saint pius x - St. Pius X Catholic Church


saint pius x - St. Pius X Catholic Church
2621 Highway 20, S.E. • Conyers, Georgia 30013-2424
February 1, 2015
Father Randall T. Mattox
Father Salomón Garcia
Parochial Vicar
Fred Johns, Brian Kilkelly,
Stuart Mead and
Fernando Barrueta
Weekend Masses
Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Masses: 8:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m.*
1:30 p.m.* (Spanish), 5:00 p.m.
*Nursery available
Weekday Masses :
8:30 a.m. Mon.-Fri.
6:30 p.m. Mon.
7:00 p.m. 2nd Thursday of the month
En Espanol
First Friday: Seniors’ Mass
11:30 a.m. (No 8:30 a.m. Mass)
Sacrament of Penance:
Saturday: 3:45-4:45 p.m.
or call a priest for an appointment.
Eucharistic Adoration:
Monday: 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
First Friday: 12:00 noon Fri.
until 8:15 a.m. Sat.
Third Friday: 8:00 p.m.
Fourth Thursday: 7:00 p.m.
Church Office 770.483.3660 • Youth & Education 770.929.1017 • Fax 770.483.7006
Website: • E-mail: [email protected]
Presentation of the Lord—February 2
Mon, Feb. 2
8:30 a.m. Souls in Purgatory
6:30 p.m. Nancy Mattox by Don Houff
Tues, Feb. 3
8:30 a.m. Melissa Alvin by M/M Jim Alvin
Wed, Feb. 4
8:30 a.m. Johnnie Petter by Robert & Betty Petter
Thurs, Feb. 5
8:30 a.m. Communion Service
Fri, Feb. 6
Mary Carpenter by Linda & Elwood
11:30 a.m.
Sat, Feb. 7
8:30 a.m. Dick Zivic by Pam & Everett Washburn
5:00 p.m. St. Pius X Parishioners
Sun, Feb. 8
8:30 a.m. Alice Stephenson by Mary Ewert
11:00 a.m. Becky Jones by Pat Jones
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple emphasizes, for one thing,
the fact that He was like us in all things but sin. This child shared the
journey each human being makes through his/her mother’s womb.
Jesus was an embryo, a fetus, an unborn child. By assuming all the
stages of our human journey, he also redeemed them.
This is closely related to a second key theme: we
belong to God. The Presentation is also a declaration:
this child is God’s. In Jesus’ case this is true in an
even deeper way, because he is God’s only-begotten
Son. If he belongs to the Father, so do all of us, and so
do the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the oppressed,
and the unborn. Human life cannot be owned by other human beings
nor by the power of the state. It belongs only to God.
Celebrating the Presentation, therefore, gives each of us the privilege
and obligation of proclaiming, celebrating, and serving that gift of life
as it is entrusted to the care (not the ownership) of all of us.
1:30 p.m. For Our Priests
5:00 p.m. Stefan Anschutz & Family
Weekend of Feb 7-8
And our holding of candles on this Feast represents the fact that we
shine the light of this truth in a dark Culture of Death. The glory of
God, which Christ shines forth to the Gentiles, is a glory reflected in
every human life, no matter what its condition.
5:00 p.m. Rick Humburg & John Meyers
The Archdiocese of Atlanta and
Diocese of Savannah invite Georgia
Catholics to the State Capitol in
Atlanta to exercise our baptismal call
as advocates for public policy that
protects those who are vulnerable and
8:30 a.m. Bob Longo & Laurie Ashmore
11:00 a.m. Mimi Soileau & Ann Johnson
1:30 p.m. Juan Godinez & Rosa Godinez
5:00 p.m. Gwen Scott
promotes the common good.
Readings for the week of February 1, 2015
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk
The Presentation of the Lord
Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24; Heb 2:14-18;
Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32
St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr;
St. Ansgar, Bishop
Heb 12:1-4; Ps 22; Mk 5:21-43
Heb 12:4-7, 11-15; Ps 103; Mk 6:1-6
Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr
Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Ps 48; Mk 6:7-13
St Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs
Heb 13:1-8; Ps 27; Mk 6:14-29
Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Ps 23; Mk 6:30-34
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 147;
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
Join us for a legislative briefing at 8:30 a.m. at the Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception, view the opening of the session, meet
your legislators and have lunch on your own.
The event is free, but registration is required so that we can
communicate last minute changes.
For additional information, please contact Joy Place at
First Friday
Our special hour of prayer is the 11:30 a.m. Mass
followed by continuous adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament, ending before the 8:30 a.m. Mass on
Saturday, February 7. Please sign up in the Gathering
Area to spend an hour with our Lord. Please note:
Mass and adoration will now take place in the main
Intension de Oración Mensual
del Papa Francisco
2 de Febrero Presentación de Jesús al templo
(Día de la Candelaria)
2 de febrero. José y María llevaron a Jesús al templo de
Jerusalén, también se conoce como "Día de la Candelaria". Este día también se celebra la Jornada Mundial de
la Vida Consagrada
Origen de la fiesta: Esta costumbre tiene su origen en la celebración
litúrgica de la fiesta de la purificación y la presentación del Niño Dios
al templo. En tiempo de Jesús, la ley prescribía en el Levítico que toda
mujer debía presentarse en el templo para purificarse a los cuarenta días
que hubiese dado a luz. Si el hijo nacido era varón, debía ser circuncidado a los ocho días y la madre debería permanecer en su casa durante
treinta y tres días más, purificándose a través del recogimiento y la oración…
Explicación de la fiesta: El día 2 de febrero de cada año, se recuerda
esta presentación del Niño Jesús al templo, llevando a alguna imagen
del Niño Dios a presentar a la iglesia o parroquia. También ese día, se
recuerdan las palabras de Simeón, llevando candelas (velas hechas de
parafina pura) a bendecir, las cuales simbolizan a Jesús como luz de
todos los hombres. De aquí viene el nombre de la “Fiesta de las candelas” o el “Día de la Candelaria”.
6 de febrero
Primer Viernes Adoracion Eucaristica
Después de la Misa de 11:30pm continúa la Adoración al
Santísimo Sacramento del Altar hasta el sábado 03 de
enero antes de la Misa de 8:30 am.
También: Todos los lunes de 7:00-8:00pm
El segundo martes del mes de 7:00-8:00pm
El cuarto jueves del mes de 7:00-8:00pm
El tercer viernes del mes de 8:00-9:00pm
Clases 2 y 4
Clases 9 y 11
No clases 16 y 18
Misa es Clase
Asista a Misa con su familia, se
tomará asistencia.
Universal: Por los prisioneros,
especialmente los jóvenes, puedan
reconstruir sus vidas con dignidad.
Evangelización: Para que las personas
casadas que estan separadas encuentren
apoyo y bienvenida en la Comunidad Cristiana
Entrenamiento Servidores del Altar
3 y 10 de febrero —6:30 pm inician en el vestibulo
Para poder servir en el altar como monaguillo
el participante debe haber recibido la Primera
Comunión. Informes 770-929-0405 Brian
Gowasak o 770-483-3660 ext. 116
El día iniciará a las 8:30am en el Santuario de la Inmaculada Concepción, 48
Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SW, Atlanta, GA 30303, con una sesión de información legislativa y taller. Caminaremos juntos al Capitolio para escuchar al Arzobispo Gregory
abrir la sesión legislativa con oración y conocer a sus legisladores. El almuerzo será por su cuenta. Evento gratuito, pero
es necesario inscribirse para que podamos comunicar cambios
de última hora. Informes con Joy Place al 404-920-7346.
Noches de San Pio
Evento Familiar!
Viernes 13 de febrero 6:30 a
Traiga a su familia a una
autentica cena de New Orleans
Misas Miércoles de Ceniza
6:30am, 8:30am, 6:00pm, o 8:00pm.
Nuestro orador nos hablará sobre
las tradiciones de Mardi Gras y sus
raices Católicas
Clases 23 y 25
Este evento es totalmente GRATIS,
pero necesita hacer su reservacion
en el vestibulo.
Se recuerda a todos los Líderes de
Comite Hispano que el 6 de febrero
es nuestra reunión mensual en el
Salón Administrativo a las 7pm.
Miercoles de Ceniza
18 de febrero
La imposición de las cenizas
nos recuerda que nuestra
vida en la tierra es pasajera y que nuestra
vida definitiva se encuentra en el Cielo.
La Cuaresma comienza con el Miércoles
de Ceniza y es un tiempo de oración,
penitencia y ayuno. Cuarenta días que la
Iglesia marca para la conversión del
Horario de Misas
Miércoles de Ceniza
6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 6:00 p.m.,
8:00 p.m. (en Español)
Stewardship of Treasure
FY July 2014 - June 2015
01/18 Offertory:
YTD Offertory:
As Christian stewards, we receive God’s gifts gratefully,
cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with
others, and return them with increase to the Lord.
In today’s Old Testament passage, Moses speaks of another
prophet God will raise from among the Israelites. In St.
Mark’s Gospel, that prophecy is fulfilled in Christ Jesus, Who
speaks, heals, and casts out evil spirits with authority in the
synagogue at Capernaum. As faithful stewards, we
acknowledge Christ as the Great Prophet and also the popes
and others of our time who continue to speak out against
moral relativism and injustices present in our day.
Altar Server training
Feb. 3 or Feb. 10—6:30 p.m.
Meet in the Gathering Area
To be eligible to be a server you must have received
First Communion. Please call 770-929-0405 or
e-mail — [email protected] for more information.
St. Pius X Seniors
Friday, Feb. 6
Rosary: 11:00 am
Final statistics from 2014 Annual Appeal
Total pledged:
Amount Over Goal:
Amount Paid:
Total Rebate:
Outstanding Pledges:
Percent of Goal Pledged:
Percent of Goal Received:
Average Gift Amount:
Number of Donors:
Number of pledges with a
balance remaining:
PCCW Southeast District Meeting
Saturday, February 7—9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Mass: 11:30 am.
Meeting in the Parish Hall after Mass. February
hostesses are Margie Truncer & Gloria Leitch. Please
bring a covered dish to share as follows:
•A-G bring Bread or Dessert
•H-M bring Salad
•N-R bring Vegetables
• S-Z bring Meat
Billie Roden and her group will put on a 20 minute
The PCCW will host the Southeast District Meeting in
the Parish Hall. Breakfast and lunch will be served and
there will be door prizes. The cost is $10 of which the
district receives $5 and we receive $5.
Kathy Pusch will speak about Family Promise.
Members from 12 churches will attend. We would like
to have as many women as possible from St. Pius X.
Plan to attend and enjoy the camaraderie. E-mail
[email protected] or call 770-787-4290.
Valentine’s Dance
Saturday, Feb 14—7:30 p.m.
PCCW thanks everyone who very generously
contributed the items for the Homeless Women
Veterans. We appreciate your support. Saturday,
February 7, at our Southeast District Meeting we
will have a speaker who will elaborate on the status
of the Homeless Women veterans. Meeting in the
Parish Hall 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM. Cost $10.00
Treat your Sweetheart on Valentine's Day by
attending the parish-wide Valentine's Day Dance on
Saturday, Feb. 14.
Hors d'oeuvres will be provided
$20 per couple.
Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
Pope Francis Monthly Prayer Intentions:
Universal: That prisoners, especially the young, may be able
to rebuild lives of dignity.
Evangelization: That married people who are separated may
find welcome and support in the Christian community.
Pius Nights Family Event!
Friday—February 13 6:30—
6:30—8:30 p.m.
Join us for “the feast before the fast”.
Bring the family for an authentic New Orleans dinner .
Our speaker will teach us about Mardis Gras traditions
and their Catholic roots.
The event is FREE, but please RSVP at the
Welcome Desk in the Gathering Area.
A Scout is Reverent
Scout Sunday
Feb. 8th
The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts
of Troop/Pack 410will be
continuing their annual tradition of
serving fresh donuts, coffee, and
hot chocolate to the parishioners
after the 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
St. Pius X Troop 410 is
distributing Scouting for Food
bags this Sunday to
benefit St. Vincent
de Paul. Please
return the bags
containing your
nonperishable food donations
next Sunday February 8.
Young Adults meet at 7pm at
Starbucks, Conyers.
Mass Schedule
6:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m. (in Spanish)
PSR February Schedule
Feb. 2 & 4—Class
Feb. 9 & 11—Class
Feb. 16 & 18—Ash Wednesday
Class is Mass
Go to Mass with your family
Attendance will be taken
Mass Schedule listed above
Feb. 23 and 25—Class
February 4- Edge Night: Inside
Out The goal of this Edge Night is
to introduce the concept of
modesty as a lived virtue rather
than just how to dress. The night
will allow the youth to identify
how culture affects their ideas of
modesty, and present ways to
understand their dignity as men
and women of modesty and
Feb. 3, 2015-What if we believed
that God has a purpose and a plan
for us? To be kept in the loop
follow us on Facebook: SPX
Young Adult Ministry or
Call/Text Pascale (404) 9145404 or Christina (904) 716-4984.
Feb. 17, 2015--What if we looked
to God and followed His direction
for our lives?
Feb. 1—No Class-Souper Bowl
of Caring
Feb. 8- Sacrament Sunday! For
all High School Students in YEAR
2 Confirmation Prep, RCIT 1 and
2. There is no Life Teen on this
night. Please remember to remind
and bring your sponsor and/or
parent to this class.
Feb. 15 No Class Winter Break
Hurting after abortion? PATH (Post
Abortion Treatment and Healing) will be
offering Bible Studies in your area
beginning in February that could lead to
wholeness and healing following the
devastating effects of an abortion
experience. Compassionate, confidential care is
available to women, men, siblings, grandparents, and
friends. Call our office for further details at 404-717
-5557 (voice mail). You can also contact Mary Ann
McNeil via her email at [email protected], or
visit our website at
Fortunate Families Atlanta
Quarterly Meeting—Sunday, Feb 8
Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center
The afternoon will begin with Mass at 1:00 in the
main chapel and end around 4:00. Following Mass,
there will be time for a short presentation, small
groups, and the opportunity to share stories. Our
group, which is an Archdiocesan-approved ministry,
is open to all who are striving to continue to
embrace their Catholic faith as well as to love and
accept their LGBT family members. For more
information, go to Please join us for an
afternoon of prayer, new insights, celebration of
faith and family and most of all, love.
bâÜ cÜtçxÜá &fçÅÑtà{ç gÉM
Lupe Harding and family on the
death of her uncle
Robert Ouellette on the
death of his wife
Marriage Encounter Weekend
February 20-22
Another New Year and an opportunity to
enjoy your marriage with an experience
designed to set the foundation for a future
of loving feelings. Consider joining us the weekend of
February 20-22 at the Atlanta Marriott Norcross. It
could be a wonderful Valentines gift to each other!
Applications for weekends are available at If you still have questions, call
us at 404-372-6637. For Spanish speaking weekends
call 770-425-1328.World Wide Marriage Encounter Making Good Marriages Great!
Magnificat Prayer Breakfast
Sat., Feb. 21, 2015, from 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Holy Cross Church, 3773 Chamblee Tucker Road,
All women are invited. The guest speaker
will be Dianne Aube, of St. Stephen the
Martyr Church, Lilburn. Breakfast
reservations are $15 and must be made in
advance. Please mail check, payable to Magnificat
Joyful Visitation, by Feb. 14 to: Jo Ann Rademacher,
1260 Mountain Ivey Court, Sugar Hill, GA 30518.
Check-in is at the door for those with reservations
only. For information call Jo Ann Rademacher at
The Knit and Crochet Prayer
Ministry will be meeting on
Thursday, February 12 in the
Bethlehem Room at 10 AM. All
are welcome For information, call
Linda Depkin 770-922-1298.
Eternal rest grant unto them.
David Anderson
Sheila Baker
Jerry Baldia
Dcn Fernando Barreuta
Frances Bissinnar
Nancy Cumberworth
Tony Cumberworth
Father Anthony Delisi
Bill Doane
Cal Felix
cÄxtáx exÅxÅuxÜ |Ç cÜtçxÜ
Mary Fowler
Beverly Frank
Joseph Garcia-Carreras
Lyndsey Gardner
Timothy Gardner
David Giordano
James Greth
Lisa Hetzel
Christy Hicks
Peter Kaylor
Cam Laramie
Susie Pepper
Jennifer Rhoads
Deacon Joe Rhodes
April Gentes Robert
Marilou Roberts
Chuck Savoca
Ben Seawell
Frank Smith
Heidi Smith
Gerald E. Sparks
John Stolter
Kristina Stuart
Ray Supple
Rob Tate
Mary Ann Thomas
Larry Walker
Micki Wescott
Rev. William Weston
Patti Wilson
Prayers for healing
are available after the
Saturday 5:00 p.m. &
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
To add a loved one for one month, please call or stop by the Parish Office. In order to be aware of the needs of our sick and to protect
their privacy, we ask that the requestor leave their own name and a contact number. We update the prayer list every month.
Church Administration
Faith Formation Office
Pastor - Rev. Randall T. Mattox
[email protected]
Parochial Vicar – Rev. Salomón Garcia
[email protected]
Pastoral Associates - Deacons Brian Kilkelly
Fred Johns, Stuart Mead, & Fernando Barrueta
Director of Music– Andrew Leung
[email protected]
Parish Office – Barb Roberts
[email protected]
Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry –Jessica Garcia
[email protected]
Finance Administrator – Barbara Pepe
[email protected]
Facility Manager - Kevin Klein
[email protected]
Kitchen Director – Iris Grant
Contemporary Band – Chris Smith
Director of Religious Ed. - Linda Koerner
[email protected]
Youth Minister – Christina Davis
[email protected]
Religious Ed Coordinator – Rita Salvador
[email protected]
Requests/submissions for website or monitors:
[email protected]
Ministry Heads
Altar Servers – Brian Gowasack
Consolation Ministry-Marcy Borkowski-Glass
Cursillo/Ultreya – John Kowalczyk
Disability Ministry - Vacant
Eucharistic Adoration – B.J.Masters
Greeters – Susan Kowalczyk 770.483.5310
Lectors – Everett Washburn 770.464.4277
Liturgical Commission – Dcn. Fred Johns
Ministers to the Altar– Lee Depkin
Bulletin deadline: Items to be published in the
Bulletin are due to the Parish Office by noon
Monday of the week they are to be published.
Ministers to the Homebound– Bill Warner
Order of St. Luke - Mary-Mead Mead
Pastoral Council – Vacant
Parish Council Catholic Women – Barbara
Pepe 770.787.4290
Prayer Chain - Martha Hughey 770.656.5252;
[email protected]
Pro-Life Ministry – Caroline Smith
- EMBRACE - Dcn Brian Kilkelly
- Refuge Pregnancy Care - Mary Supple
- Help & Healing after Abortion www.healingafterabortion. org
RCIA – Anna Milam 770.929.8665
Secular Order of Franciscans—Joel Alessi
St. Vincent DePaul – Katy Tiller 770.483.6730
Stewardship– Gary Whidby 770.483.1860
Ushers – Charlie Doyle 404.984.1702
Women’s Jail Ministry – Linda Jesky
YOU matter. YOU are family.
Promise to protect, pledge to heal.
To report abuse by church personnel: 888-437-0764
Archdiocese of Atlanta 24 Hour Reporting Hotline.
We are here to listen and take action!
New Members: Parish Registration forms are available in the
Gathering Area. Please fill out & return to the Office. Newcomers to
the parish are welcomed quarterly by parish leaders at a reception
after the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Bautizar en San Pio X:La Iglesia Romana Católica require que cada
niño que es bautizado tenga por lo menos un padrino (a) catolico (a)
activo (a) el (la) cual pueda recibir comunión. La familia debe estar
regristrada en la parroquia y proveer certificado de nacimiento del niño
(a). El (los) padrino (s) fuera del Estado de Georgia ó registrados en
otra parroquia debe (n) proveer constancia de clases y/ó permiso de
su párroco. La preparación pre-bautismal es “obligatoria” primer y
segundo domingo del mes después de Misa. Celebracion de bautismo
cuarto sabado del mes a las 10:00am
Baptism: Baptism Request Forms are located in the
Gathering Area and must be turned in before taking the pre-baptism
class. Baptisms are scheduled after completing pre-baptism
Weddings: Contact a priest or deacon six months before the
wedding to begin preparation. Parish membership is required.
Diocesan guidelines apply.
Penance: Scheduled time is Saturday, 3:45-4:45 p.m.
Seasonal Penance Services are held during Advent and Lent. Other
special times are arranged by calling one of the priests.
Anointing of the sick: A priest is on call at any hour for
“EMERGENCY” sick calls. To contact a priest in an emergency,
follow the directions on our phone system.
Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Homes:
Pastoral staff members visit Rockdale Hospital daily.
EucharisticMinisters bring communion to the homebound. Family
members should call the Parish Office to inform us about those who
are ill.
Grief Support: Ministry of Consolation meets 1st and 3rd Mondays
of the month. Contact Marcy Borkowski-Glass for additional
Counseling: Catholic Charities Counseling Services, Atlanta offers
affordable, professional mental health counseling for children,
adolescents, parents, individuals, couples & families. For assistance
contact Sandy Crowder at 770-790-3109.
Matrimonios: Contacte a un sacerdote seis meses antes del día de la boda
para iniciar la preparación pre-matrimonial. Uno de los requisitos es ser
miembro registrado de la parroquia y seguir todas las regulaciones de la
Confesiones: Hay confesiones los sábados de 3:45 a 4:45 p.m. Tambien
tenemos servicios especiales durante el Adviento y la Cuaresma. Si desea
confesarse en otro momento por favor llame a uno de los sacerdotes.
Uncion de los Enfermos: Siempre hay un sacerdote listo a servirle si un
enfermo necesita una visita de emergencia. Para comunicarse con él, por
favor llame a la parroquia y siga las instrucciones del sistema telefónico.
La unción de los enfermos se ofrece a todos los parroquianos que la
necesiten. Para mayor información pregunte a uno de los sacerdotes.
Hospitales/Visitas a Enfermos/Anciantos: Diariamente tenemos
ministros visitando el hospital de Rockdale . Ministros Eucaristicos llevan
a sus casas la comunión a los enfermos. Si tiene un familiar enfermo, llame
a la oficina parroquial é infórmenos.
Consejeria: para adultos, adolescents y niños, individual, de parejas y
familias, evaluaciones para inmigracion, talleres, clases y grupos de apoyo
Maria Olearczyk, M.A. 770-6270010 [email protected]