Church of Saint Isidore - John Patrick Publishing Company
Church of Saint Isidore - John Patrick Publishing Company
Church of Saint Isidore 2545 West Pumping Station Road – Quakertown, Pennsylvania 18951 Parish Office / Rectory Phone (215) 536-4389 Fax (215) 536-4137 E-mail: [email protected] Website Facebook: StIsidoreParishQuakertown P.R.E.P. Phone Website (215) 536-6498 School School (215) 536-6052 Website Facebook: StIsidoreSchoolQuakertown C.Y.O. Website Reverend Frederick J. Riegler, Pastor Deacon David C. Mitchell, Permanent Deacon Deacon Patrick J. O’Donnell, Permanent Deacon Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, Weekend Assistance Registration Welcome to all new members of our Parish. Your registration is important to us. In order to be granted Letters of Eligibility, it is necessary to be registered here at St. Isidore and you may do that on Sunday after any Mass in the sacristy. Sacrament of Baptism Celebration of the Eucharist Saturday Vigil: 5:00 P.M. Sunday Masses: 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. Spanish Mass-Misa en Espanol: Sunday at 5:00 P.M. Daily Masses: Monday through Thursday at 7:30 A.M. Friday at 4:30 P.M. Holydays: Vigil 7:00 P.M., 7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M. (School), & 7:00 P.M. (Except Christmas and New Year) First Friday: 9:00 A.M. (School Hall - during school year only), & 4:30 P.M. Rosary: 7:00 A.M. Mon.-Thurs., 7:30 A.M. Sat. Sacrament of Penance Sat. 10:30 - 11:30 A.M. and 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. Communion Calls Father Frederick J. Riegler-Thursday before First Friday Second and Fourth Sunday following 11 AM Mass. Arrangements may be made by visiting our parish website and downloading the required forms. We request that completed forms be sent to the parish office at least one month prior to the scheduled date of the Baptism. Baptismal classes are held on the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 to 8:30 P.M. for parents and godparents in the Multi-Purpose Room in the church. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick For anyone about to undergo serious surgery during the week, it would be recommended that they be anointed after one of the Masses on the previous Sunday. Or if you need the Sacrament at any other time, please contact the Rectory. Sacrament of Matrimony Diocesan common policy requires six months preparation and the attendance of Pre-Cana session(s). Parish Office Parish Office is open on weekdays from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. If you move, change your address, or your phone number, please notify the rectory. If you are registered as a child of a parishioner (190) and you marry, you must re-register. Page Two Altar Servers Sharon Marie Shuster 538-1141 Bereavement Ministry Email: [email protected] Business Mgr Craig Fraser 536-6052 Health & Wellness Ministry Marie Schoeffling 536-4389 Music Director Linda J. Pieninck 536-4389 C. Y. O. Director: Mike Nungesser Eucharistic Ministers 536-4389 Food Pantry 538-4056 Knights of Columbus 215-257-4387 Brant Miller, Grand Knight October 9, 2016 Landscaping Committee Anna Marie Lombardi 529-9727 Lectors David Mitchell & Pat O’Donnell Men of St. Isidore Chris Tray 267-230-9433 Mom’s Group Heather Maigur 536-5938 Mobile Manna Ministry 215-760-9506 Outreach Committee for Military Families Kathy Walters 536-9242 Pastoral Council President Paul Golrick 538-7428 Parents as Partners Assoc 536-6052 Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Nicole Hallowell 536-6498 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 10, 2016 7:30 AM Pro Populo Tuesday, October 11, 2016 7:30 AM Theresa Gallagher req. by Sandra Black Wednesday, October 12, 2016 7:30 AM Marilyn Miller req. by Tom Scherer Thursday, October 13, 2016 7:30 AM Souls in Purgatory Friday, October 14, 2016 4:30 PM Judith A. Mientus req. by Chester K. Mientus Saturday, October 15, 2016 5:00 PM Karen Reigle req. by Jeanne Faux Sunday, October 16, 2016 7:00 AM Intentions of John McGinnis req. by the VanValkenburgh Family 9:00 AM Joan Long req. by Charlie & Deb Mertz 11:00 AM Mrs. Gloria Anfuso req. by Catherine & Joseph Anfuso 5:00 PM Jose Costantino Membreno req. by his son Rojer Membreno LECTOR AND EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS Vigil for Sunday, October 15, 2016 5:00 PM *Mitchell/Nungesser-Mitchell-Nungesser-Gallagher Slater-Sabolcik-Rinus Sunday, October 16, 2016 7:00 AM *Washcalus/Devanney-Barth-Serfass-Stetto-Glackin 9:00 AM *Michiels-Foreman-Rihl-Flack-Wennemer-Foreman Michiels 11:00 AM *Spanier/Witkoski-Benninghoff-Witts-Roman-Morley Knox-Volunteer ALTAR SERVERS Vigil for Sunday, October 15, 2016 5:00 PM Boice – Tran Sunday, October 16, 2016 7:00 AM M Miller – B Miller 9:00 AM C Miller – Malack 11:00 AM R Homer – Robinson Prayer to Mary, Mother of the Life Within O Mary, Mother of the Life Within, all life we entrust to you; The life of every expectant mother and the child within her womb: The life of every human body, the life of every human soul; The life of every newborn child and the life of all grown old. You held the Lord to your own heart and drew Him so close in. So draw us now in all our needs, O Mother of the Life Within. Amen. RCIA Deacon Mitchell & Deacon O’Donnell Respect Life Sandy Slater 538-1390 Sacred Seasons 536-4389 School Principal Robin Conboy 536-6052 Society of St. Vincent de Paul 529-4659 Spanish Mass Ministry Joselito Gonzalez 529-1349 Ushers Christopher Gowin 538-7040 Women’s Club Claire Nees 257-9637 Youth Center/Pavilion Rental Craig Fraser 536-6052 THIS WEEK Sun., Oct. 9- Family Bingo (School Hall), 2:30 - 5 PM Youth Group (Youth Center), 6:30 - 8:30 PM Mon., Oct. 10 –Men’s Group (MPR), 7:15 – 9 PM PM AA (Middle School-Lower Level), 7-8 PM Tues., Oct. 11- CYO Board Meeting (Rectory), 7:30 PM Wed., Oct. 12 –RCIA Meeting (Youth Ctr), 7-9 PM KoC- General Meeting (Knights House), 8 PM Thur., Oct. 13 – Women’s Club (MPR), 7 PM Prayer Meeting (Chapel), 7:30 PM AA Meetings, (Middle School-Lower Level) Females- 7:00 PM; Co-Ed- 8:30 PM Fri., Oct. 14-Spanish AA Meeting (MS- Lower Level), 8 PM Sat., Oct. 15-Confirmation Retreat (Church/MPR/YC), 8AM Rosary Crusade (Church Grounds), 11 AM Women’s Club Fashion Show (Knights Hall) Please remember the faithful departed in your prayers. PLEASE PRAY FOR . . . Paula Andrade - Baby Andreia - Josephine Ahlum Lisa Arrigo-Young - Rosemarie Barnes - Annika Demshock Barth - Bree Barth - Loretta Belac - Frank Bell - Diane Benscoter - Faith Bilger - Amy Calcagno Scott Caldwell - Mike Candrl - Bill Carroll - Donna Caswell - Baby Charlie - Baby Benjamin Conrad - Karly Cosgrove Emily Cressman - Erin D’Amato - Marilyn D’Amato - Baby Liam David - Martha Day-Smith - Gerry Devlin - Baby Dominic - Joan Donaghy - David Donovan - Jacqueline Duggan - Terence Egan Helen Federovitch - Mary Ficco - Mary Flack - Nancy Flack Robbie Flack - Basil Giletto - Donald Glass - Baby Stephen Gonczkowski - Mary Grida - Eileen Guldin - Carol Haas - Kathy Heck - AnnMarie Heller - Matthew Heller - Barry Helsley Franny Higgen - Ed Hoover - Liam Houck - John W. Jordan Robert Jordan - Renate Keeny - Alice Kozar - Jacob L. Kowalchek Marianne Kowalski - Glen Lewis - Marie LoMonaco - Tim Luna Mark - Mark Mattern - Patricia Mayo - Robin McWilliams Linda Meeks - Melody Mendez - Kimberly Mikulski - Terry Miloshevsky - Michael - Jean Misnik - Thomas Misnik - James McAnally - Joseph D. McBride - Bill McDermott - Stephanie MoDavis - Marianne Mongone - Major Patrick R. Moran - Theresa Nayduch - Joan Noblit - Mary O’Donnell - Dan O’Sullivan - Pete Pata - Louis Patti - Ursula Pfitzer - Baby John Paul Pironti - Baby William Pironti - Robert Preston - Richard Reilly - Vickie Reinard Margaret Rogers - Linda Sadowski - Ginny Schaeffer - Eleanor Skabowski - Bill Slade - Hazel Mae Snyder - Joan SpiegleFrancine Swennes - Maddie Swenson - Ali Turner - George Tustin Sandra Valish - Jan Villare - Marion Van Norman - Shelby Van Vliet Doris Vorhauer - Steve Wasniewski - Eric Weisel - Alfred Werner Rose Wild - Tom Williams - Myra Wilsey - David Wint Baby Zachary Winter - Vincent Wixted - Wyatt - James Yard Virginia Young (190) TWENTY-EIGTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME October 9, 2016 “In all circumstances, give thanks, For this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18 PREP NEWS PRAYER MEETING Help Wanted: Join our network of amazing volunteers! Our Parish Religious Education Program needs aides for all sessions. Classes are held on Wednesdays and Sundays. If you are searching for a way to serve our parish, this is a fulfilling ministry as it fosters the spiritual growth of our youth. Contact Nicole Hallowell, DRE, for more information: [email protected] or 215-536-6498. “Good example is the most efficacious apostolate. You must be as lighted lanterns and shine like brilliant chandeliers among men. By your good example and your words, animate others to know and love God.” - St. Mary Joseph Rossello SCHOOL NEWS Open House: October 15th from 10-12:00 stop by and visit on your way to Q-town Alive. 50/50 Winner: The McSherry Family. They have donated their winnings to the school technology fund. Bless you all! BINGO! All are invited to Family Bingo at St. Isidore School on Sun., Oct. 9th. Doors open at 2:30 PM. Games run 3 to 5 PM. $10 per person; $35 per family (same household, please). Join us for 10 games of fun and great prizes! Play for two special prizes, too! Bring your own snacks and beverages or purchase soft pretzels and water during the games. Eagles game updates will be provided throughout the event! Only 300 seats available--get your tickets today! For tickets/questions: Janice Convey: [email protected] or 215-804-6005 or Stefanie Clark: [email protected] or 215-350-4335. 5K: Join us for our first Halloween 5k and Fun Run on October 22nd. Come dressed in your favorite or original costume and run the 5k or 1 mile Fun Run. Prizes for best costume by age group will be given out. Stick around for our first 'Trunk or Treat' event directly after the 5k in the St. Isidore School parking lot. This is a fun event for the whole family. Registration costs $25 and includes a T-shirt if registered by October 10th. Register online at or download form and mail in. Contact Brandy at [email protected] with any questions. If you need special prayers for family and friends, call the school at 215-536-6052. The children pray each day for your special intentions. *ALL VOLUNTEERS - MARK YOUR CALENDARS* St. Isidore’s will be hosting a “Protecting God’s Children Awareness” session on Thurs., Nov. 10th at 6:30 p.m. in the school gym. Prior to volunteering, all adults (over the age of 18) who have regular contact with children must attend a session. This includes but is not limited to school and PREP volunteers, Boy/Girl Scout leaders, and CYO coaches. We welcome, with great joy, our newly baptized: September 18, 2016 Aubrey Elizabeth Maye September 25, 2016 Margot Kate Rodgers The Rosary to the Blessed Mother is recited each morning before the 7:30 AM Mass and the Divine Mercy Chaplet is said immediately following the 7:30 AM Mass. Join us every Thurs. at 7:30 PM for Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Eucharistic Adoration, Praise & Worship, & Faith Sharing. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “When we work hard, we must eat well. What a joy, that you can receive Holy Communion often! It's our life and support in this life -- Receive Communion often, and Jesus will change you into himself.” - Saint Peter Julian Eymard Eucharistic Adoration is on Thursdays beginning after the 7:30 AM. Mass and ending at 4:30 PM. Please come and spend some time with our Lord. The importance of Elections 2016 cannot be over stated. We are living in the midst of an ongoing holocaust of abortion, and many public servants cannot tell the difference between serving the public and killing the public. They don't belong in public office. Moreover, we ourselves are battling for our religious freedom -- along with many others -- in the Supreme Court at this very moment, and we know that those we elect will decide the direction of the Supreme Court for the next generation. Politics is not our salvation; Jesus Christ is. (From Priests for Life website) Voter Registration will be held this week-end, Oct. 8th & 9th. Those who turn 18 years of age should register and also if there was a name or address change. All voter registrations must be in on October11, 2016. On Sat., Oct. 15th there will be a Rosary Crusade here on the grounds of St. Isidore Church. The crusade will be at 11 AM. Parishioners are invited. Children (between the ages of 2 and 5) are invited to place LIFE balloons on the crosses as they come out after Sunday Mass on Oct. 16th. 40 Days for Life continues around the world. This also means if you have not volunteered to pray at PP in Warminster, you can take the opportunity and make it a family event. The vigil is 7 days a week between 7AM and 7PM until the Sunday before the elections, November 6, 2016. The reward is great. You will be happy that you participated. QUOTE OF THE WEEK Love is the only thing we can carry with us when we go, and it makes the end so easy. - Louisa May Alcott (190) October 9, 2016 STEWARDSHIP October 2, 2016 1357 envelopes sent $ 8,736.00 (405 envelopes received) Additional contributions $ 1,657.00 Total Collection $ 10,393.00 Please note: The 2nd collection this weekend is for St. Vincent DePaul and next weekend, Oct. 16th, is for Mission Sunday. THE PARISH DEBT Total Parish Debt $ 3,498,450.00 Principal Balance Due $ 910,794.43 Principal Payment on Loan to Date $ 2,587,655.51 Required Monthly Payment (Principal) $ 19,044.83 July’s Monthly Reduction-Collections $ 17,831.00 IT’S THAT TIME OF THE YEAR. Schools open, fall sports grab our attention, and PREP classes commence. It is also time for cute pictures that reflect our priorities here at St. Isidore’s, namely our kids. Two of our students at PREP show off the latest addition to the fall fashion scene. This Week’s Cover: The Men of St. Isidore: All men of St. Isidore ages 18 and over are welcome to attend every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month for prayer and discussion in the all purpose room beginning at 7:15. Current discussion is on the book Rediscover Jesus. Men, the opportunity to learn how Jesus wants to be the center of your life awaits you. For more information call Chris Tray at 267-230-9433. Finding Light In The Darkness: A Journey of Healing and Hope: Have you or someone you love been touched by separation, divorce or remarriage? Would you like to learn more about the Church’s teaching? You are warmly invited to come for a presentation in the light of Pope Francis compassionate understanding of the suffering involved in these situations. When: Oct. 11th (Tues.) at 7:00 PM Where: St. Isidore Church (2545 W. Pumping Station Rd. (Multi -Purpose Room) Presenter: Sr. Agnes B. Gott, O.P. (Parishioner), Dominican Sister of Peace, Former Coordinator of S/D Ministry , Miami, FL. Reservations not required, but would be helpful for planning purposes. To RSVP or if you have any questions, please call Sr. Agnes at 215-538-7270 or email [email protected]. NEWS FROM THE WOMEN’S CLUB OF ST ISIDORE’S The Women’s Club of St. Isidore’s will be hosting a Fashion Show Luncheon on Sat., Oct. 15th. Tickets$25/person. Call Claire at 215-257-9637 for tickets/info. The Women's Club will be hosting the 3rd Annual Advent Breakfast at DeSales University on Dec.10th. Tickets at $25.00 each will be available after Oct. 15th by contacting Claire at [email protected] or 215-257-9637. Can You Help? Please donate to the St. Isidore Food Pantry to help men, women, and children who do not have enough to eat in our community. Non-perishable items may be placed in the food pantry bins at the entrances of the church. Gift cards or cash may be placed in an envelope addressed to the Food Pantry and placed in the Sunday collection basket. Both perishable and nonperishable items may be brought to the pantry in the Parish Office, 603 W. Broad Street, on Tuesdays (10-12:30) and Saturdays (9:30-11:30). Thank you for your kindness! Page Four My dear parishioners, The various areas of history use different sources to obtain information, to verify or challenge current beliefs, and fill out time periods where there is little evidence. One of the tools employed is the science of numismatics, a study that involves specialty skills. Ancient coins served several purposes: providing a standard unit of precious metal that can be used to buy and sell. But there are other, less obvious purposes. Coins express the legitimacy of the ruler and through their inscriptions the claims and piety of the ruler are laid out. For example, a Roman Emperor, in Jesus’ time, Tiberius, had as his inscription his connection with the previous Emperor, Augustus. Tiberius was actually the adopted son of Augustus but the inscription would have stated quite simply that he was the son of Augustus. Coins also had a certain propaganda value because they often invoked a god or goddess that stated the theme or hope of the emperor’s reign, for example Victory or Peace or Prosperity. Most important was the fact that these were quite literally the Emperor’s coins; they were his possessions. The people of the Empire used them and when tribute was demanded of them, they returned to the Emperor what was his. Paying tribute to the Emperor was giving back what he originally possessed. Thus when Jesus was asked about paying tribute, He asked His would-be accuser for the coin of tribute. It was a denarius most likely with the figure of Tiberius. His response then was “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar...” Within the context of the preceding, Jesus was saying, “Return to the Emperor what is already the Emperor’s,” namely give him back his coin. The reply, seen in this light, is not enigmatic. He avoided the trap of seeming to accept Rome’s dominion and thus offending Jewish nationalists. At the same time He did not gain the unwanted attention of the Roman authorities by denying tribute and opening Himself to the charge of treason. The second half of His response, that is, giving to God what is God’s, is viewed as endorsing one’s obligation to God. Again in the light of the above, that means returning to God what is already God’s. We do know from another incident that Jesus paid the temple tax; He did not question its legitimacy. In a wider sense as a good Jew, Jesus rendered prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to God Whom He called His Father. This was His due because, as a good Jew, He acknowledged God’s ownership of all creation. And there may also have been something of a dig at the Pharisees’ conceit that they avoided all taint of pagan worship. As we saw, the coin Jesus asked for was a Roman coin. It had the image of Caesar, that is, the Emperor, on it. On the reverse side, though, there was most likely a pagan image, for example, the goddess of victory. Pagan images were to be avoided by good Jews and yet here they had one in their possession. The whole incident may have illustrated that there were legitimate, necessary compromises that had to be made. They may not have wanted to acknowledge the legitimacy of Roman rule but the fact they carried the Emperor’s coins all but meant the same. They may have demanded that all contacts with paganism be avoided but carrying a pagan image with them could not be helped. The neat legal categories of which the Pharisees were so fond were poor fits in daily life. For example, they attacked His disciples snacking on wheat kernels on the Sabbath as work, an interpretation Jesus denied. In the final analysis compromise does not mean surrender; rather it may (190) reveal understanding. Got Pain? SCOLLON CONTRACTORS CONCRETE & MASONRY SERVICE Get relief from neck, back and joint pain. Visit the Physical Therapy pro’s at PTW. Brick • Block • Concrete Located in Quakertown One Block off 309 7 Locations! • 215-538-9911 • FREE Estimates • FREE Design Help Parishioner 215-917-5876 PARISHIONER Michael B. Schmauder, Owner/Supervisor 821 W. Broad Street • Quakertown, PA 18951 215-536-6550 • Personalized Funeral & Cremation Services Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards UPPER BUCKS ORTHODONTICS ROBERT A. AZARIK D.M.D., M.D.S Board Certified Orthodontist Log Onto NOW HIRING! Career Opportunites Flexible Hours • Quality Benefits conveniently from your home or office. 1300 North Fifth St., Perkasie, PA 18944 907 Mill St., Quakertown, PA 18951 215-257-8011 215-538-2911 • Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! Dr. Austin L. Sedicum, III Parishioner McDonald’s of Quakertown 2 North West End Blvd., Quakertown, PA Voice of an Angel UPPER BUCKS FOOT & ANKLE Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 MEDICAL CENTER Foot & Ankle Pain • Dermatology •Nail Disorders Diabetic Care• Heel Pain • Ingrowns Specialized Treatment for Children & Elderly WWW.UPPERBUCKSFOOT.COM 215-529-6511 Victoria Sedicum Inspirational Singing for Weddings and Funerals 267-261-3974 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 2, 2016 EIGHTH GRADE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAM Saturday, October 29, 2016 Please visit our website at for information on scholarships, financial aid, and transportation. 190 St. Isidore, Quakertown, PA (I) U Dept. #244 Quakertown Farmers Market Fresh Cut Beef & Pork Our Own Made Sausage, Bacon & Ring Bologna 215-538-1811 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE 135 WEST PUMPING STATION RD. QUAKERTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 18951 215-536-3343 Services & Ceremonies with Meaning & Value Traditional, Contemporary, Cremation & Memorial On Site Crematorium, Your Loved One Remains in Our Care Secure Pre-planning & Pre-funding Programs Accommodations Designed For Families Fully Accessible For Persons With Disabilities • [email protected] Beautiful Indoor & Outdoor Relaxed Country Dining Varied Menu with Small Plate Options 2460 Old Bethlehem Pike, Quakertown BROKER 1 APPRAISALS Heritage Real Estate Parishioner for 40 Yrs. Professional Real Estate Sales & Appraisals Mark Somers... 215-536-6777 ext.341 • RITTENHOUSE & SON’S PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Collision Service Since 1977 215.536.3486 215-529-6488 1116 N. 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Volunteer. 215 822-2708 One Store Two Locations in Chalfont & Langhorne Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured rch Chu ber m s e M ount c Dis Reiss Insurance Agency 244 West Broad Street Quakertown, PA 18951 Building Blocks Pediatric Dentistry BASEMENT WATERPROOFING MOLD REMEDIATION • FOUNDATION REPAIR Caring For All St. Isidore Children 2100 Quaker Point Drive, Quakertown 215-427-1727 Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY • Save today through pre-planning • Convenient terms for all of your burial needs • Traditional in ground, mausoleum & cremation options available at most cemeteries 267-373-9402 Recycle with us! THE RECOVERY ROOM THRIFT SHOP Expert Auto Service OPEN MON.-SAT. Sponsored by the Grand View Health Auxiliary CLOTHING • JEWELRY • HOME & SEASONAL DECOR COLLECTIBLES • KITCHENWARE • FURNITURE 915 LAWN AVE., SELLERSVILLE • (215) 257-3703 NAMI of Bucks County IS HERE TO HELP If you or someone you know struggles with Depression, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Anxiety, PTSD, Schizophrenia, BPD, Co-occuring mental illness and substance abuse... WE ARE HERE FOR YOU! QUAKERTOWN VETERINARY CLINIC, PC • Attend Our Free Support Groups and/or Forums 24/7 Emergency Care • Take Our FREE Education Classes Our doctors are also available Monday-Friday (Starting in the Fall) (& Saturday a.m.) for routine appointments 215-536-6245 • 2250 N. Old Bethlehem Pk., Quakertown, PA 18951 190 St. Isidore, Quakertown, PA (B) U Carr’s Tire and Automotive Specialists, Inc. Diocese Member Bucks County Voice on Mental Illness • Call Our Helpline 1(866) 399-NAMI (6264) • “Place Your Tire Needs in Our Hands” 211 E. Broad St. 536-8454 ANY SERVICE WORK! $10 OFF 00 * Excludes Oil Changes Not Good With Any Other Offer W/Ad GUTTER DOCTORx GUTTER CLEANING 215-322-7400 Diane M. Sodano, Esq. Stephen J. Kramer, Esq. Parishioners Grim, Biehn & Thatcher 104 South 6th Street Perkasie, PA 18944 215-257-6811 • John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 •
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