16-039-V - the City of Columbia
16-039-V - the City of Columbia
BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CASE SUMMARY FOR VARIANCE REQUEST 2400 Devine Street August 9, 2016 at 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 1737 Main Street, 3rd Floor Columbia, South Carolina Case Number: 16-039-V Subject Property: 2400 Devine Street (TMS# 11312-06-01) Zoning District: C-2 (Neighborhood Commercial District) Applicant: Kirk Commercial Construction, LLC Property Owner: B A D LLC Council District: 3 Summary Prepared: August 3, 2016 Requested Action: Applicable Sections of Zoning Ordinance: Variance to the parking requirements for a restaurant §17-258 8 parking spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area required for a restaurant (SIC 5812) §17-112 Standard criteria for variances Case History: None. Staff Comments: The applicant is requesting a variance to the parking requirements for to reestablish a +/5,900 sq. ft. restaurant on the property. Normally, 47 parking spaces are required; the applicant is requesting a variance to reestablish the restaurant with the existing 14 spaces instead. According to our records, this building has been used as a restaurant/bar since at least 1977 and in 1981 was granted a special exception to expand to its current size. However, the restaurant (formerly Dianne’s on Devine) has been vacant for more than 12 months, and there is no record of an existing parking variance, so in order to reestablish a restaurant the applicant would need to either find a way to provide parking or seek relief from the requirements. The applicant has indicated that valet parking will be provided to the customers of the restaurant. This property is zoned C-2, neighborhood commercial, as are the properties to the east and west along Devine Street. The properties to the immediate south are zoned C-1 (Office and Institutional); behind them is the Shandon Neighborhood. The Old Shandon Neighborhood is to the north, across Devine Street. I recommend that the Board approve this application, subject to the following condition: • Construction and operation to be in substantial conformance with the application and supporting materials submitted by the applicant. The above recommendation is based upon the following findings as required within §17-112 of the Zoning Ordinance: PAGE 1 OF 2 1. Extraordinary and exceptional conditions exist in that building has been in use as a restaurant since 1977 and no additional parking can fit on the site. 2. These conditions do not generally apply to other properties in the vicinity as the surroundings are a mixture of offices, retail, residential, and hospitality uses. 3. Because of these conditions, the application of the zoning ordinance to the particular piece of property would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the utilization of the property for a restaurant. 4. Authorizing this variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property or the public good, and the character of the district will not be harmed, as the proposed restaurant will provide valet parking as the previous operating restaurant had for many years. 5. Further, the reasons set forth within the application justify the granting of the variance, and the requested relief is the minimum necessary to make reasonable use of the property in question. 6. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, and it will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Persons expressing support or concern about this application submitted the documents outlined below to staff. All documents are attached hereto and made a part of the record of the public hearing. -Marion M. Moses, Devine Street Association. PAGE 2 OF 2 Zoning Map C-5 RD M-1 RD-2 M-2 RG-1 PUD-C RG-1A PUD-LS RG-2 PUD-LS-E RG-3 PUD-LS-R UTD PUD-R MX-1 OUT OF CITY MX-2 DD DISTRICT 2230 2305-07 2302 C-2 CC OVERLAY ) 726 724 720 723 724-2 6 2325-25 1/2 2301 PD DISTRICT 725 728 2231 DP DISTRICTS 716 C-4 RS-3 702 C-3A RS-2 717 C-3 RS-1B 715-15 1/2 RS-1A C-1 2306 2309 2321 2323 711 C-2 RG-1 722 RS-1 C-1 709 C-1 703-05 D-1 RG-2 MEADO W S T 710 FEMA FP 715 RAILROADS 711 CITY LIMITS 718 Legend INTERSTATES 732 722 721 Department of Planning & Development Services µ 2400 Devine Street TMS# 11312-06-01 Variance 16-039-V 2329 2401 2409-11 2419 2421 2425 2431 2445 2501 DEVINE ST 2314 2318 2320 2322 2324 2330 2400-04 240 6 2408 2418 2414 2422 2442 City Landmark 2507 2500 2508 Shandon 2301 2303 2305 RG-1 2307 2321 2323 2325 2401-03-05 -0 7- 09 2316 2330 25 23 2400 2406 QUEEN ST 611 616 2329 621-2 3 620 C-1 615 614 C-1 621 C-1 607 DISCLAIMER: The City of Columbia Department of Planning and Development Services data represented on this map or plan is the product of compilation, as produced by others. It is provided for informational purposes only and the City of Columbia makes no representation as to its accuracy. Its use without field verification is at the sole risk of the user. RG-2 HEIDT ST Andrew Livengood for August 9, 2016 BoZA meeting 615 ORIGINAL PREPARATION/DATE: This map was prepared by: 620 1 inch = 150 feet 2411 2419 2423 2425 BLO SSO M ST 2410 2420 2424 2428 2501 2227 LOW N DE S RD 232 3 2326 2515 2430 2500 2303 2511 2516 2520 2522 RG-2 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community ** DATA SOURCE - CITY OF COLUMBIA, GIS DIVISION 7/13/16 ww This page intentionally left blank.