masilla refractária - Jimenez Cristaleros
masilla refractária - Jimenez Cristaleros
GENERALIDADES. La base del material con el que se fabrica el cordón o la cinta de vidrio, son filamentos de fibra de vidrio de un grosor que oscila entre los 6 y 9 microns, y de la calidad de hilo “E”.Estos filamentos son texturizados para darles un grosor determinado y así poderlos trabajar. CARACTERÍSTICAS.TECNICAS. COLOR.................................................................................................BLANCO. MAX.TEMPERATURA.......................................................................550ºC. DIÁMETRO DE FILAMENTOS.........................................................6-9 MICRONS. CONDUCTIVIDAD TÉRMICA...........................................................1.0 W/m ºK. REACCIÓN AL FUEGO......................................................................INCOMBUSTIBLE. PERDIDAS CON CALOR....................................................................< 1.5 %. RIGIDEZ DIELECTRICA EN VOLUMEN........................................60-100 KV/mm. RESISTENCIA A LOS DISOLVENTES.............................................BUENA. RESISTENCIA A LAS BASES............................................................BUENA. RESISTENCIA A LOS ACIDOS.........................................................BUENA.EXCEPTO ac. FlH COMPOSICIÓN. SiO2......................................................................................................53-55 %. Al2O3...................................................................................................14-15,5 %. CaO-MgO............................................................................................20-24 %. B2O3....................................................................................................6,5-9 %. Fe2O3-TiO2........................................................................................< 1 %. Na2O-K2O..........................................................................................< 1 %. APLICACIONES. Excelente aislante para colocación en juntas de puertas de chimeneas, estufas, hornos calderas y demás aparatos que precisen de un cerramiento a la salida de humos y gases. PRESENTACIÓN. Rollos de 100 metros en la mayoria de los grosores, a excepción de las medidas más gruesas, y cintas, que pueden presentarse en rollos de 50 o 25 metros, y en metros sueltos. GROSOR Y COLOR DEL CORDÓN. BAJA DENSIDAD BLANCO. 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm. ALTA DENSIDAD BLANCO. 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm. BAJA DENSIDAD NEGRO. 4 mm, 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm. GROSOR Y COLOR DE LA CINTA. BLANCO o NEGRO. Cinta de 7 mm de ancha x 3 mm de gruesa. Cinta de 15 mm de ancha x 3 mm de gruesa. Cinta de 20 mm de ancha x 3 mm de gruesa La cinta se puede suministrar con autoadhesivo o no. NOTA INFORMATIVA. Los productos base para la fabricación, son inorgánicos, estériles, incombustibles, totalmente libres de amianto y de metales pesados, no contienen materia tóxica, ni deben causar irritación a la piel. PRECIOS SEGÚN TARIFA VIGENTE. The base material of Glass Fiber Textíle Products consists of 6 - 9 microns "E" Glass Fiber Filament Yarns that can be volumínized, texturized, plyed, reinforced with steel wire etc. They are inorganic, steril, incombustible, totally Asbestos-Free, do not contain any toxic matter nor heavy metals and do not cause skin irritations. Si02 AI203 CaO-MgO 8203 Fe203- TiO2 Na20-K20 53-55 % 14-15,5 % 20-24 % 6,5-9 % < 1% < 1% COLOUR Max. Temperature Melting Point Diameter-filaments Tensile strength-virgin filament Young's modulus Thermal conducivity Fire reaction Loss on ignition Dielectric rigidity-glass in bulk Solvent resistence Bases resistence Acid resistence WHITE 550°C 1200 °C 6-9 micron 3400 MPa 74000 MPa 1,0 W/m °K incombustible < 1,5 % 60-100 KVImm good good - high mechanical strength - incombustible good - good - low thermal conducivity max temperature fluoridric acid electrical properties dimensional stability - high thermal resistence - good flexibility - good - good resistence to chemical agents - except 550°C Productos Textiles de Fibra de vidrio HOJA TÉCNICA DE SEGURIDAD Página 1 de 4 (SEGÚN 91/155/CEE del 5/03/91) 1 – IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LA EMPRESA Y EL PRODUCTO PRODUCTO: (Designación Comercial) Productos textiles fabricados con fibras de vidrio. EMPRESA: JIMÉNEZ CRISTALEROS SL Calle Echegaray 31 30850 Totana (MURCIA) ESPAÑA Tel: +34 968 420632 Fax: +34 968 424766 2 - COMPOSICIÓN / INFORMACIÓN DE LOS COMPONENTES Productos textiles fabricados con fibras de vidrio tipo “E” para alta temperatura. Composición química de la fibra: El vidrio “E”, es un vidrio borosilicoaluminocálcico de baja tasa alcalina. Su composición (expresada en óxidos) está incluida entre los valores siguientes: SiO2 53-60% Oxidos alcalinos (Na2O, K2O) <2% Oxidos alcalinoterreos (CaO, MgO...) 20-25% B2O3 0-9% 11-15,5% Al2O3 TiO2 0-3% 3 – IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LOS PELIGROS Las fibras de vidrio no tienen carácter peligroso. Las precisiones sobre las características químicas se dan en el párrafo 2. Los aspectos toxicológicos también se explican en el capítulo 11. Hay que saber que estas fibras no son respirables (es decir que no penetran en los alvéolos pulmonares). Esto se debe a que su diámetro es superior a 3µm (e incluso en su mayoría es muy superior a 10 µm), la longitud de los polvos más finos incluso después de su manejo es muy superior a 5µm y su relación longitud/diámetro es superior a 3; estos son los valores establecidos para la definición de las fibras respirables. Un inconveniente conocido en relación con la salud corresponde al carácter irritante de las fibras de vidrio. Esta irritación es sólo mecánica y funcional. Desaparece cuando se suspende la exposición. Puede atacar la piel y los ojos, así como las vías respiratorias superiores. 4 – PRIMEROS AUXILIOS Inhalación: Alejar del sitio de exposición. Contacto con la piel: Lavar con abundante agua tibia y jabón limitando las fricciones. Contacto con los ojos: Lavar con abundante agua (durante al menos 10 minutos). Productos Textiles de Fibra de vidrio HOJA TÉCNICA DE SEGURIDAD Página 2 de 4 (SEGÚN 91/155/CEE del 5/03/91) Alergia: Alejar del lugar de exposición. 5 – MEDIDAS CONTRA INCENDIO En caso de incendio sólo el embalaje (película plástica, papel, cartón, madera) pueden quemarse. Los gases de combustión son esencialmente dióxido de carbono y vapor de agua. Agentes de extinción apropiados: Todos los agentes corrientes, recomendando agua o polvo. Agentes de extinción no apropiados: No hay restricciones. 6 – MEDIDAS EN CASO DE ESCAPE ACCIDENTAL DE FIBRAS Precauciones: Ver párrafo 8. Precauciones para la protección del medio ambiente: Los desperdicios de fibras de vidrio sometidos a pruebas de elución, no emiten productos peligrosos en cantidad apreciable. En consecuencia, se pueden considerar como desperdicios industriales inertes o desperdicios industriales corrientes según los reglamentos nacionales o locales. Método de limpieza: Aspirar, barrer o manejar con palas, para guardar en recipientes dedicados a los desperdicios de fibras de vidrio (recolección selectiva). 7 – MANIPULACIÓN Y ALMACENAJE Manipulación: evitar el contacto prolongado con la piel para personas “sensibles”. Almacenamiento: Medidas técnicas: No aplicable. Condiciones de almacenamiento: Almacenar protegido del agua. Materiales incompatibles: No aplicables. Materiales de embalaje: El almacenamiento se debe efectuar en embalaje de origen. Evitar la manipulación inadecuada. Productos Textiles de Fibra de vidrio HOJA TÉCNICA DE SEGURIDAD Página 3 de (SEGÚN 91/155/CEE del 5/03/91) 8 – CONTROL DE EXPOSICIÓN / PROTECCIÓN PERSONAL Medidas técnicas: La naturaleza irritante del polvo producido obliga a recomendar: -El uso de crema protectora, guantes, mangas largas, mascarillas, gafas para todas las personas de piel frágil o cuando las condiciones de uso generan cantidades bastante importantes de polvo. -La reducción por toda medida apropiada de las tasas de fibras que puedan provocar irritaciones (aspiraciones, modificación de los parámetros de fabricación para reducir el polvo de las fibras). Parámetros de control: No hay valores límites de exposición específicos para el producto (ver párrafo 2) salvo aquellos relativos al polvo inerte correspondiente a 5mg/m3. Equipos de protección Individual: -Protección respiratoria: en caso de operaciones puntuales que producen cantidades importantes de polvo, se recomienda el uso de mascarilla antipolvo aprobada por la CEE mínimo FP1 o mejor FP2. -Protección de las manos y otras partes del cuerpo expuestas: guantes para las manos, ropa con mangas y pantalones largos para evitar cualquier irritación. Crema protectora en las zonas no protegidas, sobre todo para las personas de piel sensible. -Protección en los ojos: gafas (o máscara) de protección. 9 – PROPIEDADES FÍSICAS Y QUÍMICAS -Estado físico: Sólido. -Forma: Productos Textiles. -Color: Blanco. -Olor: Ninguno. -Temperatura específica en la que cambia de estado: Aproximadamente 850ºC. -Punto de llamarada: No Aplicable. -Inflamabilidad: No Aplicable. -Propiedades Explosivas: No Aplicable. -Solubilidad: Muy baja, dentro del agua. 10 – ESTABILIDAD Y REACTIVIDAD Estabilidad: Estable dentro de las condiciones normales de trabajo. Productos peligrosos de descomposición: Bajo condiciones de combustión mantenida se puede desprender además del vapor de agua, CO2. Productos Textiles de Fibra de vidrio HOJA TÉCNICA DE SEGURIDAD Página 4 de 4 (SEGÚN 91/155/CEE del 5/03/91) 11 – INFORMACIÓN TOXICOLÓGICA Toxicidad aguda: Efectos locales: Sensibilización: Riesgos cancerígenos: Ninguna. Posible irritación de la piel, los ojos y las vías respiratorias. Posibilidades raras de alergias. Clasificación CIRC 3. No se ha demostrado riesgo de cáncer al no ser respirables las fibras. 12 – INFORMACIÓN ECOLÓGICA Los materiales inertes se mantienen estables en el tiempo. Podría ocurrir la filtración de los componentes alcalinos. 13 – CONSIDERACIONES DE ELIMINACIÓN Los desperdicios de éstos materiales no están clasificados como peligrosos. Se deben depositar en tierra según las normativas locales. Estos materiales pueden ser volátiles, asegurarse que no puedan ser dispersados. 14 – INFORMACIÓN PARA EL TRANSPORTE Asegurarse que el material no puede ser dispersado durante el transporte. 15 – INFORMACIÓN REGLAMENTARIA Etiquetaje: Los productos no necesitan etiqueta de producto peligroso. 16 – OTRAS INFORMACIONES Las fibras de vidrio no están en ninguna lista tales como las listas EINECS, CAS, TSCA, TRGS. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET In compliance with EEC Directives 93/112/CE and 2001/58/CE dated 07/27/2001 dated 10/12/93 updating Directive 91/155 dated 03/05/1991 and in compliance with ISO standards 11014-1 dated 03/15/94 and ANSI Z400.1 dated 1998 1 - COMPANY – PRODUCTS IDENTIFICATION MANUFACTURER: Head Quarters: Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 F-73009 Chambéry Cedex ( : +33 4 79 75 53 00 - Fax : +33 4 79 75 53 99 Production plants: Saint-Gobain Vetrotex Deutschland GmbH Bicherouxstraße 61 – Postfach 1160 D-52111 Herzogenrath (Germany) ( + 49 2406 810 Fax + 49 2406 79287 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex France S.A. 130, avenue des Follaz, BP 928 F-73009 Chambéry cedex ( + 33 4 79 96 82 00 Fax + 33 4 79 96 84 00 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex Korea Ltd 40, Soryong Dong ROK-Gunsan, Jeonbuk 573-400 ( +82 634 691 201 Fax +82 634 673 691 Saint-Gobain Italtess SpA Via Giotto 3 I-20040 Cambiago (Italy) ( + 39 02 950 85 1 Fax +39 02 950 67 448 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex America S.A. de C.V. Prol. Zacatepec Manzana 42 Lote 3 Ciudad Industrial Xicohtencatl MEX-Tetla, Tlaxcala CP 90431 ( + 52 241 88 200 Fax + 52 241 88 249 Saint-Gobain Vertex A.S. Plant 1 Sokolo vska 106 CZ-57021 Litomysl ( + 420 464 651 140 Fax+ 420 464 651 141 Saint-Gobain Vertex A.S. Plant 3 Zahradni 256 CZ-67125 Hodonice ( + 420 624 234 192 Fax + 420 624 264 118 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: “Glass yarns for Textiles” Contact in an emergency: • Environment Industrial Hygiene and Safety Director for The Reinforcement Branch of Saint-Gobain • Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International Phone +33 4 79 75 53 00 Fax +33 4 79 75 54 03 • [email protected] Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 1/13 2 - COMPOSITION – INFORMATION CONSTITUANT PARTS Glass yarns for textiles are basically sold as: TEXTILE YARNS PLIED YARNS VOLUMINIZED PRODUCTS TEXTILE YARN BEAMS CHOPPED STRANDS TEXTURIZED PRODUCTS On Saint-Gobain Vetrotex product packing, these general names are followed by a code number. This Material Safety Data Sheet is valid for all these products. Glass fibres can be considered as ARTICLES, as fibres are defined as articles in the manual of decisions for implementation of the sixth and seventh amendments to Directive 67/548/eec on dangerous substances (EU Directives 79/831/eec and 92/32/eec) or in the USA by the American TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) or EPA 40 CFR 710.2 and also some other national regulations (DSL in Canada for instance). These articles are mixtures of E GLASS in the form of continuous strands and a SIZE with, in addition, a BINDER in the case of mats. The CAS number of glass fibre is 65997-17-3 (corresponding to the oxides used for production). E GLASS is a glass with a very low alkaline content. Its composition (expressed in oxides) is within the following percentages: SiO 2 Alkaline Oxides (Na2 O, K2 O) CaO MgO B2 O3 Al2 O3 TiO 2 Fe2 O3 F2 52-56% 0-2% 16-25% 0-5% 5-10% 12-16% 0- 0.8% 0.05-0.4% 0-1% SIZE is a mixture of chemicals applied to the glass strands in a maximum quantity of 3% - more generally between 1% and 1.5% by weight. Most of this mixture is made up of basically non reactive high molecular weight polymers, often natural ingredients (starches) with no reactive sites, which are not listed as substances in the 1981 European Inventory of Existing Commercial Substances (EINECS) nor in the ELINCS appendices (European List of Notified Chemical Substances) and are generally exempt from registration on the American TSCA lists. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 2/13 In some cases, sizes are prepared from polymers with reactive sites or containing reactive monomers included in these lists. Most of the reactive sites are polymerised during the manufacturing process of E glass yarns. However a very small reactivity may remain which justifies the precautionary measures listed in Chapter 8 below. A second type of ingredient (sometimes present in almost all sizes) is a member of the organo-silane family. These products account for less than 0.05% of the final weight of sized E glass. These products are included in lists of products requiring 'hazardous product' labelling in a pure state (for example in Europe R23/25 toxic if swallowed or inhaled, R21 harmful in contact with the skin, R36 irritant for the eyes). The manufacturer considers this risk as negligible as, although listed as dangerous products, the concentration is extremely low and they are polymerised during the production of E glass fibres. Other products can be used in sizes often acting as lubricants. Usually the content is extremely low (under 0.1% of total weight) and as a general rule such products are not on the dangerous product lists or, as they have reacted, any possible risk has been reduced. If so requested by medical authorities, the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) reference numbers for the ingredients used for a given size or binder can be communicated but must remain for the confidential use of medical authorities. 3 - HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Glass yarns for textiles are not significantly hazardous . Details about chemical hazards are given in paragraph 2. Toxicological aspects are developed in detail in chapter 11. The essential point to remember is that glass filaments are not “respirable” as they are over 3µm in diameter and have been shown not to cause lung cancer. Hazards identified are: • mechanical irritation (itching) • the formation of respirable filaments • extremely rare possibilities of allergy. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 3/13 4 - FIRST AID INHALATION: remove from the scene of exposure to fresh air SKIN CONTACT: wash copiously with lukewarm soapy water without rubbing excessively EYE CONTACT: flush in running water (for at least 10 minutes) and consult if necessary a doctor 5 - FIRE FIGHTING In case of fire, glass fibres are not flammable, are incombustible and don’t support combustion. Only the packaging (plastic film, paper, cardboard, wood) and the small amounts of size or binder are likely to burn. Combustion gases are basically carbon dioxide and water vapour. There may be small quantities of carbon monoxide and other unidentified substances which make it necessary to use protective devices in the event of a major fire. RECOMMENDED EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: water or chemical powder 6 - ACCIDENTAL SPILLAGE PERSONAL PROTECTION: See Chapter 8. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION: In leaching tests glass fibre wastes did not emit any significant quantities of dangerous products and they can therefore be considered as Inert Industrial Wastes, or even Common Industrial Wastes, as defined by national and local regulations. All waste and scrap materials should be disposed of in accordance with applicable national, federal, state and local regulations (see paragraph 13). CLEANING: Vacuum clean, sweep or shovel into containers normally used for glass fibre waste (selective collection). 7 - HANDLING & STORAGE HANDLING (Technical measures / Precautions / Safe handling advice): It is preferable to avoid prolonged contact with the skin: wear gloves, garments with sleeves and long leggings or protective overalls, goggles, and dust masks. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 4/13 Glass filaments and dusts must be removed from work garments with a vacuum cleaner and not blown off with compressed air jets. Wash work garments separately from other clothes. STORAGE: Technical measures: respect the stacking procedure recommended for each type of product. Storage conditions: store away from excessive humidity to prevent damage to the product and to the packing materials which could lead to storage safety problems. Incompatible material: not relevant. 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROL – PERSONAL PROTECTION TECHNICAL MEASURES Use every appropriate means (suction, modification of manufacturing methods to reduce fibre dust…) to try to reduce the concentration of fibres likely to cause irritation. TEST PARAMETERS Test ambient atmospheres in which glass fibre is used regularly to determine levels of • “non respirable” and “respirable” filaments • “non-respirable” and “respirable” dusts. Legal requirements for respirable and non-respirable dusts and fibres vary from country to country (or do not even exist). The table below (prepared using the knowledge we currently possess) shows the limits applicable in different countries for Time-Weighted Average (TWA) exposure. It is recommended to identify the chemical nature of the fibres found in working atmospheres correctly, in particular in insulation wools and mineral fibres like asbestos which are sometimes present and can be confused with continuous glass strands. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 5/13 TWA (TimeTWA (TimeWeighted Average Weighted Average Country Dusts Fibres concentration) concentration) (mg/cu.m. for 8 hours (Fibres/ml for 8 hours work) work) Austria fine 6 total 0.5 Belgium total 10 No regulation Denmark respirable 5 total 1 total 10 Finland total 10 total 1 France total 10 respirable 1 Germany respirable 3 respirable 0.25 Great Britain respirable 5 respirable 2 total 10 The respirable 2 total 1 Netherlands total 10 Ireland respirable 5 respirable 2 Italy respirable 3 total 1 total 10 Norway respirable 5 total 1 total 10 Portugal total 4 total 1 Spain total 10 total 1 Sweden respirable 5 total 1 total 10 Switzerland total 6 respirable 0.5 USA respirable 5 (OSHA)* total 1 (ACGIH)** total 15 (OSHA)* * OSHA = Occupational Safety and Health Administration * * ACGIH = American Conference of Go vernmental Industrial Hygienists PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: Respiratory protection: during occasional operations releasing high quantities of dust, wear minimum FP1 or preferably FP2 EEC approved dust masks. Type 3M 8710 or 3M 9900 respirators approved according to American National Institute For Occupational Safety And Health (NIOSH) directives, can be used, for example. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 6/13 Protection of hands and other exposed parts of the body: Gloves for the hands, long-sleeved garments and long leggings to prevent irritation. People with delicate skin should apply barrier cream to exposed skin areas. Eye protection: safety goggles (or masks) or safety glasses. 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL STATE: solid FORM: continuous or chopped or mats of fibre made up of continuous, parallel filaments glued together. COLOUR: white or yellowish white ODOUR: none pH: not applicable SPECIFIC TEMPERATURE AT WHICH CHANGES IN PHYSICAL STATE OCCUR: Softening point: Littleton point (defined as the temperature for which the viscosity of glass is 107.65 Poises): approximately 850°C Melting point: Not applicable. Glass does not melt, but the viscosity decreases by elevation of temperature and is 103 for E glass in a range of temperature between 1150°C and 1250°C (fiberizing temperature). DECOMPOSITION TEMPERATURE: Only size products start to decompose at 200°C FLASH POINT: none EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES: none DENSITY (molten glass): 2.6 g / cu. cm. SOLUBILITY: very low solubility in water. Sizes can be partially (and even totally) dissolved in most organic solvents. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 7/13 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY Stable in normal use and storage conditions, and in normally foreseeable usage conditions. HAZARDOUS REACTIONS No chemical hazardous reaction is foreseeable HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS In continuous combustion conditions, in addition to water vapour and CO2 , small quantities of CO and NOx may be released from the combustion of the size. Other products may be released in limited quantities, depending on combustion conditions. This is why it is recommended to use high-performance gas masks, when fighting intense fires (see paragraph 5). 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ACUTE TOXICITY: not relevant LOCALISED EFFECTS: possible temporary irritations This irritation is of a purely mechanical and temporary nature. It disappears when exposure is ended. It can affect the skin, the eyes and the upper respiratory tracts. In Europe, mechanical irritation is not considered to be a health hazard within the terms of European directives 67/548/EEC for hazardous products. This is confirmed by the fact that EC Directive 97/69/EC for mineral fibres does not stipulate the need to use an Xi (irritant) label nor a classification for continuous strand glass fibres (which in this Directive only apply to insulation glass wools in some circumstances). SENSITISATION: some allergies to continuous strand glass fibres have been declared. All sizing mixtures are tested for their wet state sensitising properties when developed by Saint-Gobain Vetrotex and are only adopted if they have no or a very low sensitisation level. In case of the allergy is confirmed, remove the person from the scene of the exposure. LONG TERM TOXICITY: CARCINOGENIC RISKS Continuous strand glass fibres are not respirable (i.e. do not penetrate the lung alveoli). This is because fibre are over 3µm in diameter. Even after handling, the length of the finest dusts is also well over 5µm and the length / diameter ratio is greater than 3 : 1. These are the values determined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) for the definition of respirable fibres. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 8/13 Regulatory situation: None of the following official organisations have attributed any risks of cancer during the production and use of continuous filament glass fibres: During its congress in June 1987, World Health Organisation (WHO) through the IARC (International Agency of Research on Cancer) examined all laboratory studies using animals and epidemiological studies carried out on glass yarns for textiles. The conclusion was that glass filaments are not classified as to their carcinogenicity. They belong to the Group 3 of IARC. This classification has been confirmed by the IARC Working Group during his meeting of October 2001 and in the latest issue of the IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans volume 81 on Man- made vitreous fibres, published in 2002. The International Labour Office (ILO) and the CSIP (Chemical Safety International Program) came to the same conclusions in a congress held in 1987. European Commission Directive 97/69/EC dated 5/12/97, the 23rd amendment to Directive 67/548/EEC which concerns classification, packing and labelling of hazardous substances did not think it necessary to include glass fibres as having carcinogenic risks. Most European Union member nations have transposed this Directive into their national law and adopted the same conclusions: Country Austria Belgium Reference of transposition documents of Directive 97/69/EC Chemikalienverordnung 1999 French implementation by « Koninklijk Besluit » of 15/1/99 published on 24/2/99 Denmark BEK N°11/1999.01.09 (Ministery of Environment) Finland Landskapforordning 23/04/98 and 24/02/98 and List of Hazardous Chemicals 16.12.98 France Arrêté ministériel du 28/08/98, Circulaire DRT 99/10 du 13/8/99 Germany 4th adaptation of the German Gefahrstoffverordnung 1999 Great Britain The chemicals (Hazard Information and packaging for supply) (amendment) Regulations 1998. 6/1/99 Greece Not available Netherlands Wijzigingsbesluit (Stb. 217,2001) Ireland Statuary Instruments S.I. N°513 of 1998. European Communities (Classification, Packaging, Labelling and Notification of Dangerous Substances) Amendment N°2 Regulation 1998. Effect on December 22nd 1998. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 9/13 Country Italy Reference of transposition documents of Directive 97/69/EC Decreto ministeriale del 01/09/98, Gazzetta Ufficiale-Serie generale-del 19/11/98 n271 pag. 16, decretto del 2 feb 2000, circolare n°4 del 15/03/1999 Luxembourg Règlement Grand Ducal du 31/10/98 Portugal Not available Spain Bulletin Oficial del Estada (11/09/98) Sweden KIFS 1998 : 7 OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and NTP (U.S. National Toxicology Program), official American organisations, have not listed glass yarns for textiles as hazardous substances and the ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists) has classified them as A4 (not classified as carcinogenic for Man). They are not concerned by the Canadian Controlled Products regulations (CPR). No new stud ies have led the organisations to revise their position on this subject. Most laws and studies concerning respirable fibres do not apply to continuous filaments glass yarns for textiles. For example, • The concentration of respirable fibres in the atmosphere (1.5 fibres / cm3 ) fixed by French circular 95/04 dated 12/01/1995 (in addition to that dated 19/07/1982) from the French Ministry for Work does not apply to glass yarns. • Cancer risk index KI defined in German TRGS 905 does not apply to non-respirable continuous filament glass fibres. Epidemiological and laboratory studies No epidemiological and laboratory studies carried out up until now demonstrate in a scientifically significant way any risk of cancer related to reinforcement fibres. Several recent epidemiological studies (Chiazze 1997, Boffeta 1997) confirmed the absence of excessive mortality due to cancer in people working in glass fibre manufacturing facilities vs. control populations. A recent study published in 2000 by the IOM (Institute of Occupational Medicine in Edinburgh) addressed the inhalation of E-glass microfibres by animals at concentrations at least 1000 times higher than those encountered when using glass Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 10/13 fibres demonstrated carcinogenic risk. These microfibres are not part of the product range produced and sold by Saint-Gobain Vetrotex and these findings are not likely to change current opinions for the glass yarns described in this MSDS. Handling glass fibres When glass fibres are chopped, milled or sanded they are cut perpendicular to strand length and no smaller diameters filaments are generated. Conversely, significant quantities of dust can be generated which is why it is recommended to use personal protection. In dusts, also present in some products (chopped strands, milled fibres) some studies have shown very low quantities of particles with fibrous aspects (l/d>3), short (but nevertheless longer than 5µm) and with an apparent diameter of under 3µm. Quantities measured in work atmospheres are 50 to 100 times lower than all the limits fixed for respirable fibres, but when there is a high risk of dust generation it is strongly recommended to wear masks. MUTAGENIC RISKS, TERATOGENIC RISKS, RISKS FOR REPRODUCTION: continuous strand glass yarns have no known risks. 12 - ECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION E glass is not biodegradable. Sizes or binders are organic materials slowly and only partial dissolved by natural agents like water. As the concentration of the ingredients in the mixture and ingredient solubility are low and as they have not been classified as hazardous, glass yarns are considered to have no adverse eco-toxicological effects. Glass fibres and sizing products were not listed as products likely to destroy the ozone layer by the 1987 Montreal Protocol (Class 1 or Class 2). These lists are included in EC Regulation n° 3093/94 and in section VI of amendments to the "Clean Air Act" by the American Environmental Agency (EPA). Glass fibre sizes do not contain PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyl) or and other polyaromatic products of the same type. 13 - WASTE DISPOSAL Depending on local regulations, glass fibre wastes can either be considered at inert waste or as common industrial waste. As such they can be buried in landfills approved for these categories. Glass fibres waste cannot be destroyed by incineration and can damage incinerators by the formation of a vitrified mass. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 11/13 Clean cardboard, wood, plastic (film or bags) and packaging can be eliminated in units specific to these products (i.e. for recycling or use as fuels). 14 - TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS: Glass yarns are not considered as hazardous goods by transport regulations. They are part of one of the hazardous classes listed in international regulations. They do not need special procedures under any regulations. For international transport in Europe by land (new restructured version of ADR applicable as from July 1st 2001, RID, ADNR), sea (OMI) or air (OAC/IATA or to the USA (DOT) or Canada (TDG), they are not shown as a risk category nor qualified by a UNO number or a packing group. 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION Continuous filaments glass yarns do not require hazardous product labelling (see Chapter 11). General hygiene and work safety regulations apply (see Chapter 8). Continuous filament glass yarns are articles and for this reason they have not to be listed in most of the countries, for instance in the list EINECS in Europe, ELINCS, TSCA for the USA, DSL and NDSL for Canada, … 16 - OTHER INFORMATION FOOD ENVIRONMENTS: Appendix III of European Directive 90/128/CEE and its most recent amendment 96/11/CE dated 5/03/96 defines the compatibility of pure glass fibres with food environments as additives to plastics. However the fact that sizing products should be shown on the current list of European Commission approved products, the BGVV LII list in Germany or the Food and Drugs Administration lists (FDA) in the USA means that a case by case study must be made if a Saint-Gobain Vetrotex range product is used to reinforce a plastic material in contact with food. Consult the Saint-Gobain Vetrotex Service for further information. CONTACT WITH POTABLE WATER: As differ from country to country, every question must be examined individually with the relevant Saint-Gobain Vetrotex Services. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 12/13 This Material Safety Data Sheet is in addition to the Product Specification file and other technical documents issued by SAINTGOBAIN VETROTEX, but does not replace them. The information given by this document is based on the best knowledge at the date shown. It is given in good faith. Furthermore, users attention is drawn to the possible risks run when the product is used for any purpose other than the one for which it was designed. This MSDS does not exempt users from knowing and applying the rules regulating their activities. Users assume full responsibility for applying the appropriate safety measures when the product is used. For all additional information, users should contact their local Saint-Gobain Vetrotex agent or the Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International Environment Health and Safety Director. Revision 2/Aug 2003 Saint-Gobain Vetrotex International 767, quai des Allobroges, BP 929 • 73009 Chambéry cedex • France • Tel : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 00 • Fax : +33 (0)4 79 75 53 99 S.A. au capital de 99 707 550 € • 324 420 785 R.C.S. Chambéry 13/13 MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA NEGRA. GENERALIDADES. El producto "MASILLA REFRACTARIA NEGRA" es un adhesivo sellador para altas temperaturas listo al uso. Entre las propiedades físicas más sobresalientes que se han observado en el producto, cabe destacar su excelente anclaje sobre materiales resistentes al fuego y un excelente comportamiento frente a la temperatura y humedad. CARACTERÍSTICAS.TECNICAS MATERIA BASE EMPLEADA ...................................... MATERIA INORGANICA VISCOSIDAD (1).............................................................. SUPERIOR A 1000000 Cps DENSIDAD ....................................................................... 1,70 gr./cm3 SECADO HASTA MANIPULACIÓN.............................. 24 HORAS A 20 ºC RESISTENCIA TERMICA............................................... 1300 ºC APLICACIONES. Masilla adhesiva en medio acuoso, no inflamable y con clasificación M0. Pegado de lana de roca, fibra cerámica, silicato cálcico, yeso, sobre chapa metálica, u hormigón. Montaje de chimeneas,estufas,insert,aparatos de calefacción, elementos de calderas etc. Reparación de grietas Colocación de ladrillos refractarios. MODO DE EMPLEO. La superficie a reparar debe estar limpia y seca. Es conveniente lijarla ligeramente antes de aplicación. Aplicación a pistola selladora en cordones. Calentar de forma progresiva en el 1º uso. SEGURIDAD. Este producto no está clasificado como peligroso , no obstante en caso de contacto con ojos o mucosas, lavar abundantemente bajo agua corriente y solicitar revisión del oculista. LIMPIEZA DE UTILES. Agua Templada. CONSERVACIÓN. Conservar el producto en ambiente seco y fresco a temperatura de 10/20ºC. Cerrar los envases después de su uso. Preservar el adhesivo de bajas y altas temperaturas. Duración 1 año a partir de la fecha de fabricación. SERVICIO. El presente BOLETIN es a titulo INFORMATIVO. A petición suya Jimenez Cristaleros S.L le enviará la HOJA DE SEGURIDAD Y ESPECIFICACIONES TECNICAS de este producto. Puede consultar sin compromiso alguno a nuestro departamento de aplicaciones en cualquier momento. Las manifestaciones efectuadas están basadas en experiencias que hemos tenido hasta la fecha. Deben considerarse como información sin compromiso. Puede recurrir al servicio de asesor técnico, el cual les atenderá libre de ningún cargo y sin ningún compromiso. Ninguna responsabilidad, excediendo del valor de nuestro producto, puede derivarse de las anteriores declaraciones. POR FAVOR hagan en todo caso la prueba previa del producto antes de su uso industrial, y establezcan por si mismos si nuestro producto es interesante para sus propósitos. (1) Viscosidad Brookfield RVT husillo del 7 a 2,5 rpm durante 4 minutos adhesivo a 20/24ºC. Medida después hora de reposo. de 1 MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA «E01_01»-SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision date: «E01_10» 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY: Preparation name: SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT Code: MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA NEGRA Use of the preparation: HEATING Company: JIMENEZ CRISTALEROS SL Address: ECHEGARAY 31 City:TOTANA Province: MURCIA (ESPAÑA) Telephone: 0034 968 420632 Fax: 0034 968 424766 Emergency telephone number: 94 562 04 20 (I.N.T) 2. COMPOSITION OF/INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPONENTS. HALOGENATED SALT OF SILICIC ACID WITH INORGANICS COMPOUNDS Substances that are a health risk according to R.D. 363/1995, Rules and Regulations on Dangerous Substances: The preparation does not contain substances classified as hazardous according to Appendix I of the Regulation on notification of new substances, classification, packing and labelling of hazardous substances. 3. IDENTIFICATION OF THE RISKS FOR THE PREPARATION. The preparation is not classified as hazardous according to the Regulation on classification, packing and labelling of hazardous preparations.. The continuous contact can cause to irritation to the skin and the eyes 4. FIRST AID. In case of doubt or when symptoms of feeling unwell persist, get medical attention. Never administer anything orally to persons who are unconscious. Inhalation. Take the victim into open air; keep them warm and calm. If breathing is irregular or stops, perform artificial respiration. Do not administer anything orally. If unconscious, place them in a suitable position and seek medical assistance. Eye contact. If wearing contact lenses, remove them. Wash eyes with plenty of clean and cool water for at least 10 minutes while pulling eyelids up, and seek medical assistance. Skin contact. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin vigorously with water and soap or a suitable skin cleaner. NEVER use solvents or thinners. Ingestion. If accidentally ingested, seek immediate medical attention. Keep calm. NEVER induce vomiting. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES. Recommended extinguishing methods. Extinguisher powder or CO2. In case of more serious fires, also alcohol-resistant foam and water spray. Do not use a direct stream of water to extinguish. Special risks. Fire can cause thick, black smoke. As a result of thermal decomposition, dangerous products can form: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. Exposure to combustion or decomposition products can be harmful to your health. Fire protection equipment. According to the size of the fire, it may be necessary to use protective suits against the heat, individual breathing equipment, gloves, protective goggles or facemasks, and gloves. Other recommendations. Use water to cool tanks, cisterns, or containers close to the heat source or fire. Take wind direction into account. Prevent the products used to fight the fire from going into drains, sewers, or waterways. MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA «E01_01»-SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision date: «E01_10» 6. MEASURES TO TAKE IN CASE OF ACCIDENTAL SPILL. Individual precautions. Eliminate possible ignition points and ventilate the area. Avoid breathing fumes. For exposure control and individual protection measures, see section 8. Cleaning methods. Pick up the spill with non-combustible absorbent materials (soil, sand, vermiculite, diatomite, etc.). Keep remains in a closed container. For later elimination of waste, follow the recommendations under section 13. Environmental protection precautions. Prevent the contamination of drains, surface or subterranean waters, and the ground. In case of large spills or if the product contaminates lakes, rivers, or sewers, inform the responsible authorities according to local legislation. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE. Handling. The fumes are heavier than air and can spread across the ground. They can form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the creation of flammable or explosive fume concentrations in the air; prevent fume concentrations above work exposure limits. The preparation must only be used in areas where all unprotected flames and other ignition points have been eliminated. Electrical equipment has to be protected according to applicable standards. The preparation can be electrostatically charged: always use earth grounds when transferring the product. Operators must use anti-static footwear and clothing, and floors must be conductors. Keep the container tightly closed and isolated from heat sources, sparks, and fire. Do not use tools that can cause sparks. Prevent the preparation from contacting the skin or eyes. Avoid the inhalation of fumes and mists that form when spraying. For personal protection, see section 8. Never use pressure to empty the containers. They are not pressure-resistant containers. In the application area, smoking, eating, and drinking must be prohibited. Follow legislation on occupational health and safety. Keep the product in containers made of a material identical to the original. Storage. Store according to local legislation. Observe indications on the label. Store the containers between 5 and 35º C, in a dry and wellventilated place, far from sources of heat and direct solar light. Keep far away from ignition points. Keep away from oxidising agents and from highly acidic or alkaline materials. Do not smoke. Prevent the entry of non-authorised persons. Once the containers are open, they must be carefully closed and placed vertically to prevent spills. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROL/PERSONAL PROTECTION. Measures of a technical nature. Provide adequate ventilation, which can be achieved by using good local exhaust-ventilation and a good general exhaust system. If this were not enough to keep the particulate and fume concentrations of the solvent below the work exposure limit, suitable breathing equipment must be used. Exposure limits. Work exposure limit for: VLA-ED * Name ppm VLA-EC * mg/m3 ppm mg/m3 . ..... ..... * According to the list of Limit Environmental Professional Exposure Values adopted by the National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work for the year 2004. Breathing protection. When workers are subjected to concentrations above the exposure limit, they must use suitable and officially approved equipment. Use active carbon masks. Hand protection. For prolonged or repeated contact, use polyvinyl alcohol or nitrile rubber types of gloves. Protective creams can help to protect exposed areas of the skin. These creams must NEVER be applied once exposure has occurred. Eye protection. Use protective goggles especially designed to protect against liquid splatters. Install emergency eyewashes near the use area. Skin protection. Personnel must wear anti-static clothing made of natural fibre or synthetic fibres resistant to high temperatures. All body parts that have been in contact with the preparation must be washed. MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA «E01_01»-SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision date: «E01_10» 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. Aspect: Smell: pH: 10,5 Boiling Point: 100 ºC Flash point: mayor de 55 ºC Inflammability (solid, gas): Explosive properties: Combustive properties: Vapour pressure: Relative density: 1,60-1,65 gr./cc a 20 °C Solubility Hydrosolubility: MISCIBLE Liposolubility: Distribution coefficient (n-octanol/water): Viscosity: SUP 100.000 CPS Vapour density: Evaporation velocity: 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY. Stable under the recommended handling and storage conditions (see section 7). In case of fire, dangerous decomposition products can be generated, such as carbon monoxide and dioxide and nitrogen fumes and oxides. Keep away from oxidising agents and from highly alkaline or acidic materials in order to prevent exothermic reactions. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION. There are no tested data available on the product. Exposure to concentrations of solvent fumes above the work exposure limit can have negative effects (for example, irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory system, adverse effects on the kidneys, liver, and the central nervous system). Among the symptoms are headaches, vertigo, fatigue, muscular weakness, drowsiness, and in extreme cases, unconsciousness. Repeated or prolonged contact with the preparation can cause the elimination of oil from the skin, giving rise to non-allergic contact dermatitis and absorption of the preparation through the skin. Splatters in the eyes can cause irritation and irreversible damage. LD50>2000 MG/KG 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION. There are no tested data available on the preparation. The product must not be allowed to go into sewers or waterways. Prevent penetration into the ground. LD50 (96 H): 301/478 MG/L To consider solely a toxicity derived from the increase of ph by its Alkalinity 13. ELIMINATION CONSIDERATIONS. Dumping into sewers or waterways is prohibited. current, local/national legislation. Waste and empty containers must be handled and eliminated according to 14. INFORMATION PERTAINING TO TRANSPORT. Transportation is not dangerous. In case of road accident causing the product’s spillage, proceed in accordance with point 6. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION. The preparation is not classified as hazardous according to the Regulation on classification, packing and labelling of hazardous preparations. MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA «E01_01»-SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision date: «E01_10» 16. OTHER INFORMATION. Complete text of the R phrases that appear in section 2: ......... The information given in this Safety Data Sheet has been drafted in accordance with RD 255/2003 (Directive 1999/45/EC, Directive 2001/60/EC and partly Directive 2001/58/EC, related to the safety data sheets of hazardous goods) of 28 February, published in Official Gazette of 4 March 2003, whereby the Regulation on Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Hazardous Goods is approved, as well as the RD 363/1995 of 10 March, published in Official Gazette of 5 June 1995, whereby the Regulation on Notification of New Substances and Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Hazardous Substances is approved, whose technical appendices have been updated by Orders of 13 September 1995 and 21 February 1997, published in Official Gazettes 224 and 59 respectively, RD 700/98 of 24 April 1998, published in Official Gazette of 8 May 1998, Order of 30 June 1998, published in Official Gazette of 6 July 1998, Order of 11 September 1998, published in Official Gazette of 17 September 1998, Order of 8 January 1999, published in Official Gazette of 14 January 1999, Order of 16 July 1999, published in Official Gazette of 27 July 1999, Order of 5 October 2000, published in Official Gazette of 10 October 2000, Order of 5 April 2001, published in Official Gazette of 19 April 2001, RD 507/2001, published in Official Gazette of 12 May 2001, Order PRE/2317/2002 of 16 September, published in Official Gazette of 24 September 2002 and RD 99/2003 of 24 January, published in Official Gazette of 4 February 2003, Directive 2004/73/EC of 29 April 2004. The information in this Safety Data Sheet on the Preparation is based on current knowledge and on current EC and national laws, as far as the working conditions of the users is beyond our knowledge and control. The product must not be used for purposes other than those that are specified without first having written instructions on how to handle. It is always the responsibility of the user to take the appropriate measures in order to comply with the requirements established by current legislation. The information contained in this Safety Sheet only states a description of the safety requirements for the preparation, and it must not be considered as a guarantee of its properties. Nombre del Producto : MASILLA REFRACTARIA NEGRA HOJA DE SEGURIDAD. Esta hoja de seguridad se ha preparado según los requisitos del Real Decreto 1078/1993. 1.- IDENTIFICACION DE PREPARADO Y EMPRESA. 1.1. Identificación del preparado: MASILLA REFRACTARIA NEGRA. 1.2. Identificación de la empresa: JIMENEZ CRISTALEROS SL. C/ ECHEGARAY 31 30850 TOTANA MURCIA Telf. 968 420632 Fax. 968 424766 E-Mail: [email protected] 1.3. Información en caso de urgencia: (91) 562 04 20 Dar referencia MASILLA REFRACTARIA NEGRA. 2. COMPOSICION/INDICACION DE LOS COMPONENTES. 2.1. Descripción química: Silicato liquido, mezclado inorgánicas. 2.2. Componentes: Silicato y cargas inorgánicas. con cargas 3. IDENTIFICACION DE PELIGROS. Este producto no está clasificado como peligroso.No obstante, contacto continuo podría causar irritación a la piel y los ojos. el 4. PRIMEROS AUXILIOS. 4.1. Indicaciones generales: Este producto no está considerado como peligroso. 4.2. Inhalación: No aplicable. 4.3. Contacto con la piel: Lavarse abundantemente con agua y jabón. No usar disolvente orgánicos. Si presenta irritación conseguir atención médica. 4.4. Contacto con los ojos: Lavar abundantemente bajo agua corriente durante 15 minutos y con los párpados abiertos, control posterior por el oculista. Nº de revisión 01 Fecha: 24/10/02 PAG. 1 DE 5 Nombre del Producto : MASILLA REFRACTARIA NEGRA 5. MEDIDAS DE LUCHA CONTRA INCENDIOS. 5.1. Riesgos especiales de incendio: Incombustible. 5.2. Vestimenta de protección especial: circundante en caso de incendio. 5.3. Agentes de extinción adecuados: Los adecuados para la extinción del fuego circundante en caso de incendio. 5.4. Otras recomendaciones: Ninguna especial. La adecuada al fuego 6. MEDIDAS A TOMAR EN CASO DE VERTIDO ACCIDENTAL. 6.1. Precauciones individuales: 6.2. Precauciones para la protección del medio ambiente: Evitar que el producto derramado alcance los desagües, drenajes de pluviales y aguas naturales, así como su infiltración en el suelo, por el riesgo de su alcalinización. 6.3. Manipulación de los derrames: Aislar y contener los derrames com montones de tierra, serrín, arena u otros materiales absorbentes y recoger el producto derramado. Y eliminar los restos neutralizándolos con ácidos y limpiando con abundante agua. 6.4. Eliminación del producto/envases: El producto residual admite su recuperación y reciclado. Los envases de producto pueden ser eliminados ó reciclados según las características y contaminación del propio envase. 7. MANIPULACION Y ALMACENAMIENTO. 7.1. Manipulación: Procurar evitar el contacto con la piel y ojos, protegiéndose adecuadamente. 7.2 Almacenamiento: Mantener en su propio envase bien cerrado hasta su aplicación. 7.3. Materiales compatibles: Utilizar solamente acero y materiales plásticos. 8. CONTROLES DE EXPOSICION/PROTECCION PERSONAL. 8.1. Medidas de orden técnico: Ninguna medida en especial. 8.2. Componentes con valores límite de exposición: no establecidos. 8.3. Equipos de protección personal: 8.3.1. Protección respiratoria: En caso de generarse aerosoles ambientales utilizar mascarilla protectora. 8.3.2. Protección de las manos: Guantes de goma o neopreno. 8.3.3. Protección de los ojos: Gafas de protección. Nº de revisión 01 Fecha: 24/10/02 PAG. 2 DE 5 Nombre del Producto : MASILLA REFRACTARIA NEGRA 9. PROPIEDADES FISICAS Y QUIMICAS. Aspecto: Masa viscosa. Color: Negro Olor: inodoro. Punto/intervalo de ebullición: 100,7º C (fase acuosa) Punto/intervalo de fusión: no aplicable. Temperatura de ignición: No aplicable. Punto de Inflamación: No aplicable. Limites de inflamabilidad en el aire: no aplicable. Presión de vapor a 20 º C: no determinada. Densidad a 20 º C: 1,7 g/cm3 Solubilidad en agua a 20 º C: miscible Valor pH: 11,0. Viscosidad: sup a 1000000 cps. 10.- ESTABILIDAD Y REACTIVIDAD. 10.1. Condiciones a evitar: Evitar el contacto con ácidos y recipientes metálicos no férricos. Una larga exposición al aire puede ocasionar la carbonatación del producto por el anhídrido carbónico. 10.2. Materias a evitar: Aluminio, Estaño, Zinc. 10.4. Productos de descomposición: Reacciona violentamente con ácidos concentrados desprenciendo calor. Ataca a los metales no férricos (Aluminio, estaño, zinc) desprendiendo hidrógeno, gas inflamable y explosivo. 11.- INFORMACION TOXICOLOGICA. 11.1. Inhalación: En forma de aerosol es irritante para las mucosas y el tracto respiratorio. Sin datos disponibles. 11.2. Ingestión: Toxicidad aguda, oral, rata: LD50>2000 mg/Kg. 11.3. Contacto con la piel: No irritante (conejo).Ref.POTOKAR,M-1982. 11.4. Contacto con los ojos: No irritante(conejo).Ref. SCHELEYER, W.L. & BLUMBERG, J.G. 1.982. 11.5. Sensibilización: No reconocidos efectos sensibilizantes. 11.6. Carcinogenosidad: No incluido en las listas de cancerígenos. 11.7. Mutagenosidad: No incluido en las listas de mutágenos. 11.8. Toxicidad a la reproducción: Sin datos experimentales. No reconocido como reprotóxico por los Organismos Oficiales ni por institutos de investigación, (IARC, NTP,OSHA,ACGIH). Nº de revisión 01 Fecha: 24/10/02 PAG. 3 DE 5 Nombre del Producto : MASILLA REFRACTARIA NEGRA 12- INFORMACIONES ECOLOGICAS. 12.1. Información general: El producto no es peligroso ni tóxico para el Medio Ambiente de acuerdo con la Directiva 67/548/CEE y siguientes enmiendas. El silicato es estable y los estudios de biodegrabilidad no le son aplicables por ser una sustancia inorgánica. 12.2. Toxicidad acuática: Toxicidad aguda peces: LD50(96 h.) = 301/478 mg/l. (Lepomis mocrochirus). Ref.U.K. Departament Environment, 1991 (E.S.L). Toxicidad aguda crustaceos: EC50 (100 h.) = 247 mg/l. (Daphnia Magna). Ref.U.K. Departament Environment, 1991 (E.S.L). 12.3. Conportamiento en medio acuático: Los silicatos solubles en contacto con aguas naturales pueden reaccionar con los iones calcio, magnesio, hierrro, aluminio, etc. Dando compuestos insolubles constituyentes de suelos naturales. Al anión silicato no se le atribuye ningún efecto nocivo específico. A considerar únicamente una toxicidad derivada de un aumento del valor pH por su alcalinidad. 13.- CONSIDERACIONES SOBRE SU ELIMINACION. El producto fuera de calidad ó desechado y una vez neutralizado debe ser eliminado según las normas y reglamentos establecidos. 14.- INFORMACION RELATIVA AL TRANSPORTE. 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 Transporte por tierra ADR/RID: No clasificado. Transporte marítimo IMDG/IMO: No restringido Transporte aéreo ICAO/IATA: No restringido Número: No asignado. Grupo embalaje: Ninguno. 15.- INFORMACION REGLAMENTARIA. 15.1. ENVASADO Y ETIQUETADO (Directiva 67/548/CEE. Y sucesivas enmiendas, RD 363/95 y siguientes.) 15.2. No está clasificado en ningún reglamento de productos tóxicos y peligrosos. 15.3. Frases de riesgo: No aplicable. 15.4. Frases de seguridad: No aplicable 15.5. Símbolos de riesgo: No aplicable Nº de revisión 01 Fecha: 24/10/02 PAG. 4 DE 5 Nombre del Producto : MASILLA REFRACTARIA NEGRA 15.6. RESIDUOS 849/1.986): No procede. TÓXICOS Y PELIGROSOS (Ley 29/1.985 y RD 15.7. LEY DE AGUAS (Ley 29/1.985 y RD 849/1.986). No considerando como sustancia contaminante. No obstante, su alcalinidad puede afectar al aumento de pH. 16.-OTRAS INFORMACIONES. Esta información está relacionada con el producto que se cita en el apartado "Indicación de sustancia/preparado", no siendo válida cuando el mismo es utilizado con otros productos o procesos. Los datos reflejados están basados en nuestros actuales conocimientos. Describen nuestros productos desde el punto de vista de las exigencias de seguridad, pero no tienen la finalidad de asegurar unas determinadas propiedades. Es responsabilidad del usuario establecer la idoneidad de la información facilitada con el uso particular que vaya a realizar del producto. Nº de revisión 01 Fecha: 24/10/02 PAG. 5 DE 5 MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA «E01_01»-SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision date: «E01_10» 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY: Preparation name: SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT Code: MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA NEGRA Use of the preparation: HEATING Company: JIMENEZ CRISTALEROS SL Address: ECHEGARAY 31 City:TOTANA Province: MURCIA (ESPAÑA) Telephone: 0034 968 420632 Fax: 0034 968 424766 Emergency telephone number: 94 562 04 20 (I.N.T) 2. COMPOSITION OF/INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPONENTS. HALOGENATED SALT OF SILICIC ACID WITH INORGANICS COMPOUNDS Substances that are a health risk according to R.D. 363/1995, Rules and Regulations on Dangerous Substances: The preparation does not contain substances classified as hazardous according to Appendix I of the Regulation on notification of new substances, classification, packing and labelling of hazardous substances. 3. IDENTIFICATION OF THE RISKS FOR THE PREPARATION. The preparation is not classified as hazardous according to the Regulation on classification, packing and labelling of hazardous preparations.. The continuous contact can cause to irritation to the skin and the eyes 4. FIRST AID. In case of doubt or when symptoms of feeling unwell persist, get medical attention. Never administer anything orally to persons who are unconscious. Inhalation. Take the victim into open air; keep them warm and calm. If breathing is irregular or stops, perform artificial respiration. Do not administer anything orally. If unconscious, place them in a suitable position and seek medical assistance. Eye contact. If wearing contact lenses, remove them. Wash eyes with plenty of clean and cool water for at least 10 minutes while pulling eyelids up, and seek medical assistance. Skin contact. Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin vigorously with water and soap or a suitable skin cleaner. NEVER use solvents or thinners. Ingestion. If accidentally ingested, seek immediate medical attention. Keep calm. NEVER induce vomiting. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES. Recommended extinguishing methods. Extinguisher powder or CO2. In case of more serious fires, also alcohol-resistant foam and water spray. Do not use a direct stream of water to extinguish. Special risks. Fire can cause thick, black smoke. As a result of thermal decomposition, dangerous products can form: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. Exposure to combustion or decomposition products can be harmful to your health. Fire protection equipment. According to the size of the fire, it may be necessary to use protective suits against the heat, individual breathing equipment, gloves, protective goggles or facemasks, and gloves. Other recommendations. Use water to cool tanks, cisterns, or containers close to the heat source or fire. Take wind direction into account. Prevent the products used to fight the fire from going into drains, sewers, or waterways. MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA «E01_01»-SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision date: «E01_10» 6. MEASURES TO TAKE IN CASE OF ACCIDENTAL SPILL. Individual precautions. Eliminate possible ignition points and ventilate the area. Avoid breathing fumes. For exposure control and individual protection measures, see section 8. Cleaning methods. Pick up the spill with non-combustible absorbent materials (soil, sand, vermiculite, diatomite, etc.). Keep remains in a closed container. For later elimination of waste, follow the recommendations under section 13. Environmental protection precautions. Prevent the contamination of drains, surface or subterranean waters, and the ground. In case of large spills or if the product contaminates lakes, rivers, or sewers, inform the responsible authorities according to local legislation. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE. Handling. The fumes are heavier than air and can spread across the ground. They can form explosive mixtures with air. Prevent the creation of flammable or explosive fume concentrations in the air; prevent fume concentrations above work exposure limits. The preparation must only be used in areas where all unprotected flames and other ignition points have been eliminated. Electrical equipment has to be protected according to applicable standards. The preparation can be electrostatically charged: always use earth grounds when transferring the product. Operators must use anti-static footwear and clothing, and floors must be conductors. Keep the container tightly closed and isolated from heat sources, sparks, and fire. Do not use tools that can cause sparks. Prevent the preparation from contacting the skin or eyes. Avoid the inhalation of fumes and mists that form when spraying. For personal protection, see section 8. Never use pressure to empty the containers. They are not pressure-resistant containers. In the application area, smoking, eating, and drinking must be prohibited. Follow legislation on occupational health and safety. Keep the product in containers made of a material identical to the original. Storage. Store according to local legislation. Observe indications on the label. Store the containers between 5 and 35º C, in a dry and wellventilated place, far from sources of heat and direct solar light. Keep far away from ignition points. Keep away from oxidising agents and from highly acidic or alkaline materials. Do not smoke. Prevent the entry of non-authorised persons. Once the containers are open, they must be carefully closed and placed vertically to prevent spills. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROL/PERSONAL PROTECTION. Measures of a technical nature. Provide adequate ventilation, which can be achieved by using good local exhaust-ventilation and a good general exhaust system. If this were not enough to keep the particulate and fume concentrations of the solvent below the work exposure limit, suitable breathing equipment must be used. Exposure limits. Work exposure limit for: VLA-ED * Name ppm VLA-EC * mg/m3 ppm mg/m3 . ..... ..... * According to the list of Limit Environmental Professional Exposure Values adopted by the National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work for the year 2004. Breathing protection. When workers are subjected to concentrations above the exposure limit, they must use suitable and officially approved equipment. Use active carbon masks. Hand protection. For prolonged or repeated contact, use polyvinyl alcohol or nitrile rubber types of gloves. Protective creams can help to protect exposed areas of the skin. These creams must NEVER be applied once exposure has occurred. Eye protection. Use protective goggles especially designed to protect against liquid splatters. Install emergency eyewashes near the use area. Skin protection. Personnel must wear anti-static clothing made of natural fibre or synthetic fibres resistant to high temperatures. All body parts that have been in contact with the preparation must be washed. MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA «E01_01»-SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision date: «E01_10» 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. Aspect: Smell: pH: 10,5 Boiling Point: 100 ºC Flash point: mayor de 55 ºC Inflammability (solid, gas): Explosive properties: Combustive properties: Vapour pressure: Relative density: 1,60-1,65 gr./cc a 20 °C Solubility Hydrosolubility: MISCIBLE Liposolubility: Distribution coefficient (n-octanol/water): Viscosity: SUP 100.000 CPS Vapour density: Evaporation velocity: 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY. Stable under the recommended handling and storage conditions (see section 7). In case of fire, dangerous decomposition products can be generated, such as carbon monoxide and dioxide and nitrogen fumes and oxides. Keep away from oxidising agents and from highly alkaline or acidic materials in order to prevent exothermic reactions. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION. There are no tested data available on the product. Exposure to concentrations of solvent fumes above the work exposure limit can have negative effects (for example, irritation of the mucous membranes and respiratory system, adverse effects on the kidneys, liver, and the central nervous system). Among the symptoms are headaches, vertigo, fatigue, muscular weakness, drowsiness, and in extreme cases, unconsciousness. Repeated or prolonged contact with the preparation can cause the elimination of oil from the skin, giving rise to non-allergic contact dermatitis and absorption of the preparation through the skin. Splatters in the eyes can cause irritation and irreversible damage. LD50>2000 MG/KG 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION. There are no tested data available on the preparation. The product must not be allowed to go into sewers or waterways. Prevent penetration into the ground. LD50 (96 H): 301/478 MG/L To consider solely a toxicity derived from the increase of ph by its Alkalinity 13. ELIMINATION CONSIDERATIONS. Dumping into sewers or waterways is prohibited. current, local/national legislation. Waste and empty containers must be handled and eliminated according to 14. INFORMATION PERTAINING TO TRANSPORT. Transportation is not dangerous. In case of road accident causing the product’s spillage, proceed in accordance with point 6. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION. The preparation is not classified as hazardous according to the Regulation on classification, packing and labelling of hazardous preparations. MASILLA REFRACTÁRIA «E01_01»-SEALANT FOR FIRE RESISTANT SAFETY DATA SHEET Revision date: «E01_10» 16. OTHER INFORMATION. Complete text of the R phrases that appear in section 2: ......... The information given in this Safety Data Sheet has been drafted in accordance with RD 255/2003 (Directive 1999/45/EC, Directive 2001/60/EC and partly Directive 2001/58/EC, related to the safety data sheets of hazardous goods) of 28 February, published in Official Gazette of 4 March 2003, whereby the Regulation on Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Hazardous Goods is approved, as well as the RD 363/1995 of 10 March, published in Official Gazette of 5 June 1995, whereby the Regulation on Notification of New Substances and Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Hazardous Substances is approved, whose technical appendices have been updated by Orders of 13 September 1995 and 21 February 1997, published in Official Gazettes 224 and 59 respectively, RD 700/98 of 24 April 1998, published in Official Gazette of 8 May 1998, Order of 30 June 1998, published in Official Gazette of 6 July 1998, Order of 11 September 1998, published in Official Gazette of 17 September 1998, Order of 8 January 1999, published in Official Gazette of 14 January 1999, Order of 16 July 1999, published in Official Gazette of 27 July 1999, Order of 5 October 2000, published in Official Gazette of 10 October 2000, Order of 5 April 2001, published in Official Gazette of 19 April 2001, RD 507/2001, published in Official Gazette of 12 May 2001, Order PRE/2317/2002 of 16 September, published in Official Gazette of 24 September 2002 and RD 99/2003 of 24 January, published in Official Gazette of 4 February 2003, Directive 2004/73/EC of 29 April 2004. The information in this Safety Data Sheet on the Preparation is based on current knowledge and on current EC and national laws, as far as the working conditions of the users is beyond our knowledge and control. The product must not be used for purposes other than those that are specified without first having written instructions on how to handle. It is always the responsibility of the user to take the appropriate measures in order to comply with the requirements established by current legislation. The information contained in this Safety Sheet only states a description of the safety requirements for the preparation, and it must not be considered as a guarantee of its properties.