Santa María de Waltham


Santa María de Waltham
Welcome to Saint Mary Parish
Catechesis Office:
Immigration Center:
After School Program:
133 School Street
Waltham MA 02451
Fax: 781-209-0555
Email: [email protected]
Rev. Michael Nolan, Pastor
Rev. David Martin Ssentamu
Deacon Eduardo Mora, Director Immigration Ctr.
Jennifer Acuña, After School Program Director
Mark Chlapowski, After School Program Director
Mary McCarthy, Business Manager
Linda Russo, Parish Secretary
Adam Redjinski, Catechist
Nilvia Hernandez, Catechetical Administrator
Michael Welch, Sexton
Lila Cleary, Organist
Communion is brought to the sick and homebound.
Contact Ann Faulstich at 781-893-8953.
Parents of infants can call the office to arrange baptism.
Adults or parents of children wishing to receive
Baptism, Confirmation, or First Communion can
contact the Pastor or Deacon.
Registered parishioners or their children can
contact the rectory to arrange a meeting.
Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM
11:30 AM (Spanish), 1:30 PM (Luganda)
Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday 12:10 PM
Wednesday & Friday 7:00 PM (Chapel - Spanish)
Friday 8:00 PM (Luganda)
Holy Day 12:10 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish)
Monday - Friday 11:30 AM
Wednesday (Chapel) & Friday: 12:30-6:30 PM
Monday-Thursday: 11:30 AM - Noon
Friday: 11:00 AM - Noon
Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 PM
Those seeking assistance and support can visit the
Center in the Religious Education Office.
133 CLUB
Numbers are available for the monthly drawing.
Prizes range from $25 to $1,000. Sign-up sheets
are at the church entrances.
We welcome you to register in the parish. Please
introduce yourself to the Pastor. Registration forms
are available at the doors of the church. Contact the
rectory to arrange a house blessing.
I would like someone to call me to talk about
becoming a member of Saint Mary Parish.
My Name is____________________________________
Phone number__________________________________
Address _______________________________________
The Church is open daily from 8:30 AM-8:30 PM.
Healing Mass with Anointing: 1 Monday of
month at 12:10 PM and by appointment. Due to
privacy laws, hospital patients are encouraged to
register as Catholics so they will be visited.
Email __________________________________
Receive offertory envelopes? Yes No
Drop this form in the collection basket and someone will call you.
Or, register through our website at
Welcome to Saint Mary Parish
and please come again!
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
This weekend we present our annual financial report to the
parish for the fiscal year July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
The total income for the parish was $645,360 and the total
expenses were $635,479, leaving a small surplus of $9,881.
This is very good news for the parish as we took on an
increase of expenses with the implementation of the After
School Program. Due to your steady and generous giving
and our watching of expenses, we are able to say that the
parish fulfilled its fiscal responsibilities this past year. The
report on the following page only records income and
expenses for the parish. It does not include donations to
other recipients such as St. Vincent de Paul or St. Peter’s
Church in Haiti, even though the monies are collected
through St. Mary’s. Here is a recap:
INCOME: The par ish r epor t shows a slight incr ease in
the weekly offertory. Some of this can be attributed to the
addition of the weekly 1:30 PM Mass in Luganda. We were
also helped by an increase of gifts and bequests from wills.
We encourage anyone making out a final will and testament
to consider contributing to St. Mary’s. Last year we asked all
groups using space on a regular basis to increase their
donations to the parish. This has resulted in a small increase.
Almost every line item in the income section shows an
increase. Many thanks for your stewardship and support.
EXPENSES: The major incr ease in expenses comes fr om
the addition of paid staff members for the After School
Program. Most other expenses have increased slightly or
stayed at past spending levels. Our electricity costs were cut
in half when we started using LED bulbs in the Church. That
is over a $2,000 savings. Improvements and furniture costs
were cut in half, although we still spent money on many one
-time expenses associated with starting the After School
Program. Last year we were able to double the amount of
charity donated to people in need.
The Parish Finance Council suggested we develop ways to
educate all of the parishioners on the costs associated with
the parish. They suggested this be done in the different
languages. We talked about setting up a separate budget for
the After School Program. We have spent a great deal of
money improving and maintaining our parish plant. We are
now starting to reap the benefits of these projects, although
upkeep is always on going. We need to repave and rebuild
parts of the parking lot and walkways – hopefully beginning
soon. We also need to explore the possibility of increasing
the pay of some our staff members to adjust their salaries to
inflation. Besides all of this, we will continue the strategy of
paying our bills, investing in our youth and property
maintenance, and giving to charity and those in need. Many
thanks for your continued stewardship. Please do not hesitate
to make suggestions about the finances of the parish to me or
to members of the Finance Council.
Father Michael
The following Mass Intentions are scheduled this week:
Saturday, October 26
4:00 PM - Thomas Greaney
Sunday, October 27
8:00 AM - Parish & Parishioners
10:00 AM - Paul Ryan – 2nd Anniversary
Monday, October 28
12:10 PM - John Benson - 3rd Anniversary
Friday, November 1
12:10 PM - Rev. Edward J. McLaughlin
Saturday, November 2
4:00 PM - Patsey Fucci
Sunday, November 3
8:00 AM - Parish & Parishioners
10:00 AM - Natalie & Domenic Scalcione
Those requesting a Mass Intention should speak to the cantor
or celebrant at least ten minutes before the Mass if they
would like to serve as gift bearers for that liturgy.
Thank you for your generous offering to our parish.
• 882 people participated in the first four Masses last
weekend and contributed a total of $4,182 to the weekly
collection and $2,376 to the World Missions collection.
• 150 people participated in the 1:30 Mass on October 13
and contributed $521 to the weekly collection.
Next weekend’s second collection is for the Campaign for
Human Development.
Anne P, Nicole, Mary Ryan, Dick Crowe, Charlotte Reilly,
Ernie O, William P, Herb Finley, Sandra Gillespie, Laurie,
Melissa, Patricia, Juan Diaz, Alice P
In this Sunday’s Gospel, the tax collector’s prayer allows
God to be God and so allows God to pour mercy into his
heart. When we pray and give alms to the poor, we allow
God’s mercy to be poured into their hearts.
This month and throughout the year, through your gifts, the
St. Vincent de Paul Society will bring the love and care of
Jesus to the poor and lonely as we see and assist families by
providing food and help with their utility and rent bills.
Thank You!
For the grace to love those who are despised and rejected,
Lord, hear our prayer. For the grace to serve those who
need our compassion and mercy, Lord, hear our prayer. For
the grace of humility and honesty, Lord, hear our prayer.
After Mass the Knights of Columbus will be accepting
donations to benefit people with intellectual disabilities.
Tootsie Rolls will be given out as a thank you to donors.
The great Feast of All Saints Day is upon us. The church
calls us to come together to remember all the saints, both
recognized and known only to God and the other angels and
saints. Mass times are as follows on Friday, Nov. 1.
St. Charles - 7:30 AM
St. Mary - 12:10 PM
St. Charles - 7:00 PM
St. Mary - 7:00 PM (Spanish)
St. Mary - 8:00 PM (Luganda)
Are you ever curious about your fellow worshippers at the 8
AM Mass? Do you think it might be good to at least know
their names? I know that traditionally Catholics who attend
the early Masses are not the most social bunch at that time of
day. I appreciate this because I am not a morning person.
Yet as the priest, I get to know a lot of you and know that
there are a lot of great personalities at this Mass. So we
would like to invite everyone who attends the 8 AM Mass to
breakfast in the rectory on November 10. (This means that
certain regulars who leave Mass early will have to stick
around that day). I know that many of you have your Sunday
rituals and routines. For one Sunday a year – break it up;
shake it up. I promise I won’t ask again for another year.
More information to follow.
Last week I attended the funeral of Fr. Ed McLaughlin at St.
Thomas Aquinas Church in Bridgewater. He had spent his
recent retirement years at that parish but he never retired. I
briefly lived in the same rectory with him before I was assigned to Saint Mary’s, so I know firsthand that he spent
long hours walking the corridors of South Shore Hospital
visiting the sick. Oftentimes people mention kind things
about a person only after he has died; yet people were saying
kind things about Fr. McLaughlin long before he died. When
I first arrived at St. Mary’s, parishioners repeatedly asked
me if I knew Fr. McLaughlin. They would tell me how Father McLaughlin encouraged them to serve in some particular role, or how he helped them bring a family member back
to the church. Of course, he was different. Nobody would
deny that! Yet his love for the Lord extended to loving others and many people loved him for that! The 12:10 Mass on
Friday, November 1 will be offered for the repose of his
soul. Please spread the word. May he rest in peace.
Recently Saint Mary’s After School Program was featured
on Boston’s daily Catholic radio program The Good Catholic Life. Jennifer Acuña and Father Michael were interviewed by Scot Landry and Michael Lavigne. If you missed
the broadcast, you can catch the playback online at:
Thanks to everyone who made a contribution to the Parish
Semi-Annual Appeal. So far we have collected $16,256. It’s
still not too late to contribute if you have not done so. You
can drop it in the collection basket or mail it into the Rectory. Thank you for your continued stewardship of the parish.
Please consider joining us in the After School Program to
help children with their homework. The homework time is
from 3:00-4:15 PM, and you may volunteer one day a week
or more if you’d like. You don’t need teaching experience to
do this volunteer work. The children benefit greatly from
having someone to guide them through getting their homework done. The volunteers benefit not only from serving the
Lord in this way, but also from the sense of community they
form with the other adult volunteers. If you would like to
join us, please contact Susan Brennan at 781-577-2262 or
[email protected].
Members of Boy Scout Troop 248 are selling Christmas
wreaths to raise funds to support troop activities throughout
the year. The wreaths are fresh and beautiful and available in
three varieties. Liam O’Callaghan will be available after
Mass to take your orders this weekend, or you can call Liam
at 781-893-3970 to place an order. Please note that your order will be delivered to your home, and not picked up at St.
Mary’s. If necessary, please contact Liam directly; do not
call the rectory office about this.
Our St Vincent de Paul pantry is in need of donations of
NON-PERISHABLE food items, including canned meat,
pasta, cereal, and laundry detergent. Your donation will provide recipients with a bag of these items to supplement the
food vouchers we also provide. Please leave your donations
in the baskets at the back of the church. Many thanks. For I
was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you
gave me drink… (Mt 25:35)
Last August a group from Boston participated in a mission
trip to Kentucky. Many of you supported this mission
through your prayers and by giving donations. We received
the following note of thanks for your generosity:
Dear St. Mary’s Community,
Thank you so much for your generous response to our collection of toiletries and donations to benefit the people of
Martin County, Kentucky – the third poorest county in the
U.S. God worked out the timing of these gifts perfectly, as
their supply was critically low upon our arrival. We made
sure that our team knew about your generosity, and we
prayed for all of you throughout our entire work week. May
God bless you for your kindness.
– Christine Dufresne, Linda Russo, & God’s Boston Crew
Santa María de Waltham
Información de la Oficina
Dirección: 133 School Street Waltham MA 02451
Rectoría: 781-891-1730 Fax: 781-209-0555
Email: [email protected]
Oficina de catecismo: 781-308-4961
Centro de Immigracion: 617-817-7544
Párroco: Rev. Michael Nolan
Rev. David Martin
Diacono: Eduardo R. Mora,
Director del Centro de Inmigración
Mary McCarthy, Secretaria Parroquial
Nilvia Hernández, Administradora del Catecismo
Milie Colon: Asistente de Coordinación de Catecismo
Iván Colon, María Aviles, Vidal Hernández,
Rosendo De La Cruz Coordinadores de Coro
Arnoldo Cardona: Coordinador de lectores
Nelson Alvarado: Coordinador de Ministros
En la oficina del Centro de Inmigración le ofrecemos
toda clase de ayuda de Inmigración, a llenar sus aplicaciones de ciudadanía de residencia de asilo, de renovación de
residencia, clases de ciudadanía, todo lo relacionado a la
Inmigración. Le ayudamos en hacer resumes. También se
ofrece Notaria Publica , clases de computación, le ayudamos de igual forma con consejería y Dirección Espiritual.
Los esperamos.
Domingo 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM
11:30 AM (Español), 1:30 PM (Luganda)
Sábado 4:00 PM
Lunes - Viernes 12:10 PM
Miércoles y Viernes 7:00 PM (En español-Capilla)
Viernes 8:00 PM (Luganda)
Dias de Precepto 7:00 AM, 12:10 PM, 7:00 PM (en español)
Domingos 11:00 AM en la Iglesia antes de la Misa.
Lunes-Jueves: 11:30 AM
Viernes: 11:00 AM , Sábado: 3:00 - 3:45 PM
Domingo: 11:00 AM (español)
Por favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia
Para la fecha del curso de pre-cana y para los
arreglos necesarios o hablar con el Diacono Eduardo.
Todos los primeros domingos del mes después de la Misa,
es el día de orientación del Bautizo, en el Edificio de
Educación Religiosa, y el Bautizo será el primer domingo
del mes siguiente. La preparación y el bautizo serán
después de la Misa.
Si conoce a alguien que necesita la Sagrada Comunión en
su casa, hospital o Asilo de Ancianos “Nursing Home”,
hablar con el uno de los Sacerdotes o el Diacono.
Este grupo de laicos se reúnen todos los Martes desde las
7:00 P. m. hasta las 8:30 PM, en el edificio de Educación
Religiosa. En las reuniones rezan el Santo Rosario y se
planifica trabajo espirituales para la semana, también
organizan los Rosarios en los meses de Mayo y Octubre y
novenas en las familia donde alguien a fallecido. Están
todos invitados a participar de este grupo espiritual.
Movimiento spiritual de la Iglesia para laicos, donde
después de asistir a un retiro se juntan para la oración,
la predicación y meditación de la palabra, de esta forma
crecemos en nuestra Fe. Las reuniones son los Lunes de
7:00 - 8:30 PM, en el edificio de Educación Religiosa.
Es un movimiento de la renovación carismática de Boston,
donde se alaba y glorifica al Señor. Tenemos oración de
sanación física como espiritual. Nos reunimos para la oración los Domingos a las 6:00 PM, en el Hall de la Iglesia,
y los Jueves de 7:00 - 8:30 PM, en la Capilla, el ultimo domingo del mes nos reunimos en la Capilla del edificio de
Educación Religiosa a las 6:00 PM.
Es un grupo de personas sobreviviente del cáncer que se
reúnen todos los segundos Sábados del mes en el edificio
de Educación Religiosa, para dar apoyo a personas que
están padeciendo de esta enfermedad o que estuvieron
enfermos pero no pueden sacar de su mente esta mala
experiencia. Todos están invitados a las reuniones.
Si desean recibir la celebración de acción de gracias por
la vida, en los quince años de su hija en la Iglesia, es necesario que la joven este participando en el programa de preparación para la Confirmación. Para mas información
preguntar a los sacerdotes o diacono.
El grupo juvenil “Agape” se reúnen todos los Martes
de 7:00-9:00 PM, en el Hall de la Iglesia, el grupo de
jóvenes adultos esta formado de 20 años de edad y
mas, el grupo juvenil de adolecentes se reúnen los
días Miércoles también de 7:00-9:00 PM, que consta
de las edades de 13 hasta 20 años de edad.
En las reuniones los jóvenes hacen oraciones, dinámicas, la lectura de la Palabra, asisten a retiros
Espirituales etc.
Tenemos Adoración al Santísimo todos los Miércoles
de 12:30 a 6:30 PM, en la Capilla del Edificio de
Educación Religiosa. Y los Viernes de 12:30 a 6:30
PM, en la Iglesia. Todos están invitados.
882 personas participaron de las primeras cuatro
Misas el fin de semana un total de $4,182. La segunda
colecta por las misiones fue de $2,376. Gracias.
Pongamos en nuestras oraciones a nuestros difuntos y
enfermos de la comunidad, en especial por el alma de
America Álvarez
bre de 5:30 a 7:30 de la noche y queda en 66 Newton
St. Waltham, a tomar unas clases de cocinar saludable. Esto es para padres que tengan hijos en la escuela, habrá oportunidad de aprender de comprar comida saludable en el mercado, se les ofrecerá una bola
de comida cada semana habrá traducción en español
para este evento.
Ya esta abierto nuestro programa, venga no espere
hasta el ultimo momento, por favor de llamar a Jennifer Acuna al teléfono 401-996-9028. El programa empezó en Septiembre 9, de Lunes a Viernes de 3:006:00 P.M. y si quiere ser voluntario también comunicase con Jennifer Acuna.
es una forma única de la educación en la fertilidad.
Específicamente, la PFN es el título de los métodos
fiables moralmente, naturales y saludables, modernos
y científicamente fiables de planificación de la familia. Estos métodos enseñan a las parejas casadas a
identificar y comprender sus señales combinadas de
fertilidad. Esta información ayuda a las parejas casadas tener previsto lograr o posponer un embarazo.
NFP es moralmente bueno porque ayuda a las parejas
casadas respetar el designio de Dios para el amor
conyugal. ("Theresa Notare, Ph , Director Adjunto de
la PFN Programa, Conferencia de Estados Unidos
Obispos católicos). Horario las clase de PFN
Sábados a las 11:00AM los días Diciembre 7, Febrero
17, Abril 19.
En este mes de Octubre esta dedicado al mes del Rosario, la mejor manera de celebrarlo es rezando el
Rosario, y las hermanas de la Legión de María esta
listas para ir a los hogares llevándoles el Rosario,
solamente pónganse en comunicación con una de ellas
para que esto suceda, ellas irán de dos en dos es decir
dos legionarias cada vez. Recuerden el 31 de Octubre
ultimo día del mes lo celebraremos en la Capilla del
Edificio de Educación Religiosa.
EL Power Program y el centro de estudio de adultos
ofrece gratis los Martes y Jueves en la mañana de
9:00 a 11:30 clases de GED, esto es para los residentes de Waltham solamente. Venga al Community &
Cultural Center, que queda en el 510 Moody St. Para
registrarse y tomar un pequeño test que se ofrecen los
Martes a las 9:00 a. m. solamente. Durante el año
académico 2013-2014, la entrada es por la puerta de
atrás de color azul después vire a la derecha al final
Invitacion especial a escuchar al Sr. John Allen
del corredor. Prepárese para el GED y así pueda
El Sr. John Allen, es un periodista reportero de National
tener un mejor trabajo y además puede la universiCatholic Reporter, CNNy NPR, hablará en nuestra Iglesia
dad. Para mas información por favor llamar al teléde St. Mary, sobre el tema de su último libro: la guerra
fono 781-314-5586.
mundial de los cristianos: Este libro documenta es un reporte contra las iglesias y el pueblo cristiano en todo el
mundo hoy en día. el Sr. Allen, describir y explicar la moFORMAS PARA COCINAR SALUDABLE
Maristshill Nursing & Rehabilitation center les hace derna persecución y concluir su charla con un periodo de
una invitación para el día Octubre 8 al 12 de Noviem- preguntas y respuestas. este evento se celebra el 31 de oc-