May 10, 2015 - St. Joseph`s Church
May 10, 2015 - St. Joseph`s Church
ST. JOSEPH’S CHURCH MOTHER CHURCH OF THE BERKSHIRES ESTABLISHED 1849 Pittsfield, Massachusetts Liturgical Celebrations Saturday The Staff Msgr. Michael Shershanovich, Pastor Rev. Geoffrey Deeker, CSS, Priest in Residence Rev. Mr. Pasqual Baldasaro, Deacon John Arasimowicz, Coordinator of Youth Religious Education e-Mail: [email protected] Michele Madden, Secretary e-Mail: [email protected] Mrs. Patricia Momnie, Pastoral Minister 4:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM 11:30 AM Daily Mass 12:10 PM RCIA Tuesdays, 6:30 PM Holy Hour Monday-Friday, 11:00 AM Daily Rosary Monday-Friday, 11:30 AM St. Joseph’s Parish Office Prayer Group 1st & 3rd Wednesday, 6:45 PM 414 North Street. Pittsfield, MA 01201 Tel: (413) 445-5789 Fax: (413) 443-5466 Hours: Mon.-Fri.: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM e-Mail: [email protected] St. Joseph’s Cemetery Web site: Mr. Paul Guillou, Superintendent Nancy Nolan, Secretary Tel: (413) 499-1317 Sacrament of Baptism: All new parents are expected to complete a course of instruction. Please consult the parish office for classes. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays, 3:00-3:45PM Sacrament of Matrimony: Couples should contact the parish office at least one year prior to the wedding. New Parishioners should register at the parish office. We look forward to welcoming you to the parish family and hope you will become involved with your time, talent and treasure. Ministry to the Sick and Parishioners confined to home have visitations that are scheduled on a regular basis. Please notify the parish office to make arrangements. Religious Education Classes are held at St. Joseph’s High School following the 9:00 AM Mass for all public school students, grades K-11, and parochial students preparing for Sacraments. KINDLY SILENCE ALL PAGERS & CELL PHONES - THANK YOU! PRIESTS CONCERT SCHEDULED FOR MAY 15 Our singing diocesan priests are at it again! Mark your calendars for Friday, May 15th at 7 PM. This concert will benefit the Sisters of Saint Joseph & be held at Barrington Stage, 30 Union St. Pittsfield. Tickets are $25 each at the box office or call 413-236-8888, in person at the box office or online at www.barringtonstageco.or/ rentals/singingpriests. This concert will once again be a mix of favorite hymns & popular tunes. Among the priests singing will be Msgr. Mike, Fr. C.J., Fr. Joyce, Fr. John Salatino & Fr. David Aufiero. GLUTEN FREE HOSTS AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO CANNOT TOLERATE GLUTEN. PLEASE NOTIFY PRIEST BEFORE MASS. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, May 9th JOAN & EDDIE GOMEAU & ERNEST GREGORY Requested by Friends 4 PM Sunday, May 10th ALL MOTHERS ALL MOTHERS Sanctuary Candle Sandy, 25th Anniversary Monday, May 11th LYNETTE WARREN Requested by Phil Kirsimagi Tuesday, May 12th ELIZABETH GARVEY Requested by Mike Bailey Wednesday, May 13th THERESA CHARBONNEAU Requested by Ladies of St. Anne’s Thursday, May 14th DON BRENNAN Requested by John & Tom Arasimowicz GUY NOTO Requested by John & Tom Arasimowicz Friday, May 15th MARY RICCI Requested by Friends Saturday, May 16th JOHN SKUMIN FIRST ANNIVERSARY Requested by Niece Josie and Family Sunday, May 17th ST. LUKE’S ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LIVING AND DECEASED MEMBERS STANLEY A. BARAN 4th Anniversary Requested by Family MASS FOR SICK 9 AM 11:30 AM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 12:10 PM 5:30 PM 12:10 PM 4 PM 9 AM 11:30 AM LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Saturday 4 PM EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: PAULA DODDS, JOSIE DAVIAU, NINIA MASTRANGELO, PAT MOMNIE, CHERYL FURTEK JIM ARMSTRONG & SR. JEAN BOSTLEY MAY 9TH Sunday, 9 AM LECTORS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: BERNADETTE SCAPIN, LILLIAN TRZEPACZ, JEFF VINCENT, MAY 10TH Sunday, 11:30 AM PAUL GUILLOU, NANCY WOITKOSKI & JOHN ARASIMOWICZ LECTORS: SHARON VINCENT & ANNE KOZLOWSKI EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: JIM MCNEICE, RON PELLETIER, J. WEATHERWAX, MICHAEL WOOD, MAY 10TH LECTORS: P. MCDONOUGH & JOE DAHROUGE PAUL MAYS & ANNA STACK MAY 10, 2015 The St. Anne’s Society of St. Joseph Church will hold a baby shower at its meeting on May 20, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. The speaker will be Lorry Decorie who will talk about the Pregnancy Support Group. Members are asked to bring practical gifts such as diapers, (larger sizes) formula, baby wipes, onesies, and receiving blankets. Refreshments will be served. When possible, please bring nonperishable food products for the food pantry. The greatest love story that ever happened: God’s continuing love for His people. All God asks is “Love one another as I have loved you”. A mother’s love is something special and we celebrate her today. What a great gift for any mother to have a son a priest and/or a daughter a religious sister. If you are willing to answer God’s call, call Fr. Gary Dailey at 413-452-0816 or email at [email protected] Website: A Blue Mass to honor Police, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, and Emergency first Responders from Berkshire County will be celebrated at St. Joseph Church on Sunday, May 17, 2015, at 5:30 PM. Staging time for the honorees will be at 5:15 PM in the Parish Center. A reception will follow Mass in the Parish Center including a Missing Persons Table Ceremony. Celebrants will be Msgr. Michael Shershanovich and Fr. Peter Gregory. This Mass is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Msgr. Eugene F. Marshall Council #103. The Blue Mass is in reference to the uniforms worn by these professionals who serve our community. All are welcome. Kindly RSVP by May 8 by email at [email protected] or call Jack Laviolette at 464-6009. From today’s 1st Reading, Acts of Apostles 10: “Can anyone withhold the water of baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit even as we have?” Can anyone withhold the gift of life to the unborn who have received it from God even as we have? Save the date, St. Joseph Festival of Sharing Roots from 12 Noon to 5 PM on September 13, 2015. Tag Sale & Crafts at 9 AM held on the grounds of St. Joseph Church. Prayers of the Faithful in many languages at the 11:30 AM Mass. Great food, entertainment and fellowship moving on from 9-11-01 as a Parish Family. Our weekly diocesan televised Mass, the Chalice of Salvation, will air at an earlier time on two upcoming weekends. Because of NBC programming, both on May 24 and June 7, the televised Chalice Mass will air at 6:30 a.m. on WWLP 22News. So spread the word especially to our homebound friends, and set your alarms clock early for the May 24 and June 7 Chalice of Salvation Masses at 6:30 a.m. 20/20 tickets are still available! Please contact the Rectory if you are interested. Week No. 1 - Winners: Ashley Keyes & Hoa Le - CONGRATULATIONS! Picnic News! Did you know… Cooking for the picnic has begun. Last week we made 778 cheese pierogi. This week we made 1,081 cheese pierogi. New this year, there is a weekly door prize for those who come to help. The winner of Week 1: Nancy Vosburgh and the winner of Week 2: Jimmy Cowell. Each won a $10 gift certificate to Price Chopper. CONGRATULATIONS! Each week you come your name will also go into the grand prize drawing which will be pulled on Friday, July 17th. The committee is looking for donations of Flour, PAM, and Wax Paper. If you are able to help, please leave items in a bag labeled: PICNIC. THANK YOU!!!!!! The Sisters at the Visitation Monastery in Tyringham recently gifted our Food Pantry with 96 pounds of pasta as well as some cheese. We are most grateful to them for thinking of our pantry. Our prayers are extended to them for their generosity. Sacrificial Giving Last Week: $5,993.00. THANK YOU!! 6th SUNDAY OF EASTER MOTHER’S DAY NEICH BED ZIE POCHWALONY JEZUS CHRYSTUS ST. JOSEPH PRAYER LINE: 443-1221 Readings for the Week of May 10, 2015 Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17 Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Jn 15:26--16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 1113 or Eph 1:17-23/Mk 16:15-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23b-28 Next Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26/1 Jn 4:11-16/Jn 17:11b-19 "It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain." We sometimes tend to believe the opposite. It's not unusual for us to think, "I have chosen to be a Christian," and then to imagine that the process really started with us, that it was our initiative, our decision to believe, our act of faith that got the ball rolling in our spiritual life. Of course our decision is important, but Jesus reminds us today that he is actually the one who took the first step. He chose us. He called and invited us to be among his followers and friends. As the second reading tells us, "God sent his only Son into the world so that we might have life through him." That happened first. The next step is ours, to accept this life that is offered to us through our own act of faith. The other part of this equation is that, as Jesus tells us, we have been chosen for a mission. This isn't all just about our personal faith and our relationship with him. He calls us to know and love him, and when we respond, we are "appointed" to be fruitful in the world. We are supposed to live our faith in such a way that something valuable, beautiful, and useful comes from it. Jesus sends us to make the world a better place, not in a vague, feelgood, fluffy way but in a real, concrete way. He equips us to bear fruit that will remain. This isn't superficial or flighty. The work we do in the world--whether it be alleviating the suffering of the sick and poor, evangelizing those who do not know about the gift of salvation, raising our children to be faithful Christians, or carrying out our career with integrity and generosity--all of this is meant to be the effect of our response to the call that Jesus gave us. “WHAT IS JOYOUS ABOUT THE GOSPEL?” You are invited to join Sister Colette Hanlon, S.C. and the Members of the Seton Family - Pittsfield in a TIME OF REFLECTION ON TUESDAY, MAY 19TH Presenter: Sister Gertrude Foley, S.C. Coordinator of the Seton family of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill St. Joseph Parish Hall SCHEDULE 10 AM CHECK IN AND MORNING COFFEE, ETC. 10:30 AM PRESENTATION 11:30 AM QUIET TIME SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION 12:10 PM MASS AT ST. JOSEPH’S 12:45 PM LUNCH (PROVIDED WITH REGISTRATION FEE) 1:45 PM PRESENTATION AND 2:30 PM CLOSING ------------------------------------ Registration Name: Email: Phone: Registration fee enclosed—$10 (includes lunch) MAIL TO: Sr. Colette Hanlon, S.C. 584 East Street Pittsfield, MA 01201 For Questions: Call Sr. Colette (203) 809-1574
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