May 15, 2016 - St Therese of the Infant Jesue Catholic Church Parish
PENTECOST SUNDAY “Do not be surprised that I tell you, you must all be begotten from above….but you do not know where it (the eind) comes from or where it goes” (John 3: 7-8). Although Luke places the sending forth of the Spirit on Pentecost, fifty days after the Resurrection, John places it on Easter night. Each one, then, has his own way of portraying the glorification of Jesus. For John, this glorification took place when he was raised up on the cross. For both, the Spirit is the fruit of the victory Christ won by his death and resurrection. Pentecost can not be separated from Easter. But why must the disciples receive the Spirit? From Luke’s perspective, they must receive the Spirit to be able to speak to all in their proper language and thus inaugurate the universal mission of the Church. John does not say anything different, but he says it in a different way. The apostles are in the upper room with all the doors locked for fear of the Jews. They are afraid and their fear is contagious. They are attentive to every sound outside. They fear arrest. Suddenly, Jesus is there in their midst: “Peace be with you!” Peace is what they lack most in this atmosphere of anxiety. Jesus still carries the marks of his passion. He is there, alive and stronger than death. The doors which were once locked no longer hinder his mission. The hour is no longer one of self-centered fear. Now is the time to allow the Spirit to shatter all barriers and lead the Church where God wills. CHOSEN, NOT PERFECT Watch small children singing their favorite song and you’ll hear voices piped up loud and clear, and see happy, smiling faces. How quickly we forget this as adults, and become so solemn and even anxious about faith and take ourselves much too seriously. We may think we have to be perfect before God can use us or make a home in our hearts. Some of us, according to one bishop, even come back to confession week after week and confess the same sins. Today we remember Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Easter when, as promised, the power of the Holy Spirit was poured out onto the apostles. This was not just one historical event reserved for them alone. The Spirit is poured out continuously for us all. But your heart must be open to being transformed as the apostles were. Take heart from this popular list of the unlikeliest characters that the Spirit has transformed for God’s purposes. Adam was a coward. Chosen, Not Perfect….. Noah was a drunk. Sarah was too old. Isaac was a daydreamer. Jacob was a liar. Joseph was abused. Moses had a stuttering problem. Gideon was afraid. Samson was a long-haired womanizer. Rahab was a “lady of the evening.” Jeremiah was too young. David had an affair and was a murderer. Elijah was suicidal. Isaiah preached naked. Jonah ran from God. Naomi was a widow. Job went bankrupt. John the Baptist ate bugs. Peter denied Christ— three times. Martha worried about everything. Three apostles fell asleep while praying and they all ran away at the first sign of trouble. Mary Magdalene was mentally ill. The Samaritan woman was divorced—more than once. Zaccheus was too small. Paul was too religious. Timothy had an ulcer and Lazarus was dead! Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. ESCOGIDOS, NO PERFECTOS Fíjate en los niños cuando cantan su canción prefe-rida y verás caras sonrientes y alegres mientras sus voces se proyectan fuerte y claramente. Cuántas veces olvidamos esa actitud como adultos y nos volremos en tan solemnes y hasta alarmistas en cuanto a nuestra fe, que todo se vuelve muy rígido. Tal vez pensemos que hemos de ser perfectos antes de que Dios use nuestros talentos y habite en nuestro corazón. Algunos de nosotros, según dice un obispo, vienen a la confesión semana tras semana para confesar los mismos pecados. Hoy recordamos Pentecostés, el quincuagésimo día después de la Pascua cuando, según fue prometido, el Espíritu Santo des-cendió sobre los apóstoles. Éste no es sólo un acontecimiento histórico reservado para ellos exclusivamente. El Espíritu desciende continuamente sobre todos nosotros, pero tu corazón ha de estar abierto para ser transformado, tal como el de los discípulos. Cobra ánimo con la lista de estos personajes, que parecían improbables para ningún cambio, pero que Dios transformó, pues tenía un propósito para ellos. Adán era un cobarde. Noé era un borracho. Sara era muy anciana. Isaac era un soñador. Jacob era un mentiroso. José fue abusado. Moisés tenía un problema de tartamudez. Gedeón tuvo miedo. Sansón era un peludo mujeriego. Rajab era prostituta. Jeremías era demasiado joven. David tuvo relaciones extramaritales y fue un asesino. Elías fue suicida. Isaías predicó desnudo. Jonás huyó de Dios. Noemí era viuda. Job se fue a la bancarrota. Juan Bautista comía insectos. Pedro negó a Cristo—tres veces. Marta se preocupaba por todo. Tres apóstoles se quedaron dormidos mientras rezaban y salieron co-rriendo cuando olieron problema. María Magdalena sufría de una enfermedad mental. La Samaritana era divorciada—más de una vez. Zaqueo era muy bajo de estatura. Pablo era demasiado religioso. Timoteo padecía de una úlcera y ¡Lázaro estaba muerto! Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. ST. THERESE SCHOOL’S 20th ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT St. Therese School is holding its Golf Tournament on May 20, 2015 at Desert Greens Golf Course and we need your help. You can help with a sponsorship of a team. A sound education and challenging curriculum is very important to be competitive in today’s market. Your donation to St Therese School will help to further the education of many children in the Albuquerque community. Please call St. Therese School for information at 344-4479. On behalf of St. Therese School, our most sincere gratitude and appreciation. FROM THE OFFICE OF RCIA A new class will be starting on Wednesday, August 3, 2016. This is for adults (over 18) in need of receiving the sacraments of baptism, or First Communion or Confirmation. Catholics wanting a review of their faith are also welcome to attend. Call Deacon Mike through the parish office (344-8050) to register and/or for more information. CONGRATULATIONS St. Therese School’s 8th Grade Class, Garfield & Taft Middle School students who are moving up to High School and to all Graduating Seniors from St. Pius, Albuquerque High, Volcano Vista, and East Mountain High School. GRADUATION PRAYER Father, we thank you so much for our time here together. For all the friends we have made, for the days of laughter and fun. And for all the times of great discovery and learning. We thank you for all who have given us their energy and skill so that we can graduate. For our teachers and mentors, our family and loved ones. We thank you for them and give them all to You in prayer. As this chapter on our lives closes, so a new one begins. We present ourselves like an open book before You. Come and scribe your words of life into our lives- fill our minds with Your thoughts, fill our bodies with Your strength, fill our hearts with Your dream. That we might eternally love and serve You this day and every day. We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit World without end. Amen Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, & put your trust in the LORD. 5/8/2016 Regular Sunday Collection $6786.53 St. Vincent de Paul $1489.14 School Support $ 00.00 Utilities $ 80.00 Building Fund $ 127.00 Home Mission $ 000.00 Second Collections: 1st. Sunday of the Month St. Therese School, 2nd Sunday, St. Vincent de Paul, 3rd Sunday Building Fund, 4th Sunday Utilities, 5th Sunday Misc. PRAY FOR THE SICK IN OUR PARISH Theresa Morales, Julia Jaramillo, Carmen Lueras, Andrea Armenta, Dorothy Luna, Grace Padilla, Geneva Sandoval, Beatrice Pacheco, Gabriel Shooter Delgado, Candace De Mar, Charles Reid, Jim Meek, Mike Mora, Doug Schneebeck, Tina Trujillo, Sylvia Martinez, James Lopez, Anthony & Florinda Cortez, Bernice Laredo, Mike Mares, Gerald Rodriguez, Armijo, Sena & Chavez families, Andrew Cleland, Robert Griffin and for those in hospitals or their home and can’t attend church. POPE FRANCIS PRAYER INTENTIONS RESPECT FOR WOMEN (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis’ prayer intention for May is for the Respect for Women: That in every country of the world, women may be honored and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed. Women The contribution of women in all areas of human activity is undeniable, beginning with the family. But only to recognize it…Is that enough? We have done little for the women who are in very difficult situations--despised, marginalized, and even reduced to slavery. We must condemn sexual violence against women and remove the barriers that prevent their full integration into social, political, and economic life. If you think this is clearly right, join my petition. It is a prayer--that in all countries of the world women may be honored and respected and valued for their essential contribution to society. I DO MY JOB AS WELL AS A MAN. I WILL NEVER BE A SLAVE. NO GENDER VIOLENCE. ENOUGH OF DISCRIMINATION AT WORK. MEN AND WOMEN ARE CHILDREN OF GOD. The catholic communicator Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish • Albuquerque, NM AN OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SANTA FE* The Vatican International Exhi- Sunday • May 15, 2016 Cielo, The 45’s and much, much more! There will be a carnival bition of the Eucharistic Mirafor the kids and a quality Arts & cles Of The World • Presented by Crafts area. The Fiesta Mass will St Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church be celebrated on Sunday, June • 5712 Paradise Blvd NW, 87114 • 5, at 9am. in the Gazebo in Old All are invited to view the display Date Night for Married Couples Town Plaza. For information, call during the following schedule: of Mixed Christian Traditions 505-243-4628 or visit San Felipe Friday, May 27 8:30am-8pm To Recall and Celebrate de Neri Church Fiestas on FaceSaturday, May 28 10am-8pm, Our Unity in Faith book or the web site at SanFeliSunday, May 29 8:30am-7pm Saturday, June 25 • 6:30pm • Dinner In the entire history of the Cathowill be served at Our Lady of Annuncialic Church there has been numertion Parish, Magdalene Hall • 2611 Utah Healing Touch of Mercy, Part ous Eucharistic miracles approved NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 • RSVP by Two, A Reflective Retreat • June by the Catholic Church as truly June 21 by calling Rose Garcia at 83118 • 9am- 3pm • Canossan, Sister worthy of belief. The Vatican Eu8243 or email [email protected] • Josephine Peralta will reflect with charistic Miracles Photographic the participant the role of Mary as Exhibition faithfully recounts for Sponsored by the Archdiocese of the mother of the Incarnate Mercy, us many well documented miSanta Fe Family Life Office. Jesus Christ. She will also lead the raculous occurrences. Knowledge participants to reflect on their life of these miracles strengthens our faith in Christ and His Church. Please join us for this extraordi- experiences into the “absolute security and immense tenderness” of Jesus. She will speak about being the face of Mercy nary event! For more information call (505)507-8307. to others in our community and in the world. Church of the AsPriest Appreciation Dinner • The Serra Club of Albuquer- cension Parish Hall, Albuquerque • Pot-luck lunch • To register, que invites you to honor our priests of the Archdiocese of call Anna Villegas at (505)877-8144. Santa Fe at the upcoming Priest Appreciation Dinner on Tuesday, June 21, at 6pm at the Hotel Albuquerque in Old Do you want to live as an authentic Christian steward? Town. The keynote speaker will be Bishop Oscar Cantú Visit the Office of Development website, http://archdiocesfrom Las Cruces. You may secure a reservation, $100/pp to find reflections and little or sponsor a table by visiting www.SerraClubAlbuquerque. instructions about stewardship living! For information, call org. For information on this event, please call Jo at 505-934- 505-831-8141. 5517 or Karen at 505-238-1159. Don’t miss out on this special event! Thanks to our Premier Sponsor Daniels Family Save the Date! San Ignacio Catholic Church is celebrating their 100th Anniversary of the dedication of the church on Funeral Services. July 31, and would like to invite all former priests, deacons, The 2nd Annual Our Lady of Guadalupe Arts and Crafts fair nuns, teachers, and parishioners, Royal Courts, Queens and is June 1-12 to the Parish Hall from 8am-4pm both days. Fes- Kings to this special celebration. If you would like to particitivities include live music, food and over 40 vendors. Booth pate by sponsoring this event, or purchase raffle booklets for space is still available. This event is to benefit the King/Queen $10, please contact the office at 243-4287. Court for the 2016 Fiestas. Our Lady of Guadalupe is located in the heart of the North Valley, 1860 Griegos Rd NW, Albu- May 20 • St. Therese School is holding its Golf Tournaquerque. For more information on table rentals, please call the ment • at Desert Greens Golf Course. Participants and sponsors are invited. All proceeds from the Golf Tournament Parish Office at 345-4596. go directly towards enhancing the educational programs San Felipe de Neri Church in Old at St. Therese Catholic School. Call for more information, Town, Albuquerque will celebrate its 344-4479. june 3, 4, 5 fiestas on June 3, 4 and 5 featuring New Mexico’s best entertainment by El Gringo, Black Pearl, May 20 • St. Felix Pantry 6th Annual Golf Tournament • 8am Crossroads, Str8 Shot, Tanya Griego, Donna Christine, Er- • The Canyon Club in the Four Hills Community in Albunestine Romero, Severo y Grupo Fuego, AJ Martinez, Tara querque • Single player: $130/Foursome: $520 • Sign up at Lynn, Carlos Medina, Grupo Melodia, Jonathon Chavez y Al or call Manuel at 505-270-1366. *A privately owned business licensed by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Published by JCPress • [email protected] • 505-856-0333 Mass Intentions Pentecost Sunday Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Jas 4: 1-10; Mk 9: 30-37 8:00 AM †Francisco “Frank” Luna By: Lorraine Luna Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Jas 4: 13-17; Mk 9: 38-40 8:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Thursday, May 19, 2016 Jas 5: 1-6; Mk 9: 41-50 8:00 AM †Joe Downey By: Children from St. Therese Friday, May 20, 2016 Saturday, May 14, 2016 Acts 1: 15-17, 20-26; Jn 15: 9-17 8:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 4:00 PM †David Vigil By: Jeanette Mora †Benjamin E. Juarros, Lucio & Gomicinda Nieto & family By: Alice Juarros †Daniel Garcia (5th Anniversary) By: Mom & Dad Sunday, May 15, 2016 Acts 2: 1-11; 1 Cor 12: 3b-7,12-13; Jn 20: 19-23 8:00 AM †Reyna Lucero By: George & family †Timothy Alan Olona (51st Anniversary) By: Melba Olona †Melba Barela By: Dora Saiz 10:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 12:00 PM †Albert Armijo & Fermin Sena By: Graciel Armijo & family †Bertha Morales By: Family †Benito Serbin Sr (Anniversary) By: Lena & Dee Serbin †Mary Lou (Birthday) & Eugene Duran By: Robert Duran Monday, May 16, 2016 Jas 3: 13-18; Mk 9: 14-29 8:00 AM Communion Service Jas 5: 9-12; Mk 10: 1-12 8:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH Saturday, May 21, 2016 Jas 5: 13-20; Mk 10: 13-60 8:00 AM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH 4:00 PM †Eloy & Maida Sandoval By: Marie Sandoval †Jose Cordero & deceased family members By: Ernest Cordero †Maria Trujillo By: Catholic Daughters Court Santa Maria #317 Sunday, May 22, 2016 Prv 8: 22-31; Rom 5: 1-5; Jn 16: 12-15 8:00 AM †Emilia Gonzalez By: Camilo Martinez & family †Ralph A. Chavez By: Marie Chavez For the health & wellbeing of Betty Chavez Hernandez By: Selena Winter †Ortencia Casaus By: Family 10:00 AM †Judy Garcia By: Severo & Romelia Garcia †Frank A. Herrera (12th Anniversary) By: Eloisa Herrera †Adam Padilla (Anniversary) By: Wife & family 12:00 PM FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH “Thank You” to our bulletin advertisers! The advertisements pay for our bulletins. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK French • Funerals/Cremations 843-6333
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