Imewo 2011 accounts
Imewo 2011 accounts
40 Nr. PP. No. 0215.362.368 Date of the deposition 1 EUR E. D. C 1.1 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS IN EURO NAME: IMEWO C.V.B.A. Legal form: CALL Nr.: 199 Address: Brusselsesteenweg City: Meile Postal Code: 9090 Country: Belgium Register of Legal Persons(RLP)-Office of the commercial court at: Gent Internet address ": 0215.362.368 Company number: of the deposition of the partnership deed OR of the most recent document mentioning the date of 23/07/1975 DATE publication of the partnership deed and the act changing the articles of association. ANNUAL ACCOUNTS approved by the General Meeting of concerning the financial year covering the period fFOm Previous period from 25/06/2012 1/01/2011 ~ ~-1/0112010 ~ till t~~~ ~ 3q/12/2011 31/12/2010 The amounts of the previous financial year are / -axa+ie~ ** identical to those which have been previously published. COMPLETE LIST WITH name, first name, profession, residence-address(address, number, postal code, municipality) and position with the enterprise, OF DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND AUDITORS SOUGUIR Sami Wallekensstraat 32, 9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Belgium Title : President of the board of directors Mandate :6/11/2009 GOBEYN Anneke Schorreweg 4, 9992 Middelburg, Belgium Title :ice president of the board of directors Mandate :19/03/2007 SARENS Andre Achterdenken 6,9255 Buggenhout, Belgium Title :Vice president of the board of directors Mandate :17/09/2010- 30/06/2011 BOSSUYT Wouter Legeweg 34, 8340 Damme, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007- 1/02/2011 Enclosed to these annual accounts: MANAGEMENT REPORT Number of the pages of the standard form not deposited for not being 39 Total number of pages deposited: 5.1, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.3.4, 5.3.6, 5.4.1, 5.4.3, 5.5.2, 5.16, 5.17.1, 5.17.2, 6, 9 of service: Signature (name and position) Optional statement. "' Delete where appropriate. Signature (name and position) ~~ ~ ~~ Nr 0215.362.368 C 1.1 LIST OF DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND AUDITORS (continuation of the previous page) BRAECKEVELT Lien Moestuinstraat 5, 9000 Gent, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 BURMS Jenny Vossenstraat 2, 9070 Destelbergen, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :30/08/2006 CLAEYSSENS SABINE Albert De Smetstraat 19, 9042 Desteldonk, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :6/11/2009- 23/03/2012 CLYBOUW Lionel Kapelstraat 68, box 802,8450 Bredene, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 CODDENS Rudy Keuzemeers 7, 9031 Drongen, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :23/10/2003 CORNELIS Franky Zonnestraat 7, 9982 Sint-Jan-In-Eremo, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :18/06/2001 DE BRUYN SARAH Steenweg Asse 136, 1540 Herfelingen, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :21/06/2010- 30/06/2011 DE LAUSNAY Yves Damvalleistraat 4, 9070 Destelbergen, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 DE SMET Marc Berkenlaan 15, 9860 Oosterzele, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 2/39 Nr 0215.362.368 C 1.1 LIST OF DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND AUDITORS (continuation of the previous page) GOOSSENS Ann Rue de Wez 10, 1315 Incourt, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :6/03/2009- 30/06/2011 GOK Saban Oosteeklostraat 40, 9000 Gent, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :6/11/2009 HOFMAN Alfred Fort Bedmanstraat 50, 9170 De Klinge, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :30/08/2006- 30/06/2011 LANNOY Danny Graaf Jansdijk 300, 8300 Knokke-Heist, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :17/06/2002 MAES Dirk Kraenepoelpad 30, 9880 Aalter, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 MATTHYS Bruno Sint-Denijslaan 76, 9000 Gent, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :6/11/2009 MEYERS Carine Donklaan 249, box 6, 9290 Berlare, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 MONSET Ludo Franchommelaan 38, box 501, 8370 Blankenberge, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :18/06/2001 NOREILDE Stefaan Henri de Sagherstraat 12, 9031 Drongen, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :6/11/2009 3/39 Nr 0215.362.368 C 1.1 LIST OF DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND AUDITORS (continuation of the previous page) PIERINS Philip Astridlaan 364, 8310 Sint-Kruis(Brugge), Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2010 POPPE Patrick Europalaan 225, 9240 Zele, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :17/06/2002 RAMOUDT Didier Oudstationstraat 6,8400 Oostende, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 ROESBEKE Chris Gentstraat 28, box 01/, 9971 Lembeke, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :23/04/2010 SARENS Andre Achterdenken 6, 9255 Buggenhout, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :30/06/2011 SCHILLEWAERT Frank Pierlapont 66, 8210 Zedelgem, Belgium Title :Director Mandate : 19!09/2002 STORMS Annelies Scheldestraat 141, 9040 Sint-Amandsberg (Gent), Belgium Title :Director Mandate :24/04/2009 STRUBBE Rik Damse Vaart-Zuid 3, 8340 Damme, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :22/08/2002 THIENPONT Filip Hoorndriesstraat 31, 9820 Merelbeke, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 4/39 Nr 0215 362 368 C 1.1 LIST OF DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND AUDITORS (continuation of the previous page) VAN NUFFEL Luc Pinksterbloemhof 31, 8301 Heist-aan-Zee, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :30/03/2006- 30/06/2011 VAN PAMEL Bernard Edgard Tinelstraat 8, 9520 Sint-Lievens-Houtem, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 VAN WESEMAEL Mieke Vierbunderstraat 15, 9255 Buggenhout, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :23/04/2010- 30/06/2011 VANDAMME Ingrid Kustlaan 147, 8380 Zeebrugge (Brugge), Belgium Title :Director Mandate :25/02/2011 VANDE CAVEYE Luc Waterstraat 28, 8020 Oostkamp, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :1/09/2002 VANDECASTEELEJean Kievitstraat 16, 8400 Oostende, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :1/01/2004 VANDEN BERGHEbean-Pierre Leopold I-laan 71, 8000 Brugge, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :19/03/2007 WALBRECHT Thierry Fortstraat 5, 9180 Moerbeke-Waas, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :23/04/2007 WIJNAKKER Frank Rietorchisstraat 8b, 9041 Oostakker, Belgium Title :Director Mandate :20/04/2012 5/39 Nr. 0215.362.368 C 1.1 LIST OF DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND AUDITORS (continuation of the previous page) LAUWAERT Gustaaf Daknamstraat 66, 9160 Lokeren, Belgium Title :Other function Mandate :19/03/2007 MODDERIE Ludy Viooltjeslaan 3, 1770 Liedekerke, Belgium Title :Other function Mandate :8/03/2002 VANDE VELDE Andre Kasteeldreef 18, 8730 Beernem, Belgium Title :Other function Mandate :18/06/2001 DUA Vera Lange Violettestraat 241, 9000 Gent, Belgium Title :Member with an advisory vote Mandate :6/19/2009- 28/06/2011 FIERENS Mike Rozenstraat 82,9160 Lokeren, Belgium Title :Member with an advisory vote Mandate :19/02/2007 PATAER Paui Bressers-Blanchaertlaan 2, 9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem, Belgium Title :Member with an advisory vote Mandate :30/09/2011 VAN DER HOOFT Kathleen Meerlaan 113, 8300 Knokke-Heist, Belgium Title :Member with an advisory vote Mandate :19/03/2007 WIJNAKKER Frank Rietorchisstraat 8b, 9041 Oostakker, Belgium Title :Observer Mandate :23/03/2012- 20/04/2012 VUYLSTEKE Bruno Fazantenlaan 32, 9250 Waasmunster, Belgium Title :Secretary Mandate :1/09/2007 6/39 Nr C 1.1 0215.362.368 LIST OF DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND AUDITORS (continuation of the previous page) ERNST &YOUNG BEDRIJFSREVISOREN CALL 0446.334.711 De keetlaan 2, 1831 Diegem, Belgium Title :Auditor, Number of membership :600160 Mandate :21/06/2010 Represented by: DE LUYCK Jan Geukenshage 30 , 1790 Affligem, Belgium Number of membership : A00822 7/39 Nr. C 1.2 0215.362.368 DECLARATION ABOUT SUPPLEMENTARY AUDITING OR ADJUSTMENT MISSION The managing board declares that the assignment neither regarding auditing nor adjusting has been given to a person who was not authorised by law pursuant to art. 34 and 37 of the Law of 22nd April 1999 concerning the auditing and tax professions. The annual accounts #rave/ have not * been audited or adjusted by an external accountant or auditor who is not a statutory auditor. If YES, mention here after: name, first names, profession, residence-address of each external accountant or auditor, the number of membership with the professional Institute ad hoc and the nature of this engagement: A. Bookkeeping of the undertaking**, B. Preparing the annual accounts"*, C. Auditing the annual accounts and/or D. Adjusting the annual accounts. If the assignment mentioned either under A or B is performed by authorised accountants or authorised accountants-tax consultants, information will be given on: name, first names, profession and residence-address of each authorised accountant or accountanttax consultant, his number of membership with the Professional Institute of Accountants and Tax consultants and the nature of this engagement. Name,first name, profession, residence-address * Delete where appropriate. ** Optional disclosure. Number of membership Nature of the engagement (A, B, C and/or D) 8139 Nr. C 2.1 0215.362.368 BALANCE SHEET Notes Codes Previous period Period ASSETS 2p/2g FIXED ASSETS ...................................................................... Formation expenses ............................................................ 5.1 20 Intangible fixed assets ........................................................ 5.2 21 ......................................................... 5.3 1.602.620.110 1.516.940.591 9.471.689 4.783.901 22/27 1.591.574.732 1.510.583.001 Land and buildings ............................................................ 22 27.752.012 26.616.474 Plant, machinery and equipment ...................................... 23 1.548.938.330 1.467.823.000 Furniture and vehicles ....................................................... 24 13.448.113 14.348.180 Leasing and other similar rights ........................................ 25 Other tangible fixed assets ................................................ 26 1.436.277 1.795.347 Assets under construction and advance payments ............ 27 Tangible fixed assets Financial fixed assets ......................................................... 5.4/ 5.5.1 Affiliated enterprises ......................................................... 5.14 28 Participating interests ................................................. Amounts receivable .................................................... 281 5.14 282/3 Participating interests ................................................. 282 Amounts receivable .................................................... 283 1.573.689 1.573.689 1.573.689 1.573.689 284/8 Other financial assets ....................................................... Shares....................................................................... 284 Amounts receivable and cash guarantees ................. 285/8 CURRENT ASSETS ............................................................... 2g/5g Amounts receivable after more than one year .................... 29 Tradedebtors .................................................................. 290 Other amounts receivable ............................................... 291 3 Stocks and contracts in progress ........................................ 249.534.674 248.095.489 24.769 24.769 13.403.831 8.492.201 30/36 Stocks.............................................................................. Raw materials and consumables ............................... 30/31 Work in progress ........................................................ 32 Finishedgoods .......................................................... 33 Goods purchased for resale ....................................... 34 Immovable property intended for sale ........................ 35 Advance payments .................................................... 36 Contracts in progress ........................................................ 37 Amounts receivable within one year ............................,....... 1.573.689 280/1 280 Other enterprises linked by participating interests ............ 1.573.689 5.5.1 5.6 40/41 13.403.831 77.770.586 8.492.201 66.327.361 Tradedebtors .................................................................. 40 66.017.903 60.134.110 Other amounts receivable ............................................... 41 11.752.683 6.193.251 Current investments 50/53 .......................................................... Ownshares ...................................................................... 50 Other investments and deposits ....................................... 51/53 Cash at bank and in hand .................................................... 54/58 2.741 2.431.897 490/1 158.332.747 170.844.030 20/58 1.852.154.784 1.765.036.080 Deferred charges and accrued income ............................... TOTAL ASSETS .................................................................. 5.6 9/39 Nr ~ 2.2 0215.362.368 EQUITY AiVD LIABILITIES Notes Codes 10/15 EQUITY................................................................................. Capital .................................................................................. Issuedcapital ................................................................... Uncalledcapital ............................................................... Share premium account ....................................................... Revaluation surpluses ........................................................ Reserves................................................................................. 5~~ Legal reserve ................................................................... Reserves not available ................................................... In respect of own shares held .................................... Other......................................................................... 10 100 101 11 12 13 130 131 1310 1311 133 14 Investment grants ............................................................... 15 Advance to associates on the sharing outof the assets .................................................................. PROVISIONS AND DEFERRED TAXES ............................... 424.203.167 424.203.167 479.613.984 479.613.984 219.964.818 78.202.197 227.822.013 66.553.070 25.000 43.622.151 43.622.151 25.000 35.764.957 35.764.957 34.555.046 36.502.266 30.763.113 21.514.421 19 16 4.776.017 4.977.056 160/5 4.776.017 4.977.056 Provisions for liabilities and charges ................................ Pensions and similar obligations ....................................... 160 Taxation........................................................................... 161 Major repairs and maintenance ......................................... 162 5•$ 163/5 4.776.017 4.977.056 1.088.506.319 964.555.536 168 Deferred taxes ...................................................................... AMOUNTS PAYABLE .......................................................... Amounts payable after more than one year ........................ Financialdebts ................................................................. Previous period 795.503.488 132 Untaxed reserves ............................................................. Available reserves ............................................................ Accumulated profits(losses) ......................................(+)/(-) Other liabilities and charges ............................................... Period 758.872.448 17/49 5.9 17 170/4 914.947.541 913.443.049 734.752.917 733.248.425 Subordinated loans .................................................... 170 Unsubordinated debentures ........................................ 171 Leasing and other similar obligations .......................... 172 Credit institutions ........................................................ 173 895.510.089 715.315.465 Otherloans ............................................................... 174 17.932.960 17.932.960 Tradedebts ....................................................................... 175 Suppliers................................................................... 1750 Bills of exchange payable ............................................ 1751 Advances received on contracts in progress .................... 176 Other amounts payable .................................................... 178/9 1.504.492 Amounts payable within one year ........................................ 42/48 157.400.530 Current portion of amounts payable after more than one year falling due within one year•......................................... Financial debts ................................................................. 5.9 40.883.376 24.461.061 43 72.162.151 157.673.658 430/8 Otherloans ............................................................... 439 44 440/4 Suppliers................................................................... 5.9 13.470.963 45 2.166.751 2.166.751 157.673.658 14.886.443 14.886.443 47/48 5.9 10.880.216 2.086.631 2.068.460 18.171 454/9 Other amounts payable .................................................... TOTAL LIABILITIES ......................................................... 22.369.517 22.369.517 46 450/3 Remuneration and social security .............................. Accrued charges and deferred income ............................... 72.162.151 441 Bills of exchange payable............................................ Advances received on contracts in progress ................... Taxes, remuneration and social security .......................... Taxes........................................................................ 216.507.199 42 Credit institutions ........................................................ Tradedebts....................................................................... 1.504.492 6.347.772 6.519.190 492/3 16.158.248 13.295.420 10/49 1.852.154.784 1.765.036.080 10/39 Nr C 3 0215.362.368 INCOME STATEMENT Notes Codes Operatingincome .................................................................. 5.10 Turnover........................................................................... 70/74 70 71 4.911.630 -102.885 19.108.022 16.977.901 72 74 60/64 60 Purchases .................................................................. 600/8 Decrease (increase) in stocks ............................(+)/(-) 609 Remuneration, social security costs and pensions ....(+)/(-) 5.10 Depreciation of and amounts written off formation expenses, intangible and tangible fixed assets ................... Amounts written down stocks, contracts in progress and trade debtors - Appropriations (write-backs) .............(+)/(-) 5.10 Provisions for risks and charges - Appropriations (uses and write-backs) ........................................................(+)/(-) Other operating charges .................................................... 5.10 5.10 Operation charges carried to assets as restructuring costs.............................................................................(-) 145.916.692 115.930.438 630 62.629.556 59.301.788 631/4 -8.791.087 1.947.510 635/7 -201.039 -176.833 23.147.769 13.528.595 62 640/8 649 9901 Financialincome ................................................................... 75 101.515.367 86.741.903 176.274 172.744 750 Income from financial fixed assets .................................... 27.858 382 5.11 752/9 148.416 172.362 5.11 65 34.822.727 29.937.139 751 Income from current assets .............................................. Financial charges ................................................................. 145.916.692 353.017.248 115.930.438 162.485.750 Operating profit(loss) .................................................(+)/(-) Other financial income ....................................................... 392.076.672 169.374.781 61 Services and other goods .................................................. 439.759.151 422.884.135 Other operating income ..................................................... Raw materials, consumables .............................................. 493.592.039 469.572.387 Increase(decrease)in stocks of finished goods, work and contracts in progress .........(+)/(-) Own construction capitalised .......................................... Operating charges ............................................................... Previous period Period 34.822.042 29.936.517 652/9 685 622 9902 66.868.914 56.977.508 Debtcharges ..................................................................... 650 Amounts written down on current assets except stocks, contracts in progress and trade debtors .............................................................(+)/(-) 651 Other financial charges ....................................................... Gain (loss)on ordinary activities before taxes ........(+)/(-) 11/39 Nr. C 3 0215.362.368 Codes Write-back of depreciation and of amounts written down intangible and tangible fixed assets ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Write-back of amounts written down financial fixed assets .. 760 Write-back of provisions for extraordinary liabilities and charges............................................................................ Gains on disposal of fixed assets ..................................... 762 Other extraordinary income ............................................... 764/9 209.688 761 763 221.963 66 F~ctraordinary charges ........................................................... Extraordinary depreciation of and extraordinary amounts written off formation expenses, intangible and tangible fixedassets ....................................................................... 660 Amounts written down financial fixed assets .................... 661 Provisions for extraordinary liabilities and charges Appropriations(uses) ..............................................(+)/(-) 662 663 Loss on disposal of fixed assets ....................................... 5.11 Extraordinary charges carried to assets as restructuring costs............................................................................(-) 221.963 664/8 669 Profit(loss)for the period before taxes ......................(+)/(-) 9903 Transfer from postponed taxes ............................................ 780 Transfer to postponed taxes ................................................. 680 Income taxes ........................................................................... 209.688 76 Extraordinary income ............................................................. Other extraordinary charges ............................................. Previous period Period 5.12 67/77 Income taxes ..................................................................... 670/3 Adjustment of income taxes and write-back of tax provisions........................................................................... 77 Profit(loss)for the period .............................................(+)/(-) 9904 Transfer from untaxed reserves ............................................ 789 Transfer to untaxed reserves ................................................. 689 Profit(loss)for the period available for appropriation(+)/(-) 9905 66.868.914 56.965.233 848.782 938.752 848.782 938.752 66.020.132 56.026.481 66.020.132 56.026.481 12/39 Nr. C 4 0215.362.368 APPROPRIATION ACCOUN°~ Codes Profit(loss)to be appropriated .........................................................(+)/(-) Gain (loss) to be appropriated .......................................................(+)/(-) Profit(loss) to be carried forward ...................................................(+)/(-) Transfers from capital and reserves .......................................................... from capital and share premium account ............................................... fromreserves .......................................................................................... 9906 (9905 14P 21.514.421 16.124.737 216.800 791/2 791 216.800 792 to the legal reserve .................................................................................. to other reserves ..................................................................................... 6920 3.791.933 2.400.532 691 6921 Profit(loss)to be carried forward .....................................................(+)/(-) (14) .............................................. 794 Director's or manager's entitlements ......................................................... Other beneficiaries .................................................................................. 72.151.218 56.026.481 691/2 Profit to be distributed ............................................................................... Dividends.................................................................................................. 87.534.553 Previous period 66.020.132 Transfers to capital and reseroes .............................................................. to capital and share premium account ..................................................... Owner's contribution in respect of losses Period 694/6 694 3.791.933 2.400.532 36.502.266 21.514.421 47.240.354 48.453.065 47.240.354 48.453.065 695 696 13139 Nr. C 5.2.1 0215.362.368 STATEMENT OF INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Codes Period Previous period RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COSTS Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8051 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 6.319.188 Movements during the period 7.439.531 Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets ....................................... 8021 Salesand disposals .............................................................................. 8031 Transfers from one heading to another .......................................(+)/(-) 8041 Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8051 13.758.719 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8121 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.535.286 Movements during the period Recorded.............................................................................................. 8071 2.751.744 Writtenback ........................................................................................ 8081 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8091 Cancelled owing to sales and disposals ................................................ 8101 Transfers from one heading to another .......................................(+)/(-) 8111 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ........ 8121 4.287.030 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD ................................. 210 9.471.689 14/39 Nr. C 5.2.2 0215.362.368 Codes Period Previous period CONCESSIONS,PATENTS, LICENCES, KNOWHOW,BRANDS AND SIMILAR RIGHTS Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8052 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.416.813 Movements during the period Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets ....................................... 8022 Salesand disposals .............................................................................. 8032 Transfers from one heading to another .......................................(+)/(-) 8042 Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8052 3.416.813 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8122 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.416.813 Movements during the period Recorded.............................................................................................. 8072 Writtenback ........................................................................................ 8082 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8092 Cancelled owing to sales and disposals ................................................ 8102 Transfers from one heading to another .......................................(+)/(-) 8112 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ........ 8122 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD ................................. 211 3.416.813 15/39 Nr. C 5.3.1 0215.362.368 STATEMENT OF TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Codes Previous period Period LAND AND BUILDINGS 8191 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets ....................................... 8161 1.914.664 Salesand disposals .............................................................................. 8171 285 Transfers from one heading to another .......................................(+)/(-) 8181 Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8191 46.759.996 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8251 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 44.845.617 Movements during the period 593.579 Movements during the period Recorded.............................................................................................. 8211 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8221 Cancelled.............................................................................................. 8231 46 Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8241 -12.909 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8251 580.924 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8321 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Recorded.............................................................................................. 8271 778.795 18.823.022 Movements during the period Writtenback ........................................................................................ 8281 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8291 Cancelled owing to sales and disposals ................................................ 8301 Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8311 -12.909 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8321 19.588.908 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD ................................. ~22~ 27.752.012 16/39 Nr. C 5.3.2 0215.362.368 Codes Period Previous period PLANT, MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 8192 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets ....................................... Salesand disposals .............................................................................. 8162 146.480.866 8172 33.664.122 Transfers from one heading to another .......................................(+)/(-) 8182 Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8192 2.134.790.171 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8252 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 2.021.973.427 Movements during the period 433.846.368 Movements during the period Recorded.............................................................................................. 8212 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8222 Cancelled.............................................................................................. Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8242 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8252 426.013.346 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8322 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8232 -7.833.022 987.996.795 Movements during the period Recorded.............................................................................................. 8272 Writtenback ........................................................................................ Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8282 53.955.144 8292 Cancelled owing to sales and disposals ................................................ Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8302 22.253.730 8312 -7.833.022 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8322 1.011.865.187 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD ................................. (23) 1.548.938.330 17139 Nr. C 5.3.3 0215.362.368 Codes Previous period Period FURNITURE AND VEHICLES 8193 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets ....................................... Sales and disposals .............................................................................. 8163 4.060.868 8173 1.073.555 Transfers from one heading to another .......................................(+)/(-) 8183 Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8193 96.791.888 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8253 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 93.804.575 Movements during the period 515.929 Movements during the period Recorded.............................................................................................. Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8213 8223 8233 Cancelled.............................................................................................. Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8243 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8253 504.713 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8323 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Recorded.............................................................................................. Writtenback ........................................................................................ 8273 4.784.803 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. Cancelled owing to sales and disposals ................................................ 8293 151.640 8303 1.049.064 Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8313 -11.216 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8323 83.848.488 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD ................................. (24) 13.448.113 -11.216 79.972.325 Movements during the period 8283 18/39 Nr C 5.3.5 0215.362.368 Codes Period Previous period OTHER TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8195 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 3.590.694 Movements during the period Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets ....................................... 8165 Sales and disposals .............................................................................. Transfers from one heading to another .......................................(+)/(-) 8175 Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8195 3.590.694 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8255 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8185 Movements during the period Recorded.............................................................................................. 8215 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. Cancelled.............................................................................................. 8225 8235 Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8245 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8255 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8325 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.795.347 Movements during the period 359.070 Recorded.............................................................................................. 8275 Writtenback ........................................................................................ 8285 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8295 Cancelled owing to sales and disposals ................................................ Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8315 Depreciation and amounts written down at the end of the period ....... 8325 2.154.417 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD ................................. ~26~ 1.436.277 8305 19/39 Nr C 5.4.2 0215.362.368 Codes Period Previous period OTHER ENTERPRISES LINKED BY PARTICIPATING INTERESTS PARTICIPATING INTERESTS AND SHARES Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8392 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.573.689 Movements during the period Acquisitions, including produced fixed assets ....................................... 8362 Sales and disposals .............................................................................. Transfers from one heading to another .......................................(+)/(-) 8372 Acquisition value at the end of the period .............................................. 8392 1.573.689 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8452 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8382 Movements during the period Recorded.............................................................................................. 8412 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8422 Cancelled.............................................................................................. 8432 Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8442 Revaluation surpluses at the end of the period ..................................... 8452 Amounts written down et the end of the period ..................................... 8522 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Movements during the period Recorded.............................................................................................. 8472 Writtenback ........................................................................................ 8482 Acquisitions from third parties .............................................................. 8492 Cancelled owing to sales and disposals ................................................ 8502 Transfers from one heading to another ........................................(+)/(-) 8512 Amounts written down at the end of the period ..................................... 8522 Uncalled amounts at the end of the period ............................................. 8552 Movements during the period .........................................................(+)/(-) 8542 Uncalled amounts at the end of the period ............................................. 8552 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD ................................. ~2g2~ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.573.689 OTHER ENTERPRISES LINKED BY PARTICIPATING INTERESTS AMOUNTS RECEIVABLE NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD ................................. 283P xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Movements during the period Additions............................................................................................... 8582 Repayments.......................................................................................... 8592 Amountswritten down ........................................................................... 8602 Amountswritten back ............................................................................ 8612 Exchange differences ..................................................................(+)/(-) 8622 Other...........................................................................................(+)/(-) 8632 NET BOOK VALUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD ................................. (283) ACCUMULATED AMOUNTS WRITTEN OFF ON AMOUNTS RECEIVABLE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD•••••••••••••••••••~•••••••~••••••••••••••• 8652 20/39 Nr C 5.5.1 0215.362.368 INFORMATION RELATING TO THE SHARE IN THE CAPITAL SHARE IN THE CAPITAL AND OTHER RIGHTS IN OTHER COMPANIES List of both enterprises in wich the enterprise holds a participating interest(recorded in the heading 28 of assets) and other enterprises in which the enterprise holds rights (recorded in the headings 28 and 50/53 of assets) in the amount of at least 10% of the capital issued. Information from the most recent period for which annual accounts are available Shares held by subsidiaries Number % y direct) % NAME,full address of the REGISTERED OFFICE and for the enterprise governed by Belgian law, the COMPANY NUMBER Primary financial statement 31/12/2010 Eandis CVBA CALL Brusselsesteenweg 199 9090 Melle Belgium 0477.445.084 78105 22,42 Net result Mone- Capital and reserves tary (+)or(-) unit (in monetary units) EUR 20.405 0 0,00 21/39 Nr. C 5.6 0215.362.368 OTHER INVESTMENTS AND DEPOSIT, DEFFERED CHA~G~~ AND ACCRUED INCOME(ASSETS) Codes Period Previous period INVESTMENTS: OTHER INVESTMENTS AND DEPOSITS Shares....................................................................................................................... 51 Book value increased with the uncalled amount .................................................... 8681 Uncalledamount ................................................................................................... 8682 Fixed income securities ............................................................................................ Fixed income securities issued by credit institutions ............................................. Fixed term deposit with credit institutions ............................................................. 52 8684 53 Falling due lessor up to one month .................................................................................. 8686 between one month and one year ................................................................... 8687 year .................................................................................................. 8688 Other investments not yet shown seperately ......................................................... 8689 overone Period DEFFERED CHARGES AND ACCRUED INCOME Allocation of heading 490/1 of assets if the amount is significant. Deferred charges 63.885.367 Accrued income 94.447.381 22/39 Nr. C. 5.7 0215.362.368 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL AND STRUCTURE OF SHAREHOLDINGS Codes Period Issued capital at the end of the period .................................................... 100P XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Issued capital at the end of the period .................................................... (100) 424.203.167 Previous period STATEMENT OF CAPITAL Social capital Codes Amounts 479.613.984 Number of shares Changes during the period: Share capital reduction Ae -110.777.109 Share capital reduction Ag -95.570.605 Share capital increase Fe 77.543.989 1.682.592 Share capital increase Fg 62.283.166 376.990 Share capital increase E"g 4.616.256 74.990 Share capital increase Ee 6.493.486 209.532 Shares Ae 149.946.179 8.412.993 Shares Ag 91.873.764 5.058.950 Structure of the capital Different categories of shares Shares Fe 77.543.988 1.682.592 Shares Fg 62.283.166 1.011.787 Shares E"g 4.616.256 74.990 Shares Ee 23.971.566 773.513 shares Eg 13.968.248 376.990 shares E"e Registeredshares.................................................................................................. 8702 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Bearer shares and/or dematerialized shares.......................................................... 8703 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Codes Uncalled ~pital Capital cared, but not paid Capital not paid Uncalledcapital ....................................................................................... (101) Capital called, but not paid ...................................................................... 8712 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Shareholders having yet to pay up in full 23139 Nr. C. 5.7 0215.362.368 STATEMENT OF CAPITAL AND STRUCTURE OF SHAREHOLDINGS Codes Period OWN SHARES Held by the company itself ...................................................................................................................... 8721 Numberof shares held ...................................................................................................................... 8722 Amountof capital held Held by the subsidiaries ...................................................................................................................... 8731 Numberof shares held ...................................................................................................................... 8732 Amountof capital held Commitments to issue shares Following the exercising of CONVERSION RIGHTS Amount of outstanding convertible loans ........................................................................................ Amount of capital to be subscribed ................................................................................................. 8741 .............................................................. 8742 Number of outstanding subscription rights ..................................................................................... Amount of capital to be subscribed ................................................................................................. 8745 Corresponding maximum number of shares to be issued ............................................................... 8747 Authorized capital, not issued ................................................................................................................. 8751 Corresponding maximum number of shares to be issued 8740 Following the exercising of SUBSCRIPTION RIGHTS 8746 Codes Period Shared issued, not representing capital Distribution .................................................................................................................. Number of voting rights attached thereto ........................................................................................ Numberof shares held 8761 87 8762 Allocation by shareholder Number of shares held by the company itself ................................................................................. Number of shares held by its subsidairies ...................................................................................... 8771 8781 73/39 Nr 0215.362.368 C 5.8 PROVISIONS FOR OTHER LIABILITIES AND CHARGES Period ALLOCATION OF THE HEADING 163/5 OF LIABILITIES IF THE AMOUNT IS CONSIDERABLE Rehabilitation of gassites 2.836.016 Conversion dual hourly rate counters / budgetmeters 1.940.001 25!39 Nr. C 5.9 0215.362.368 STATEMENT OF AMOUNTS PAYABLE, ACCRUED CHARGES AND DEFERRED INCOME Codes Period ANALYSIS BY CURRENT PORTIONS OF AMOUNTS INITIALLY PAYABLE AFTER MORE THAN ONE YEAR Amounts payable after more than one year, not more than one year Financialdebts .......................................................................................................................................... Subordinatedloans ............................................................................................................................. 8801 Unsubordinateddebentures ................................................................................................................ 8821 Leasing and other similar obligations .................................................................................................. 8831 Creditinstitutions ................................................................................................................................ 8841 Otherloans ......................................................................................................................................... Tradedebts ............................................................................................................................................... 8861 Suppliers............................................................................................................................................. 8871 Billsof exchange payable .................................................................................................................... 8881 Advance payments received on contracts in progress Otheramounts payable ............................................................................................................................. 8891 40.883.376 8811 40.883.376 8851 8901 40.883.376 Total amounts payable after more than one year, not more than one year ............................................... (42) Amounts payable after more than one year, between one and five years Financialdebts .......................................................................................................................................... 8802 Subordinatedloans ............................................................................................................................. 8812 Unsubordinated debentures ................................................................................................................ 8822 Leasing and other similar obligations .................................................................................................. Creditinstitutions ................................................................................................................................ 8832 8842 440.537.164 Otherloans ......................................................................................................................................... Tradedebts ............................................................................................................................................... 8852 17.932.960 Suppliers............................................................................................................................................. 8872 Billsof exchange payable .................................................................................................................... 8882 Advance payments received on contracts in progress Otheramounts payable ............................................................................................................................. 8892 8902 1.504.492 Total amounts payable after more than one year, between one and five years ...................................... 8912 459.974.616 Amounts payable after more than one year, over five years Financialdebts .......................................................................................................................................... 8803 Subordinatedloans ............................................................................................................................. 8813 Unsubordinateddebentures ................................................................................................................ 8823 Leasing and other similar obligations .................................................................................................. Creditinstitutions ................................................................................................................................ 8833 8862 8843 Otherloans ......................................................................................................................................... Tradedebts ............................................................................................................................................... 8853 Suppliers............................................................................................................................................. 8873 Bilisof exchange payable .................................................................................................................... 8883 Advance payments received on contracts in progress ............................................................................... Otheramounts payable ............................................................................................................................. 8893 Total amounts payable after more than one year, over five years ............................................................. 458.470.124 454.972.925 454.972.925 8863 8903 8913 454.972.925 26139 Nr. C 5.9 0215.362.368 Codes Period AMOUNTS PAYABLE GUARANTEED (headings 17 and 42/48 ofliabilities) Amounts payable guaranteed by Belgian public authorities Financialdebts .......................................................................................................................................... Subordinatedloans ............................................................................................................................. 8921 Unsubordinateddebentures ................................................................................................................ 8941 Leasing and other similar obligations .....................................................:............................................ Creditinstitutions ................................................................................................................................ 8951 Otherloans ......................................................................................................................................... 8971 Tradedebts ............................................................................................................................................... Suppliers............................................................................................................................................. 8981 Billsof exchange payable .................................................................................................................... Advance payments received on contracts in progress ............................................................................... 9001 Remuneration and social security .............................................................................................................. Otheramounts payable ............................................................................................................................. 9021 Total amounts payable guaranteed by Belgian public authorities ............................................................. 8931 8961 8991 9011 9051 9061 Amounts payable guaranteed by real guarantees given or irrevocably promised by the enterprise on its own assets Financialdebts ...............................................................................................:.......................................... Subordinatedloans ............................................................................................................................. 8922 Unsubordinateddebentures ................................................................................................................ 8942 Leasing and other similar obligations .................................................................................................. 8952 Creditinstitutions ................................................................................................................................ Otherloans ......................................................................................................................................... 8972 8932 8962 Tradedebts ............................................................................................................................................... Suppliers............................................................................................................................................. 8982 Billsof exchange payable .................................................................................................................... 9002 Advance payments received on contracts in progress Taxes, remuneration and social security ................................................................................................... 9012 Taxes.................................................................................................................................................. 9032 Remuneration and social security ....................................................................................................... Otheramounts payable ............................................................................................................................. 9042 Total amounts payable guaranteed by real guarantees given or irrevocably promised by the enterpriseon its own assets.......................................................................................................................... 8992 9022 9052 9062 AMOUNTS PAYABLE FOR TAXES, REMUNERATION AND SOCIAL SECURITY Taxes (heading 450/3 of the liabilities) 9072 Expiredtaxes payable ............................................................................................................................. Nonexpired taxes payable ........................................................................................................................ 9073 Estimatedtaxes payable ........................................................................................................................... 450 Remuneration and social security (heading 454/9 of the liabilities) Amount due to the National Once of Social Security ............................................................................... Other amounts payable relating to remuneration and social security 1.508.292 658.459 9076 9077 27/39 Nr. C 5.9 0215.362.368 ~ Period ~ ACCRUED CHARGES AND DEFERRED INCOME Allocation of the heading 49213 of liabilities if the amount is considerable Accrued charges 10.120.090 Deferred income 6.038.157 28/39 Nr C 5.10 0215.362.368 OPERATING RESULTS Codes Period Previous period OPERATING INCOME Net turnover Broken down by categories of activity Allocation into geographical markets Other operating income Total amount of subsidies and compensatory amounts obtained from public authorities............................................................................................................ 740 OPERATING COSTS Employees for whom the company has submitted a DIMONA declaration or are recorded in the general personnel register 9086 Total number at the closing date ........................................................................... Average number of employees calculated in full-time equivalents ......................... 9087 Number of actual worked hours ............................................................................. 9088 Personnel costs Remuneration and direct social benefits ............................................................... 620 Employers' social security contributions ................................................................ Employers' premiums for extra statutory insurances ............................................. 621 Otherpersonnel costs ........................................................................................... 623 Old-age and widows' pensions .............................................................................. 624 622 Provisions for pensions Additions(uses and write back) .................................................................(+)/(-) 635 Amounts written off Stocks and contracts in progress Recorded....................................................................................................... 9110 Writtenback .................................................................................................. 9111 Trade debtors Recorded....................................................................................................... 9112 4.310.349 4.958.124 Writtenback .................................................................................................. 9113 13.101.436 3.010.614 176.833 Provisions for risks and charges Additions.............................................................................................................. 9115 Usesand write-back ............................................................................................ 9116 201.039 640 645.975 391.186 22.501.794 13.137.409 Other operating charges Taxesrelated to operation ................................................................................... Othercharges ...................................................................................................... 641/8 Hired temporary staff and persons placed at the enterprise's disposal 9096 Total number at the closing date .......................................................................... Average number calculated as full-time equivalents ............................................ 9097 Number of actual worked hours ........................................................................... 9098 Charges to the enterprise .................................................................................... 617 29/39 Nr. C 5.11 0215.362.368 FINANCIAL AND EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS Codes Previous period Period FINANCIAL RESULTS Other financial income Amount of subsidies granted by public authorities, credited to income for the period Capitalsubsidies ........................................................................................... 9125 Interest subsidies .......................................................................................... 9126 Allocation of other financial income Various financial income Amounts written down off loan issue expenses and repayment premiums ....... 6501 Intercalary interests recorded as assets ............................................................... 6503 148.416 172.363 685 622 Value adjustments to current assets Appropriations...................................................................................................... Write-backs ......................................................................................................... 6510 6511 Other financial charges Amount of the discount borne by the enterprise, as a result of negotiating amountsreceivable .............................................................................................. 653 Provisions of a financial nature Appropriations...................................................................................................... Uses and write-backs ........................................................................................... 6560 6561 Allocation of other financial charges Various financial charges Period EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS Allocation other extraordinary income Allocation other extraordinary charges 30139 Nr C 5.12 0215.362.368 INCOME TAXES AND OTHER TAXES Codes Period INCOME TARE 9134 848.782 Income taxes paid and withholding taxes due or paid ............................................................................... 9135 584.268 Excess of income tax prepayments and withholding taxes recorded under assets .................................... Estimatedadditional taxes ........................................................................................................................ 9136 Income taxes on the result of the current period 9137 264.514 9138 Income taxes on previous periods 9139 Taxes and withholding taxes due or paid ................................................................................................... Estimated additional taxes estimated or provided for ................................................................................ 9140 In so far as income taxes of the current period are materially affected by differences between the profit before taxes, as stated in the annual accounts, and the estimated taxable profit An indication of the effect of extraordinary results on the amount of income taxes relating to the current period Codes Period Status of deferred taxes 9141 Deferred taxes representing assets . 9142 Accumulated tax losses deductible from future taxable profits ............................................................ Other deferred taxes representing assets 9144 Deferred taxes representing liabilities Allocation of deferred taxes representing liabilities Codes Previous Period Period THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF VALUE ADDED TAX AND TAXES BORNE BY THIRD PARTIES The total amount of value added tax charged To the enterprise (deductible) .............................................................................. 9145 102.463.759 90.452.855 Bythe enterprise .................................................................................................. 9146 150.425.854 128.280.363 Amounts retained on behalf of third parties for Payroll withholding taxes ...................................................................................... Withholding taxes on investment income ............................................................. 9147 25.503 29.836 9148 3.355.571 3.519.278 31139 Nr. C 5.13 0215.362.368 RIGHTS AND COMMITMENTS NOT REFLECTED IN THE BALANCE SHEET Code PERSONAL GUARANTEES GIVEN OR IRREVOCABLY PROMISED BY THE ENTERPRISE AS SECURITY FOR DEBTS AND COMMITMENTS OF THIRD PARTIES ...................................... 9149 Period 1.582.024 Of which Bills of exchange in circulation endorsed by the enterprise ....................................................................... Bills of exchange in circulation drawn or guaranteed by the enterprise ...................................................... Maximum amount for which other debts or commitments of third parties are guaranteed by the enterprise.................................................................................................................................................. 9150 9151 9153 REAL GUARANTEES Real guarantees given or irrevocably promised by the enterprise on its own assets as a security of debts and commitments from the enterprise Mortgages Book value of the immovable proporties mortgaged ............................................................................. Amountof registration .......................................................................................................................... 9161 Pledging on goodwill - amount of registration ............................................................................................. 9181 Pledging of other assets -Book value of other assets pledged ................................................................ Guarantees provided on future assets - Amount of assets involved .......................................................... 9191 9171 9201 Real guarantees given or irrevocably promised by the enterprise on its own assets as a security of debts and commitments from third parties Mortgages Book value of the immovable proporties mortgaged ............................................................................. Amountof registration .......................................................................................................................... 9162 Pledging on goodwill - amount of registration ............................................................................................. Pledging of other assets -Book value of other assets pledged ................................................................ 9182 Guarantees provided on future assets - Amount of assets involved .......................................................... 9202 9172 9192 GOODS AND VALUES, NOT DISCLOSED IN THE BALANCE SHEET, HELD BY THIRD PARTIES IN THEIR OWN NAME BUT AT RISK TO AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE ENTERPRISE 34.772 Recharges of budgetmeters SUBSTANCIAL COMMITMENTS TO ACQUIRE FIXED ASSETS 298.986 Purchase engagements SUBSTANCIAL COMMITMENTS TO DISPOSE FIXED ASSETS 424.707 Sales engagements FORWARD TRANSACTIONS Goodspurchased (to be received) ................................................................................................................ Goodssold (to be delivered) ........................................................................................................................ 9213 Currencies purchased (to be received) ........................................................................................................ Currencies sold (to be delivered) .................................................................................................................. 9215 9214 9216 INFORMATION RELATING TO TECHNICAL GUARANTEES,IN RESPECT OF SALES OR SERVICES INFORMATION CONCERNING IMPORTANT LITIGATION AND OTHER COMMITMENTS NOT MENTIONED ABOVE 1) An amount of € 25.812.373,64 has been recognized in the off-balance sheet rights and commitments for non-recurrent expenses. In the subsequent financial years these expenses need to be recognized as charges due to a new mechanism set up at the start of the liberalisation of the energy market and the role of the intermunicipal company as Distribution System Operators. 2) In the framework of the Multicurrency Treasury Bill Programme to finance the working capital and the investments of the mission charged companies, Imewo has given a mandate to Eandis CVBA to conclude with Dexia Bank Belgie nv (now known as Belfius Bank) on the 32/39 Nr C 5.13 0215.362.368 RIGHTS AND COMMITMENTS NOT REFLECTED IN THE BALANCE SHEET INFORMATION CONCERNING IMPORTANT LITIGATION AND OTHER COMMITMENTS NOT MENTIONED ABOVE a issuance of a Commercial Paper of Eandis ,for the account of the various Distribution System Operators, amounting to € 522.000.000,00. All mixed Distribution System Operators jointly guarantee vis vis each holder of a commercial paper issued by Eandis, to repay at first demand each amount related to each commercial paper and to the global maximum amount of the commercial paper of € 522.000.000,00. On December 2011 the amount used was € 20.000.000,00. a a 3) In the framework of the short term Credit Programme in the form of a revolving credit amounting to € 500.000.000,00, of which € 175.000.000,00 was taken up by the end of 2011, by Eandis CVBA to finance the working capital and the investments of the mission charged companies (Distribution System Operators), each Distribution System Operator acts for its share but vis vis third parties the Distribution System Operators are jointly responsible. The Distribution System Operators are severally responsible vis vis each other for the payment commitments to this mandate. 4)Imewo has entered into interest rate swaps in order to convert the variable interest rate on long-term loans into a fixed interest rate. The notional amount, being the volume for which a swap operation has currently been applied, amounts to € 263.781.652,00. The fair value of derivative financial instruments for covering the interest rate risk was calculated based on discounting expected future cash flows taking into account actual market interest rates and the yield curve over the instruments remaining life cycle. The unrealized value of these products equals € -34.605.547,42. 5)A bank guarantee has been offered in favour of Havenbedrijf Gent GAB amounting to € 7.142,04 for various concessions. 6)A bank guarantee in favour of Customs and Levies amounting to € 25.000,00 to cover the recharge of the energy tax credited by Imewo to their social customers. 7) The off-balance sheet rights and commitments mention the actualized value (€ 136.785.900,00) of future obligations to the Eandis staff (RPR 0477 445 084 Gent). 8) Various claims due to legal disputes: € 3.789.871,33. Unpaid grid fee invoices due to legal dispute with Essent: € 437.238,67. IF THEREIS A SUPPLEMENTARY RETIREMENTS OR SURVIVOR'S PENSION PLAN IN FAVOUR OF THE PERSONNEL OR THE EXECUTIVES OF THE ENTERPRISE, A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SUCH PLAN OF THE MEASURES TAKEN BY THE ENTERPRISE TO COVER THE RESULTING CHARGES Code Period PENSIONS FUNDED BY THE ENTERPRISE Estimated amount of the commitments resulting for the enterprise from past services ......................... 9220 Methods of estimation NATURE AND BUSINESS PURPOSE OFOFF-BALANCE SHEET ARRANGEMENTS Provided the risks or benefits arising from such arrangements are material and where the disclosure of such risks or benefits is necessary for assessing the financial position of the company; if required, the financial impact of these arrangements have to be mentioned toa 33/39 Nr C 5.14 0215 362 368 RELATIONSHIPS WITH AFFILIATED ENTERPRISES AND ENTERPRISES LINKED BY PARTICIPATING INTERESTS Codes Period Previous period AFFILIATED ENTERPRISES Financialfixed assets ................................................................................................ Investments............................................................................................................ (280/1) (280) Amounts receivable subordinated ........................................................................... Other amounts receivable ...................................................................................... 9271 Amountsreceivable ................................................................................................... Afterone year ......................................................................................................... 9291 Within one year 9281 9301 9311 Currentinvestments .................................................................................................. Shares.................................................................................................................... 9321 Amountsreceivable ................................................................................................ 9341 Amountspayable ....................................................................................................... Afterone year ......................................................................................................... 9351 Withinone year ...................................................................................................... 9371 9331 9361 Personal and real guarantees Provided or irrevocably promised by the enterprise, as security for debts or commitments of affiliated enterprises ..................................................................... Provided or irrevocably promised by affiliated enterprises as security for debts or commitments of the enterprise ............................................................................... Other substantial financial commitments ............................................................... 9381 9391 9401 Financial results Income from financial fixed assets ......................................................................... Incomefrom current assets ................................................................................... 9421 Other financial income ........................................................................................... Debtscharges ....................................................................................................... 9441 Otherfinancial charges ......................................................................................... 9471 Gains and losses on disposal of fixed assets Obtainedcapital gains ........................................................................................... 9481 Obtainedcapital losses .......................................................................................... 9491 9431 9461 ENTERPRISES LINKED BY PARTICIPATING INTERESTS Financialfixed assets ................................................................................................ Investments............................................................................................................ (282/3) 1.573.689 1.573.689 (282) 1.573.689 1.573.689 9352 282.905.828 229.835.806 9362 206.790.840 71.731.840 76.114.988 158.103.966 Amounts receivable subordinated ........................................................................... Other amounts receivable ...................................................................................... 9272 Amountsreceivable ................................................................................................... Afterone year ......................................................................................................... 9292 Within one year Amountspayabie ....................................................................................................... Afterone year ......................................................................................................... Withinone year ...................................................................................................... 9282 9302 9312 9372 34/39 Nr. 0215.362.368 C 5.14 RELATIONSHIPS WITH AFFILIATED ENTERPRISES AND ENTERPRISES LINKED BY PARTICIPATING INTERESTS Period TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES OUTSIDE NORMAL MARKET CONDITIONS Mention of such operations if they are material, stating the amount of these transactions, the nature of the relationship with the related party and other information about the transactions necessary for the understanding of the financial position of the company: Additional information The Board of Directors determines that there are no objective or legal criteria to clearly define what is meant with transactions above normal market conditions as described in the Royal Decree of August 10, 2009. Therefore the Board of Directors has opted to disclose all substantial transactions with related parties in the notes. This approach is in line with the international practice where all transactions with related parties need to be disclosed in the financial statements. Herewith an overview of all substantial transactions with related parties: A) recharge of distribution grid revenue € 2.800.975,26 B) interests on cash pool activities € 1.321.795,75 C) recharge of management invoices from Eandis to Imewo € 300.967.313,31 D) purchase of netgrid losses € 10.913.678,97 E) purchase of energy for supply to social customers € 3.244.947,21 F) green certificates sales € 2.341.684,80 35139 Nr. C 5.15 0215.362.368 FINANCIAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH Codes Period DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS,INDIVIDUALS OR BODIES CORPORATE WHO CONTROL THE ENTERPRISE WITHOUT BEING ASSOCIATED THEREWITH OR OTHER ENTERPRISES CONTROLLED BY THESE PERSONS, OTHER ENTERPRISES CONTROLLED BY THE SUB B. MENTIONED PERSONS WITHOUT BEING ASSOCIATED THEREWITH Amounts receivable from these persons 9500 Conditions on amounts receivable Guarantees provided in their favour 9501 Guarantees provided in their favour -Main condition Other significant commitments undertaken in their favour 9502 Other significant commitments undertaken in their favour -Main condition Amount of direct and indirect remunerations and pensions, included in the income statement, as long as this disclosure does not concern exclusively or mainly, the situation of a single identifiable person Todirectors and managers ....................................................................................................................... To former directors and former managers ............................................................................................... 9503 66.584 9504 Codes Period AUDITORS OR PEOPLE THEY ARE LINKED TO Auditor's fees ............................................................................................................................................... 9505 8.034 95061 1.674 Fees for exceptional services or special missions executed in the company by the auditor Otherattestation missions ....................................................................................................................... Taxconsultancy ....................................................................................................................................... 95062 Other missions external to the audit ......................................................................................................... 95063 Fees for exceptional services or special missions executed in the company by people they are linked to Otherattestation missions ....................................................................................................................... Taxconsultancy ....................................................................................................................................... 95081 Other missions external to the audit ......................................................................................................... 95083 95082 Mention related to article 133 paragraph 6from the Companies Code 36/39 Nr. 0215.362.368 ~ 7 _ __ VALUATION RULES Valuation rules GENERAL For the activities regulated by the CREG the guidelines are applied as mentioned in the Royal Decree of 2 September 2008 concerning the rules regarding the determination and monitoring of the total income and fair profit margin, the general tariff structure, the balance between costs and revenues and the basic principles and procedures relating to the proposal and approval of the tariffs, of reporting and cost control by the operators of distribution networks for electricity and gas. ASSETS FORMATION EXPENSES All formation expenses are immediately charged to the profit or loss of the financial year. INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS The research and development costs that are expected to have a return over a period longer than the current financial year are valued at cost and are amortized over a period of five years according to the straight-line method. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS "Acquisition values Investments are recognized at acquisition cost or cost price, including all attributable costs. The interventions of third parties in the financing of tangible fixed assets are deducted from the corresponding acquisition cost. " Revaluation surpluses The revaluation according to the instructions issued by the supervisory authority was used for the last time in financial year 2002(circular letter 25 April 2003). This category also includes the surplus value stemming from the valuation at economic reconstruction value according to the guidelines of the CREG,agreed in the final settlement with the CREG on October 1, 2007. These revaluation surpluses are monitored by an annual control calculation. " Depreciations The net acquisition value is depreciated according to the linear method. The following depreciation rates are used: 2°/a cables, lines, pipes and administrative buildings 3%cabins, stations, substations, connections and metering equipment 10% teleread meters and budget meters, optical fibres and teletransmission, central remote control, telecontrol and dispatching, CHP installations, lab equipment, tools and office furniture, other tangible fixed assets 20%vehicles 33% IT hardware Land is not depreciated. All infrastructure elements owned on 31 December, irrespective of their date of acquisition, are depreciated for a full financial year. " Disposals If an asset is disposed of, its net carrying amount is written off. In the case of a sale, the related remaining revaluation value is also taken into account. The remaining revaluation value is depreciated at 2% per year. Every four years these amounts will be checked with the actual revaluation value and if necessary, the currently applied rate will be adjusted. FINANCIAL FIXED ASSETS The participating interest and the amounts receivable are recorded at acquisition value. The additional costs are charged directly to the income statement. Write-downs are recorded and charged to the income statement when an impairment occurs, taking into account equity, profitability and future prospects of the company concerned. Write-back of amounts written down is recorded in the income statement when the developments of the company concerned so justify. For other financial assets, the same rules apply. STOCKS AND CONTRACTS IN PROGRESS Contracts in progress are valued at cost price. The cost price includes all expenditures directly related to specific projects and an allocation of fixed and variable indirect costs associated with the contract activities of the Eandis Group based on normal operating capacity. AMOUNTS RECEIVABLE Receivables are recorded at their nominal value. Amounts are written down when there is uncertainty about the collectability of the receivable and after comparison with the realization value. If a receivable is expected to be no longer collectible or if the collection costs exceed the amount of the receivable, the receivable is derecognized utilizing the provision set up for that purpose. The rebated VAT is recuperated if the necessary attestations can be obtained. In the framework of the full liberalization of the Flemish energy market on 1 July 2003, a provision for all doubtful debts was recorded for all accounts receivable older than six months on 31 December 2003 with regard to debtors. This additional provision is used in function of the realization of receipts of these accounts receivable or is used for the final write-off thereof. 37/39 Nr. 0215.362.368 ~ ~ VALUATION RULES The receivables related to works completed and services delivered, with the exception of claims for damages which are managed by the Legal Department and the accounts receivable from associated municipalities, expired for more than six months, are considered to be doubtful. A write down of 100 per cent(excluding VAT)is carried out for this purpose. The receivables from energy supplies within the framework of the distribution system operators' social public service obligations(SODV) have been recognized in the balance sheet at nominal value. The receivables from final invoices are considered to be doubtful if they have remained unpaid after expiry date in the following cases: bankruptcy, judicial settlement and judicial procedure. For these receivables a provision of 100 per cent(excluding VAT)is recognized for receivables below the limit amount to be fixed by the Board of Directors and for 80 per cent(excluding VAT)for all other cases. For all other expired SODV receivables a provision is recorded for 100 per cent of the unpaid amount(excluding VAT)if they are older than one year and have not been integrated into an agreed upon payment plan; these accounts receivable are thus considered to be doubtful. CASH AT BANK AND IN HAND Cash includes cash and bank balances (current and deposit accounts). DEFERRED CHARGES AND ACCRUED INCOME Charges incurred during the financial year or prior financial years and which belong to one or more future years, are valued at the pro rata amount relating to future years. The share of the income for which recovery will occur only during one or more future financial years, are valued at the amount that relates to the current financial year. LIABILITIES PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES Provisions for liabilities and charges are recognized on the balance sheet date based on the best estimate of the expected charges and expenses. AMOUNTS PAYABLE The amounts payable are valued at nominal value. Taxes, remuneration and social security provisions are determined by evaluating the most likely debt. ACCRUED CHARGES AND DEFERRED INCOME The accrued charges and deferred income are valued at the amounts related to the closed or to the future financial year respectively. CHANGES OF THE VALUATION MODALITIES None. CHANGES IN THE PRESENTATION None. 38/39 Nr. 0215.362.368 C 8 MANAGEMENT REPORT ADMINISTRATION REPORT - IMEWO. Ladies and Gentlemen, Herewith you find the annual accounts relating to the financial year 2011 which comprise the balance sheet, the income statement, the appropriation accounts and the notes, including the valuation rules and some additional information. Furthermore, we also inform you of the accounting decisions to which we would like to add the following elements. In relation to the determination of the transfers within the framework of the balances between the actual and the budgeted charges and income which have to be reported to the CREG according to article 27, §1, 5° of the Royal Decree of 2 September 2008 it has to be mentioned that the 2011 budgeted manageable charges have been adjusted to the inflation evolution, as was also the case in 2010, based upon the evolution of the parameters Ps (evolution of wages) and Pm (costs of materials). These adjustments to inflation resulted for Imewo in additional increases of the manageable charges compared to the initial budget, approved by the CREG, of 5,60 per cent for the activity electricity and 5.25 per cent for the activity gas. Partly due to these increases a bonus could be realized of € 6.925.321,77 for the activity electricity and of € 2.723.445,73 for the activity gas. As to the non-manageable charges and income and based upon the budget, previously approved by the CREG,the income for the activity electricity was increased by € 19.076.209,43. For the activity gas the income was reduced by € 5.933.691,16. These amounts will also be settled in the tariff, that for the next tariff period will be submitted for approval. All the transferred balances and the calculations still need to be finally approved by the CREG,after a review of our report on the fiscal year 2011. The CREG's review might possibly give rise to additional differences which will then have to be incorporated in the results of next year's accounts. At this moment we have not yet received a final decision by the CREG on our report on the 2010 accounts. As to the tariffs, it has to be mentioned that an interim tariff increase, approved by the CREG, has been applied since 1 April 2011, due to the sharp rise of the costs for the green power certificates and the RUE subsidies (Rational Use of Energy measures). In this way a sudden and sharp rise of the distribution grid tariffs at the start of the next regulatory tariff period can be avoided. In view of the current discussion on the approval procedure for our tariffs (the possible transfer of regulation from the federal to the regional authorities) an application to prolong the 2012 tariffs for the years 2013-2014 has been filed. As already applied in the previous years, the fair remuneration 2011 was calculated on the basis of the 2011 fair value of the regulated assets(Regulated Asset Base), the equity and the 10 year OLO reference interest rate. Consequently, due to a rise of the interest rates in particular (the budgeted 4,62 per cent actually amounted to 4,90448 per cent) have led to a rise of the fair remuneration (+ € 2.721.526,52 for electricity and + € 1.092.629,02 for gas) compared to those proposed in the budget. Thus the 2011 result in the network activities equal the calculated fair remuneration of € 32.161.331,53 for electricity and € 23.789.528,58 for gas, increased with the aforementioned bonuses for 2011. In the profit appropriation the principle was upheld that each municipality receives at least the dividend amount that was communicated in the scope of its budget increased with the deserved compensation for additional subscription to E-shares. In this way, an amount of € 3.791.932,69 (amount equal to the indexation of the budgeted manageable charges) could be added to the available reserves and the item 'retained profit could be increased with € 14.567.340,48. The profit from the non-regulated activities (twin activities: € 420.505,13) is added to the retained profits as well. Apart from the above, we do not have any knowledge of facts and/or events which might occur and which might have a material impact on the result or the balance sheet of our mission charged company relating to the financial year 2011. The Board of Directors, 20 April 2012. 39/39