The New Challenges of Digital World: Consumer Engagement in SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT for Efficient Consumer Response © SCM 4 ECR Conference 2015 1 E-COMMUNICATION AND E-DEVELOPMENT- EFFICIENT RESPONSES FOR CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS ALONG E-SUPPLY CHAIN Dorina Antoneta Tanasescu Nicoleta Valentina Florea Irina Antoaneta Tanasescu Valahia University of Targoviste TÂRGOVIŞTE 2015 Abstract The success of any organization depends on identifying and satisfaying customer needs and obtaining performance. To attract, to retain and to satisfy customers, has become a difficult and challenging task for any organization. Due to the appearance of globalization and the use of new technologies, organizations must know how to communicate with customers and how to develop their employees in order to respond efficiently to consumer needs along supply chain. This article aims to analyze communication processes with customers and development of employees through the use of new technologies. We also will analyze the processes of ecommunication and e-development, detailing their advantages and disadvantages in attracting and retaining customers along e-suplly chain, by implementing a simulation model . Key words: e-communication, e-development, e-supply chain, customer expectations, simulation, performance. E-communication- conceptual approach Effective communication process: • is an important element of every organization success, • must take into account the stakeholders and especially the employees (Florea N.V., 2014, p.20), • supposes a better active listening, a better monitoring of on-time deliveries of products, better reports about monthly sales and budget updates, better meetings and information (Mcintosh P., Luecke R.A., 2008), but also better relationships along supply chain, according to the priciple „better, faster, cheaper”. In terms of technology, we live in a golden age of communication. A percent of 70,5 from the European population use Internet (internetworldstats, 30 iun. 2014), 95,7% from global population have cell phones (ITU, www.ziare.com, 2013), recruitment is 100% on-line (Krishnamurthy S., 2006, p.63) reducing recruitment costs by 85% (Bach S., 2005), at office people use every day e-mail. In fact e-communication is not yet a substitute for face-toface communication, but a new mean to communicate faster and costeffective. Effective e-communication process along e-supply chain: • The challenge is not how to implement the technology but how to combine it with other channels of communication and to get to the target. • Now, after 2000, the enterprises are in the fifth stage of the supply chain management evolution, that of e-supply chain management (Ross D.F., 2002, p.6). This means that using internet along supply chain, enterprises and its employees will improve relationships with customers and suppliers, will reduce costs, will improve internal processes (like communication and development), will share new information, will gain new skills, will share rapidly databases, will use them to simulate and model business and will obtain supply chain synchronization. • E-supply chain make organizations more flexible and responsive, link employees with suppliers and customers, virtually, offering them more advantages such as: sharing information, improve operations, better collaboration, faster planing and delivering (Qingyu Z., 2007, p.ix). . The best practices in the e-communication field • The company website is a way to reach customers, to build relationships, to improve effectiveness of their digital strategy and to use indicators to see how performance is , • Online catalogues are used to make known their products/ services on the Internet, allowing customers to browse them, or to see them immediately (Frater G., 2003, p.184). • E-mail. Many organizations have accepted e-mail as the best eletronic method of communication (Fielding M., 2005, p.345). • Chat it can appear in real time and use graphs (Schachtebeck T., 2005, p.3). Message is transmitted through web, YouTube, FaceBook and MySpace, helping receiving instantly the message (Samovar L. et al., 2012, p.9), and make disapear any barrier. • Videocoferencing offers great opportunities to promote organization products, allow conducting activities (Stabryla A., 2012, p.111) and nonverbal elemwnts ar not loosed (Lehman C.M., DuFrane D.D., 2011, p.30). • Web cameras is another way to communicate with customers, and are used for videoconferencing or to have a direct and live connection. E-development in human resources field Business and managers are facing an increasingly dynamic . and complex environment. To face these challenges, organizations must know how to develop its employees in order to provide an effective response for customers (Martin M., Jackson T., 2008, p.203). About human capital development: • Emphasizes good progress through the acquisition of a varied intellectual skills (Martin M., Jackson T., 2008, p.199). • Helps employees and organizations to gain new skills and knowledge necessary to achieve performance. About e-development: •When organizations use and implement e-systems it is important to focus not only on ICT infratrsucture, but also on the whole surrounding system, which needs to be adapted to meet the requirements (Giurgiu A. in Gasco M., 2012, p.298). E-mentoring: • the two involved parts must not. work together in the same building, organization or be on the same continent (Horton W.K., 2001, p.57), • It is a tool to improve the innovation process and organization development (Burri M., Cottier T., 2012, 445.), • Eliminate any barriers to gender, age, or race, • It is flexible, easy to access, and cost-effective (Burri M., Cottier T., 2012, 445). E-coaching: • use new technologies, such as video coaching, coaching through skype, • reduce travel costs and time, grow accessibility (Western S., 2012, p.64). • Is focusing on the same objectives as the classical method (Geissler H., 2008, p.8 in Taranovych Y., 2011, p.111). • Social and visual impact is eliminated (Hamilton B.A., Planks T.A., 2003), • Employee focus more on the message, not on the person, • Allows coaches to correspond with their customers independent of time and location, can access knowledge immediately (Taranovych Y., 2011, p.111). • Access is whenever needed to new technologies (Goldsmith M. et al., 2012). . Case study- simulating data regarding the efficiency of using e-communication and CRM in Romanian business Research methodologySample size: The reasearch was made using data and information on Romania from the site of www.eurostat.com. Tools for data collection: observation and data analysis. Tools for analysis: simulation, linear regression function, Excel program, and Plotter function. Research objectives Our main objective is to measure the impact could have two independent variables: individuals’ level of internet skills-X1 (called individual e-communication) and entreprises sharing electronically information on sales and purchasing-X2 (called organizational e-communication) on the dependent variable (enterprises using software solutions- like CRM to analyse clients-Y) using simulation and regression function using data at Romanian level between 2008-2012. . . . From calculations, using the linear regression we obtain the following parameters: Y=0 - 0,157xX1 + 0,563xX2 Multiple R is the multiple coefficient of correlation between X1, X2 and Y. Between the value X1, X2 and y recorded in the analyzed organization in 2008-2012 there is a direct and strong connection due to the amount obtained by Multiple R (0.9999). R2 means that 99,99% of the variance in the dependent variable Y is predicted or explained by the independent variables X1 and X2. The strength of the linear relationship between variables is measured by the simple correlation coefficient (Araghinejad S., 2013, p.51), so the R2 show a value of 0,9999, which is very closer to 1 indicating that the the variance in the dependent variables originate in the variation of the regressors, as propagated through the model. ANOVA reprezents the analysis table of tha variance. For the variance due to factor x, Regression, Residual due to the others unregistred factors, and Total due to the all factors: df- degrees freedom: k – number of explivative variables x (simple regression k=1), n-k-1 for residuals (5-1-1=3 degree freedom) and n-1 for total variance (5-1=4); The sum df for Regression and Residual is equal with df / Total: k + (n – k – 1) = n – 1. Intercept is for the free term (constant) of the model and has the value „0”. Coefficients- contain the estimated values of coefficients b1 (-0,157) and b2 (0,563). Lower 95%, Upper 95% – upper and lower limits of the confidence interval for the parameter. The limits for 0.05 are calculated automatically, regardless of the initialization procedure Regression. It could be said that the linear model parameters are within the following ranges: -0,4551< b1 < 0,1404; 0,3324< b2 < 0,7942. . . . Concluzions • For as long as commerce business and industry have existed, technology has always had an effect on the way business is conducted (Lowe N., du Plessis N., 2007, p.70). In the modern age of technology, due to the global acces, storage, manage of information via the Internet, the organizations improved the productivity of their business. • In today’s increasingly electronic world, the Internet is an important tool for employees and for organization to interact in an e-business era with customers. • Supply chain means using electronic tools in order to improve relationships between organization and suppliers/ customers/ employees, to share knowledge, to coordinate better, to become more flexible, rapid, responsive, efficient, to manage upstream and downstream value chain, and to reduce cycle time of communication. • E-communication is a cheap, fast and easy to use tool to reach customers and e-development is a rapid, continuous tool to develop employees in order to know how to satisfy customers needs. • So, e-communication and e-development are important tools used to achieve objectives, awareness building, recognition building, or to change attitudes. 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