Saint Therese Catholic Church
Saint Therese Catholic Church
Saint Therese Catholic Church MAY 1, 2016 The Very Reverend Gregory P. Lowchy, VF Pastor - Ext. 12 The Reverend Paul Brant, SJ , Parochial Vicar Sister Martha Alvarado, HSMG Ministerio Hispano - Ext. 17 Deacon Michel DuSablon Parish Office Hours: 9:00am - 2:45pm Monday-Friday Address: 700 Nash Street Northeast Wilson, North Carolina 27893-3047 Phone: 252-237-3019 252-237-2042 (FAX) E-mail: [email protected] Carmelite House: 610 Nash Street Northeast Website: The Divine Liturgy Sunday Obligation: Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 8:30am, 11:00am Sunday: in Spanish: 1:30pm, 4:30pm Holy Day (except Christmas and New Year): Holy Day: 8:30am, 12:10pm and 7pm Weekday: 12:10pm Mondays and Tuesdays (in the Church) 8:30am Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (in the Chapel except First Friday is in the Church) 7:30pm Wednesdays in Spanish (in the Church) 9am Saturdays (in the Church) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Benediction Wednesdays and Fridays after Mass until 11am. First Friday of each month at 7pm. Mrs. Barbra Matrejek Administrative Assistant - Ext. 10 [email protected] Mrs. Yolanda Craven Financial Administrator - Ext. 16 [email protected] Mr. Mark N. Peterson Organist/Choirmaster Mrs. Louise Bellavance Religious Education—Ext. 11 [email protected] Kindergarten through 12th grade Sundays 9:45am - 10:45am or 3pm—4pm or Wednesdays 7pm-8pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:15pm - 5pm or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Parents must be registered members of the Parish and in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church. Participation in the Pre-Baptismal Program is required. Parents must register by calling the parish office. Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements must be made with the Pastor at least six months in advance. Participation in The Pre-Cana Program is required. Sacrament of Anointing The sacrament is celebrated upon request prior to surgery or at the time of illness. Please notify the Parish office of the illness or hospitalization of a parishioner. MAY1,2016SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER Please be reminded that the Blessed Sacrament is reserved in our Church. It is customary & appropriate to genuflect when entering and before leaving the Church. Conversation before or during the Divine Liturgy is neither necessary nor acceptable, it should take place outside the Church proper. We also ask that you please do not leave the Liturgy until the final hymn is sung. To all visitors to St. Therese Church: Order of Mass #229 Welcome! Mass of the Day #855 We are glad you have Bach Prelude: Ich ruf’ zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ joined us today and 472 Processional: Com e down, O L ove divine hope to see you 233 Kyrie again. front cover Gloria SPECIAL NEEDS 855 Responsorial Psalm: O God, O God, let all the If you have any special nations praise you! needs regarding the reception of the Holy G117 Gospel Acclamation Eucharist, such as being G296 Preparation of the Gifts: W e have been told physically unable to approach the Altar, Sanctus back page– 46 please tell the Usher. front Memorial Acclamation: When we eat this Bread and page drink this Cup, we proclaim your Death, Living Rosary & Crowning B O Lord, until you come again. of Mary 245 Final Doxology The Knights of 269 Agnus Dei Columbus will lead 441 Communion: A lleluia, alleluia, give thank s the rosary after all Gregorian (11am Choir) Regina caeli laetare weekend Masses in chant the month of May. 466 Recessional: Christ is alive! Leaders are as follows: Handel Postlude: Postlude in G Major May 7, 5:30pm— Tom Boylan May 8, 8:30am—Louis Clark PLEASE RETURN THE PEOPLE PARTS OF THE May 8, 11am— Al & Stephen MASS CARDS TO THE USHERS AFTER MASS Germann FOR RE-USE AT OTHER MASSES. We will also have the Living Rosary and Crowning of Mary on May 8 after the 11am Mass First Friday to honor Mary for Mother’s This Friday, Day. Persons who speak more May 6 is the than one language are First Friday encouraged to participate. Last Congratulations to of the year the rosary was said in 5 AscensionoftheLord Alois & Wilma Month. We different languages. Please Stuerzl will have Adoration of This holyday will be come and participate in this the Blessed Sacrament in celebrated on Sunday, who are celebrating the Church after the May 8. It is not their 61st wedding family event. 8:30am Mass with anniversary. obligatory to attend Benediction at 11am. Mass on Thursday, May May God continue We will also have to watch over and 5. Adoration at 7pm. bless their marriage. MAY1,2016SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER and those in need of prayer Indicates Deceased 4/30 Saturday 5/1 Sunday 5/2 5/3 Monday Tuesday 5/4 ♥ Indicates Living 9:00 am NO MASS 5:30 pm Richard Quintavalle, Sr. 8:30 am Marion Schimick 11:00 am People of the Parish 1:30 pm Mass in Spanish 4:30 pm Mass in Spanish 12:10 pm 12:10 pm Fr. Stanislaw Kracik Wednesday 8:30am 8:00 pm Theresa Peck Mass in Spanish 5/5 Thursday 8:30am Bill Westerkamp 5/6 Friday 8:30am ♥Madeline George 5/7 Saturday 9:00 am NO MASS 5:30 pm Richard Quintavalle, Sr. 8:30 am Richard Carmignani 11:00 am People of the Parish 1:30 pm Mass in Spanish 4:30 pm Mass in Spanish 5/8 Sunday Ms Sheppard Virginia Andrews Michael Arrand Odell Batts ρ Vivian Books Mike Brake Isaac Cobb Robert Crook Rose Daugherty ρ Johnny & Amber Davison Edith Dowling Jerry Emerson, Jr Jerry Emerson, Sr ρ Trey Emerson Marie Everett ρ Joe George ρ Solomon Gomes Matthew Grepiotis Rachel Harrell Donald Hawley Scott Hayes Eunice Helmuth Bert Hendricks ρ Heather Johnston Sandra Karie Ronald Kohn Karen Kuntz Kelly Landry Michael Lavallee Esther Ledezma Daphne Lewis Kevin McCauley Mary Anne Neitzelt ρ Joey Ohlingher Mary Piccione ρ Charlene Pitman Joe Powell Stephen Ridout Mike Risko Jeannie Smith Vivian Stieferman ρ Patricia Tessnear ρ Cecilia Tombelli Darin Tourville Darlene Truesdale Kathryn Vanderford Eleanore Williamsρ Eric Wilkinson ρ Mahalia Witter-Merithew Raymond Woishek * indicates names were added this week, ρ indicates parishioners Names for the prayer list must be at the request of, or approved by a family member. They will remain on the prayer list for a period of one month. If you would like to have a name added, removed or retained, please call the parish office. Pray for those serving In Afghanistan: Elver Duarte, parishioner Nicholas Lavallee, grandson of Georgianne Lavallee In Guam: Senior M aster Sargent R ick Schlachter, son of Richard Schlachter In other locations: Petty Officer Joshua Markham, son of Tracie Callahan Please remember in your prayers the repose of the souls of the recently deceased, Mary Schimick, wife of Jack Schimick and Jean Herring, mother of Mark Herring and Marsha Irvin. The parish community extends our sympathies to the Schimick, Herring & Irvin families. MAY1,2016SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER LITURGICAL MINISTERS’ SCHEDULE For May 7, 2016 1st Communion For next weekend, May 7/8, 2016 Ascension of the Lord—p. 1208 Sat—10am Reader…….….. Bill Farris Sat—5:30pm Mike Radford Sun—8:30am Daisy Crump Sun—11am Richard Clark Extraordinary Deacon Michel Ministers…..... Connie Farris Lillian George Pat Weedman Connie Kriewaldt 1 Minister needed Deacon Michel Mark & Charmian Herring Roland Mohesky Dwan Paxton Jack Schimick Deacon Michel Martha Banks Morgan Dickerman TJ & Teresa Nguyen Dick Schlachter Deacon Michel Ron & Phylllis Eisenhauer Connie Kriewaldt Bob & Karen Watson Ushers………... Raphael DuSablon Bob Farris 1 minister needed Gene Nemechek Jerry Dellinger Phyllis Herring Eileen Carter Nick DiPietro Antoinette Cruz Altar Servers…. Dominique & Matthias DuSablon Laurence DuSablon Hope & Matthew Nguyen Justin Clark Dominique & Matthias DuSablon Counters…….... ……………..….…. ……………..…….…. Marie & Tom Boylan and Zach Smith Linens…........... ……………..….…. …………...…...….… Connie Kriewaldt VOLUNTEER WANTED Help wanted: Someone to take over the scheduling of Reader s, Ministers, Ushers and Altar Servers (will train.) Interested volunteers please call the parish office. For weekends April 23/24 Parish Support needed to Make Weekly Budget : $6,744.00 Offertory $4,719.00 Priest Retirement Assessment for Fiscal Year 2015-2016: $20,340.00 Received 2015-2016: $23,132.00 Offertory Envelopes sent: 420 Number of envelopes used 125 Thank you for your continued support! Second Collection Next weekend’s second collection is for the Church maintenance fund. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Coupons for Troops All parishioners are encouraged to clip national brand coupons and put them in the box in the Tower Room. Coupons can be up to 6 months expired. The Knights will then send them on to the Coups for Troops coordinator who sends them to families of active duty military to assist with their grocery bills. This is an easy way to help those who serve our country in the military without pulling out your checkbook. Coupons must be clipped, no full or partial pages please. Company Rebates Any parishioners who patronize Pizza Inn and Western Sizzlin’ ar e kindly asked to save their receipts and deposit them in the marked slot in the Tower room. These businesses will donate a percentage of the receipt total to the Parish. David’s Plumbing Service will donate 5% of labor only charges to St. Therese Church. Please mention St. Therese at the time of service. MAY1,2016SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER SavetheDate!Monday,May23rd,6:30pm AdultVolunteerAppreciation&ThankYouSocial intheSchoolGym. Alladultparishionersthathavevolunteeredinanyway throughouttheyearareinvited. PleasesignupintheTowerRoom(byMay17)ifyouwould liketoattend.Wewanttomakesurewehaveenoughfoodforeveryone! (Thereisnocosttoattendandyoudonotneedtobringanything.) TheParishwantstothankyouforyourhardworkanddedication throughouttheyear. PARISH REGISTRATION We hope that all new residents of the Wilson area will feel at home at St. Therese AND will tell us of their presence by registering so that we can welcome you. Every parishioner should be formally registered. Other wise, it becomes increasingly difficult to serve parishioners by issuing letters in connection with Baptism, Confirmation and Matrimony; it becomes almost impossible to give recommendations if we do not know you. In like manner, we cannot verify your contributions to the Church for tax purposes unless you use the regular envelopes. Registration forms are located in the Tower Room, on the website, and in the Church office during office hours. Also, if you move out of the par ish, please let us know so that we can wish you a fond farewell, correct our records and pass along any records you may need. Won’t you help us help you? ► You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us. ► (Repeat 3 times) O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You! ► Our Father, Hail Mary and the Apostle's Creed ► For each of the five decades (On each “Our Father” bead of the rosary, pray) Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. ► (On each of the 10 “Hail Mary” beads, pray) For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. ► Concluding prayer (Repeat 3 times) Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. ► Optional Closing Prayer Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Copyright © 2012, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. MAY1,2016SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER Teen Masses are held one Sunday evening a month at 7pm. The last Teen Mass for this school year will be celebrated on: May 1. ALL Teens are encouraged to participate. Teen Masses will continue in the Fall. Please pray for our young parishioners that will be receiving the sacrament of First Communion over then next few Saturdays. Our parish will now be using the remind app/ program. This program is a great tool to communicate quickly and efficiently any changes in schedules along with gentle reminders of activities going on in our church. Each parishioner can choose if they want to sign up and how they want to receive the messages—by text or by email. You do not need to download the app, create a login or give any personal information. You can also cancel receiving the messages at anytime. To receive texts: SAINTS OF THE DAY May 1 Joseph the Worker Husband of Mary; foster father of Jesus; carpenter; working man; humble; compassionate; caring; man of faith and obedience to God; patron of the dying, fathers, carpenters and social justice. May 2 Athanasius Died in 373; bishop of Alexandria for 45 years; exiled by Arians 5 times; one of 4 great doctors of the Eastern Church. PRO-LIFE Tradition teaches us Christ was conceived on the Feast of the Annunciation. We will watch the parallel development of “Gabriela” in the womb beginning on March 25--Feast of the Annunciation until December 25. May 1 (week 6) Gabr iela is now 10,000 times lar ger than the original fertilized egg and she is developing rapidly. Her heart is pumping and increasing quantities of blood through her body. The placenta forms a unique barrier between mother and her baby. The baby likely has a different blood type, different DNA and is not part of the mother’s body. “Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:7) To receive e-mails: To opt out of text, reply ‘unsubscribe @stccinfo’. To opt out of e-mails, reply ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line. Bulletin DEADLINES PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING BULLETIN DEADLINES: Friday, May 6 for May 15 Friday, May 13 for May 22 All announcements need to be in the parish office by 2pm. No EXCEPTIONS! Reminder: All announcements for the bulletin must be IN WRITING as you would like it to appear in the bulletin. MAY1,2016SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER PARISH MEETINGS & SOCIALS Parish Advisory Council The next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 3 at 7pm in the Carmelite house. St. Therese Women’s Club Our next meeting will be a VERY IMPORTANT ONE. It will be held on May 9 at 6:30pm in the Carmelite house. Cambron Farris is working on gathering young families for some get-togethers, socialization and spiritualization. Please contact her at [email protected] if you are interested. The women’s club includes all women in the Parish. No dues…no restrictions. To receive the Women’s group e-mails, forward your address to: Pat Weedman at: [email protected]. Contacts: Liz Perrotto— [email protected], 292-9142; Shiela Clark—[email protected], 991-4588. PRIME-TIMERS Great food, stimulating conversation and fellowship are several of the wonderful things happening at Jac’s Grille, 2341 Madison Dr W (behind Aldi’s) on Wednesday, May 11 at 12:30pm. Please call Sally Smith, 243-4534 no later than NOON on May 9 to r eser ve your seat. All parishioners, 50+, are invited to join us. We have no dues. Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus will meet for their General Meetings at 7pm on Tuesdays: May 10 & May 24 We are inviting all Catholic men to join our council. The Knights are a fraternal organization of Catholic men who help to serve our priests, parish, and our community. Visit us online at: or contact John Hoofnagle, 237-4190. St. Therese Book Club All are welcome to join us for one time or every month!!!! We meet NOON-1:30pm in the school. The book that will be discussed is: May 11—Apostles by Pope Benedict XVI. We will not meet during the summer months. Contact: Joan Satterly 291-0523. Bunco Come join us for some fun playing bunco on Tuesday, May 24 at 7pm in the school—second classroom on the left. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Bring a friend. Questions? Call the Church office. Cornerstone Charismatic Prayer Group “For when two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” —Matt 18:20 Join us in the Carmelite house for prayer every Wednesday at 1pm. Questions? Call Eileen Campbell, 243-4327 or Rose Porter, 234-0388 (evenings). Children’s Hunger Elimination of Wilson If you would like to volunteer to pick up, sort, package and deliver food for chronically hungry children, please call Martha Banks at 252.399.0069. The food distribution has concluded for this school year. CHEW pur chases all the food and appreciates monetary donations to continue this. Checks can be sent to the Church office. Columbarium Update St Therese parish is in the process of installing a columbarium on the church grounds. Please contact John Hoofnagle, 237-4190, if interested in reserving a niche. Around the Diocese Prayerful Presence At Abortion Clinic Every Saturday, a group will pray at A Woman's Choice, 3305 Drake Circle, Raleigh. If you are interested in going to Raleigh from Wilson for an hour of prayer in front of Women’s Choice, please contact St. Therese parishioner, Rose Porter @ 252234-0388 after 5pm. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP CATHOLIC SCHOOL Rocky Mount, NC We are now registering students for the 20162017 school year. There are openings in Pre-School through 8th Grade. Call the school office at 252 972-1971 to arrange a school tour or observe classes. All school information is posted on the school website at You are also invited to like us on Facebook! Our diocese has policies and procedures to create a safe environment and protect children. Read the policies and learn how you can help create a culture of protection. You can access the Policies and Procedures at http:// files/files/CYPpoliciesprocedures2015.pdf MAY1,2016—SIXTHSUNDAYOFEASTER Attention Homeschool Families June 3, 2016, St. Mary, Mother of the Church Parish in Garner will be hosting a Graduation Mass and cer emony for all Catholic homeschoolers preparing for high school graduation. There will be a reception immediately following in St. Joseph's Hall. To register, and to reserve your order for your senior's cap, gown and diploma cover, please contact Allison Dunphy ([email protected] or 919934-4245) by May 3, 2016. Barton College Catholic Campus Ministry Are you a college student who wants to grow in your faith? If so, e-mail Riley or Omar to learn more about joining a small group. Riley Bane: [email protected] Omar Gonzalez: [email protected] Stress in Your Marriage? Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation. This program has helped many couples experiencing such difficulties. For confidential information or to apply to attend the program beginning with a weekend on September 16 call 800-4702230 or email: [email protected] or visit the web site at 1mayo2016Sexto domingo de Pascua FECHAS IMPORTANTES YA ESTABLECIDAS PláƟcas bauƟsmales, jueves 7pm: (4 pláƟcas en la série) may 5, 12, 19, 26 jul 7, 14, 21, 28 BauƟsmos (sábados a las 10 am, Templo): 18 junio, 2 julio. 23 julio, PláƟcas matrimoniales, (jueves, 7pm , tercera sala de la izquierda): Fechas dadas por la Hna. Martha Unción de los enfermos: (con inscripción con Doña Felipa) o en hospital o casa arreglar con Doña Felipa o Padre Pablo o Hermana Martha Para Ponerse en contacto con: ♦ P. Pablo Brant, sj (confesiones, consultas, abogados) 252-229-0584 ♦ Hermana Martha Alvarado, HSMG (calendario de quinceaños, presentaciones, bodas; catequesis de adultos y adolescentes en español; pláticas matrimoniales; consultas familiares) 252-505-6258 ♦ Rogelio Raya, Jr – certificados de sacramentos ya celebrados; monaguillos (altar servers) 252-360-6849 ♦ Ana María “Anita” Serratos – ministros en la misa, lectores, ujieres, coordinación de las misas 252-2905304 ♦ Felipa y Primitivo Salazar -- intenciones para la misa, visitas a los enfermos hospitalizados, venta de libros y otros artículos religiosos, información sobre Cursillo, Alvernia Matrimonial, en general 252-290-5569 ♦ Abraham Mora – música, coro de niños 252-969-4336 ♦ Edith Serrano – música, ayuda con documentación para los sacramentos 252-292-4762 ♦ Rafael Aguado -- Caballeros de Colón, contacto con abogados de inmigración, PAC rep 252-371-3268 ♦ Juana Aguado – ayuda(ensayos) en ceremonias de quinceaños y bodas 252-621-8361 ♦ Martín Bustos – grupo de oración y servicio “Callejeros de la Fe -Juan Bosco” 252-230-8759 Nacionales de Prevención de Abuso Infantil Mes Nuestra diócesis tiene políticas y procedimientos para crear un ambiente seguro y proteger a los niños. Por favor lea las políticas y aprenda cómo usted puede ayudar para crear una cultura de prevención. Para tener acceso a las Políticas y Procedimientos ingrese a: http:// CYPpolicies-procedures2015.pdf Lectura Del Dia — 1 mayo — 8 mayo domingo 01 Mayo 2016 Sexto domingo de Pascua Hechos 15,1-2.22-29. / Salmo 67(66),2- / Apoc. 21,10-14.22-23. / Juan 14,23-29. lunes 02 Mayo 2016 Lunes de la sexta semana de Pascua Hechos 16,11-15. / Salmo 149(148),1-2.3-4.56a.9b. / Juan 15,26-27.16,1-4a. martes 03 Mayo 2016 Fiesta de san Felipe y Santiago, apóstoles 1 Corintios 15,1-8. / Salmo 19(18),2-3.4-5. / Juan 14,6-14. miércoles 04 Mayo 2016 Miércoles de la sexta semana de Pascua Hechos 17,15.22-34.18,1. / Salmo 148(147),12.11-12ab.12c-14a.14bcd. / Juan 16,12-15. jueves 05 Mayo 2016 Jueves de la sexta semana de Pascua Hechos 18,1-8. / Salmo 98(97),1.2-3ab.3cd-4. / Juan 16,16-20. viernes 06 Mayo 2016 Viernes de la sexta semana de Pascua Hechos 18,9-18. / Salmo 47(46),2-3.4-5.6-7. / Juan 16,20-23a. sábado 07 Mayo 2016 Sábado de la sexta semana de Pascua Hechos 18,23-28. / Salmo 47(46),2-3.8-9.10. / Juan 16,23b-28. domingo 08 Mayo 2016 Solemnidad de la Ascensión del Señor Hechos 1,1-11. / Salmo 47(46),2-3.6-9. / Hebreos 9,24-28.10,19-23. / Lucas 24,46-53. 1mayo2016Sexto domingo de Pascua Servicios de inmigración otorgado por Catholic Charities Sr. Rafael López, certificado para abogar por inmigrantes documentados e indocumentados en pedir el máximo beneficio de inmigración, viene a Sta TeresaWilson en los jueves para atender a los clientes que tienen cita, que se consiga por llamar a 252-355-5111 y dejar recado pidiendo cita en extensión(anexo) 203. El le responderá. Sus servicios tienen costo mínimo. Santo Matrimonio MATRIMONIOS: SOBRE MATRIMONIOS EN LA IGLESIA. Se presentan a Hna. Martha o P. Pablo con por lo menos 6 meses de anƟcipación. Requeridas son una preparación de 6 meses, reunión semanalmente, fe de bauƟsmo de ambos, hechas en los úlƟmos 6 meses, cerƟficado de confirmación, copia cerƟficado de matrimonio (si ya casados por civil; documentos tocando a divorcios, muerte de una pareja anterior, etc). La fecha de la boda se arregla si puedan conseguir el salón en la misma fecha, dado que el templo y el sacerdote no siempre están disponibles, y no haya cambios en fechas. Entendido que si acepten la hora de 2 pm para la boda, puedan tener otras bodas a la misma hora. En Wilson, las próximas pláƟcas comienzan en 3 marzo 2016. INSCRIPCIÓN: LLAME A LA HNA. MARTHA EN 252-505-6258. DEJE RECADO SI NO CONTESTE. REGLAS/REQUISITOS PARA BAUTIZAR A UN NIÑO MENOR DE 6 AÑOS DE EDAD** Inscripción prevía con dos (2) meses de anƟcipación con P. Pablo o Doña Edith Serrano (252-292-4762). -Padres (y/o padrinos) deben asisƟr en misa, en domingo o durante la semana, en Sta Teresita u otra iglesia católica, como muestra de cumplir la promesa que se hace en la ceremonia de criar a sus hijos en la prácƟca de la fe católica. -Padres (y/o padrinos) asisten en pláƟcas bauƟsmales (vea calendario de fechas ya establecidas). - Padrinos deben ser casados por la iglesia, y católicos pracƟcantes. ** mayores de 6 años de edad se inscriben en preparación especial para los sacramentos que dura dos (2) años. Donaciones sugeridas/pedidas por la parroquia en la ocasión de las celebraciones de…. (dudas y casos especiales, hable con P. Pablo) recomendadas por el Comité Hispano y aprobado por el párroco, P. Gregorio Lowchy Familias activas/ inscritas en parroquia Familias no inscritas/de otras parroquias/no activas Bautismos de niños $50 $75 Bodas con misa nupcial $150 $250 Bodas sin misa nupcial* $75 $100 15 años con misa $150 $250 15 años con bendición ** $75 $125 Presentación de 1 y 3 años $75 $100 Boleto de los sacramentos $10 $10 Misas intenciones anunciadas $10 Su voluntad Su voluntad +++ $10 EVENTO Otras intenciones Estipendio para ministro Músicos para una misa +++ Su voluntad Su voluntad +++ *la expectativa es que una pareja católica se casen dentro de una misa nupcial. ** para quinceañeras no todavía inscritas en preparación para confirmación y/o sin primera comunión. +++ se contrata aparte con Abraham Mora: 252-969-4336, Edith Serrano 252-292-4762
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