their name and rank on a piece of paper and put it in the collection basket) monthly income is $1,037 or less, and a seniors couple, whose gross monthly income is $1,390 or less. The Commodity Supplemental Food Program / FAN is Religious Education offering free food for income eligible children under six years Monday and Thursday 9 AM to 4 PM of age (not on WIC) plus pregnant and up to one year Tuesday and Wednesday 10AM to 3:30 postpartum women. The food package includes free baby formula, cereal, juices, cheese, canned fruits, vegetables, meat The office is closed on Fridays. and more. A family of three with a Gross month income $2,418 and Level 1 Reminder – Activity scheduled for Monday, A family of four with a Gross month income $ 2,984 are January 23rd at 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. You may take your eligible. For each additional family member add $503 for choice of time. eligibility. For more information in Nassau or Suffolk call: Level 6 will be going to Temple Beth Chai on Monday, Attention all: January 30th at 4:30 p.m. Travel directions were sent home with the students last week. Cub Scout Packs Congratulations to all our Level 2 & Sacrament Readiness 2 students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation last week. They will now prepared to receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Venturing Crews Banns of Marriage (SecondTime) Nicole F Narciso of Assumption of the BVM and Kristoffer G Spatz of St Joseph’s Boy Scout Troops St. Joseph’s will celebrate Scout Sunday on February 12th. St. Joseph Church and Pack, Troop, and Crew 272 invite all Scouting Units in the area to celebrate with us on Sunday, February 12th, at the 12:00 PM Mass. Refreshments will be available after Mass. Please let us know that you will be coming. E-mail [email protected] or call 588-8456 and leave a message for Charter Rep Gregory Walsh. Page 5 Sunday, January 22, 2006 RESPECT LIFE Today as you read this, many people here in our parish are preparing for the most important Life event of the year, the 33rd Annual March for Life. Those of us who are not going to Washington, D.C. to do the actual March will be praying for the success of the purpose of the March, the reversal of Roe v. Wade. This law allows for the legal killing of children, at no matter the gestational age, one day or the whole nine months. Dr. Seuss’ book, Horton Hears a Who, tells us that “a person’s a person, no matter how small.” How true that is. Consider that at fertilization, 23 chromosomes from the father’s sperm & 23 chromosomes from the mother’s ovum combine to form a brand new one-cell human being, which is called a zygote, which is already genetically an individual human being, & a “he” or a “she.” Each of the 46 chromosomes is composed of genes, or units of DNA, which contain all the genetic information of the new life. Will he be tall? Will she have blond hair? Will he be athletic? Will she be musical? Of course, many other more serious matters will be decided by those genes. Here’s how it goes for the first 11 weeks of our new life: 24 hours The zygote divides to form a two-cell embryo. Day 2 The cells continue to divide every 12 to 15 hours. Day 3 Four cells divide to make 8, then 16. Day 4 Early blastocyst stage. The growing embryo has entered the uterus. Day 7 Embryo seeks nourishment in the womb as implantation begins. Week 3 The heart begins to beat & neural folds & divisions of the brain appear. Week 5 The face is taking shape; the forehead, eyes, nostrils & mouth are evident; external ears are beginning; hands & feet are forming. Week 6 Brain waves can be measured! Week 8 The stomach, liver, kidneys & brain are functioning. Fingerprints have formed. Week 11 Now 3 inches long, all of the baby’s organs are complete & functioning. The baby breathes (fluid), swallows, digests, sleeps, wakes & has developed all the body parts required to experience pain. From this point on, all the child needs to become a healthy newborn is nourishment & time to grow. Pope John Paul II, in his homily at Giant Stadium in 1995, urged that “As Americans & as followers of Christ, American Catholics must be committed to the defense of life in all its stages & in every condition.” St. Kilian, Farmingdale, Respect Life Dec. 4, 2005 A note of thanks to St. Regis Council, Knights of Columbus, for their continuing generosity in providing the buses for the Ronkonkoma delegation to the 33rd Annual March for Life, on Monday, January 23rd. Year after year, they come through! Weekly Offering January 15, 2006 Offerings Same collection last year Number of envelopes Poor Box last weekend Fuel Collection This Fiscal Year to date Snow Removal 412 $11,863 15,921 $274 $ 180 7,529 $1592 As you can see from these figures the weather last weekend had a negative effect on attendance and offerings. Please help us to reduce this shortage. God Bless You Always, Fr Mike Pascal Candle Memorials Anyone who would like to memorialize the Pascal Candle for the upcoming year please fill out the information below and return it with your payment of $100 to the Rectory. In Memory of:________________________ From: ________________________ Telephone: ________________________ Catholic Youth Organization 2006 Spring Sports Registration for Baseball, Track & Soccer will take place on Sunday January 22nd from 1-4PM at St Joseph’s Church in Carew Hall. We will also have registration on Monday, January 23rd from 6:30-8:30 at Slocum School on Sycamore Street in the Gym Hallway. Mark Your Calendars Jan 23 March for Life 4:30AM Mass Jan 23 Level 1 Activity Jan 28 Right to Life Newsletter folding 8-12:30 Jan 29 - Feb 5 Catholic Schools Week Jan 30 Level 6 Temple Visit Feb 5 Unity Sunday Feb 5 Open House St Joseph’s School Feb 12 Scout Sunday 12:00 Mass Feb 18 Defensive Driving Course Page 6 Sunday, January 22, 2006 Rock & Roll 50’s Fashion Show : Sponsored by St Joseph’s Home School Association Wednesday, March 29,2006 At Villa Lombardi’s Holbrook 7PM to 11PM *Raffle Baskets* Door Prizes* Grand Raffle Baskets* **50/50 CASH PRIZE $50.00 per person includes: Salad, dinner, dessert, coffee/tea/beer/wine/soda & valet parking To purchase show tickets please remit your name, return address, number of tickets requested and check made payable to St Joseph’s School to: St Joseph School 35 Church St Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 Attn: Ann Ambrosio, HSA Treasurer **If there is a specific group you would like to sit with, please submit request with above information. We will try our best to accommodate you. **If you are a school parent, please note your child’s name & phone number along with the above information. ********Absolutely no tickets will be sold after March 24, 2006********** CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2006 Catholic Charities 22% Catholic Charities 22% Parish share 20% Fromation 18% Education 20% Pastoral Outreach 20% The largest portion of our donation gets forwarded to Catholic Charities. Let’s take a look at how our money is utilized. Supporting our Parish Outreach through assistance with: ♦ Child & Family Healthcare, including medical insurance issues ♦ Food & Nutrition Programs, including assistance with applications for food stamps ♦ Maternity Services for the needy and unwed ♦ Mental Health referrals as well as referrals for substance abuse and AIDS/ HIV treatment ♦ Immigration and Refugee Resettlement Support on a National Level Catholic Charities USA has raised $101 million for hurricane disaster relief: ♦ Assisting hurricane victims by providing food, financial aid, clothing, shelter, gas, household goods; helping with medical & prescription needs; offering cleanup assistance; helping victims work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency; Providing crisis counseling, case management, transportation, job placement, & temporary & long-term housing. 2006 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Diocese of Rockville Centre - PO Box 4000, Rockville Centre, NY 11571-4000 P 516-379-5210 ext. 2 F 516-379-5043 e-mail [email protected] Thank you for your support. Please make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal Pledge $_____________Payment $______________Balance $___________ Touching the lives of many through Diocesan & Parish ministries and services. Name:___________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________ City:_________________________State:_________Zip:_______________ Telephone:________________________ Parish: 146-St Joseph Every Gift Counts! Can we count on you? Pledge $5000 2500 1500 1000 500 300 200 100 10 Payments $500 250 150 100 50 30 20 10 A GUIDE TO GIVING Page 8 Around The Parish St Joseph's Play Group Calling all babies, toddlers and Preschoolers ! Come meet new friends at the St Joseph’s Playgroup! Bring your Mom, Dad, Grandparents or caregiver to Father Carew Hall on Friday mornings at 9:30 AM. You’ll meet other St Joseph’s families & spend an hour of fun with other children from ages birth to 5. For more information please call Sally Miller at 737-5120. Hope to see you there! Virtus Training– Protecting God’s Children for Adults classes are being conducted locally at the following parishes: St John Nepomucene in Bohemia Infant Jesus in Port Jefferson St Francis Cabrini in Coram January 24th 6:30 PM January 23rd 7:00 PM February 10th 6:00PM The St Vincent de Paul Society loves and works for God. The members love and work for our neighbors in need. They do this through your kind offerings each week in the poor boxes. God will and does reward those who care and share. Courtesy Announcements Diocesan Conference for the Separated and Divorced “ Finding Peace, Purpose & Joy” will be held at Kellenberg Memorial High School, Uniondale, on Saturday, March 11th from 9AM to 4:30 PM. For registration & more information, call 516-678-5800 x 508 or email [email protected] Parenting (Grandparenting/Godparenting) the Christian Family back by popular demand, we will be meeting monthly in the parish center meeting room at St Thomas More, Hauppauge from 7-8PM. Seminars scheduled: “Growing in Responsibility” February 2nd, “Living Gospel Values” March 2 and “Improving Family Time” April 6. Activity, prayer, & discussion serve as components of each seminar facilitated by Dr Joan Dorr.Pre-registration is appreciated 234-5551. Professional Therapy and Counseling provided by NYS licensed psychologists are available to our parish through the Catholic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies are honored. For confidential information and appointment, call Dr.Giuliani at 243-1550. Holy Hour for Vocations the friends of the Seminary sponsor a monthly Holy Hour for the intention of an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The Holy Hour, which is held on the 3rd Friday of each month at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception will include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction. The next Holy Hour will be Friday, January 20th at 8:00PM. All are welcome. For further information please contact the Vocation Office at 631-424-9888 or you may e-mail [email protected] Super Bowl Sunday at the Cenacle in Ronkonkoma, February 5th from 3 - 5PM. Soup, bread and beverage for $25. You get to keep the bowl, which will be decorated by the Cenacle Sisters, Cenacle Staff or signed by a local celebrity. RSVP by January 27th or call 631-471-0024 for more information. “Living Independently” a free educational workshop for Seniors sponsored by St Patrick’s Family Outreach on Tuesday, February 14th from 10AM to 12Noon at St. Patrick’s Church in Bay Shore. Topics include: Developing a Support Team, Important Documents you Need, Medicare & Medicaid Benefits Explained and Health Care Coordination. Please RSVP Catherine Dennis at 665-7216. SAINT JOSEPH’S SCHOOL PROUDLY PRESENTS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK JANUARY 29 -FEBRUARY 5 WELCOME TO OUR SCHOOL! Sunday, January 29th 10:30AM Mass followed by Open House and Grandparents Tea 11:30-1:00 Monday, January 30 A Celebration of Our School Community Tuesday, January 31 A Celebration of Family 8:45 School Mass Parent Career Day Wednesday, February 1 A Celebration of Students Thursday, February 2 A Celebration of Volunteer Volunteer Tea 1:30PM in Auditorium Friday, February 3 A Celebration of Faculty /Staff Admission Free - Movie Night – 8:00-9:30PM Sunday, February 5 Unity Sunday Open House After 9:00, 10:30 and 12:00 Masses Page 10 PARISHIONER REQUEST FORM I/we would like to register as members of St. Joseph Parish. NAME (s): ____________________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________ _________ PHONE: _______ - _____________ unlisted? (Yes) (No) I/we would like become members of the parish. ( ) Yes I/we would like to receive contribution envelopes. ( ) Yes ( )No We make our donations each Sunday ( ) Weekly We make our donations once a Month ( ) Monthly ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) I would like to become an usher ) I would like to become a lector. ) I would like to become an altar server. ) I would like to become a Eucharistic Minister. ) I would like to become a choir member ) I would like to become a Catechist ) I would like to help maintain the parish plantings ) I would like to offer my following talents to the parish (Please return to the Church Office or place in Collection Basket) REMEMBERING THE SICK Please include the following in the bulletin sick list: ______________________________ We’re Looking For… BOX TOPS from cereals for Educational purposes are always welcomed. Please drop them in the collection. DEPOSIT BOTTLES AND CANS—Please place them in the baskets that are located on the school side of the Church on weekends or behind the rectory during the week. CELL PHONES—Please bring your no longer used or needed cell phones and deposit them at the Scrip table in the Church lobby. Even Used Inkjet Cartridges, Have Their Uses We have found a way to help St Joseph and keep those complicated pieces of plastic, metal and printed circuit boards out of the land fill. Drop them off (in a plastic baggie) when you come to mass. We will send them to a company who reuses them and gives the parish a bounty for each. One note, to clear confusion, if it is larger than a fist, it is not an inkjet cartridge!!! Cub Scout Pack 272 Boy Scout Troop 272 St. Joseph’s Cub Scout Pack 272 and Boy Scout Troop 272 have fun, exciting, educational, character building programs for boys, age 7 through 17 (first grade and up). For more information or to enroll your child, contact Dr. Louis Scotti at 656-8428 or e-mail [email protected]. Name of person who is ill: _____________________________ Person making this request: ____________________ Relationship to ill person Your Phone #: _____________________ (Please place in collection basket or return to Church Office) PARISH RESTORATION FUND I/we wish to pledge (or increase our pledge to) ___ $5,000 ___ $4,000 ___ $3,000 ___ $2,000 ___ $1,000 to St. Joseph’s Parish Restoration Campaign. I/we would like to make payments ___Annually ___Semi-Annually ___Quarterly ___ Monthly spreading the payments over ___One year ___ Two years ___ Three years ___ Four years NAME (s): ________________________________________ ADDRESS:_______________________________________ _______________________________________ PHONE: ______ - _________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED NOW: $ ________ (Please return this form in the collection basket or to the Church Office) Sport for all Seasons ST JOSEPH CYO Travel Soccer: Gene 467-0541 Intramural Soccer: Beth 737-6299 Track Karen 588-8636 Chairman: Henry Baseball: Gene 588-1879 Girls Basketball: Christine 737-3142 Boys Basketball: Frank 585-6921 Melchiona 467-6091
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