Trade Information of Country Saudi Arab
Trade Information of Country Saudi Arab
List of Saudi importers of food products Sl. No.Name of Importer 01 02 03 Address Phone/ Fax A.H. AL Muhanna PO Box: 1945, Tel. 00966-13Trading & Contracting Dammam 31441 8422969/ 8422454 Est. Fax: 00966-138423221 A.K. Almuhaidib & PO Box:30, Tel. 00966-13Sons Dammam 31411 8328888/ 8322033 Abdullehah Ali Athawi PO Box: 4221, Jeddah 21491 E-mail/ website [email protected] a Fax: 8336082 Tel. 00966-126440219/ 6424508 Fax: 6479398 ElkhreijiPO Box: 276, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31411 8324441 / 8329080 /8342326 04 Abdulkarim Group 05 Abdullah A. Munajem Sons Co. AlPO Box:2395, Riyadh 11451 Fax: 8349389 Tel. 00966-114787933 [email protected] 06 Abdullah Abbar Ahemed Zainy &PO Box: 5700, Jeddah -21432 Fax: 4764318 Tel. 00966-126474000 [email protected] 07 Abdulla Abduljalil Est. PO Box: 5309, Jeddah -21422 Fax: 6475542 Tel. 00966-126477092 / 6435175 08 Abdullah Balubadi Est. Fax: 6473375 Tel. 00966-126470615/ 6470870 AhemdPO Box: 4500, Jeddah -21491 09 Fax: 6481728 Abdullah Bahkim Est.PO Box: 16538, Tel. 00966-12for Trade Jeddah -21474 6480993 10 Fax: 6481426 Tel. 00966-126482642 11 12 Abdullah Balsharaf Est.PO Box: 7748, Jeddah -21472 Abdullah Bin Saeed BinPO Box: 26212 Shaea Trading &Riyadh 11486 Contracting Est. Abdullah EstablishmentPO Box:7778 for Trading & Industry Jeddah -21472 [email protected] [email protected] bahakim_sat@hotmail .com [email protected] Fax: 6479060 Tel. 00966-114763138/ 4732231 Fax: 4763149 Tel. 00966-126424879/ 6426998/ 6426999 13 14 Abdulmohsen Nasir al Omrani andPO Box: 884, Alahsa 31982 Abdulrahman Mohammed A. Alshalan Fax: 6432645 Tel. 00966-135879982 Fax: 5879982 &PO Box: 584, Tel. 00966-13AzizDammam 1421 8323572/ 8332363 Fax: 8332360 15 Abdulrasheed Corp. BadrahPO Box: 820, Jeddah -21421 Tel 00966-12-6430255 Fax: 6442847 16 17 18 Abdulwahab Aujan &PO Box: 990, Tel. 00966-13Bors Co. for Trade &Dammam 31421 8570777 Industry Fax: 8577923 Ahmed Aatif Al KadiPO Box: 17644, Tel. 00966-12Contracting Est. Jeddah -21494 6606643/ 6602633/ 6650813 [email protected] Fax: 6694301 Ahmed Hasan HumaidiPO Box: 4765, Tel. 00966-13Trading Est. Dammam 31412 8333507 19 Ahmed MohammedPO Box: 1025, Basumbul Makkah Fax: 8349140 Tel 00966-125742894 20 Ahmed MohamedPO Box: 18, Saleh Baeshen & Co. Jeddah -21411 Fax: 5740392 Tel. 00966-126351760 21 Al Arfaj Trading Marketing Est. Fax: 6531536 &PO Box: 8101 Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31482 8330369 22 Fax: 8330439 Al BensulaimanPO Box: 3309, Tel. 00966-13Trading Corp. Al Khobar 31952 8991191 23 Fax: 8991181 Al Fao Foodstuff &PO Box: 13287, Tel. 00966-12Commodities Co. Ltd. Jeddah -21493 6673172 / 6609101 24 Fax: 6652133 PO Box: 14938, Tel. 00966-12Jeddah -21434 6027882/ 6870583 Al Halees Group Fax: 6879742 [email protected] 25 Al Khalifa International PO Box: 1986, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 314 41 8428849 26 Al Maimani Est. 27 28 29 30 31 PO Box: 3328, Jeddah -21471 Al Mufti Company ForPO Box: 108, Industry and Projects Jeddah -21411 Al Wirwar Est. Alalanda Trading Est. Alamar Trading Est. Alamro Ltd. Trading Fax: 8428837 Tel. 00966-126478202/ 6475148 PO Box: 3461, Makkah ForPO Box: 6355, Jeddah -21442 Fax: 5580354 Tel. 00966-126690074 /6673228 Co.PO Box: 9695, Riyadh 1123 [email protected] Fax: 00966-126475148 Tel. 0966-12-6601071/[email protected] 6601654 Fax: 6675860 Tel. 00966-125580337 /5581416 PO Box:44, Alhasa 31982 [email protected] Fax: 6605673 Tel. 00966-135875544 Fax: 5821677 Tel. 00966-114659987/ 4912358 Fax: 4659861 32 Alarfaj Commercial &PO Box: 2368, Import Corp. Jeddah -21451 33 Alazizia Panda UnitedPO Box: 3311, Corp. for Trading &Riyadh 11471 Foods 34 35 Albina Alarabi Trading Alcornice Shopping Center, Tel 00966-126434339/ 6446641/ 6449006 Fax: 6442857 Tel. 00966-114644992 [email protected] Fax: 4633348 ForPO Box: 7301, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31462 8334084 Fax: 8334282 PO Box: 18693, Tel. 00966-12Jeddah -21425 6437291 36 Aldewan Fast Food Co.PO Box: 15, Jeddah -21411 37 Alesayi Trading Co. PO Box: 1342, Jeddah -21431 Fax: 6420681 Tel. 00966-126672653/ 6603996 Fax: 6603682 Tel. 00966-126875423/ 6202000 Fax: 6875058/ 6206469 38 Alguzi Trading Est. PO Box: 30498, Tel. 00966-12Jeddah -21477 6472577 /6379638 Fax: 6474522 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Al Higgi Cold Stores Alhejailan Engg. Co. PO Box: 15425, Tel. 00966-11Riyadh 11444 4212703 ProjectsPO Box:9175, Riyadh 11413 [email protected] Fax: 4212300 Tel. 00966-114761414 Fax: 4767491 Alhosain & AlfaliqPO Box: 147, Tel. 00966-13Group of Companies Alhasa 31982 5310500 Fax: 5310400 Alhussan Group ofPO Box: 279, Tel. 00966-13Companies Dammam 31411 8340500/ 8344826 ahbakery@ahgroups. com [email protected] Fax: 8330888 Ali Abdullah AlsiddiqPO Box:449, Tel. 0966-13-8271120/[email protected]. Trading Stores Dammam 31411 8272473 sa Ali Abdllah Trading Est. AlzayerPO Box: 138, Qatif 31911 Ali Hasan Batahaf PO Box: 4265, Jeddah -21491 Fax: 8267674 Tel. 00966-138559543 Fax: 8541600 Tel. 00966-126428915 Fax: 6439435 47 Al Jazeerah Super Store Co. Ltd. PO Box: 8908, Riyadh 11492 48 Al Johar Commercial PO Box: 2518, Group Riyadh 11461 Fax: 4655826 Tel. 00966-114649725 / 4649718/ 4632962 49 Alkhalaf Exhibition Fax: 4649768 Tel. 00966-114483539/ 4043439 50 Almakhwa Trading & PO Box: 5597, Contracting Co. Jeddah -21432 PO Box: 1150, Riyadh 11431 Tel. 00966-114641013/ 4624641 Fax: 4488922 Tel. 00966-126870717 [email protected] .sa 51 Almanar Trading Est. PO Box:4940, Riyadh 11412 52 Al Marasam Commercial Est. 53 Mr. Maqboul Hassan PO Box: 17320, Manager- procurementRiyadh 11484 and logistic Almawarid Trading Co. Ltd. Almaweed CommercialPO Box: 3413, Est. Dammam 31471 54 PO Box: 9119, Riyadh 11413 Fax: 6478803 Tel 00966-11-4760548 Fax: 4769547 Tel. 00966-114644374 Fax: 4644374 Tel. 00966-12419104 *magboulhassan@ma 115/2414110/ niranjanm_reddy@hot Fax: 2708230/ 4778933 Tel. 00966-13dammam@almaweed. 8330575/ 8332018 com 55 Fax: 8347710 Almosalm Trading Est.PO Box: 13069, Tel. 00966-12Jeddah -21492 6671801 56 Fax: 6674247 Tel. 00966-126716983 Alnahdi Trading AndPO Box:30702, Contracting Group Jeddah -21462 57 Alpha Trading &PO Box: 205, Shipping Agencies Ltd.Jeddah -21411 58 Alrawaf Est. Fax: 6725562 Tel. 0966-12-6474242 Fax: 6479191 PO Box: 611, Tel 00966-13-8643881rawafcontracting@hot Dammam 31952 /8943717 Fax: 8943717 59 Al Reef Est. For SupplyPO Box: 3476, and Import Riyadh 11471 Tel. 00966-114110822/ 4114177 [email protected] Fax: 4110355 60 Alsafwa GroupPO Box: 5360, Company For TradingJeddah -21422 & Marketing Ltd. Tel. 00966-126601355/ 6690944/ 6654504 Fax: 6673020 61 62 Al Saheal Trading Est. PO Box: 3192, Jeddah -21471 Al Saleh Trading Est. Tel. 00966-126517139 / 6511539 Fax: 6532237 ForPO Box: 57769, Tel. 00966-11Riyadh 11584 4769410 /4769409/ 4769410 Mob. 0503717866/ Mr. Bargi Fax: 4728438/ 4769415 63 64 65 Alsaraya Trading Est. PO Box: 9449, Jeddah -21413 Tel. 00966-126433255/ 6433265 Alshagawi Company Fax: 6425626 Tel. 00966-135861328 TradingPO Box: 252, Alhasa 31982 Alshahini Cold Stores PO Box:9132, Jeddah -21432 Fax: 5867224 Tel. 00966-126519485 / 6532128 Fax: 6531696 66 67 Mr. Mac Mundan, 00966-11Purchasing Dept. 4778144 Al Mawarid Trading Co. (MEED) Riyadh Alshadiaf Trading Est. PO Box: 4150, Riyadh 11491 00966-11-4761930 E-mail: [email protected] Tel. 00966-114792080 /4782441 [email protected] Fax: 4763899 68 Alsuwaiket Trading &PO Box: 691, Tel. 00966-13Contracting Co. Al Khobar 31952 8579780 Fax: 8572904 69 Alta’m International 70 Althougan Trading Est.PO Box: 165, Skaka 71 Altuwaijiri ForPO Box: 4560, Agricultural & TradingRiyadh 11412 Co. PO Box: 7944, Riyadh 11472 Tel. 00966-114765856 /2414805 Fax: 4731412 Tel. 00966-146245094 Fax: 6241196 Tel. 00966-114583605 /4572184 Fax: 4582714 72 Ameen Omar Jaad AlPO Box: 5527, Ajaad Trading Est. Makkah Tel. 00966-125736300 /5109879 Fax: 5743065 73 Amouni Co. DevelopmentPO Box: 4445, Jeddah -21491 [email protected] Tel. 00966-126883279/ 6874791/ 6882035 [email protected] m / [email protected] om 74 75 76 Anwar AlnojounPO Box: 1173, International Trading Jeddah -21431 Fax: 6879668 Tel. 00966-126715361 Fax: 6711494 Arabian Business Est. PO Box: 2129, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31451 8344047 Arabian Commercial PO Box: 7807, Construction Corp. Riyadh 11472 mohammed_aes@ya Fax: 8342990 Tel. 00966-114413104/ 4413018 Fax: 4413365 77 Arabian Est. For TradePO Box: 832, & Shipping Food &Jeddah -21421 Commodity Division 78 Arabian Est. For TradePO Box:832 & Shipping Ltd. Jeddah -21421 Tel. 00966-126440983 actjeddah@actshippin Fax: 6440272 Tel. 00966-126422808/ 6422852 actjeddah@actshippin Fax: 6440285 79 Arabian food Corp. PO Box:419 Jeddah -21411 Tel. 00966-126512820 80 Arabian Marketing Co.PO Box: 9362, Ltd. Riyadh 11413 Fax: 6516504 Tel. 00966-114824543 81 Arabian Stores Co.PO Box: 5967, Sarawat Super Stores Jeddah -21432 Fax: 4825529 Tel. 009662-6478038/ 6478373/ 6481286 Fax: 6476146 82 Arabian Trading corp. PO Box:5894, Jeddah -21432 Tel. 00966-126475254/ 6482246/6484237 [email protected] Fax: 6482246 83 84 Arcoma Commercial co. Ltd Asherjee International Corp. ArabiaPO Box: 811 AgencyJeddah -21421 Tel. 00966-126444212 forPO Box:22192 TradeJeddah -21495 Fax: 6420975 Tel. 00966-126485472/ Fax: 6480366 85 Ba Abdulla Trading Est.PO Box: 18028, Tel. 00966-12Jeddah -21415 6476947 [email protected] Fax: 6483110 86 87 88 89 Baseam Trading Co. PO Box: 2156, Riyadh 11451 Baba Restaurant Tel. 00966-114116863 / 4116942 Fax: 4117250 HawasPO Box: 1003, Tel. 00966-13Al Khobar 31952 8646086 Badrah Saudi FactoriesPO Box:1678, Co. Ltd. Jeddah -21441 Bajrai InternationalPO Box:18487, Group Ltd. Jeddah -21415 m Fax: 8942089 Tel. 00966-126430255 Fax: 6210215 Tel. 00966-126612827/ 6613302 [email protected] Fax: 6602571 90 90 92 93 Balsharaf Trading Stores PO Box: 3210 Riyadh 11471 Tel. 00966-114199995 /411 6818 Bashal Est. for TradingPO Box: 569, & Industry Jeddah -21421 Fax:00966-114199933/ 411 0284 Tel. 00966-126471750 Basamah Trading Co. PO Box: 427, Jeddah -21411 Fax:6478762 Tel. 00966-126606668 Basheer Trading Crop.PO Box:16407 Jeddah -21464 Fax: 6601544 Tel. 00966-126884800/ 6804752 Fax: 6884796 94 Batawil Est. for Trade PO Box:2390, Jeddah -21451 Tel. 00966-126724100 /6353831 Fax: 6703926 95 Batterjee NationalPO Box: 2 Pharmaceutical StoreJeddah -21411 and Pharmacies Tel. 00966-126602933/ 6602923 [email protected] Fax: 6611204 96 Beed Trading Co. PO Box:9173, Riyadh 11413 Tel. 00966-114020328 Fax: 00966-11- [email protected] m Web: 97 4034104 Berri United Food Co. PO Box: 1083, Tel. 0966-13-1083 / Dammam 314 31 8262861 Fax: 8263098 98 Bin Madi Trading Est.PO Box: 3449, (food Stuff Div.) Jeddah -21471 Tel. 00966-126368454 /6368348 Fax: 6873170 99 Bin Qubous Est. PO Box:26800, Riyadh 11496 Tel. 00966-114762683 Fax: 4765496 100 Bin Zagar Company 101 Brothers Co. PO Box: 54, Jeddah -21411 CommercialPO Box: 5604, Jeddah -21432 102 Cold Store of Al HasPo 147, Refrigeration Co. Alhasa 31982 103 Commercial Services Tel. 00966-126474388 Fax: 6475856 Tel. 00966-126606802 / 6601305/ 6606917 Fax: 6608140 Tel. 00966-135309000/ 5921613 mirza@saudibrothers. com ahbakery@ahgroups. com Fax: 5924355 IndustrialPO Box: 1947, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31441 8348981 /8323342 Fax: 8349521 104 Esnad Food Industries PO Box: 4496, Jeddah -21491 Tel. 00966-126834185 Fax: 6476836 105 Family food Supply Co.PO Box: 317, Tel. 00966-13Al Khobar 31952 8579622/ 8579046 106 Food Co. 107 Service Fax: 8578106 GroupPO Box: 17437, Tel. 00966-12Jeddah -21484 6710000 Fax: 6694860 General Trading Co. PO Box: 319, Tel. 00966-13Al Khobar 31952 8575622 Fax: 8575139 108 Gulf Bridge TradingPO Box: 20688, Tel. 00966-13- family_food_supply@ 109 110 Est. Al Khobar 31952 8952668 Gulf Marketing Distribution Co. Fax: 8993323 &PO Box: 31116, Tel. 00966-11Riyadh 11497 4768348 Gulf Trading Contracting Est. Fax: 4787456 &PO Box: 54654, Tel. 00966-11Riyadh 11524 4659067 Fax: 4656015 111 Halal Food Co. Ltd. PO Box: 9848, Tel. 00966-12Jeddah -214 23 6484531 [email protected] Fax: 6484543 112 Hamed Est. Alid TradingPO Box: 35138, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31488 8344576 / 8343953 113 Fax: 8344714 Hamed AbdulkhlikPO Box:5370, Tel. 00966-13Alghamdi Co. Dammam 31422 8341256 / 8348904 114 Hashim Zaki NabulsiPO Box: 3260, Est. Jeddah -21471 Fax: 8349660 Tel. 00966-126673554/ 6656733 115 Hassan Ali Trading Est. Fax: 6673554 SanadPO Box:4094, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31491 8422118 /8422811 Fax: 8417936 116 Ibn Hayyan Est. 117 International Company 118 [email protected] a Sanad_stc@sanadfrui / sanad_est@sanadfruit .com TradingPO Box: 4472, Tel. 00966-13-842520/[email protected] Dammam 31491 842880 Fax: 8427963 FoodPO Box:12867, Jeddah -21483 Tel. 00966-126918240 Fax: 6918799 International Trading &PO Box: 50100, Tel. 00966-12Technology Corp. Jeddah -21523 6670233/ 6612000 Fax: 6611522 119 120 Jahed Trading Est. PO Box: 87772 Riyadh 11652 Jamjoom CorporationPO Box: 59, for Commerce &Jeddah -21411 Tel. 00966-114811300 Fax: 4885978 Tel. 00966-126719077/ 6718869/ [email protected] 121 122 123 Industry 6726309 Jamjoom Agencies Fax: 6720293 Tel. 00966-126635551 Jehad Trading Est. GeneralPO Box: 2127, Jeddah -21451 & Fax: 6634002 RamadanPO Box: 89827, Tel. 00966-11MarketingRiyadh 11692 4631230/ 4625278 Fax: 4643197 Jorephanco Trading &PO Box: 1046, Tel. 00966-13Contracting Co. Al Khobar 31952 8982366/ 8946751/ 8984028 Fax: 8949554 PO Box: 55807, Tel. 00966-11Riyadh 11544 4777187 124 Kamal Ismail Kaaki Est. For Trading 125 Kamal Jamjoom Est. 126 Khaled S. AlshathrePO Box: 6130, Est. for Trading & Cont.Riyadh 11442 127 128 [email protected] Fax: 4784960 OsmanPO Box: 41168, Tel. 00966-12-41168, [email protected] Jeddah -21521 Fax: 6424463 Tel. 00966-114773312 Fax: 4778917 Khalifa AbdulrahmanPO Box: 222, Tel. 00966-13Algossabi Cold Stores Dammam 31411 8914520 Khalifa AlgossabiPO Box: 222, Group of Companies Dammam 31411 Fax: 8919595 00966-13-8474444 [email protected] Fax: 8571854 129 Makasib Est. PO Box: 1359, Jeddah -21431 Tel. 00966-12+6436375/ 6436194 Fax: 6430593 130 131 131 Mandeel CommunityPO Box: 3260, Tel 00966-13-8953071 Technical Services Est.Al Khobar 31952 Fax: 8953071 Mansour Bin MosaidPO Box: 9150, Tel. 00966-12Est. Jeddah -21413 6511532 Modern CleaningPO Box:18317, Utensils Factory Jeddah -21415 Fax: 6511293 Tel. 00966-126367315 Fax: 6363825 132 Modern CommercialPO Box: 64132, Tel. 00966-11Marketing Company Riyadh 11536 4628760 133 Mohammed Abdulrehmanb Albawardi Co. Ltd. 134 135 136 &PO Box: 217, Riyadh 11411 Fax: 4628724 Tel. 00966-114775301 Website: Fax: 4791342 Mohammed Al KhafraPO Box: 273, Tel 00966-13-833889 & Bros. Dammam 31411 Fax: 8345418 Mohamed Abdel LatifPO Box: 40473, Tel. 00966-12Alsawadi Est. Jeddah -21499 6727617/ 6728691 Mohamed Moudayfer &PO Box: 1378, Bros Co. Riyadh 11431 Fax: 6727617 Tel. 00966-114042255/ 4770254 moudayferint@naseej. Fax: 4058478 137 Mohammed ObaidPO Box: 858, Algothami & Sons Co.Jeddah -21421 Ltd Tel. 00966-126447526 Fax: 6421744 138 Mohamed SalehPO Box: 16227 Baharath Organisation Jeddah -21464 Tel. 00966-126440566/ 6423666 Fax: 6431747 139 140 141 142 143 Mohamed Alnajaidi Est.PO Box: 6609, Tel [email protected] Dammam 31452 a Fax: 8417734 Mohamed AbdullahPO Box: 95, Tel. 00966-14Alsusailem Trading &Arar 66620462/ 6624960 Contracting Est. Fax: 6622684 Mohamed Aljamaan PO Box: 9123, Tel.00966-13-8738221 Trading Est. Dahran 31932 Fax: 8741292 Mohamed Amer BajaraiPO Box: 18487, Tel.00966-12-6658991 Trading Est. Jeddah -21415 Fax: 6446684 Mohamed AnwarPO Box: 5059, Tel. 00966-12Abuljadayel Inc. Jeddah -21422 6433431/ 6422342 Fax: 6447379 144 Mohamed MasidPO Box: 41876, Tel. 00966-11Hamed Alhazmi Est. Riyadh 11531 4956026 Fax: 4956026 145 Mujally A. Bamujally United Co. PO Box: 112, Jeddah -21411 Tel. 00966-126474236 /6470708 146 Nabih Pharaon TradingPO Box:7378, Est. Jeddah -21462 Fax: 6480710 Tel. 00966-126657578/ 6610052 147 National Marketing Co.PO Box: 1085, Ltd. Jeddah -21431 Fax: 6652009 Tel. 00966-126918985 148 National UnitedPO Box:60931, Supermarkets Ltd Riyadh 11555 Fax: 6910637 Tel. 00966-114916964/ 4933294 149 Fax: 4920315 Omar MohamedPO Box: 18028, Tel. 00966-12Bajunaid Est. Jeddah -214 15 6440678 Fax: 6436876 150 Omer Kasim AlesayiPO Box:8680, And Company Ltd. Jeddah -21492 Tel. 00966-126440678/ 6440022 151 Orient Provision Trading Co. Ltd. &PO Box:11035, Jeddah -21453 Fax: 6445659 Tel. 00966-126690999 152 Osam Khairy Hafez Trading Est. PO Box: 8800, Jeddah -21492 Fax: 6609201 Tel. 00966-126445041 153 Reda Establishment Fax: 6432293 PO Box:908, Tel. 00966-13Al Khobar 31952 8940214/ 8940128 154 Al Munajjam Group 155 Rushdi Establishment PO Box: 36, for Trading Jubail 31951 PO Box: 1544, Riyadh 11441 Fax: 03-8940360 Tel. 00966-114787933 Fax: 4764318 Tel. 00966-133610023 Fax: 3612548 156 Safar Company Ltd. PO Box: 7710, Riyadh 11472 Tel. 00966-112315577 Fax: 2300010 157 Said Ali Ghodran Trading Est. PO Box: 131, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31411 8324089/ 8323571/ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 8340720 Fax: 8348755 158 Saleem Alrefi Trading PO Box: 21929, Tel. 00966-11Est. Riyadh 11485 4052551/ 4056120 159 Saleh & Abdulaziz Abahsain Co. Ltd. Fax: 4052551 PO Box: 209, Tel. 8984045/ Al Khobar 31952 8983856/ 8982298 Fax: 8990114 160 Saleh Hamada TradingPO Box: 2179, Sons co. Jeddah -21451 [email protected] et/ commercial@abahsai [email protected] Tel. 00966-126820041/ 6835312 Fax: 6833170 161 Saleh Nasir Alkahlaiwi PO Box: 30, Trading Est. HafarAlbaten 31991 Tel. 00966-037222291 Fax: 7222876 161 Salem Mohammed PO Box:17875, Almahfooz Alsaari Est.Jeddah -21494 Tel. 00966-126472841/ 6447561 162 Sameer Omar BasahelPO Box: 536, Trading Est. Jeddah -21421 Fax: 6480814 Tel. 00966-126423058 Fax: 6722906 163 164 Sanad Trading, PO Box:685, Investment & Jeddah -21421 International Agencies Saqr Al Kana Trading &PO Box: 3691, Supply Jeddah -21481 Tel. 00966-126531002 /6534661 Fax: 6511060 Tel. 00966-126438269 /6438810 [email protected] 165 Fax: 6483426 Saudi Amoudi Group PO Box: 13271, Tel. 00966-12Co. Ltd. Jeddah -21493 6830711 166 Saudi Arabian PO Box:22474, International Stores forRiyadh 11495 Trading Fax: 6828402 Tel. 00966-114414537 167 Saudi Cold Storage Co.PO Box: 5507, Ltd. Jeddah -21432 Fax: 4413152 Tel. 00966-126470643/ 6472819 168 Saudi East Fax: 6474016 Tel. 00966-12- PO Box: 6372, [email protected] 169 170 171 Establishment Saudi Group Co. Jeddah -21442 PO Box:18848, Jeddah -21425 6370727/ 6366726 Tel. 00966-126481209/ 6483780 Saudi Import and Export Co. Ltd. PO Box: 4816, Riyadh 11412 Tel [email protected] Fax: 4768940 Saudi Marketing Co. PO Box:4605, Tel.00966-13Ltd. Dammam 31412 8262358/ 8274637 [email protected] Fax: 8267779 172 Saudi Taawan PO Box: 751, Company Ltd, for Abha Cooling and Foodstuff 173 Shanawani Trading & PO Box: 5394, Contracting Co. Riyadh 11422 174 175 176 Tel. 00966-172261383 Fax: 2260743 Tel. 4068756 /4064014 Shokry Establishment PO Box:5532, for General Trading Riyadh 11432 Fax: 4069012 Tel 00966-114041162/ 4025921 Tariq ismail KutubuddinPO Box: 2218, Est. Jeddah -21451 Fax: 4041933 Tel. 00966-126455351 Tas Helat Group PO Box: 1488, Riyadh 11431 [email protected] m Fax: 65455351 Tel. 00966-114767100 177 Tamimi Group Fax: 4769920 PO Box:172, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31411 8574050 178 Technical Trading & Construction Est. PO Box: 2302, Riyadh 11451 Fax: 8571592 Tel. 00966-114778096 /4778351 Fax: 4779395 179 Osama A. Jamjoom & PO Box: 3440, Bros. Ltd. Riyadh 11471 Tel. 00966-112414028 /2413389 Fax: 2412568 180 181 United Arab Agencies PO Box: 1045, Jeddah -21431 Tel. 00966-126474000 Fax: 6479910 Yasin Mohamed BakshPO Box: 876, Tel. 00966-13Est. Al Khobar 31952 8948835/ 8943698 Fax: 8946955 [email protected] 182 Yousif H. Al Shahab Trading Est. PO Box: 5624, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31432 8346871 183 Fax: 8349431 Yousuf Hashim Ehsan PO Box: 10506, Tel. 00966-12Est. Jeddah -21443 6725752 184 Fax: 6744238 Zaid Fahd Al- SulaimanPO Box: 6652365,Tel. 00966-12Co. Ltd. Jeddah -21423 6652365 185 Zan Trading Establishment PO Box: 7293, Riyadh 11462 186 Hosham A. Jamjoom &PO Box: 4233, Bros. Ltd. Jeddah 21491 [email protected] Fax: 6316189 Tel. 00966-114772112 Fax: 4786631 Tel. [email protected] 6779696 Fax: 0096612-6779898 Riyadh 187 188 189 190 00966-11-2650022/ 2650333 Mr. Timochin Hasan, PO Box: 1498, Tel. 00966-13Business Dev. Dammam 31431 8341926/ 8346148 Manager M/s Altoga Trading Est. Fax: 00966-138341894 Saleh Babakar & SonsPO Box :20561 Tel.00966-11Co. Riyadh 11465 4229770/ 4066864/4026302 Mr. Omar Saleh Fax: 00966-11- 402 Babacker M.D 6324 Al- Yakuthi Est. PO Box : 1620 Tel. 00966-11Akaria Build.4600085 Riyadh Fax: 00966-11- 419 0276 Panda Azizai- Salova PO Box: 30900 Tel. 00966-12Retail Divisin, Jeddah 21487 6522255 Ext. 347 [email protected] m/ [email protected] yaquteehtrading@pri [email protected] / [email protected] Fax: 00966-126512694 191 Abdulrahman & Mohamed A. Aziz Al Shalan Co. PO Box:1620, Riyadh 11441 Tel. 00966-114136000 Fax: 00966-114111332 List of Saudi importers of Rice E-mail: mohammed@alshalan .com Website: Name of Importer Address Saleh Babakar & SonsPO Box :20561 Co. Riyadh 11465 Mr. Omar Saleh Babacker M.D M/s Abdulrahman & PO Box:1620, Mohamed A. Aziz Al Riyadh 11441 Shalan Co. Phone/ Fax E-mail/ website .00966-11-4229770/ E-mail: [email protected] / 4066864/4026302 00966-11- 402 6324 [email protected] Tel. 00966-114136000 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Fax: 00966-114111332 A.K. Almuhaidib & Sons PO Box:30, Tel. 00966-13--845- Email: Dammam 31411 5555/8322033 [email protected]; Al Muhaidib [email protected] Building Fax: 966 3-845-5556/ Website: 8336082 Saleh & Abdulaziz Abahsain Co. Ltd. PO Box: 209, Tel. 8984045/ Al Khobar 31952 8983856/ 8982298 Fax: 8990114 Omar A. Al Essay 00966-11 405 2626 Tel. 00966-114052626 E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected]/ [email protected] Website: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] PO Box No: 17390Fax : 0096-11- 405 Riyadh 11484 2626 Abbar & Zainy ColdPO Box: 2495, Tel. 00966-12E-mail: Stores Jeddah -21451 6369368 / 6371315/ [email protected] 6473563 Fax: 6365159 Al- Abdul Kareem Al- Yaqutheeh Est. King AbdullahTel. 00966-11Road, Mursalath 4557283 Mr. Jamal Abdullah Al Abdul Kareem, C.E.O Fax: 00966-114557296 Balsharaf Trading Est.PO Box: 3210 Riyadh 11471 Tel. 00966-11- 411 6818/ 4392222 E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected] m Fax: 00966-11- 411 0284/ 4394444 Balsharaf Group, PO Box: 31116,Tel. 011-8809999 Ext.E: Mr. Aboud Bamokrah,Riyadh 11497 9675 ambamokrah@balasharafgrou Marketing & Business Fax: 011-4640417 ; [email protected] Dev. Manger- Rice Mob. 0505770509 Division, Ahmed M.S. Baeshin PO Box: 59514 & Partners Co. Riyadh 11535 Abdul Aziz & Mohammed A. AlJomaih Co. 00966-11- 476 4769 / E-mail: 478 0349 [email protected] Fax: 00966-11- 478 3217 PO.Box: 41132, Tel. 00966-11Riyadh 11411 4788811/ 4913700 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00966-11- 477 4038 Reef Est. For Supply &PO B.ox : 3476Tel. 0966-11- 411 [email protected] Import Riyadh 11471 0822 Beed For Trading Co. PO Box: 4173, Riyadh 11413 Hamed A. Al- Faris & 00966-13Sons Co. 8321843 Dammam Panda Azizai- Salova PO Box: 30900 Retail Divisin, Jeddah 21487 Fax: 00966-11- 411 0355 Tel. 00966-114020328 / 4028976 Fax: 00966-114034104 Tel. 00966-138321843 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 0096-13-8332029 Tel. [email protected] 6522255 Ext. 347 [email protected] Fax: 00966-126512694 Ajwa Company Ltd. PO Box: 43261 Mr. Saleh N Al Fadhli -Jeddah 21474 General Manager AJWA Grain Alesayi Trading Co. PO Box: 1342, Jeddah -21431 Tel. 00966-12Email: [email protected] 6475466/ 6475200 ext. 226 Fax: 00966-126440047/ 6470425 or 6490606 Tel. 00966-12-E-mail: [email protected] 6875423/ 6202000/Web: 644 5121 Fax: 6875058/ 6206469/ 643 6876 Almawarid Trading Co.PO Box: 17320, Tel. 00966-11Ltd. Riyadh 11484 4778144 Beed Trading Co. Arcoma Arabia [email protected] m PO Box:9173, Riyadh 11413 Fax: 4778933 Tel. 00966-114020328 [email protected] Web: PO Box: 811 Fax: 00966-114034104 Tel. 00966-12- E-mail: / Commercial Agency Jeddah -21421 co. Ltd Al- Faris Est. Head Office PO Box: 370 Dammam Mizan Food Company PO Box: 5579 Riyadh 11432 Khalifa Abdulrahman Al Gosaibi Cold store Dammam 6444212 [email protected] Fax: 6420975 Tel. 00966-13- 832 1843 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00966-13- 832 8332 Tel 00966-114588801 Fax: 00966-11-457 2700/ 459 0473 Tel. 00966-138914541 Fax: 8914541 Riyadh Al Watan Office for Trading Services, Riyadh Alesayi Co. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: althoufeeq@, 00966-13- Tel. 00966-1123075555 E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 00966-112317404 P.O. Box 3035 Jeddah 21471 Tel: +966 12-644-8282 Fax: +966 12-644-8181 Email: [email protected] Website: List of Saudi importers of Spices Sl. No 1 2 3 Address Saudi Trading company P.O.Box : 383, Riyadh 11411 Mr. Imad Bakeer, Import Manager Mob. 0505247317 Mr. Haroon Islam bin Mahfooz, Manager, Salem Binmahfooz Est. PO Box: 42388, Riyadh 11541 Mr. Mohammed Kutty, National Sales Manager, Mr. K. Hassan Rahim, Telepho ne 00966-114772023/4772329 Fax/E-Mail 00966-11-4789932 E-mail: [email protected] Tel. 4110177/ 4131258 Leading importer/ agent of Fax: 4135646 Cardamom from India E-mail: [email protected] Tel.4918494/4916635/ 4988550 Fax: 4451977 Importers of Spices, cardamom, edible oil, rice etc. General Manager Mob. 0555487880 Saroup Trading Co. Ltd. PO Box: 49930, Riyadh 11513 4. 5- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 E-mail: [email protected] Ahmed S. Al Faifi Trading Est. 00966-11-4122005 P.O.Box: 6419, Riyadh 11411 Arabian Development Est. For 00966-11Trading 4211104/4214133 P.O.Box: 40418, Riyadh 11499 Mr. Faris Farook Siddik Mob. 0555989118 Mohammed Al- Moty Al- Far 00966-11-4050983 Trading Est. P.O.Box: 62909 Riyadh Mohammed Al Madi Trading Est. 00966-11-4112325 P.O.Box: 16898, Ext. 24 (purchasing Dept.) Riyadh 11474 Saleh N. Ali Al Sharhan Trading 00966-11-4114176 (Res.) Est. P.O.Box: 7646, Riyadh 11472 White Office For Trading 00966-11P.O. Box: 42461, 4463436/4779331 Riyadh 11541 Navarat Alshamal Trading Est. 00966-11P.O.Box: 18280, Riyadh 11415 4919883/4918722 Abdulrahman Ahmed Baqais Store00966-12-5747814 P.O.Box : 1469, Makkah Abdulghani Al- Muktha Trading 00966-12- 573 6961 Est. P.O.B: 1370 Makkah Al- Majiles Cont. Est. 00966-14- 8251324 P.O.B : 3712 Madeena Al- Kou’a Trading Est. 00966-11- 462 2255 Riyadh Hamed Ahmed Quasmani 00966-12- 642 2862 Trading Est. P.O.B: 10955 Jeddah- 21431 00966-14122080 Jaraed Cont. & Maintenance Est. P.O.B : 66794 Riyadh – 11586 Mohammed Abdulsamad AlQurashi Est. P.O.B: 1935 Makkah Mohammed Al Afgani Est. Makkah Mohammed Hassan Nouralahi Est. P.O.B : 591, Makkah 00966-11- 402 9527 00966-11- 402 9527 00966-12- 574 8075 00966-12- 574 8075 00966-12- 544 2664 00966-12- 5442641 00966-12- 574 3563 00966-12- 574 3563 00966-11-4200568 e-mail: [email protected] 00966-11-4029656 00966-11Fax: 4112283 00966-11-4140526 00966-11-4761765 00966-12-574814 00966-12- 5736961 00966-14- 825 1324 00966-11- 4623768 00966-12- 642 2387 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Mohammed Mozafer Otraji Store P.O.B: 9316 Makkah Naseem Al – Raihan Store P.O.B: 9309 Makkah Mohammed A. Y. Al- Sayagh Trading Est. P.O.B: 281 Sajir 11951 Sulaiman Hawsawi Est. Makkah Talal Ahmed Al- Leyani Makkah Omar Ahmed Abdullah Est. Khamees Mushait Dr. Hamad Al Olayan Executive Director, Al Manat Trading PO Box: 15391, Riyadh 11444 00966-12- 574 6464 00966-12- 574 6464 00966-12- 536 3379 00966-12- 536 3379 00966-11-6321975 00966-12-5369667 00966-12-5369667 00966-12-5740729 00966-12-5740429 00966-17- 5369667 00966-17-5369667 Tel. 4532435 Visited spices BSM Mob. 0505427162 Fax: 4532435 E-mail: [email protected] List of Saudi importers of vegetables Sl. No. Name of Importer Address Phone/ Fax 01 Agricultural Expansion Est. PO Box: 456, Riyadh 11411 Tel.00966-11-4055928 E-mail: /4054879/ 4027845 [email protected] 02 Agricultural MaterialsPO Box:11318, Co. Ltd Jeddah -21453 Fax: 4042502 Tel. 00966-12-6800020/[email protected] 6802832/6891676 03 Agricultural MaterialPO Box:2606 Co. Ltd. Riyadh 11461 Fax: 6886260 Tel. 00966-11-4768430 [email protected] Fax: 4792155 04 Al Kharj Al Halaga Cold StorePO Box:16550, Jeddah -21474 05 Alfaisalia Group Est.PO Box:1228, Jeddah -21431 06 Al Haggi Cold StoresPO Box: 15425, Riyadh 11444 08 09 Aljazirah Coldstore PO Box: 31089, Jeddah -21497 E-mail/ website Tel. 5480426 Tel. 00966-12-6932379 Fax: 6938183 Tel. 00966-12-6436026/ 6436027 Fax: 6441833 Tel. 00966-11-4212703 [email protected] Fax: 4212300 Tel. 00966-12-6316770/ 6316130 Fax: 6315736 Al Zamil FoodPO Box: 240, Tel. 00966-13-3415235 zamilfood@zamilfood. Industries Ltd. Jubail City 31951 com Fax: 3418235 10 11 Anwar AlnojoumPO Box:1173, International TradingJeddah -21431 Assaf AlharbiPO Box: 5782, Trading Est. Riyadh 11432 Tel. 00966-12-6715361 Fax: 6711494 00966-11-4984531/ 4983722 Fax: 4586152 SanadPO Box:4094, Tel. 00966-13-8422118 sanad_stc@sanadfruit Dammam 31491 /8422811 .com / sanad_est@sanadfruit Fax: 8417936 .com FoodPO Box:12867, Tel. 00966-12-6918240 Jeddah -21483 Fax: 6918799 AhmedPO Box: 970, 00966-12-6715623/ TradingJeddah -21421 6719028 12 Hassan Ali Trading Est. 13 International Company 14 Mohammed Alamoudi Est. 15 Natioal United PO Box: 60931, Supermarkets Ltd. Riyadh 11555 Fax: 6713139 Tel. 00966-11-4916964/ 4933294 Fax: 4920315 16 17 18 19 20 Saleh M. Hamadah PO Box: 2179, Sons Trading Co, Jeddah -21451 00966-12-6833182/ 6675288 Shehata For TradingPO Box: 6104, and Import Est. Jeddah -21442 Fax: 6693213 Tel. 00966-12-6719988/ 6710580 Fax: 6700661 United Trading Corp.PO Box: 64, Tel. 00966-13-8940706 Dhahran Ariprot- 31932 Fax: 8644085 Yousif H. Al ShahabPO Box:5624, Tel. 00966-13-8346871 [email protected] Trading Est. Dammam 31432 Fax: 8349431 Alnahdi Trading AndPO Box:30702, Tel. 00966-12-6716983 Contracting Group Jeddah -21462 Fax: 6725562 List of Saudi importers of Fruits Sl. No. Name of Importer 01 Abbar & Zainy ColdPO Box: 2495, Stores Jeddah -21451 03 Address Phone/ Fax E-mail/ website Tel. 00966-12-6369368 [email protected] / 6371315/ 6473563 Fax: 6365159 Almallahi Trading Est.PO Box: 5809, 00966-13-8347113/ Dammam 31432 8344300 04 05 Fax: 8344105 Tel. 00966-12-6371239 / 6364262 Arabian Trading Co.PO Box: 1393, For Cold Storage Ltd. Jeddah -21431 Fax: 6363687 Hadi General ServicesPO Box: 122, Tel. 00966-13-8327301 Co. Dammam 31411 / 8323846 Fax: 8333369 06 Hassan Ali Sanad Trading Est. 07 International Company PO Box: 4094, Tel. 00966-13-8422118/sanad_stc@sanadfru Dammam 31491 8422811 / sanad_est@sanadfr Fax: 8417936 FoodPO Box:12867, Jeddah -21483 Tel. 00966-12-6918240 Fax: 6918799 Tel. 00966-12-6910052 08 Mohammed SharbatlyPO Box: 4150, Food Corp. Jeddah -21491 09 Mohameed Ahmed PO Box: 970, Alamoudi Trading Est.Jeddah -21421 Fax: 6910103 Tel. 00966-12-6715623/ 6719028 10 Saleh M. HamadahPO Box: 2179, Sons Trading Co. Jeddah -21451 Fax: 6713139 Tel. 00966-12-6833182/ 6675288 Shehata For TradingPO Box: 6104 and Import Est. Jeddah -21442 Fax: 6693213 Tel. 00966-12-6719988/ 6710580 11 Fax: 6700661 List of Saudi importers of meat Sl. No. Name of Importer 01 Abbar & Zainy ColdPO Box: 2495, Tel. 00966-12-6369368 [email protected] / Stores Jeddah -21451 6371315/ 6473563 02 03 Address Phone/ Fax E-mail/ website Fax: 6365159 Al Halaga Cold StorePO Box:16550, Tel. 00966-12-6932379 Jeddah -21474 Fax: 6938183 Alnajdain PO Box:286, Tel. 00966-11-4768241/ Contracting Est. Riyadh 11411 2318678 Fax: 4761355 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Alsafferi Cold Store PO Box:7715, Tel. 00966-12-6711001/ Jeddah -21472 6711052/6724418 Fax: 6700515 Anwar AlnojoumPO Box:1173, Tel. 00966-12-6715361 International TradingJeddah -21431 Fax: 6711494 Arabian Est. ForPO Box: 832, Tel. 00966-12-6440983 actjeddah@actshipping. Trade & ShippingJeddah -21421 com Food & Commodity Fax: 6440272 Division Arabian Trading Co.PO Box: 1393, Tel. 00966-12-6371239 / For Cold StorageJeddah -21431 6364262 Ltd. Fax: 6363687 International FoodPO Box:12867, Tel. 00966-12-6918240 Company Jeddah -21483 Fax: 6918799 Modern CleaningPO Box:18317, Tel. 00966-12-6367315 Utensils Factory Jeddah -21415 Fax: 6363825 Mohameed Ahmed PO Box: 970, Tel. 00966-12-6715623/ Alamoudi Trading Jeddah -21421 6719028 Est. Fax: 6713139 National UnitedPO Box:60931, Tel. 00966-11-2081926/ Supermarkets Ltd Riyadh 11555 2081936/41/ 4916964/ 4933294 Fax: 4920315 12 Saudi East Est. PO Box: 6372, Jeddah -21442 13 Mr. Khalid Al Quthmi,00966-12-65711400966-12-5672004 General Manager Int’l Business Resources, PO Box: 4921, Jeddah 21412 Shehata For TradingPO Box: 6104, Tel. 00966-12-6719988/ and Import Est. Jeddah -21442 6710580 14 16 17 18 PO Box:6372, Tel. 00966-12-6370727 Jeddah -21442 /6365284 Fax: 6366726 Fax: 6700661 Tharwat Alshargawi PO Box: 15228, Tel. 00966-12-6603808 Trading Est. Jeddah -21444 Fax: 6671058 Alnahdi Trading AndPO Box:30702, Tel. 00966-12-6716983 Contracting Group Jeddah -21462 Fax: 6725562 Alshahini ColdPO Box:9132, Tel. 00966-12-6519485 / Stores Jeddah -21432 6532128 Fax: 6531696 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Arabian food Corp. PO Box:419 Tel. 00966-12-6512820 Jeddah -21411 Fax: 6516504 Mabmoud PO Box: 6697, Tel. 00966-12-6692878 Mohammed NasharJeddah -21452 & Partners Fax: 6608011 Yousif H. Al ShahabPO Box: 5624, Tel. 00966-13-8346871 [email protected] Trading Est. Dammam 31432 Fax: 8349431 Khalid Al Ahmadi 00966-1100966-11-4586152 [email protected] Trading 4582998 PO Box: 5782, Riyadh 11432 A.K. Sabawi & 00966-1300966-13-8471545 E-mail: Partners, Vitva Food8472819/847155 [email protected] Co, 9/8472243 PO Box: 724, Dammam 31421 Khalid Al Harbi 00966-1100966-11-4586252 E-mail: Trading Est. 4586346/459299 [email protected] PO Box: 5781 8 k Riyadh 11432 Saud Ahmed 00966-1100966-11-2647565 E-mail: Mohammed Al 4556984 alyahyafood2002@hotm Yahya Est. ( Al Yahya Food Est.) PO Box: 88932 Riyadh 11672 Khalid Al Harbi 00966-1100966-11-4586252 E-mail: Trading Est. 4586346/459299 [email protected] PO Box: 5781 8 k Riyadh 11432 Al Hasa Cold 00966-1300966-13-5921107 E-mail: Storage Co. 5920614/ [email protected]. Al Hasa 31982 5921613 sa Abdulla Al- Fahad Al-00966-1600966-16-13239390 Tuwaijiri Trading & 13239390 Cont. Est. P.O.Box: 2100 Buraidah Abdullah Mohammed00966-1300966-13-8260860 Al- Ghamdi Est. 8266662 P.O.Box: 6974, Dammam- 31452 Al- Amro 00966-1600966-16-13911941 Commercial Centre 13911389 P.O.Box: 4, Qassim Al-Durri Trading Est.00966-1100966-11-4511360 P.O.Box: 41243, 4581992 Riyadh 11521 Al- Lewaa’ Al00966-1300966-13-8320708 Akhdhar Trading Est.8335514 P.O.Box: 5976, 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Dammam- 31432 Al- Maraa Meat 00966-12Company 6671186 P.O.Box:23024, Jeddah-21426 Al- Mufti Trading Co.00966-12P.O.Box: 108, 6601654 Jeddah- 21411 Al- Roshan Trading 00966Co. Ltd. 12+6829269 P.O.Box: 51119, Jeddah 21543 Al- Sawani for 00966-11Trading Services Co.4769191 P.O.Box: 52826, Riyadh 11573 Al- Tal Al- Akhdhar 00966-12Est. 5421862 P.O.Box : 2809, Makkah Anwar Al- Nujoum 00966-12Trading Co. Ltd. 6715361 P.O.Box: 1173, Jeddah-21431 Eid Ali Shleya Jaber 00966-14Est. 3222376 P.O.Box : 803, Yanbu Fahad Rajab A. 00966-12Sadaqah Est. 5733326 P.O.Box: 5205, Makkah Fatimah Salem Ba 00966-13Sulaiman Est. 8593736 P.O.Box: 9365, Al Khobar-31413 Ibrahim Nasser Al- 00966-16Shdokhi Trading Est.13245688 P.O.Box: 3241, Qassim Khalid Ali Amir 00966-13Trading Est. 8335514 P.O.Box: 5976, Dammam- 31432 Mahmoud Al- Nashar00966-12& Partners Co. 6440202 P.O.Box: 6697, Jeddah - 21452 Mohammed Khalid 00966-13Al-Madani Trading 8322153 Est. P.O.Box: 104, 00966-12-6655278 00966-12-6675860 00966-12-6548266 00966-11-4768940 00966-12-5421862 00966-12-6711494 00966-14-3222376 00966-12-5733326 00966-13-8593736 00966-16-13249229 00966-13-8320708 00966-12-6429879 00966-13-8332905 47 48 49 Dammam- 31411 Nashar Co. 00966-1200966-12-6364807 P.O.Box: 16544, 6377793 Jeddah -21147 Owayed Saeed Al- 00966-14741688 00966-11-4724112 Shahrrani Trading Est. P.O.Box: 28402, Riyadh-11437 Manfoor Trading Est.00966-1100966-11-4594432 PO Box: 34312, 4390477 Riyadh 11468 [email protected] List of Saudi importers of seeds Sl.No Name of Importer 01 Agricultural Co. Ltd 02 Agricultural Co. Ltd. 03 04 05 Address Phone/ Fax E-mail/ website MaterialsPO Box:11318, Tel. 00966-12-6800020/[email protected] Jeddah -21453 6802832/6891676 MaterialPO Box:2606 Riyadh 11461 Fax: 6886260 Tel. 00966-11-4768430 [email protected] Fax: 4792155 Al Kharj Tel. 5480426 Alrajhi AlmisferPO Box: 58684, Tel. 00966-11-4633460 E-mail: Agriculture Co. Ltd. Riyadh 11515 [email protected]. Fax: 4651162 sa Aseer Company PO Box:55756, Tel.00966-11-4621511 E-mail: Riyadh 11544 [email protected] Fax: 4654123 m Astra Agricultural PO Box: 54061, Tel. 00966-11-4772346 [email protected] Company Ltd. Riyadh 11514 /4731130 Fax: 4782102 06 Beautiful Garden Est. PO Box:54859, Tel. 00966-11-4640102 Riyadh 11524 /4885843 07 Al Rashid Group Commercial Development Co. 08 Growing Oasis Est. 09 Fax: 4586372 Mani Salih Al ZaamanPO Box: 31308, Tel. 00966-12-6318339 Est. Jeddah -21497 /6375319 Fax: 4648370 PO Box:15586, Tel. 00966-11-4024243 [email protected] Riyadh 11454 .sa Fax: 4050555 PO Box:621, Riyadh 11421 Tel. 00966-11-4586345 10 11 12 13 14 Mansoor YaseenPO Box:158, Alramadan & Co. Hofuf 31982 Fax: 6316483 Tel. 00966-13-5861292 Fax: 5825715 Nafa Enterprises Ltd. PO Box: 57976, Tel. 00966-11-4882828 E-mail [email protected] Riyadh 11584 Fax: 4882542 Website: Saleh AlmutlaqPO Box: 1738, Tel. 00966-11-4773765 Alhanaky Riyadh 11441 /4785665 /4778590 Fax: 4767639 Saudi United FertilizerPO Box: 4811, Tel. 00966-11-4781287/[email protected] Co. Riyadh 11412 4765341 a Talat Abdulhameed Trading Est. Tel. 00966-11-4789581 PO Box: 2821, Tel. 00966-13-8984884 Dammam 31461 Fax: 8981767 List of Saudi importers of mango pulps/ manufacturers of juices and soft drinks Sl. No. Name of Importer 01 02 03 04 05 06 Address Phone/ Fax E-mail/ website Alfandi Dairy ProductsPO Box:6282, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31442 8579621/ 8571861/ 8420982 Al Amoudi BeveragePO Box: 7270, Industries Jeddah -21462 Al Batterjee Group forPO Box: 10667, Trading Industries &Jeddah -21443 Medical Services Bin Rafa Industry Contracting Trade,PO Box:1825, andJeddah -21441 Fax: 8579218 Tel. 00966-126821071/ 5940451 Fax: 6821407 Tel. 00966-126365164 / 6373347 Fax: 6602228 Tel. 00966-126695507 Fax: 00966-126609789 Gulf Danish Dairy Ltd.PO Box: 5360, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31422 8426033 Jumbo Ice Cream andPO Box: 10667, Juice Factory Jeddah -21443 Fax: 8423128 Tel. 00966-126365164/ 6373347 Fax: 6379627 [email protected] 07 Sanabel Trade &PO Box: 17793, Agricultural IndustriesRiyadh 11494 Co. Tel. 00966-114952233 /4954080 [email protected] Fax: 4954080 08 09 Saudi Food Company PO Box: 2300, Jeddah -21411 Tel. 00966-126938028 Saudi Hop Factory Fax: 6933617 Tel. 00966-126652399 JuicePO Box: 1825, Jeddah -21441 Al Rabie Saudi DairyJeddah Co. Fax: 6609789 Tel. 00966-126546660 Saudi Fruit Juice andPO Box: 16302 Beverages Co. Jeddah Fax: 6546660 Tel. 00966-126364153 Dany Foods Co. Ltd. PO Box: 53164, Riyadh 11583 Fax: 6375189 Tel. 00966-14981414/ 4981717 13 Al Yanbee BeveragesPO Box:503, Factory Riyadh 11383 Fax: 4980628 Tel. 00966-112650600 / 2650456 14 Fruit Juice and Milk Co. Al Dakheel Est. 10 11 12 PO Box:463, Riyadh 11411 Fax: 2650660 Tel. 00966-114020717 /4056845 info@springsbeverages. [email protected] Fax: 4025376 15 Rawabi Co. ForPO Box: 40860 Trading Foodstuffs &Riyadh 11511 Ice Cream Tel. 00966-114982111 /4985650 Fax: 4985650 16 Al Farat Factory 17 Almaweed Commercial Est. 18 19 PO Box: 373, Riyadh 11353 Tel. 00966-114771410 Fax: 4771410 PO Box: 3413, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31471 8330575/ 8332018 Batawil Est. for Trade PO Box:2390, Jeddah -21451 Fax: 8347710 Tel. 00966-126724100 /6353831 Bin Zagar Company PO Box: 54, Jeddah -21411 Fax: 6703926 Tel. 00966-126474388 [email protected] om [email protected] 20 Oreint Provision Trading Co. Ltd. &PO Box:11035, Jeddah -21453 21 Sanad Trading,PO Box:685, Investment &Jeddah -21421 International Agencies 22 Saudi Amoudi GroupPO Box: 13271, Co. Ltd. Jeddah -21493 Fax: 6475856 Tel. 00966-126690999 Fax: 6609201 Tel. 00966-126531002 /6534661 Fax: 6511060 Tel. 00966-126830711 Fax: 6828402 List of Saudi importers of canned foods Sl. No. Name of Importer Address Phone/ Fax 01 Al Khalifa InternationalPO Box: 1986, Tel. 00966-13Dammam 31441 8428849 02 Alhab Trading Co. Ltd.PO Box: 950 Dhahran Airport 31932 03 Al Higgi Cold Stores PO Box: 15425, Riyadh 11444 04 Alhammad Coldstore 05 Arabian Est. For TradePO Box: 832, & Shipping Food &Jeddah -21421 Commodity Division 06 Basmah Trading Co. PO Box:427, Jeddah -21411 FoodstuffPO Box:551, Hofuf 31582 E-mail/ website Fax: 8428837 Tel. 00966-138987575 Fax: 8941710 Tel. 00966-114212703 [email protected] Fax: 4212300 Tel. 00966-5826701 [email protected] / /5862048 [email protected] m Fax: 5826144 Tel. 00966-12actjeddah@actshipping. 6422808 / 6422852 com Fax: 6440285 Tel. 00966-126606668 [email protected] Fax: 6601544 07 Bin Madi Trading Est.PO Box:3449, (Foodstuff Div.) Jeddah -21471 Tel. 00966-126368454/ 6368348 Fax: 6873170 08 Jamjoom Agencies GeneralPO Box: 2127, Jeddah -21451 Tel. 00966-126635551 [email protected] 09 10 11 12 13 Fax: 6634002 Jorephanco Trading &PO Box: 1046, Tel. 00966-13Contracting Co. Al Khobar 31952 8982366/ 8946751/ 8984028 Modern CleaningPO Box:18317, Utensils Factory Jeddah -21415 Fax: 8949554 Tel. 00966-126367315 Omar MohamedPO Box: 18028, Bajunaid Est. Jeddah -214 15 Fax: 6363825 Tel. 00966-126476947 /6478005 Sadoun Abdulrazak AlPO Box:8738, Nofaisy Est. Riyadh 11492 Fax: 6483110 Tel. 00966-114780088 United Trading Corp. PO Box: 64, Dhahran Ariprot- 31932 Fax: 4783938 Tel. 00966-138940706 14 Fax: 8644085 Yousef AhmedPO Box:5540, Tel. 00966-13Algosaibi Trading Est.Dammam 31432 8269651 15 Fax: 8273415 Tel. 00966-126716983 Alnahdi Trading AndPO Box:30702, Contracting Group Jeddah -21462 Fax: 6725562 List of Saudi importers of Poultry Sl. No. Name of Importer 01 Address Abbar & Zainy ColdPO Box: 2495, Stores Jeddah -21451 Phone/ Fax Tel. [email protected] 6369368 / 6371315/ 6473563 FoodPO Box: 240, Jubail City 31951 Fax: 6365159 Tel. 00966-133415235 04 Yousif H. Al ShahabPO Box:5624, Trading Est. Dammam 31432 Fax: 3418235 Tel. 00966-138346871 05 Jehad RamadanPO Box: 89827, Trading & MarketingRiyadh 11692 Est. 02 Al Zamil Industries Ltd. E-mail/ website Fax: 8349431 Tel. 00966-114631230/ 4625278 zamilfood@zamilfoo [email protected] 06 07 08 09 Khalifa AbdulrahmanPO Box: 222, Algossabi Cold StoresDammam 31411 Mr. Aravind Babu, Purchase Officer, Hadco Poultry PO Box: 106, Hail Mr. Malcolm Huck – PO Box: 19154, General Manager, Riyadh 11435 GRM International, M/s Al Sanie Trading Est. Mr. Ali Mohammed PO Box: 99, Alawaji, Riyadh 11411 General Manager, Alrowdha Poultry Farm 10 Abdullah Al Trading Est. 11 Abdullah Al SulaimanPO Box:4537 Al Shamsan TradingRiyadh 11412 Est. 12 FozanPO Box: 67305 Riyadh 11596 Al Salwani Co. Trading & Cont. forPO Box: 5394 Riyadh 11422 Fax: 4643197 Tel. 00966-138914520 Fax: 8919595 Tel. 00966-165200011 Fax: 00966-11-6520011 Tel. 00966-112701717 Fax: 00966-112704747 E-mail: [email protected] om E-mail: [email protected]. au / malcolm_huck@hot Tel. 00966-114919017 /4773373/4761293 Fax: 00966-114777828 Tel. 00966-114504305 Fax: 00966-112635369 Tel. 00966-114913168 Fax: 00966-114913168 Tel. 00966-114014630 Fax. 4069012 List of Saudi importers of Dairy Products Sl. No.Name of Importer Address 01 Alfaisalia Group Est. PO Box:1228, Jeddah -21431 02 Al Zamil Industries Ltd. FoodPO Box: 240, Jubail City 31951 03 International Company FoodPO Box:12867, Jeddah -21483 04 Yousif H. Al ShahabPO Box:5624, Trading Est. Dammam 31432 05 Abbar & Zainy ColdPO Box: 2495, Phone/ Fax E-mail/ website Tel. 00966-12-6436026/ 6436027 Fax: 6441833 Tel. 00966-13-3415235 zamilfood@zamilfood. com Fax: 3418235 Tel. 00966-12-6918240 Fax: 6918799 Tel. 00966-13-8346871 [email protected] Fax: 8349431 Tel. 00966-12-6369368 [email protected] / Stores 06 07 Jeddah -21451 6371315/ 6473563 Arabian Trading Co.PO Box: 1393, For Cold Storage Ltd. Jeddah -21431 Fax: 6365159 Tel. 00966-12-6371239 / 6364262 Jorephanco Trading &PO Box: 1046, Contracting Co. Al Khobar 31952 Fax: 6363687 Tel. 00966-13-8982366/ 8946751/ 8984028 Fax: 8949554 08 Mohameed Ahmed PO Box: 970, Alamoudi Trading Est.Jeddah -21421 09 Tharwat Alshargawi PO Box: 15228, Trading Est. Jeddah -21444 10 11 12 Alfandi Dairy ProductsPO Box:6282, Dammam 31442 Arabian Est. For TradePO Box: 832, & Shipping Food &Jeddah -21421 Commodity Division Bin Madi Trading Est.PO Box:3449, (Foodstuff Div.) Jeddah -21471 Tel. 00966-12-6715623/ 6719028 Fax: 6713139 Tel. 00966-12-6603808 Fax: 6671058 Tel. 00966-13-8579621/ 8571861/ 8420982 Fax: 8579218 Tel. 00966-12-6422808 actjeddah@actshippin / 6422852 Fax: 6440285 Tel. 00966-12-6368454/ 6368348 Fax: 6873170 13 14 United Trading Corp. PO Box: 64, Dhahran Ariprot- 31932 Alsaraya Trading Est. PO Box: 9449, Jeddah -21413 Tel. 00966-13-8940706 Fax: 8644085 Tel. 00966-12-6433255/ 6433265 Fax: 6425626 15 Alshagawi Company 16 Arabian food Corp. 17 18 TradingPO Box: 252, Alhasa 31982 PO Box:419 Jeddah -21411 Bin Madi Trading Est.PO Box: 3449, (food Stuff Div.) Jeddah -21471 Khalifa AbdulrahmanPO Box: 222, Algossabi Cold StoresDammam 31411 Tel. 00966-13-5861328 Fax: 5867224 Tel. 00966-12-6512820 Fax: 6516504 Tel. 00966-12-6368454 /6368348 Fax: 6873170 Tel. 00966-13-8914520 Fax: 8919595 19 Saudi Group Co. 20 Mr. Harish Sadasivan PO Box: 8103, Tel. 00966-11-4659144 Pillai, Riyadh 11482 Finance & Comml. Fax: 00966-11-4984027 Officer, M/s Forsan Foods & Consumer Products Co. Ltd. Mr.Abdullah Bin SalehPO Box: 27773, Tel. 00966-16-13256630E-mail: Al Baradi, Al Qassim – BuraidaFax: [email protected] M/s Joud Al Arab Est. 13253662 om 21 PO Box:18848, Jeddah -21425 Tel. 00966-12-6481209/ 6483780 List of Saudi importers of cashew nuts and other nuts etc. edible Sl. No. Name of Importer 01 Address Phone/ Fax 02 Aamal Al MoatamadP.O.B: 5102 Trading Est. Riyadh 11422 Al- Hazmi Nuts Edible Makkah 03 Al jandal Nuts Edible 04 E-mail/ website Tel. 00966-11- 405 0104 Fax: 00966-11- 4082550 Tel. 00966-12- 542 6642 Fax: 00966-12- 542 6642 P.O.B: 8731 Tel. 00966-13 8269249 Dammam 314925Fax: 00966-13- 826 9249 Al Naqli InternationalP.O.B: 11380 Tel. 00966-12- 638 0727 Trading Co. Ltd. Jeddah 21453 Fax: 00966-12- 638 0727 05 Basheer Ahmed OqailanP.O.Box: 57403 Tel. 0966-11- 479 0297 Est. Riyadh 11574 Fax: 00966-11- 479 0297 06 Fustuqah Foodstuff Est.P.O.Box: 1215 Tel. 00966-13- 829 1957 Dammam- 31431Fax: 00966-13- 833 8536 07 Hasan Al- Saeed Nuts P.O.Box: 7068 Tel. 00966-13- 664 2734 Edible Est. Dhahran 31942 Fax: 00966-13- 664 2734 08 Mawtef Foodstuff Est. P.O.Box: 120683Tel. 00966-11- 230 5659 Riyadh 11679 Fax: 00966-11- 2302672 Zad Grinders and P.O.Box: 30388, Tel. 00966-11- 4119382 Rosters Riyadh 11477 Fax: 00966-11- 411 9382 09 10 Batawil Est. for Trade PO Box:2390, Tel. 00966-12-6724100 Jeddah -21451 /6353831 Fax: 6703926 List of Saudi importers / dealers of flowers Sl.No Address Telephone Fax/E-Mail 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Abdulla Al Mubarak Trading Est. PO Box: 1467, Dammam- 31431 Abdulsalam H. Mulla Trading Est. PO Box: 358, Yanbu Adawian Agricultural Est. PO Box: 16951, Riyadh 11474 Ahial Est. Riyadh Al Orjowan Flowers Store, PO Box: 55538, R14071iyadh 11544 Al Rushad Development Co. Ltd. PO Box: 903, Al Khobar Al- Shifa Flowers PO Box: 62490, Riyadh 11585 Azhar Al Qassr PO Box: 6072, Madina Azhar Al Reef Trading Est. PO Box: 466, Al Khobar Balfaqieh Trading Est. PO Box: 11724, Jeddah 21463 Dome International Trading PO Box: 30233, Riyadh 4597291 Green Garden Nursery Co. Ltd. PO Box: 7722, Jeddah 21470 Nuzhat Al Duniah Trading Est. PO Box: 6082, Madina Puler Co. Ltd. PO Box: 2990, Riyadh 11461 Rou’yh Plants & Decorations PO Box: 20320, Madinah 00966-13-8261827 00966-13-8260855 00966-14-3911590 00966-14-3911590 00966-11-4625455 00966-11-4625455 00966-11-4883405 00966-11-4801988 00966-11-4761855 00966-11-4083031 00966-13-8996513 00966-13-8642256 00966-11-4644891 00966-11-4644891` 00966-13-8232486 00966-13-8232486 00966-13-8940490 00966-13-8940490 00966-12-6673460 00966-12-6653003 00966-11-4597291 00966-11-4597291 00966-12-6516634 00966-12-6513138 00966-13-8238071 00966-13-8238071 00966-11-4779376 00966-11-4779670 00966-14-8230996 00966-14-8230996 List of Saudi importers / dealers of flowers Sl.No 01 02 03 Address Nardeen (The Flower Shop) Riyadh Flower Centre, Jeddah Beautiful Garden Telephone Fax/E-Mail 00966-11-4620422 00966-11-4617479 00966-12-6607391 00966-12-6607391 00966-11-4648370 00966-11-4648370/ 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Riyadh 4625463 Abbas Hassan Ali Al Hamrani 00966-13-5861762 Flowers Store, Hufof Abdullah M. Saleh Al Ghamdi Trading00966-14-8240427 Est Madinah Al Munawarah Abdullah Mohamed Al Ghamdi Est 00966-14-8229330 Madinah Afrah Al Arous 00966-12-7382544 Taif Al Alamiyah For Flowers 00966-12-6731303 Jeddah Al Alamiyah Store For Selling Roses 00966-11-4564294 Riyadh AL- ANOUF TRADING EST. 00966-11-4784306 Riyadh Al Bader Hollandese Flowers Center 00966-13-8645962 Al Khobar Al Khalif Est. 00966-12-6449239 Jeddah Al Madarat Co. 00966-12-6608578 Jeddah Al Magd Flowers Exb. 00966-11-4575512 Riyadh Al Mashtal Al Zerai Al Hadeth - Nada00966-12-5587792 Flowers Makkah Al Massif Agricultural Est. 00966-12-7326920 Taif Al Mazhariyah Al Saghirah Exb. 00966-12-5732012 Makkah 00966-13-5861762 Al Merbaa Trading Est. Hufof Al Mokhlef Trading Est. Madinah Al Narges Rose Riyadh Al Rushid Flowers Al Khobar Al Saaedi Flower Store Makkah Al Sulaiman Flowers Exb. Riyadh Al Wadi Al Akhdhar Est. Jeddah Al Werdah Al Alamiya Est. Riyadh Al Yousef Flower – Florina Jeddah 00966-13-5863011 00966-13-5863011 00966-14-8243361 00966-14-8243361 00966-12-7382544 00966-12-6731303 00966-11-4564294 00966-11-4784306 00966-13-8645962 00966-12-6449239 00966-12-6654843 00966-11-4575512 00966-12-5587792 00966-12-7326920 00966-12-5732012 00966-14-8269015 00966-14-8269015 00966-11-4551381 00966-11-4551381 00966-13-8647261 00966-13-8647261 00966-12-5722433 00966-12-5722433 00966-11-4562629 00966-11-4562629 00966-12-6601700 00966-12-6601700 00966-11-4731830 00966-11-4731830 00966-12-6693264 00966-12-6693264 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Al Zanbaka Showroom 00966-12-6519832 Jeddah Alwan Flowers Exb. 00966-12-6516431 Jeddah Arab Flower Delivery Est. 00966-11-4654068 Riyadh Arabian Flowers 00966-12-6672218 Jeddah Arabian Agricultural Systems Co. Ltd.00966-11-4645067 Riyadh Arabian Supply & Trading Co. 00966-11-4762887 Riyadh Azhar Al Bait Al Said Est. 0096-11-4646977 Riyadh Azhar Al Rushd Exh. 00966-13-8983074 Al Khobar Azhar Arawla 00966-11-4645455 Riyadh Azhar Exhibition 00966-11-4041845 Riyadh Badr Al Badoor, 00966-16-13333590 Al Qassim Bafaqeeh Natural Flowers & Seeds 00966-12-6673460 Store Jeddah 00966-12-6519832 00966-12-6516431 0966-11-4654068 00966-12-6672218 00966-11-4645067 00966-11-4762887 00966-11-4646977 00966-13-8983074 00966-11-4625455 00966-11-4041845 00966-16-13333590 00966-12-6653003 List of Agricultural companies in Saudi Arabia Sl.NoAddress 1 2 3 4 5 Telephone Fax/E-Mail Activity NAFA Agriculture, 00966-11-4708888 00966-11-4708855Wholesale, retail of agricul PO Box: 57976, E-mail: materials, fertilizers pest con Al Rahamania Quarter, [email protected] seeds, public health products, a Riyadh 11584 machinery, spares, garden landscape cleaning and st trees Al Hutaim Agriculture 00966-11-5510827/00966-11-5510026Vegetable farm Project 5501837 PO Box: 54, Al Kharj 11942 Capital Modern 00966-11-4546548/00966-11-4551182Wholesale and retail sales Nurseries, 4544304 E-mail: seeds, trees, plant , agricult PO Box: 10614, [email protected] tools and equipment, Riyadh 11443 om Nawarath Agriculture 00966-11-5230280 00966-11-5231885Vegetable farm, livestock fa Farm, nurseries PO Box: 191, Riyadh 11972 Ghater Tahseen Al Fahd00966-11-4793025/00966-11-4782328Supply of agro and veterin Est. 4760393 products and equipment, farms PO Box: 8540, rabbits, quails, ducks, ostrich Riyadh 11492 farms management 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Abdulrahman A. Al 00966-11-4546548/00966-11-4551182Agriculture business, impor Sulaiman Est. 4544304 E-mail: and marketing of all agricult PO Box: 10614, [email protected] pesticides Riyadh 11443 om Assad A. M. Bin Baz Est.00966-11-2820788/00966-11-2820787Agriculture production marke For Agri. and Trade, 2820827 import and export PO Box: 59103, Riyadh 11525 Al Naeem Trading & Agri.00966-14012758 00966-11-4026357Fertilizers and Pesticides Tr Est. seeds trade PO Box: 4766, Riyadh 11412 Al Jammaz 00966-11-4776700 00966-11-4774737Agriculture, chemical Establishment, fertilizers, Agri. equip. veget PO Box: 4310, seeds Riyadh Sadeem Agricultural Co. 00966-11-4700499/00966-11-4531491Whole sale, retail sales a Ltd. 4700498 E-mail: equipment, tools, irriga PO Box: 10614, landscape@sadeematerials, pesticides, and Riyadh 11443 agricultural products Gazen Agricultural D, 00966-11-4782425/00966-11Production, industry agricul Riyadh Dev. Co. 04 4220986 4782868/ 04and marketing of agricultural PO Box: 57865, 4229977 animal products Riyadh 11584 Tabuk Agricultural 00966-17-3224666/00966-17-3222145Fruit farm, fish aquapic Development Co. 073222162 e-mail: (TADCO), [email protected]. PO Box: 127, sa Jizan Food Products Co. 00966-11-2650909 00966-11-2650606Food processing, Agricult PO Box: 131, marketing Riyadh 11383 Al Rajhi & al Misfer 00966-11-4633460 00966-11-4651162Import & Distribution of agricult Agricultural Co. Ltd. E-mail: material PO Box: 58684, ramic084@awalnet Riyadh 11515 .net Aljouf Agricultural Dev. 00966-11-4614789 00966-11Production (plant and animal), Co. 4621347/ 04marketing of agricultural PO Box: 56413, 6249292 animal products Riyadh 11554 ITA Agricultural Ltd. 00966-11-4658166/00966-11-4658243Nurseries, agricultural marketin PO Box: 9957, 4620920 E-mail: info@itaRiyadh 11423 The National Agricultural00966-11-4040000 00966-11-4055522Fresh diary producing, wh Dev. Co. (NADEC), E-mail: barley, vegetable, fruit etc PO Box: 2557, [email protected] Riyadh 11461 National Agricultural 00966-11-4933141 00966-11-4970247Marketing Agricultural produc Marketing Co. E-mail: PO Box: 88618, [email protected] Riyadh 11672 Al Watania Agricultural 00966-11-4727293 00966-11-4727301Agricultural and animal produ Co. Ltd. E-mail: food manufacturing 20 21 22 PO Box: 51764, [email protected] Riyadh 11553 om Arabian Agricultural 00966-11-4191933 00966-11-4191520Compound animal feed, Service co. (ARASCO), manufacture & trade. PO Box: 53, Seed, production and trade Riyadh 11593 International Agricultural 00966-11-4051686 00966-11-4052019Agricultural consultants, feasib Consultants House, studies PO Box: 25867, Riyadh - 25867 Takamul National Agricultural Est. PO Box: 59703, Riyadh 11535 00966-11-4625322 00966-11-4653177Agriculture E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] List of Saudi importers/dealers of Honey Sl.No Address 01 Omar Bin Mohammed Al Qahtani 00966-11-2351189 00966-11-2351189 Trading Est. Riyadh Wadi Al Nahel Trading Est. 00966-11-4773866 00966-11-4780433 PO Box: 41107, Riyadh 11521 Baeshen Mohammed Abdul Kader 00966-12-6694140/ 00966-12-6650106 Trading Est. 6612666 PO Box: 51462 Jeddah 21543 Brothers Commercial Co. 00966-12-6377059/ 00966-12-6608140 PO Box: 17347 6377076 Jeddah 21484 Halwani Brothers Co. Ltd. 00966-12-6366667 00966-12-6366667 PO Box: 690 Jeddah 21421 Jamjoom General Agencies 00966-12-6635551 00966-12-6634002 PO Box: 2127 Jeddah 21451 Jamjoom Mohammed Nour Saleh &00966-12-6425343/ 00966-12-6427054 Sons 6425605 PO Box: 12 Jeddah 21411 National Food Industries Co. Ltd. 00966-12-6081515 00966-12-6367938 PO Box: 32040 e-mail: Jeddah 21428 [email protected] Honey Valley Co. For Trading, 00966-11-2421111 00966-11-4961709 PO Box: 7756 Riyadh 11472 Abdullah A. Al Draihem Est. For 00966-11-4918659 00966-11-4918659 Honey Mob. 0504160194 E-mail: 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Telephone Fax/E-Mail 11 12 PO Box: 104089, [email protected] Riyadh 11626 Aljoulan Est. 00966-11-2318916/ 00966-11-2318916 PO Box: 59611, 2325464 Riyadh 11535 Mohammed O. Al Sulaiman Trading00966-11-4783808/ 00966-11-4962846 Est. 4963237 PO Box: 27319 Riyadh 11417 List of Saudi importers/ distributors of Tea Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Address Telephone Fax/E- mail Bin Zagr Co. (branch) P.O.Box: 392, Riyadh 11411 Abdul Kadir Al- Muhaideb & Sons P.O.Box: 2063 Riyadh 11451 H.O.DammamAhmed M.S. Baeshen & Partners Co. P.O.Box: 59514 Riyadh 11535 00966-11-4951360/ 4950076 00966-11-4470578 H.O. Jeddah Basamh Trading Co. P.O.Box: 5791 Riyadh 11432 00966-12-6531760 00966-11-2306031/ 2305592 H.O.Jeddah Suliman A. A. Karim & partners Co. P.O.Box: 15442 , Riyadh 11444 Al- Seleek Trading Est. Yanbu Bin Zaqer Co. P.O.Box: 5762 , Madina Bin Zaqer Lipton Co. Ltd. P.O.Box: 40051 Riyadh 11499 H.O. P.O. Box: 22800, Jeddah- 21416 Ibrahim Abu Bakar Mousa Watrah Stores P.O.Box: 10215 Makkah 00966-12-6606668 00966-11-4453617/ 4453701 00966-12-6601544 00966-11-4453641 00966-14- 3227539 00966-14-3227539 00966-14- 822 0798 00966-14- 822 0798 00966-11- 4980324 00966-11- 498 5571 00966-12-6226777 00966-12- 536 5080 00966-12-6224944 00966-12-5365080 Omar Mohammed Saeed Co. P.O.Box: 19760 Jeddah 21445 00966-12- 683 6717 00966-12- 683 6717 00966-114488322/4470578 00966-13-8328888 00966-114764769/4780349 00966-13-8311888 00966-11-4783217 00966-12-6531536 web: 00966-11-2323419 11 Saudi Tea Flower Factories Co. Ltd. 00966-12- 6363255 P.O.Box: 9837 Jeddah 21423 00966-12- 636 1193 12 Al Saleh Commercial Company P.O.Box: 1786, Khobar- 31952 00966-13-8649637/ 8649853 00966-13-864 9853 13 Arabian Establishment for Trade & 00966-12-6422808/ Shipping Ltd. 6422852 P.O.Box: 832, Jeddah- 21421 Kinana Co. for trading & Contracting 00966-12-6484610 P.O.Box: 7828, J eddah- 21472 Al Khanbashi Trading Services Est. 00966-12-6425086 P.O.Box: 20424, Jeddah 21455 Beed Trading Co. 00966-114020328 P.O.Box: 9173, Riyadh 11413 Al Zahra Hospitals, 00966-14-8488808 PO Box: 1549, Madina Al Saleh Commercial Co. 00966-13-8640549 PO Box: 1786, Al Khobar 31952 Arab East Industrial Co. Ltd. 00966-12-6370125 PO Box:6938, Jeddah -21452 The Behrawi Trading Co. 00966-12-6652441 PO Box: 48, Jeddah -21411 Istirad Business Trading Co. 00966-12-6066664 PO Box: 52817, Jeddah Kutbi for Petroleum and Industrial 00966-12-6911539 Equip. PO Box: 3489, Jeddah -21471 Arabian Est. for Trade & Shipping Ltd. 00966-12-6422808 PO Box: 832, Jeddah -21421 United Trading Corp. 00966-13-8870111 PO Box: 64, Dhahran Air Port 31932 Saudi Tea Tip Factory Co. Ltd. 00966-12-6363255 PO Box: 9832, Jeddah -21423 00966-12-6440285 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 UNC Lear Siegler Inc. PO Box: 87245, Riyadh 11642 00966-11-4827933 00966-12-6484806 00966-12-6427088 00966-11-4034104 /4034075 00966-14-8487995 00966-13-8649853 00966-12-6379669 00966-12-6652464 00966-12-6832957 00966-12-6429054 00966-12-6440285 00966-13-8870222 00966-12-6361193 00966-11-4828079 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Ali Bin Omar Al Jubairi, PO Box: 733, Jeddah -21421 Bayoni Trading Co. Ltd. PO Box: 714, Al Khobar 31952 Al Khalifa International PO Box: 1986, Dammam 31441 Hamed Al Ghamdi Trading Est. PO Box: 1308, Jubail 31951 Al Nafae Trading Est. PO Box: 5247, Riyadh 11422 World Trading Services, PO Box: 52340, Riyadh 11563 Tareq Alkhalifa Trading Services Est. PO Box: 25032, Riyadh 11466 Baaghil Est. for Trade, PO Box: 9752, Jeddah -21423 Al Khanbashi Trading Services Est. PO Box: 20424, Jeddah -21455 Naghi International, PO Box: 269, Jeddah -21411 Atlas International Services, PO Box: 671, Riyadh 11421 Nashat Trading & Contracting, PO Box: 15116, Riyadh The Bahrawi Trading Co. PO Box: 48 Jeddah 21411 Ahmed Abdulrahman Baeshen Est. PO Box: 24 Jeddah 21411 00966-12-6477746 00966-12-6477167 00966-13-8980324 00966-13-8645171 00966-13-8428849 00966-13-8428837 00966-13-3613383 00966-13-3613562 00966-11-4789119 00966-11-4760808 00966-11-4480826 00966-11-4465914 00966-11-4794160 00966-11-4762357 00966-12-6531551 00966-12-6511492 00966-12-6425086 00966-12-6427088 00966-12-6444484 00966-12-6711835 00966-11-4791680 00966-11-4730604 00966-11-4657664 00966-11-4642190 00966-12-6652441 00966-12-6652464 web: 00966-12-6433183 00966-12-6483603 Ahmed Salim Bugshan Est. PO Box: 18196 Jeddah 21415 Al Khalifa International PO Box: 1986 Dammam 31441 Baaghil Est. for Trade PO Box: 9752 Jeddah 21423 00966-12-6656992 00966-12-6691031 00966-13-8428849 00966-13-8428837 00966-12-6531551 00966-12-6511492 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Bayoni Trading Co. Ltd PO Box: 714 Al Khobar 31952 Limited Saudi Arabia PO Box: 2321 Dammam 31451 Saudi Tea Factory PO Box: 329 Jeddah 21411 Saudi Tea Tip Factory Co. Ltd. PO Box: 9832 Jeddah 21423 Tareq Al Khalifah Trading Services Est. PO Box: 25032 Riyadh 11466 Ahmed Mohamed Saleh Baeshen &Co P O Box 9822 Jeddah 21423 00966-13-8987188 00966-13-8645171 00966-13-8570032 00966-13-8579469 00966-12-6448139 00966-12-6443528 00966-12-6363255 00966-12-6361193 00966-11-4794160 966-11-4762357 00966 12 637 9000 2IN1 RESTAURANTS COMPANY LTD P.O.BOX 88768,RIYADH 11672 966 11-4628841 00966 12 637 4656 [email protected] 966-11-4640340 [email protected] m List of Saudi importers of Coffee Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Address Telephone Fax/E-Mail Abdulrahman Al- Zahem Est. PO Box: 33387, Riyadh 11448 Al- Farouqui coffee Est. PO Box: 99, Jeddah 21411 Al- Safarat Est. PO Box: 8410, Makkah Ayedh Saeed Zaid Al- Muhi Est. Abha Bin Yabouni Est. PO Box: 722, Al- Khobar- 31952 00966-11-4023699 00966-11-4023699 00966-12-6476340 00966-12-6473811 00966-12-5443796 00966-12-5443796 00966-17-2252030 00966-17-2252030 00966-13-8642014 00966-13-8980750 Modern Enterprises Co. PO Box: 3513, Jeddah 21481 Owkrim Co. PO Box: 783, Kamees Musahit Zakia Abdeen Trading Est. PO Box: 2253, Jeddah- 214451 00966-12-6695664 00966-12-6695660 00966-17- 2501167 00966-17-2501167 00966-12-6430858 00966-12-6438614 9 10 11 12 Baeshen, Ahmed Abdulrahman & Sons00966-12-6433183/ PO Box: 24, 6433184 Jeddah 21411 Binzagar Company 00966-12-6474388 PO Box: 54, Jeddah 21411 Jamjoom , Mohammed Nour Saleh & 00966-12-6425343/ Sons 6425605 PO Box: 12 Jeddah 21411 Kuraishi Trading Est. 00966-12-6833984/ PO Box: 12891, 6826454 Jeddah 21483 00966-12-6438603 00966-12-6475856 00966-12-6427054 00966-12-6826147 List of Saudi manufactures juices in Saudi Arabia Sl. No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Address Telephone Al- Marai Co. Ltd. 00966-11-4700005/ P.O.Box: 8524 4620088 Riyadh 11492 Contact Person: Mr. Abdulrahman Almuhanna, Managing Director Al Zamil Food Industries Ltd. 00966-13-3415235 PO Box: 240 Jubail 31951 Contact Person: Mr. Ali Abdullah Alyami Al Rabie Saudi Dairy Co. Ltd. 00966-11- 4980000 P.O.Box: 42787 Riyadh 11551 Contact: Mr. Monther Alharty, General Manager Halwani Bros. Co. 00966-12-6366667 PO Box: 690, Jeddah 21421 Contact Person : Mr. Abdulrahman Mohammed Abdu Al- Rai Dairy Est. 00966-11-2413410 P.O.Box: 58283 Riyadh- 11594 Al- Safi Foods Establishment 00966-11- 4610077 P.O.Box: 10525 Riyadh- 11443 Contact: Mr. Mohammed Al Sharhan Arabian Food & Dairy Factories 00966-13-8574572 PO Box: 195 Al Khobar 31952 Contact: Mohammed Gassim Purchase Manager Fax/E-Mail 00966-11- 4701555/ 4624418 website: 00966-13-3418235 00966-11- 4982064 00966-12-6376667 E-mail: [email protected] 00966-11-2413410 00966-11-4625112 Website: 00966-13-8570513 08 00966-11- 4981414 00966-11- 4980628 00966-12-6474236 00966-12-6483203 Fruit Juice & Dairy Co. 00966-11-4020717 P.O.Box: 463 Riyadh- 11411 Modern Dairy Factory 00966-11- 4985347 P.O.Box: 3367 Riyadh- 11471 Arabian Food Supplies 00966-12-6514284 PO Box: 1400 Jeddah 2131 Contact: Mr.Saleh Yousuf Naghi, General Manager Saudia Dairy & Foodstuff Co. 00966-12-6519340 PO Box: 5043 Jeddah 21422 Contact Person: Mr. Faisal Hamad Al Ayyar, Managing Director The National Agricultural 00966-11-4040000 Development Co. PO Box: 2557 Riyadh 11461 Contact: Mr. Abdulaziz Saleh Alribdy, Director General Saudi Milk & Cheese Factory 00966-13- 8121129 P.O.Box: 7439 Dammam- 31462 Shaflout Trading Group 00966-13- 8333049 P.O.Box: 1711 Dammam- 8334376 United Co. For Milk Farms 00966-11-4790722 P.O.Box: 25467 Riyadh 11466 Halwani Dariy and Ice Cream 00966-12-6369810/ Plant, 6366487 P.O.Box: 690 Jeddah- 21421 00966-11- 4025367 19 Al Afandi Dairy products Factory 00966-13-8579621 P.O.Box: 6282 Dammam- 31442 00966-13-8579218 20 Sanabel Trade and Agricultural Industries 00966-11-495 1433 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Danya Food Co. Ltd. P.O.Box: 53164 Riyadh 11583 Contact: Mr. Peter Goldager, General Manager Mujally A. Bamujally United Co. PO Box: 112 Jeddah 21411 Contact: Mr. Ahmed Mohsin Bamujally 00966-114952233/4954080 00966-11-4980411 00966-12-6630420 E-mail: [email protected] 00966-12-6516875 00966-11-4055522 Website: 00966-13- 8121248 00966-13- 8334376 00966-11- 4790939 00966-12-6371905 P.O.B: 17793 Riyadh –11494 Contact Person: Mr. Muteb Abdullah Al Rajhi, General Manager 21 22 23 24 Saudi Fruit Juice & Beverages 00966-12-6364153 Industry Pepsi Cola (M.S) PO Box: 16302 Jeddah 2164 Contact Person: Mr. Talsir M. Tomalieh, General Manager Al Amoudi Beverage Industries 00966-12-6621202 PO Box: 7220, Jeddah 21462 Contact Person: Mr. Hussein Saleh Al Amoudi, Managing Director Jumbo Ice Cream & Juice Factory 00966-12-6365164 PO Box: 10667 Jeddah 21443 Mr. Ibrahim M. Batterjee, General Manager South Soft Drinks Co. Ltd. 00966-17-2237032 PO Box: 771 Khamis Mushiat Contact Person: Mr. Abdulah B. Modhwi, General Manager 00966-12-6375189 00966-12-6821407 00966-12-6379627 00966-17-2230617
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