You can evangelise!
You can evangelise!
Catch tan was cage in which Sa spoke about the ke th thick nn wi Bo up rd e m ha in d also chained On Saturday, Re d said that he ha , had broken an ge ca ive e pt th ca to e m or g holdin ce. d opened the do ’s your last chan said that God ha . God told me, “It I ere chains. Reinhard s.” th m of t ar ou my fly to should out of the cage in all chains and I ter nearly is clear. Now fly Af th . pa ely e let th , mp en co op ged The door is e suddenly chan ck home for ever! – and how! My lif 30 years, I am ba flew out of there Herm an n “ The Church of our Lord Jesus Christ is not a pleasure boat, but a life boat for saving souls . . . . . . and every hand is needed on deck. Antwe rp ” Reinhard Bonnke Sportpaleis Antwerp (Belgium) Reinhard Bonnke You can evangelise! (right) He became known for building the “largest tent in the world” (according to the Guinness Book of Records) with 34,000 seats. Over the past 22 years, more than 120 million people have attended meetings with Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. The eight-part Full Flame Film Series uses the appropriate modern medium of film to stir up a passion for the lost. The aim is to motivate people all over the world to respond to Jesus’ Great Commission and to be active in evangelism. The Cellpack for 12 participants includes: Since 2000 more than 55 million people have made decisions for Jesus Christ at his Great Gospel Campaigns in Africa. 1 set of 4 DVDs (8 films) 1 Facilitator’s Guide In Lagos (Nigeria) he preached to 1.6 million people in one meeting. More information and trailer at 12 Discussion Guides Reinhard Bonnke’s preaching is characterised by wonderful answers to prayer and amazing healings, signs and wonders. Daniel Kolenda (left) Evangelist Daniel Kolenda is a fifth-generation Pentecostal preacher. As a small boy, he was called to preach the gospel to the nations. He attended the Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola and the Southeastern University in Lakeland and then joined the Christ for all Nations team. He now works alongside Reinhard Bonnke as his Co-Evangelist. He preaches and ministers at evangelistic meetings and Fire Conferences throughout the world. His preaching is marked by a powerful evangelistic anointing; his preaching of the Word of God is followed by signs and wonders. CfaN donation accounts Order your free copy of the mission DVD “Your Kingdom come” with encouraging sermons, two moving music clips and our regular newsletters. Rabobank Limburg, Netherlands Account: 1529.45.326 IBAN NL95Rabo0152945326 BIC RaboNL2U Crédit Mutuel Hoerdt, France N° de compte 20033801 • Banque 10278 Guichet 01047 • Clé : 65 IBAN : FR76 1027 8010 4700 0200 3380 165 SWIFT-BIC : CMCIFR2A Kreissparkasse Böblingen, Germany Konto 1 037 900 BLZ 603 501 30 IBAN: DE46 6035 0130 0001 0379 00 SWIFT-BIC: SOLADES1BBL Managed by E-R Productions GmbH Postfach 60 05 95 60385 Frankfurt am Main Germany Order now from All details subject to change! In 2009 he celebrated the 50th anniversary of his ministry as an evangelist. Organised by Christ for all Nations Postfach 600574 60335 Frankfurt am Main Germany Tel: +49 69 4 78 78 0 Fax: +49 69 4 78 78 10 20 Email: [email protected] With the co-operation of the VVP (Federation of Flemish Pentecostal Churches), the Antioch Network, the Church of God in Belgium, the French speaking Assemblies of God in Belgium, the Redeemed Church of God in Belgium, the Church of Pentecost in Belgium and others. le Sportpa (Belg p r e w t is An 10 0 2 y a M 7- 8 nke n o B d r a Reinh nda e l o K l e i Dan ium) Fire Conference 8 May | 10 am to 4 pm Dear Friend, Have you ever experienced God’s supernatural intervention? Have you ever been touched by the power of Jesus? Have you ever been set on fire by a heavenly flame? Millions of men and women all over the world rise up, compelled by the power of the Holy Spirit to press forward and win their generation for Jesus. The aim of the Fire Conference is: To set disciples of Jesus on fire again through the flame of the Holy Spirit so that, equipped with the power to testify with authority, they can reach their generation with the gospel message. registration fee Adults Pre-registration Door Come and be motivated and equipped! Receive prayer, blessing and new vision! Millions around the world have been mobilised. Join the action! Children (aged 6-12) the Kids Festival needed Freedom Festival Free tickets for Free of charge Discounts Buy 10 tickets and get 1 free Come to the Fire Conference 2010 in Antwerp. It will be a milestone for Europe! The Lord will make his Word real and, by his Spirit, will light a fire in everyone who asks for it. Kids Festival 8 May | 9.45 am to 4 pm A children’s conference (for children aged 6-12) parallel to the Fire Conference / Prayer for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit / Praise and worship especially for children / Workshops / Games and a lot more Are you ready? Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda Evangelists There will be no child-minding facilities during the evening events. The Kids Festival will be conducted in French and Dutch. h anyone ing things throug God will do amaz s Word. hi ve lie be y rel since who is willing to of God. an m us is a tremendo Reinhard Bonnke of crusade ea ar e th in e or e He has done m anyone of our tim evangelism than Joyce M ey er her or and Bible teac Best-selling auth €10 €15 Young people (aged 13-20) Pre-registration €5 Door €8 Now is God’s time for you! people le passion to see An unquenchab rd Bonnke ha in Re en se s come to Jesus ha come to Christ and be lead multitudes time r ou of t evangelists one of the greates ton Bria n Hous dney llsong Church, Sy Senior Pastor Hi Acts 2:17-21 “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams … And whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. ” Christ for all Nations “Plundering hell and populating heaven!” is the motto of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, the founder of Christ for all Nations (CfaN). The mission organisation became known as a result of its breathtaking Great Gospel Campaigns in Africa, with many hundreds of thousands – sometimes over a million – people attending a meeting. In the past decade alone, more than 55 million souls were saved during CfaN campaigns in Africa; the people documented the step they had taken by completing decision cards. This makes CfaN one of the most effective evangelistic ministries worldwide, with independent offices in Germany, the United Kingdom, the USA, Singapore and Africa and elsewhere. In Europe CfaN has been holding Fire Conferences since 1987. After Germany, England, Portugal, Spain and France, it is now Belgium’s turn. Europe shall be saved! Translation headset hire (French & German) €5 per day Please note Tickets cannot be returned but may be transferred to others. The tickets give admission to the Fire Conference on Saturday. Advanced registration ends on 30 April 2010. Organised by Pentecostal Youth Flanders Freedom Festival 7 and 8 May | 7 pm The aim of the evangelistic evening meetings is: To proclaim the message of salvation in a crystal clear manner To call people to a life of discipleship in Jesus To pray for healing, deliverance and the filling with the Holy Spirit Bring your friends and neighbours! Please order free additional copies of this brochure and flyers for the “Freedom Festival”, the evangelistic evening event, to give to your church fellowship, friends and neighbours Conference Office Fire Conference 2010 c/o New Life Assembly Statiestraat 149 2600 Antwerp, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 3 297 23 24 Email: [email protected] s shall be ll stomach pain inhard called “A Re , leapt up ay s, rd iti tu str Sa W hen, on ffered from ga Natalie, who su l pain had al s rd wa ter af healed!”, my wife ortly was EN in reply! Sh to be incurable, and shouted AM which was said s, lf iti rse str he e ga c sid ni be ro gone. Her ch e is still quite ing of the past! Sh tomatoes t eth ea m to so le ly ab en en dd su s be e weekend, she ha cino and eat and with joy! Since th can drink cappuc e Sh n. ai ag d her for years. and spicy foo had been denied drink things that Nata lie Stefan an d Catch registration offices (starts on 1 March 2010) Conference language Messagemedia Avenue des Celtes, 21 1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 2 734 21 63 Tue – Sat 10 am – 6 pm Philadelphia Bookshop Oude Koornmarkt 63 2000 Antwerp, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 3 2316011 Tue – Fri 10 am – 6 pm / 2 pm – 6 pm Sat 10 am – 6 pm The meetings will be conducted from the platform in English and Dutch. Interpretation into French and German will be available over headsets. A charge of €5 per day is made for the hire of each headset. Your identity card or driving licence must be left as a deposit. Information Pascali Nederpolder 16 9000 Ghent, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 9 2234030 Mon–Fri 9 am–12.30 pm / 1.30 pm–5.30 pm Sat 9.30 am –12.30 pm New Life Assembly Statiestraat 149 2600 Antwerp, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 3 297 23 24 Mon, Wed – Fri 9 am –12.30 am Tue 10 am – 6 pm (on request) Koinonia Ministries c/o Eugenia Daskalopoulou-Tarlizou Everaertstraat 76 2060 Antwerp, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 3 667 14 72 Mon – Fri 9 am – 5 pm on request Further registration offices at At the door Tickets can be purchased at the Sportpaleis from 8 am to 2 pm on 8 May 2010 and throughout the entire day. Online tickets Helpers Your help is needed! Anyone who commits to helping as an usher or counsellor, in the children’s ministry or prayer during the Conference will have free admission. The application form for helpers can be obtained from the Organisation Office or online at National choir We believe that this conference is a God-given appointment for Belgium, a country of multiple languages, cultures and peoples. To reflect the composition of that country, we plan to form a large choir of people from every tongue and ethnic background to sing the praise of Jesus Christ who made us one. Our hope is that all hearts will be moved. Do you love God? Do you enjoy singing? We are looking for you! Your musical skill, your language and your background are not important. Register now at the Conference Office to be take part! Venue Sportpaleis Antwerp / Schijnpoortweg 119 2170 Antwerp, Belgium ( Getting there & parking Information on how to get to the Sportpaleis and parking facilities is available at or from the Organisation Office. Catering facilities Those attending the Conference can purchase food and drinks at the hall. They may not take their own food and drink into the hall. Accommodation Christ for all Nations does not book accommodation for those wishing to attend the Conference. Please contact the Antwerp Tourist Office (Tel: +32 (0) 3 2320103; email: [email protected]) or make your own reservations via
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