sela creek project - suriname
sela creek project - suriname
TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF SELA CREEK PROJECT - SURINAME AN UNDEREXPLORED, HIGHLY PROSPECTIVE, GREENSTONE-HOSTED GOLD PROJECT IN THE PROLIFICALLY GOLD MINERALIZED GUIANA SHIELD PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS • Large, greenstone-hosted gold system defined by >30 km2 of alluvial and shallow saprolite ar sanal workings which have produced an es mated 0.5+ Moz of gold. Hunter Bay is the first company to explore the 39,325 hectare concession. • Geological se ng, similarity to analogous mul -million ounce deposits, significant assay results received by Hunter Bay, and recogni on of vein, shear and poten al intrusion-hosted styles of mineraliza on, indicate excellent explora on poten al. • An aggressive explora on program completed by Hunter Bay has defined three high priority drill-ready targets, within a 7 km long, strongly gold-mineralized, regional shear zone. Addi onal high priority targets require further mapping. • Drill contract for 5000 m signed with an cipated start Q2 of 2012. Approximately 45 angled diamond holes are planned to test the depth extension of mineraliza on exposed in ar sanal workings to a maximum ver cal depth of 200 meters. • Hunter Bay has developed an excellent rela onship with the local community through implementa on of posi ve social responsibility programs. • Explora on licence valid for 3 years (from January 2011) extendable twice for an addi onal two years on each occasion. Therea er, the licence can be converted to an exploita on licence which is valid for 25 years with op on to extend. SçÙ¥ EøÖÙÝÝ®ÊÄ View northeast along the Jons Pit trend. Shallow arƟsanal workings in saprolite define three mineralized structures over a width of 100 m. ArƟsanal pits extend over 1.5 km along strike. Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 1 TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF WHY THE GUIANA SHIELD ? • The Guiana Shield is a cratonic block that was originally joined to the West African craton and shares the same Proterozoic greenstone Belt Geology. • Both cratons are prolifically gold endowed and host numerous mul -million ounce deposits and mines including world-class deposits such as Obuasi (32 Moz Au), Tarkwa (31 Moz Au), Las Cris nas (27 Moz Au) and Rosebel (14 Moz Au). • Unlike West Africa, the Guiana Shield is largely underexplored, and there is excellent poten al for significant further discoveries. • Many of the known deposits in the Guiana Shield are mul -million ounce, vein and shear-hosted with strong structural control, simple mineral assemblages and free gold, making them very a rac ve explora on targets. WHY SURINAME ? • Suriname’s explora on poten al is highlighted by the discoveries of Rosebel (14 Moz gold, IAMGOLD) and Merian (3 Moz: Newmont) deposits, as well as numerous gold explora on projects. The eastern greenstone belt is rela vely unexplored and represents a fron er explora on area. • Suriname is a democracy governed under Dutch based law. Suriname’s economy is dominated by the mining industry, with exports of alumina, gold and oil accoun ng for 85% of exports. Suriname is ac vely pursuing investment to increase mineral explora on and development. Yatela 3.5 Moz La Victoria 2.6 Moz Choco El Callao Las Cristinas 27 Moz Las Brisas Toroparu 8.5 Moz VENEZUELA Tassawini 0.5 Moz Sulphur Rose 0.5 Moz Aurora 6.9 Moz SIERRA Peters Mine Rosebel 14 Moz LEONE Omai Nassau 3 Moz 5.1 Moz Camp Caiman FRENCH GUIANA 3 Moz GUYANA Siguiri 5 Moz SURINAME LIBERIA Yaou-Dorlin 2.3 Moz Sela Creek M A L I Morila 8.5 Moz Taparko 1.5 Moz Essakan 5 Moz B U R K I N A FA S O Youga 1 Moz Bonikro 1.5 Moz Volta Grande 3.5 Moz Inata 1.7 Moz Mana 1.9 Moz Syama 7.9 Moz Poura Tongon 1.5 Moz 3 Moz IVORY COAST Amapari 2.9 Moz Gold deposits B R A Z I L W ES T AFRICAN SHIELD Ity 4Moz G U I A N A S H I EL D Greenstone belt Sadiola 12 Moz Loulo 15.5 Moz Lero 7.6 Moz GUINEA Aurizona 1.8 Moz Cachoeira Ahafo 16.5 Moz Bibiani 4 Moz Chirano 4.5 Moz GHANA TOGO Amafo Konongo 1.9 Moz Akyem 8.4 Moz Obuasi 30.2 Moz Damang 3 Moz Bogosu-Prestea 10 Moz Tarkwa Gurupi 31.6 Moz 3.5 Moz BENIN NIGERIA Greenstone 0 100 200 300 400 500 Igarapé-Bahia 18 Moz Serra Pelada 2 Moz Kilometres West Africa and North East South America were joined for much of their history and share the same Proterozoic greenstone geology. The above figure is a palaeo-geographic reconstruc on (ca. 115 Ma ago) showing con nent break-up and development of the proto South Atlan c ocean. Note prolific gold endowment and number of world class mines. Over 90 million ounces of gold discovered to date in greenstones of Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guyana. Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 2 TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF Sela Creek A½½çò®½ FÊÊãÖÙ®Äã Over 30 km2 of alluvial workings and shallow saprolite workings at Sela Creek Merian 5 km Images taken from Google Earth showing the mined ‘alluvial footprint’ of Sela Creek and Merian (3+ Moz Au: Newmont). Both images shown at same scale. 5 km Sela Creek has never been explored by a western explora on company. The Jons Pit Prospect has been mined over a strike length of 1.5 km as a series of shallow open pits (< 10 m deep) targe ng limoni c saprolite above bedrock shear zones. Ar sanal workings have been iden fied intermi ently over a strike length of 7 km within the Sela Creek concession as a whole. Mining is conducted hydraulically by small washing teams and targets free-gold in saprolite. Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 3 TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF EXPLORATION BY HUNTER BAY Hunter Bay signed an Earn-In and Joint Venture agreement with the owners of Sela Creek on 21st of December 2010. Since that me Hunter Bay has exercised it’s op on to acquire 30% and has completed: • A 4986 line kilometer aeromagne c, radiometric and XDS VLF-EM survey flown by Terraquest Ltd which successfully iden fied several structural and poten al intrusive style high priority targets. • Structural interpreta on of airborne geophysical data has iden fied a large dila onal structure. Known surface mineraliza on is spa ally related to regional shear zones and major faults. • Reconnaissance geological mapping and rock chip sampling over an area of approximately 100 km2. A total of 168 rock chip samples collected of which 17 assayed above 5 g/t Au (maximum 446 g/t Au). Free-gold in quartz is common. • First phase soil sampling over an area of approximately 32 km2 has iden fied two large gold-in-soils anomalies and a goldarsenic anomaly coincident with magne c low/magne c high geophysical target. • A total of 46 channels (total 665 m) taken along the Jons Pit-Cambior trend and at Puma have returned significant intercepts across shear zones and high grade intercepts across quartz vein zones. N Cambior Stranger 5 km Panther Targets Paaston Target Paaston Pit Central Ridge Target Jons Pit Puma Pit Puma Target Sela Creek - 7 km long Mineralised Corridor The main mineralised trend at Sela Creek strikes northwest over at least 7 km and is hosted within a regional scale shear zone interpreted from airborne magne c data. Four prospects have been iden fied where ar sanal miners are exploi ng shear hosted quartz veins in strongly deformed metasedimentary rocks. Prospect strike length varies from 300 m (Stranger) to 1.5 km (Jons Pit). Mineralized zones are up to 16 meters wide. Significant assay results have been returned from channel samples at each prospect, with the Cambior, Jons Pit and Puma prospects forming Hunter Bays priority targets for the 2012 drill program. Targets shown in green are areas shedding alluvials but lacking surface workings. Gold in soil anomalies have been defined at Central Ridge and Puma and all areas are high priority targets for further sampling and mapping. Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 4 TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF Select Channel Sample and Rock Chip Outcrop Results and Soil Anomalies Completed soil sampling grid Cambior Pit 3.0 m @ 2.14 g/t Au (CH001) 4.0 m @ 1.64 g/t Au (CH008) 9.0 m @ 13.60 g/t Au (CH011) 33.16 g/t Au 18.13 g/t Au 2.42 g/t Au 5.52 g/t Au Jons Pit 7.4 m @ 1.66 g/t Au (SKC001) 12.0 m @ 1.63 g/t Au (CH005) 3.0 m @ 4.32 g/t Au (CH006) 10.0 m @ 2.63 g/t Au (CH014) 16.0 m @ 1.09 g/t Au (CH015) 4.0 m @ 2.71 g/t Au (CH021) 3.3 m @ 6.44 g/t Au (CH025) Stranger Pit 7.0 m @ 1.36 g/t Au (CH004) 446.27 g/t Au 20.50 g/t Au 73.8 g/t Au 141.36 g/t Au 1.02 g/t Au 1.35 g/t Au 7.94 g/t Au Puma Pit 9.0 m @ 2.66 g/t Au (CH027) Significant channel sample and rock chip outcrop assay results are present along the Puma-Jons Pit-Cambior Trend. Hunter Bay was only able to sample approximately 15% of the trend where ar sanal miners are ac ve, as older pits are either flooded or backfilled with tailings, and alluvial tailings cover poten al mineralized structures where they cross drainages (shown in yellow) that have been worked for gold. The red contours represent 100 ppb gold in soil contours and the blue contour 50 ppb arsenic. Soils were taken on a 100 m by 200 m grid at the transi on of the B and C soil horizon. Infill soil sampling of anomalous areas on a 25 by 50 m grid will commence Qtr 2 of 2012 in order to be er define soil anomalism. The absence of soil anomalies between Jons Pit and Cambior is largely due to the almost complete removal of the soil profile by ar sanal miners. For a full list of channel sample assay results see Hunter Bays press release dated 19th December 2011 Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 5 TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF Vein-Hosted and Disseminated Limonite aŌer Silica-Pyrite Styles of MineralizaƟon Sheeted quartz veins hosted in strongly foliated metasedimentary rocks. Quartz veins are composed of white, massive quartz and visible gold is common. The vein zone is up to 9 m wide at surface. Cambior North Prospect. A channel sample taken across this zone assayed 9 m @ 13.6 g/t Au including 2 m @ 39.43 g/t Au. Limonite stained and white-clay altered, micaceous and schistose rocks at Jons Pit Prospect. Limonite staining is associated with dark red hema te pseudomorphs a er sulphide with minor quartz veining and/or silica altera on. Limonite zones form the target for ar sanal miners along the 1.5 km long Jons Pit Prospect. The excavator is used to break-up the saprolite which is then mined hydraulically and passed over simple sluice boxes. A channel sample has been taken but assays pending. Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 6 TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF CH005 12 m @ 1.63 g/t gold including 2 m @ 2.25 g/t gold CH006 3 m @ 4.32 g/t gold including 1 m @ 12.22 g/t gold and 1 m @ 7.11 g/t gold CH007 6 m @ 1.10 g/t gold including 1 m @ 2.06 g/t gold CH014 10 m @ 2.63 g/t gold including 1 m @ 12.19 g/t gold CH021 16 m @ 1.09 g/t gold CH024 4 m @ 2.71 g/t gold CH038 10 m @ 2.51 g/t gold CH017 2 m @ 2.41 g/t gold CH003 10 m @ 0.55 g/t gold CH039 4 m @ 3.14 g/t gold SKC0008 2 m @ 3.60 g/t gold SKC0006 2.6 m @ 2.82 g/t gold SKC0007 1 m @ 3.99 g/t gold N 500 m Jons Pit Prospect: Quickbird Data and Significant Channel Sample Results Mineraliza on recognised over a strike length of 1.5 km and widths of up to 16 metres. Ar sanal open pits exploi ng shearhosted quartz veins and limonite-stained silica-altered shear zones are limited to topographic highs. Abandoned pits are flooded and backfilled with tailings and sampling by Hunter Bay is restricted to parts of recently worked pits. Topographic lows along strike from known mineraliza on are also covered with tailings and can only be tested by drilling. In the above image shallow open pits in saprolite are shown with black outline. Note NE-SW trending drainages that have been worked for alluvial gold. More recently ar sanal miners have targeted shallow saprolite at the edge of alluvial drainages which has extended workings upwards into the forest. Approximate posi on of planned drill holes shown in white. Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 7 TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF N Mountain Pit 250 m CH040 (Cambior North) 2 m @26.58 g/t gold including 1 m @ 51.37 g/t gold CH011 (Cambior North) 9 m @ 13.60 g/t gold including 1 m @ 36.92 g/t gold and 2 m @ 39.43 g/t gold CH001 (Cambior) 3 m @ 2.14 g/t gold including 1 m @ 3.85 g/t gold CH002 (Cambior) 1 m @ 1.86 g/t gold Cambior South CH008 (Cambior) 4 m @ 1.64 g/t gold including 1 m @ 4.09 g/t gold Cambior Prospect: Quickbird Data and Significant Channel Sample Results Mineraliza on recognised over a total strike length of 750 m with widths of up to 9 metres. Ar sanal open exploit sheeted, shear-hosted quartz veins at Cambior North and limonite-stained, silica-altered zones at Cambior. Hunter Bay will focus on the high grade Cambior North target where visible gold is commonly observed, before drill tes ng the downdip extension of mineraliza on at Cambior. Channel sampling is required at Cambior South and Mountain Pit, which have only recently been exposed. In the above image shallow open pits in saprolite are shown with black outline. Note drainages that have been worked for alluvial gold. More recently ar sanal miners have targeted shallow saprolite at the edge of alluvial drainages which has extended workings upwards into the forest. Approximate posi on of planned drill holes shown in white. Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 8 TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF PLANNED 2012 EXPLORATION The focus of the 2012 explora on program will be diamond drill tes ng advanced projects. The drill is scheduled to mobilize end Qtr 1 of 2012 with an aim to be drilling by middle Qtr 2 of 2012. Camp logis cs are complete and the property is drill ready. Specifically: • Three priority targets have been iden fied for first phase drill tes ng. Angled diamond holes are planned to a maximum ver cal depth of 200 m to test the depth extension of mineraliza on exposed in ar sanal workings. • Diamond holes will be drilled on ‘fence-lines’ spaced approximately 80 m apart and test a cumula ve 800 m of strike length at Jons Pit, 500 m of strike length at Cambior and over 250 m of strike length at Puma. • Infill soil sampling will be conducted at Puma, Central Ridge and Panther to be er define gold and arsenic soil anomalies iden fied to date. Geological mapping, and rock chip and channel sampling, will be ongoing. Qtr 1 Sela Creek Qtr 2 Drill mobiliza on / ancillary 5000 m diamond drilling (all in meter) $ 50,000 $1,750,000 Ongoing mapping / soil sampling General logis cs, camp and travel $100,000 $100,000 Total Expenditures = $2,000,000 EARN-IN AND JOINT VENTURE TERMS In-Ground Explora on Cash Payment CAD Hunter Bay Shares Earn-In % Year 1 to 21 December 2011 $0.4 100,000 250,000 30 Exercised 13 July 2011 Year 2 to 21 December 2012 $2.0 250,000 250,000 51 $1.75 M spent to date $0.25 M cash paid / shares issued Year 3 to 21 December 2013 $2.0 250,000 70 500,000 80 Year 4 and 5 Comment Comple on of Scoping Study At 80 % Earn-In: Op onor can elect to fund its 20% as a diluteable working interest, or to convert 10% to shares in Hunter Bay based on 10% of discounted project value divided by average share price. The remaining 10% is converted to a 2% NSR and an 8% net profit royalty payable a er 100 % recovery of all project costs Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 9 TSX.V: HBY OTCQX: HTBNF Qç½®¥® PÙÝÊÄ Andrew Tunningley, MGEOL, MAusIMM (CP), MSEG, a director of Hunter Bay, is a Qualified Person as defined in Na onal instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects is responsible for the work program on the Sela Creek Project. Mr Tunningley has supervised and approved all technical informa on contained in this technical summary. Cçã®ÊÄÙù NÊã Informa on set forth in this document contains forward-looking statements that are based on assump ons as of the date of this document. These statements reflect management’s current es mates, beliefs, inten ons and expecta ons. They are not guarantees of future performance. Hunter Bay cau ons that all forward looking statements are inherently uncertain and that actual performance may be affected by a number of material factors, many of which are beyond Hunter Bay’s control. Such factors include, among other things, risks and uncertain es rela ng to Hunter Bay’s ability to implement its explora on programs on its proper es, Hunter Bay’s limited opera ng history; the need to comply with environmental and governmental regula ons; and poten al defects in tle to Hunter Bay’s proper es. Accordingly, actual and future events, condi ons and results may differ materially from the es mates, beliefs, inten ons and expecta ons expressed or implied in the forward looking informa on. Except as required under applicable securi es legisla on, Hunter Bay undertakes no obliga on to publicly update or revise forward-looking informa on. Hunter Bay Minerals Plc Bridge House, London Bridge, London SE1 9QR, England Phone: +44 (0) 207 127 9125 Email: [email protected] Sela Creek Summary: 28 February 2012 Page 10