

Evaluación de Conocimientos de su Fe: Hay un instrumento de evaluación de la
fe, con muchas preguntas y respuestas, aprobado por nuestro obispo y su concilio de
sacerdotes. Este instrumento está usado por maestros a ensenar los niños y jóvenes a
través del diócesis de Savannah.
?Cuales son las bienaventuranzas?
Bienaventurados los pobres de espíritu, porque de ellos es el Reino de los cielos.
Bienaventurados los que lloran, porque ellos serán consolados.
Bienaventurados los mansos, porque ellos poseerán la tierra.
Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre y sed de justicia, porque ellos serán saciados.
Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia.
Bienaventurados los limpios de corazón, porque ellos verán a Dios.
Bienaventurados los que trabajan por la paz, porque ellos serán llamados hijos de Dios.
Bienaventurados los perseguidos a causa de la justicia, porque es ellos el Reino de los cielos.
Este martes 3 de noviembre de las 6:00 PM hasta 7:30
en Sherlock Hall tendremos la junta para jóvenes.
Jóvenes de 14-18 años se les hace una invitación para
que vengan; no importa que no vinieron antes. Padres
de familia están invitados como siempre. Por mas información: La Coordinadora, Sra. Rocio 229-938-5826
o por correo electrónico: [email protected]
Una Hora Santa delante de La Santísima:
Todos están invitados
otra vez a venir a la capilla este jueves, el primero del mes, para adorar, rezar, y cantar juntos
en una Hora Santa, de
6:45 a 8:00 pm. Para
mas información favor
póngase en contacto con
Doña Rocio: 229-938-5826 o por correo electrónico:
[email protected]
Corresponsabilidad, Día de todos los Santos, 1 de noviembre.
¿Qué porcentaje me pide Dios como buen Administrador de mi
Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro como Bienes de Dios? Todo
mi corazón, toda mi alma, toda mi mente y toda mi
sacramento de bautismo de su niño/a, se requiere que los padres asistan
en unas clases prebautismales. Las fechas y las
horas de las próximas pláticas, depende de los padres de
familia que quieren tener
bautizados sus niños. Se ruegue los padres interesados
favor llamen la oficina parroquial y dejar un aviso con el
párroco. Después de tener un número suficiente de interesados, se les avisarán a través
del boletín la fecha y hora de las próximas
Planificación: La
Fiesta Guadalupana: Tendremos una
reunión con el párroco
presente el jueves 12
de Noviembre a las 7
en el salón para planificar un horario a celebrar la fiesta de nuestra
Señora de Guadalupe.
Todos están invitados.
Necesitamos reunirnos
para planificar con ideas creativas y factibles La agenda de la junta
incluye planificación de: la hora de la Misa,
el peregrinaje alrededor el barrio, músicos,
danzantes, etc.. Que venga a planificar y tra-
St. Mary Catholic Church
332 S. Lee Street, Americus, GA 31709
Parish web page:
Pastor: Father Fran (Padre Paco) Gillespie SJ
email address: [email protected]
Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tel: (229) 924-3495
email address: [email protected]
November 1, 2015, Feast of All Saints
“After this I had a vision of a great multitude,
which no one could count, from every nation,
race, people, and tongue. They stood before the
throne and before the Lamb, wearing white
robes... They cried out; ‘Salvation comes from
our God, who is seated on the throne,
and from the Lamb.’” (Revelations 7)
Nosotros, los feligreses de la Iglesia Católica Santa
María en Americus, Georgia, compartimos nuestra diversidad mientras abarcando nuestro Bautismo común
adorando a Dios, celebrando la Eucaristía, honorando
María, difundiendo la Palabra, y sirviendo a los demás.
Preparación para los Sacramentos
Clases de Preparación Bautismal - Por favor llame
la oficina parroquial para registrarse por las platicas
pre-bautismales a menos un mes antes del Bautismo.
Clases de Preparación de Matrimonio - Las parejas
necesitan comunicarse con el Padre por lo menos seis
meses antes de la fecha de la boda.
Sacramento de la Unción de un Enfermo - Si alguien está muy enfermo, llame el párroco para recibir
este sacramento (y no esperar al ultimo momento).
Confesión/Reconciliación - Sábado 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm o
por llamar el párroco por una cita particular por confesión.
We, the parishioners of St. Mary Catholic Church
in Americus, Georgia, share our diversity while
embracing our common Baptism by worshiping
God, celebrating the Eucharist, honoring Mary,
spreading the Word, and serving others.
Sacramental Preparation
Baptismal Preparation Class - Please call the church
office to register for the pre-Baptism class at least a
month ahead of the requested Baptismal date.
Marriage Preparation - Couples must contact Father at
least six months before the planned wedding date.
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick - Those quite
ill, hospitalized, or facing surgery and wish to receive the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, contact the pastor by phone/email (do not wait until it might be too late).
Confession/Reconciliation - Saturday afternoon 4:00-4:30 in the church or call the pastor, Fr. Fran, to set up
an appointment at a mutually convenient time.
Mass Schedule/ Horario de las Misas
Saturday: 5:00 pm - English
Sunday/Domingo: 8:30 am - Español/ 10:30 am - English
Daily Mass: Tuesday through Friday at 12:00 pm in the chapel
Misa Diaria: Martes a Viernes a las 12:00 pm en la capilla
Knowledge of Faith Assessment: Upon the
request of Bishop Hartmayer
and approved by the Council
of Priests, an assessment
called “Knowledge of Faith”
was developed for use with
candidates for the reception of
the Sacrament of Confirmation. As our new class of candidates has begun to apply
themselves in our Wednesday evening Faith Formation
classes, in preparation for an examination by their
Bishop, we present them anew for review by all parishioners. They serve as an instructive check on our grasp of
key fundamentals of our Catholic beliefs. Here follows
some questions from that “Knowledge of Faith Assessment.
(as a minimum fill in the blanks with the choices below).
1.Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the
____________ of heaven.
2. Blessed are the ________________; for they shall possess the land.
3. Blessed are they that mourn; for they shall be ______.
4. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after
___________; for they shall have their fill.
5. Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain ______.
6. Blessed are the clean of __________; for they shall see
7. Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called
8. Blessed are they that suffer _____________ for justice’s sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Meek; Mercy; Persecution ; Comforted;
Children of God; Justice ; Kingdom;
All Saints Day: As we practice
stewardship, we find that we grow
spiritually and that our faith is
October 4
October 11
October 18
October 25
Saturday Morning of Reflection: To herald in The Jubilee Year of Mercy proclaimed
by Pope Francis, a
morning of reflection
for adult men and
women of the parish and
their Christian friends
will take place on Saturday, November 21st
from 8:00 AM until
12:00 PM. The morning will begin with breakfast in Sherlock Hall followed by presentations and prayerful reflections in the church on
the themes of mercy by deaconate candidate
Bernie Bosse and Master of Theology candidate, Louise Bosse. Save the date. The day is
hosted by our Parish’s Council of Catholic
Women. Please contact PCCW president
Carole Wilkinson for more information (9289886).
Congratulations on BAA Goal Met! We
congratulate all who have generously contributed to our Bishop’s Annual Appeal. As indicated below, and though a number of parishioners will still be paying off their pledges, we
are delighted to report that as of 10/23/15 our
parish had reached its goal of $15,104.
Bishop’s Annual Appeal Update:
Contributed as of Oct. 16
Percent of Goal
Pledge Balance
$ 1,421
Budget/Presupuesto Surplus/Deficit (Sobre/Falta)
2nd Collection
$581 S. Carolina Dioc.
727 “
Our Gartland Award Winner: This week we
Please contact the pastor to arrange a Mass inten- learned to our delight that Charlene “Chuckie” Hansen here of St. Mary’s is one of a select number of
tion for either a weekend or weekday Mass.
parishioners in the Savannah Diocese who will be
10/25-11/1 Mass Intention
Requested by: receiving the Bishop Gartland Service Award. This
Saturday + Betty Taylor
A parishioner honor is bestowed by our Diocese on practicing
Catholics in good standing who have given distinSunday
Mass for parishioners The pastor
guished service to the church in South Georgia. The
Veronica Cullen
M. Hauser
Thursday Teigie Boyle
Celine Boyle person is to have discharged their service in their particular field of expertise over an extended period of
time. It is named for Francis X. Gartland, the first
Save The Date: A Discernment Retreat for sin- bishop of Savannah. The award will be conferred by
gle men between the ages of 18 Bishop Hartmayer on November 22 at the 11:30
will be held at Little Ocmulgee Mass at the Cathedral in Savannah. Following is a
brief description of Chuckie’s achievements which
State Park & Lodge, 80 Live
Oak Trail, Helena, GA on Sat- furnished the basis of recognizing her for the award.
urday, January 2nd to Sunday,
January 3rd, 2016. To register,
-discernment-retreat-registration, or email Fr.
Pablo Migone : [email protected].
After retiring as a well
published professor of
Georgia Southern University, where she was
founding Director of its
Nursing Practioner
Program, Mrs. Hanson
has been working at
The Southern Cross Newspaper:
Bread of Life Soup
Our diocesan newspaper, the
Kitchen and Health
Southern Cross, provides a
Clinic in Montezuma, a
quiet voice of Catholic insmall rural community
sight amid the flurry of inin southeast Georgia.
formation received in a
The soup kitchen serves meals and spiritual offerings
world of instant communito 40 to 70 persons twice a week and at holiday time.
cation. Read the Southern
Drawing on her expertise as a Registered Nurse,
Cross and put “faith” in
Mrs. Hanson has served for the past eight years as a
your opinions. The Southern volunteer family nurse providing health care to paCross delivers news and fea- tients who have no insurance -- poor African Ameriture stories about the Catholic community in
cans, Vietnamese, Hispanics and Anglos. As a handsSouth Georgia as well as providing Catholic
on nurse practitioner who also holds a doctorate
commentary on national and international issues. from the U. of Georgia, she is able to diagnose,
Diocesan columnists offer personal insights into monitor and treat the primary care and stable
life as a Catholic. Your use of the designated en- chronic illnesses of these poor where doctors are de
velopes in the rear of the Church, or by a check
facto inaccessible to them. She also takes part in into St. Mary’s parish marked for he Southern
terfaith spiritual programs offered within that comCross, helps our parish offset the costs of its dis- munity. She currently serves as Chairlady of St.
tribution to our registered parishioners. The cost Mary’s Pastoral Council, and over the past ten years
for the Southern Cross for the year is $30.
served as Lector, Communion Minister to the Sick
and Homebound, and Extraordinary Eucharistic
Thank you for your support and read our dioce- minister.
san newspaper to put faith in your opinions.