in Belgium - Provincia di Genova
in Belgium - Provincia di Genova
Mini Guide Living and working Broaden up your skills in Belgium F o r ewo r d This brochure does not intend to be a tourist guide and it does not pretend to give every detail essential to a successful integration in Belgium. However, in this mini guide you will find some important information which will allow you to form a general notion of the situation in Belgium and to collect quickly all the information needed during and after your stay on Belgian territory. Certain information in this brochure has been drawn from quoted Internet sites. B ELGIUM 4 L IVING iN B ELGIUM 14 W ORKING IN B ELGIUM 18 S TUDYING IN B ELGIUM 20 Belgium > THE FEDERAL STATE Belgium is a federal state divided into communities and regions. The division into communities is based on language and culture. The division into regions is based on economic interests. In addition the country has 10 provinces and 586 municipalities. The principal responsibilities of the Federal State are among other things: Foreign Affairs, National Defence, Justice, Finance, Social Affairs as well as great parts of Public Health and Home Affairs. Belgium The Federal State The Communities The Flemish Community The Regions The Flemish Region The French Community The Region of Brussels–Capital The German-speaking community The Walloon Region - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium BELGIUM : communities, districts, provinces, regions... Antwerpen Brugge Hasselt Gent Brussels Kortrijk Liège Mons Charleroi Namur Arlon Flanders Language : Dutch Borders on : Germany, France and the Netherlands Important cities : Antwerpen, Brugge, Brussels, Gent, Hasselt, Kortrijk, ... Wallonia Language : French Borders on : Germany, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands Important cities : Charleroi, Liège, Namur, Mons, ... Region of Brussels-Capital Languages: French and Dutch The City of Brussels is all in one : an agglomeration of 19 municipalities forming one of the three Regions of the Belgian Federal State, the capital of the Kingdom of Belgium, the seat of the governments of the French and Flemish Communities and also the place where the European Commission and the Council of the EU reside. The German-speaking Community Language : German Borders on : Germany and Luxembourg Important cities : Eupen, Saint-Vith, ... Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - To remember ... 1. Telephone numbers to remember The numbers below are all free 112 Everywhere in Europe ; 101 passing emergencies towards Police the adequate service 100 Ambulance (SAMU – Medical Service for emergencies) Fire brigade 105 The Red Cross (Assistance and intervention in case of 103 Children’s telephone number of the French Community 110 Child Focus (European Centre for disappeared or sexually abused children) disasters and catastrophes) 106 107 Tele-onthaal : Télé-Accueil : Difficulties of life « Somebody Difficulties of life « Somebody to speak to» - 24h/24 to speak to» - 24h/24 (Dutch speaking) (French speaking) 070 245 245 : 02 268 62 00 : 0800 32 123 : 0800 20 120 : 02 227 52 52 : - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium Anti-poison centre Centre for burns Suicide prevention centre Information help Aids Information drugs 2. Opening hours In the urban zones you can find a large range of goods and services, shopping streets, local stores, night shops, supermarkets and shopping centres. In those centres you can generally cover the distances between the various shops and agencies on foot. Generally the pleasant shopping streets, often with very many tourists, are located in the central parts of the cities. The big shopping centres and supermarkets are often situated on the periphery of the urban zones. Public transport takes you from the centre towards the periphery of the cities. In the country you sometimes have to drive a little longer to do your shopping, but the distances between the countryside and the city are never very great. The majority of the stores are open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and certain department stores, shopping centres and supermarkets until 8 p.m.. In certain shopping centres, stores remain even open until 21 p.m. one day a week or on Sundays. Bakeries are also open on Sundays. In the big cities you can also find night shops which offer an increasingly large range of products. 3. Money Since the first of January 2002 the official currency is the Euro (1 € = 0,403399 Belgian francs). Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 4. Languages As indicated before, Belgium is a crossroads of many influences. One can easily notice this fact in the multilingualism which defines this small country. Each Community has indeed its own language and all three of them (Dutch, French, German), have been recognized as national languages. It is hard to find Belgians who are fluent in all three of the national languages but English is often understood, in particular at Brussels, a very international city. 5. Religion Belgium is a country with a predominantly Catholic population (75 %) but other religions like Islam, Judaism and Protestantism are also practised. 6. National holidays January 1 (New Year’s Day) Easter and Easter Monday (the dates change) May 1 (Labour Day) Ascension day (6th Thursday after Easter) Pentecost and Whit Monday (7th Sunday and Monday after Easter) July 21 (national holiday) August 15 (Assumption of the Holy Virgin) November 1 (All Saints’ Day) November 11 (Armistice of 1918) December 25 (Christmas) The federal public services are also closed on November 15 (King’s Day) - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium 7. Means of communication The prefix of the telephone numbers to Belgium is 00 32. The public telephones function with coins, bank cards or phone cards which you can buy in many retail outlets such as the post office and the bookshop. The private fixed home telephones have been used a lot less since the rise of mobile telephony (GSM). The three major operators of mobile telephony (Proximus, Mobistar and Base) propose various formulas of payment : subscriptions and rechargeable cards. 8. Banks You can open an account in a Belgian bank. Your bank probably has a local correspondent in Belgium. Check this before leaving. Generally banks are open from Monday to Friday between 10h and 16h and sometimes on Saturday morning. If you make an appointment the time schedules are more flexible. Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - Some quite Belgian characteristics according to Here follow some characteristics of the Belgians which could perhaps be useful to you... It is always delicate to generalize but a certain number of characteristics refer to the majority of the Belgians : - In general they are modest and moderate ; - They are said to be good hosts and easy going and jovial ; - The Belgians have the reputation of being hard workers, the productivity rate is one of the highest in the world ; - The Belgians invest considerably in their housing, from which is drawn the expression « Ils ont une brique dans le ventre » (they have a brick in their belly). Social contacts Because of the climate, the Belgians live a lot inside, they don’t live outside so much, except perhaps during a beautiful day in the summer. They are attached to their private life and regard their house as a refuge. They cannot bear noise in the street, noise of neighbours, dustbins left about outside... At a first meeting, people show themselves rather reserved. When they meet somebody for the first time, they shake hands, they present themselves and a polite phrase is always welcome (« Pleased to meet you » or « How are you ? »). The Belgians are not very spontaneous, they say hello by a handshake or a nod, the hugging and kissing is reserved for close relatives. They will not shout to greet a friend who is on the other side of the road. On the telephone, courtesy wants people to present themselves and after that they can start to explain the reason of the phone call. When they pick up the telephone at home they immediately present themselves. 10 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium In a general sense and even more with the official authorities, it is very important to present yourself in time for an appointment. If you cannot arrive in time or if there is a hitch, it is advisable to give a phone call to the person concerned. Standards and values An essential Belgian value is the family. It is true, the number of marriages does decrease incessantly and the birth rate drops, but the family does remain very important in the considerations of the Belgians. In Belgium the individual person is important too. If a member of a family behaves badly, only this individual is held responsible and not the whole family. Traditions Fairs : You can find there ice cream vendors, cotton candy, « fritkots » (chips stalls), as well as horse-gear and attractions for children. These village fairs travel up and down Belgium from town to town. Les Gilles de Binche : Since the 14th century, the town of Binche has celebrated the arrival of spring with its carnival every year. Binche is a town in Wallonia in the province of « Hainaut ». The Gille is the central character of this carnival. The carnival of Binche lasts three days and on « Mardi gras » (Shrove Tuesday), the Gilles throw oranges. Saint-Nicolas : Each year, December 6, Saint Nicolas comes to bring toys and sweets to the children… if they have been good ! Saint Nicolas is helped by black men and he travels with his grey donkey. Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 11 Before leaving You decided to come to work in Belgium. Before your departure, you must carry out a certain number of formalities. First of all, you must have a valid passport provided by your country of origin (or only an identity card for certain countries). Secondly, you may need to obtain a visa at the Belgian embassy or the consulate in your country. This depends on your country of origin and the period of your stay. Thirdly, you must perhaps also get the authorization to practice your profession. To know which documents are required : Eures : the European services for employment A network which favours your mobility Everything you need to know about life and work abroad. All the European job offers on line. To inform you about the living and working conditions and to help you to find employment in another Member State of the European Union than yours, you can consult the public services of employment. These services are free and you can consult them in your own country as well as in the state where you wish to work. All these services are connected by a network called EURES (European Employment Services), created to encourage the mobility of the workers in the European Union. Each of these EURES departments has one or more advisers, charged to inform, advise and help you to find employment in another Member State than yours. 12 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium EURES, that’s also a whole team at the service of transborder workers You regularly cross a border to go from your residence to your work ? You are a little at sea trying to keep up with the paperwork and the legislation which evolves unceasingly ? You would like to benefit in the best way from your situation ? EURES can advise you and give the assistance and the support that you are looking for. Indeed, the network EURES has also specialized in borderwork and has created specific cells gathering employment officers in border zones. Belgium counts three Eures of this type: one for the relations between Belgium, France and England (Eures Channel), a second for Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany (Eures Meuse-Rhine), and a third for Belgium (province of Luxembourg), France (Lorraine), and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (EURES Crossborder PED for development of transborder work). All the information and addresses of the Network Eures Meuse-Rhine (transborder work between Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany) : All the information and addresses of the EuresChannel network (transborder work between Belgium, France and/or England) : All the information and addresses of the EURES Crossborder PED for development of transborder work between the Province of Luxembourg, Lorraine, and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) : Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 13 Living in Belgium Introduction Small by its size, the Kingdom of Belgium is a dense country by definition. Dense in terms of population (342 habitants/km², 10 million inhabitants) of course, but also dense in terms of daily life. Politically, economically, culturally, Belgium is located at the crossroads of several influences, and that must be reconciled with everyday life. That is not always easy... Belgium has become the administrative centre of Europe, and has been able to offer a new appearance to the Europeans who (re)-discover it gradually, Brussels, the capital, to begin with. However, Brussels remains worried about its old demons : the various communities tearing each other apart. The cause of these political quarrels are the important social and economic disparities. The various communities which constitute this federal country must often compromise « in the Belgian way » and are not always very effective in governing together. Belgium offers living and working conditions above average, but it is advisable to analyze the labour market thoroughly before planning to settle there. Indeed there are many shortages in various sectors but Belgium also counts many jobs for which there are more applicants than there are vacancies. Moreover, the various areas differ in many respects, so situations on one side of the linguistic borderline can be different on the other side. Pay attention to those facts and maybe Belgium could offer you much more than you have ever imagined ! 14 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium The arrival in Belgium Everybody who comes from a country which is a member of the European Union can stay in Belgium as a tourist for three months without inscription (European regulation). On the other hand, somebody who wants to work must be registered within 8 days after his arrival. For this registration you have to contact the Foreigners Department of the municipality where you live and you will have to hand in a series of administrative documents. Here we quote the documents most currently asked for, but other documents can be required : • Documents of identity (for copy) ; • Appendix 19 bis (certificate to apply to the employer) ; • In case of a marriage, the act of marriage . You will have to give your co-ordinates (addresses, telephone numbers...) and fill out some documents intended for the district police. After inspection by the police (checking if you live on the mentioned address), you will receive an invitation to present yourself on a fixed date and hour with the following documents : • 4 identity photos ; • Certificate of the employer ; • Documents of identity ; • In case of a marriage, the marriage certificate. The inherent cost of this request for registration is fixed by each municipality. At the time of the inscription, the interested party receives a document for a temporary stay of three months. After that a request for settlement must be introduced. (this request can also be presented sooner). If all the documents are in accordance with the standards and if there is no contrary opinion from the Office for Foreigners in Brussels, the interested party can already receive a residence permit for 5 years after one month. For the formalities concerning vehicles : Internet site, the chapter DIV can help you in your approach. Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 15 Housing Belgium suffers from a housing shortage which forces up the selling prices of houses. For a lot of families hiring has priority. Hiring A LOUER - TE HUUR Posters, generally orange and black with the words « to let » and easily recognizable, are attached to available residences. The majority of the Belgian daily newspapers as well as the regional newspapers also publish small advertisements of houses to let. The free weekly papers have specific headings concerning housing. The « Vlan group » gathers the majority of them, the national edition is available on Saturdays in the bookshops (or on Internet: - - ...). Many bookshops, associations, libraries or multimedia libraries also display housing ads. To rent a residence you will have to sign a tenancy agreement. Those agreements are usually concluded for a period of 3, 6 or 9 years or for an unspecified period. A rental guarantee which is generally equivalent to three months of rent, is nearly always required by the owners. This sum can be locked up on a bank account (bank guarantee) and will be refunded when you leave the house if you have not caused any damage. General remarks • An inventory of fixtures must be made by yourself and the owner, or by an indepe- ndent expert before you start furnishing. Do not neglect this, on no account, because it may cause a conflict. • The tenancy agreement has an annual indexation clause. • Maintenance charges are generally not included in the rent. • A fire insurance is required. 16 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium Purchase Residences available for purchase are generally recognizable by attached ‘for sale’ posters. The lists of the estate agencies can be consulted in the commercial directories like « The Golden Pages » or on the Internet, but the majority of the buildings or apartments for sale are presented in the newspapers, mainly the free weekly newspapers. You can consult a notary for free; this is advised to get to know the procedures of purchase. Later on his or her intervention will be necessary to finalize the sale itself. The purchase of a house always proceeds in two steps, in front of a notary. Initially, a temporary contract of sale is established. In general, the purchaser and the salesman agree on an advance of 10% of the selling price. Then, from six weeks to four months later, the sale will really be carried out. The notary expenses depend on the property register of the sold house and is charged to the purchaser. The list of notaries is available in the directory « The Golden Pages » or on the site : . The majority of the banks offer mortgage loans. Short period renting Hotels are relatively expensive. Youth hostels and B&B accommodations charge lower prices. (ask some information in the local tourist office). University towns offer rooms on the campus but only in summer. Local newspapers publish small advertisements for this type of renting. Organizations such as « InforJeunes » also offer very useful information. These regional centres, located in many cities, will be able to give you information on the legislation concerning housing. Their lists are pretty comprehensive : Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 17 Working in Belgium The labour market in Belgium shows different situations between and within the Regions and the Communities. The disparities are sometimes enormous : Flanders records an unemployment rate* of 8,5 % in 2005, while this rate is 20,2 % for Wallonia and 20,6 % for the region of Brussels-Capital. This situation is the result of the socio-economic differences in the regions. The supply and demand mechanisms of employment do not function in the same way everywhere. In spite of the existence of an important supply of qualified workers, it is difficult to fill up the vacant jobs, and in some regions the shortage of workers is sometimes very big. The economic growth was vigorous in 2004 (2,6 %), and it slightly dropped in 2005. If we take the international economic situation into consideration, it would in any case have been insufficient to reduce the unemployment figures. Finding employment Like in the majority of the countries, it is useful to try every available possibility when it comes to the search for employment : network of relations (family, friends,...), public services of employment, interim employment agencies, outplacement agencies, recruitment and selection agencies, the press, information centres, trade associations, student - or university associations and of course Internet. * The unemployed, completely compensated and registered as job seekers, compared to the population assured against unemployment (calculations carried out by the ONEM on the basis of INAMI data on June 30, 2004). Source : 18 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium There are 4 independent Public Services of Employment in Belgium, in accordance with the regions and the communities : VDAB for the Flemish region Le FOREM for the Walloon region ORBEM and BGDA for the region of Brussels-Capital AADG for the German-speaking Community The first stop for the search for employment is at one of the specialized centres of the Public Services of Employment. In the Walloon region it is Le FOREM that puts public areas at your disposal where you can find an answer to all your questions concerning employment : • Communication and consultation of job offers ; • Searching techniques ; • Training and coaching for the search for employment ; • Information on the trades, professions and competences and on the various professional sectors ; • Information on the fairs of employment and other annual events ; • Legislation (in particular with regard to assistance in job and training) : you will have access to multiple resources (library, newspapers, telephones, computers with free access to the employment site, in particular the site of Le FOREM). Consulting the company directories such as Kompass can also be very useful : Kompass ABC for trade and industry - Belgium Top 100.000 Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 19 Other possibilities Interim agencies These agencies provide temporary work called missions (contracts for variable periods : weekend, week...). They engage workers who are sent to companies. Those companies will be charged for the services of those workers. You will find their co-ordinates in the yellow pages of the telephone directories ( ). The UPEDI represents a great part of them ( ). The press The national press, especially the weekend press, is a good source of job offers. The principal newspapers are : Le Soir ( ), La Libre Belgique ( ), La Meuse ( ), De Standaard ( ), L’Echo ( ), Références ( ), as well as the free newspapers, the Vlan group is the best known one ( ), le Vlan is distributed on Saturdays in the bookshops. Recruitment and selection agencies Those agencies are accessible to any person wanting to work in Belgium. Some of them are specialized in a field. To contact them, two possibilities are offered to you : Via the WEB Various sites of job offers are also accessible for you, for example : • • Sending a spontaneous application (CV, letter of motivation) ; Sending an application following an advertisement on the Internet or in the press. . The lists of the principal cabinets can be consulted in the regional telephone directories ( ). Information centres The network INFOR JEUNES has regional centres and open centres in many Belgian towns. They will be able to give you information concerning work, training, social assistance, housing, transport... ( 20 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium To create your company Belgium suffers like many other European countries from a lack of dynamism regarding the creation of companies. This is why nowadays many devices and advantages are introduced in order to encourage applicants for work, foreign workers and investors to create a company of their own. All the devices, resources and advantages are joined together on these sites : > Did you know ? Do you know the Eures Network ? This network, established everywhere in Europe, directs you and informs you with regard to the steps you have to take in order to be able to work abroad. They collect and put on line all job offers from all over Europe. A search machine, which enables you to choose a country and a sector, will give you all the job offers available according to your criteria. The ideal partner for becoming a successful expatriate. Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 21 The organisation of work and payment Wages Wages are fixed in collective agreements. Those agreements have been concluded between the trade unions and the representatives of the employers. The collective agreements regulate the principal aspects of payment and working conditions. To obtain information on the scales of wages, you can contact the Inspection of social laws : Service public fédéral (SPF), Emploi, Travail et Concertation sociale, Rue Belliard, 51 - 1040 Bruxelles Tél. 02 233 41 11 In Belgium, they speak of net income and gross income. The net income is the sum actually received by the worker. It is equal to the gross income minus the social security contributions and the advances of the taxes called professional deduction, directly taken by the employer. The wages for the workmen must be paid every two weeks and for the employees every month. The dates and the terms of payment are fixed by the collective agreements. The holidays In Belgium, there are 10 official holidays : January 1, Easter Monday, May 1, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, July 21 (Belgian national holiday), August 15, November 1, November 11 and December 25. The annual holidays Employees are entitled to paid leaves ; they are based on the work carried out the preceding calendar year. That means that one cannot take leave the first year of work. However, your employer can give you some days off, but those are non-paid leaves. Workmen obtain 20 free days for one whole year of work, to be taken the following year. They are en- 22 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium titled to a payment from a holiday fund instead of wages. This amount includes normal wages plus a holiday pay. Employees are entitled to 2 free days per month of employment, that is to say 4 weeks of paid leaves. They are also entitled to a holiday pay of 92% of their monthly gross income. Working time The Belgian legislation imposes a double limit on the working hours. The working hours cannot exceed 8 hours a day and 39 hours a week. Following various modifications of the legislation, the limits nowadays are actually 9 hours a day and 38 hours a week. The working-programmes as well as the work-schedules are put down in a document concerning the policy and the procedures of the company. The employer must give this document to all the members of his staff. Make sure that you receive it and read it carefully. More information : Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 23 The tax system Belgium knows two main types of direct taxes : company tax and income tax; as well as indirect taxes (the value added tax -VAT- on consumer goods is the most important one). These taxes are federal and are therefore collected in the same manner in the three regions of the country. In addition to these three federal taxes, there is a series of regional, provincial and municipal taxes (registration fees, various other taxes...). The way of collecting those taxes varies from one place to another. Income tax People who live in Belgium are taxed on their entire salary. Those who do not live in Belgium are taxed on their incomes earned in Belgium. Every registered person is regarded as a resident of the kingdom. The employer withdraws an amount from your wages, this is an advance on the taxes called professional deduction. Independent and self-employed persons must anticipate their payments and carry out payments during the year in order to avoid having to pay very much afterwards. The anticipated payments, which, by the way, any taxpayer can make, give the right to a tax refund. The tax rates vary progressively according to income brackets from 25 to 55 %. Various tax refunds and reductions are applicable, for example for dependent children. Moreover certain expenditures like transport charges, the expenses for day-care, etc. can be deductible. Every year in June everybody has the obligation to fill in a declaration concerning the received income of the previous year. 24 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium If you get a salary, your employer - or his office – will send you a pay slip (document 281.10) which enables you to fill in your declaration form for the income tax return. The tax authorities of your region or even your Belgian bank can help you to fill in this important form. You can get a fine if you do not present your declaration form or if you present it too late, incomplete or inaccurate. Note that Belgium has known a big tax reform for two years now, which aims at decreasing the taxes for companies and individuals This reform will be spread over several years. You will be able to obtain information about these modifications on the Internet site The VAT In Belgium there are 5 rates of VAT. The most current rates are 6 % (food, bookshop.....) and 21%. The local taxes In Belgium, each local authority has a certain tax autonomy. The municipalities and the provinces receive taxes for various products and services, for example collecting refuse, the possession of animals... To know some more: Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 25 Social security General information concerning employed persons : As soon as you start working in Belgium, you pay contribution for the social security system. Your employer must carry out the necessary formalities for your participation, except for the health insurance act for which you have to request supplementary private health insurance (known as mutuelles) or to register with an auxiliary fund of health insurance. The social security covers many sectors. The amount of the contributions for social security is 13,07 % of your gross income. These contributions are withdrawn by the employer from your wages. Examples of % of employer’s contributions and personal contributions for the occupation of manual and intellectual workers in various sectors (Source : ONSS 2005) : Pensions Sickness and disablement Healthcare Allowances Child benefit Unemployment Annual holidays Contribution of wage moderation Occupational disease Accidents at work Payed training leave Childcare TOTAL MANUAL WORKERS INTELLECTUAL WORKERS in % of gross income in % of gross income Employee’s Quota Employer’s Quota Employee’s Quota Employer’s Quota 7,50 8,86 7,50 8,86 3,55 1,15 0,87 - 3,80 2,35 7 1,46 6 7,48 1,02 0,30 0,04 0,05 3,55 1,15 0,87 - 3,80 2,35 7 1,46 7,48 1,02 0,30 0,04 0,05 13,07 38,36 13,07 32,36 National Office of Social Security Ministry for Social Affairs, Public health and Environment Place Victor Horta, 11 1060 BRUXELLES Administration de la Sécurité Sociale Rue de la Vierge Noire, 3C 1000 BRUXELLES 26 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium Ministry for the Middle class and Agriculture Information Service for independent work WTC 3 - Bd Simon Bolivar, 30 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. 02 208 45 35 Health insurance As soon as you have an income (workers, unemployed or independent), you are legally held to register with a Health Insurance Fund. Once registered, you will receive little labels and a ’’SIS’’ card (social identity card). These documents are very important within the framework of refunding expenses for health care. Interventions of the health insurance : Refund of health care If you are ill, you can consult the doctor of your choice. You receive a care certificate. This certificate has to be transmitted with a label to your Health Insurance Fund. This Fund, called ‘‘mutuelle’’, refunds a part of the amount you paid to the medical practitioner. The little part you pay yourself is called the ‘moderating ticket’. Medication A part of the cost of medication, prescribed by the doctor, is partially or completely paid by the health insurance. You give your medical prescription and your SIS card to the pharmacist and you only pay the part which is not covered by the Health insurance (moderating ticket). Hospitalization You choose the hospital and the type of room yourself. The payment by the health insurance fund remains identical for the various types of room. However, the hospital can make you pay a supplement if you choose an individual or a double room. Your social security documents are required at your admission and an advance can be required. Replacement income If in case of disease or an accident you are not able to work any more and the consequence is a loss of income, you can request a substitutional income paid by the health insurance, called ‘daily allowances in case of disease’. Those allowances are decreasing in time and vary according to the working status : worker or employee (see the following tables). The 1st day of disease is not paid by the employer, nor by the insurance company (mutuelle). The replacement income only consists of part of your income. Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 27 WORKERS Payment of the employer Week 1 Week 2 Week 3+4 100 % of the income 85,88% of the income 25,88 % of the income Allowance of the health insurance 60 % of the income From the 31st day After 1 year 60 % of the income for a head of the household or for an isolated person 55 % for a cohabiting person 60 % for a head of the household 45 % for an isolated person 60 % for a cohabiting person From the 31st day After 1 year 60 % of the income for a head of the household or for an isolated person 55 % for a cohabiting person 60 % for a head of the household 45 % for an isolated person 60 % for a cohabiting person EMPLOYEES* Payment of the employer Week 1 Week 2 100 % of the income 100 % of the income Allowance of the health insurance Week 3+4 60 % of the income * This table is only applicable to employees who have completed their trial period. For employees who are still in their trial period the same regulations as for the workmen apply. Note : people who have the right to unemployment insurance and who come to find employment in Belgium must be in possession of the E 119 form. This document is according to the example of form E 303/3 concerning the unemployment insurance. More information : > > 28 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium The unemployment insurance The ONEM (National office of Employment) examines and determines the right to the allowances. The payment of the allowances is carried out by an organization of payment. An unemployed person has to introduce a claim for allowances at the organization of his choice : trade unions (FGTB, CGSLB or CSC) or CAPAC (auxiliary organization of payment of the Unemployment allowances). This claim has to be introduced with a C4 document which is delivered by the employer at the time of a dismissal or a suspension of contract. Admission requirements : If you are ... Less than 36 years old Between 36 and 50 years old More than 50 years old You must prove ... 312 days of professional activity 468 days of professional activity 624 days of professional activity During ... 18 months before the claim 27 months before the claim 36 months before the claim How high are the unemployment allowances ? First period Second period Third period Cohabiting with dependents 60 % 60 % 60 % Isolated Cohabiting 60 % 44 % 44 % 55 % 35 % Fixed allowances Note : the 1st period is 1 year, the 2nd varies individually. For all additional information, to know the exact amount of the allowances or to know the list of regional offices : ONEM Boulevard de l’Empereur, 7 1000 BRUXELLES Tél. 02 515 41 11 Pay attention ! The unemployment is not subjected any more to company checks (clocking in). It remains nevertheless subjected to the supervision of the public services of regional employment (Le FOREM, ORBEM, VDAB and AADG). Those organizations will ask for proof of your wish to find new employment before they claim the unemployment allowance for you. 18 Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 29 Retirement pension There is no general system for pensions in Belgium. The arrangement makes provision for the pensions of the paid workers, the self-employed workers and the workers of the public sector. Very often people profit simultaneously by various benefits according to quite specific rules. The legislation regarding the pensions of the workers is managed by the National office of the Pensions. In addition to its central service whose office is qualified to deal with European regulation and bilateral agreements, the ONP has a provincial network of regional offices. The pension scheme for the workers includes : • a pension for a household and a pension for an isolated person • a pension for the surviving spouse • a specific regulation for the separated couple • a regulation for the trans-border workers and seasonal workers For certain professions we are submitted to specific calculation rules : miners, sailors, pilots and journalists. The age of retirement is actually the subject of negotiations. Anyway, the years of activity practised in the Member States of the European Union are added up. The rate of the retirement pension is calculated according to the duration of the career and the wages received. Workers with a mixed career, can claim a pension in the different countries of employment via the qualified services in the place of residence. For all additional information or to find the regional offices : ONP - Administration Centrale Tour du Midi - Place Bara 1060 BRUXELLES Tél. 02 529 21 11 30 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 31 Studying in Belgium In Belgium, teaching (from the nursery school to higher education) is a part of the competence of each community (the Flemish Community, the French Community or the German-speaking Community) whereas the vocational training belongs to competence of the Regions (Flemish Area, Walloon Region, Region of Brussels). The organization of the education depends on the place of the schools. Everywhere in Belgium, schooling is compulsory from 6 to 18. Before nursery school, it is possible to register your children in a crèche but take care because the demand is bigger than the supply. The demand is so big that certain crèches have waiting lists for several months and even years. To familiarize with the ways of enrolment for primary, secondary, or specialized education, for higher education or universities, do not hesitate to take a look at the sites mentioned above. To know more about the possibilities to get your diplomas approved by another country, we advise you to inquire at the Naric centre of your country of origin : > 20 32 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium The organization of schooling Nursery school 1 year 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Primary education Secondary education General and technological education Professional and technical education Section of Transition Section of Qualification 1A 1B 3G 4G 5G 6G 2C 3 TTr 4 TTr 5 TTr 6 TTr 3 ATr 4 ATr 5 ATr 6 ATr 1 Pr 3 AQ 4 AQ 5 AQ 6 AQ 3 TQ 4 TQ 5 TQ 6 TQ 7è Prép. Sup. 3 Pr 4 Pr 5 Pr 6 Pr 7è-4è degré Abbreviations: G : General TTr : Technical transition ATr : Artistic transition TQ : Technical Qualification Pr : Professionnal AQ : Artistic Qualification Higher education has been adapted since the decree of Bologna : Higher education 1 year 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... First cycle Short type Long type Second cycle Thrid cycle There are of course other schooling possibilities, such as for example : • Special education • IFAPME - Training Institute for Independent workers and small or medium-sized business ( ) • Training in alternation (SYSFAL) • EAD – Distance learning • Jury of the French Community Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 33 21 For your information ... Some useful addresses : Phonebooks Belgopocket Phonebook general practitioners Phonebook of Belgium Golden Pages Free activities in Brussels Your guide to living and thriving in Brussel The navigator of culture in the French Community For families with children in the age of 0 to 14 Transports Brussels Airport Thalys 34 - © Le FOREM 2006 - Living and working in Belgium Belgian railroads DE LIJN : Public Transport in the Flemish Region STIB - MIVB : Public Transport in Brussels TEC: Public Transport in the Walloon Region Written press Le Soir La Libre Belgique La dernière heure De staandard Het laatste nieuws Het Nieuwsblad Press Radio-Tv RTBF RTL VRT VTM Institutions Foreign Affairs, Foreign trade and Development Social Security co-operation Other New in town : help with integration Living and working in Belgium - © Le FOREM 2006 - 35 Conception Contents - Drafting - DTP : AC Media - - August 2006 This publication is financially supported by the European Community. The information that this booklet contains commits only its author. The European Commission is not responsible for the way this booklet is used. -
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