February 21, 2016 - St. Mark Catholic Church


February 21, 2016 - St. Mark Catholic Church
42021 Highway 621 Gonzales, LA 70737
A People Set Apart
Parish Staff
Pastor ……………….....…..Rev. Rubin Reynolds
Administrative Assistant….......….Julie Carpenter
Administrative Assistant…..……..Sandy Dardeau
Bookkeeper………………….Renae Schexnaydre
Business Manager ……….......Kathleen LoCicero
Consultant on Call …………..Sammy Chestovich
Director of Christian Formation…......Mary Kruse
Maintenance Supervisor …..……..…..Ron Duhon
Pastoral Associate ...…...…..….Robin Richardson
PSR Secretary ………………........Sharon Buquoi
Jr. Youth Director ……………....…...Dana Millet
Sr. Youth Director……………...….Garrett Tregre
February 21, 2016
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil Mass:.…….....………...…4:00 pm
Sunday Masses …..............8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am
Monday, Wednesday - Friday…...…........8:30 am
Tuesday—Communion Service …...........8:30 am
Saturdays: 3-3:30 pm and before daily Mass.
Other times by appointment with priest.
Parish School of Religion Principals:
Patricia Sanchez…….……....…...….High School
Flory Reynolds……..... Middle & Primary School
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Thursday…............8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Friday……………...…….....…...8:00 am to Noon
Parish Office…..………..…….… (225) 647-8461
Fax……………………...…..........(225) 647-5125
E-mail:…….……...…..…[email protected]
New Parishioners: Please complete the registration form which can be found on our website and return to the parish office.
Church Certificates: For all sacramental certificates, contact Julie Carpenter at 225-647-8461
Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are held the First Sunday of each month, following 11:00 a.m. Mass. Parents of infants and children
under age 7 are to attend 1 Baptism Seminar. (If pregnant, attend as early as possible during the pregnancy.)
Baptism Seminars are held on the Tuesday following the first Sunday of the month at 6:30 pm. *Baptism of children 7 years and older must go
through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults adapted for Children. Contact Mary Kruse at 225-647-8461
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): For adults inquiring about becoming Catholic and baptized Catholics who lack Confirmation
and Holy Communion, contact Donna Chestovich at 225-938-0985.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Christian Burial:
Couples need to contact the parish office six months prior to their planned wedding date.
Families should contact the parish office, as soon as possible, prior to making other funeral arrangements.
Pastoral Care of the Sick: Contact the office in regards to those who are seriously ill, hospitalized and homebound. Emergency calls are
made immediately.
Vocations for Priesthood and Religious Life: Contact the office of Vocations and Seminarians at 225-336-8779 or visit their website at
Prayer Line Request:
Contact the Parish Office……225-647-8461
Visit our website: www.stmarkgonzales.org for vital information or like us on Facebook
Schedule of Events
February 21
1:00 pm
Seminarian Fundraiser
February 22
9:00 am
Anointing of the Sick
February 23
9:00 am
Blue Army
10:00 am
Mom’s and Tots
6:00 pm
Adult Choir Practice
6:00 pm
Mass w/ Divine Mercy
February 24
6:00 pm
February 25
6:00 pm
Bible Study
February 26
9:15 am
Sewing w/ Charity
6:00 pm
Soup, Stations, & Sacrifice
9:00 am
2nd Grade PSR Chalice Paint.
5:00 pm
Sr. Citizen’s Bingo
February 27
Parents, please mark your calendars.
Summer PSR dates are:
Tuesday, May 31st— Friday, June 10th.
Hope this helps with vacation planning.
Senior Citizen Bingo
The Senior Citizen’s Ministry will sponsor a
Saturday, February 27 at 5:00 pm
Fr. DeMaria Activity Center
(Dinner will be served)
The Meat Wheel is back!!
Be ready to purchase your tickets.
You must RSVP by this Tuesday, February 23rd.
A Vocation View
Peter, John, and James had a mountaintop-experience
with Jesus by witnessing His Transfiguration. We too can
have a mountaintop-experience when we open our minds
and hearts to following God’s Will for our life. If you are
willing, and think God is calling you, call or email Fr. Matt
Dupre at 225.336.8778, [email protected], or visit,
Those who have palms to donate for Palm
Sunday please protect them should we have a
late freeze. Call the parish office and let Robin
know if you have palms to donate. Remember to
not cut them until the week of Palm Sunday.
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
High School PSR Dates– 2016
6:00—8:30 p.m.
March 13, 2016
April 10, 2016
The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom should I fear? — Psalm 27:1
Fiscal Year 2015—16: Stewardship of Treasure
31st Sunday, January 31, 2016
Stewardship of Finance
As an individual, part of a family, or part of a business,
you know the importance of though ul planning. It is an
important aspect of almost every decision in life, certainly of every financial decision. Before we spend, we
weigh our op ons, wisely inves ng the funds we have
on hand or expect to receive. We plan. Because that wisdom is so essen al in parish life, please prayerfully consider your commitment to this important stewardship
We are Equipped to Build the Kingdom, and each work
of faith invites wise planning.
Remember: Giving generously to address the needs of
this parish is a work of faith.
- /+
$ 12,883.00
$ 3,487.000 $
Pop Coin
$ 16,447.63
Envs, loose
cks, ACH &
2nd collection
$ 9,307.87
Monthly Note
Thank you for your generous
stewardship contributions.
$ 3,613.17
KC Charity Calendar
January 2016 Daily Winners
** $1,000.00 Winner
* $ 100.00 Winner - All other winners were $20.00
**Shane Collins
Nick Saybe
*Kurt Browning
Gary Adams, Sr.
Joey Meyers
Ryan F. Sones
Chris Moody
Trent Leboeuf
Kyle Gautreau
Keith M. Amos
Lynn Austin
George/Sharon Brignac
Sammy Chestovich
*Leslie Doyle
Diana Berkley
Dianne S. Leblanc
*Barry Landry
Ramona Dupre
Anthony Bonura
Penny Lambert
Daniel O’Brien
Jim Call
Joshua Delery
Jessica K. Chauvin
George Brignac
Lana Celino
William Loudon
*Jason Burt
Nellie Simon
Randy Clement
*Colleen R. LaRocca
Anointing of the Sick
While it is possible that the sacrament could bring
physical healing, Anointing of the Sick is primarily about
the healing of hope and of the spirit. Above all, the
sacrament allows the person who is ill or in need of
surgery, to unite more closely to Christ’s Passion. This
gives suffering a new meaning: a participation in the
saving work of Jesus. This is a powerful witness that is
for the good of the whole Church (CCC, nos. 1521-22).
For those wishing to receive this Sacrament
Father Rubin will administer on
Monday, February 22nd after the morning Mass.
The Annual St. Mark Light Lane Festival is
scheduled for April 1, 2 & 3, 2016.
Please visit our 2016 sponsors to let them know how
much we appreciate their continued dedication to
St. Mark.
Hollis Orthodontics
Brouillette’s Paint & Body Shop
Church Funeral Services & Crematory Silver
Dutch’s Cleaners
Service Master
This week, CRS Rice Bowl takes us to Laos, where
Hongkham is using her love of cooking to provide for
her family-and feed an entire school. How do we use our
passions and gifts for the betterment of those we meet?
Visit crsricebowl.org for more information.
Cost: $75 per person with a limit of
175 reserved seats to be sold
The proceeds from this event will be used for
general operations of the parish. We sincerely
appreciate your dedication and generosity to
St. Mark Parish.
St. Mark Mother’s Day Out
Beginning September 2016
9 – 12 with extended day option ‘till 1:30
for children ages 2 , 3, and 4
(4yr olds must be 4 after September 30)
2 - 3 - 5 day availability
classes are filling quickly!
By: Henri Nouwen
ReflecƟon QuesƟons
(Please note that the page numbers listed below correspond to
the paperback 1994 ediƟon published by Image Books)
Week Two: Part I: The Younger Son
1. Rembrandt and the Younger Son (p. 29-33) How would you describe the “inner
light” of Simeon in the painting with the child Jesus and the Father in the painting
of the Prodigal Son?
2. The Younger Son Leaves
a. A Radical Rejection (p.34-37) What do you suppose might have motivated the younger son to
completely reject his father and wish him dead?
b. Deaf to the Voice of Love (p. 37-42) What do you think makes it difficult for you to hear the
voice of God saying, “You are my Beloved, on whom my favor rests”?
c. Searching Where It Cannot Be Found (p. 42-44) What are some of the empty promises that the
world claims will bring personal fulfillment?
3. The Younger Son’s Return
a. Being Lost (p. 45-48) In what sense was the younger son “lost”?
b. Claiming Childhood (p. 48-52) What makes it difficult to believe that we can always claim to be a
son or daughter of the Father?
c. The Long Way Home (p. 52-55) What do you think makes it hard for us to accept God’s
d. The True Prodigal (p. 55-58) What parallels do you see between the prodigal son in the parable
and Jesus as the prodigal son?
St. Mark Lenten Schedule
All Masses/Services/Events will be held in the Church.
♦ 8:30 am— After all Friday morning Masses
♦ 6:30 pm— Station, Soup & Sacrifice w/Comm.
Service on Feb. 26 Mar. 4, 11, & 17
♦ 3:00 pm— Good Friday, March 25
♦ 6:00 pm— Tuesdays, Mass & Novena after.
♦ 8:30 am— Monday, February 22 (After Mass)
♦ 7:00 pm— Monday, March 21
♦ 7:00 pm— Thurs., Mar. 24 Washing of the Feet
♦ The Adoration Chapel will be closed from 6:00 pm
Thurs., March 24 until 10:00 pm Sat., March 26.
♦ 3:00 pm— Friday, March 25
♦ 8:00 pm— Saturday, March 26
♦ 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am— Sunday, March 27
Just a Reminder:
There will be an optional
First Communion activity
(chalice painting) on
February 27th at
9:00 am or 10:00 am.
Junior Youth Meeting
Sunday, February 28 12:00 pm
Sunday, March 6
3:30 pm
Open to all 4th - 7th grade students
Mt 9:13; Ps 146:7-9; Ps 147:3, 6
During Lent, we work to renew our lives through prayer,
fasting, and almsgiving. These disciplines help prepare us to
celebrate the memorial of the Life, Death, and Resurrection
of Christ at Easter. Usually, we are encouraged to give
something up (fasting from something) or make a certain
sacrifice (for example, give up desserts or do service at a
local shelter). While these practices strengthen our spiritual
lives, it is important that we are doing this with the right
intention. In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus tells the Pharisees that
God desires mercy (Mt 9:13). This is in opposition to the
practice of empty sacrifices in which a person is merely going
through the motions. Those who make empty sacrifices are
not making a real commitment to reestablishing their
relationship with God by changing their lifestyle to reflect
God's love and mercy.
Our sacrifices must involve the proper attitude and action
because God's mercy is not just an idea. It is "a concrete
reality through which he reveals his love as that of a father or
a mother, moved to the very depths out of love for their
child" (MV, 6). The acts of kindness and compassion that we
read about in Psalms 146 and 147 are actions that the Lord
does. God inspires his people to care for sick, the poor, the
oppressed, the prisoner, and those who are suffering
hardship. Because God first loves us and shows us his
compassion, we in turn are able to show compassion to our
brothers and sisters. These compassionate acts are
especially seen in the corporal works of mercy (cf. Mt 25:3146). The corporal works of mercy include: "to feed the
hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome
the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the
dead" (MV, 15). During this Lenten season, let us strive to
practice the corporal works of mercy with an attitude of mercy
and compassion towards our neighbor so that others may
experience the love of God through our actions.
Reflection Questions
1. What is one thing within each Lenten discipline of prayer,
fasting, and almsgiving that you can do this Lent out of
compassion? Are there activities that you can do with
friends, as a family, or with your parish?
2. Is there one particular Corporal Work of Mercy that you
already participate in or would like to become involved with
during this Jubilee of Mercy? Why do you feel called to this
particular act of mercy? Reflect on your life and note any
times that you have been on the receiving end of these
mercies. Continue passing on God's merciful love by
checking with your local parish to see what sort of ministries
are already offered that involve these corporal works of
mercy and become involved with them.
Today’s Readings
The Sanctuary Light
First Reading — The Lord made a covenant with
his faithful servant, Abram, saying, “To your
descendants I give this land” (Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18).
JoAnn Sanchez, Clarence ‘Slick’ Sanchez,
Audrey Sanchez Watts, Paul & Victoria
Sanchez, J.B. Templet, Sr. & Elmire Templet
Psalm — The Lord is my light and my salvation
(Psalm 27).
Masses for the Week
Second Reading — We await the Lord Jesus, who
will change us to conform with his glorified body
(Philippians 3:17 — 4:1 [3:20 — 4:1]).
Gospel — Peter, James, and John witness the
transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain
(Luke 9:28b-36).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved
Today’s showing forth of God’s glory is filled
with a light that astonishes and reveals. Jesus
transfigured on Mount Tabor energizes even the
sleepy apostles, who see but cannot get hold of it.
They can be forgiven for not apprehending the full
meaning of this extraordinary vision of a
transfigured Jesus with Elijah and Moses. The
whole of the Law and prophets is summed up here
on this mountain.
The transfiguration on Mount Tabor is handed
over to us this Sunday. As Paul reminds us, it is we
who are to be transformed. The light and life of the
Resurrection are set forth here so we do not lose
heart and fall entirely asleep. This Sunday looks to
Easter. It looks to transformation. It asks us to lift
up our heads and acknowledge the risen Lord as our
Readings for the Week (Year C)
light and our salvation.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co
1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13
Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17,
21, 23; Mt 23:1-12
Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16;
Mt 20:17-28
Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps
105:16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12;
Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8,
11;1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9
Saturday, February 20, 2016
4:00 p.m Wilson Fontenot, M/M Eli Lambert,
Adrian C. Pere, Charles J. Durr, Diana DuBois and for our
Parish Family (living and deceased)
Sunday, February 21, 2016
8:00 a.m. Allie & Valois Lavigne, George, Mattie, &
Carmella Gaudin
9:30 a.m. Robert LeBlanc, Sr.
11:00 a.m. For The People
Monday, February 22, 2016
Special intention.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
6:00 p.m. Sr. Nobentine
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
8:30 a.m. For our Parish Family (living and deceased)
Thursday, February 25, 2016
8:30 a.m. Raymond Guidry Fly, Horace Greenblatt,
and Scooter Doucet
Friday, February 26, 2016
8:30 a.m. Dale Trahan
6:00 p.m. Communion Service
Saturday, February 27, 2016
4:00 p.m JoAnn Sanchez, Clarence ‘Slick’ Sanchez,
Andrey Sanchez Watts, Paul & Victoria Sanchez, J.B.
Templet, Sr., Elmire Templet, and Clarence ‘Kyle’
Waguespack, Diana DuBois and for our Parish Family
(living and deceased)
Sunday, February 28, 2016
8:00 a.m. For the People
9:30 a.m. Ann Braud
11:00 a.m. Cade Poma
The Sanctuary Light and Weekend Mass
Intentions are included in the Lector’s
Welcome which begins 5 minutes prior to
each Mass.
NEW: The Masses for the Parish Purgatorial
Society will be included in the new title for
our Parish Family (living and deceased) .

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