A competition promoted by ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, the Italian Industrial Design Association - Liguria delegation REGULATIONS Art. 1 Aim of the competition ADI Liguria has organised a competition for the design of two objects: the pestle and the mortar, traditional kitchen utensils used in Liguria to make the famous basil sauce. The competition aims to develop exhibitions and promotions, also as part of the Milan EXPO 2015, where the key theme will be Nourish the planet, energy for life, and to search for winners, partners and businesses wishing to produce the items. The objects in question are very ancient and were constructed with ancient materials: marble and wood. In this respect, candidates are asked to reinterpret the design taking due consideration of tradition, but are also free to propose solutions that can adjust to the change in customs and cooking. Therefore, participants may, if they so wish, also use technological solutions, as long as they use food-compatible materials and/or inventions that are suitably economic for use. Models and/or prototypes that may physically depict the products are also welcome. NB Proposals presented must consider the organoleptic values that make this famous green sauce what it is. The various proposals submitted must consider the specific characteristics of flavour, colour and aroma that must remain unaltered, imagining the production of the sauce using the project proposed. Art. 2 Jury members MARCO PIETROSANTE, designer, food design scholar, teacher PAOLO BARICHELLA, food designer, food design theorist FRANCESCA ROMANA BARBERINI, author and television presenter, foodwriter NERINA DI NUNZIO, manager of Italian cookery classes DAVIDE GHEPPO ZUNINO, Liguria-born chef. SERGIO DI PAOLO, Deputy Chairman of the Palatifini Association ENRICO GOLLO, designer, Chairman of ADI Liguria ORNELLA D'ALESSIO, journalist, author of books and travel guides CLAUDIA FAZIO, teacher, Food & Beverage consultant The Jury's decisions will be taken by majority vote. The President of the Jury will be appointed from amongst its members. Art. 3 Competition trustee The trustee, who acts as a go-between for the sponsor, jury and competitors is: ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale Via Bramante 29, 20154 Milan T +39 02 33100164 F +39 02 33100878 e-mail: [email protected] More information on participation in the competition can be obtained from: Enrico Gollo, Chairman of ADI Liguria, M +39 349 4640867 Mauro Olivieri, Director of ADI Liguria, M +39 393 9984825 Art. 4 Prizes The total prize is €6,500.00, which will be allocated as follows: 1st prize €3,000.00 2nd prize €2,000.00 3rd prize €1,500.00 If no suitable designs should be submitted and the competition should therefore close without a ranking and without a winner, the Jury may, at its own judgement, split the prize money differently and distribute it to the projects worthy of special mention. The sponsor specifies that the entire prize money will in any case be distributed and no redemption will be exercised for (any) withholdings established by the law. Art. 5 Conditions for participation Participation, upon registration, is open to all Italian and foreign designers: whether designers, architects or engineers, independent or part of a company, if authorised by it. Groups of designers may also participate, but a lead representative must be appointed, who will be the only party responsible and the contact person for ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale. The following may not participate: members of the Jury, their family members and employees of ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale. Art. 6 Unprecedented nature of projects The projects must in any case be brand new and developed specifically for the competition. The ADI Design Jury shall rule on any dispute concerning the originality of the projects. Art. 7 - Registration To register with the competition, the registration form must be filled in with the data of the lead representative and participants and it must be signed by all participants as a mark of acceptance of this notice. The form must also give a motto (or number of six non-repeated figures) chosen by the competitor. The form is published on the website The hard copy original of the completed, signed form must be attached, in a sealed bag, to the file with which the drawings are to be sent (see Art. 8). At the time of registration, an entry fee must be paid of €50.00 + VAT for a total of €61.00, again by 31st August 2015. It can be paid: by bank transfer to the current account held by ADIper srl c/o Cariparma Crédit Agricole, Milan 25 branch (053), via Carlo Farini 1, 20154 Milan IBAN: IT93 C 06230 01625 0000 3013 7064 BIC SWIFT: CRPPIT2P053 by postal order made out to ADIper srl., via Bramante 29, 20154 Milan by debit card or credit card, directly at the Milan offices of ADI. Details of the payment and the data of the party making it, should be given on the registration form. Art. 8 Diagrams Each participant must provide the secretariat organising the competition with a sealed envelope for each project, containing a CD-Rom with three files in .pdf format: 2 files with project designs measuring 50x70 cm, which must contain at least one technical design on a suitable scale, showing the whole and the details; images must be high definition (press quality). 1 file describing the reasons, characteristics of the design, including materials and all other information considered useful; this report must be in A4 format and must not exceed three sides. The participant shall have the right to illustrate the project using other designs or images that must in any case be contained in said project designs or report. The same file containing the CD-Rom must also contain, in a non-transparent sealed envelope marked only by the motto chosen by the competitor, the original completed, signed hard copy of the registration form pursuant to Art. 7. The sealed file containing these documents must be sent by ordinary post or courier by 31st August 2015 to the following address: ADI Associazione per il Disegno Industriale Concorso "Pesto & Mortaio" ["Pesto & Mortar" Competition] Via Bramante 29, 20154 Milan The postage stamp or delivery note will be used to date the delivery; no projects will be accepted if, in error, received beyond the 10th day from the date envisaged for delivery. Art. 9 Identification and anonymity The files on CD-Rom submitted by the competitors and the envelope containing the hard copy original of the sheet pursuant to Art. 7 must not be signed but rather exclusively marked by the motto (or number) indicated on the registration sheet. Art. 10 Protection rights The competitor has the right to protect his work in advance by means of deposits or patents. In this sense, ADI will reserve participants the right to deposit their projects with the "Projects Register" at particularly favourable conditions. Art. 11 Informing and the disclosure of results ADI undertakes to present the initiative to the national press and optimise the competition results in the ways it believes most appropriate. All competitors hereby authorise ADI to display their project in an exhibition as may be held on a date to be decided. Competitors also authorise ADI to publish its project in a catalogue, volume and/or the specialised press; nothing will be due for this except for the obligation to mention the author/s name/s. In any case the competitors who do not receive prizes shall have the right to demand, in writing, within 15 days of notification of the results, that their work not be disclosed. ADI will inform all participants of the results of the competition by 30 September 2015; winners will be notified by letter sent recorded delivery whilst all other participants will receive a simple letter. Genoa, 1st May 2015 Competition Form Motto ______________________________________________________________________ Competition Team Lead Representative Name Surname Company Date of Birth Place and Country of Birth Address ZIP Code Town Phone Country E-mail VAT number Competition Team Members Name Surame Date of Birth Place and Country of Birth Address ZIP Code Phone Name Town Country E-mail Surname Date of Birth Place and Country of Birth Address ZIP Code Town Phone Country E-mail Name Surname Date of Birth Place and Country of Birth Address ZIP Code Town Phone Country E-mail Pursuant to and in accordance with Article 23 of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 on personal data protection, I consent ADI to enter my personal data in its automated and other database, for internal purposes and statistical organization, authorizing the appointment of the same or even their publication. At any time the subscriber may contact ADI to enforce his rights under Art. 7 of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003. I authorize ADI to disclose such information to third parties within its business. Date Competitor or Competition Team Lead Representative Signature ________________________________________________ Competition Team Members Signatures ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________