Cathedral of the Holy Cross
Cathedral of the Holy Cross
Cathedral of the Holy Cross November 1, 2015 CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS LA CATEDRAL DE LA SANTA CRUZ 1400 Washington Street., Boston, MA 02118-2141 Mailing Address: 75 Union Park Street, Boston, MA 02118 Phone: 617.542.5682 • Fax: 617.542.5926 Website: • Email: [email protected] HIS EMINENCE, SEÁN PATRICK CARDINAL O’MALLEY, OFM CAP Archbishop of Boston CATHEDRAL STAFF/ EQUIPO PASTORAL Very Rev. Kevin J. O’Leary, VF, Rector • Ricardo Mesa, Deacon Robert V. Travers, Jr, Pastoral Associate • Sr. Velinda Sanchez, MSW Evangelization • Sr. Ruth Haley, SSND Pastoral Associate Christopher Kelley, Finance & Operations Manager • Jessica Santiago, Secretary • Elizabeth Babaian, Administrative Assistant Brian Frawley, Gift Store Manager• Leo Abbott, Director of Music • William Maldonado, Hispanic Choir Director MASSES IN ENGLISH SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:30 P.M. SUNDAY: 8:00 A.M., 11:30 A.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY : 9:00 A.M. SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS: BAPTISM/BAUTISMO - WEDDINGS/BODAS RCIA/CATECUMENADOS CONTACT PARISH OFFICE FAVOR DE CONTACTAR LA OFICINA MISAS EN ESPAÑOL DOMINGO: 9:30 A.M. MARTES Y JUEVES: 7:00 P.M. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) CLASSES MEET ON SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. IN SPANISH CATECUMENADOS DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. (ESPAÑOL) EXTRAORDINARY FORM : LATIN MASS SUNDAY: 11:00 A.M. (LOWER CHURCH) RELIGIOUS ED. FOR CHILDREN SUNDAY AT 11:00 A.M. VESPERS (EVENING PRAYERS) SUNDAY: 5:00 P.M. (SEPTEMBER – JUNE) VÍSPERAS (ORACIÓN DE LA NOCHE) DOMINGO: 5:00 P.M. (SEPTIEMBRE– JUNIO) CATEQUESIS: PARA NIÑOS (4–13) DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR OF ADORATION FIRST FRIDAYS: 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. (SEPTEMBER—JUNE) CONFIRMACION: DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. 14–17 EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO HORA SANTA Y ADORACIÓN GRUPO DE ROSARIO: LOS MIERCOLES A LAS 7:00 P.M. PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN LUIS SANTIAGO 617-935-9153 PRIMEROS VIERNES 7:00 P.M. a 8:00 P.M. (SEPTIEMBRE—JUNIO) EVANGELIZATION: LET GOD ILLUMINATE YOUR LIFE. COMEAND JOIN OUR BIBLE CLASS. CONTACT SR. VELINDA SANCHEZ 857–615–1975 CONFESSIONS: SATURDAYS AT 4:00 P.M.– 4:15 P.M. OR BY APPT. CONFESIONES: SEGUNDO Y CUARTO SABADOS DEL MES, 4:00 P.M. O POR CITA. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN / SPANISH PRAYER GROUP TODOS LOS VIERNES DE 7:00PM—9:00PM EN LA CAPILLA DE LA SACRISTÍA DE ABAJO EVERY FRIDAY 7PM-9PM LOWER SACRISTY CONFIRMATION: SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. YOUTH 14–17 ROSARY GROUP: MEETS ON WEDNESDAY AT 7:00 P.M. CONTACT: LUIS SANTIAGO 617-935-9153 EVANGELIZACION: DÉJÀ QUE DIOS ILLUMINE TU VIDA. VEN A RECIBIR LAS CLASES BIBLICAS. HERMANA VELINDA SACHEZ 857–615–1975 GIFT SHOP: LOCATED AT THE FRONT FOYER OF THE CATHEDRAL 617-574-4758 HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:30 A.M.–1:30 A.M. SATURDAY 10:00 A.M.– 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. TIENDA : LOCALIZADA EN LA ENTRADA DE LA CATHEDRAL. HORARIO: LUNES–VIERNES 9:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M. SABADO 10:00 A.M – 6:00 P.M. DOMINGOS 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS BOSTON, MA Religious Education At The Cathedral English speaking classes November Class Dates 4/5 18/19 BAPTISM Beautiful Beginnings We wish to welcome into our parish family. The following young people, Thursday Afternoon 4:15 – 5:15 pm Grade 2 First Communion (or any older child who has not received the Sacrament) Conrad Earl Bennett Kenny Ariel Amaro Please keep these little ones, their parents and godparents in your prayers as they begin their journeys of faith. Grades 3 – 8 Faith Development The Bible, The Sacraments, prayer Wednesday Evening 6:15 – 7:30 pm Grade 10 Confirmation Classes Where: Meeting Room lower level of the Cathedral (Use Our Lady’s Chapel Door) We are here to serve you in your child’s faith life. Please call us for information the Cathedral Office 617-542-5682 Sacramental Dates: First Penance April 13 @ 6:30 First Communion May 1st @ 11:30 Mass Confirmation in the spring CATHEDRAL CARES Is offering FREE FLU clinics, All Are Welcome 9:30AM—1:00PM Sunday, November 1 – 8 Tuesday, November 10 Cathedral of the Holy Cross lower church enter thru Union Park Street (handicap Ramp) accessible to the MBTA Silver Line. 18yrs or older. For more information contact the office at 617-542-5682. Protecting God's Children VIRTUS Training CATHEDRAL Food Bank Open to All in need. Monday , Tuesday & Thursdays 9:30am– 2:00pm. Located on Msgr. Reynolds Way (lower church) For more information please call Jacobo 617-350-5026 Campaign for Human Development Weekend of November 7-8 Next week’s second collection, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), works to uphold the dignity of human life by breaking the cycle of poverty across the United States through grants to local community-based groups who create jobs, improve education, and strengthen neighborhoods. Twenty-five percent of the CCHD collection stays in the Archdiocese of Boston to fund local anti-poverty projects; seventy-five percent supports national grant and education programs. For more information, please visit Is a three-hour mandatory training workshop for all employees and volunteers designed to help recognize and prevent the sexual abuse of children. All parish volunteers and staff must attend one of the sessions that will be held at the Cathedral on the following dates: Wednesday, October 28th from 6:00 pm-9:00 pm. Registration is required. Please contact Bob Travers at [email protected] or 617 542-5682 to register or if you have questions. LIFT Worship Night Join LIFT Ministries on Tuesday, November 10th @ 7pm for an inspiring night of worship at Most Precious Blood Church in Dover with speaker Liz Cotrupi Pfunder. The night will include uplifting music, a relevant talk, confessions, Eucharistic Adoration, and is FREE to attend and open to ALL AGES. A downloadable flyer, along with more information about LIFT, can be found on their website at Come and worship with hundreds of Catholics from around the Boston area! NOVEMBER 1, 2015 CATEDRAL DE LA SANTA CRUZ BOSTON, MA Dispensa de Alimentos BIENVENIDOS Deseamos extender una cálida bienvenida a todos los que asisten a misa con nosotros cada fin de semana y a todos los que visitan a la Catedral de la Santa Cruz . Estamos felices de tenerlo con nosotros. Por favor preséntese a nuestro sacerdote, P. Kevin O'Leary ~~~~~ TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS ~~~~~ Nos gustaría extender una cordial invitación para que se unan a nuestra parroquia. Esperamos contar con usted como miembro de nuestra comunidad de FE. Cada miembro de nuestra parroquia es una parte importante de la familia católica. Los dones de la Fe del Señor se refuerza y profundiza con nuestra comunión en Jesucristo. La celebración de la Eucaristía es el corazón de nuestra vida parroquial. Venga a compartir su "Fe", su tiempo y su talento en uno de nuestros maravillosos ministerios. Puede registrarse en o llame a nuestra oficina parroquial al 617-542-5682 Para todas personas que lo necesitan. Lunes, Martes y Jueves 9:30 am-2:00 pm. Situado en Msgr. Reynolds Way. parte inferior de la iglesia. Para más información por favor llame A Jacobo al 617-350-5026. Favor de traer su identificación. AVISO IMPORTANTE!!! Le pedimos que acompañen a sus niños en todo momento al baño. Por favor no dejarlos ir solos sin ser acompañados por un adulto. Gracias. ES TIEMPO!!!! VACUNAS CONTRA LA GRIPE Si usted ya es un feligrés registrado nos gustaría darle las gracias por todo su apoyo! CLASES DE BAUTISMO Para Bautizar a sus niños las clases de bautismo serán los cuarto domingo de cada mes de 12:30 a 4:00pm en la Grammar School 595 Harrison Ave. Con Hermana Velinda, La próxima clases sera NOVIEMBRE 15– DICIEMBRE 20 Los padres y padrinos tienen que participar en las clases. Los niños no pueden tener mas de 7 años de edad. Para registrarse favor de llamar a la oficina al 617-542-5682 IMPORTANTE estacionamiento en el patio de la Catedral será severamente limitado durante el horario normal de trabajo, prioridad del estacionamiento se reservarán para los residentes de la rectoría, sus huéspedes, y el personal de la oficina de la Catedral. Cualquier otra persona que no sea residente de la Rectoría o personal de la oficina tendrá que buscar estacionamiento en otro lugar, Todos los contratistas trabajando aquí han sido notificados de las restricciones de estacionamiento y hemos pedido que busquen arreglos de estacionamiento alternativo para sus trabajadores. LA CATEDRAL TE CUIDA Esta ofreciendo vacunas Gratis contra la gripe. Todos son bienvenidos. Catedral de la Santa Cruz en la parte posterior de la Iglesia entrada por la Union Park Street. Accessible a la MBTA Silver Line. 18 años en Adelante . Para mas información llamar a la oficina al 617-542-5682. Hora: 9:30AM – 1:00PM Domingo, noviembre 1 , 8 2015 Martes, 10, noviembre 2015 SEGUNDA COLECTA Fin de semana Noviembre 7-8 Campaña para Desarrollo Humano Segunda colecta para la próxima semana, la Campaña Católica para desarrollo humano (CCHD), trabaja para defender la dignidad de la vida humana por romper el ciclo de la pobreza en los Estados Unidos a través de subvenciones a grupos comunitarios locales que crearan empleos, mejoran la educación y fortalecimiento de barrios. 25% de la colecta de CCHD se queda en la Arquidiócesis de Boston para financiar proyectos locales de lucha contra la pobreza; 75% apoya los programas nacionales de donación y de la educación. Para obtener más información, visite 1 DE NOVIEMBRE 2015 CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS BOSTON, MA MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, November 1 9:30AM J or ge J uan Gar cia R.I.P Wednesday, November 4 9:00AM Special Intention Max Dar bouze Thursday, November 5 7:00PM Antonia River a Cr uz R.I.P Saturday, November 7 9:00AM Wanda Pear le R.I.P CHOIR REHEARSALS Have resumed. We are always interested in welcoming new members ! If you are interested in joining us, please call the parish office at 617-542-5682 X 28 or email: [email protected] Join Father O’ Leary’s Team !!! Volunteers Needed “Serve one another”, “Feed the Hungry” We need people to serve at Pine Street Inn, from 4:30 – 6:00 pm November 19th December 15th We have so many blessings in our lives, let us share with others. Please call the Cathedral Office, 617- 542-5682 and give your name We will meeting at the Cathedral Office at 4:15 pm. Please and Thank You! God Bless You Religious Education The Cathedral’s Religion Education Classes have started in English We are blessed to have professional teachers and are grateful Classes are in the meeting room outside Our Lady’s Chapel Grades 2- 8 Thursdays 4:15 – 5:15 pm First Communion Thur sday 4:15 pm Confirmation Wednesday 6:15 pm 5:15 pm 7:30 pm Read The History Of Aprons I Am Sure You Will Enjoy This Story ... I don't think our kids know hat an apron is. The principle use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath because she only had a few. It was also because it was easier to wash aprons than dresses and aprons used less material. But along with that, it served as a potholder for removing hot pans from the oven. It was wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning out dirty ears. From the chicken coop, the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy chicks, and sometimes halfhatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven. When company came, those aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids.. And when the weather was cold, Grandma wrapped it around her arms. Those big old aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove. Chips and kindling wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron. From the garden, it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled, it carried out the hulls. In the fall, the apron was used to bring in apples that had fallen from the trees. When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds. When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out onto the porch, waved her apron, and the men folk knew it was time to come in from the fields to dinner. It will be a long time before someone invents something that will replace that 'old-time apron' that served so many purposes. Send this to those who would know (and love) the story about Grandma's aprons. REMEMBER: Grandma used to set her hot baked apple pies on the window sill to cool. Her granddaughters set theirs on the window sill to thaw. They would go crazy now trying to figure out how many germs were on that apron. I don't think I ever caught anything from an apron - but love CATHEDRAL CARES Will be creating Aprons on the first Saturday, November, and December All are Welcome Please enter via Union Park Street @ 10:00AM COLLECTION Many thanks for the Offertory for the weekend of October 24 & 25 Weekend Collection $2,141.00 Your continued support is truly appreciated. Thank you NOVEMBER 1, 2015
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