January 24, 2016 - St. Mary`s Church
January 24, 2016 - St. Mary`s Church
The Church of Saint Mary In the “City o f the Hills” - Oneonta, New York HEADLINEs Islam: An Introduction Rev. James Kane Thursday, 11 February 2016 7:00 pm; Parish Center The Annulment Process Rev. Matthew Frisoni, JCL Tuesday, 23 February 2016 7:00 pm; Parish Center Lent for Real Life 3 A Year of Mercy Sunday, 28 February 2016 —Friday, 4 March 2016 Welcome… from wherever you have traveled or have been led on your spiritual journey, we, the Catholic community of Oneonta, are glad that you are among us. We invite you to make yourself at home and consider joining our way of life, worship and service. Students of Hartwick and SUNY Oneonta, welcome to your spiritual home! We encourage you to participate and volunteer in all liturgical ministries and service opportunities that we offer. Those of another Christian community, faith tradition, and all visitors and seekers, please join us in our worship through song, listening to God’s Word and personal prayer. www.stmarysoneonta.org facebook.com/stmarysoneonta The Mission Statement of Saint Mary’s Parish SUNDAY MASS Sunday: 10:30am Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Parish Office To praise and worship God as a community: proclaiming to all people that Jesus is Redeeming Lord; celebrating the presence of Christ among us; loving each other and sharing the joy of salvation; and fostering human growth through respect for and service to all people. 39 Walnut Street Oneonta, New York 13820 Phone: 607.432.3920 Fax: 607.432.6437 Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9am – 4pm Handicapped accessibility All of Saint Mary’s buildings are handicapped accessible: Saint Mary’s Church (front entrance ramp), Rectory (rear entrance from the parking lot) and the Parish Center (both the Elm Street entrance and the Food Pantry entrance at the back of the building). ST. MARY’S CHURCH, ONEONTA What’s happening at St. Mary’s... Islam: An Introduction Thursday, 11 February 2016 7:00pm; Parish Center Rev. James Kane Director of the Commission for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Diocese of Albany Although Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God, they understand God in different ways. Islam, is a religious faith which was founded in the 7th centu-ry. Who is Muhammad? What is the Qur’an? What is the true meaning of jihad? These questions and others will be addressed as we explore the beliefs of our sisters and brothers, descendants of Abraham. The Annulment Process: The Road toward a Declaration of Nullity Tuesday, 23 February 2016 7:00pm; Parish Center Rev. Matthew H. Frisoni, JCL Office of Canonical Services, Diocese of Albany What is a Church Annulment? The process. Frequently Asked Questions. Lent for Real Life 3 Sunday, 28 February thru Friday 4 March In this Jubilee Year of Mercy Sr. Kathrine Hanley, CSJ will join us again speaking on the Corporal and Spiritual W orks of Mercy. A Church in Transition will be presented by Mr. Mark Mogika and Mr. Ameen Aswad will offer the topic of Restorative Justice. Times for gathering and prayer will mark this third year of Lent for Real Life. A full brochure will be available soon. Mardi Gras Potluck and Brunch Please plan to come to the Mardi Gras potluck at the 5 PM Liturgy on February 6th! Our after dinner presentation “Cor Unum Via Una – One heart, One road—The story of the Jackson Family and their Adoptions” will be given by parishioner Mary-Jo Jackson. On Sunday after the 10:30 Liturgy join us for brunch. Sign up sheets are by the doors of the church for both events. Pull out the cookbooks and make a Mardi Gras gastronomic delight! Questions? Call 226-1785. The Souper Bowl of Caring... utilizes Super Bowl weekend in America to mobilize young people to fight hunger and poverty in their local communities. Its vision is to transform Super Bowl weekend (the weekend of the first Sunday in February) into America's largest youth-led weekend of giving and serving. Since 1999 our parish has collected more than $5200 for our food pantry through this special collection. Member s of St Mar y’s Youth Ministry will be at the doors of the church after Masses on Feb 6th and 7th to accept monetary donations which will again support our food pantry. CHANGE THE GAME for hungry families with your donation. Thank you for your support The Peace and Justice Ministries group "Hands Working for Christ" will meet on January 25th at 7:00 pm in the Library on the 2nd Floor of the Parish Center. All are welcome. Gertrude Hawk candy is back again! We will be selling these wonderful chocolates again this year as a fundraiser for the food pantry. Order forms are at the doors of the church. You can put your completed for m in the collection basket or drop it off at the rectory. Payment is due when you pick up your order. Orders will be here in mid March. Any questions please call Janice @ 432-3920 ext 212 or [email protected]. Thank you. WOMEN OF St. MARYS Our annual retreat at the Dominican Spiritual Life Center is May 20,21,22 with Sr. Teresa Tuite OP as guest director. Now is the time to mark your calendar and send in your deposit of $50. (The fee for the week-end is $195. (65 and over - $180.)) Registration forms are available on the church bulletin boards or from the promoters: Helen Diglia (607)286-7080, Barbara Farrell (607)432-5509, Martie Meadows (607)432-2852 It takes 50 to fill the house. Let's do it! THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Opportunities to Serve Peace and Justice Committee Peace and Justice Ministries includes two subgroups: Hands Working for Christ and Action for Justice. Action for Justice focuses on advocacy and collaboration to improve structures and bring about social change. Hands working for Christ provides more direct service to individuals and families in the attempt to meet basic needs. Both Hands Working for Christ and Action for Justice focus on local, national, and international needs. Parishioners are invited to be part of one or both groups. Liturgical Ministries Volunteers for the liturgical ministries of Reader, Eucharistic Minister, Musician (Choir, cantor or instrumentalist), Greeter, Server, and Usher are open to all parishioners. Preparation is provided. Catechist A catechist shares their faith in the Risen Lord and their love for the Church by assisting parents in the faith formation of our parish children and youth. Training for this ministry is available in the parish at the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Lazarus Ministry The Lazarus Ministry will offer those who mourn the gift of Presence and Time at all funeral liturgies. They provide support through communal prayers and song of the Eucharist; along with the priest, they represent the whole parish at the death of one of our own. During the liturgy, they minister by receiving the body of our deceased, and welcoming the family, as well as serving in the liturgical ministries of reader, Eucharistic minister, and acolyte. Pastoral Care Visitors Volunteers connect the parish with the homebound and those in healthcare facilities by visiting and bringing Holy Communion to them. We offer preparation for those who are interested in this ministry. For more information, contact Janice Hinkley at 432.3920 x 212. Food Pantry Volunteers Volunteers assist people who come to the Food Pantry as well as helping with the Regional Food Bank and Wal-Mart food distributions. For more information, contact Janice Hinkley at 432.3920 x 212. Newman Community The Newman Community, located at 77 Spruce Street, invites the student communities of Hartwick and SUNY Oneonta to participate in the life of the Church through spiritual, social and service activities, as well as involvement in Saint Mary’s Parish life. Our Sacramental Life Sacrament of the Eucharist The Lord’s Day (Sunday) 10:30am; Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Most Weekdays Monday thru F riday: 9:00am Please check the Mass Intentions in this bulletin for this week’s schedule Holy Days as announced in the bulletin. Sacrament of Baptism Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Adult baptism is the norm for initiation into the Catholic Faith. This is accomplished through a process of inquiry, prayer, instruction and introduction to the Christian Life. Please see Fr. David and/or Mel Sperti in regard to beginning the process. Infant Baptism The Church continues to baptize infants, entrusting their growth in prayer and formation in the faith to parents. Parents who wish to seek Baptism for their children should contact a parish priest. Reception into Communion Baptized Christians from other denominations who desire to come into communion with the Catholic Church do so through a process of inquiry, prayer and preparation for reception and the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. Please see Fr. David and/or Mel Sperti in regard to beginning the process. Sacrament of Confirmation Usually celebrated at the 10th grade level through participation in the Faith Formation process of the parish. Anyone who has not received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and desires to receive the Sacrament should make their request to Fr. David and/or Mel Sperti at 432-3920 ext. 204. Sacrament of Reconciliation Usually, every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 5:00 –6:30pm By appointment Seasonal Communal Celebrations Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament should be requested for anyone who is seriously sick in the hospital, healthcare facility or home. Volunteers visit Fox Hospital, Fox Nursing Home, Chestnut Park Nursing and Rehabilitation, Robynwood Adult Home, and Hampshire House weekly. If you have family members in another area facility please notify the parish office Sacrament of Holy Orders and Religious Life Priesthood: www.albanyvocations.or g Diaconate: www.r cda.or g/Offices/deacons Religious Life: www.albanyvocations.or g Sacrament of Marriage Please contact a parish priest 6 months to a year prior to the proposed date of marriage. Please make no other wedding arrangements until initial contact is made. JANUARY 24, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS 23 January 2016—31 January 2016 SATURDAY, 23 January 2016 5:00 pm Joseph Dorazio by Nat & Phil Colone Kathleen Joyce Bassett by her sisters, Nora & Dorothy Andrew & Emma Holowacz by Marianna Leib SUNDAY, 24 January 2016 10:30 am Caterina Ruffino by Joe & Josephine For the special intentions of Pope Francis By The Costa Family Nancy Moran by Ana & Frank Vendemmia MONDAY, 25 January 2016 9:00 am Daniel Larkin by Walt & Diane Terry Blaine Davis by The Denny’s Staff TUESDAY, 16 January 2016 9:00 am Dolores Colone by Kay & Sonny Amatucci WEDNESDAY, 27 January 2016 9:00 am NO MASS THURSDAY 28 January 2016 9:00 am NO MASS FRIDAY, 29 January 2016 9:00 am Fr. Godwin by Jo-Ann LaMonica 9th Anniversary Remembrance SATURDAY, 30 January 2016 5:00 pm Rita Romiti by Nat & Phil Colone Teresa Ann Johnston by Irene Budney Gene Insogna by Anne Moriarty SUNDAY, 31 January 2016 10:30 am Mary Jane Simpelaar by sisters, Nora & Dorothy For the special intentions of Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Restivo By Robert Chlystun Lucy Bolognini by The Woytach Family Readings for the Week of January 24, 2016 Sunday: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10/Ps 19:8-10, 15/1 Cor 12:1230 or 12:12-14, 27/Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21 Monday: Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22/Ps 117:1-2/Mk 16:15-18 Tuesday: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-8, 10/Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17/Ps 89:4-5, 27-30/Mk 4:1-20 Thurs.: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Ps 132:1-5, 11-14/Mk 4:21-25 Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Ps 51:3-7, 10-11/Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Ps 51:12-17/Mk 4:35-41 Next Sunday: Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/Ps 71:1-6, 15-17/1 Cor 12:31--13:13 or 13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30 Prayer corner….. We ask that you remember in your prayers the following persons who are ill: Ann & Don Vescio, Maria Vescio, Michael Vescio, Richard Marble, Kim Thornton, Roseanne Johnson, Betty Kump, George Parslow, Tara Chituk, Fr. Joseph Benintende, Rich & Pat Murphy, Sr. Florence Joy, George Rodenas, Aliya Sider, Mary Wideman, Roger & Paula Hickey, George & Madeline Seger, Chrissy Bridger, Jackie Huyck, Anna Legname, Barbara Mongillo-Eady, Kathleen Howarth, James & Michelle Lee & Steve Carlson. We pray for the men and women of our parish and community who are serving in the military. We remember in prayer all priests of the Albany Diocese. Let us remember those who have died, especially the members of our families and parish community. (Names will remain on the prayer list for four weeks, and then removed unless notified by family - thank you) Pastoral Staff Rev. David Wm. Mickiewicz, Pastor Kathleen Neuer, A dministration Diane DeDominicis, A dministrative A ssistant Janice Hinkley, Outreach Donald Embling, Music Carmel Ann Sperti, Faith Formation Julia Baxter, Elementary Faith Formation Sr. Marie Denise Monser, CSJ, Sacramental Preparation Michelle Gardner & Bridgette Shepardson, Y outh Ministry Gary DuBois, Head of Buildings & Grounds Peter Derway, Campus Ministry, Hartwick and SUNY Stewardship Report Our total Parish Budget for the year…………$740,249.00 Less projected Other Income…………………$322,749.00 (this includes investment income, grants, other donations) Amount needed from collections (annually)..$417,500.00 Needed from the collection weekly…………….$8,029.00 This amount divided by approx. 400 envelope users nets a minimum of $20.00 donation from each envelope user each week. Due to early publication of this bulletin, the stewardship for Jan. 17, 2016 will appear in next weekend’s bulletin. Online Giving is now available. Go to www.stmarysoneonta.org. Click the “Give online with WeShare” icon on the bottom right and follow the prompts. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SCRIPTURE STUDY Celebrate the Holy Year of Mercy in this with Father Joe spiritually edifying course. will now meet on Thursday mornings at 10:00 a.m. starting: Thursday, January 28th at Father's Apartment at The Plains Discover the Book of Genesis anew in this brilliantly taught Bible study course, presented by Sister Dianne Bergant. In 12 superb lectures , you will study the primary literary forms, cultural context, and underpinnings of the most beloved biblical stories. As you do so, you will see how its authors, despite living in a very different world, are much like us: people who seek to be faithful to the God who loves them. Dame’s most beloved teachers in exploring the Song of Songs. The Song of Songs, sometimes known as the “Canticle of Canticles” or “The Song of Solomon,” contains some of the world’s most beautiful love poetry. Now, discover how these unique and astonishing poems found their way into the Bible. The mutuality and equality of man and woman in courtship are rarely encountered in the Bible and antiquity. Nowhere else in the Bible is human love so suffused with such descriptive beauty. You will examine these poems line by line, looking at their implications for human love, which is affirmed and uplifted. Our contemporary culture seems at some times to be too puritan and at other times too lascivious. Discover how these timeless biblical poems find a medium, honoring both soul and body in human love. ST. MARY’S HOLY SEWS Formed March, 2014, then created and donated 92 infant bereavement layettes to hospitals/funeral homes throughout Central NY so they were on hand when an infant died due to “miscarriage” or “stillbirth.” In 2015, that number grew to 183. So far this year, 16 have already been requested. And just think, it all started right in the basement of St. Mary’s Rectory where our volunteers meet monthly in an effort to reach out to grieving families. We can always use help, so call Mary at 433-2067 if interested, curious, or would like to sit in on a work session. He said to them, " Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." And all spoke highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. They also asked, I"sn't this the son of Joseph?"- Lk 4:21-22 Mercy is one of God’s great gifts to humankind. Now, in 12 lectures by spiritual leader Fr. Dan Crosby, you will explore mercy in Scripture, Church teaching, and modern culture. In addition to exploring scriptural passages, you will look at Dives in Misericordia (“Rich in Mercy”), Saint John Paul II’s encyclical on mercy. Divine Mercy marked every aspect of his pontificate, and you will see how Pope Francis carries on this legacy. Indeed, as Pope Francis writes, mercy is “the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us” (Misericordiae Vultus). With Fr. Crosby as your guide, you will gain fresh insights into God’s gifts of new life, love, and forgiveness. As you journey through the Gospels, you will see mercy embodied in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the Beatitudes, and the actions of Jesus. And, perhaps most powerfully, you will reflect on the fullness of Mercy made manifest in Jesus’ Death on the Cross, the ultimate expression of forgiveness. In Mercy: The Heart of Faith, the Reason for Hope, you will explore methods for living a life of forgiveness in our modern world—a world that too often seems to lose sight of mercy. In doing so, you will find peace, transformation, and renewal. Experience this life-giving power today The Tuesday Morning Discussion with Father Joe will begin on TUESDAY, January 26 in Father's apartment at The Plains beginning at 10 am. Call Father Joe at 267-4887 to reserve your space.