April 3, 2016 - Saint Mary Cathedral
April 3, 2016 - Saint Mary Cathedral
Second Sunday of Easter Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas Weekly Calendar MONDAY, APRIL 4 6:00pm... Adult Confirmation Class, Library 6:30pm... Total Consecration Mass, Cathedral 7:00pm... Austin Rosary Crusade, Bishops Hall TUESDAY, APRIL 5 6:00pm... Knights of Columbus, Bishops Hall 6:00pm RCIA, Donahue Center Cafeteria WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 As of 3/29/2016: Campaign Goal: $2,526,000.00 Amount Pledged to Date: $ 2,388,185.96 Amount Paid to Date: $1,560,191.40 Pledges/One-time Donations: 512 Feast of Mercy, Works of Mercy and Divine Mercy Image: In 1931 Jesus told Sr. Faustina he wanted an image of himself painted and venerated. He told her, “Yes, the first Sunday after Easter is the Feast of Mercy, but ther e must also be acts of mer cy, and I demand the wor ship of My mercy through the solemn celebration of the Feast and through the veneration of the image which is painted. By means of this image I shall grant many graces to souls” (Diary, 742). “I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish” (Diary, 48.) N.B. To take advantage of Jesus’ promised forgiveness of sin and remission of temporal punishment on Divine Mercy Sunday, go to confession and receive the Holy Eucharist 20 days before or after the indulgenced act and pray for the intentions of the Holy Father. La Fiesta de la Misericordia, Obras de Misericordia y La imagen de Jesús Misericordioso: En 1931 Jesús le dijo a la Hna. Faustina que quería que se pintara una imagen y que lo fueran a venerar. Le dijo: “Sí, el primer domingo después de Pascua es la Fiesta de la Misericordia, per o también debe estar presente la acción y pido se rinda culto a Mi misericordia con la solemne celebración de esta Fiesta y con el culto a la imagen que ha sido pintada. A través de esta imagen concederé muchas gracias a las almas” (Diario, 742). “Prometo que el alma que venere esta imagen no perecerá” (Diario, 48). Para aprovecharse de la promesa de Jesús del perdón de todo pecado y remisión de castigo temporal en el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia vaya a confesarse y recibir la Santa Eucaristía 20 días antes o después del acto indulgenciada y orar por las intenciones del Santo Padre. 8:30am… CSSM School Mass, Cathedral 5:30pm CSSM School Advisory Board, Library 6:00pm... Schola Rehearsal, Bishops Hall 7:00pm... St. Augustine Choir Rehearsal, Sheehan THURSDAY, APRIL 7 6:30pm... Legion of Mary, Library 7:00pm... Catholic Scripture Study, Bishops Hall FRIDAY, APRIL 8 5:00pm Wedding Rehearsal, Cathedral 6:00pm Wedding Rehearsal, Cathedral 6:30pm... Spanish Choir Rehearsal, Sheehan SATURDAY, APRIL 9 9:00am… Baptism Class in Spanish, Donahue Center Cafeteria 2:00pm... Wedding, Cathedral 7:30pm... Wedding, Cathedral SUNDAY, APRIL 10 8:00am… Sunday Breakfast (Los Amigos) Bishops Hall 10:45am. Catholic Faith Formation Classes 4:45pm... SJLM Meeting, Library 5:00pm... SJLM First Holy Communion Class, Second Grade Classroom 5:00pm... St. Augustine Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Sheehan/Donahue Center Cafeteria 6:45pm... Together in God’s Love, Bishops Hall Ashes to Easter Campaign: Please return your box to the basket located in the east entrance of the Cathedral. La Campaña Cenizas a la Pascua: Por favor devuelva la caja a la catedral en la canasta en la entrada al este. Today’s Special Collection: As the Diocese of Austin rapidly continues to grow, we must ensure we have an ample number of priests to celebrate the sacraments, preach God’s word and guide us on our journey with Christ. To be well-prepared, a man in formation pursues an education in philosophy, theology and pastoral care. Seminarian education and formation in the Diocese of Austin can take up to nine year s. We believe financial impediments should never prevent men from responding to God’s call to the priesthood. Most financial support for priests and seminarians is made available from the Catholic Services Appeal and a Seminarian Endowment in the Catholic Foundation, but the needs are far greater than our annual appeal can support. Thank you for supporting this most worthy cause. 1 Visit our website using your cell phone by scanning the barcode. This can be read by iPhone/Android/Windows phone. www.smcaustin.org Ave Maria Gift Shop Hours of Operation Wednesday-Saturday Sundays 11am-1pm 10am-2pm A volunteer ministry of Saint Mary Cathedral April 3, 2016 Please pray for: * Christina Barron Almaguer, Esther Baltierra, Reef Bonsmann, Susan Campbell, Aaron Carroll, Russell Cherry, Luis Constantin, Glenn Gardner, Suzanne Garvil, Magdalena Gonzales, Mary Gott, Gabriela Gray & Family, Sammy Greco, K. Gressett, Marc Griffin, Lillian Eve Herrera, Dr. Harold Holtmann, Ledesma Family, Mary Ann Lynch, David Mallak, San Juanita Martinez, Paul & Mildred Matocha, Consuelo Medina, Susan Overbey, JoAnn Pridgen, Carol Richardson, James Roberts, Alberto Rocha, Maria Catarina Rosales, Gino Trevino, Roland Trevino, Jesse Vielma, Thomas Walker, Louise Walters, Blaine & Vivian Whitmore, Bob Wommack, Carol Young, Vicente Michael Isaias Zavala Please pray for our honored loved in the military:* 1LT Kyra Barone Capt. Mary E. Boyle PFC Andrew DiCarlo 1LT Cory Houck HN2 Jinuel Jehlen HM3 Joseph Jehlen 1LT Patrick Kuiper LCPL Christopher Madere Capt. David McGuire Capt. Lawrence McNamara 1LT Patrick McPhee Capt. Chris Morrow Ensign Evan Moses LT Shane Moses LCPL Eric E. Muñoz 1LT Nicholas Naquin Capt. Sean Snook LT Ladd Spears, USN Sgt. William Speer Spec 4 Chris Trevino Christopher Ty Trevino and for those who have died* *You may enter names of loved ones in Cathedral Intention Book for prayers at every Mass. Colección especial de hoy: Para atender a una población en rápido crecimiento, la Diócesis de Austin debe asegurarse de contar con un amplio número de sacerdotes para celebrar los sacramentos, predicar la palabra de Dios y guiarnos en nuestro viaje con Cristo. Para asegurarnos de que nuestros sacerdotes estén bien preparados, los hombres en formación recibirán una educación de calidad en filosofía, teología y cuidado pastoral. La educación y la formación de seminaristas en la Diócesis de Austin puede tomar hasta nueve años. Creemos que impedimentos financieros no deben interferir para que los hombres respondan al llamado de Dios al sacerdocio. La mayoría de la ayuda financiera para los sacerdotes y seminaristas se hace disponible a través del Llamado Para los Servicios Católicos y la Donación Seminarista de la Fundación Católica, pero las necesidades son mucho más grandes que lo que nuestro Llamado anual puede solventar. Esta colecta especial proporciona apoyo adicional a este esfuerzo tan importante. Por favor, sean generosos en su apoyo a esta causa tan digna. Join the Faithful in our Diocese to collectively make or renew our “Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary” at a special Holy Mass on the Annunciation of the Lord. Rosary and Mass will be offered tomorrow, April 4, 6:00pm, at the Cathedral. Visit www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org for other locations and more information. Mass Intentions Monday, April 4 6:30am……………………….Bill Staehely† 12:05pm…………………..Sarah Henderson 6:30pm…………………...Benita M. Dávila Tuesday, April 5 6:30am………………………Elsie Porfirio† 12:05pm……………..James John Vaughan† Wednesday, April 6 6:30am………………………..Cecilia Miller 8:30am…………...Msgr. Joseph J. Schmitt† 12:05pm………………Suzanne Donatucci† Thursday, April 7 6:30am…….Thanks to Blessed Virgin Mary 12:05pm……………….John Joseph Lewis† Friday, April 8 6:30am……………………...Madere Family 12:45pm……………….Friesenhahn Family Saturday, April 9 12:05pm……………….CW2 Jarrett Yoder† 5:30pm……………...Mike & Mary Sustaita Sunday, April 10 8:00am…………………...Ernesto Navarro† 9:30am………………………...Marc Miller 12:00pm …………...Cathedral Parishioners 1:45pm………………..Angel Impagliazzo† 3:30pm………Patrick & Priscilla McCarty† 5:30pm……………………..Gus Chiggery† Stewardship of Treasure Second Sunday of Easter “Blessed are they who have not seen and yet believed,” Jesus says in today’s Gospel. For those who have not seen to believe, however, we must be good stewards of our faith, living joyfully and sharing generously. Then, in our time too, “men and women in great numbers” will be “added to the Lord.” Budgeted amount needed each week: $23,500 Rosario y Misa para la Consagración Total: Por favor únase a miles de Fieles a lo largo de nuestra Diócesis para hacer o renovar colectivamente nuestra “Total Consagración a Jesús a Través de María” durante una Santa Misa especial el día de la Anunciación del Señor. El rosario y la Misa serán ofrecidos mañana, 4 de Abril a las 6:00pm en la Catedral de St. Mary (Austin). Por favor visite www.TexasToJesusThroughMary.org conocer otras localidades y mayor información. Presentation on Pastoral Plan: Bishop Joe Vásquez will give a presentation on the Pastoral Plan: Encounter that Leads to Transformation, April 5, from 7:00-9:00pm, at St. Thomas More Parish in Austin. This talk will be in English. This presentation is one in a series by the bishops to share more about the plan, what it means for our diocese and how it can personally help you in your faith journey. The evening will include prayer, reflection and a reception. For more info. about the Pastoral Plan, visit www.austindiocese.org/welcome. 2 Week ending March 20, 2016: Actual Collection …………………….$ 18,757 Over/(Under)…..……………………,$ 4,743 Second Collections: Cathedral School…………………….$ 2,044 FY 2015 Year-to-Date Budget………..$893,000 FY 2015 Actual Collection…………..$757,924 Over/(Under)……………………… ...($135,076) Debt Balance as of 11/25/2015………$415,119 Mass Attendance: ………………………...1,785 Next Sunday’s Second Collection April 9-10, 2016 Cathedral Restoration Debt Reduction Thank you for your generosity! Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas Second Sunday of Easter Alley parking is reserved for handicap parishioners with State issued handicap license plates or placards, and high occupancy vehicles on weekends and holy days. Baptisms/Bautismos Baptism classes for parents and godparents are held in English each month on the first Saturday of the month at 9:00am. The course is three hours long. For more information, visit the website at www.smcaustin.org. Estacionamiento en el callejón se reservará para los feligreses y visitantes con placas de veteranos discapacitados o personas con discapacidad o una pancarta de discapacidad valida los sábados, domingos y días santos . Clases de Bautismo en español para los padres y padrinos se ofrece el segundo sábado de cada mes a las 9:00 de la mañana. Las clase dura tres horas. Para mas información, visite el sitio web en www.smcaustin.org. Cathedral Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society “Help Fight Hunger Challenge,” in collaboration with two anonymous donors, is in effect until April 30. To make a donation, write your check to “St. Vincent de Paul Fight Hunger” or “SVdP Fight Hunger;” place donation in pink envelope found in the pews and the narthex of the church. Drop your envelope in the Sunday collection or at Cathedral Office Mon.-Fri., 8:30am5:00pm, or give electronically at www.smcaustin.org. Designate funds by typing “St. Vincent de Paul Fight Hunger,” or “SVdP Fight Hunger,” in the Special Giving Opportunities. Your contributions and those of our matching gift donors will enable us to stock our food pantry throughout the year. Diocesan Guidelines for baptizing a child: Cathedral Celebrates Anniversary: Our Cathedral was dedicated “St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church” on April 20, 1884, 63 years before being designated a Cathedral. Special prayers to mark the anniversary of the dedication will be offered Wednesday, April 20, 2016, at the 6:30am, 8:30am School Mass, and 12:05pm Masses. Attention Austin Alumnae of St. Mary’s Academy! All alumnae of St. Mary’s Academy, an all girls Catholic High School in Austin, are invited to attend the All Years Reunion Luncheon on April 23, from 11:00am-2:00pm, at Maggiano's Little Italy Restaurant, 10910 Domain II Dr. in Austin. For additional information and to register, contact Nancy Stevens Hrin at [email protected] or 512-837-3658. If the PARENTS are not members of the Cathedral, a letter from the parish in which the parents reside or are registered must be presented, giving permission for the child to be baptized at Saint Mary Cathedral. This must be done prior to registration for Baptism. Copy of the state birth certificate or hospital birth certificate for the child being baptized. Single godparents must be practicing Catholics living according to the norms of the Church. Married couples serving as godparents must be married by the Catholic Church. Parents and godparents must attend a Baptismal Preparation class prior to the Baptism. If the class is taken in another parish, proof of attendance must be presented. Godparents must have received all the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation. All Baptism documents must be received in the office before a Baptism date can be set. Requisitos de la Diócesis para bautizar a un bebe: Job Openings/Volunteer Opportunity The Cathedral has a Custodian position open for employment. To apply for this position, submit a completed application, available online at http://smcaustin.org/ employment to [email protected]. Complete job description for this opening is available in the Cathedral Office or online at www.austindiocese.org/contact-us/employment. SANCTUARY CANDLE In memory of Simona Amaro April 3-April 16, 2016 Sanctuary Candles are available for those who would like to honor their loved ones, living or deceased, or commemorate a special day or event. Contact the Cathedral Office for more information: 512-476-6182. 3 Si los PADRES no son miembros de la Catedral, necesitaran presentar una carta de la Parroquia a la que pertenezcan, ya sea por residencia o donde se encuentren registrados, dando permiso para bautizar al bebe aquí en la Catedral. Esto se requiere antes de registrarse para bautizar. Copia del acta de nacimiento del Estado del niño(a) Padrinos/Madrinas solteros(as) deben ser Católicos practicantes viviendo según las normas de la Iglesia. Todos los padrinos casados deben estar casados por la Iglesia Católica. Se deberá presentar una copia del acta de matrimonio por la Iglesia. Padres y Padrinos, deberán atender la clase de Bautismo antes de bautizar. Si la toman en otra parroquia, se requiere presenten comprobante de atendencia. Padrinos tienen que haber recibido todos los Sacramentos de iniciación: Bautizo, 1ª Comunión y Confirmación. Antes de que la fecha del Bautismo se pueda fijar , la oficina necesitará obtener el paquete completo satisfaciendo todos los requisitos. April 3, 2016 Liturgical Minister Schedule 5:30 PM Vigil Lectors April 2-3, 2016 8:00 AM 9:30 AM Lectors 12:00 Noon Lectors 1:45 PM Spanish Lectors 5:30 PM Lectores Lectors (Lector schedule not available at time of print) EMHCMHCs EMHC H2—Y. Hellerstedt C1—Brian Trinque C2—JoAnn Arroyo H2—Margaret Myers C1—Steve Dickman C2—Louise Porfirio H=Host Minister C=Chalice Minister EMHC EMHC EMHC EMHC H2—Deacon H3—Donald Dauterive H4—Mike Nicklaus C1—Bob Baker C2—Lee Smith C3—E. Dunger C4—Philip Williams H2—Deacon H3—Rosy Jalifi H4—L. J. Smith H5 Choir--J. Crawford C1—Harry Crawford C2—Jose Poutou C3—James Arrington C4—Rachel Cortez H2—C. G. Sanchez C1—Rosa Cervantes C2—Juanita Tovar H2—M. Mitchell C1—M. Dusterhoff C2—F. Fuentes April 9-10, 2016 5:30 PM Vigil Lectors 8:00 AM 9:30 AM Lectors 12:00 Noon Lectors 1:45 PM Spanish Lectores Lectors 5:30 PM Lectors (Lector schedule not available at time of print) EMHCMHCs EMHC H2—Ali McGraw H2—Steve Dickman C1—Harry Crawford C2—Martin Aleman C1—Ken Craig C2—Louise Porfirio H=Host Minister C=Chalice Minister EMHC EMHC EMHC EMHC H2—Deacon H3—Brett Cranford H2—Deacon H3—L. J. Smith H2—Rosa Cervantes H2—Marsha Mitchell H4—Philip Williams C1—Elda Arellano C2—Alex Pong C3—Hee Jung Kim C4—Edna Dunger H4—John Donatucci H5 Choir--E. Guevara C1—Rosy Jalifi C2—Jose Poutou C3—Larry Morris C4—Charlene Morris C1—Juanita Tovar C2—C. G. Sanchez C1—M. Dusterhoff C2—Bonnie Vinklarek Liturgical Ministry Coordinators Altar Servers—Joseph Bolot: [email protected] EMHCs—Jeanne Crawford: [email protected] Lectors—Natacha Wagner: [email protected], & Teresa Pione: [email protected] Ushers Coordinator: Rudy Gonzales, [email protected] Lead Ushers Saturday 5:30pm Vigil Sunday 8:00am Sunday 9:30am Sunday 12:00pm Sunday 1:45pm (Spanish) Sunday 3:30pm Latin Mass Sunday 5:30pm Gary Porfirio Jesse Vielma Rudy Gonzales Fernando Cortez & AJ Jalifi Eliseo Tovar José Melendez George Hindman Did you forget your checkbook and have no cash? You can securely donate to the Cathedral by scanning the QR Code with your phone. Thank you for your stewardship! Altar Server Team Schedule 5:30 PM Vigil 8:00 AM 9:30AM 12:00 Noon 5:30 PM Servers Servers Servers Servers Servers K. Farris C. Dunia M. Kuang A-Team J. Tybor K. Farris D. Sutton J. Kuang H. Martinez D. Myer (open) V. Castillo A. Fuentes D. Gorrell (open) D. Gabler (open) (open) (open) N. Gabler (open) J. Tybor (open) (open) (open) Catholic Scripture Study: Thursdays from 7:00-9:00pm in the Bishops Hall. For questions email [email protected]. Readings for WEEK OF APRIL 4-10, 2016 Mon….Is 7:10-14;8:10 Ps 40:7-11 Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38 Tues….Acts 4:32-37 Ps 93:1-2,5 Jn 3:7b-15 Wed….Acts 5:17-26 Ps 34:2-9 Jn 3:16-21 Thurs...Acts 5:27-33 Ps 34:2,9,17-20 Jn 3:31-36 Fri……Acts 5:34-42 Ps 27:1,4,13-14 Jn 6:1-15 Sat…...Acts 6:1-7 Ps 33:1-2,4-5,18-19 Jn 6:16-21 Sun…..Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 Ps 30:2,4-6,11-13 Rv 5:11-14 Jn 21:1-19 4 Saint Mary Cathedral, Austin, Texas Second Sunday of Easter The Cathedral Nursery is in Cathedral School of Saint Mary need of EIM-certified adult volunteers to care for children, ages 6 months through 5 years, Sundays, 8:30am1:00pm. Volunteers are absolutely necessary to keep the nursery open each Sunday morning! If you can spare an hour or two each month, or even each week, contact Brian at 512-475-8557 or [email protected]. Did you attend Cathedral School of Saint Mary? If you attended or graduated from Cathedral School, we would like to keep you informed of upcoming events as we prepare for our 150th Anniversary Celebrations. Cathedral School will celebrate 150 years of Catholic Education in 2016. Help us spread the word! We want to communicate information regarding this monumental milestone with all our alumni and friends. Contact Esme Hoang, [email protected]. Help our homeless neighbors by donating to Catholic Charities of Central Texas, (512-651-6100, www.ccctx.org), or to our St. Vincent de Paul Society that provides bus passes and vouchers for clothing and food for the homeless. Let’s use organizations we already have to truly help homeless persons rather than enabling them to remain in their present struggles. Please do not give cash to panhandlers after Mass. You Are Invited! CATHEDRAL GALA Benefiting Cathedral School of Saint Mary Parents! For their safety, please make sure children are Thursday, April 21, 2015 J. W. Marriott Hotel under your supervision at all times while on parish property. This includes restroom trips during Mass and traveling to and from CFF classes! Since we are a downtown parish, parents must remain vigilant and not take their children’s safety for granted. 110 E. 2nd Street Join us for an evening of fellowship as we help continue the legacy of Catholic Education. Padres! Para la seguridad, de sus hijos por favor asegúrese VIP Reception at 5:30pm with que los niños están bajo su supervisión en todos momentos mientras que están en la propiedad de la parroquia. Esto incluye viajes al baño durante la Misa y después de las clases CFF! Recuérdese que somos una parroquia del centro, los padres deben permanecer vigilantes y no tomar la seguridad de sus hijos por sentado. Most Rev. Joe S. Vásquez, Bishop of Austin, Most Rev. Daniel E. Garcia, Auxiliary Bishop of Austin, and First Lady of Texas, Mrs. Cecilia Abbott Purchase tickets online at www.smcschoolaustin.org Contact Esme Hoang at [email protected] for more information. Field of Flowers: Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery and Prayer Gardens will hold its annual Field of Flowers Day, Sunday, April 10, 1:00-4:00pm. The cemetery has one of the best displays of bluebonnets and wildflowers in central Texas. Share in the celebration and enjoy the refreshments, and nature walks through the beautiful grounds. A photographer will be available for those desiring professional pictures. Visit www.olotr.com for more information and directions. Don’t forget your camera! HE IS RISEN! May the joy of Easter be with you. Let Marriage Encounter help you resurrect the romance in your marriage. Sign up today to attend. Upcoming weekends are scheduled for April 15-17 at Cedarbrake Renewal Center in Belton and September 23-25 at Wingate Hotel in Round Rock. To apply online visit: www.wwme.org. Or contact Steve & Linda Jaramillo: 512-677-WWME (9963) or email [email protected]. Call early to ensure a space. Para información en español llamar al 512-844-0785. 5 April 3, 2016 Cathedral Staff Traditional Latin Mass Come experience the ancient traditions and music of the Church. Latin/English & Latin/Spanish missals provided. April 10, 3:30pm—Low Mass—Low Sunday. Second Sunday after Easter/ Good Shepherd Sunday. SJ LMS Meeting after Mass in the school libr ar y. April 17, 3:30pm—Low Mass—Low Sunday. Third Sunday after Easter. Blessing of religious items after Mass. April 24, 3:30pm—Low Mass—Low Sunday. Fourth Sunday after Easter. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament after Mass. Latin phrase of the week: Ego sum Pastor bonus.— I am the good Shepherd. To receive news and updates about TLM, visit our website: A ustinLatinMass.org. Be social, “Like” us on Facebook: St. Joseph Latin Mass Society. Information about Vocation Discernment High School Men’s Discernment Dinner for single, Catholic men with an openness to priestly vocation and discernment —Wednesday, April 6, 7:008:30pm in St. William Parish Rectory, 1105 Deer Run, Round Rock. Call 512-255-4473. Heart of Mary Women’s Discernment Retreat April 8, 7:00pm— April 10, 12:30pm, Cedar br ake Catholic Retr eat Center . Retr eat led by consecrated sisters of the Apostles of the Inerior Life, currently serving at St. Mary’s Catholic Center at Texas A&M University. To register visit austinvocations.com Prayer for Seminarians and Priests: Jesus, I thank you for your gift of the priesthood to the Church. I pray for all priests and those in formation for priesthood, especially__________. Form their hearts to be more like your own, the Heart of the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. Draw them to your Heart, and bless them with courage and zeal as they serve you and your people. Give great joy as they proclaim the Good News of your Resurrection, and wisdom and trust as they discern your will. I ask this with great confidence in you. Amen. Our Father…, Hail Mary…, Glory be… St. John Vianney, patron of priests, pray for us. Please pray for the Cathedral Seminarians, Miguel Flores and Chris Yeager on the 22nd and 23rd of each month, respectively. 6 Rector……..Very Reverend Albert Laforet, Jr. Parochial Vicars……..Reverend Hai Nguyen Reverend Jayaraju Polishetty Deacons……………….Deacon Vince Boyle Deacon Guadalupe Rodriquez Deacon Ron Walker Business Administrator...………Greg Vidal Administrative Assistants…..Jessica Burrola Judy Henschen Loretta Lozano Yvonne Saldaña Kathy Thomas Facilities Manager………….Harlan Lawson Facilities Staff………………….Jorge Garcia Ruben Villarreal Bookkeeper………………….Yvonne Bedell Director of Catholic Faith Formation……. Jaeson Drummond Director of Music...Dr. Jeffrey Jones-Ragona Organist and Wedding Music Coordinator Dr. Brooks Whitmore School Principal…………….Robert LeGros i Phone Numbers Cathedral Office……………..512-476-6182 School (Pre-K through 8th)….512-476-1480 Catholic Faith Formation……512-476-4801 Ave Maria Gift Shop………...512-617-5880 Office of Sacred Music……...512-472-4540 St. Vincent de Paul…………..512-476-3750
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