5th Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016 This Week`s Schedule
5th Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016 This Week`s Schedule
5th Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016 This Week’s Schedule: Current Weekend, April 23 and 24 4:00 pm Mass, Hammond – Gordon & Darlene Story (Marilyn Erven) 8:30 am Mass – Joyce Tarabochia (Joe Tarabochia) 10:30 am Mass – Mathias Prom (Prom Family) 1:00 pm Spanish Mass – Our Parish Family Tuesday, April 26 **8:00 am Mass is canceled Wednesday, April 27 8:00 am Mass – Joel Schulbach (Goicochea Family) After Mass ~ 6:00 pm – Adoration **5 pm Reconciliation is canceled Thursday, April 28 **2:45 pm Mass is canceled Friday, April 29 **8:00 am Mass is canceled Saturday, April 30 4:00 pm Mass, Hammond – Jim Sharp (Marilyn Erven) Sunday, May 1 – 6th Sunday of Easter 8:30 am Mass – Margaret Frangella (Heyen Family) 10:30 am Mass – Robert Frank (Kitty Munro) 1:00 pm Spanish Mass – Our Parish Family Liturgy: The Work of the Church st st On Sunday May 1 , we will use the 1 week schedule: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: 8:30 am – Shawn Alfonse, Dany Berny, Carol Servino, Dan and Jenna Travers 10:30 am – Kathy Arndt, Ron Brown, Mark Gagnon, Jill Stokeld, and Gale Scobie Lectors: 4:00 pm, Hammond – Darlene Story 8:30 am – Catherine Knight 10:30 am – Ron Brown Daily Masses (April 26~29) – Rosy Doyle Ushers: 8:30 am – Mark Alfonse and Fred Alfonse 10:30 am – Don Boehm and Ray Arndt Greeters: 8:30 am – Teela Evans and Amy Russell 10:30 am – Connie Hunt and Brian Bergman Family Altar Servers: 8:30 am – Rory Loughran, Annalyse and Walker Steele 10:30 am – Jordan Gagnon, Charlie and Michael Williams Spanish Lector: Angelica Garcia Spanish Translator: Yolie Turner Church Cleaning: Sunday, May 1– Group 5 and Sunday, May 8 – Group 1 Parish Offertory Sunday, April 17, 2016 Hammond $760.92 6:00 pm Ministry Thank you Mass $842.00 Astoria $2,047.75 Online Giving: $200.00 Mail: $630.00 Total: $4,480.67 PLAY, have FUN & maybe take home some CASH! TONIGHT at 6:00 pm in the Auditorium FREE Popcorn, Bottled Water & Coffee Hosted by William J. Leahy Council 1307 Knights of Columbus Reminder: No Bingo on Mother’s Day May 8th 6th Sunday of Easter ~THANK YOU~ May 1, 2016 The Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Daughters would like to take this opportunity to recognize Fr. Ben and the Pastoral council for acknowledging all of the volunteers for the many Lay Ministries that are needed to make our parish run smoothly. The show of appreciation to all of these volunteers means a lot to all of the volunteers. Thank you Father Ben and the Pastoral Council. st 1 Reading: Acts of the Apostles 15:1-2, 22-29 2nd Reading: Revelation 21: 10-14, 22-23 Gospel: John 14:23-29 Bulletin announcements should be submitted by 12 noon on Wednesday to the Parish Office or Amy’s e-mail for the following Sunday. Mass announcements should be submitted in writing by Friday noon to the Parish Office or Fr. Ben’s e-mail. Also, speakers need to be arranged in advance and must speak at all the weekend Masses. 5th Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016 Fr. Ben’s Message: Last weekend’s celebrations went well, not flawless but well. Congratulations again to our First Communicants, parents and Catechists. Thank you, to the Pastoral Council for their wonderful Mass and dinner for all the ministers of the parish. This week: 3 short readings, 3 simple messages 1. Faith is open to all nations. 2. God will bring suffering and death to an end. 3. Love one another as God loves us. These messages are simple but the “Nike” part becomes more difficult. Loving as God loves; a love shown in service and sacrifice as we “just do it.” Who are examples of love in your life? Reflect on them, pray for them, and if still alive thank them. Peace and all good, Fr. Ben KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, W. C. WALLACE Scholarship contest Open to all seniors from St. Mary, Star of the Sea Parish. For information and application, contact Ed Betts, at 325-1186 or Tammy Loughran at 3254062, or you may pick one up at the parish office. Completed applications must be returned to Ed Betts by May 16, 2016. Judging will be on May 17, 2016. Catholic Home Missions 2nd Collection today Please support our home mission dioceses in the United States by funding essential ministries, including seminary education and lay ministry training. Please be generous in this appeal and share your resources to strengthen the Church at homes. Our Father Help Fr. Ben will be attending a Franciscan Convocation in the Bay Area next week. He will back for weekend Masses. Fr. Nick will be available later in the week for emergencies. Greeters and Ushers On Pentecost Sunday at 9:50 am we will meet to discuss your ministry and to make some adjustments in the job description. Please plan on attending on May 15th. This is for Star of the Sea Ushers and Greeters only. Pentecost is May 15th Fr. Ben would like to have the Our Father prayed in as many languages as possible at the various Masses on Pentecost weekend. If you are willing to pray, please email Fr. Ben so he can plan the various languages. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to the Catholic Daughters for setting up the reception and for the boutonnieres. Also, thank you to the Knights of Columbus for the color guard, ChrisLynn, the choir, and to Fr. Ben for all his help and spiritual guidance. The First Communion Class of 2016, Kathy and Paul 5th Sunday of Easter April 24, 2016 PRE-MOTHERS DAY PLANT & GARDEN SALE! Saturday, April 30, 9am - 4pm St. Mary, Star of Sea Auditorium Indoor and Outdoor Plants, Garden and yard items, Gifts for Mom There will also be a BAKE SALE! Sponsored by Catholic Daughters, Court 151 ACCEPTING DONATIONS ALL DAY FRIDAY IN THE AUDITORIUM, APRIL 29, 9 – 4pm QUESTIONS, CALL BARB GAIDOSH 503-791-6613 Thank you all for supporting this fundraiser. St. Vincent de Paul Pantry needs - Chili, Pancake Mix, Jelly/Jam Food for Kids needs - Fruit snacks, Cup O'Noodles In today’s Gospel, Jesus says “I give you a new commandment: love one another….This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” In the month of March, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul brought the love and care of Jesus to the poor by assisting 106 families, providing 7882 pounds of food from our Food Pantry program; and 136 weekend food bags to students in the Astoria School District (grades K-8) from our Food for Kids program. Thank You! Hours: Tuesdays 1 - 3 pm, Fridays & Saturdays 10 am - 12 Noon SVDP is an equal opportunity provider K of C Breakfast Sunday, May 1st After the 8:30 am & 10:30 am Masses Please join us! Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal Update: Parish Goal: $24,547.00 We are currently at 81% of our goal ~ $19,785.00. We only need 7 more donors to reach our 35% participation goal. CONGRATULATIONS! Our parishioner, Jerry Lencioni, received the 2016 Lucinda Tate Advocate/Volunteer Hunger Buster of the Year Award. This award is presented each year to outstanding individuals, volunteers, companies, and organizations in the State of Oregon for extraordinary support of the statewide network of food banks. Way to go Jerry! 8 am Daily Mass is canceled: Tuesday, April 26th, Thursday, April 28th and Friday, April 29th Fr. David will celebrate on April 27th (K-6 Religious Ed is still scheduled for April 28th) Please patronize the following business for their continued support of our parish bulletins: PROVIDENCE HEART CLINIC NORTH COAST Dr. Robert Morse, Cardiologist th Domingo Pascua 5V Sunday ofde Easter 24 de Abril del 2016 April 24, 2016 Liturgia: El trabajo de la iglesia Venta de plantas para el día de las madres! El 1 de Mayo vamos a utilizar el programa de la semana 1: Regalos de jardín para mamá, plantas, etc. Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión: Nombre: ________________ Nombre: ________________ Lectores: Nombre: Angélica García Traductor(a): Nombre: Yolie Turner Recolectores de ofrendas: Nombre: Rodrigo Palacios and Fidel Palacios Monaguillos: Nombre: Sagrario Diego, Verónica Valdez & Selin Palacios Si usted está interesado póngase en contacto con José Goicochea al tel: 503-325-3671. de 9 – 4 de la tarde Notas del Padre Ben: Las celebraciones del fin de semana pasado estuvieron bien, no perfectas pero bien. Felicidades otra vez a nuestra primera comunión, los padres y catequistas. Gracias, al Consejo Pastoral por su maravillosa Misa y cena para todos los ministros de la parroquia. Esta semana: 3 lecturas cortas con 3 mensajes simples 1. Fe está disponible a todas las Naciones. 2. Dios pondrá fin al sufrimiento y a la muerte. 3. Améis unos a otros como Dios nos ama. Estos mensajes son simples pero la parte de "Nike" es más difícil. Amar como Dios ama, un amor en servicio y sacrificio, "Acabamos de hacerlo." Sábado, 30 de abril del 2016, En el auditorio. Nos vemos ahí! También habrá una venta de pasteles! Patrocinado por las hijas católicas, corte 151 SE ACEPTARAN DONACIONES DE JARDIN EL VIERNES TODO EL DIA EN EL AUDITORIO, 29 de abril, de 9 a 4 de la tarde Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame Barb Gaidosh al tel: 503-791-6613. Gracias a todos por apoyar este evento para recaudar fondos. EL CONCURSO DE BECAS DE W. C. WALLACE DE LOS CABALLEROS DE COLÓN Abierto para todos los señiors que pertenecen a nuestra parroquia de Santa María Estrella del mar. Para más información y obtener una aplicación por favor de contactar al Señor Ed Betts al tel: 503-440-3995 o por favor de pasar por nuestra oficina para obtener una aplicación. Las aplicaciones completas deben devolverse a Ed Betts para 16 de mayo del 2016. Serán elegidos el 17 de Mayo del 2016. AVIOS Por favor, recuerde de registrarse en la parroquia. Esto es requerido para todos los sacramentos y también creará un archivo en la Iglesia de cada familia que puede ayudarles en el futuro para cualquier documentación legal. Sus contribuciones regulares a nuestra parroquia mantendrán a usted y su familia activos en nuestros archivos. La próxima clase para bautizo será el 12 de Junio después de la misa de español. ¿Quiénes son ejemplos de amor en tu vida? Reflexionar sobre ellos, orar por ellos y si siguen vivos darles gracias. Paz y todo bien, Padre Ben El padre Ben asistirá a una convocatoria de franciscanos en el área de la bahía la semana que viene. Él estará aquí para las misas del fin de semana. El Padre Nick estará disponible para emergencias.
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know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who carry
their cross of suffering and pain.
Hours: Tuesdays 1 - 3 pm, Fridays & Saturdays 10 am - 12 Noon
SVDP is an equal opportunity provider