saint nicholas of tolentine parish
SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH 150-75 Goethals Ave. Jamaica, NY 11432 (718) 969-3226 - Office (718) 380-0345 - Fax ALL ARE WELCOME! WEEKEND SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Eve: Sunday Masses: 5:00 P.M. 7:30 A.M. 9:15 A.M. (ESPAÑOL) 10:45 A.M. 12:15 P.M. 5:00 P.M. Daily Mass - Monday to Saturday 7:45 am and 12:05 pm BAPTISMS Parents must first make an appointment in the rectory 2 months before the date and present the original birth certificate. English: Usually the 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday of each month at a 2:00 pm ceremony and at Sunday Mass by arrangement. Instruction class is on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm Spanish: Usually the 3rd Sunday of each month at a 2:00 pm ceremony. Instruction class is on the Friday before at 7:00 pm. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Monday through Saturday: 11:45 am- 12:00 Noon - Chapel Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45 pm - Church. And by appointment. MARRIAGE According to Diocesan regulations, arrangements must be made at least six months in advance in the rectory. CARE OF THE SICK Communion is regularly brought to the sick by the Priests and Ministers of Communion. Please let us know if someone is confined at home because of illness or age. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 8:30 am - 12 Noon & 1:00 - 9:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Sunday: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE CATHOLIC ACADEMY (Pre-K to 8) 80-22 Parsons Blvd. Phone: 718-380-1900 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER 150-85 Goethals Ave. Phone: 718-591-6536 OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET Phone: 718-591-1815 Email: [email protected] EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Most Sundays from 1:30-4:45 pm and First Fridays. JANUARY 17, 2016 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SAINT NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE PARISH Masses for the Week Saturday, January 16 5:00p Margaret Hackett Sunday, January 17 7:30 Barbara Ann Mohr 9:15 Analida G. & Jose E. Rivera Jose and Maria Lago & Jose Lago Francisco, Emperatriz & Jenny Quiroz 10:45 Noel Seno Amadeo Evideo Gonzales Rumiche Loida Maquiran (L) Elyjun Arellano (L) 12:15 People of the Parish 5:00p Souls in Purgatory Monday, January 18 9:30 Francisco Rivera, Jr. Tuesday, January 19 7:45 Souls in Purgatory 12:05 Rachel Pajatin Ballesteros Wednesday, January 20 7:45 Ida Salvacion (L) 12:05 Tiburcio Pingol Thursday, January 21 7:45 Souls in Purgatory 12:05 Souls in Purgatory 7:00p In Honor of Our Lady of Alta Gracia Friday, January 22 7:45 Souls in Purgatory 12:05 Souls in Purgatory Saturday, January 23 7:45 Cesar A. Borjia 12:05 Sixto Fernandez, Jr. (L) B’day 5:00p Patricia Neff Drury Sunday, January 24 7:30 Virginia M. Pulido 9:15 Segundo Barragan Otilia Velasco Maria Ines Yepez 10:45 Angel Martin Azpilcueta Godoy 12:15 Emma Contreras (2nd Ann.) 5:00p People of the Parish Birthday wishes to Maria Sanchez, one of our parishioners who is celebrating her 100th birthday. May God continue to bless and protect her. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS The Sick: Alma Consuegra, Annmarie Donegan, Venise Em- manuel, Felicita Febus, Victoria Fernandez, José Figueroa, Pedro Figueroa, Romulo Florendo, Julianna Fodera, Tanaisha Gilchrist, Juan Gutierrez, Meryl Kalensky, Janice Mc Manus, Loida Maquiran, Joan Mulligan, Daniel O’Neill, Jimmy Pietri, Luis Piñero, Sam Rodriguez, Luis Rosero, Josefa Rueda, Cotilde Santos, Estella Strauss, Francisco Torres and Rosa Feliciano-Valentin. Deceased: Julio Canizares. JAMAICA, NY ACTIVITIES FOR The week SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - Indoor Flea Market - Tolentine Hall 10:30 am - RCIA - Church/Rectory 10:30 am - Spanish RICA - R/E Center 12:00 pm - Youth Group - Youth Center 1:00 pm - Marian Movement - R/E Center 1:00 pm - Sports - Gym 2:00 pm - Spanish Baptisms - Church MONDAY, JANUARY 18 - OFFICE CLOSED TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 9:30 am - Rosary Makers - Austin Hall 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:00 pm - Self-Help - Seton Hall 7:15 pm - A.A. - Cafeteria 7:30 pm - Ultreya - R/E Center 7:30 pm - Young Adult Prayer - Youth Center WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:30 pm - ESL - Cafeteria/Seton Hall 6:30 pm - Penance Sacrament Class - R/E Center 7:00 pm - NYPD Auxiliary Training - Tolentine Hall THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 6:00 pm - Self-Help - Seton Hall 7:00 pm - Grupo de Oracion - R/E Center (Chapel) 7:00 pm - Our Lady of Alta Gracia - Church/Tolentine Hall 7:30 pm - Light of Christ - R/E Center (Fac) FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 6:00 pm - Sports - Gym 7:00 pm - Boy Scouts - Gym 7:00 pm - Cub Scouts - Cafeteria 7:00 pm - Girl Scouts - Seton Hall 7:30 pm - Youth Recreation - Youth Center 8:00 pm - Fil/Am - Tolentine Hall SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 9:30 am - Zumba Fitness - Tolentine Hall 10:00 am - Sports - Gym 10:00 am - ESL - Cafeteria/Seton Hall 10:30 am - Bible Study Review - Tolentine Hall 3:00 pm - Volleyball - Gym 7:15 pm - A.A. - Cafeteria SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 8:45 am - Religious Education Classes - R/E Center 10:30 am - RCIA - Church/Rectory 10:30 am - Spanish RICA - R/E Center 10:30 am - Grupo de Parejas - Cafeteria 12:00 pm - Youth Group - Youth Center 1:00 pm - Sports - Gym 2:00 pm - Baptisms - Church The Bread and Wine this Weekend are in memory of Quendalina Onorati. 3 Second Sunday in ordinary time Parish Stewardship Week Ending: January 10, 2016 Total Regular Collection: $ 8,450.00 Last year same weekend: $ 9,072.00 Catholic Charities: $ 6,319.00 Christmas Gift to Our Church: $18,262.00 Diocesan Mission: $ 2,609.00 Thank you for your generous support. Mass intentions available Since we inaugurated our “collective intention” Masses on Sundays, there are now more weekday Announced Masses available for your intentions. You are welcome to reserve them in the Rectory. PARISH CENSUS REGISTRATION We urge all Parishioners to be registered in the Parish census. This census is used for letters of recommendation, and for sponsors at sacraments. The Parish cannot give permission, sponsorship or recommendation letters to anyone who is NOT already registered as a Parishioner. To register please come to the Rectory Office. St. Nick’s is a welcoming community in the Catholic Tradition, enriched by many cultures, rooted in God’s Word and the Eucharist, offering loving service. RECTORY Rev. John Francis Rev. Thomas G. D’Albro Rev. John Gribowich Rev. Peter A. Mahoney Msgr. Stephen Adu-Kwaning Deacon Joseph Catanello Deacon José Lizama Pastor Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Weekend Assistant In Residence Permanent Deacon Permanent Deacon STAFF Mrs. Elena Turull Mr. Steven Acosta Mr. José L. Villanueva Sr. Karen Cavanagh, C.S.J. Ms. Christina Rosado Mrs. Rose Ruesing Administrative Assistant Maintenance Manager Music Director Family Minister Youth Minister Youth Minister ST. NICHOLAS OF TOLENTINE CATHOLIC ACADEMY Mr. Robert Lowenberg Principal Mrs. Ethel Cofresi Administrative Assistant Mrs. Lorraine White Secretary Mrs. Sonya Vidal Tuition Manager RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER Mrs. Monica Gonzalez Mrs. Joyce O’Brien Coordinator Secretary Next Weekend’s Readings Nehemiah 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 Ezra and Nehemiah return the law of the Lord to the people once more. Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 15 God’s words and decrees, precepts and commands, laws and ordinances: all perfect. 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Paul describes the excellent unity and variety that is the church of Christ. Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Jesus fulfills prophecy in front of an unsympathetic audience in Nazareth. Weekend Mass Presiders January 23 & 24, 2016 Saturday Sunday 5:00 pm - Fr. John Gribowich 7:30 am - Msgr. Stephen Adu-Kwaning 9:15 am - Peter Mahoney Diacono Lizama 10:45 am - John Gribowich 12:15 pm - Tom D’Albro Deacon Catanello Preaching 5:00 pm - Tom D’Albro (Subject to Change) “There are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit.” Is the Holy Spirit leading you to share your gifts as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Contact the Vocation Office at (718) 827-2454 or email: [email protected] A Diocesan Pilgrimage With Bishop DiMarzio The Holy Doors of Rome, Assisi and the Holy Land In the Jubilee Year of Mercy ************ Italy Portion September 15-23, 2016 Optional Holy Land Extension September 23-29, 2016 ************** For a Brochure call Susan - 800-842-4842 On Monday, January 18th, the Rectory Office will be closed in Celebration of Martin Luther King Day. There will be one Mass at 9:30 am. JANUARY 17, 2016 4 From the Pastor’s Desk… The Annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The annual week of prayer for Christian Unity will be observed from Monday, January 18th through Monday, January 25th. The theme for this year, 2016 is: Called to proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord. At least once a year, Christians are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). Hearts are touched and Christians come together to pray for their unity. During this week parishes all over the world exchange preachers or arrange special ecumenical celebrations and prayer services. All Christians are called to proclaim in their own ways the great things God has done in their lives. March for Life January 22nd is the anniversary of the Supreme Court Decision, Roe Vs. Wade (1973). The Catholic Bishops of the United States have designated January 22nd as a special day of prayer and penance for the legal protection of unborn children. Since then, every January 22nd, our Nation’s Capital witnesses the enormous crowd of marchers who protest against this decision. We pray that more and more people may choose life and not death. Do whatever He (Jesus) tells you to do Today we rejoice in God who never abandoned us to fate. In the first reading God assures us of his willingness to continue to protect and save us, His people. In our second reading Paul reminds us that God has generously lavished each and every one of us with gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are given to us generously by God. So we must also use them generously in serving the Church. In the Gospel passage Jesus changes water into wine at the wedding feast of Cana. We learn from today’s Gospel that the Blessed Virgin Mary played an important role in this miracle. She had the gift of prayer of intercession. She immediately interceded on behalf of her people. We must constantly ask Mary our Mother for intercession like the people of the Wedding feast at Cana and be ready to take her advice: “Do whatever He tells you to do!” God bless you, Fr. John Francis Buses for the March for Life Available Around Diocese Buses to this year’s March for Life, January 22nd, in Washington D.C., are being sponsored by the DeSales Media Group and the Diocese’s School of Evangelization. In addition, buses also are available at: St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church 150-75 Goethals Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11432 Cost per person - $25.00 - Departure Time 7:00 am. To reserve a seat, please call the Rectory Office at 718-969-3226. Reprinted with permission from Prepare the Word (©2015), 5 Second Sunday in ordinary time Annual Catholic Appeal Update (As of December 21, 2015) Parish Goal: $75,301.00 Total Pledged: $79,819.00 Received: $72,207.34 # of Donors: 352 Please take some time to reflect on what sacrifice you can make this year for the Appeal. Thank you for your generosity! St. Nicholas of Tolentine is having a BLOOD DRIVE Once again, we ask for your help to save lives. Our blood drive is scheduled for: Sunday, February 21, 2016 from 8:30 to 1:30 pm in Tolentine Hall. Start eating well, sleeping well, and as always, taking good care of yourself Now! Healing Mass St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church 150-75 Goethals Ave., Jamaica, NY 11432 718-969-3226 February 18, 2016, Thursday 6:00 pm Rosary, Confessions 6:30 pm Praise and Worship 7:00 pm Healing Mass Celebrant: Fr. John Gribowich Parochial Vicar St. Nicholas of Tolentine Church Sponsored by: The Light of Christ Prayer Community Family Masses at 10:45 am Please join us, and bring a friend! Here’s is the schedule for 2016 FEBRUARY 7th MARCH 6th APRIL 3rd MAY 1st “The family that prays together, stays together.” FLEA MARKET UPDATE Our next Indoor Flea Market is Today, Sunday, January 17th, 2016. Future Dates: February 14th, 2016. Please stop in and look around! You may also enjoy the great and reasonable breakfast & lunches we have to offer. REMINDER: When you are cleaning out your cubbyhole, please remember that our St. Nicks table is in need of items. (NO USED CLOTHES & STUFFED ANIMALS, PLEASE.) THANK YOU. January 17, 2016 6 SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO BAUTISMOS - 2015 En Español El tercer Domingo de cada més a las 2:00 p.m. Los padres y padrinos deben de asistir a una clase de preparación el Viernes anterior a las 7:00 PM. En Inglés el segundo Sabado y cuarto Domingo de cada més a las 2:00 p.m. Los padres y padrinos deben de asistir a la clase de preparación el primer Martes a las 7:30 PM. Los padres deben de hacer una cita con uno de los Sacerdotes y presentar el certificado de nacimiento del niño. Los padrinos deben ser católicos practicantes. MATRIMONIO De acuerdo a las regulaciones Diocesanas, la pareja necesita una preparación con seis meses de anticipación. Por favor llamen a la rectoria para fijar una cita con uno de los Sacerdotes. LA SAGRADA COMUNION Los Sacerdotes o Ministros de la Comunión Sagrada llevan la Comunión a las personas que se encuentran enfermas en su hogar. Por favor avísenos si sabe de alguien en necesidad de éste servicio. En caso de emergencia puede llamar a la rectoria a cualquier hora. RECONCILIACION/LA CONFESION Lunes a Sabado de 11:45 a 12:00 del mediodía en la Capilla. Sabados de 4:00 a 4:45 P.M. en la Iglesia. O por cita previa. HORARIO DE LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL Lunes a Viernes: 8:30 A.M. a 12:00 Mediodia. y 1:00 P.M. a 9:00 P.M. Sabado: 9:00 A.M. a 7:00 P.M. Domingo: 9:00 A.M a 2:00 P.M. Por favor tengan en cuenta que a veces el Sacerdote se encuentra en la Iglesia, en alguna reunión, etc. Si desea o necesita hablar con uno de éllos es conveniente que llame con anterioridad para fijar una cita. ESCUELA DE SAN NICOLAS DE TOLENTINO 80-22 Parsons Boulevard - Jamaica, Nueva York 11432 (718) 380-1900 - Fax (718) 591-6977 Clases desde el Pre-Kinder hasta el octavo grado. Programas antes y después de la escuela. CENTRO DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA 150-85 Avenida Goethals - Jamaica, Nueva York 11432 (718) 591-6536. Clases desde el Kinder hasta la escuela superior, los Domingos de 8:45 a 10:30 am. Preparación para los niños y sus padres para los Sacramentos del Bautismo, Confesión, Eucaristía y Confirmación. 17 de ENERO 2016 EL LIBRO DE MISAS de ENERO A DICIEMBRE DEL 2016 yá está abierto. La donación por cada Misa Anunciada es $15.00 y $25.00 por El Vino y el Pan. Acérquese a la Rectoría si desea separar alguna fecha. EL LLAMADO ANUAL CATOLICO 2015 Gracias a la generosidad de nuestros feligreses, yá logramos la meta de recaudar $75,301.00! Hasta la fecha tenemos $79,819.00 en promesas de lo cual se ha recibido $72,207.34 de 352 donantes! Les recordamos que nuestra parroquia recibirá todo el dinero adicional que sea recaudado! Si desea hacer su promesa o donación, por favor tome uno de los sobres que están disponibles en la Iglesia o en la Rectoria. EL MERCADO DE LAS PULGAS Está operando HOY en el Salón Tolentino hasta las 4:00 de la tarde. Además de las grandes ofertas,allí tambien se sirven desayunos y almuerzos a precios muy módicos! EL PROGRAMA DE LOS DESAMPARADOS Ha tenido que cerrarse temporalmente debido a la falta de voluntarios y de ayuda. . . . Esperamos poder reanudar la operación de mismo el Lunes 25 de Enero! Si por casualidad usted puede ayudar ya sea: donando una cena para seis personas una vez por més, o pasar la noche en un cuarto separado una vez por més, lláme a la Rectoria para anotar su nombre! Nuestra próxima CAMPAÑA DE DONACION DE SANGRE Tendrá lugar el Domingo 21 de Febrero en el Salón Tolentino! Por qué es importante para los latinos donar sangre? Estamos conectados por la misma cultura e idioma, pero también estamos caracterizados por una diversidad étnica muy particular debido a la amplia variedad de orígenes familiares. Es por ésa rica diversidad, además de indices muy bajos de donación de sangre entre los latinos, que resulta muy dificil encontrar la transfusion de sangre perfecta para un paciente en un hospital. Esa situación debe cambiar. El grupo “Católicos en Acción” Ministerio Obras de Misericordia estarán preparando emparedados para los desamparados el Sabado 30 de Enero en el Centro de Educación Religiosa a partir de las 2:00 de la tarde. Les invitamos a venir para ayudar! LA MISA ES OFRECIDA POR: Acompañanos a nuestro Concierto carismatico Analida G. y José A. Rivera Jose y Maria Lago José Lago Francisco, Emperatriz & Jenny Quiroz “EL MOTIVO DE MI ALEGRIA SEÑOR ERES TU” SABADO, ENERO 30, 2016 A LAS 7:00PM Mañana Lunes 18 de Enero se celebra el nacimiento de Martin Luther King. Sólo se celebrará una Misa a las 9:30 de la mañana; la rectoría estará cerrada. PARROQUIA: SAN NICOLAS DE TOLENTINO ANIMADOR: EURO RIVAS MINISTERIOS DE MUSICA INVITodos están cordialmente invitados a una Misa en honor a TADOS: ¡¡ENTRADA GRATIS!!! DIOS CON NOSOTROS 150-75 Goethals Ave. Jamaica NY 11432 Nuestra Señora de La Altagracia que será celebrada el Y JESÚS ESTÁ VIVO 150Unión Turnpike PARA MAS INFORMACION PUEDE Jueves 21 de Enero en la Capilla a las 7:00 en punto de la Entre Parsons blvd y Unió noche. LLAMAR: Pedro Garcia 347347-605605-7815; Maria Agudelo 347347-358358-3676
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