White Papers Energy2 - Bio
White Papers Energy2 - Bio
Code Number: INCI Nomenclature~ 20450 Saccharomyces/Capsicumannum Technical Data Sheet FermentFiltrate INCI Status: roved 15% Suggested Use ,levels: Suggested Applications: Collagensynthesis, Increased Tomorrow'svision on Today! AntHrritant Red Pepper or Capsicum annum has been used for a variety of medicinal applications ranging from digestive to analgesic. Cultivated for more than 7,000 years the fruit of this plant has wide spread importance both nutritionally and economically. Capsicum is generally recognized for its content of capsaicin, the active responsible for the hot burning sensation when chilies are ingested. While Capsaicin has been used as a topical analgesic to treat pain and inflammation associated with arthritis there is often associated redness. Capsaicin's role in relation to the reduction of pain is complex. On one hand Capsaicin has the ability to bind to the Vallinoid Receptor (VR-1), which acts as a polymodal integrator for noxious stimulil. An ability which is shared by various lipoxygenase products2 as well as some more common phytochemicals such as eugenol, zingerone, vanillinand cannabanoids. VR-1 a member of the transient receptor potential (TRP) super family acts by modulating cellular calcium levels. Capsaicin has been shown to induce apoptosis in many types of cancer cells. It is now thought that this is due to the localized increase in reactive oxygen species3. This is only part of the story with regard to activity of Capsicum because it is clear that there are other components present in the fruit of the plant that can mobilize immune function4. Perhaps more importantly Capsaicin inhibits angiogenesiss. It is somewhat interesting that a product known to produce redness inhibits angiogenesis. The erythema found with topical application is no doubt a result of the increased ROS levels and not directly a result of increased circulation. But as with most plants, the activity of a single purified phytochemical does not always explainthe activityof a less refinedextract. Capsicumhas widelybeen show to contain a high levelof antioxidantsrangingfrom ascorbicacid and glutathione to more robust enzymes such as Superoxide Dismutase. It has also been shown that by fermenting Capsicuma product is formed that willincrease glutathione levels while at the same time stimulating immune function6.This provided an interesting starting point for a new product. What if we were able to provide some of the benefits of a Capsicumextract without any of the associated irritation? Active ~ncepts [email protected] . phone +1-732-867-5040 . fax +1-732-867-5041 Information contained in this technical literature is believed to be acaJrate and is offered in good faith forthe bene1it of the customer. Thecomp;ny, hemever, cannot assume any liabilityorns!< involved inthe use ofits chemical products since the conditions of use are beyond ourconitiDl. Statements conceming the possible use ofour products are not intended as recommendations to use our products in theinfiingement of any patent. We make \fagaW\'tyo1~y kind, expresseo or implieo, otherthen that the matenal oonfonns totheapplicabe standard apedfication Freeoorn from patentinfiingement is not implieo. Alli~on~Yl'T-~-Vd~~ Increased Orculation 3100 3XX) :s: 0= u:: "1:1"'" 02700 0 ij"", C"'" III CP2400 ::E zm zro l%Capsia.m l%AC 3%Capsicum 3%AC Ann.un Extract DenmPeptide Amum Extract DerlTBPeptide McroC McroC In an effort to achieve that goal we fermented the maceratedfruit of Capsicum annum with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This approachwas intendedto combine the anti-irritant benefitsof a yeast extract with the known properties of Capsicum. What we found however was a product that increased circulation without produc-ing associated visual erythema. Asthe epidermiscontains no blood vessels it is nourished by diffusion from the dermis. In order to have healthy radiant skin it is critical to have optimal circulation. Microvascular perfusion was measured using the PeriScan System, which is a Laser Doppler Perfusion Imaging system intended for non-invasive imaging of superficial tissure blood perfusion.The reported results are relative to biologicalcontrol. A 5-subject panel consisting of 5 Caucasian females between the ages of 32 and 43 was assembled and provided with two MicroC and another containing 3% of products: one containing 1% of AC DermaPeptide AC DermaPeptide MicroC. To ensure accuracy for all tests, panelists abstained from using lotions, creams or any other cosmetic moisturizers on the test site for a period of three days prior to the tests' initiation. The test area was located on the inner forearm region between the wrist and elbow. A gentian violet surgical skin marker and standard template delineated MicroC products were two 2 cm by 2 cm (4cm2) test sites. 1% and 3% AC DermaPeptide applied at a concentration of 2/0 mgjcm2 for three consecutive days. MicroC The results clearly indicate that AC DermaPeptide significantly increases dermal circulation for improved epidermal dispersion. The same 5 subject panel was used to determine whether or not the useof AC DermaPeptide MicroCinducesepithelial erythema using a Minolta CR-200 Chromameter interfaced with a DP-100 Color ComputerSystem.This system detects subtle changes in color that are imperceptible to the human eye. Although no human erythema is detected with the human eye with the use of either 1% or 3% Active ~ncepts [email protected] . phone +1-732-867-5040 . fax +1-732-867-5041 Information contained in ths technlcaJliterature is believed to be 8COJreteand is offereo in gooofaithforthe benefit ofthecustomer. The oomf>3l1Y,however, cannot assume any liablity orriskinvolved inthe use ofils chemical products ~nce the oonditions of use are beyond our oontrol. Statements oonoeming the possible useofourproducts are not intended as reoommendations to use our products in theinfringement of any patent. We make ~g~o1~y kjnd, expresseo orimplied, otherthan thatthe material oonforms totheap~icabe standard speci1ication.Freedom from patent infringement is not implieo. All infW~~~~Jl'f-~(j§lro~'il7 AC DermaPeptide MicroC, a slight color Chroma meter Readings change is detectable when using the Minolta CR-200. During the fermentation process a biotransformation takes place, which creates .!! a capsaicinoid that has increased solubility, additional cell metabolism increasing factors and anti-irritant properties. Unlike most Mean Treated Mean lkItreated capsicumextracts,ACDermaPeptide MicroC contains a functional active capsaicinoidthat is water soluble. Cellmetabolismfactors are important for maintainingskin clarity and create a"healthy glow".While collagensynthesisis important for the improvementof skin'sresiliency, elasticity and texture. Additionally an increase in collagen synthesis is equated with an improvement in the appearance of firm and supple skin. ~: AC DermaPeptide MicroC is useful in a variety of cosmeticand cosmeceuticalproducts, which rangefrom anti-aging creamsand skin clarifiersto soothingwarming lotions and gels. References: CaterinaMJ,SchumacherMA,TominagaM, RosenTA, LevineJD,and Julius D (1997) The capsaicinreceptor: a heat-activatedion channelin the pain pathway.Nature(Land) 389: 816-824 Hwang SW, Cho H, Kwak J, Lee SY, Kang CJ, Jung J, Cho S, Min KH, Sur YG, Kim D, et al. (2000) Direct activation of capsaicin receptors by products of lipoxygenases: endogenous capsaicin-like substances. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97: 6155-6160 1 2 LeeYS, KangYS,LeeJS, NicolovaS, KimJA(2004) Involvement of NADPHoxidase-mediatedgeneration of reactiveoxygenspeciesin the apototic cell death by capsaicin in HepG2 human hepatoma cells. Free Radic Res. Apr;38(4):405-12. 3 PaikSY,RaKS,ChangIS, ParkYC, ParkHS,Baik HS,YunJW,Choi JW (2003) Purification and characterization of complement-activating Mol BioI. Mar 31;36(2):230-6. 4 acid polysaccharides from the fruits of Capsicum annuum. J Biochem Jeong-KiMin,Kyu-YeonHan, Eok-CheonKim,Young-MyeongKim, Sae-WonLee,Ok-HeeKim, Kyu-Won Kim, Yong Song Gho, and Young-Guen Kwon (2004) Capsaicin Inhibits in Vitro and in Vivo Angiogenesis CANCER RESEARCH64, 644-651, January 15 5 Choi YM, Suh HJ (2004) Pharmacological effects of fermented red pepper. Phytother Res. Nov; 18(11):884-8. Active ~ncepts [email protected] . phone +1-732-867-5040 . fax +1-732-867-5041 Information OJf1tajned in this technical literature is bEjieved to be aca.Jrate and is offered in good faith forthe benefit of the customer. ThecomP'l1Y, hCM'ever,camotassume any liabilityornsk involved in the use ofi1s dhemcal products ,;ncethe oonditions of use are beyond ouroontrol. Statements oonoeming the possible usa of ourproducts are not intended as recommendations to usa our products in theinfringement of any patent. We make apwarraQty of'1Dy kjnd, expressed or implied, otherthan that the material oonfarms to the api>icable standaro sped1ication. Freedornfrom patent infringement is not implied. AllinformatiOl) iSfQ[investioo!iV\1.lI.ujWsas onll\. paqe j ot j VerslOnj j 11-OI:!-u:>/I-Orm#/ HYDRACTIN® Moisture & Energy HYDRACTIN® optimises the water balance of the epidermis. The natural energy building block ATP stimulates the cell metabolism of the skin. It is essential for maintaining the osmotic equilibrium in the epidermis and this actively regulates its water balance. Algin, a water-retentive gel derived from sea algae, forms a hydrofilm on the skin and reduces the transepidermal water loss. The enzyme papain from the tropical fruit papaya removes old skin cells and promotes skin regeneration. HYDRACTIN® thus ensures a fresher appearance and boosts moisture and natural energy. SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN EFFECTS • Immediate improvement in skin moisture of up to + 38 % after 1 hour (in-vivo study) • Long-term improvement in skin moisture of up to + 14 % after 28 days (in-vivo study) ACTIVE INGREDIENTS ATP Algin Papaya Extract The vitalising cell factor ATP stimulates Algin, a natural water store derived from Papaya extract with the enzyme papain the metabolism of the skin. ATP is essen- sea algae, forms a film of moisture on the gives the skin a more youthful appea- tial for maintaining the osmotic equilib- surface of the skin. Through its water- rance. Through its protein splitting effect, rium of the epidermis and thus actively retaining and film-forming properties it the enzyme papain helps to remove dead intervenes in the regulation of the water protects the skin against evaporation. flakes of skin. Metabolic processes and balance of the epidermis. the growth of new skin cells are activated. SIGNIFICANCE OF WATER IN THE EPIDERMIS 10 % 1. Flexibility and elasticity External Strateum corneum Hydration of keratin fibres in corneocytes Water content of epidermis in % 2. Formation of the NMW Enzymatic splitting of filaggrin / profilaggrin Internal Strateum corneum 40 % S tratum Granulosum 3. Formation of lamellar lipid matrix - Double lipid layers consisting of (a) Free fatty acids (b) ceramides (c) cholesterol 65 % S tratum S pinosum 4. Regeneration 70 % 75 % S tratum Basale Desquamation of corneocytes through enzymatic splitting of corneodesmosomes SKIN MOISTURE (in-vivo short-term study) SKIN MOISTURE (in-vivo long-term study) Test formulations with HYDRACTIN® versus placebo Test formulations with HYDRACTIN® versus placebo Method: Hydration of the stratum corneum Method: Hydration of the stratum corneum Implementation: Single treatment with 3 % or 6 % HYDRACTIN , Implementation: 28 days 1 x daily treatment with 3 % or 6 % HY- 16 test subjects, placebo: 0 % HYDRACTIN®, age 48; measuring DRACTIN®, 16 test subjects, placebo: 0 % HYDRACTIN®, age 48; device: Corneometer® measuring device: Corneometer® Result: Effective skin moisturisation, increase of up to 38 % com- Result: Long-term effect as moisturiser confirmed. Increase in pared with placebo; lasting effect: still 20 % more skin moisture skin moisture of up to 14 % after 28 days. ® after 5 hours. Skin moisture against placebo (%) Skin Moisture against Placebo (%) 40 3 % HYDRACTIN® 6 % HYDRACTIN® Placebo 35 30 12 10 25 8 20 6 15 4 10 2 5 0 0 1 2 Hours 3 4 5 + 14 % 14 Placebo + 10 % 3 % HYDRACTIN® 6 % HYDRACTIN® Application and Processing Information Moisturising skin care for face and body. Suitable for emulsions (W/O and O/W) and gels. Recommended Use Level: 2 – 8 % INCI: EU: Glycerin, Aqua, Disodium Adenosine Triphosphate, Carica Papaya Fruit Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Algin, Sodium Hydroxide USA: Glycerin, Water, Disodium Adenosine Triphosphate, Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Algin, Sodium Hydroxide Japan: Glycerin, Onsen-Sui, Disodium Adenosine Triphosphate, Carica Papaya (Papaya) Fruit Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Algin, Sodium Hydroxide nt ia pl m co RAHN France 91 rue de Faubourg Saint-Honoré FR-75008 Paris RAHN GmbH Tel. +41 44 315 42 00 Hahnstrasse 70 Fax +41 44 315 42 45 DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main Tel. 0800 1 816 015 RAHN USA Corp. Fax 0800 1 816 016 1005 North Commons Drive Aurora, Illinois 60504, USA R AHN AG RAHN (UK) Ltd. Tel. +1 630 851 42 20 Dörflistrasse 120 75 Park Road Fax +1 630 851 48 63 CH-8050 Zürich GB-Peterborough PE1 2TN Tel. +41 44 315 42 00 Tel. 0800 0 323 743 [email protected] Fax +41 44 315 42 45 Fax 0800 0 323 744 www.rahn-group.com DISCLAIMER Utilisation of this document or parts thereof as well as product names for commercial or industrial applications is subject to explicit written approval by RAHN AG. This information is based on our own experience to date and we believe it to be reliable. It is intended only as a guide to use at your discretion and risk. We cannot guarantee favourable results and assume no liability in connection with its use, or the use of the methods or products described. None of this information is to be taken as a license to operate under, or a recommendation to infringe patents. Version: 02/2014 Active ingredients RIBOXYL™ Natural Cellular Energizer Pure ribose Fuels ATP reserves for a fast cell energy recovery Global anti-aging action Riboxyl™ is natural D-ribose, a sugar that occurs in all living cells. Generating new ATP, it restores energy to the skin for a global anti-aging action. RIBOXYL™, THE SUGAR OF LIFE Riboxyl™ is pure ribose, a natural pentose obtained by biotechnology from corn seeds. It is a key molecule present in all living cells necessary for the synthesis of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) used in every cell metabolic reaction as a source of energy. Over time, cells undergo various stresses (e.g. pollution, physical effort, tobacco smoke and aging) which make the ATP reserves fall, thus altering cell functioning, leading to an acceleration of aging process: appearance of wrinkles, loss of elasticity, dull complexion. Aged cell Rejuvenated cell FAST ENERGY REFILL ACTION Riboxyl™ is a fundamental building block of the ATP molecule. To function efficiently, cells must keep their ATP content at a maximum level. Riboxyl™ aCollagen aHyaluronic acid aElastin aFibronectin Each cell has a limited capacity to store ATP. In a healthy organism at normal conditions, the ATP level is maintained constant, due to a permanent turnover (glycolysis, Krebs cycle, …). However, during stress conditions, the cell energetic need is higher than the recycling capacity and ATP level dramatically falls. When ATP level is too low, the body rebuilds depleted energy supplies with the synthesis of new ATP from ribose, which here is provided by Riboxyl™. By supplementing skin with Riboxyl™, cell energy recovery is accelerated by inducing faster ATP synthesis and providing optimum condition for skin cell to fight signs of aging. H2N HO OH O OH ATP rate HO O O P O P O P O O O N O N O OH Riboxyl™ RIBOXYL™ 600 O N N ATP ATP OH OH 500 +19% nM 400 During hypoxia (oxygen depletion), which is an intense stress leading to cell death, cells consume more ATP to survive. The presence of Riboxyl™ limits the decrease in ATP rate by producing de novo ATP rapidly to compensate for the loss. 300 200 0 Before hypoxia After hypoxia Generating new ATP, Riboxyl™ restores ATP reserves and replenish cells of energy. Untreated Riboxyl™ IMPROVEMENT OF CELL FUNCTIONING Fibroblasts are able to stimulate the synthesis of structuring macromolecules of dermis such as collagen I (+97%), collagen XVII (+70%), fibronectin (+55%), elastin (+37%) and hyaluronic acid (+55%). 40 Variation (% compared to untreated) By recovering their optimal energy potential, cell metabolic activity is enhanced and attested by a higher oxygen consumption. Oxygen consumption +37%* +31%* 30 20 10 0 Mitochondrial respiration This increase in skin component production limits the degradation of tissue, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and enhances elasticy to recover a youthful look. Cytosolic respiration *p<0.05 Stimulation of elastin synthesis Elastin synthesis (% compared to untreated) 60 ANTI-WRINKLE EFFECT AND ELASTICITY IMPROVEMENT Test protocol 50 +37% 40 30 20 +12% 10 0 0.01% 0.075% Riboxyl™ - 21 females (46-65 years old) - Twice daily application of a cream containing 0.5% Riboxyl™ on face during 28 days - Elasticity measurements with Dermal Torque Meter at D0 and D28 - Crow’s feet wrinkle measurements by profilometry at D0, D14 and D28 Wrinkles parameters Variation (% compared to D0) 0 Total area Total length Number -5 -6.1% -10 -8.9%* Up to -47% -9.1%* -12%* -15 -20 -18.6%* Up to -78% D14 -17.6%* Up to -70% *p<0.05 D28 Skin elasticity Up to 66% 2.5 Uv = Skin elasticity +12.3%* D0 D14 D28 2 1 0 D28 D0 *p<0.05 After only 14 days of treatment, Riboxyl™ visibly reduces the appearance of wrinkles and smoothes skin surface. This anti-aging effect is even better after 28 days of treatment. Self assessment Supple skin Skin elasticity is improved to provide more suppleness and optimize skin quality for a better aspect. 95% Smoother skin 90% Revitalized skin 86% Toned skin Volunteers agree that Riboxyl™ helps the skin to look firmer, smoother, more supple, less dull and revitalized. Firmer skin Less dull complexion More luminous skin More unified complexion 81% 71% 71% 67% 67% Positive opinion (%) By reloading skin with new energy, Riboxyl™ clinically improves the appearance of wrinkles and skin aspect. Product description Features and benefits INCI NAME Ribose ECOCERT / COSMOS STATUS Registered APPEARANCE White to slight yellow powder FEATURES BENEFITS Pure ribose Stable, odorless and white powder, highly water soluble, easy-to-formulate Original mechanism of action Generation of new ATP to rebuild energetic supplies High efficacy Low dosage Boosts synthesis of dermal components Visible results after only 14 days: -W rinkles reduction -S kin elasticity improvement -C omplexion enhancement FORMULATION Add below 40°C Protecting Day Cream 9.202.01 C84 OPTIMUM PH 4-8 DOSAGE 0.5-1% APPLICATIONS - Anti-aging care - Anti-wrinkle care - Energizing care - Revitalizing care - Firming care - Radiant care - Men’s care CHINA-COMPLIANT INGREDIENTS INCI NAMES A Deionized Water Water Dermofeel™ PA-3* Sodium Phytate (and) Water (and) Alcohol 0.10 FDC Red 4 Solution 0.1% Water (and) CI 14700 0.30 Dermosoft™ LP* Caprylyl Glycol (and) Glyceryl Caprylate (and) Glycerin (and) Phenylpropanol (and) Water 1.00 B Glycerin % 63.60 Glycerin 5.00 Satiaxane CX 911 Xanthan Gum 0.30 Amigel Sclerotium Gum 0.30 C Amisol™ Soft Behenyl Alcohol (and) Glyceryl Stearate (and) Lecithin (and) Glycine Soja (Soybean) Sterols 4.00 D Dub Inin Isononyl Isononanoate 7.00 Crodamol W Stearyl Heptanoate (and) Stearyl Caprylate 5.00 Dermofeel™ GSC* Glyceryl Stearate Citrate 1.00 DC 200.5 Cs Dimethicone 4.00 Vitapherole E-1000 Tocopherol (and) Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil 0.20 E Riboxyl™ Ribose 1.00 Exo-P™ Water (and) Butylene Glycol (and) Alteromonas Ferment 1.00 Deionized Water Water 2.00 F Suprem’™ Nature Thé Vert Water (and) Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil (and) Lecithin (and) Polyglyceryl-3 Diisostearate (and) Glycerin (and) Glyceryl Stearate (and) Camelia Sinensis Leaf Extract 2.00 G SJ Touch 1 Polymethyl Methacrylate 2.00 H Eclat 4008 Fragrance 0.20 pH: 5.0 - 5.5 – Viscosity (Rheo ELV 8, spindle 4, 6 rpm, 3 mn): 20 000 - 30 000 mPa.s This brochure is not intended for consumers and neither this brochure nor any extract thereof shall be used in order to commercialize products to consumers. No drawing, photograph or other extract derived from this brochure shall be used by any person without our prior written approval. As well, no claim with respect to the ingredient referred to in this brochure shall be made by any person without our prior written approval, even though the claim is set forth in this brochure. The person using the ingredient referred to in this brochure in the formulation of finished products is solely responsible for ensuring that the use made of the ingredient, the finished products marketed to consumers, their packaging, labelling and advertising materials and the claims made with respect to the finished products and the ingredient comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We hereby disclaim any warranty of suitability of the ingredient referred to in this brochure for any purpose. Any prospective user of the ingredient shall himself determine the suitability of the ingredient for his intended use and, as the case may be, obtain the required regulatory approvals for the commercialization of his finished products. LUCAS MEYER COSMETICS S.A.S. LUCAS MEYER COSMETICS CANADA INC. ZA les Belles Fontaines 99 route de Versailles 91160 Champlan - France T: +33 (0)1 69 10 69 69 - F: +33 (0)1 69 10 69 70 Place de la Cité, Tour de la Cité 2600 boul. Laurier, #900 Québec (Québec) G1V 4W2 Canada T: +1 418 653-6888 - F: +1 418 653-6005 www.lucasmeyercosmetics.com [email protected] Litho Canada | 2014-07 2K * Distributed in France by Lucas Meyer Cosmetics and Unipex Solutions France.