Saint Augustine Cathedral
Saint Augustine Cathedral
Saint Augustine Cathedral Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 19, 2015 Parish Mission Statement The Catholic Community of St. Augustine Cathedral, nourished by the Eucharist and guided by the Holy Spirit are sent forth to proclaim the Good News of God’s love for all people. As a Parish Community we will put this into action by continuously developing a Pastoral Program that reaches out to meet the needs of our Parishioners and community. 192 S. Stone Ave. • Tucson, Arizona 85701 • Tel (520) 623-6351 • Fax (520) 623-0088 • Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 - 5 / Friday 9 - 4 ST. AUGUSTINE CATHEDRAL CLERGY & STAFF DIRECTORY Rector: Rev. Gonzalo Villegasx115 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Vealumun P. A. Mom x117 Capuchin Priests: Rev. Robert Kose • Rev. Andre Weller Rev. John Francis Samsa Deacons: Keating Ackerley • Salvador Carmona, Charles Gallegos • Jesse Soto Office Manager: Margie Marrufo x102 Secretary: Norma Madril x101 Receptionist: Cecilia Metzx118 Compliance Officer: Terry Gill x116 Diocesan & Cathedral Director of Music: Carlos Zapienx114 Maintenance: Gloria Ramos • Cecilia Metz Nick Gomez Rectory Staff Cook: Panchita Duran Rectory Housekeeper: Norma Pinedo Bulletin & Website Editor: Patty Tetlowski REGULAR MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 7:00 am 5:30 pm Spanish Mass English Vigil Mass - Organist (Fulfills Sunday obligation) Sunday 6:30 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm English Mass - No Music Spanish Mass - Mariachi English Mass - Choir English Mass - Choir Spanish Mass - Coro Weekday English Masses 7:00 am & 12:00 pm Monday - Friday Holy Days (except Christmas & New Years) 7:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm English Mass English Mass Spanish Mass Sacrament of Penance 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Saturday 2 ORGANIZATIONS & COMMITTEES Altar Server Society: Sylvia Kamei Docent/Hospitality: Leilani Gomez Eucharistic Ministers: Liz Aguallo Events Fundraising: Leilani Gomez Finance Council: Joe Ladenburg Grupo de Oración: Zolia Rosales Guadalupanos: Juan Carlos Martinez Keep Cathedral Grounds Beautiful: John Jacome Knights of Columbus: John Badilla Pastoral Council: Liz Aguallo RCIA: Deacons Charles Gallegos & Gene Benton St. Vincent de Paul: Justin Castillo & Jim Deters Usher Society: Luis E. Kamei COLLECTIONS July 6, 2015 Sunday Collection Received: $6,410.50 2nd Collect: $1,149.65 Today’s 2nd Collect: Thank you for your continued and generous support of our parish. God bless you! SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Apollinaris St. Lawrence of Brindisi St. Mary Magdalene St. Bridget St. Sharbel Makhlūf St. James GOD WITHIN God dwells in a secret and hidden way in all souls, in their very substance, for if God did not, they could not exist at all. —St. John of the Cross PARISH INFORMATION THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH Sunday/Domingo 7/19/15 Breakfast provided by Guadalupano’s 6:30 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 1:30 pm 5:30 pm English Mass Spanish Mass English Mass English Mass ENGLISH BAPTISMS English Mass Monday/Lunes 7:00 am 12:00 pm Daily English Mass Daily English Mass Daily English Mass Daily English Mass 7/23/15 7/24/15 Daily English Mass Daily English Mass †Luis Carlos Torres YOUTH GROUP RETREAT - Religious Ed. Center Saturday/Sabado 7:00 am 5:30 pm 5:30 pm ALL DAY †Joseph Jaimes Health of Rene Anaya Daily English Mass Health of Bernardino Lopez Daily English Mass †Alicia Casas ALL NIGHT YOUTH GROUP RETREAT - Religious Ed. Center Friday/Viernes 7:00 am 12:00 pm ALL DAY Sacred Heart Saint Jude 7/22/15 Daily English Mass Daily English Mass Thursday/Jueves 7:00 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm Health of Rene Anaya Health of Lilianna Grace Johnson 7/21/15 Wednesday/Miercoles 7:00 am 12:00 pm †Johnny, Juan, Lupe Bracamonte 7/20/15 Tuesday/Martes 7:00 am 12:00 pm People of the Parish †Jose Guadalupe Lazo †Carmen Z. Celaya †Anita Molina 7/25/15 NO MASS Spanish Vigil Mass †Valencia Montano Family KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS OFFICERS MASS YOUTH GROUP RETREAT - Religious Ed. Center PARISH INFORMATION ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US! WEBSITE If you are interested in placing an ad/link for your company on our website, please contact the parish office. BULLETIN If you are interested in placing an ad for your company in our Bulletin, please contact Claudia Borders at (520) 298-1265 VISIT OUR WEBSITE! VISIT US ON /staugustine cathedral 3 SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 19, 2015 Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David. — Jeremiah 23:5a juntamos alrededor de Jesús como los apóstoles en el Evangelio de hoy, que nos tomáramos un descanso, para que el Señor pueda escuchar lo que hemos hecho en su nombre –nuestros éxitos, nuestras decepciones, nuestra necesidad de “escaparnos” un rato con él para que nos fortalezca para seguir trabajando en el nombre de Dios. Ya que nosotros los bautizados no somos sólo el rebaño de Cristo; por el agua y el Espíritu hemos sido transformados en el Cuerpo mismo de Cristo, la presencia del pastor para dar vida al mundo. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — I shall gather the remnant of my flock and bring them back to their meadow (Jeremiah 23:1-6). Psalm — The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Psalm 23). Second Reading — You who were once far off have become near by the blood of Christ (Ephesians 2:13-18). Gospel — When Jesus saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he began to teach them many things (Mark 6:30-34). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. LA PRESENCIA DE CRISTO EN EL MUNDO Hay una cierta “conexión” que falta entre las dos primeras oraciones del Evangelio de hoy. En la primera los apóstoles regresan de la misión a la que habían sido enviados de dos en dos (“apóstol” en griego significa “enviado”). Habían sido enviados a predicar la conversión, a expulsar a los demonios, y a sanar a los enfermos en el nombre de Jesús. En la segunda oración, Jesús les dice que se vengan con él a un lugar solitario para descansar un poco. Nos gustaría pensar que, entre esas dos oraciones, una expresión de placer y gratitud cruzó el rostro de Jesús al oír como el Reino ha sido proclamado en su nombre, y como no tuvieron que sacudirse el polvo de los pies en ninguna parte. ¡Bien se merecían un descanso! A nosotros tampoco nos vendría mal, cuando nos 4 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: Ex 14:21 — 15:1; Ex 15:8-10, 12, 17; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Thursday: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Sunday: 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-18; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 6:1-15 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION When Catholicism encounters a culture, it LITURGICAL tends to approach the culture with a measure of respect for its key customs, especially those touching family life. Around the world, these longestablished customs are often received into the liturgy, sometimes with a new level of interpretation. From Old Mexico, the custom of the lasso (“cord”) has migrated across borders, and is now firmly established in the marriage liturgy of Spanishspeaking Catholics in the United States. It’s a large cord, sometimes resembling rosary beads, looped around the necks of the newlyweds in a figureeight shape. It is a great honor for a person, normally a godparent or close relative, to place the lasso around the shoulders of the couple, groom first. The lasso, a symbol of profound unity, remains in place throughout the liturgy until removed, usually by the priest. The bride keeps the lasso as a memento of the day, a sign of her ties of love to her husband in heart and home. The tender ministry of the godparent in this ceremony clearly links this sacrament of vocation with baptism. It’s not unusual to see the lasso made of fragrant orange blossoms, harking back to very ancient preChristian rituals seeking the blessings of fertility and happiness. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. REFLEXIONEMOS SOBRE LA PALABRA DE DIOS Con frecuencia somos incapaces de identificar la verdad en nuestra vida. ¿Es nuestra pasión amor o lujuria? ¿Es nuestra seguridad financiera avaricia o una preparación sabia? ¿Es la crianza de nuestros hijos una buena disciplina o los estamos tallando a nuestra propia imagen y semejanza? ¿Es nuestra religiosidad superstición o fidelidad a la tradición? ¿Edifican nuestros sueños el Reino de Dios o la Torre de Babel? En otras palabras, ¿está nuestro estilo de vida inspirado en Dios o en el otro lugar? Al mirar a nuestro derredor y ver que la vida de nuestro prójimo no es tan diferente a la nuestra buscamos amparo en cualquier lugar que parezca protegernos de irnos a la deriva y sin propósito. Sospecho que la mayoría de nosotros nos preguntamos si hay alguien que conozca las verdades más profundas, ya sean sobre la vida, sobre nuestro mundo o aun sobre nosotros mismos. Por eso nos reunimos alrededor de Jesús, aunque aun así algunos podrían estar allí a medias, o sea, confiados algunas veces de que él tendrá algún tipo de respuesta y otras veces dudando si PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS Please call the office to remove your loved one’s name when well. Thank you! Cristen Aguirre Francisca Aguirre Margaret Aguirre Esther Alba Carlos Alegria Rene Anaya Susie Apodaca Lee Leon Baker Ernesto Barnet Benjamin F.A. Bicknese Alma Caballero Msgr. Arsenio Carrillo Albert Catalano Javier Chavez Chris Eric Cline Pete Confrey Gilberto Diaz Lillian Doe LITURGICAL Terry Duarte Vicki Duarte Diego & Nubia Federico Evelyn Feyth Sausedo Jose Fimbres Jose Lluly Fimbres Ursula Fimbres Carmen Frade Roberto Grijalva Daniel Harkey Bertha Harper Romelio Heredia Ofelia Hernandez Sonia Hernandez Agustina Iñiguez Jesus Jaquez Jesus Jaquez, Jr. Grandma Julie Julie Robin Kirk Denise Lara Lety Dora Lopez Curtis Lucas Socorro Macedo Bertha Dolores Martinez Sara Miller Sidi Alfred Miranda Monique Velia Morales Denise Moreno Julieta Moreno Fernando Muñoz Nuria’s Dad Neal O’Connor Mother Preciado Edelina Quiroz Maria Eugenia Ramirez Victor Manuel Rendon Barbara Romero Bertha Romero Ed Romero Evelyn Sandoval Sarah Jaime Roybal Maritza Silva Millie Smith Cristen Soto Aguirre Howard Spence Christine Stern Mary Stern Federico Tapia Amie Tetlowski Armando Valenzuela Monica Verdugo Teresa Verdugo Rona Anne Ward 5 él de veras ofrecerá la respuesta, pero sin saber a qué otro lugar ir. Y así nos reunimos, como ovejas alrededor de un pastor, sencillamente porque hemos escuchado todas las demás voces y las hemos encontrado deficientes. —Padre Joseph J. Juknialis Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. RCIA What is RCIA? The Rite of Christian Initiation of ADULTS (RCIA) is the process, established for the universal Church, for individuals to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. This initiation process also involves a parish community experiencing a renewal in faith as it prepares and welcomes new members into the Church. The Rite speaks of conversion as a “spiritual Journey”. Centered on fostering a deep relationship with Jesus and the Church he founded, this journey. Takes place through distinct stages over a period of time suitable to bring about a thorough catechesis, significant experience of the parish community, and commitment to the liturgical and moral life of the Catholic faithful. Who is RCIA for? Adults 18 years and older: 1. Persons who are wanting the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion, (Penance), and Confirmation 2. Persons of another faith who desire to become Catholic 3. Persons baptized Catholic and desire the completion of their Sacraments - First Communion and/or Confirmation 4. Persons interested in learning more about Jesus and the Catholic Faith Interviews will begin immediately prior to classes. Please leave message for Deacon Charles Gallegos at the Office at 623-6351, Ext. 101. ADULT BIBLE STUDY Is on summer recess. We will reconvene Thursday, September 3, from 6-8pm in the South Meeting Room to study Exodus. -Gene Benton GRUPO DE VARONES / MEN’S GROUP Cada Tercer Viernes del Mes Every Third Friday of the Month San Cosme 460 W. Simpson St. Tucson, AZ 85701 10:00pm - 6:00am Termina con misa a las 7:00am en la Catedral. Finishing with mass at 7:00am in the Cathedral. YOUTH GROUP OUR LADY’S MANTLE Your Cathedral has a youth group and is inviting all high school students to come and explore their relationship with our Lord! Our Lady’s Mantle caters to the development of the Catholic faith in high school teens and emphasizes the beauty of our relationship with the Virgin Mary through fun activities, engaging talks, and deep discussions. We meet Sunday evenings from 6:30pm 8:30pm in the South Room of the parish hall all year round. Have questions or need more info? Matt Yanez at (520) 979-4715 or Ariana Varelas at (520) 548-9484. Do you know someone who wants to learn more about God? All are welcome. TOUR OF THE BEAUTIFUL CATHEDRAL Classes begin Wednesday, August 19th and continue to meet Wednesdays from 6:30pm8:00pm. Cost is $50 pp for materials. There is financial assistance for those who qualify. Tours of this beautiful cathedral and its grounds are available by appointment. If you are interested, please contact Leilani Gomez at 401-7577 for 6 St. Augustine Cathedral, A shining jewel in the desert PARISH NEWS scheduling. Our docents are prepared to take you back in history! COME AND CELEBRATE THE FEAST DAY OF SAN AGUSTÍN COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Saturday, August 29 at 5:30pm Teachers, Aides and Hall Monitors should renew and update their compliance certification. Contact Terry Gill at 623-6351 x116. IMPORTANT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DATES Registration Starts Soon! August 2, 9, 16, & 23: 9am - 1:30pm in Parish Hall Please bring your child’s Birth Certificate, Baptism Certificate and $50.00 Registration Fee per child with you when you come to register you child this year. Thank you! We invite you to visit our Website Religious Education Page Calendar to keep updated on all Religious Education important dates, and special activities for the upcoming year now available online! FECHAS IMPORTANTES DE LA EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Registro se Inicia Pronto! Agosto 2, 9, 16, & 23: 9am - 1:30pm en el Salón Parroquial Favor de traer el certificado de nacimiento de su hijo/a, certificado de bautismo y $50.00 Cuota de inscripción por niño con usted cuando usted viene a registrar a su hijo/a este año. Gracias! Te invitamos a visitar nuestra página de Educación Religiosa en el sitio web de la parroquia para estar informado sobre todas las fechas importantes y actividades especiales para el próximo año de educación religiosa! Saint Augustine Cathedral and Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson will be celebrating the patron of our parish and the City of Tucson on Saturday, August 29th at the 5:30pm mass. The celebrant for the mass will be Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas with priests of the Cathedral concelebrating. All are invited to attend. A reception will follow in the placita! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GOLF TOURNAMENT Saturday, September 5, 2015 St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus, Council #15736 would like you to join us for a day of golf at our second annual tournament. The tournament will be held on Saturday, Sept. 5, 2015 at El Rio Country Club once again. Please save the date as flyers for the event will come out soon. As always, we are looking for golfers, assistance/participation, gift and or financial support. Last year’s inaugural tournament was a great success and we thank you all for that. PROGRESS REPORT FOR ST. AUGUSTINE CATHEDRAL Progress toward our 2015 Parish Pledge Goal: ($7,535.00 to go): $24,941.00 $32,476.00 $56,500.00 76.80% of Pledge 100% Parish Goal 57.48% Pledge % to Parish Goal ______________________________ PARISH NEWS 7 POPE URGES MORE THAN 1M TO REALIZE HOW MUCH GOOD CAN BE DONE IF WE WELCOME During Last Mass in Paraguay, Tells Faithful Hospitality Is Hallmark of Being Christian Pope Francis says the word ‘welcome’ is at the heart of Christian spirituality and of our experience of discipleship, yet it easily passes by unnoticed. His last day in Paraguay,during his Apostolic Visit to Latin America, July 5-13, the Holy Father made this observation during the Mass he celebrated this morning in Asuncion’s Nu Guazu field. From an altar artistically constructed from local fruit and vegetables, the Pope told more than 1 million gathered, including many Argentineans, why Christians are to follow Christ’s welcoming example. Francis recalled how in today’s Gospel, Jesus tells His disciples: ‘No longer do I call you servants... but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.’ He added how Jesus “as the good master, the good teacher,” sends them out to be welcomed, to experience hospitality and to learn one of the hallmarks of the community of believers. “We might say that a Christian is someone who has learned to welcome others, to show hospitality,” he said, noting”Jesus does not send them out as men of influence, landlords, officials armed with rules and regulations.” Instead, the Pope said, “he makes them see that the Christian journey is about changing hearts.” It is about learning to live differently, under a different law, with different rules. It is about turning from the path of selfishness, conflict, division and superiority, and taking instead the path of life, generosity and love. It is about passing from a mentality which domineers, stifles and manipulates to a mentality which welcomes, accepts and cares.” The Pontiff observed these are two contrasting mentalities, two ways of approaching our life and our mission. He lamented how many times we see mission in terms of plans and programs, and evangelization as “involving any number of 8 strategies, tactics, maneuvers, techniques, as if we could convert people on the basis of our own arguments.” “Today the Lord says to us quite clearly: in the mentality of the Gospel, you do not convince people with arguments, strategies or tactics. You convince them by learning how to welcome them.” The Church is a mother with an open heart, the Pope said, stressing She knows how to welcome and accept, especially those in need of care. The Church, he said, is the “home of hospitality.” “How much good we can do, if only we try to speak the language of hospitality, of welcome! How much pain can be soothed, how much despair can be allayed in a place where we feel at home! Welcoming the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, the prisoner (Mt 25:34-37), the leper and the paralytic. Welcoming those who do not think as we do, who do not have faith or who have lost it. Welcoming the persecuted, the unemployed. Welcoming the different cultures, of which our earth is so richly blessed. Welcoming sinners.” In this way, the Pope reflected, Jesus teaches us a new way of thinking and opens before us a horizon “brimming with life, beauty, truth and fulfillment.” “God never closes off horizons; he is never unconcerned about the lives and sufferings of his children. God never allows himself to be outdone in generosity. So he sends us his Son, he gives him to us, he hands him over, he shares him... so that we can learn the way of fraternity, of self-giving. He opens up a new horizon; he is the new and definitive Word which sheds light on so many situations of exclusion, disintegration, loneliness and isolation. He is the Word which breaks the silence of loneliness.” Launching an appeal, the Pope said, all faithful too must provide a home, like the earth, “which does not choke the seed, but receives it, nourishes it and makes it grow.” After celebrating Mass, the Pope gave his weekly Angelus address before reciting the midday prayer, stressing how those gathered are to look with trust to the Virgin Mary, who is “the gift” that Jesus gives to his people. “She is the fruit of Christ’s DIOCESE & WORLD NEWS sacrifice for us. And from that moment, Mary has always been, and will always be, with her children, especially the poor and those most in need.” The Argentine Pontiff observed how Mary has become “part of the tapestry” of human history, of our lands and peoples and how, as in many other countries of Latin America, the faith of the Paraguayan people is imbued with love of the Virgin Mary. “They approach their mother with confidence, they open their hearts and entrust to her their joys and sorrows, their aspirations and sufferings. Our Lady consoles them and with tender love fills them with hope,” he said. “They never cease to turn with trust to Mary, mother of mercy for each and every one of her children.” The Holy Father prayed that the Blessed Mother watches over the Church and strengthens Her members in fraternal love: “With Mary’s help, may the Church be a home for all, a welcoming home, a mother for all peoples.” After asking those gathered to pray for him, Pope Francis said,”I know how much the Pope is loved in Paraguay,” and said he keeps the Paraguayan faithful in his heart and prays for them and their nation. Paraguay, July 12, 2015 ( Deborah Castellano Lubov | © Innovative Media Inc. US BISHOPS GIVE $3M IN AID TO LATIN AMERICA Subcommittee Approves Funding for 228 Projects As Pope Francis is making an Apostolic Visit to Bolivia, Ecuador, and Paraguay, July 5-13, US bishops are giving more than $3 million in grants to the Church in Latin America According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB), the conference’s Subcommittee on the Church in Latin America approved more than $3.3 million to go toward funding some 228 projects. Funds will be disbursed as grants to aid the pastoral work of the Church in the Caribbean and Latin America, with the most-funded nations in this grant cycle being Colombia, Peru, Haiti, Mexico, and Ecuador. DIOCESE & WORLD NEWS Some of the potential projects include training lay catechists, youth ministries, evangelization and communication. At a June 8 meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, the subcommittee approved the projects. Certain approved initiatives will support the cultural and religious heritage of those of African descent who are living in Latin America and the Caribbean. In the Archdiocese of Cali in Colombia, one approved project will use music and dance to help children, adolescents and adults live out their faith within their culture. Some of the various workshops’ topics will include the history of musical instruments, Afro-Colombian music history, and faith and culture in the New Evangelization. Another project will fund a youth congress in the English-speaking Caribbean. Moreover, the subcommittee also approved $346,000 for 32 pastoral projects for Haiti and $574,750 to four reconstruction grants for Church buildings in the country. Funding for these projects comes from the special collection for Haiti taken in 2010. All USCCB aid for reconstruction work in Haiti goes through the Partnership for Reconstruction of the Church in Haiti, an entity of the Haitian Bishops’ Conference. In Nicaragua, the diocese of Managua received a grant to strengthen its sign-language ministry, which works toward better serve the needs of hearing-impaired Catholics and facilitate their access to receive the sacraments, attend Mass and fully participate in the life of the parish. Participants will learn sign language for religious themes, attend religious education classes and participate in a retreat. While the collection for the Church in Latin America is scheduled for the fourth Sunday in January, some dioceses will take it up on other dates. United States of America, July 10, 2015 ( Staff Reporter | © Innovative Media Inc. 9
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March 20, 2016 - St Augustine Cathedral
192 S. Stone Ave. • Tucson, Arizona 85701 • Tel (520) 623-6351 • Fax (520) 623-0088 •
Parish Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 - 5 / Friday 9 - 4