What happens `noW that they`re saved`?
What happens `noW that they`re saved`?
What Happens ‘Now that They’re Saved’? After every Gospel Crusade, Christ for all Nations must pack all the equipment and head to the next town and evangelistic outreach…but ensuring that the new converts will be discipled after CfaN leaves is essential. That’s why CfaN always works with the local churches to form a follow-up network. (Above) Saturday morning (17-Oct-09) 25,000 pastors gather to be encouraged and to receive an impartation of fire for evangelism. “Our old men spend their days in vanities while our youths languish in shame. We have won several awards but mostly in those things that cause shame. Servants now rule over us. A City on a Hill - Afikpo, Nigeria The large town of Afikpo in Nigeria is a place not frequented by many and is not on any major travel routes, but during the month of October, it was a center of spiritual activity for hundreds of thousands as the CfaN team led by Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda made it the target for a Great Gospel campaign. (Above) A lady, blind in both eyes for 12 years was healed. Evangelist Kolenda told her, “Catch me if you can”. . . here you can see the result of the challenge. The whole area around the town has a reputation as a center of ancestuos worship and idolatry, and has been known for decades as a place under the influence of widespread animistic practices. Reports reached the CfaN team that in the build-up to the gospel campaign, leaders and elders of the animists called their young people together and gave instructions that, “Bonnke and his team must be stopped and chased out of town.” Christian leaders triumphantly gave the news that the animist’s own young people had responded with a statement that the elders and their religion had been around for centuries but no blessings had resulted for the people and that now the CfaN team was coming to bless them and that they would ‘chase nobody’. It spoke clearly of what would happen in the ensuing meetings. The Crusade Chairman, in his welcome address to the CfaN team, gave an impassioned account of their recent dark history and called out for the hand of the Lord to intervene on their behalf. Here is an excerpt of that speech, a true modern day Macedonian call for help. Our women are ravished before our very eyes, and our old men are not honored. Our children die in their youth and our mothers are left without care at old age. All these and more have come upon us and we know why it is so. Although shrouded in myths and legends, the history of Afikpo indicates that she is under some heavy unbroken generational curses which came upon her due to some acts of wickedness against strangers and the innocents in olden times. Our addictive strange beliefs led our forebears into such barbaric acts as killing twins and banishing their mother, burying ‘criminals’ alive (burning them alive in recent times) and shedding much blood in the land, even of ministers. We have an organized system that opposes the light and resists righteousness especially when it has to do with the gospel. A situation which has made the church sustain so many setbacks in her effort to reach the people”. It is answer to this call that the Great Gospel Campaign began. As Daniel Kolenda preached the gospel and also restitution, people responded to the salvation appeal in their thousands and many brought their witchcraft items forward to be burned. Nightly two large steel drums were filled to overflowing with these fetishes and nightly the crowd danced and rejoiced as they were burnt with fire. Also many people, after having repented and given their lives to Jesus Christ, returned stolen goods to their former owners and many, who could not do this, brought the stolen items to the crusade ground and handed them over as a sign of their repentance and restitution. There was great rejoicing as the crowd witnessed these graphic demonstrations of the Lord’s saving power and the defeat of the powers of darkness As always, the evangelist prayed for the sick after completing the call to salvation, and people streamed forward to testify of the Lord’s healing power in their bodies. This woman, who was blind for twenty years, demonstrated her new sight with great joy. Pastors and church workers poured onto the field where the morning Fire Conference was held daily, filling all the seats by 6:30 in the morning in anticipation of the ministry and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. By the end of the week, a crowd of over two hundred thousand people poured onto the crusade ground to hear the message of the Gospel and there was wide spread rejoicing over the tens of thousands who had been saved and set free from the bondage of idolatry. Truly, this spiritually dark place had become a beacon of light like “a city on a hill” shining the light of the saving grace of Jesus to all around. The vital link in this process is a small booklet entitled “Now that You are Saved.” Each person that makes a salvation commitment receives their own personal copy that explains their decision and instructs them on “what to do next” in their new walk with the Lord. In addition to instructing the new Christian, the booklet contains a two-part decision card – one copy stays with the new believer and one copy goes to the local church so they can follow-up. For over thirty-five years, we’ve seen how God has blessed this partnership between CfaN and the local churches. Countless times we’ve heard reports of churches doubling and tripling over night following the crusades. The new converts are being connected with churches to grow and solidify their foundation in Christ. This process is one of the most important aspects of every crusade …that’s why nearly 50% of our campaign budget is dedicated to the Now that You are Saved booklets. It costs US$0.20 per booklet. . .which includes the paper, printing, global container shipping, and local distribution of these materials. Right now, we are trusting the Lord for the finances to pay for an additional 4 million Now that You are Saved booklets that we’ve had to order because of a greater than expected harvest season. Praise God! Help connect new believers with a church for discipleship. Your US$20.00 gift will provide 100 new Christians their own Now that You are Saved booklet. Your US$40.00 gift will provide 200 new Christians their own Now that You are Saved booklet. Your US$100.00 gift will provide 500 new Christians their own Now that You are Saved booklet. Did you know? There are over 86,000,000 copies of Now that You are Saved now in print in 56 languages. Upcoming Events Dec. 7-13 Sapele, Nigeria Dec. 17-20 Jakarta, Indonesia *Dates subject to alteration Publisher: Christus für alle Nationen e.V. Postfach 60 05 74 60335 Frankfurt am Main Germany President: Reinhard Bonnke Tel: +49 (0 69) 4 78 78 0 Fax: +49 (0 69) 4 78 78 10 20 E-mail: [email protected] Mission Accounts: Kreissparkasse Boeblingen, Germany BSC 603 501 30, Bic Code SOLADES1BBL IBAN: DE46 6035 0130 0001 0379 00 Euro €: Account No. 1 037 900 US $: Account No. 220 2600 39 GBP £: Account No. 220 2603 45 Raiffeisen Bank Prag Kontonummer 1061014750, BLZ: 5500 IBAN: CZ69 5500 0000 0010 6101 4750 BIC: RZBCCZPP Postcheckamt Basel, Switzerland Account No. 40-23212-5 IBAN: CH33 0900 0000 4002 3212 5 Postsparkasse Wien, Austria Account No. 7.400.641 IBAN: AT776000000007400641 SNS Bank Amsterdam, Netherlands Account No. Swift Code SNSBNL2A IBAN: NL 48 SNSB 0967 1880 40 Den norske Bank, 0021 Oslo, Norway Account No. 7874.07.00633 Swift Code DNBANOKKXXX IBAN: NO92 7874 0700 633 Postgirot Bank Stockholm, Sweden Account No. 52 76 57-1 Swift Code NDEASESS IBAN: SE49 9500 0099 6034 0527 6571 Produced by: E-R Productions GmbH Postfach 60 05 95 60335 Frankfurt am Main Germany [email protected] www.e-r-productions.com Photos by: Oleksandr Volyk CfaN Impact is an official publication of Christ for all Nations, the Ministry of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. E-newsletter Report by Peter van den Berg Subscribe now for free e-mail updates at CfaN.org In Afikpo, Nigeria, over five nights, 412,640 people responded to the Gospel message and completed a decision card to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. were confronted by a force more powerful than any curse, they were confronted by the power of the Gospel. Tearing Down Strongholds Praise God for another mighty victory for His Kingdom and stunning defeat for the kingdom of darkness! Afikpo, Nigeria is a city steeped in witchcraft and ancient superstitions but – hallelujah – we hit that serpent in the head! The people have lived in fear and bondage to demonic principalities that have gone unchallenged for generations, but during the crusade, they Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and I preached clear Gospel messages and then invited the people to call upon the only Name given under Heaven whereby men might be saved…the Name of Jesus! In this idolatrous land, we saw how many people brought their idols, charms, and witchcraft fetishes to be burned just like in the days of Paul (Acts 19:19). By the hundreds of thousands, they surrendered their lives to Jesus. I am sure that all of heaven took notice of what happened in Afikpo. Establishing the Kingdom of God While the enduring impact of the campaign on the region, and the collateral damage to the kingdom of darkness are incalculable, our African crusade director has informed us that 412,640 people responded to the Gospel, received Jesus as their Savior, and completed a decision card. Praise the Lord!! Going out to the Highways and Byways During one of the evening meetings, our crusade director leaned over to me and said, “This is ‘real’ Africa.” He recounted how one African evangelist came here recently but turned around and left when he saw the living conditions. Afikpo is as rugged and wild as it comes. Everything is raw and organic – including the incredible power of God demonstrated in the meetings. Thank you for enabling us to go – I cannot imagine the consequence for 412,640 people – and the entire Kingdom of God if we had not. Thank you to everyone who prayed, and contributed dividend to the success of this crusade possible. It was worth the effort and YOU will reap eternal dividends of this great Harvest! Yours in His Love and Service, Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda, PS: Please keep us in prayer as we look forward to our next campaign in Sapele, Nigeria where we expect a great harvest. Also, we have one African crusade per month for the next four months. Your ongoing support in prayer and finances is urgently needed and much appreciated.
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