Newsletter 2004 Fall - Nu Flow Technologies


Newsletter 2004 Fall - Nu Flow Technologies
Nu Flow Newsletter
Fall Edition - Nov, Dec, Jan 2004 - 2005
- See inside for Nu Flow Licensee Conference
Our Mission
We at Nu Flow are excited to bring you new and
innovative ways for rehabilitating pipe and conduit. Our
newsletter is designed to keep our Licensees and Clients at the forefront of the industry and what is happening at Nu
Flow: from industry and market news, to technology, and new techniques. The Nu Flow newsletter will be delivered
quarterly with a flash update every month.
Table of Contents:
1. Industry Watch
- EPA Issues Report on CSOs, SSOs
- Three Ways Not To Dig
2. Product Releases
- Insta-Cure
3. Marketing Network Updates
4. Licensee Updates
5. Feature Story
- Nu Flow - The Right Solution For Pipe Lining
6. Nu Flow Licensee Conference
7. Invitation to 2005 Pumper & Cleaner Show
8. Nu Flow Updates
9. Feature Installer
10. Project Of The Year
11. Nu Flow Calendar
Industry Watch
EPA Issues Report on CSOs, SSOs
By James W. Rush, Editor of Trenchless Magazine
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in August
connections of stormwater to the sewer
published its "Report to Congress - Impacts and Control of CSOs
system; separating combined systems;
and SSOs:" The report addresses the impacts on human and
rehabilitating sewer components.
environmental health caused by combined and sanitary sewer
overflows, as well as discharge locations, the volume of pollutants
discharged, the resources expended to reduce discharges and
technologies used to reduce impacts.
According to the report, 828 NPDES permits currently
• Storage facilities: In-line storage; offline storage; onsite storage.
• Treatment technologies: constructing
supplemental treatment facilities for wet
weather; modifying the treatment plant
authorize discharges from 9,348 CSO outfalls in 32 states,
to handle more flow; disinfecting excess
including the District of Columbia, which account for 850 billion gal
wet weather flow; using vortex
of untreated sewage and stormwater annually. Most cities with
separators to partially treat excess
combined sewer systems are located in the Northeast and Great
Lakes regions. For comparison, the amount of treated wastewater
discharged annually is 11.425 trillion gal.
• Low-impact development techniques:
porous pavement to allow stormwater
EPA estimates that there are between 23,000 and 75,000
to enter the ground through roadways,
SSOs nationally from about 15,500 sanitary sewer systems and
parking lots, etc.; rooftop vegetation to
5>000 satellite systems. These overflows result in 3 to 10 billion gal
reduce the amount of runoff;
of discharges per year, not including backups into buildings.
"bioretention" - plants positioned to filter
The report is a follow-up to the December 2000 report titled
runoff from streets, parking lots, etc.;
"Report to Congress - Implementation and Enforcement of the
water conservation.
Combined Sewer Overflow Control Policy." A key component of
The report identifies combinations of
the updated report is a section on technologies used to reduce the
impacts of CSOs and SSOs.
reducing overflows:
These controls include:
• Operation and maintenance practices: inspection and
• Inflow
development and structural controls
testing; cleaning sludge, sediment, debris and fats, oils
• Disinfections and solids removal
and greases.
• Sewer rehabilitation and sewer cleaning
• Collection system control: maximizing flow to the plant;
installing flow monitors to better understand and manage
the sys-tem in wet weather; finding and eliminating direct
• Real-time control with in-line or off-line
EPA cites optimization of sewer system maintenance and
and community groups in 2001. As part of the
information management as emerging technologies in combating
settlement, the City agreed to replace aging
CSOs and SSOs. These technologies relate to CMOM and GASB 34
sewer lines over the next 10 years - repairs that
requirements and are increasingly being implemented by sewerage
could cost about $2 billion.
agencies across the United States.
The City will rebuild at least 488 miles of
While agencies are getting a better handle on the causes of
sewer lines and clean 2,800 miles of lines
overflows and the technologies available to fix them, many lack
annually and enhance its program on restaurant
available funding to follow through. EPA estimates that $88 billion is
grease discharges, according to the report. The
needed nationally over the next 20 years to control SSOs with an
City additionally agreed to increase sewer system
additional $50.6 billion needed to control CSOs.
capacity to meet cur-rent and future demand.
For EPA's complete report on CSOs and SSOs, visit
The City of Los Angeles system comprises
about 6,500 miles of sewer lines and serves
EPA, L.A. Reach $2 Billion Agreement
nearly 4 million residents, making it one of the
The EPA, U.S. Department of Justice, Los Angeles Regional
largest sewer systems in the United States.
Water Quality Control Board, Santa Monica Baykeeper and a
coalition of community groups reached a $2 billion settlement with
the City of Los Angeles over years of sewage spills, according to a
report in Medical News Today. Over the last decade, the City had
more than 4,500 sewage spills.
Santa Monica Baykeeper originally filed suit against the City in
1998, followed by EPA, the Regional Water Quality Control Board
September 2004
Three Ways Not to Dig
Alternatives to conventional trenchtrench-andand-replace methods make lateral repairs
quicker, less costly, and less disruptive
By Gerard Marc-Aurele and Stephane Therrien
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 76 million laterals
crushed pipes. But cost (complete lateral)
(house sewers) were connected to public sewers across the United States
for other lateral problems — like cracked
in 1990. More than 50 million of these laterals are more than 30 years old.
Repair durability pipes, root intrusion and
Because they are buried shallow, laterals can be vulnerable to structural
damage, root intrusion and blockages even after only a few years. Lateral
bursting are generally cheaper and faster
problems fall into four categories:
and have less environmental impact.
Laterals repaired by these methods
Backups caused by roots
Water infiltration and exfiltration
can last 50 years — often longer than the
Installation of non-durable material, such as tar and cardboard
original pipe. That is because the newly
Corrosion, open joints, offset joints, dips, pipe deformation and
installed pipes do not have joints that can
crushed pipes
fail or admit damaging root growth. The
In 2004, the most common way to repair and replace laterals is still by
new lateral is also mechanically stable. In
digging up and replacing the pipe. In fact, estimates show that 95 percent
addition, with trenchless or no-dig repair,
of lateral repairs are completed with the most expensive method:
homeowners do not have to worry about
conventional trench and replace.
the soil settling that can occur after a
Potential savings
Trenchless and no-dig repairs prevent
that require little or no digging
root intrusion. Roots invade older pipes
through joints and through cracks created
every year. So, the question is,
polyethylene pipe used in pipe bursting
have no joints, and they also flex under soil
digging? A number of companies
movement instead of cracking.
offer trenchless or no-dig lateral-
Knowing the difference
Trenchless repair means exactly what
technologies fall into three basic
it says — there is no trench. Inversion and
pipe bursting are trenchless methods, even
Inversion lining
though the repairs require the digging of
Pull-in-place lining
one or two access pits to provide access to
Pipe bursting
the lateral. Pull-in-place lining requires no
remains digging at all. Typically, these techniques
the best solution for problems such can solve common lateral problems for a
and fraction of the price of digging.
Quality repairs
The liner must be structurally sound. - it
Before we examine these solutions in detail, let’s look at what is vital
must by itself sustain all soil loads and live
for a high-quality repair. The liner in the lateral must be smooth and thin
loads. Usually, liner thickness calculations
and must be able to maintain the line’s original hydraulic capacity, or even
are made according to ASTM F 1216.
increase it somewhat if necessary.
TABLE 1: Lateral Rehabilitation Comparison: Technical Aspects
TABLE 2: Lateral Rehabilitation Comparison: General Planning
TABLE 3: Lateral Rehabilitation Comparison: Environmental Impact
Because laterals can vary in size, liner must adapt to different pipe
Inversion liner. The liner is
diameters and must be able to line transitions where pipe diameter
made of repair felt tube and resin. One
changes from four to six inches.
soft dig is usually required. The liner is
The liner must comply with lining standards such as ASTM D 5813,
inverted with air and is usually cured at
ASTM F 1216, or ASTM F 1743 (the most commonly used is ASTM F
1216). An independent third party such as NSF can certify lining products.
varies from three to eight hours,
Usually, the certification covers mechanical properties such as flexural
strength, tensile strength, and water tightness.
temperature and the amount of catalyst
The liner must have tapered ends to ensure that toilet paper and other
used. It results in a smooth and
materials do not catch where the liner starts in the lateral. The liner must
jointless lateral. The entry pit must be
be jointless (one piece) and flexible (capable of being deformed without
breaking) to ensure permanent protection against tree roots.
Technologies in action
Here are brief descriptions of the three main trenchless and no-dig
lateral repair technologies:
PullPull-inin-place liner. In this process,
a fiberglass and resin liner is pulled
through the old pipe by a winch. The
liner is inserted through the main clean
out, so that no digging is required. The lining liner can be heat-cured with
combination of these?
steam (30 minutes to one hour) or ambient cured (three to eight hours,
Gaining ground
depending on ambient temperature and amount of catalyst used). The
result is a new jointless pipe en molded inside the host pipe.
If you choose a pipe lining system for
lateral repairs, there are a few more
Pipe bursting. This lateral repair technique requires one pit at each
factors to consider. Because most lateral
end of the pipe section. The burst head is pulled by a winch and is followed
repairs are made for homeowners, it may
by a polyethylene pipe. As the burst head is pulled through, the old pipe is
be desirable to use a process that has no
burst aside into the surrounding soil, and the new pipe replaces it. Pipe
odor and uses
bursting can be used to increase the size of the pipe being replaced. It
compounds (VOCs).
results in a smooth lateral. The two access pits must be backfilled.
no volatile organic
In addition, the curing process should
Comparing performance
The accompanying tables compare these three basic technologies as
they relate to technical performance, work planning, and environmental
impact. These are general comparisons — all repair jobs are different.
Furthermore, in most instances, a variety of factors — not just one —
determines which technology is best for a given project.
Choosing the right system
In ideal weather and site conditions, most trenchless and no-dig
If the lateral cannot be lined
or pipe-burst, then it must be
repaired conventionally.
However, as technology
improves, situations where
lining and pipe bursting
cannot be used become
increasingly rare.
systems work well, but conditions are often far from ideal. Contractors may
be considered. Some contractors prefer
encounter complications like cold temperatures, water, pipe diameter
heat-cured lining systems to provide better
transitions, deformed pipes, and other on-site problems. One solution may
control over curing and faster repairs. For
be more efficient and reliable than the others for solving a site-specific
example, a 70-foot lateral repair with a heat
cure system may take 45 minutes, versus
The first question to ask is: Can the pipe be lined? If so, then lining is
several hours in some conditions for
an obvious choice, because lining (inversion or pull-in-place) is the
ambient systems. On the other hand,
cheapest and fastest way to renew most laterals.
ambient curing requires no heating and
If the pipe is severely damaged, or if it is in unstable condition (pieces
are falling down during the cleaning process), then the pipe bursting is the
steam delivery mechanism.
alternative. Although it requires more preparation, including the digging of
technologies are reliable, durable, envi-
two access pits, pipe bursting solves problems that lining alone cannot.
ronmentally friendly, faster and cheaper
If the lateral cannot be lined or pipe-burst, then it must be repaired
than digging, industry professionals are
conventionally. However, as technology improves, situations where
using them more often to replace laterals
lining and pipe bursting cannot be used become increasingly rare.
and other underground piping. Their usage
Before going ahead, you must identify your needs carefully
including your plans for the next five years. Will you need lateral
will most likely continue to increase rapidly
in the coming years.
repairs, point (spot) repair, manhole to manhole lining, or a
2004, COLE Publishing Inc
- Authored by Gerard Marc-Aurele and Stephane Therrien
This article is based on a paper they presented at the 2004 Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo International.
Reprinted with permission from Cleaner , October 2004 / COLE Publishing Inc., P.O. Box 220, Three Lakes, WI 54562
Product Release
• Cure Connections and laterals in less than 1 hour
• Longer working time
• Increase productivity - no waiting or over-time
• Customer back in service in 2 hours
• 100 gallon holding tank
• Compact - W x D x H 4’ X 4’ X 4.6’
• 300 ft hose length and reel
• On-site Training available
• Simple operation
• Powered by portable generator
(separate 10 amp breakers required)
Model A Lateral System unit uses relief valve
Maximum Lengths (water capacity):
- 4" - 145' (or 3 X 48' etc.)
- 6" - 65' (or 2 X 32' etc.)
- 8" - 32' (or 2 X 16' etc.)
Model B LCL unit is a re-circulated water system
- Fill once and install all day
Operating Features:
• Water tank should be filled the night before lining to allow for pre-heating
• If water level has dropped below an adequate level, more can be added as long as tank is allowed to reach
an appropriate temperature before filling
• If water level is to low to complete one more liner...adding 10 gallons of cold water to a 140 degree tank will
require one hour to heat water back to an appropriate level. Warm or hot water will require less time.
• Water must be a minimum of 135 degree before filling a liner. Thermostats are pre-set and should not be
• Water unit must be protected from freezing. In winter months it should be stored in a heated shop, or an
insulated and heated trailer. Water unit can be winterized if outside storage is deemed necessary. Recirculating under low pressure during cooler months is proper procedure.
• Cure times:
Normal resin: after liner is full, 30 min + blow-off (cool-down)
Slow resin: after liner is full, 1 hour + blow-off (cool-down)
Note: Fast resin has not been tested and is not recommended for use with Insta-Cure System.
Pricing and Shipping:
• $5,600 US
• 3 week delivery. On-site training recommended (additional cost for travel and trainer). Alternatively attend
Nu Flow monthly training.
Marketing Network Updates
We’re pleased to announce that our Marketing Campaign contract has awarded to Zebra Studios
( Zebra Studios is a successful graphic design company that has established
excellent relationship with high-profile clienteles such as Nike, Nokia, Toronto Raptors, Bata Shoes, The
Hudson’s Bay Company, and Calendar Club. We believe with their expertise, you will be presented with
high-quality artwork. Currently, there are 55 licensees already in the program. The estimate cost for
Marketing Campaign is $56,000 US ($72,000 CAD). That’s approximate $1000 US for each member.
• exclusive web site, designed
to drive businesses to your company
• Customer Sales Package
• Customer Presentation Book
• Coupon / Format For CCTV Inspection
• Commercial Marketing Kit
o Brochures
o Designed for local business
o Invoice Template
• Door Hangers / Campaign
o Warranty / Contract
• Advetorial / Public Relations Program
o Portfolio
• 30 Second TV Spot
o DVD / CD / Videos
• Radio Spot
o Customer Referral Cards
• Newspaper Ad Format
• Camera-ready Art
• Truck Wrap Design
• Preferred Printing Rates
• Media Consulting
Licensee Update
• Australia update
o Sydney water board demonstration successful
o Cameron Manners manufacturing setup on track for 2005 startup
o 4 on 4 LCL installed successfully
o 10 licensees installing Nu Flow down under
Feature Story
– Underground Construction Magazine
Nu Flow – The Right Solution For Pipe Lining
Cameron Manners founded his own
Lateral Lining Company in 1998 after
working in the family sewer repair business
for several years. Cameron recognizes the
tremendous potential in repairing the lateral
line and the lateral connection at the main
sewer. Using proven techniques from his
mainline experience, Cameron developed a completely "no dig" solution using a pull in place method of launching the
repair from a clean out.
The method was so successful that in February of 2000 he took his system to the Nashville Pumper & Cleaner
Show and Nu Flow Technologies Systems was born. "In an anticipated billion dollar industry, I knew there was so much
potential out there for Trenchless lateral rehabilitation and when we received such an excellent response in Nashville
there was no turning back" Cameron talking about his start into manufacturing and training of his pipe lining system.
Nu Flow Technologies is now one of the fastest growing pipe rehabilitation lining companies, with over 150
licensees in USA, Canada, Australia and the Caribbean. Nu Flow manufactures out of a 16,000 sq. ft state-of-the-art
facility its own complete line of D.O.T. approved epoxy resins, lining products, cutters and cleaning tools to fully service
the lateral lining industry.
Their system is unique and does not require any access pit. Nu Flow has even developed a "push" system that
launches from a single point of entry, a cleanout, with no need for downstream access. The company is constantly
improving its products and services and as the Licensee base grows, Nu Flow's knowledge grows. "We learn something
from everyone we do business with," says Grant Duxbury (Nu Flow's Training and Installation General Manager)" if our
clients have a unique challenge, we help them get through it and build on our knowledge base". A good example is
while on training sessions in Orlando Florida, Nu Flow needed to use slower resins in the summer to give enough
working time to install LCL's (Lateral Connection Liners). However with slower resins it takes a liner 4-6--hours to cure,
which slowed down productivity. "We went back to our R&D and developed our latest product - the Insta-Cure system
which gives installers lots of working time with a quick 40 minute cure". Grant goes on to say "It's like everything Nu
Flow does .... simple versatile solutions, easy to install and inexpensive".
Nu Flow can do what may other systems cannot do. Such as..... stop and start anywhere in the line, repair long
vertical down pipes, span void pipe and bridge connections (where re-instatement is impractical), complete sectional
repairs with line flow, and so many other specialty jobs that is fully supported by unprecedented 24/7 tech support. Nu
Flow strives to develop products that separate them from all others; one example of this is the recent introduction of its
Nu Flex product - a structural felt lining material that is capable of lining around multiple 45 and 90 degree pipe bends.
Nu Flow also has its own specialty crew that tackles the tough
jobs that may be beyond Licensees' expertise. Paul Corneil heads
up the Nu Flow Specialty Division and talks about Nu Flow
advantages “I have spent years in this business using inversion
technologies, slip lining, and can honestly tell you for 1 1/2" - 6"
pipe, Nu Flow has it all". Paul is currently working on a historical
property in downtown Manhattan, NYC providing a solution that is
In a nutshell, Nu Flow is a leading-edge company that
promotes Trenchless Technology, and is quick to say that there
are good systems out there and that it is important for the industry
as a whole to insist that quality approved products go into the ground. The difference for Nu Flow and its licensee is that
it comes down to the right tool for the job - Nu Flow believes it is that right system and the most versatile affordable pipe
rehabilitation technology anywhere.
October 2004
Reprinted with permission from Underground Construction Magazine
October 2004
Nu Flow Licensee Conference
All Customers are invited to the first bibi-annual Nu Flow Licensee
Conference held during the 2005 Pumper & Cleaner Show.
LOCATION: Nashville,
Nashville, TN
Nu Flow Update
Allan Clark & Cameron Manners
New Product Release
Cameron Manners
Marketing For Profit
Installers Workshop Training Program
Marketing Strategy
Allan Clark & Guest
Project of the Year
Rod Porter & Rob Richards
Cocktail Party
Nu Flow Suite
Allan Clark
Invitation To 2005 Pumper & Cleaner Show
Nu Flow Technologies would like to
invite you to join us at the 2005
Pumper & Cleaner Show in
Nashville, Tennessee. Anyone
who’s attending the Nu Flow
conference on Feb 23rd will receive
a gift for $25 off the show.
Nu Flow Updates
• Nu Flow is going south to complete LCL's in Sarasota FLA as a pilot project (part of a National program).
• November 18 and 19 - last training session for 2004. Limited spaces still available. Sign-up today!
• Coming Soon: DVD / VHS training program and workbook released in Nashville.
• Boston PHCC Show was a huge success.
Nu Flow PHCC Show Booth
Featured Installer
Primary Business:
Area Serviced and Population:
130 Mile radius around Odessa 350,000
Amount of Lining installed to date: Bunch
How many employees:
How long have
have you been lining:
Almost 2 years
How have you made lining fit in with your day to day operations?
Lining has become our day to day operation. With the heat to deal with here we try to put the liners in early in
the day and schedule our other work and prep around our lining.
How many installations did it take to payback your lining system back?
Just one job paid for our initial investment in the Nu Flow lining system. However we already had cameras and
jetters so the lining fit right in.
How do you
you identify the majority of your lining jobs?
Most of our jobs come from our initial video inspection. In this area we have a lot of cast iron pipe under
concrete slab which is falling apart and very hard to get to. Perfect situation for the Nu Flow lining system!
How do you sell a lining job to a potential customer?
We use the sewer video inspection as a selling tool rather than a profit center, even encouraging our
employees to get the camera out for no extra charge if the customer is present. We have found if you can show
the customer the problem, then they cannot leave leaking and broken pipe under the slab. So actually we let
the system sell itself. After showing the problem to the customer – preferably having the woman of the house
there, then we explain the different ways to fix the problem, from jack hammering and trenching, pipe bursting
and finally lining. 99% of the time the woman of the house will push for lining since there is no or less
destruction with the process and once we have her sold then the rest is easy. Also we are trying to aim our
commercials and mail outs to the emotional side of having the plumbing replaced under a house “jack-hammer,
dust, noise, etc.” We run our commercials during Dr. Phil – Opra and the Today show. This seems to hit our
target audience pretty well.
Is it a tough sell?
It has been the easiest sell I have ever done. It is hands down the best fix for most situations. However we are
very careful to make sure the customer always feels they are in control of the decision. On the last house I sold
there is about 300 ft of cast iron under the house and all of it is about 40 years old. The customer at first wanted
to just line part of the system and I went along with this letting them know that it’s their house and their decision
and that we would be glad to do any or all of the system. On the one part of the system that he had decided to
line, we conveniently had to dig up a fitting which was under the garage. We could have lined it but I felt that it
would do little damage to dig it up and at the same time we could take this opportunity to show the customer
exactly what his cast iron looked like from the outside. It worked perfectly, after seeing the condition of the cast
iron he opted to line all 300 feet instead of just part of it. The results, both of us are happy, now he has a good
drainage system through the whole house and we came away with a nice profit.
Describe your most difficult lining job to date?
We recently lined the cast iron pipe in an entire house without going inside. We worked everything from the
vents and one pit dug at the cleanout in the back of the house. The cast iron pipe that we line in this area
usually has a large amount of scale built up on it and this always presents a real challenge to get the pipe clean
enough to reline and leave enough pipe intact to work our tools through. So I guess almost any job we get that
is cast iron pipe is a real challenge.
Have you had problems using our system?
A few, most of our problems have been related to recognizing pipe size of pipe or having the pipe cleaned to
the proper I.D. before lining. The new flex liner has really been nice to work with and we have had no problems
with it. Although we spend a lot of time cleaning and videoing the lines before we line.
Is there anything you would like to see from us?
A smaller hot water system.
Has lining increased your bottom line? If so, by what percentage or amount?
I can say for sure that lining has been the best investment we ever made. When we first started we had pipe
bursting and now that we have added lining it has at least doubled our business and at the same time we are
not trying to compete with every plumber in the area. We have been very happy with the simplicity of the
system and the excellent support from Nu Flow. Good People-Good Liner-Best System!
Project of the Year
This year Nu Flow Technologies is recognizing lining expertise of installers for project of the year. The
recipient will receive a travel award to use for their company or award to their installers.
The following criteria will be in the judging:
• Degree of difficulty
• Profitability
• Results
Rod Porter and Rob Richards will be asking for your submissions and will be this year’s hosts for that award.
Although it is preferable to have everyone at the conference, attendance is not required to receive the reward.
Nu Flow Calendar
Nov 18-19, 04
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
Jan 20-21, 05
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
Feb 23, 05 *
Nu Flow National Conference (part of Pumper Cleaner Show)
Nashville, TN
Feb 23-26, 05
2005 Pumper Cleaner Show
Nashville, TN
Feb 26, 05
GLAA PHCC Trade Show
Pomona, CA
Mar 17-18, 05
Nu Flow Monthly Seminar
Oshawa, Ontario
Apr 23-28, 05
Gaylord Palms No Dig Show
Orlando, FL
* Invitation and program detail will be sent to you in a separate release.
For electronic version of newsletter,
Please visit