FLUXYS - Approved Supplier
FLUXYS - Approved Supplier
r4 F LU XY Sì9 ACC EPTAN CE CERTI Fl CATE Delivered to TECTUBI RACCORDI S.P.A. Via Roma 150 29077 PODENZANO (Piacenza) (IT) P 44r67300-r (AAl2-4 CB03-0 ME02-l) +4r 02100- t (AA l2-4 BA42-5 CB03-0 ME02- qRcHS se G.nguP Nuù,{een PuncHnsn GnouP DgscruPTtohl : "CARBoN SreEI- NATUML Youn AccePTnNc-e N uMBen l) Burr WEr-ontc Fmwcs" FoR CAS TRANSM f SSION Q 1202/TECTUBI RACCORDI S.P.A. We are pleased to inform you that, following your application to become an Approved Supplier of FLUXYS BELGIUM S.A,, your Factory has passed the qualifrcation ptó.*tr and has been placed on our Approved Suppliers List for this Purchase Croup' This approval, however, is valid only for the product ranges listed in enclosure' successful application, as s[ated in the qualification procedure, is no guarantee for any future u*-d of a contract or for being on the list for a given invitation to tender' A This acceptance certificate is granted to you on the base of your answers to our aualifi oation Questionnaire' Fhrxyr Bersrum ${ This acceptance certificate is by no means qllid for any other factory or premise of your Company, or for any other company ofìhe Group or Holding you belohg to, or ior *y other legal entity to which your Company might be related to. AYrruc dct ArÈ 3l E-l1X0 Bru|!.lt pnoil +32 (0)Z zCA 72 I I hr +s2 (0)Z 230 0? 39 **v.llux!!.com rR Bfut|.b OlÙ2 911 tzl vAÎ 8E 0402 954 628 05/0920t2 FT-UX,$ FLUXYS BELGIUM S.A. is entitled to change, at any moment, the criteria withheld in order to accept you for the abovementioned Purchase Group ranges' This change, which could entail the sending of new Qualification Questionnaires and the decision to cany out a complementary audit, would be notified to you in due timeThis notified acceptance is based on your provided information answsrs to the questionnaires; documentationenclosed; . r . I througheventualaudits. Taking into account the preceding, you will inform FLUXYS BELGIUM S'A', within the shórtest possible delÀy, of any major change occurring within your Company. This means' change r*n b" linked to the Board of Directors, the shareholders, the industrial the geographical location, etc- You witl also systematically confirm by letter to FLUXYS BELGIUM S.A., and before end ofevery calendar year, that no major changes in the provided information have occurred within your Company' In case of serious offence, false information, lack of notification of major changes, FLuKyS BELGruM S.A, is entitled to withdrarv immediately and rúithout prior notice this acceptance granted to you. The acceptance is thus not permanently granted. In order to administer the List of Approved Suppliers, FLUXYS BELGIUM S.A. will take into account all important events that might occur such as : a) the satisfaction, or the difliculties encountered during the execution of an order; b) the quality of the answers to the requests for price bidding; c) the annual or occasional information provided; d) any other information that might incidentally be obtained' Should the information received sub a), b), c) or d) above, or any change regarding the acceptance criteria lead to a withdrawal of the acceptance, FLUXYS BELGILM S.A.. wiit notiry to you its withdrawal intention concerning this acceptance, which will, however, bnly effectively be withdrawn if the Supplier is unable to improve his situation or to conply with the new conditions within a reasonable delay which normally should not exceed three (3) months' Flqyr 8.lgbm SA (b! Adr 31 ^Éîr,! B-1(N0 Bru$rlr phonr +32 (0)2 282 72 1 t f|r +32 (0)2 IFo 02 39 **v.lltsÍlcom rR Brurs.b Ot02 954 azt vAT BE 0a02 e54 82t 05fiqn012 FLUX"$ Besides, the acceptance of the Approved Supplier one of the following events occur : will tenninate automatically should liquidation, ceasing business, composition or preventive composition or any similar situation which exists in his national a) in a situatión of bankruptcy, laws and rules; b) c) d) e) 0 g) he owns up to having made bankruptcy or is subject to a liquidation procedure, composition or any similar situation existing in his national laws and rules; he has been convicted through a res judicata sentence for an offence liable to affect his professional moralitY; he has committed a serious offence rvhatsoever on a professional level and which can be established by FLUXYS BELGIUM S'A. by any means; he did not meet his obligations as for the payments of social security contributions according to the legal provisions applicable in Betgium or in the country in which he is settled; he did not rneet his obligations as for the payment of taxes according to the legal provisions applicable in Belgium or in the country in which he is settled; hJ made himself guilty of false declarations by providing claimable information In no way, your acceptance can be considered as granting you any rights whatsoever rowards FLUXyS BELGruM S.A., rvhich will by no means have is responsibility committed, especially in case of withdrawal of this acceptance, for any reasons for which it keeps the exclusive right of appreciation' For anything relating to this acceptation, please send your correspondence to : FLUXYS BELGIUM S.A. - Procurement Department Avenue des Arts 3l - 1040 Brussels (Belgium) Brussels,0l/09/2012 This certificate is valid until: 31i08f2017 Fh.ryr 8.hium SA Avfiua d.r Artr trl &.1O{0 plîon +12 (012 hx f32 Bt$r.lr zal'12't1 Iinventory Controller t Manager (O)Z 23o 02 3e *rar.lluxyr,com rF Brutù.b f)40:! 954 €28 vAT BE 0402 s54 628 05n9n0t2 I Ér-ux"$ Enclosure to the "Acce Acceptance number I 1202 nce Certificate" / TECTUBI RACCORDI S'p'A' AGREED PRODUCT RANGE Description/Diameter Factory - Tees; NPS 7z" to 102", seamless welded execution or I I - Elbows LR: NPS Vz" to 42", seamless or Tectubi Raccordi S'P.4. Via Roma 150 29A77 - Podenzano (Piacenza) Italy welded execution - Caps: NPS t4" to 102", seamless execution - Reducers: NPS Yz" lQ 56", seamless execution - Reducers: NPS to 102", welded execution All requirements for sour gas service are tulfilled Fluxyr Salgium SA AYùfiio dcr Altt 31 B-1qa0 Brurràb tron +32{0}228272II +32 {0}2 23o 02 39 'rx 'R uwv.ltJxyt-ffiì Erur||lr v I 0'102 E5{ €2e T BE 0402 9$1 tzE 05/09n012 Tectubi Raccordi S.P.A. Via Roma 150 29077 - Podenzano (Piacenza) To the attention of Valter Pecorini ITALY Date Our rebr€ncc REGISTERED MAIL 13 September 2012 EVUMKO +32. (0) Youf f€fafanco subjcd Qualification Procedure purchase Group: 'Carbon Steel Butt Welding Fiftings" for natural gas transmission' Dear Sirs, ln accordance with our Qualification System Rules we are pleased to send you enclosed your -AccePtance Certificate'. The enclosure to this certificate mentions the agreed product range. Yours faithfullY, Bernaerts, Inventory Controller Flu,qa golgÉum sA A|lflua dc! Arî3 3't É-10,40 Brus3els plrme +32 (0)2 242 72 11 lar +32 (012 230 02 30 l$,v!Y-lluxF.com RPR Irulséb f}ll02 954 829 vAT BE 0102 954 828 rement Manager