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DARC Monthly Newsletter February 2009 Next Meeting Wednesday, February 18, 2009 Doors open at 19:00 Meeting 19:30 New York State EMO Route 31, Newark, NY Or try 146.685 For assistance try 146.745 RACES-ARES February 2009 Minutes The Drumlins Amateur Radio Club, LTD Meeting Agenda DATE: 1/21/09 CALL TO ORDER: 1932 By President N2MLD MEMBERS / GUESTS: N2RUS, N2MLD, K2OEQ, KB2VGI, K2MPE, KC2JAL, W2EVU, N2DIT, KB2KBY, N2JC, KB2ROP, KC2TCM, WD2STK, AB2F, KE4VHA AND KC2SWZ MINUTES: Motion to accept as printed in newsletter by K2MPE 2ND by KC2TCM & CARRIED NEWSLETTER: Thanks Jon. to Jon for publication. Anyone with articles, get them Corrections: N2JC stated that he was listed as the contact person for DARC and expressed a desire for that responsibility to be delegated to someone else. After some discussion KB2KBY will assume the duties. TREASURERS REPORT by KB2KBY: Motion to accept by N2JC, 2nd by K2MPE & CARRIED PUBLIC SERVICE: WD2STK reported that Feb 2, 2009 would be a Special Olympic event at Swain Ski complex. BADGES! REPEATERS: 146.745 Work in progress 144.950- all 3 working well This is the topic for the month! Can you tell by the picture of the badge? Hi! This month’s article is to inform you the where, what, who, and when of getting a Wayne County Office of Emergency Management badge. First, here is a thought! To be able to function as a RACES op for the county EOC, it is best you have a Continued on page 2 RACES NET SUNDAYS 20:45 146.685 Except for Holiday Weekends! 146.685 Good RACES: No NET on Feb 1 “Super bowl Sunday,” The March 21 exercise will be preceded by a Saturday training class (details to be announced) Reminder that The Badges DO NOT EXPIRE even if the date does. Kudos to John and George. ACTIVITIES & CONTESTS: NTR VE TEAM: NTR Continued on page 3 Page 2 The Drumlins Leaders 08-09 President V-President Secretary Treasurer Program Program Asst Director 3 yr Director 2 yr Director 1 yr Sysop .745 Sysop .685 Newsletter Club Trustee Bob Taylor, N2MLD Doug Peeso, KB2ROP Russ Millspaw, N2RUS Dave Taylor, KB2KBY Jay Hamill, KC2TCM Dave Taylor, KB2KBY Jim Collinsworth, N2JC Doug Gould, N2QK Harold Spencer, W4ILN Jeff Jenson, N2MKT Bruce Blair, WB2QKO Jon King, KS2JEK Dave Taylor, KB2KBY 315-331-3982 315-587-2889 315-483-8924 315-597-4293 315-548-8589 315-597-4293 315-483-8136 315-633-4469 315-539-3819 315-483-1537 315-597-9731 315-524-2453 315-597-4293 to be. That includes your car and being on the road as well. If you read the front of the badge you’ll see where this is possible. Closed roads? You will need that badge! You will not be any use to the public as a RACES member if you can’t get where you need to serve. If you already have a badge make sure you keep in a place that is handy and readily available. The EOC is doing their part to help the Drumlins. If you have no badge you must do your part! 73 & 88, Dave KB2KBY RACES-ARES from page 1 badge. This makes your entrance to the EOC for an event the easiest. It will take about 15 minutes of your time if there is no waiting in line. We have been assured by George Bastedo, the Director of the EOC, you don’t have to worry about the expiration date on the back. As long as you are in the system it is not a worry. The important thing is if you do not have a badge-please -get one. The picture is the “what” by the way of the introduction! Hi! The back of the badge there is a place for name, agency-RACES for us-date issued, expiration card number and a curious item “EOC authorized.” The yes or no for the authorization just means if you have a free run of the EOC itself or if you will need an escort. It is not a big issue and the badge gives you authority to be at the EOC, period. Second, where do you get a badge? You must go to the Wayne County complex just west of Lyons on 7368 Rte 31. The Wayne County Jail you will see to the left from Rte 31 and there is an older brick three-story building to the right. That older building on the top floor houses the EOC. See the attached picture. To the right as you are facing the whole brick complex there is a one-story temporary wood building. See the attached picture of the one-story building. This is where records and pistol permits are issued and this is where you will get your EOC badge. There is a ramp and stairs from the front parking lot near the west end of the EOC building to enter the temporary building. There is a counter almost as soon as you enter this temporary building and the ladies will help you. Just say you wish a RACES badge. Third, when is this permit office open? The office is open for normal operation on the county scheduled day. But pay attention when the county offices are closed as that will be the permits building as well. Call ahead to make sure: 946-5790. This number is under the Wayne County Departments. If you have to travel a distance definitely call ahead. This will be your only trip remember! The Drumlins ARC’s mission for the public is emergency communications. One important part for that emergency communications is to have that badge so can get and be where you need Club Address Dave Taylor KB2KBY Club Trustee 228 W. Jackson St., Palmyra, NY 14522 Packet: Kb2kby-1 thru Newark Node Email: [email protected] Friday Luncheon Cross Park at noon Page 3 February Program: The program is going to be a DVD on digital modes and emergency communications. I have the DVD from the Atlantic Division Digital Mode Webinar. "This presentation will focus on the use of the Narrow Band Emergency Messaging System software (NBEMS), most specifically on the main application in the software suite named FLDIGI." Should be pretty interesting, I've only watched the beginning of it, don't wanna spoil my surprise for the meeting.. :) 73, Jay KC2TCM Upcoming Public Service Events Special Olympics, Winter Games Feb 7, 2009 Rochester Hamfest May 30, 2009 Minutes from page 1 REMEMBERANCE: SK: K2SQI Passed, N2RMF passed, KC2HUP passed KC2TCM’s Grandfather (Trista’s father) passed. A card was sent from the club. OLD BUSINESS: Party on Jan 31. (35 to date) March Rumblins Deadline is March 4, 2009 NEW BUSINESS: K2MPE reported that “OFFICIAL” The Rochester hamfest location has been changed. Due to some local politics, the Hamfest location is being listed as taking place in 2 different locations. 50/50 $7.00 ADJOURNMENT: K2MPE 2nd KC2JAL At 2010 If you have an article that you would like to share with the rest of the club, please submit them to me and I’ll work on getting it in the newsletter! Email address: [email protected] Snail Mail address: 6911 Furnace Rd. Ontario, NY 14519-9704 Page 4 Calendar of Events 2-18 DARC meeting—1930, WC SEMO 3-18 DARC meeting—1930, WC SEMO 3-21 EOC Training—1930, WC SEMO Note from the editor/webmaster: The newsletter is uploaded to the website each month, so if for some reason you didn’t get your emailed or snail mail copy, you can get it form the website. Also, check the calendar often as I do try to keep it updated as I get info from Dave! Upcoming Hamfests March 7 Greater Buffalo Winter Hamfest Lancaster Amateur Radio Club April 18 Drumlins Hamfest Newark, NY May 9 Binghamton Amateur Radio Association May 30 Atlantic Division Convention (75th Rochester Hamfest) RARA June 13 Chaffee Country Hamboree Pioneer Radio Operators Society Springville, NY Skyline Amateur Radio Club Cortland, NY July 18 RADIOCOM 2009 Utica Amateur Radio Club Radio Club Contacts Drumlins Amateur Radio Club Ltd. (DARC) Bob Taylor, N2MLD [email protected] Monroe County ARES Jeff Wigal, WY7Q [email protected] Rochester Amateur Radio Association (RARA) Frank Schramm, WB2PYD [email protected] Rochester DX Association (RDXA) Paul Mackanos, K2DB [email protected] Rochester Radio Repeater Association (RRRA) Brad Allen, KB2CHY [email protected] NY State RACES - HF NET Sunday 0900 3.993.5kHz SSB/LSB Rochester VHF Group (RVHFG) Andy Flowers, K0SM [email protected] XEROX Amateur Radio Club (XARC) Ned Asam, W2NED [email protected] Page 5 Now and Then By: Harold Spencer I was licensed in 1957= I was KN2JSL -K2JSL at the same time. I was a Tech & Novice. Moved to Florida got W4ILN [ I Love Nurses] =Moved back with K2JSL / Back to Fla. got WA4WAJ [Work All Jerks} =Back to NY got WB2HVK and ,back to South Carolina Got WD4BPV [By Pass Valve]. I did not like a new call as I had been a ham for 35 years then. So I requested W4ILN and it was issued. Hello Just showing my station 50 years ago (picture on page 4) and NOW (picture on page 3). The OLD station from left to right. On Floor is a guitar amp. == On the table reel to reel tape recorder ==On top of recorder is a VTVM meter == Next on desk is a AMECO TX 62 am transmiter on top of it is VFO. CDR antenna rotor control.== ALSO lolly pop D 104.= Next is a Collins 75A4 == on to of it is a RME 4 band tune able converter 10 / 6 /2 / 220 bands Now in the cabinet, Bottom 600L amp with a central electronics 2B exciter, The power supply and modulator was in the rack.==Gray box is Band hopper VFO = Heath kit SWR bridge = and a 6 meter converter. I swapped a Hallicrafter SX28 and $100.00 for the Rack and 75A4. New Station==ICOM 706 mark 2 G== MFJ 35 amp power supply ==Azden 2 meter on top=Next to P/S Icom 2100H 2 Meter = Alinco 2 meter HT.== Behind 706 LDG antenna tuner. =Antennas -Butternut vertical and 130 foot wire. with antenna switch on the right side. Picture of my wife KA4IEV of 60 years. Spence W4ILN Silent Key Hello all, On behalf of the N2HLT repeater group here I am saddened deeply to make this announcement. Leon Ingerick (N2HLT) passed away yesterday at home. I tried to contact all that I could by phone, and for those that I didn’t I am sorry. In speaking with his wife, arrangements are being made at this time. As soon as they are available I will let you know. This is a great loss. 73'S my friend, KB3DOL John DeWitt Rochester Hamfest Venue Change For those that don’t know already, the Rochester Hamfest is changing locations. It is also going to a 1 day event. The new location for the hamfest will be the Barnard Carnival Grounds, which is located at 380 Maiden Lane, Rochester NY. The date of the hamfest is the 30th of May. The price has also changed. It is now $5.00/person and 16 and under are Free. For more info, see You can also get to it from our website BAD “WX” DARC MEETING - CHECK 146.685 REPEATER During the winter bad weather (WX) months-check the 146.685 repeater. Starting at 6:00PM for a usual Wednesday night meeting there will be an announcement every 15 minutes on the quarter hour canceling the meeting. Announcements will end at 7:30PM. Keep monitoring the repeater. If this is Saturday meeting, which are at 10:00AM, the announcement will start at 8:30AM.and end at 10:00AM. (The 685 has full back up emergency power.) BAD “WX” DARC MEETING - CHECK 146.685 REPEATER Page 6 2009 DRUMLINS ARC POST-CHRISTMAS DINNER On Saturday January 31st the weather cooperated once again for the Drumlins ARC pos-Christmas dinner held at the Palmyra VFW. The forecast was a little tenuous in the middle of the week but Mother Nature was kind once again. The big ‘nor easterner’ went further east out in the Atlantic so the day and the evening meal was saved with easy travel. The cooperation of Mother Nature meant the VFW saw the whole compliment of 38 Drumlin member(s) and/or XYLs and YLS signed up attending the dinner. A new crew of VFW members themselves did the dinner this year not the ladies auxiliary. The dinner guests arriving found the tables arranged in a nicer fashion, decorated with artificial flowers, and with silverware and napkins settings laid out ahead of time on the tables. It was a nice touch and much appreciated by the quests. See the picture of the VFW crew! Cathy, the third person from the left, was the contact person. Next year there may be different choices to the menu we can pick according to Cathy but there was little objection to the menu this time. The new roasted potatoes went over well and the collection of food was once again very good. This year it was self serve. We were cordoned off form the kitchen and old bar area having the whole VFW hall to ourselves. It was nice and again it was a nice touch! Even though there was no entertainment this time (W4ILN couldn’t make this year unfortunately.), there was many a conversation going on before, during the meal, and after the dessert. A few of the pictures will testify to the camaraderie of the evening. Many of our new members came this year and joined in the fun. In fact we had ages from KC2QOL, age 10, to well lets say the ‘distinguish’ age of our ‘older’ members. (My older-older brother’s XYL says we getting older-not old. N2MLD was in the middle of the pack of five siblings-three brother and two sisters. Yea-I am the baby brother. Hi!) Jan, my XYL, was very impressed that KC2QOL was a licensed ham! Isn’t this a great ‘hobby’ or is it not! It sure is! Where else could you get such a wide expanse of age and life experience under one roof and all getting together well! (You will note the word distinguished! Jan’s Dad always kidding would say ‘extinguished.’ Hi!) We had a couple of events for the evening. We had a nice big 50/50. W2EVU’s XYL was the first winner. She was able of nearly cover the cost of her dinner. And, KC2EGP won the second drawing. Then the President of the Drumlins, N2MLD, presented WA2SOK with a small award of appreciation as past “Drumlins Rumlins” editor. See the accompanying article about WA2SOK. Many thanks to W2TRW who gets our post-Christmas date finalized with the VFW each year. Without W4TRW, a member of the VFW post, our evening would be less economical and cost the club considerable cash on top of the meal. The meal is well worth the cost but the time spent together is priceless. Even the non-hams have a good time! My XYL is a testimony to that sentence. She always says what a great bunch of people. The only problem is getting around to be able to speak to everyone. Hi! It is nice to see club members who are unable to attend a meeting during the year. Lets face the fact-amateur radio is not just work and no play. We have a good social network as well. It shows when we get together just to gab and eat. Hi! We’re a busy bunch us hams! But this is good and life is good. Many thanks to those that attended and hopefully we can get a good bunch out for the annual summer ‘bunknic’-a.k.a. summer picnic at the SEMO bunker. Again many thanks to Cathy’s VFW crew for a good dinner! CUL 73 & 88, Dave KB2KBY DARC Treasurer P.S. I managed to even get a couple of DARC membership renewals too at the dinner. This is the time of the year I catch memberships ‘snail mailing’ the RSVPs with renewal reminders for those a wee bit overdue. Hi! Thanks to the members who sent their dues in! Page 7 SPECIAL EOC TRAINIG CLASS SATURDAY MARCH 21ST- 10:00AM SEMO REGION 5 The March Drumlins meeting will be the usual third Wednesday night. In addition on Saturday March 21st, John O’Toole, Radiological/HazMat Officer for the Wayne County EOC, will hold a special training class for the Drumlins members at the SEMO Region 5 our club location. The class will be a BREW training or ‘basic radiation worker training’ with an overview of Ginna and where the mission is for the RACES group. Bruce, WB2QKO, and I attended an EOC training class in early January given by John. It was good! He knows his stuff, the presentation was pertinent and the exercise was enlightening. The fact is we have the right people in the right place who are actually doing something! John has a good sense to humor too. He’s a X-Navy man who worked on the nuclear subs. You have to have a sense of humor to be at one time job like that. Hi! One little item from that January training was very revealing. Contrary to what we thought or never knew, RACES is THE primary communications with the EOC and the radiological teams in the field during a Ginna drill. It is right in the SOP! George Bastedo, the Director of the EOC, and John are behind us 100% with RACES and our need to be there. We are being supported! John said, “In this modern day of technology and blackberries, there’s nothing as comforting as knowing that with a generator and a radio, communications will be able to continue in the worst emergency.” THAT IS RACES AND US, he’s talking about! Obviously Ginna is the number one training event for the EOC. But whether it is Ginna, a weather emergency, hazardous materials emergency or the one that is unplanned, John knows we must be ready. (Sounds like some of the hen pecking you have heard from me. Hi!) John e-mailed me, “It takes information to handle the emergency whatever it is. If we don’t have our normal information gathering means then any situation becomes worse due to lack of information…. I know it takes multiple failures to get us there sometimes but you can’t lay the groundwork after the fact. It must be in place beforehand.” Well, this is the before hand! Please, be diligent and place March 21st on your calendar for this EOC training. Support your RACES! As John wrote me, “Remember O’Toole’s Law states that Murphy was an optimist.” I told you John had a sense of humor. Hi! 73 & 88, Dave KB2KBY Page 8 WA2SOK HONORED AT POST-CHRISTMAS DINNER On January 31st at the Drumlins ARC post-Christmas dinner WA2SOK, Irv Walter, was honored for his service to DARC. Irv ‘retired’ as editor of the “Drumlins Rumblins” last year. Irv has been editor for the newsletter for a great many years. “14 years or so, I think. It could be more.” Irv says. Hi! It was hard to nail down the years exactly as Irv is polite not to brag. He is a testament to the many members of the club who put in ‘their time’ with little recognition to keep the club running. Modesty is also a good trait of hams in the public’s service. We just get the job done! President N2MLD, Bob, read off the citation on the plaque-to: (See all the pictures!) IRV WALTER WA2SOK FB for your many years dedicated as editor of the “Drumlins Rumblins.” TNX 73 Drumlins Amateur Radio Club, Ltd. Congratulations, Irv! In deed the newsletter editor spends a lot of time on our monthly newsletter. Help is always needed for articles from the club membership. So pay attention to those monthly newsletter deadlines emailed to you. Once again, Irv! FB! You deserve the recognition for your years of service to the Drumlins. 73 & 88, Drumlins Executive Committee Page 9