details of additional details sought vide mail dated 18.08.2015 for
details of additional details sought vide mail dated 18.08.2015 for
DETAILS OF ADDITIONAL DETAILS SOUGHT VIDE MAIL DATED 18.08.2015 FOR PROPOSAL NO IA/HR/IND2/27783/2013 (Reference 44th EAC meeting held on 20‐21st July, 2015) INDEX – ADDITIONAL DETAILS Certified compliance report from the Regional Office, Chandigarh for implementation of environmental conditions in the existing unit. Submit safety audit report of the existing depot. Status note on implementation recommendation on safety. of MB Lal Committee Conduct two weeks air quality monitoring for CO, VOC, methane and non-methane hydrocarbon etc. Details w.r.t. Emergency preparedness plan. Photograph of green belt. Certified compliance report from the Regional Office, Chandigarh for implementation of environmental conditions in the existing unit. Submit safety audit report of the existing depot. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION Occupational health and safety (OH&S) audit is a systematic, objective, documented and independent evaluation to determine whether, the activities conform to the requirements of the occupational health and safety systems and procedures. The purpose of the OH&S audit is to identify the areas for improvement or corrective action. The goal of the audit is to provide the auditee with an opportunity to assess its own OH&S system against an OH&S system standard and identify areas for improvement; to determine the conformity of the implemented OH&S system with specified requirements and identify areas for improvement; and to meet regulatory requirements. M/s Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Piyala Installation, Village Piyala P.O. Asaoti, Tehsil Ballabhgarh District Faridabad, Haryana-121001 sent an enquiry to carryout Safety Audit for the year 2015 by M/s Earth Protection Group Environmental Consultant Pvt. Ltd. The safety audit has been carried out as per the guidelines given in the “Indian Standard Code of Practice on Occupational Safety and Health Audit (IS-14489: 1998). Our auditors adopted a structured process of collecting information on the efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of the total Safety and Health management system and drawing up recommendations for corrective action. M/s Earth Protection Group Environmental Consultant Pvt. Ltd. has exercised all reasonable skills, care and diligence in carrying out the audit. This report is not deemed to be any undertaking, warranty or certificate. 2.0 OBJECTIVES OH&S audits are conducted with the following objectives: to carry out a systematic, critical appraisal of all potential hazards involving personnel, plant, services and operation method; and to ensure that OH&S system fully satisfies the legal requirements and those of the company’s written safety policies, objectives and program. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 2 3.0 METHODOLOGY The methodology of conducting safety audit is as follows: - Pre-audit activities - Audit-on site activities - Post-audit activities Pre audit activities The pre-audit session includes the collection of all background information from the depot on a pre-designed comprehensive questionnaire such as: Installation Information Product Information Process Information Chemical Handled Organization Structures. Off site facilities etc Accident details of past years with cause analysis Details of Fire/Explosion/Toxic Releases in past years with cause analysis Audit on site activities Understand and evaluate Management System by: - Preliminary discussions and interviewing the depot personnel. - Examination of the management policy, documents and data, evaluation of physical conditions and work practices. Asses strength and weaknesses, Internal Risks And Internal Control Measures Gather Audit Evidences by way of assessment, verification and sampling Evaluate audit findings, summarize it, and work-out exceptions and observations Exit meeting with depot officials Post audit Prepare Draft Report, which must include Environmental affairs, Legal affairs along with the recommendation for each finding. Outcome of audit surveys is/was discussed with Depot's Management and all findings were communicated to them. Issue Final Report Follow-up OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 3 4.0 SCOPE OF STUDY The scope of the study is as follows: 1. Hazard identification: Identification of potential hazards which could trigger loss causing events like fire, explosions, fatalities, work injuries, etc in process, storage and loading/unloading areas. 2. Prevention of fire and toxicity hazards: Critical examination of all areas and activities that involve fire and explosion hazards, and submit recommendations where required, with an objective of minimizing losses. 3. Fire detection and protection arrangements: Providing comments on the adequacy of existing fire detection and protection arrangements (portable as well as fixed) in the depot premises and suggest improvements, where required. 4. Emergency preparedness: Assessment on the adequacy of available facilities like first aid, security fire fighting, communication, etc. in view of effective handling of the possible emergencies at the installation. 5.0 AUDIT TEAM The audit team comprising the members from EPGEC as well as installation representatives, the details is as under: Name of auditors Dr. Rajeev Kanaujia Designation & Organization Executive Director, EPGEC Project Designation Chief Auditor Mr. Mohd Asif Manager (Projects), EPGEC Auditor Mr. Yogesh Chinchole Dy. Manager (HSSE),BPCL Signature Coordinator 6.0 TEAM VISIT A team comprising of experts of Earth Protection Group Environmental Consultant Pvt. Ltd. (EPGEC) undertook the visit of the installation during 19th February-2015. During the visit, the whole installation was inspected and discussions were held with officers of the installation with a view to address on EPGEC Methodology, work progress and initial findings. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 4 7.0 OVER VIEW OF THE SITE BPCL, Piyala Installation is situated near Village Piyala. It is located in District Faridabad, Haryana on National Highway-2 (Delhi-Mathura Road) at a distance of about 2.5 Kms and about 45 Kms. from New Delhi. The main nearby town is Ballabhgarh. 8.0 INSTALLATION DESCRIPTION 8.1 GENERAL The Piyala Installation of BPCL was commissioned in the year 2007 and it is constructed as per the latest OISD norms. The installation is center for collection, storage and distribution of MS, HSD, SKO, ATF and Ethanol, the product is stored in floating / fixed roof above ground tanks & cylindrical shaped underground tanks. The supply of fuels comes mainly through pipeline from Mumbai /Bina refinery. 8.2 MANPOWER AND SHIFT TIMING The staff strength of the installation comprises of 25 installation personnel including 14 management, 8 non management staff and 03 clerks apart from this 25 Security Guards, 03 gun man & 01 supervisor. The installation operates in two shifts. The shift timing is given below: General Shift: - 0830 to 1700 hrs I shift: - 0600 to 1400 hrs II shift:-1400 to 2200 hrs MMBPL (Night Shift):-1200 am to 0800 hrs OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 5 8.3 RAW MATERIAL, PRODUCTS AND BY-PRODUCTS SN TANK NO. PRODUCT TANK TYPE ROOF TYPE CAPACITY 1. TK-1 MS AG Floating 26750 2. TK-2 MS AG Floating 26750 3. TK-3 MS AG Floating 26750 4. TK-4 MS AG Floating 26750 5. TK-5 HSD AG Floating 15600 6. TK6 HSD AG Floating 15600 7. TK-7 HSD AG Floating 15600 8. TK-8 HSD/MS AG Floating 15600 9. TK-9 SKO AG Floating 8200 10. TK-10 SKO AG Floating 8200 11. TK-11 MS Slop AG Fixed 858 12. TK-12 HSD Slop AG Fixed 858 13. TK-13 HSD AG Fixed 858 14. TK-14 ATF AG Fixed 9000 15. TK-15 ATF AG Fixed 9000 16. TK-16 ATF AG Fixed 9000 17. TK-17 ATF AG Fixed 9000 18. TK-18 HSD AG Fixed 858 19. TK-19 MS AG Fixed 858 20. UT-1 MS UG NA 200 21. UT-2 MS UG NA 200 22. UT-3 HSD UG NA 200 23. UT-4 SKO UG NA 200 24. UT-5 MS/ETHANOL UG NA 200 25. UT-6 HSD UG NA 15 26. UT-7 HSD UG NA 15 27. UT-8 SLOP UG NA 20 28. UT-9 SLOP UG NA 20 29. UT-10 SLOPATF UG NA 20 30. UT-11 SLOP ATF UG NA 20 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 6 8.4 MANUFACTURING PROCESS The Operations and activities carried out at BPCL Piyala Installation mainly involve collection, storage and distribution of fuel(s) from the Supply Sources to the Catered Region. 8.5.1 Tank Lorry Unloading Installation rarely receive product in TL from other locations. However facility is in place for unloading tank lorry. It is done by gravity. Following procedure to be followed: 1. TL for unloading is to be parked on the bay no. 1. 2. Earthing clamp to be fixed on unpainted surface of TL. 3. Front and rear tyres are to be secured by putting wooden wedge. 4. Master switch to be put off for disconnecting electric supply from the battery to the rest of tank lorry. 5. TL to be parked in neutral gear. 6. Fire extinguishers to be kept in front of the tank lorry. 7. Invoice should be shown to the gantry officer before unloading. 8. After checking temperature/density of the product and tallying with invoice, proper hose to be connected to appropriate sump for unloading. 9. After unloading, TL to be checked for emptiness by the officer. 8.5.2 Tank Lorry Loading Installation having facility for loading MSII, MSIII, HSDII, HSDIII, SKO, SPEEDII, SPEEDIII, HISPEEDII and HISPEEDIII. Installation are loading average 80- 100 TLs daily. 1. Park the TL on the allotted bay. 2. TL crew has to follow all safety norms as listed above. 3. Start loading by punching card. 4. Gantry officer shall check and punch his card to allow TL to move out. 5. Operation shall lock it and punch his card. It will lift electric barrier and allow TL to move out of the gantry area. 6. Pumps shall be operated automatically. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 7 8.5.3 Loading of Rake Installation can load complete rake comprises of 50 BTPN wagons at a time. Installation having adequate pumping facility to load rake within free time. Following procedure to be followed: 1. Security shall inform about the placement of rake to the concern officer. 2. Lines from the tank to be prepared for loading wagons. 3. All wagons are to be checked for emptiness. 4. Top and bottom valves are to be closed. 5. Proper loading arm to be put in the filling pipe of wagon and bonding clip to be fixed. 6. All wagons are to be located as per loading sheet and checked. 7. Release memo to be sent after the loading is completed. 8.5.4 Unloading of sick wagon Whenever TXR staff of railway failed to repair loaded wagon for leakage, product is required to be unloaded. Installation having facility to unload sick wagon. Discharge pipe of sick wagon is to be connected to appropriate sump. It is to be unloaded in the same tank using pump in the sick wagon pump house. Installation having one pump for each product. 8.5.5 Storage of Bulk Product Installation storing MS, HSD & SKO in above and under ground tanks. Detail of tanks are given as above. Quantity of product in the tanks is measured by taking dips. Dips are taken before and after the operation. Weekly dips are taken for monitoring. Quality of product is monitored by taking samples once in a month. It is called as monthly monitoring samples. 8.5.6 Receipt through MMBPL pipe line Installation receive MSII, MSIII, HSDII, HSDIII & SKO through cross country pipeline. Quantity monitoring to be done daily operating tanks and once in week of idle tanks. Quality monitoring to be done by taking monthly monitoring samples and sending it to lab for testing. Receipt operation is supervised and controlled by MMBPL. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 8 9.0 ELEMENTS OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (OS&H) SYSTEM COVERED IN THE AUDIT AREAS COVERED The Safety Audit of M/s Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Piyala Intallation, Ballabhgarh, Faridabad as mentioned earlier is being carried out as per the guide notes mentioned in IS-14489-1998 The areas of Occupation Safety and Health System covered in this audit are as follows: 1. Occupational Health and Safety Policy 2. OS&H Organizational set up 3. Safety related education and training 4. Employees participation in OS&H Management 5. Motivational and promotional measures for OS & H 6. Safety manual and rules 7. Compliance of the statutory requirements 8. New equipment review/inspection 9. Accident reporting, analysis, investigation and implementation of recommendations 10. Risk assessment including hazard identification 11. Safety inspections 12. Health and safety improvement plan / target 13. First aid facilities 14. Personal protective equipment 15. Good house keeping 16. Machine and general area guarding 17. Materials handling equipment 18. Electrical and personal safeguarding 19. Ventilation, illumination and noise 20. Work environment monitoring system 21. Prevention of occupational diseases including periodic medical examination 22. Safe operating procedure/system 23. Work permit system 24. Fire prevention, protection and fighting system 25. Emergency preparedness plans 26. Process/depot modification procedure 27. Transportation of hazardous substances 28. Hazardous waste treatment and disposal 29. Safety in storage and warehousing 30. Contractor safety system 31. Safety for customers. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 9 10. 0 OBSERVATIONS 10.1 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY As per the legal requirement of section 7-A (3) and 41-B (2) of Factories Act 1948 (as amended to date). Installation has a corporate written Health, Safety and Environment policy. The copy of corporate safety policy is enclosed as Annexure1. The policy has been prepared as per the guideline of the statuary requirement and also documented in Hindi. The Policy is signed by Executive Director. The Corporate Policy was declared in 2003-04 and after commissioned of the installation Policy was adopted in 2007. All the workers known the policy, it is also displayed in various conspicuous places to ensure that policy is well drawn and known to all employees. 10.2 SAFETY AND HEALTH ORGANIZATION 10.2.1 Safety Department: The BPCL, Piyala Installation has no separate Safety Department, but the responsibility is currently with an Officer, details as given below: Name : Shri Yogesh Chinchole Designation : Dy. Manager (HSSE)/Safety Officer under Factories Act Qualification : B.E. (Mechanical) & Advance Diploma in Industrial Safety (ADIS) Experience : 12 Years Safety officer is assisted by security personnel. The Safety officer reports to Installation In-Charge functionally and administratively. Safety officer retained to latest technique of safety management through attending training programmes and seminars. Safety officer has not been given any additional responsibilities, which are inconsistent with or detrimental to the performance of his duties. At the time of any emergency, safety officer have the power to shut down the installation operation. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 10 10.2.2 Safety Committee (s) The installation has a Safety Committee under chairmanship of Installation Incharge. Safety Committees meeting are held once in every three months. The details of Safety Committee are as under: Management Representative: 1. Mr. Anil Srivastava Chairman 2. Mr. Sunil Kamble Member 3. Mr. Hirender Singh Negi Member 4. Mr. Yogesh Chinchole Member 5. Mr. Amber Zaidi Member 6. Ms. Siva Parvathi Member Worker Representative 1. Mr. Ved Prakash Member 2. Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh Member 3. Mr. Bhrigunath Mahto Member 4. Mr. Swaminath Mahto Member 5. Mr. Pralhad Singh Member 6. Mr. Surinder Singh Tewatiya Member The tenure of safety committee is one year. Safety Committees meeting held once in every three months. The minutes of last safety committee meeting is enclosed as Annexure-2. The management representatives of Safety Committee are selected by nominations and the workers nominate worker representatives. At meeting overall assessment is being done and various problems as per the requirement are discussed in the meeting such as prevailing unsafe condition and practices, analysis of accident reported in the proceeding months, review of the points of the last meeting and any safety related problems and preventive and remedial measures for improving standard of safety. The recommendations of the Safety Committee meeting are implemented through the respective concerned officer. The progress is discussed in the next meeting and checked in the daily round. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 11 The minutes of the safety committee meetings are circulated among the members of the committee and also displayed on notice board. The safety committee members are apprised of the latest development through discussion in safety committee meeting and through attending training programs. 10.2.3 Safety Budget The annual safety budget of the installation is Rs. 6.7 Lacs, 90% of the total safety budget has been utilized till date. This safety budget is adequate and the pattern of the expenditure of safety budget is in increasing trend. The safety budget used for the maintenance of the fire fighting facilities, PPEs, Safety Activities and training. This budget get reflected in the annual report of the company. 10.3 SAFETY RELATED EDUCATION AND TRAINING BPCL has no provision for separate training department at installation level. The training department in BPCL exists at regional level. The employees working in these companies are given thorough training at the time of recruitment and induction. In respect to induction of new and transferred employees there is a clear formal procedure. The new entrants are given exposure to well set safety department at Noida for training regarding safety features. All permanent employees have been trained in safety and health in the last five years. Each employee has to go for refresher-training course at BPCL’s own safety training department. The training schedule includes constant training on the job and participation in exercise particularly for fire/spillage control and special conditions under which the product is stored and handled. The training programs are imparted both in English as well as in Hindi. The management is also conducting in-plant training for Security Personnel, Contractor Workmen and Tank Truck Crew and record is maintained. The senior management personnel get safety training by attending training programme, seminars, conferences etc. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 12 Safety slogan board, instruction boards about the possible dangers and properties of the hazardous material will be displayed in the installation. The training calendar at corporate level is available in the installation. The installation management has the provision of visit of the institutions/ organizations for safety training purposes. 10.4 EMPLOYEES PARTICIPATION IN OS&H MANAGEMENT The management has involved the participation of employees in installation Safety Committee. 10.5 MOTIVATIONAL AND PROMOTIONAL MEASURES FOR OS&H Installation has a safety suggestion scheme, in which any one can give our suggestion in written form to safety officer in any working days or drop it in safety suggestion box. Installation has not participated in National Award/ Suggestion Scheme. The safety contest such as slogan & poster competition, quizzes organize by the installation for the motivations of the employees. The literature on safety and health is available for the employees. Installation publicized safety and health in installation through Bulletin boards, Posters, wall writing etc. Installation subscribed Operation & Safety bulletin, which is published every month. Installation celebrated Safety day on 4th March 2014. On this occasion installation management organizes safety quizzes, essay, fire drill ,awareness training programs etc. 10.6 SAFETY MANUALS AND RULES The BPCL Management has a “Comprehensive Safety Manual”, which is prepared for all BPCL installations. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 13 10.7 COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTORY REQUIREMENT The management was found committed to comply with all statutory requirements as per the respective Acts and Rules made there under of the concerned authorities. A brief assessment report of the same is as under: SN 1. Details of inspections Statutory requirements Haryana Factories Status in Installation of Factory License valid up to 2016 Rules- 1952. Copy of application for the renewal is enclosed as Annexure-3 2. Statutory requirements of License to import and store petroleum in Petroleum & Explosives Safety installation valid up to 31/12/2015 Organization (PESO) Copy of license from explosive department is enclosed as Annexure -4. 3. Statutory requirements Haryana State of Air Consent valid up to 31/03/2015 Pollution Water Consent valid up to 31/03/2015 Control Board. Hazard Authorization valid up to 31/03/2015 Copy Air, Water Consent & Hazardous Authorization is enclosed as Annexure-5 4. Statutory requirements under Public Liability Insurance Valid up to 31/03/2015 public liability insurance act- 1991 Copy of Public Liability Insurance enclosed as Annexure-6 10.8 NEW EQUIPMENTS REVIEW/INSPECTION The BPCL management has a tendency of reviewing and inspecting the efficacy of all new equipment and ensures all safety requirements for any change in the process, equipment or facility. 10.9 ACCIDENT REPORTING, ANALYSIS, INVESTIGATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS All the accidents resulting in either minor or major injuries which have the potential of causing human injury and/or property damage are reported and investigated as per the specified procedures framed based on Haryana Factories Act and Rules & record is maintained. All near miss accidents are investigated promptly and recommendations are given to concerned officer for implementation to prevent recurrence of such incidents/accidents. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 14 Accident data of reportable as well as non-reportable for last three years is available in the Installation. In last three years there was no major accident occur in the installation in last one year total 17 nos. of near miss accident reported. The investigation report of accident retained at least five years. The safety officer maintains accident statistics and data. Remedial measures, if needed are taken to prevent accidents/incidents in present & future. Such recommendations and implementations are also discussed in the Safety Committee meetings and compliance is ensured. 10.10 RISK ASSESSMENT INCLUDING HAZARD IDENTIFICATION The installation identified the hazards, which may arise in the factory, on the basis of the chemicals being handled and any deviation in operational conditions. The assessment of hazards identified, so far, has been assessed quantitatively and keeping in mind the failure frequencies of respective equipment or operational conditions. All possible control measures have been taken by the installation to prevent these hazards as per the guideline of manufactures concerned authorities. 10.11 SAFETY INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Inspection The installation has a well-developed inspection schedules as given below: Daily inspection conducted by Dy. Manager (HSSE) & Installation In-charge. Yearly inspection conducted by Multi Disciplinary Group (MDG) headed by Chief Manager HSSE (Retail North) and member of corporate HSSE. OISD audit conducted once in three year. Once in a year safety audit conducted by third party. Testing of pressure /vacuum vessel and storage tanks There are no major pressure vessels existing in BPCL, Piyala Installation except Air receiver. Air receiver are provided with pressure gauge and pressure rupture disc and pressure safety valves, which keep the pressure below the maximum working pressure. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 15 All the Factory Rules are followed in operation and maintenance of pressure vessels. In addition, respective department and in-plant engineers inspect these. The internal testing records are maintained in logbook. Periodical testing is carried out by the competent person for physical inspections, Safety relief valve test. The test report is enclosed as Annexure-7. Storage tank is being tested once in five years. Maintenance schedule The installation has well-developed inspection and maintenance schedules and system for all critical equipment viz. pipelines, pumps, generators, safety valves, house keeping, trips & alarms. Apart from them the installation management has an operator’s maintenance guide for the operators to maintain the engines for the satisfactory working condition. The engine operators also maintain a logbook so that reference can be made to total engine hours and particulars of engine performance. Overhauling of machines such as pumps etc. done more or less as per schedule recommended by the respective vendors or depending upon the requirement of operations in practice. 10.12 HEALTH AND SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PLAN The installation has no separate First Aid Center but the facilities of first aid are available in Administrative Building and the facility of a visiting doctor twice in a week is available. 03 nos. of vehicle available in the installation, which can be used in case of emergency. The other medical facilities available from outer agencies are as follows: - BPCL, Piyala Installation has mutual aid with the M/S BPCL LPG Plant, M/s Avi-Oil, M/s IOCL Lube Blending Unit & M/s Balmer Lawire, M/s Gateway Rail, M/s.GAIL –Piyala ,GAIL –Chhainsa, NTPC which is adjacent to BPCL, Piyala Installation has sufficient medical & fire fighting facilities and which may be utilized/provided on occurrence of any emergency. - Sarvoday Hospital, Faridbad is situated at 14 Km. way from the installation, which can provide adequate first aid facilities in case of emergency. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 16 10.13 FIRST AID FACILITIES The installation has provided the necessary first aid facilities throughout the installation. There is 08 number of first aid boxes available in the installation. Total 30 nos of trained first aider available in the installation. 10.14 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS (PPES) The Personal Protective Equipment such as Safety Helmet, Safety Belt, Gumboot, Hand Gloves used regularly in installation. The availability of PPEs in the installation is as under: Sn Facilities Quantity 1. Safety Helmets Provided to each employee. 2. Safety Shoes Provided to each employee 3. Hand Gloves (Electrical Use) 02 Pairs 4. Hand Gloves (Cold/Low Temp.) 04 Pairs 5. Breathing Apparatus (40 Minute) 03 set. 6. Emergency Escape Set (15 Minute) 02 set. 7. Fire Proximity Suit 02 nos. 8. PVC Suit 02 nos. 9. Flame Proof Torch 04 nos. 10. Hand Siren with Stand 07 nos. Petroleum Product Cleanup material Boom-5”&3” dia 3 m long 06 nos. Granular Particle 20 kg. 12. Leak Control Kit Pillows-12 nos. 13. Oil Spill Dispersant with back sprayer 40 Liter 14. Manual Resuscitator 02 nos. 15. Chemical Splash Proof Goggles 04 nos. 11. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 10.15 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 17 HOUSE KEEPING Installation has well-developed drainage system in the installation with pits and sump. The sufficient numbers of disposable bins are provided. Where required dip tray are provided all over the installation. There are no any working conditions, which make the floor slippery. The walkways are clearly marked and free from obstructions. Within installation all roads are made-up of bitumen so no road dust is generated. For the achievement of installation neat and clean management follow the below given exercise: - Daily round of the Dy. Manager (HSSE) to ensure the good house keeping. - Regular washing and cleaning of inter-sectional pathways, staircases etc. - Periodic cutting/removal of the vegetation growth in storage area as well as in the other area. 10.16 MACHINE AND GENERAL AREA GUARDING As per section 21, 22, 26 of The Factories Act and rules made there under in respect of safeguarding of dangerous parts of machinery is a measure in accident prevention, which receives considerable attention. The high severity rate of accidents caused by dangerous parts of machinery justifies the importance attached to machine guarding. While taking the audit round, it was observed that all the moving parts of the machines and storage area of hazardous chemicals are well guarded/fenced in the installation. 10.17 ELECTRICAL AND PERSONAL GUARDING ISI marked rubber mats are provided in front of the electrical panel throughout the installation. Wherever necessary flameproof fittings is provided through out the installation as per the requirement of the statutory authorities. The audit team marked that the processes and equipment capable of generating and accumulate static charge have been identified. All such equipment are properly bounded and earthed. Electrical earth resistance measurement and continuity tests are carried out periodically and record is maintained (Annexure-8). OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 18 10.18 MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENT Lifting machines There is no lifting machine in the installation. Chain Hoist system is used for High masts -04 nos. and is being tested by competent person as per required frequency. Mobile equipments and vehicular traffic Proper road and de-marked place are available for tankers. 10.19 VENTILATION, ILLUMINATION AND NOISE Ventilation All the shops are well-ventilated types. The workers do not feel any discomfort condition of heat and humidity in the shop floors. Office, control rooms are provided with effective ventilation system such as exhaust fan. No ventilation systems re-circulate the exhaust air in the work areas. Illumination All work environments are found adequately illuminated. Sufficient and suitable lighting, natural or artificial or both have been provided. All light fittings are periodically checked and cleaned. Noise It was observed that the noise level in the generator room is high but no continuous employment in this area. Other wise there is no objectionable noise making in the entire installation. 10.20 WORK ENVIRONMENT MONITORING SYSTEM So far, there has been no work environment monitoring required. however ambient air, water monitoring system exists and six monthly checking by NABL approved lab are available. 10.21 PREVENTION OF OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES Every employee of the Company at the time of recruitment is subjected to preemployment medical examination and is recruited only when he has been declared medically fit by the competent Medical Authority. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 19 Every employee declared medically fit would conform to the medical fitness norms in accordance with the rules and standards, as prescribed by the company. All health-screening examinations are aimed at evaluation of general as well as occupational health status of employees. These examinations will include screening and diagnostic tests as may be deemed necessary from the occupational exposure point of view. All the employees are encouraged to report any adverse symptoms immediately to Installation In-charge/safety officer. 10.22 SAFE OPERATING PROCEDURE Technical aspects The “Operating Manual” of various equipments installed in the installation is available. This manual also highlights safety procedure for installation operation and maintenance, which highlights need of work permit requirement, training in use of Personal Protective Equipment, preparation for maintenance work, opening of malfunctioning equipment, entry into equipment. The Do’s and don’t were properly displayed at various equipment in both English as well as in Hindi for proper and safe operation. All workers engaged in installation operation know the failure consequences of safe operating procedure. Access Where necessary adequate safe access, portable access platforms are provided all over the installation. All accesses are regularly inspected. For replacement of portable access plateform is used which is regularly checked and kept in good condition. Oiling and greasing points are located at safe places not liable to drip into walkways. All drain covers are in good condition. 10.23 WORK PERMIT SYSTEM Online Work Permit system for Hot Work /Cold Work is being used. Electrical work permit is given manually. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 20 10.24 FIRE FIGHTING ARRANGEMENTS AND FACILITIES All the fire fighting system and equipment are approved tested and maintained as per the standard laid down by OISD and CCE, Nagpur. The design and standards adopted in the fire protection system are as per the OISD standard. The safety officer maintains the records of all the fire extinguishers and fire engines are inspected periodically. The frequency of inspection of fire fighting installation is monthly and record is maintained on a pre-designed format as per OISD 142 However there is no separate fire department in the installation but every employee is trained in fire fighting. All the pipelines, valves and fittings in the installation are colour coded as per IQCM manual Standards. The details of fire fighting arrangement is as follows: SN FACILITIES QUANTITY 1. Double headed hydrants 106 nos. 2. Single headed hydrants 04 nos. 3. UL/FM approved water cum Foam monitors 76 nos. 4. Fixed Type, MEFG 04 nos. 5. Portable Type, MEFG 04 nos. 6. Jet Nozzle 60 nos. 7. Foam Branch Pipe 04 nos. 8. Fog Nozzle 04 nos. 9. Universal Nozzle 04 nos. 10. Water Sprinkler System On all A/G Tanks 11. Foam Pourer System On all A/G Tanks 12. Curtain nozzles 04 nos. 13. Hose pipes 160 nos. 14. HVLR 2000 GPM 04 nos. 15. HVLR 1000 GPM 02 nos. 16. Trolley mounted HVLR 2000 GPM 01 no. 17. Rim seal fire protection system (MS TanK)-WIP 04 nos. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 21 Portable Fire fighting Extinguishers: SN FACILITIES QUANTITY 1. 10 Kg Fire Extinguishers 129 nos. 2. 9 Kg Fire Extinguishers 06 nos. 3. 25 Kg Fire Extinguishers 25 nos. 4. 50 Kg Fire Extinguishers 07 nos. 5. 75 Kg Fire Extinguishers 04 nos. 6. CO2 Type Fire Extinguishers 66 nos. Emergency Kit consisting of the following emergency equipments: S.No. 1 2 3 Item Fire proximity suit PVC suit Leak control kit Quantity 2 set 2 sets Consisting of 1 no each of leak arresting pad, leakage control of external pipes, internal pipes, large external pipes upto 20 inch, drums / containers leakages, general purpose leakages, large hole leakages in storage tanks. 4 Petroleum product cleanup chemical Boom(5 inch dia , 3 mtr. Long) : 6 nos. Boom(3 inch dia , 3 mtr. Long) : 6 nos. Granular particles to absorb Oil : 20 Kg. 5 Oil spill dispersant (water based) along with hand held spray nozzle. Dispersant :40 litres Spray Gun with back pack : I set. 6 Non sparking tools One Set. 7 Breathing apparatus set (40 minute duration) Emergency escape sets (15 minutes duration) 3 sets 9 Flame proof search light 2 nos. 10 11 Mega phone ex-proof 1 set 7 nos. 12 First aid box 1 no. 13 14 15 16 Manual resuscitator Folding stretcher Mechanical tool kit Cold / low temperature hand gloves Electrical rubber hand gloves Electrical tester Chemical/oil splash proof 1 no 1 no 1 set 4 Pairs 8 17 18 19 Hand siren with stand 2 Sets 2 pair 1 no 4 nos. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 22 goggles The installation has sanctioned power available form HSEB is 11 KV, 3 Phase, 50 HZ. 1950 KVA sanctioned load have been provided for distributing power to different moving machine and lighting etc. In case of grid power failure from HSEB, the installation has sufficient D.G. sets with adequate capacity to maintain uninterrupted power supply to all critical equipments. 10.25 EMERGENCY PREPARREDNESS PLAN (EPP) Plant has a detailed Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP), which is prepared as per guideline given by ‘Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Codes of Practices for Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) Regulations, 2010. The fire drill conducted every month and mock drills as per ERDMP are conducted once in six months and record is maintained. The Emergency control center is located at a safe place in the control room, away from hazardous area. All the operations will be directed and co-oridinated from the Emergency Control Centre. The emergency team and key personnel have been identified in the existing ERDMP. Suitable numbers of adequate protective and rescue equipments are available. The mode of communication with in the installation is V.H.F. Hand Sets and intercom telephone. Installation has external P&T line with STD facility and personnel mobile phone for out side communication. 10.26 PROCESS/INSTALLATION MODIFICATION PROCEDURE The modification is defined as change in equipment or process, temporary or permanent, which may affect the safety of the process or integrity of the installation. The need of such changes/modifications may come out at various times during the installation life as a need-based change or as a statutory requirement. The installation management has a formalized procedure for modification in process as well as in the installation. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 23 10.27 TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Only MS, HSD, SKO, ATF and Ethanol as a hazardous material are transported at BPCL, Piyala Installation. The mode of transportation is pipeline, road and rail for out side of installation and with in installation oil is transported by pipelines, all pipelines of oil with in the installation are above grounded and all the pipelines follow standard colour code practices. The frequency of testing of the pipelines is 03 years. Installation has a separate place (Tank Lorry Parking area) for loaded/Unloaded Tankers. All Tank Lorry driver carry Transport Emergency Card (TERM CARD) and Green card. All Tank lorry drivers and cleaners are undergoing training in handling emergency during transport. 10.28 HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL Installation has not any source of generation of hazardous waste except the sludge from the cleaning of the oil storage tanks. Which is disposed off through the State Pollution Control Board authorized vender. 10.29 SAFETY IN STORAGE AND WARE HOUSING General/Central store The storage areas are clearly marked/ defined. Over grounded Pipeline are used for transportation of oil from storage tank to Tank lorry filling area. The installation has adequate equipments for material handling. The workers, handling the material, are acquainted with the hazardous associated with the material. Also, they are trained in safe procedure of handling the material. Tank storage and vessel area The storage facilities available at the installation comprises of 30 tanks in total, of these 11 are “Under Ground Tanks” (UG Tank) and remaining 19 are “ Above Ground Tanks” (AG Tank). The Under Ground Tanks are ground buried and cylindrical shaped while Above Ground Tanks are also cylindrical type. Details of tanks are given in Para 8.3. All the tanks are on ambient temperature and at ambient pressure. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 24 The Tanks have the necessary in built safety devices such as Vent valves, ROSOV,MOV sprinkler system etc. 10.30 CONTRACTOR SAFETY SYSTEM Contract workers are involved in installation operations. The contractor workers are hired for variety of jobs. The responsibilities of contract labour are as follows: - All contractors/sub contractor labour engaged in all kinds of jobs shall adopt safe and healthy work practices as described by the company from time to time. - The contractors/sub contractors shall be responsible for the safe working and safety of their employees. They shall designate a person to be responsible for the safe working and he shall maintain regular liaison with Dy. Manager (HSSE). - The contract labour shall subject to such medical examination as required by the law and/or by the company. - Suitable clauses shall be incorporated in all contracts to ensure safe working including use of appropriate safety appliances. 10.31 SAFETY FOR CUSTOMERS (INCLUDING MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET) The material data sheet of the all-hazardous materials is available in the installation viz. MS, HSD, SKO & Ethanol. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 PAGE: 25 11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. During round It was observed that outlet valve of tank lorry was dripping during filling operation. In this regards, management is advised to check the proper closing of valves of tank lorry before filling operation. 2. Management is advised to display the test & due date of earth pit at each earth pit. 3. In TLF shed wooden wheel chock was used by the installation. It was observed that wooden chock was smooth at the bottom surface, which may slip. In this regard management is advised to replace wooden chock by rubber chock or make grove (rough) on the bottom of wheel chock. 4. Management is advised to ensure proper continuity of earthing of pipeline specially on the joints where jumpers are provided. 5. Management should ensure the proper earthing of cable tray installed inside the dyke area. 6. Management is advised to display the emergency contact number of railway at railway siding for the stoppage of Delhi-Bombay route in case of emergency. 7. Management is advised to place fire extinguisher near the sample store at railway siding. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH AUDIT (IS-14489: 1998) OF BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD, HARYANA Ref No. BPCL/PYL/SA-02 MONTH/YEAR-FEBRUARY/2015 Annexure 1. Health, Safety & Environment Policy 2. Minutes of Safety Committee Meeting 3. Factory License 4. PESO License 5. Air Consent, Water Consent & Hazard Authorization 6. Public Liability Insurance 7. Pressure Vessel Test Report 8. Earth Test Report PAGE: 26 Status note on implementation of MB Lal Committee recommendation on safety. RECOMMENDATIONS OF M B LAL COMMITTEE - COMPLIANCE (Note : Sl no. is the serial no. mentioned in the original report POINT COMPLIANCE STATUS AT PIYALA IMMEDIATE The pad lock on the hammer blind on the Not applicable for Piyala as product being outlet line should not be removed before received from own multiproduct pipeline. the tank joint dipping is completed However receipt SOPs are followed 1 10.2 viii 2 10.2 xi 3 10.2 xiv 4 10.2 xv 5 10.2 xvi 6 10.2 xviii 7 10.2 xix The company should approach and Yes, system is in vogue. coordinate with the district authority for conducting “Off Sites Mock Drills". 8 10.2 xxi 9 10.2 xxii Any bad practice of HOV being opened first Hammer blind already replaced with double block before opening of hammer blind should be and bleed valve (DBBV) done away with and conveyed throughout the organization. Control room should be manned on Yes, during operations. Log book being continuous basis. maintained. 10 10.2 xxiv 11 10.2 12 10.2 13 10.2 14 10.2 15 10.2 16 10.2 Supervisor should be present to oversee Not applicable for Piyala as product being the pipeline transfer line up and related received from own multiproduct pipeline. However receipt SOPs are followed. operation Check list for operators for checking safety Yes system and equipment should be prepared and check records kept in safe custody Mock drill whenever conducted should Yes, done with full shut down system activation. include the full shut down system activation also Shift manning should always be Yes, log being maintained maintained. Only in serious exigencies, permission can be granted by Terminal Manager subject to obtaining a reliever forthwith The person leaving site should only be allowed on avalid gate pass issued by the immediate officer. The security supervisor at the gate should Yes, Provided be provided with external telephone. The supervisor shall be provided with telephone numbers of all officers. A board displaying the names, address and Yes, Provided phone numbers of the emergency contact points of the company as well as the local authorities shall be provided there in. The pipeline transfer should preferably be Pipeline receipt from refinery is 24x7. Adequate commenced during day light hours manpower (officers) are deputed in pumping location and terminals. xxviii All PPEs required during emergency shall Yes, system in vogue be located in designated safe areas. xxxii Regular inspection of pipelines including thickness survey and pipeline support systems shall be carried out and records maintained xxxiii All terminal operating personnel including regular contractors and security personnel should be given safety and fire fighting training with the help of reputed training institutes xxxiv The security staff should be trained as first responders for fire fighting and rescue operations along with plant operating personnel. xxxv Near miss reporting system should be immediately implemented. Yes, system in vogue Yes Yes Yes, system in vogue xxxvii Manning level in the shift should be Yes reviewed to have adequate coverage in the emergencies. 17 10.2 18 10.3 19 10.11 20 10.21 RECOMMENDATIONS OF M B LAL COMMITTEE - COMPLIANCE (Note : Sl no. is the serial no. mentioned in the original report POINT COMPLIANCE STATUS AT PIYALA xxxviii Vehicles with spark ignition engine should Yes, system in vogue. not be allowed inside the Installation area except up to the Administrative Block and also to ensure continuous manning at the control room g Design, inspection and repair as per latest Yes, Being done for all tanks. API Codes. The certifications such as ISO, NSC Being done. Safety audit for 2015 conducted by awards, Greentech awards, Ministry of consultant M/s Earth Protection Group. Labour awards etc., are all based on documentation submitted by the organizations and not on field verifications and safety practices. The awards / recognitions mesmerize the higher management besides giving wrong signals about safety management systems leading to complacencies. It is, therefore, recommended that time and efforts be directed towards annual safety audits by involving non-company experts so as to have unbiased reports. The companies should be cautioned to be circumspect about utilizing agencies and organizations who claim to be providing expert safety During the interactions with the site security personnel the Committee learned of the exemplary courageous action taken by the Head of the security of the Terminal, Shri Sher Singh, who risked his life and made valiant efforts to save the lives of the two operators who perished in this accident. The Committee recommends that the efforts of Shri Sher Singh be recognized through appropriate bravery award. 21 RECOMMENDATIONS OF M B LAL COMMITTEE - COMPLIANCE (Note : Sl no. is the serial no. mentioned in the original report POINT INDUSTRY DECISION IMMEDIATE WITHIN 1 - 6 MONTHS 10.2 vi Main emergency shut down switch Yes.System in vogue. Separate SIL 2 / which should be located in the 3 standard system being provided for control room should also activate safety in operation and activation of ESD in case of emergency. the MOVs to close. 22 10.2 vii A separate pad locking Hammer blind already replaced with arrangement on each of the double block and bleed valve (DBBV) hammer blinds on the inlet and outlet lines should be provided so that they can be independently locked as required. 23 10.2 ix If any MOV is observed to be Yes, being done through a well planned passing, it should be immediately maintenance schedule. attended and records maintained 24 10.2 xix A system should exist for Yes, Memorandam has been prepared informing neighbouring industries and agreed by all nearing industries for mutual help. about impending danger 25 10.2 xxv Personal protective equipment Yes, being complied such as safety glasses must be worn while carrying out all operations 26 10.2 xxxvi Management of change procedure Yes, OISD standard is being followed. should be immediately implemented. 27 10.3 e Dyke should be constructed and All dykes have been made impervious tested to be leak proof and tested for leakproof. 28 10.2 x VHF handsets to be provided to Yes, already provided to the operating each of the operating crew. crew as per operations’ need. 29 10.2 xii Site specific, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs should be prepared which not only give what the procedures are, but also why they are needed. These must be made with the involvement of procedure users and approved by Yes, SOPs approved by operation and safety team were prepared and displayed in all relevent locations. All manpower were being trained on periodic basis for compliance of SOP. 30 RECOMMENDATIONS OF M B LAL COMMITTEE - COMPLIANCE (Note : Sl no. is the serial no. mentioned in the original report POINT INDUSTRY DECISION 10.2 xiii Emergency procedures should be Yes, gist of emergency procedures written and available to all already provided in the form of a personnel in the installation booklet to all employees. Procedure outlining the actions to be taken by being provided to visitors also till they are inside installation. They are breifed each during a major incident abiut the dangers inside installation. 31 10.2 xx The critical operating steps should Yes, SOPs approved by operation and be displayed on the board near the safety team were prepared and displayed in all relevent locations. location where applicable. 32 10.2 xxvi All other PPEs should be available Yes, maintained at location and easily identified 33 10.2 xxvii All PPEs as well as safety Yes, maintained equipment required for emergency use such as breathing apparatus, fire suit, fire extinguishers, monitors and sprinklers should be regularly tested in presence of safety officers and records maintained. 36 10.3 i For floating roof tanks, roof drain Existing articulated drain system was to be of more robust design to replaced with robust (Pivot master) roof prevent oil coming out when roof drain system. drain is open for water draining operation. 37 10.3 j 39 10.4 d Piping design inside tank dyke Complied area should ensure easy accessibility for any operations inside dyke in the tank farm. Site specific “Standard Operating Yes, SOPs approved by operation and Procedure (SOP” to be developed safety team were prepared and displayed in all relevent locations. 75 10.3 RECOMMENDATIONS OF M B LAL COMMITTEE - COMPLIANCE (Note : Sl no. is the serial no. mentioned in the original report POINT INDUSTRY DECISION IMMEDIATE WITHIN 6 - 12 MONTHS o Tank Dyke Valves should be provided with position Yes, all dyke valves were provided with indicator (open or close in control room and necessary position indicator. Audio visual hardware and instrumentation should be provided for indicators installed in control room for this. effective monitoring. Syatem checked on periodical basis and log maintained. 76 10.2 i Push buttons on the MOV should be brought just Yes, complied outside the dyke 77 10.2 ii Push button operation should be modified so that action required for opening is different than action required for closing (e.g. pull type and push type. 78 10.2 iii The push button assembly should be mounted at a place where it is easily visible to the operator. 79 10.2 iv Lighting adequacy should be checked so that visibility is adequately ensured at the push button of MOV & HOV location 80 10.2 xvii A dedicated, qualified and experienced officer should 1. Designated Safety Officer with be designated as ‘Safety Officer’ of the Terminal after engineering degree and adequate training. He should be given exposure to Hazop, risk experience already posted at location. assessment, safety audit and upkeep of fire fighting facilities and conducting safety meetings. 2. He has been be given exposure to Hazop, risk assessment, safety audit and upkeep of fire fighting facilities and conducting safety meetings. 81 10.2 xxx Medium expansion foam generators shall be provided Yes, Installed in MS dyke. MEFG to arrest vapour cloud formation from spilled volatile being used for fire fighting at other places also. Exposure provided to all hydrocarbons. employees during fire drill. 82 10.3 n Wherever PLT transfers take place, to avoid pilferages, Flow meter installed in pipeline. a Mass Flow Meter with Integrator shall be provided on Complete pipeline is in survillance of SCADA system delivery pipelines. 83 10.3 p The TFMS system should be upgraded and integrated Yes, Location provided with complete with SAP and provision for recording of all critical automation system. All tanks are events in SAP as well as TFMS (such as critical valves monitored through Radar gauses and position, start/stop of pumps, levels in tanks, alarms pumps are controlled automatically. There is provision / interlocks for hietc.. level / low-level for closing and opening of the valves / pumps. 84 10.3 q A CCTV should be installed covering tank farm areas and other critical areas. The CCTV can nowadays provided with an alarm to provide warning in case of deviation from any normal situation. The CCTV monitoring station should be provided both in the control room as well as in the Security cabin/office. 86 10.3 l Thermal Safety Valve (TSV should be provided at the Yes, thermal expansion release line is operating manifold (outside dyke. existing inside the dyke wall CCTV already provided at location and all strtegic locations are kept under contineous survellance. The CCTV monitoring was provided in the control room as well as in the Security cabin / in-charge room. 87 10.3 RECOMMENDATIONS OF M B LAL COMMITTEE - COMPLIANCE (Note : Sl no. is the serial no. mentioned in the original report POINT INDUSTRY DECISION m The dyke volume has been revised to 110% of largest Yes, existing standard takes care. tank in certain international standards. This should be reviewed by OISD for tank terminals and refinery tankage. 88 10.4 a Carry out HAZOP and Quantitative Risk Assessment Yes, Risk Analysis is in vogue. Further (QRA on large sized installations through well qualified HAZOP / QRA carried out on periodic basis. agency and implement recommendations forthwith. 89 10.4 b The Terminal Managers should be trained in Hazard Yes, system in vogue. Identification techniques and be familiarized with risk assessment and risk mitigation methods. 93 10.6 d Wherever there is a cluster of terminals of different Yes, memorandum have been companies, an emergency response centre equipped finalsied and signed by the nearing with advanced fire fighting equipment viz. fire tenders industries. and trained manpower shall be considered on cost sharing basis or on outsourcing basis. 94 10.6 e All terminal operating personnel should be given safety Yes and simulated fire fighting training based on simulated modules of live fires in tanks, pipeline manifold and pumps, process platforms etc., in reputed training institutes equipped with these facilities. These training performances should be linked to their KRAs and promotions. Personnel from security services should be trained fully for fire fighting and rescue operations using Personal Protective Equipment. 95 10.8 a Training for Safety is currently based on OISD 154 for Training is being imparted in line with all categories. Safety training for operators should be OISD 154. based on the needs of the operation, the procedures and why these are needed. Fire training will always be an important part of his training, which is best provided by realistic fire fighting exercises in an area designated for this purpose. Training should also be given to prevent operational malpractices such as shortcuts, on safety provision being bypassed and how they can create unmanageable risks to life and property. Training should be based on the needs of the job, and relevant to the trainee. 96 10.8 b 97 10.8 c For Supervisors, intimate knowledge of the operator’s job is essential and this should be ensured. In addition Leadership Training should be provided on Manpower management and motivation, and also on Communication which should enable them to give t k i Managers, t ti t safety th t For Terminal training should include areas like - Basics of Safety Management System -The causes and effects of accidents - Hazard identification - Risk Assessment and risk mitigation - Controlling risks and Preventing Accidents - Emergency preparedness - Critical Task Analysis - Crisis Management RECOMMENDATIONS OF M B LAL COMMITTEE - COMPLIANCE (Note : Sl no. is the serial no. mentioned in the original report POINT INDUSTRY DECISION - Importance of trip/alarm and Safety Procedures and systems Learnings from case histories Training activities should include Safety Training for contract employees since a number of activities have been outsourced. For Maximum Accident Hazard sites, MSHIC Rule Yes, Covered in the Risk Analysis thru requires the preparation Of both on-site and off-site OISD recommended parties. emergency plans to minimise as far as possible the consequences of a major incident. The Company should revise the emergency plans to take into account scenarios such as vapour cloud explosions (before first Buncefield and now Jaipur, VCE had not been considered credible by the sector or Controlling Authority.and severe multi-tank fires. 98 10.16 106 10.6 h During all operations even after the general shift a In view of all employees are trained for dedicated fire fighting team should be present. fire fighting, dedicated team is not necessary. 107 10.6 i There should be a minimum level of manning Always manned by highly professonal maintained apart from the security personnel for officers. monitoring the facilities even during non operational hours. 110 10.3 k) 111 10.2 v) 112 10.2 RECOMMENDATIONS OF M B LAL COMMITTEE - COMPLIANC (Note : Sl no. is the serial no. mentioned in the original report POINT INDUSTRY DECISION IMMEDIATE BEYOND 1 YEAR Adequate lighting in operational areas should be ensured. Yes, adequate lighting have been provided in all operation area as per the lux level required to be maintaied as guided by OISD 244. A technical group should study the feasibility of providing a limit switch on Hammer Blind already replaced the hammer blind with interlocking for MOV operation with double block and bleed valve (DBBV) xxiii) Immediatelythe feature of remote shut off of the MOV from the control room Yes, Complied should be restored. The cable leading to the control room should be fire safe. 113 10.3 xxxix) Advancements in technology make it possible to automate tanks and Yes, Installation have been terminals with sophisticated systems both in hardware and software. This provided with robust TAS system enhances the safety and can greatly reduce possibility of human error by being monitored on contineous having interlock permissive and recording and measurement of events like basis from control room. Systems valve opening or closing and measurement of flow rate/level etc. Existing are provided with interlocks to Terminal managements should review the technology for retro-fitment which nullify the humen errors. can reduce risk levels 114 10.3 a) Avoid hammer blind as an equipment in the plant design. Only a closed Hammer Blind already replaced system design should be adopted. It is understood that other OMCs/MNC’s with double block and bleed valve are already using such designs in their installations. Using a Plug valve or a (DBBV) Ball Valve in place of the Hammer Blind should be an acceptable option. 115 10.3 b) The first body valve on the tank should be Remote Operated Shut Off Valve Yes, existing tank body valves (ROSOV) on the tank nozzle inside the dyke with Remote Operation only (gate) were already replaced with from outside the dyke as well as from the control room. ROSOV should be ROSOV which are fire safe and fai fail safe and fire safe. It should have only ‘close’ feature and not ‘open’ and safe. Operation strtegy have been ‘stop’ from control room. However, it should have ‘close’, ‘open’ & ‘stop’ followed as per the guidelene. operation from the panel located outside the dyke. Compliance details on M B Lal recommendation at Piyala Terminal S.No Facility Status 1 Fire water Tanks Water capacity was designed for double contigency scenario and 1x4600 KL new fire water tank was constructed in addition to 2x2950 KL existing fire water tank for increased demand as per the M B Lal recommendation 2 Fire Hydrant Network Fire hydrant network was redesigned and provided with higher dia based on the double contegency scenario as per the M B Lal recommendation 3 Fire water pump 6x615 KL fire water pumps were installed to take care 4 hours fire fighting as per the M B Lal 4 Jockey Pump 5 UL Monitors 2x80 KL jockey pumps were installed to keep hydrant system in pressurised mode as per the M B Lal recommendation 500 GPM fixed type (05 Nos) and 500 GPM-750 GPM UL approved water cum foam monitors (68 nos) were installed as per the M B Lal recommendation 6 CS Valves 7 Butterfly Valve 8 HVLR - 2000 GPM 9 HVLR - 1000 GPM 2x1000 GPM high volume long range monitors were installed for fire fighting during roof sinking case in Slop tank farm as per the M B Lal recommendation 10 Trolley mounted 2000 GPM HVLR 11 Rim seal fire protection system One no trolley mounted high volume long range monitor has been made available at location for fire fighting during roof sinking case in 'B' class tanks as per the M B Lal recommendation Rim Seal fire protection system has been provided in all MS FR tanks as per the M B Lal recommendation CI Valves in hydrant lines were replaced with CS valves as per the M B Lal recommendation All sprinklers and foam system have been provided with quick opening valve as per the M B Lal recommendation 4x2000 GPM high volume long range monitors were installed for fire fighting during roof sinking case in MS tank farm as per the M B Lal recommendation S.No Facility 12 Robust roof drain system for floating roof tank 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Status Existing articulated roof drain system has been replaced with new robust roof drain system in all FR tanks as per the M B Lal recommendation Liquid seal in loating roof tank All existing vapour seals were replaced with liquid seal as per the M B Lal recommendation Tank gauging system Two types of level gause have been provided as per the guideline. Necessary modification done on tanks to install the new gauges as per the M B Lal recommendation Level switch Level switches have been provided in all tanks with interlock to check overflow of tank as per the M B Lal recommendation ROSOVs on In / Out of AG Automatic Remote Operated Shut Off Valves tanks (ROSOV) have been provided on In/out nozzles of AG tank as per M B Lal Recommendation DBBV Existing Hammer blind valves have been replaced with new Double Block and Bleed Valve (DBBV) as per the M B Lal recommendation Hydo carbon detectors at Point type (02 NOS) and Open path type (07 nos ) sensitive location hydrocaron detectors have been installed in class A tank farms and pump houses as per M B Lal Recommendation Impervious Dyke in tank farm All tank farms are provided with impervious layering to prevent ingress of hydrocarbon to soil inside dyke area as per M B Lal Recommendation Illumination Adequate lightings have been provided to meet the minimum lux level in operation area as per M B Lal Recommendation Medium Expension Foam 4 nos MEFG have been installed in MS dyke walls as Generators per the guideline. Additionally 2 nos of mobile MEFG has been provided for class B tanks as per the M B Lal recommendation Limit switch Limit switches have been installed in dyke drain and audio visual annunciation was provided in control room for the status as per the M B Lal recommendation SIL 2 PLC SIL2 standard PLCs have been provided in control room for actuation of emergency / safety devices as per the M B Lal recommendation S.No Facility Status 24 Emergency Shut Down System 12 nos of ESD switches have been provided at stretegic location to actuate ESD system in case of any emergency as per the M B Lal recommendation Conduct two weeks air quality monitoring for CO, VOC, methane and non-methane hydrocarbon etc. Envirotech East Pvt. Limited An ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2004 & OHSAS:18001:2007 Company Laboratory Recognised by Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India CIN NO : U74210WB1989PTC047403 BengalAmbuja Commercial Complex, UN-F 13, 1050/1, Survey Park, Kolkata – 700 075 – 2418 8127/8128/8601; Fax – 2418 8128; email: [email protected],[email protected] Web AMBIENT AIR QUALITY MONITORING RESULTS Name of Industry Address Sl. No. 1) 2) 3) 4) Piyala, Hariyana, India. Date of Monitoring 27.07.2015 30.07.2015 03.08.2015 06.08.2015 Sl. No. 1) 2) 3) 4) Date of Monitoring 27.07.2015 30.07.2015 03.08.2015 06.08.2015 Sl. No. 1) 2) 3) 4) M/s. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited.(POL Terminal) Date of Monitoring 27.07.2015 30.07.2015 03.08.2015 06.08.2015 Location: Project Site (A-1) Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon (ppm) (ppm) 0.93 0.15 1.32 0.24 1.19 0.21 1.53 0.31 Location: Kaligaon (A-2) Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon (ppm) (ppm) 0.81 0.13 1.13 0.21 1.01 0.17 1.36 0.25 Location: Ladpur (A-3) Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon (ppm) (ppm) 0.79 0.12 1.09 0.17 1.23 0.19 0.91 0.14 Hydrocarbon Method of Gas Measurement Chromatography CO (mg/m3) 0.61 0.86 0.56 0.72 CO (mg/m3) 0.59 0.52 0.63 0.45 CO (mg/m3) 0.57 0.41 0.56 0.46 Non-Methane CO Hydrocarbon Gas Non Dispersive Infra Chromatography Red (NDIR) For ENVIROTECH EAST (P) LTD. (Authorized Signatory) Envirotech East Pvt. Limited An ISO 9001:2008, 14001:2004 & OHSAS:18001:2007 Company Laboratory Recognised by Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India CIN NO : U74210WB1989PTC047403 BengalAmbuja Commercial Complex, UN-F 13, 1050/1, Survey Park, Kolkata – 700 075 – 2418 8127/8128/8601; Fax – 2418 8128; email: [email protected],[email protected] Web AMBIENT AIR QUALITY MONITORING RESULTS Name of Industry Address Sl. No. 1) 2) 3) 4) Sl. No. 1) 2) 3) 4) Sl. No. 1) 2) 3) 4) M/s. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited.(POL Terminal) Piyala, Hariyana, India. Location: Brick Kiln Near Asawati (A-4) Non-Methane Date of Hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon Monitoring (ppm) (ppm) 28.07.2015 0.86 0.16 31.07.2015 0.72 0.13 04.08.2015 0.83 0.15 07.08.2015 1.13 0.19 Date of Monitoring 28.07.2015 31.07.2015 04.08.2015 07.08.2015 Date of Monitoring 28.07.2015 31.07.2015 04.08.2015 07.08.2015 Location: Asawati (A-5) Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon (ppm) (ppm) 1.07 0.16 1.30 0.21 1.19 0.18 1.01 0.14 Location: Dhig (A-6) Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon (ppm) (ppm) 0.83 0.12 0.76 0.14 1.04 0.18 0.62 0.11 Hydrocarbon Method of Gas Measurement Chromatography CO (mg/m3) 0.93 0.59 1.06 0.63 CO (mg/m3) 0.53 0.62 0.44 0.51 CO (mg/m3) 0.42 0.58 0.64 0.38 Non-Methane CO Hydrocarbon Gas Non Dispersive Infra Chromatography Red (NDIR) For ENVIROTECH EAST (P) LTD. (Authorized Signatory) Details w.r.t. Emergency preparedness plan. EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN (ERDMP) [as per PNGRB Guideline] OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTRICT FARIDABAD (HARYANA) Prepared under guidance of: EARTH PROTECTION GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT PVT. LTD. 2104, IInd FLOOR, LEKHRAJ DOLLAR, INDIRA NAGAR, LUCKNOW Telefax: 0522-2347075, 4002009, Mobile: 9839016959 E-mail: [email protected], Website: MONTH/YEAR: February/2014 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BH ARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: i CONTENTS Particulars 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Name and Address of the Person Furnishing the Information 1.2 About the Installation 1.3 Manpower and timing of shifts 1.4 Process description 1.4.1 Tank Lorry Unloading 1.4.2 Tank Lorry Loading 1.4.3 Loading of Rake 1.4.4 Unloading of sick wagon 1.4.5 Storage of Bulk Product 1.4.6 Receipt through MMBPL pipe line Page no. 01-03 01 01 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 03 2.0 TERMS & DEFINITIONS 04-06 3.0 APPLICABILITY 07-07 4.0 SCOPE AND INTENT 08-08 4.1 Scope of ERDMP 4.2 Intent/Objective 08 08 5.0 CONTENTS OF ERDMP 09-09 6.0 CLASSIFICATION OF EMERGENCIES 10-11 7.0 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 12-12 8.0 CONSEQUENCES OF DEFAULT OR NON-COMPLIANCE 13-14 9.0 REQUIREMENTS UNDER OTHER STATUTES 15-15 10.0 PRE-EMERGENCY PLANNING 17-30 10.1 Hazard Identification 10.2 Risk Analysis & Risk Assessment 10.3 Causes of Disaster 10.4 Consequences 11.0 EMERGENCY MITIGATION MEASURES 11.1 Basic requirements of ERDMP 11.2 Resource Mobilization 11.3 Incident preventing measures and procedures: 17 20 28 29 31-35 31 32 33 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Name and Address of the Person Furnishing the Information Sr. Manager I/C M/S Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Piyala Installation, Village Piyala P.O. Asaotipur, Tehsil Ballabhgarh District Faridabad, Haryana-121001 (Signature & Seal of Occupier) 1.2 About the Installation The Piyala Installation of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited was commissioned in the year 2007 and it is constructed as per the latest OISD norms. The installation is center for collection, storage and distribution of petroleum products such as MS, HSD, SKO, ATF etc. the product is stored in floating & fixed roof above ground tanks & cylindrical shaped underground tanks. The supply of fuels comes mainly through pipeline from Mumbai refinery. Details of storage facility are as under: SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Tank No. TK-2 TK-3 TK-4 TK-5 TK-6 TK-7 TK-8 TK-9 TK-10 TK-11 TK-12 TK-13 UT-1 UT-2 UT-3 UT-4 UT-5 UT-6 UT-7 UT-8 UT-9 Type FLOATING ROOF FLOATING ROOF FLOATING ROOF FLOATING ROOF FLOATING ROOF FLOATING ROOF FLOATING ROOF FLOATING ROOF FLOATING ROOF FIXED ROOF FIXED ROOF FIXED ROOF NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Product Name MS-IV MS-III MS-III HSD-III HSD-III HSD-IV HSD-IV SKO SKO MS Slop HSD Slop HSD-IV MS MS HSD SKO MS/ETHANOL HSD HSD SLOP SLOP TANK TYPE AG AG AG AG AG AG AG AG AG AG AG AG UG UG UG UG UG UG UG UG UG Capacity (KL) 26750 26750 26750 15600 15600 15600 15600 8200 8200 890 890 890 200 200 200 200 200 15 15 20 20 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 2 1.3 Manpower and timing of shifts The total manpower will be 26 nos. (Management 13 nos., Non Management 13 nos.), and security staff is 25 nos.. The Shift Timing is as under: Shift A Shift B Shift C General Shift : : : : 06:00 AM – 02:00 PM 02:00 PM – 10:00 PM 10:00 PM – 06:00 AM 09:00 AM – 05:30 PM 1.4 Process description The Operations and activities carried out at BPCL, Piyala Installation mainly involve collection, storage and distribution of fuel(s) from the Supply Sources to the Catered Region. 1.4.1 Tank Lorry Unloading Installation rarely receive product in TL from other locations. However facility is in place for unloading tank lorry. It is done by gravity. Following procedure to be followed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. TL for unloading is to be parked on the bay no. 1. Earthing clamp to be fixed on unpainted surface of TL. Front and rear tyres are to be secured by putting wooden wedge. Master switch to be put off for disconnecting electric supply from the battery to the rest of tank lorry. TL to be parked in neutral gear. Fire extinguishers to be kept in front of the tank lorry. Invoice should be shown to the gantry officer before unloading. After checking temperature/density of the product and tallying with invoice, proper hose to be connected to appropriate sump for unloading. After unloading, TL to be checked for emptiness by the officer. 1.4.2 Tank Lorry Loading Installation having facility for loading MSII, MSIII, HSDII, HSDIII, SKO, SPEEDII, SPEEDIII, HISPEEDII and HISPEEDIII. Installation are loading average 50 TLs daily. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Park the TL on the allotted bay. TL crew has to follow all safety norms as listed above. Start loading by punching card. Gantry officer shall check and punch his card to allow TL to move out. Operation shall lock it and punch his card. It will lift electric barrier and allow TL to move out of the gantry area. 6. Pumps shall be operated automatically. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 3 1.4.3 Loading of Rake Installation can load complete rake comprises of 48 BTPN wagons at a time. Installation having adequate pumping facility to load rake within free time. Following procedure to be followed: 1. Security shall inform about the placement of rake to the concern officer. 2. Lines from the tank to be prepared for loading wagons. 3. All wagons are to be checked for emptiness. 4. Top and bottom valves are to be closed. 5. Proper loading arm to be put in the filling pipe of wagon and bonding clip to be fixed. 6. All wagons are to be located as per loading sheet and checked. 7. Release memo to be sent after the loading is completed. 1.4.4 Unloading of sick wagon Whenever TXR staff of railway failed to repair loaded wagon for leakage, product is required to be unloaded. Installation having facility to unload sick wagon. Discharge pipe of sick wagon is to be connected to appropriate sump. It is to be unloaded in the same tank using pump in the sick wagon pump house. Installation having one pump for each product. 1.4.5 Storage of Bulk Product Installation storing MS, HSD & SKO in above and underground tanks. Detail of tanks are given as above. Quantity of product in the tanks is measured by taking dips. Dips are taken before and after the operation. Weekly dips are taken for monitoring. Quality of product is monitored by taking samples once in a month. It is called as monthly monitoring samples. 1.4.6 Receipt through MMBPL pipe line Installation receives MSII, MSIII, HSDII, HSDIII & SKO through cross country pipeline. Quantity monitoring to be done daily operating tanks and once in week of idle tanks. Quality monitoring to be done by taking monthly monitoring samples and sending it to lab for testing. Receipt operation is supervised and controlled by MMBPL. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 4 2.0 TERMS & DEFINITIONS Terms & Definitions in this ERDMP document are same as given in PNGRB Act & Regulations G.S.R. 39(E). Definitions are reproduced below: Definitions (1) In this ERDMP document, unless the context otherwise requires (a) “Act” means the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006; (b) ‘‘Board” means the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board established under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Act; (c) “boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion pressure vessel containing saturated liquid atmospheric boiling point and the resulting superheated liquid which produces a large large rising fireball due to ignition; (BLEVE)” means the violent rupture of a or vapour at a temperature well above its flash evaporation of a large fraction of the vapour cloud which burns in the form of a (d) “chief incident controller” means the person who assumes absolute control of the unit and determines action necessary to control the emergency; (e) “codes of practice” means the codes of practice for emergency response and disaster management plan notified by the Board; (f) “disaster” means an occurrence of such magnitude as to create a situation in which the normal patterns of life within an industrial complex are suddenly disrupted and in certain cases affecting the neighborhood seriously with the result that the people are plunged into helplessness and suffering and may need food, shelter, clothing, medical attention protection and other life sustaining requirements; (g) “disaster management plan“ means a well-coordinated, comprehensive response plan to contain loss of life, property, environment and provide speedy and effective recovery by making the most effective use of available resources in case of a disaster; (h) “emergency” means a situation or scenario which has the potential to cause serious danger to persons, environment or damage to property and which tends to cause disruption inside or outside the premises and may require the help of outside resources; (i) “emergency response vehicle (ERV)” means a vehicle for handling emergencies having necessary equipment meant for rescue and relief operations and ERV can be put to use within installation, outside of installation including road incident; (j) “hazard” means an event related to the property of substance or chemicals with a potential for human injury, damage to property, damage to the environment, or some combination thereof; (k) “incident” means an unplanned or unintended or intended event having potential to cause damage to life, property and environment; (l) “ incident record register” means a register containing complete information pertaining to all incidents covering near miss, and all other incidents leading to Level-I, Level-II and Level-III emergencies; Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 5 (m) “installation” means facilities, namely, gaseous product pipeline, liquid Product pipeline, hydrocarbons processing installation, oil and natural gas terminals and commercial storage and transportation, hydrocarbons gas bottling Installations including CNG, city gas distribution facilities and retail outlets; (n) “ leak” means release or discharge of a dangerous chemicals or substances or material into the environment; (o) “Level-I emergency” means an emergency as defined under sub regulation 6 (a); (p) “Level-II emergency” means an emergency as defined under sub regulation 6 (b); (q) “Level-III emergency” means an emergency as defined under sub regulation 6 (c); (r) “Mutual aid association” means an industrial mutual aid association in which participating industries as a community shall assist each other in case of emergency. Mutual aid associations supplement a site’s emergency control plan. Services of member industries shall be requested only when the emergency threatens to exceed the capability of otherwise available resources; (s) "occupier” of an installation means the person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the installation; (t) Off-site emergency” means an emergency that takes place in an installation and the effects of emergency extends beyond the premises or the emergency created due to an incident, catastrophic incidents, natural calamities, etc. It no longer remains the concern of the installation management alone but also becomes a concern for the general public living outside and to deal with such eventualities shall be the responsibilities of district administration (u) “Off site emergency plan” means a response plan to control and mitigate the effects of catastrophic incidents in above ground installation (AGI) or underground installations (UGI) or road transportation. This plan shall be prepared by the district administration based on the data provided by the installation(s), to make the most effective use of combined resources, i.e. internal as well as external to minimize loss of life, property, environment and to restore facilities at the earliest; (v) “On site emergency” means an emergency that takes place in an installation and the effects are confined to the Installation premise’s involving only the people working inside the Terminals and to deal with such eventualities is the responsibility of the occupier and is mandatory. It may also require help of outside resources; (w) “On site emergency plan” means a response plan to contain and minimize the effects due to emergencies within the installations which have a potential to cause damage to people and facilities within the installation premises; (x) “risk” means the chance of a specific undesired event occurring within a specified period or in specified circumstances and it may be either a frequency or a probability of a specific undesired event taking place; (y) “risk analysis” means the identification of undesired events that lead to the materialization of a hazard, the analysis of the mechanisms by which these undesired events could occur and, usually, the estimation of the extent, magnitude, and likelihood of any harmful effects; Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 6 (z) “risk assessment” means the quantitative evaluation of the likelihood of undesired events and the likelihood of harm or damage being caused by them, together with the value judgments made concerning the significance of the results; (aa) “Risk management” means the program that embraces all administrative and operational programs that are designed to reduce the risk of emergencies involving acutely hazardous materials. Such programs include, but are not limited to, ensuring the design safety of new and existing equipment, standard operating procedures, preventive maintenance, operator training, incident investigation procedures, risk assessment for unit operations, emergency planning, and internal and external procedures to ensure that these programs are being executed as planned; (ab)“Site incident controller” means the person who goes to the scene of the emergency and supervises the actions necessary to overcome the emergency at the site of the incident; (ac) ‘‘Spill” means an unintended release or discharge of hydrocarbon or any other dangerous liquid into the environment; (ad) “transport emergency (TREM) card” means a card containing details about the nature of hazards, protective devices, telephone numbers and actions related to spillage, fire, first aid and other details of national and international (UN) numbers or signage which is common in India and abroad; (ae) “ unconfined vapour cloud explosion (UVCE)” means the formation of vapour cloud due to release of significant quantity of liquefied hydrocarbons into the atmosphere and its explosion due to ignition which may cause high over pressure and low pressure that cause very heavy damage. (2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these regulations, but defined in the Act or rules or regulations made there under, shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in this Act or in the rules or regulation, as the case may be. Abbreviations: API - American Petroleum Institute ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineering ASTM - American Society for Testing and Material BLEVE - Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion CIC - Chief Incident Controller CDM - Chemical Disaster Management DHO - District Health Officer DMI- Disaster Management Institute, Bhopal ECO - Emergency Coordinating Officer ERDMP - Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan ESD- Emergency Shut down ERV - Emergency Response Vehicle HAZCHEM - Hazardous Chemicals HAZOP - Hazard & Operability Study HSD - High Speed Diesel HSE - Health, Safety and Environment LFL - Lower Flammability Limit (same as LEL – Lower Explosive Limit) LOPA - Layers of Protection Approach MAH- Major Accident Hazard installation MSDS- Material Safety Data Sheet MSIHC- Manufacture Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals NDMA - National Disaster Management Authority NDRF - National Disaster Response Force OIC - Officer In- Charge OISD- Oil Industry Safety Directorate PCV- Pressure Control Valve PNGRB - Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition SDRF - State Disaster Response Force SDV- Shut down valve SIC - Site Incident Controller TREM - Transport Emergency Card UVCE - Unconfined Vapour Cloud Explosion ROU/ROW : Right of Way USE not included in the manual Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 7 3.0 APPLICABILITY This ERDMP is prepared based upon PNGRB regulations G.S.R. 39(E) titled ‘Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Codes of Practices for Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) Regulations, 2010’. Following regulations are applicable for ERDMP of BPCL, Piyala Installation: (a) (b) (c) (d) Hydrocarbons processing installation (refinery, gas processing, LNG Re- gasification installations etc.); Pipeline such as natural gas, propane, butane etc. and the hydrocarbons products which remain in gaseous state at NTP; Liquid petroleum product pipeline; (f) Commercial petroleum storage facilities, gas storage facilities and terminals including LNG terminals; Hydrocarbons gas bottling Installations having receiving, storage and handling facilities including storage for LPG, propane and butane; City or local natural gas distribution facilities; (g) Dispensing stations and POL retail outlets; (e) (h) (i) Not Applicable Not Applicable Applicable Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable transportation of petroleum products by road Applicable any other installation as may be notified by the Board Not Applicable from time to time; Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) describes the organizational structure, facilities, equipment, services and infrastructure necessary to respond to the emergency situation which could have on-site as well as off-site implications at Receipt, Storage & Dispatch points. Emergency Response Plan covers all emergencies relating to Operation & Maintenance, personnel, properties including serious accidents, explosions, floods, fire and bomb threat etc. This plan also applies to those Governmental Agencies that are responsible for emergency response within the immediate area surrounding the facilities and those agencies, organizations, contractors, and facilities providing assistance to Piyala Installation in the event of an emergency. Piyala Installation shall maintain liaison with concerned governmental agencies to ensure proper understanding and interfaces regarding aspects of notification, responsibilities of personnel and resources of state and local agencies to be deployed in case of actual emergency situation. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 8 4.0 SCOPE AND INTENT 4.1 Scope of ERDMP The scope of ERDMP is as under: i. the identification of emergencies; ii. the mitigation measures that attempt to reduce and eliminate the risk or disaster; iii. the preparedness that to develop plan for action when disaster or emergencies occur; iv. the response that mobilize the necessary services including responders like fire service, police service, medical service including ambulance, government as well as non-government agencies; v. the post disaster recovery with aim to restore the affected area to its original conditions; 4.2 Intent (a) Intent of this Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) document is to formulate action plan for all necessary functions that are required to be carried out towards preparedness, response & management of emergencies. It describes the emergency response organization, the resources available (internal as well as external) and specific response actions required for various types of emergencies that could occur in BPCL, Piyala jurisdiction. (b) ERDMP is not just to use as reference material for training. The ERDMP prepared with the following objectives: i. to minimize the effects due to : a. spillage of petroleum products during storage and handling within the premises. b. release or escape of flammable petroleum products c. fire or explosion ii. to prevent causalities- both on-site and off-site; iii. to reduce damage to property, machinery, public and environment; iv. to develop a state of readiness for a prompt and orderly response to an emergency and to establish a high order of preparedness (equipment, personnel) commensurate with the risk; v. to provide an incident management organogram with clear missions and lines of authority (incident command system, field supervision, unified command); vi. to ensure an orderly and timely decision making and response process. vii. To maintain good public relations; Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 9 5.0 CONTENTS OF ERDMP Contents of this ERDMP documents have been listed under Table of Contents. For better correlation, same Clause No’s have been retained in the Contents as in PNGRB regulations G.S.R. 39(E). (a) classification of emergencies; (b) implementation schedule; (c) consequences of defaults or non-compliance; (d) statutory requirements; (e) pre-emergency planning; (f) emergency mitigation measures; (g) emergency preparedness measures; (h) emergency response procedures and measures; (i) emergency organization and responsibilities; (j) infrastructure requirements; (k) declaration of on-site and off-site emergency; (l) resources for controlling emergency; (m) demographic information; (n) medical facilities; (o) evacuation; (p) public relations and information to public; (q) reporting of the incident; (r) emergency recovery procedures; (s) ERDMP for tank trucks and pipelines carrying petroleum products (t) integration of the ERDMP with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) guidelines and action plan on Chemical Disasters (Industrial); (u) Security threat plan and action plan to meet the eventualities. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 10 6.0 CLASSIFICATION OF EMERGENCIES Emergency in industry may be defined as one or more emergencies, which can affect several or all plants/departments, can cause serious injury to personnel and can result in extensive damage to property and loss of life and disruption both inside and outside the works. It requires the use of outside resource to handle it effectively. As per Rule-2 (f) of The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 the Chemical emergency is defined as: “Major Chemical Accident (Chemical emergency) means an occurrence including any particular major emission, fire and/or explosion evolving one or more hazardous chemicals and resulting from uncontrolled developments in the course of industrial activity or transportation or due to natural events leading to serious effects both immediate or delayed, inside or outside the installation likely to cause substantial loss of life and property including adverse effects on the environment.” In Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Piyala Installation premises, probable emergencies can be categorized into three broad levels on the basis of seriousness and response emergencies can be categories into following three level: a. Level-1: this is an emergency or an incident whichi. Can be effectively and safely managed and contained within the site, location or installation by the available resources; ii. Has no impact outside the site, location or installation. b. Level-2: this is an emergency or an incident whichi. cannot be effectively and safely managed or contained at the location or installation by available resources and additional support is alerted or required; ii. is having or has the potential to have an effect beyond the site location or installation and where external support of mutual aid partner may be involved; iii. is likely to be danger to life, the environment or to industrial assets or reputation. c. Level-3: this is an emergency or an incident with off-site impact which could be catastrophic and is likely to affect the population, property and environment inside and outside the installation and management and control is done by district administration. Although the Level-III emergency falls under the purview of District Authority but till they step in, it should be responsibility of the unit to manage the emergency. Level-1 & 2 emergencies are considered in preparation of ERDMP of BPCL, Piyala Installation. Based on the nature of emergency & severity the levels of type of emergency to be declared will be decided by the location in charges (Sr. Manager I/C). Various possible types of emergencies are tabulated as below: Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 11 SN Type of Applicable Emergency Emergency Action Plan Description of Emergency 1 Level-1 On site 2 Level-2 On site 3 Level-3 Off Site Oil spills from the flanges/Pipeline/Hammer Blinds/Gate Valves. Pinhole leakage from Pipelines Failure of gasket resulting in leakage Spillages from tank truck due to over flow while loading. Spillages from storage tank during receipt. Floating roof getting struck in the tank. Tank containment failure and release of flammable petroleum Product. Leakage from pipeline due to damage by external sources, sabotage, pilferage. Failures caused by corrosion defects, Failures caused by miscellaneous factors such as pipe material defects, natural hazards. Burst of product Pipelines inside & siding area. Failure of storage tanks. Pool fires Vapour cloud explosion. Agitation / forced entry by external group of people. Natural Perils – Earthquake, flood, tsunami Sabotage, Bomb explosion / Threat Note: - The emergency classification as per OISD-117 has been substituted by classification of emergency as per PNGRB Regulation- 2010 as given below. OISD-117 classification Small Fire Major Fire Disaster ERDMP Regulation-2010 classification Level-1 Emergency Level-2 Emergency Level-3 Emergency Hereafter in this plan, terminology used for emergency is Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 and words like Small fire, Major fire and Disaster as per OISD-117 have been omitted. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 12 7.0 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Schedule-1 Schedule of implementation of Code of Practice for ERDMP Sl. No. Activity Implementation Time (from the notification date) 1 On-Site Emergency Plan 03 Months 2 Off-Site Emergency Plan (Submission of Information to District Authority) 03- Months Prepared by District Authority (District Crises Group) 3 Resources in Position 06-Months Yes 4 Accredited Third Party Certification of ERDMP. 01-Year 5 Testing and Mock Drills (On-Site) 03-Months 6 Testing and Mock Drills (Off-Site) 12 months ** To be coordinated with District Authority Compliance status Yes. Current On-Sire Emergency Plan modified as per regulation. Under process Yes, Six Monthly Yes, Yearly ** Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 13 8.0 CONSEQUENCES OF DEFAULT OR NON-COMPLIANCE 8.1 There shall be a system for ensuring compliance to the provision of these regulations through developing a well defining emergency response and disaster management plan and conduction of mock drill and safety audit during the construction, commissioning and operation phase, as well as an on-going basis. There shall also be system of do’s & don’ts regarding safety, mock drill or real emergencies for visitors before entering and establishment. This should be supported by written instruction sheet for visitor and ensured the visitor is accompanied by Installation representative on forward visit and return gate. Following emergency drills being conducted in BPCL, Piyala Installation: i. Emergency Drills and Mock Exercises: Off-site emergency plan – Yearly conducted by District Authorities. On-site emergency plan – Once in three months. iii. Fire drill / emergency handling drill – Monthly. iv. Safety Briefing is compulsory for contract personnel in Piyala Installation once every fortnight. For visitors, Safety Information sheet is given while issuing gate pass. DO'S AND DON'TS Any One Noticing An Emergency Situation Contractor Personnel Security Visitors All other Employees On Site DO'S Actuate nearest fire alarm manual call point and /or inform Fire Station on telephone or inform the supervisor. Wait till arrival of Emergency Team and direct them to the site of emergency. Then report to the assembly point. Stop work on hearing alarm. Assemble at the nearest / designated ASSEMBLY POINT and be ready to evacuate. Keep the gate manned; Keep the road clear for movement of Emergency Vehicles/ Fire Tenders/Ambulance. Control traffic at gates. Leave the place and assemble at assembly point. DON'TS DO NOT panic and avoid running all over the place, prevent other from doing so. DO NOT enter the site unless instructed or all clear siren/message is heard. DO NOT enter the site, till it is cleared for the normal work by site incident controller. DO NOT allow unauthorized visitors free to enter. DO NOT enter the site if emergency alarm is heard. DO NOT panic On hearing FIRE alarm, go to DO NOT go to the site of assembly point and wait for emergency unless specifically further instruction. instructed by site main/ incident controller. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 14 8.2 The Board shall monitor the compliance of ERDMP, Technical Standards and Specifications including Safety Standards either directly or indirectly by accredited third party through separate regulations on third party conformity assessment. 8.3 In case of any deviation or shortfall, in achieving the recommended standards the entities are liable to penal provisions under the provisions of the technical standards, specifications including safety standards 8.4 Mutual Aid Association not responding as per memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or written agreement on request of assistance shall attract penalty as per mutual Aid agreement are as under. However details are elaborate in clause no-12.3 and check list -3: a. In the event of first default in response, the defaulting entity with the application and its management shall have to submit written explanation to affected mutual aid members. b. for the second and successive failure, the defaulting entity shall have to pay the double of the billed amount of expenses incurred by affected mutual aid members in case of any eventuality occurs in the premises of affected mutual aid members. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 15 9.0 REQUIREMENTS UNDER OTHER STATUTES Implementation of ERDMP is primarily governed & complying with following regulations as per Schedule – II of PNGRB regulations G.S.R. 39(E). The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (amended 1991) and following Rules there under: The Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 (amended 2004). The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 (amended, 1994 and 2000). The Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundry) Rules, 2008. The Environment Prior Clearance Notification, 2006. The Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996. Bio-medical Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules. 1989- N/A. The Factories Act, 1948 (amended 1987). Haryana State Factory Rules. The Inflammable Substances Act, 1952. The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (amended 2001). The Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 (amended 2005). The Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991 (amended 1992). The Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991 (amended 1993). The Petroleum Act, 1934. The Petroleum Rules, 2002. The Insecticide Rules, 1968 (amended 2000). – N/A The Insecticide Rules, 1971 (amended 1999). The National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995. The Explosives Act, 1884 (amended till 1983). The Gas Cylinder Rules, 2004, The Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, 1981 (amended 2002). The Explosives Rules, 1983 (amended 2002). In compliance of the Rule-13 of the Manufacture Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989 (amended in 1994 and 2000), under The Environment Protection Act, 1986; and Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Response) Rules, 1996 under The Environment Protection Act, 1986, Factories Act - 1948 (amended in 1987), Section 41-B (4). M/s Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Piyala Installation, prepare an Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (On Site Emergency Plan) as per Codes of Practices for Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) Regulations, 2010 of Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006 and Guidelines on Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) for locations of oil industry (OISD-GDN168). Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 16 Current compliance status with above rules / permissions as per Schedule – II is given below. As of DATE: 17.04.2014 SL. NO Description 1 Factory 2 Explosive 3 Prohibited Area 4 VHF License For Main Station Hand Sets Public Liability Insurance 5 6 Handling Of Hazardous Waste 7 Pollution Control Board ( Water & Air Consent) 8 Contract Labour Registration Calibration of Flow Meters and Tank Etc by W&M Calibration of weigh bridge by W&M Calibration of Explosive Meter 9 10 11 License No. FBD/B/546/3280 Renewed /Applied On 05.04.2012 Valid Up to Remarks 31.12.2016 P/HQ/HN/15/2125(P 138253) 29.11.2013 31.12.2014 30/2/2008-5 J.J.(I) 19.08.2010 ---- FL-162/1-21 26.02.2014 31.03.2014 021000/49/14/60/ 00000002 HSPCB/Consent/:28 14714FDBBCTOHW M695197 HSPCB/Consent/:28 14714FDBBCTO695 197 46(R-02)/2005-ALK 01.04.2014 31.03.2015 25.03.2014 31.03.2015 25.03.2014 31.03.2015 08.01.2014 ------ 000314/78 21.11.2013 01.11.2014 R/29/1904 (968) 31.01.2014 30.01.2015 RSSPL/13-14/022 (Sr.No.-181-143972) 26.12.2013 25.06.2014 ONE TIME APPROVAL Waiting for Renewal ONE TIME APPROVAL Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 17 10.0 PRE-EMERGENCY PLANNING 10.1 Hazard Identification This shall involve a detailed study of areas and operations of storage, handling, transfer, filling of petroleum products in the plant with a view identifying potential hazards, which could bigger loss causing event such as fire and explosion etc. The identification of hazards and degree of hazard associated with various chemicals and in operation units carried out by relative ranking method. As per Petroleum Rules, Petroleum products are divided into three classes based on their flash points as follows: Class A - Flammable liquids having flash point below 23oc. Class B - Flammable liquids having flash point of 23oC and above but below 65oC. Class C - Flammable liquids having flash point of 65oC and above but below 93oC. Excluded - Liquids having flash point of 930C Petroleum and above. As per Manufacture Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules (as amended to date), the flammable chemicals are divided into five categories, which are as under: (i) Flammable Gases: - Gases which at 20 0 C and at standard pressure of 101.3 Kpa are; (a) Ignitable when in a mixture of 13% or less by volume with air, or (b) Have a flammable range with air of at least 12 percentage points regardless of the lower flammable limits. (ii) Extremely Flammable Liquids: Chemicals, which have flash point, lower than or equal to 23o C and boiling point less than 35oC. (iii) Very Highly Flammable Liquids:Chemicals, which have flash point, lower than or equal to 23o C and initial boiling point higher than 35oC. (iv) Highly Flammable Liquids Chemicals, which have flash point, lower than or equal to 60o C but higher than 23oC. (v) Flammable Liquids Chemicals, which have, flash point higher than 60o C but lower than 90oC. As per the NFPA classification the hazard rating of petroleum, products are as under: S. N. Chemical Max. Capacity A. NFPA Hazard Classification Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 18 KL 1. 2. 3. 4. MS (A) HSD (B) SKO (B) Ethanol (A) 82430 92090 16600 200 Flammability 3 2 2 3 Health 1 1 1 0 Reactivity 0 0 0 0 The explanation of the NFPA hazard rating is as under: A. Health Hazard Classification 4 Materials which on very short exposure could cause death or major residual injury even though prompt medical treatment were given 3 Materials, which on short exposure could cause serious temporary or residual injury even through prompt medical treatment, were given. 2 Materials, which on intense or continued exposure could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury unless prompt medical treatment, is given. 1 Materials, which on exposure would cause irritation but only minor residual injury, even if no treatment is given. 0 Materials, which on exposure under fire conditions, would offer no hazard beyond that of ordinary combustible material. B. Flammability Classification 4 Materials, which will rapidly or completely vaporize at atmospheric pressure and normal ambient temperature, or which are readily dispersed in air and which will burn readily. 3 Liquids and solids that can be ignited under almost all ambient temperature conditions. 2 Materials that must be moderately heated or exposed to relatively high ambient temperatures before ignition can occur. 1 Material that must be preheated before ignition can occur. 0 Materials that will not burn. C. Reactivity Classification 4 Materials, which in themselves are readily capable of detonation or of explosive decomposition or reaction at normal temperature and pressures. 3 Materials which in themselves are capable of detonation or explosive reaction but require a strong initiating source or which must be heated under confinement before initiation or which react explosively with water 2 Materials, which in themselves are normally unstable and readily undergo violent chemical change but do not detonate. Also materials, which may react violently with, water or which may form potentially explosive mixtures with water. 1 Materials which in themselves are normally stable, but which can become unstable at elevated temperature and pressure or which may react with water with some release of energy but not violently. 0 Materials which in themselves are normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and which are not reactive with water. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 19 The following conclusions drawn with respect to toxic, flammable, and reactivity criteria’s: (i) TOXICITY HAZARD (a) Health hazard for the ATF is equal to two (Nh=2) and chemicals (MS, HSD, SKO) is equal to one (Nh=1). Adequate safety arrangements are provided to facilitate a Quick First Aid for the worker exposed to the chemicals. (b) Health hazard rating for Ethanol is zero. (ii) FLAMMABILITY HAZARD (a) The highest flammability rating is reported for MS, & Ethanol i.e. Nf =3, according to NFPA. (b) Flammability hazard rating for HSD, ATF & SKO is equal to two (Nf=2). Adequate safety arrangements are provided to facilitate a Quick First Aid for the worker exposed to the chemicals. (iii) REACTIVITY HAZARD Reactivity hazard rating for MS, HSD, ATF & Ethanol is zero. Location of hazardous substances The hazardous chemicals stored or handled in the Installation and their Hazardous Property and nature of hazard is given below and their storage location is shown in the map enclosed as Annexure-2. The Material Safety Data Sheet of all the hazardous chemicals, which are stored/handled at Installation site, is enclosed as Annexure-3. All chemicals as given in above table are hazardous in nature [as defined under Rule 2 e (i, ii, iii) of “The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989”, amended in 1994 and 2000], which are either stored or handled in the plant. As per Rule 2 j (a) of “The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989” (amended in 1994 & 2000), the quantity of hazardous chemical in the BPCL, Piyala Installation is equal to or in excess of the threshold quantities specified in Column 3 of Schedule 2 & 3 respectively, so BPCL, Piyala Installation is qualify as “Major Accident Hazard” (MAH) Units. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 20 The hazardous chemicals handled in the BPCL, Piyala Installation is given below in table along with their hazardous properties: SN Hazardous chemical handled Hazardous Properties Motor Sprit (MS) Hazard Involve (Toxic/Flammable/ Explosive) Flammable/Explosive 1. 2. High Speed Diesel (HSD) Flammable LFL= 1.3% UFL= 6.1% Flash Point= 37.7-51.70C Boiling Point=110-4000C 3. Superior Kerosene Oil (SKO) Flammable LFL= .7% UFL= 5-7% Flash Point= 380C Boiling Point=149-3250C 4. Ethanol Flammable LFL= 3.3% UFL= 17% Flash Point= 120C Boiling Point=78.30C LFL= 1.4 % UFL= 7.4% Flash Point= -38 to -480C Boiling Point=30-215 0C Only Flammable and explosive chemicals stored in plant as listed in above table. No major toxic chemical stored in the plant. Check Points for hazard identification are given at check list-1. 10.2 Risk Analysis & Risk Assessment The basic procedure in a risk analysis shall be as follows: (a) (b) (c) (d) identify potential failures or incident s (including frequency) ; calculate the quantity of material that may be released in each failure, estimate the probability of such occurrences; evaluate the consequences of such occurrences based on scenarios such as most probable and worst case events; the combination of consequences and probability will allow the hazards to be ranked in a logical fashion to indicate the zones of important risk. Criteria should then be established by which the quantified level of risk may be considered acceptable to all parties concerned Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP (e) (f) EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 21 after assessing the risk, the "maximum tolerable criterion" must be defined and above which the risk shall be regarded as intolerable. Whatever be the benefit level must be reduced below this level; the risk should also be made "as low as reasonably practicable" (ALARP) and least impacting the neighbourhood. While conducting the risk analysis, a quantitative determination of risk involves three major steps:IRPA (Individual Risk per Annum) NOTE- a risk of 10 per million per year, or 10 -5/Year, effectively means that any person standing at a point of this level of risk would have a 1 in 100 000 chance of being fatally injured per year SN Scenario 1. Catastrophic failure of HSD,SKO & MS storage tank 2. Catastrophic failure of HSD, SKO & MS Railway wagon 3. Maximum length of HSD, SKO & MS pipeline failure (Line Rupture) *Basic Failure frequency are taken from Purple Book (CPR 18 E). Failure frequency* 5 x 10-6 year-1 1 x 10-5 year-1 1 x 10-7 m-1 year-1 Damage criteria due to incident radiation intensity & overpressure In the events of an explosion taking place within the complex due to hydrocarbon and airmixing and catching fire the resultant blast wave may have damaging effect on equipment, structures, building and piping coming inside the overpressure distance of the blast. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 22 The effects of thermal radiation, on humans are most relevant in the immediate vicinity of an incident and the progressive effects resulting are: Pain First degree burns Second degree burns Third degree burns Fatality Depending on the duration, intensity and area of exposure, the effects of fire range from pain, through 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns, to fatality. These effects are commonly linked to the intensity of the incident thermal radiation and given below table provides the typical consequences of exposure to various levels of intensity and the expected time to each effect. Damage due to Thermal Radiation Intensity Incident radiation 0.7 kw/m2 1.6 kw/m2 4.0 kw/m2 9.5 kw/m2 12.5 kw/m2 37.5 kw/m2 Type of damage expected Equivalent to solar radiation Will cause no discomfort to long exposure Sufficient to cause pain to personnel if unable to reach cover within 20 sec, however blistering of skin (2nd degree burns) is likely; with no lethality. Pain threshold reached after 8s; second degree burns after 20 seconds Minimum energy required for piloted ignition of wood, melting plastic tubing etc. Sufficient to cause damage to process equipment and human death. Explosions generate overpressures and drag forces that in turn result in damage to buildings and structures, and generate missiles (fragments of damaged structures, window glass shards, or loose objects). The effects of overpressure on humans are normally categorized as follows: Direct or Primary: injury to the body as a result of the pressure change Secondary: injury as a result of fragments or debris produced by the overpressure impacting on the body Tertiary: injury as a result of the body (especially the head) being thrown by the explosion drag and impacting on stationary objects or structures For QRA, lethality is not typically estimated independently for these effects; instead, an overall lethality is estimated based on the combination of these effects. Damage effect of blast overpressure Blast Over pressure (Bar) 0.30 Damage Type Major damage to structures (assumed fetal to the people inside structure) Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 23 0.17 0.10 0.03 0.01 Eardrum rupture Repairable Damage Glass Breakage Crack of Window Consequence analysis of various major accident scenarios will yield a range of hazard distances specifying different damage levels. With the help of damage criteria discussed above, it is possible to judge the type of damage to man and material due to realization of any of the accident scenarios. The assessment of the consequences of maximum identified credible accident scenarios in terms of: a) b) c) d) e) Pool fire Radiation Hazard Flash Fire Jet fire hazard Boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion hazard (BLEVE)-Fire ball Radiation Hazard Vapour Cloud Explosion Hazard i. Unconfined Vapour Cloud Explosion Hazard ii. Confined Vapour Cloud Explosion Hazard a) Pool fire Radiation Hazard To estimate the radius of zone in which fatality and second degree burn may be expected if a pool of flammable liquid should ignite. In case of release of petroleum products from the storage tank or pipeline it would spill on the ground and form pool. When it finds a source of ignition it results into pool fire. Petroleum products burn with a smoky flame over the total area of pool radiating intense heat to the surrounding equipment, tanks or buildings. The flame may tilt with the wind speed in the direction of wind. Damage of fire is restricted in the plant areas only. Due to domino effect nearby tanks, other equipments containing flammable materials may ignite and catch fire. In case of plants having good layout maintaining safe separation distances between tanks and equipments the loss due to pool fire is minimum. b) Flash Fire Hydrocarbons vapours release accidentally will normally spread out in the direction of wind. If finds an ignition source before being completely dispersed below lower flammable limit (LFL), a flash fire is likely to occur and the flame may travel back to the source of leak. Any person caught in the flash fire is likely to suffer fetal burn injury. Therefore, in consequence analysis the distance of LFL value is usually taken to indicate the area, which may be affected by flash fire. c) Jet fire hazard Escaping jet of MS/HSD/SKO from pressure vessels/piping, if ignited, causes a jet flame. The jet flame direction and tilt depend on prevailing wind direction and velocity. Damage, in case of such type of jet fires, is restricted within the plant boundary. However, the ignited jet Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 24 can impinge on other vessels and equipment carrying petroleum oil and can cause domino effect. d) Boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion hazard (BLEVE)-Fire ball Radiation Hazard Fireballs are short-lived flames which generally result from the ignition and combustion of turbulent vapour/two-phase (i.e., aerosol) fuels in air. Releases that fuel fireballs are usually near instantaneous and commonly involve the catastrophic failure of pressurized vessels/pipelines. Fireballs could dissipate large amounts of thermal radiation, which, away from their visible boundaries, may transmit heat energy that could be hazardous to life and property. As such, in the evaluation of the hazard posed by fireballs, the accurate determination of the likelihood of object engulfment and/or the amount of radiant energy received by objects at a distance from the flame is of primary importance. The term “BLEVE” is an acronym for boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion and may be defined as any sudden loss of containment of a liquid above its normal boiling point at the moment of vessel failure. Failure may result from the development of cracks which are mainly caused by impact on the vessel, corrosion, internal overheating and construction defects. A common cause of failure leading to BLEVE is due to fire engulfment of a vessel containing liquid under pressure. As the liquid heats up, the vapour pressure rises which may actuate the safety valve causing the liquid level in the vessel to fall as vapour is released. Because the heat capacity of vapour is lower than liquid, the portion of the vessel walls in contact with the vapour increases in temperature as heat is transferred from the fire while that in contact with the liquid remains relatively cool. This may result in nonuniform expansion and sufficient loss of strength of the vessel walls to rupture. Boil over hazard result BLEVE occurs in pressurized vessel. In BPCL, Piyala Installation all tanks are at atmospheric pressure and so consequences of BLEVE may not occur. The possible consequences are Late Pool fire and Tank Fire may possible. e) Vapor Cloud Fire Hazard Ignition of a cloud of flammable vapour in air, which can result in flash fire or explosion. The results look at downwind hazard distance, hazard zone width and weight of air born flammable vapors in air, when such a cloud is formed. i) Unconfined Vapour Cloud Explosion (UVCE) Clouds of flammable vapours and gases with concentrations within their lower and upper explosive limits may explode when it finds a source of ignition. Such explosions may occur within the plant area or slightly displaced area depending upon how the vapours or gas has drifted before it finds the source of ignition. The explosions radiate intense heat during the short time that it may cause secondary fires. In addition to radiation the explosions create pressure waves, which cause damage at considerable distances from the explosion. These explosions are called unconfined vapour cloud explosions. ii) Confined Vapour Cloud Explosion (UVCE) A confined explosion occurs in a confined space, such as a vessel or a building. A confined explosion is a result of a rapid chemical reaction, which is constrained within vessels and buildings. A basic distinction between confined explosions and unconfined Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 25 explosions is confined explosions are those which occur within some sort of containment. Often the explosion is in a vessel or piping, but explosions in buildings also come within this category. Explosions, which occur in the open air, are unconfined explosions. In BPCL, Piyala Installation Confined Vapour Cloud Explosion Hazard may not possible because all the storage tanks are place in open air. The worst scenario as per risk analysis will be catastrophe failure of HSD, SKO and MS Tank and flooding of dyke. Pool fire is possible in case of ignition source. The material released in each failure case is as under: SN 1. 2. 3. 4. Scenarios Catastrophic failure of HSD tank (TK-5) Catastrophic failure of MS tank (TK-2) Catastrophic failure of SKO tank (TK-9) Catastrophic failure of LPG storage vessel at neighboring BPCL, LPG plant Quantity of material released 15600 KL 26750 KL 8200 KL 1350 MT Small Spills o o o o Small spills which pose no safety and health dangers are not likely to adversely affect the environment, are to be handled by trained personnel. Eliminate the source of the spill by closing valves Recover the spilled products Avoid migration of product into the external drain Large Spills Large spills contained inside the tank bund will be recovered manually / using sorbent pads. Ensure closure of drain valves. mechanically by Pipeline leak during Tank Truck loading Suspend pumping, avoid naked light / source of heat Close all valves at either end. Rectify the defect and Salvage the spill, clean the site by spreading sand, check the explosive limit vapour. Get external assistance to avoid crowding of unauthorized persons Product leakage / seepage inside Installation This is possible in the operating area of the Installation. The man on the spot to control leak / spill. Block and arrange for recovery of spilled Oil. The Hazard, Severity, Population and precautions taken are tabulated Area-wise herein below: Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 26 AREA HAZARD SEVERITY H 1. Foam pourer provided as per requirement of OISD. 2. Sprinkler system installed on tanks. 3. Remote operated valves for emergency shutdown. 4. Continuous monitoring and maintenance. 5. Area maintained as per CCOE requirement. 6. Proper earthing of Tanks. L 1. Remote operated valves for emergency shutdown. 2. Automated processes to enhance safety & reduces human error. 3. Continuous monitoring and maintenance. 1. SOP followed to avoid vapour formation. 2. Explosive meter always kept in control room in case of need. 1. Hydrant system made available with foam monitor. 2. Sprinkler system installed on tanks. 3. Remote operated valves for emergency shutdown. 4. Continuous monitoring and maintenance. 5. Area maintained as per CCOE requirement. 6. Proper earthing of Tanks. 1. Automated processes to enhance safety & reduce human error. 2. Remote operated valves for emergency shutdown. 3. Continuous monitoring and maintenance Pool Fire Class - A (MS) Storage Spill or Leak due to containment failure H Vapour Cloud Explosion H Class – B (HSD & SKO) Storage PRECAUTIONS TAKEN Pool fires L Spill or Leak due to containment failure M Tank Truck Loading Gantry/ Loading of Rake 1. Protection against static electricity is kept mandatory, while loading is done by providing earth clips to TT, which will conduct and discharge the charges generated from the body (compartment) of Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 27 Pool fire L Spill or leakage the TT. 2. Adequate portable fire extinguisher DCP carried in TT for extinguishing any petroleum fire in TT or loading gantry. 3. All equipments fitted/used in TLF gantry are of flameproof 4. All petroleum pipelines entering tank vehicle loading or unloading area are to be electrically continuous and efficiently earthed. 5. An earthing with a flexible cable having robust clamping device provided adjacent to the loading point. 6. Engine air intake is fitted with flame-arrester, capable of preventing emission of flame from the side of the engine in the event of back firing. 7. Exhaust system of TT fitted with spark arrestor that prevents flammable contents outside TT. 8. TT is checked for any flammable substance before entering. 9. TT should have Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and Transport Emergency Card (TREM). 1. Adequate lighting made available. 2. Adequate arrangement for containment made (Pump, Flexible pipes, containers, etc.) 3. Proper communication through VHF Sets among various teams working at different work station. L Pipeline Spill or Leak 1. Hydrotesting of all pipes done as per requirement. 2. Continuous supervision. 3. SOP followed. 4. Emergency Shutdown which will immediately stop all motors in Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 28 M Pump house case of emergency. 1. Emergency Shutdown which will immediately stop all motors in case of emergency. H – High, M – Moderate, L - Light Severity mapping The entire licensed area of this Installation may be considered as the Area of Hazard. In line with petroleum rules, the areas are mapped as under: 1. Area where inflammable gases or vapour are likely to be present under normal operating times. (a) Tank truck filling shed (b) Loading of Rake area (c) TLF Pump house 2. Area where inflammable gases or vapour are likely to be present under abnormal operating conditions. (a) Product tank farm (b) Tank farm Manifold area (c) TLF Manifold area (d) Loading of Rake Manifold area Hazardous area classification drawing prepared as per Explosive rules is attached as Annexure-2. 10.3 Causes of Disaster Following reasons can cause an industrial emergency: Man made Heavy Leakage Fire Explosion Critical Failure of Control system Design deficiency Unsafe acts In-adequate maintenance Natural Calamities Flood Earth Quake Cyclone Outbreak of Disease Excessive Rains Tsunami Extraneous Riots/Civil Disorder/ Mob Attack Terrorism Sabotage Bomb Threat War / Hit by missiles Abduction Food Poisoning/ Water Poisoning Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 29 Faridabad district comes under seismic zone ‘4’ as per list of BMTPC 2006 (Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council). It means that there is always a probability of the earthquake in the district. Earthquake cannot be stopped, while the impact of the event could be minimized through creating awareness, preparedness and pre-management. Map of India showing earthquake zones enclosed as Annexure-4. 10.4 Consequences To study the flammable chemicals three radiation levels corresponding 1st , 2nd and 3rd degree have been considered. In case of explosion peak over pressure 0.02, 0.14 and 2.0 bar have been considered. Neutral weather (class D) and wind speed 3 m/s and extremely stable (Class F) and low wind speed 1.5 m/s have been considered in consequences analysis. Catastrophic failure of HSD, SKO and MS Storage tanks, Railway wagon and maximum length of pipeline (between two valves) failure scenario has been conducted in consequences analysis. The results of consequences analysis is as under: Summary late pool fire S Scenario N 1. 2. 3. 4. Catastrophic failure of HSD tank (TK-5) Catastrophic failure of MS tank (TK-2) Catastrophic failure of SKO tank (TK-9) Catastrophic failure of LPG storage vessel at neighboring BPCL, LPG plant Maximum Downwind distance (m) Stability Class D (3 m/s) Stability Class F (1.5 m/s) 5.0 10.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 2.0 Kw/m2 Kw/m2 Kw/m2 Kw/m2 Kw/m2 Kw/m2 186.31 124.47 73.08 179.69 115.30 70.05 266.25 160.86 89.85 251.68 147.98 86.59 160.59 102.64 56.55 152.19 93.17 53.83 2014.87 1304.22 906.47 2210.33 1421.39 988.08 Summary late explosion S N Scenario 1. Catastrophic failure of MS tank (TK-2) Catastrophic failure of LPG storage vessel at neighboring BPCL, LPG plant 2. Maximum Downwind distance (m) Stability Class D (3 m/s) Stability Class F (1.5 m/s) .02 Bar .14 Bar .20 Bar .02 Bar .14 Bar .20 Bar 624.47 386.63 380.60 1065.85 602.12 567.71 2675.69 692.802 536.075 2675.69 692.802 536.075 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 30 It may be seen from the vulnerable zone plotted on the layout plan enclosed as Annexure-5 that the hazard distance due to pool fire of catastrophic failure of largest capacity of HSD, SKO and MS tank does not goes beyond the plant boundary for 2 kw/m2 corresponding to First degree burn within 60 sec and for 5 kw/m2 corresponding to Second degree burn & 10 kw/m2 corresponding to Potentially lethal within 60 sec is also within plant boundary for all the scenarios. It may be seen from the vulnerable zone plotted on the area map enclosed as Annexure-5 that the hazard distance due to fire ball of catastrophic failure of LPG bullet of largest capacity (1350 MT filling capacity 85%) goes up to 2.5 Km for the 2 kw/m2 corresponding to First degree burn within 60 sec. The hazard distances are also reached up to BPCL Oil installation for the 10 kw/m2 corresponding to Third degree burn within 60 sec. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 31 11.0 EMERGENCY MITIGATION MEASURES 11.1 Basic requirements of ERDMP Schedule–III 1. Location Plan of the Installation indicating sitting of the installation at neighboring details up to a distance of 2 kms from the installation in each direction. Annexure-1 2. Site plan of the installation showing a complete layout of the installation indicating boundary walls, exit and entry gates and location of various facilities Annexure-2 3. Layout of Fire Water Systems and Fire Fighting Equipment details Annexure-6 4. Line block diagram of manufacturing process and Process Flow Diagram (PFD) of each unit Annexure-7 5. Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for all hazardous chemicals stored, handled, produced and transported in the installation Annexure-3 6. Internal Emergency Contact Numbers. Annexure-8 7. External Emergency contact numbers and addresses of police, fire station, hospitals, mutual aid industry, factory inspectors, Board, State Pollution Control Board, Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization (PESO), etc. Annexure-9 8. Pipeline route map and details of various facilities such as sectionalizing Valve (SV), intermediate Pigging (IP) stations, intermediate pumping stations (IPS) across pipeline route. Annexure-11 9. Addresses and Telephone Directory of Technical Support Services such as Environmental Laboratories, fire fighting chemical suppliers, public and private consultant associated with emergency handling and Aviation Medical Services Annexure-10 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 32 11.2 Resource Mobilization Schedule IV Resource Mobilizations (Men and Equipment) S.N. Total Requirement Available with Installation BPCL, IOCL, LPG Lube Plant Blending Unit MANPOWER Regular employees – shift wise Security staff Personnel Trained in first aid Others ( Technicians / Helpers ) FIRE FIGHTING APPLIANCES/ EQUIPMENT/ CHEMICALS Fire Tenders/ Fire fighting engines Water storage capacity 1 2 3 4 5 6 GAIL Piyala Balmer Lawire District Fire Service 28 113 87 40 150 20 1 11 4 30 22 42 94 26 30 15 08 35 30 19 20 8 5 16 5 Nil 12 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 3 1 /6 Nil Nil 3 Nil Nil Nil 3 Nil Nil 3 KL Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 12 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 3 KL 12 KL/ 5KL/ 3 KL 12 8 4 Nil 0.500 5900 KL +4600 10,300 (Under Construction KL 2200 KL 300 KL 90,000KL (Reservoi rs) 32 60 32 8 Nil 4 Nil Nil 5 KL Fire Hoses Jet/Fog/Spray Nozzles Foam Branch Jumbo Jet Nozzles Foam Compound ( KL ) SAFETY EQUIPMENTS PVC Suit 130 60/4/4 4 NIL 28 KL 205 100/5 Nil Nil Nil 50 30 Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil Nil 10 Nil 1 Nil Nil Compressed air B.A. Set Refill Cylinders for B.A. Set Cascade B.A Set Fire Proximity Suit COMMUNICATION Walkie-Talkie Public Address System Megaphone TRANSPORT Jeeps Cars Ambulance Trucks Buses Tractors Boats Mobile Cranes MISCELLANEOUS Ropes ( Metres ) 3 6 1 (Low Temp. Suit) 1 2 1 1 Nil Nil 12 12 Nil Nil 1 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil 1 Nil 2 Nil Nil Nil 6 Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil 21 1 1 21 1 2 16 1 1 Nil Nil Nil 5 2 1 7 Nil Nil 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 300 25 60 100 1 Nil Nil Nil 100 50 200 5 Nil 1 1 10 20 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 30 15 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 60 90 100 1 Nil Nil Nil 10 4 20 Nil Nil Nil Nil 5 5 10 Nil Nil 1 Nil 20 10 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 5 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Empty drums Buckets Sand bags Dewatering pump Pneumatic pump Photo Camera Video Camera 7 Available with Neighbouring Units AviNTPC Gateway Oil Rail EQUIPMENTS FOR Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 33 CORPS DISPOSAL Light Metal Stretchers Tarpauline 12‟ X 12” Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Rope fibre 3/8” Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Bucket Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 4 2 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 6 Rubber gloves 8 Nil Nil LIST OF EMERGENCY DRUGS and APPLIANCES Canvas Stretcher 1 5 1 1 2 Nil 1 Nil Nil Oxygen Cylinder Nil Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil 1 Nil Nil Sterlite Bandages 7 10 8 5 30 3 Cotton Sterilised 10 Pkt. 20 Pkt. 5 Pkt 3 Pkt 10 Pkt 3Pkt 1 1 Pkt 5 3 3 Pkt 6 Pkt Antibiotics Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Analgesties Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Sedatives Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Tetanus Toxoid Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 7 sets 10 Sets Nil Nil 10 Sets Nil Nil Nil 3 sets Sterilisers Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Autoclave for sterlising Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Dressing Instruments Instruments, dressing B.P. Apparatus Nil 1 Nil Nil 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Suction Apparatus Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil I.V.Set Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Antishock drugs Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Gluco Saline Set Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Gluco Saline Bottle Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 11.3 Incident preventing measures and procedures: i. Safety Policy: As per the legal requirement of section 7-A (3) and 41-B (2) of Factories Act 1948 (as amended to date). Installation has a written Safety, Health and Environment policy at corporate level. This policy as such adopted at Installation level. The policy has been prepared as per the guideline of the statuary requirement. All the workers known the policy, it is also displayed in various conspicuous places to ensure that policy is well drawn and known to all employees ii. Design of the Installation is such that no significant amount of material arises from the loading operations, storage tanks, filling gantry and administrative blocks are designed as per the latest and standard of Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD). Installation is reasonably far away from as possible from public road and population area. The location plan of the Installation enclosed as Annexure-1. The layout of the Installation and tank form is accordance with the Petroleum Act and the design is approved by the Chief Controller of Explosive (CCE). It is based on the vast experience collected over the years for petroleum Installations and provides for generous margin of safety. The layout specifies aspects such as the maximum capacity of tankage within a bound enclosure, the bound wall design, the inter distances, tank to boundary wall distance, area classification etc. In addition, the following point is also considered: - Adequate spacing is provided for maintenance, operations, and fire fighting. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP - - EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 34 Storage tanks are reasonably far away from as possible from the Installation boundary, public road and population area. Bound wall is provided around sides of the storage tanks with concrete flooring of the ground with some slope. Grading of the ground under meat is leveled so as to direct spillage away to a shallow sump away from the tanks. Only piping associated with the storage tanks is located within the storage areas or between the storage area and the manifold system. No pumps are located in the bounded enclosure. All lighting and electrical fixtures in the hazardous areas are flameproof. The inter distance between facilities in the Installation is as under: SN Facilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Between tanks Between tank & pump house Between tank farm & TLF between tank and fire water pump house Between storage tanks & dyke wall Between pump house & sub station Between storage tanks & compound wall Between TLF & office Recommended as per OISD (m) 06 08 30 60 08 15 20 60 Actual (m) 10 50 60 175 10 200 60 150 iii. Safety committee: Plant has safety committee having equal numbers of members of workers and management. Safety Committees meeting are held in once in every three-month. The recommendations of the Safety Committee meeting are implemented through the respective concerned officer. The progress is discussed in the next meeting and checked in the daily round. The minutes of the safety committee meetings are circulated among the members both ‘management representatives’ as well as ‘workers representatives’. iv. Safety audits: Safety audits is a well recognized tool to improve the effectiveness of safety program and loss prevention measures by carrying out systematic and critical appraisal of potential safety hazards involving personnel, plant and equipment. General guidelines on safely audit methodologies and techniques are also given in OISD (Oil Industry Safety Directorate) standards. The frequency of audits is given below: Daily inspection conducted by Sr. Manger I/C Weekly safety round conducted by the Dy. Manager (HSE), the observations is noted in a set format “Weekly Safety Round Check List”. OSID and BPCL Regional Office and State office also carried out periodic safety audit of the Installation. Annual external safety audit conducted by outside expert agency v. Work permit system: Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 35 A work permit system is followed in the Installation for covering hot work, cold work, tank/ vessel entry, excavation, and related maintenance work. The permit is approved by an authorized person, prior to carrying out the hot jobs in the hazardous areas of the Installation. The permit details out the precautionary measures to be taken to complete the job safely. The permit is initiated by, approved by and carried out and signed off by authorized representatives of the Installation. vi. Early warning alarm system: High Level alarms, High Pressure alarm, High temperature alarm and other safety instruments are installed at conspicuous places with indication in the control room. vii. Inbuilt interlocks system: Tripping and interlocking devices such as non-returning valve (NRV), remote operated valves (ROVs) and other various emergencies tripping system such as high pressure & high temperature etc. installed at conspicuous places with indication in the control room. viii. Fire Protection & HSE Management system: Installation has a well-organized fire & safety management system. The entire fire & safety provisions made available in the plant such as hydrant lines, fire extinguishers, backup power etc. All the fire fighting system and equipment are designed as per the OISD standard. Availability of resources in the Installation as per schedule-IV of PNGRB, Regulations 2010 under Regulation 11.2 & 17. ix. Do’s and don’t, map showing escape route & assembly point displayed at the main entry gate. Instructions for visitors in case of emergency/drill also displayed at main gate. All the standby equipments and DG set are checked periodically and record is maintained in log book. x. Safety MIS system is established. Unit sends monthly safety reports including Exception reports to Corporate SHE department who issues monthly HSE report for whole organization. xi. All standby equipment’s are operated periodically and checked as per specified schedule. Warning system, first aid & definitive treatment methods, evacuation procedures are tested periodically. xii. Check list points for incident prevention measures as per Check list – 2. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 36 12.0 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS MEASURES Following emergency preparedness measures are followed by the Installation to handle emergency 12.1 Emergency drills and mock exercises (a) To evaluate t h e thoroughness a n d effectiveness o f this ERDMP, Emergency drills and mock exercises conducted periodic table top exercises full-scale or announced, and unannounced drills. Drills may conduct on the night shifts, change shifts as well as during the day as mandated under regulation 12.1 (e). (b) In emergency management time is very important, the initial few minutes are critical and timely action may contain the emergency. For persons to perform quickly their assigned roles, it is essential that each individual should be made aware of emergency rehearsals which will impart procedures and their individual roles through proper training. In each fire and mock drill emergency scenarios and area are different to cover maximum scenario of emergency e.g. fire, explosion, or toxic agent release. (c) The warning system, first aid, evacuation procedures and the definitive treatment procedures would all be tested periodically. (d) In on site emergency drill out site observers and participation such as police, fire bridge ambulance service, civil defence and mutual aid group are invited. (e) Testing and mock drills for onsite emergency plan will be carried once in three months and for offsite emergency plan twelve months. (f) Mock Drills on “Off-site emergency action” has been conducted with the consent of and under the guidelines of District Collector for surrounding MAH industries. (g) On completion of the mock drill rehearsal, the debriefing meeting chaired by Officer Incharge (Sr. Manager I/C) of the unit is conducted to ensure the efficacy of the rehearsal and to discuss the observations. Recommendations/observations received from the observers in this regards are complied with time bound schedule. (h) Fire drill will be conduct every month and mock drill as per on site emergency plan is conduct once every quarter. Observation of mock drill are recorded and rectified within 24 hours. Mock drill results are reviewed by Officer In-charge and reports communicated to Factory Inspector. (i) Check Points for mutual aid and mock drills are given at Check list - 3. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 37 12.2 Training 1) An ERDMP shall be easier to use if training material and general philosophy on emergency prevention and control are kept separate from the working plan. (2) (i) Monthly training will be imparted to all the personnel likely to be involved directly or indirectly to the emergencies including employees, contract workers, transport crew and security personnel. (ii) Contract personnel and contract labour will be allowed to start work only after clearance of attending safety training. Critical Safety Campaigns are being conducted monthly on various safety topics circulating by Dy. Manager-HSE by involving all Employees, Contract Employees and Security Personnel. (3) Refresher training shall be conducted at regular intervals. (4) Special training for tank truck crew will be imparted for the fulfillment of requirement Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 pertaining to dangerous or hazardous good transport. 12.3 Mutual Aid We have written mutual aid scheme with neighboring industries viz. M/s BPCL Piyala LPG Plant, Piyala, M/s Indian Oil – Lube Blending Unit, Piyala, M/s Avi-Oil, Piyala, M/s Balmer Lawire, Piyala. The list of mutually agreed equipment and material as per schedule-IV of PNGRB Regulations 2010 given in this report at Clause No 11.2. We are committed to attend any incidents involving road transport vehicle near our installation on getting information by civic authorities even in absence of mutual aid agreement with the consignor. To make the emergency plan a success, the following exchange of information amongst the member organizations of mutual aid association is considered essential: (i) The types of hazards in each installation and fire fighting measures. (ii) List of all the installations or entities falling along the routes of transport vehicles carrying petroleum or petroleum products. (iii) The type of equipment, that would be deployed and procedure for making the replenishment. (iv) Written procedures which spell out the communication system for help and response. This is also required to get acquainted with operation of different firefighting equipment available at mutual aid members and compatibility for connecting at users place. (v) Familiarization of topography and drills for access and exit details carried out by mutual aid members. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 38 13.0 RESPONSE PROCEDURES AND MEASURES (a) Zoning and Maps The Site Plan and layout plan enclosed as Annexure-1& 2 showing the Incident prone area, assembly points and emergency control room. (b) Layout/Flow Diagram Layout plan enclosed as Annexure-2 and Flow diagram & P&I diagram for different activities such as lines, filling system shows isolation valves, NRV etc. enclosed as Annexure-7. (c) Manpower data The total manpower will be 26 nos. (Management 13 nos., Non Management 13 nos.), and security staff is 25 nos.. The Shift Timing is as under: Shift A Shift B Shift C General Shift : : : : 06:00 AM – 02:00 PM 02:00 PM – 10:00 PM 10:00 PM – 06:00 AM 09:00 AM – 05:30 PM Check points on ERDMP response measures are given at Check list- 4 Emergency and disaster response of Level I & II will be conducted according to established operating procedures will be used to manage the event. For this purpose the plan will be identify an emergency response organization with appropriate lines of authority with succession planning and actuating the response management. Following emergency organization structure will be established for tackling any emergency of Level-I & II. In case emergency goes beyond the plant premises immediate inform to District Authority/District Crises Group for the actuation of Offsite emergency plan. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 39 14. EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION & RESPONSIBILITIES Detailed information on roles and responsibilities of various coordinators and other employees and action to be taken in case of emergency in BPCL Piyala Installationis provided in this clause. The success of control of an emergency situation depends upon the timely action by the key personnel of the organization. Emergency Response Organization: Overall objectives of an emergency response organization shall be such as to: a) b) c) d) e) f) Promptly control problems as they develop at the scene. Prevent or limit the impact on other areas and off-site. Provide emergency personnel, selecting them for duties compatible with their normal work functions wherever feasible. Follow Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) laid down for all types of emergencies. Employees must assume additional responsibilities as per laid down procedure of ERDMP whenever an emergency alarm sounds. In setting up the organization, the need for round-the-clock coverage shall be essential. Shift personnel must be prepared to take charge of the emergency control functions or emergency shutdown of system, if need be, until responsible personnel arrive at the site of emergency. The organization should have an alternate arrangement for each function. 14.1 Emergency organization Structure Role of key personnel is clearly defined to avoid confusion and to meet the emergency effectively. The Chief Incident Controller and the Site Incident Controller are two main positions for effective control of an emergency at site. They shall be supported by Emergency Management Team comprising of technical resources from Operations & Maintenance, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, civil, communications, technical services etc. Fire & Safety, Security, HR (Personnel & Administration), Finance & Accounts, personnel shall also take due roles & responsibilities. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 40 Affected Stake Holders and Government Authorities Municipal transport rescue and rehabilitation team Police Services Off-site Incident Controller (District Collector) Medical Services & Ambulance Fire Brigade Services CHIEF INCIDENT CONTROLLER Sr Manager I/c Anil Srivastava Alternate: Manager‐Ops 1. Sh. Manoj Patoa 2. Sh. Vikas Rastogi Mutual Aid SITE INCIDENT CONTROLLER Index Level‐I: Level‐II: Level‐III: Manager‐Ops 1. Sh. Manoj Patoa 2. Sh. Vikas Rastogi Alternate: Dy.Manager‐Ops‐ Sh. K.P.Singh Dy.Manager‐HSE‐ Sh. Yogesh Chinchole Administrative & communication Team In Charge: Assistant Manager-Ops Sh. Rajinder Kanojia Alt. In charge: Executive Ops Sh. Swapnil Srivastava Fire Combating Team In Charge: Dy.Manager-HSE Sh.Yogesh Chinchole Alt. In charge: Executive Ops Sh. Shobhit Kumar Yadav Auxiliary Team In charge- Executive Ops Sh. Anoop Kumar Sharma Alt. Incharge : Executive Ops Sh. Amber Zaidi Following coordination functions are not nominated separately but assigned to members of auxiliary services. i. ii. iii. iv. Human resources and Welfare Services Transport and Logistic Services Media and Public relations Operation and technical Coordination Emergency organization Structure off office hours Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 41 CHIEF INCIDENT CONTROLLER Sr. Manager I/c SITE INCIDENT CONTROLLER Police Services Manager‐Ops Fire Services INCIDENT CONTROLLER MAIN GATE SURITY GURAD Communication Chief TT PARKING GUARD - Fire Combating Chief PATROLING GUARD Auxiliary Chief SIDING GUARD On Holiday or after the closure of Installation or during the night incident controller (main gate security guard) inform to SIC as well as CIC. To inform local Police Station & police control room & fire service by phone/mobile. Try to control the fire by operating fire extinguisher/hydrant. 14.2 Role and Responsibilities 14.2.1 Chief Incident Controller (CIC): Sr. Manager I/C (Sh. Anil Srivastava) Alternate: Manager-Ops 1. Sh. Manoj Kumar Patoa 2. Sh. Vikas Rastogi The Chief Incident Controller (CIC) will have overall responsibility to protect personnel, site facilities, and the public before, during, and after an emergency or disaster. The CIC will be present at the main emergency control centre for counsel and overall guidance. Responsibilities of the Chief Incident Controller will include the following:a. preparation, review and up-dation of the ERDMP a s p e r g u i d e l i n e o f PNGRB Regulation 2010; b. assessment of situation and declaration of emergency; c. mobilization of main coordinators and key personnel; d. activation of Emergency Control Centre; e. taking decision on seeking assistance from mutual aid members and external agencies like Police, Fire Brigade, Hospitals etc.; f. continuous review of situation and decide on appropriate response strategy; g. taking stock of casualties and ensure timely medical attention; h. ensuring correct accounting and position of personnel after the emergency; i. ordering evacuation of personnel as and when necessary; j. taking decision in consultation with District Authorities when an Off-site emergency to be declared. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 42 14.2.2 Site Incident Controller (SIC): Manager-Ops 1. Sh. Manoj Kumar Patoa 2. Sh. Vikas Rastogi Alternate: Manager-Ops- Sh. Hirender Singh Negi Dy.Manager-HSE- Sh. Yogesh Chinchole The Site Incident Controller will directly report to Chief Incident Controller. Responsibilities of the Chief Incident Controller will include the following:a. will maintain a workable emergency control plan, establish emergency control centers, organize and equip the organization with ERDMP and train the personnel; b. will take quick decisions and taking full charge at the time of emergency. c. will communicate to the Emergency Control Centre where it can coordinate activities among groups; d. will be responsible for ensuring that appropriate local and national government authorities are notified, preparation of media statements, obtaining approval from the CIC and releasing such statements once approval received; e. will also ensure the response to the incidents or the emergencies, as the case may be, is in line with entity procedures, coordinating business continuity or recovery plan from the incident. He must ensure next of kin are notified in a timely manner; f. will also co-ordinate if any specialist support is required for the above purpose; and g. will decide on seeking assistance of mutual aid members and external agencies like police, fire brigade, hospital etc. 14.2.3 Administration and Communication Team: In Charge: Assistant Manager-Ops Rajinder Kanojia Alt. In charge: Executive Ops Rohit Lihite Responsibilities of the administration and communication in-charge will include the following:a. to coordinate with mutual aid members and other external agencies; b. to direct them on arrival of external agencies to respective coordinators at desired locations; c. to activate the medical centre and render first aid to the injured. Arrange ambulance and coordination with hospitals for prompt medical attention to casualties; d. to ensure head counts at assembly points; e. to arrange procurement of spares for fire fighting and additional medicines and drugs; f. to mobilize transport to various teams for facilitating the response measures; g. to monitor entry and exit of personnel into and out of premises; h. to ensure only authorized personnel enter into the premises; i. to regulate the flow of traffic into and out of premises and control the mob outside, if any, with the assistance of the police; j. to provide administrative and logistics assistance to various teams; and k. to arrange evacuation as directed by the chief incident controller, and in coordination with the civil authorities like police, panchayat / municipal authorities etc. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 43 14.2.4 Fire Combating Team In Charge: Dy.Manager-HSE (Yogesh Chinchole) Alt. In charge: Executive Ops ( Amber Zaidi) Responsibilities of the in- charge of Fire Combating Team will include the following:a. to activate emergency sirens as per the practiced codes; b. to take charge of all fire fighting and rescue operations and safety matters; c. to ensure that key personnel are called in and to release crew of fire fighting operations as per emergency procedure; d. assess functioning of his team and communicate with the CIC and or administrative controller for any replenishment or, replacement of manpower or firefighting equipment; e. direct the fire brigade personnel and mutual aid members to their desired roles as also proper positioning of the manpower and equipment; f. to decide the requirement of mutual aid and instruct fire station, who, in turn will contact mutual aid members; g. to coordinate with outside fire brigades for properly coordinated fire fighting operation; h. to ensure that casualties are promptly sent to first aid centre /hospital; i. to arrange requirement of additional fire fighting resources including help from mutual aid partners; j. ensure empty and loaded trucks are removed to safer area to the extent possible so as not to affect emergency handling operations; k. continually liaise with the SIC and or CIC and implement the emergency combat strategies as communicated by him; and l. ensure adequate hydrant pressure in the mains and monitor water level in the reservoir. Note: In-charge of Fire Combating Team will wear identification jackets at the site of disaster so that he is clearly distinguished among fire fighting personnel and is visible from a distance. 14.2.5 Auxiliary Team In chargeExecutive Ops (Anoop Kumar Sharma) Alt. In charge- Executive Ops (Shobhit Kumar Yadav) Responsibilities of the in- charge of Auxiliary Team will include the following:a. to take immediately information from the in- charge of Fire Combating Team for required help (equipment, manpower etc.) and provide them; b. to safely shutdown all the operation (safely shutdown all the pumps, remove the hose pipe of TTs at TLF, remove the hose pipe of wagon and close the supply of electricity); c. to ensure that the tankers are fully/half loaded shifted at a safe place; d. to gather information regarding all personnel at the incident location and information about any casualties and or missing persons; e. to make arrangements for the timely notification of injured personnel at the incident site and their condition; f. to coordinate with first aider/ doctor, for making onward medical arrangement for casualties who have been evacuated from the incident location. g. to ensure that security guard to control the persons coming and going out from Installation and keep the way clean. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 44 Security Coordinator : Main Gate Security Guard The Security Co-ordinator reports to the Site Incident Controller and is responsible for security of the installation during any incident or emergency situation and for implementing the actions below: a. Obtaining an approved visitor list from the reception at main gate and ensuring that personnel on the list are escorted to Reception by security staff; b. Maintaining security of the office in the event of an office evacuation; c. Providing office security and assisting authorities in the event of civil unrest or when required organizing additional security at the emergency scene; d. Obtain initial briefing from Site Incident Controller and provide security information and status reports to Site Incident Controller e. Assume responsibility for any task delegated by Chief Incident Controller f. Assess the emergency, identify security specific problems and recommend solutions to Chief Incident Controller (a) Maintenance of ERDMP Record Dy. Manager HSE will be maintain ERDMP record for all kind of emergencies covering near Miss, Level-I, Level-II and Level-III. He will also maintain an Incident Record Register for the above purpose and post–disaster documentation like resources deployed, relief, rehabilitation measures and lesson learned to avoid re-occurrence of any such emergency. Administration and communication In-charge will maintains good public relations during emergency and gather accurate information and inquires from the media, government agencies, local organizations and the general public to the Site Incident Controller (SIC). After approval of CIC Site Incident Controller will Issue authorized statements to Press, Radio, TV etc. regarding the emergency and its possible impact on the surroundings to reducing the rumours and speculation. (b) Recorder Dy. Manager HSE will be maintain an accurate time record of key information received from the incident or emergency location and to record the actions initiated by the site incident controller and for implementing the emergency response actions below: to record key incident events/actions on incident status board; to maintain essential equipment checklist status; to ensure all status and information is up to date and correctly displayed; to take all necessary recorded material to the alternate ECC room in the event of emergency in main ECC room; and e. to maintain a log book. a. b. c. d. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 45 Communication Services (1) Administration and communication in-charge will ensure the following actions below: a. Ensuring the ECC equipment and systems are maintained to a high standard and remain functional throughout the emergency; b. Ensuring a back-up communication system is available such as mobile phones for outside communication and walky-talky. c. Providing quality and diverse communication systems for use in routine and emergency situations. COMMUNICATION FLOW CHART First Responder SCADA System Administrative & Communication team Crises Mgmt Group Public Employee/ Security Police MANAGEMENT TEAM (Head Operations, Head Maintenance, Head Technical, Head HSE, Head Security, Head (HR) Emergency Control Centre Fire Combating Team Auxiliary Team Site Incident Controller Fire Bridge, Police, Medical & Govt. authorities Chief Incident Controller Mutual Aid Members Index Level‐I: Level‐II: Level‐III: District Administration (2) Flow of Information a. Emergency Control Centre will receive the information form field either in person or from the various systems available in the installation. b. on receipt of information, the control room shift In-charge will actuate the ERDMP and notify the emergency to site incident controller; c. Control room shift in-charge will act as site incident controller till arrival of SIC/CIC. d. SIC or CIC depending upon the level of emergency will actuate the ERDMP and inform the concerned authorities as depicted above in the chart. The followings are the Essential persons of the Installation and their duties are as under: First Aiders - He will prepare plant dispensary readiness for emergency. He will provide first aid to the injured personnel and arrange to transfer to nearby hospitals, designated doctors & nursing homes. He will ensure that all the medicines are available in the first aid boxes. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 46 Electrician - He will disconnect the electric supply of the affected area. He will provide lighting in the affected area and keep generator ready, if required. Fire pump attendants On hearing the fire siren they will report at the pump house and will start activities as directed by the In-charge Fire Combating Team. Operators - He will shutdown the plant/equipment in a safe manner and will process to the emergency control room for further instructions. He will follow the instruction given by SIC/CIC. Responsibilities of the Non- Essential Workers The all non-essential workers, who have not been defined any role and duties in an emergency situation should not gather around the accident/incident site as this would result in a chaotic situation at the site. These people should remain at the assembly point and wait for instruction from the SIS/CIC, and when he requires their service. Siren Codes 1. The following Emergency siren/s will be located in the Installation to inform the people of emergency. These would be tested once in a week to keep them in working condition a. Electric siren 3 Km range: 01 no. b. Electric siren 1 Km range: 01 no. c. Hand operated siren: 07 nos. 2. Emergency siren code is as follows, namely a. Emergency Level-I & II: A wailing siren for two minutes. b. Emergency Level-III: Same type of siren as in case of Level – I and II but the same will be sounded for three times at the interval of one minutes i.e.( wailing siren 2min + gap 1 min + wailing siren 2min + gap 1min + wailing siren 2min) total duration of Disaster siren to be eight minutes. c. ALL CLEAR: Straight run siren for two minutes. d. TEST: Straight run siren for two minutes at frequency once a week. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 47 15.0 INFRASTRUCTURE 15.1 Emergency control centers (ECC) (1) Sr. Manager I/C room of the Installation designated as Emergency Control room. (a) ECC is away from potential hazard and provided maximum safety to personnel and equipment. (b) ECC will be constructed by reinforced concrete. (c) The ECC have two exits and adequate ventilation. (2) Following supplies and dedicated equipment are made available at the ECC a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. A copy of the ERDMP is made available. Maps and diagrams showing buildings, roads, process lines, drainage trenches, and utilities such as air, nitrogen, water and electricity are displayed. Maps showing the site, surrounding area, high-ways, rivers, etc. are displayed, Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of employees displayed. Updated lists of names, addresses, and telephone numbers of off-site groups and organizations are made available that might have to be contacted during emergency. Dedicated and reliable communication equipments are provided at the ECC. ECC has emergency lights and back up UPS power so that operations can continue in the event of power failure. Logbooks for recording the sequence of events have been provided to assist in investigating causes, evaluating performance, and preparing reports. ECC also has dedicated computer with LAN / internet facility to access the installation data and also it has the latest and updated soft copies of all standard operating practices (SOP) etc. 15.2 Assembly points 1. Emergency Assembly Point near the Administrative Office is pre-designated areas in safe zone as per quantitative risk assessment, where the personnel like workers, staff, contractor workers etc. not involved in emergency operations (as per ERDMP) shall assemble in case of an emergency. 2. Depending on the location of the emergency, the assembly point can vary. Accordingly for each potential hazardous zone, a specific assembly point is identified and clearly marked on the zones or maps. 3. All Designated assembly points are clearly marked with directional display board along the route. Routes are well lighted with florescent marking. 4. During an emergency, pre-designated persons would take charge of this point and take the roll call of the people reporting. Provisions are made for assembly points, communication and headcount facilities at assembly points, and personnel to control the movement of assembled employees. 5. Security coordinator will make head count for the persons present at the assembly points and will inform the SIC/CIC. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 48 16.0 DECLARATION OF ON-SITE AND OFF–SITE EMERGENCIES 1. An emergency starts as a small incident which may become a major incident with passage of time. At the initial stages, the emergency organization chart shall be put into action. If the incident goes beyond control the on-site emergency plan will be actuated by the chief incident controller at the appropriate stage as considered necessary. 2. During idle shift or holidays, the security personnel will combat the incident as per the ERDMP organization chart. 3. When emergency becomes catastrophic and evacuation beyond the plant premises is considered necessary by the chief incident controller, the situation will be handed over to district authority for implementing the off-site emergency plan. 4. The management of emergency henceforth has to be controlled by the district crisis management group under the supervision of the District Collector. 5. In addition to preparation of on-site emergency plan, furnishing relevant information to the district authorities for the preparation of off-site emergency plan is a statutory responsibility of the occupier of every industry handling hazardous substance Who should report the fire disaster and how: Any person in the pump station / tank farm who sees a fire or unsafe conditions anywhere in the station/tank farm should report it at once to the Control Room. Person reporting the fire / emergency should state the location at a prominent place to guide fire-fighting crew arriving on the scene. The man should try to attempt to mitigate the emergency, extinguish the fire with the equipment available nearby till arrival of fire fighting crew. He should draw the attention of nearby people by shouting ‘FIRE, FIRE, FIRE’. Declaration of the disaster Level 1& 2 disaster- The disaster is declared by the Chief Incident controller. Level 3 disaster- The disaster is declared by District Collector. Any untoward incident/emergency has to be reported either by person or through telephone/VHF or by any other means to the Location In-Charge (Sr. Manager)/Security Gate. The Location In-Charge (Sr. Manager I/C) shall act as per Roles & Responsibility defined in clause No.14.2. Incident Controller shall decide the nature of emergency [Level-I, Level-II & Level-III] and take appropriate action. In the event of Emergency, the same will be communicated to all Coordinators. All employees will report to nearest Assembly points as specified, on hearing the siren or getting the message over telephone/VHF. Maintenance personnel/Contract workmen working with machines also proceed for Assembly point after leaving the machine in safe condition. This plan has been developed to deal with emergency incidents which occur totally within the BPCL, Piyala Installation premises and which do not endanger the outside community. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 49 Emergency incidents will be classified by the level of response that will be required. The actual classification will be made by the Location-In-Charge (Sr. Manager I/C) or his nominee as information first becomes available on an incident. The level of response may change as more information becomes available or conditions change. Where information is lacking the worst case scenario will dictate the level of response. Level 1: Minor Emergency Incidents with minor release or leak of products or other emergency, which amounts to minimum spill or minimum release of volume, could poses a minor threat to the safety of employees, residents, the environment or property and can be safely contained On-Site, which doesn’t produce any off site impact and doesn’t seek any outside involvement. Level 2: Major Emergency Incidents with moderate release or leak of petroleum products handled or other emergency, which amounts to moderate spill or moderate release, could poses a moderate threat to the safety of employees residents, the environment or property which could have safely contained On-Site, could produce off site impact and could seek any outside involvement and could require outside resources. Level 3: Disaster Incidents with major release or leak of hydrocarbon products or other emergency, which amounts to large spill or large release of volume involved, could poses a total threat to the safety of employees, residents, the environment or property which produce off site impact and require large outside involvement & district outside resources. Termination of emergency period and restoration of normalcy period, which follows all clear sirens, shall also be declared by the “Chief Incident Coordinator” in case of Level-I and II. For level-III termination of emergency will be declared by District Authority through appropriate mode of information transfer so as to reach each and everyone. Emergency Action Plan for Emergency during Off- Shift Hours (Including Holidays): 1. 2. 3. During other than office hours (including holidays) the Security In-charge shall perform the duties of Site Incident Controller. Security at Visitor Gate shall also perform duties of Communication, Welfare & Medical, and Material Coordinator in addition to his normal duties till the arrival of the concerned coordinator. The Security in-charge in consultation with the site incident controller shall act upon depending on the situation till arrival of the concerned coordinators for effective handling of emergency. They shall take care of the safety of personnel, installation property etc. Safe operating procedures which are already in practice shall be followed. All other non-essential personnel whose roll is not defined in the action plan shall assemble at assembly points and wait for further instruction from CIC Control Room. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 50 17.0 RESOURCES FOR CONTROLLING EMERGENCY 17.1 In order to meet all possible emergencies, adequate number of resources and systems has been provided as per identified Risk level and also in compliance with statutory requirements under Factories Act, 1948 and other OISD regulations. 17.2 The available emergency control systems and facilities within the installation is as under: (a) Fire and gas detection system LEL Detectors and Manual Call Points are installed in the installation. Siren is kept in auto mode and will sound in case of operation of break glass unit/MCP. (b) Fire protection system (Active and Passive) Fire is classified basically on the basis of the combustible material involved in it as below: Type of Fire Class ‘A’ Fire (Combustible Solid) Materials Involved Ordinary combustibles as Wood, Cloth, Rubbish, Plastic, Paper. Inflammable substances as Oil, Mob, Benzoyl, Class ‘B’ Fire Solvent etc. And also all the fires, which occur in (Combustible Liquid) fast and vapour. Fire involving gases i.e. LPG, CNG, Synthetic Class ‘C’ Fire (Combustible Gases & Energized gas, Hydrocarbon Gases etc. and energized electrical equipment. Electrical Equipment ) Class ‘D’ Fire All Combustible metallic fire, Potassium, (Combustible Metal) Magnesium, Sodium etc. For Fires of: 1. Electric Origin, use only CO2 or dry chemical fire extinguishers to extinguish fire on or around electrical equipment. Do not use water or foam. 2. Do not extinguish a gas fire until the source of fuel has been cut off to avoid an explosive mixture being formed. Suitability of Fire Extinguishers: Types of Extinguishers Water Type Fire Extinguishers Foam Type Fire Extinguishers CO2 Fire Extinguishers Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers *Special type of DCP Class ‘A’ Suitable Unsuitable but will control small fires Unsuitable but will control small fires Unsuitable but will control small fires Class ‘B’ Class ‘C’ Class ‘D’ Unsuitable Unsuitable Unsuitable Suitable Unsuitable Unsuitable Suitable Suitable Unsuitable Suitable Suitable Suitable* Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 51 All Tanks are provided with fixed water & Fixed Foam Pourer system for cooling as well as combating tank fire during emergency as per OISD-117 &118 requirements for Oil installations. (c) Fire fighting systems Following fire fighting system available in the installation: SN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. FACILITIES Double headed hydrants Single headed hydrants Water Monitor Foam Monitor Fixed Type, MEFG Portable Type, MEFG Jet Nozzle Foam Branch Pipe Fog Nozzle Universal Nozzle Water Sprinkler System Foam Pourer System QUANTITY 68 nos. 04 nos. 34 nos. 38 nos. 04 nos. 02 nos. 60 nos. 02 nos. 02 nos. 02 nos. On all A/G Tanks On all A/G Tanks Wind Socks: Wind socks are installed for knowing wind direction during emergency. Adequate number of Wind Socks has been installed in at strategic locations such as Tank Form areas; TLF Shed etc. Portable Fire fighting Extinguishers: All the strategic location/areas of the installation, are covered with portable fire extinguishers for tackling fires at their incipient stage. The details of Fire Extinguishers is as under: SN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FACILITIES 10 Kg Fire Extinguishers 25 Kg Fire Extinguishers 50 Kg Fire Extinguishers 75 Kg Fire Extinguishers CO2 Type Fire Extinguishers QUANTITY 121 nos. 25 nos. 07 nos. 07 nos. 64 nos. Hydrants, Monitors & Hose Boxes: Entire installation premises & strategic processing areas are covered with hydrant point; water Monitor & Water Cum Foam Monitor System. Every hydrant point is provided with one hose box having two delivery hoses and one branch/Nozzles. Fire Water Network: Entire installation premise is covered with fire water Network to meet the emergency along with Monitors, High Range Monitors, Fire Hydrant points and water cum Foam Monitors at strategic points as per OISD-117 requirements. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 52 Installation has two verticals fire water tanks of capacity 5900 KL each & one underground tank of capacity 4200 KLas per OISD requirement for 4 hours capacity. Three fire engine of capacity 615 KL/Hr & 105 Meter head each and two numbers of jockey pump of capacity 20 KL/Hr. The fire engine header is kept pressurized with tank head. The remotest point on the water header has pressure of close to 7 Kg/cm3g. In case of power failure Installation has 04 nos. of D. G. sets of capacity 625 KVA, 250 KVA, 125 KVA & 25 KVA. (d) Ambulance facility in house, if not available then should be available on urgent call basis. One emergency vehicle available round the clock in the Installation used to shift injured person in nearest hospital on occurrence of any emergency. Ambulance shall be available on urgent call basis from the nearest hospital. (e) Rescue facilities and personal protective equipments (PPEs) Emergency Kit consists of listed emergency equipments required for rescue and control/arresting leakage in case of emergency in oil terminals & depots. The equipments shall be mounted on a compact light weight trolley. Emergency Kit shall be consisting of the following emergency equipments: S.No. 1 2 3 Item Fire proximity suit PVC suit Leak control kit 4 Petroleum product cleanup chemical 5 6 7 8 Quantity 1 set 2 sets Consisting of 1 no each of leak arresting pad, leakage control of external pipes, internal pipes, large external pipes upto 20 inch, drums / containers leakages, general purpose leakages, large hole leakages in storage tanks. Boom(5 inch dia , 3 mtr. Long) : 6 nos. Boom(3 inch dia , 3 mtr. Long) : 6 nos. Granular particles to absorb Oil : 20 Kg. Oil spill dispersant (water based) along with hand held spray nozzle. Non sparking tools Dispersant :40 litres Spray Gun with back pack : I set. Breathing apparatus set (40 minute duration) Emergency escape sets (15 minutes 2 sets One Set. 2 Sets Specification Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 53 duration) 9 10 11 Flame proof search light Mega phone ex-proof Hand siren with stand 12 2 nos 1 set 1 no 1 no. First aid box 13 14 Manual resuscitator 1 no 1 no Folding stretcher 15 16 17 18 19 Mechanical tool kit Cold / low temperature hand gloves Electrical rubber hand gloves Electrical tester Chemical/oil splash proof goggles Approx. range of 1.6 KMS nose, mouth, face plate, air bulb with oxygen inlet connection, nonreturn, nonbreathing human valves and first aid charge packed in a plastic bag Size 6 feet X 3 feet with tying belts & blanket. 1 set 4 Pairs 2 pair suitable for Electrical jobs upto 33000 Volts 1 no 4 nos. ANSI/CE marked Personnel protective equipment Sn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Facilities Quantity Safety Helmets Provided to each employ. Safety Shoes Provided to each employ Hand Gloves (Electrical Use) 02 Pairs Hand Gloves (Cold/Low Temp.) 04 Pairs Breathing Apparatus (40 Minute) 03 set. Emergency Escape Set (15 Minute) 02 set. Fire Proximity Suit 02 nos. PVC Suit 02 nos. Flame Proof Torch 04 nos. Hand Siren with Stand 05 nos. Petroleum Product Cleanup material 11. Boom-5”&3” dia 3 m long 06 nos. Granular Particle 20 kg. 12. Leak Control Kit Pillows-12 nos. 13. Oil Spill Dispersant with back sprayer 40 Liter 14. Manual Resuscitator 02 nos. 15. Chemical Splash Proof Goggles 04 nos. (f) First aid and medical facilities round the clock with availability of Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 54 minimum one nurse (24X7) and doctor in the first aid room. No separate first aid centre in the Installation. Facility of first aid available in administrative building. 02 numbers of first aid boxes are available in the Installation. A panel doctor available for all the employees (g) Communication facilities Installation equipped with communication facilities such as walkie-talkies and intercom telephone for communication within premises and P&T line with STD facility and personnel mobile phone for outside communication. (h) Escape route and evacuation zones Map showing escape route & assembly point are identified and displayed at the main entry gate. (i) Emergency shutdown system In case of emergency Installation will be shut down as per Standard Operation Procedure. 17.3 In case of emergency not handled by the plant personnel and required help of local agencies, SIC & CIC will communicate to following local agencies for assistance as per requirement and severity of emergency: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Fire Department Police Municipal and Provincial agencies Hospitals Doctors Other relevant company facilities Mutual aid organizations Co-operatives Helicopter and air transport services Surface transport services Safety and monitoring equipment suppliers Spill response and/or cleanup services Contact numbers is enclosed as Annexure-9. The mutual aid members are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. M/s BPCL Piyala LPG Plant, M/s Indian Oil – Lube Blending Unit, M/s Avi-Oil & M/s Balmer Lawire 17.4 Installations also determined type of resources such as equipment, personnel, technology, expertise, etc. provided by the respective governments under different conditions, in case Level-II emergency. 17.5 Availability of resources (internal/external) is attached as Check list – 6. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 55 18.0 DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION a. Neighboring population in 5 Km radius There is no major population residing around the Installation. The neighboring villages around the Installation are village Sagarpur, Jajru, Kali Goan, Sikri, Piyala, Sunped, Malerna, Softa, Dheeg, Khadholi, Bhanakpur. The approximate population around 5 km radius from the Installation is approximate 50,000. b. Housing colonies of industries BPCL, Piyala Installation is situated near Village Piyala. It is located on National Highway-2 (Delhi-Mathura Road) at a distance of about 2.5 Kms. in District. Faridabad, Haryana and about 45 Kms. from New Delhi. The main nearby town is Ballabhgarh. c. Sensitive institutions such as Schools, Old-age homes, Hospitals, religious establishments There are no such as Schools, Old-age homes, Hospitals, religious establishments around the Installation. d. Cattle & Livestock The major cattle found in this are area are cows, buffaloes and other live stock are goat, pigs and dogs. c. Flora & Fauna Mulberry, eucalyptus, pine, kikar, shisham and babul are some of the trees found here. The species of fauna found in this area are, nilgai, panther, fox, mongoose. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 56 19.0 MEDICAL FACILITIES (a) Facilities available at first aid centre Facility of first aid centre is 02 numbers of first aid boxes and a Panel doctor. One emergency vehicle available round the clock in the Installation used to shift injured person in nearest hospital on occurrence of any emergency. Details of first aid facilities available in first aid centre is as under I 1 2 3 II 1 3 4 5 III 1 2 3 Medical Staff Doctor Compounder Nurse Emergency Facilities Ambulance Beds Stretcher Wheel Chair Lab/ Test Equipment X-Ray Unit ECG Audiometer Spirometer Oxygen, Pulse Oxymeter Blood Analysis Equipment Qty 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 Remarks General Shift (9AM – 11.00AM) Weekly Twice Emergency Vehicle 0 0 0 0 0 0 (b) Details of trained persons in first aid in the plant All the employees of the Installation are trained in first aid. (c) & (d) Facilities available at identified hospitals and at other local hospitals The nearest medical facilities available in Faridabad District. The other medical facilities available from outer agencies are as follows: SN Name of Hospital 1. Sarvoday Hospital, Faridbad Approx. Distance from the Installation 14 Km 2. Government Hospital, Faridabad 15 Km 3. Escort Hospital, Faridabad 14 Km The contact numbers of hospitals is given in Annexure-9. Facilities available O.T. Burn Ward, Pathology etc. O.T. Burn Ward, Pathology etc. O.T. Burn Ward, Pathology etc. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 57 (e) Antidotes and emergency medicines No specific antidotes of petroleum product exposure, general medicine such as antiseptic, analgesic, Anti-Snake Venom etc available in the first aid centre. (f) & (g) Details of specialist doctors in the town and Details of hospital in nearby cities The other local hospitals available in nearby cities are given below and specialist doctors are available in these hospitals. SN 1. Name of Hospital Kalra Child Care Centre 2. QRG Central Hospital & Research Centre 3. Centre for Sight-Faridabad 4. Metro Heart Institute 5. 7. Asian Institute of Medical Sciences Sun Flag Hospital & Research Centre Gupta Hospital 8. Handa Medical Centre 9. R. K. Hospital 10. S.V.Nursing Home 11. Nagpal Maternity & Orthopaedic Hospital 6. Address 1485,Sector-15, Opp.Telephone Exchange, Faridabad Vivekananda Hospital Campus, Sector-16, Faridabad At Sunflag Hospital, Sector16 A, Faridabad SEC-16A, Faridabad Sector-21 A, Near Badkal Flyover, Faridabad Sector-16A, Faridabad Mohna Road, Ballabgarh, Faridabad site no:1, sector-16, Faridabad 3c/59, Near ESI Hospital, Faridabad 1-G, 49, B.P.NIT, Opp. Bal Bhawan NIT. Faridabad 1-C-62 N.H., N.I.T Faridabad Contact nos. 0129- 2280265 0129- 4280300 0129-4004441/2 0129-5002517-18, 2263590, 4277777 0129- 4253020 01294199000,2263584/85/86 0129- 2248439 0129-2291847 0129-2413430,2423430 0129-2416240/ 98104 45953 0129- 3293066 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 58 20.0 EVACUATION 20.1 Planning and training on evacuation techniques are important in preventing injuries. Evacuation of local communities or people near the site may be prudent depending on the situation and down-wind dispersion information etc. Although this action will normally be initiated and handled by district authorities, the affected installation shall help to implement such evacuation 20.2 Evacuation Plan (a) Basis for recommending on-site or off-site actions CIC continuous monitor the situation and assume and take decision of evacuation if required. Evacuation of the communities or people near the site depending on the situation are handled by the district authorities, in-charge administration and communication team coordinate with district authorities in such evacuation. (b) Authorize person for area or site evacuation In case situation is beyond the control of plant personals CIC take decision to evacuate plant personnel at safe place (assembly point) for further direction. SIC give instruction to In-charge of all the team members to go to designated assembly point for further action. SIC will decide the evacuation route depends on wind direction. Security coordinator will make head count for the persons present at the assembly points and will inform the SIC/CIC for any missing person. SIC will organize the rescue team for the person left behind, which will go from section to section with proper protective appliance in order to remove entrapped person. Rescue operation will be carried out by the Incident Control personnel immediately attending to the emergency. The above operations will be led by the Site Incident Controller. The list of casualties etc. shall be reported to the Chief Incident Controller at site. Casualties will be shifted to hospital. Evacuation of those personnel who are not required to be present will be carried out in consultation with site incident controller. When required, all personnel shall proceed to assembly points through designated routes. All team coordinators will ensure that the employees nominated by them from their respective Sections must report at emergency site to extend their support to Team Coordinators (c) Mode of communication The Installation has developed the communication system for making the emergency to the following personnel: - Those inside the works The outside emergency services Key personnel outside normal working hours To authorities/contact persons of the neighbouring factories By PA System/Walkie Talkie By Telephone (P & T)/Mobile Phone By Telephone (P & T) /Mobile Phone By Telephone (P & T) /Mobile Phone (d) Training in locating exits from buildings, areas and the site Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 59 Escape route, exist and marking towards exist are shown on the map and displayed at the main entry gate. Before entry in the installation contract labour, drivers and cleaner and visitors will be trained and all the company employee also trained. When officially told to evacuate, leave by the nearest exit and alert others to do the same. (e) Location of escape equipment Installation does not have escape equipment it can be arrange from outside agencies if required. (f) Provisions for flashlights or other supplemental lighting Installation has the provision of battery operation emergency lighting system for the Emergency Control Centre and for critical equipment. Installation also has portable battery operated flashlight and torch. (g) Which areas can function as safe area. Emergency Control Centre and assembly points are the safe area in the installation. (h) Moving crosswind from gas or fume releases, etc. Wind shocks are provided for the monitoring of wind direction. (i) Provision of food and drinking water at assembly point and transfer point. Auxiliary team makes arrangement of Food and water at Assembly points for assembled persons 20.3 If evacuation takes place after initial head counts are reported, means for recounting may be necessary. Where it is safe to do so, areas being evacuated should be thoroughly searched to ensure everyone has departed safely. Portable mobile vehicle for announcement should be available in the emergency. All Team In-charges/Security will provide the exact head count details (Installation Employees) during the emergency. Accounting for site personnel, visitors and contractors, particularly those known to have been in the affected area will be done. Figures of contract labor may vary depending upon day and time, but the exact figure (inside Installation) will be available at main gate (Security Department keeps record of contract person/ visitor etc. who have entered inside Installation). Total number of persons available at site shall be calculated from above. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 60 21.0 INFORMATION TO PUBLIC Installation has Electrical operated Emergency siren/s, which gives an immediate warning to the people inside and outside the factory premises and informs the people of emergency. General Dos & don’ts as well as in case of emergency displayed at the main gate. Slogans and instruction for the outside public and neighboring population are displayed on the boundary wall of the Installation. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 61 22.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF STAKEHOLDERS INCLUDING EXTERNAL AGENCIES 22.1 The role and responsibilities of stakeholders including external agencies such as District Authority, police, fire service, revenue department, health department, pollution control board, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), have been detailed in Off site emergency Plan, which will be developed by the District authority. CIC will provide all the required information such as list of hazardous chemical and systems which have potential to cause danger to human, environment and property and a copy of On Site Emergency Plan and report of periodic mock drill to the district authority for the development and updation of Off Site Emergency plan. 22.2 In brief the role and responsibilities of stakeholders a s p e r s c h e d u l e - V a r e a s under: a. The district authority is responsible for the Off-Site emergency plan and it will be equipped with up-to-date Major Accident Hazard units, website, control room etc., with provisions for monitoring the level of preparedness at all times. Regular meetings of various stakeholders of Chemical Disaster Management will be conducted by district administration/District Disaster Management Authority to review the preparedness of Chemical Disaster Management. b. The police will be an important component of all disaster management plans as they will be associated with investigation of incident s/disasters. Police take overall charge of the Off-Site situation until the arrival of the district collector or its representative at the scene. c. The fire services are one of the first responders and will be adequately trained and equipped to handle chemical emergencies. Fire services are to acquire a thorough knowledge of likely hazards at the incident site and the emergency control measures required to contain it. d. In a chemical emergency, the revenue department shall coordinate with other agencies for evacuation, establishment of shelters and provision of food, etc. e. When required for evacuation purposes in a chemical emergency, the department of transport would made transport promptly available. f. The health department needs to assure that all victims get immediate medical attention on the site as well as at the hospitals/health-care facility where they are shifted. In addition, the department needs to network all the health-care facilities available in the vicinity for effective management and also take effective measures to prevent the occurrence of any epidemic. g. Pollution control boards need to ascertain the developing severity of the emergency in accordance with responsive measures by constant monitoring of the environment. If and when an area is fit for entry will depend upon the results of the monitoring. A decontamination operation would be required to be carried out with the help of other agencies and industries. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 62 h. The NDRF and SDRF are the specialized forces to manage these disasters in a longer run according to the severity and nature of the disaster. Their specialized training is an effective measure that needs to be built up and maintained with time for achieving a higher standard of preparedness. They need to coordinate with other local agencies such as the Central Industrial Security Force that may be responsible for security at the industrial site. i. The role of civil society and private sector in the Off- site plan is as under: Assistance may be required from outside agencies during the course of an emergency & SICs will be responsible for establishing liaison with these agencies for effective assistance. Deputy Collector, Police & Fire Brigade To inform BPCL about leak / burst on the Mainline when the Public brings it to their notice. In case of Oil or Product Spillage, to ensure security at site to cordon off the areas and post guards for preventing the villagers going near the site of the spillage. In case of fire, mobilization of Foam Tenders and Crew from local Fire Stations. For deployment of Home Guards , if necessary Traffic Control and Diversion Wireless Communication facilities. Evacuation of Civilian Population, if necessary Maintenance of communication with the public Assistance required from irrigation authorities Stopping of the water flow in case of the mainline leak / burst of the pipeline in the area of his jurisdiction. To make available earth-moving equipments like bulldozers, drag line etc. for making approach road and constructing bunds in the canal / river for containing the spread of products for reclaiming the same. Assistance required from PWD authorities For constructing any temporary diversion. For repair of any damage to Roads or Bridges. Assistance for mobilizing equipment labour contractors (s) for de-watering the canal, exposing the line and digging Bore-wells etc. for carrying out of the repairs. Assistance required from railways Equipment like mobile Crane etc. for the repair of the pipeline across the Railway Bridge shall be provided. Re-scheduling of the train movement to facilitate the repair of the line. Stoppage of the movement of trains driven by stream or diesel engines if there is Oil or product spillage around the track. Information to public /BPCL about the leak / burst on the mainline when the train staff bridges it to the notice of Railway Station Master. Railway communication facilities to convey important message at the time of crisis. Assistance required from neighbouring industry (mutual aid partners) Mutual Aid Members will render the help at the time of emergency. They will mobilize the Equipments, Manpower, etc. to mitigate the loss due to disaster or accident. They will provide support to combat the disaster situation in an efficient way and will provide. Fire Tender and Crew F/F material, First Aider, their hospital facilities if any. Technical expertise, communication facilities, vehicles as required. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 63 23.0 REPORTING OF THE INCIDENT i). All the incident of level-I will be maintained by the Dy. Manager (HSE) for inspection whenever called for inspection and Level-II and Level-III including miss incident report send to the Board in the specified format (Schedule-VI) with in 48 after occurrence of incident or any other reason triggering major incident. ii). Investigation report of all major incidents will be submitted to the Board. An incident will be treated as Major if any of the following occurs: (a.) (b.) (c.) (d.) (e.) (f.) (g.) fire for more than 15 minutes explosion / blowout fatal incident loss above Rs. 10.0 Lac cumulative man hours lost more than 500 hrs. plant shutdown / outage due to the incident Level-III incident Any incidents in the location has to be reported to the concerned authority based on the guidelines of the regulation & the format as given below: Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 64 SCHEDULE – VI Incident reporting format 1. Organisation 3. Location 5. Date of Incident 7. Major / Minor / Near miss 9. Fire / Incident 2. Sector 4. Incident Sr. No. 6. Time of Incident 8. Report Preliminary / Final 10. Duration of fire Hrs / Min 11. Type of Incident with loss of life / injury, Fire, Explosion, Blowout, Electrocution, Fall from Height, Inhalation of Gas, Driving, Slip / Trip, Others, NA 12. Location of Incident ( Name of Plant / Unit / Area / Facility / Tank farm / Gantry / Road / Parking area etc ) 13. Whether plant shutdown / caused outage of the facility? Yes / No 14. Fatalities nos. a) Employees = b) Contractor = 15. Injuries nos. a) Employees = b) Contractor = 16. Man - hours Lost a) Employees = b) Contractor = 17. Direct Loss due to the incident ( Rs. In Lacs ). Loss to equipment / Machinery as per Insurance claim etc. 18. Indirect Losses : Through put / Production Loss, etc. 19. Status of the Facility : Construction / Commissioning / Operation / Shutting down / Turn around, Maintenance / Start up / Any other. 20. Brief Description of the Incident including post incident measures. ( Attach details in separate sheet ) c) Others = c) Others = c) Others = 21. Whether similar Incident has occurred in past at the same location, If yes, give brief description of the incident and attach details in separate sheet. 22. Whether Internal Investigation has been completed. If no, likely date by which it will be completed. 23. Whether internal investigation report ( Major Incident ) has been submitted to PNGRB. If no, likely date by which it will be submitted. 24. Cause of the Incident ( Tick the most relevant cause preferably one, maximum two ) A) Deviation from Procedure I) Not using the PPE B) Lack of Job Knowledge J) Equipment failure C) Lack of supervision K) Poor design / Layout etc. D) Improper Inspection L) Inadequate facility E) Improper Maintenance. ( Mech. / Elec. / Inst ) M) Poor House Keeping F) Improper material handling N) Natural Calamity G) Negligent Driving O) Pilferage / Sabotage H) Careless walking / climbing etc. P) Any other (give details) 25. Cause of leakage - Oil, Gas or Chemical ( Tick one only ) A) Weld leak from equipment / lines E) Leakage due to improper operation B) Leak from flange, gland etc. F) Leak due to improper maintenance Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 65 C) Leak from rotary equipment G) Normal operation Venting / draining H) Any other D) Metallurgical failure 26. Cause of Ignition leading to fire ( Tick only one cause ) A) Near to hot work B) Near to Furnace / Flare etc. C) Auto - ignition D) Loose electrical connection E) Near to hot surface 27. Was the incident Avoidable? 28. The incident could have been avoided by the use of / or by ; ( Tick the most relevant point preferably one, maximum two ) A) Better supervision B) Adhering to specified operating procedure C) Imparting Training D) Giving adequate time to do the activity through proper planning. E) Adhering to the work permit system F) Static Electricity G) Hammering / Fall of object H) Heat due to Friction I) Lightning J) Any other ( pyrophoric etc ) ( Yes / No ) F) Personal Protective Equipment G) Better equipment H) Management Control I) Adhering to specified maintenance procedure J) Adhering to specified Inspection / Testing procedures. K) Any other information; Guidelines for filling the Incident Report: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. All Major, Minor and Near miss incidents shall be reported in the quarterly report. Incident Reporting form shall be filled up for all Major, Minor and Near miss Incidents. Summary report shall be enclosed with every quarterly report. Investigations shall be carried out for all Major, Minor and Near miss Incidents. Investigation report of all Major incidents shall be submitted to PNGRB. An incident shall be treated as Major if any of the following occurs - Fire for more than 15 minutes - Explosion / Blowout - Fatal Incident. - Loss above Rs. 5.0 Lac. - Cumulative man hours lost more than 500 hrs. - Plant Shutdown / Outage due to the incident Loss time Incident shall be monitored till the affected person joins duty. In case the affected person is yet to join the duty, then the status of report submitted will be preliminary. Final report against the same incident shall be sent once he joins duty and the man - hours lost are known. All columns must be filled up. For any additional information use separate sheets as required. Quarterly report shall be sent to PNGRB within 15 to 30 days of end of quarter. Immediate reporting of incident through fax/telephone shall continue as per the prevailing system. Signature Name Designation of the Occupier/Manager Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 66 24.0 ACTION AFTER REPORTING OF INCIDENT BY THE ENTITY After reporting of the incidents to Board, Nodal officer of the Board (Head of Technical Standards the specifications and safety group) will have responsibility of informing all the Members of the Board and w i l l coordinate with appropriate level in National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) till normalization of the situation. All the incident of level-III will be maintained by the CIC. All these incident will be reported to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) with in 48 after occurrence of incident or any other reason triggering major incident. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 67 25.0 TERMINATION OF EMERGENCY (1) Termination activities should concentrate on giving accurate information to people who need it most especially employees, neighborhood, District Authorities engaged in offsite emergencies, and should begin as soon as the emergency phase of the operation is completed. (2) After confirmation of emergency will be fully coped CIC declared termination of emergency through siren as per the siren code defined in para in case of Level-I and II. For level-III termination of emergency will be declared by District Authority through appropriate mode of information transfer so as to reach each and everyone. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 68 26.0 EMERGENCY RECOVERY PROCEDURES a. Information to statutory authorities (i) As per the Rule 5 (1) of Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules, 1989 (amended in 1994 & 2000), in case of major accident occurs Occupier of the Installation inform (within 48 hours) to following concerned authority as identified in Schedule-5, if necessary information to be furnished regarding notification of a major accident as per schedule-6. - Chief Inspector of Factories appointed under the Factories Act, 1948. - Chief Controller of Explosives appointed under the India Explosive Act and Rules, 1983. - District Collector or District Emergency Authority designated by the State Government. (ii) As per the State Factories Rules, when any accident which results in the death of any person or which results in such bodily injury to any person as is likely to cause his death or nay dangerous occurrence takes place in the Installation, the factory manager of the Installation will forthwith send a notice thereof by telephone, special messenger or telegram to the Inspector of Factories of the region concerned and the Chief Inspector of Factories. He will also send the information to: - the District Collector or Sub Divisional Officer; - the officer-in-charge of the nearest police station, and - the relatives of the injured or diseased person. b. Incident investigation The purpose of incident investigation is to determine causes of incident and to prevent recurrence of same incident in future. Following main features will consider during incident investigation that: - All incidents of level-I, II and III (including near misses) are investigated. Corrective action are determined that identify the root cause Corrective actions are tracked until they are completed Trends are reviewed, gaps are identified and improvement plans are developed to prevent future occurrences In-charge of the location will form incident investigation team by the involvement of workers. The role and responsibilities of committee members is as under: - Worker will report all work-related incidents in a timely manner. If the incident was very recent, secure the scene of the incident to ensure the safety of any emergency responders and other employees, and to preserve any evidence that may contribute to the investigation in future. Ensure management or other company personnel who require it are notified. Ensure the investigation begins as soon as possible after the incident occurs. Identify the potential sources of information, such as the injured person, witnesses and any physical evidence. Gather the facts about the incident. Ensure the investigation identifies the root cause. Make and/or implement recommendations to control or eliminate the hazard. Perform any trend analyses of past incidents that may identify additional hazard prevention methods (i.e. training, maintenance, procedures, etc.) Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 69 c. Damage assessment The incident investigation team also carried out the damage assessment during incident investigation process. It will be included personnel, property, material, man hours’ loss, penalty by statuary authorities, repairs and maintenance cost of property, equipment cost, damage assessment also include potential erosion of reputation – from company, industry and national perspectives. d. Salvage of products, de-contamination, clean-up and restoration Manager (Operation) and his team members will perform following role and responsibilities: Salvage of product - He will transfer the spilled / accumulated product contents into Oil Water Separator or collect in drums. He will ensure that the quality and quantity estimation of extracted product from OWS has been done and decide to for further disposal as per quality control guideline by either transferring to service tanks or to nearest refinery for blending / reprocessing. He will made correction of stock of spilled product in accounting system. De-contamination - If spilled oil goes to soil and surface or underground water testing of soil/water will be carried out by recognized laboratory for the assessment of contamination level to meet the norms of State as well as Central Pollution Control Board. Clean up and restoration - He will ensure that affected area has been completely cleaned and dried after evacuation of spilled product. He will declare that affected area after salvage operations is fully clean and safe for movement of the working personnel. He will ensure that all drains are not having any residual oil and are thoroughly cleaned and dried. He will ensure that all control valves on product lines and OWS lines outside dyke area and drains are completely closed after removal of the spilled product. He will ensure that that interlocking system of tanks / gantry has been re- activated for normal operations. He will ensure that heat detectors, high level alarms, in built safety systems (NRV, TSV etc.) are fully functional after the disaster incident. He will ensure that all fire fighting equipments like – hoses / nozzles / Fire Extinguishers etc. have been put back at designated places and are fully ready for reuse. He will ensure that clear procedures are in place to allow resumption of normal operations. e. Dy. Manager (HSE) will be prepared a detailed report based on the entire experience of the incident, including restorations, limitations and lessons learnt. f. Dy. Manager (HSE) will arrange ambient air monitoring at the site as well as 5 km radius of the installation by to determine the contamination level which may affecting the health of neighboring population. Check points on ERDMP recovery measures as given at Check list-7. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 70 27.0 ERDMP FOR PIPELINE CARRYING PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AND RETAIL OUTLETS Schedule –VII (Refer Regulation 27.0) ERDMP for pipelines carrying petroleum products Pipelines are assuming importance as a means of transport of hazardous substances. Crude oil, its derivatives and natural gas are among the main substances transported by pipelines. The Guidelines, therefore, comprise: i) Creation and maintaining an administrative framework to facilitate the development of a safe and environmentally sound transportation infrastructure, including pipelines for hazardous substances. ii) The pipeline operator has the primary responsibility for the safety of the systems and for taking measures to prevent incident s and to limit their consequences for human health and the environment. iii) Pipelines for the transport of hazardous substances will be designed and operated so as to prevent any uncontrolled release into the environment. iv) Risk assessment methods should be used in evaluating pipeline integrity and impact on human health and the environment. v) Land-use planning considerations will be taken into account both in the routing of new pipelines (e.g. to limit proximity to populated areas and water catchment areas to the extent possible), and in decisions concerning proposals for new developments/building in the vicinity of existing pipelines. vi)Pipeline operators and the authorities responsible for pipelines shall review and, if necessary, develop and implement systems to reduce third-party interference, which is a cause of incident including their effects. vii) National legislation shall be clear, enforceable and consistent to facilitate safe transport and international cooperation. viii) Competent authorities should ensure that pipeline operators: (a) Draw up emergency plans. (b) Provide the authorities designated for that purpose with the necessary information to enable them to draw up Off-Site emergency plans. (c) Emergency plans shall be coordinated between pipeline operators and competent authorities, as well as with fire brigades and other disaster control units. ix) Pipelines shall be designed, constructed and operated in accordance with recognized national and international codes, standards and guidelines, notified by the Board. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 71 x) Consideration will be given to the impact on the safety of a pipeline such as design and stress factors, quality of material, wall thickness, and depth of burial, external impact protection, markings, route selection and monitoring. xi) The safety of the pipelines shall be demonstrated through a suitable risk assessment procedure including the worst case scenario and including breakdowns and external additional loads. xii) The pipeline operator shall draw up a Pipeline Management System (PMS) to ensure that it is properly implemented. The PMS shall be designed to guarantee a high level of protection of human health and the environment. The following issues shall be addressed by the safety management system. (a) The pipeline will be inspected and maintained regularly. Only reliable trained staff or qualified contractors may carry our maintenance work on a pipeline. Third party confirmatory assessment bodies should inspect the pipeline at regular intervals as far as required by the Board. These inspections are to cover in particular the proper condition of the pipeline and the functioning of the equipment ensuring pipeline safety. (b) Organization ability, roles and responsibilities, identification and evaluation of hazards, operational control, and management of change, planning for emergencies, monitoring performance, audit and review shall be duly addressed in the Pipeline Management System BPCL, Piyala Installation is receiving products through pipeline from MMBPL pipe line as well as Tankers. Since critical pipelines are running after due consideration of board Regulation, OISD regulations and National Oil Spill Contingency Plan a separate Risk Analysis and Disaster Management plan prepared. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 72 28.0 ERDMP FOR ROAD TRANSPORTATION An effective response to a road transport emergency is essential to eliminate the hazards and lessen their impact if an incident occurs. For handling emergency arising out of road transportations is as under: 28.1 Resource mobilization for road transport emergency Following in plant resources a s m e n t i o n e d i n Schedule-VIII will mobilization by the Installation in adequate quantity in case of road transport emergency occur. Mechanical Equipment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Gaskets (Carbon Asbestos Filled) Studs and bolts. Teflon tapes. ½” / ¾” crowbar (1 m long) Spade / blind flange Rope (Manila / Jute) Spark arrestors. 1” tapered wooden pegs. Chopper Spare fan belt for tank lorry with P.T.O. unit Wind sock M-Seal / epoxy-base cold-welding compound. Wooden slippers Teflon-taped spanners, wrenches Spark-proof wrenches, hammer and tools. Barricading masts and ropes / tapes hoses Chain pulley blocks and stay pipes Small valve keys for operating valves in the tank truck 5 nos 50 nos 20 nos 2 Nos 5 nos 3 nos 6 Nos Prepared as per requirement Nil 1 No 1 nos 5 nos 10 nos Nil 2 sets Nil 20 nos 1 no. 2 Nos Electrical Equipment : 1. 2. 3. Gas Explosi-meter Flame-proof torches Earthing wires (10 m long) with crocodile clips 1 Nos 2 Nos 2 nos Personnel Protective Equipment : 1. 2. 3. Gloves: i) Rubber gloves ii) Low Temperature Gloves iii) Industrial gloves (with leather lining) iv) Canvas gloves 2 Pair Nil 2 Pair. 5 pair Face shields Ear muff / ear plugs 1 No 10 No Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 73 Other Safety Items: 1. 1 roll of gunny / hessian cloth (about 10 mts. long) Nil 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. First aid box (containing water gel compounds) 2 No Soap 5 no Blanket. Nil Water Gel Blanket Nil Breathing Apparatus (With spare filled cylinder and Canister gas masks) – 2 nos Fire proximity suit 1 no Fire Fighting Equipment : 1. 2. 3. Portable Dry Chemical Powder Fire Extinguishers Fire-water Hoses Triple Purpose diffuser nozzle for use with fire hoses. 80 nos 20 Nos 1 nos Communication Equipment : 1. 2. 3. Hand operated sirens Whistles Megaphone, Mobile Phones, VHF sets. 3 nos 2 nos Personal mobile phone Traffic Control Equipment : 1. 2. 3. Red lights (Battery operated) - for traffic diversion Area maps Diversion Boards Nil 1 nos 3 nos A comprehensive Emergency Management Plan f o r t h e incident involving Petroleum Product Transportation is readily available with the Installation to handle emergencies in a systematic manner with minimum response time. Copy of Plan will be made available to all field location as well as district authority. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 74 28.2 TREM Card (Specific to Road Transportation) TREM Card as per Schedule-IX and route map is issued by the Installation to the tank truck crew. SCHEDULE – IX Transport Emergency Card Format Nature of Hazard: Protective Devices: Emergency Action Spillage Fire First Aid Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) No (For universal acceptance of material, both numbers should be mentioned on TREM Card) Emergency Telephone Numbers/mobile numbers Name and contact numbers of the control room/contact person of the supplying company Name and contact numbers of the control room/contact person of the receiving company Name and contact numbers of Transporter Other important Name and contact numbers of civic authorities, fire and police Note: The format is designed & provided in English, Hindi and local language where crews are operating. The following is the sample transport emergency card formatted & circulated to the transporter by the company Sample transport emergency card format Nature of Hazard: Highly volatile and Inflammable. Can cause Cold Burns Inhaling vapour can cause nausea, breathlessness &headache. Air / vapour mixture highly explosive. Leakage can cause Vapour Cloud explosion and BLEVE. Protective Devices: Hand gloves (Rubber / low temperature) Safety Goggles Self-contained Respiratory device to work in vapour-rich area Low temperature / fire proximity suit Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 75 Emergency Action: Try to move the vehicle to open area. (In case of the LPG is leaking from a stationary tanker whose engine is shut, don’t try to start the engine.) Stop Engine. Vehicle should not be left unguarded. Contact Police, Fire Brigade, Sarpanch, nearest oil company by sending helper /passerby Keep public and traffic away by displaying ‘Danger Boards’ at sufficient distance. “No Smoking” and “No Naked Lights” within the cordoned off area. Keep ready for action Fire Extinguishers and Safety Kit. Stay Upwind. Don’t park the vehicle blocking the route Spillage: Check the valves and caps for tightness by hand and stop leak if possible Fire: If minor, try to extinguish by suitable fire extinguishers First Aid: Pour water in case of cold or hot burn Seek medical help, if necessary Emergency Telephone Numbers/mobile numbers IOC _______________ HPC_______________________ BPC _____________________ IBP________________________ FIRE 101 _______________ POLICE 100_________________ Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 76 28.3 Role of External Agencies for road transportation emergency It is expected that the following roles shall be performed by various agencies: 28.3.1 Fire Brigade On receipt of information from any source on incident of tank truck, fire brigade may contact nearest installation and police station. After assessing the situation, it may: (a.) rush fire tender to the incident site with all necessary fire fighting equipments; (b.) prepare a contingency plan for removal of tank truck, if not leaking, in consultation with installation personnel; (c.) dispersal of vapours by water spray away from inhabited area, in case of leakage. Extinguish the fire, in case leakage source cannot be stopped; (d.) allow the fire to burn under controlled conditions if isolation is not possible; (e.) save human lives and salvage material from incident affected truck; (f.) liaise with fire brigade in the adjoining town for additional help, if necessary; (g.) arrange water through municipal water tanker or any other source; 28.3.2 Role of Police On receipt of information, police may take the following actions as per Schedule-V derived from the National Disaster Management Guidelines Chemical Disasters (Industrial), April, 2007. However, the following points may also be taken care by the police authority: (a.) (b.) (c.) (d.) (e.) stop the traffic from both ends of the road; warn the people living in adjacent area for stopping all fire, smoking, evacuation to safe places, if necessary; contact nearest district police headquarters and giving the situation report; evacuate personnel from the area, if required; extend help in removal of injured personnel to the nearest first- aid centre /hospital, contacting highway patrol, completing legal formalities in case of any casualty. 28.3.3 District Administration On receipt of information, District Administration may take the following actions as per Schedule-V derived from the National Disaster Management Guidelines Chemical Disasters (Industrial), April, 2007. However, on receipt of information, following actions should be taken care:(a.) (b.) (c.) (d.) to keep watch on the overall situation; rush ambulance to the incident site if casualties are reported; direct cranes or any other such equipment to carry out rescue operations; issue warning messages to people through public address system, if any evacuation is required; (e.) arrange emergency vehicles for evacuation purposes; (f.) give direction to hospitals having burns injury ward for readiness to receive patient in case of incident involving fire; (g.) provide basic amenities, e.g., water, electricity, food and shelter to the affected people as required. In addition to the above, the Schedule-V shall be followed. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 77 29.0 INTEGRATION OF THE ERDMP WITH THE NATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN (NDMP) 29.1 National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP) On 23 December 2005, the Government of India took a definite step towards NDMP by enacting the NDMP ACT, 2005. The NDMP Act, 2005 covers all aspects of disasters from prevention, mitigation, preparedness to rehabilitation, reconstruction and recovery. National Disaster Management Guidelines Chemical Disasters (Industrial) The growth of chemical industries has led to an increase in the risk of occurrence of incidents associated with hazardous chemicals (HAZCHEM). Common causes for chemical accidents are deficiencies in safety management systems and human errors, or they may occur as a consequence of natural calamities or sabotage activities. Chemical accidents result in fire, explosion and / or toxic release. With formulation of National Disaster Management Guidelines—Chemical Disasters, There has been a paradigm shift in the government’s focus from its rescue, relief, and restorationcentric approach to a planning, prevention / mitigation and preparedness approach. It has been realized that effective Chemical Disaster Management (CDM) is possible by the adoption of preventive and mitigation strategies as most chemical disasters are preventable in comparison to natural disasters that are difficult to predict and prevent. With this renewed emphasis, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) took up the task of strengthening CDM in recognition of the gravity of the risk posed by HAZCHEM. The main stakeholders in the management of chemical disasters are Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF; the nodal ministry); Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA); Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoH & FW); Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE); Ministry of Agriculture (MoA); Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways (MoSRT & H); Ministry of Defence (MoD); Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers (MoC & F); Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoP & NG), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE); state governments and Union Territories (UTs) and the chemical industries. Haryana State Disaster Management Policy The Haryana Disaster Management Policy (HDMP) has been prepared by the Centre for Disaster Management (CDM), HIPA, and as of 2012, underwent revision for the purpose of creating a third draft. The HDMP document not only points out the various hazards, risks and vulnerabilities present within the state but also suggests practical and implementable solutions. Through the implementation of policy, Haryana will comply with all the stipulations of the National Disaster Management Act. The document also strongly advocates the necessity of state-level leadership to allocate adequate funding for various Disaster Management and also Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities in order to avoid getting stuck in the vicious cycle of post-disaster spending, every year. The Haryana State Disaster Management Policy is certain to prove successful as long as all responsible persons discharge their functions to the best of their ability. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 78 Institutional Framework As per section 14(1) of the DM, Act 2005, the Haryana State Disaster Management Authority headed by the Hon’ble Chief Minister has been formed and notified and will lay down policies and plans for DM in the Haryana State. It will, inter alia, approve the State Plan in accordance with the Guidelines laid down by the NDMA, coordinate the implementation of the State Plan, recommend provision of funds for mitigation and preparedness measures and review the developmental plans of the different departments of the State to ensure integration of prevention, preparedness and mitigation measures. District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) Each DDMA of Haryana will be headed by the Dy. Commissioner with the Chairman of Zila Parihad as the Co-Chairperson. DDMA will act as the planning, coordinating and implementing body for DM at District level and take all necessary measures for the purposes of DM in accordance with the Guidelines laid down by the NDMA and HSDMA. It will, inter alia, prepare the District DM plan for the District and monitor the implementation of the National Policy, the State Policy, the National Plan, the State Plan concerning its own District and prepare the District Plan. The DDMA will also ensure that the Guidelines for prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response measures laid down by NDMA and HSDMA are followed by all Departments of the State Government, at the District level and the Local Authorities in the District. Local Authorities The Faridabad Municipal Corporation, Faridabad control and manage civic services. Hence, Municipal Corporation, Faridabad has prepared its Disaster Management Plans in consonance with the Guidelines of NDMA. The Municipal Corporation, Faridabad will also ensure capacity building of their officers and employees for managing disasters, carry out relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in the affected areas. Haryana Disaster Response Force (HDRF) The Haryana Disaster Response Force has been constituted to create response capabilities from within their existing resources. To start with, Haryana may aim at equipping and training a company of Haryana Armed Force. The SDRF will also include women members for looking after the needs of women and children. NDRF battalions and their training institutions will assist the States/UTs in this effort. In addition the Haryana Police will also be encouraged to include DM training in the basic and in-service courses of their respective Police Training Colleges for gazetted and non-gazetted police officers. Haryana Police Force, Home Guard and Fire Services The Haryana Police Forces, the Fire and Emergency Services and Home Guards are crucial and most immediate responders to disasters. The Police will be trained and the Fire and Emergency Services upgraded to acquire multi-hazard rescue capability. Home Guards volunteers will be trained in disaster preparedness, emergency response, community mobilization, etc. The Haryana Government may take the help of NDMA for capacity building and sensitization of their forces. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 79 Civil Defense (CD) and Home Guards The mandate of the Civil Defense (CD) and the Home Guards will be redefined to assign an effective role in the field of disaster management. They will be deployed for community preparedness and public awareness. A culture of voluntary reporting to duty stations in the event of any disaster will be promoted. A proper CD set up in every District will be a boon for disaster response as the neighborhood community is always the first responder in any disaster. The proposal to make CD District centric and be involved in disaster response has already been approved by the Govt. of India. Its phase wise implementation has also begun. Haryana Government will ensure their operationalisation in their respective districts. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 80 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 81 29.2 Integration of ERDMP with NDMP This ERDMP document has been developed taking into account all possible Inputs on the subjects from various stake holders. Efforts have also been made to synergize this with the document on National Disaster Management Guide - Chemical Disasters (Industrial) as well as Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Gazette notification G.S.R. 39 (E) (Codes of Practices for Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP)) Regulations, 2010. For the purpose of specialized response to a threatening disaster situation or disasters/emergencies both natural and man-made such as those of CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) origin, the DM Act, 2005 has mandated the constitution of a NDRF. The general superintendence, direction and control of this force is vested in and exercised by the NDMA and the command and supervision of the Force will vest in an officer to be appointed by the Central Government as the Director General of NDRF. Presently, the NDRF comprises eight battalions. Two additional battalions have been sanctioned by the Government and are in the process of being formed. These battalions are located at strategic locations and will be deployed proactively as required. NDRF units will maintain close liaison with the designated State Governments/ UTs and will be available to them in the event of any serious threatening disaster situation. While the handling of all natural disasters rests with all the NDRF battalions, presently four of them have been equipped and trained to respond to situations arising out of CBRN emergencies. Future plans exist to train rest of the battalions also for CBRN response. The NDRF units will also impart basic training to all the stakeholders identified by the State Governments in their respective locations. Further, a National Academy will be set up to provide training for trainers in DM and to meet related national and international commitments. The following battalions are made responsible for CBRN disasters The following battalions are made responsible for CBRN disasters. - Kolkatta Battalion - Arakkonam battalion - Pune Battalion - Ghaziabad Battalion In the support of NDRF, SDRF are the available forces At state level. In some cases SDRF has not been created. These battalions are equipped to handle all types of the chemical emergencies. These battalions are trained at various places. In emergency these nearby teams should be called for help as per table given below: LOCATION Bhatinda Ghaziabad AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR NATURAL DISASTER Chandigarh, Punjab, J&K, Himachal Pradesh U.P., Uttar Khand, Haryana, Delhi AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR CBRN EMERGENCY Gaziabad battalion (Grater Noida) Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 82 29.3 Security Threat Plan (1) With increase in terrorist activities towards the end of 20th century and installations having, significant role in national economy, sabotage and bomb threats to such installation should also be considered in the disaster management plan. Such as high level of alertness measures, strengthening security measures by security gadgets mechanical and electronic security gadgets. In any of such situation, city police/ administration should be informed immediately and their help should be sought. (2) Installation has a separate detailed bomb threat management plan. In case of sabotage and bomb threat following action will taken: (a.) (b.) (c.) (d.) (e.) (f.) The persons inside the Plant would be evacuated as soon as possible; All the vehicles in the plant premises would be evacuated to safer places; Plant personnel immediately contact to district authorities; Any new or doubtful thing should not be touched; All pipeline and tank valves would be closed and all the operations inside the Installation would be stopped; In case of fire, firefighting equipments will be operated and city fire brigade would be called immediately during emergency. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 83 30.0 MISCELLANEOUS (1) Whenever any deviation from this code of practices is required to be implemented, the BPCL, Piyala Installation shall inform and obtain approval of the Board with mitigation measures proposed to be carried out giving full details and justification for such deviation. (2) If any dispute arises with regards to the interpretation of any of the provisions of these regulations, the decision of the Board shall be final. Further, the Board may at any time effect appropriate modifications in these regulations. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 Annexure-1: Site Plan of Installation (2- KM RADIUS SURROUNDING MAP) PAGE: 84 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 Annexure-2: Layout Plan (Assembly Point, Escape route) PAGE: 85 EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP PAGE: 86 Annexure-3: Material Safety Data Sheet 1. CHEMICAL NAME Chemical Name : Motor Spirit Synonyms : Gasoline Formula :Hydrocarbon Mixture Regulated Shipping Name Identification Code/Lable CAS No. : 8008-20-6 : Gasoline : 3, FLAMMABLE LIQUID HAZARDOUS INGRDIENT CAS No. 1. Motor Spirit 8008-20-6 2. 2. PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL DATA 0 0 Boiling Point/Range C : 60-199 C Physical State 0 Melting/Freezing Pt. C 0 : -40 C Chemical Classification Trade Name UN No. Vapour Pressure Solubility in 0 Water at 30 C pH Hazchem No. Hazardous Waste Identity No. HAZARDOUS INGRDIENT 3. 4. : Liquid Appearance 0 : 6 - 10 at 38 C Odour : Fuel (Paraffin : Petrol : UN 123 : 3YE : 05 CAS No. : Orange (Octane 87) Red(Octane 93) : Aromatic Odor Vapour Density, (Air = : 3.0 - 4.0 : Insoluble, Others : Soluble in petroleum 1) Floats on Water solvent Specific Gravity, : 0.733gm/l : Not Pertinent 0 (Water = 1) at 15 C 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA 0 Flammability : Yes L.E.L. : 1.4% Flash Point F : Data Not Available (OC) 0 TDG Flammability :3 U.E.L. : 7.4% Flash Point F : -36 (CC) 0 Auto Ignition temp. : 390 C Explosion Sensitivity to Impact : Stable 0 C HazardousCombusti : Acrid smoke, fumes and Explosion Sensitivity to Static : May Explode on Product vapours of NOX, SOXCO2 & Electricity CO Hazardous : Will not occur Polymerisation Combustible Liquid : Yes Explosive Material : No Corrosive Material : No Flammable Material : Yes Oxidiser : No Others Cyrophoric Material : No Organic Peroxide : No 4. REACTIVITY DATA Chemical Stability : Stable under normal condition of use and storage. Incompatibility with other Material : Incompatible with oxidising agents. Reactivity : Can create with oxidising agents. Hazardous Reaction product : Heated decomposition may yield acrid smoke, fumes and vapours of NOX, SOXCO2 & CO 5. HEALTH HAZARD Route of Exposure : Inhalation, Ingestion, Skin contact, Eye contact,. Effects of : Inhalation causes irritation of respiratory track, nausea, dizziness, high conc. may cause Exposure/Symptoms depression of CNS, loss of consciousness, coma and sudden death. Ingestion may cause irritation of GI Track, vomiting, systemic effects like colic & diarrhea, .Skin contact causes irritation producing dermatitis. Vapour are irritant to eyes, splashes may cause pain, redness. Emergency : Inhalation: Rush to fresh air. And resuscitate. Ingestion: Aspiration Hazard. Vomiting may occur Treatment spontaneously, but DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, give paraffin olive oil or some other vegetable oil to prevent absorption of kerosene. Call Medical Assistance. Skin: Remove clothes and shoes, flush with plenty of water, don't use oil or ointments. Eye: wash with plenty of water call for medical assistance. 3 3 TLV (ACGIH) : 300 ppm : 900 mg/m STEL : 500 ppm : 1500 mg/m 3 3 Permissible Odor Threshold : 0.25 ppm : 300 ppm : 900 mg/m : 300 mg/m Exposure Limit LD50. Limit LD50 NFPA HAZARD Health Flammability Reactivity Special RATING 1 3 0 Nil 6. PREVENTIVE MEASURE Personnel Protective : Safety glasses, Gloves, PVC aprons, Safety boots and Self Contained Breathing Apparatus in Equipment case of high conc. Of vapors or fumes. Handling and : Use all protective equipment during handling, AVOID CONTACT. Store in cool, well-ventilated Storage Precautions area with adequate water scrubbing facility, container to be properly bonded and earthen to check generation and accumulations of static charge. Storage Color Code- Red (Flammable), storage away from heat and ignition source. 7. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID MEASURES Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 87 FIRE Fire Extinguishing Medium Special Procedure Unusual Hazard EXPOSURE First-Aid Measures SPILLS Antidotes/Dosages Steps to be taken : Foam, CO2, Dry powder. : Vapours may cause flash fire. Keep the container cool by spraying with water if exposed to heat or flame. : Poisonous gas/fumes may be produced, wear self-contained breathing apparatus. : Inhalation: Rush to fresh air. And resuscitate. Ingestion: Aspiration Hazard. Vomiting may occur spontaneously, but DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, give paraffin olive oil or some other vegetable oil to prevent absorption of kerosene. Call Medical Assistance. Skin: Remove clothes and shoes, flush with plenty of water, don't use oil or ointments. Eye: wash with plenty of water call for medical assistance. : -NA: Shuts off the leakage, Ventilate, remove source of ignition. Recover, unrecovered to be removed with sand. : Contain the leaked liquid with sand or earth. Dispose as per regulations. Waste Disposal Method 8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Highly flammable Liquid, vapor my cause Flash Fire Reported in EPA TSCA Inventory, EPA Genetic Toxicology program, On Community Right-to-know List. 9. MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIERS DATA Name of the Firm Contact Person in Emergency : : Mailing address Local Bodies Involved : : Telephone/Telex No. Standard Packaging : : Telegraphic address Term Card :. : 10. DISCLAIMER: Information contained in this material data sheet is believed to be reliable but no representation, guarantee or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for a particular application of result to be obtained from them. It is up to the manufacture/seller to ensure that the information in the Material Safety Data Sheet is relevant to the product manufacture/handled or sold by him as the case may be. The Government makes no warranties expressed or implied in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose. Information given here is nonexhaustive. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 88 1. CHEMICAL NAME Chemical Name : High Speed Diesel Synonyms : Gas oil CAS No. : Formula : Hydrocarbon Mixture Regulated Shipping Name : Diesel Oil Identification Code/Lable : 3, FLAMMABLE LIQUID HAZARDOUS INGRDIENT 1. High Speed Diesel 2. 2. PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL DATA 0 0 Boiling : 150 - 400 C 0 Point/Range C 0 Melting/Freezin : - 18 C 0 g Pt. C Vapour Density, : 18-46 (Air = 1) CAS No. Chemical Classification Trade Name UN No. Hazchem No. Hazardous Waste Identity No. HAZARDOUS INGRDIENT 3. 4. : Fuel (Paraffin : Diesel Oil : UN 1202 : 3Z :5 CAS No. Physical State : Liquid Appearance : Olive Brown to yellow Vapour Pressure Solubility in 0 Water @ 30 C : < 0.1 psi at 0 38 C : Insoluble, Floats on Water Odour : Aromatic Odor Others : Sulfur content 1% (Max.)Soluble in petroleum solvent Specific : 0.81-0.91 at pH : Not Pertinent 0 Gravity, (Water 20 C = 1) 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA 0 0 Flammability : Yes L.E.L. : 1.6 % Flash Point C : > 30 (CC) 0 TDG Flammability :3 U.E.L. : 6.0 % Flash Point C : Data Not Available (OC) 0 Auto Ignition temp. : 256.6 C Explosion Sensitivity : Stable 0 to Impact C Hazardous : Acrid smoke, fumes and vapours of NOX, Explosion Sensitivity : Stable Combustion Product SOXCO2 & CO to Static Electricity Hazardous : Will not occur Polymerisation Combustible Liquid : Yes Explosive Material : No Corrosive Material : No Flammable Material : Yes Oxidiser : No Others : Cyrophoric Material : No Organic Peroxide No : 4. REACTIVITY DATA Chemical Stability : Stable under normal condition of use and storage. Incompatibility with other Material : Incompatible with oxidising agents. Reactivity : Can create with oxidising agents. Hazardous Reaction product : Heated decomposition may yield acrid smoke, fumes and vapours of NOX, SOXCO2 & CO 5. HEALTH HAZARD Route of Exposure : Inhalation, Ingestion, Skin contact, Eye contact,. Effects of : Inhalation causes irritation of respiratory track, nausea, dizziness, Ingestion may cause irritation Exposure/Symptoms of GI Track, vomiting, rapidly developing chemical pneumatics. Skin contact causes irritation producing dermatitis. Vapour are irritant to eyes, splashes may cause pain, redness. Emergency : Inhalation: Rush to fresh air. And resuscitate. Ingestion: Aspiration Hazard. Vomiting may occur Treatment spontaneously, but DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, give paraffin olive oil or some other vegetable oil to prevent absorption of kerosene. Call Medical Assistance. Skin: Remove clothes and shoes, flush with plenty of water, don't use oil or ointments. Eye: wash with plenty of water call for medical assistance. 3 3 STEL TLV (ACGIH) : Not Listed ppm mg/m : Not Listed ppm mg/m 3 3 Odor Threshold : Not Listed ppm Permissible : Not Listed ppm mg/m mg/m Limit LD50 Exposure Limit LD50. NFPA HAZARD Health Flammability Reactivity Special RATING 1 2 0 Nil 6. PREVENTIVE MEASURE Personnel Protective : Safety glasses, Gloves, PVC aprons, Safety boots and self-contained Breathing Apparatus Equipment in case of high conc. Of vapors or fumes. Handling and Storage : Use all protective equipment during handling, AVOID CONTACT. Store in cool, wellPrecautions ventilated area with adequate water scrubbing facility, container to be properly bonded and earthen to check generation and accumulations of static charge. Storage Color CodeRed(Flammable), storage away from heat and ignition source. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 89 7. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID MEASURES FIRE Fire Extinguishing Medium : Foam, CO2, Dry powder. Special Procedure : Vapours may cause flash fire. Keep the container cool by spraying with water if exposed to heat or flame. Unusual Hazard : Poisonous gas/fumes may be produced, wear self-contained breathing apparatus. EXPOSUR First-Aid Measures : Inhalation: Rush to fresh air. And resuscitate. Ingestion: Aspiration Hazard. E Vomiting may occur spontaneously, but DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, give paraffin olive oil or some other vegetable oil to prevent absorption of kerosene. Call Medical Assistance. Skin: Remove clothes and shoes, flush with plenty of water, don't use oil or ointments. Eye: wash with plenty of water call for medical assistance. Antidotes/Dosages : -NASPILLS Steps to be taken : Shuts off the leakage, Ventilate, remove source of ignition. Recover, unrecovered to be removed with sand. Waste Disposal Method : Contain the leaked liquid with sand or earth. Dispose as per regulations. 8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Highly flammable Liquid, vapor my cause Flash Fire Reported in EPA TSCA Inventory, EPA Genetic Toxicology program, On Community Right-to-know List. 9. MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIERS DATA Name of the Firm : Contact Person in Emergency : Mailing address : Local Bodies Involved : Telephone/Telex No.: Standard Packaging : Telegraphic address : Term Card : 10. DISCLAIMER: Information contained in this material data sheet is believed to be reliable but no representation, guarantee or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for a particular application of result to be obtained from them. It is up to the manufacture/seller to ensure that the information in the Material Safety Data Sheet is relevant to the product manufacture/handled or sold by him as the case may be. The Government makes no warranties expressed or implied in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose. Information given here is nonexhaustive. EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP PAGE: 90 1. CHEMICAL NAME Chemical Name : Superior Kerosene Oil Synonyms : Jet Fuel, Coal Fuel Formula : Hydrocarbon Mixture CAS No. : 8008-20-6 Regulated Shipping Name : Kerosene Identification Code/Lable : 3, FLAMMABLE LIQUID HAZARDOUS INGRDIENT CAS No. 1. Superior Kerosene Oil 8008-20-6 2. 2. PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL DATA 0 0 Boiling Point/Range C Physical State : 193-293 C 0 0 Chemical Classification Trade Name UN No. Hazchem No. Hazardous Waste Identity No. HAZARDOUS INGRDIENT 3. 4. : Liquid Appearance Melting/Freezing Pt. C : -43-48 C Vapour Pressure : 0.05-0.5psi at 0 38 C Odour Vapour Density, (Air = 1) : 4.5 Solubility in Water at 0 30 C : Insoluble Others Specific Gravity, : 0.81 – 0.85 pH 0 (Water = 1) at 15 C 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flammability : Yes L.E.L. TDG Flammability :3 U.E.L. 0 Auto Ignition temp. C 0 : 210 C : Fuel (Paraffin : Kerosene : UN 123 : 03 : 05 CAS No. : Pale Yellow to water white : Mild Characteristic Odor : Soluble in petroleum solvent : Not Pertinent : 0.7% : 5.0% Flash Point Flash Point 0 0 C C Explosion Sensitivity to Impact Explosion Sensitivity to Static Electricity 0 : 35 : Not Pertinent : Stable (CC) (OC) Hazardous Combustion : Acrid smoke, fumes and vapours of : May Explode Product NOX, SOXCO2 & CO Hazardous Polymerisation : Will not occur Combustible Liquid : Yes Explosive Material : No Corrosive Material : No Flammable Material : Yes Oxidiser : No Others Cyrophoric Material : No Organic Peroxide : No 4. REACTIVITY DATA Chemical Stability : Stable under normal condition of use and storage. Incompatibility with other : Incompatible with oxidising agents. Material Reactivity : Can create with oxidising agents. Hazardous Reaction : Heated decomposition may yield acrid smoke, fumes and vapours of NOX, SOXCO2 & CO product 5. HEALTH HAZARD Route of Exposure : Inhalation, Ingestion, Skin contact, Eye contact,. Effects of : Inhalation causes irritation of respiratory track, nausea, dizziness, may cause depression of CNS, Exposure/Symptoms prolonged inhalation may cause hallucination, delirium and manic. Ingestion Pulmonary pneumonia aspiration effects in case of vomiting, systemic effects, .Skin contact causes irritation producing dermatitis. Vapour are irritant to eyes, splashes may cause pain, redness. Emergency : Inhalation: Rush to fresh air. And resuscitate. Ingestion: Aspiration Hazard. Vomiting may occur Treatment spontaneously, but DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, give paraffin olive oil or some other vegetable oil to prevent absorption of kerosene. Call Medical Assistance. Skin: Remove clothes and shoes, flush with plenty of water, don't use oil or ointments. Eye: wash with plenty of water call for medical assistance. 3 3 TLV (ACGIH) : 33 ppm 100 mg/m STEL : Not Listed. mg/m 3 3 Permissible Exposure : Not Listed Odor Threshold Limit LD50 : 1 ppm mg/m mg/m Limit LD50. NFPA HAZARD Health Flammability Stability Special RATING 1 2 0 Nil 6. PREVENTIVE MEASURE Personnel Protective : Safety glasses, Gloves, Aprons, Safety boots and Self Contained Breathing Apparatus in Equipment case of high conc. Of vapors or fumes. Handling and Storage : Use all protective equipment during handling, AVOID CONTACT. Store in cool, wellPrecautions ventilated area with adequate water scrubbing facility, container to be properly bonded and earthen to check generation and accumulations of static charge. Storage Color Code- Red (Flammable), storage away from heat and ignition source. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 91 7. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID MEASURES FIRE Fire Extinguishing : Foam, CO2, Dry powder. Medium Special Procedure : Vapours may cause flash fire. Keep the container cool by spraying with water if exposed to heat or flame. Unusual Hazard : Poisonous gas/fumes may be produced, wear self-contained breathing apparatus. EXPOSURE First-Aid Measures : Inhalation: Rush to fresh air. And resuscitate. Ingestion: Aspiration Hazard. Vomiting may occur spontaneously, but DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING, give paraffin olive oil or some other vegetable oil to prevent absorption of kerosene. Call Medical Assistance. Skin: Remove clothes and shoes, flush with plenty of water, don't use oil or ointments. Eye: wash with plenty of water call for medical assistance. Antidotes/Dosages : -NASPILLS Steps to be taken : Shuts off the leakage, Ventilate, remove source of ignition. Recover, unrecovered to be removed with sand. Waste Disposal : Contain the leaked liquid with sand or earth. Dispose as per regulations. Method 8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Highly flammable Liquid, vapor my cause Flash Fire Reported in EPA TSCA Inventory, EPA Genetic Toxicology program, On Community Right-to-know List. 9. MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIERS DATA Name of the Firm Contact Person in Emergency : : Mailing address Local Bodies Involved : : Telephone/Telex No. Standard Packaging : : Telegraphic address Term Card : : 10. DISCLAIMER: Information contained in this material data sheet is believed to be reliable but no representation, guarantee or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for a particular application of result to be obtained from them. It is up to the manufacture/seller to ensure that the information in the Material Safety Data Sheet is relevant to the product manufacture/handled or sold by him as the case may be. The Government makes no warranties expressed or implied in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose. Information given here is nonexhaustive. EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP PAGE: 92 1. CHEMICAL NAME Chemical Name : Ethyl Alcohol Synonyms Chemical Classification : Aliphatic Hydrocarbon : Trade Name : Ethanol, Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol, Spirit, Grain Alcohol CAS No. : UN No. : Formula : 64-17-5 1170 C2H5OH Regulated Shipping Name : Ethyl Alcohol Hazchem No. : 3 Identification Code/Lable : Hazardous Waste I.D. No.: 3, FLAMMABLE LIQUID HAZARDOUS INGRDIENT HAZARDOUS INGRDIENT CAS No. CAS No. 1.Ethyl Alcohol 64-17-5 3. 2. 4. 2. PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL DATA 0 Physical State Appearance : Boiling Liquid Colorless 78.3 C 0 Point/Range C: : 0 2 Odour : Melting/Freezin Vapour Pressure Mild Pleasant Odor, -114 C 40mmHg/cm 0 0 g Pt. C: @ 35 C mm Hg : Wine Like Vapour Density Solubility in Water Miscible Others : 1.59 Miscible in most of the 0 (Air = 1) : @ 30 C organic solvents like alcohol, chlorofoam etc. 0 pH : Specific Gravity NA .0790 at 20 C Water = 1) : 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flammability : Yes L.E.L. : 3.3% TDG Flammability : U.E.L. : 19% at 60 C 0 Auto Ignition temp. C : Data not available 0 422 C Explosion Sensitivity to Impact : Explosion Sensitivity to Static Electricity : 0 Flash Point 0 C : Flash Point 0 C : 0 12 C (OC) (CC) Stable Hazardous Combustion Data not available Product : Hazardous Polymerisation Will not Occur Combustible Liquid : Explosive Material : Corrosive Material : No Yes No Flammable Material : Oxidiser : Others : Yes No NA Pyrophoric Material : Organic Peroxide : No No 4. REACTIVITY DATA Chemical Stability : Stable (100% Alcohol is hygroscopic in nature) Incompatibility with Incompatible with wide range of oxidants. other Material : Reactivity Reactive with wide range of oxidants. Hazardous Reaction Data not available product : 5. HEALTH HAZARD Route of Exposure : Inhalation, Ingestion, contact Skin & eye Effects of Exposure/Symptoms : Irritation of eyes, nose and throat. Headache may occur. Liquid causes intoxication. Emergency Treatment : Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air, administer oxygen call for medical assistance, speed is of importance. Flush with water incase of eye and skin exposure 3 3 STEL : TLV (ACGIH) : 5000 ppm for 15 mg/m 1000 ppm mg/m min. 3 3 Odour Threshold Permissible Exposure 10 ppm mg/m 1000 ppm mg/m Limit LD50 : Limit LD50. : NFPA HAZARD Health Flammability Stability Special RATING 0 3 0 6. PREVENTIVE MEASURE Personnel Protective Equipment : Avoid contact with liquid. Inhalation of vapor. Provide all purpose canister, Butyl Rubber Gloves, Safety Goggles. Handling and Storage Precautions : Store in well ventilated cool, dry area away from heat, spark, flame, and oxidizing material. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 93 7. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID MEASURES FIRE Fire Extinguishing medium : Special Procedure : Unusual Hazard : EXPOSURE First-Aid Measures : SPILLS Antidotes/Dosag : Steps to be taken : CO2, Dry Chemical Powder, Foam. Keep containers cool by spraying with water if exposed to heat Flash back along the vapor trail may occur. Inhalation: Remove victim to fresh air, administer oxygen call for medical assistance, speed is of importance. Flush with water incase of eye and skin exposure Not Available Shut off leak with risk. Contain leaking liquid on sand, cloth or earth. Wash surface with water. Not Specified Waste Disposal Method : 8. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Ethyl alcohol is a purified fermentation product. It has usually small amount of water as impurity. In few case of acute ethyl alcohol exposure effects has been that of carcinogen's. intoxication is common feature recovery and removal have been the rule. Physical examination periodic is recommended. A dangerous fire hazard when exposed to heat or flames. Vapors may be explosive when exposed to heat or flame. 9. MANUFACTURER AND SUPPLIERS DATA Name of the Firm Contact Person in Emergency Mailing address Local Bodies Involved Telephone/Telex No. Standard Packaging Telegraphic address Term Card 10. DISCLAIMER: Information contained in this material data sheet is believed to be reliable but no representation, guarantee or warranties of any kind are made as to its accuracy, suitability for a particular application of result to be obtained from them. It is up to the manufacture/seller to ensure that the information in the Material Safety Data Sheet is relevant to the product manufacture/handled or sold by him as the case may be. The Government makes no warranties expressed or implied in respect of the adequacy of this document for any particular purpose. However the information is non-exhaustive. Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 Annexure-4: Map showing Earthquake Zones PAGE: 94 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 95 Annexure-5: Vulnerable zones Plotting of the vulnerable zone on layout plan for catastrophic failure of 15600 KL HSD Storage Tank no.5 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 Plotting of the vulnerable zone on layout plan for catastrophic failure of 26750 KL MS Storage Tank no. 2 Plotting of the vulnerable zone on layout plan for PAGE: 96 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 catastrophic failure of 8200 KL SKO Storage Tank no. 9 PAGE: 97 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 98 Plotting of the vulnerable zone on area map for Thermal Radiation due to Fireball (BLEVE) for catastrophic failure of LPG Bullet (1350 MT, 85% FILLED) At neighbouring BPCL LPG Plant Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 99 Plotting of the vulnerable zone on area map for Overpressure due to Vapour Cloud Explosion for catastrophic failure of LPG Bullet (1350 MT, 85% FILLED) At neighbouring BPCL LPG Plant Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 100 Annexure-6: Layout of Fire Water Systems and Fire Fighting Equipment details Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 101 Annexure-7: Process Flow diagram PRODUCT RECEIVED THROUGH MMBPL PIPE LINE PRODUCT STORAGE TANKS TANK LORRY FILLING PUMP HOUSE TANK LORRY FILLING GANTRY TANK LORRY OUT LOADING OF RAKE Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 P&I diagram PAGE: 102 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 103 Annexure-8: Name, Designation and telephone numbers of employees Sr.No. Name 1 Mr.Anil Srivastava 2 Mr.Manoj Kumar Patoa 3 Mr.Vikas Rastogi 4 Mr.Hirender Singh Negi 5 Mr.Yogesh Chinchole 6 Mr.Rajinder Kanojia 7 Mr.Shobhit Kumar Yadav 8 Mr.Anoop Kumar Sharma 9 Mr.Amber Zaidi 10 Mr.Rohit Lihite 11 Ms.Siva Parvathi 12 Mr.Rajnish Meena Designation Sr.Manager I/C Manager-Ops Manager-Ops Manager-Ops Dy.Manager-HSSE Dy. Manager-Ops Executive Ops Executive Ops Executive Ops Maagement Trainee Executive Ops Management Trainee Contact Nos. 9414161962 9650102721 9811953640 8826724068 8802880351 9958507499 9650456778 9560821619 9958826054 9654442672 9968300342 9766290791 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 104 Annexure-9: Contact numbers of district administration Sr.No. Designation Fire Brigade Faridabad 1. Police Station Control room ,Faridabad 2. Fire Brigade Ballabhgarh 3. Fire Station Officer ,Ballabhgarh (Mr.Rajinder) 4. Fire Brigade,NIT 5. Fire Brigade Palwal 6. Deputy Collector ,Faridabad 7. S.S.P. Faridabad 8. S.D.M. (Ballabhgarh) 9. S.H. Office (Ballabhgarh) 10. Senior Asst.Director -Industrial Safety & Health 11. C.M.O.,B.K. Hospital ( Faridabad) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Escort Hospitals –Faridabad Metro Hospital ,Mr.Deepak Fire Station Ballabhgarh -Mr.Subay Fire Station Ballabhgarh -Mr.Jaibir Fire Station Ballabhgarh -Mr.Satish Mutual aid industry Piyala LPG Plant 18. Indian Oil Lube Belnding Unit,Asaoti AVI Oil ,Asaoti Balmer Lawire 19. 20. 21. State Pollution Control Board Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization (PESO) Sr. Asstt. Director (Industrial Safety & Health) Contact Nos. 101 100 2309744 9911901224 2412666 951275-252101 2227935 /2227936 2226263 2304500 2241341 2227244 /2249962 102, 2415623 5419999/2416096/2416 097 8586931127 9991303831 9991118897 9953640499 2205285 /2205286 / 2205030 0129 -2205102 2205103/104/105/22050 99/2205062 2205265 / 2205280 /2205701 ,2 ,3 0129-2215090 /9910889155 0172-2577870-73 0129-2410734/2410732 0129-2227244/2249962 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 105 Annexure-10: Addresses and Telephone Directory of Technical Support Services 1 Director General Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Anusandhan Bhawan’ 2-Rafi marge, New Delhi-110001 STD Code-011 Telefax-23710618 23717053 (O) 2 Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board Parivash Bhawan, CBD cum Office Complex East Arjun Nagar, Delhi-110032 STD Code-011 Fax-22304948 22305233 (O) 22307233(O) 3 Joint Secretary (Chemical) Department of Chemical and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Shastri Bhawan Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110001 STD Code-011 Fax- 23070104 23383756 (O) 4 DG (ICMR) & Secretary (MR) Indian Council of Medical Research Post Box No. 4911, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi110029 STD Code-011 Fax-26588662 26589620 (D) 26588204 (O) 5 DG, NDRF, Civil Defence Ministry of Home Affairs East Block-7, Level-7, R. K. Puram, New Delhi110066 STD Code-011 Fax-26105912 26715303 (O) 26712851 (O) 6 Fire Advisor Ministry of Home Affairs East Block-7, Level-7,R. K. Puram, New Delhi110066 STD Code-011 Telefax-26712832 26712832 (O) 7 2510103 (O) Chief Controller of Explosive Deptt. of Explosive, Ministry of Commerce & Industry CGO Complex, Block-A, 5th Floor, Seminad Hills, Nagpur-440006 STD Code-0712 Fax-2510577 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 8 Joint Secretary Department of Road Transport & Highways Parliament Street, Parivash Bhawan, New Delhi110001 STD Code-011 Fax-23311802 23717294 (O) 9 Director (Industrial Safety & Health) Office of Directorate Industrial Safety & Health, Commerce Centre, 5th Floor, Tardeo, Mumbai400034 STD Code-022 Fax-23522651 Director General Factory Advice Service & Labour Institute CLI, Mankikar Marge, Sion Mumbai-400022 STD Code-022 Fax-24071986 Director Indian Institute of Toxicology Research Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Lucknow-226001 STD Code-0522 Fax-2628227/2611547 Director National Institute of Occupational Health Indian Council of Medical Research, Meghani Nagar, Ahmedanad-380016 STD Code-079 Fax-22686110 Director Centre for Fire, Explosive & Environment Safety (DRDO, Ministry of Defence) Brig. S. K. Mazumdar Marg, Timarpur, N. Delhi110054 STD Code-011 Fax-23819547 23522230 (O) 10 11 12 13 24074358 (O) 24092203 (O) 2621856 (O) 2613357 (O) 22866142 (O) 22686330 (O) 22686851 (O) 23813239 65498030 PAGE: 106 Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 107 Annexure-11 Pipeline route map and details of various facilities such as sectionalizing Valve (SV), intermediate Pigging (IP) stations, intermediate pumping stations (IPS) across pipeline route Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 108 CHECK LIST-1 (Refer Regulation 10.1(d)) Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan (ERDMP) Hazard Identification Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CHECKPOINT Hazard Analysis & Risk Assessment Whether any of the following procedures or techniques for hazard identification has been used in the terminal/ installation : 1) HAZOP 2) Accident Consequences & Analysis 3) Event Tree Analysis. 4) Fault Tree Analysis 5) Failure Modes, Effects & Criticality Analysis. 6) Risk Assessment 7) What If, analysis. 8) Other accredited practice Hazard Identification : Is the terminal / installation covered under the definition of “Major Accident Hazard Installation” as per the Manufacture Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules 1989? If yes, whether major accident hazards identified and steps taken for their prevention Whether design deficiencies, failures or errors which can contribute to hazards and cause abnormalities leading to an accident are identified. What are the measures undertaken to counter above deficiencies or, errors Consequences of a major accident on the workers, people in the neighbourhood and the environment are considered Steps envisaged for mitigation of the consequences of such accident Does the installation produces / handle / use / import / store any hazardous chemicals as defined under MSIHC Rules 1989? If yes, whether a list of these chemicals, preferably in alphabetical order with their maximum licensed storage quantities is displayed Are material safety data sheets (MSDS) of these chemicals are prepared / obtained in the prescribed format as per MSIHC Rules and State Factory Rules? Whether a system for disseminating information about these MSDS to concerned workers are existing Are there a system of labelling of containers / storage tanks for the chemicals / hazardous substances Whether estimation of maximum possible quantity of each hazardous substance are considered including any vehicle (TT/TW) on site or within 500 mtrs of the site. Whether location, configuration and condition under which the hazardous substances are stored & handled are clearly declared Vulnerability Analysis : Whether zones of influence or vulnerable zones are estimated by considering the maximum single storage of hazardous substance & maximum loss scenario YES NO REMARKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. YES YES No No No YES No No YES YES-covered in QRA Report YES-covered in QRA Report YES, Location is Designed as per OISD guidelines YES YES YES YES-Displayed near Admin building YES YES YES YES YES YES Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 109 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Whether effects of influence on the vulnerable zones are made after considering the population, facilities & environment encompassed inside that zone Risk Analysis : Whether a relative measure of the probability & consequences of various possible hazardous events are taken into account. Whether risks are calculated by multiplying the probability of occurrence of each event by the consequences of that event and then summing up the results Whether all types of events possible in petroleum installations are considered including i) storage tanks on fire, ii) pool fire [burning pool of liquid fuel], iii) Flange joint leakage in pipelines, iv) Fire in TT or TW gantry, and v) rupture of hoses. Risk Reduction Measures : Whether measures for reduction of identified high risks are included by reducing the consequences thru’ hazard Mitigation measures. Whether steps have been consider to reduce risks to the exposed population by increasing safe distances by acquiring property around the facility, if possible HAZOP Study Whether the above method is applied if the location handles more than specified storage and / or critical operations Whether the study systematically identifies all possible deviations from normal operations Whether risk levels are established for each deviation after considering the probability & consequences of each such events Whether potential means for detection of such events & preventive measures are recommended by the study YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 110 CHECK LIST-2 (Refer Regulation 11.3 (Xii)) Incident Prevention Measures Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CHECKPOINT Whether Safety, Health and Environment Policy of the location is displayed Whether the Safety Policy is documented and duly approved by the top management Whether the Safety Policy is well structured to cover all elements of Safety, Health and Environment protection Whether the layout is convenient from operation & safety aspects and meets minimum distance norms as per OISD-118 Whether a duly constituted Safety Committee is functioning in the location with representation from workmen/staff Whether all unsafe developments & likely risks are deliberated in the meetings and appropriate steps are recommended for eliminating such risks Whether compliance status of recommendations of earlier Safety Committee meetings are discussed before taking up new issues. Whether performance & shortcomings observed during recent mock disaster drills form part of the discussions in safety committee meetings Is the safety committee minutes are recorded & signed by all the attending members Whether periodical safety audits & inspections by internal and external audit teams are conducted in defined intervals Whether a system of regular monitoring of such audit compliances by controlling offices / HO are in place What is the composition of external audit teams to ensure impartiality of audit findings Whether Work Permit System in line with OISD-105 have been implemented Whether work permits are issued for hot work, cold work, electrical work & vessel entry jobs Whether the location-in-charge remain the issuer for all hot work & vessel entry permits for enhanced safety & control Whether work permits are duly closed at completion of the stipulated jobs, duly certified by the supervising officer Whether heat detectors in tank sprinkler systems, high level alarms of tank farm management system are provided & checked for regular functioning Whether in-built safety interlocks provided in the design of the terminal are adequately specified & checked for regular functioning YES NO REMARKS YES-in Hindi and English YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 111 CHECK LIST-3 [Refer Regulation 12.1(i)] MUTUAL AID / MOCK DRILLS SR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CHECK POINT Whether mock fire / emergency response drills are held If yes, periodicity of emergency response drills Mock drills cover all types of probable emergencies Does the location have Mutual Aid Plan If yes, the details of other members including names and contact nos. of concerned officials List of fire fighting equipment’s available with each Mutual Aid members including District Fire Service Compatibility of safety equipment of all Mutual Aid members including District Fire Services with said location has been tested and documented in the DMP Details of water storage available with Mutual Aid member including District Fire Service and mechanism to utilize the same in the said location well documented in the DMP Details of fire fighting foams concentrate/chemicals available with Mutual Aid members including nearest Fire Service has been incorporated Details of lead time for response of Mutual Aid members including District Fire Service has been documented in the DMP Periodicity of safety training for officers, staff, contractor workers, n crew and security personnel mentioned in the ERDMP Mutual Aid Plans Does the location have established Mutual Aid Plans Which are the Mutual Aid Team members and the assistance offered? Does the plan clearly indicate types of possible hazards and fire fighting measures required? Does the plan include expected assistance from each members Does the Plan spell out the communication protocol and the channels in times of emergency Periodic joint exercise and meetings for practice, familiarization and identifying and resolving compatibility issues. YES NO REMARKS YES Quarterly YES YES Yes mentioned in written mutual aid plan Clause 11.2 YES YES YES YES As per HSE Training policy YES Clause 12.3 YES YES YES YES Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 112 CHECK LIST-4 [Refer Regulation 13.0] ERDMP Response Measures /Infrastructure Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 CHECKPOINT Zones, maps & layouts Does the Location have Emergency Zones clearly identified for accident prone areas Do the Maps indicate location of Emergency Assembly Points and Emergency Control Rooms Is the process Lay-out prominently displayed Does the P&I Diagram include emergency control valves, shutdown system, isolation valves, important control valves etc. Does the Fire Hydrant Layout conspicuously displayed. Manpower Is the Fire Organogram clearly displayed. Does the Organogram include all duties to be attended in connection with an emergency. Is the organogram include key personnel by their names or, work position Does it have the alternate coverage to take care of the absence of a particular person [ in cases where organogram is developed basis names] Does it include assignment of all key co-ordinators viz. the Incident Controller, Administration & communication Controller & Safety Coordinator. Emergency Control Centre Does the ECC well defined & clearly marked on the displayed layout Is it strategically positioned to be outside the periphery of immediate affected area. Does the centre have adequate communication channels including internal & external telephone connections, PA, paging & VHF systems Does a list of key personnel & essential telephone nos. are prominently displayed. Does the layout of fire fighting system, different hazardous zones, Assembly Points are prominently displayed. Emergency Assembly Points Does the EAPs well defined & clearly marked on the displayed layout Does the EAPs have pre-defined in-charges during emergencies who keeps in touch with the Emergency Control Centre and Administrative Controllers and updates on the roll call on people reporting. YES NO REMARKS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 113 CHECK LIST-5 [Refer Regulation14.2.1 (a)] Review & Updation of ERDMP Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 CHECKPOINT Frequency of mock-drills for practice, refinement & updation. Does the records for periodic Mock drills maintained in a well defined format. After each drill, whether assembly meetings involving all staff and contract personnel are conducted to share experience of the event as also to identify the shortcomings and scopes for further improvement in procedures. Whether the issues are discussed & the plan modified suitably. Does the review ensures efficiency of the plan particularly w.r.t. response, communication & coordination aspects. Do the Mutual Aid members participate in the drills and based on the actual response & difficulties experienced, corrective actions initiated for refinement of the plan. Does a procedure exist in incorporating the findings/learning of the actual disaster management handling, if any so that the plan can be revised accordingly. YES NO REMARKS Monthly FIRE DRILL AND HALF YEARLY MOCK DRILL YES YES YES YES YES Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 114 CHECK LIST-6 [Refer Regulation 17.0 (5)] Availability of resources [Internal / External] Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. CHECKPOINT Details of firefighting equipment of the location is incorporated in the DMP Information on critical resources like no. of fire hydrants, water monitors, fire fighting pumps, static water storage, portable firefighting equipment and foam systems are included Available resources as per SCHEDULE-IV Location has storage of water for 4 hours fire fighting. In case water availability is less, a plan for replacement from nearby sources Details of drainage system including Oil Water Separator is available in DMP, wherever applicable. Requirement & availability of Personal Protective Equipment Whether manpower available during regular as well as idle shift hours including security personnel clearly indicated in the plan External & Internal Resources for combating Emergency Does the plan enumerate the following resources available internally with the location as also from external agencies including Mutual Aid Members and govt. agencies like fire brigade, police, municipal authorities etc. : a. Water – from static reservoir as also mobile water tankers b. Fire Hoses c. Specialized nozzles e.g. fog, jet, triple purpose etc. d. Mobile water monitors e. Fire Extinguishers – type & capacity f. Water Gel Blankets g. Foam Compounds h. First Aid material, Medicines, Stretchers i. Mobile / fixed ladders j. Vehicles available Trained manpower for combating emergency Any other resources considered necessary YES NO REMARKS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 115 CHECK LIST-7 (Refer Regulation 26.0 (2)) ERDMP Recovery Measures Sl. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 CHECKPOINT Post Emergency Recovery Salvage of product Check that spilled / accumulated product contents are transferred to the OWS or collected in drums. Check whether the quality & quantity estimation of the product extracted from OWS has been done for further disposal in line with standing QC guidelines by either transferring to service tanks or to nearest refinery for blending / reprocessing or not. Check that correct stock accounting of spilled product as loss has been completed in accounting system. Check that affected area has been completely cleaned and dried after evacuation of spilled product. Declare that affected area after salvage operations is fully clean & safe for movement of the working personnel. Check that all drains are not having any residual oil and are thoroughly cleaned & dried. Check that all control valves on product lines & OWS lines outside dyke area and drains are completely closed after removal of the spilled product. Check that interlocking system of tanks / gantry has been reactivated for normal operations. Check whether the soil testing of the affected area, if required, has been done to assess the soil contamination level to meet the Environmental – SPCB norms / requirements. Taking care of affected manpower Whether physical accounting of all personnel on duty during & after the incident are ascertained by the Main Incident Controller and reconciled immediately Whether the first-aid treatment & post-incident health check of the affected personnel has been undertaken in time Whether these personnel are declared fully physically fit before allowing them to resume their normal duties Whether the records for such first aid & treatment of the affected personnel are maintained in a well-defined format Addressing media & outside bodies Whether the DMP event was appropriately informed to the local media in line with the respective company’s Press & Media Policy Whether the role of neighbouring population during the drill / disaster is suitably informed to the population during subsequent meetings with local administration/ Panchayat etc. for necessary improvements Whether the awareness & preparedness on disaster is regularly assimilated / shared with nearby public / societies and stake holders. Reporting Check whether that disaster incident report was communicated to respective controlling office / HQ on time in a standard format. Whether the incident reports are also sent to concerned State Level Industry Coordinator on time. YES NO REMARKS YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Ref No. BPCL/PYL/OSEP EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLAN OF M/s BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. PIYALA INSTALLATION, PIYALA P.O. ASAOTI, TEHSIL BALLABHGARH, DISTT. FARIDABAD (HARYANA) MONTH/YEAR: FEBRUARY/2014 REVISION No. 0 PAGE: 116 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Check that detailed report on disaster in proper format was communicated to PNGRB/ Factory inspector / Labour inspector / SPCB / District Magistrate /PESO. Investigation Whether investigation teams are constituted as per respective company policies Whether RCA (Root Cause Analysis) of the disaster is conducted by the investigating team Whether detailed analysis including effective functioning of interlocks, detection devices, automation controls & applicable norms are carried out to find out possible improvements in design / construction / operations / maintenance & training aspects Whether a system of initiating appropriate corrective measures including suitable revisions to the Disaster Management Plan are adopted based on findings of the investigation Damage Assessment – Monetary & Physical Check the valuation / cost of product loss / down gradation on account of contamination, if any / Property / Structures / damaged assets – equipment. Whether repairs & maintenance cost of property, assets & equipment are assessed. Whether any penalty by statutory authorities like SPCB / Factory Inspector and Labour Commissioner are assessed. Whether possible impact on environment are also assessed & appropriate measures are taken Whether damage assessment also include potential erosion of reputation – from company, industry & national perspectives Clean up and Restoration Whether the affected area has been fully cleaned and cleared after due clearance from investigation team Check whether heat detectors, high level alarms, in built safety systems (NRV, TSV etc.) are fully functional after the disaster incident. Check whether all fire fighting equipment like – hoses / nozzles / Fire Extinguishers etc. have been put back at designated places and are fully ready for reuse Whether a clearly defined steps are in place to allow resumption of normal operations YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES Photograph of green belt.