Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time Cathedral of the Holy Cross
Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time Cathedral of the Holy Cross CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS LA CATEDRAL DE LA SANTA CRUZ 1400 Washington Street., Boston, MA 02118-2141 Mailing Address: 75 Union Park Street, Boston, MA 02118 Phone: 617.542.5682 • Fax: 617.542.5926 Website: • Email: [email protected] HIS EMINENCE, SEÁN PATRICK CARDINAL O’MALLEY, OFM CAP Archbishop of Boston CATHEDRAL STAFF/ EQUIPO PASTORAL Very Rev. Kevin J. O’Leary, VF, Rector • Ricardo Mesa, Deacon Robert V. Travers, Jr, Pastoral Associate • Sr. Velinda Sanchez, MSW Evangelization • Sr. Ruth Haley, SSND Pastoral Associate Christopher Kelley, Finance & Operations Manager • Jessica Santiago, Secretary • Elizabeth Babaian, Administrative Assistant Brian Frawley, Gift Store Manager• Leo Abbott, Director of Music • William Maldonado, Hispanic Choir Director MASSES IN ENGLISH SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:30 P.M. SUNDAY: 8:00 A.M., 11:30 A.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY : 9:00 A.M. SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS: BAPTISM/BAUTISMO - WEDDINGS/BODAS RCIA/CATECUMENADOS CONTACT PARISH OFFICE FAVOR DE CONTACTAR LA OFICINA MISAS EN ESPAÑOL DOMINGO: 9:30 A.M. MARTES Y JUEVES: 7:00 P.M. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) CLASSES MEET ON SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. IN SPANISH CATECUMENADOS DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. (ESPAÑOL) EXTRAORDINARY FORM : LATIN MASS SUNDAY: 11:00 A.M. (LOWER CHURCH) The Mass in the extraordinary form (Latin) will be celebrated at 10:00AM on Sunday morning as of February 7, 2016 instead of 11:00AM. VESPERS (EVENING PRAYERS) SUNDAY: 5:00 P.M. (SEPTEMBER – JUNE) VÍSPERAS (ORACIÓN DE LA NOCHE) DOMINGO: 5:00 P.M. (SEPTIEMBRE– JUNIO) EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO HORA SANTA Y ADORACIÓN PRIMEROS VIERNES 7:00 P.M. a 8:00 P.M. (SEPTIEMBRE—JUNIO) RELIGIOUS ED. FOR CHILDREN SUNDAY AT 11:00A.M.-12:20P.M. CATEQUESIS: PARA NIÑOS (4–13) DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. CONFIRMATION: SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. YOUTH 14–17 CONFIRMACION: DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. 14–17 ROSARY GROUP: MEETS ON WEDNESDAY AT 7:00 P.M. CONTACT: LUIS SANTIAGO 617-935-9153 GRUPO DE ROSARIO: LOS MIERCOLES A LAS 7:00 P.M. PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN LUIS SANTIAGO 617-935-9153 CONFESSIONS: SATURDAYS AT 4:00 P.M.– 4:15 P.M. OR BY APPT. EVANGELIZATION: LET GOD ILLUMINATE YOUR LIFE. COMEAND JOIN OUR BIBLE CLASS. CONTACT SR. VELINDA SANCHEZ 857–615–1975 CONFESIONES: SEGUNDO Y CUARTO SABADOS DEL MES, 4:00 P.M. O POR CITA. EVANGELIZACION: DÉJÀ QUE DIOS ILLUMINE TU VIDA. VEN A RECIBIR LAS CLASES BIBLICAS. HERMANA VELINDA SACHEZ 857–615–1975 GRUPO DE ORACIÓN / SPANISH PRAYER GROUP TODOS LOS VIERNES DE 7:00PM—9:00PM EN LA CAPILLA DE LA SACRISTÍA DE ABAJO EVERY FRIDAY 7PM-9PM LOWER SACRISTY GIFT SHOP: LOCATED AT THE FRONT FOYER OF THE CATHEDRAL 617-574-4758 HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:30 A.M.–1:30 A.M. SATURDAY 10:00 A.M.– 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. TIENDA : LOCALIZADA EN LA ENTRADA DE LA CATHEDRAL. HORARIO: LUNES–VIERNES 9:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M. SABADO 10:00 A.M – 6:00 P.M. DOMINGOS 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS BOSTON, MA Welcome Visitors We wish to extend a warm welcome to all who attend Mass with us each weekend as visitors to Cathedral of the Holy Cross Parish. We are happy to have you with us. Please introduce yourself to, Fr. Kevin O’Leary , at the end of Mass. We would like to extend a warm and caring invitation to you to join our parish. We look forward to having you become a member of our faith community. Each individual member of our Parish is an important part of the Catholic family. The gifts of faith from the Lord are strengthened and deepened by our Communion in Jesus Christ. The celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of our parish life. Come share your “faith”, your time and your talent in one of our wonderful ministries. You can register at or call our parish office at 617-542-5682 If you are already a registered parishioner we would like to thank you for all your support! CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS All are aware of the difficult parking situation at the Cathedral during the construction on the former parking lot. Until the new underground parking lot is ready next year, we have identified the following parking garages / lots in the area. We cannot accommodate parking in the school yard. PARKING INFORMATION November 1st – April 30th 540 Harrison Ave, Saturday & Sunday = $5/ day (Cash Only) 500 Harrison Ave, Saturday & Sunday = $5/ day (Credit Card Only 324 Albany Street, Monday thru Sunday $2.50hr with a max of $20 per 24hrs (credit/ debit card only) 274 Albany Street, Monday thru Sunday $2.50hr with a max of $20 per 24hrs (credit/ debit card only) *NOTE: At the discretion of the parking management company, any lot may become unavailable due to snow. MASS SCHEDULE Wednesday, February 10, 2016 9:00AM English Blessed Sacr ament Chapel 12:10PM English Blessed Sacr ament Chapel 3:00PM Litur gy of the Wor d with impositions of Ashes 6:15PM English Blessed Sacr ament Chapel 7:15PM Spanish Blessed Sacr ament Chapel 7:30PM Latin Our Lady Chapel (Lower Church ) EXTRAORDINARY FORM LATIN MASS The Mass in the extraordinary form (Latin) will be celebrated at 10:00AM on Sunday morning as of February 7, 2016 instead of 11:00AM. Thank you COLLECTION Many thanks for the Offertory for the weekend of January 30 & 31 Weekend Collection $2,779.00 Your continued support is truly appreciated. Thank you FEBRUARY 7, 2016 CATEDRAL DE LA SANTA CRUZ BOSTON, MA BIENVENIDOS Deseamos extender una cálida bienvenida a todos los que asisten a misa con nosotros cada fin de semana y a todos los que visitan a la Catedral de la Santa Cruz . Estamos felices de tenerlo con nosotros. Por favor preséntese a nuestro sacerdote, P. Kevin O'Leary Nos gustaría extender una cordial invitación para que se unan a nuestra parroquia. Esperamos contar con usted como miembro de nuestra comunidad de FE. Cada miembro de nuestra parroquia es una parte importante de la familia católica. Los dones de la Fe del Señor se refuerza y profundiza con nuestra comunión en Jesucristo. La celebración de la Eucaristía es el corazón de nuestra vida parroquial. Venga a compartir su "Fe", su tiempo y su talento en uno de nuestros maravillosos ministerios. Puede registrarse en o llame a nuestra oficina parroquial al 617-542-5682 Si usted ya es un feligrés registrado nos gustaría darle las gracias por todo su apoyo! Colecta Miércoles de Ceniza , 10 de febrero apoya la iglesia en África y en Europa Central y oriental. Estas colecciones ayudan a la iglesia a difundir la palabra de Dios y entrenar líderes de la iglesia del mañana, ayudar a familias necesitadas materialmente y espiritualmente, reconstruir iglesias que han caído y apoyan las hermanas y hermanos que han sufrido por la fe. Horario de Misas Miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016 9:00AM Ingles Capilla de arriba 12:10PM Inglés Capilla de arriba 3:00PM Liturgia de la palabra con Imposición de Cenizas Capilla de arriba. 6:15PM Inglés Capilla de arriba 7:15PM Español Capilla de arriba 7:30PM Latin Capilla de abajo CLASES DE BAUTISMO Para Bautizar a sus niños las clases de bautismo serán los cuarto domingo de cada mes de 12:30 a 4:00pm en la Grammar School 595 Harrison Ave. Con Hermana Velinda, La próxima clases sera FEBRERO 28 Los padres y padrinos tienen que participar en las clases. Los niños no pueden tener mas de 7 años de edad. Para registrarse favor de llamar a la oficina al 617-542-5682 TIEMPO DEl CORI ! Es esa época del año otra vez ... Como es de su conocimiento, Se requiere que la Catedral para asegurar el cumplimiento con el mandato de la Arquidiócesis de Boston que todo el clero, los empleados, los ministros y los voluntarios que trabajan en la Catedral completen un CORI Registro de información de ofensas criminales anualmente. están obligados todos los miembros del clero, todo el personal de la parroquia y todos los voluntarios (17 años en adelante) para tener una revisión anual de fondo (CORI). Investigación de antecedentes es una herramienta de la Iglesia utiliza para asegurar la seguridad de nuestros niños, jóvenes, ancianos y discapacitados. Llevar a cabo verificaciones de antecedentes de los que sirven a nuestras poblaciones más vulnerables nos permite cumplir con nuestro compromiso y responsabilidad de proporcionar un ambiente seguro para aquellos a quienes servimos. Todas las formas de CORI deben ser verificadas, en persona, utilizando un forma fotográfica de identificación (licencia de conducir, pasaporte, identificación militar, etc.). Agradecemos la colaboración de todos los necesarios para completar la CORI anual y en particular nos damos las gracias por mantener el compromiso de proteger a aquellos de entre nosotros que son más vulnerables. Usted puede traer su formulario completado a la oficina parroquial durante horas de oficina regulares a partir de ahora hasta el 29 de febrero (lunes a viernes, 9:30am 4:00pm También puede traer su formulario completado a verificarse después de de las Misas del fin de semana del 30 /31 enero (en la oficina parroquial). Todas las formas tiene que ser entregadas antes del 29 de febrero. Nuevos voluntarios pueden completar un formulario porfavor de parar en la oficina parroquial. 7 DE FEBRERO 2016 CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS BOSTON, MA IT’S CORI TIME! It’s that time of year again… As you may be aware, it is the policy of the Archdiocese of Boston that all clergy, all parish staff and all volunteers (age 17 and above) are required to have an annual background check (CORI). Background screening is a tool the Church uses to secure the safety of our children, youth, elderly and the disabled. Carrying out background checks on those who minister to our most vulnerable populations enables us to live up to our commitment and responsibility to provide a safe environment for those we serve. All CORI forms must be verified, in person, using a government issued photographic form of identification (driver’s license, passport, military ID, etc.). You can bring your completed form to the Parish Office during regular business hours from now until February 29th (Monday-Friday; 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. You can also bring your completed form to be verified after any of the Masses the weekend of January 30th/31st (in the parish office). All forms must be turned in prior to February 29th. New volunteers can fill out a form by stopping in at the Parish Office or at the “CORI” weekend. We appreciate the cooperation of all those required to complete the annual CORI and we particularly thank you for keeping the pledge to protect those among us who are most vulnerable. CATHEDRAL Food Bank Open to All in need. Monday , Tuesday & Thursdays 9:30am– 2:00pm. Located on Msgr. Reynolds Way (lower church) For more information please call Jacobo 617-350-5026 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7 9:30AM J osue Santiago Feliciano R.I.P TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 7:00PM J ulia Vega R.I.P Ash Wednesday Collection , February 10 Supports the Church in Africa and in Central and Eastern Europe. These collections help the Church spread God’s Word and train Church leaders of tomorrow, help needy families materially and spiritually, rebuild churches that have fallen into disrepair, and support the sisters and brothers who have suffered for the faith. Mass Cards and Spiritual Bouquets Parishioners are welcome to come to the office to request a Mass Card or a Spiritual Bouquet. The Mass Card is a remembrance by which we offer an announced Mass for the repose of the soul of the deceased person or for the intentions of the living. The Spiritual Bouquet is an enrollments in which we remember the person enrolled at Mass offered every week for both living and deceased. Weekday Mass $10.00 / Weekend Mass $20.00 Join LIFT Ministries On Tuesday, February 23rd @ 7pm for an inspiring night of worship at St. Camillus Church in Arlington with speaker Travis Moran. The night will in- Scripture for the week of February 7, 2016 7 SUN Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11/Lk 5:1-11 8 Mon 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13/Mk 6:53-56 9 Tue 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30/Mk 7:1-13 10 Wed Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20-6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 1618 11 Thu Dt 30:15-20/Lk 9:22-25 12 Fri Is 58:1-9a/Mt 9:14-15 13 Sat Is 58:9b-14/Lk 5:27-32 14 SUN Dt 26:4-10/Rom 10:8-13/Lk 4:1-13 clude uplifting music, a relevant talk, confessions, Eucharistic Adoration, and is FREE to attend and open to ALL AGES. A downloadable flyer, along with more information about LIFT, can be found on their website at Come and worship with hundreds of Catholics from around the Boston area! FEBRUARY 7 , 2016
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Website: • Email: [email protected]
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