May 29, 2016 - St. Mark Catholic Church
42021 Highway 621 Gonzales, LA 70737 A People Set Apart Parish Staff Pastor ……………….......…..Rev. Rubin Reynolds Administrative Assistant…........….Julie Carpenter Administrative Assistant…...……..Sandy Dardeau Bookkeeper……………….….Renae Schexnaydre Business Manager ………........Kathleen LoCicero Consultant on Call …………....Sammy Chestovich Director of Christian Formation…........Mary Kruse Maintenance Supervisor …..……...…..Ron Duhon Pastoral Associate ...…...…..….Robin Richardson PSR Secretary …………….…........Sharon Buquoi PSR Secretary ……………………..….Vicki Poche Jr. Youth Director ………..……....…....Dana Millet Sr. Youth Director………..……...….Garrett Tregre May 29, 2016 Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil Mass:.……......…..……...…4:00 pm Sunday Masses …..............8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Monday, Wednesday - Friday…...….........8:30 am Tuesday—Communion Service …............8:30 am Reconciliation Saturdays: 3-3:30 pm and before daily Mass. Other times by appointment with priest. Parish School of Religion Principals: Patricia Sanchez……...……....…...….High School Flory Reynolds……....... Middle & Primary School Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday….............8:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday……………...….……....…...8:00 am to Noon Telephones Parish Office…..……….....…….… (225) 647-8461 Fax………………………...…..........(225) 647-5125 E-mail:…….……...…....…[email protected] New Parishioners: Please complete the registration form which can be found on our website and return to the parish office. Church Certificates: For all sacramental certificates, contact Julie Carpenter at 225-647-8461 Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are held the First Sunday of each month, following 11:00 a.m. Mass. Parents of infants and children under age 7 are to attend 1 Baptism Seminar. (If pregnant, attend as early as possible during the pregnancy.) Baptism Seminars are held on the Tuesday following the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 pm. *Baptism of children 7 years and older must go through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children. Contact Mary Kruse at 225-647-8461 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): For adults inquiring about becoming Catholic and baptized Catholics who lack Confirmation and Holy Communion, contact Donna Chestovich at 225-938-0985. Sacrament of Matrimony: Christian Burial: Couples need to contact the parish office six months prior to their planned wedding date. Families should contact the parish office, as soon as possible, prior to making other funeral arrangements. Pastoral Care of the Sick: Contact the office in regards to those who are seriously ill, hospitalized and homebound. Emergency calls are made immediately. Vocations for Priesthood and Religious Life: Contact the office of Vocations and Seminarians at 225-336-8779 or visit their website at Prayer Line Request: Contact the Parish Office……225-647-8461 Visit our website: for vital information or like us on Facebook Schedule of Events Sanctuary Flower Memorials Were donated the weekend of May 28th & 29th in loving memory of: 5/28-29 All Masses Senior Youth Crawfish Boil Ticket Sales 5/31 PSR Begins 9:00 am Blue Army 6:00 pm Adult Choir Practice 6/1 10:00 am Small Faith Meeting 6/2 6:30 pm 6/5 12:00 pm Senior Youth Crawfish Pickup 3:30 pm Deceased Members of the Altar Society Doors of Mercy By: Ladies Altar Society Junior Youth Group Summer PSR ~ Reminder (1st thru 8th grades) Summer PSR will begin this week on Tuesday, May 31st thru Friday, June 10th. Session Times are: 8:00am—12pm or 1:00pm—5:00pm Please pray for the soul of: Ann Bourque Who passed away May 18th, 2016 We will continue to remember her and her family, friends and loved ones in our prayers. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ May 29, 2016 As often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes. — 1 Corinthians 11:26 Fiscal Year 2015—16: Stewardship of Treasure 45th Sunday, May 8, 2016 Announcements: This section will be a quick reminder of information, maximum 1—2 lines. Submit an article if more information is needed. Articles and/or announcements need to be brought or emailed to the parish office at least 2 Mondays before the Bulletin Date needed. Children’s Church will finish this week, May 29th for the summer and will resume Sunday, September 4th . Tickets are on sale this weekend for the Senior Youth Crawfish Boil Fundraiser. Your donation of $15.00 will get you three pounds of boiled crawfish, corn and potatoes. Crawfish orders can be picked up Sunday, June 5th from noon-2:00pm. Weekly Budget Offertory $ 12,009.55 $ Maintenance $ 2,509.00 $ Pop Coin $ 98.21 Total $ 14,616.76 $ Building Fund Envs, loose cks, ACH & 2nd collection May 2016 $ - /+ 11,826.92 $ 182.63 2,730.77 $ (221.77) $ 98.21 14,557.69 $ 59.07 Monthly Note 5,686.01 $ 5,694.70 $ Thank you for your generous stewardship contributions. -/+ (8.69) St. Mark Mother’s Day Out Beginning September 2016 9 – 12 with extended day option ‘till 1:30 for children ages 2 , 3, and 4 (4yr olds must be 4 after September 30) 2 - 3 - 5 day availability classes are filling quickly! Junior Youth Meeting BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY, JUNE 26th VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 11—15, 2016 9:00 am—12:30 pm Join us for CAVE QUEST!! $25.00 per student Registering NOW!! Adult & Teen Volunteers are needed. We also need 2 Station Leaders. 1 Babysitting and 1 KidVid Registration and volunteer forms are available online, in the vestibules of the church, or in the parish office. June 5th—3:30 pm Open to all students grades 4th—7th Parish Council ElecƟon Nomina ons are now being accepted for the Parish Council Elec on to be held on the weekend of June 18 & 19, 2016. Anyone interested in being a member of the Parish Council must meet the following requirements: ~Be a registered parishioner of St. Mark Parish ~ Be a pracƟcing Catholic ~ Be 18 years of age or older The deadline for nominees is this Sunday, May 29, 2016. Forms can be found in the vesƟbules of Church For more informa on, contact Kathleen in the parish office at 647-8461. Knights of Columbus Would like to invite you and your spouse to dinner on Tuesday, June 21st at 6:30 pm in the Activity Center. Come out and learn what the KCs stand for and all they do to support our church and community. If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Pat Sigur at 225-270-0377 by June 16th. We look forward to seeing you there!! A Vocation View Jesus has given us His body to eat and His Blood to drink so as to nourish us on our journey towards the Kingdom. May we be faithful to Him on our journey as a married single, ordained or consecrated person. If you feel God may be calling you to this ministry call or email Fr. Matt Dupre at 225.336.8778, [email protected] or visit Cooking Oil Cereal Sugar (small bags) Flour (small bags) Powered Milk Canned Milk Pancake Mix Rice Spaghetti Sauce Toothpaste Detergent Kleenex Toilet Tissue Paper Towels Chicken (must be whole & store sealed for freezing) WE ARE ON OUR WAY TO THE 2ND HALF OF THE YEAR OF MERCY! Can you associate a Work of Mercy to the Saints below? 1. John Bosco believed that young people develop character and virtue in an atmosphere of love. He helped orphaned or neglected boys by teaching them to know God and to practice a skill. 2. John Chrysostom was r enowned for his preaching. In A.D. 397 people were tempted to doubt their faith and believe heresies. John guided them to have faith. 3. Martin de Porres, the son of a for mer African slave and a Spanish nobleman, cared for those who were sick and poor. He forgave those who mistreated him because of his race. 4. Frances of Rome was the wife of a nobleman and a devoted mother. She went to the hospital every day to nurse those who were sick. During a plague, she turned part of her house into a hospital. 5. Margaret of Scotland car ed for those who were poor. She washed and served them herself, and made sure they had food and drink. 6. Vincent de Paul wr ote mor e than thr ee thousand letters. He counseled people to forget their own sorrows and to think of others. 7. Louise de Marillac was a fr iend of Vincent de Paul. She formed the Daughters of Charity in the 17th century. They went into hospitals and cared for the dying and saw that even the poorest person had a decent burial. 8. Francis of Assisi was disowned by his family when he gave up all his possessions. Francis offered up this wrong and continued to practice charity. 9. Before becoming a bishop, Martin of Tours was a soldier. One winter night he saw a shivering man begging at the city gate. Martin cut his own cloak in two and gave one half to the man. 10. Peter Claver saw the miser y of those who were enslaved. He dedicated his life to caring for these imprisoned people, and would run to the port with medicine when the slave ships arrived. Take the Mercy Challenge: Consider completing the pledge below with your own ideas of how you can live out the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. When finished, cut out and display somewhere as a reminder to live as Jesus did. Works of Mercy Corporal Spiritual FEED THE HUNGRY GIVE DRING TO THE THIRSTY CLOTHE THE NAKED SHELTER THE HOMELESS VISIT THE SICK VISIT THE IMPRISONED BURY THE DEAD ADMONISH THE SINNER INSTRUCT THE IGNORANT COUNSEL THE DOUBTFUL COMFORT THE SORROWFUL BEAR WRONGS PATIENTLY FORGIVE ALL INJURIES PRAY FOR THE LIVING AND THE DEAD I __________________pledge to live as Jesus did by (name) ___________________________________________ (a Corporal or Spiritual Work of Mercy) I will accomplish this goal by __________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ I chose this Work of Mercy because _____________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Sign: _____________________ Date: ___________ A morning session of Doors of Mercy will begin on Wednesday, June 1st in the Pavilion at 10AM. Call or come by the office to insure you have a workbook. The cost is $25.00. It’s not too late to sign up! The Sanctuary Light Today’s Readings First Reading — Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, brought out bread and wine and blessed Abram (Genesis 14:18-20). Psalm — You are a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek (Psalm 110). Second Reading — Paul gives his description of the institution of the Eucharist (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Gospel — Jesus speaks to the crowd about the kingdom of God and then feeds them with five loaves and two fish (Luke 9:11b-17). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. FED BY THE LORD Jesus’ words “This is my body” and “This cup is the new covenant in my blood” were only part of his table blessing. Jesus twice said: “Do this in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24, 25). This is the good news of today’s solemnity. Like the five thousand hungry souls, we are fed by our Lord. This is not food that satisfies for only a short time, until the next meal. It is food that lasts and changes us. It is food for sharing in much the same way as Melchizedek did when he brought bread and wine to the returning Abraham. As children of God’s reign, we are blessed to be able to receive and share God’s gift. And we do so in the way most appropriate to our state in life—as parents, children, husbands, wives, or religious. Allen Rowell, The Durr family, Jimmy Miles, Julien LeBlanc Masses for the Week Saturday, May 28, 2016 4:00 p.m. Perry Moran, Lummis Norwood, Jan O’Brien, Bernice & Clarence “Slick” Sanchez and for our Parish Family (living and deceased) Sunday, May 29, 2016 8:00 a.m. For the People of St. Mark Parish 9:30 a.m. Margerie Gautreau 11:00 a.m. M/M Earl Bercegeay Sr. fly, M/M Earl Bercegeay Jr., fly., Cade Poma Monday, May 30, 2016 8:30 a.m. and deceased) Memorial Guild, Our Parish Family (living Tuesday, May 31, 2016 8:30 a.m. Communion Service Wednesday, June 1, 2016 8:30 a.m. Allen Rowell, Adrian Pèrè and for our Parish Family (living and deceased) Thursday, June 2, 2016 8:30 a.m. Robert Tucker Friday, June 3, 2016 8:30 a.m. John Frey fly. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Saturday, June 4, 2016 Readings for the Week (Year C) Monday: Tuesday: 2 Pt 1:2-7; Ps 91:1-2, 14-16; Mk 12:1-2 Zep 3:14-18 or Rom 12:9-16; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 1:39-56 Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12; Ps 123:1b-2; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: 2 Tm 2:8-15; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Mk 12:28b-34 Friday: Ez 34:11-16; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5b-11; Lk 15:3-7 Saturday: 2 Tm 4:1-8; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 2:4151 Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:17-24; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; Gal 1:11-19; Lk 7:11-17 4:00 p.m. Gaddys, Allen, Cathy & Lane Young, Wilma Medine, Dawn Dupreè Lewis, Ann Bourque, and for our Parish Family (living and deceased) Sunday, June 5, 2016 8:00 a.m. Allie & Valois Lavigne, George, Mattie & Carmella Gaudin 9:30 a.m. Mary Lee Bourgeois 11:00 a.m. For the People of St. Mark Parish
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42021 Highway 621 Gonzales, LA 70737
A People Set Apart
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