to our bulletin advertisers! - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic


to our bulletin advertisers! - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic
Good Teacher, what must I do to share in everlasting life?” The anonymous man of today’s
gospel expresses the ageless human hunger for
life. He stands for all of us.
This man takes it for granted that eternal life is
the fruit of a virtuous existence. He has always
observed the commandments. He is unwittingly
in a good position to be saved. But this man is
still lacking something. It might even be said
that he is lacking everything. We have give nothing to God if we are not ready to give it all.. The
love of Christ calls us to a total gift which is consecrated in the call, “Come, follow me.” This is
a question neither of morality nor of asceticism,
but of commitment to Jesus. It is no longer a
question of “doing more”, of distinguishing
“precept” from “counsel”. To follow Christ
means all or nothing, your money or your life.
Not long ago a group of professors at Boston
College studied people in America who are
“super-rich,” who have $25 million or more.
There are approximately 115,000 of them. Some
were born into wealth, others made their wealth,
while a few fell into sudden riches. You might
think that having no money worries would simply
make life a breeze, but you would be mistaken.
Surprisingly, those who participated in the study
revealed that wealth affects every aspect of their
lives, and not always for the good. Marriage and
friendship can be difficult (“Do they love me or
love my money?”). Rich parents worry that their
children will do nothing worthwhile with their
lives. In ancient times the Jews believed that
wealth was a sign of divine favor. To the early
descendants of Abraham, wealth meant owning
large flocks of sheep, goats, and cattle. By the
time Jesus encountered the rich young man in
today’s Gospel, people acquired wealth by farming the land and through trade. Jesus challenged
the man to give away his possessions—to free
himself of the burden of wealth that was keeping
him from the fullest possible life with God.
Wealth in itself is not evil, but evil can result if
we come to feel owned by our possessions. Modern Jewish teaching is not far from our own
Christian understanding of wealth. The things of
this world are important, but temporary.
Camels and Needles cont.
Wealth, whether in the form of skills, time, or money, is not an
end but a means: a means to create a home; raise children;
provide hospitality; to give time, attention, love, charity, and
money; and to share with church and community for the wellbeing of all. Jesus promises that the one who gives up any possessions for his sake will be saved. Copyright © 2011, World
Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Mostaza. ¿Qué te trae esta palabra a la mente? Probablemente una salsa espesa, amarilla, condimentada y envasada.
En el Evangelio de hoy Jesús se refiere a otra clase de mostaza.
Esta mostaza negra no se cultivaba en tiempos de Jesús sino
que era considerada una maleza. Igual que todas las variedades de mostaza, la planta de mostaza negra sale de una pequeñísima semilla que no tiene más de dos milímetros de diámetro. Sin embargo, si se dan las condiciones necesarias, puede crecer hasta una altura de nueve pies; ciertamente tan grande como para que los pájaros se posen y hagan sus nidos. Jesús
dice que el reino de Dios es como el árbol de mostaza, que comienza al sembrar la semilla más pequeñita en la tierra. El sol
y la lluvia ponen su parte, y la planta brota ¡y llega a crecer
tanto como un árbol! Lo mismo sucede con nuestro discipulado
y nuestra corresponsabilidad cristiana. Si comenzamos a confiar en Dios, aunque sea de una manera muy pequeña, nos llevará a un mayor compromiso en el discipulado. Nosotros alimentamos nuestra espiritualidad mediante la oración, los sacramentos, el estudio de la Biblia y las clases de adultos, todo
lo cual nos lleva a una fe más fuerte. A la misma vez eso nos
ayuda a vivir con menos temor y egoísmo. La manera de usar
nuestro tiempo libre, nuestras habilidades y destrezas, y nuestros recursos financieros cambiará drásticamente. Éstos son
los frutos de nuestro discipulado los cuales debemos compartir
con los demás. Una y otra vez las personas que sabemos han
hecho un compromiso de ser más fieles a su discipulado nos
dicen que se vuelven más generosas y responsables con todo lo
que Dios les ha dado. Mientras más dan más quieren dar. Han
encontrado que cuando uno no se deja aprisionar por sus propios bienes ni se amarra a sí mismo las bendiciones no faltan.
Esto no quiere decir que se les resuelvan todos los problemas
ni que se vuelvan ricos de pronto, pero sí se adquiere un sentido más profundo de la presencia de Dios y una verdadera paz
del corazón. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications.
All rights reserved.
Sr. Margaret Macey, OP, will speak on “Sustaining God’s
Creation”, Sunday October 25, 2015, at UNM Continuing Education Center. 1:00-3:00 p.m. The presentation will "help attendees to appreciate and be aware of the great gift" of the
Holy Spirit.
Congratulations to the winner’s of our Fiesta Raffle:
Rosalia Pacheco
Rita Tafoya
Rosella Cordova
Tina Maher
Janet Kazimi
$50 Certificate’s to Padilla’s
Cora Baca & Damian Padilla
$30 Certificate Padilla’s
David & Cynthia Alcon, Elizabeth Salas
& Ava Sorenson
Thanks to everyone involved in making our Fiestas
such a success. To the dedicated and hardworking volunteers, members of the Fiesta Council who coordinated set up, operated and worked in booths, the activities, shopping, and those who obtained permits. For
the cooking, maintenance, and security of the grounds
at night, cleanup during and after, & the tear down.
To those who counted thousands of fiesta tokens, operated the bank, organized entertainment, for the entertainers who volunteered their talents. And for all fiesta
goers who enjoyed the weekend with family, friends and
fellow parishioners. To the families of Queen Shea
Ortiz and Princess Leilani Lucero-Martinez who
worked so hard this summer in raising funds for the
parish. Together both families raised $13,270.57.
Amazing! Thank you all!!! This year we also had visible professional security throughout the weekend and
this we think had a positive effect. The Fiestas grounds
and parking lots were fairly incident free apart from a
few inebriated persons and most sadly one car was vandalized by having grease or oil poured on it. Such is the
world we live in. No wonder, God sent the Son into the
world. Pray for these persons. However apart from
these isolated negative incidences, the great majority
enjoyed themselves, renewed old acquaintances and
made new ones—and as so much of the North Valley
and others in our city say tell me, “We love the Saint
Therese Fiestas!” Perhaps it is the cooler temperatures
at this time of the year, the large sheltering tent with
fresh air streaming in from the open sides, and the immediate convenience of the placement of the booths and
close proximity of the large air-conditioned gymnasium
and parish hall. We also note and thank the many parishioners here from our big sister—Nativity Parish. They sent their unsold silent auction items over to
be used for our silent auction, donated food, ice,
etc. Nativity Parish is always watching over us. The
Gross Total brought in before expenses was
$28,329.70. A full financial report will be forthcoming.
God’s peace and blessings to you all and may our wonderful patron, Saint Therese of the Infant Jesus continue to bless all of us with her powerful intercession on
our behalf before the throne of the Most Holy One.
Peace and good things,
Father Vincent
Collections from October 4, 2015
Offer the sacrifices of righteousness,
& put your trust in the LORD.
Regular Sunday Collection
St. Vincent de Paul
$ 62.00
School Support
$ 75.00
Building Fund
$ 398.00
Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese
School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building
Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops Second Collections
Please Pray for the sick in Our Parish
Gabriel Shooter Delgado, Joe Baca, Philip C ’de Baca, Lois Wells, Abigail Delgado, Annette Vigil, Rangie Jett, Nicholas Montoya, Candice de
Mar, Albert Montano, Frank Cortez, Ernest Sierra, Nasario Gutierrez,
Walter Montoya, Amalia Castillo, Virginia Sena, Aaron Armijo, Joe
Herrera, Renee Sandoval, Theresa Hernandez, Monica Villescas and for
those in hospitals and in their home who can’t attend
Join us for a Power Presentation and Potluck on Sunday,
October 18th, from 5:00-7:00PM in the Parish Hall. They
are looking forward to honoring their donors and express
their experience with the amazing people of all ages. at this
time as well. Please honor them with your presence so they
have can report on their experiences in El Salvador this
past August. These Delegates would like to share with you
about this experience. Please come to learn, share and hear
about this El Salvador Ministry and FOCES future plans give
them the opportunity to report about the violence in El Salvador and in the communities where APRODHENI serves.
Please RSVP. Let us know if you can bring a dish or a drink
to share or if you want to help with set up and clean up.
Parenting the Love & Logic Way™
Parenting does not have to be filled with stress and struggle.
With some simple, proven, and fun techniques, you can up the
odds of having a happy family, a great relationship with your kids, a lot more fun, and
a whole lot less stress. 5 Week Class at the
Catholic Center, Alb. NM. Beginning on
Tuesday, October 13,20, 27, through Nov.
3, 10, 17, 2015, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. No Charge for Class. A class
workbook is available for $10.00. Who can attend? Anyone who
is involved in the life of a child…Parents, Grand Parents,
Teachers, Catechists, Child Care Providers Sponsored through
the Family Life Ministry Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Our mission
is to support and guide parents from all walks of life to raise responsible children and prepare them for the real world. Love
and Logic can be a life-changing experience, so register today!
Call Yvette Duran, 505.831.8117 to register.
catholic communicator
Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque, NM
Sunday • OctOber 11, 2015
Weekend in Preparation for the Sacrament of Mar-
riage (for Spanish Speakers) Next Retreat, “Nos Vamos
a Casar,” will take place October 23, 24 and 25, 2015 at the
Catholic Center, Lourdes Hall in Albuquerque (4000 St. Joseph Place NW, Albuquerque NM 87120). For information
or to register please call the Office of Hispanic Ministry at
Emmaus Journey Harvest Festival • 3-7pm, October 31
• Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, 1860 Griegos Rd. NW, Albuquerque 87107 • There will be lots
Come in costume!
of candy, games, crafts, music, and
Bring your children,
all ages are welcome! food. Admission is free! Tickets
for games and concessions are 50¢
each and are available for pre-sale. (All proceeds benefit Emmaus Journey Ministries.) For information please contact Manessa Medina at (505) 314-3453
Marriage Enrichment Evenings of Celebration will be
held each month at Queen of Heaven Parish in Albuquerque from
6:30-8:30pm. Dates are October 15, November 20 and December
18. Please bring a pot luck dish to share. Call 881-1772.
Saint Pius X High School will host an Open House Sat-
urday, October 17, at noon, for potential incoming 2016 freshmen and possible second semester transfer students. For information, call 831-8400
ASF Thresholds Mentors Needed - The Thresholds pro-
gram assists men and women who are coming out of prison and
really want to make a positive change in their lives. We need
volunteers who can work together on teams of 2-4 people. The
next mentor training class will be held at Immaculate Conception Church in Albuquerque on October 16 (5:30-8:30pm) and
October 17, (8:30am-6:00pm). To register for this class, contact
Jean Bussemeier at the ASF: 505-831-8174.
Love and Logic Parenting Classes provide practical tools
and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children. Classes are Tuesday nights for five
weeks, beginning October 13. 6:30-8:30pm. Call the Family Life
Office to register at 505-831-8117.
35th Annual Archdiocesan Youth Conference Spon-
sored by the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of
the ASF • Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary,host. October
23-24 • Friday is 7-9:30pm • Saturday is 9am -8:30pm • $40
for both days • Registration deadline is Tuesday, October 13 •
Our Keynote Presenter for Saturday is Fr. Eric Ramirez SJ. We
will also be honored by the presence of our newly appointed
*A privately owned working in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Santa Fe
Archbishop John Wester for Mass and he will also be joining
our youth for dinner. Contact Della at (505) 831-8142.
Healthy Relationship 101 • For dating, engaged and mar-
ried couples • Six classes on how to express ideas clearly; become a better listener; resolve conflicts in a healthy way; and
discover joy and happiness in your relationship. Tuesdays, beginning October 13. Call the Family Life office to register or for
more information.
Classes • For the following classes, register online at: https:// or call Rosalie at 505-8318179, or [email protected]. Each class $10 fee.
Milestones in the History of the Papacy: the Good, the Bad
and the Ugly. Tuesdays, October 13-27, 6-9pm, Cristo Rey
Parish Center in Santa Fe. Joel Hopko, MA, Instructor.
Searching Scripture for Wisdom Thursdays, October 22, 29
and November 5 from 1-3pm at San Isidro Parish, Santa Fe.
Sr. Paula Gallagher, Instructor. $10 course fee. 6 credit hours
Pius X Band, Choir and Orchestra would like to
invite you to their Fall conPlease come and
cert: October 16 at 7pm in St
enjoy the music!
Cecilia Hall, Stage 2. This concert is free and open to the public with light refreshment at the
intermission. Call 831-8400.
Theology on Tap is ministry for young adults by young
adults who want to explore the role of faith in their daily lives.
We provide the opportunity to not only learn about the Catholic
faith but also meet like-minded people and make new friends. It
is open to all young adults (18-40), regardless of religious affiliation. Our next speaker is Father Daniel Williamson, a Franciscan
Friar of the Renewal. Come early for dinner specials! We meet at
Club Rio Rancho on October 14 at 6:30pm. For more information, contact Church of the Incarnation at 771-8331.
Listening with the Heart is a retreat for Clergy and faith
leaders dealing with veterans, spouses and families and is sponsored by the ASF Office of Pastoral Outreach. Presenters for
this workshop/retreat include former combat veterans who are
now clergy and Faith Leaders in our community. November 2,
at Sangre De Cristo Bible Church located at 2076 Galisteo St.
in Santa Fe (87505), from 9am-4pm. Contact Josephine, Pastoral Outreach Office at (505) 831-8174 or [email protected].
Saint Nicholas Ball • November 21 • Hyatt Regency Albu-
querque, 330 Tijeras NW • 5:30pm-11:00pm • For tickets call
Published by JCPress • [email protected] • 505-856-0333
Mass Intentions
Twenty– Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
O God, Who didst teach blessed
Hedwig to renounce the pomps of
this world, that, with her whole
heart, she might follow the humble way of Thy cross: grant that,
through her merits and example,
we may learn to trample under
foot the perishable delights of this
world and by cleaving to Thy
cross overcome whatsoever may
be opposed to us. Who livest and
reignest with Thee, in the unity of
the Holy Ghost, world without
end. Amen..
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Jl 4: 12-21; Lk 11: 27-28
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
In honor of St. Jude
By: Rose Garcia
†Nick Garcia & Pete Acosta
By: Annie Acosta & Family
†Leo Sandoval
By: Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Sandoval
†Deceased Santistevan family members
By: Family
†George Montoya
By: Alice Juarros
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Wis 7: 7-11; Heb 4: 12-13; Mk 10: 17-30
8:00 AM
In honor of St. Jude (favors received)
By: Carmen Scott
†Valerie Cordova
By: Julian Cordova
10:00 AM †Francisco “Frank” Luna (Birthday)
By: Lorraine Luna
†Anna L. Ortiz
By: Kathleen Ortiz
†Esequiel & Ageda Gonzales
By: Rosalinda Lopez
Special Intentions of Life Teen
Monday, October 12, 2015
Rom 1: 1-7; Lk 11: 29–32
8:00 AM
Communion Service
“Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers!
The advertisements pay for our bulletins.
Absolute Skylight & Construction 710-5634
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Rom 1: 16-25; Lk 11: 37–41
8:00 AM
†Luciano Sanchez (Birthday)
By: Viola Acosta
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Rom 2: 1-11; Lk 11: 42–46
8:00 AM In honor of St. Jude (Favors received)
By: MaryAnn Gonzales
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Rom 3: 21-30; Lk 11: 47–54
8:00 AM
†Eduardo Sandoval (8th Anniversary)
By: Becky Sandoval
Friday, October 16, 2015
Rom 4: 1-8; Lk 12: 1-7
8:00 AM
†Albert Vallejos
By: Family
Special intention to St. Lucia
for Joan Rains
By: Rupe Tafoya
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Rom 4: 13, 16-18; Lk 12: 8-12
8:00 AM
4:00 PM
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Is 53: 10-11; Heb 4: 14-16; Mk 10: 42-45
8:00 AM
In honor of St. Jude (Favors received)
By: Carmen Scott
10:00 AM †Mary Lou & Eugene Duran
(1st Anniversary)
By: Robert Duran
†Grace Ortiz & Theresa Chavez
By: Rosalinda Lopez
†Eduardo Jordan (Anniversary)
By: Mr. & Mrs. Rupert Trujillo
12:00 PM †Albert Armijo & Fermin Sena
By: Graciel Armijo
†Ernest Santistevan
By: Family
†Felix & Lucy Perea
By; Val & Priscilla Saiz
Special Intentions of Life Teen
St. Pius High School
Open House Fall 2016
Saturday, October 17th at 12:00 noon.
For more information call 505-831-8400 or visit
Their website at